Scenario of entertainment "circus lights fires". Circus New Year's performance in the senior group of kindergarten


Circus performance for older preschoolers

To the music of "Parade alle" children enter the hall, rebuild. In conclusion, they stop facing the audience at pre-planned places facing the audience. After the children enter the clowns Iriska and Klepa
Klepa: Here, here, faster
We'll have a circus here!
The show will start
Merry now!
Toffee: There will be different animals
And tricks and strongmen!
Call the parents guys
Hurry to the New Year's circus!
1 child: Surprises are prepared
Songs, jokes - just class!
2 child: And today the circus is fun
He will light his fires for you!
3 child: Let's say together: "One, two, three!
Children together: Circus light your fires!
The children repeat the words in chorus. The lights of the circus "garland" light up. The end of the song "Circus, circus, circus!" - the children are arranged in a general circle and stop in front of the Christmas tree.
1 child: Here in the circus we have a New Year
It will bring a lot of joy!
Our miracle circus sparkles with lights.
It looks like he wants to dance with us!
2 child: Snow is falling outside the window.
Snow is fluffy, New Year's.
Happy New Year everyone, everyone, everyone
We congratulate you today!
3 child: There are guests in the hall, we are glad to them,
The tree has grown again!
Surprises us with an outfit
If only she would go dancing with us!
4 child: The Christmas tree is full of new toys,
And the balls on it shine
Our Christmas Tree
Congratulations to all guys!
5 child: And we also can not sit -
We love to have fun!
The tree of our songs is waiting,
Let the round dance spin!
6 child: Let's sing, dance, have fun,
Let's go in a round dance at the Christmas tree.
Let our Christmas tree sparkle with lights
Let's light all the flames to the top!
Clowns: Once! Two! Three!
Christmas tree - Christmas tree, shine!
Children repeat, the garlands on the Christmas tree light up
Children sit down
7 child: Dear viewers,
Children and parents!
With your permission
Let's start the show
Klepa drags a very heavy weight with effort
Klepa: Oh, I'm tired, I barely dragged it.
Toffee (trying to move the weight to no avail):
Blimey! Heavy! Maybe one of the guys can pick it up?
1 child: We guys are strong
2 child: We bend iron into rolls
3 child: We throw weights to the top,
Together: We are not stronger in the world!
Toffee: Favorites of the public, the most famous strongmen of the world………names
Music from the film "Gentlemen of Fortune"
Attributes: Klepa, and I have a surprise for you.
Klepa: What?
Iriska: Can you guess my riddle first?
Run on hind legs
Two actresses in trendy hats
Stumble, squeal
Small tails tremble!
Klepa: Butterflies! Their wings are trembling.
Depicts "wings"
Toffee: Yes, not wings, but ponytails!
Children: Dogs!
Dog barking is heard, Cubes for dogs are put up in the arena.
Clowns come up to dogs and pet them.
Klepa: And dogs can also count. Ah, count your nose! (barks once) Butterscotch: Gaf. count your tail! (Barks once)
Klepa: Af, how many eyes do you have? (barks twice).
Toffee: Gaf, how many paws do you have? (Barks 4 times)
Klepa and Iriska (together):
Af and Gaf, how many hairs are in wool? (Bark many times)
Klepa: Pat the dogs - they tried very hard!
8 child: What is New Year?

Is this a friendly dance?
This is the laughter of funny guys
Near all the elegant Christmas trees!
9 child: The one who wants to be cheerful
It turned out the New Year -
Let today be with us
Sing a song of snow!
SONG: "ZIMUSHKA" Devochkina
Host: The children all came to the Christmas tree.
The guests are here, but here's the question:
Where does our cheerful roam
Dear Santa Claus
It's time for him to come
He got stuck on the way
Santa Claus: Hey! Ay!
Do you hear me calling you?
Listening, no answer.
Clowns: Guys, let's call Santa Claus together.
The children call Santa Claus, Fox Alice and the cat Basilio appear instead. The clowns go behind the tree, the tree goes out.
Fox: Skip the lame invalid, eyeless poverty, Kota Basilio!
Cat: We froze in the cold. We have such a cold in the Land of Fools!
Fox: We are looking for a big tree to cut down, melt and warm ourselves.
Cat: Oh, look Alice, here is the tree. Large branchy - a lot of firewood
Fox: So it looks dressed up. Balls on it, flashlights.
Cat: Don't worry, we'll cut down the tree now. Let's collect these balls, put on beads and
let's sell them in the Land of Fools.
Fox: And we will have money.
Cat: And how will we divide the money? Will you give me two gold pieces again, and three for yourself? It's not fair!
Fox: Wait, Basilio, take your time. First we need to cut down this Christmas tree. Where
They look around, looking for a saw. They find fallen beads under the tree, begin to pull them in different directions, saying: “I found this! These are my! Give it back!
Presenter: Robbers! Tramps! What a shame!
Santa Claus is coming soon
Oh, someone will!
Fox: I beg you, be quiet,
You don't talk about us!
presenter: To keep warm, it is not necessary to spoil the trees, you can have fun dancing.
Cat: Well, teach!
Presenter: And in general, we have a circus performance today. Do you know anything?
Cat: Of course, even though I'm blind, I can show tricks.
Fox: And I'm a cunning fox
I also love tricks
Whoever you want, I'll cheat.
Cat: Here we warmed up a little.
Fox: And now it's time to go.
Bye everyone, but it's time for us,
Happy New Year kids!
Exeunt Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox.
Presenter: Where is Santa Claus?
He lingered along the way
It's time for him to come!
10 child: Snowfalls and blizzards
Could lead him astray
Deep drifts in the forest
Grandfather lay down at his feet.
11 child: Then he definitely got lost,
Our circus horses
I will call my grandfather for help.
(Calling) You horses, hurry up,
Help Santa Claus!
In the center of the circle is the trainer. He has multi-colored ribbons in his hands, the horses hold on to the ribbons and perform movements. After the dance, the girls run away from the hall and return with Santa Claus - "go on a sled" The first three girls hold an arc with bells. Santa Claus is holding the reins.
Father Frost: Hello guys,
Dear grandchildren (children answer)
I made my way to you through the blizzards,
Finally reached the goal.
And I thought one thing:
I dreamed of getting into the circus for a long time,
And the desired hour has come
I am very glad to see you!
Happy New Year!
I wish you happiness, joy
Turns to the tree:
Your Christmas tree is amazing
And fragrant and beautiful
Presenter: Only sad is worth
The lights don't shine!
Father Frost: Let's fix this misfortune
Let's make all the lights shine!
Speaks slowly, confidently:
My magic staff
Get on your heels.
Hits the staff on the floor.
Stomp once and spin...
Spin around with a staff, shows them to the Christmas tree
Come on, Christmas tree, light up!
The lights on the tree are lit
Father Frost: Come on, circus people
Get into the round dance!
Because in our circus...
All children together
New Year! New Year!
By type of game "Pass the mitten"
Children sit down.
Father Frost: Which of the circus artists will still amuse grandfather? Who will surprise the old?
Presenter: Come on, tigers come out,
Surprise Santa Claus!
Father Frost: Guys, are you afraid of the cold?
12 child: We are not afraid! We don't care about the cold!
We are not afraid of the cold!
We dance and sing
We have a lot of fun!
Father Frost: Does that mean you're not afraid? Now I'll check it out!
Children stand near the chairs, Santa Moro leads the staff close to the feet of the children. Children bounce in place.
Father Frost: Wow, haven't played this in a long time!
Oh, how tired grandfather is!
Presenter: Sit down, grandpa, take a rest,
Yes, listen, look
And the kids will rest
Poems will be read for you.
Children read New Year's poems.
Santa Claus: Oh yes, well done!
13 Child: Very much waiting, Santa Claus,
We are you for the evening
How happy is everyone
New Year's meeting!
Presenter: You are such a good fellow, and you know how to joke, and you play fun with children. And here
can you dance?
Father Frost: Oh, it's easier than ever
One - two and you're done!
Presenter: Well, then at our Christmas tree
Let's all dance together!
Santa Claus: Oh yes, well done, Santa Claus was amused and deserved gifts!
Clowns, come on, help, hand out gifts to everyone!
Clown children come out from both sides.
Presenter: Well, Santa Claus
You made us laugh to tears.
And where did you put the gifts, did you forget?
Father Frost: See how much snow is under your Christmas tree
We'll tinker a little
Together we will blow on the snow ...
Let the snow sparkle and sparkle.
Let them turn into gifts!
Staff taps:
Sweep the snow under the tree
And we will find gifts there!
Adults remove the bedspread, children see gifts. Santa Claus distributes gifts.
Santa Claus: Gave gifts to everyone
Didn't forget anyone?
Children answer:
Time is moving forward
Here comes the New Year!
Grow strong, healthy
And play a little
It's time for me to go on a long journey
Goodbye, kids!
Santa Claus is leaving.
1 Presenter: Well, friends, it's time for us,
Disperses to home.
2 Presenter: Our circus was a success - to the glory,
You guys are great
real artists,
Circus performers and brave men!
1 Presenter: I wish everyone fun
Happiness, joyful chores!
Well, Santa Claus, believe me,
We'll be back in a year!
To the cheerful music, the children leave the hall

