The family of Nikolai Tsiskaridze. Early manifestation of creativity


Many ballet lovers associate the name of Nikolai Tsiskaridze with certain roles and roles, but now the public's favorite no longer risks going on stage. Being the rector of the Academy of Russian Ballet, he manages to do a lot of work, passing on his knowledge and experience to his students.

There is in his creative biography and participation in television projects, where the dancer occupies the judge's chair.

Early manifestation of creativity

Nikolai was born in 1973 in Tbilisi. His father, Maxim Nikolaevich, was engaged in musical activities. Mom, Lamara Nikolaevna, a physicist by profession, was a teacher at school. The future ballet dancer was born when his mother was 42 years old. He has a cousin - Veronika Itskovich, who, after graduating from the choreographic school and the Institute of Performing Arts, took up an acting career.

In the photo, Nikolai Tsiskaridze in childhood with his mother Lamara Nikolaevna

When the parents divorced, the stepfather took up the upbringing of the boy. In childhood, he dreamed of becoming the director of the zoo, as he loved animals very much. A friendly atmosphere always reigned in the family, and Kolya's relatives tried to instill in him a good upbringing. Together with his mother, he often went to performances, loved to read, sing and act out skits in front of friends and guests. In his school years, the young man studied at the choreographic school, and soon left for Moscow, where he studied classical dance with the teacher P. A. Pestov.

Ballet career development

After graduating from college, Tsiskaridze was taken to the Bolshoi Theater, where at first the young artist danced in the corps de ballet, and then he was given the role of Entertainer in the Golden Age. Then a number of solo parts followed, and in 1995 the dancer was entrusted to perform the main part in The Nutcracker, thanks to which his main childhood dream came true. Simultaneously with his career, Nikolai studied at the choreographic institute, and in 1996 he received a long-awaited diploma. Since 1997, such parts in ballets as Count Albert in Giselle, the Evil Genius and Prince Siegfried in Swan Lake, Quasimodo in Notre Dame Cathedral, Conrad in Le Corsaire and others have appeared in his piggy bank.

Young ballet dancer

During his creative career, Tsiskaridze danced on many stages: at the Moscow Operetta Theater, the State Kremlin Palace, and also at the world-famous theater - La Scala. Many art historians and ballet experts considered his dance to be technically flawless and perfect, also noting his tall height (183 cm), slender figure and attractive appearance. The activity of the artist was marked by many prizes and awards. Being a permanent soloist of the Bolshoi Ballet, in 2013 he was forced to leave the team due to years of strife with the management. For several years, Nikolai expressed his dissatisfaction with the restoration of the building, considering it not done well enough. In 2014, he was approved for the post of rector of the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet.


The dancer has been working with television for many years, being a long-term presenter on the Kultura channel, as well as a jury member of the show "Dancing with the Stars" on the Russia channel. In 2017, he took the judging seat of the Blue Bird competition, and it is possible that one of the young talents will study at his academy.

Personal life

Tsiskaridze is in no hurry to say goodbye to the life of a bachelor and have a wife and children. He does not seek to cover his personal life, although he does not hide the fact that he has hobbies and loves. Not imagining himself without creative activity, the artist believes that hardly anyone can withstand his difficult character, which has been tempered over the years of his ballet career. Now the ballet star gives all his time to students and the creative process.

When he manages to stay at home, Nikolai will gladly lie on the couch and watch his favorite TV shows. After his dancing career came to an end, it became difficult for the rector of the Academy of Russian Ballet to maintain his weight. One doctor advised him to sleep as much as possible, and now the dancer follows the recommendations of a specialist. Being a homebody, instead of social events, Tsiskaridze would rather enjoy the cozy and comfortable atmosphere in his own home.

Nikolai Tsiskaridze was born in Tbilisi. His mother, Tsiskaridze Lamara Nikolaevna, was a teacher in high school, taught physics and mathematics. Father, Tsiskaridze Maxim Nikolaevich, was a violinist. Mom Tsiskaridze loved art and often visited theaters. Visiting theaters with his mother, little Nikolai got acquainted with the performing arts.

After the tour of the theater S.V. Obraztsov in Tbilisi, Nikolai became seriously interested in puppet shows. He even started making dolls himself. His love for this art form remained with him for the rest of his life. As an adult, he amassed a large collection of dolls. But in the first place, Tsiskaridze always had his favorite dances.


