Scenario of the concert in folk style. Scenario of the concert "Musical Pictures with Folk Instruments"


Location: Green Grove

Time spending: 11.00 a.m.

From 09.00 h. in the morning, the broadcast of the holiday begins on sound amplifying equipment and loudspeakers, where announcers invite everyone to relax in the bosom of nature, have fun with live music.

From 10.00 a.m. the installation of parking lots, courtyards and yurts of each village club and the village House of Culture of the district begins.

From 11.00 a.m. the official opening of the national holiday "With a song through life" begins. Speeches by officials.

At the end of the speech of the officials, girls in national costumes present bread, salt and honey to the officials.

Welcome to the folk song festival!

We welcome everyone, we welcome everyone.

According to Russian customs

I bow to you from the bottom of my heart.

With kind words and love,

And with bread and salt.

A Bashkir dance is performed by the choreographic ensemble "Mischievous Youth" (headed by R. Deinichenko)

Two presenters in Russian national costumes enter the stage to a cheerful folk Russian song.

Presenter 1:

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!

Host 2:

Good afternoon, sirs! We are glad to see you at our holiday! And we gathered here to listen to songs, sing, dance, and learn about the song!

Presenter 1:

In the old days they said: "Whoever lives with a song, that grief is dumb."
"As you live, so you sing"
"Where there are songs, there is youth"
Song is the soul of the people.

Host 2:

From time immemorial, a song has always been next to a person, both in joy and in sorrow. From
from birth until death.

A young girl comes out, with a wreath on her head and in a national costume.

Lead 2:

Where did Russian come from, music?
Whether in an open field,
Or in a hazy forest.
Whether in joy, in pain,
Or bird whistle?
You tell me where
Sadness in you and prowess
How did you appear
From the very beginning,
Whose heart were you in?
Who did you sound like?

Girl /in Russian costume/:

Ducks flew by - they dropped their pipes,
Geese flew - dropped the harp,
Their spring spring

I found it, I'm not surprised...

Presenter 1: Well, what about the song?

Young woman:With a song in Rus' and was born .

A girl comes out with a doll in her arms. Sounds like a lullaby.

Presenter 1:

The Russian song is open spaces,
On which we will go all our lives,
This is Father Don near Rostov.
This is mother - the Volga is on its way.
The Russian song is a shepherd,
Dewy, joyful, early horn,
Just sit down for a minute, listen -
You listen, my friend .

Lead 2:

Whatever a person does, reaping bread, mowing hay, rafting wood or pulling a barge, a song helps him everywhere. Dear viewers, guests! On the stage of the festive program, the folk ensemble of Russian and Ukrainian songs "Kuderushki" with the folk song "Under the Wide Window".

Presenter 1:

I am for the song of the soul
Took forests green whisper,
And the Volga in the midday heat
Dark jets listened to the roar.
I took from autumn - bad weather,

Spring has a fragrance
I took happiness from the people
And endless suffering .

Host 2:

They sang for needlework, they sang about the heavy female lot. The people felt sorry for the woman and in the songs affectionately called her a swan, a duck, a pavushka, a mountain ash. We meet the folk ensemble of the Ukrainian song "Khutorok". (with needlework in hand)

Presenter 1:

Why are you touching my heart
An ancient song?
Does a high soul live in you,
Is it a reflection of unsteady silence?
Then you let the falcon over the cloud,
Spreading bitter smoke with your hands,
Then you go out a widow, lonely,
Give flowers to the young.
All folk songs about love. About love and native land, and therefore to the people who live on it, to relatives and dear ones. On the stage of the festive program, the folk Bashkir ensemble "Amanat".

Host 2:

Then you take the round dances into the field,

Then you burn yourself in the dance!

You are forever in tune with the Russian share,

My spring song!

Remember: a coachman dies in the steppe, whether a soldier is wounded in an open field at the last minute - their thoughts are turned to their home, to father and mother. A Russian man sings about life, about his share in songs. Russian folk song "Oh, viburnum on the hill." Folk ensemble "Kuderushki" on the stage.

Presenter 1:

The song has been around for a very long time. Then there was actually no separation - it was not for the story and songs. Without haste, the singers solemnly told about the heroes and their exploits for the glory of the Russian land. And they called these songs-stories epics.

Host 2:

And also buffoons roamed the world - jacks of all trades: they sing, dance, and tell a fairy tale. The people still remember their comic songs about how “a mosquito married a fly” and about how “a lady-flea lived in a green forest”. That's what those songs are called - buffoons.

Presenter 1:

Well, in those rare times, funny dance songs sounded on holidays, but to the accordion, and with choruses! We meet the folk Tatar ensemble "Engeler".
(Dance, ditties.)

Host 2:

How it will tighten, how it will fill
Our Orthodox people
After all, where does it come from
Straight to the heart and clings!
Sing about the pace of the night
Or about the white snows.
About the merchant's daughter
About silk meadows.
Sing about the blue sea
Ile about mother river
About torment and grief, About heartache.

Presenter 1:

And now we will sing, but not about melancholy, but about something fun. Russian folk song "Kurochka". On the stage of the festive program, the folk ensemble of the Russian song "Sudarushka".

Host 2:

In Rus', they always loved to sing in chorus, together. It turned out great in round dances, which were led by girls and guys. Not a single holiday, not a single gathering was complete without round dances. They knew a lot of round dance songs, and we will now hear one of them performed by the Kuderushki folk ensemble. And we ask all guests and spectators to join our wonderful dance!!!

(Sounds of a round dance)

Presenter 1:

In addition to round dance songs, there were round dance games in which they sang and played.

(Round dance game.)

Host 2:

In one of the songs there are such words "What is the song without button accordion". What else? What's a song without...?

/accordions, balalaikas/.

Presenter 1:

Something you have not heard for a long time,
Three twisted strings.
They say they're out of fashion
Songs of Russian antiquity.
Well, maple, give it a go,
Call all over
Balalaika, balalaika,
Golden bells.
You are not shy even today
You are the only one in the whole country
You are brilliantly able
Touch the Russian string.
With a remote folk heart
You are related forever
In the golden hands of craftsmen
You will never be silent!

Host 2:

The Russian song is not naked,
Not debauchery, not hysterical sadness.
It's a silent resolution
Sit next to me and look into my eyes.
She embraces everything with her heart,
She is 20 and 1000 years old.
Russian song, Russian land
I love you so much that there are no more words. !

Presenter 1:

The song was a part of the spiritual life of a person, a support in his hard work and worries. Even now the song makes us rejoice and grieve, love and be disappointed, live and die. The song unites us, singing the song - blood relatives, close at heart. Only with a song do you understand that we are children of the same Motherland, that we have
one common house - Russia.

Lead 2:

Rus' is powerful even in song,
Wide and deep
And free and loud
And free, and call.
Oh yeah songs, what songs
Singing our people!
golden, remote,
Russian songs, live -
Well done!
"Song of Russia" - performed by the folk ensemble "Kuderushki".

Presenter 1::

And now the guests and your turn,
Who will sing ditties here?
(Contest "Chasushki merry"

Host 2:

Our fun holiday continues together.
Our competition "Are you weak?"
Let's announce together!

Competition "Are you weak?" for men.
1. Who will split the board with his fist
2. Who will drink milk from a bottle in advance, etc.
At the end, the men swear "After the holiday, it's easy, we will only drink milk."

Presenter 1:

Well done guys, you did your best! And now we move on, we choose dancers!

Host 2:

All dancers are invited!

Presenter 1:

Hey harmonicas, play

Host 2:

Choose the best dancers of our holiday!

There is a competition of dancers to Tatar music.

Presenter 1:

And now for all of you

There will be a Russian dance.

Who will dance more cheerfully?

Come here quickly.

Leaders read in turn:

Quadrille - an old dance,

Favorite in Rus'.

Through the centuries, centuries

We are dancing now.