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MBOU DOD "DSHI" Kolpashevo

Teacher Eliseeva E.A.

"Musical Circus" (performance for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren of the city)

Fanfare sounds. The curtain opens. Piano on stage. To the cheerful music, the red-haired clown Klepa and the clown Iriska run out onto the stage
Klepa. Hey guys! Hi all!
Toffee. Oh, so many kids! Both girls and boys!
Klepa. Hey, let's get acquainted! I am Klepa!
Toffee. And I'm Iris!
Klepa. Just look, do not confuse: not sausage, but Toffee. (Taffy shakes his fist at him) Today you and I will go... guess where? That's right, the circus. An extraordinary show awaits us! Why extraordinary? Because our circus will be MUSICAL!

Iriska: You will see real circus performers, hear plays on various instruments performed by students of the Children's Art School, or maybe you yourself will be in the role of circus artists. Do you agree? (YES!)

Klepa: The circus is very good!

Everywhere is festive, light!

There is laughter here!

Invites everyone to visit!

Butterscotch: Today clowns Aliska and Anfiska are performing with us at the arena! Your applause! (clowns come out with chairs jumping, greet, make faces). Klepa and Iriska leave the stage and take out Ira - a babalaika, Anya - a tambourine.

Alice: Hello to all the girls and boys!

Anfiska: And hello to all the older ones too!

Alice: We can play musical instruments! They sit on chairs, play to the soundtrack, Aliska on a fake balalaika, Anfiska on a tambourine. Alice gets up imperceptibly, sneaks up behind Anfiska and lowers a huge spider (props) on the line in front of her face. Anfiska yells in fright.

Alice: (hides the spider behind her back and asks) What happened?

Anfiska gestures in fear of a spider (what "eyes", "paws" it has).

Alice (shakes her head that there is nothing) You thought it! (THROW THE HAMMER)

Anfiska again sits down to play the balalaika.

Alice puts the spider on Anfiska's head again

Anfiska screams, showing Aliska the spider with gestures.

Alice takes a huge inflatable hammer and beats the spider on Anfiska's head

Anfiska falls.

Alice blows Anfiska with a balalaika (when Anfiska wakes up), shows that the spider is a toy. Anfiska pounces on Aliska with her fists and they run away.

Klepa: Your applause to Aliska and Anfiska! (ANIA CLOSES THE CHAIRS)

Toffee: Let today in our hall,
There will be bright moments, let the applause thunder!
Klepa: You will find a lot in the circus: a sea of ​​laughter and miracles.
The road is calling to the circus again and you are always welcome here!
"Aquarelle" sings the song "Circus"

Butterscotch: Guys, which one of you has been to a real circus? Raise your hands (children raise their hands). Who do you think is the most important in the circus? (answers from the audience)
Klepa: The most important thing in the circus is, of course, me!
Iriska: Yes, Klepa! You have never been distinguished by an excess of modesty!
Klepa: Do you know why? Because I'm funny and make everyone laugh. Because I can do anything! I can run, I can jump, I can be sad and cheerful, as in the play "Clowns" by Kabalevsky.

Klepa: Easy circus horse
Jumping around the arena, waving curls,
And prance, and dance,
That's just the land will not plow.

Iriska: I always admire the performance of graceful horses. There is even such a play "My horse". She will sound on the domra.

Toffee: Elephant Muscovite. To the capital he
Was brought by an elephant.
From a neighboring country
The one where the elephants romp.

Klepa: But in the circus, elephants can even dance!

