A series of plot pictures on the development of speech. Organization of work on the development of coherent speech using pictures and pictures


The picture is of great importance in the development of speech, primarily due to its concreteness and clarity.

The picture creates the basis for the conscious mastery of the word, reinforces and clarifies the word used by the children to express their thoughts.



Painting as a means of developing the speech of preschoolers.

The picture is of great importance in the development of speech, primarily due to its concreteness and clarity.

The picture creates the basis for the conscious mastery of the word, reinforces and clarifies the word used by the children to express their thoughts.

Stories based on the picture contribute to the development of figurative thinking and figurative speech.

Children are faced with the task of inflecting nouns, conjugating verbs, and agreeing adjectives with nouns. According to Ushinsky, the picture puts in order a discordant phrase. The picture is one of the effective means of developing observation and attention.

When examining and discussing pictures, the teacher also solves educational problems.

To prepare children for life is not only to give them certain knowledge, develop skills, teach them to work, harden them physically and morally, but also instill a love for art. This is possible only when children learn to independently and correctly understand the pictorial canvas, will be able to determine their attitude to artistic images. In the classes on familiarization with the picture, the teacher develops an active attitude to life, teaches children to see and correctly understand beauty not only in art, nature, but also in public life, teaches them to create beauty themselves.

That is why the picture takes an increasing place in the educational process.

The picture quite deservedly won a strong place in preschool practice as a means of developing the speech of children.

An interesting picture affects the feelings of preschoolers, develops not only observation, but also imagination.

But any work with a picture will be useful only if it is carefully prepared for it.

The picture should be accessible to preschoolers in terms of content and so emotional as to cause a desire to speak out. The emotional perception of the picture by children is a stimulus for their creative activity.

For the description, the teacher must select pictures that are simple in composition with a limited number of people and objects depicted on it, mainly with a plot containing a conflict situation.

Children are more excited about the pictorial image that enlivens life situations in their imagination. That is why the works of artists dedicated to small children, close people, animals, nature are especially close to preschoolers, first of all.

A realistic landscape is always imbued with a living feeling, carries a peculiar and deep thought, and therefore excites various emotions. As practice shows, it is advisable to use such landscapes as "March Sun" by Yuon, "Early Spring" by Ostroukhov, "Golden Autumn" by Levitan. Organizing the work on the picture, the educator is based on children's impressions obtained as a result of observing nature.

The life experience of children is not only what they have seen and experienced, but also what they have learned and heard. One of the principles for selecting paintings is the closeness of the content of the painting and the literary work read to the children.

Work based on Vasnetsov's paintings "Bogatyrs", "The Knight at the Crossroads" is associated with listening to epics. Work on landscape paintings is associated with listening to poetic and musical works. Such work contributes to a deeper perception and understanding of works of art and painting.

Methods and techniques for working with a picture.

In working with a picture, the teacher adheres to approximately the following sequence.

1.Preparing children for the perception of the picture

2. Silent examination of the picture.

3. Free expression of children

4. Analysis of the painting.

5. Vocabulary and stylistic work.

6. Collective planning.

7. Oral story based on the picture.

Before showing the children a picture, it is necessary to prepare them for the active perception of the work of painting. The picture should not be posted immediately, because. children will consider it, get distracted and lose interest in the work proposed by the teacher. In the introductory conversation, it is useful to briefly introduce preschoolers to the author of the picture or to the history of its creation.

The forms of communication of information about the life and work of the artist are varied: a story, a disk, an excerpt from any art book. In order to better convey to children the content of the picture, especially the landscape, it is necessary to rely on the children's personal observations of nature.

When preparing children for compiling a descriptive story, you can take an excursion with children to a forest or park. The objects of observation of children can be: earth, air, sky, snow, trees, birds. Even before looking at the picture, the children will be mentally transported to an environment similar to that depicted in the picture.

During the conversation, the teacher helps to find vivid words, figurative expressions to convey everything that they saw during the excursion.

In the introductory conversation, the teacher often refers to literary works, the subject matter of which is close to the content of the analyzed picture. For example, consideration of Ostroukhov’s painting “Early Spring” is preceded by a conversation during which preschoolers recalled works about spring (Tyutchev “Spring Waters”, etc.).

Before moving on to examining Shishkin’s painting “Winter”, you can read to children how poets and writers describe the beauty of winter nature (Pushkin “Winter Evening”, “Winter Morning”, Nikitin “Meeting Winter”). You can also draw a piece of music, remember proverbs, sayings, riddles.

We take "March" Levitan. We note changes in nature, listen to Pushkin's "Driven by spring rays." And then we listen to Tchaikovsky's "The Seasons", "Snowdrop". Then a conversation.

What do you imagine when you listen?

How does the melody sound in Tchaikovsky's music? (timidly, tenderly)

Then, after the conversation, the picture "March" is offered. All this should set the guys up for a more complete and deep perception of the picture.

Analysis of the picture is the fourth stage of work. The problem of analyzing a painting is one of the main problems in solving the problems of educating thinking, the culture of oral and written speech, and the aesthetic taste of children. Skillful analysis of the picture, directed by the teacher, is one of the active means that helps to master the ability to think and speak figuratively. Analysis of the canvas is carried out in the process of conversation or story of the educator. The conversation helps children to see, feel and comprehend the work of art more subtle, deeper.

By asking questions, the teacher reveals the relationship between the objects depicted in the picture. In addition to questions related to the specific content of the picture, questions should be asked that encourage children to express their impressions. What impression does the picture make on you? What mood does the painting evoke for you? What impression does the landscape in the picture make on you? And then you need to find out why such a mood is created? The theme of the picture is revealed. It is not always possible for preschoolers to determine the theme of the picture on their own. This assignment can help. Title the picture, because The title expresses the idea for the most part. By the names that the children offer, we can conclude how they understood the main content of the picture, how they managed to generalize what they saw. It is useful to carry out such work twice: before and after analyzing the picture. Comparison of these two names will show how deeply and correctly preschoolers understood the content.

Sometimes you can do it differently: tell the children the name, and ask why the artist called the painting that way. Often the title speaks not only about the content of the picture, but also about the artist's intention, about what he considered the most important. One may ask why Shishkin I.I. called his painting “In the Wild North”, and not just “Pine”? It is necessary to remember the first line from Lermontov's poem “In the north, a lonely pine tree stands wild. This is the Lermontov pine, which dreams of a distant sunny land, is depicted on Shishkin's canvas. The title of the painting helps to understand the expressed feeling of melancholy and loneliness.

The picture has special figurative means, like any other art. Children should perceive it aesthetically. The teacher, working with the picture, should use the knowledge of children in fine arts. (-How is the picture built? What color prevails? Which colors are cold and which are warm? Where is the main character in the picture? Who is the main one? How did the artist show? Whom does he highlight?)

Questions should be feasible for preschoolers. The purpose of the questions is to help the mental development of children, to promote and strengthen their knowledge, to shape their grammatical thinking and improve their speech. This task obliges the teacher to bring his questions into the system in the classroom, but also to limit their number. The main thing is not quantity, but accuracy and consistency.

One of the effective methods of working with a picture is comparison, during which the children begin to develop their own attitude towards the work. Comparisons can be different: two or more paintings, a comparison of paintings and a work of art, paintings and music. Comparison can be carried out in order to identify differences or establish similarities in the paintings under consideration. Sometimes a comparison is used to make it easier to understand the ideological direction. The method of comparison is successful when working with Grabar's painting "February Blue", "March" by Levitan.

Initially, work is underway only on Grabar's painting. (Levitanovsky "March" is not displayed). The name of Grabar's painting is not reported. After listening to the first statements of preschoolers about the picture, the teacher asks questions:

What time of year did the artist depict?

What time of day?

How are birch trunks painted?

On what background did the artist depict them?

The title of the painting is given. The meaning of the word "azure" is clarified, cognate words (azure) and synonyms (blue, light blue) are selected. Here you can tell about the history of the creation of the picture.

Then comes the question:

Does the painting live up to its title?

Then a reproduction of the painting "March" is hung out.

What changes do you notice in this picture?

How can you tell if it's spring?

How did Levitan convey the awakening of nature?

What colors did you use?

It is necessary to compare the colors of Grabar and Levitan.

Analysis of the picture in the process of conversation is the most common, almost the only method of working on a picture. However, it is necessary to diversify the techniques and methods, and not to forget about the power of the spoken word. The teacher's lively story about the picture enriches perception, awakens preschoolers to active verbal action. The speech of the teacher serves as a model of the statement about the picture.

Familiarization with the story plan is the fifth stage of work.

An oral story based on a painting is the sixth stage of the work. It is necessary to involve as many children as possible in the oral story. At this stage, vocabulary work, work on constructing sentences is carried out. It is necessary to take into account the capabilities of weak children. They should take part in oral work with all the children, and then they should be given a facilitated individual task.

Analysis is the eighth stage of work.

Speech development of students is facilitated by exercises of various types.

I group of exercises - the formation of the ability to determine the topic.

  1. silent contemplation
  2. Looking to the music
  3. Mental reproduction of the previously considered picture (close your eyes and imagine)
  4. What sounds can be heard when looking.
  5. What would you like to do if you were in this picture?
  6. Definition of the topic (what do you see?)

Group II - the formation of the ability to compare, generalize.