Our grandfathers were able

Relax your mind:

And work in the field

And have fun walking around.

Play, cheerful accordion,

And sing the balalaika

Come on, my dear

I am following you.

"What a lovely couple!" -

All the people marvel.

"Here's the bravery

He leads his beauty!

smooth gait

Handy and easy

A girl is dancing with a boy

Rivals to spite ...

Years passed, centuries.

Not the same people

But the memory is about the ancestors

Protects with love.

And here's the old dance

Known in Rus'

Through the centuries, centuries

We dance now...

Dance "Quadrille". Performed by the choreographic ensemble "Mischievous Youth". We invite everyone to dance in the meadow.

Host 2:

Among the people, song is inseparable from life, like the soul from the body.

Russian song in birches

Russian song in bread -

On the mowing, in the cold,

On sleds and in the meadows.

Rowan trees rustle in the wind.

Everyone is ready to listen!

How many songs does Russia have -

So many in the field of flowers.

Who made it, I don't know.

Only the song is good.

Song from my childhood dear

Both friend and sister!

And her words are simple

The soul is moved to tears.

How many songs does Russia have -

So many birches in the groves.

Russian songs are

What a desire to sing along

How many songs does Russia have -

Presenter 1:

Low bow to you, kind people!

Happiness, health and long life...

Who will judge us for the songs?

Since there are no songs, there is no life.

Above the clear sky

We would like to wish you

Glory, feasts, plenty of bread,

Live with songs and do not lose heart.

Host 2:

A Russian proverb says: "Cause - time, fun - an hour!".

Now it's time to say goodbye.

Our speech will be short

We say to you: "Goodbye!

Until happy new meetings!”

The main action on the stage is over. Next comes the concert program of solo vocalists. The jury evaluates parking lots, courtyards. Summing up is underway. The end of the holiday.

Plan of preparation for the national holiday

"With a song for life"


Job Title



Installation of sound amplifying equipment


Safin I.M.

Holiday scenario preparation


Ganiev N.R.

Khomyakova M.A.

Preparing a script for a theatrical performance


Arslanova A.T.

Rehearsal of the musical block and theatrical performance


Lomanets V.A.

Khomyakova M.A.

Ganiev N.R.

Lynnik I.P.

Arslanova A.T.

Deinichenko R.Kh.

Mounting / dismantling of stage structures


Osmanov M.A.

Preparation, tailoring and repair of costumes


Karpova N.F.

Transportation of amateur art participants


Sharafutdinov R.Z.

Artistic director - S.Tupitso

Scenario of the holiday "Evening of Folk Song"


Without a song, the Russian land is like an empty, unfinished house where no one lives. The song forms a whole world of human life, which is born together with a person, grows, becomes richer, more meaningful, influences his character, actions and appearance. And the members of the Veteranochka folk group carried their love for Russian folk songs through their whole lives. Much can be said about the team, but the most important thing should be noted that, despite their age, they do not lose their enthusiasm, love for the song and have maintained a positive attitude towards life.

    A group photo is projected on the screen.


So we do not have enough days, everyone would like eternity.

So we lack all the simple cordiality in life.

May hearts now open for goodness,

For a good, for a cordial meeting

Let there be no end to joy

And now we open this evening.

    Team presentation #1.

1 slide: Folk group "Veteranochka"

2 slide: Is one of the brightest representatives of the folk song


3 slide: Head of the team - Evgeny Aleksandrovich Perelyaev.

4 slide: The Veteranochka team is the pride of the district house

culture "Zharki".

5 slide: PURPOSE:

    Introduction to the culture of our people, to its spiritual values.

    Activation of creative activity and organization of leisure for the elderly.

Slide 6: TASKS of the manager's activity:

    Promotion and dissemination of the best experience in working with older people;

    Attracting public attention to solving the problem of organizing leisure for the elderly;

    Support and popularization of the creativity of the elderly.

7 slide: Tasks of the team:

    Mastery of vocal and choral technique;

    Mastering the techniques of choreography.

8-9 slide: The Veteranochka team is the most active participant

all village and regional events.

10 slide: In their work, the team popularizes Russian folk and author's songs.

11-15 slide: For several years the team has maintained friendly relations with

Cheremkhovo branch of the Irkutsk Association

Belarusian culture named after Jan Chersky.

16 slide: The whole life of these wonderful, beautiful, kind, talented and

simple women is associated with the song.

17 slide: We live, often without understanding what destiny we got

Moreover, not noticing at all how quickly the year suddenly flew by.

But it is a pity, alas, that it is impossible to start everything from scratch.

And yet, why be sad about this, that you are not able to change?

As long as there is life in this world, you need to live and not grieve!

Minutes, months and years, may God send more of them,

And despite adversity, you firmly move forward.

May temptations delight you all, may pleasures attract,

And in the temptations of various succumb to the brevity of minutes.

Therefore, let's rather sing for the movement of years.

What could be more important?

There is nothing more important today!

Festive fanfare sounds.

Blessed are the anniversaries, if only because

That you can go out without being shy, that they will suddenly misunderstand.

A good song is worth a lot! Much more expensive than any item.

The time has come today to hear a response song from the anniversaries.

    There are lyrical tunes. The folk group "Veteranochka" and the "Ensemble of spoons" enter the stage.

Where did the Russian song come from?

Whether in an open field, or in a misty forest?

Is it in joy? In pain? Or bird whistle?

You, tell me, where does the sadness in you and the prowess come from?

Whose heart were you in from the very beginning?

How did you come? How did you sound?

"Song of Siberia";

Around me are forests, intoxicating peace.

And above - moss crawls over rocky rocks

And a hundred forest roads lead away

Into the invisible expanse beyond the dark sky.

A jubilant song lives in my chest

And in it - forests, fields and birds at dawn,

It is a fiery call to what lies ahead,

Everything in it is about the happiness of living under this firmament!

"Bird cherry blossoms";

The heart is inseparable with a Russian song, sincere, affectionate to tears.

From her it is either joyful or sad, it is warm with her in bad weather and in frost.

I see in the songs the Russian plains, a far-flung expanse.

"Sing, accordion";

The Russian song sounds widely, precisely in the open, in the field, beyond the outskirts. A wide Russian song, around from some paths and paths, immediately splashing into the skies of the breed, in Russian into the choke.


Again the song in the heart wakes up - old, forgotten to tears.

If the soul responds to it in the night, then you won’t find a better song.


    "Veteranochka" and E. Borisova leave the stage.

35 years is a decent age. This is the age of one whole generation. Generations of lovers of Russian songs.

35 years is an era in the history of the country, in the history of our region, in the history of our settlement. The song era, which was created by the members of the folk group "Veteranochka".

We can do everything! But we know, it's just impossible to stop the flow of years,

Return back, at least b minutes, slow down a stubborn run for seconds.

And time goes on an eternal route: a minute, an hour, decades, a century.

The streams of time, you are like a simple miracle, where there is a mystery, but no answer.

    Historical information about the team.

Dear Veterans! Your path is bright!

It has conscience, your honor and work!

Your every day is dear to us,

What is created from sparkling minutes.


The first members of amateur art activity (which in 1972 could not even be called amateur art activity, but an interest club) gathered at hostel No. 10, where the directorate of the East Siberian Refractory Plant under construction was located.

Then the creative team began to gather and grow, first in the shops of the VSOS, in 1977 they united under the auspices of the women's council of the VSOS trade union committee.

Those who wanted to show their ability to sing, dance, got together. Not a single holiday passed without a concert. All participants came out of the factory amateur.


Choir "Uzorochye" in the old club (mid-90s).

    The team consists of 23 people.

    The most active participant of district and regional events.

    Accompanist - Olga Viryasova.


1995 - the ensemble "Lyubavushka".

    Composition - 25 people.

    All different ages.

    In the repertoire: songs from folklore to the author's song.

    1997 - received the title of folk group.

    The division of "Lyubavushka" into TWO compositions, by genre.

