Scenario of the event "fun starts". Outline of a physical education lesson (preparatory group) on the topic: Scenario of a sports festival: “The most fun starts”


"Happy Starts"

(sports entertainment)


Involve children in active participation in sports competitions.

Improve motor skills and abilities, achieve physical beauty, strength, dexterity, endurance.

To promote the development of positive emotions, feelings of mutual assistance, friendship, empathy.

Members: 2 kids teams

Duration: 25-30 min

Equipment: balls, hoops, skittles, sandbags, flags, cubes.

The course of the holiday

presenter :

To the sports ground

We invite you children.

Holiday of sports and health

We start now!

We invite teams!


Hello everyone guys

And this word:

Love sports since childhood,

You will be healthy!

Come on, let's go, kids.

Let's all shout:

Children: Physical education - Hooray!

presenter : Sport is a guarantee of good mood and excellent health. Today, at our sports festival, we are pleased to welcome friendly, sports teams. Let's get to know the teams.

Team greeting ( name, motto)

First team "Smile"

Our motto: Life without a smile is a mistake,

Long live laughter and smile

Second team "Friendship"

Our motto: Friendship and success,

We will defeat everyone today.

(Song "True Friend"»)

Presenter: The jury will judge our progress...

The sun is shining in the morning

We are very happy for him

Guys! It's time to start

Merry sports day.

If you want to become skilled

Agile, fast, bold.

Learn to love jump ropes

Rings, hoops and sticks.

Never be sad

Hit the target with balls.

Contest games

Passing the ball in line

Children are divided into 2 teams. Each team is built in one line. The first players have the ball in their hands. On a signal, the children quickly pass the ball from hand to hand, in a line, in one direction. The last one lifts the ball up and this team gets 1 point.


Children stand in two columns. Place a hoop at a distance of 3m in front of each column. Children take turns throwing sandbags with their right and left hands, trying to hit the hoop. If the child hit, then his team counts 1 point. Outcome: whoever has more points, that team won.

Climb through the hoops

All players are divided into two teams and lined up in columns one at a time. At a distance of 3 and 5 m, two hoops lie one after the other in front of each column, and a ball is placed at a distance of 7 m. At the leader’s signal, the first players of each team run to the first hoop, stop in front of it, take it with both hands, raise it above their heads, put the hoop on themselves, squat, put the hoop on the floor, run to the second hoop, stand in the center of it, take it with their hands , lifted above the head and lowered to the floor. After that, the players run around the ball and return to their place. The next child continues the game. The team that completes the task wins.

smart guys (hoop running ).

Run to the turning point and run back. At the start line, the baton is passed to the next pair.

Fast train

Children are divided into two teams. The players of each team are built one after the other in a column. A flag is placed in front of each team at a distance of 6 - 7 m. The first player in the team runs to the flag, runs around it and returns to the place where the next participant grabs it, and the children run to the flag together. Then they come back and take the third one, and so on, until the whole team runs around the flag. The team that finishes the game first wins.

Move the cubes.

At the start line, cubes according to the number of children; you need to take one at a time and transfer it to the hoop; back - run. At the start line, the baton is passed to the next one.

Pass the ball

Children are divided into two teams. The players of each team are built one after the other in a column. The first participants hold the ball in their hands. At the signal of the leader, the first player in each team passes the ball to the one who is behind, over his head. The last in the team, having received the ball, runs to the beginning of the column, gets up first and passes the ball to the next one behind him, also over his head. And so on until the first one returns to its place. The team that finishes the game first wins.


Leading: And so our holiday ended. All team members showed their dexterity, strength, speed. And most importantly - got a charge of vivacity and a lot of positive emotions! Go in for sports, strengthen your health, develop strength and endurance! Before we say goodbye to you, we want to wish you:

Good health, smile more often and never lose heart!

Sport, guys, is very necessary,
We are very friendly with sports.
Sports help!
Sport is health!
Sport is a game!
Physical training!

Guys, today you showed not only intelligence, but also skill. You are great! Let's reward the winners with sweet prizes.

