Scenario "opening of the rainbow week of elementary grades. Outline on the topic: Scenario for opening a subject week in elementary school


Holiday "Opening of the RAINBOW Week of Primary Schools"

Music sounds. Readers take the stage:

1. The school planet is spinning like the Earth,

Lessons go one after another hastily.

In elementary school, we all learn, friends,

We are all looking forward to our week.

2. Primary school week makes us happy every year.

We are preparing for it in advance,

We've got a lot of work to do.

3. We have a big program ahead of us

We will sing, dance, have fun,

Write, draw, develop, work,

And it really will happen to us.

4. The holiday begins, the guests smile,

Children will try to show in a week

Everything we learned, everything we aspired to

Because there is a lot to know in the world.

Leading. Dear children! How wonderful that we are all here today. And we did not meet by chance. Today is the opening of PRIMARY SCHOOL WEEK. And this year it will be RAINBOW.

A knock on the door ... Dunno enters





Queen of Colors.

Queen of Colors

Queen of Colors.

Gnomes enter to the music

Gnome in a red cap.


Leading. What's the next color?

Queen of Colors. But guess.

Gnome in an orange cap

Every orange is full of them

Even a clown is more fun with him

It's all over the face

And on a squirrel in a wheel.

Children. Orange.


    Look, a marvelous vegetable:

So orange and long!

Look, it crunches so cleverly

Hare ripe ... carrots!

    The most New Year's fruit

Eating it is a matter of seconds

Mom brings them from the market -

Little ... tangerines!

    The beast is fluffy, small,

Now he is gray, then with a redhead,

Nuts gnaws finely:

Look, it's ... a squirrel!

    cute animal,

From the legs red and to the crown,

What sly eyes

She lives in the forest - ... a fox!

    Such a fabulous vegetable

But he did not take Cinderella home.

There was a carriage - it became ... a pumpkin!


Queen of Colors.

Leading. We continue the holiday. Meet the next paint.

Gnome in a yellow cap.

It is in the egg and in the chicken,

In every ripe spikelet,
In the sun, in the cheese and in the sand.


Queen of Colors

Gnome in a green cap.

In the summer in the swamp you will find it


He can croak with a frog,
Cry with the crocodile
Grow from the ground with grass
But he cannot bloom.
Queen of Colors

Leading. Okay, draw.

Attaches a green stripe

Gnome in blue.

He is in heaven on a fine day
And forget-me-nots too
And on the wings of a moth,
Can he take off from the flower.

Queen of Colors


Attaches a blue stripe


Leading. Are tomatoes blue?

Children. Not!

Dunno. What about green carrots?

Children. Not!

Queen Colors. Are cucumbers red?

Children. Not!

Leading. What color are cucumbers?

Children. Green!

Dunno. What about tomatoes?

Children. Red!

Queen of Colors. What happens in blue?

Children. FROST.

Gnome in a blue cap.

A third of the flag is occupied by him,
He's in the name of the whale,
And in a cornflower blue bouquet,
And on the mailbox

Queen of Colors. What color is it guys? (Blue)


Heavy purple clouds

The rain poured down on the meadows and fields

Like earth with smiles.

Leading. Let's add a purple stripe to our rainbow. Look what a beautiful rainbow we have.

Presentation "Rainbow"

Queen of Colors.

Happy week of our school
We congratulate you all!
May you be happy today
Everyone in the room is a person.
Student or teacher
Are you excellent or not?
Congratulations to everyone,
There are none we don't need here.

Acquaintance with the plan of the WEEK.


That's all we got

Show you today.

But we have a week ahead of us.

And we want to wish you:

Good luck, success and mood,

Good discoveries

And more luck!

Always smile,

Do good -

To become famous

You are destined!


And no matter what you're doing
Prodigy or athlete
Get involved in the business
And you will be successful here.

MUSIC "Rainbow of Desires" SOUNDS

A knock on the door ... Dunno enters

Dunno. Hello guys! I heard that you have a holiday today.

Leading. Yes, Dunno, the guys gathered for the opening of the Rainbow holiday.

Dunno. What is a Rainbow Festival? I have never been to such a holiday. And what do they do on it? Playing with colors? Or maybe drawing?

presenter. No, Dunno, today we will not draw, and all the guys will study the colors of the rainbow in great detail and today they will find out what they will be doing all week.

But there must be a Queen at the ball, and today we invited the Queen of Colors to visit us. Guys, meet her, she has already come to us.

The Queen of Colors enters to the solemn music……………………………………………………

Children. Orange.

Dunno. And I want to ask the guys Orange riddles. Listen carefully.

Look, a marvelous vegetable:

So orange and long!

Look, it crunches so cleverly

Hare ripe ... carrots!

The most New Year's fruit

Eating it is a matter of seconds

Mom brings them from the market -

Little ... tangerines!

The beast is fluffy, small,

Now he is gray, then with a redhead,

Nuts gnaws finely:

Look, it's ... a squirrel!

cute animal,

From the legs red and to the crown,

What sly eyes

She lives in the forest - ... a fox!