The first serious step towards a future profession for Nikolai Tsiskaridze was admission to the Tbilisi Choreographic School in 1984. Nikolai's education was very successful, and it soon became clear that for further education he needed to go to Moscow. The next school that Nikolai Tsiskaridze entered was the Moscow Academic. Here he studied under the guidance of Professor Pyotr Antonovich Pestov, who was simply a wonderful teacher.

Tsiskaridze grasped everything on the fly and made great strides. He danced some of the most difficult works during his school years (pas de deux from the ballet "Flower Festival in Genzano", "Classical pas de deux" by V. Gzovsky, etc.). Tsiskaridze was noticed by representatives of the New Names International Charitable Program, which celebrates young talents in various arts. As a result, Tsiskaridze became a scholarship holder of this program.

Nikolai Tsiskaridze - Pharaoh's Daughter

Career of Nikolai Tsiskaridze

Graduated from the Moscow Tsiskaridze Academic College in 1992. And Yu.N. was immediately invited. Grigorovich to the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater. And although life in the theater was very difficult, Tsiskaridze noted that he was very lucky with mentors, especially mentioning Nikolai Romanovich Simachev, Marina Timofeevna Semenova, and Galina Sergeevna Ulanova. Nikolai met with Ulanova after the death of his mother, and she became his guardian angel. She taught him a lot.

Tsiskaridze combined his work in the theater with his studies at the Moscow State Choreographic Institute. He studied at the specialty "Ballet dancer. Teacher". He graduated from the institute in 1996.

Like any aspiring artist, Nikolai Tsiskaridze danced almost the entire corps de ballet repertoire before he was given more complex parts. These were the French doll from The Nutcracker and the Entertainer from The Golden Age. This was followed by leading roles in performances of both the classical repertoire (Swan Lake, Giselle, The Nutcracker) and modern ones (The Queen of Spades, Paganini).

Soon the work of Nikolai Tsiskaridze was awarded various awards. They included a silver medal at the fourth International Ballet Competition in Osaka (Japan) in 1995. And in 1997, at the eighth Moscow International Ballet Competition, Tsiskaridze received not only a gold medal and the first prize, but also a personal prize "For the Preservation of Classical Heritage Traditions" by Peter Vanderslott. Gradually, Tsiskaridze gained fame, they began to write and talk about him. He had fans who constantly attended performances with his participation.

The hard work of Nikolai Tsiskaridze has been deservedly awarded with many different awards. Only the national award "Golden Mask" in the nomination "Best Actor" he received three times - in 1999, 2000 and 2003. State Prize of the Russian Federation - in 2001 and 2003. There were other awards that noted his contribution to choreographic art.

Nikolai Tsiskaridze on stage

Nikolai Tsiskaridze managed to achieve outstanding results largely due to the unique natural data. The unique combination of high growth, remarkable proportions, attractive appearance, musicality and plasticity give Tsiskaridze great opportunities. But all this is nothing without the patience inherent in Nikolai, diligence, constant work on oneself and complete dedication. Nikolai Tsiskaridze mastered the school of classical dance to perfection, achieving both technical and aesthetic perfection of movements. And that's not all. A deep understanding of the dance, filling the meaning of each movement, the spiritual filling of the role being played - this is what, along with technical perfection, makes Tsiskaridze's dance so fascinating, emotional, and does not leave any spectator indifferent to what is happening on stage.

Although Nikolai Tsiskaridze performed many bright roles on the stages of various theaters, I would especially like to note his role as Quasimodo in the ballet Notre Dame Cathedral, staged at the Bolshoi Theater in 2003 by Roland Petit. The ugliness of the character entrusted to Tsiskaridze is conveyed not through a sham humpback or special make-up, but only through the choreography and unique plasticity of the artist. The choreographer not only effectively draws the appearance of the character, but also expresses the state of his soul. Through this role, he raised his level of skill to an even higher level. Tsiskaridze himself notes that after this role, he began to dance many parts differently. This role changed something inside him.

Tsiskaridze is excellent at roles in both classical and modern performances, long parts and small miniatures. To a large extent, this is due to the very responsible preparation of the artist for each role. This is an analysis of the character of the hero, a close acquaintance with the music of the performance, participation in the creation of stage costumes. And of course, perfecting every movement.

The life of an artist

Tsiskaridze lives in Moscow. Currently he is the Premier of the Bolshoi Theatre. True, recently the artist has conflicts with the main employer, which are resolved in court. In 2011, he became a member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Culture and Art. He teaches at the department of male classical dance and duet-classical dance of the Moscow State Academy of Choreography.