  1. Comparison of the theme of a poem, a fairy tale, a story and a painting
  2. Comparison of the mood of a painting and a piece of music
  3. Comparison of the main idea of ​​the picture with proverbs
  4. Comparison of paintings and different moods
  5. Comparison of images created by the same artist, but in different paintings

Group III - the formation of the ability to analyze the picture

  1. Name Explanation
  2. Inventing your own name, comparison with the author
  3. Multiple heading selection
  4. Definition by content title
  5. Color gamut analysis
  6. Identification of the character's character based on his appearance (poses, facial expressions, clothes)

Group IV - vocabulary enrichment exercises

  1. The game "Say the opposite" (selection of antonyms)
  2. Selection of synonyms for color definition
  3. Selection of words by microthemes
  4. Selection of adjectives or verbs to describe the object.

The main goal pursued by plot pictures for compiling a short story is the desire to develop the speech and thinking of children. Looking at the picture, the guys try to describe what is depicted on it, striving to compose a single, logically coherent story. Unfortunately, the speech of today's young people is far from perfect. Children, teenagers read little, communicate. Therefore, the development of correct literary speech should be given attention by the family, teachers, all adults surrounding the child. There are a huge number of ways to do this.

How can they be used?

One of them, already mentioned, is pictures for composing a short story. On our site you will find plot pictures for children. It is extremely important that the images are subject to a single theme, which means that the child, looking at them, will be able to compose a coherent message or play role-playing games for preschoolers. It is not for nothing that when teaching a foreign language, students are asked to describe a picture, come up with a dialogue according to the situation presented, and create role-playing games. This technique is also applicable when teaching the native language in a kindergarten or an aesthetic center. You can download the illustrations for your short story and print them out to work with.

The technique for developing speech based on pictures for compiling a short story is simple. We advise parents to play role-playing games with the baby, lay out illustrations in front of him, come up with some kind of story together, a story in which the baby's family or friends will be involved. Make sure that when describing, the child does not jump from one action, object to another, but expresses thoughts consistently, logically. After conducting such a lesson once, return to the worked out picture after a while: ask the baby if he remembers the story he compiled, what details he did not take into account, what he could add. A series of plot pictures for compiling a short story are good for lessons on the development of speech in primary grades, in lessons of a native or foreign language. Description of the illustration, role-playing games, a story based on it can be a good basis for creative work. Usually, children respond to such tasks with pleasure, since the children's fantasy is not yet rooted, its flight is free and unhindered.

The method of working with pictures for children will require attention and regularity of classes from parents. It is the family that should be interested in the development of the baby. They should help him write a story, role-play for preschoolers, and then discuss them together.

A series of pictures for kindergarten or home use for children are focused on different topics. For example, you can compose a story on the topic "Family", "Seasons", "Forest", "House", etc. The methodology for the development of speech for children involves a comprehensive coverage of topics on which a story can be compiled. Also, the technique involves the use of a game for kindergarten, in which there will be illustrations or a story on the chosen topic. As a result of a series of such activities, kids begin to speak much more coherently, logically, a single thread can be traced in their speech.

Educational materials on the topic


Pictures on different topics

Methodological developments

Storytelling based on plot pictures as a means of developing coherent speech of preschool children


Explanatory note 3

Summary of classes on the development of coherent speech compiling the story "Dog-orderly" 4

Drawing up a story based on a series of plot paintings "The Hare and the Snowman." Synopsis of GCD (development of coherent speech) 7

Abstract of classes. Compilation and retelling of the story "Mother's Day" 12

Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech. Compilation of the story "Unsuccessful hunting" based on a series of story paintings.

Drawing up a story based on a series of plot paintings "How to help birds in winter." Synopsis GCD 20

Storytelling based on a series of plot paintings "The Boy and the Hedgehog" Synopsis GCD 24

Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures (on the development of coherent speech) “How a puppy found friends” Summary of GCD 27

Drawing up a descriptive story based on the plot picture "Snowman" Synopsis GCD 31

Drawing up a descriptive story based on a plot picture (development of coherent speech) "Girl and ice cream" 33

Explanatory note

Speech is a great gift of nature, thanks to which people get ample opportunities to communicate with each other. However, nature gives a person very little time for the appearance and formation of speech - early and preschool age. During this period, favorable conditions are created for the development of speech, the foundation is laid for written forms of speech - reading and writing, and the subsequent speech and language development of the child. According to research, children of older preschool age achieve a relatively high level of development of coherent speech. The native language is of great importance for the formation of a full-fledged comprehensively developed personality of a person. The formation of coherent speech allows preschoolers to successfully engage in various forms of communication (business, cognitive, personal). The formation of coherent speech is of particular importance, since the readiness or unpreparedness of the child for the beginning of school education depends on the level of speech development. By the time they enter school, children should master a clear, correct sound pronunciation, have a rich vocabulary and be able to actively use it, compose stories, while using words in a practical grammatical form. The formation of grammatically correct speech in children, lexically rich and phonetically clear, enabling verbal communication and preparing for schooling is one of the most important tasks in the overall system of teaching the native language in kindergarten. A child with a well-developed speech easily enters into communication with others, can clearly express his thoughts, desires to ask questions. But all this can be realized as a result of the organization of effective forms, methods and techniques, as a result of the use of the most rational teaching aids. In this regard, the development of coherent speech in preschool children becomes the subject of tireless concern of the kindergarten.

Summary of classes on the development of coherent speech compiling the story "Dog-orderly"

Purpose: Teaching children to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures along the chain as a whole


1) activate and expand the vocabulary on the topic;

2) to consolidate the knowledge of children about military professions;

3) education of patriotic feelings.

Equipment: a series of plot paintings "Dog-orderly"

Vocabulary work:

Tankers, sailors, pilots, border guards, gunners, infantrymen, missilemen, orderlies, a hospital.

Preliminary work:

Reading literary texts by Lev Kassil "Sister", Sergey Alekseev "Bear", Anatoly Mityaev "Why the army is dear", "Bag of oatmeal" with learning to conduct a dialogue on what was read, modeling on the topic "Border guard with a dog".

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

(Remind children of straight backs, correct posture)

Guys, tell me, please, what holiday is coming up?

Children's answers.

Guys, do you know the names of those soldiers who serve in

-In tank troops - ... (tankmen).

-They serve at sea - ... (sailors).

-They guard the Motherland in the air - ... (pilots).

-At the border - ... (border guards).

-In artillery serve (who?) - gunners.

-In the infantry - ... (infantrymen).

-In the missile forces - ... (rocketmen), etc.

2. Announcement of the topic.

Guys, do you know that with any of these soldiers: with a tanker, and with a sailor, and with an infantryman, disaster can happen in wartime: they can get injured. And then people of another military profession come to their aid: orderlies. They help the wounded: they provide first aid right on the spot or take them out of the battlefield, if there is such an opportunity, and send them to the hospital - the hospital. Usually, nurses during the war were women (as in Lev Kassil's story "Sister"). But sometimes dogs became orderlies: under bullets, they looked for the wounded and brought help. Today we will write a story about one such dog.

3. Picture conversation.

Ask the children to arrange the pictures in the correct order.

Children look at the pictures in order to give a name to the future story.

-What time do you think this story could have taken place: peaceful or military? (During the war.)

-What happened to the soldier?

-Where was he wounded?

-Who came to the aid of the soldier?

-What did the soldier do when the dog approached him?

-Why did the dog leave the soldier?

-Who did she bring with her?

-What did the paramedics do?

-What do you think will happen to the soldier?

-Whom should he thank?

-Look again at the pictures and tell me who the soldier was in the war? What troops did he serve in? (Infantryman.)

-How can you say about a soldier what he is? (Brave, hardy, fearless.)

-How can you say it differently: soldier ... (fighter).

4. Physical education: "We are military"

We will all become military men, Walk in place.

Big, healthy. Hands stretch up, lower through


We will serve in the Army Military salute.

Let's love our country. Draw a heart in the air.

Protect your garden and house, Tilt forward, look through the binoculars.

We will protect the world! They walk in place.

(2nd time call baby)

5. Drawing up a story.

I ask one child to independently write a story from the pictures.

6. Children's stories.

(I call in groups of 3 people)

An exemplary story written by children.

There was a war. The soldier fought bravely for his homeland. But in battle he was wounded in the leg and could not move. And suddenly he noticed how an unusual orderly approached him. It was a dog. On her back she carried a bag containing a bandage. The wounded bandaged his leg. And the dog went for help. She returned with three nurses. They put the soldier on a stretcher and carried him to a safe place. So the orderly dog ​​saved the life of the defender of the Motherland.

7. The result of the lesson.

-Who can be called the defender of the Fatherland?

-How should war veterans be treated?

Tag active kids. Thank you for your work in class.

Drawing up a story based on a series of plot paintings "The Hare and the Snowman". Synopsis of GCD (development of coherent speech)

Synopsis of directly educational activities

for the implementation of the educational area

"Communication" (development of coherent speech) in the senior group.


1. The formation of the ability to coherently, consistently compose a story based on a series of plot pictures.

2. Teach children to include direct speech of characters in the story.

3. Refine, activate and expand the children's vocabulary.

4. Develop explanatory speech: learn to explain, reason, prove your answer.

5. Encouragement of children's attempts to express their point of view, agreement or disagreement with the answer of a friend.

Material: a series of plot pictures "Hare and Carrot", pictures for

drawing up a chain of snowballs, a story scheme.

Course progress.

I. - Guys, I suggest you break into groups. I will name the words, and I suggest you pick up words with the opposite meaning. Whoever answers takes his place.

For example: Disappears - appears.

Lower - raise

Sad - rejoice

quarrel - reconcile

Laugh - cry

Shout - be silent

Throw - catch

close - open

Fall asleep - wake up

run away - run away

High Low

Wet - dry

Long short

II. - Guys, I have something in my chest. To find out what it is, guess the riddle: The little man is not simple,

Appears in winter

And disappears in the spring

Because it melts quickly.