Such a fabulous vegetable

But he did not take Cinderella home.

At midnight, she suddenly wilted:

There was a carriage - it became ... a pumpkin!

Queen of Colors. What color is it guys? ((Blue)

Dunno. And I also have a blue hat, which means I have to draw a blue stripe in the rainbow.

Attaches a blue stripe

Leading. The game "Colors are mixed up" is being played (in the picture).

Leading. Are tomatoes blue?

Children. Not!

Dunno. What about green carrots?

Children. Not!

Queen Colors. Are cucumbers red?

Children. Not!

Leading. What color are cucumbers?

Children. Green!

Dunno. What about tomatoes?

Children. Red!

Queen of Colors. What happens in blue?

Children. FROST.


And no matter what you're doing
Prodigy or athlete
Get involved in the business
And you will be successful here.

The Queen of Colors enters to the solemn music.

Queen of Colors.

If everything in the world were the same color,

We would be angry and not happy about it.

People are used to seeing the world in white, yellow, blue, red...

Let everything around us be amazing and different!

Queen of Colors. Hello boys and girls!

Of course, you all recognized me, I am the Queen of Colors.

And as a gift, I brought you a picture, an unusual picture - a rainbow that needs to be painted.

Queen of Colors.

The rainbow is arranged like a layer cake:

Red layer, orange, yellow and green,

Blue and blue next to purple...

Seven colors of the rainbow - you need to know about it!

And my dwarf assistants will help to decorate this picture.

Gnomes enter to the music

Gnome in a red cap.

Leading. Now we can paint over the red stripe on the rainbow.

Attaches the gnome a red stripe

Leading. What's the next color?

Queen of Colors. But guess.


Leading. Yes, our rainbow really needs orange, am I right, Queen of Colors?

Queen of Colors. Yes, the next color in the rainbow is ORANGE! Let's add an orange stripe to our rainbow.

Attaches an orange stripe to the gnome


Leading. Now you can add yellow to the rainbow.

Queen of Colors. Yes, the yellow color is warm, affectionate, brings light and joy. There is no rainbow without it!

Attaches a yellow stripe to the gnome

Gnome in a green cap. ………………………

Queen of Colors. What color is it guys? (green)

Yes, I love green. And a fence on which you can write something, and a green crocodile Gena. And let me draw a green stripe in the rainbow.

Leading. Okay, draw. Attaches a green stripe

Gnome in blue…………………….

Queen of Colors. What color is it guys? ((Blue)

Dunno.…………………………..Attaches a blue stripe

Leading. The game "Colors are mixed up" is being played (in the picture).

Leading. Are tomatoes blue?

Children. Not!

Dunno. What about green carrots?

Children. Not!

Queen Colors. Are cucumbers red?

Children. Not!

Leading. What color are cucumbers?

Children. Green!

Dunno. What about tomatoes?

Children. Red!

Queen of Colors . What happens in blue?

Children. FROST.

Gnome in a blue cap……………….

Queen of Colors. What color is it guys? (Blue)

Leading. Let's add a blue stripe to our rainbow.

Attaches a blue stripe to the gnome

Gnome in a purple cap……………………..

Leading.…………. Presentation "Rainbow"

Queen of Colors.

Happy week of our school
We congratulate you all!
May you be happy today
Everyone in the room is a person.
Student or teacher
Are you excellent or not?
We cordially congratulate everyone, There are no people who are not needed here for us.

Gnome in a red cap.

In the garden, like a fire, a red tomato flared up.

Following him, taking an example, the dawn turned red.

Both carnation and peony gave their color to the rainbow.

Red color - he is at the beginning: he is the very, very first.

Gnome in an orange cap

Every orange is full of them

Even a clown is more fun with him

It's all over the face

And on a squirrel in a wheel.

Gnome in a yellow cap.

It is in the egg and in the chicken,
In the oil that lies in the butter dish,
In every ripe spikelet,
In the sun, in the cheese and in the sand.

Gnome in a green cap.

Now listen to my riddle.

In the summer in the swamp you will find it

Green frog. Who is it? …( Frog.)

He can croak with a frog,
Cry with the crocodile
Grow from the ground with grass
But he cannot bloom.

Gnome in blue.

He is in heaven on a fine day
And forget-me-nots too
And on the wings of a moth,
Can he take off from the flower.

Gnome in a blue cap.

A third of the flag is occupied by him,
He's in the name of the whale,
And in a cornflower blue bouquet,
And on the mailbox

Gnome in a purple cap.

Heavy purple clouds

The rain poured down on the meadows and fields

He passed. And suddenly merry violets lit up,

Like earth with smiles.

This rainbow sent us greetings -

Your seventh, purple bouquet.

MBOU secondary school p. Key of life

Yelets municipal district of the Lipetsk region



"Opening Week of Primary School"

Prepared by: Merkulova O.V.

primary school teacher

MO primary school teachers -2016-2017 academic year

Opening speech.


Hello guys!

The elementary school is universal! Knowledge provides the foundation.

In primary classes, a special week invites and waits for you.