Toffee: Quite right, and they really like the play called "The Elephant Dances" by Preobrazhensky.

Anfiska: (runs out, cries) Oh-oh-oh!

Alice with pliers in her pocket: What's wrong with you?

Anfiska: My tooth hurts!

Alice: Come on, open your mouth! Shi-re! Even wider! (Takes out PLIERS from his pocket and "pulls out" a large foam rubber dummy tooth)

Anfiska: Oh, what is this?!

Alice: It's your bad tooth!

Anfiska: My tooth?! Ltd! ("falls")

Alice: What's wrong with you?

Anfiska: I fainted!

Alice: Who's talking?

Anfiska: My tongue!

Alice: Well, lie down. I announce the next issue of the program!
Attention! Attention! Only today and only with us
Our ballerina Katya is performing on a tightrope,
On the rope back and forth as if walking on a bridge!

Dance etude "Ballerina"

Alice: We applaud friends!

Clownery "Candy")

The clown Klepa runs around the arena looking for something: Lost, lost!
Butterscotch: What have you lost, lost?
Klepa: Candy.
Butterscotch: And I have candy. Do you want me to give it to you?
Klepa: I want!
Butterscotch: Then guess which hand it's in.
Klepa points a finger at different hands and says: In this, in this, in this ...

Iris: You can't! Think and clearly show in which hand!
Klepa: Iriska! You have a fly on your forehead!
Butterscotch slaps her forehead with her free hand.
Klepa: In this one! (shouting)
Iris: Right! And how did you guess? (gives candy to Klepa)
Klepa: And you ask the guys.
(Children try to explain the deception.)
Butterscotch: So you tricked me? Children are good to do so?
Children: No!
Klepa gives half of the candy to Iriska.

Alice: I found a strange bottle here! There is something in her! Now I'm going to open it.

(Sounds of a flying whirlwind are heard from behind the stage.)

Alice runs out: Oh, oh! I opened the bottle with difficulty, and suddenly smoke came out of it. And then chok-chok ... And the old man came out of the bottle! He says that the name is Hottabych.

Muses. G. Gladkova Song "Hottabych" performed by Sophia Kolesnikova. (Hottabych goes around the hall, dancing) -

Hottabych: Oh, dearest children!
Oh beautiful star!
You take me out of prison
Released forever!
Two hundred years in this vessel
I've been sitting poor
Dwarf evil me in a vessel
Ordered to be sealed!
I will be glad to serve you
I am now your slave! (kneels before Klepa)

Klepa: What are you, grandfather, get up,
All of us are equal
You will also be a guest.

We want you to surprise us with something. You are a magician.

Hottabych: Oh, beautiful children,

The rays of my eyes ... Now I will surprise ... .. and invite a magician to the circus stage!

Magician performance.
Toffee: Thanks to Hokus-pocus for such wonderful numbers! Toffee asks Klepa: Klepa, do you want me to tell a poem?

Clap: Come on!

Toffee: A rope will be stretched from roof to roof.
In his hands - a stick, he is all - like scales,
And the spectators turned up their noses from below.
Pushing, whispering: "Now it will fall!" -
And everyone is excitedly waiting for something.
But the sky is transparent, and the rope is strong.
The acrobat walks easily and calmly.

Klepa: A good poem, and I even heard the piece "Acrobats", which will sound on the synthesizer.

Alice: Dear viewers! Do you want to have fun at our show?

Anfiska: Do you want? Fine! Come on, I'm going to tell you different news! And you, if the news is joyful, shout: "Hurrah!" and clap your hands.
Alice: And if you're sad, shout: "Uuu!" and stomp your feet. Deal? Then let's go! Anfiska: Today all the guys will be awarded prizes! Children: Hurrah!
Alice: And instead of prizes you will get semolina! Children: Wow!
Anfiska: In fact, everyone is waiting for delicious sweets! Children: Hurrah!
Alice: Which Anfiska has already devoured. Children: Wow!
Anfiska. And why is it just me? Like what, so immediately Anfiska.
Alice: Yes, I was joking. Forgot? We're in the circus. Don't pout, you're about to burst! Okay, so that you are not so offended, so be it, announce the next number of our program.
Anfiska: The next number of our program will be the performance of gymnasts.

Alice: Circus performers are stubborn people,

Trained and fit.

We are all conquered by beauty gymnasts

The viewer is worried: “Wow!”

Performance of gymnasts.

Iriska: There are enough jokes and laughter for everyone here

Here live an acrobat and an athlete

Clowns, tricks, just a game

Together: Long live the circus, artists - Hooray!

song "You can't not love the circus"

Anfiska comes out, dragging a huge “weight” (200kg) across the floor.

Toffee: Will you lift it? Anfiska: Easy! It is important to remove gloves: 1 - ordinary, 2 - long-long (black “tops” of tights are sewn to it), tucked into the sleeves.

He picks up the weight, grimacing that it's hard, spins it around him, drops it on Iriska's leg.

Toffee writhes in pain, jumps on one leg, holding on to the patient.

Anfiska throws a weight into the backstage, (Sound is heard in the recording) the clowns run away.

Alice: The program continues.

This number is the hardest!

Strongmen in the arena

The best circus performers in the world!

Throw weights,

Like baby balls!

Strongmen (4 people) come out to the song “Bogatyrskaya Strength”, with a heavy gait, take weights from backstage, stand facing the audience:

1. lift the weight with one hand (each his own),

2 interceptions in front and behind the back;

3 throws to each other

4 approach the paper chains, tear them, showing with facial expressions how hard it is. They leave. (After each type of exercise, they “wipe” the sweat from their forehead)

Clownery "Gingerbread".

Anfiska: Alina! I completely forgot to ask you! We went to the circus with you?
Alice: Come on!
Anfiska: Did you find the gingerbread?
Alice: Got it!
Anfiska: Did I give it to you?
Alice: Yes!
Anfiska: Did you take it?

Alice: Got it!
Anfiska: Where is he?
Alice: What?
Anfiska: Gingerbread.
Alice: What?
Anfiska: Like what?!

This dialogue is repeated three times.
Finally, Anfiska says: You probably ate the gingerbread and pretend: “Where? What? Which?"
Alice: Yes ... (with chagrin)
Anfiska: Is it okay to do this, children?
Children: No!
Anfiska: Should I share something delicious?
Children: Yes!
Anfiska: Will you share, Aliska?
Alice: I will ... (guilty)

Anfiska: Then we continue the performance,

We present the number again: (2 bears enter to the music of the RNM "Quadrille")

Alice: Bears came to us
On your bike.
Spinning the pedals
Didn't you see that?
If only we had such paws.
We then, like a clubfoot,
Spin the pedals
They would take us to work in the circus!

