Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the Day of the Fairy Tale Theater. Next is a discussion


To the music, the children enter the hall and sit down.


Viewer! Let me turn to you!

Today you should shine and glow!

Today you are just waiting for the best!

And all because you go to the theater ...

Dear friends, I am very glad to see you at our Theater Meetings.

Today is a significant day - International Theater Day.

And the theater is the actors and spectators, the stage, costumes, scenery, applause and, of course, fairy tales.

Tell me, is it more interesting to live: with fairy tales or without them? (children's answers)

Song "Good Tale" (Art. Gr)


It's good to have a theatre!

He is always there and will always be with us!

Who watched our fabulous performance

He will never forget!

A child comes out (Vovka - 8)

Vovka - Oh. Where did I get to?

There must be a noisy ball here!

I see many different colors

I'll come closer.


We are always glad to guests,

So introduce yourself to your friends!

Vovka: You didn't recognize me?

My name is Vovka, my friends!

I came to you from a fairy tale,

Where a little lazy


Guys, did you recognize our guest?

This is Vovka from a distant kingdom.

Vovka: The kingdom is far away known,

And of course. very interesting.


Stay on our holiday.

Color shine! Magic!

We continue the celebration!

There is no better dance in the world

Than bright colors our ballet.

Dance "Anna"


What a wonderful dance the colors gave us! And the spring bouquet is even more beautiful!

The girl Spring enters (


My paint friends did not spare the most beautiful tones for him!

Vovka: Of all the flowers, no doubt,

I love brothers, black.

There are no visible spots on it.

Neatness is better than beauty!

Paints come out (children st. gr8)

Paints (in chorus) - Different paints are needed,

All of them are important in life.

Red paint: - Spring will not be mistaken in this,

Be proud of every color

But still, I’ll tell you, friends, you can’t do without me!

Most important of all, no doubt. I!

Blue Paint: No, no! About blue tones

The birds are chirping in the sky,

Streams, and rivers, and seas ...

They can't do without me!

Yellow paint: (boy)

I am the brother of the sun

I am yellow.

From dandelions to you all

I give a colorful bouquet.

Do not argue, dear friends.

You can't do without yellow!

Spring (goes to the middle)

Your dispute. believe me, to nothing

I love every color.

My turn comes again.

And the spring sun will rise.

I will pick you up drop by drop

In a spring colorful bouquet.

Vovka: Collecting a bouquet is not difficult

Flowers will not run away into the forest.

I will collect my bouquet

And I will give you today

(Vovka catches Paints, they scatter)

Vovka: It was not possible to collect a bouquet,

All that was left was for me to cry.

And the holiday became nothing for me,

Maybe I'll go home!

Spring: Effort is important for every business,

Need patience, need attention

After all, all the guys always know

That without difficulty…….

Children: You can't even catch a fish from the pond.


You don't like to work

What about receiving gifts?

Vovka: I love it!


Stay with us, you will find many surprises!

Leading group №7

And spring has come to us again.

Her breath we feel

The rivers woke up from sleep.

And the birds can already be heard chirping

With spring comes to visit us,

Magic feast of the theater

After all, the theater is laughter and din,

And the lyrics are nice!

Song: "Spring" (


1. Warmed by the spring sun,

Spring streams run

Greetings from a young spring

They pass it on to all of us.

2. Already the frosts are receding

Winter has already come to an end

And there, in the forest, where the snow melted

The little snowdrop has blossomed!

Dance: "Flowers" (art. gr 7)


You can't live without fairy tales,

Adults and children love them

We will show you scenes from fairy tales now.

And you, all the viewers will recognize you!

It turns out Prince-in the hands of a shoe (7 gr)

Prince: I can't find a place for myself.

Where can I look for my bride?

I wanted to invite her to dance

But suddenly the clock began to strike twelve!

She suddenly ran away.

And she didn't tell me anything!

And now in my hands I have

She has only one shoe

(shows shoe)

The King and Princess appear. 7 gr.

King: My poor boy is completely sad,

Well, I tried on the shoe for everyone.

And if at the right time the girl has to,

She will be called the bride of the Prince!

(the king takes the shoe from the prince, the princess approaches him)

First Princess: Try it on for me!

(stretches leg)

Second Princess: Me too!

(stretches leg)

Together: How are you?

King: This shoe is too small for you!

Who else to try on?

Enter Cinderella

Cinderella: - Me! (the king puts on a shoe)

KING She suits you perfectly!

(the king takes the prince by the hand and leads him to Cinderella)

King: Here is the dear Prince. Your bride!

You dance with her.

Dance of the Prince and Cinderella.


Little girl

Goes to grandma

And as a gift to my grandmother

Carries a basket

And there are pies in the basket!

How good are they!

(Little Red Riding Hood enters to the music)

Red Riding Hood:

old grandmother,

I love mine

And a present for grandmother

I'll take it today.

dear grandma,

I love mine.

funny song,

I'll sleep now!

Round dance with grandmother.

The wolf comes out: (7 gr)

Wolf: Hey. Wait. Where are you hurrying?

You can't run from me!

If I only want

I'll swallow you up!

Little Red Riding Hood: What are you, wait!

Look: there ahead,

My grandmother's house

I need to get to her soon!

Wolf: What are you talking about?

Red Riding Hood:

I bring her pies

Here are some look!

Wolf: I understand everything, I am silent

(strokes her belly)

Well. And I want to eat!

Little Red Riding Hood: So come with me soon,

To my dear grandmother

Let's give her pies

Let's eat delicious food together!

They're coming.

(grandmother comes out of the house)

Grandmother, my dear granddaughter,

Why did you bring the wolf?

I'm very afraid of him!

Little Red Riding Hood Hush, grandma, don't be afraid!

We came to visit you

And wish you good health.

- Now let's get together.

Sing and dance together.

Dance "General" (all children)

Host: - And Vasilisa the Wise gave me a magic chest. And it’s not easy to open it, you need to name the names of fairy-tale heroes:

- Guys, what fairy-tale characters do you know? (called)

- The chest is open! He wants to play with you, he wants to check if you know fairy-tale items. According to the description of the item, you need to guess what is in the chest.

