Secrets of forecasting in Gosloto: the choice of numbers. Secrets of luck or a step-by-step algorithm for winning the lottery Winning numbers 5 out of 36


The lottery "5 out of 36 + 1" is held daily 5 times a day: at 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00 and 23:59 Moscow time. It is this lottery that most often makes people in our country millionaires, and even its motto: “Every week a new millionaire!” speaks for itself.

Lottery tickets can be purchased both at a retail point of sale and on the website (the second option is more convenient, because you can buy a ticket in a couple of minutes and check it immediately after the draw).

Rules for the drawing of the lottery "5 out of 36"

The draw involves 36 numbers from 1 to 36 and to win, you need to guess from 2 to 5 numbers. In the second reel there are only 4 balls from 1 to 4 and after five balls fall out from the first reel, another one (bonus ball) falls out from the second. Matching all five balls wins the Prize, matching five balls from the first and one ball from the second reel is the Super Prize.

  • Guaranteed Prize - 100,000 rubles (growing from circulation to circulation).
  • Guaranteed Super Prize — 3,000,000 rubles (growing from circulation to circulation).

By the way, you can increase the chances of winning by marking more than 5 numbers on the ticket - this is called a detailed bet. Now let's dwell on this in more detail, since there are differences between tickets purchased on the Internet and at a retail outlet.

On the site, you can mark up to 11 numbers in one field - this way you get 462 combinations. Up to 12 numbers can be marked on a ticket purchased at a retail distribution point and 792 combinations can be obtained.

When you make a spread bet, you increase both your chances of winning and the amount of potential winnings.

  • 5 numbers - 1 possible combination - price 80 rubles;
  • 6 numbers - 6 possible combinations - price 480 rubles;
  • 7 numbers - 21 possible combinations - price 1680 rubles;
  • 8 numbers - 56 possible combinations - price 4480 rubles;
  • 9 numbers - 126 possible combinations - price 10,080 rubles;
  • 10 numbers - 252 possible combinations - price 20,160 rubles;
  • 11 numbers - 462 possible combinations - price 36,960 rubles.

What can you win in the Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery

To win a ticket, you need to guess at least 2 numbers.

  • for 2 guessed numbers - 80 rubles;
  • for 3 guessed numbers - 800 rubles;
  • for 4 guessed numbers - 8000 rubles;
  • for 5 guessed numbers - Prize;
  • for 5 guessed numbers + 1 - Super prize.

And although, as mentioned above, Jackpots (Prize and Super Prize) in this lottery are often broken, but sometimes they reach gigantic proportions.

The largest Super Prize was 47,368,520 rubles. This happened in the drawing on August 12, 2013 in the 1349th draw.

How to buy a lottery ticket 5 out of 36 on the site (video)

In Russia, since the days of the Soviet Union, lotteries have become widespread, giving participants the hope of changing their whole lives, just by guessing the correct set of several numbers. One of the most popular games is Gosloto 5 out of 36.

It is mathematically proven that the chance of winning the jackpot here is much higher than in other lotteries of this type ("6 out of 45", "7 out of 49"). This attracts many people who consider it possible to solve their everyday problems by winning one of the draws. The analysis of Gosloto 5 out of 36, which is carried out in this article, will show whether they are right.

Organization of the lottery

The rules of Gosloto "5 out of 36" are as follows. Each participant must choose five random numbers on the ticket. During the draw, a special machine is used - the lottery drum, which is certified by the state as a fairly reliable random number generator. 36 balls are loaded into it, each of them has number from 1 to 36. The lottery drum draws five pieces from them randomly. If any player managed to guess all the numbers drawn, then he wins the jackpot. It is possible that several players win it at once, in which case it is divided equally among all winners If no one managed to guess all 5 numbers, then the jackpot increases and goes to the next draw.

Every day there are five drawings at once (at 12, 15, 18, 21 Moscow time, and also at midnight). Unlike the 6 out of 45 lottery, there is no live broadcast, the results of the draws are immediately posted on the Gosloto official website.

The probability of catching luck by the tail

The analysis of Gosloto "5 out of 36" for a chance to win is carried out using a special section of mathematics - combinatorics. It allows you to calculate how many different options you can make by choosing only 5 out of 36 balls. As calculations show, there are 376,992 such combinations in total. So since they are all equally likely, the probability of winning the jackpot is 1/376990 = 0.00000265.

