Secrets of star families: visiting Denis Kuryan, Alexei Khlestov, Sasha Nemo and Larisa Gribaleva. “The more you get tired, the more you want sex”


Alexey Khlestov. 34 years old (but feels younger than her real age). Taurus. Born on April 23, 1976 in Minsk in the family of a mother of a computer operator and a father of a builder. Height at birth - 46 cm, weight - 2 kg 600 g.

Now he strives to maintain a weight in the region of 56 kg (with a height of 159 cm).

As a child, he was a bully: “Until the fifth grade, I was unbearable: I fought and smashed glass with snowballs.” The most vivid childhood memory is buying a bicycle, because many teenagers already had big ones, and he got it later than everyone else. He even spent his pocket money on a bicycle and audio cassettes. Even then, the music "hooked" him, even from the lessons he ran not just anywhere, but to the ensemble - to strum on the instruments. By the way, at school he was most easily given subjects related to music.

A person is kind and sociable, but if he feels a negative note in a person’s voice, he will not talk to him. According to him, he is flexible, tactful, collected. Proponent of experiments. Sometimes capricious. Sometimes it's hard to please him. Very emotional. If some tragedy is shown on TV, he immediately turns it off.

Relying only on his own strength. Not one of those people who stops halfway. “By nature, a hard worker, he loves to work, but he doesn’t like to show dust in his eyes.” He does not like impudent and cheeky young people. He does not smoke or talk on the phone while driving.

Free from tours, concerts and recordings, he devotes time to lying on the couch, the Internet, watching movies. He likes to go fishing, wander through the forest. Music at this time prefers not to listen.

Married since 2005. He met his wife Elena in Bahrain, where she sang in a nightclub. “I sang several English songs, put all my emotions and feelings into it, and my future wife was simply stunned,” he admits. They have a son. He says that he is weak and unarmed only in the company of his son. In addition, he has a daughter from his first marriage.

He watches the news every day. He considers himself the bearer of the "right taste", which "should be instilled in the viewer." Adheres to the principle "you can not stand still, you need to constantly develop." Tries to be a positive person. Strives not to lose the ability to be surprised.

Today I am satisfied with myself. Although he admits that he is sometimes lazy and that "more diligence in work would not hurt."

Since April 23, 2006, one of the stars in the constellation Taurus has been named after Alexei Khlestov. You can meet him in Minsk in the Korona and Prostor supermarkets. He often goes there with his family to buy groceries for a few days.

"I am unique and exclusive"

As a child, they constantly tried to pin him down: “Hey, little one!” In response to this, without thinking for a long time, he jumped up (because it was mostly tall guys who teased) and hit him in the face. Metelil even high school students. “I took it very seriously at the time, I don’t even know why,” he admits. – And then I realized the advantages of small stature: I am unique and exclusive! Believe it or not, I have never had such a complex. All the girls I dated before getting married were taller than me. And I walked proudly, they say, guys, the charm does not depend on the length of your bones or something else. Stop bullshitting and believe in yourself!”

"I associate myself with carpaccio"

As a child, he did not like to eat, because he was "skin and bones." He especially hated stewed cabbage (for its smell), but he adored dumplings and sweets.

Today, he carefully monitors what he eats and how much. Divides food: meat and salad separately, porridge - separately. In the mornings, be sure to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice or coffee (a little coffee "harmfulness" is necessary). Be sure to eat oatmeal with honey, raisins or dried apricots. In the evenings, he also tries to control himself: as a rule, he only eats vegetable salads. You can add parmesan petals to them - for sophistication.

By the way, he hasn't eaten pork since 1996 - he doesn't feel like it. Even in his touring rider, he always demands a TV in the room, without which he simply cannot fall asleep, and excludes pork from the menu. No way will he eat sausage. He likes steamed vegetables, most of all carrots. She loves roast beef with whiskey sauce. Favorite drink is orange juice. He associates himself with carpaccio, because, according to him, "this dish is original, it is prepared quickly, and it has its own peppercorn." His only "gastronomic enemy" is cookies. As for the "alcohol" side, he prefers Scotch whiskey, cognac. Although he has already lost interest in alcohol: “I don’t need it, the mood is always good anyway!”

He began to control nutrition in 2005, when he found out that he had made it to the finals of the New Wave contest. At that time, with a height of 159 cm, he weighed 70 kg. With the help of physical activity and food restrictions in a month, he lost about 13 kg.