    The repertoire of "Lyubavushki", Soviet lyrical songs, and in the repertoire of "Veteranochka" folklore, folk and author's songs.

    Accompanist - Oksana Rishko.


February 2006

    Reporting concert of the folk group "Veteranochka".

    Confirmation of the title of "people's team".

    The young composition of the revived team "Lyubavushka" received the title of "folk team".

    The leader is Tatyana Soroka.

    The accompanist is Evgeny Perelyaev, who in September 2006 became the leader of the Veteranochka band.


Festive. Tenth anniversary of receiving the title of "PEOPLE".

Performance of the Spoon Ensemble

So many feelings fit, by God, in such round anniversaries.

We experience joy and anxiety and heat in the blood that once bubbled.

Praise be to the creator, who gave everything to fully experience, feel and remember everything.

Let friends of good names fill your anniversary to the brim.

And we invite you to say kind words:


    Block "Congratulations to the guests".

On the roads of Russia, feather grasses ring, like a bell of memory beats in the distance.

And the dawn plays in the sky in the morning, again peace and war among people on the scales.

Many years have passed since that terrible war, dear sons did not return home,

But we remember them and mourn to this day. We keep photos of old houses!

In each of our families there is someone to remember,

Who forever remained in the steppes to fight.

Well, those who returned and survived then became a life support for us forever.

On the roads of Russia, feather grasses ring, they will remind you of a sad date.

"Transbaikal waltz";

Russian old women sing on the stage. Floating, floating, wild sorrows.

Chest hoarseness of distant days, when they, soldiers, shouted

On riding Cows and horses, on rare potatoes in frozen holes,

On a tractor that has become in the field (at least roar).

On small us, on smaller brothers in cradles,

On those deprived of affection and love.

They sometimes completely lost their strength, when in their black time,

Sing! And the streams and winds return to circles, and the fields rustle.

Russian old women sing on the stage, strong as the Russian land

"Like two birches";

Over the immense forests, over the erratic fields,

Over the breaks of the pomegranate songs - swallows fly.

The groves smell of bitter gunpowder, the herbs whisper with a quiet rustle.

And about what is dear to the heart, the Russian people are told.


Front-line soldiers are looking at us, disappeared companies are looking at us,

The departed regiments are looking at us, looking at us with hope and care.

And the memory does not give us rest, and the conscience of you and me often gnaws,

Let two hundred years, four hundred pass - no one in our country can forget the war.

"Under the high window";

Victory Day! This is a holiday that our brave grandfathers gave to everyone.

For what? Everything is simple. For us.

In order for us to love in five-story buildings, sing, drink bread kvass,

And sometimes on holidays, and brew.

“Your pathos is false,” the critic will say to me.

I won’t be offended - am I really able to talk like that about that old war,

So that grandfather is resurrected, rising from the grave ?!

We can’t change anything, the history of mistakes can’t be corrected.

What's left? Remains to live. I also know! - the memory remains.


    "Veteranochka" leaves the stage.

Human life is only a moment in the boundless time of the Universe,

And only in the memory of the living will it remain incorruptible.

All this is so. Yes, the trouble is that sometimes we forget

Where are we from, who are our ancestors?! Such cases are not uncommon.

The evil genius of the people should not make us forget about them.

After leaving the memory of the living, many generations will disappear.

We are bound by one destiny, one family, one blood.

Descendants will become Hope, Faith and Love for you and me.

And your spirit, continuing to live, will merge into the grandchildren of great-grandchildren.

And the connecting thread will never break for centuries.

And so from time immemorial it has been going on in my land,

What if you sing, it means from the heart.

Let the heart cry out, if trouble touches,

And if it's a holiday, then let's dance!

Speech by A. Prishchepova. Dance "Apple".

    Performance of the folk group "Lyubavushka".

"Washing the scythe in the willow river."

    Dance group performance "Motion".

    O. Blashkevich takes the stage.

Well, oh well, it's time, brothers, for us to take up history.

And the story is this - the main thing is not simple.

Our story is for children and adults, for tall and tall,

For old and young, fat and thin.

Everyone - without distinction of salary and rank

You have a historical story. We are waiting for everyone's attention.

Everything has its origins, a moment of insight, the first step on the path.

Then we count the years and terms, then we decide where and how to go.

But the first moment of birth is high, it is beautiful, like magic!

We will never be able to forget the moment that this celebration gave us!

    Presentation of the group No. 2 "About them".

Accompanying the presentation "About them".

Maria Vasilievna Kotova.

During the war years, she performed front-line songs at school. In the forties, labor activity began on the collective farm, but Maria Vasilievna never parted with the song. She learned to drive a tractor, harrowed, sowed and sang songs to the roar of the engine. The family was large, four sisters. They were called the Bartoshovs in the village. Surname - Belarusian Bartosh. In 1972 they moved to Mikhailovka. 2 sons, 2 daughters. In 1976, amateur art competitions in workshops began. Since then, she has been a member of the amateur art group "Veteranochka".

Vera Ivanovna Belokopytova.

In 1948, after the death of his father at the front, they moved to Kasyanovka. From the age of 15 she went to work at Kirzavod. In 1958 she came to the amateur club in Kasyanovka. In 1960 she worked in an orphanage, at the same time graduating from a pedagogical school. After the disbandment of the orphanage in Cheremkhovo, she moved to the village. Mikhailovka, where she continued to work as a teacher in kindergarten No. 6. In 1988, Maria Vasilievna Kotova invited Vera Ivanovna to Veteranochka, where she still sings.

Lydia Alexandrovna Stadnichuk.

She loved to sing since childhood. Then this talent manifested itself both at school and at the college. Since 1977, she began to work in kindergarten No. 14. The creative team often performed with amateur performances on the cinema stage. I came to the choir when the leader was Gennady Viktorovich Popov.

Nina Nikolaevna Peretolchena.

She was born on February 18, 1931 in the Bratsk region, with. Alexandrovka. She graduated from the Tulun Pedagogical College in 1951. She began to sing in the choir in 1948 in Tulun in the House of Culture. After graduating from college, she stayed there to work. She sang, participated in the drama club. She returned to her native village in 1961 and worked until 1987. She participated in the school choir, then in the village choir until 1998. The ensemble was called "Sudarushka". She came to Veteranochka in April 2000.

Galina Grigorievna Ivanova.

She was born in the village of Khilok, Chita Region, in 1936 in a working-class family. He has been living in the village of Mikhailovka since 1947. Labor activity began at the age of 16 at the Polovinsky coal mine. In 1973, she entered the All-Russian Health Organization as a pumping unit engineer. Participated in interdepartmental competitions in amateur performances. When in 1978 a choir was organized at the plant under the direction of Gennady Popov, she began to study there. Now one of the members of the Veteranochka folk group.

Anna Mikhailovna Birkina.

Started working in 1942 at the military plant named after Karl Marx in Cheremkhovo. From the age of 14 she worked on a lathe, made small parts for machine tools, at the age of 16 she was transferred to a military workshop, where mines and lemons were produced. Then on the railroad as a switchman. She worked in trade, in the restaurant "Cherembass", while studying at the evening school in the city of Cheremkhovo. In 1963, by decision of the meeting, he was nominated to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. From 1964 to 1968 she studied at the Khabarovsk police school. Upon graduation, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant. She retired with the rank of police captain. In an amateur group from 1976 to the present. This year it celebrated its 80th anniversary.

Nina Viktorovna Balk.

In the amateur art activities of the All-Union Health Organization since 1981. The team worked under the leadership of Kokorin Leonid. Since December 2002, she has been a member of the Veteranochka folk group.

Lyudmila Alexandrovna Martusevich.

She began her singing career in Karaganda. From 1966 to 1968 she sang in the children's choir "Solnyshko" at the Miners' Palace of Culture. Since 1973, she has been an active participant in amateur art activities at the Karaganda Clothing garment factory. In 1986, after moving to Siberia, she got a job at the All-Russian Health Organization, where she participated in intershop competitions. Since 1988, she has been singing in Veteranochka.

