Scenario of the festive program dedicated to the Victory Day "Music of the Front Letter". Children sing the song "There was a soldier ..."


Irina Panfilenko

Target: creating conditions for enriching children with knowledge about the Second World War, fostering patriotism, a sense of pride in one's family.

Tasks: Expand and systematize children's knowledge about the Second World War. Form moral and patriotic quality: courage, courage, the desire to defend their homeland. To promote the formation of children's interest in the history of their family, their people. To educate in children a caring attitude towards family photos and awards, a respectful attitude towards the older generation.

Actors adults: soldier, wife with baby (doll) in the rear, a woman of our time, 2 leading.

Scenery: The scene is divided into 3 parts: in the far right corner of the simulated room of the house WWII:, a table, a kerosene lamp, a photograph of her husband, a jug of water, a metal mug, a black shawl. In the far left corner: dugout; in the left near corner there is a chest in which lies an old jacket.

Material: flashlight, triangular letters 2, video presentation of photographs of the war years, a tablet for a soldier in which there is paper, a pencil, a pouch, TSO (cutting songs about war music for poetry reading, song backing track "Frontline letter» ,

Painting No. 1 A phonogram sounds, a soldier appears, sits down and writes letter home, takes out a pouch and makes a self-roll. Smokes and writes letter.

Painting No. 2 A song sounds "Love never comes back". A young woman comes to the table, lights a kerosene lamp, pumps the baby, takes out letter, is reading. On the chorus, the woman runs to meet the soldier, but they cannot meet. She puts on a black headscarf and returns to the house.

Picture No. 3. A young woman comes out with a flashlight in her hand (examines the attic, goes to the chest. She takes out an old jacket from her pocket, which she peeks out letter. Gets letter triangle, sits down on the chest and reads it. At this time, a video with photographs of the war years is shown.

Picture No. 4. At the end of the slide show, all the characters get up.

Modernity: What is the memory of the war is left to us,

About that Great and Sacred? -

Bodies and ashes of the dead, in half

In the graves of the fraternal buried;

Stories, films, chronicle, poems

Simple and famous people

About the exploits of soldiers and about sins

Judas, that they are washed with their blood.

Still left letters from that war,

What did the people once experience ....

Widow: .Frontline letter don't be silent, tell

Oh cruel war and time,

How the soldier fought, how he lived in the trenches,

How he suffered and dreamed, how he loved his father's house.

Soldier: When you are in an unfamiliar place,

Fighting on the front line

I so want to connect with home

send a letter that is alive.

Modernity: And in between fights,

Hiding from the heat in a dugout,

The soldier wrote that he became a hero,

Holding a pencil in hand.

Two presenters come out to them, read letters:

VED 1: ... My grandfather also fought at the front,

And, wounded on the battlefield,

In the 42nd he met love,

Saved by a young nurse.

Then sanbat. And fought again...

Already in love and loved

Anyuta from the front he wrote letters,

That our people are invincible!

He wrote to her about how long he had been waiting

cherished yellow leaf,

How in difficult times warmed

Her familiar cute handwriting.

He wrote to her:

"I'm alive! I am not killed!

I know: we will pass, we will break through!

I firmly believe: the enemy will be defeated,

And we will return victorious!

You just wait, hope and believe

What, I still have the strength,

The enemy will not count his losses! -

I'll dig graves for bastards...

But if it turns out that I will not return,

And I will fall on the battlefield, -

Prev I will pray for death ... I will cross myself ...

Shepnu: "For all the Lord's will ..."

Forgive me, dear, and brush away

With beautiful eyes, a living tear.

I'm back in the fight... Dawn lights...

I love. I miss. Wait. Kisses".

…OK it's all over Now. This fight is over

And the sound of silence froze.

And my grandfather found peace in that battle

And there is an eternal grave.

And long lines of this letters

I'll be hurt to the point of pain

Like Life and Death, like mourning darkness,

FROM wars left in my memory.

Vedas. 2: I'm reading letter that has turned yellow over the years,

On the envelope in the corner there is a field mail number.

This is my grandfather wrote to his wife Anna

Before you go to your last decisive battle.

"My dear, in the front we have a respite,

Friends are sleeping in the trenches, silence on the steep bank.

Darling, kiss you stronger son,

Know that I will always save you from trouble.

I am reading letter, and as if getting closer and closer

That disturbing dawn is the weight of those troubles that have piled on.

I am reading letter, and through the years I clearly hear

I am now the words that my grandfather said before the fight.

I am reading letter and outside the windows the sun laughs,

New buildings are growing, and hearts continue to love.

I am reading letter and sure, if necessary,

Everything that my grandfather did, I can always repeat.

All the heroes and presenters line up in one line and sing the song "Triangular Envelope".

1.-A How many letters from soldiers

With that last wars

Until now, addressees

Never delivered

2. Maybe there is no addressee

And there is no writer.

So who is he looking for?

triangular envelope

2. Triangular fiction

Impossible reality

In the three dooms of the sky

Bullet stray square dance

triangular tale

A story in a few lines

"Like, I fight for my conscience.

Listen to your mother, son. "

3. Covered with yellow ash

triangles autumn

The lines are washed away by showers

Like a widow's tears

And the words have already become

very illegible

But painfully clear

The meaning of those letters is simple


triangular tall tale

Impossible reality

In the three dooms of the sky

Bullet stray square dance

triangular joy

triangular sadness

Surviving three words

"I'm Marusya, I'll be back."

We want you to know

People of our country

These letters were written

Us soldiers with wars

It's so bequeathed

All full love

What did they protect

And we were able to protect

triangular tall tale

Impossible reality

In the three dooms of the sky

Bullet stray square dance

paper triangle

Have dreams and hold on

Flashed once

"WE WIN. Seem!"

Flashed once

"WE WIN. Seem!"

"Flashed once


.Ved:. Who was at the front, right, experienced,

What do they mean letters for a soldier,

As these letters made beat

Hardened hearts in battles.

How excitedly people expected them,

From them sometimes moistened look.

The day will come - come up with medals

Literary and musical composition "Letters from the front".
Designed by Moskvina Olga Nikolaevna,
teachers of Russian language and literature
MAOU secondary school No. 44
Directed by the Sverdlovsk region.
Targets and goals:
1. to educate a citizen, a patriot through the study of the history of the Fatherland;
2. to form a respectful attitude towards the defenders of the Motherland, towards the historical heritage of our country;
3. cause a sense of pride in their country, for the valor and courage of its defenders;
4. develop memory, speech, artistic taste and aesthetic perception of students;
Equipment: multimedia support, presentation
The song "Cranes" by J. Frenkel sounds. Against its background they read
1 slide
I ask you: keep the soldiers' letters They are both simple and sometimes sad. They have so much hope and eternal meaning - Anxious memory of human kindness

On May 9, 2015, our entire country will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. And this is truly a great date: for 70 years we have been living under a peaceful sky.

We can study, work, and rest in peace thanks to those who managed, overcoming pain, fear, fatigue, hunger and cold, to defend our right to peace, even at the cost of their own lives.

From the first day they went to the front, young and old, following one great goal - the liberation of the Motherland. Then no one could even imagine what a terrible price would have to be paid for peace and freedom. At home, they waited and believed that their relatives and friends would definitely return.

The only thread that connected people were such triangles - letters from the front, witnesses of those distant years, those terrible events. It seems that today they still smell of gunpowder and smoke, these leaves, yellowed from time to time, are infinitely expensive.

Letters from the front absorbed both fate, and love, and the sleepless truth of front-line voices.
Each letter has its own story: happy or sad. What were our glorious warriors thinking about? What did they write about in rare moments of calm, what did they dream about?

When bombs and shells are exploding, they don’t think at all about how to write more beautifully, smarter. Yes, and they wrote more often on their knees, sitting down somewhere in a corner in rare moments of calm. Perhaps that is why they are extremely sincere and truthful.