“I sang and cried. Singing and crying…”

“I was sure that I was born as an artist at school: when I took the exam, I sang a song about Cheburashka. I sang and cried. I sang and cried because I felt sorry for Cheburashka, who had no friends, and then that crocodile appeared in life. I showed with emotions that I am a very sensitive guy.

We can say that since 1990 I started walking up the career ladder under the name of show business. I started as an artist-vocalist of the Syabry studio together with my brother. Then there was no pop - there were pop singers, and the music was called "popular pop". At the end of 1996, he left to work in the East, in Bahrain, where he spent a total of six years, covering the entire golden fund of world hits. They offered to go - I agreed. I had to fly to an unfamiliar country, not knowing a single word of either Arabic or English. I went to earn money, but also acquired a huge vocal school.

When I arrived from abroad in 2003, I had to somehow make myself known. I approached the issue of business as an American: I began to explore the market for its unemployment. Listened to the radio, watched TV. I saw that there was nothing new, and I realized that I needed to work. Although it is immodest, but it was I who caused a movement on the Belarusian stage with my appearance. I have taken a great niche as a romantic singer who sings about love. But you don't need to go overboard. For example, I don't see myself in hard rock. Everyone must do their job. And my style is described as "romantic pop".

It was flattering for me to be the first Belarusian on the New Wave. I think the most significant is who I became - the artist Alexei Khlestov. I was lucky: I became popular up to 75%, so I have nothing to blame. Having worked a lot of time in Belarus, I think I have done a lot for our culture.”

I dreamed of becoming an artist and I am happy that the dream came true. By the way, initially I wanted to connect my life with sports, but music won. To date, I have not achieved the goal, there is still something to strive for. But what I wanted to achieve in Belarus, I achieved. Now my task is to try to enter the international market.”


Aleksey Khlestov was born on April 23, 1976 in Minsk in a family of workers. “Father, as he said, loved to sing yard songs with a guitar on a bench under the house. Mom also participated in amateur performances at school. That is, they had musical inclinations, but they could not realize them at that time, ”says Alexey.

Alexei's abilities manifested themselves early - in kindergarten it was he who was always asked to sing at matinees. Then his mother, Lyudmila Nikiforovna, took him to a school with a musical bias, which was nearby. The institution was prestigious, and therefore they took it there by competition. “I sang a tearful song about Cheburashka, I cried and sympathized with him about the fact that he had no friends. I could not understand how it was so, ”recalls Alexey. A few days later he was enrolled in the piano class.

However, the eldest son Andrei, who is also known to the general public, was the first to realize innate musical abilities in the Khlestov family. When Alexei was ten, he sang in the VIA "Rovesnik" - a popular children's group at that time. Then the younger brother also got there. “I finished nine classes, I decided to enter a music school, but because of the concerts I did not have time to apply,” he says. “As a result, I entered a regular vocational school.” But he did not give up music.

In 1993, at the second republican competition for young performers in Minsk, Alexei received the audience award. Then he again tried to enter - this time at the Institute of Culture. Vocal passed perfectly, but the Belarusian literature "filled up". The lack of theoretical education was replaced by extensive practice. First, participation in the "Slavianski Bazaar" (hit the top ten), and then three years of work in the studio "Syabry". At one time he also performed in a duet with his brother Andrei.

At the end of 1996, Alexei Khlestov went to work in the East, in Bahrain, where he spent six years intermittently. However, this could not go on forever. In February 2003, Aleksey once again visited Minsk: “I decided to take a closer look at what is happening here. I listened, looked ... I tested the market, one might say ... and recorded the first song "Forget You", with which he starred in "Hit Moment". She scored a large number of votes, enjoyed success on the radio, and then I realized that I need to work on.”

Then, one after another, hits began to appear, thanks to which Aleksey became the most rotated Belarusian performer of 2003. On December 19, 2003 Alexey Khlestov's debut album “Answer me why” was released on West Records, which included hits and still unknown songs.

On January 29, 2004, in one of the capital's registry offices, Alexei Khlestov officially formalized his relationship with his beloved girl Elena.

2009 has become a landmark year for you. This is true?

It really is. Many say that 33 years for a person is a rather serious date. First of all, this date is beautiful, significant. In addition, this year marks fifteen years of my creative activity. I started as an artist-vocalist of the Syabry studio together with my brother. Before that, there were tests of the pen with the composer Gena Markevich: we recorded about five tracks, which at that time were significant for us. But now, looking at those achievements, I understand that I have become more professional.

