Scheme of individual conversation with students. Student Misbehavior: Talking to a Student


In almost every class there is such a student who differs from others both in his school abilities and behavior. So, not a single meeting is complete without discussing the next topical issue - student misbehavior. The phenomenon is very common and requires the mandatory participation of all parties, parents, student and teacher, in order to develop an optimal strategy, for example, a conversation with a student about bad behavior.

There are some reasons that provoke student misbehavior in the classroom or in the school as a whole. So, the main reasons rest on: the spoiled child, the social and psychological atmosphere (in which the child is brought up), unfavorable situations in the family, as well as certain motives. The latter, in turn, are due to the fact that the student: seeks to attract attention, show his power over other students, avoid possible failures. Each of these motives is perceived by others (parents, students and teachers) as an example of bad and inappropriate behavior.

In general, when a student behaves badly, a certain reaction is formed in the teacher, so he perceives this as a violation of discipline and reacts accordingly. At the same time, the teacher may raise his voice to the student, leaving the last word for himself, or address him with sarcasm, which is perceived ironically by other students in the class. Often the behavior of the "culprit" is compared with other students, others are drawn into the conflict, for example, parents, the head teacher or even the director.

To attract his attention, the student begins to hit the table with a pencil, enters the class without a bell, can distract the teacher with a question that is not related to the topic of the lesson. In order to show his power over other students or even over the teacher, a student with bad behavior begins to offend others, challenges them, and often does not take into account the requirements of the teacher. Such actions evoke a corresponding reaction in others, which in most cases is characterized by aggression, misunderstanding, outbursts of anger, bickering, swearing, shouting, and others.

However, it is recognized that such a reaction is not considered appropriate, since by doing so the teacher or students are self-affirming bad behavior. Experts' opinions boil down to developing certain strategies aimed at understanding and compromise. So, the bad behavior of a student at school is controlled if you have frank conversations with him on topics that allow the student to open up, explain the reason for such behavior. Often you have to use radically opposite actions, ignoring the presence of the student in the class, as well as his actions.

Depending on the situation, the nature of the student, the purpose of his behavior, one or another strategy may be successful. In general, teacher actions such as shouting, swearing, belittling in front of other students, arguing, bullying, and others do not contribute to improving behavior. On the contrary, such a reaction of the teacher is, in a way, an incentive for the student to behave in the same way in the future.

1. Questions on the topic "Sensation and perception."

How do you find it easier to learn new material - listening to the explanations of the teacher / lecturer or reading from a book or notes? How do you think why?

Listening to the teacher's explanation. Since the teacher's explanation is easier to understand than independent work with new material.

How do you find it easier to repeat what you have learned – by rereading textbooks and notes, or by speaking out loud to someone else? How do you think why?

Telling out loud to someone else. Since repeating aloud, it is better remembered.

2. Questions on the topic "Memory".

What learning material is easiest for you to memorize? Which one is the hardest to remember? How do you think why?

Easier - educational material in the humanities. A little more difficult with mathematics and physics.

What from last year's study can you remember right now without much effort? And from the last school year? What do you have in common that you remember for a long time?

I remember biology lessons very well, both last year and the year before last. I can tell the history of Belarus. The common thing is that the teachers explained the topics in an accessible way.

How do you memorize new material? Do your teaching methods differ for different types of material and different subjects? Do you use any special techniques and techniques for better memorization? If so, which ones?

I reread the abstract or paragraph of the textbook on a new topic. Basically no. Yes, I explain things out loud to myself.

What do you think could be changed in the educational process in order to make it easier for you to memorize the educational material?

I don't know, it's okay.

3. Questions on the topic "Attention".

What do you do when you involuntarily start to get distracted by extraneous objects during a lesson/lecture? When does this usually happen? What does it lead to?

I try not to get distracted. This happens extremely rarely.

What do you do to avoid distractions while preparing for classes and doing homework? Do you use any special techniques to concentrate? If so, which ones?

Just relaxing before doing homework.

4. Questions on the topic "Thinking".

4.1. What kind of learning tasks do you find easiest to complete? Which one is more difficult? How do you think why?

In my opinion, there isn't much of a difference. Except sometimes it's hard to do math assignments. Maybe I don't have a math mind.