Nikolai Tsiskaridze - The Nutcracker

Of course, the main place in the life of an artist belongs to the art of dancing. However, he finds time for other hobbies, such as music and opera, and has amassed a large record library. Most of all, Tsiskaridze likes singers whose vocal abilities are complemented by acting skills, for example, Maria Callas and Tito Gobi. Nikolai also loves to read and travel.

In Tbilisi (Georgia) in the family of a violinist and a school teacher.

In 1984-1987 he studied at the Tbilisi Choreographic School.

In 1992 he graduated from the Moscow Choreographic School (class of Pyotr Pestov), ​​in 1996 he graduated from the Pedagogical Faculty of the Choreographic Institute (now the school and institute are merged into the Moscow State Academy of Choreography). In 2012 he entered the master's program at the Moscow State Law Academy.

He started with the corps de ballet repertoire, then began to perform solo parts: Entertainer in the "Golden Age" by Dmitry Shostakovich (1992), French Doll in "The Nutcracker" (1993) and Prince Fortune in "Sleeping Beauty" (1993) by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Mercutio in "Romeo" and Juliet" by Sergei Prokofiev (1993).

Since 1995, he has performed the lead roles in the ballets The Nutcracker, The Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake and The Queen of Spades by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, La Bayadère by Ludwig Minkus, Paganini to music by Sergei Rachmaninoff, Pharaoh's Daughter by Caesar Pugni and others

In 2001, Tsiskaridze was the first performer of the Evil Genius in Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake (second version by Yuri Grigorovich), Hermann in The Queen of Spades (staged by Roland Petit). First performer at the Bolshoi Theater as Quasimodo in Notre Dame de Paris by Maurice Jarre (staged by Roland Petit) in 2003, as Theseus (Oberon) in A Midsummer Night's Dream to music by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and György Ligeti (staged by John Neumeier) in 2004.

On October 28, 2013, Nikolai Tsiskaridze was appointed acting rector of the A.Ya. Vaganova in St. Petersburg.

In 2006-2009, Tsiskaridze was a participant in the first three programs of the dance project "Kings of the Dance" (Kings of the Dance). As a permanent member of the jury of the dance competition, he participates in the television show "Dancing with the Stars" on the Rossiya TV channel. He is a permanent host of the program "Masterpieces of the World Musical Theater" on the TV channel "Culture".

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Details Created: 13/04/2016 12:19 Updated: 01/01/2018 14:03

Everyone is interested in the personal life of Nikolai Tsiskaridze, a unique and talented person who has all the natural gifts. They allowed him to succeed in the art of dancing. In this article, we will tell you everything about it.

He has Georgian roots, tall, athletic and slender figure, attractive oriental appearance, and this is not all of his advantages. By nature, he is also plastic and very musical, and many women dream of seeing him as a husband.

Photo by Nikolai Tsiskaridze

Rumor has it that the dancer has repeatedly argued that such a feeling as love was never present in him, on the contrary, it interfered with him and he always suppressed him, so Nikolai Tsiskaridze's personal life was not entirely successful. Indeed, for a person who plays ballet and is devoted to art, emotions, such as love, interfere with building a career, do not allow them to concentrate on the stage. Therefore, he devoted his life only to ballet, suppressing all romantic feelings. And now he does not allow himself to succumb to them.

Wife and kids

Rumor has it that Nikolai Tsiskaridze is officially single, has no children, and many are interested in orientation (is he blue). But he still has passions. Sometimes there are short novels, which of course he does not advertise. He claims that he does not like to make his personal life public and tell tearful stories about unhappy love. Of course, he plans to soon find a wife for himself and become a happy father, but his requirements for a future wife are very high. So far, not a single young lady has passed a tough selection for a marital position.

Women in life Nikolai Tsiskaridze

Some sources claim that he had an affair with Natalia Gromushkina, Anastasia Volochkova and ballet partner Ilse Liepa. You can see his Instagram photo below.

Natalia Gromushkina

What has been said about Tsiskaridze's dance refers primarily to his roles in the classical repertoire, for which he received most of his prizes and awards, including the State Prize. In these roles, Tsiskaridze had many predecessors.

Born December 31, 1973 in Tbilisi. Father - Tsiskaridze Maxim Nikolaevich, violinist. Mother - Tsiskaridze Lamara Nikolaevna, teacher of mathematics and physics in high school.