Have you done any analysis of how these 15 years have passed for you? Without going into too much detail, can you tell us about some milestones of your work?

We can say that since 1990 I started walking up the career ladder under the name "show business". Then there was no pop - there were pop singers, and the music was called "popular pop".

Was that your first step?

Yes. I studied at the Minsk Music School No. 150, where the most excellent teachers taught. Music was taught until the 9th grade, and then there were general education subjects.

After the 9th grade, I tried to enter the Institute of Culture, but, unfortunately, I was not lucky: I failed an essay on the work of Bogdanovich. But I still returned to Bogdanovich: Igor Luchenok invited me to perform at his creative evening, where I performed the song "Veronica" with the Presidential Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus under the direction of Viktor Babarikin. Many people tried to dissuade me from singing it, but I was so imbued with poetry and music that I put my whole soul and myself into this song.

After "Veronica" there was a pause in the Palace of the Republic. I thought that I sang badly, but then the audience in the hall began to applaud so that I was literally carried away offstage with these applause.

In fact, applause nourish?

They don't just get applause. It feeds the energy of people, their perception of my work. It is important to properly tune in to the wave of the concert, and it does not matter if it is a solo or assorted concert. Emotions should be positive, romantic, should touch each of those people who come to the hall.

Just a month and a half ago, I performed at the stadium in Gomel at the City Festival, which gathered about 10 thousand spectators. This is an absolutely amazing feeling: the power and breath of the orchestra itself, the energy of music - all this is very significant for the artist and helps him to keep the audience with his emotions.

How do you prepare yourself for a performance? You calm yourself somehow, drink valerian ...

I'm extremely worried. Every artist who takes his work responsibly is very worried about his performance.

You've been on stage for fifteen years - and are you still worried?

Unfortunately or fortunately, it is. In my opinion, if an artist stops worrying, the meaning of his work is lost. You must expect with trepidation and excitement to meet the audience, because it is not known how he is set. Maybe there is someone angry in the hall, and splashes out his emotions with some wrong words. And this happens in life.

Shout something negative?

It was a long time ago. Thank God, over the past five years, I hardly remember such incidents. I'm lucky with the audience.

Do you have to sing to the soundtrack? Surely, on some television projects, a soundtrack is used ...


What performance do you like best?

I like quality performance. It can mean both a plus soundtrack and a minus one. It is clear that the whole world goes to live performances with live music. But in our country it is very difficult to do this, since such a performance is very expensive, and a lot of money is needed in order to support the team.

Our show business and Russian are generally incomparable concepts. Russian show business is a huge money-making machine, an entire industry of artists, shows, and entertainment. All this ultimately pays huge dividends.

The average annual budget of a Russian artist is about one and a half million dollars - we do not invest in artists in such volumes: the main investments come from the artists themselves or from the producers.

As far as we know, you were one of the first Belarusians on the New Wave.

Not one of the first, but the first.

Participation in this competition was some kind of stepping stone for you or was it some kind of audition?

These were not just tests, these were personal ambitions - mine and my friend Kirill Sheleg, who at that time represented the Mystery of Sound company in Belarus. We became very good friends and are friends to this day. He is always in the music business, aware of all the new products and competitions. It was he who advised me "New Wave".

The first album "Answer me why" was very successful in Belarus. After that, I had to somehow assert myself.

It was flattering for me to be the first Belarusian on the New Wave. I tried to get into this competition two years in a row.

The first time, I got in the way of certain circumstances, but I'm not one of those people who stop halfway. In the second year, I prepared better, and in May 2005 the organizers of the competition called me and said that I had qualified for the final. You have no idea how I screamed for joy at that moment!

Are you satisfied with the results of this competition?

For the first time, I was extremely pleased: I became a laureate, they learned about me, heard about me. Most people after my arrival in Minsk said that I represented my country with dignity. On the second and third days, I performed superbly. The first day was quite possibly a bit rough: I had no experience in competition programs.

Competition is a huge psychological and emotional stress. The Russians came with psychologists, with a serious group of producers, directors, assistants, nannies - with everyone they could. At that time, unfortunately, I could not get information support from anyone. Already at the venue of the competition, I was provided with informational support by the ONT TV channel and the Unistar radio station.

That is, there were still people who supported you.

They supported me directly on the spot. And it was already not bad and very pleasant: the ONT badge warmed me. For Unistar, I was like a freelance correspondent: they called me from the radio station and we went live with reports.