4.2. What tasks do you enjoy doing the most, and which do you least enjoy doing? How do you think why?

Most of all I like to solve problems in chemistry, I like to analyze and explain. Least of all - copying exercises from a textbook is boring.

4.3. What do you think, which of the educational tasks are most similar to the tasks that you will have to solve after graduation from school / university?

Probably in literature. There, after all, you always analyze the work, the characters, just like in life.

4.4. What do you think, which of the educational tasks develop your thinking the most? Why?

I think chemistry. You need to analyze and think.

5. Questions on the topic "Speech".

5.1. What learning tasks do you find it easier to complete - oral or written? Why? Are there any differences for different items?

There are differences. If mathematics, chemistry or physics - in writing. If humanitarian - orally.

5.2. Do you think it is easy for classmates/classmates and teachers/teachers to understand the ideas that you want to convey to them in your answers?

I think yes.

5.3. What can you do to improve the quality of your speaking and writing? How important is this to you?

I read a lot of fiction. It's important to me, I like it.

6. Questions on the topic "Emotions".

6.1. What makes you happy in the learning process? Does the joy of your learning activities help? Why?

I am happy when everything works out and everything is clear.

6.2. What in the learning process annoys you? How does it affect your learning activities and why?

I don't like being in a hurry. You solve the task, but there is not enough time - I start to get nervous.

6.3. How do you deal with anxiety and fear of important tests/exams?

I repeat everything to be confident in my abilities.

6.4. What emotions influence your learning outcomes the most and why? What can you do to regulate your emotional state?

Positive. If everything is good, then learning is easy. I try to cheer myself up - I communicate with friends, I listen to music.

7. Questions on the topic "Motivation".

7.1. What is it about learning that makes you most interested in learning? What hinders this desire? Why?

Most of all I want to enter the Medical Institute, so I try.

7.2. Are you interested in studying? Why? What are you studying for?

I study for myself, so that my head is not empty, so that my parents are proud.

7.3. What do you think could be changed in the educational process in order to make learning activities more interesting for you? and significant and acquired greater meaningfulness?

Everything suits me, I like everything.


"Why do I go to school"

You chose to talk about school.

The theme is "Why do I go to school?"

Is this conversation important to each of you? Why?

Today we have to find out how each of you relates to school, what significance it has for everyone. And maybe there are some guys who don't need it. Let's find out.

For further work, you need to be divided into groups.

1. Game exercise.

I invite everyone to stand in a circle, hold hands, look at each other, meeting their eyes at the same time. - A circle is a symbol of unification, kinship of souls. When a person looks into the eyes of another person, it is very difficult for him to tell a lie. Let's all try to be open, honest, not disingenuous today.

Close your eyes.

Drawings are glued to the backs of children with adhesive tape: a book - 8 people, a briefcase - 8 people. 2 symbols are placed on the tables: a briefcase and a book

Each of you has a symbol taped to your back that tells you which table to sit at. Remember that you are not alone and you can ask each other for help.

Children must be close to each other.

See if everyone is seated correctly in their places.

Why did you succeed?

Could you complete the task without talking to each other? Why?

- So, formulate the first reason why you go to school ( communication). .

In front of you on the tables are intellect - cards, with the help of which we can express all our thoughts. associations. When you hear the word school, what Associations do you have, sign with the help of arrows.At school, you really learn to communicate with classmates, children from other classes, adults

- Of course, communication is different .

I suggest you work in a group and draw up the rules of communication at school.

· always be polite

· know how to listen to another, do not interrupt

· do not conflict

Name the rules you have chosen.

How not to communicate at school? Why?

Tell me, these rules of communication should be applied only at school? Why?

Of course, school is the place where you communicate. But, there are other reasons why you go to school.

2. Analysis of the situation.

I really like one story, listen to it.

It's never too late to learn

When a new student came to the old music teacher, all the children laughed.

- You're in the wrong place, grandpa! someone shouted.

- Quiet, children. Meet Grandpa Bao. Once upon a time, his children studied with me. They have grown up and become famous people. Now Bao doesn't have to work, and he wants to fulfill his dream of learning to play the flute, the teacher explained.

- Can old people learn? - the children were surprised.

- In teaching, it doesn't matter if you're young or old; comprehend - and you will become a master, - the teacher answered.