Wrote them on the edge of death
Under the rattle of tanks, the roar of guns.
They wrote them in the trenches, the dugout,
On the bomb-wounded boundary,
On the streets of burned cities.
Oh, front-line letters of terrible years -
There are no more priceless documents in the world! (E. Kirponos)
(The song "Letter from Father" sounds)
Hundreds of messages from the front, from the active army, in the dates they were written, in the names of the places they were sent, in their mood - all stages of the war, human suffering, fears, hopes, confidence in victory are reflected.
slide 4
Without exception, all personal letters from the front are permeated with concern for relatives and friends: questions about the health of parents, wives, children, about employment and improvement, about education. Not wanting to upset their loved ones, the soldiers hardly talked about their own difficulties, real hardships and physical suffering.
(The melody of the song "Dark Night" music by N. Bogoslovsky sounds)

Quite recently (accidentally!) we saw a unique document of the Great Patriotic War. This is a notebook with poems by Dmitry Yakovlevich Morichev, a participant in the war, the father of our geography teacher Sharinskaya Lidia Dmitrievna. Their family sacredly keep these notebooks as a memory of those who gave life not only to them, but also to millions of other people.

slide 5
Dmitry Yakovlevich was born on October 22, 1918. Grew smart, lively, quick-witted boy. He loved mathematics, read a lot, wrote poetry.
He began his career as a primary school teacher. He worked at the school before the war.

slide 6
He was called to the front after demobilization in 1941. At the end of the courses of radio operators - telegraph operators, he was appointed commander of the communications department in the 562nd mortar regiment.

Participated in the liberation of Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria. He was awarded the medal "For Military Merit" and the sign "Excellent Mortarman".

Slides 7 - 10
And from there, from the front, in rare moments of calm, he wrote to his bride, Olenka

Hello dear. You are an amazing creature!
Hello, my blue-winged one.
I don't know why I remember so often
About you, my dear.
I left the trench and sat down on the parapet
The wind was blowing from the east
On the other side of the sweet, where relatives live
Where did I live before the war?
East breeze, quickly running,
Moved the neighboring bushes.
The rustle of that pleasant branches of fragrant
I was told it was you whispering.
From green huts cheerfully and gently
The song of a nightingale was heard.
And under this song I involuntarily recalled
About you, my dear.

And, of course, letters home, relatives and friends: mother, sister

Far transition. There is a stop along the way.
And I finally took a pencil.
Today I figured it out - and it became embarrassing:
It's been a long time, dear, I haven't written to you.
Well, what about yourself? I am in the south.
Now I'm not the same as before, shot.
I have been at the front for a long time. I have merit
And the rank of sergeant. A little older.
We live well. We serve as we should
We often remember our country.
We fight with enemies, we make friends with weapons:
We started and will end the war with him
We are inseparable, like clenched hands,
And here I am fighting under the rumble of batteries
For you, far away living apart
And grief sipped gray-haired mothers.
Oh, if you could see, dear mother,
What are your mothers and sons like?
Well, these are not children, not guys, but straight
Men quite well, my dear.
slide 12
When I was driving home from Bulgaria, I wrote to my friend, with whom, side by side, we walked through the war

My friend, you can't forget those days
When we were together with you
In a war of fate
We always divided in half
Friend, remember the terrible days
We lived in Sergeevka
And reports of the Soviet Information Bureau
They took you along.
Do you remember our dugout in Dachnoye?
He was hit by a projectile
And you and me, dear friend,
The log crushed a little
And Voznesensk After all, you remember:
With you under the hut we lay,
Shells were bursting, and above us
Fragments flew by with a screech.
Then they moved into the trench,
And you and I were not lucky:
The shell exploded so close
What has brought us to the ground.
But happiness smiled at us:
The comrades immediately ran
They ripped us apart. And then we would
They must have been there now.

He finished the war in Bulgaria with the rank of sergeant. He did not like to talk about the war: it was too hard and painful to remember. He lost many comrades, and the victory was not easy for himself. I was going to write a poem about the war.

slide 13
After the war, he continued to work at the school. The wedding was played in 1946. The family was strong, friendly, large (four children were born). And now children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren cherish the letters as a living memory of the war.

Eternally alive in letters, they knew what they had given their lives and health for, and wanted, asked to be remembered.
(The music of L. Gurov’s song “Silence” sounds)

Memory is always alive! A person can die twice. There, on the battlefield, when a bullet catches up with him, and the second time - in the memory of the people. The second time to die is worse. The second time a person must live!

The memory of generations is inextinguishable And the memory of those whom we so sacredly honor, Come on, people, stand up for a moment And stand in sorrow and be silent.
moment of silence
Front-line letters tell a lot, they teach a lot. They teach how to live and fight for your happiness, how to work, how to protect your good name.

I beg you, keep the soldiers' letters. They are both simple and sometimes sad, They contain so much hope and eternal meaning, I ask you: keep the soldiers' letters, The disturbing memory of human kindness! M. Lvov

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Text content of presentation slides:
I am reading a letter that has already turned yellow over the years… AI Laktionov. Letter from the front, Abakan, 1937 Lesozavodskaya school 1. Teacher (in the center) Morichev Dmitry Yakovlevich Morichev Dmitry YakovlevichMay 1945 Davydova Olga Petrovna, the bride to whom Dmitry Yakovlevich dedicated his lines Letter to Olga Petrovna Morichev D.Ya. and O.P. Letters from the front to sister Nina Letter to friend Sergei Gavrin May 1945 fighting friends We remember!

Attached files

Solemn fanfare sounds. The video “What is war?” is on stage. To the music of the war years, the hosts and actors of the theater studio take the stage.

1reader: I have never seen a war
And I can't imagine her horror
But the fact that our world wants silence
Today I understand very clearly.
2 reader: There is no more terrible word than "war",
That takes away all that is holy.
When the silence is ominous,
When a friend did not return from the battle ..
3rd reader: Yes! Behind was a difficult hour.
We learned about the war only from books.
The windows have not been darkened anywhere.
In smoky Europe cities.
Victory is bought at the cost of blood.
May the globe always remember this.
4 reader: Yes, what do I know about the war, but what do I know about separation
When the steppe feather grass burns, and hands grab the void
And the marble of the clouds, as far as the eye can see, mints the march with pieces of the sky
You, without hiding, answer, soldier, what does victory taste like
Lead 1: On May 9, 1945, the bloodiest war in the history of mankind ended, not without reason called the World War.

3 host: The war, which for our country has become Patriotic and Great, Great in terms of the willpower and courage of its citizens, the courage and feat of its defenders!

2 host: Good afternoon, dear friends! Today, this hall is warm from the friendly atmosphere and crowded from the closeness of eras and generations. You bore the hardships of a terrible war on your shoulders, you have traveled a long life path with joys and successes, losses and hardships. A generation of children has come to meet you, who have not experienced the horrors of war and know about it from history lessons, books, and films.

Together: To you, dear veterans, home front workers, children of war, we dedicate our concert!

Host 1: Touching the three great oceans,
She lies, spreading the cities,
Covered with a network of meridians,
Invincible, wide, proud.

Presenter 2: But at the hour when the last grenade
Already in your hand
And in a short moment it is necessary to remember at once
All that we have left in the distance,
You remember not a big country,
What did you travel and find out
Do you remember your homeland - such,
How did you see her as a child?

A piece of land, crouched against three birches,
A long road behind the woods
A river with a creaky ferry,
Sandy shore with low willows.

Presenter 3: This is where we were lucky to be born,
Where for life, until death, we found
That handful of earth that is good,
To see in it signs of the whole earth.

Yes, you can survive in the heat, in a thunderstorm, in frost,
Yes, you can be hungry and cold
Go to death ... But these three birches
You can't give it to anyone while you're alive.

Performance of 6th grade "A" and 7th grade "A" with the song "Where does the Motherland begin"

Lead 1: The earth slept peacefully. Children snuffled in their beds, and adults tired of the day rested. And only in the night, full of peace and quiet, a splash of water in the river was occasionally heard, and the leisurely whispering of leaves on the trees. Peaceful inhabitants of big cities and small villages slept in their beds, not knowing what awaits them tomorrow, that there will be four long and terrible years in their lives, and that many of them no longer have a future. The ground is covered with a light haze. Everywhere is still quiet. These were the last moments of silence.

Composition "Blue handkerchief" performed by class 6 "B"

2 host: I am writing to you from the front, dear.
Bow from me to fellow countrymen...
Let them, like you, believe in me and know
I will not give the land to the enemy.
We sometimes have a hard time
but thank good fortune:
I'm alive, dear friend,
and I wish you the same!