What is a snowman made of? (from snow)

And to build a snowman, what should be the snow? (sticky, wet, flexible, obedient).

What are the parts of a snowman? (from round lumps)

Do you think our snowman knows how he was made?

To make a snowman, what needs to be done with snowballs? (connect them together).

We will show our snowman how to connect snowballs.

Each group has lumps with the image of different objects. It is necessary to connect the lumps so that the objects are somewhat similar to each other, according to some sign or property, or quality.


(pronounced with a show of movements and a gradual increase in tempo)

Come on buddy, dare buddy

Roll your snowball in the snow.

It will turn into a thick lump

And it will become a snowman.

His smile is so bright!

Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom!

But the sun will bake a little -

Alas! - and no snowman.

Guys, what time of year does the snow get sticky and wet? (spring)

And by what other signs do we determine that spring has come? (drops, the sun warms, the snow melts).

Does our snowman know what spring is?

What will happen to him in the spring?

I propose to write a story about a snowman.

But first, let's remember. What is a story? (narration of some story, plot).

What are the parts of a story? (beginning, middle, end) - scheme

Here is a series of pictures. Put them in the correct order to complete the story. Think about what happened at the beginning, what happened next, and what happened at the very end. (Child at the blackboard) Compare.

What picture will you start your story with?

1. Who do you see in the picture?

Where did the snowman come from in the yard?

How much does a snowman cost?

Where did the rabbit come from?

What did the bunny want? (get a carrot)

What was the rabbit like? (hungry).

What do you think the rabbit said? (What a long, tasty carrot).

What he did? (Jumped up)

Did the bunny manage to get the carrot? (No, because the snowman is big and the hare is small).

2. - What did the hare bring? (Ladder).

Where did he bring it from?

What he did? (Subbed to the snowman).

How the hare got the carrot (The hare climbed the stairs and began to reach out with his paw)

Did the ladder help the hare? (No, because it was short)

How has the weather changed? (The sun came out).

3. - Why did the bunny sit on the ladder? (I decided to wait until the snow melts).

What bunny? (Smart, cunning, quick-witted).

How does the sun shine? (Bright).

What happened to the snowman?

Can you tell me how the snowman melted? (The snowman has become smaller and his nose - his carrot has fallen. The snowman has become sad.)

4. - Why did the snowman melt?

What has the snowman become?

What is left of him?

What did the hare do?

What was the carrot?

Guys, tell this story from beginning to end. Someone will start, and someone will continue, be careful. What words can start a story?

Hare and carrot.

One day, the children made a snowman in the yard. He turned out to be cheerful, handsome, tall. The children went home, and at that time a hare came running from the forest. He was very hungry. The hare saw a carrot and said: "What a long carrot." The hare jumped up, but could not get it - the snowman was tall, and the hare was small.

Near the house, the hare saw a ladder, brought it and set it up to the snowman. He climbed onto the stairs and began to reach for a carrot with his paw. The hare did not get the carrot even now, because the ladder was short.

At this time, the sun appeared. The hare was smart and quick-witted. He sat down on the stairs and waited for the snowman to melt. The sun was shining brighter. The snowman began to melt, became smaller, his arms and nose drooped, and the snowman became sad. Turned into water. Only a ladder, a bucket, twigs and a carrot remained on the ground. The hare sat down and began to gnaw on a carrot. She was juicy and delicious.

Who was the story about?

What is the rabbit in this story?

What helped the hare to get to the carrot?

What sun?

How can you title a story?

Do you think our snowman liked the story?

Unfortunately, what awaits the snowman in spring?

You have shown yourself as smart and quick-witted as a hare. I want you to be as kind and bright as the sun. Therefore, I give you the sun - stickers that you can place on the achievement daisies.

Abstract of classes. Compilation and retelling of the story "Mother's Day"

Objectives: learning to compose stories based on a series of plot pictures; Tasks:

to form in children the ability to logically sequence events, determining the beginning, middle and end;

develop coherent speech through complete and grammatically correct sentences;

activate mental processes;

Equipment: plot picture "Mother's Day", a series of plot pictures "Sasha and Sharik", handout "Cups"; “Connect the dots in order. Tulip".

Lesson progress:

1. Org. Moment. Children stand near their seats.

V: Hello guys! Spring has come. Tell me, please, what holiday do we celebrate at the beginning of spring? »

D .: “It's a holiday on March 8! It's International Women's Day! »

V: "That's right. And who are the most expensive women for us? »

D.: “These are mothers and grandmothers”

V: "That's right. And now the one who will name the name and patronymic of his mother will sit down.

Children call the name and patronymic of the mother and sit in their place.

2. Introduction to the topic.

V .: “Guys, they said what this holiday is called. It's March 8th! International Women's Day! Mother's day"

Speech therapist hangs a picture "Mother's Day".

V .: “Guys, please tell us how we help mothers on this day? What nice things can we do for moms? Let's choose words - actions "

D: “We can wash the dishes. We can help dad make the salad. We can clean the floor. We can give mom a cake. We can buy mom flowers. We can make a postcard for mom with our own hands"

V: "Good. Tell me about your moms. What are they? Choose words - signs "

D.: “My mother is affectionate and kind. My mother is caring and sensitive. My mother is beautiful and loving"

V: "Well done. And now I will read you a proverb, and listen carefully and tell me how you understand these words.

When the sun is warm - when the mother is good.

Children's answers

V .: “Guys, can we upset our mothers? Today we will make up a story about a boy who upset his mother and what came of it.

The speech therapist hangs mixed plot pictures on the board based on the story "Sasha and Sharik".

V .: “Guys, look carefully at the pictures. A strong wind blew and mixed them up. Let's put them in the correct order to make a story. But first, let's remember what is in any story and fairy tale? »

D.: "The beginning of the story, the middle and the end"

Q: Who are the characters in this story? »

D.: "Mom, boy and dog"

V .: "Let's come up with a name for the boy and the dog"

D.: "Sasha and Sharik"

Q: How do you think the story begins? »

D .: “Sasha dropped the cup. Sharik was lying on the rug nearby.

Q: What happened next? »

D: The cup is broken. Mom heard the ringing, came into the room and asked: “Who broke the cup? »»

V .: “What did Sasha say to mom? »

D .: “Sasha said that Sharik broke the cup”

D .: “Mom got angry and kicked Sharik out into the street”

Q: “Which picture will we put next? »

D.: “The weather was cold outside. Sasha saw Sharik from the window. He felt sorry for the dog."

V .: “And then what did Sasha do? »

D .: “Sasha decided to confess to his mother that he had deceived her and that it was he who broke the cup, and not Sharik”

Q: How did our story end? »

D .: “Mom let Sharik go home”

3. Phys. minute.

V .: “Guys, let's help moms together. Stand up and repeat after me."

Children perform movements together with a speech therapist, repeating in chorus:

“We help mom together - we walk on the spot

We wipe dust everywhere. raise your hands gently up

and gently lower

We're washing clothes now lean forward and swing

hands left, right

We rinse and squeeze.

Sweeping everything around - turn around yourself

And run for milk. running in place

We meet mom in the evening, standing on the spot to breed

hands to the side

We hug mom tightly, wrap our arms around ourselves

4. Drawing up a coherent story based on plot pictures.

V: "Very well. Have a seat. Now let's hear your story."

Children compose a story based on a series of plot pictures (in a chain):

“Sasha dropped and broke the cup. Sharik lay on the rug nearby. Mom heard the clinking of the cup and came into the room.

Who broke the cup, my mother asked.

This is Sharik, Sasha answered.

Mom got angry and kicked Sharik out into the street. The weather was cold outside. Sharik howled plaintively and begged to go home.

Sasha saw Sharik from the window and said to his mother:

I broke the cup.

Mom let Sharik go home"

B: “Okay, you did great. Guys, tell me, did Sasha do the right thing? What would you do in Sasha's place? »

D .: “Sasha did not do the right thing. I should have told my mom the truth.”

V: "That's right. This is an instructive story. What does she teach? »

D: "Never cheat"

V .: "Let's come up with a name for our story"

Children's answers.

V .: “And who will tell us the whole story from beginning to end? »

Listening to the stories of 2-3 children.

5. Summary of the lesson.

V .: “Well done guys, you did a very good job. You know that it is customary to give gifts on holidays. I have two tasks for you. You will do one thing with the teacher, this will be a gift for Sasha's mother "

Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech in the preparatory group. Compilation of the story "Unsuccessful hunting" based on a series of story paintings.

Purpose: learning to compose a coherent statement on a series of plot pictures, linking its content with previous series.


1) Learn to compose a complete story based on a series of plot pictures, using different types of sentences.

2) To consolidate the ability to syntactically correctly build sentences.

3) Teach children to listen carefully to the stories of children, supplement and evaluate them.

Vocabulary and Grammar:

Activate the stock of adjectives and verbs in speech; exercise in the selection of definitions, actions, the formation of possessive adjectives.

To consolidate the use of spatial prepositions and adverbs by children (on, under, behind, before, between, about), exercise in coordinating words in sentences.

Learn to form the plural of nouns, use case endings correctly.

Preliminary work:

Reading fairy tales, stories and poems. Looking at pictures of animals. Children's stories about their pets, observation on the street. Drawing, modeling, application on the topic.

Equipment: a series of plot paintings "Unsuccessful hunting"; toy - kitten.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment. (A meow is heard outside the door)

Guys, hear what these sounds are, what do you think, who is this? (children answer: cat) Exactly, how did you guess? (children's answer: because the cat meows) Let's quickly open the door and see who is meowing there. (a toy cat is brought in) The door quietly opened, And a mustachioed beast entered. He doesn't sleep at all at night.