Dancer N.M. Tsiskaridze is the premiere of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia, one of the leading artists of the troupe, performing the main parts of almost the entire ballet repertoire. From early childhood, the future artist was fond of performing arts, especially puppetry. An irresistible impression was made on him by the tour of the S.V. Obraztsov in Tbilisi, after which he himself began to make dolls, and as an adult, he retained his love for them and amassed a large collection. But all other interests were overshadowed by the boy's love for dancing.

In 1984 he was sent to the Tbilisi Choreographic School. The successes were such that it became clear: it was necessary to take him to Moscow. In 1987, the young man entered the Moscow Academic Choreographic School, which he graduated in 1992 in the class of a wonderful teacher, Professor P.A. Pestov.

Immediately after graduating from the Tsiskaridze College, at the invitation of Yu.N. Grigorovich was accepted into the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater. Somewhat earlier in the same year, he became a scholarship holder of the New Names International Charitable Program, which celebrated the most talented young talents in all types of art.

In 1996 he graduated from the Moscow State Choreographic Institute.

At the Bolshoi Theater, Tsiskaridze at first, as befits novice artists, danced almost the entire corps de ballet repertoire, and then began to perform small, but already quite complex parts: the French doll in The Nutcracker, the Entertainer in the Golden Age, the Young Man in Chopiniana, The blue bird in "Sleeping Beauty" and others. Soon he was entrusted with leading roles in all the main performances of the classical repertoire: in Swan Lake, The Nutcracker and Sleeping Beauty, in Raymond and La Bayadère, in La Sylphide and Giselle, as well as in modern ballets: "Love for Love", "Paganini", "Symphony in C", "The Queen of Spades" and others.

In addition, Tsiskaridze's repertoire includes small one-act ballets and dance numbers, which he successfully performs both on the stage of the theater and in concerts and on tour: "The Vision of the Rose" directed by M. Fokine, "Narcissus" directed by K. Goleizovsky , "Classical pas de deux" to the music of L. Aubert, pas de deux from the ballets "Le Corsaire", "Flower Festival in Genzano" and others.

In 1995, Tsiskaridze received a silver medal at the VII International Ballet Competition in Osaka (Japan), and in 1997 - the first prize and a gold medal at the VIII Moscow International Ballet Competition, in addition, at the same competition, the personal prize of Peter van der Sloot "For the preservation of the traditions of Russian classical ballet". They not only started talking about the young dancer and began to write in the press, but the audience began to specially go to performances with his participation, he had fans.

The successes of Tsiskaridze were marked by a number of awards: the prize of the magazine "Ballet" - "The Soul of Dance" in the nomination "Rising Star" (1995), the diploma "Best Dancer of the Year" of the society "Silfida" (1997), three times the national award "Golden Mask" in the nomination "Best Actor" (1999, 2000, 2003) with the Benois de la Danse prize in the nomination "Best Dancer of the Year" (1999), the Prize of the Moscow Mayor's Office in the field of literature and art (2000) and, finally, the State Prize of the Russian Federation ( 2001) for the performance of the main roles in the performances of The Sleeping Beauty, Giselle, La Bayadère, Raymonda, The Pharaoh's Daughter. All these awards and merit awards celebrated the contribution made by a talented artist to the art of choreography.

Tsiskaridze has unique natural gifts, thanks to which he was able to reach the heights of dance art: tall, slender figure, attractive appearance, he is plastic and musical by nature. But all these are only prerequisites for the creation of genuine art. In order for them to turn into an artistic result, it is necessary to go through the school of classical dance, which Tsiskaridze mastered to the highest degree. His dance is technically impeccable, distinguished by the purity of lines and the perfection of the classical school with its aesthetics of beauty and joyful light flight movements.

But even this is not enough to create high art. There is also a need for the spiritual filling of each role, the knowledge of its essence, its human and figurative meaning, the combination of dance and acting skills. Then the dance becomes emotional, exciting, infecting the viewer with its inner content.

Spirituality is inherent in Tsiskaridze's dance, it is distinguished by strength, but without any "pressure", lyrics, but without sentimentality, emotionality, but without pretense. Tsiskaridze dances with great feeling, but without excessive affectation. In his art there is that measure of internal tension and external restraint, which creates the majestic beauty of plasticity.