Lead 3: Old paper is stubbornly wrapped along the folds, pressed through more than sixty years ago. Faded ink, faded printing ink on postcards. Letters from the front are still carefully kept in many families. Each triangle has its own story: happy or sad. It also happened that sometimes news from the front that a loved one was alive and well came after a terrible official envelope. But mothers and wives believed: the funeral came by mistake. And they waited - for years, decades.
1 presenter: Letters from the fronts of the Great Patriotic War are documents of great power. In the lines smelling of gunpowder - the breath of war, the rudeness of harsh trench everyday life, the tenderness of a soldier's heart, faith in Victory ...

Performance of the 8th grade "B" with the song "In the dugout"

1 reader: From a letter of Pyotr Alexandrovich Gogolev.

December 28, 1942. For many days I was on a campaign, and therefore it was not possible to give regular information about myself. Now I have the opportunity to write. We follow in the footsteps of the outgoing enemy. Sometimes, instead of the villages indicated on the map, we find a bare, snow-covered place. Whoever participates in campaigns for the first time, it seems scary and unusual to him. Sometimes we have to pass the fields of hot recent battles. I recall the words of Pushkin in his work "Ruslan and Lyudmila". This same Ruslan went to the field of past battles, here is Pushkin's expression: “... Oh field, field! Who dotted you with dead bones…” The only difference is that Ruslan had an old battlefield in front of him, and we have fresh traces of battles. And another difference is that Pushkin describes a field littered with dead bones, and we have a field littered with dead cars, a mass of broken tanks, planes, cars. Of course, in some places there are our comrades who have not yet been cleaned up who died for the Motherland - soldiers and commanders of the Red Army. There are also those who wanted to take our land, our freedom, our Motherland from us.

2 reader: From a letter from senior sergeant Alyakrinsky.

Hello my dear!
Finally, letters from you began to arrive. I am sitting now in a dirty pit, covered with a tent on top. Recently it has been raining, mud all around. The front is not far away, the walls of the tent are shaking from the echoing peals of artillery fire. In three days we walked about 80 kilometers. Soon it seems that what we have been preparing for so long will begin. But now I feel very good and completely calm. I even want to get there sooner. Tired of dealing with this crap. We will finish it soon, it seems to me that these fights will be the last. The German is nervous and shoots from heavy guns - ours are silent. But the day is not far off when thousands of guns will strike at once and their thunder will herald a new Russian offensive for tens of kilometers.

The song "Mother Russia" performed by Daria Leonova 10 "B"

1 presenter: And from where

Suddenly strength comes

At the hour when

In the soul of black-black? ..

Was not the daughter of Russia,

I would have given up a long time ago.

Lead 2: Shoulder to shoulder with men, those who have been destined by nature since ancient times to be the keepers of the hearth, fragile women, girls, yesterday's girls, stood up to defend the Fatherland. Without a single complaint, groaning, they endured all the hardships of front-line life and hard work in the rear, bringing the most long-awaited day closer - Victory Day!

Speech by Elizabeth Ryzhkova with an excerpt from Y. Bondarev's story "Battalions ask for fire"

The song "Katyusha" performed by Plesskaya Nadezhda from Grade 5 "A"

The movie "Children and War" is on the screen. Against its background are the words of the reader.

1 reader: From a letter from Katya Susanina.

March 12, Liozno, 1943.
Dear, kind daddy!
I am writing you a letter from German captivity. When you, papa, will read this letter, I will not be alive. And my request to you, father: punish the German bloodsuckers. This is your dying daughter's will.
A few words about mother. When you return, do not look for your mother. The Germans shot her. When asked about you, the officer hit her in the face with a whip. Mom could not stand it and proudly said: “You will not intimidate me with a beating. I am sure that the husband will come back and throw you vile invaders out of here. And the officer shot my mother in the mouth ...
Daddy, today I turned 15 years old, and if you met me now, you would not recognize your daughter. I became very thin, my eyes sunken in, my pigtails were cut bald, my hands dried up, they looked like a rake. When I cough, blood comes out of my mouth - my lungs were beaten off.
Yes, dad, and I am a slave of a German baron, I work for the German Charlene as a laundress, wash linen, wash floors. Twice I ran away from the owners, but their janitor found me. Then the baron himself tore off my dress and kicked me. I lost consciousness. Then they poured a bucket of water on me and threw me into the basement.
I bequeath, dad: avenge mom and me. Farewell, good papa, I'm going to die.
Your daughter Katya Susanina...
My heart believes: the letter will reach.

1 leader: Children and war. It is difficult to imagine a more terrible phrase than this. The war went through the fates of thousands, millions of boys and girls like a ruthless roller, taking away their fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, their father's house, depriving them of their childhood.

"Song of the little trumpeter" performed by 5th grade "B"

2 presenter: An excerpt from the story of V. Kataev “Son of the Regiment” is performed by Daniil Filatov from grade 7 “B”

Performance by Filatov D. 7 "B"

Presenter 1: Friends come to grandfather,
Come on Victory Day.
I like to listen for a long time
Their songs and conversations.

Presenter 2: I do not ask them to repeat
Secret stories:
After all, to repeat is to lose again
military comrades,

who are still looking for
Combat awards.
One sergeant, another major,
And more - ordinary.

Host 3: I know: It's hard every year
Tell first
About how the army forward
She walked with hope.

About what kind of shooting is there,
Like bullets in the heart...
"Fate," they sigh,
Fate! Do you remember what it's like in July?

Presenter 1: I sit silently next to each other,
But sometimes it seems
What am I looking into the scope,
That I'm getting ready for a fight.

Performance of the 8th grade "A" with the song "Great-grandfather"

Presenter 1: Remember how the guns rumbled,
How the soldiers died in the fire
In the forty-first
Forty-fifth -
Soldiers went to fight for the truth.

Presenter 2: Remember how the earth trembled and went blind,
As the dawn rose from the ashes
Thunder guns
Let's not forget
We are with you.

Presenter 3: Remember that spring shoots are noisy, -
Don't forget those terrible years!
Our path is difficult
Get up people
Life is calling!

Performance of the 9th grade "B" with the composition "Ah, war"

Presenter 1: Even then we were not in the world,
When fireworks rumbled from end to end.
Soldiers, you gave the planet
Great May, victorious May!

Presenter 2: Even then we were not in the world,

When in a military storm of fire,
Deciding the fate of future centuries,
You fought a holy battle!

Presenter 3: Even then we were not in the world,
When you came home with Victory.
Soldiers of May, glory to you forever
From all the earth, from all the earth!

Presenter 1: Thank you, soldiers, you
For life, for childhood and spring,
For silence, for a peaceful home,
For the world we live in!

Video "Thank you, veterans!"

The song "Russia" performed by Ryzhkova Lisa and Pronina Yulia.

Size: px

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1 POCHU Pskov Cooperative Technical School Scenario for the literary and musical composition “Letters from the Front” Prepared by teachers I.A. Zakharova E.V. Guest Venue: Assembly Hall of the Pskov Cooperative College Pskov

2 Objectives of the event: To promote the development of the spiritual and moral foundations of the personality of students, the education of patriotism, respect for the heroic past of the Motherland. Formation of the civic position of students Tasks: Preservation of the memory of the national feat in the Great Patriotic War, Maintaining students' interest in the life of Soviet citizens during the Great Patriotic War; Activation of creative activity of students. Preparatory work: 1. Setting the goal and objectives of the event 2. Developing a script 3. Preparing the design of the stage, slides, videos, musical accompaniment 4. Selecting the hosts, participants in the concert 5. Designing the stage and assembly hall 6. Preparing an announcement about the event Technical means: Laptop Speakers Microphones Microphone stands Projector Screen 2

3 Video “Do you think they remember?” Musical background "Cranes" 1 teacher: Or maybe we should forget about them? War again, Blockade again... Sometimes I hear: “Don't, Don't open wounds. After all, it is true that We are tired of stories about the war And about the blockade, we leafed through the Poems completely enough. 2 teacher: And it may seem: The words are right And convincing. But even if it's true, Such a truth Is not right! 1 teacher: So that again On the earthly planet That winter does not happen again, We need our children to remember This, Like we do! 2 teacher: I'm not worried in vain, So that that war is not forgotten: After all, this memory is our conscience. We need her as a force... 1 teacher: Today we have gathered here to remember one of the key moments in the history of our country and congratulate each other on the Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. Unfortunately, the great Victory Day is overshadowed by the processes taking place now in the world. They are actively trying to belittle the significance of the victory of the Soviet people over the Nazi invaders, portray the liberators of Europe as occupiers, and make freedom fighters out of Nazi accomplices. 2 teacher: We must resist any attempts to falsify history. The victory in the Great Patriotic War came to us at a very high price, and we cannot afford to take it away from us. We all have a common responsibility to ensure that people 3