The house guards from mice,

Drinking milk from a bowl

Well, of course it is ... (cat)

2. The game "What, what, what"

Let's repeat what kind of kitten we have (children choose definitions)

3. The game "Make a proposal."

(The kitten is hiding, the children make sentences: “Vasya the cat is sitting under the table”, “Vasya the cat hid behind a tree”, etc.

4. Announcement of the topic.

Cat Vasya wants to tell us a story about how he once hunted.

(I am exhibiting a series of plot paintings “unsuccessful hunting”)

5. Conversation with pictures.

What time of year is shown in the pictures?


Why do you think so? (Because the trees have yellow leaves)

What is Vasya doing?

Why did he pay attention to the sparrows?

What thought came into his mind?

How does Vasya climb the tree trunk? (Quietly, silently, stealthily.)

Have the birds noticed it?

Why did Vasya's hunt fail?

6. Physical education.

Cat Vaska

Vaska the cat lived with us. (Stand up, hands on the belt.)

He got up from his bed at one o'clock. (Stretched, hands up - inhale.)

At two in the kitchen he stole sausages (Tilts left and right.)

At three he ate sour cream from a bowl. (Tilts forward, hands on the belt.)

He washed at four. (Tilts of the head to the shoulders to the left and right.)

Rolled on the mat at five. (Turns left and right.)

At six he dragged herring from the tub. (Jerking hands in front of the chest.)

At seven he played hide-and-seek with the mice. (Claps front-back.)

At eight slyly screwed up his eyes. (Squats.)

At nine ate and listened to fairy tales. (Clap hands.)

At ten I went to the couch to sleep, (Jumping in place.)

Because you have to get up at one o'clock. (We walk in place.)

7. Drawing up a story by children.

Collective compilation of a story by children, with the help of a teacher, from pictures. The teacher starts the story and the children continue. After the joint compilation of the story, the children compose the story individually. At the same time, an installation is given that the story does not need to be reproduced accurately.

sample story

After a delicious dinner, Vasya the cat decided to brush his fur. Warmed by the dim autumn sun. Vasya comfortably settled down under a tree. Suddenly, bird voices caught his attention. The sparrows were arguing with each other. The cat quietly approached the tree and silently began to climb its trunk. The sparrows ignored him and continued to argue. Vasya was already quite close to his goal. But then the branch crunched and broke. The sparrows flew away, and the cat Vasya ended up on the ground. He was very annoyed that he hunted so unsuccessfully.

8. Didactic ball game "Whose, whose, whose, whose?" (formation of possessive adjectives). Tail (whose? - cat's Body (whose?) - cat's Head (whose?) - cat's Eyes (whose?) - cat's Verbs)

10. Summary of the lesson.

What did we do in class today?

What features did you learn about hunting cats?

Drawing up a story based on a series of plot paintings "How to help birds in winter." Synopsis of GCD


1. Expansion and activation of vocabulary on the topic "Wild Birds".

2. Learning to retell a story compiled according to

series of plot pictures.

3. Raising a caring, caring and considerate

relationship with birds.

Course progress.

1. Intellectual warm-up.

Children solve riddles. Pictures appear from


On an aspen in the thick of the crown In a gray feather coat

Makes its nest (crow). And in the cold he is a hero.


Jump for grains!

Peck, don't be shy! Who is this?

(Sparrow) .

It is dark in the forest, everyone is sleeping for a long time.

One bird does not sleep, sits on a bitch,

Mice are guarded. (Owl) .

Far away is my knock

heard around.

I am an enemy to worms

and trees are a friend. (Woodpecker).

Like this rattle bird.

One with birch color. (Magpie).

Not a crow, not a tit -

What is the name of this bird?

Perched on a bitch

It was heard in the forest: “Ku-ku! "(Cuckoo).

What other wild birds do you know?

What wild birds live in the city?

Name wild forest birds.

2. The main part of the lesson.

1) Lexical ball games.

(passing the ball to each other, children call action words or sign words that suit birds).

Birds (what they do): fly, peck, jump, sing, jump, chirp, flutter.

Birds (what): funny, nimble, colorful, shy,

small, lively, funny, fluffy.

2) Work on a series of pictures.

Conversation on the content of each picture.

1st picture.

Who is in the picture?

Who did the guys find in the snow?

Why is she cold?

What did the children decide to do?

2nd picture.

What are the children doing in this picture?

Where did the guys put the sparrow?

Why do children walk fast?

3rd picture.

-Where are the children and the bird?

- What does a sparrow look like? What is he doing?

- Why did the sparrow get warm?

4th picture.

- What did the guys hang on a birch in the park? What for?

What do children feed the birds?

- What is the mood of the children?

Dynamic pause.

-Let's draw a sparrow.

Look sideways, sideways

(Children put their hands on their belts)

A sparrow walked past the windows.

(Jumping to the side)

Jump-jump, jump-jump.

(Jumping back and forth)

"Give me a piece of buns! »

(Children spread their arms to the sides)

3) Drawing up a story based on a series of paintings.

- Listen, looking at the pictures, the resulting story.

How to help the birds?

Cold and hungry birds in the winter on the street. One afternoon the children were walking in the park. They saw a sparrow freezing in the snow. The girl took off her mittens and warmed the sparrow with her warmth. Children

At the children's house, a sparrow pecked bread crumbs from a saucer. Sparrow warmed up and began to chirp cheerfully in gratitude. The guys released the sparrow back into the park.

The boy made and hung a feeder on a tree. Children began to feed other birds, take care of them.

4) Retelling the story by children (along the chain).

3. Summary of the lesson.

- What do you remember about the lesson?

- Which bird did the children help?

- How did the children react to the sparrow in the story?

- How should people relate to birds, to nature?

Storytelling based on a series of plot paintings "The Boy and the Hedgehog" Synopsis of GCD

Purpose: teaching children the ability to compose narrative stories from pictures.


Strengthen the ability to understand the content of the compiled story.

To form the ability to coherently, consistently describe the image.

Practice using compound sentences.

Cultivate a benevolent attitude towards all living things.

Methodological techniques: didactic games– « Spyglass», « Looking for friends»; joint storytelling with the teacher, a collective story, questions, instructions.

Preliminary work:

looking at the picture« hedgehogs» from the series« Wild animals»;

reading nursery rhymes« I'm in the forest, in the green delirium ...»;

modeling« How does a hedgehog prepare for winter?»;

didactic games« Who will say more words», « Who got lost».

Activity progress:

Vos-l: Children, today the Wizard is our guest. He presented everyone with a telescope through which only one object or living being is visible in the picture. Look at the picture through your spyglasses and say:« Who or what do you see there?»

Children: Boy, hedgehog

Vos: Well done! Thanks to the Wizard for giving us spyglasses, you saw so much in them.

Vos-l: When do you think the boy was picking apples and why?

Children: The boy picked apples in summer because apples grow in summer.

Vos-l: How can you find out what season is in the picture?

Children: According to the boy's clothes, because hedgehogs do not sleep, according to the color of the leaves and grass in the forest.

Vos: That's right, guys! Consider carefully the boy's clothes, the color of the leaves and grass.

Children: the boy is dressed in shorts, the leaves and grass are green. So the boy picks apples in the summer.

Vos-l: That's right, of course, summer is drawn in the picture. After all, apples can only be picked in summer.

Vos-l: How can I start the story?

Children: Once ... once ... once ...

Vos-l: That's right, you can also add:« One summer…»

Vos-l: Look carefully at the picture and tell me where this story happened?

Children: In a forest clearing, on a forest edge, in a forest.

Vos: Right. But before we begin our story, let's have a little rest and warm up.


hedgehog stomping on the path

And he carried apples on his back.

The hedgehog stomped slowly

Quiet rustle of leaves.

And a bunny jumps towards

Long-eared jump.

In someone's garden deftly

I got a scythe carrot.

Vos-l: I will start the story about the boy, and you will continue it, think about what you will talk about

Vos-l: Once I went to the forest ...

Children: Collect apples.

Vos-l: The day was warm, summer. He walked and walked and left...

Children: To the forest edge.

Vos-l: And at the edge there was a tree on which there was ...

Children: Apparently, invisible apples.

Vos-l: The boy thought ...

Children:« How many apples! I'll take them all!»

Vos-l: I just collected half the basket, as I saw

Children: that there are no apples

Vos-l: thinks who thinned them ...

Children: and it was a hedgehog

Vos-l: but he did not know about it ....

Children: and continued to pick apples

(The teacher calls 3 children. Children tell).

1st child: One summer the boy went to the forest for apples. She went out to a forest clearing and saw that there were a lot of apples - a lot. He collected a full basket.

2nd child: He took the basket and wanted to go home. But I saw that there were no apples

3- th child: but he didn’t get upset and began to collect yaloks further, because there were still a lot of them

Vos-l: Your story, children, turned out to be even more interesting. You told together, and now let's repeat the story from beginning to end.

(The teacher calls two more children for a story. Children take turns telling. The teacher reminds that everyone should have their own story.)

Vos-l: wonderful today you told a story about a boy and hedgehogs.

Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures (on the development of coherent speech) “How a puppy found friends” Summary of GCD

Objectives: Teaching a coherent, consistent presentation of events in a series of plot pictures.


1) Enrichment of the active vocabulary with adjectives and verbs. Development of long-term memory, verbal-logical thinking and voluntary attention.

2) Improving the skill of sound and syllabic analysis of words; the skill of compiling a story based on a plan-scheme and with the help of words - prompts of a speech therapist.

3) Raising a caring attitude towards animals.

Equipment: a series of plot paintings “How the puppy found friends”, pictograms of the story plan, ball, ind. mirrors.