(They drive in a circle, somersault, wheel, and leave again).

Anfiska: These are the little rascals
Our mischievous bears! (applause to them!).

Klepa: And now the only giant dogs in the world from the island of Umba-Yumba are performing!
Iriska: During the performance, please do not make noise, keep children away from the barrier. For the faint of heart, take a sedative.
Number "Dance with dogs"
Use any music you like.
You will need 3 stools, 3 dogs of different colors on threads. There are three children in the room. Everyone leads their own dog. Use synchronous and alternately repetitive movements. For example, moving in a circle, alternately going forward to the stools, circling in place, jumping and jumping dogs from stools, alternately yapping.
Toffee (laughs): Well, you, Klepa, announced - "Giant Dogs"! Something they are too small, your giants.
Klepa: Were sick in childhood.
Butterscotch: I should have fed them bones.

Klepa: And now you will see the Dalmatians, who were well fed, and they grew up big, cheerful and love to dance very much.

Dance "Dalmatians"

Klepa: Your applause to the cheerful Dalmatians!

Klepa: We have already figured out which hero is the most important in the circus. Do you know which number is the most important? Such a number is often called deadly.
Toffee: In order to perform this number, we need to choose the 2 most daring boys in the hall. Attraction "Death Number"
The daredevil is given a tray in his hands, on which stands a vase of flowers. It must be carried to the table, carefully bypassing the obstacles in the way - skittles. The difficulty of completing the task lies in the fact that the participant is blindfolded and he must remember where the skittles are and not knock them down while moving towards the table. But when the participant is blindfolded, the skittles are quietly removed. The audience is very fun to watch how the daredevil overcomes obstacles
Anfiska: Guys, are you in a good mood? (answers from the audience). Now we will measure your mood! (Anfiska gives a large thermometer to Aliska. Aliska runs around the hall, measures the mood of the children and at the same time sentences)
Alice: This boy is great, a real cucumber!
To another:
This girl is a talker, a real laughter!
To the third:
This boy is just a miracle, his laughter sounds everywhere!
Anfiska: I see you are in a great mood! Most of all, we clowns love when everyone is in a good mood, when everyone smiles and laughs.
Klepa: After all, the circus is a wonderland,
A country with open borders.
Toffee: Where everyone is kind, where laughter is heard,
Where there are no people with frowning faces!

Final Song "Watercolor"

Alice: The show is over! The artists took their bows!

(Music by I. Dunayevsky “Circus March” sounds) An adult introduces all the circus heroes who participated in the performance. Background music when the children disperse Muz. Where did the circus go? in Spanish V.Leontiev.

Description of work

In a playful way, clowns Anfiska, Iriska, Aliska and the clown Klepa talk about the circus, joke with each other and play games with the audience.

New Year's circus performance

(script for older groups)

Reb: We invite friends to the holiday,
Let's open the door wider.
Look at our tree
Hurry all soon! Let's say together

All: “One-two-three, our Christmas tree shines!”The tree does not light up.

Presenter: Something does not light up our Christmas tree,

One, two, three, four, five - we begin to count.

Once! We'll take hands hold hands)

Two! Let's knock a little (pounding their feet on the floor)

Three! Let's smile at each othersmile at each other)

And four - keep quiet

Five! Let's prepare the palms

Six! We clap: " One two Three!"

Seven! Let's say together:

All: “Our Christmas tree, shine!”

Reb: Let's join hands together, let's go near the Christmas tree.

We will smile at the dear guest, we will joyfully sing a song!

Round dance "Herringbone"

Reb: Everything today is unusual. The mood is great!

For guests and children, the Circus came to the kindergarten.

Reb: The circus is very good! Everywhere is festive, light!

Here, cheerful laughter rings, the tree is lush for everyone.

Here it is and our stage is called ... Arena!

Reb: We'll put on a surprise performance for everyone!

Tickets are the most expensive in the world, the ticket price is a smile wider.

Reb: Prepared surprises, songs, jokes, just class.

And today the circus is cheerful, let the lights light up for us.

Reb: Listen and watch everyone -Let's start our parade!

Let's say one, two, three.

All: Circus, light your fires. (garlands turn on.)

Sounds "March" by I. Dunayevsky from the movie "Circus". Children perform rebuilding, stand in front of the audience.

Reb: This is a miracle - look! The circus has lit its fires!

We will sing and dance, celebrate the New Year in the circus.

Reb: How many spectators are here! Popes. Moms. Do not count everyone!

Meet the artists cheerfully and don't forget to clap for us.

Dance composition “Christmas tree. Balloons. Flappers "(go to the chairs)

Presenter: Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Happy New Happiness to you, friends!
Let's start the show, and I'll be the host!

In every circus, he is warmly welcomed by kids.

What miracles he does: he speaks amusingly,

It pours a fountain of tears, somersaults, sings,

Brightly painted, acts ...

Children: CLOWN! (Jumps out to the music on a ball - fitball)

Presenter: Clown, say hello to the audience.

Bim - Bom: Where are the bagels? What bagels?

Presenter: Here is the audience!

Bim - Bom: AND! Public! Hello, hello little ones and big ones.

Sad and funny. Kind and funny. Quiet and perky.

I'm a Bimbom clown. What's your name, tell me, tell me your name!

Game Say Your Name(children scream in unison)

Bim - Bom: Everything is clear: all the boys are called “Boo-boo-boo”, and the girls are “Fi-fi-fi”!

2 Lead: Where did you buy this red tomato, señor?

Bim - Bom: Amazing question! This is my own nose!

I have more interesting questions with riddles.

I will guess, and you will guess, and your parents will help you.

Game "Funny Riddles».