It is widely believed that in this lottery the chance to get the main prize is much higher than in all others. The analysis of Gosloto "5 out of 36", "6 out of 45" and "7 out of 49" confirms this.

The number of all possible combinations for "6 out of 45" is 8,145,060. In "7 out of 49" there are an order of magnitude more of them - 85,900,584. This means that the probability of hitting the jackpot in "6 out of 45" is 21 times lower, and in "7 out of 49" a whopping 228 times.

Thus, it can be confirmed that the lottery in question is indeed one of the most profitable in terms of the probability of hitting the jackpot. It is no coincidence that the phrase "Every week a new millionaire!" is used as an advertising slogan for the game.

Secondary prizes are also paid out to players who guessed from 2 to 4 numbers. The chances of getting them are presented in the table:

How to increase the probability of hitting the jackpot?

As in other lotteries of this type, there is an opportunity to dramatically increase the chance of winning due to the so-called spread bet. Its use allows the participant to choose not five, but more numbers. You can enter a maximum of 11 numbers.

Using a spread bet increases the number of combinations that lead to the jackpot. Using combinatorics, you can create the following table:

At the same time, the cost of the ticket grows in direct proportion to the number of combinations leading to success. So, if the minimum price of the game is only 80 rubles, then you will have to pay 36,960 rubles for the opportunity to choose 11 numbers. Therefore, the economic feasibility of such an “increase in chances” is a big question.

Gosloto 5 out of 36 statistics show that betting on a lot of numbers not only helps to win, but leads players to significant financial losses. This tool was specially invented by the organizers of the lottery to pump as much money out of the pockets of customers who are not very good at mathematics .

super prize

Since September 19, 2017, there have been slight changes in the rules of the game in the Gosloto "5 out of 36" lottery. In general, the task of the participants still remains to guess the combination of five numbers that the lottery machine will give out. However, now the so-called "Super Prize" has also appeared. For to receive it, in addition to five numbers, you need to guess one more, which will be drawn from the second reel. Balls with numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 are loaded into it. It is clear that the chances of winning a super prize are 4 times less than the probability of getting a regular prize. it is much rarer, then it accumulates a greater number of circulations, and as a result reaches simply astronomical values.

Biggest win in lottery history

The largest prize was awarded to a resident of Voronezh. Luck smiled at him on August 12, 2013. The jackpot amounted to 47,368,520 rubles. Thus, the size of the main prize in this lottery is significantly less than in its analogues. For example, in "6 out of 45" the record win was 358,358,566 rubles.

So is it worth playing this lottery?

Although the chances of winning the jackpot in this game are much higher than in many other lotteries, you should not run headlong to buy the coveted ticket at the nearest kiosk. A sober analysis of Gosloto 5 out of 36 shows that all winnings are paid out by the participants in the game. To be more precise, 50% of the money earned on tickets goes to the formation of the prize fund, and the second half goes into the pocket of the lottery organizers. This means that for any chosen tactic, the mathematical expectation of the player will be negative.

Therefore, lotteries, including state ones, are called "a tax on stupidity." The vast majority of their participants remain in the red, and the more they try to use all sorts of ingenious methods for determining "lucky" numbers, the more money they lose on this. So before playing Gosloto 5 out of 36, think about whether your family budget will pull another cost.

". Believe it or not, it's up to you! I'm not forcing you, let everyone have their own opinion. One fancies himself a supergenius, but in reality he does not know how much 6 × 9 will be. Another ... I am writing an article for those who have not yet figured out this wonderful program, but are doing their best to win. But there is a lot to learn in practice. People think that they will press a button and millions will fall on them from the sky. No. This program is an analyzer. If you clumsily processed the data, nothing will happen. But, since there is a reference point, so to speak, a forecast of numbers is built on it. Therefore, there is an analysis of previous runs, where, in fact, . But I will consider another real win in 5 out of 36:

Remember one statement for now: numbers may roll over to a new draw from the last five, but the whole draw does not! If, of course, you paid attention to this (if you didn’t pay attention, then, sorry, THIS PROGRAM IS NOT FOR YOU), in particular in “gosloto 6 out of 45” - this often happens. That the numbers are repeated 2-3 times, the same. And to them there is a “growth” or “decline” by +/- 1 sign. There is such. Let's assume that the number "6" has passed. It means that it will be possible "6", and it will be possible either "5" or "7"!? Yes. Thanks to the program and one of the game methods, this option can be calculated, minimizing the headache with calculations. We have considered one of the options, the so-called "growth-recession". The method in the program is called in trend". (Later we will get the numbers to generate)