4 knew the truth about the war, honored its true heroes and never forgot what a catastrophe ideas of national exclusiveness and the desire for world domination can lead to. The hosts of the concert come out: 1 host: We have no right to forget the horrors of this war so that it does not happen again. We have no right to forget those soldiers who died so that we can live now. We must remember everything. Lead 2: There are fewer and fewer who can tell what they thought, what they saw, what the soldier felt, preparing for an attack or leaving the battle. There are fewer and fewer who can tell what the relatives and friends of the soldier thought and felt, waiting with bated breath for news from the front. 1 leader: Letters from the front Documents over which time has no power. They were written in the heat and in the cold by the hard-wearing hands of soldiers who did not release weapons. These documents keep the hot breath of battle. Lead 2: These letters are a thread that connects our generation with those distant years. And let the reading of these living lines of war today be a tribute to the blessed memory of those who wrote them (Video "Letter 1") The song "Scarlet Sunsets" voice-overs: "Son, be careful!", "Take care of yourself, darling!" , “Dear Dad, I miss you so much! When will you return home?”, “My son, my dear blood! When will this damned war end? I'm waiting for you. Come back!" Lead 1: Probably every front-line soldier received letters with such words. He knew that he was expected at home and loved. 2 host: And on the verge of death, he always tried to cheer up his relatives, rather to inform that he is still alive and well, that he believes in a quick victory. After all, the soldier understood that sometimes it was not easier there, in the rear, than it was for him at the front. (Video "Letter 2") 1 presenter: And how the soldiers' letters-triangles were waiting at home! These letters had difficult destinies, long journeys. But the family was hopeful. A letter has come - a soldier is alive! Lead 2: When I see how my dead Neighbor falls in battle, I remember not his grievances, 4

5 I remember about his family. I involuntarily imagine His deceptive comfort. He's already dead. It does not hurt him, And they will kill them with a letter! Song "Our 10th airborne battalion" Reader: Hello, dad, I dream about you again, Only this time not at war. I was even a little surprised, Why were you the same in a dream. Papa! You will return unharmed, After all, the war will someday pass. Dear, my dear darling, Soon the day of victory will come to us. I remember you so often And I wish you not to get sick at all, I wish you with all my heart To defeat the Nazis as soon as possible. So that they do not destroy our land, So that we can live as before, So that they no longer interfere with me Hugging you, loving you. The song “All about that spring” 1 presenter: Not only men fought for the Motherland. Letters from the front from mothers, daughters, and girlfriends were also eagerly awaited. (Video Letter 3) 5

6 Reader: A girl, still a girl, With a soft smile after sleep, In a school uniform, with bows and bangs, The war mercilessly took away. In the medical battalions of the front-line marching, In the cities blazing with fire All the wounded, hungry soldiers Brought back to life day after day. With small dexterous hands Bandaged the wounded, the blind. How many letters she wrote to mothers For armless gray-haired boys. On the greatcoat of the order, medals, Military bearing and become. Only the hands did not hold the children, I did not have time to give birth to children. Everyone who was dear, loved and close, was taken away by the homeowner-war. A yellowed burnt photograph: Two uniformed soldiers and her. Offered heart, soul, hand. Life, like in a fairy tale, happiness in succession. Yes, one lies in Velikiye Luki, And another sleeps near Stalingrad. And stands alone in sadness Listening to the gray silence, The girl who has become a grandmother before the deadline, the girl who went through the war. The song "My dear, if there were no war" 1 presenter: Letters are simple soldier's letters. How much warmth in them, love, romanticism, How much faith in the country and people, Faith in the victory that will come soon! Faith that the enemy will still be defeated, That the army will stand and win! 6

7 In the letters, questions about children, wife, Is everyone healthy, well-fed, warm? In the letters they wrote: “We will come soon! As soon as we finish off the fascists in Berlin!...” The letters turned so yellow from time to time. It is difficult to read, you can barely make out. But their grandmother knows everything by heart, After all, in each of them there was a word: "I'll be back! ..." Lead 2: And they kept their promise, though not all of them returned. But they came back victorious. Lead 1: A moment of silence is announced Lead 1: Remember, people, the bloody years, Nazi raids, like animals, Remember mortal battles, campaigns, And the tears of innocent children, mothers. Lead 2: Remember, people, soldiers by name We owe our lives to them. After all, they are in a country scorched by war, Instilled in us peace under the holy sky. Lead 1: We remember you, heroes, by name. And proudly "veterans" we call. And from the descendants of the whole vast country For a feat of arms low, bow to you! (Video "Letter 4") Song "Victory Day" (performed by all speakers) 7

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Send your good work in the knowledge base is simple. Use the form below

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

Block No. 8 "You are the same age as the 41st" This block is the culmination of the concert in this block, schoolchildren of 12 pairs dance the victory waltz, the song "Spring of the 45th" sounds. The war is over.

Block No. 9 This block is the final line of the concert, all participants shout cheers, the daytime fireworks begin, doves and gel balloons are launched into the sky. theatrical concert director's explication

Preparation plan for the theatrical concert "Revived Letters"




Order placement time

Accommodation Responsible

order execution



for performance

Development of the script for the theatrical concert "Revived Letters"

Egorov K.V.

Egorov K.V.

Selection of musical material for the theatrical concert "Revived Letters"

Egorov K.V.

Egorov K.V.

Development of a sketch of decoration and costumes. Selection of artistic material for the concert "Revived Letters"

Egorov K.V.

Egorov K.V.

Drawing up a budget.

Egorov K.V. Lukyanova O.G.

Egorov K.V. Lukyanova O.G.

Selection of musical material for the concert "Revived Letters"

Egorov K.V.

Egorov K.V.

rehearsal process

07.04.15 - 08.05.15

Egorov K.V.

Lukyanova O.G.

Egorov K.V.

Setting up and decorating the stage

Egorov K.V.

Holding a theatrical concert "Revived Letters"

Egorov K.V.

Lukyanova O.G.

Egorov K.V.

Lukyanova O.G.

Schedule of rehearsals of the theatrical concert "Revived Letters"

Episode, number

team, performer



"Triangle Letters"

Vocal Ensemble "Sudarushki"

District Stadium

"May June 41st"

"Sudarushki" dance group morin - khuur "leaders

District Stadium

"Women's Battalion"

"Morin khuur" folk theater mbuk skts

District Stadium

Zub L.V. Egorov K.V. Lukyanova O.G.

"Children of war"

"Sudarushki" "morin khuur" children's vocal group dance groups of the district

District Stadium

Zub L.V. Egorov K.V. Lukyanova O.G.

"Those who didn't come from the war"

"Sudarushki" dance groups of the district leading

District Stadium

Zub L.V. Egorov K.V. Lukyanova O.G.

"Letter home from the front"

District teams leading "Sudarushki"

District Stadium

Zub L.V. Egorov K.V. Lukyanova O.G.

"Eternal memory to those who did not come from the war"

All participants of the concert

District Stadium

Zub L.V. Egorov K.V. Lukyanova O.G.

“To you peers of the 41st” “Victory May”

All participants of the concert

District Stadium

Zub L.V. Egorov K.V. Lukyanova O.G.

“You are the same age as the 41st “Victory May”

All participants

Zub L.V. Egorov K.V. Lukyanova O.G.

Scenariotheatrical concert "Revived Letters",dedicated to Victory Day.

Venue: Stadium Duldurga;

Time spending:

Responsible curators for creative teams of joint ventures, organizations and pits and institutions of the village:

Zutkuley, MUZ CRH -Badmaeva L.S.; Uzon, MP "Duldurga" -Lukyanova O.G.; Egorov K.V.