It's called Primary School Week.

Today it opens on our line.

Roll call.


Who is here with us? Answer me now.

It's me! It's me! Classmates! Friends!

Who goes to school in the morning? Does it do well in class? …

Who does not violate the form, observes discipline? ...

Who always has all the textbooks, notebooks in order? ...

Who doesn't forget change? The word "Hello!" meets?...

Who doesn't sleep in class? Sitting at the desk correctly? ...

Who will secretly eat all breakfasts and lunches in the dining room? …

And in the gym, who will pass all the TRP standards? ...

Message about the content of the Week of Primary School.


What we will do? It's not hard for everyone to guess.

Listen to your teachers about the coming days.

1 . The school planet is spinning like the Earth,

Lessons go one after another hastily.

In elementary school, we all learn, friends,

There is no better inquisitive, inquisitive.

2. The week begins, knowledge is applied.

Classes will try to show in a week

Everything we learned, everything we aspired to

Because there is a lot to know in the world.

The floor is given to the head of the methodological association of primary school teachers Merkulova O.V.

Today we open the week of primary classes. All week we will travel around the country of Knowledge. It will proceed according to the following plan.

Monday 01/30/2017

School Science Day . It will be held under the motto: "Forward, Znaiki!"

The line "Opening of the week of primary classes."

" We're students!" information hours 1-4 grades.

Tuesday 31.01 2017

Russian Language Day, will be held under the motto "Think, check, write"

Entertaining hour "We are friends with the Russian language" Grade 1 (puzzles, riddles, entertaining calligraphy exercises, etc.)

"Tournament of Russian Experts" Grade 2

"Olympiad in the Russian language" grades 3-4.

Wednesday 01.02.2017

Day of literary reading. Motto of the day: "Read, think, tell!"

"Do you know fairy tales?" quiz grade 1

“For you, readers ...” an hour of entertaining questions Grade 2

"In the world of books" Literary reading olympiad grades 3-4

Competition of readers in classes "Favorite lines".

Review of the preservation of school textbooks.

Thursday Day of Mathematics 02.02.2017 The motto of the day is "Count, dare, guess!"

"Cheerful account" hour of entertaining mathematics Grade 1

"In the world of numbers, numbers and signs" an hour of entertaining mathematics Grade 2

We know math! Olympiad 3-4 classes.

Class competition "The most accurate notebook".

Friday 03.02.2017 The day of the surrounding world is dedicated to the year of Ecology.

Motto of the day: "Know how to be friends and do good,"

"Forest secrets" - entertaining material about nature information hour Grade 1

"Journey through the pages of the Red Book" hour of information Grade 2

"Friends of Nature" Olympiad on the world around 3-4 grade

Drawing competition for classes "The best planet"

Creation of presentations "Nature through the eyes of children."

Saturday 04.02.2017 - School Science Day .

It will be held under the motto: "Be active, answer, get only fives!",

Line "Closing the week of primary school"

Crossword contest "Knowledge for 5!" »

Summing up the results of "Clever and clever!"

Awarding the most active, friendly and skillful.

School Science Parade

Parting words of teachers.

1 A, 3 A Teacher:

And beautiful and great, Russian is our language with you.

BUT his grammar is a very strict science.
You always take the grammar textbook with anxiety.
It is difficult, but life would be bad without it.
We wish everyone attention! Good luck with your writing!
Do not spare diligence, overcome the rules!

1 B.3B Teacher:

And beautiful and strong
Maths -country,
Work is in full swing everywhere here, everyone is counting something.
The case is very interesting, how can I find the unknown?
Know the answer in all tasks, we wish everyone good luck!
To be like a true friend of numbers and numbers, a true circle!

2 A,4 A Teacher:

Reading - great lesson.
A lot of useful information in each of the lines,
Whether it's a poem or a story
You teach them and they teach you.

Read more, be friends with the book,

Good luck and new discoveries!

2 B, 4 B Teacher:

In addition to the Russian language, mathematics, reading,

we are studyingthe world around us and the person himself.

2 B,4B teacher

We study everything that we see around. The world is our friend!
Nature laid in us everything for procreation…
The conqueror of mountains and rivers is a proud person!

They teach us to love our land and observe nature,
How to protect all animals, protect both forest and water.

We wish, without a doubt, to study the secrets of nature,

To know the secrets of the world, to become the pride of the planet!

Presentation of route sheets "Plan for the Week of Primary School"


We need knowledge, resourcefulness and ingenuity.

Let's check them, guys, by guessing riddles.
Raise your hands, call the answers.