Lesson progress:

1. Guess my riddle:

He's funny, clumsy,

Licked me right on the nose

I let a puddle in the hallway

And wagged his tail a little.

I scratched him behind the ear

Tickled his stomach

He became the best friend

And now we live.


2. Examination of pictures and acquaintance with pictograms.

- Painting #1:

What season is in the picture?

Why do you think so?

Who is in the picture?

What is the puppy doing?

What does he look like?

Why is the puppy so sad?

Why won't the puppy go anywhere?

- Painting #2

Who do you see in the picture?

How are the girls dressed and what do they have in their hands?

Why did the girls stop near the puppy?

How does the puppy feel?

- Painting #3:

Who do you see in the third picture?

Where are the girls and the puppy?

How are the girls dressed?

What does the puppy look like?

What is he doing?

How do girls look at a puppy?

What is depicted in the picture hanging on the wall?

- Painting #4:

What are the girls doing in this picture?

What is the puppy doing?

Why did he fall asleep?

What are the girls talking about?

Why did they decide to take the puppy home with them?

How do girls look at a puppy?

3. Reading a story compiled by a teacher:

It's rainy late autumn. A small homeless puppy was left on the street in the rain all alone. He had no owner, he was hungry, very cold, wet and did not know where to go.

Two sisters walked by. They had a yellow umbrella and rubber boots. The girls saw a wet puppy right in the middle of a puddle and felt sorry for him.

They brought the poor fellow home. Wiped with a fluffy towel, warmed and fed.

The well-fed puppy immediately fell asleep on the warm rug, and the girls sat on the sofa for a long time and looked at him with kind, happy eyes. They named the puppy Druzhok and decided to keep him. Now the puppy has real friends.

4. Ball games "Pick up a sign", "Pick up an action."

Puppy (what?) - fluffy, smooth-haired, smart, affectionate, small, fat, red, gray, cheerful, funny, wet, cold, chilled (in pictures 1,2).

Puppy (what does it do?) - plays (with a ball), sleeps (sweetly), barks (loudly), whines (mournfully), bites (it hurts), gnaws (a bone), laps (water), jumps (high), runs ( fast). In the first picture - it gets wet, trembles, freezes.

5. Division into syllables of words: Umbrella, zone-tic, sa-po-gi, puppy-nok, braid-point-ka.

6. Articulation gymnastics

"Toothy wolf"

Once a week toothy wolf "Smile"

Brushes teeth with mint paste, "Let's brush our teeth"

Washes the cage, cleans the entrance, "Painter", "brush"

Lay a rug at the gate. "Spatula"

And with a flower at the door "Needle", "Cup"

Waiting for animals to visit.

But, alas! Other animals

Don't knock on the wolf's door. "Hammer"

Great, of course, honor,

But dangerous - they can eat! "Smile"

7. Repeated story on a series of paintings by the teacher, inventing a name for the story.

8. Mimic study "Flower"

9. Drawing up a story by children (along the chain) based on pictogram pictures. Storytelling by one child (optional)

10. End of the lesson, summing up, evaluation of the work.

Drawing up a descriptive story based on the plot picture "Snowman"


Learning to compose a descriptive story based on a plot picture, using key words and observing the structure of the sentence and building the story.


Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards the environment, towards animals.


1. Organizational moment. A snowman enters to the music and invites children to solve riddles: Not a beast, but howls. (Wind) I twist, hum, I don’t want to know anything. (Snowstorm). I am small as a grain of sand, but I cover the whole earth. (Snow) .

What word starts with the sound s? (Snow) When does it snow? The teacher exposes the plot picture "Snowman" on the flannelograph.

2. The game "Find objects whose names begin with the sound with." Put the letter c on the flannelgraph and remember what sounds it means (solid consonant c and soft consonant c).

Children name the words: snowdrift, snowflakes, boots, plane, sled, bullfinches, dog, bench, sun, snowman, snowballs. (Name 2-3 words with a consonant soft sound).

3. The game "Name the round objects."

lumps (snow), ... snowballs, ... rowan berries, ... snowman's eyes. Explain the meaning of the words lumps, snowdrift, bench.

4. The game "Tell me a word."

The snowman gives a pattern: The sun, like a ball, is round. Snow is like fluff (soft). Ice, like glass ... (transparent). Hoarfrost, like gems ... (brilliant).

5. Dynamic pause "Bullfinches". Children are given bullfinch masks.

Over there on the branch, look (Children slap their sides with their hands down)

Bullfinches in red T-shirts. (Pointing to chest)

Feathers fluffed out, basking in the sun. (Finely shake the hands of the lowered hands).

Head turn (Turn head left and right)

They want to fly. Shy. Shy. Fly away! After the blizzard, after the blizzard

(Run in a circle, waving their hands)

6. Compilation of a descriptive story based on the plot picture “Snowman”, using the key words: winter, snow, snowman, four-legged friend, lumps, rowan berries, red-breasted bullfinches, feast on (explain the meaning).


The long-awaited winter has come. Soft, like fluff, snow fell. Vova and his four-legged friend Tuzik went for a walk. Snowflakes sparkled in the sun. There are bare trees around, only berries hang on the mountain ash. Red-breasted bullfinches flew in to feast on berries. Friends decided to make a snowman. The boy rolled up the lumps, and the puppy brought branches. Vova put the lumps on top of each other and put a hat on the snowman, instead of a nose - a carrot, instead of eyes - coals, instead of arms and legs - branches. Now the guys and Tuzik have a friend, it’s only a pity that he will melt when spring comes. But the guys weren’t upset and instead of a snowman they made a new friend a scarecrow

Drawing up a descriptive story based on the plot picture "Girl and Ice Cream"

Purpose: learning to compose a story based on plot pictures


Educational; distinguish sound from among others

Developing: develop coherent speech

Nurturing: respect for elders

Lesson progress:

Vosp: poem "You need to help mom"

mom is very tired.

Houses are busy.

I am my mother's only daughter

I'll try to help her.

Put away my toys

Doll, bear and crackers,

I'll sweep the dining floor

I'll help set the table.

And lie down on the sofa

I'll give her a pillow.

I'll put a blanket on my feet

I'll sit quietly next to you.

Wash the dishes in the kitchen

And I won't make any noise.

Very, very much I love

My dear mother!

Brings up: Guys, do you help your mother around the house?

Children: (yes)

Educate: And how do you help her?

Children: (wash dishes, go to the store, wash our things, sweep

Educate: Is it necessary to do this?

Children: of course

Educate: today we will compose a story based on the picture.

But first, let's have a physical


Fizminutka "Helpers" (speech with movement)

One two three four,

We washed the dishes.

Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon,

And a big ladle

We washed the dishes

We just broke a cup.

The bucket also fell apart

The nose of the teapot broke off,

We broke the spoon a little,

So we helped together.

Children clench and unclench their fists.

Rubbing one hand with the other.

Fingers are bent one at a time, starting with the big one.

Rub your hands again.

Bend fingers

Now let's play a game

Game "Set the table"

So we cleaned everything, put things in order, rested and now we can set the table. We will drink tea. What utensils do we need? (Tea house).

What utensils are available? (Dining room for lunch; kitchen for cooking.)

(Children set the table for tea).

Brings up: well, what did they play, rested. And now let's make up a story. I will start and you will continue.

Brings up: Mom asked her daughter to go to the store for

Children: cold water

Brings up: mom gave her

Children: money

Brings up: on the way, the girl saw the store

Children: with ice cream

Bring up: and she really wanted ice cream

Children: and she completely forgot about the water

Brings up: and bought ice cream

Children: and I went home happy

Guys, tell me if the girl did well?

No, my mother asked me to buy water, but she did not listen to her.

And now you guys tell the story yourself

(the teacher chooses 3 children)

Tanya: mom asked her daughter to buy water, and she bought ice cream

Igor: Mom asked her daughter to go to the store for water, on the way the girl saw an ice cream store and bought it for herself, did not listen to her mother.

Irina: mother sent her daughter for water and gave her money, the girl went, on the way she saw an ice cream shop and bought it for herself, forgetting that her mother asked her to buy water. She acted very badly

Brings up: well done guys! We got a very good story.

One of the means of developing coherent speech is storytelling in a picture, many teachers and psychologists spoke about this: E. I. Tikheeva, E. A. Flerina, V. S. Mukhina, S. L. Rubinshtein, A. A. Lyublinskaya. The theme of storytelling based on a series of narrative paintings at different times was dealt with by such scientists as N. N. Poddyakov, V. V. Gerbova and others.

Relevance and significance At the heart of the storytelling in the picture is the perception of children around life. The picture not only expands and deepens children's ideas about social and natural phenomena, but also affects the emotions of children, arouses interest in storytelling, encourages even the silent and shy to speak.

Object: teaching preschoolers storytelling using pictures. Subject: the process of developing coherent speech of preschoolers in the classroom using pictures. Purpose: to study and analyze the impact of classes using pictures on the development of coherent speech in preschoolers. Methods: theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, observation, conversation.

SERIES OF PICTURES USED IN KINDERGARTEN: subject paintings - they depict one or more objects without any plot interaction between them (furniture, clothes, dishes, animals; "Horse with a foal", "Cow with a calf" from the series "Home animals "- author S. A. Veretennikova, artist A. Komarov). plot pictures, where objects and characters are in plot interaction with each other.

Reproductions of paintings by masters of art: - landscape paintings: A. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived"; I. Levitan "Golden Autumn", "March"; A. Kuindzhi "Birch Grove"; I. Shishkin "Morning in a pine forest"; V. Vasnetsov "Alyonushka"; V. Polenov "Golden Autumn" and others; - still life: I. Mashkov "Ryabinka", "Still life with watermelon"; K. Petrov-Vodkin "Bird cherry in a glass"; P. Konchalovsky "Poppies", "Lilac at the window".