Taptanay, DEU- Bolotova D.B.; Balzino-Gamolin I.V.; Alkhanai, housing and communal services - Dimchikov D.G.; Duldurga-Dashinimaev A.A.; Tokchin-Lodonova D.Ts. YuZES, MP "Customer Services" - Vinnik I. Yu.Props:

Tent - 2 pcs., anti-tank hedgehogs - 6 pcs., dummy rifle and autoaboutmat - 10 pcs. (Ara-Ilya rifles, Chindaley assault rifles, DSSh) multi-colored flags - 40 pcs., banner flags,

Decoration of the stadium and stage area:

There is a large stage on the field of the stadium. In the background esthappy banner-stretching. Along the perimeter of the lower part of the stage is a banner of the color of St. George's ribbon with flowers of blossoming bird cherry.

Behind the stage, high multi-colored flags enclosing all artandstov, extras, as if creating a colorful screen. On both sides of the mouthamulti-colored tents for amateur artists have been renovated, where you caneget dressed and relax. In the foreground, in front of (or behind) the treadmillsawe installed anti-tank hedgehogs.

Along the entire perimeter of the stadium, on the fences, there are multi-coloredtnye flags or through the intake fittings fabrics are intertwined in the colors of the St. George ribbon.

- Yes, the beginning of the holiday sounds songs of the war years, a record with congratulations.

- against the background of a calm melody, the announcer's text sounds:

The further the rapid run of time takes us, the more tangible is the need to remember all those who with their blood and lives forged victory over the common enemy of all mankind. Time is a faithful keeper of history - one by one it opens the pages of the heroic chronicle. Yes, our Soviet people fought to the death, defended at Stalingrad and Kursk, threw themselves under tanks near Moscow and Kharkov, defended besieged Leningrad, traveled the heroic path from Moscow to Berlin.

- a solemn melody sounds, a group of standard-bearers steps out onto the treadmill. At the head of the Banner of Victory. The parade continueseaction of the box of pre-conscription youth.

Kostya. -Words of a familiar team

I hear again and again.

The banner of victory is carried away,

To take out the Banner - stand up!

Stand before those who fell

Breast on the barking pillbox.

Who from the bogs of Novgorod

It will never come to us.

Who was warmed by the breath,

In the cold of blockade nights.

Who flew away with the smoke

From the Buchenwald ovens.

Who, dazzling rocket,

Suddenly came under fire.

Who's in the dying tank

It burned along with the armor.

Who dug into the trenches

Scraping the ground with your nails.

Heavy fire "Ferdinands",

Breast taking over.

Who is beyond the native borders

Chased a foreign army ...

The Banner of Victory is brought in.

To take out the Banner - stand up!

-the Triumph march sounds (the columns pass by the spectator stands and go to the central gate)

1st block "Triangular letters"

- on the field of the stadium. Women's dance composition-15-20 girls (naschool uniform, white bows, black men's jackets)

Extras simultaneously enter the stage and the stadium field. On esta group of girls in blue dresses, white socks, hair braided in white bows. Some girls put on men's jackets on their shoulders, others hold them in their hands, someone presses the jacket to their chest.evushek, in school dress uniform and also, black men's jackets deRpress in front of you. All artists in the form of girls who saw off their boyfriends to the front.

- the leader's exit (a young man in a white shirt and black trousers);

Kostya- In the 45th, explosions died down,

But they are forever in the memory of the country.

And we keep it carefully in the archives,

Triangular letters from the war.

-The introduction of the song “Ah, dear, if there were no war” sounds;

- extras begin to dance, jackets figuratively designate young men.

Letters from our countrymen will be heard.

Nadia E.- Here are the lines from the front-line letter to his relatives Tudup Dambaev home, in the village of Zutkuley . "... Our faith, weapons, nerves and the immortal people will win - a hero and a hero!" And these lines are from a letter from young Yakov Desyatov from the Ara-Ilinsky mine: “Hello, dear parents, mother and sister! My service is going well, and I wish you the same ... Hold on, do not be afraid. Our Motherland will protect its lands and will not allow the enemy to disturb our peace and tranquility ... "

Aldar- And here are the following lines of our fellow countryman, a native of the village of Zutkuley Tsingesambu, which he wrote to his parents from the Novosibirsk military school.

Dorji G.- 3-(text in Buryat language) “Enkheren panagdaha aba ezhy taanartaa army haluun bayary khurgeneb! Manai ene uzehe purguuli gurban tapar bolono. Negedekhi tapargni - ordinary fighter, khoerdokhin - detachment commander, gurbadahiin - platoon commander. Buryad khubuud sug baynabdi. Mende pine le, bee baragtai purgulida purazha yabanab. Dahin uulzataraa bayartai!”…

Kostya-(translation)“I send you huge army greetings! There are three departments in our school: the 1st detachment is studying to become an ordinary soldier, the 2nd squad commanders, the 3rd squadron commanders. I'm studying to be an ordinary fighter. We Buryats live together. Everything is fine. Until we meet again!

Nadia E.- Before the war, in schools, boys and girls were brought up with a love for sports, the desire to be better, stronger, to show patience and endurance. And many of our countrymen passed, like everyone else, sports standards. They proudly wore the TRP badge on their chests. They were fond of sports and were sure that if there was a war tomorrow, then the enemy would be defeated in three months, in extreme cases, tomorrow!

2nd block "May-June 41st"

Props, costumes, number of extras involved:

- on the field of the stadium. (1st group) of 20-25 girls (white skirts, white T-shirt or shirt, bright orange scarf) props - two goals on the poleatformer canvases;

(Group 2) of 20-25 boys and girls (white trousers, a white T-shirt or shirt, a bright orange scarf) props - a hoop, in the center of which there is a large red star.

- a car with a large TRP badge - (Duldurga)

- cars festively decorated for 30-40 years - (Duldurga)

-leader's exit. Reads the lines of front-line letters from our fellow countrymen;

- the background of the song “We were born to make a fairy tale come true” sounds (all the movements of the extras for this song)

- after sports compositions, a concert number:

The pre-war waltz "Year 41st" (Alkhanai) is sung by A. Shagzhaev

- the soundtrack of the first part "Invasion" sounds. Group of plastics "praboutChesom" with a dance group enters the field ...

Aldar- Saturday was the last day of peace in 1941. After a normal week of work, millions of Soviet people rested. Only in the village fields from early morning did the collective farmers go to the fields to sow, weed, and harrow on bulls.

- the first part of "The Ballad of the Mother" (Duldurga DSHI)

3rd block "Women's Battalion"

Props, costumes, extras:

-multi-colored smoke bombs or a smoke gun.-(Duldurga)

-the leader comes out in his hands holding a tunic and a leading girl whomsomolka in school uniform, Komsomol badge on the chest. (N. Myshkina)

- A dance group of boys and girls in soldiers enters the stagetform;

- Parallel to them, extras in military uniform enter the stadium field;

- disturbing music sounds. Both dance groups perform compaboutposition under one background;

Alyona.- A huge role in the won victory belongs to the Komsomol members of our region. When part of our homeland was occupied by the Germans, our Komsomol members actively joined the partisan movement.

Dorji G.- Badma Zhapovich Zhabon, our fellow countryman, Hero of Russia, a native of the village of Alkhanai, fought with particular fury against the hostile commander of the Spartak partisan detachment. Under his command, partisans participated in sabotage, blew up the railway, derailed trains with German soldiers and ammunition, set fire to stables and enemy councils.

Kostya: And then, in those first war years, letters to their relatives came from everywhere. There was no shadow of fear and hopelessness in them. They were filled with life and faith in victory. (phonogram of the driving machine, brakes, signal)

Here are the lines from Dondok Tsydenzhapov's letter from the village. Uzon: “Hello, mother, brothers, sisters, son-in-law. I'm going to the front. I am writing from the road, where is still unknown. Don't worry about me…” … who would have known that Dondok's road to the front was irrevocable.

Aldar.- (von-ma explosion projectile, whistle of bullets) These lines from a letter from his fellow countryman Boro Damdinzhapov to his teacher Baba Tsyrenov are filled with anxiety and faith in victory: “... we were landed on the left side of the city of Novorossiysk. There were fierce uninterrupted battles, bombings, shells were exploding all around. The marks of war are everywhere. The Germans, retreating, blow up everything. But they will answer for it. Soon we will see Germany with a downcast head…”

Alyona.-(explosions...) And these lines from another letter of eighteen-year-old Garma Gomboev are addressed to his mother: “After being wounded three times, he was treated in the hospital. Now they are sent to the front line. I ask you not to grieve and not to cry. If I die, then for the national, great cause ... "... Garma never returned from the battlefield.