Leading: Goodbye! See you again.

Scenario of a sports festival for children of the preparatory group.

"Happy Starts!"

Target: Promotion of a healthy lifestyle, involvement in systematic physical education and sports.

Tasks: To educate in children friendliness, the desire for mutual assistance, the ability to rejoice in the success of others; create a positive emotional mood in children, a cheerful, cheerful mood; develop motor skills: strength, speed, coordination, endurance. Encourage children to enjoy physical activity.

Preliminary work:Conversations with children about the types of sports, and the importance of a healthy lifestyle for people. Reading and looking at sports books. Preparation of emblems, and the motto. Children come up with the name of the teams, draw emblems.

Members: 3 teams, children of the preparatory group, lead instructor in physical education, jury.

Equipment: 3 balls, 3 hoops, 9 racks, 3 rackets, 3 tennis balls, 3 hops, 3 soft modules, 3 sandbags, team emblems, diplomas and prizes.

Time : 45 min .

Location: Gym.

The course of the holiday.

Teams enter the hall to the sound of cheerful music. All participants with bright emblems of their team. Building in one line.

Instructor : Invite everyone now

Holiday of sports and health

It starts with us! And this holiday is called - "Merry Starts!"

Jury's word: Sports people - they are so beautiful.

They have so much energy, vivacity, strength.

Do you want to be just like them?

Only sports will help you in this.

Health will increase, success will add.

He will save you from boredom, idleness.

Believe in yourself, and achieve heights.

What you dreamed about, only sport will give you.

Dear guys, we welcome you to fun competitions, we will evaluate your participation and award points. Each team is awarded one point for a win, zero points for a loss, and one point for a draw. We wish you to play the game honestly, do not lose heart and help each other!!!

All teams to start the competition. We wish you a cheerful mood and victories!

Instructor: Today we have 3 teams gathered at the competition: “Rocket”, “Zvezda” and “Arrow”. The members of these teams are athletic, strong, dexterous, healthy and friendly guys from the preparatory group. (teams display emblems, slogans and fan support).

Instructor: Our teams do not know laziness, get up for a warm-up without delay!

To the music, all teams simultaneously perform any exercises independently. At the command "Stand up for the competition!" Teams line up one by one at the start line.

Instructor: Exercises done to improve health,

it's time to evaluate the work and view.

Jury's word: The jury evaluates the appearance and construction of the teams.

Instructor: Do you want to run? There will be no ban

After all, relay races are ahead of us!

Relay races are held:

  1. Relay race. "Who quickly"

Participants move by jumping with the module clamped between their legs to the cone, return back by running, picking up the module and passing it to the next team member.

Jury's word: The jury evaluates the first relay.

2. Relay. "Running in pairs".

On command, the first pairs run forward in the hoop, run around the rack, return back to their team and pass the hoop to another pair. As soon as they pass the hoop, the next couple starts running and so on.

Word of the Jury: Jury score.

3. Relay. "Don't drop the ball."

Participants run around the cubes, holding a tennis racket on which the ball lies, return to their team and pass the racket and ball to the next participant.

Word of the Jury: Jury score.

4. Relay. "Football"

Participants move by guiding the ball without touching it with their hands, between the cubes, to the rack and return back in the same way.

Word of the Jury: Jury score.

5. Relay "Jumpers".

Jumping on a big ball with a handle (hop). They jump while sitting on the ball to the rack, return by running, holding the hop in their hands and pass it to the next participant. Then they stand at the end of the column.

Jury word: Jury score.

6. Relay. "Work your head."

Teams need to go the distance, holding a bag of sand on their heads, run around the counter and return to their team, pass the bag to the next participant.

Instructor: It's time for our jury to score points, but for the guys to think.

The instructor makes riddles about sports.

He happens to be basketball

Volleyball and football.

They play with him in the yard,

It's interesting to play with him.

Ride, Ride, Ride, Ride!

Well, of course it is…. (ball)

Walking along the snowy mountains

They help us move faster.