Raisa Dmitrievna Voronova.

At Veteranochka since 2001. Once, having come to the concert “Veterans do not grow old in soul”, I realized that she also wants to sing. She was warmly welcomed by the team.

Anastasia Petrovna Prishchepova.

She loved to sing and dance since childhood. She was an active participant in school and college. Since 1974, she performed as part of the amateur performances of the VOZZ plant, and then became a member of the Veteranochka team

Tamara Mikhailovna Ivanova.

Childhood and youth were spent in the city of Usolye - Siberian. Talent was revealed in childhood. She sang in the choir of the Khimik club. During the years of study in the city of Angarsk, she was a member of the Ivushka ensemble from 1968 to 1970. Since January 2006, she began to study in the Veteranochka group. Here are her words:

“In general, in life, both in joy and in grief, I love a song, whether it be Russian spacious or sad lyrical, dances to the button accordion. That is where the will of the senses is. All troubles and illnesses recede when we speak to ordinary people as workers of the village, what we give them: love for the song and see their joyful faces, more than returns to us. This is where I found myself."


How long, how short, but the participants of "Veteranochka" got to today's creative JUBILEE.

Let us once again congratulate you on your anniversary.

And continue our story, what do we want to wish? -

Do not be sad, do not lose heart, and always keep your tail with a gun in this life.

We wish you all health and strength.

So that you always have everything you want.

So that youth, happiness, luck, success

Fate has always given you without interference.

    There are lyrical tunes. The folk group "Veteranochka" enters the stage.

    Performance of the folk song group "Veteranochka":

Belarusian land! Groves and huts, golden fields and grasses - silks,

That bunches of mountain ash are the crimson of the sunset,

That the cry of a crane - rifts of streams and light clouds above the highway.

Belarusian land!

You look at the blue of the lake in the transparent distances of heaven,

And the stars fall like ripe grains,

Above the water mirror, above the black arable land,

In the dewy grass they scatter their brilliance.


Belarus! And again, unknown you go along the forest paths.

And only everywhere your name is whispered to me by grasses and leaves.

"Kvitney, my garden";

My homeland is rivers, fields, green hay over the Neman,

Nice Brest and noisy Minsk - the whole of Belarus from edge to edge.

And with a daughter's love, I suddenly fell in love with Siberia.

With you, we have become one, native expanse of the fatherland.


    Game for the audience "Who is this."

Russia is all in songs: sometimes sad, and sometimes, like a blizzard, in bells.

But where is it, all this is Russian? Yes, everything is here - in our hearts.

"My village";

I don't want to get off the ground, even if the ground is not in flowers.

It’s good for me to remain earthly, to be earthly both in deeds and in dreams!

It's good that she was born not somewhere, but on strict Siberian soil,

Where summer is especially charming and winter is not good in heat.

It is good that our land is covered with the winds of freedom!

It's good that all my girlfriends and friends are of the Siberian breed.

“I baked a godfather of pancakes”;

Under the harmonica, the silvery sound all of Russia sings today.

“What kind of harmonist is this”;

    Conclusion. Taking out a cake with candles for the team.

There were joys, and there were worries,

There is something to remember and something to cherish,

There were beautiful quiet dawns, tender meetings, grace of love ...

Everything is mixed up: happiness and sorrow, all this in life had to be experienced.

All this was, it will not come back, but the warmth of your hands does not grow thin.

But with you always there is a circle of your relatives, friends and girlfriends.

Children are smart, your grandchildren are good, your particles on this earth.

There is no idleness and boredom in your life, your efforts are all for people,

Let fatigue be unknown to you, enthusiasm, a light do not fade in your heart,

We wish you to live what is left, in bright joy, without storms and worries.

"We will live, we will not die."

Scenario of the holiday of Russian song


Targets and goals:

  • fostering a sense of love for the motherland through a Russian folk song,
  • acquaintance with the traditions of the Russian people,
  • the importance of Russian songs in the life of the people.

1 Vedas 9 class Polina VikaMusic screensaver


My homeland is rich in songs.
The song glorifies sweet lands.
Voiced, cheerful, sad at times

It flows like a free river through Russia.

My heart skips a beat when you speak.
You speak the truth about our fate.
We often sing about love, separation,
And about happiness, too, each about his own.
Russian villages and cities love songs.
It doesn't matter to us with such songs!
How many songs are sung, how many we will sing,
When we sit side by side on a holiday at the table!

Song Russian-Russian soul!
What a song you are, ours is good!
From birth to the last days
We are with you, the song is no more true friend!

The holiday begins with the song _Voronova Alina (Shadow-Shadow)

Vedas Good afternoon! We are glad to see you at our holiday.

Vedas And we gathered here to listen to songs, sing, play and learn about the Russian song.

Vedas In the old days they said: "Whoever lives with a song, that grief is dumb."

“As one lives, so one sings” “Where there are songs, there is youth”

Vedas "The song is the soul of the people." From time immemorial the song is always

was next to a person in joy and in sorrow. From

from birth to death


Where did Russian come from, music?
Whether in an open field,
Or in a hazy forest.
Whether in joy, in pain,
Or bird whistle?
You tell me where
Sadness in you and prowess
How did you appear
From the very beginning,
Whose heart were you in?
Who did you sound like?

Ducks flew - dropped the pipes,
Geese flew - dropped the harp,
Their spring spring

We found it, we weren't surprised...

Vedas: Well, what about the song?
Vedas Born with a song in Rus'.

Students open our program with a song _________________________________________________________

2 Leaders 10kl Olya Alina


Let's forget everything
and sing a Russian song.
Without fashionable rhythms and witticisms,
The one that people always sing.
from joy, or from longing,
or the heart is torn to pieces.
The soul will suddenly ask for melodies,
that still live among the people.
without brands, images and fashion,
from Russian essence, nature.

these songs live in Russia
and there is nothing better in the world.
When the evening happens
after labors, after roads,
friends over bread and wine
talk about everything;
drag the song together, together,
the spirit soars, the soul blooms
and nothing else is needed
and life to the song is good.

Let's sing folk -
Let's take it from the heart.
Let now unfashionable;
Yes painfully good!

Vedas Folk song originated even before the advent of writing in Rus'. The peasant cultivated the land, planted a garden, raised cattle and did not know at all that there were letters in the world, but everyone knew that there were songs in the world. And how could it be otherwise?

Vedas After all, things go faster with a song, and work is almost in full swing, and how else could a poor person have a rest, except for not singing a couple of songs on a mound in the evening. The whole life of a person in those days was connected with the song. What I see, I sing about. And what were the songs?

Vedas - There are many different songs of our people. Epics tell about exploits in the name of happiness and well-being of the people and the state. Historical songs about famous people and memorable events of antiquity, ballads amaze the imagination with the details of the life drama.

Vedas Everyday songs differ from all of them. Their themes are the family, the fate of a person, feelings and thoughts inspired by everyday life. These songs are as varied as the work of people, their traditions and customs.


O beloved Russian songs,

Stored among the people for centuries,

Well, why are you so good?

And in sorrow you are with us and in joy,

You are with us from birth to old age

Sound in the depths of the soul!


About songs languidly tender,

Hidden in you gave boundless,

And the universal sadness cries ...

And as if in "okinya-old woman,

Hearing you, I want to repent

And my chest is full of light.


But remote, spaced,

Like the unrestrained wind free,

Such that immediately - and dance!

You Rus gave birth to fertile

And with its overwhelming strength

Filled you to the brim.


And how good are the songs of war!

Immeasurable love for Russia

It sounds to you like a formidable tocsin.

We are with a song of war to death in battle

Let's go, O Russia, for your life,

Without taking a step back


The Russian song is open spaces,

Which I will follow all my life.

This is Father Don near Rostov,

This is Mother Volga on the way.