Requirements for the selection of pictures - the content of the picture should be interesting, understandable, educating a positive attitude towards the environment; - the picture must be highly artistic: images of characters, animals and other objects must be realistic; - the picture should be accessible not only in terms of content, but also in terms of image. There should be no pictures with an excessive pile of details, otherwise the children are distracted from the main thing.

General requirements for the organization of work with a picture: 1. Work on teaching children to tell stories from a picture is recommended to be carried out starting from the 2nd junior group of kindergarten. 2. When choosing a plot, it is necessary to take into account the number of objects drawn: the younger the children, the fewer objects should be shown in the picture. 3. After the first game, the picture is left in the group for the entire time of studying with it (two to three weeks) and is constantly in the field of view of the children. 4. Games can be played with a subgroup or individually. At the same time, it is not necessary that all children go through every game with this picture. 5. Each stage of work (a series of games) should be considered as intermediate. The result of the stage: the child's story using a specific mental technique. 6. The final story can be considered a detailed story of a preschooler, built by him independently with the help of learned techniques.

Types of storytelling in the picture: 1. Description of subject pictures is a coherent sequential description of the objects or animals depicted in the picture, their qualities, properties, actions. 3. A story based on a sequential plot series of pictures: the child talks about the content of each plot picture from the series, linking them into one story. 2. Description of the plot picture is a description of the situation depicted in the picture, which does not go beyond the content of the picture.

4. A narrative story based on a plot picture: the child comes up with a beginning and an end to the episode depicted in the picture. He needs not only to comprehend the content of the picture, to convey it, but also to create previous and subsequent events with the help of imagination. 5. Description of the landscape painting and still life.

Teaching children to look at pictures The structure of the lesson Methodological techniques Jr., Wed. group St., prepared. group I part. Arouse interest and desire in children to look at the picture. Prepare them to receive it. II part. The examination of the picture consists of two parts. The goal of part 1 is to create a coherent view of the whole picture. Goal of Part 2: Establish connections and relationships. III part. Summarize in a coherent monologue the children's ideas about what they saw in the picture. Arouse the desire to tell yourself and listen to the stories of other children. Questions, riddles, didactic games before making a picture. Artistic word. Entering a picture. Questions from the introduced character. An example of a teacher's story. Introductory conversation, children's questions (the answer is found in the picture). Riddles, artistic word, etc. Questions about the content of the picture. Model of the educator, partial sample, story plan, literary model, collective storytelling.

Purpose: to exercise in guessing riddles, to form the ability to carefully examine the picture, reason about its content, compose a detailed story based on the picture, based on the plan; develop the ability to select words that are close in meaning, denoting the actions of objects; develop a sense of collectivism, healthy rivalry. Lesson (Appendix E) Topic: "Compilation of stories based on the painting "Cat with Kittens".

Activity (Appendix E) Topic: Compilation of stories based on a series of plot pictures “How the puppy found friends”. Purpose: To form the ability to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures (according to a given beginning). Exercise in the selection of adjectives for a noun; in the choice of words denoting action. Develop memory, attention.

1 234

Using pictures in speech development classes

Compiled by: Karamysheva Ksenia Igorevna

Educator MBDOU "DSKV No. 68"


1. The value of paintings in familiarizing children with the environment and development

vocabulary, in teaching children storytelling…………………………………… 3

2.Selection of paintings for each group, requirements for selection……………… 6

3. Types of classes with pictures…………………………………………………. nine

4. The structure of classes and methods of conducting………………………………… 6

5. Requirements for stories based on pictures………………………………………. .nine

PRACTICAL ASSIGNMENTS…………………………………………………20

Summary of a lesson on compiling stories based on a picture

List of used literature…………………………………………….... 23

  1. The meaning of paintings in familiarizing children with the environment and the development of the vocabulary, in teaching children storytelling.

The famous teacher K.D. Ushinsky said: "Give a child a picture, and he will speak."The upbringing of highly educated people includes the mastery of all the riches of the native language. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the kindergarten is the formation of the correct oral speech of children on the basis of their mastery of the literary language of their people.

In the methodology for the development of speech of preschoolers, according to researchers O.I. Solovyova, F.A. Sokhina, E.I. Tiheeva and others, the use of paintings plays a leading role. The picture in its various forms (subject, plot, photography, illustration, reproduction, filmstrip, drawing), and the plot in particular, with skillful use, can stimulate all aspects of the child's speech activity. It is known with what enthusiasm even the smallest children look at illustrations in books, magazines and ask countless questions to adults.

There are many types of painting work. The same picture canserve as material for a wide variety of activities. The objects presented in the picture are united by a certain logical situation, a certain relationship that speaks for itself. The language task is to clarify and enrich the vocabulary of children, to exercise them in constructing an utterance, to lead them to the practical assimilation of certain concepts.

The problem of developing coherent speech and especially teaching storytelling based on pictures (illustrations) has been and remains in the focus of attention of psychologists, linguists, teachers and methodologists (L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.A. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin and others). Indeed, the value of stories is enormous. Folk customs, rituals live in the stories, proverbs and sayings are preserved in them. From stories, children memorize expressions and new words that they use in everyday life, learn new phrases, phrases, such as sentences.

E.I. Tikheev. She described that the pictures as a factor in the mental development of the child should begiven a place of honor from the first years of his life. The picture causes active work of thinking, memory and speech. Looking at the picture, the child names what he sees, asks about what he does not understand, recalls a similar event and object from his personal experience and talks about it.

With the help of the picture, the teacher brings up different feelings in children; depending on the content of the picture, this can be interest and respect for work, love for native nature, sympathy for comrades, a sense of humor, love for beauty and always a joyful perception of life.

The use of the picture, according to K.D. Ushinsky, is that children learn to closely associate the word with the idea of ​​​​the subject, learn to logically and consistently express their thoughts, that is, the picture simultaneously develops the mind and speech. V.P. Glukhov noted: “Try to tell two equally capable children about the same incident, one with drawings, the second without drawings - and then you will appreciate the full significance of drawings for children.”

Thus, “preschool age is the period in which the greatest feeling for linguistic phenomena is observed - this is a firmly established fact,” concludes D.B. Elkonin. Stories enrich children with knowledge about the history, culture of their people, develop speech. And since teaching storytelling in kindergarten is based on visual material, and above all on pictures, illustrations through which the horizons of children are enriched, their figurative thinking and coherent speech develop, they are the most valuable material in working with preschoolers for the development of speech.

Pictures, drawings, illustrations for literary and folklore works are used in the educational process as a means of mental (acquaintance with the environment, development of imagination, perception, attention, thinking, speech, the formation of intellectual abilities, sensory development), aesthetic (development of artistic and aesthetic perception, formation of emotional sensitivity, enrichment of the emotional and sensory sphere) and speech education (development of artistic and communicative abilities, stimulation of the initiative of utterance, mastery of various types of coherent speech).

2. Selection of paintings for each group, selection requirements

The kindergarten must make sure that it has a selection of pictures that can satisfy all the demands of the current work.

Painting Requirements

  • Interesting, understandable content, educating a positive attitude towards the environment.
  • Realistic image.
  • The picture must be highly artistic.
  • Availability of content and images (lack of multiple

details, strong reduction and obscuration of objects, excessive shading, incomplete drawing).

Pictures can be b: demonstration, handouts (a set of postcards on various topics, children's stories from pictures).

subject paintings- they depict one or more objects without any plot interaction between them (furniture, clothes, dishes, animals; "Horse with a foal", "Cow with a calf" from the series "Pets" - author S. A. Veretennikova, artist A. Komarov).

Story paintings, where objects and characters are in plot interaction with each other. And prompts the child to a story related to the interpretation of the action. A series or set of paintings connected by a single plot content, for example, (story in pictures) "Stories in Pictures" by N. Radlov

Reproductions of paintings by masters of art are also used:

landscape paintings: A. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived"; I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”, “Spring. Big Water”, “March”; K. Yuon "March Sun"; A. Kuindzhi "Birch Grove"; I. Shishkin "Morning in a pine forest", "Pine forest", "Cutting a forest"; V. Vasnetsov "Alyonushka"; V. Polenov "Autumn in Abramtsevo", "Golden Autumn" and others;

· still life: K. Petrov-Vodkin "Bird cherry in a glass", "Glass and apple branch"; I. Mashkov "Ryabinka", "Still life with watermelon"; P. Konchalovsky "Poppies", "Lilac at the Window".

When choosing a picture for a lesson, the teacher should take into account that children know:

  • About the characters of the picture (girl, boy, bun);
  • Their actions (walk, play, eat);
  • About the scene (Where? In the forest, at home);
  • About the time of action (When?).

Children love to look at paintings individually, guided by their own interests and choices, and therefore there should be paintings for the free use of children. Their content should be as diverse as possible and accessible to the understanding of children. Pictures for the free use of children are laid out in a shift order for a certain period in places where children take them at their discretion. For the sake of ease of use of paintings, it is necessary to thoroughly think over the technique of their storage. Each topic should have its own place: an envelope, a box, a place in a closet, etc. Only in this case, the teacher will be able to find the right picture at any time.

The main requirements put forward by the methodology for the picture and work with it.

The picture is selected in advance, taking into account the interest of children, taking into account educational work, taking into account the time of year, local conditions (first one's own area, then another).

The picture should hang at the level of the children's eyes.

A pointer or other attributes are selected in advance.