Helpers walk beside them,

They are also moving us forward. (Skis and ski poles)

The air cuts deftly, deftly,

Stick on the right, stick on the left

Well, there is a rope between them.

This is a long…. (jump rope)

We compete in skill

We throw the ball, we jump deftly,

We tumble while doing this.

This is how they go…. (relay races)

We are like acrobats

We do jumps on the mat,

Over head forward

We can do the opposite.

For our health

Everyone will... (somersault)

On the squares of the board
The kings brought down the regiments.
No for battle with regiments
No bullets, no bayonets (chess)

Both boys and girls
They love us very much in winter,
They cut the ice with a thin pattern,
They don't want to go home.
We are graceful and light
We are curly ... (skates)

To keep your health in order
Don't forget about...(charging)

He liked the pool so much -
He immediately plunged into the water,
Rushed butterfly style
Now guess the athlete.(swimmer)

There is a stadium in the yard
It's just very slippery.
To rush there like the wind,
Learn to skate.(rink)

Us yesterday in the gym
The class of the girls was shown.
Hardly any of the guysHe will also sit on ... (twine)

Jury scores. Summarizing. Presentation of gifts.

Organized exit from the hall.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 10"

Nefteyugansk KhMAO - Yugra

The script of the sports festival

"Fun Starts"


physical education instructor

Vinnik Nadezhda Yurievna



Members: children of senior preschool age (5-7 years old), parents (legal representatives), pupils of the Youth Sports School in rhythmic gymnastics.


    Involve children and their parents in physical education and sports. To give children and parents the pleasure of joint physical education, to promote the development of positive emotions, a sense of mutual assistance.

    Promote the importance of physical culture as a means of achieving physical beauty, strength, agility and endurance.

Equipment: hoops, small balls, baskets, a set of modules, chips, stopwatches, cups and certificates for rewarding teams.

Location: gym.

Competition program


Attention! Attention!

No more words for business!

You give competition

Strong, smart, brave!

Fanfare sounds (teams are built).

Leading: Good afternoon, dear friends, We are very glad to see you at our holiday - "Merry Starts". Today, before your very eyes, family competitions of the most daring and decisive, the most resourceful and cheerful family teams will take place. Let's welcome them!
Sounds like " Sports march» . Music

Performance: demonstration of pupils of the Youth Sports School.


1. The first competition "Friendly family".

At the start is dad, mom, child. On a signal, dad with a hoop runs around the far chip, runs after mom. Mom and dad, holding on to the hoop, run around the far chip, run after the child. The child enters the hoop, the three of them run around the nearest chip and return to the starting line. The judges count the time of the relay race. Violation is the premature exit from the start line, the fall of the participant.

2. The second competition "Sharpshooter".

The child stands at the start line near the basket with balls, mom and dad in the hoop at a distance with a basket in their hands. On a signal, the child throws the ball to mom in the basket, mom throws the balls to dad, dad with the balls caught, together with mom, return to the starting line. The judges count the time of the relay race and the balls caught. If the ball hit the basket, but flew out from the rebound, it is counted as caught.

Performance: demonstration of pupils of the Youth Sports School.

3. The third competition "Build a house".

Participants at the start line. On a signal, the child runs, runs around the house, takes the top module, returns to the start line, holds the module in his hands, mom runs, takes the middle module, dad is the bottom one and everyone builds a house on the start line.

4. The fourth competition "Relay of the dexterous".

On a signal, dad runs to the modules, takes a large ring and rolls it to the start line, then the child runs to the modules, takes a small ring and rolls it to the start, inserts it into the big ring with the help of dad, mom runs to the modules takes a cylinder. Returns to the start line, inserts the cylinder into the small ring. Dad raises the figure, makes a roller. Then mom and dad roll the roller to the finish line. Holding on to both sides, the child pushes from behind. The relay ends when the child crosses the finish line. The judges count the time of the relay race. It is a violation to leave the start line prematurely.

Performance: demonstration of pupils of the Youth Sports School.

The jury sums up the preliminary results.

