The spheres of society's life interact with each other. Spheres of public life and their relationship


Society, being a complex system of human activity and relationships, consists of material production, social reproduction, organizational and spiritual activities. In this article we will talk about the main areas of public life, point out their features and interrelationships. With the help of the material, you can prepare additional information for the lesson, draw up a plan on the topic.

Spheres of public life

Society consists of certain subsystems (spheres). The totality of spheres of public life is a stable relationship between social subjects.

There are four subsystems in social science:

  • Economic;
  • political;
  • social;
  • Spiritual.

Each of these areas is made up of:

  • certain type of activity;
  • social institutions (school, family, church, parties);
  • relationships that have arisen during human activity.

Economic sphere

This area includes the relations that arise in the material production of life's goods, namely the production, exchange, distribution, consumption of services and goods.

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The economic component of society includes production forces (working personnel, tools) and production relations (production, distribution, exchange, consumption of goods). The main components of the economic subsystem are production, consumption and trade.

Political sphere

Includes relations related to politics, power.

The original meaning of the word politics, translated from ancient Greek, meant "the art of government." In the modern world, the term is used to refer to social life, the problems of which are the acquisition, use and retention of power.

The main components of this group of social life are:

  • political institutions (parties);
  • legal and moral norms;
  • communications;
  • culture and ideology.

Social sphere

This group of social life includes relations that arise during the production and life of a person as an individual of society. It includes social communities and relationships between them.

The social structure is divided into:

  • demographic;
  • ethnic;
  • settlement;
  • educational;
  • professional;
  • class group.

spiritual realm

This system includes ideal intangible formations, which include values, ideas, religion, art, morality.

Spirituality is aimed at satisfying the needs for self-awareness, worldview and spiritual qualities. The main components are spiritual production (science, art, religion) and spiritual consumption (visiting mass cultural institutions, obtaining new knowledge).

The relationship of the spheres of society

All of the above components of society are closely interconnected.

In different eras, mankind tried to single out one of the spheres. So, in the Middle Ages, the spiritual, religious component was of great importance, in the Age of Enlightenment - scientific knowledge and morality. Marxism paid special attention to economic relations, and many other concepts to law and politics.

The characteristic of modern society is the totality of all components. An example - a place in the social hierarchy affects political views, access to spiritual values, education. Economic relations depend on the policy of the state, which is formed on the traditions and customs of the people.

You can find out the features of each subsystem in the following table:

What have we learned?

Society has four subsystems that are closely interconnected. The economic component is responsible for material goods, their receipt and distribution, the political component is responsible for power and management, the social subsystem is responsible for the relationship between different segments of the population, the spiritual sphere is responsible for morality, education and culture.

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(social science grade 9 OGE)

1. The concept of society as a system.

2. Subsystems of society:

a) political;

b) economic;

c) social;

d) spiritual.

3. The concept of elements (subsystems) of public life.

4. Political sphere:

a) the state;

b) power;

c) legislative activity;

d) elections, referendum.

5. Economic sphere:

a) production;

c) consumption;

d) distribution of wealth.

6. Social sphere:

a) friendship

c) love;

d) conflict.

7. Spiritual realm:

a) education;

b) religion;

d) art.

8. The relationship of all spheres of public life.

All spheres of public life are closely interconnected, as they are part of a single mechanism called society. Thus, the political sphere affects all spheres of society through the established rules of conduct in a particular industry, whether it be the economy, where property rights are protected, or the social sphere, where the behavior of citizens is regulated, their basic rights and obligations are fixed. Politics also affects the education system, art, religion and science, also establishing certain orders there.

The economy is the creation, exchange, consumption and distribution of wealth. Without these material goods, a person will not be able to satisfy his most important vital needs, not to mention spiritual ones. Thus, the economy provides society with material goods, which has a positive effect on the life of all other spheres of public life.

The spiritual sphere carries the role of forming the spiritual world of the individual, his values, ideals, guidelines. Education prepares society for outstanding politicians, entrepreneurs and leaders in various fields.

The social sphere helps people to perform this or that activity together. Make friends, create families and so on. If a conflict arises in the social sphere, then it is also reflected in other subsystems of society.

Society is a certain set of elements interconnected and interacting with each other. The spheres of public life are interpenetrating and interconnected.

Economic difficulties (economic sphere) give rise to social instability and discontent of various social forces (social sphere) and lead to an aggravation of political struggle and instability (political sphere). All this is usually accompanied by apathy, confusion of the spirit, but also by spiritual searches, intensive scientific research.