Think about the placement of children: not always in a semicircle; in a checkerboard pattern; taking into account the hearing, vision, growth of children; in a circle.

The teacher and children who go to the picture should stand to the right of the picture.

After class, the paintings remain in the group room for several days, the teacher encourages the children to examine them.

Requirements for the selection of paintings younger age (3-5 years).

The composition of the picture should be simple i.e. pictures are one planned.

Number of characters from 1 to 4.

Senior age (5-7 years).

The composition is complex, that is, multifaceted.

The number of characters can be quite large.

The construction of the lesson and the methodology for its implementation.

In order to correctly and effectively examine the picture, the educator must come up with what knowledge he will consolidate, what knowledge he will give to children.

3. Types of activities with paintings

In accordance with the "Kindergarten Education Program", painting classes are held in all age groups. But if children of younger and middle age learn to describe pictures, based on the questions of the teacher, then in the older and preparatory groups for school, the main attention is paid to independent storytelling.

Painting classes:

  1. looking at a picture;
  2. storytelling about her.

For a coherent, consistent story about a picture, it is necessary to understand it when looking at the picture. entity, establish links:

  1. recognition;
  2. establishing cause-and-effect relationships between actors, understanding facial expressions, actions.
  3. temporary connections: taking into account the place of action, time, situation.

For a coherent story, you need:

  1. take care of the content side;
  2. clear selection or logicalization of images;
  3. mastering the forms of monologue speech.

Types of paintings.

  1. Object pictures (one or several objects without contact connections).
  2. Story and multi-episode pictures. The plot pictures depict objects in certain plot connections.
  3. A series of paintings connected by one plot.
  4. Landscape paintings.
  5. Still lifes.
  6. Pictures with humorous content.

The following occupations for teaching storytelling through pictures.

  1. Compilation of a descriptive story based on a subject picture.
  2. Compilation of a descriptive story based on a plot picture.
  3. Inventing a narrative story based on a plot picture.
  4. Compilation of a story based on a sequential series of paintings.
  5. Drawing up a descriptive story based on a landscape painting and a still life.
  6. Collective storytelling.

Difficulty from group to group.

middle group

Senior group

preparatory group

1. A descriptive story based on a subject picture.

2. A descriptive story based on a plot picture.

3. A descriptive story based on a plot series of pictures.

1. Drawing up a narrative story based on a plot picture.

2. Narrative stories based on a series of pictures on humorous topics.

3. Collective compilation of a story.

1. A descriptive story based on a landscape painting and a still life.

Requirements for children's stories:

  • accurate transmission of the plot; independence; imagery;
  • expediency of using language means (exact
  • designation of actions); the presence of links between sentences and parts
  • story; expressiveness; ability to intonate;
  • emphasizing the most significant words; fluency of speech;
  • phonetic clarity of each phrase

4. The structure of the classes and the methodology of conducting: on viewing pictures; compiling stories from pictures;

The task of the teacher is to teach children to perceive the picture, to lead from random examination to consistent, to highlight the essential; expand the vocabulary of children; to educate the feelings of children, i.e. to cause the right attitude to what is drawn

The structure of the lesson on familiarization with the paintings

They consist of three parts, and preferably combined: lesson + fine arts, lesson + music, lesson + native language.

Part I - introductory (1-5 min.): set the children to perception (conversation, riddles), the teacher still reveals the content of this picture to younger children in order to interest them.

Part II - the main part (from 10-20 minutes depending on the age of the children): questions to the children. This part ends with an exemplary story of the teacher, confirming the essence of the picture or reading fiction (description). For children 5-7 years old, a child's story can be a model. If the picture is the first time in a group, then only the teacher's story can be a model.

Part III - the result of the lesson: surprise moments, a word game (mobile), a lesson in fine arts after viewing.

The main vocabulary technique during the lesson is questions to children:

The main vocabulary in this lesson is the question. There are different types of questions:

1. To clarify the general meaning of the picture: what is the picture about? What shall we call her? Did the children meet the new girl correctly?

2. To describe items: what? Which? Where? What is he doing? What does it look like?

3. To establish links between parts of the picture: why? What for? For what? Whose? How are they similar?

4. To go beyond the picture: what do you think will happen next? What happened before? How did you guess about it?

5. Questions about the personal experience of children, close to the content of the picture: do you have such toys? And who recently joined our group? How did we meet the new one?

6. To activate the dictionary, older children are asked a question for the selection of synonyms: how else can you say about this? (Courageous, timid, frightened, etc.) Questions in form can be not only direct and suggestive, but also suggestive, especially in younger groups: is it a kitten? Is it a ball?

In older groups, you can use the techniques developed by E. I. Tikheeva. Exercises such as the game “Who will see more?” Children name the details of the depicted object without repeating themselves. This is important for the development of observation, attention and vocabulary activation. A good method of comparing pictures (How are they similar and how are they not similar?).

The purpose of looking at the picture, the purpose of asking questions is to find out its main content; in this case, it is necessary to activate not a dictionary in general, but a certain group of words. Therefore, you should ask about the main thing.

Junior group.

Preparatory stage for teaching storytelling.

Children Features:

Children are limited to listing objects, individual systems and actions.


  1. Teaching children to look at a picture and developing the ability to notice equals in it.
  2. A gradual transition from classes of a nomenclature nature to classes that exercise children in coherent speech (answering questions and compiling short stories).

The structure of classes to familiarize children with the picture:

  1. Making a picture and viewing it by children on their own.
  2. Examining the picture for questions.
  3. The final story is an example of a teacher.

Classes can begin with a small introductory conversation, its purpose is to find out the ideas that children have and create an emotional mood.

Methodical methods:

  1. Questions.
  2. Artistic word.
  3. Game tricks.
  4. Choosing an object and talking about it.
  5. Associating a drawn object in a picture with showing a toy.


  1. depicting individual objects;
  2. pets;
  3. scenes from childhood.

Middle group.

There are separate classes for teaching storytelling.

For teaching storytelling, classes are held once a month, but if you think that a lot of work is required, then their number increases.


  1. Baturin "We play".
  2. Solovieva's series "Our Tanya".
  3. Veretennikov "Pets".

The structure of classes.

  1. The actual content of the picture (the content of the picture is studied, the children learn the most important connections, ask few questions).
  2. Learning to write a story.
  3. Children's stories, evaluation of stories.

Methodical work.

  1. Questions - 3-4 minutes.
  2. Examples of teacher's story.
  1. The teacher's story should cover the entire content of the picture.
  2. It must be built in accordance with the rules of a literary story, the sequence, time, plot are observed.
  3. The story should contain figurative expressions, direct speech, punctuation marks.
  4. The presentation must be lively, clear and expressive. To do this, it must be thought out in advance.

Complication - in Art. groups, you can use a literary image.

The teacher's story should consist of 7-8 sentences and the beginning of the image is given for complete copying. The place of the sample gradually decreases - it moves to the middle and to the end of the lesson. After the sample, a plan is given.

  1. requirements for this part.
  1. The teacher must know who he will ask: 1-2 good talkers, then children who find it difficult and finish with good talkers. Just ask 5 to 9 children.

Be sure to monitor the attention of children and diversify the techniques by introducing toys, children's additions, taking into account the desires of children.

Requirements for the evaluation of children's stories.

The first independent stories based on the picture may consist of 2-3 sentences. Some children reproduce the most important thing, while others reproduce what is interesting to them, the stories of third children do not characterize the essence of the pictures.

By the middle of the year, the stories become longer (6-8 sentences), acquire a sequence, approach the model, and at the end of the year, the children transmit the sample almost verbatim.

At the end of the year, you can listen to 7-9 stories.

Senior and preparatory group.

In the senior and preparatory groups, the requirements for children's stories increase.

  1. The content of the story should be enriched with details, the story increases.
  2. The child of the preparatory group must comply with all 3 parts. Beginning and end are clearly marked.
  3. Pay attention to the choice of clear and precise words.

When evaluating, one should distinguish the dignity of the story, the details that make it different from the other. In Art. The children themselves are involved in the assessment.

Complication in the method of viewing the picture.

In older preschool age, the picture is considered in advance or in the first part of the lesson.

New tasks for viewing the picture.

Help children understand the essence of the picture, establish all connections and dependencies.

Direction to the accumulation of verbal material, work is underway to find the exact words to characterize the actors, actions.

Systematization of material for storytelling.


  1. Making a picture and viewing by children (perception as a whole).
  2. Examination of the picture under the guidance of a teacher.
  3. The final story is an example of a teacher.

Methodical methods.

  1. A series of questions to identify the content, to establish connections, to examine the picture in detail and search for the exact words. The method of closing part of the picture is used.
  2. Reception of inventing the name of the picture and generalization of the educator.

Tasks for teaching storytelling in older groups become more diverse and depend on the content of the picture.

  1. Learn to understand the content of the picture.
  2. Cultivate feelings.
  3. Learn to write a coherent story based on a picture.
  4. Activate and expand vocabulary.

In Art. groups 10 lessons on teaching storytelling.

Paintings "Hedgehogs", "Our Tanya", "Pets". The same picture can be used repeatedly and complicate the tasks.

Types of occupations in Art. storytelling groups.

  1. Descriptive story based on subject and plot pictures.
  2. Stories based on a series of pictures on humorous themes.
  3. Narrative story.

In the preparatory group is added:

  1. Descriptive story based on a landscape painting.
  2. writing a collective story.
  3. A story based on a series of pictures.

Requirements for the structure of the lesson.

The model should serve as a means of transferring children to a higher level of development of the ability to tell.

  1. Story update.
  2. Storytelling training.
  3. Children's stories and assessment.

Methodical methods.