The cost of the house:
Who will enter it
He will acquire the mind. (School)

If you sharpen it
Draw whatever you want!
Sun, sea, mountains, beach...
What is it? .. (Pencil)

If you give her a job
The pencil worked in vain. (Elastic)

White hare in the black sky
Jumped, ran, made loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this hare? (Chalk)

Now I'm in a cage, then in a line.
Feel free to write on them!
You can also draw...
What am I?.. (Notebook)

Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn
Not a person, but tells. (Book)

Black, crooked, all mute from birth.
They will stand in a row - now they will speak. (Letters)

There is, friends, such a bird:
If it sits on the page
I am very glad
And my whole family is with me. (Five)

There is a completely different bird.
If it sits on the page
That with a bowed head
I return home. (Deuce)

The new house is carried in hand,
The doors of the house are locked.
Here the tenants are paper,
All are terribly important. (Briefcase and textbooks)

Final words


That's all,
What have we done
Show you today.
But we have a week ahead of us.
And we want to wish you:
Health, success and mood,
good grades
And more luck!
Always smile,
Do good -
To become famous

You are destined!


We post information about the course of the Primary School Week in the classrooms and on the school website. The sign of the Week of Primary School is the Bug. She has four dots on her wings. Like four grades in elementary school. She is funny, mischievous and inquisitive. It flies everywhere, learns and remembers everything. For success, the Insect gives flowers.


We wish you and Bukashka neither fluff nor feathers!

Opening Week! Good luck and cheers!

Opening week of elementary school
Reading poems
1. The school planet is spinning like the Earth,
Lessons go one after another hastily.
In elementary school, we all learn, friends,
We are all looking forward to our week.

2. Primary school week makes us happy every year.
We are preparing for it in advance,
We've got a lot of work to do.

3. We have a big program ahead of us
We will sing, dance, have fun,
Write, draw, develop, work,
Count, compete, of course, learn,
And it really will happen to us.

4. The holiday begins, the guests smile,
Children will try to show in a week
Everything we learned, everything we aspired to
Because there is a lot to know in the world.

The floor is given to the head of the methodological association of primary school teachers
School Science Parade
Grammar, grammar is a very strict science.
You always take the grammar textbook with anxiety.
It is difficult, but life would be bad without it.
You must know cases, punctuation marks.
Keep your head up in the hour of remembrance.
It's been a wonderful day, and I'm learning prepositions,
I must know the lesson:
We have a strict teacher!
And I whisper with my eyes closed
Legs crossed under a chair:
What does "by" mean?
What does "for" mean?
Both "for" and "by" prepositions
And it would be nice for the threshold
And run down the road!
What would you come up with a suggestion,
To not learn prepositions?

And beautiful and strong
Work is in full swing everywhere here, everyone is counting something.
The case is very interesting, how can I find the unknown?
I'm looking for X in all tasks,
Wish me good luck.
I have a true friend: the compass will draw a circle,
And the multiplication table deserves respect.

Reading is a great lesson.
A lot of useful information in each of the lines,
Whether it's a poem or a story
You teach them and they teach you.

In addition to the Russian language, mathematics, reading,
we study the world around us and the man himself.
To see there are eyes
They sometimes shed tears.
There is character, skin, hair,
Nerves, feelings, sleep and voice.
To listen to the ears there,
If only the news was good
There is a skeleton, stomach, brain,
The place is soft for rods!
There is memory and appetite,
The thought that lightning flies
Nature put in us
Everything for procreation
Conqueror of mountains and rivers
This is a proud man!
Teach us to love our land
And watch nature
How to protect all animals
Save both forest and water.

Song "If there were no schools"

Scene "Learning is very important"
Hello, what's up? Are we going to play?
No, I have to go to school tomorrow.
Mom and I are going to first grade tomorrow -
Mind and reason I will be typed.
You're lucky, but I have another year to wait.
I also dream about school.
I have no one to call on the street.
But you still live in the wild ....
And I'm so in school, something reluctant!
I still want to live freely.
Isn't school freedom?
Why rush to withdraw so quickly?
Let's chat in six months.
I think you will like it.
Leroy and I have been dreaming for a year
Start learning school literacy.
I hope the truth comes to you.
I don't think it's all that bad.
I'm very worried - school is in my first place,
And there is still plenty of time to learn.
Our Dimka went to the fifth grade,
And still loves to learn.
He found new friends there.
And he disappears all day at school.
Well, yes! Perhaps I agree.
But still, I'm very worried.
I don't know, but I'm afraid of something.
Now it's stylish to study.
I understand! It's just excitement!
I also really want to study!
But there are just a few doubts.
But I will help you study.
After all, if you do not study, you will be stupid!
But it's hard for the stupid to live in the world.
And what you learn, you will never forget.
Well, then you will say: "it helped!".
1. We will sing ditties to you
About this and about
You guys listen
How fun we are!
2. I count very fast
Everyone at school is proud of me.
Not a single boy at school
Don't chase after me.
3. We are together with a neighbor
The control was decided.
For her we are for two
Got four.
4. Dad solved the problem for me,
Helped with math
We then decided with mom
That he couldn't decide.
5. I am the multiplication table
I studied before bed.
Got up in the morning - the whole table
Completely forgot!
6. Vlad sobs over the notebook:
As an example to solve - does not know.
Crying woman, crying grandfather
Well, the answer doesn't add up!
7. Didn't answer about fairy tales
To the question of Alenka.
And in her diary they placed
Ugly duckling!
8. We sang ditties to you
About this and about
Did you guys listen?
How fun we are!
Scene "At the lesson of mathematics"
Teacher: Petrov, how much will it be: four divided by two?