1. Using the item inside the chest, you can make a variety of things, or you can kill a terrible villain. (needle)

2. What object made the old man and the old woman cry after the trick of the little animal? (egg)

3. Here is a toy that was given a very funny name because it fell off the table. Who is it? (Cheburashka)

4. In the chest there is an object that the fox exchanged for a chicken (Rolling pin)

5. Here is the thing that the crocodile ate. What kind of thing, what is the name of the fairy tale, who is the author? (Washcloth, Chukovsky, Moidodyr)

Host: - (group 8) - Applause thunders!

The artists came out to bow

Who made friends with the theater

Never part with him!

Glory! Glory to all artists

Musicians and singers!

Their magical art

Makes kinder hearts!

Leading (group 7) - While they sang and danced,

The day is over and now

The stars twinkled in the sky

The moon rises over the river.

Everyone excelled today.

Everyone, every good fellow!

And now it's time to say goodbye

The holiday has come to an end.

Educators of group No. 2 and group No. 9 present tickets for a fairy tale and a circus performance! (This performance and the fairy tale will be shown by guys from other groups)

Scenario dedicated to the International Theater Day.

Prepared by the teacher of the Ovation theater-studio MBOU "Gorkovskaya secondary school"

Dubinina Evgenia Alexandrovna.

The whole world is a theater, and our school too!


  1. To expand children's knowledge of theater as an art form.

  2. To develop creative activity, to intensify the activity of children in the search and transmission of a stage image using a variety of expressive means.

  3. To cultivate respect for one's own and others' activities, the ability to cooperate, readiness for co-creation.
Equipment: MM projector, screen, audio recordings, makeup, theater props, costumes, presentation, task cards.

Event progress:

Presenter 1:

Let's quietly

Let's we tremble

We'll open the curtains now

And into the realm of the theater, magical, marvelous

We tiptoe in quietly.

The magic of the stage will swirl us furiously

Let's hit the road

So that in an amazing world,

beautiful, life-giving

At least take a peek...

Host 2:

Yes, today we will talk about the theater. I want to talk a little about the history of the theatre.

The word theater is Greek. It means both the place where the spectacle takes place and the spectacle itself. Theatrical art arose a very long time ago, more than two and a half thousand years ago.

In ancient Greece, performances sometimes went on for several days. Spectators came to them, stocking up on food. Huge crowds of people were seated on dais, and the action itself took place in the arena, located right on the grass. March 27 in Ancient Greece was the Great Dionysia - holidays in honor of the god of winemaking Dionysus. They were accompanied by processions and fun, there were many mummers. And since 1961, this day, March 27, has been celebrated all over the world as International Theater Day.
Presenter 1:
It's good to have a theatre!

He was and will be with us forever.

Always ready to assert

Everything that is human in the world.

Everything is fine here - gestures, masks,

Costumes, music, game.

Here our fairy tales come to life

And take off the bright world of good.
Music sounds.


I am a Melpomene. I play drama

I show tragedy

And the black tragic mantle

Surrounded me for life...


I am Thalia. I have a wreath of ivy,

I'm all beautiful like a flower of love

I am cheerful, beautiful, omnipotent

I am applauded by the west and east.
So, dear guests, today something unusual will happen here: by the power given to me by the theatrical scenes, I dedicate you to the Spectators! But for this we have to make a journey into the distant and mysterious world of the theater...
Once upon a time it started...

Tragedy and Comedy appear on the scene.

In the mountains, on a rock, dreaming of revenge,
There was a tragedy, thin and evil.
And next to Comedy sat,
She sang all the songs and ate gingerbread.
In the morning, gathering fruits and roots,
They rested by the mountain lakes,
Leading an endless dispute among themselves,
With a smile one, the other with contempt,
One said:

Needed in the world
Tragedies, secrets and a sharp dagger,
And for the hero to die behind the screen.
Leading: Another screamed
Comedy: Why do we need a dagger?!
Good luck, success, beautiful dreams,
To make people laugh
Breaking their bellies.
Tragedy: One must live skillfully, cunningly and wisely.
Where to kill, poison or hang.
Hit, take away, slap on the back of the head.
Comedy: And I do not agree to shamelessly live!
Try to be kind, make people laugh!
Tragedy: Be kind! Green game! Nonsense!
Is there anything better than the joy of sin?

In the corner of the stage, the Elder wakes up and pulls himself up.

Presenter1: Once such they raised a cry,
That the shaggy old man woke up in anger -
Great sorcerer, irritable grandfather,
Slept in a cave for three thousand years!
And the old man yelled:
Elder: What is this war?
I'll show you how to wake the sorcerer!
So, to end your strife,
I will fuse you together for all time!
Leading: He took the comedy with one hand,
He seized the tragedy with another hand
And he threw them into a jug green, green like the sea.
And fidelity, and anger, kindness and dope,
And pure truth, and vile deceit.
As soon as he put the jug on the fire,
Smoke billowed over the forest like a black tent.
Higher and higher, to the mountain peaks.
The old man looks at the jug with curiosity:

When everything is melted, tormented,
What the hell is going on there?
The jug cools down and the experience is ready.
And suddenly it broke into hundreds of pieces,
A beautiful glow suddenly rose...
And then the miracle of the theater was born!

Presenter1: Let's plunge into this wonderful world of passions and life!
Theater is a deep sea, whose waves are inspiration, talent and creativity, giving people the joy of meeting with beautiful art. And this joy returns along invisible threads to the actors, forcing them to create a performance, each time new and unique!
Host 2: Yes, theater is a game. Each of us plays different roles throughout our lives. How many roles do you play in your life? Houses? At school? And in the yard, on the street? This means that each of you is an actor with his own stage and audience. One of the main elements of the theater is play. And now we're going to play a little. We are, first of all, spectators and should be a grateful audience. Let's imagine that a symphony orchestra has just performed on the stage, the audience, i.e. you, delighted, how will we applaud then? And now, if on stage - "Variety Ensemble",
- "Failure"
- "Symphony Orchestra",
- "A wild success, but the artists miss their plane"
With the help of applause, they express their attitude towards the one who performs at this concert or meeting. Since the attitude towards the speaker can be different, applause is also different. Fake applause, which could be defined as...

  1. stormy, enthusiastic;

  2. loud, encouraging;

  3. restrained, delicate;

  4. lazy condescending;

  5. ingratiating, sycophantic.