Ochir- (explosions, planes….) We received only a few messages from our beloved son, sergeant, Dorzhitsyren Munkuev, a native of the village of Uzon. “Dear mom, dad, relatives and friends. At the moment I am in one of the active army in Lithuania. We destroy the German fascists in their lair. He died in November 1944 from his wounds.

Aldar.-(bullet whistle...) And here are the notes from the memoirs of our countrymen, now deceased senior lieutenant Grigory Fedorovich Yusypchuk: “Explosive bullets whistled over us, and I cried in that first battle. And then I got into such alterations. When 20 fighters remained alive from our regiment ...

Dorji G.- Memoirs of Ochirov Tsyren-Yeshi, an ordinary anti-aircraft artillery regiment of the 1st Belorussian Front: “German planes with crosses haunted. In groups and alone, they bombed reinforcements of our troops and equipment ...

Ochir- And here are the notes of our fellow countryman Khandriy Tsyrendorzhiyevich Tsyrendorzhiyev. “January, 28th day of the 43rd year. To the front. To the west, to defend the Fatherland. February 28, 43rd. Under the eagle, the first winter battles. September 1, 43rd. Another battle in the Veseleye area of ​​the Spas-Demensky district. Retreat. Then back to battle. And we are advancing with air support. The Fritz draped as best they could. The city of Rovno was liberated. On the move, they took the Turkish shaft and took up defense ... "

Nadia E.- Along with men, Aga women also stood up to defend the Motherland. In their letters, girlish pain, fear and real heroism are especially piercing. And they were so young. On her fragile shoulders, nurse Fedorova Anna carried the wounded soldiers from the battlefield. Amirkhanova Rashida walked along the difficult roads of the war as a telephone operator in the ranks of the Marine Corps, Medvedev Feodora defended Leningrad, Valentina Yalymova partisaned in Ukraine as a fourteen-year-old teenager, Baldanova Vandan signed on the walls of the Reichstag, Lydia Kochergina walked along with her native cannon divisional floor of Europe ...

Alyona.-From the story of a participant in the war, Sergeant Kochergina Lidia Ivanovna, the only woman who still looks at life with optimism. And with pain he recalls those terrible battles that he had to endure in that harsh wartime. “When the war began, I, without hesitation, volunteered to go to the front. Explosions, the whistle of bullets, the roar of an explosive bomb, and I need to feed my soldiers. And, not being afraid of death, I did not leave the fighters. I did not even feel that on my shoulders was not a woman's burden with heavy cans and modest provisions. I did my duty. And she got to Berlin itself!

- the text of the presenter interrupts the disturbing negotiations of the girls of the anti-aircraft gunners

- the background-ma of an alarming melody sounds ...

-dance movements sometimes display text from letters.

"Anxiety! The fascist is flying! To the weapons! Shells, let's shells! Bastards!!! fire girls.

“Katya, there is no connection! Let's connect! On the fascist beast, fire! (radostbut) on fire! Girls, damned Fritz is on fire! Again the text from the letter ...

“Hello, dear and only brother! Your sister Katya is writing to you. Every day we beat fascist planes. And every SatandThat plane brings you closer to meeting you!” The text breaks..

“Katka! Well done! Grind them, grind them! There's another one to your left! Laboutlive! Shoot, you bastard! Katya, Katya, don't die! Please don't mindandparadise! We still have to live, but live with you! We are having kids! Katia!!!" Again the text from the letter ...

“The fascist dropped a bomb on us and we were covered with earth. I thought that we had died… I was wounded… But Katya, Katya died…”

"Take it, you damned bastard!!! For Katya, for our mothers! For our Motherland, for those who are no longer with us! Get it, damn Fritz!!!

Parallel to the text, the background sounds of exploding shells, the whistle of bullets, the rumble of flying aircraft;

In the foreground, or in the background, multi-colored smoke bombs or a smoke gun flash.

4th block "Children of War"

Props, costumes, extras:

- on the field of the stadium, a junior dance group (20-25 children) (white balahon, black leotard, canvas bag h / o shoulder, soft toy, shawl, white or gray footcloths-boots);

- Youth dance group (10-15 people) in a soldier's uniform and raincoats;

- disturbing music sounds.

Kostya-Host text:-Children of war. They survived the terrible days of the bombing of the Leningrad blockade. Our district received a lot of evacuated children. And in their memory forever remained cold, hunger and the horror of the blockade days ...

Dorji G.- In children's letters to their fathers, brothers, pain, hopelessness, despair and anxiety. Here are a few lines to their fathers from the children of the blockade...

Dasha Sh.- "Hi, daddy! Your daughter is writing. Don't worry, daddy. We're holding on. And you beat the Nazis! We divide the bread into three parts, cook soup from dry glue. We believe that you will return home soon and we will be together…”

Dana S.-“... today is October 13th. We ate all the supplies of mustard and salt. It is very cold, there is nothing to heat the stove with. Today we burned my favorite book. And with her I was not at all afraid to fall asleep ... "

Alexei-“... today is January 27, 1943. Explosions are heard. Mom said that our soldiers are coming and driving the enemy away from our Motherland. - excerpts from the compositions of students of schools in the Duldurginsky district:

Nadya E.-And here are the lines from Ayuna Dugarzhapova’s essay about her grandfather Dugarzhab Dondokov, a native of the village of Chindaley: “At the beginning of the war, my grandfather fought on the Baltic front, after which he was sent to evacuate the Tula arms factory. Then he continued fighting as part of the 5th Tank Army of the 3rd Ukrainian Front. My grandfather participated in the liberation of Romania, Hungary, Austria.

The war ended in Austria. He met with death every day and was not afraid of it, because he knew that the Red Army would win!

Ochir- And these lines are from a school essay “My grandfather Batozhapov Munko. Born in Zutkuley. On July 26, 1941, he was called to the front. He served as a driver in a sapper battalion at the division headquarters. For the military way he was awarded orders, medals and received the badge "Excellent driver". 184 people left our village for the war, 93 did not return ... "

- the vocal ensemble "Sudarushki" enters the stage. Soloist ansamble I. Vinnik. PerformThe song "Children of War"

- together with the soloist on the field of the stadium a dance group of children comes out (DSHI leader Bairma Batoevna) in white overalls and a black trandco. All have knotted checkered shawls encircling back. Over the shoulder hola shoulder bag with a long strap, a white loose long shirt, on the legsRpullers, and in their hands they hold a soft toy. Choreographic composition;

-after the song "Children of War" sounds the background-ma of the explosion of bombs, everyone who fucksaboutdances on the stage, freeze in a freeze-frame, and the children fall to the ground, covering their toys with themselves;

- on the field of the stadium, young men in soldier's uniform and in white raincoats run out. They cover the children with a cloak, take them in their arms and carry them off the field;

-after returning. They perform a choreographic composition (new production, on the spot) "For the Motherland, for the world, for the future of our children!" transition to dance"On a halt" (6 pairs of Chindals)

5th block "Those who did not come from the war"

Props, costumes, extras:

- soloist in a black dress, in the hands of a black scarf;

- on the field of the stadium, a female choreographic group (10-15 people) in lengthnblack dresses and scarves, the second scarf as props, symbolize the wings of the dancers;

(new production, on the spot) extras of 15-20 young men in camouflage uniforms. Bertsy, takes. In the hands of a dummy machine. The text of the presenter against the background ofatdrinking melody:

Kostya E.-Another letter from our native from the village of Uzon to his family: “My dear mother, brothers! ... a lot of time and even years have passed since I said goodbye to you and left to beat the accursed enemy. I went through them with fierce battles, freeing the western part of Ukraine, Moldova, Romania. After recovery, maybe I'll come on a visit. I believe that victory is ours, it is already close. Wait for me. Your son Dorji Gomboev."

Nadia E.- (fon-ma mournful melody) A graduate of 1941, Garma Gomboev of the Uzon school, managed to write only a few letters to his mother from the front. In his last letter, he wrote: “Mom, we are going to the front. Direction-Moscow. We will defend our Motherland, no matter what it costs us ... ”and like millions of other mothers who received a funeral, she was waiting for her Garma all her life.

Ochir- A letter from a native of the village of Uzon, Ochirvan Samotsyrenov, dated September 22, 1941. “Hello, mom, dad, my friend Chimit!. I'm alive and well. Combat training took place. Don't worry about me..."