The Russian song is a shepherd,

Dewy, joyful, early horn.

Just stand up for a minute, listen

Runs like a new engine.


The Russian song is not naked,

Not debauchery, not hysterical sadness,

It's a silent resolution

Sit next to me and look into my eyes.

She embraces everything with her heart,

She is twenty and a thousand years old.

Russian song, Russian land

I love you so much that there are no more words.

Vedas Labor songs . They accompanied almost every type of labor activity of the peasant - whether it was hunting, pulling nets or lifting weights. All these songs had their own rhythm, under which the work went amicably and controversially. And the most basic difference between a labor song is the presence of exclamations in it - interjections, such as "Hey!", "Wow!", "Ah!". The most famous labor folk song is Dubinushka.

3 Vedas 9 class Polina Vika

Vedas Whatever a person does, reaping bread, mowing hay, rafting wood or pulling a barge, a song helps him everywhere.


I am for the song of the soul
Took forests green whisper,
And the Volga in the midday heat
Dark jets listened to the roar.
I took from autumn - bad weather,
At spring - fragrance,
I took happiness from the people
And endless suffering

Vedas : In a Russian song - folk life,

The song ringing with the heart is sung,
Let a cheerful or sad motive
Grateful in the soul will respond!


Guess what song is in question, the answer is accepted in the performance of a few lines or words

1 A song that mentions the non-residential part of a village house, adjacent to its residential part and used for household needs. (Oh you, canopy, my canopy)
2. A song about national Russian winter footwear made from sheep's wool. (Felt boots)
3. The song of a windy girl who seduced a young man and was preoccupied with a huge sense of guilt. (Am I to blame)
4. A song that mentions a large Russian city on the left elevated bank of the Volga River. (Ah, Samara-town)
5. A song about a forest-forming tree species widespread in Russia with papery bark and thin, drooping branches. (There was a birch in the field)

6. A song about a pair of domestic long-necked birds of various colors, distinguished by a cheerful character. (Two cheerful geese)
7. The song, known for its affectionate appeal to a felled tree trunk, performed by Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin. (Dubinushka)
8. Song - an appeal to the state of atmospheric air, in which water freezes, and the thermometer drops below zero. (Oh, frost, frost)
9. A song in which a garden building is mentioned, where a Russian person can wash himself, being actively exposed to heat and steam. (Heated, drowned in the garden bath)
10. A song in which the noise of a swamp, fistulate, cranked plant is mentioned. (Noisy reeds)
11. A song about how on a plain overgrown with grassy vegetation in the complete absence of trees, a person engaged in transportation by horse-drawn transport freezes. (Steppe and steppe all around)
12. A song about small merchants who delivered various goods to the villages, which are necessary in peasant life. (Pedlars)


The tunes of our Russian songs...
They whisper the stars
They have a rustle of grass.
Spring hymn of heaven
The rumbles of oak forests roam in them ...

River reeds sing.
All that is given to them from above,
That life cannot crush
We continue to hear in songs.


The river rings, sings in the night,
Overflowing closer to the mouth.
Hear the melody of the breeze
With viscous, steppe sadness ...

Oh, Russian song, you are everything!
You are our eternal boundlessness!
And will not drown out the crows
Gentle and gentle tunes!

About Russian song.

4 Vedas 10 class Nastya Julia

Vedas The second group is love songs. Most often, boys and girls sang these songs before the wedding. They contain all the bitterness of unrequited love, the joy of a date, a terrible longing for a sweetheart, all the pain of the soul from the courtship of the unloved ... The girls sang these songs on the street or when they got together for embroidery.


Why are you touching my heart
An ancient song?
Does a high soul live in you,
Is it a reflection of unsteady silence?
Then you let the falcon over the cloud,
Spreading bitter smoke with your hands,
Then you go out a widow, lonely,
Give flowers to the young.

Vedas All folk songs about love. About love and native land, and therefore to the people who live on it, to relatives and dear ones.

The third group is family songs sung by married women.. These songs reflected the difficult life of a married woman. Most often, such songs were sung in the evenings in the upper rooms at the spinning wheel or at other work.


Then you take the round dances into the field,

Then you burn yourself in the dance!

You are forever in tune with the Russian share,
My spring song!

Vedas The fourth group - soldiers' songs. All these songs are divided into military - historical and domestic. Military historical songs were most often sung in the first person and narrated about glorious battles, courage and resourcefulness. In everyday songs, a soldier-peasant described his difficult military life.

Vedas The fifth group is humorous or satirical folk songs. These songs include "Oh, you canopy, my canopy." These songs reflect the cheerful and resilient disposition of the Russian people, who are simply not used to being sad.

Vedas Since the song appeared a very long time ago, when there was actually separation, there was no story and song. Slowly, the singers solemnly told aboutheroes and their exploits for the glory of the Russian land. And they called these songs-stories and epics.

5 Vedas 9 cells Polina Vika

Vedas And buffoons roamed the world - jacks of all trades: they sing, dance, and tell a fairy tale. The people still remember their comic songs about how “a mosquito married a fly” and about how “a lady-flea lived in a green forest”. That's what those songs are called - buffoons.
Well, in those rare times, funny dance songs sounded on holidays, but to the accordion, and with choruses!


How it will tighten, how it will fill
Our Orthodox people
After all, where does it come from
Straight to the heart and clings!
Sing about the pace of the night
Or about the white snows.
About the merchant's daughter
About silk meadows.
Sing about the blue sea
Ile about mother river
About the torment and grief,

About heartbreak.
And now we will sing, but not about melancholy, but about something fun.

Vedas In Rus', they always loved to sing in chorus, together. It turned out great in round dances, which were led by girls and boys.Not a single holiday, not a single gathering was complete without round dances.

Vedas In one of the songs there are such words "What is the song without button accordion". What else? What song without...? /accordions, balalaikas/.

Something you have not heard for a long time,
Three twisted strings.
They say they're out of fashion
Songs of Russian antiquity.
Well, maple, give it a go,
Call all over
Balalaika, balalaika,
Golden bells.


You are not shy even today
You are the only one in the whole country
You are brilliantly able
Touch the Russian string.
With a remote folk heart
You are related forever
In the golden hands of craftsmen
You will never be silent!

6 Vedas 10 cells Olya Alina

Vedas There are so many types of folk songs that it is difficult to define what they are. Initially, folk songs showed how people understand the world, life. And since life consists of many phenomena and situations, folk songs reflect these phenomena.

One of the types of folk songs is songs about professions. They may be about
shepherds, shoemakers, chimney sweeps, tailors. They might be about miners and cowboys.

Vedas Another variety of folk songs are religious folk songs. The most remarkable of these songs - the spiritual - are imbued with high spirituality.

Vedas There are folk songs that sing of the seasons. There are wedding songs, lullabies, lamentations, war songs, soldiers' songs and many others. Folk songs can be absolutely about everything in a person's daily life.


Tenderness wakes up, I hold my breath

And I will wake up my heart with light sadness.

About the Russian song, about your suffering,

Table, free, earthly,

You were born in joy and sorrow.

The age-old truth settled here

And people's grief and depth of will.


Will fly up like a bird above the clouds.

Spilled with gold in ripe ears

And in the balalaika it will sound without words.

I love you people, live,

You value the Russian spirit in the song.

And giving the wisdom of the ancestors to the lines,

You will prolong the joy in your heart with beauty.

Vedas And, finally, ditties. But that's a completely different story...
The song was a part of the spiritual life of a person, a support in his hard work and worries. Even now the song makes us rejoice and grieve, love and be disappointed, live and die.
Vedas The song unites us, singing the song - bloodedclose relatives. Only with a songyou understand that we are children of the same Motherland, that we have
one common house - Russia.

Vedas Rus' is powerful even in song,
Wide and deep
And free and loud
And free, and call.
Oh yeah songs, what songs
Singing our people!
golden, remote,
Russian songs, live - Well done!