In addition to the fact that this competition became some kind of psychological stage for you, can you say that participation in the "New Wave" was with the expectation of leaving, for example, to Russia?

Quite possibly: after the competition, I spent about eight months on a plane between Minsk and Moscow.

You then participated in "Saturday Evening", and in some other projects ...

I participated in such projects as "People's Artist", "The Secret of Success". It was a pretty good start for me.

Thanks to the New Wave?

Yes, thanks to the acquaintances that I made at this competition. Then I met the brilliant producer of musicals Ekaterina von Gechmen-Waldeck ("METRO"). She is a magnificent person, a musician, a most magnificent woman who does not leave indifferent those people whom she paid attention to. Then she helped me get in touch with Iosif Prigogine, with whom we signed a contract. Unfortunately, this contract did not give any significant results, so we terminated it. But so far we have remained colleagues and maintain good relations. I am very pleased that a person with that name took my proposal to terminate our agreement calmly.

What didn't work? Why did business relations with Prigozhin not develop?

In no case do I regard this as inaction on the part of Joseph Igorevich, no. There is a musical and creative tandem called "Valeria-Joseph Prigozhin". I am very sensitive to these people and directly to Valeria.

That is, in order to maintain Valeria at the same level, she needs to give all her time?

Oh sure. Maybe Prigogine would like to work with someone else, but he just doesn't have the time. I understand him completely and completely, and I think that in his place I would have acted exactly the same.

And what other results did these Russian "campaigns" of yours bring?

First of all, such "campaigns" are an internal hardening and, of course, acquaintances: I am friends with many Russian artists of the younger generation.

Do you go to corporate parties in Moscow?

I traveled, but now I go to Moscow only to record vocals for Andrey Slonchinsky, with whom we continue our cooperation. This is a great author, a wonderful person with whom we have been cooperating for a long time - since 2005.

I would like to know about your attitude to the Belarusian show business. Inna Afanasyeva once uttered the phrase: "In Belarus, there may be a show, but there is no business." And many believe that Belarusian performers cannot offer a quality show even today. How do you assess the Belarusian show business?

If I am here, it means that show business is present, it exists and develops.

When I came from abroad in 2003, I had to somehow make myself known. I approached the issue of business as an American: I began to research the market for its unemployment, and it turned out that it was completely free. I have taken a great niche as a romantic singer who sings about love.

And who are your listeners?

The target audience can be from 12 years old to 55-60 years old, as I was convinced at the last concerts. Of course, the main viewer and listener is under 45 years old.

Are you sparking interest in yourself?

Of course. Participation in various shows on TV channels is an integral part of producing artists, this is promotion. You should always be in the public eye, should be announced in good programs, in morning and entertainment shows, on radio stations. In principle, communication with me - this is the heating of interest in yourself. In no case do I resort to scandals - I'm not that kind of person.

What about taking pictures with Paul McCartney, for example, as some people do?

I wonder who could do it?

As it turned out, no one.

Like this. I don't like to deceive the viewer - it's not in my rules. It's better to be honest, to present your feelings from the stage. Being, for example, in a nightclub, you can have fun. But why make a “strawberry”, draw close attention to your person? I do not get the point of it. More than enough attention is already paid to me, and I am extremely happy about this. Many say: "Oh, Lord! I'm so tired of being paid attention to, pointing a finger at me." Rejoice, artist, that they point a finger at you and pay attention, because there is a meaning in what you are doing. When you are noticed, when you are told that you are doing something good or bad, then you are on the right track.

Do they say "bad" to you?

Once a girl came up and said: "I like you, but I don't listen to your music. I listen to Manson."

And what did you answer her?

I told her: "Everyone has their own taste." And smiled.

Like the cat Leopold.

A smile always relaxes even the most evil people.

You give the impression of a confident person. Are you always sure of yourself?

I am always confident in myself, even when I am very worried. I'm an artist by nature. If you are not sure that you were born to be an artist and should be on stage, there is nothing for you to do there.

Were you initially sure that you were born an artist?

I was sure of this even at school: when I took the exam, I sang a song about Cheburashka. I sang and cried. I sang and cried because I felt sorry for Cheburashka, who had no friends, and then that crocodile appeared in life. I showed with emotions that I am a very sensitive guy.

Are you still emotional?

To this day! I can’t even watch the news: if some tragedy is shown on TV, I immediately turn it off. I begin to tremble internally - it's scary what is happening around.

