Sergei is the first husband of Inna Volovicheva. Family of Inna Volovicheva


Walked today with the whole family in Sokolniki Park. The weather was wonderful. Selfie from a walk. Marusya did not fit into the frame a little, we are not strong in selfies. But we will practice

And my husband, together with his mother, took part in the Immortal Regiment action in Moscow today. Maruska and I stayed at home: I think a child would not be able to bear such an event. There were a lot of people there. Everyone came with portraits of their dead relatives: the war brought grief to almost every family in our country... And this must be remembered!!!

Happy Victory Day! Happy holiday! I don’t want to write pathetic words about this day today, there are already a lot of them written. I'll just tell you about my grandfather Pavel Ivanovich, a WWII veteran. There are stories like this in every family. After all, this is that small particle from which the overall picture of the events of the past is woven. On May 3, grandfather turned 88 years old, he is healthy and even takes care of the garden and housework. In the photo, he, along with my daughter Marusya, is his first great-granddaughter. He loves her very much: when we arrive in Belgorod, grandfather leaves his gardens and hurries from the village to the city to babysit his great-granddaughter ... In general, he is madly happy that he waited for his great-grandchildren. In 1942, my great-grandfather Ivan Grigoryevich was killed during the war. And his wife Olga was left alone with five children. Pavel Ivanovich was the eldest child. At the age of 17 in 1944, my grandfather Pavel added another year to his documents in the local village council and voluntarily went to the front to take revenge on the Nazis for the death of his father, fought in Hungary, Austria, and Czechoslovakia. He has awards: "For Courage" (he was a private and was able to do what the officers could not do: he raised a company to attack), "For the Capture of Vienna", "Order of the Patriotic War II degree". After the war, grandfather received a higher education - he graduated from the Faculty of History in Voronezh. He is a historian and local historian with more than 45 years of experience. He began his career with the head of the Olshansky rural club (Chernyansky district, Belgorod region), worked as an instructor in the district committee on the territory of the Olshansky village council, party organizer of the Krasnaya Zvezda collective farm, head teacher of the Protochensky school and its director. One of the first on the territory of the Chernyansky district, he began to study local history, collected a lot of historical materials, on the basis of which he created the first school museum of local lore in the region. Until now, his favorite thing is the history of the region, which he studies and writes with great interest. His book on the history of the region is published this year. That's my grandfather! I'm very proud of him. Once again, Happy Holidays everyone! Happy Victory Day!

On the occasion of the holiday, Maria Ivanovna went to a restaurant yesterday to taste an apple pie. The pie was so delicious that she ate it for speed not only with a spoon, but also with her hand)))

Thank you very much, dear subscribers, for your words of gratitude to my grandfather and for congratulations on the Great Victory Day under the previous post !!! I don’t have time to answer everyone: there are so many of you! Here is a live broadcast from Belgorod - my mother sent a photo taken this morning. Grandfather was given a car from the Chernyansky district so that he could go to the parade in the regional center - the city of Belgorod - and return back to the village. In past years, this was not the case: our Pavel Ivanovich participated in local events on the occasion of Victory Day. Apparently, very few heroes of those years survived, now they are being collected around the region and sent to the city for a holiday. My mother was glad to see her father. In the evening I will call my grandfather and congratulate him. I will be sure to pass on all your kind words to him. Happy holiday, friends!

We just watched the fireworks: we went to the Riga overpass. In this place, three fireworks can be successfully seen at once: the one on Red Square, at VDNKh and in Sokolniki Park. I almost twisted my neck, they didn’t know where to look))) Masha really liked the spectacle, she clapped her hands. In the photo: my husband and I and our Masha with her grandmother Zhanna.

Hello everyone from Maria Ivanovna and from the bunny! :) :) :)

Age: 37 years old

Moscow city

Height: 180 cm Weight: 72 kg

The project was 979 days

Inna Volovicheva was born in the city of Belgorod, where she entered and graduated from the philological faculty of the Belgorod State University. She met her ex-husband, Sergei, at the age of 19. The couple did not dare to get married for a long time, and young people decided on such a serious act, only under the pressure of their parents. True, her husband, according to Inna, was not ready for family life, because he did not care about his own wife at all and was constantly in his own world, not even trying to find a job. This alignment of things did not suit Volovicheva, and she initiated the divorce.

After an unsuccessful marriage, Inna completely decided to change her life: she left graduate school and moved to Moscow. In the capital, she got a job as deputy editor-in-chief of the infamous newspaper "Life", where she worked for a year and a half before joining the television project Dom 2.