Vedas: So our holiday has come to an end, but the song does not end.


Merry and sad -
Whatever you want, we will sing;
Our relatives are Russian;
We live with them again.

Left us as a legacy;
Don't forget them;
The culture of our ancestors
Strengthen and develop...

Sing, listen, love the Russian song!

We congratulate all girls, mothers, grandmothers on the upcoming holiday on March 8. (congratulations words)

With a fragrant sprig of lilac
Spring comes to every home
We heartily congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day!
May the sun shine with joy today
Leaving a sheaf of great worries in the shadows,
And all the flowers in the world
Let them bloom today at your feet.

I congratulate the beautiful ladies
With the spring sun, birds singing
And with blue high, clear.
Let the decoration of your faces
A gentle smile will serve
The radiance of the gentle eye.
A trifle is my gift - just a postcard.
But, a sign that I think of you!

March 8 - Women's Day!
One of the days of the year
When you bring warmth to all smiles,
When flowers bloom in the soul!
And in this bright hour, as before again
Let it accompany you:
Hope, Faith and Love!

On this day, warmed in spring
All flowers, smiles to you!
So that you do not know sadness
Even a light sadness shadow
So that your eyes always shine
And not only on this day!

There are many poems about this holiday,
But to congratulate him, really, I will not get tired.
Let the voices of children, merging into a choir,
Congratulations, our mothers!
Health, happiness and great love
We wish all women today.
Ah, if the nightingales sang in March
Or lilac blossomed, as in warm May.

May women's day never end
Let the streams sing in your honor,
Let the sun smile at you
And men give you flowers.
With the first drop, with the last blizzard,
Happy early spring
Congratulations, we sincerely wish you
Joy, happiness, health, love!

Accept musical congratulations on the holiday, the song Across the river bridge sounds for you. (Nastya and Alina)

1 Vedas 9 cl Polina Vika Musical intro

My homeland is rich in songs.
The song glorifies sweet lands.
Voiced, cheerful, sad at times

It flows like a free river through Russia.

My heart skips a beat when you speak.
You speak the truth about our fate.
We often sing about love, separation,
And about happiness, too, each about his own.
Russian villages and cities love songs.
It doesn't matter to us with such songs!
How many songs are sung, how many we will sing,
When we sit side by side on a holiday at the table!

Song Russian-Russian soul!
What a song you are, ours is good!
From birth to the last days
We are with you, the song is no more true friend!

The holiday begins with the song _Voronova Alina (Shadow-Shadow)

Ved Good afternoon! We are glad to see you at our holiday.

Vedas And we gathered here to listen to songs, sing, play and learn about the Russian song.

Vedas In the old days they said: "Whoever lives with a song, that grief is dumb."

“As one lives, so one sings” “Where there are songs, there is youth”

Vedas "The song is the soul of the people." From time immemorial the song is always

was next to a person in joy and in sorrow. From

from birth to death

Where did Russian come from, music?
Whether in an open field,
Or in a hazy forest.
Whether in joy, in pain,
Or bird whistle?
You tell me where
Sadness in you and prowess
How did you appear
From the very beginning,
Whose heart were you in?
Who did you sound like?

Ducks flew - dropped pipes,
Geese flew - dropped the harp,
Their spring spring
We found it, we weren't surprised...

Vedas: Well, what about the song?
Vedas With a song in Rus' were born.

Students open our program with a song _________________________________________________________

2 Leaders 10kl Olya Alina

Let's forget everything
and sing a Russian song.
Without fashionable rhythms and witticisms,
The one that people always sing.
from joy, or from longing,
or the heart is torn to pieces.
The soul will suddenly ask for melodies,
that still live among the people.
without brands, images and fashion,
from Russian essence, nature.

these songs live in Russia
and there is nothing better in the world.
When the evening happens
after labors, after roads,
friends over bread and wine
talk about everything;
drag the song together, together,
the spirit soars, the soul blossoms
and nothing else is needed
and life to the song is good.

Let's sing folk -
Let's take it from the heart.
Let now unfashionable;
Yes painfully good!

Vedas Folk song originated even before the appearance of writing in Rus'. The peasant cultivated the land, planted a garden, raised cattle and did not know at all that there were letters in the world, but everyone knew that there were songs in the world. And how could it be otherwise?

Vedas After all, things go faster with a song, and work is almost in full swing, and how else could a poor person have a rest, except for not singing a couple of songs on a mound in the evening. The whole life of a person in those days was connected with the song. What I see, I sing about. And what were the songs?

Vedas - Our people have many different songs. Epics tell about exploits in the name of happiness and well-being of the people and the state. Historical songs about famous people and memorable events of antiquity, ballads amaze the imagination with the details of the life drama.

Vedas Everyday songs differ from all of them. Their themes are the family, the fate of a person, feelings and thoughts inspired by everyday life. These songs are as varied as the work of people, their traditions and customs.

O beloved Russian songs,

Stored among the people for centuries,

Well, why are you so good?

And in sorrow you are with us and in joy,

You are with us from birth to old age

Sound in the depths of the soul!

About songs languidly tender,

Hidden in you gave boundless,

And the universal sadness cries ...

And like an in'okinya-old woman,

Hearing you, I want to repent

And my chest is full of light.

But remote, spaced,

Like the unrestrained wind free,

Such that immediately - and dance!

You Rus gave birth to fertile

And with its overwhelming strength

Filled you to the brim.

And how good are the songs of war!

Immeasurable love for Russia

It sounds to you like a formidable tocsin.

We are with a song of war to death in battle

Let's go, O Russia, for your life,

Without taking a step back

The Russian song is open spaces,

Which I will follow all my life.

This is Father Don near Rostov,

This is Mother Volga on the way.

The Russian song is a shepherd,

Dewy, joyful, early horn.

Just stand up for a minute, listen

Runs like a new engine.

The Russian song is not naked,

Not debauchery, not hysterical sadness,

It's a silent resolution

Sit next to me and look into my eyes.

She embraces everything with her heart,

She is twenty and a thousand years old.

Russian song, Russian land

I love you so much that there are no more words.

Vedas Labor songs. They accompanied almost every type of labor activity of the peasant - whether it was hunting, pulling nets or lifting weights. All these songs had their own rhythm, under which the work went amicably and controversially. And the most basic difference between a labor song is the presence of exclamations in it - interjections, such as "Hey!", "Wow!", "Ah!". The most famous labor folk song is Dubinushka.

3 Vedas 9 class Polina Vika

Vedas Whatever a person does, reaping bread, mowing hay, rafting timber or pulling a barge, a song helped him everywhere.

I am for the song of the soul
Took forests green whisper,
And the Volga in the midday heat
Dark jets listened to the roar.
I took from autumn - bad weather,
Spring has a fragrance
I took happiness from the people
And endless suffering

Vedas: In the Russian song - folk life,

The song ringing with the heart is sung,
Let a cheerful or sad motive
Grateful in the soul will respond!


Guess what song is in question, the answer is accepted in the performance of a few lines or words

1 A song that mentions the non-residential part of a village house, adjacent to its residential part and used for household needs. (Oh you, canopy, my canopy)
2. A song about national Russian winter footwear made from sheep's wool. (Felt boots)
3. The song of a windy girl who seduced a young man and was preoccupied with a huge sense of guilt. (Am I to blame)
4. A song that mentions a large Russian city on the left elevated bank of the Volga River. (Ah, Samara-town)
5. A song about a forest-forming tree species widespread in Russia with papery bark and thin, drooping branches. (There was a birch in the field)

6. A song about a pair of domestic long-necked birds of various colors, distinguished by a cheerful character. (Two cheerful geese)
7. The song, known for its affectionate appeal to a felled tree trunk, performed by Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin. (Dubinushka)
8. Song - an appeal to the state of atmospheric air, in which water freezes, and the thermometer drops below zero. (Oh, frost, frost)
9. A song in which a garden building is mentioned, where a Russian person can wash himself, being actively exposed to heat and steam. (Heated, drowned in the garden bath)
10. A song in which the noise of a swamp, fistulate, cranked plant is mentioned. (Noisy reeds)
11. A song about how on a plain overgrown with grassy vegetation in the complete absence of trees, a person engaged in transportation by horse-drawn transport freezes. (Steppe and steppe all around)
12. A song about small merchants who delivered various goods to the villages, which are necessary in peasant life. (Pedlars)

The tunes of our Russian songs...
They whisper the stars
They have a rustle of grass.
Spring hymn of heaven
The rumbles of oak forests roam in them ...