Student: And what to share, Mikhail Ivanovich?

Teacher: Well, let's say four apples.

Student: And between whom?

Teacher: Well, let it be between you and Sidorov.

Student: Then three for me and one for Sidorov.

Teacher: Why is that?

Student: Because Sidorov owes me one apple.

Teacher: Doesn't he owe you a plum?

Student: No, you shouldn't plum.

Teacher: Well, how much will it be if four plums are divided by two?

Student: Four. And all to Sidorov.

Teacher: Why four?

Student: Because I don't like plums.

Teacher: Wrong again.

Student: How much is correct?

Teacher: And now I will put the correct answer in your diary!

Student: Yes, math is important,
In life, oh, how we will need it!

Song "Cool company" (Fidgets)

Riddles on a school theme

The cost of the house:
Who will enter it
He will acquire the mind. (School)

If you sharpen it
Draw whatever you want!
Sun, sea, mountains, beach
What is it? .. (Pencil)

If you give her a job
The pencil worked in vain. (Elastic)

White hare in the black sky
Jumped, ran, made loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this hare? (Chalk)

Now I'm in a cage, then in a line.
Feel free to write on them!
Can you draw
What am I?.. (Notebook)

Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn
Not a person, but tells. (Book)

Black, crooked, all mute from birth.
They will line up and start talking. (Letters)

There is, friends, such a bird:
If it sits on the page
I am very glad
And my whole family is with me. (Five)

There is a completely different bird.
If it sits on the page
That with a bowed head
I return home. (Deuce)

The new house is carried in hand,
The doors of the house are locked.
Here the tenants are paper,
All are terribly important. (Briefcase and textbooks)

Final words

That's all,
What have we done
Show you today.
But we have a week ahead of us.
And we want to wish you:
Health, success and mood,
good grades
And more luck!
Always smile,
Do good -
To become famous
You are destined!

I offer you a scenario for the opening of the Subject Week in elementary school "Opening of the Subject Week", which is traditionally held every year in our school. This material is intended to assist in the preparation and conduct of such activities for teachers, parents and children.

Target: organization of children's leisure.

Conduct form: holiday, concert.



I offer you a scenario for the opening of the Subject Week in elementary school "Opening of the Subject Week", which is traditionally held every year in our school. This material is intended to assist in the preparation and conduct of such activities for teachers, parents and children.

Target: organization of children's leisure.
- to form communicative UUD, namely: to negotiate, cooperate in a group, class,
Conduct form:holiday, concert.

Fanfare sounds.

1. If you left boredom

And doubt behind

If you didn’t cheat with a friend - come in! (in chorus)

2. If you left your laziness,

Violations behind

Then bolder, rather at the door

Come to our school! (in chorus)

3. If everything is fine with you:

School desks, books and notebooks,

Friendship with a book forever, -

We invite you here. (in chorus)

4. The week starts, the guests smile,

Children will try to show in a week

Everything we learned, everything we aspired to

Because there is a lot to know in the world.

5. Well, if you are talented,

Naturally gifted

The school will reveal talents,

Become a real champion

4. For a long time there is a rumor going around,

What a wonderful country.

At least go around the whole wide world,

But there is no better state!

6. We have come to you from that wonderful country.

Tell everyone how interesting it is!

Every first-grader knows today

Life is hard without scientific knowledge

And therefore, contrary to all the legends,

We put effort into learning

Why is school today

Very fussy all of a sudden?

Because we are today

We open Science Day (Subject week)!

Without science we are nowhere

Neither here nor there.

To become a geologist, a doctor or an astronaut

From childhood, we need to study science.

And we know for sure that these sciences

We all need everyone!

And we know for sure that these sciences

We all need everyone!

We open the parade of sciences

Russian language

I live in Russia, and Russian is my language.

There is no more beautiful, I'm used to it.

Although my language is difficult, I love it:

I write dictations, I teach the rules.

Grammar, grammar -
Science is very strict.
Grammar textbook
I always take it with concern.
She is difficult, but without her
Life would be bad.
Do not send a telegram
And don't send a postcard
Even my own mother
Happy birthday do not congratulate!
love you grammar
You are smart but strict
You my grammar
I'll get by a little.

Help out, sticks, lifesaver!
Get in order in my first notebook!
Don't get out of line! Keep your back straight!
What are you standing for, anyhow? I got you again!
But my teacher does not know
And even mom doesn't know
How hard it is to teach you
For you to stand up straight!

Riddles on a school theme

The cost of the house:

Who will enter it

He will acquire the mind. (School)

If you sharpen it

Draw whatever you want!

Sun, sea, mountains, beach...

What is it? .. (Pencil)

If you give her a job

The pencil worked in vain. (Elastic)

White hare in the black sky

Jumped, ran, made loops.

The trail behind him was also white.

Who is this hare? (Chalk)

Now I'm in a cage, then in a line.

Feel free to write on them!

You can also draw...