On a reality show, she came to Wenceslas Vengrzhanovsky, in order for him to remove the "crown of celibacy" from her. So Inna and Wentz created a couple. Of course, their relationship was absolutely not like the traditional one. The girl perceived Wenceslas more as her own child than a young man. Simply put, their couple was one hundred percent fictitious. So it was easier and more convenient for both of them to be on a television project, supporting each other. It is worth noting that these relationships were very popular among viewers, they were often discussed at the frontal place, so everyone benefited from what was happening. The union lasted long enough, but such a farce could not last forever, and they dispersed when Zhanna Alybaeva came to the project, who perceived Vengrzhanovsky as a young man.

Subsequently, Inna Volovicheva began a period without any relationship with young people. She could not find her soul mate in any way, and whiled away her free time with friends such as Nadezhda Ermakova and Nelli Ermolaeva.

But loneliness turned out to be not hopeless, and it turned out that while Inna was in the status of a loner on the project, she had a stormy romance outside the perimeter. And this young man was the local sorcerer Vlad Kadoni. After their relationship was made public, the young people declared themselves a couple on a TV project.

Many do not believe in love with Vlad, and first of all, the shadow here falls on Kadoni, who tirelessly continues to show signs of attention to Nelly Ermolaeva and seeks to meet her at the first opportunity. But while Inna is paired with Vlad, and she is happy ...

In the end, the couple with the black magician broke up and Volovicheva began to pay more and more attention to her own career as the chief editor of the site, weight loss courses and other business activities.

On September 3, 2011, Ilya Sidorov came to Volovicheva. The guy actively courted her and sought the heart of a brunette. But, after a while, a terrible incident happened to Ilya. After another quarrel with Inna, the guy on emotions jumped over the railing on the second floor of the new house and broke both heel bones. Many felt that Volovicheva provoked Sidorov to such a "male" act.

October 5, 2011 Inna left the project. Outside the gates, she was met by a new young man, Ivan Novikov, who is only 23 years old. But, according to rumors, the parents of the same Ilya Sidorov insisted on Volovicheva's departure, threatening the project to conduct an investigation with an addiction to their son's ill-fated jump.

Page of Inna Volovicheva Vkontakte.

Ivan Novikov is several years younger than his girlfriend, however, he was not afraid to come to the project for her and take her away in order to build love beyond the perimeter and cameras. Few people believed that Inna Volovicheva really fell in love with this guy, everyone believed that she simply left after Vlad Kadoni, without whom her existence and participation in the show turned out to be simply meaningless. But quite a lot of time has already passed and all of us were able to make sure that there was no question of any fiction.

On April 28, the wedding of one of the brightest participants in the television project "Dom 2" Inna Volovicheva took place. Her chosen one was a handsome, student and athlete Ivan Novikov. Inna conquered the young man back in the summer of 2011, while still a member of the Dom 2 television project, which the girl left for the sake of a relationship with Ivan. The girl received a marriage proposal after a month of dating, but it was decided to play the wedding in the spring.

The bride's dress was custom-made and cost 50 thousand rubles, the groom was dressed in a classic black suit. The wedding was held in the restaurant of the Novy Bereg yacht club until the morning, only the closest 70 people were invited to the event. The participants of "House 2" were not seen at the wedding, and even the former young man Vlad Kadoni Inna chose not to invite, explaining her decision by the fact that Ivan would not like the presence of an ex-boyfriend. It was possible to please their fans with wedding photos only on May 7, when pictures from the event were published on the pages of a well-known magazine.

According to the young people, the celebration cost 1 million rubles, and was paid for as a wedding gift by their parents. The newlyweds spent their first wedding night in the suite of the yacht club. The lovers were forced to postpone their honeymoon trip to the fall, since in the summer Ivan would have to pass the final exams at the Russian Academy of Public Administration. As for replenishment in the family, the guys are not going to delay it. We wish you happiness and long happy years of life!

It is worth noting that Inna was already previously married, but having lived with her husband for a certain period of time, the girl left. The ex-spouses communicate well to this day, but our heroine decided to connect her fate with a completely different young man.

Volovicheva Inna was born on July 24, 1981 in the city of Belgorod. There she graduated from the philological faculty of Belgorod State University. She met her ex-husband, Sergei, at the age of 19. They dated for 5 years and eventually got married under the pressure of their parents. The husband, according to Inna, was not ready for family life. After only 10 months of marriage, they divorced. Here is how Inna herself recalls that time: “I was no longer satisfied that I, having a husband, could not count on him: I did everything myself, and I also earned money myself - at that time my husband had difficulty finding work. He lived in my world, and with all my desire to break into his world, I could not. Tired, I packed my things and filed for divorce. " After an unsuccessful marriage, Inna decided to radically change her life: she left graduate school and moved to Moscow. In the capital, she got a job as deputy editor-in-chief of the infamous newspaper Zhizn, where she worked for a year and a half in the gossip and television department. In total, Inna worked as a journalist for eight years. Then she went to the casting of DOMA-2 and since February 2009 she has been in the project. On a reality show, she came to Ventseslav Vengrzhanovsky, in order for him to take off her "crown of celibacy". So Inna and Wentz created a couple. Of course, their relationship was absolutely not like the traditional one. The girl perceived Wenceslas more as her own child than a young man. Simply put, their couple was one hundred percent fictitious. So it was easier and more convenient for both of them to be on a television project, supporting each other. It is worth noting that these relationships were very popular among viewers, they were often discussed at the frontal place, so everyone benefited from what was happening. The union lasted long enough, but such a farce could not last forever and they dispersed when Zhanna Alybaeva came to the project, who perceived Vengrzhanovsky as a young man