5. Fifth competition "Rapid Relay".

On a signal, the child runs to the half-cylinder, jumps over it, returns to the start line. Mom jumps over the half-cylinder, small gate, returns to the start line, dad jumps over all three modules and returns to the start line. The judges count the time of the relay race. It is a violation to leave the start line prematurely.

Performance: demonstration of pupils of the Youth Sports School.

Leading: Teams are invited to line up to sum up the results of the competition


Well, the competition is over

It's time to bring us a sports result

Everyone did a great job

And sport certainly helped us in this.

Summing up the results of the competition.



Let's greet once again our athletes, thank them for their participation and invite them to take a lap of honor.

The march “Heroes of Sports” sounds. Music by A. Pakhmutov. Words by N. Dobronravov.


Our competition is over. Thanks to the teams, the jury and the fans.

Order of Competitors

relay races




friendly family

Accurate shooter

build a house




friendly family

Accurate shooter

build a house




friendly family

Accurate shooter

build a house




friendly family

Accurate shooter

build a house




friendly family

Accurate shooter

build a house




friendly family

Accurate shooter

build a house




friendly family

Accurate shooter

build a house





    Photos are from the personal archive of Vinnik N.Yu.

Used materials and Internet resources

Prepared and conducted by the educator of the first qualification category
Dudka Tatyana Vladimirovna


  • - introduce children to a healthy lifestyle;
  • - to develop motor activity of children;
  • - to consolidate the rules and motor skills in games, competitions and relay races;
  • - contribute to the harmonization of parent-child relationships;
  • — cultivate friendliness, honesty, diligence, responsibility and respect.

Event progress:


Hello dear friends! Today, the teams of the most dexterous, fast and erudite guys will prove in an honest, open and fun duel that they deserve the title of "Champions!" In the competitions "Merry Starts" teams of pupils of the senior and preparatory groups meet (name). So, meet the participants of our competitions.

Sports march. Children enter the hall


We wish the participants of the competition success, but before moving on to the tests, it is necessary to warm up.

Is everyone gathered?

Is everyone healthy?

Ready to jump and play?

Well then pull up -

Get on the workout.

Warm-up "dance of ducklings".


Well, now let's start our competition. I ask the teams to take their places.


Are the teams ready? Then let's move on to the first test.


"Pass the ball" ( on a signal, the first participant from each team runs to the visual landmark with the ball in his hands, returns and passes the ball to the next team member. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

"Kangaroo"(on a signal, the first participant from each team jumps on two legs with a squeezed ball between his knees to a visual landmark, returns back running and passes the ball to the next team member. The team that completes the task faster and without errors wins).

"Crossing the Swamp"(the first team members have 2 modules (“bumps”), on a signal, the participants move along the “bumps”, rearranging them forward to a visual landmark, return back running and pass the modules to the next team member.

The team that completes the task faster and without errors wins.


Well done, all the participants of the competition were dexterous, fast. And now it's time for all the kids to relax. I'll start, and you finish in unison answer!

Who has no arms and no legs,

The best jumper

He jumps and jumps

This is our fun...

And in the morning we are all in the gym -

Together we do...


Always tempers us

(sun, air and water).

Here's another game

You'll like her

I want to ask you a question

Your job is to answer.

If you agree with me

Answer in chorus brothers:

It's me, it's me

These are all my friends.

If you don't agree

Then be silent in response.

Answer in chorus, instantly

Who's the hottest one here?

I'll ask everyone now

Who here loves songs, laughter.

Who is accustomed to your order,

Does he exercise in the morning?

Which one of you tell brothers

Forgetting to wash?


We had a little rest, and now we will continue our competition, the teams take their places.

relay races

"Crossing on bouncy balls" ( the first participants from each team jump on the balls to a visual landmark, return back running, pass the ball to the next participant, the team that completes the task faster wins).


When living together

What could be better!

And there's no need to fight

And you can love everyone.

You are on a long journey

Take your friends with you:

They will help you

And have fun with them.

Relay "Friends"

(Children become pairs, they are given balloons on a signal, clamp the ball between themselves and move to the landmark without dropping the ball, return and pass the ball to the next pair.)