What am I?.. (Notebook)

Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn

Not a person, but tells. (Book)

Black, crooked, all mute from birth.

They will stand in a row - now they will speak. (Letters)

There is, friends, such a bird:

If it sits on the page

I am very glad

And my whole family is with me. (Five)

There is a completely different bird.

If it sits on the page

That with a bowed head

I return home. (Deuce)

The new house is carried in hand,

The doors of the house are locked.

Here the tenants are paper,

All are terribly important. (Briefcase and textbooks)


Mathematics is a complex science:

How to multiply, how to add?

We have paved the way to this knowledge,

Mathematics, we can't live without you!

I am the queen of the sciences
And without me everything is like without hands,
Can't subtract and add
And even live a day,
A dot, a line and a circle,
In the volume of a prism, just a cube -
My figures are a lovely row
Everywhere you can't look!
From one to infinity
I stretch like an eternity!
In the sciences there is no more important topic
Queens - Mathematicians

To become a doctor, a sailor or a pilot,
First of all, you need to know mathematics.
And there is no profession in the world,
You notice, friends,
Wherever you need math.
And beautiful and strong
Mathematics country.
Work is in full swing here
Everyone counts something:
How much coal blast furnaces need
And the kids - chocolate,
How many stars are in the sky
And freckles on the nose!


1. We will sing ditties to you

About this and about

You guys listen

How fun we are!

2. I count very fast

Everyone at school is proud of me.

Not a single boy at school

Don't chase after me.

3. We are together with a neighbor

The control was decided.

For her we are for two

Got four.

4. Dad solved the problem for me,

Helped with math

We then decided with mom

That he couldn't decide.

5. I am the multiplication table

I studied before bed.

Got up in the morning - the whole table

Completely forgot!

6. Vlad sobs over the notebook:

As an example to solve - does not know.

Crying woman, crying grandfather

Well, the answer doesn't add up!

7. Didn't answer about fairy tales

To the question of Alenka.

And in her diary they placed

Ugly duckling!

8. We sang ditties to you

About this and about

Did you guys listen?

How fun we are!

Solving riddles about numbers:

What is an acrobat?

Guess it guys:

If you stand on your head,

Exactly three more will be. (9)

I'm so sweet, I'm so round

I am in two circles.

How glad I am that I found

Himself such as you, friends. (eight)

black, tailed,

Doesn't bark, doesn't bite

And he doesn’t let him get into the honors. (2)

He does not look like a penny,

Doesn't look like a bagel

He is round, but not a fool,

With a hole, but not a donut. (0)

Who has one leg

Yes, and without a shoe.

There are 6 in front of her and 8 behind her.

Who will call faster? We will ask everyone very much.(7)


My first book

I take care and love.

Though so far in syllables,

I read it myself

And from the end, and from the middle,

It has beautiful pictures

There are poems, stories, songs.

With a book, life is more interesting for me!

To bring culture to the people

Need to know the literature

Develop the spiritual world!

Books treasured pages
Help people live
And work and study
And cherish the Motherland.
New books live lines
Open the way wide.

A good book is my companion, my friend,
Leisure is interesting with her,
We're having a great time together
And we slowly carry on with our conversation.
You talk to me about the deeds of daredevils,
About the secrets of the Earth and the movement of the planets -
There is nothing incomprehensible with you.
You teach to be truthful and valiant,
Nature, people to understand and love.
I cherish you, I protect you,
I can't live without a good book.
The world

In addition to the Russian language, mathematics, reading,

we study the world around us and the man himself.

To see there are eyes

They sometimes shed tears.

There is character, skin, hair,

To listen - there are ears,

As long as the news is good...

There is a skeleton, stomach, brain,

The place is soft for rods!

There is memory and appetite,

The thought that lightning flies ...

Nature put in us

Everything for procreation…

Conqueror of mountains and rivers -

This is a proud man!

Teach us to love our land

And watch nature

How to protect all animals

Save both forest and water.

Protected by the Red Book

So many rare animals and birds

To survive the many-sided space

For the light of the coming lightning.

So that the deserts do not dare to descend,

So that the bushes do not become lower,

Beasts are guarded, snakes are guarded,

Even the flowers are protected.

And anxiety for life is relentless,

So as not to perish in the cosmic darkness,

We will exhaust all the oceans,

We exhaust everything on Earth.

We offend forests and fields,

Rivers groan from bitter insults,

And we forgive ourselves! Forgive!

But the future will not forgive us.

Red book, red.

Maybe she means

That nature will die?

Her goal is clear:

All living things are called to be preserved.

That's all,

What have we done

Show you today.

But we have a week ahead of us

And we want to tell you all:

We wish you to bloom, grow,

Save, improve health.

It's for a long journey

The main condition.

May every day and every hour

You will get a new one.

May your mind be good

And the heart will be smart!

And let the fight boil stronger

Sharpen the competition.

Success is not fate

But only your knowledge!

Fight for the truth to the end

Not sparing your belly!

Do not shame your school

Use your whole remarkable mind to the end!

Do not be afraid of difficulties along the way

All tests worthy of passing!