The bunny went out for a walk, the hare's paws are exactly ... (not five, but four)

Irinka and Oksanka have three-wheelers ... (not sleds, but bicycles)

For vaccinations and injections, mothers take children to ... (not to schools, but to a clinic)

Both capricious and stubborn, she doesn’t want to go to kindergarten ... (not mother, but daughter)

Mom asked Yulia to pour tea into her ... (not a pan, but into a cup)

It became drier on the roads - I have dry ... (not ears, but legs)

Birthday on the nose - we baked ... (not sausage, but cake)

All wheezes, sneezes Lada: I ate a lot ... (not chocolate, but ice cream)

For lunch, Vanya's son, mom cooks soup in ... (not in a glass, but in a saucepan)

I was able to pick up a pair of mittens for myself for ... (not for legs, but for hands)

Frost is cracking in the yard - you put your hat on ... (not on your nose, but on your head),

Bim - Bom: How many of my colleagues are in the hall - little clowns. How glad I am to see you! What a surprise. Everyone is waiting for your number, the applause does not stop.(everyone clap)

Clown: We are mischievous clowns, funny jokers.

small: I will go out - and laughter is heard!
I can make everyone laugh.

Clown Rings fly higher and higher

small: Hoops, skittles, balls.

Clown jugglers entered the arena,

We are the smartest in the world!

Number of clowns - jugglers with rings

Leading: Bravo clowns! Bravo and encore!

Leading: Our next program is:

PREDATORS and their fearless tamer.(drum roll sounds)

Trainer: Here are the cage doors opened.
Animals enter one after another.

Trainer in a subtle matter

He is friends with a predator, like with a kitten.Hits the floor with a whip.

A lion: I can toss the ball

And jump into the hoop deftly.

I am a wonderful circus performer

I am a training miracle!

Tiger: Art with all my heart,

I love the arena

I give myself to train

From morning until late at night!

Tiger. You don't come close
I'm a tiger, not a pussy.

Trainer: And now the big friend will make a jump on the pedestal. Hello, op!

Trainer: Training is going on in the arena in the morning:

Predators jump into the hoop deftly.

Number of animals with hoops

Clown small: Attention! Attention! The faint of heart, please leave the hall!

Death number! During the performance of the number, please do not get up and

Do not make sudden movements!

To the drum roll of the children -"tigers and lions" lie down on the floor on your stomach(facing the audience), The Tamer carefully lies on top of them and raises her hand, saying:“Hello! Up!”

Leading: Bravo artists! Bravo and encore!
In honor of you, all the sultans rose up!

Music - Spectators wave to the sultans

Leading: We continue the circus program

We invite kitty gymnasts to the arena!

Gymnast: We gymnasts bend deftly,
Instead of dinner - carrots,
Haven't eaten for two weeks
Look, you've lost weight!!

Dance “Cats” to the background of the song “Mongrel Cat”

Leading: Bravo, kitties! Bravo and encore!
In honor of you, all the sultans rose up!

Music - Spectators wave sultans

Leading: In the circus, the music does not stop today, the cheerful clown entertains everyone.

Music - run clown on the ball

Bim - Bom: I see you are funny guys: you like to laugh and play.

To shake things up, not to yawn, we will play together.

Attention! Attention! The cowboys have arrived

Attraction "Who will ride the fitball faster" (2 times)

Leading: Bravo to the winners! Bravo and encore!
In honor of you, all the sultans rose up!

Music - Spectators wave sultans

Leading: Difficult dogs are invited,
Our dogs are circus!!!
Here they run on their hind legs,
All artists in trendy hats!
They stumble, squeal, finely tails tremble.

Dog: In a trained dog

There is no time for a fight.

She needs to solve examples

jump over barriers,

Carry balls in your teeth

Dance on two legs.

Dog: We are circus dogs

Smart and mischievous.

We can perform the number

Dog: Six artists wish to sing.

Six artists bark in unison.

Song of the dogs

Leading : Come on, entertain the audience. Follow the commands.

Sit! …. Stand! ….. And dogs can also count.

Count your nose.They yap once.

Count your tail.They yap once.

How many eyes does each have?They yap twice.

How many paws does each have?They yap four times.

How much hair is in wool?Indiscriminate barking with a howl.

Leading : Bravo! Dogs! Bravo and encore!

Music - Spectators wave sultans

Presenter: The program does not end, the program continues!

The next number is very unusual.

You can call it exotic.

Performs magician, wizard, sorcerer.

Delights adults and children.

FAKIR: I am a fakir and a sorcerer! Two hundred years of my turban!
sings: Having mastered the art of transformation for three thousand years,
I will embarrass any sorcerer.
I can get the moon from heaven with a skillful hand
I'll make an elephant out of a fly and not bat an eyelid.

All children sing the chorus, accompanying with hand movements:

Up, up, sari - vari - sari - vari up

Up, up, Shari - cook, Shari - cook up!

FAKIR: There is a box in front of you, I put a handkerchief in it!
(shows the box, it has a double bottom)
I close ... One, two, three! Hit with a stick, look!
I open the box... But where did the handkerchief disappear to?

Blow everything on the boxes! That's where the handkerchief was hidden!

Music- Pulls from the second bottom of the ribbons connected one with the other

FAKIR: More I will "treat" you with miracles. I'll show you some more magic.(showing other tricks)

2 Leading. You are a good fakir and you know everything about tricks.
Just give me an answer:

Someone must come big

With a long white beard?

Children. Father Frost!

Leading. I want Santa Claus to appear and bring gifts to everyone!

FAKIR: Shari-vari-ap. Let the drum rumble

We ask Santa Claus to visit us!

Drum roll sounds.

Leading. Goes calmly, slowly, the meeting will be good.

An outfit made of gold is sewn, it will make everyone laugh today.

It will freeze your nose to all of you, meet - grandfather ... .. music - Elephant enters.

To thunderous applause, the Elephant enters the arena!
He waves his trunk quietly. And she dances very well.

The elephant dances and bows

FAKIR: He is a world champion, he walks the tightrope. Walking on a rope.

On distant islands, someone rides on elephants.

Easily sits on horseback and rushes wherever he wants.

Ride on it, I think he does not mind!Rolls children - (2 times)

Presenter: The daredevils and the elephant! Bravo and encore!
In honor of you, the sultans rose up!

Music - Spectators wave their sultans, the elephant and the fakir leave.

Presenter: This is how magicians fool us again!
Our wizard is kind, but cunning. Our wizard, I know, is the best -
Steps are approaching ... I don’t understand whose they are

Steps in the snow. Music, Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost: Hello guys, dear grandchildren.

I made my way to you through the blizzards, finally reached the goal.

And I thought of one thing: I dreamed of getting into the circus for a long time.

And the desired hour has come. I am very glad to see you.

Come on, circus people, get into a round dance.

Because in our circus

All: New year, new year!