Alyona- And who would have thought that soon Ochirvan would die a heroic death on the battlefields...

And like millions of other mothers who received a funeral, they waited for their sons all their lives.

- Balzino "Grieving Mother" the song "Prayer" is performed by I. Vinnik and wok. ans. "Sudarushki"

-on the words of the song “……” the mothers leave the site, and meet them in theayoung men run out in muflage uniforms and berets. They have machine guns in their hands. AndWithperform the choreographic composition "Defence of the Motherland". In the last part of the composition, the soldiers are holding large red flags.(young Chindaley in military uniform)

6th block "Letter from the front to the native village"

Props, costumes, extras:

- presenters in Buryat national costumes;

- extras in Buryat national costumes (30-40 people) on the stadium field.

-sound letter sounds from the front (+);

Dorji G.-Here is a front-line letter from Erdyneev Belig to his sister Zhanchipova Zhansurun from the village of Tokchin. “... Khairatai hanagdaha aba, ezhy, egeshe, duuner taanadta amar mendy khurgeneb! Bi mende amar le dain seregei gasarta Latvi gezhe gurende bainab. Tanai zughoo besheg negeshye abana ugyb. Minii nuhed Shoynhor, Bazarzhab, Sharab, Dashadondok khanab" (text in Buryat, further translation into Russian)…

Ochir“Hello my mom, dad, brothers and sisters! I'm alive and well. At war in Latvia. I do not receive letters from you. Where are my friends Shoinkhor, Bazarzhab, Shirab, Dashadondok and Sharab?”

Nadia E.- Another letter from Belig: "...describe how the harvest of bread and hay is currently going on?" In it, he dreamed of coming to his native village, walking the streets and inhaling the smell of fragrant bird cherry, golden bread.

Where does this come from in the letters of our countrymen? After all, there was a war. Millions at the front... Well, they were young. They were ready to endure all the hardships, because they believed in a brighter future. They lived, fell in love, sang and, as they say, to the evil of all enemies, found time and danced ...

-folk dance "Buryat Suite" (DSSH Duldurga)

- Buryat folk dance - Uzon

"Ekhor" - Taptanay

-after, the extras turn to general joy, everyone hugs, shakes hands with each other. All this action, jubilation, laughter, joyful detsky voices, etc. voiced through the notation (+).

Kostya-(background sound of passing cars, brakes ...) The war required a huge amount of money, warm clothes and food. On the initiative of the women of the village of Duldurga, in January 1942, they gathered in groups and prepared parcels for sending to the front. The patriotic movement of Duldurzhan women was taken up by the women of the district and the entire district.

Alyona- In November 1942, 3359 sheepskins, 256 poods of wool, 1145 pairs of mittens, 232 pairs of linen, 882 poods of meat, 92 poods of potatoes, 79 poods of cabbage were sent to the front. Women from the villages of Chindaley and Tokchin were especially distinguished. Dulma Radnabazarova from Taptanay and Tsyrendulma Tsyrenova from the village of Alkhanai supported the call of the Duldurgins to subscribe to the 2nd war loan. Ksenia Popova and many families of the Spokoiny mine collected 1,250 gold rubles for the construction of the Trans-Baikal Prospectors tank column.

7th block "Eternal memory to those who did not come from the war"

Props, costumes, extras:

- a soloist in a blue dress and a white stole;

- extras in long white dresses, white scarves on their heads and a large white swan's wing on one shoulder.

- the background of the siren sounds;

-all extras diverge on both sides;

-leader's exit.

Kostya.- The whole country stood up to fight the enemy. The old people, and those who had barely finished school, went into battle. Many of them did not return.

Alyona- During the Second World War, 1,896 of our countrymen were called up by the military commissariat of the Duldurginsky district and sent to the front. Of these, more than half died on the fronts of the Second World War, 786 soldiers of fellow countrymen died the death of the brave, of which 171 were missing.

Ochir- The war ended, the front-line soldiers returned home and were greeted by the whole village. To the side, embracing, stood widows. What was going on in the wounded souls of women? ... And the front-line soldiers approached them and expressed their sympathy with a low bow. Thousands of widows and mothers were left alone for many years with their grief and need.

- song "Mother's Oriosa" Spanish vocal ensemble "Sudarushki" plastic group (DSHI) - part 2 "The Ballad of the Mother"

Nadya- A low bow to all mothers and widows, a low bow to our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who were not broken by the bitterness of defeat and the hell of battles, the darkness of retreat and death. You survived, defended our homeland and won the victory. You have done a great job of saving the world!

8th block "To you, peers of the 41st

Costumes, props, extras:

- on the stage, the vocal ensemble "Sudarushki" isp. The song "A brass band plays in the city garden"

Waltz - Duldurga DSSh (12 couples)

Ochir- Dear friends, dear veterans! Students and graduates of 2015 at the gala concert! They dedicate their peaceful waltz to their peers - graduates of the 41st year!

Waltz "Spring of the 45th"-DSSH No. 2 (Duldurga) - 12 couples

The dance is performed to a solo song performed by L.V. Kazakova or O.V. Zakharova.

- graduates of schools No. 1, No. 2 in a school couple enter the stadium fielddnoah form;

-after, they remain on the field of the stadium;

- a cheerful melody sounds, the host and the children's vocal group enter the stage;

9th block "Victory May"

Props, costumes, extras:

- on the stage, a mixed children's vocal group (10-15 children - Children's Art School);

- on the field of the stadium children's extras in bright skirts, trousers and blouses. In the hands of children, a bouquet of balloons, collected in the color of the St. George ribbon;

- helium balloons and paper doves, live doves;

- daily fireworks.

- Against the background of music, the presenter reads the letters again, but about the Victory, joyful and cheerful;

- cheerful military motives sound

Kostya- And these lines are from a letter from the deputy commander for the field unit, Captain Eremeev, dated September 7, 44, addressed to the mother of Zhanchib Darizhabon Darizhab Tsydenovna: “Receive greetings from the front-line command! Zhanchib is a faithful son of our country. For the fight against the German invaders, for courage and courage he was awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree. We are proud of such a courageous soldier who boldly destroys the enemy for the honor and independence of our Motherland. We are proud of your family, which is also honestly working for the benefit of strengthening our Red Army. Under the leadership of Comrade Stalin, we have almost completely liberated Soviet soil and are finishing off the fascists on his own territory.

H hello E.- In all the letters of our countrymen and hundreds of other fighters and commanders, there is an unshakable faith in the Victory. They suffered all the suffering for the sake of the future. And even going to the last battle, they believed that their children and grandchildren would sing songs of VICTORY!

- at this time, children run out onto the stadium field. Lined up in several rows. In the hands of each bouquets of balloons, collected in the color of Georgeinsky tape;

- a children's vocal group enters the stage. Perform potpourri. The song "Great-grandfather, he went through the whole war" (vok. gr. DShI);

- Concert soloists take to the stage or the vocal ensemble "Courtarushki" join the children;

-then everyone sings the song "Katyusha";

- under the song solodance "Katyusha" (DSSH No. 1)

- Musical medley sounds after;

-dance "Soldier's dance" -DSSH No. 1 (40 children)

- after, immediatelysoldier's dance "Yablochko"-Uzon (8 pairs)

- dance (Taptanai) - 8 couples

-waltz "Blossoming May" - Chindaley (6 couples)

- "Cadet waltz" - Zutkuley (8 couples)

- all participants of the theatrical concert enter the field,andfit into a specific pattern. Children have balloons in their hands filled with helium, at the end of the ribbon attached paper doves. In adults in the hands of alive Gaboutlove.

-Parallel extras, for children, labor collectives line upandyou sat down with colorful flags;

- on the treadmill, at the beginning and at the end of the drummer, between them inschildren of DSOSH No. 2 in military uniforms are being built

- a column of drummers;

- followed by children of elementary school DSOSH No. 2 (according to military branches)

- a column with large flags of the St. George ribbon (RTsB);

- column with red flags (District Administration)

- a column with blue flags (Social protection + rehabilitation center "Naran")

- a column with white flags (D\gardens)

- a column with multi-colored flags (Education);

-close the procession of a car with a TRP badge and a car decorated with a banneRami Victory.

-after,the background of the bell ringing sounds. Narration:

Vania- A golden-domed temple grew on Poklonnaya Hill,

And its majestic ringing floats over Russia.