Let's get back to show business. You said that it is not developing as rapidly as we would like. What, in your opinion, is missing in order for this development to proceed more intensively?

Unfortunately, I am not yet an expert in this, although I entered the institute at the Faculty of Arts.

How many times have we reproached Lesha Khlestov for being an uneducated guy. And now Lesha Khlestov is studying at the daytime department of the artificial satellite, he is a future producer, he goes to lectures ... You don’t play truant, by the way?

No. I try, in any case, not to skip. Now, however, serious preparations are underway for New Year's musicals, which will be filmed on various TV channels. Naturally, the time has been reduced, but I try not to miss lectures and attend almost every one. It is clear that this is not always possible. But still, I will take tests on those topics that I missed.

You say that you are not yet as connoisseur of show business as you would like ...

What hinders the development of show business, I do not know: maybe the lack of global shows or outside investment. I would like to say that we do not just have artists, but to say that we can make a global show that can surpass any Russian one.

No money?

If you do a show by one artist, competently build choreography, make scenery on stage, you need huge funds. You can draw an analogy with the Robbie Williams Swing concert, which was held at the Albert Hall with a magnificent orchestra. Every time I watch this concert on video, I can imagine how people felt inside this hall! They were direct participants in this concert. And look at the concerts of Mylene Farmer: this is not just a theatrical production, this is a whole space show!

We, unfortunately, do not have such opportunities. Are there any talents?

Lots of talent, trust me. Not only is the Belarusian land fertile, but also the people are magnificent: creativity grows with every generation.

Tell me, did 75% of the obligatory Belarusian music on the air of radio stations help you personally?

I was lucky: I became popular up to 75%, so I have nothing to blame.

How do you feel about the statement that thanks to these 75%, a stream of low-quality material poured onto the stage?

Unfortunately, I will support this opinion, as there is a large amount of truth in this. Many have decided that you can do anything, you can record a song in the kitchen and take it to the radio station. And if it is not accepted there, you can write a complaint. Unfortunately, radio stations suffered from this, as advertisers disappeared. As long as people got used to it, while muszreds adapted to the fact that it is necessary to select high-quality music and the right songs, time has passed.

And Khlestov is denied at radio stations? At least sometimes?

Apparently, I got lucky. Since 2003 I've been delivering or mailing my tracks personally. I call the radio station myself and offer to bring or send my recording.

Why are you doing it yourself?

This is a kind of respect for those radio stations that believed in me in 2003. Knocking the thresholds, I found a few people who understood me and believed that I could be the first.

Judging by our communication, you are not a star at all. Did you have star disease?

Probably was in 1993-94. It was a teenage star disease that I had, in my opinion, for half an hour. Now there can be no star disease: every day you need to work more and more. Thanks to the crisis, we realized that we need to work even harder, that everything in this life is not so easy. And this moves us not just to actions, but to hard labor.

Khlestov makes quality music?

I'm talking about the fact that the creative team that works with me makes more than high-quality music on the level of the former USSR.

What does quality music mean to you?

It should be a beautiful, catchy melody. An artist must be talented, charismatic, take care of his appearance, must be able to behave appropriately on stage in accordance with the direction of music he performs. Poems don't have to be stupid. In my second album "Because I love" every word is verified. Pavel Bertosh, Dima Manzhura - these are the people who work wonderfully.

How do you understand that this or that composition will "shoot"?

In the first album, we worked with the creative tandem of Maxim Oleinikov, Vitalik Chadyuk, Vadim Fomich, Vitalik Penzin. Then I relied on the opinion of my wife: she is a classical vocalist. But the wife said that someone in the family should sing alone, and she preferred that I do it. She helps me a lot both in creative terms and in terms of family support.

Does she also say that some thing will play?

She is my partner, and not only in the family, but also in business.

Is it possible to make good money in Belarusian show business?

I won't say it's very good, but it's possible.

During the day, questions were received from listeners, to which I now propose you to answer: "Lesha, I would like to know a little more about your family." When you got married, by the way, did some of the fans disappear?

What has disappeared! They congratulated me with the whole forum on the Internet! My fan club knows when my wedding anniversary is, they congratulate me, send me SMS. Fans in no way diminished, they just grew up. But until now they are my army: in different cities there are small representations of our fan clubs, which help a lot.

What, for example?