All these properties are polished and improved in his work in the theater under the supervision of outstanding tutors. He began to prepare his first roles with G.S. Ulanova and N.R. Simachev, and then studied with M.T. Semenova and N.B. Fadeechev. They helped him along the way to perfection.

What has been said about Tsiskaridze's dance refers primarily to his roles in the classical repertoire, for which he received most of his prizes and awards, including the State Prize. In these roles, Tsiskaridze had many predecessors. He seemed to have absorbed all their experience, but transformed it in accordance with his own individuality. Therefore, his performance of the leading roles in classical ballets can be called a reference.

In "Swan Lake" P.I. Tchaikovsky directed by Yu.N. Grigorovich (2001) Tsiskaridze performs alternately both main male roles: Prince Siegfried and the Evil Genius. Although this is a classical ballet, Yu.N. Grigorovich created in it a completely new figurative and philosophical concept, while retaining the best of the old choreography. For the first time, Prince Siegfried with his divided, restless soul became the main character of this performance. And Tsiskaridze perfectly conveys his elegance and noble aristocracy, as well as his romantic daydreaming - but at the same time his drama, committed as a result of a fatal mistake. Particularly interesting is Tsiskaridze in the role of the Evil Genius. In the play Yu.N. Grigorovich is fate that weighs on the Prince, and at the same time his double or that dark part of his soul, because of which he betrayed his love and remained alone at the end of the performance. The evil genius of Tsiskaridze is sinister and demonic. He dominates Siegfried and Odette, and Tsiskaridze's dance here is assertive and energetic, combined with expressive pantomime. His Evil Genius constantly accompanies Siegfried and Odette, watching them, seeking to destroy them. The dance and acting sides of the role are in perfect balance.

In "Legend of Love" by A. Melikov directed by Yu.N. Grigorovich (2002) Tsiskaridze plays the central role of Ferhad, an artist divided between a sense of love and a sense of duty. His Ferhad is soft, insinuating in an oriental way. The actor emphasizes not so much his heroism as a love drama. The image develops from joyful carelessness at the beginning through emotional conflicts and difficult experiences to a hopeless tragic end.

Quite different was Tsiskaridze in the play "The Queen of Spades" (to the music of the Sixth Symphony by P.I. Tchaikovsky), staged at the Bolshoi Theater in 2002 by the French choreographer Roland Petit.

R. Petit said about Tsiskaridze: "I found Herman on the very first day." The choreographer created a technically complex and dramatic part of the protagonist. Tsiskaridze's dance as Herman is nervous, impetuous and passionate. His duets with the Countess are tense and dramatic. And both characters perish from their evil passions.

Tsiskaridze's talent is multifaceted. He equally succeeds in images in classical and modern performances, extended parts and small miniatures. He is a worthy successor of high art, alien to naked technicalism and external showiness, emotional and figurative art, organically combining dance and acting skills. It should also be noted that Tsiskaridze was the first performer of the part of the King in "Swan Lake" by V. Vasilyev (1996), Taora in "The Pharaoh's Daughter" by P. Lakotte and Herman in "The Queen of Spades" by R. Petit.

In 2003, R. Petit staged the ballet "Notre Dame Cathedral" on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater (music by M. Jappa, libretto by the choreographer himself based on the novel of the same name by V. Hugo). The role of Quasimodo was played by Tsiskaridze. This character in the performance has neither a fake hump nor a disfigured face - his ugliness is conveyed only by grotesque plasticity. At the same time, the choreography was composed by the choreographer in such a way that it not only depicts the appearance of the hero, but also makes it possible to express mental states and psychological development of the image. Tsiskaridze in this role showed extraordinary dramatic skill, extraordinary expression, while in a complex, sometimes virtuoso dance part, he created an artistically convincing, truly tragic image. His art has risen to a new level here.

The artist is very responsible in the preparation of each of his roles, thinks about the character of the hero, listens to the music, polishes the movements with tutors, he participates in the creation of the costumes of his heroes, finding interesting and winning details for them. Obviously, the artist has gone only part of his way, he is in the prime of his creative powers and he has new roles, performances and achievements ahead of him.

Of course, in the life of Tsiskaridze, dance art comes first. But he loves music very much, is fond of opera, has collected a significant record library. He especially appreciates singers who combine excellent vocal skills with outstanding acting skills, such as Maria Callas, Tito Gobi and others.

Nikolai Tsiskaridze is sociable, participates in a number of television programs. He loves books, travel, expanding horizons and enriching the inner world.

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