But are there other numbers that need to be excluded? Right. Let's put it aside for now "in the trend" on the shelf and deal with exceptions. In the program, one of the game methods is called “ exclude". Everything is simple here. We take (I won’t say how much exactly, you need to look at the numbers, old and not repeating. In old runs, as soon as a “complete replacement” occurs, then to this place, if there were no such numbers. Usually it’s 3,4,5,6, 7 runs.) We copy them, the numbers of ALL THESE runs and paste them into the field for calculation. We generate. We get numbers that theoretically cannot be. And yet, Gosloto deliberately juggles them, so that (as smart as you won’t win, knowing this). Remember what I wrote in bold: numbers can move... but now we have eliminated them with you. We got some result and copied it “to notepad” - right in the program, before switching to a new method.

Back to the methodology in trend". We take the last 5 draws. We insert into the field. We generate. We get the growth and decline of numbers. The so-called "side numbers". Why do we need them? These are the same numbers - exceptions of exceptions. But in the aggregate - your result in this case will be equal to 10%! (2.3 numbers in total) Why? Because too often repeated or rare numbers are removed by the program on purpose. In the “exclude” method, all paired or more numbers, and here “side” ones are built for them, if there is growth. For example: there are numbers 1,2,2,4. 2ka is growing, and 4ka is falling - so there will be a number 3! Do you understand what I mean!? Here is the gist of this method. After all, here we are looking for growth and decline - and nothing more. Copy to notepad in the program.

Next, we copy from the notepad into the field for calculation, what we got in the first “exclude” method and the second “in trend” method into a heap. We generate. We get a set for generation: 25 5 7 26 27 10 11 1 3 2 4 9 6 We copy them just in case "into a notepad" in the program. And we switch to a new method of play. (Taken from my logs in the program).

Now that we have numbers to generate, we can use either one or the other method. The first one is “choice +/-”, which allows you to set which sign and how much to “move”. If this is +2 (in the first sign, where the number is 25) then we get: 23, 24, 25, 26, 27! We don't need this. After all our task is to reduce the calculated numbers for combinations. And so it's easiest to choose in this case: method by "-1/+1". For example: If the number 25 is in the first digit, then we get: 24, 25, 26. What we need in order not to “spray”, because we excluded some numbers ourselves in the literal sense of the word. On the right there is a field for self-control "Test-superprize" for checking matches. And here is the result:

Analyzed numbers from the circulation archives: 13
Approximate amount to bet: 19 (Possibly more, so you need to minimize the Numbers for combinations - the right way)
Spent number of bets: 19 (Expenses: 19 × 300 rubles = 5700 approximately, possibly more)
Numbers for combinations: 2 26 8 3 9 4 24 0 5 12 11 25 28 7 10 27 1 6 (why "0" appeared by +1/-1 1-1=0, that's what we get after "filtering" and "processing" by various methods)
Successful numbers, taking into account the processed numbers, became (in one of the generations):

2 4 6 10 26

We generate. The numbers “5 out of 36” fell out in the N1938 draw dated 07/28/2014: 2 4 6 10 26 the gain was: 1 105 140 rubles!!! Congratulations to the winner! Thank you for having this program! You have done the correct calculation of the numbers.

Learn! Unfortunately, more and more people began to use the program and pay attention, they began to win several times a month, 1-2 million in state lotto. We won the biggest super prize so far - 10 million! (We played with extended stakes, but it justified itself and completely, since all calculations were made on this program. We spent about 300,000 rubles. There was an “investor” of the project!) I am sure that you yourself will be able to pick up and discover your secrets of the state lotto , use various methods and their combinations for filtering and analysis. It's not stupid to hit the button and then scream. I wish you good luck!

PS: You can test the program under the Mozilla Firefox browser. Testing time and some functionality is limited. TIP: Use one, then the other, then again the first method - process the numbers in the “right way” and putting your head to everything, of course. Something is not clear - re-read this article again. And until you learn - the advice is not to play for money. And then we have such comrades.

last known circulation #11366 dated 2019-12-17 18:00:00. Rooms: [

, +]. The sum of the numbers = 79.