And comes from left and right

Majestic Russian:

ALL extras: "Glory!"

Ochir- To all those who died for the Motherland

ALL extras: "Glory!"

Alyona.-To everyone who returned with victory:

ALL extras: "Glory!"

Dorji G.- To all those who forged the Victory in the rear and underground:

ALL extras: "Glory!"

Aldar-To all known and unknown heroes:

ALL extras: "Glory!"

Nadya- To our people:

ALL EXTENSION: 3 times"Glory!" after all:"HURRAH!!!"

Life goes on, runs, boils, bubbles!

And people build and forge!

And the mountains try to move, and all victorious songs are sung!

- chorus song "Victory Day";

- after the song, the announcer's text (Vanya):

Victory! Volleys thunder over us,

And the trumpets play, and we all sing.

Hello, plowman, salute to you warrior,

And SALUTE to our Motherland!!! - daytime fireworks, children release balloons and doves into the sky, everyone shouts “Hurrah!”

Mounting sheet

team, performer

replica, action, phonogram

Execution point


5 standard bearers

"Words of a familiar team..."

Central stand

Into the left side

Set up the banner of victory descend from the stage

4 Leading 20 girls of the dance group

“At 45, explosions died down, but they are forever in the memory of the country”

From the right, left wings

center field

Into the left side

They leave when the children with hoops appear on the field

Shagzhaev song "Pre-war waltz"

Music "Pre-War Waltz"

From the right and left wings

Stage Center

In the right, left wings

Come down from the stage as the drummers go to the field

1 presenter

The phonogram of the first part "Invasion" sounds. Group of plastics "combing"

from the left side

Stage Center

Into the right side

Descends from the stage when "Sudarushki" "The Ballad of a Mother" comes out

20 dance group girls

Whistle of bullets replica gunner girls disturbing music

From the left-right backstage

center field

To the left right side

Leave the field when the presenters leave

Top 5

"a huge role in our victory belongs to the Komsomol members"

From the left right side

Center of the stage right left side of the field

To the left right side

the host's text interrupts the alarming conversations of the anti-aircraft gunner girls

4 girls anti-aircraft gunners

"Alarm, the fascist is flying!"

And left backstage

Stage Center

Into the right side

After the appearance of the dance group of girls and boys

6 leading

"They survived the war children..."

From the left-right backstage

Stage Center

To the left right side

Song "Children of War"

Soloist and children of the dance group

"Children of War" song

From the right left side

center of stage center of field

To the left right side

Soldiers run out and take the children away from the field

A dancing group

"On a halt"

From the right left side

center field

To the left right side

After the exit, the leader with the remark “Another letter ...” leaves the field.

4 presenters with a dance group

"swans" replica "One more letter ..."

From the right left side

Stage, midfield

To the left right side

Soloist Vinnik I.

Youth dance group

"Grieving Mother"

From the left-right backstage

center field center stage

To the left right side

The presenter reads a letter home from the front, at this time they leave the stage

3 leading

“Here’s another front-line letter…..”

From the right left side

To the left right side

25 girls and boys of the dance group

"People's Suite"

From the right left side

center field

To the left right side

20 girls boys

"Buryat yokhor"

From the right left side

center field

To the left right side

The phonogram of the joyful jubilation of people sounds, the dance group does not leave, the presenters come out

2 leading

"The war demanded a huge amount of money"

From the left side

Into the right side

4 leading dance group on the sides of the field

"Siren" "The whole country began to fight the enemy"

From the right left side

center field

To the left right side

After the words "A low bow to all mothers and widows ..." The ensemble "Sudarushki" comes out

Ensemble "Sudarushki"

"Mother's Oriosa"

From the right left side

"Woman's share"

Ensemble "Sudarushki" 12

"a brass band plays in the city garden"

From the right left side

To the left right side

12 pairs of dance group girls boys soloist Kazakova L.V.

"Spring 45"

From the right left side

center field scene

To the left right side

1 leading children's vocal group

And these lines from the letter "song

"Grandfather, he went through the war"

From the right left side

center field scene

To the left right side

The vocal group remains on stage, "Sudarushki" come out to them

Vocal group of children "Sudarushki" dance soloist Shchebenkova N.


From the right left side

center field scene

To the left right side

40 children of the dance group

"Soldier's dance"

From the right left side

To the left right side


From the right left side

scene field

To the left right side

6 pairs of children of the dance group

"Flowering May"

From the right left side

scene field

To the left right side

8 pairs of children of the dance group

"Cadet Waltz"

From the right left side

scene field

To the left right side

Leading labor groups all dance and vocal groups

In the words "A golden-domed temple grew on the bow mountain"

All field scene

Vocal group of children "Sudarushki"

"Victory Day"

Right left backstage right left side of the field

Scene all field

Day fireworks helium balloons song finale of the concert

Sound and noise score of the theatrical concert "Revived Letters"

replica, action

Name of the track



"Words of a familiar team"

"March of the Cavalry"

“Explosions died down at 45!”

"Oh dear, if there were no war

Leaders read lines of letters

"phonogram we were born to make a fairy tale come true"

The performance of the dance group is sung by Shagzhaev

"before the war waltz of 45"

"Mother's Ballad"

“whistling of bullets talks of gunner girls”

"Anxiety fascist flies"

"disturbing music"

"Children of war"

"On a halt"

"Grieving mother

"People's Suite"

"Buryat dance"

“The whole country has become involved in the fight against the enemy”


"Mother's Oriosa"

song dance

"A Brass Band Plays in the City Garden"

song dance

"Spring 45"


"great-grandfather he went through the war"

"Another letter..."

"Cossacks" soundtrack

song dance


"Soldier's dance"



"Flowering May"

"Cadet Waltz"

“A golden-domed temple has grown on the bow mountain ....”

"bell ringing"

"Victory Day"

Calculation of participants

Actors, teams



Konstantin Egorov

Aldar Chimitdorzhiev

Nadezhda Efimova

Dorzhi Bolotov

Ensemble "Sudarushki"

senior dance group

Junior dance group

Dance group TSH

Dance group ZSSh

Dance group TSH

Dance group BSSH

Vocal group DShI

Dance Group USSH

Vocal group BSSH

Boy reading the letter "Children of War"

Dana Sokolova

Girl reading the letter "Children of War"

Sergei Sokolov

Soloist of the ensemble "Sudarushki"

Irina Vinnik, Larisa Kazakova

Costume calculation

Calculation of inventory and props

Name of props and inventory



Fabric red (for 20 flags)

Blue fabric (for 20 flags)

White fabric (for 20 flags)

Fabric black (for 20 flags)

Fabric orange (for 20 flags)

Gymnastic hoop

Fabric blue (for double pole flags)

Rough fabric (burlap canvas)

White fabric (children's car)

Paper A4 multi-colored

artificial flowers

Balloons with helium

Safe fireworks

daytime fireworks

I approve

Director of MBUK SKTs Dabayeva D.D.

The date __________________

Signature _______________




Price, rub.

Amount RUB

Banner stretching (front side of the stage)

Arched garland of balloons (above the stage)


Fabric red (for 20 flags)

Blue fabric (for 20 flags)"

White fabric (for 20 flags)

Fabric black (for 20 flags)

Gymnastic hoop

fabric blue

Rough cloth

Fabric white

St. George's fabric for decoration

Paper A4 color

artificial flowers

Balloons with helium

Safe fireworks

daytime fireworks

Banner program celebration

Result: 31,780,000 rubles

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    Genre variety of thematic evenings, development of scenarios and methodological requirements for their preparation. The laws of compositional construction, the choice of topics and the use of various means of influence in a theatrical themed evening.

    term paper, added 06/02/2012

    Spiritual and moral development and improvement of the personality as a process of formation of new value orientations of the moral plan. The figurative and symbolic nature of artistic creation, its impact on the emotional and sensual sphere of personality.

    term paper, added 04/23/2014

    The concept of composition in various arts (music, visual arts, architecture). Analysis of the script, production block and director's development of the round table "Women in Business" and the competition program Business Lady "Miss SIU 2006".

    term paper, added 02/21/2009

    The history of the dance show in the USA and in Europe. Variety of genres in the show. Analysis of the current state of show programs on television and stage. Specific features of the choreographer's work in show programs. Practical recommendations for staged work.

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