The boundaries between all four spheres of society are easy to move, transparent. Each sphere is present one way or another in all the others, but at the same time it does not dissolve, does not lose its leading function. The question of the relationship between the main spheres of public life and the allocation of one priority is debatable. There are supporters of the defining role of the economic sphere. They proceed from the fact that material production, which is the core of economic relations, satisfies the most urgent, primary human needs, without which any other activity is impossible. There is a selection as a priority spiritual sphere of society. Proponents of this approach give the following argument: a person's thoughts, ideas, ideas are ahead of his practical actions. Major social changes are always preceded by changes in people's minds, a transition to other spiritual values. The most compromise of the above approaches is the approach, the adherents of which argue that each of the four spheres of social life can become decisive in different periods of historical development.


Spheres of society life as parts of a single system are inextricably linked, changes in one entail, as a rule, changes in another.

Despite the fact that, unlike Marxism, the civilizational approach recognizes the equality of all subsystems of society, it is possible to imagine their vertical structure depending on their own role in public life. Thus, the economic sphere plays the role of obtaining means of subsistence, being the foundation of society. The political sphere performs the function of management and is the top of society.

The social and spiritual spheres are of a cross-cutting universal nature, penetrating the entire society and uniting its economic and political components.

Each subsystem closely interacts with the other subsystems of the social system, and this is precisely the interaction, and not the unilateral influence of one subsystem on others. The interaction of subsystems is largely included in the subject of legal regulation, and its main principles are regulated by constitutional law. Only the interconnection of all subsystems of society ensures its normal existence.

The main spheres of society's life are economic, political, social and spiritual.
The basis of the economic sphere is the material production of immediate vital goods. The philosophy of Marxism affirms its leading role in the development of society as a whole. Perhaps there is a rational grain here, however, it should be noted that all spheres of society are very closely interconnected and have a noticeable and indisputable influence on each other.
Material production appears in the concrete historical form of the mode of production, which is characterized by the unity of the productive forces and production relations. The productive forces include the means of production (means of labor and objects of labor) and the worker with his qualifications, physical strength, work skills, intellect, etc.
The relations of production characterize the way in which the means of production are connected with the worker and include relations of ownership, distribution, exchange and consumption.
The development of productive forces is an evolutionary-revolutionary process. The first revolution in the productive forces is associated with the beginning of the production of not only tools of labor, but also the means of subsistence (the appearance of cattle breeding and agriculture). On the basis of the division of labor and the growth of its productivity, a surplus product arose, which led to the emergence of systematic exchange and trade, the concentration of the surplus product in the hands of a part of society and the emergence of private property and exploitation. On the basis of exploitation, labor became more strenuous. There was a separation of mental labor from physical, handicrafts from agriculture, there was an economic specialization of countries and regions. The second most important revolution is the transition from hand tools to machines. The role of scientific knowledge began to increase, but at the same time, practical skills. Man became an appendage of the machine. At the same time there was a gradual democratization of society. The third - the scientific and technological revolution (NTR) began in the middle of the last century. It is characterized by the transition from machine production to automated production, the introduction of computer technology. The importance of science-intensive industries is growing. Scientific activity becomes a link in material production. A qualitatively new type of continuously learning and improving employee is being formed. In connection with the ecological crisis, there is a need for long-term consideration of the large-scale consequences of the use of science and technology.
Changes in the productive forces are accompanied by corresponding processes in production relations. Commodity-money relations cut off useless and low-quality labor.
Consequently: the main components of the economic sphere of society are production (industry and agriculture), trade, consumption.
The political sphere of society is born in a class, antagonistic society. The political system is closely related to political power. Power is the ability to impose one's will on others. The means of imposition are direct violence, persuasion, authority, compromise. The most important component of the political system is the state. The functions of the state include the regulation of social relations, the organization of public life, coercive and pacifying actions, the protection of human rights to life, property, etc., the regulation of relations with other states, and the solution of social issues.
With the growth of universal interests, the importance of politics, which performs the function of stabilizing society, giving it stability and viability, harmonizing relations, increases.
There are democratic, totalitarian and authoritarian political regimes. The totalitarian regime controls all the main spheres of life of citizens, strives for complete uniformity. The authoritarian regime also strives for uniformity of sentiments, but controls only the main public spheres, rests on the authority of a political leader. The democratic regime proclaims and seeks to ensure civil and political rights and freedoms, relies on the election of government bodies, the principle of real separation of the branches of power (legislative, executive and judicial). The form of control over power in a democracy is the institutions of civil society - organizations independent of the government, having authority and influence in society.
The social sphere of society covers the social interaction of individuals and society. When integrating a multitude of goals, interests, aspirations, wills, individual interactions accumulate into mass interactions, and a social structure is formed. Social relationships include a platform (interest, orientation, common interest) and responsibilities between partners. In a socially differentiated society, nations, classes, social groups, primary groups of people, families, and individuals stand out. There are also informal groups in society (they unite to solve some common problems), diffuse groups (temporary non-permanent associations), etc.
Stratification theory divides society into groups based on occupation, income level, education, and so on.
In modern society, the processes of social integration and social differentiation coexist.
The main functions of the spiritual sphere of society are cognitive-informational, ideological substantiation of social relations, the formation of a social ideal, projects for changing reality, communication, and educational. At the same time, all kinds of design constructions can be implemented only when there are material possibilities for this. On the other hand, any change in the economic, political spheres is “born” and takes shape precisely in the spiritual sphere of society.
The spiritual sphere of society also includes its culture as an indicator of development. Various types of art, philosophy, science, religion, etc. take a person out of the ordinary, contribute to giving meaning to his life.