For example, I have a promotion with a certain customer, with whom we travel around the cities. Fans gather their girlfriends, friends, come out with posters. After the concerts, I definitely go to them, take pictures, position myself as a friend, because this is the army of fans that always helps. They give their votes for me in the charts and thank you very much for that. I appreciate it very much.

Let's talk about family now.

I have been married since 2005, my son is already four years old, I have a daughter from my first marriage. I have great kids. My daughter is eight years old, she studies at the same music school where I studied. Just a week ago, I was at a concert dedicated to Mother's Day, which was given by the class where Polina is studying. I was so pleased!

Doesn't creativity interfere with the family, and does the family interfere with creativity? Or are they complementary things?

It is very important, especially for an artist, musician, artist, to find your other half. I was very lucky. My wife understands me: she knew who she was marrying, she knew what it was fraught with. She worries every day, but she knows that work is the main thing for me.

"What is the place of sport in your life?"

Sport occupies a secondary or even tertiary role after work. I go in for physical education, at one time I was fond of sailing and quite successfully.

How do you rest? Is sport one of the types of active recreation?

No, sport is one of the ways to keep yourself in shape. Looking at Oleg Gazmanov, since 2005 I have been quite diligently engaged in physical activity under the vigilant supervision of my instructor and good friend Kirill Dorofeev. He makes sure I look good.

How are you resting?

I have a rest outside the city with my family in a village house in the Vitebsk region. I like to go fishing, wander through the forest, be closer to nature.

"Do you read books?"

You are really confident. Did you have any complexes, for example, about small stature? Or is it all you outgrew in childhood?

As a child, I took it very seriously, I don’t even know why. It can be seen that in my childhood, most of the enemies tried to pin me down with my only problem - growth. As a child, I loved to stand up for myself and "blizzard" even high school students. I did not count to two: I immediately jumped on a person and defended my position even with people who were two classes older than me. I got bumps, there were black eyes - all this was, like everyone else in adolescence.

And then I realized the benefits of being small: I am unique and exclusive.

There are journalists who try to tease me. I look and think: "And this person studied at the institute? And this person positions himself as the most educated?". In one of the programs, I was asked the question: "How do you feel about the fact that you are short? Where do you dress - in" Children's World "?". And this is a journalist's question? Is this a normal question? The man is obviously trying to humiliate me. I don’t pay attention to such things: maybe this person is narrow-minded, maybe he is angry at life, and at that moment he felt better.

So what to do? How to answer like that?

Are you weak? Can you afford it?

I can with a child. With a child, I become unarmed.

Are you a good father?

Sonulya will grow up, we will ask together - it will be more correct. My wife says I'm a good father. Perhaps, I am good emotionally, but in terms of the time I spend with my family and with my child, of course, not so much. I think he will grow up and understand why I work, and I work for my family and loved ones: for mom, for dad, for my brother, a great artist.

I always wanted to ask, have you ever had a rivalry with your brother?

It wasn’t much, but we acted very smartly with each other: we found with him such a golden mean that only truly native people can find. We chose to be cool, great brothers rather than really bad co-workers. And it works.

"What new will please in the near future?"

My new track will be released soon. It will be romance again, love again - the theme of love will never run out. If Shakespeare were alive, he would write about love.

What achievements in your life do you consider the most significant?

I think the most significant is who I became - the artist Alexei Khlestov. Of course, my most important achievements are yet to come. Family is very important to me - it means a lot to me. I love my creative team that works with me. As for professionals, I have very tender feelings for Andrey Slonchinsky, Pavel Bertosh, Pavel Pashkovsky, Lilya Kamlyuk, Sasha Soloveichik. Sasha is a unique person: I was amazed that a 16-year-old girl has such a huge potential, expression and interest in work.

Do you have any recipe for how not to forget about creativity and family, but to create their harmonious coexistence?

The most important thing is to be a person, a positive person who will not repel his surroundings from himself.

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Once, in one of the posters in the newspaper, we printed an announcement: "A. Khlestov's concert." After the concert, a bewildered reader called the editorial office: “You wrote that there would be a concert. I come, and there is not the same Khlestov. Similar, but definitely not the same. With the question of confusion, we began our conversation.

- Does this happen often?

Alexei:- Not often, but it happens. If we can’t drum into the organizers of the concerts that there are two of us, A. Khlestovs, therefore, you need to write on the posters with your full name, which is already talking about ordinary spectators. Each of us has his own viewer, so in case of confusion there are dissatisfied people, this is understandable.