So, friends, it's time for you to go!

Try not to turn off the difficult road!

Achieve victories, but such weighty ones,

So that the school can be proud of you!

We wish everyone: no fluff, no feather!

Shout all: "Hurrah"

The song "Teach at school"

Song "Twice two four"

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Mari El
MBOU "Secondary school No. 24 of Yoshkar-Ola"


Conducted by: Tokareva Faina Petrovna
teacher of the highest qualification category
October 2012


  • prepare a full-fledged and thoughtful student, capable of not only understanding and analyzing what he read, but also emotionally correctly perceiving it, receiving joy from the knowledge gained;
  • during the holiday, to maintain the emotional interest of the children, to switch students to various activities;
  • to educate on specific examples in children a sense of kindness, friendliness, sensory perception of the world around them;

Equipment: posters, stage costumes, CDs, ICT.

I. Music is playing in the hall, all the children have gathered for the opening of the week of elementary school.

  • 5 readers enter the hall. (Poems about Mari El dedicated to the birthday of the Republic);
  • Song "My Motherland"


We study and work
Must be successful in everything
And ready to receive guests
If the holiday enters the house.

Song "I am a star" (Ulyana Timofeeva)

II. The word is given to open the feast of the head. the educational part of Smirnova Valentina Vasilievna.

III. Opening plan of the week (Appendix 1)

Happy week of our school
We congratulate you all!
May you be happy today
Everyone in the room is a person.
Student or teacher
Are you excellent or not?
Congratulations to everyone,
There are none we don't need here.
And no matter what you're doing
Prodigy or athlete
Get involved in the business
And you will be successful here.

Song "Good Way"

Reader 1 (reads A. Yashin's poem "Russian language"):

I love my mother tongue!
It is clear to everyone
He is melodious
He, like the Russian people, is many-sided,
As our power, mighty.
He is the language of the moon and planets,
Our satellites and rockets.
At the round table
Speak it:
unambiguous and direct,
It is like the truth itself.

Reader 2 (reads a poem by G. Zumakulova, a Kabardino-Balkarian poetess):

Native language!
He has known me since childhood.
On it for the first time I said "mom",
On it I swore stubborn fidelity,
And every breath is clear to me on it.
Native language!
He is dear to me, he is mine,
On it the winds whistle in our foothills,
It was the first time I heard
Birds babble to me in green at times.
But like a native.
I love Russian language
I need him like heaven
Every moment.
On it live, quivering feelings
They opened up to me.
And the world opened up in them.
I understood the Russian word "happiness",
Great happiness to live in a big country,
With him I'm not afraid of grief and bad weather,
With him I will not burn in any fire.
Two rivers flow in the heart, without shallowing,
Become one river...
Forgetting my native language, I will become numb.
Having lost Russian, I will become deaf.


Famous masters of the Russian word M.V. Lomonosov, I.S. Turgenev, M. Gorky highly valued the Russian language as the language of a great, talented people.
In his beautiful poem in prose "Russian language" I.S. Turgenev calls our language "great, powerful, truthful and free."
In letters to young readers, he bequeaths to treat his native language with care: “One more last piece of advice to young writers and one last request. And my request is this, he said:
“Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this property, passed on to us by our predecessors.” Treat this mighty weapon with respect. In the hands of the skilful, it is able to perform miracles! ..».


Complicated titles. But these sections are even more difficult to learn. But we still have many years ahead of us! And do not be lazy to study them all. But there are times when children are too lazy to learn new knowledge. And here are the stories.
- Listen to what the boy thought from Graubin's poem, which was called "The Lazy Case."

1 account Lezhebokin was asked:

- Come on, tell me
Why do you hate so much
Don't like cases?
A long time ago, all schoolchildren
They are known by heart.
Due to two years to learn
Only you couldn't.
2 account He answered angrily:
- That's not my fault.
Let them, first, scientists
Names will change.
After all, I'm creative
I do not study on purpose:
And even more so
I don't want.
Such a case as Dative,
I have not been patient since childhood.
give, share something
I don't like with friends.
Prepositional I hate:
Not to learn a lesson
Have to invent
Any suggestion.
And in the accusative case
And I'm completely angry.
Father in every prank
Always blames me.
1 account - Yes, alteration, it seems,
Serious need.
And he could have something new
Come up with names?
2 account - I've been thinking about it for a long time.
lying down,
And finally, Forgivable!


- That's how lazy Lezhebokin was.
- Guys, why is this boy nicknamed Lezhebokin.
- And yet, guys, I believe that there are few such Lezhebokins in our country.
- Back in the early thirties, the remarkable Soviet writer A.N. Tolstoy, admiring the richness of the Russian language, argued: “The Russian language should become a world language. The time will come (and it is not far off) - the Russian language will be studied along all the meridians of the globe.
Today, the writer's prediction has come true: the Russian language has become one of the widely known world languages.

East Dance.

If there were no physical
Daily at school
Were we cheerful?
Avoid sickness?
If there were no physical
Both winter and summer
We would get fat like that
That the diet would not save.

Physical education minute.