Lecture, abstract. 2. The main areas of public life; their relationship - the concept and types. Classification, essence and features.

Society is a dynamic system of human interaction. This is one of the definitions. The key word in it is system, that is, a complex mechanism that consists of spheres of social life. There are four such areas in science:

  • Political.
  • Economic.
  • Social.
  • Spiritual.

All of them are not isolated from each other, but, on the contrary, are interconnected. We will analyze examples of interaction in more detail in this article.

Political sphere

Spheres are areas in which the basic needs of society are satisfied.

The political one includes state authorities and administrations, as well as various political institutions. It is directly related to the apparatuses of coercion and suppression that legitimately use force with the approval of the entire society. satisfies the needs for security, protection, law enforcement.

It includes:

  • The president.
  • Government.
  • Local authorities.
  • Strong structure.
  • Political parties and associations.
  • Local self-government bodies.

Economic sphere

The economic sphere is designed to satisfy the material needs of society. If only adult citizens take part in political life, then absolutely everyone, including old people and children, takes part in this life. All people are consumers from an economic point of view, which means they are direct participants in market relations.

Key concepts in the economic sphere:

  • Production.
  • Exchange.
  • Consumption.

Firms, plants, factories, mines, banks, etc., take part in production.

Interaction of the political and economic spheres

Let us give examples of the interaction of the spheres of society with each other. The State Duma of the Russian Federation adopts laws that all citizens must comply with. Some adopted normative-legal acts may influence the change in the sectors of the economy. For example, the licensing of certain types of activities leads to a rise in the cost of certain products due to the additional costs associated with innovation.

Specific examples of interaction between the spheres of society can be illustrated in the light of recent events. Against the Russian Federation imposed international economic sanctions. In response, the authorities of our country introduced counter-sanctions. As a result, some European food products and medicines do not enter the Russian market. This led to the following consequences:

  • Rising prices for products.
  • The absence on the shelves of many goods, analogues of which are not produced in Russia.
  • Development of some sectors of the economy: animal husbandry, horticulture, etc.

But it is a mistake to believe that only power influences business, sometimes the opposite is true. Reverse examples of the interaction of spheres of society, when economists dictate terms to politicians, can be cited in the practice of lobbying for laws. A recent example is the so-called Rotenberg law in Russia, according to which millionaires who fall under Western sanctions will be paid compensation from the state budget.

Social sphere

The social sphere satisfies the needs of society in education, medicine, service, leisure and entertainment. It includes everyday communication of citizens and large groups of people.

Political and social sphere

Politics can affect the social life of a country. The following examples of interaction between the spheres of society can be given. The local authorities of the city banned the opening of any entertainment establishments: clubs, night bars and cafes in one of the criminal districts on the outskirts of the city. As a result, the crime rate in it has fallen, but residents have to travel longer to places of recreation and entertainment.

The following example: in a crisis, a district municipality is experiencing In order to reduce costs, it decides to close one of the schools. As a result, there is a reduction in teaching staff, children are transported to another locality every day, and money is saved on the maintenance of facilities, since, according to the law, all costs for their maintenance are borne by the local authorities.

Social and economic spheres

The economic development of the country has a strong impact on social life. Here are just some examples of interaction between the spheres of society. The financial crisis reduced the real incomes of the population. Citizens began to spend less on entertainment and leisure, limiting trips to paid parks, sports clubs, stadiums, cafes. The loss of customers led to the ruin of many companies.

The relationship also exists between the politics, economy and social development of the country. Let us give examples of the interaction of the spheres of society with each other. Instability in the Middle East and the depreciation of the ruble by half, combined with active development, have led many to cancel traditional trips to Egypt and Turkey and began to rest in Russia.