- No offense to each other? Disputes on the topic "who is more popular"?

Andrew: - Not. We are brothers, what insults? Lesha did a good job, plowed for seven years in Bahrain, earned money, invested in himself. He made himself popular, I respect him for that. I also achieved everything myself, only it was at a different time, then there were other opportunities. I was 13 years old when I learned to play the guitar and went to sing at the VIA "Rovesnik", it was at the Pioneer Palace in the Frunzensky district. We traveled a lot along the line of the Central Committee of the Komsomol to all sorts of concerts, even in Germany we were, we performed in front of the Soviet troops. Then I sang at the vocational school in amateur performances. I took first place in a competition among creative youth like me, and I was invited to the Red Stars ensemble.

What vocational school did you graduate from?

School of metalworkers, by education a mechanic-repairman. True, two weeks of practice at the Vavilov plant is the entire length of service.

Alexei: - We're from a simple working-class family, both from Petushniks. Dad worked as a builder, mom was a computer operator, worked on large machines - "Robotrons" - in Belbytsnabe. Then came computerization, and it was reduced. Dad is now working as a machine tool adjuster at the Krupskaya meat processing plant, and mom is retired. And after the 9th grade, the head teacher politely asked me to leave school, and I went to vocational school No. 148, so by profession I am an electrician of power lighting equipment. He didn’t work a day, and, thank God, people still have light. Somehow the light went out in my apartment, so I didn’t know where the traffic jams were, I sat without electricity for two hours until my dad arrived. How did I study? He sang more than he sat in class. At the age of 13, Andrey brought me to the same ensemble "Rovesnik", at first I played the bass guitar there, then I sang. As I remember now - "The old mill, spinning, spinning ...". I never thought that in the future I would communicate with the author himself Igor Nikolaev.

And so I repeated the path of Andrei. I went with "Rovesnik" to all sorts of competitions, we were filmed in various programs, then there were a lot of them on BT. I remember the very first shooting was in Bobruisk for the Night Rendezvous program. I opened both branches. “Hey you, sleigh” was the first song, and the second was performed with Andrey - “We are different”. And after they sang it, he went behind the stage and fainted from excitement.

- Are you different?

Alexei:- Actually, yes. We are both Taurus, but I am April and was born in the year of the Dragon. And Andrei is May, and was born in the year of the Dog. He is soft, sometimes hot-tempered. I, if I flare up, have already forgotten by the evening, and he may have a grudge for a week. Likes to work, but sometimes lazy. I'm sorry Andrew, I'm telling the truth.

Andrew:- Recently, we just see each other a little, so he can say that I'm lazy, he doesn't know how much I work. Lesha has a difficult character. He is stubborn. Other than that, he's a normal guy. As a child, of course, I freaked out when they left me for a nanny, we have a six-year difference. But all brothers and sisters go through this.

Why didn't you go to universities?

Andrew:- I haven't tried it. After vocational school, he joined the army, ended up in Osipovichi, in the rocket troops. He also sang there. It turned out funny: they fired me, and two weeks later they called: “The television ensemble is coming to shoot, there’s no way without you, return to the army.” I had to put on a uniform and go to the army for an encore. And then there were already competitions in Jurmala, in Vitebsk, somehow it started spinning and that's it, I'm working.

Alexei:- And I tried to enter the Institute of Culture, even went to preparatory courses. He flunked the presentation on Belarusian literature, they wrote according to Bogdanovich. Now I don't have time to study. If there were 50 hours a day, I would do it, only in a different place. I would have received an economic or legal education.

- Do you live in your apartments or rent?

Alexei:- I'm filming.

Andrew:- I live with a girl, this is her apartment. The girl's name is Nastya Shevtsova, she sings in Ternitsa, we have been together for four years.

- Do you have children?

Andrew:- I have two from two previous marriages. Son Nikita is 12 years old, daughter Kristina is 8. They haven’t had children with Nastya yet, she just recently graduated from the institute with honors, now she can become a mother.

Alexei:- I don’t discuss this topic (as far as we know, Alexei has a child from his first marriage. And three weeks ago, when Alexei was in Jurmala and was preparing for the New Wave contest, his son Artem was born in Minsk. - Approx. Aut .).

- Which of you got married before?

Andrew:- What time? I got married for the first time at 22. Lived for a month and a half.

Alexei:- Sometimes, in order to understand that people are not suitable for each other, one must not only live together, but get married. You completely plunge into everyday life and understand that this is not your half.