River reeds sing.
All that is given to them from above,
That life cannot crush
We continue to hear in songs.

The river rings, sings in the night,
Overflowing closer to the mouth.
Hear the melody of the breeze
With viscous, steppe sadness ...

Oh, Russian song, you are everything!
You are our eternal boundlessness!
And will not drown out the crows
Gentle and gentle tunes!

About Russian song.

4 Vedas 10 class Nastya Julia

Vedas The second group is love songs. Most often, boys and girls sang these songs before the wedding. They contain all the bitterness of unrequited love, the joy of a date, a terrible longing for a sweetheart, all the pain of the soul from the courtship of the unloved ... The girls sang these songs on the street or when they got together for embroidery.

Why are you touching my heart
An ancient song?
Does a high soul live in you,
Is it a reflection of unsteady silence?
Then you let the falcon over the cloud,
Spreading bitter smoke with your hands,
Then you go out a widow, lonely,
Give flowers to the young.

Vedas All folk songs about love. About love and native land, and therefore to the people who live on it, to relatives and dear ones.

The third group is family songs sung by married women. These songs reflected the difficult life of a married woman. Most often, such songs were sung in the evenings in the upper rooms at the spinning wheel or at other work.

Then you take the round dances into the field,

Then you burn yourself in the dance!

You are forever in tune with the Russian share,
My spring song!

Vedas The fourth group is soldiers' songs. All these songs are divided into military - historical and domestic. Military historical songs were most often sung in the first person and narrated about glorious battles, courage and resourcefulness. In everyday songs, a soldier-peasant described his difficult military life.

Vedas The fifth group is humorous or satirical folk songs. These songs include "Oh, you canopy, my canopy." These songs reflect the cheerful and resilient disposition of the Russian people, who are simply not used to being sad.

Vedas Since the song appeared a very long time ago, when there was actually separation, there was no story and song. Without haste, the singers solemnly told about the heroes and their exploits for the glory of the Russian land. And they called these songs-stories and epics.

5 Vedas 9 cells Polina Vika

Vedas And buffoons roamed the world - jacks of all trades: they sing, dance, and tell a fairy tale. The people still remember their comic songs about how “a mosquito married a fly” and about how “a lady-flea lived in a green forest”. That's what those songs are called - buffoons.
Well, in those rare times, funny dance songs sounded on holidays, but to the accordion, and with choruses!

How it will tighten, how it will fill
Our Orthodox people
After all, where does it come from
Straight to the heart and clings!
Sing about the pace of the night
Or about the white snows.
About the merchant's daughter
About silk meadows.
Sing about the blue sea
Ile about mother river
About the torment and grief,

About heartbreak.
And now we will sing, but not about melancholy, but about something fun.

Vedas In Rus', they always loved to sing in chorus, together. It turned out great in round dances, which were led by girls and boys. Not a single holiday, not a single gathering could do without round dances.

Vedas In one of the songs there are such words "What is the song without button accordion". What else? What's a song without...? /accordions, balalaikas/.

Something you have not heard for a long time,
Three twisted strings.
They say they're out of fashion
Songs of Russian antiquity.
Well, maple, give it a go,
Call all over
Balalaika, balalaika,
Golden bells.

You are not shy even today
You are the only one in the whole country
You are brilliantly able
Touch the Russian string.
With a remote folk heart
You are related forever
In the golden hands of craftsmen
You will never be silent!

6 Vedas 10 cells Olya Alina

Vedas There are so many types of folk songs that it is difficult to define what they are. Initially, folk songs showed how people understand the world, life. And since life consists of many phenomena and situations, folk songs reflect these phenomena.

One of the types of folk songs is songs about professions. They may be about
shepherds, shoemakers, chimney sweeps, tailors. They might be about miners and cowboys.

Vedas Another variety of folk songs - religious folk songs. The most remarkable of these songs - the spiritual - are imbued with high spirituality.

Vedas There are folk songs that sing of the seasons. There are wedding songs, lullabies, lamentations, war songs, soldiers' songs and many others. Folk songs can be absolutely about everything in a person's daily life.

Tenderness wakes up, I hold my breath

And I will wake up my heart with light sadness.

About the Russian song, about your suffering,

Table, free, earthly,

You were born in joy and sorrow.

The age-old truth settled here

And people's grief and depth of will.

Will fly up like a bird above the clouds.

Spilled with gold in ripe ears

And in the balalaika it will sound without words.

I love you people, live,

You value the Russian spirit in the song.

And giving the wisdom of the ancestors to the lines,

You will prolong the joy in your heart with beauty.

Vedas And, finally, ditties. But that's a completely different story...
The song was a part of the spiritual life of a person, a support in his hard work and worries. Even now the song makes us rejoice and grieve, love and be disappointed, live and die.
Vedas The song unites us, singing a song - blood relatives, close in soul. Only with a song do you understand that we are children of the same Motherland, that we have
one common house - Russia.

Vedas Rus' is powerful in song,
Wide and deep
And free and loud
And free, and call.
Oh yeah songs, what songs
Singing our people!
golden, remote,
Russian songs, live - Well done!

Vedas: So our holiday has come to an end, but the song does not end.

Merry and sad -
Whatever you want, we will sing;
Our relatives are Russian;
We live with them again.

Left us as a legacy;
Don't forget them;
The culture of our ancestors
Strengthen and develop ...

Sing, listen, love the Russian song!

With a fragrant sprig of lilac
Spring comes to every home
We heartily congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day!
May the sun shine with joy today
Leaving a sheaf of great worries in the shadows,
And all the flowers in the world
Let them bloom today at your feet.

I congratulate the beautiful ladies
With the spring sun, birds singing
And with blue high, clear.
Let the decoration of your faces
A gentle smile will serve
The radiance of the gentle eye.
A trifle is my gift - just a postcard.
But, a sign that I think of you!

March 8 is Women's Day!
One of the days of the year
When you bring warmth to all smiles,
When flowers bloom in the soul!
And in this bright hour, as before again
Let it accompany you:
Hope, Faith and Love!

On this day, warmed in spring
All flowers, smiles to you!
So that you do not know sadness
Even a light sadness shadow
So that your eyes always shine
And not only on this day!

There are many poems about this holiday,
But to congratulate him, really, I will not get tired.
Let the voices of children, merging into a choir,
Congratulations, our mothers!
Health, happiness and great love
We wish all women today.
Ah, if the nightingales sang in March
Or lilac blossomed, as in warm May.

May women's day never end
Let the streams sing in your honor,
Let the sun smile at you
And men give you flowers.
With the first drop, with the last blizzard,
Happy early spring
Congratulations, we sincerely wish you
Joy, happiness, health, love!

Accept musical congratulations on the holiday, the song Across the river bridge sounds for you. (Nastya and Alina)

Sl. 1. Hello dear viewers! Today our meeting is devoted to acquaintance with Russian folk instruments.

Sl.2. On February 16, 2017, students of the musical department of the college met with the orchestra of Russian folk instruments of the Khabarovsk Institute of Culture. For many, this meeting was a discovery, and some heard the sound of a folk orchestra for the first time.

Sl.3. What is an orchestra of Russian folk instruments? What tools are included. A group of strings - orchestral domras, balalaikas and keyboard harp. A group of button accordions (sometimes they play accordions or accordions). Percussion group. The orchestra also includes wind instruments of Russian origin, for example, zhaleika and pipes, and European ones - flutes, oboes.