Presenter1: So, for you, our first task, which is called "Theatrical Basics" and assumes knowledge of theatrical terminology and history. In other words, a warm-up. , with the help of which we will recruit our theatrical corpse. Melpomene and Thalia will follow the answers from the audience, and. if they are correct, invite applicants to the stage. Is the assignment clear? Begin!
Presenter2: 1. What were the names of the first actors in Russia? (buffoons)
2. Who prepares and directs the performance? (Producer)
3. What is the name of the conversation between two actors on stage? (Dialog)
4. What are the special theatrical face paints called? (Makeup)
5. What is the name of the phenomenon when the auditorium is full and there are no tickets at the box office? (Full house)
6. What is the name of the special lighting devices used in the theater? (soffits, spotlights)
7. What is the name of fake objects used in the theater instead of real things? (Props)
8. What is the name of the actor. Working with dolls? (Puppeteer)
9. What is the name of the art of creating a stage image with the help of plasticity, facial expressions, gestures? (Pantomime)
10. What is the name of the sheet on which information about the upcoming performance is given? (Poster)
11. What is the name of the stage design at the performance? (Decoration)
12. What is the name of the artificial hair product that the actors wear to the performance? (Wig)

(Assistants work in the hall, who monitor the answers and invite those who answered correctly to the stage.)


I'm under my wing

These beautiful youths

I will take them and take them to the wonderful world of the theater ....


But what about without me? Without dreams and wondrous songs?

I will go with you and awaken talents!

Once upon a time, there was a cruel rule in the theater: each actor had his own role, that is, the actors played only those roles that were more suitable for them in terms of their character. In modern theater there is no rigid division into roles. And the actor who played the villain yesterday can play the romantic goodie today. The variety of characters offered requires serious professional training. But whatever the image, any actor can not do without good diction. And we invite the members of the troupe to take turns pronouncing the tongue twisters that we will offer you, first loudly and clearly, and then also in unison and in a whisper. So, diction training.

(Children are given cards with texts of tongue twisters. Children take turns completing the task. Several cards are also offered to teachers present in the hall)

  1. The bull is stupid, stupid bull, the bull has a blunt lip.

  2. From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

  3. There is a priest on a shock, a cap on the priest, a shock under the priest, a priest under the cap.

  4. Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Do not cut wood on the grass of the yard.

  5. Grek rode across the river, he sees Grek - there is cancer in the river. The Greek put his hand into the river cancer for the hand of the Greek tsap.

  6. Karl stole the corals from Clara, Clara stole the clarinet from Karl. Clara severely punished Karl for stealing the coral.

  7. Prokop came - dill boils, Prokop left - dill boils. And under Prokop, dill boils, and without Prokop, dill boils.

  8. The heron withered, the heron withered, the heron died.

  9. The weaver weaves fabric on Tanya's dress.

  10. Frol was walking along the highway to play checkers with Sasha.

  11. The snake stung the snake, the snake did not get along with the snake,
I've already become terrified,

Do not eat the snake of the snake-husband, without the snake-husband it will be worse.

  1. Admiral dev selected, measured and died

  2. Oh, you lions, didn't you howl at the Neva?

  3. Babkin's bean blossomed in the rain - there will be a grandmother's bean in borscht

  4. Beaver, be kind, get cobras

  5. She was at Frol's, she lied to Lavr Frola.
I'll go to the Lavra, to the Frol Lavra Navra.

  1. In a thunderstorm from a load of watermelons, the body collapsed

  2. In the bowels of the tundra, otters in leggings dig into buckets of cedar kernels

  3. Valeria to Valery went to Karelia

  4. Here are the kids: Masha, Misha.

  5. Masha is smaller, Misha is taller.

  6. Forgot Pankrat Kondratov jack.

  7. Kondrat without a jack cannot be lifted on the tract by a tractor.

  8. The mower Kasyan obliquely mows obliquely. The mower Kasyan does not mow the mowing

  9. Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood. In the hood, the cuckoo is funny.

  10. Varvara was picking grapes on Mount Ararat

  11. Was it because of the abundance of lilies that mademoiselles were brought here?


Yesterday he was a victim, today he is an executioner.

In the morning he is a king, and in the evening he is a tired slave.

He doesn't care for laughter and tears.

He lived a hundred lives in one - everything is not enough.

Well, who else can combine so many images and destinies in one? There is only one such wizard. It's called an actor.
Waist:. The art of the actor is the creation on the stage of the image of a person, positive or negative, the protagonist of the play. In his work, the actor uses the tools that nature has given him: body, movement, speech, voice, gesture, facial expressions. He is helped by memory, observation, imagination, emotionality.
Melpomene:: A living word can make you rejoice, grieve, experience different feelings ... And how important is the intonation of the spoken word, that musical instrument of human speech, which gives it expressiveness and emotionality. Our next task: You need to say a phrase with a different intonation, but in such a way that the audience can understand your emotions. The phrase for everyone will be the same: “Good afternoon, dear philologist!” But the intonation with which you need to pronounce the phrase, everyone will get their own.

I will ask the participants to come up to me in turn, receive tasks and immediately complete them. Let's start...
Tasks for participants: "Say a phrase with one of the intonations:

With delight;

With contempt;

With tenderness;

With hate;

With laziness;

With envy;

With fear;

With joy;


With desperation;

With anguish;

With jealousy;

With cheerfulness;

With audacity.

(you can offer the task to teachers)
Leading: Thank you all! You did an excellent job with this job. And now we complicate the task.
Melpomene: Recitation is the expressive reading of poetry. But sometimes it is simply impossible to recite poetry beautifully. Try to read the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Sail", but as if ...

  1. you are very cold;

  2. your leg is crushed;

  3. you have a hot potato in your mouth;

  4. you want to sleep very much;

  5. you are a speaker that humanity listens to

  6. you are a three-year-old kid reciting a poem in front of guests

  7. you teach your little brother

  8. (You can offer the teacher to read the quatrain

  9. You teach the parents of the students at the parent-teacher meeting.

  10. Perform in front of first graders.
Presenter1: Bravo! All of you, my friends, deserve applause! Let's give each other another round of applause.
Presenter2: Human speech is alive, bright, so different…. But the hardest part of being an actor is playing an animal. Indeed, for this it is necessary to be very observant, especially since you cannot use words, but you need to accurately recreate sounds and movements. After all, animals can communicate with each other.

Presenter1: And now the participants of our workshop will break into pairs and depict the meeting of two animals that will communicate with each other. So, Animal Talk. The first couple will be presented to us by Melpomene and Thalia. (The rest of the couples are given cards with the names of animals).