- And where did Lesha find his other half?

Alexei:- We met Lena in Bahrain, she also sang there. She will not return to the stage, we decided so - someone in the family should sing alone.

- Didn't you take Andrei with you to Bahrain?

Andrew:- He called me, and I was about to go, but such trips are being prepared for a long time, something did not work out. I breathed a sigh of relief and that's it.

Alexei:- And I do not regret that I went. It was a hard work, singing live for six hours a day, 30 days off in Ramadan, when no nightclub is open. But he gained invaluable experience. Learned English.

- Did you earn money?

Alexei:- Do you know such an anecdote?

The musician is asked:

- How are you?

- Everything is fine, now released the disc.

- And what, sold?

- Yes, I sold - a car, a summer house, an apartment ...

To make singing on stage your job, you have to be either insanely rich or simply insane. I'm in the insane stage.

Andrew:- And I somehow lagged behind life. I don't even have a computer, I don't know what the Internet is. I am glad that I am walking down the street, they recognize me and invite me to speak.


AT 1993

In the end 1996 2003

2003 of the year. December 19th 2003

January 29 2004

Alexey Khlestov was born on April 23 1976 years in Minsk in a family of workers. “Father, as he said, loved to sing yard songs with a guitar on a bench under the house. Mom also participated in amateur performances at school. That is, they had musical inclinations, but they could not realize them at that time, ”says Alexey.

Alexei's abilities manifested themselves early - in kindergarten it was he who was always asked to sing at matinees. Then his mother, Lyudmila Nikiforovna, took him to a school with a musical bias, which was nearby. The institution was prestigious, and therefore they took it there by competition. “I sang a tearful song about Cheburashka, I cried and sympathized with him about the fact that he had no friends. I could not understand how it was so, ”recalls Alexey. A few days later he was enrolled in the piano class.

However, the eldest son Andrei, who is also known to the general public, was the first to realize innate musical abilities in the Khlestov family. When Alexei was ten, he sang in the VIA "Rovesnik" - a popular children's group at that time. Then the younger brother also got there. “I finished nine classes, I decided to enter a music school, but because of the concerts I did not have time to apply,” he says. “As a result, I entered a regular vocational school.” But he did not give up music.

AT 1993 At the second republican competition of young performers in Minsk, Alexei received the audience award. Then he again tried to enter - this time at the Institute of Culture. Vocal passed perfectly, but the Belarusian literature "filled up". The lack of theoretical education was replaced by extensive practice. First, participation in the "Slavianski Bazaar" (hit the top ten), and then three years of work in the studio "Syabry". At one time he also performed in a duet with his brother Andrei.

In the end 1996 Aleksey Khlestov left to work in the East, in Bahrain, where he spent six years intermittently. However, this could not go on forever. In February 2003 Aleksey once again visited Minsk: “I decided to take a closer look at what is happening here. I listened, looked ... I tested the market, one might say ... and recorded the first song "Forget You", with which he starred in "Hit Moment". She scored a large number of votes, enjoyed success on the radio, and then I realized that I need to work on.”

Then, one after another, hits began to appear, thanks to which Aleksey became the most rotated Belarusian performer 2003 of the year. December 19th 2003 Alexey Khlestov's debut album "Answer me why" was released on West Records, which included hits and still unknown songs.

January 29 2004 year in one of the capital's registry offices, Alexei Khlestov officially formalized his relationship with his beloved girl Elena.

His first solo concert was sold out in the small hall of the Palace of the Republic (November 24 2004 d.), then a tour of the cities of Belarus plus participation in tours with the Presidential Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus (March-April 2005 d.), which ended with a big solo concert at the Palace of the Republic (April 29 2005 d.), which has already assembled a full Great Hall.

And in anticipation of the second disc, Alexey pleased his fans with the maxi-single "Break into the Sky", released in April 2005 , which included songs already beloved by the public, such as “It didn’t come true”, “Nothing happened”, 2 versions of the song “Break into the sky” and a duet recorded with the popular Belarusian group “Tyani-Tolkai” - “Ocean of Taiga” . The presentation of the single took place on May 3 2005 in the Mystery of Sound store on Nemiga.

Summer 2005 took part in the show jumping of young performers, held from 27 to 29 July in Jurmala. “Participation is already a victory,” says Alexey. At a time when the singer was engaged in vocals in Jurmala without a break, his son was born in Minsk (July 19), who was named Artyom.

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