  1. Questions and establishment of content or connections in the picture.
  2. Sample - complication of moving it to the end of the lesson.

In Art. group, if the children are good at telling, then instead of the sample, the children use the plan on their own.

The complexity of methodological techniques.

middle group

Senior group

preparatory group

1. questions

2. sample familiarization with sample move sample.

3. plan after the sample and as you master it instead of the sample.

4. children's stories - sample reproduction, from 2-3 sentences to 6-8.

5. assessment is given by the teacher.

1. questions

3. the children make the plan.

4. increasing the amount of detail in the story.

5. children are involved.

1. questions

2. a sample of a means of translating to a higher level and the use of a literary image.

3. the children make the plan.

4. the sequence of the story, time, place of action, the presence of 3 parts of the story, the clarity of words are observed.

5. children and educators.

Collective compilation of a story based on the picture "Teaching children to describe the landscape.

  1. Lead up gradually.
  2. Before these classes, accumulate experience related to the perception of natural phenomena - observation of the beauty of nature.


  1. Questions aimed at identifying the main
  2. Comparison and comparison of objects or phenomena,
  3. Didactic games - who will see more.
  4. Fiction, poetry, riddles, fairy tales, stories.
  5. Examining illustrations, drawing a landscape seen on the street.

When the experience is gained - teaching storytelling.

  1. Examining the picture.
  2. Storytelling training.
  3. Children's stories.


  1. A conversation is introduced - aimed at the perception of a work of art.
  2. Use of Tchaikovsky's music.
  3. Relying on the experience of children in order to understand the mood of the picture.
  4. The use of poetry to understand the picture.
  5. Reception of introduction to the picture (let's take a walk in this grove).
  1. In the second part, a literary sample, a plan.
  2. Grade.

5. Requirements for stories based on pictures

General requirements for the organization of work with the picture:

Work on teaching children creative storytelling in a picture is recommended to be carried out starting from the 2nd junior group of kindergarten.

When choosing a plot, it is necessary to take into account the number of objects drawn: the younger the children, the fewer objects should be shown in the picture.

After the first game, the picture is left in the group for the entire time of studying with it (two to three weeks) and is constantly in the field of view of the children.

Games can be played with a subgroup or individually. At the same time, it is not necessary that all children go through every game with this picture.

Each stage of work (a series of games) should be considered as intermediate. The result of the stage: the child's story using a specific mental technique.

In kindergarten, two types of such classes are held: looking at pictures with a conversation about them and compiling stories by children based on pictures.

At first, preschoolers master predominantly dialogic speech: they learn to listen to the teacher's questions, answer them, ask; the latter contribute to the development of monologue speech: children acquire the skills of compiling a story in which all parts are contextually related to each other, logically and syntactically combined.

Looking at pictures, according to E. I. Tikheeva, has a triple goal: an exercise in observation, the development of thinking, imagination, logical judgment and the development of a child’s speech.

Thus, viewing the picture encourages the child to speech activity, determines the theme and content of the stories, their moral orientation.

But the child can tell about the content of the picture only if he understood it. The degree of coherence, accuracy, completeness of the stories largely depends on how correctly the child perceived, comprehended and experienced what was depicted, how clear and emotionally significant the plot and images of the picture became for him.

In order for the children to better understand the content of the pictures, the teacher conducts a preliminary conversation with them, in which the personal experience of the children is used, memories of events similar to those depicted in the picture. In the process of examination, the dictionary is activated and refined, dialogic speech develops: the ability to answer questions, justify one's answers, and ask questions oneself.

Therefore, the purpose of the conversation on paintings e - to bring children to the correct perception and understanding of the main content of the picture and at the same time the development of dialogical speech.

Children do not know how to look at pictures, they cannot always establish relationships between characters, sometimes they do not understand how objects are depicted. Therefore, it is necessary to teach them to look and see an object or plot in a picture, to develop observation skills. Children are taught to notice details in a picture: background, landscape, weather conditions, include in their story a description of nature + a literary word (a poem, an excerpt from prose, a riddle, a tongue twister).

The transition from the introductory conversation to the examination of the picture itself should be logically consistent and smooth. The questions “Who do you see in the picture?”, “What does the girl carry in her hand?” the teacher switches the attention of the children to the picture, immediately highlighting the central image in it. Examining the pictures prepares the children for compiling descriptions and narrative stories.

By conveying in the story what is depicted in the picture, the child, with the help of the educator, learns to correlate the word with the visually perceived material. He begins to focus on the selection of words, in practice he learns how important the exact word-designation is, etc.

The great Russian educator Ushinsky justified the value of a picture by the fact that the image of an object excites the child’s thought and causes the expression of this thought in an “independent word”.


Theme "Compilation of stories based on the painting "Cat with Kittens"

Target: Practice solving riddles. To form the ability to carefully consider the picture, to reason about its content (with the help of questions from the educator). To form the ability to compose a detailed story based on a picture, based on a plan. Exercise in the selection of words that are close in meaning; choose words that describe the actions of objects. Develop a sense of collectivism, healthy rivalry.

Material: sheets, pencils, a ball, two easels, two drawing paper, felt-tip pens.

Stroke: Today we will learn how to compose a story based on a picture of a pet. What kind of animal you will talk about, you will find out when each of you guesses his riddle and quickly sketches the answer. I will make riddles in my ear.

Sharp claws, soft pillows;

Fluffy fur, long mustache;

· Purrs, laps milk;

Washes his tongue, hides his nose when it's cold;

Sees well in the dark, sings songs;

She has good hearing, walks inaudibly;

· Able to arch the back, scratches.

What guess did you get? So, today we will make up a story about a cat, or rather about a cat with kittens.

Look at the cat. Describe her appearance. What is she? (large, fluffy). Look at the kittens. What can be said about them? What are they? (small, also fluffy). How are kittens different from each other? What do they have different? (one kitten is red, the second is black, the third is motley). That's right, they differ in coat color. How else are they different? See what each kitten is doing (one is playing with a ball, the second is sleeping, the third is drinking milk). How are all kittens alike? (all small). Kittens are very different. Let's give nicknames to the cat and kittens so that you can guess from them which kitten is in character.

Kitten: (gives her name) is playing. How else can you say about him? (frolics, jumps, rolls a ball). Kitten: (gives her name) is sleeping. How else can you say? (drowsing, closed eyes, resting). A kitten named: laps milk. How else can you say? (drinks, licks, eats).

I suggest you stand in a circle. I will take turns throwing the ball to you, and you will choose answers to the question: “What can cats do?”

Let's get back to the picture. Listen to a plan to help you write a story.

· Who is in the picture? Where is the action taking place?

Who could leave a basket of balls? And what happened here?

· What can happen when the mistress returns?

Try to use in the story the words and expressions that you used when looking at the picture.

Children take turns making up 4-6 stories. Others choose whose story turned out better and justify their choice.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher offers to split into two teams. Each team has its own easel. Each team will need to draw as many kittens or cats as possible in a certain time. At the signal, team members take turns running to the easels.

Summary of the lesson.

Abstract of the lesson on examining the picture in the younger group.

"Dog with Puppies"

Purpose: - to form the ability of children to answer the questions of the educator when looking at the picture;

To form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe animal world;

Cultivate kindness towards animals

Material: dog toy, dog with puppies painting

Lesson progress

Children sit on chairs.

Educator: Guys, someone came to visit us. Do you want to know who it is?

Children: Yes, we want (children's choral answers).

Educator: Then guess the riddle: “He barks loudly, but doesn’t let him in the door”

Children: Dog (children's choral answers)

Educator: Right. Well done. The teacher brings a dog toy into the group. The dog has a large bundle in its paws.

Dog: Hello guys (children greet the dog).

Dog: Woof, woof. My name is "Bug" Woof, woof. What is your name? (asks individually)

Dog: Ah, I didn’t come alone, but with my girlfriend. Would you like to see? (takes out a small dog from the bundle). Here is my girlfriend. Her name is Smart. This is because, she is very obedient, very well behaved.

The teacher sits on a chair and creates a trusting environment, facilitating conversation. Examine the picture.

Educator: I will now tell you about a dog named Clever. She lives in a booth. The dog is big. She has a head, body, tail, four legs. The dog has a nose and ears on its head. The dog's body is covered with hair. She has two puppies, these are her children. They are small. Dog Umnitsa takes care of the puppies. A dog is a pet, it lives next to a person. The man takes care of the dog. He brings her food. Now you tell me about the dog. I will ask you questions and you will answer.

Educator: Look, guys, is the dog big or small?

Children: Big

Educator: What is it? (shows a dog's head in the picture) Children: Head

Educator: What is it? (shows the torso in the picture) Children: The torso.

Educator: What is on the dog's head? (ask 3-4 children individually) Children: Ears, eyes, nose.

Educator: Show (ask 3 - 4 children individually).

Educator: Does the dog have any puppies: big or small?

Children: small

Teacher: What is the name of this house? Children: Booth

Children who do not speak show the answers in the picture.

Dog: Oh, what good fellows!

Educator: "Bug", and the guys know a poem about you. Do you want to listen?

Dog: Yes, I do.

The teacher asks 3 - 4 children. Poem: "Here is the dog Bug"

Dog: Well done, well done! I don't want to leave, I want to play with you.

Educator: Children, let's play a game with the Bug.

The game "Shaggy Dog" is being held

Dog: Guys, can you talk like a dog?

Children: Woof-woof-woof

Educator: A. How do puppies bark?

Children: (gently) Woof-woof-woof

Dog: Well done guys. I had so much fun playing with you, I will definitely come to you again.

Educator: Guys, say goodbye to the dog "Goodbye!"


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