"chicken and rooster", "pig and cow", "big and small dog", "dialogue of two monkeys", and "wolf and goat", "cat and dog", "goose and duck". While I was handing out tasks, the first couple had to prepare. Guys, please to the microphones.

Presenter2: We have a wonderful zoo! Let's once again support our actors with applause.

The next non-quest will not involve any sounds at all. Now, with the help of facial expressions and gestures, each of you will have to show a certain profession, the name of which you will receive on the cards. The task of the audience is to determine what profession you are “talking about”.
Professions: cook, pianist, teacher, doctor, janitor, driver, athlete, writer, tailor, salesman, waiter, hairdresser, hunter, military man, photographer, actor.
Presenter1: Thanks to all team members! I see that a real actor lives in each of you! And now let's divide into two groups of 6 people each and try to combine sound and picture, replicas and gestures with facial expressions, improvisation and tradition. The teams will take turns depicting the given situations without preparation:
a) six old women who see their grandchildren being beaten;

b) six adults ask their pupils to get down from the tree;

c) six guys, standing under the windows, call their lovers;

d) six fans in the stadium;

e) six people on a desert island suddenly saw a ship;

f) six students who have just learned that there will be no lesson, because the teacher got sick
Presenter2:Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!
Presenter2: Theater is a collective matter. Even if the actor talentedly creates the image of the hero on stage, but his costume is not sewn accurately, that is, without taking into account the time specifics, the historical era, then the viewer will not fully trust the actor's game and take his role seriously. For the next competition, we invite 3 people from the troupe: an actor, a make-up artist and a costume designer. (To exiting participants) In the allotted time, you will need to create an image that you will choose by lot. Is the task clear? Then you can go to the dressing rooms, and get ready for the demonstration and participation in the competition "Theatrical Wizards"
2 dressing rooms, 2 boxes of theatrical make-up, costumes, cards with the written names of the characters, in the image of which the contestants will have to reincarnate.
Presenter1: In the meantime, our participants are preparing, I invite respected teachers to the stage. After all, each of them is an artist, and a director, and an artist, and a make-up artist, and a screenwriter ... (6 people).

More recently, guys with different intonations uttered the same phrase. I want to offer a similar exercise to you, but your phrase will be different: “Again you have not learned the rule!” Intonation clues on the cards: indignation, surprise, delight, fear, respect, thoughtfulness.

And now the time has come

Communicate with gestures, yes, yes!

I give you a card

In response, I expect gestures from you .

Please come here”, “leave immediately”, “hello, dear guests”, “goodbye, it was a pleasure to meet you”, “please be quiet”, “you can’t do this”, “”, “don’t interfere, I think”, “I seem to understand everything.”
Presenter2: And once again, our beloved teachers reveal their many talents. In my opinion, they deserve the most enthusiastic applause!
Presenter1: And we invite the next six teachers. (Teachers sit on chairs).

Although today the queues in our country have become much smaller, none still exist. It is very interesting to watch people standing in lines. After all, in different queues, people behave differently. Try to stage a queue standing (sitting) in ...

  1. dental office;

  2. fashion photo studio;

  3. examination room (Certification Commission);
Presenter2: Thank you, dear teachers, go to your seats.

And on the stage we invite three guys who are waiting for their comrades., And three teachers. So, we again have two troupes.

Presenter1: Once upon a time in the theater there was such a position: a prompter., That is, a person who, being in a special place, if necessary, prompted the text to the actors, if they, God forbid, forget it. Now there are no such positions in the theater. But let's try. We invite three people from each troupe: to participate in the "Prompters" competition. One of the teachers will act as a prompter for the children, and one of the students will become a prompter for the teachers. Now prompters will receive texts from the play. Actors have an idea about their characters, but do not know the texts of their roles. The task of the prompters is as follows: to convey the text very quietly to the actors, so that the viewer does not understand that the actors do not know him. Go in turn to the imaginary prompter booth and try to do your job well. Remember that in the old days the success of the theater depended on the work of the prompter.

The prompters are given the texts of excerpts from the plays.
There is a competition.
Presenter2: I think our Theater Wizards are ready too. Let's welcome them.
The guys come out, play a scene. Talk about the created images.

Presenter1: Since the times of Ancient Egypt and Ancient Rome, the rulers of countries have set up parks near their palaces. Sculptures have always been one of the decorations of parks. As a rule, the sculptures in the park were connected thematically, that is, all the sculptures were a single gallery. This sculptural gallery could be called "Muses", "Nymphs", "Heroes". In the 20th century, sculptures from the cycles "Pioneer Activists", "Women with Children", "Athletes and Sportswomen" were popular. Create a new sculptural composition for the new park. A is called the composition

1.“Victims” of sports” (for children), and it includes sculptures:

  1. a weightlifter who did not have time to jump off the bar;

  2. the goaltender who caught the puck with his teeth;

  3. a skydiver who forgot what to pull;

  4. a gymnast who did not exit the triple pirouette in time;

  5. a skier who did not have time to escape from a mountain avalanche.
2. The dream of a rural teacher.

Presenter2: Thanks to all participants of sculptural compositions. Let's send them to the hall with a standing ovation!

Theater - and without mysteries? Disorder!

This art is a secret from birth

He combined the arts in such a way,

That in it they merged into one.

And the flow of music, and the rampage of dance,

Fire of poems, canvas paintings...
But still, the main action in the theater is a performance. The light of the ramp illuminates the stage, the actors are excited, the make-up artists are putting the finishing touches, the conductor is waving his baton….

Let's try to put on a little impromptu play. So we need actors. We invite everyone to the stage, both from the number of children and from among the teachers.

Impromptu theatre.

Presenter1: What a miracle - to be in a fairy tale

With the heroes of suddenly revived legends!

We are surprised by their costumes, masks,

Captures the action of the moment.
Presenter2: They sing, mourn, meditate...

The intensity of passions is transmitted to us.

They light our souls with the game of our souls,

Their art is theater, not farce.

Actors are an amazing tribe

And if they die, then for a while,

So that with traces of sweat on the face

Still have time to bow at the end.

Yes, we do not entertain your eyes for a long time,

Alas, the actors are not long-lived!