The round dance "Santa Claus rides on a sled" muses fell. No.

Father Frost : Come on, circus people, admit it. Are you afraid of frost and cold?

So, are you not afraid? And now let's check.

The game "I'll Freeze" Santa Claus holds his staff close to the feet of the children.

Children bounce in place.

Father Frost : Well, really, they were surprised. You are not afraid of cold and frost does not matter.

Haven't played like that for a long time, though not old, but tired.

However, I visited the circus, I also saw the artists.

Keep on having fun, and it's time for me to leave.

1 Presenter: We will not let you go, do not even hope.

The game "We won't let you out"

Father Frost : Oh, and clever people live in this garden. How can I get out?

Presenter: It's nice for children to lead a round dance at the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve.

But still, it’s more pleasant to hide, to receive your gifts.

Father Frost A: There are gifts, how not to be. Oh! I love being generous.

It's time to surprise everyone. I just need to recharge my staff.

Let's go, the artists will go to the chairs. And I'll tell you where to start. - sit down

Listen carefully. To cool the staff, you need to clasp it with your palm. Only your hands are warm. You'll have to bewitch.

I'll knock with a staff - one, two, three - and the boys are all snowballs.

And the laughing girls will all turn into snowflakes.

The game "Ssss-nezhinki" - Ssss-nezhki "
If “snowballs”, then the boys run, grab the staff with their hands, if “snowflakes” - the girls run out, they take the staff. He speaks in different ways, or holds out sssssssnowballs, or snow----inks, the children wait for Santa Claus to say and run out to the staff.

Santa Claus: Now I must fulfill a wonderful desire.
It's delicious and very sweet.
It's always fun for kids.

I have a bag, I hid gifts in it. dragging a bag

I'll untie my bag, I'll show you what lies there.Drum roll sounds.I'll say the magic word. Eat healthy kids!

A clown jumps out of the bag

Bim - Bom: Ole-op! Here I am! Clown Bim-Bom as a gift to every home!

It can be seen that you are tired of the frost, you have conjured with gifts. Let's play strong men.The second attempt is not the worst. Only here! And only now!

Presenter: Well, bravo! We continue the circus program

We invite you to the arena of strongmen!

A decent weight is lifted, a bag of gifts is easily pushed!

Many children love the circus. They often watch performances in the circus and dream of performing in the arena themselves. As a good idea, you can offer to organize a holiday for children, which will be dedicated to the theme of the circus. There is no doubt that all the children will enjoy such an entertainment program. Nevertheless, it is necessary to think over in advance an interesting scenario for the circus, where there will be many exciting competitions that the participants of the holiday will like.

For the celebration, it is proposed to choose a spacious hall in which all participants can fit. To create a festive mood, you need to decorate the hall with appropriate decorations. It's good that they are bright. For example, colored balloons. The holiday should be led by a person who will be entrusted with the role of leader. Also, one of the adults must be entrusted with the role of a clown. For credibility, you need to choose the appropriate bright clown costume. The event begins, and the leader appears in the hall.

- Hello children! Today we have gathered for a fun and interesting holiday! Look at the room we're in. Pay attention to the scenery. What does this remind you of?

- Circus!

- That's right! Yes, it's a circus! Today we will go on an exciting journey to the world of the circus! Which one of you loves the circus? And who went to the circus performances?

- I AM! I AM! I AM!

- I see that all children like to watch performances in the circus. Then you will definitely not be bored during our today's holiday. We have a lot of interesting games in the program today. We also learn a lot about the actors and animals involved in the performances. We are starting our holiday!

Music sounds.

- Children, without whom it is impossible to imagine a circus? Who can cheer us up? Who wears bright and funny costumes?

- Clown!

Of course it's a clown! Let's invite him to our merry holiday! Clown!

All children call the clown. A clown appears in the hall to cheerful music.

- Hello guys! Did someone call me? Oh so many kids! You have so much fun! So, do you have a holiday today?

- Hello, clown! Today we have a holiday dedicated to the circus! Who, if not you, should be a guest at this holiday! We are glad to see you here, we invite you to take part in our fun holiday. Look how happy the kids are that you came to us!

- Yes, I see the general fun. This makes me very happy. How long have I been on such holidays! Oh, woe, I forgot how to dance! What should I do?! How can a clown work in a circus who cannot dance? What will happen to me now?

Don't worry, Clown. Now the kids will show you how to dance, they will teach you how to dance. Really guys?

- Yes!

Further, the scenario for the circus involves a competition. This will require fun music. Several children are invited to participate in the competition. To cheerful music, they must show how to dance. In this case, the clown will repeat the movements that they will show after the children.

– Look how well the guys and the Clown are doing! He will soon learn to dance!

“Look, kids, I remembered how to dance!” Thank you very much! Now all the kids are invited to dance with me, to dance! Join now!

Music sounds and all the children begin to dance, dance with the Clown.

- Guys, do you know who else participates in the circus performances?

- Acrobats, gymnasts!

- That's right, kids. Gymnasts and acrobats put on very beautiful numbers that can be seen in the circus. Let's hold a competition with you, which will allow us to find out which of you is the most skillful and dexterous. This competition will allow you to become gymnasts and acrobats for a while.

After that, the script for the circus includes an interesting competition. To do this, you need to prepare a small rope. It lays flat on the floor. Several children are invited to participate in the competition. In accordance with this, it is necessary to prepare the same number of ropes. Each participant will have to walk along the rope that lies on the floor. The one who does it the best wins a prize.

- And now another interesting competition is offered, for participation in which children are invited.

Then the scenario for the circus includes holding another competition, for which it is necessary to invite several willing children. For this game, you need to prepare circles cut out of cardboard. They must be the same color. These circles are laid out on the floor, located next to each other. Participants will take turns walking in circles. In this case, you can not step on the floor. The participant who completes the task the fastest is the winner.

- What good fellows you are, you move so deftly! And now a more difficult competition is proposed.

Further, the scenario for the circus includes the holding of another competition. To do this, you need to prepare the same mugs from cardboard, but they must be of different colors. It will take many of these circles. While the music is playing, all the children are dancing. As soon as the music stops, the host calls the color. Next, the children will have to find a circle of this color and stand on it. This must be done while the leader counts to three. Those children who do not stand on circles of the correct color are eliminated from the competition. So the game continues in several stages. The game continues until there is only one player left who is the winner.

- Children, who else takes part in performances in the circus?