"Friendly family"

(Jumping on two legs from a place. Each member of the team starts the jump from the place where the previous member landed. The team that jumps further wins).


And so our holiday ended. All team members showed their dexterity, strength, speed, and most importantly, they received a charge of vivacity and a lot of positive emotions! We wish you good health, smile more often and never lose heart!

And let's dance with you the dance of friendship "Colorful glass"

(To the cheerful music, the competitors leave.)

The scenario of the sports festival "Fabulous fun starts" with the participation of parents, dedicated to the "Family Day".
Promote a healthy lifestyle, promote family involvement in physical education and sports, give parents and children the pleasure of joint activities, promote the development of positive emotions, a sense of mutual assistance, develop the ability to interact with each other, provide assistance, support in a group in solving the main tasks in achieving the goal .
Equipment: hoops, mats, balloons, bananas, leg bands.
Musical accompaniment: sports march.
Participants: family teams of junior and middle groups participate in the competition.
Holiday progress:
Presenter: Hello, dear parents and children, guests! We are glad to see everyone at our sports festival.
There will be games, there will be laughter,
And funny fun
Ready for everyone!
Today we will make an extraordinary journey through fairy tales, we are waiting for “Fabulous fun starts”. Take with you speed and courage, resourcefulness and ingenuity.
But first, as real athletes, we need to warm up (building parents and children in a circle).
Is everyone gathered? Is everyone ready?
Ready to jump and play?
Well then pull up
Don't yawn and don't be lazy
Get ready for the workout!
(warm-up begins with music)
Get up, straighten your backs,
Leaning left and right
And they repeated it again.
We squat on the account -
1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
This is a necessary job
Train leg muscles.
And now hand jerks
We do it with you.
And now we're all together
Let's start running in place
Breathe evenly, do not rush!
(according to musical accompaniment, the circle of honor of the participants of the competitions pass).
Host: Well done! Everyone is ready!
(Participants are divided into two teams, come up with team names, motto).
Team greetings:
There is no better recipe in the world
Be inseparable from sports!
Sports, friends, we really need
We are very friendly with sports!
Host: We present you a jury that will evaluate your efforts and skills today.
So the teams are ready. Let's start our "Fabulous fun starts"!

Baba Yaga enters to the music:

I hear it smells of the Russian spirit, they talk about fairy tales. Do you know fairy tales? Guesses a few riddles ....

Well done! You have completed this task. And from what fairy tale did Baba Yaga come? Here is a task for you, if you cope with it, you will find out from which fairy tale (gives tasks to teams)

The first competition "Teremok" opens the word "river"

The second contest "The Frog Princess" opens the word "stove"

The third competition "Centipede" opens the word "apple tree"

The fourth competition "Piglet" opens the word "brother"

The fifth competition "Geese - swans" opens the word "geese-swans"

Host: Did you guess what fairy tale Baba Yaga came from? ("Swan geese").

Baba Yaga: Oh yes, well done! Guessed it. While the jury is summing up the results of the competition, we will play the outdoor game "Oh, you are Babushka Yaga."

Moderator: To sum up the results of the competition, the floor is given to our esteemed jury.

(the results are announced, the awards are held).

May your family starts be remembered

Let all adversity pass by

May all your wishes come true

And physical education will become native.

We say goodbye to everyone!

See you sporting new meetings!


Description of the competitions:

Relay "Teremok"

Parent and child stand in a hoop and move together to the finish line and back. Pass the hoop to the next participants.

Relay "The Frog Princess"

We cross the swamp "over bumps": the parent moves the rugs (bumps), and the child jumps from rug to rug.

Relay "Centipede"

Parent and child stand with their feet in the rubber band and move to the finish line and back, passing the baton.

Relay "Piglet"

Parent and child hold a badminton racket in one hand, between which a balloon is carried to the finish line and back.

Relay "Geese-swans"

The parent gets on all fours, the child is on top, they reach the finish line, take out a banana and run back.

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