But - among the universal turmoil -

We squeeze into one hundred lives!
Presenter1: Our theatrical evening on stage is ending, and we want to thank everyone for their support and co-creation.
Presenter2: And before we say goodbye, I would like to recall the words of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol:

“The theater is by no means a trifle and not at all an empty thing, if you take into account the fact that a crowd can fit in it, which is in no way similar to each other, but which can suddenly shake with one shock, sob with some tears and laugh with one common laughter. The theater is a pulpit from which one can say a lot of good to the world.”

Theater is like love, it is like a rush,

He is the one who

You return both friend and relatives.

Theater is a god whose angels are actors,

Even if they are not angels!

Waist: Love the theater for youth, for intelligence, for mischief, for its holy scope, for those wonderful impulses of the souls of the actors that they share with the audience, as soon as the theater curtain rises. And we once again congratulate everyone on the day of the theater!

Scenario for preschoolers for the "day of the theater"

Children enter the hall to the music in costumes with tickets and take their seats


What a miracle - to be in a fairy tale

With the heroes of suddenly revived legends!

We are surprised by their costumes, masks,

Captures the action of the moment.

They sing, mourn, meditate...

The intensity of passions is transmitted to us.

The game of their souls ignite us.

Their art is theater, not farce.

Today we praise the skill of actors,

We hasten to congratulate them on the Day of the Theater,

Make-up artists, dressers and prompters -

Thank you all for the magic!

Leading. Good afternoon guys. Before starting our holiday, I want to ask you a riddle:

There's a stage and backstage

Both actors and actresses

There is a poster and intermission,

Scenery, full house.

And, of course, the premiere!

You probably guessed...


(The story is accompanied by slide show No. 1)

Yes, today we will talk about the theater. I want to talk a little about the history of the theatre.

The word theater is Greek. It means both the place where the spectacle takes place and the spectacle itself. Theatrical art arose a very long time ago, more than two and a half thousand years ago.

In ancient Greece, performances sometimes went on for several days. Spectators came to them, stocking up on food. Huge crowds of people were seated on dais, and the action itself took place in the arena, located right on the grass. March 27 in Ancient Greece was the Great Dionysia - holidays in honor of the god of winemaking Dionysus. They were accompanied by processions and fun, there were many mummers. And since 1961, this day, March 27, began to be celebrated all over the world as

International Theater Day.


It's good to have a theatre!

He was and will be with us forever.

Always ready to assert

Everything that is human in the world.

Everything is fine here - gestures, masks,

Costumes, music, game.

Here our fairy tales come to life

And take off the bright world of good.

Sounds muses "Pinocchio" No. 2.


Do you know where this music comes from?

Pinocchio enters to the music.


Hello guys! I was in such a hurry to visit you for the holiday, I wanted to be the first to run. Let us know that we have prepared a gift for you.

Haven't Malvina and Piero arrived yet?

Well then, while they are not there yet, let's play my favorite game with you.

"Zverorbika" No. 3 is being held.

The cat sat on the window

And she began to wash her ears with her paw.

After watching her for a while,

We can repeat her movements.

One, two, three - well - repeat!

Three, four, five - repeat again!

Repeat again!

The snake crawls along the forest path

Like a ribbon, it slides on the ground,

And we are such a movement

We can show you by hand.

One, two, three - well - repeat!

One, two, three - well - repeat!

Three, four, five - repeat again!

Three, four, five - repeat again!

Repeat again!

A heron stands in the swamp all day

And catches frogs with its beak

It's not hard to stand like that

For us, for trained guys.

One, two, three - well - repeat!

One, two, three - well - repeat!

Three, four, five - repeat again!

Three, four, five - repeat again!

Repeat again!

Lives in the world a lot

Monkeys, cats, birds and snakes

But man - you are a friend of nature,

And he must know the habits of all animals.

One, two, three - well - repeat!

One, two, three - well - repeat!

Three, four, five - repeat again!

Three, four, five - repeat again!

Repeat again!

Pierrot appears to the music


Oh, guys, listen, Pierrot is coming. Now I'll play a trick on him: I'll hide, but you don't say that you saw me.


Hello guys. Have you seen Pinocchio here? (puts the suitcase on the floor)

Guys, so I came first?

Pinocchio quietly takes the suitcase.


Malvina has prepared a surprise for you, and I brought it to you. (turning) Oh, where is he?

(looks for coming to the curtain, Pinocchio flies out in a ghost costume to music No. 4.

Pierrot falls, cries. Pinocchio takes off his suit and begins to calm him down.


Guys help me cheer up Pierrot. Who will help us cheer up Pierrot?

The song "Miracle Theater" No. 5 is performed

There are many theaters in the city, many artists in the city

And we are growing to replace them, growing up very quickly.

And we have a holiday today. Quietly the curtain opened

And suddenly the prankster Pinocchio appeared on the stage.

Chorus: There is a miracle in the world.

It's hard to believe in fairy tales.

Children know this miracle

It's called theater.

Pierrot continues to cry.

Pinocchio. I know a fun game that will definitely amuse Pierrot.

Children with Pinocchio perform dance "4 steps" No. 6 (Pinocchio confuses children)

Pierrot smiles

Malvina enters to the music.

Malvina. Hello guys. I see you are all here already. Piero, where is my suitcase?

Pierrot. I don't know, he disappeared somewhere (crying)

Pinocchio. I know (takes out suitcase)

Malvina. ( Opens the suitcase) here I have a secret for you, try to guess it.

A competition is held "collect and recognize a fairy-tale hero" (Piero, Pinocchio) - Relay

Heroes treat children.

Leading. Thank you dear guests. Our little artists have prepared a gift "Forest Fairy Tale" for you.

(Music sounds visiting the fairy tale.)

Don't forget the stories

Read them with interest.

We are waiting for you, friends,

We will always be glad to you!

The holiday began with a story about the emergence of the theater. The performance was held in an interactive form, during which the audience played and participated in competitions, and also learned and remembered many concepts and terms about the theater, also tried themselves in pantomime, and were costume designers. Young actors of the theater association "Ovation" presented the audience with a theatrical performance "Make Nesmeyana Laugh".



"Sacvoyage with miracles" (Day of the theater)

Good afternoon guys. Before starting our program, I want to give you a riddle:

There's a stage and backstage

Both actors and actresses

There is a poster and intermission,

Scenery, full house.

And, of course, the premiere!

You probably guessed...

Yes, today we will talk about the theater. I want to talk a little about the history of the theatre.