Sl. 4.The Russian people have always surrounded their lives with songs and music flowing from Russian folk instruments ... when everything sings in the soul, and nothing is closer to a person than the sound of a native, familiar from childhood, instrument.

Sl. 5. Domra is one of the most ancient Russian folk instruments.A barbaric story of the destruction of musical instruments is connected with it, which cannot be left unsaid. Sl. 6. The first professional performers - musicians in Rus', one might say, were buffoons. They played domras, zhaleykas, beeps and other folk instruments, earning their living. To the accompaniment of domras, buffoons sang songs in which they ridiculed priests, boyars and royal power. Sl. 7. In 1648, by order of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich the Quietest, all domras and other musical instruments of buffoons were ordered to be collected and burned. “And where domras, and surns, and beeps, and harras, and hari, and all sorts of buzzing demonic vessels will appear, and you would have ordered those demonic ones to be seized and, having broken those demonic games, ordered them to be burned. And which people will not lag behind from the whole bogomer business and will continue to learn to keep such a bogomer business, and according to our decree, those people are ordered to punish .. they ordered to beat the batogs ... and they will appear in such guilt in the third and fourth, and those according to by our decree, ordered to be exiled to the Ukrainian cities for disgrace.

Sl. 8. No musical instrument in the world seems to have known such a tragic fate. As a result of such measures to destroy domra after the 17th century, researchers do not find any significant mention of the old domra. It seems that the history of the ancient Russian instrument ended there. But the domra was destined to be reborn from the ashes. Domra was remembered and found only at the end of the 19th century by the creators of the first Russian folk orchestra.

Today, domra is a solo instrument on which you can play any music: folk, classical, pop ... lyrics. 9. Anna Sennikova will perform Verano Porteno by Argentinean composer of the 20th century Astor Piazzola.

Sl. 10. Another stringed musical instrument that can be heard in an orchestra of folk instruments is Balalaika. She cries and laughs ... she knows how to sing plaintive songs and whip with satire ....

Balalaika is a symbol of Russia. She went through a difficult albeit to national and worldwide recognition. Many researchers consider the destroyed domra to be the progenitor of the balalaika. It is believed that after the burning of domra, a balalaika appeared - with a triangular body, so as not to resemble a rounded domra. The first mention of the balalaika dates back to the 17th century.

Sl.11. In the 18th century, a fresh stream poured in and, little by little, native Russian art is being revived. The voice of folk instruments is getting louder.

Sl.12. Vasily Vasilievich Andreev. A Russian nobleman once heard how a peasant sl.13. Arkhip plays the balalaika. Andreev, a self-taught violinist, took a year to master the balalaika. In 1887, he first performed at a concert as a soloist to the accompaniment of the piano, thus making the balalaika an instrument of the concert stage.

Sl. 14. Andreev first created the “Circle of Balalaika Fans”, and later transformed it into the Great Russian Orchestra. Sl. 15. On March 20, 1888, for the first time, a public performance of the "Mug of balalaika lovers" took place. This date is considered the birthday of the Russian folk orchestra. Three years after his first performance, Andreev went to Paris with the orchestra. Sl.16. Vasily Andreev popularized the Russian balalaika and improved the instrument. He worked closely with master Semyon Nalimov, who, according to the musician's drawings, created orchestral instruments of the next 17 - balalaikas: treble, piccolo, prima, tenor, alto, bass and the largest - double bass balalaika. And also, according to the surviving sketches, the master managed to restore the domra and create orchestral domras.

France, England and America were conquered by Russian orchestras. The balalaika became fashionable and in demand, it appeared in foreign stores, and those who wanted to learn how to play it did not dry out.

Sl.18. The balalaika has become a symbol of Russia.
sl. 19. Yan Artyushenko. Kalinka.

Sl. 20. Guitar.

Sl.21. In the Middle Ages, the guitar was brought to Spain from Rome. She had 5 double strings. Such a guitar was called the "Spanish guitar" and was very common in the 15th century. In the 18th century, the sixth string appeared on the Spanish guitar. In Europe, the guitar has been known for five centuries. And she got to Russia relatively late.

Sl.22. At the beginning of the 18th century, Western music began to spread widely in Russia. Thanks to the composers of Italy, the guitar has received a solid place in Russia. Nikolai Makarov was one of the first guitar players in Russia. But at the beginning of the 19th century, with the help of the talented guitarist Andrei Sikhra, the 7-string guitar became popular. He wrote more than a thousand works for 7 strings of the so-called "Russian" guitar.

Sl. 23. Currently, quite often the guitar is used as a solo instrument in the Russian folk orchestra.

DC24. Anatoly Yegorov, teacher of the Institute of Culture, will perform the work of Tommy Emanuel "Angelina".

Sl.25. Accordion. Harmonic. Accordion.

During the reign of the Russian folk orchestra Andreev, the orchestra consisted of stringed instruments - balalaika, domra, gusli. In the 50s of the 20th century, as an experiment, first accordion, then button accordion were included in the orchestra. Since then, it is almost impossible to imagine a Russian folk orchestra without a button accordion; the instrument has received its function in the orchestra.

Sl.26. In 1821, the hereditary German master Friedrich Buschmann created the first harmonica in order to simplify the tuning of the organ and piano. And in 1822, he added a leather reservoir to the harmonica, similar to the modern accordion bellows. He called his instrument the hand aeolina, and also used it to tune the organ. On such an instrument, only a melody could be played.

Few people know that the accordion is almost the only musical instrument whose birth is recorded with an accuracy of one day. Sl.27. This significant event took place on May 6, 1829 in Austria. Russian by birth, organ maker Kirill Demian, who lives in Vienna, perfected Bushman's eoline. HE added chord accompaniment - when you can play a whole chord with one button. After a while, he filed a patent for the manufacture of a new instrument, which he called the accordion, since the presence of chord sound was a striking feature.

Accordions began to be produced in Italy, Germany, Austria and France.

Sl.28. And how did this tool come to us, in Russia? They say that this happened at the Nizhny Novgorod Fair. A gunsmith from Tula, Ivan Sizov, heard the sounds of an unusual instrument. He was so delighted with the sound that he bargained for a wonderful instrument from an overseas merchant. When the master came home, he dismantled the instrument and made a few more for his friends in its likeness. The tool is so fond of people that its production has become massive.

In different parts, they began to produce a huge number of varieties of accordions, which were adapted to perform local melodies and tunes. So there were: Saratov, Tulskaya, Livenskaya, Siberian.

Sl.29. It will probably be interesting to know who was the creator of the button accordion and why the instrument was called that? It happened in 1907. Russian master Pyotr Sterligov created accordions of extraordinary beauty and sound quality. Sl.30. And once the accordionist Yakov Fedorovich Orlandsky-Titorenko ordered the master to make an instrument with a chromatic scale. Such an instrument was made and exceeded all expectations, its technical features and timbre coloration exceeded all expectations. It was decided to call the instrument a button accordion, in honor of the musician - storyteller Boyan. Unfortunately, this very first button accordion has not survived, as it was lost during the blockade in Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War.

Sl.31. A large section of Russian culture is associated with the accordion, button accordion, accordion. These tools lifted the spirit of people during the war years, united and supported in difficult times. YES, and the holidays in the villages did not pass without them.

Sl.32. Every year on the third Saturday of March, the All-Russian Day of Bayan, Accordion and Harmonica is celebrated.

Sl. 33 Kotelevsky "Scherzo" Bannikova K.V.

Sl. 34 The orchestra of Russian folk instruments has become a unique phenomenon not only in the domestic, but also in the entire world musical culture. Today, it is a special synthesis of Russian folklore and European academic art ... at the same time, it has a unique characteristic timbre, which has become, to a certain extent, a musical symbol of Russian national culture.

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