The whole hall is dancing the dance "Merry Frogs"

"Journey to Magic Land"

S: Once upon a time there was Kolka Berendey.
Usurper and villain
Life in an evon mortal body
Went on without a hitch
In the morning he ate manna porridge
I drank kvass and sour milk
At school he played bast shoes
Basically beat the bullshit
Fought with teachers
Set a bad example for everyone
little by little
Kolka became a loser
K: No, well, what’s the loser right away? There is an important reason here! In! Talk about her!
(magic music, narrator enters)
S: Stop tearing your throat
It's time to tell everyone
What an important reason
School So do not respect
S: (addressing the audience)
Vobchem Kolka entot here
real rambler
He didn't like lessons.
"They're boring!" spoke
K: No, so what? Isn't that right? It would not be boring at the lessons. You will go to Russian - rules, rules, exceptions, a thousand, millions of pieces, you will come to history with numbers, dates, kings are there, I don’t even know right now. And about foreign - I generally keep quiet ...
S: Yes, yes, a difficult case. It's boring, Kolenka, not because the subjects are like that, but because you don't show any interest in them yourself.
K: And what to show it? What is interesting about science?
S: It’s you, Kolechka, you’re talking like that in vain… do you know how many exciting things you can find in any subject?!
K: Direct absolutely in any???
S: Well, yes! However, it's too long to explain. Come on, I'll send you to the magical land of FIRLIA, where will you understand everything?!
S: Not where, but FIRLIA!
K: I'm not going anywhere, there's nothing for me to do there! I’ll better… I’ll play Lineage on my computer!
S: In general, get equipped, brother, go
Stay in FIRLIE for a while
You learn a lot of new
And isho something.
(breaks out)
You can't - who to blame?
I must (pulling out the axe) execute you.
It's a serious matter here.
Are you catching the thread?
K: I don't understand
With my mind? ..
Tea, I don’t sip cabbage soup,
I figure out what's what.
S: Look how we spoke in verse
(thinking) I need to go to lessons more often with visual aids!
S: So this is it, a poet,
You listen to my essence
With whoever you see
You be more polite
K: No, what am I? What about me?
S: Are you back to your tune?
I'll go to jail, mind you!
I'm not just a prankster
Serious speech!
K: (sighs, walks away)

(fairytale music)

S: And our lad went on his way
In FIRLIA to look
And to meet him the king
The sides of that sovereign.

(The king in a bathrobe paints a fence)

K: Opachki, what kind of people? Are you a king?
K: And what is dressed like that ... glamorous ??? What do you wear at the Park House? In real life"?
Ts: About times, about customs!

Forgot what the storyteller said
(I.N. comes backstage with a hatchet to menacing music)

K: Yes, I’m okay, I was joking ...
So you are a king?
C: Guess. I lived in the ___ century. The fleet was built in our country. Imported potatoes from Holland. He shaved off the beards of all the boyars and cut a window to Europe! (gets into the pose of Peter, looks inquiringly at K.) Well?
K: Mmmm…can the audience help?
C: No! I am the bronze horseman!
C: No! I founded Saint Petersburg!
C: I still wore a tricorne! Well?
K: A-ah-ah ... the king ... Treugolkin! Yes?
C: (painfully) mmm ... I would warm you ... with a roller
K: No, what am I? What about me?
Ts: Do you know, Kolya, that: _____________________________________________
K: Okay, tell me something else! BUT?!
Q: What school do you go to? In Yoshkar-Ola? So this is the start of your elementary school week. Take part in all the events and you will find out more!
K: Wow…what a week?
C: Go, so that my eyes do not see you!
K: (leaves thinking)

(sounds magical music)

To the tune of "Student's Songs" (...on the French side...)

This song many times
Performed by people
Well, we'll sing now
Yes, and be what will be!
We'll add a few words
About home school
And about the fact that people are here -
Smart and funny
Ah, what are we here
Super teachers!
Heed them every time -
It's just gods!
But the time has come, alas,
Say goodbye to everyone now
For subject week
Let's gather!
Low bow to you from us
And the order is strong for everyone!
You try with the whole class
And then win for sure!
If there's something wrong
Then you try
And it's always like this
Stay longer
Be active, hurry up
Don't be lazy to study
So not for long to us
To be forgiven!
The song has come to an end
Clap your hands
Oh, what kind of people do we have
Still good!

(children come out with English accessories and make a small welcoming speech)

I.N. Dear Ambassador
E.V.: Causes antires
Your technical progress:
How do you teach there?
With computers or without? ..
E.V.: Causes antires
Your nutritional process:
How to drink cocoa in the dining room
With or without saccharin?
E.V.: Causes antires
And such isho cut:
How do you go to school
In school uniform or without?
E.V.: Yes! Yes Yes!
I can `t get it
What are they teaching you?
K: They teach us foreign
Only I don't understand
Future tense, present
What is all this to me?

The holiday has come to an end.
Clap your hands.
Oh, what good students we have!

The song "Come to visit us ..."

V. Delivery of packages with tasks.
VI. The summary of the holiday.

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