The word theater is Greek. It means both the place where the spectacle takes place and the spectacle itself. Theatrical art arose a very long time ago, more than two and a half thousand years ago.

In ancient Greece, performances sometimes went on for several days. Spectators came to them, stocking up on food. Huge crowds of people were seated on dais, and the action itself took place in the arena, located right on the grass. March 27 in Ancient Greece was the Great Dionysia - holidays in honor of the god of winemaking Dionysus. They were accompanied by processions and fun, there were many mummers. And since 1961, this day, March 27, has been celebrated all over the world as International Theater Day.

It's good to have a theatre!

He was and will be with us forever.

Always ready to assert

Everything that is human in the world.

Costumes, music, game.

Here our fairy tales come to life

And take off the bright world of good.

International Theater Day is not just a professional holiday for stage masters and all theater workers, it is also your holiday - a holiday for millions of caring spectators.

It's good to have a theatre!

He was and will be with us forever.

Always ready to assert

Everything that is human in the world.

Everything is fine here - gestures, masks,

Costumes, music, game.

Here our fairy tales come to life

And take off the bright world of good.

And, of course, on the occasion of this wonderful Day, various theater festivals, festive performances and performances of the best performances are held in theaters of many countries of the world, and we decided to join this, because. our team is creative, I think that everything will work out well for us.

And now we will get into a fairy tale that our young artists have prepared for you. The performance is called "Laugh Nesmeyana"

Make Nesmeyana laugh

(Nesmeyana cries behind the scenes, enters the stage, sobbing)

Nesmeyana: I'm bored! Everyone left, but I stayed. Jester pea and he went abroad, says that the king pays him little. And the treasurer says that there is no money in the treasury. What do I have to do with it? Where is my nanny? Nurse! Nurse!

(nanny runs in)

Nurse : Run, run, my dear! Oh, you, my crybaby, you are my sob. Well, what am I to do with you?

Nesmeyana : Make me laugh. Play with me!

Nanny: How? What?

Nesmeyana : As you wish (crying).

Nurse: You need to call your girlfriend, Little Red Riding Hood. Maybe you'll have more fun with her?

(He calls Little Red Riding Hood, she comes out, dancing to the song "If it's long, it's long")

K.Sh: Hello Nesmeyana, hello friends! Something is too raw for you.

Nurse: It's all Nesmeyana, she's bored, you see!

K.Sh: Well, this is fixable. Guys, let's make Nesmeyana fun. So, we will play with you. I have the ball, but I need guys, the most dexterous ones. Come out to me, cheer up Nesmeyana.

Contest rules: Participants sit on chairs one by one in a row. I will put the ball on the lap of the first player. The player's task is to pass the ball to the next, only without the help of hands, sitting, knees. Whoever hits the ball is out of the game. The winner will receive a prize.

(The game is being played).

K.Sh.: You made me laugh!

Nesmeyana: Still not fun.

K.Sh: Then I don't know how to help you. And they must have been waiting for me at home. Goodbye, Nesmeyana, goodbye, friends, do not be bored, Nesmeyana! (Runs away)

Nesmeyana: She ran, ran away, and I was alone again.

Nurse: What are you different? Oh, my God, then I'll call Ivan the Fool.

(Stretching to slow music, Ivanushka the Fool comes out waddling)

I.D: Yes, I'm going, I'm going. I hear fun, I think maybe I'll have fun too.

Nesmeyana: Nothing here is fun! Boring!

I.D: I heard that they laughed here!

Nesmeyana: This is how I cried! (Crying)

I.D: Okay, calm down. I dealt with both kings and princesses. Good fellows, and good fellows, come out - let's measure strength. If there are two daredevils among you, let's play together.

(A game is being played, who will keep the cotton wool in the air longer by blowing on it)

I.D: Well, well done, you can safely be called heroes.

(Nesmeyane is not at all happy, she cries)

I.D: Well, you roar, Nesmeyana, no one will play with such a princess, you only need to call Kikimora in such dampness!

Nesmeyana: Don't!

I.D: Well, you don't have to! Necessary! Water. (ID leaves)

(Kikimora exits)

Kikimora: And I want to play! And I like it here, such dampness, swamp. Oh, how good! And the source of dampness, probably, is that right? (He tries Nesmeyana's tears on his finger, licks with his tongue). I saw the spring, I saw the keys, I didn’t see anything like this!

Nesmeyana: Didn't see, didn't see. Looked? Well, that's enough!

Kikimora: Ah, you're a bastard. close your mouth with a pacifier. Oh, how much I cried. You should measure, friends. Who will help me measure Nesmeyana's tears?

(A game is being played: pour water from a glass into a bottle, who can handle it faster)

Kikimora: How fun, but Nesmeyana is sad. With such dampness, one swamp awaits you!

Nesmeyana: I don't want to go to the swamp!

kikimora : Then you have to guess. Nanny, invite a gypsy.

(The nanny calls the gypsy, invites her with gestures to go further. Under the song "Well, what to say, well, what to say" a gypsy comes out)

Gypsy: Oh, you, my dear, golden. Gold your pen, I'll tell you the whole truth!

Nesmeyana: There is no money in the treasury!

Gypsy: That kind of fun won't last long.

Nesmeyana: How can you not stretch it, I’ll stretch it, you think I don’t know how to have fun. The other day I secretly took one game from my father.

Gypsy: It means stolen!

Nesmeyana: Who cares. She is already mine. It is called "The Walk of Baba Yaga". Which of you can walk like Baba Yaga? Come out to us. I'll show you now how Baba Yaga walks. It is necessary, rearranging the legs back, foot by foot, to move forward. Well, try it!

(The game is being played, dancing))

Nesmeyana A: See how fun they are while talking! (Runs away)

Nurse: Well, thank God, until the evening it will be calm. And then... Goodbye, guys. I'll go and rest.

(Introduction of artists. Bow)

The theater is a kind of celebration of the soul, which actors create with their performance, so cultural behavior in the theater will help to fully enjoy it and not spoil the impression of others. Do you know the basic rules of behavior in the theater? Are we going to check it now?

Competition "We are in the theater»


1. How should you go to your seats in front of the seated spectators?

a. Back to the seated;

b. Facing those seated

in. Sideways to those seated, leaning forward so as not to block the stage.