Subsequently, Inna Volovicheva began a period without any relationship with young people. She could not find her soul mate in any way, and whiled away her free time with friends such as Nadezhda Ermakova and Nelly Ermolaeva

But loneliness turned out to be not hopeless, and it turned out that while Inna was in the status of a loner on the project, she had a stormy romance outside the perimeter. And this young man was the local sorcerer Vlad Kadoni. After their relationship was made public, the young people declared themselves a couple on a TV project

Many do not believe in love with Vlad, and first of all, the shadow here falls on Kadoni, who tirelessly continues to show signs of attention to Nelly Ermolaeva and seeks to meet her at the first opportunity. But while Inna is paired with Vlad, and she is happy ..

By the way, during her participation in the project, Inna lost 28 kg. According to her, there is nothing surprising in this: the body quickly loses kilograms during stress. In addition, Inna follows a simple diet - she refused high-calorie foods, fried, salty, sweet, alcohol and bread. Every morning she cooks oatmeal for herself, which she boils in water without sugar, salt or oil. He eats fruits with porridge, excluding bananas and grapes. He allows himself vegetables, boiled meat and seafood. However, after six in the evening she refused to eat at all. And when unbearable, eats grapefruits. By the way, Inna drinks freshly squeezed grapefruit juice at any time.

Inna Volovicheva spoke about the deception of her father
Photo: Instagram

A bright participant in the TV show, Inna Volovicheva, on the project was known as "open and uncomplexed." After leaving DOM-2, the woman continued to speak frankly about herself. She writes without concealment on Instagram about the details of family life. This time, Inna published a frank post about deceiving her own father. The woman shared how she found a kitten on the street as a child, brought it home and began to take care of a small fluffy lump. And soon the health of the pet deteriorated sharply. The animal was diagnosed with a deadly disease - distemper.

Volovicheva always loved animals
Photo: Instagram

“The cat vomited, he coughed, sneezed and hardly moved, quietly lying on his bedding. Well, I cried over him for a few days. My dad took him and took him somewhere, and he told me that he went for a walk with him, and he ran away, that, they say, he felt better, and he was lost somewhere, wait, he will return soon. I believed and calmed down, I just waited for him and looked for him near the house ... Well, then I resigned myself to the fact that he had left. Calm down, no tears...

And many years later, my father confessed to me that he took the cat to die in the basement (at the bottom of the house, each of the tenants had such small closets). Well, obviously nothing would have helped the cat if dad left him at home, the cat would die in front of me, and it would be hard for me to survive this. In general, after many years, dad confessed to everything and even showed the place behind the house where he buried Yashka ... ”- Volovicheva told her subscribers the heartfelt story.

Marusya, daughter of Inna Volovicheva and Ivan Novikov
Photo: Instagram

The woman is worried that her four-year-old daughter Marusya will also want a kitten, become attached to him, and history will repeat itself. The former participant remembers her childhood memories well and tries to save Masha from the negative experience that she herself once received.

“Children bond so quickly with pets. God forbid, what happens, he will then worry ... Although, of course, it is impossible to save a child from all the troubles, I understand. Probably someday I will give up and let Masha have a cat. But for now, I’m like flint, ”summed up the TV star.

Inna protects her four-year-old daughter in every possible way
Photo: Instagram

By the way, Inna's subscribers supported their idol. “Our cat “went to the village where old cats live.” I could not tell the children that she was no more”, “I understand you very much. True, I was older, but it was also difficult for the kitty to go through, ”the followers shared their sad experience.

Ex-participant of the TV show lost a lot of weight
Photo: Instagram

Recall that Inna Volovicheva came to the project in 2009 immediately after an unsuccessful marriage. First of all, she struck up a relationship with Wenceslas Vengrzhanovsky. Their long, but rather comical union broke up with the arrival of Zhanna Alybaeva at DOM-2. After some time, Inna started an affair with Vlad Kadoni, but this couple soon broke up. The woman attracted the next wave of attention to her person with an incredible transformation from a fat woman into a real slender beauty.

After leaving the project, Inna married Ivan Novikov, and in 2013 their daughter Marusya was born. Now Volovicheva adheres to proper nutrition, leads an active lifestyle, brings up a girl and actively shares with subscribers the details of her personal life.

Inna Volovicheva and her husband Ivan Novikov
Photo: Instagram

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