This example can be broken down into its components:

  • Political - instability in the Middle East, the measures of the authorities to increase domestic tourism.
  • Economic - the devaluation of the ruble led to a significant increase in prices for tours to Turkey and Egypt, while maintaining domestic prices.
  • Social - tourism belongs to this area.

spiritual realm

Many mistakenly assume that the spiritual realm is related to religion. This misconception comes from the course of history, where church reforms of certain periods are analyzed under the relevant topics. In fact, although religion belongs to the spiritual realm, it is not its only component.

In addition to it, these include:

  • The science.
  • Education.
  • Culture.

As for education, the most attentive readers will ask a fair question that we previously attributed it to the social field when we analyzed examples of the interaction of the spheres of society with each other. But education refers to the spiritual as a process, and not as the interaction of people. For example, attending school, communicating with peers, teachers - all this belongs to the social area. The acquisition of knowledge, socialization (education), self-realization and self-improvement is a process of spiritual life, which is designed to satisfy the needs for knowledge, improvement.

Spiritual and political spheres

Sometimes politics is influenced by religion. Let us give examples of the interaction of spheres with each other. Today Iran is a religious state: all domestic policy, laws are adopted exclusively in the interests of Shiite Muslims.

Let us give a historical example of the interaction of the spheres of society. After the October Revolution of 1917, many churches were blown up, and religion was recognized as "opium for the people", that is, a harmful drug that must be disposed of. Many priests were killed, temples were destroyed, warehouses, shops, mills, etc. were formed in their place. This also affected social life: there was a spiritual decline in the population, people stopped honoring traditions, did not register marriages in churches, as a result of which unions began to break up . In fact, this led to the destruction of the institution of family and marriage. The witness of the wedding was not God, but a man, which, we agree, is a huge difference for a believer. This continued until the Great Patriotic War, until Stalin officially restored the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church on legal grounds.

Spiritual and economic spheres

Economic development also affects the spiritual life of the country. What examples of interaction between the spheres of society prove this? Psychologists note that during the period of economic crises, a depressed state of the population is observed. Many people lose their jobs, their savings, their businesses go bankrupt - all this leads to psychological problems. But in Russia, the practice of private psychologists is not developed, as, for example, in the United States. Therefore, religious sects arise that draw "lost souls" into their networks, from which it is sometimes very difficult to escape.

Another example is South Korea. The lack of minerals and other resources has influenced the fact that this country began to develop science and tourism. This gave its results - today this country is a leader in the field of electronics and is among the ten most developed countries in the world. Politics, economics and social development clashed here at once.

Spiritual and social spheres

The line between spiritual and social life is very thin, but we will try to explain it through examples of the interaction of spheres of social life. School attendance by students, admission to institutes - all these are the relationship of two spheres, as people communicate (social) and perform various rituals (spiritual).

Examples of interaction between the spheres of society from history

Let's remember a little history. It also contains examples of the interaction of various spheres of society. Take Stolypin's reforms at the beginning of the 20th century. In Russia, the community was abolished, Peasant banks were created, which issued loans to migrants, they made preferential travel at the expense of the state, and created a small infrastructure in Siberia. As a result, thousands of peasants from the land-poor South and the Volga region rushed to the East, where the cherished hectares of free land awaited them. All these measures allowed:

  • weaken peasant landlessness in the central provinces;
  • to develop the empty lands of Siberia;
  • feed people with bread and replenish the state budget with taxes in the future.

This serves as a vivid example of the interaction of politics, economics and the social life of the country.

Another situation is the dispossession of the peasants, as a result of which many hardworking rational owners were left without a livelihood, and parasites from the Kombeds took their place. As a result, many died of starvation, and rural farming was destroyed. This example shows the impact of rash political decisions on the economy and social life.

Interaction of spheres of society: examples from the media

Channel One announced the decision by the Russian authorities to bomb terrorists banned in Russia " Islamic State» . The Federal Channel also reported that the authorities intend to resume negotiations on the Turkish gas pipeline to Europe.

All information from a source that refers to It illustrates examples of the interaction of different spheres of society. In the first case, political and social, since the decision of the leadership of our country will lead to consequences in the Middle East. History c shows the relationship between politics and economics. The agreement between the countries will develop the gas industry and replenish the budgets of both countries.


Examples of interaction between spheres of society prove that we live in a complex system. A change in one subsystem necessarily affects others. All areas are interconnected, but none of the four is the main, dominant, on which all the others depend.

Law acts as a superstructure. It is not included in any of the four, but it does not stand out in the fifth. The right is the binding tool above them.

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