2. Is it possible to discuss the news during the performance?

a. Of course, after all, it’s not so often that my friend and I have to sit side by side for an hour and a half;

b. You should not do this, because you have to strain your vocal cords, as the music and the actors' lines interfere;

in. It is impossible to talk during the performance, because this is disrespectful to the actors and the audience sitting next to them.

3. What will you do with a chocolate bar bought during the intermission?

a. I'll give it to a friend, let him rustle chocolates with foil during the performance;

b. I’ll wait until the artist enters the stage and, rustling the foil loudly, unfold it - so there will be less noise under the artist’s remarks;

in. Eat a chocolate bar at the buffet during the intermission.

4. If you didn’t like the performance, what should you do?

a. Whistle and stomp your feet;

b. Get up and leave the room immediately;

in. Be silent and do not applaud.

So, the spotlights are lit, the curtain opens, and the audience invites the actors to the stage with applause. And today you will be the actors.

Competition "Pantomime"

Pantomime. Let's choose five daredevils - artists. The contestants must, without words, pantomime, show us what is written on the card. So, the actors are getting ready for the performance. But the theater is not only actors, but also all those people who participate in the preparation of this miracle, create a theatrical atmosphere, that is, people of different theatrical professions.

Name these professions.

(Production director, choreographer, lighting designer, make-up artist, costume designer, playwright, prompter, sound engineer, artist, director, designer, props and others).

Conducting the game "Pantomime" (prizes)

And now I offer you a little quiz on fairy tales ( assistant)

"Attentive Reader"

1. A friend of Winnie the Pooh who stayed with a tail (donkey Eeyore)

2. Seven wishes on one leg (Flower-seven-flower)

3. A fairy tale that refutes the assertion that money does not lie on the road. (K. Chukovsky "Fly-Tsokotuha".)

4. How much did a ticket to the Karabas-Barabas theater cost? (Four soldos.)

5. Artiodactyl labyrinth for Tiny-Havroshechki. (Cow.)

The reward for the feat, which is given in addition by the kings (half the kingdom)

6. Commander of 33 heroes (Chernomor)

7. Fairy fool. (Ivanushka.)

8. The story of the long journey of a bakery product to the consumer. (Kolobok.)

9. Details of a woman's dress in which lakes, swans and other elements of the environment are placed. (Sleeves.)

10. A character bursting with laughter at the sight of an unskillfully built bridge. (Bubble.)

Competition "Costumer"

We will now break into groups (yellow and white). Each group will receive cards with the names of fairy tales or fairy tale characters. Each team chooses an actor. It is necessary, with the help of improvised materials (clothes pegs, newspapers, roll paper), to dress up one actor so that the rest recognize the fairy-tale character (Ryaba Hen, Shapoklyak the old woman, Tortila the turtle).

Preparations in progress

(additional) 11. The one who walks on the sea and drives the boat. (Wind.)

13. A young specialist in the cultivation of trees with golden leaves. (Pinocchio.)

14. Fabulous washing machine (Trough)

15. Two hypocritical friends Pinocchio (Fox Alice and cat Basilio)

16. How many cups of tea did the insects drink? (3 cups with milk and pretzel.)


Carrying out the contest "Costumer"

Host (after the competition): In the theater, after the performance of the actors, the audience gives them applause. But applause is different. Which? Let's try to picture.

So, ordinary. And now lazy. Enthusiastic. And finally, a standing ovation.


Competition "Masters of the Word"

Actors are masters of the word. Very important are the manners of speech, the ability to control the voice, to speak in different tones with different intonations. Performances of various genres are staged on the stage. What do you know (drama, comedy, tragedy, fairy tale, musical)?

For the next competition I need 4 actors.

Choose any card. Let's try to determine which of the genres each of our actors chose to perform. You need to read A. Barto's poem "Our Tanya cries loudly" in different genres (comedy, tragedy, musical, drama). The audience must define the genre.


Acting Competition

And now we come to the most interesting moment. What is shown on stage? That's right, performances. In other words, setting. She prepares very long and carefully. But there are some plays that do not require long preparation. These are impromptu theater plays. And here we are putting on one of these plays right now. To do this, you need to assign roles

9 people are invited to the stage. Roles are selected (the roles are written on the sheets and what they should do as their heroes are mentioned).


* Saucepan - Call me Julia (shows tongue)

* Meat - I'll go dancing now (dancing)

* Potato - Antoshka dug me (holds his hands on his stomach and laughs)

* Cabbage - The garden is empty without me (looks sadly at everyone)

* Carrot - Left eyebrow squinted (winks)

* Refrigerator - I'm not an alarm clock (generously opens the doors (hands).

* Tap water - Drink me from a glass (makes a sly grimace)

* Hostess - give me 100 rubles in loans (holds out her hand)

* Bow - Knock on your knee. (Knocks on the knee of the one next to you)


Once the hostess found a pan,

She decided to cook cabbage soup in it.

Water poured into it from the tap,

Meat folded, lit a fire.

I wanted to grate carrots on a grater,

That figure twisted - it's disgusting to look,

The hostess decided to clean it -

Carrot swore: "It's mine again!"

Keep carrots in the fridge

She doesn't mean to offend you.

The hostess took up the potatoes then,

After all, cabbage soup without carrots - not a problem at all.

Potatoes lived in a basket in the oven,

covered with sprouts potatoes and all

She shriveled up like she was in her fifties.

hostess looked - she became sad,

She had never heard of cabbage soup without potatoes.

hostess got forks cabbage.

From the type of cabbage she became sad.

cabbage, potatoes, carrots- trouble.

hostess but I couldn't even dream of soup.

But bow which she forgot

(I kept it on the balcony in a box),

Lying and glowing with an orange side,

He was proud that one survived.

And here it is crumbled, fried, salted,

Into the pot abandoned, pleased with himself.

And let dinner fail with cabbage soup,

But delicious onion soup turned out!


Performed the Anthem of the theater "We are the children of Melpomene"

Everything ends sometime. And after the performance, the actors go backstage, the music subsides, the curtain closes, the spotlights go out and the hall is empty. Our journey into the world of theater has also ended. See you again.


GOAL:develop social intelligence, creative abilities; continue the formation of a positive assessment of a healthy lifestyle; to encourage students to a reasonable, careful attitude to their health, to fight bad habits.

Presenter 1

Seats are filled in the auditorium,

Before the spectacles, the hunter is everywhere.

Plain hanger at the very beginning,

The open curtain will open the stage,

A labyrinth of scenery will emerge from the darkness,

And characters, heroes will find life,

In which the actors will begin to incarnate.