- Animals!

- Right! And which of you will name exactly which animals take part in the performances?

The children name the animals.

- All right. And now let's see if you recognize the animals that your friend, the Clown, will show!

Then a competition is held, which is part of the script for the circus, in which the Clown takes part. It is also necessary to invite several children. The clown will show different animals, for example: a horse, a rabbit, a tiger, a lion and others. At the same time, it is necessary to show animals without words. Children will have to guess which animals the Clown shows. The contestant who guesses the most animals wins. The Clown gives him a reward. You can pick up a small souvenir in the form of an animal that participates in performances shown in the circus to the audience.

- Kids, now let's play an interesting game with you. We will show you exactly what different animals do, how exactly they behave.

The circus script then includes another animal competition in the program. To do this, several participants are invited. In the clown's hat, you need to put sheets of paper on which different types of animals will be drawn - a rabbit, a horse, a bear, a fur seal, a dog, a cat, a lion and others. Each participant will have to pull out a piece of paper, unfold it. The animal to be drawn must be shown:

- horse - show how the horse jumps;
- rabbit - show how the rabbit jumps;
- kitty - show how the kitty purrs;
- doggy - show how fast the dog runs;
- lion - show how a lion roars.

- You are young, children, you have shown very well and exactly what these animals do. And now all the animals are invited to dance!

Music is playing and the children are dancing like the animals they have shown.

- We saw that the children are very good at showing animals that work in the circus. But do they recognize their voices? To do this, let's hold an interesting contest called "Recognize the voice of an animal."

For the next competition, you need to prepare. You will need voices of different animals recorded on a phone or tape recorder. Turning on the recording, the children will have to listen to it and then name the animal whose voice they heard. So the competition continues until the children guess all the animals.

- We showed you animals, guessed their voices. And how about drawing everyone who participates in circus performances. So, children who love to draw and want to show us how beautifully they can do it are invited to participate in the competition?

Then the scenario for the circus involves holding a competition in which you will need to draw. For this competition, you need to prepare paper, you can draw paper, as well as markers. Each participant receives a marker and paper. Children will have to draw everyone who participates in circus performances - acrobats, clowns, various animals, trainers and so on. After the drawings are ready, the competition ends. The winner is determined by the vote of all viewers. The child with the most votes is the winner and receives a prize. To do this, you can pick up, for example, a set of paints or pencils.

- Children, who knows and will say what is the name of the person who trains animals?

- Trainer!

-Right! It is the trainer who shows us beautiful and spectacular performances with the participation of different animals. To understand how a trainer works with animals, the next competition for the title of the best trainer is announced.

Further, the scenario for the circus includes another competition, which is called "The Best Animal Trainer". To participate in it, several children are invited who wish to become trainers. For the competition, you will need to prepare soft toys, for example, a dog, a cat, a bunny, a lion cub, a tiger cub. Children will have to dance with toys, imagining themselves as a trainer of the kind of animal that they got. To make the competition more interesting, you can offer to take a bag in which to put all the soft toys. Further, each child participating in the competition will have to pull out one toy, which he will “train”.

– Dear children, participants and spectators of our holiday! We had an interesting day today. We visited the circus, where we became actors for a while. We remembered which species of animals take part in the performances. Didn't you get bored?

- No!

What about our friend Clown. Clown, you did not get bored during our holiday!

– No, I had a lot of fun with the guys. They are very funny and besides, they helped me a lot - it was thanks to them that I remembered how to dance beautifully.

- In conclusion, I invite everyone to sing a cheerful song with the clown.

Music sounds, all the children sing a song. To do this, it is best to choose a children's musical composition that is known to children. After that, a fun festive event dedicated to the circus ends.


In our world, saturated with information and stress, the soul asks for a fairy tale, a miracle, a feeling of a carefree childhood. And in connection with this, one of the main tasks of the educator is to develop the creative abilities of children, the desire to speak to the audience. The formula for success lies in the mutual love of children and adults who are passionate about one favorite thing.

Holiday - this word makes the heart of every child beat faster.

The greatest hopes and expectations of children are connected with the holiday. It is about childhood holidays spent with parents that adults most often remember. For many, these memories are the brightest and most joyful in life.

The scenario for children's entertainment "The Circus Lights the Lights" is one of the cycle of theatrical and circus performances. This is the final entertainment, which is carried out when children have certain knowledge, skills and abilities. On which creative abilities, imagination, memory, a sense of rhythm, coherent speech, pace, motor skills, the desire to perform with a group of peers develop.

The entertainment scenario "The Circus Lights the Lights" is addressed to music directors, educators and parents.

Explanatory note.

The world of childhood is next to us, it is inside our adult world. he looks at us through the eyes of a child, speaks with his voice. Once it was our world, but we have gone from there, and there is no turning back.

But for some reason I want to go back to it. Does it seem to each of us an inner paradise, the golden age of our lives?

How can one look into this world even for a moment? Choke with childish delight, at least for a moment see the mysterious planet called “Childhood”. Without looking into this world, it is impossible to understand not only children, but also oneself.

While working on the script for "The Circus Lights the Lights" I wanted to open the cherished door to the world of children's consciousness. The scenario of this theatrical and circus festival connects children with each other, children with adults into a single magical whole. And if a child begins to trust us, to believe, then you can create, fantasize, imagine.

The circus is one of the most democratic and accessible forms of art for children, it allows you to solve many urgent problems of modern pedagogy and psychology related to:

  • art education and upbringing of children;
  • moral education;
  • formation of aesthetic taste;
  • development of communicative qualities of a person (training in verbal and non-verbal types of communication);
  • education of the will, development of memory, imagination, initiative, fantasy, speech (dialogues - monologues)
  • creating a positive emotional mood, relieving tension, resolving conflict situations through a circus show.

The scenario of the theater and circus show allows you to reveal the spiritual and creative potential of the child and provides a real opportunity to adapt in the social environment.

The creative principle of education and upbringing is very important, that is, the maximum orientation towards the creativity of children, the development of psychophysical sensations, the emancipation of the individual.

This scenario is part of the section "Developing ideas about the surrounding world about yourself" of the program "Development".

The practical value of the script "The Circus Lights the Fires" lies in the development of artistic education. The script can satisfy any interests and desires of children. Participating in entertainment, children get acquainted with the creative world in all its diversity - through images, colors, sounds, music.