For each lottery participant critical issue, when buying a ticket, is combination selection. Someone bets on their favorite numbers, someone chooses them using a random number generator (RNG) (and not necessarily with the help of a computer one, each of us has our own RNG on our shoulders;)), .... All these methods make us to think carefully, since abstract thinking with numbers is not the easiest thing to do. Vision- the strongest, most important and developed feeling in a person. Let's take advantage of this strength and visualize lottery combinations. This will greatly facilitate the understanding of the random process and help us make a choice.

Total for the lottery "Gosloto" 5 out of 36 " Maybe 376992 combinations. We number the possible lottery combinations according to the following principle is an ordered list, where each new combination differs from the previous one by adding 1 to the rightmost number. It turns out this sequence: (1) 1,2,3,4,5 (2) 1,2,3,4,6 (3) 1,2,3,4,7 () . . . (32) 1,2,3,4,36 (33) 1,2,3,5,6 (34) 1,2,3,5,7 (35) . . . (376992) 32,33,34,35,36 .

combination: !}

id: !}

Now let's look at the history of the last 1000 runs and for each of the combinations we will put in correspondence the number we received - "id", it turns out scatterplot. In combination with "id" >= 52361 not present - "1" -unit, in combinations c "id" >= 98737 no - "1" -units and "2" -ek, in combinations with "id" >= 139657 No "1" -units, "2" -ek and "3" -ek, etc....

"Gosloto" 5 out of 36 "- is a daily drawing lottery. With the help of this lottery, on average, every week one of its participants becomes a millionaire. To become a winner, you need to guess only 5 numbers out of 36. Those tickets in which 2, 3 and 4 numbers out of 36 are guessed are also considered winning.
According to the rules of the Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery game, you must fill in the playing field. In total, there are six playing fields in the lottery ticket. The playing field consists of 36 numbers, arranged in order from 1 to 36. To fill the playing field, you need to choose 5 different numerical values ​​if you wish, that is, come up with a game combination. You can also choose more than 5 digits, but in this situation it will already be considered a flat rate. An expanded bet starts from 6 game combinations. By making an expanded bet, you automatically increase your chances of winning.

The maximum number of numbers that you can mark in one playing field cannot exceed 11 numbers. In this case, you will have 462 game combinations. Draws of the Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery take place daily, at 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00 and 23:59 Moscow time. The prize combination of each draw is determined using the “Random Number Generator” lottery equipment. Randomly, he gives out a numerical combination, which consists of 5 numbers. This combination is winning.
If you could not watch the broadcast of the draw and you need to check your lottery ticket, then use.
To do this, first go to the site at the following Internet address: To check the “5 out of 36” ticket, you will need to find the corresponding icon on the main page of the site and click on it.

After that, a new page of the site will open, where you can use the following tabs: about the lottery, buy a ticket, rules, where to buy, draw archive, check the ticket, winners.
In the archive of draws, you can get information on all drawn draws of the Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery. To do this, you need to go to the "Archive of draws" tab, where you can find out information about winning your lottery ticket. In this tab, you can get information about a lottery ticket in two ways: by date or by circulation.
If you want to search by date, then you will need to enter a date range that contains the date of your lottery ticket draw. After that, the computer will provide you with a list of all draws that were held in a given range, as well as the winning combination of each draw and the size of the super prize.

If it is more convenient for you to search by circulation, then you need to specify a certain range of circulations, in which the circulation of your Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery ticket will be present. After that, the computer will provide you with a list of all draws that were held in a given range, as well as the winning combination of each draw and the size of the super prize. That is, as you see, the search results will always be the same, regardless of the search method.

You can check the ticket not only with the help of the archive, for this you can also use the "Check ticket" tab. By clicking on this tab, you can check your ticket and find out the amount of winnings. You can check your ticket in two ways: by ticket number, by combination.

If you want to receive information only about winning your Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery ticket, then use the first method that allows you to check by ticket number. To do this, you will need to indicate the number of the starting draw and the ticket number in the appropriate fields. After entering this information, you need to click on the "Check" button.
If you are interested in what the prize combination was in a certain draw, then it is better to use the method that allows you to check the Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery ticket for the combination. In this case, you need to specify the starting circulation and the selected combination. After entering this information, you need to click on the "Check" button.
If you did not find the information you were looking for in our article or you have problems while working with the site, then contact an online consultant for help. On the official website of Stoloto, a support service works around the clock in the form of an online consultant. To use this service, you need to go to the "Help" tab, which is located on the main page on the right side, and write your question.

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