And the hall enthusiastically follows the plot,

Explodes with laughter and falls silent in sadness.

And everyone understands - the game is just all this,

After all, in life they played the same games.

On the stage, the real action is being performed,

It is the result of daily efforts,

The result of hard work, rehearsals,

Actor's ideas, director's searches.

Masterpieces on the stage are born in pain.

After all, you need to be able to link together

Costume, props with lighting, sound,

Phenomena, actions, acts, pictures…

And the gloomy voice of the director: “I don’t believe it!”

With a single purpose always distributed,

So that the viewer, entering the theater doors,

Believe in everything you see.

The fire of sympathy will not be extinguished.

It will light up once, to continue to flare up.

We wish the theater on the holiday of the theater

More sold out and a lot of applause!

Lead 2

March 27 is International Theater Day, it was established 54 years ago, in 1961, at the 9th Congress of the International Theater Institute in Vienna. According to the plan, this holiday, as well as all the activities of the organization as a whole, should contribute to the strengthening of peace and friendship between peoples and expand the creative cooperation of all artists in the world.

Presenter 1
Yes, today we will talk about the theater. Hear a little about the history of the theatre.
As you know, the word "theater" comes from the ancient Greek word theatron (θέατρον), which means "a place where they look." Traditionally, the two most popular genres are played in the theater - comedy and tragedy, the symbols of which are theatrical masks. The mention of the first theatrical production dates back to 2500 BC. The first theatrical game took place in Egypt, the plot was the images of Egyptian mythology - the story of the god Osiris. This was the beginning of a long and strong bond between theater and religion. In ancient Greece, the theater began to take shape as an art, with clear definitions of tragedy and comedy, as well as other theatrical forms.

Lead 2
In ancient Greece, performances sometimes went on for several days. Spectators came to them, stocking up on food. Huge crowds of people were seated on dais, and the action itself took place in the arena, located right on the grass. March 27 in Ancient Greece was the Great Dionysia - holidays in honor of the god of winemaking Dionysus. They were accompanied by processions and fun, there were many mummers. And since 1961, this day, March 27, has been celebrated all over the world as International Theater Day.

Presenter 1 It is believed that the court theater of the 17th century created the prerequisites and a solid foundation for the development of theatrical craft in Russia. On July 22, 1795, the Ostankino theater-palace was opened in Moscow on the estate of Count Nikolai Sheremetev. International Theater Day is not just an international professional holiday for stage masters and all theater workers, it is our holiday - a holiday for millions of caring spectators. And, of course, on the occasion of this wonderful Day, various theater festivals, festive performances and performances of the best performances are held in theaters of many countries of the world, and we decided to join this, because. our team is creative, I think that everything will work out well for us.

Lead 2

Theater is always amazing. To be an actor, a person who creates this miracle, even on a small, modest stage - what could be more exciting? And a fairy tale on the theater stage is a double miracle. "A Miracle in a Square!" Don't believe? Please!

"Acting Excellence".I invite 9 people to the stage. Let's choose roles (the roles are written on the sheets and what they should do as their heroes are mentioned). Roles:* Saucepan - Call me Julia (shows tongue)* Meat - I'll go dancing now (dancing)* Potato - Antoshka dug me (holds his hands on his stomach and laughs)* Cabbage - The garden is empty without me (looks sadly at everyone)* Carrot - Left eyebrow squinted (winks)* Refrigerator - I'm not an alarm clock (generously opens the doors (hands).* Tap water - Drink me from a glass (makes a sly grimace)* Hostess - give me 100 rubles in loans (holds out her hand)

* Bow - Knock on your knee. (Knocks on the knee of the one next to you)So, get into character, I start reading a poem, and you beat him.

"Shi"Once the hostess found a pan,She decided to cook cabbage soup in it.She poured water from the tap into it,She folded the meat, lit the fire.I wanted to grate carrots on a grater,That figure twisted - it's disgusting to look,The hostess decided to clean it -The carrot cursed: “It’s mine again!”Keep carrots in the fridgeShe doesn't mean to offend you.The hostess took up the potatoes then,After all, cabbage soup without carrots is not a problem at all.Potatoes lived in a basket in the oven,Potatoes covered with sprouts - and that's allShe shriveled up like she was in her fifties.The hostess looked - she became sad,She had never heard of cabbage soup without potatoes.The hostess took out cabbage forks.The sight of the cabbage made her sad.Cabbage, potatoes, carrots - trouble.The hostess could not even dream of cabbage soup.But the bow she forgot about(I kept it on the balcony in a box),Lying and glowing with an orange side,He was proud that one survived.And here it is crumbled, fried, salted,Thrown into the pan, satisfied with himself.And let dinner fail with cabbage soup,But delicious onion soup turned out!


Presenter 1

There are many medicines in the world, and many doctors!
They will come to help anyone without a word.
But we have established: the best in the world
This doctor is cute, excellent Doctor Laughter.

He is in no hurry to give you any injections.
A cheerful smile will make anyone laugh.

Jokes, tickles, offers to sing together ...
And that's it! The patient no longer wants to get sick.
He heals the best!
Excellent Doctor Laughter!

Group 11 performing

Lead 2

Give each other warmth and smiles!Forgive insults, other people's mistakes.A smile is powerful and worth the reward.Just a smile - and you will be happy!

Group 12 performs

Presenter 1

You smile, smile more often!
You're smiling, look!
You never part with her
Erase the seal of seriousness from your face!

Wipe your face of anxiety for no reason,
Do not exaggerate worries and sadness,
For sadness, pessimism and sadness
Don't let reasons arise!

Let the coming day be a little unsteady
With a smile, just plunge into business,
You will get thousands of smiles in a day!
Do not trust? Just get up and look around!

Do not trust? Smile to the world today
Open… Very simple… Everyone around…
Don't frown and feel the power again
And suddenly people will become unarmed ...

21 bands performing

Lead 2

Heal with laughter from worries,And from diseases too.He shuts his mouthAnd death makes faces.Heal with laughter , Teach them to laugh.Treat with laughter It's good to have a theatre!

He was and will be with us forever.

Always ready to assert

Everything that is human in the world.

Everything is fine here - gestures, masks,

Costumes, music, game.

Here our fairy tales come to life

And with them - the bright world of goodness.

Thank you for your attention.

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