Program content:

  1. Exercise in the ability to assign roles, understand an imaginary game situation and act in accordance with it.
  2. To consolidate the ability to carry out game actions according to speech instructions, to cultivate friendly relations, the ability to determine the characters of the characters, to evaluate their actions.

Educational tasks:

  1. To expand the knowledge of children about the circus, about its workers.
  2. To develop creative imagination, memory, coherent speech of children, a sense of rhythm, pace, motor skills.
  3. Cultivate a desire to play in a team of peers.

Preliminary work. Watching a video film about the circus and its history, making and selecting attributes together with parents. Learning replicas, poems about the circus. Acquaintance with circus terminology, reading fiction on this topic.


  • circus posters, tickets;
  • performance costumes;
  • hoops, balls, water bottles;
  • handkerchiefs, ropes, gymnastic ribbons;
  • stilts, improvised weights, barbell;
  • balls, magic box.

Entertainment progress

The music of the song "Circus" is playing (music by V Kainsky). Children run up when they hear the music and start dancing.

Presenter: Guys, what was the song?

Children: Song about the circus.

Presenter: Which one of you has been to the circus?

Children: We, we, we.

Presenter: Guys, do you know that we have a circus in Perm?

Children: Yes Yes Yes.

Presenter: Do you know who is the most important in the circus?

Children: Circus director.

Presenter: Without whom the performance will not take place?

Children: No circus performers.

Presenter: What circus performers do you know?

Children: Juggler.

Presenter: What does a juggler do?

Children: Throws up several objects at once and manages to pick them up on the fly.

Presenter: What else?

Children: The trainer teaches the animals to dance, play football. Clowns make us laugh, entertain, imitate other artists.

Presenter: What does a clown look like?

Children: A crimson wig, a red nose, a ridiculous hat, huge shoes with upturned toes.

Presenter: What other circus performers do you know?

Children: A magician - he pulls a whole hundred silk scarves out of his pocket, then releases a flock of doves from his sleeve.

Presenter: People of what other professions work in the circus?

Children: Cashier, controller, toy seller, waiters at the buffet.

Presenter: Children, do you want to go to a performance at the circus?

Children: Yes Yes Yes.

Presenter: Let's choose the circus performers ourselves. (They distribute roles.) What does Arthur want to become?

Arthur: I like different tricks, I want to become a magician.

Presenter: What does Tanya want to be?

Tanya: I love to dance and want to become a ballerina. And our teacher Galina Dmitrievna can be appointed director of the circus.

Presenter: Okay, I agree.

The artists leave with the director of the circus, the spectators remain.

Presenter: What do you need to do to get into the circus? That's right, buy tickets!

Hurry up to buy a ticket
Because very soon
Early in the morning at dawn
The circus will leave for a new city.
Buy tickets to the circus
You didn't remove that.
Behemoth sings couplets.
The elephant plays the trumpet.

Spectators are asked to take their seats in the auditorium, the bell rings, the circus performance begins. The hall is decorated with balloons and garlands. Girls and boys go to the middle of the "arena".


Why is everything beautiful today?
Why are miracles expected this morning?
Why is today such a happy day?
Because I'm going to the circus today.

Boy: The cold rain doesn't stop me now. I will smile at strangers passing by. There is so much happiness, joy and laughter in the circus that it can dispel any sadness!

Children enter the hall to the music, sit down, all the participants of the circus performance enter the applause, stop in a semicircle.


Circus! Circus! Circus!
The circus is very good!
Everywhere Festive, light!
There is laughter here!
I invite everyone to visit!

Boy and girl: Welcome. Our circus lights up!

The garland on the central wall lights up.

Presenter: Our festive circus program will be led by famous clowns: Bim and Bom! Please welcome them!

Applause sounds. Two clowns run out from different directions.

Beam(joyfully): Boom!

bom(surprised): Beam!

Beam: How glad I am to see you!

Bohm: And I'm even happier!

Beam: Hello Bom!

Bohm: Hello Bim!

Bim and Bom greet the children together. "Hello guys!" and bow.

Bohm: Dear viewers, children and parents, come to us soon, sit down in your seats. You will see so many interesting things today that you will not even believe your own eyes!


Music is fun
Let it thunder with us!
Dance will give us
Girls now!

Dance with a headscarf.

Ha ha ha ha!
Quickly look
Look at Bom!

Bom enters with a tape in his hands.

Beam: Look in the ribbon do not get confused!

Bom dances to the music, tangles in the ribbon and serves. Bim helps Bum get up, rubs the back of his head.

Beam and Bom: Yes Yes. Everything needs to be learned!


Ballerina in the arena
Like a light fluff
And dancing and spinning
And yet not afraid!

Ribbon dance.


We continue the show
We present the number again:
Strongmen visiting us
We welcome them now!

Room with weights.


Strongmen you rest and sit quietly
Now see for yourself
That hoop dance!
Everything is airy and light,
Like a moth from a fairy tale!

Dance with hoops.


In this program number
Speaks in front of you
The famous magician-fakir,
He surprised the whole world!

To the music, a magician enters the hall, bows.


I have many wonders.
Rain will fall on you from heaven
There will be lightning and thunder...

There is a loud knocking, Bom runs in.

Presenter: Don't be scared, it's Bom.

The clown bursts the balloon.

Presenter: And don't you feel sorry for spoiling the balloons?

Bohm: And, besides this trick, I can’t show anything!

Magician: I'm calling an assistant, I'll show you tricks!

A girl in a red dress enters with a magic box.


box in front of you
I put a handkerchief in it.
Close: one, two, three!
Hit with a stick, look!
I open the box.
But where did the handkerchief go?


I'll tell you one, two, three
You carefully look!

A whole garland stretches out of the box. They bring out a table with three jars of water.

Magic wand, you help me:
Turn my transparent water into colored water!

Tricks with water.

Bohm: Blimey! What wonderful tricks! I don’t know how to show tricks, here Bim can do anything, let’s call him!

Spectators Clap. Bom runs out. Attractions with spectators: with whistles, soap bubbles, balls.

Clowns: And now we invite all the guys to dance!

And not a bit bored!
Light up the circus!

Children enter the arena. They perform a cheerful dance “The circus loves everyone” At the end of the dance there is “colorful rain (confetti).


It's time for parting
But let's not be sad goodbye
We are always happy to meet again.
The circus of miracles says "goodbye!"
And nothing will stop
To meet friends again.
The circus moves around the world
But it will still come back to us!

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