At first, the children laughed at Bao, but soon the old man learned to play the flute so that the teacher began to give him separate lessons.

Two years have passed. Flutist Bao, as he was now called, was invited to many houses with concerts, although he was still considered a student.

- This year, instead of the final exam, the best students will perform at the flute competition in the capital, the teacher once announced.

- Will Grandpa Bao also go? - the guys asked.

- Of course, he is our best student. This will be his examination for the title of musician.

The honored guests of the competition were the king and queen. They prepared a prize for the best musician - a golden flute.

When it was Bao's turn, they didn't want to let him on stage.

- You're in the wrong place, grandpa, it's a student competition! they told him.

- And I'm a student! Grandpa Bao replied proudly. He captivated the entire audience with his performance. Even the king and queen stood up and applauded him.

When grandfather Bao was given the golden flute, his teacher said:

- In teaching, it doesn't matter if you're young or old; you will comprehend - and you will become a master.

Consider whether you agree with him.

Of course, this is school.

What is meant by the word study?

At school, you get new knowledge, study new subjects, become smarter.

What new things have you learned while studying at school?

3. Watching a movie.

- Communication and gaining new knowledge - these are probably one of the main serious aspects of the question “Why do I go to school?”, But there are reasons that are less serious, and, in a sense, even funny. Watch a movie. Try to remember some of them.

For fun, just like that, to show outfits, to find out all the news, because of grades, for lessons, to study - this will come in handy in my life.

4. It will come in handy in my life.

- Why do kids go to school?

Which reasons are funny?

What is important?

How can school be useful? Think and discuss in groups.

Good school performance is the key to a successful future. Don't forget about it.

5. Formulation of reasons.

We talked a lot, but named only three reasons "Why do you go to school." With the help of your mind maps, name them: communication, study, a successful future.

Or maybe there are other reasons that we have not mentioned? Name them.

6. Work with proverbs.

People have long begun to notice situations related to various aspects of human life, including school and study. They expressed wise thoughts that became proverbs and sayings.

The root of the doctrine is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

Does this proverb correspond to the topic of conversation? Why?

I suggest that you, together in a group, compose your own proverb about the school ...

7. General set of reasons.

Why does a person go to school?

1) Communicate.

2) Get new knowledge.

3) For a successful future.

Rank these reasons in order of importance to you at the moment.

Which of the following is most important to you?

8. Bottom line. - Guys, thank you very much for your work. I would like to believe that our conversation has touched each of you, left its mark. I wish you continued success and high results in your work.

To help the class teacher: an approximate topic for writing a plan for VR in sections

To help the class teacher: an approximate topic for writing a plan for VR in sections

Educational goals and objectives:
1. the formation and rallying of the class team;
2. fostering a benevolent attitude towards comrades and respect for elders;
3. fostering love for school and school traditions;
4. instill a sense of responsibility in learning; skills of culture of behavior, responsiveness and mutual assistance;
5. to teach to bring the work begun to the end, to study and work conscientiously;
6. not allow any case of violation of discipline either on the premises of the school or on its territory;
7. control the rules of behavior of students at school, in the classroom;
8. cultivate love for the native land, respect for nature;

Topics of conversations (class hours):

1. Knowledge Day.
2. Organizational hour. School mode.
3. Conversation on the rules of the road. Safety Month. (conversations seasonally)
4. What is a team? Friendship and fellowship.
5. Ecology and man. Ecology of the planet.
6. In the world of interesting things. (on the pages of newspapers and magazines).
7. Behavior in public places. Place and time for games.
8. Professions. Types of labor.
9. What do the symbols of the Republic of Crimea, in which I live, mean.
10. Everything should be perfect in a person!
11. Rules of conduct during the holidays (seasonally).
12. Business time, fun hour!
13. About honesty and the ability to keep one's word.
14. My class is my family.
15. Indoor plants. Clean air in the classroom. Order and cleanliness.
16. Respect your elders! Be attentive to the younger ones!
17. The book is your best friend!
18. Conversation on the rules of conduct for students in the school premises and on the school grounds.
19. Our Motherland is an independent Ukraine!
20. Coat of arms and flag of Ukraine. country attribute.
21. Who are the deputies? Members of our region.
22. Nature conservation is your duty.
23. Your rights and obligations.
24. How to behave in public places.
25. I and those who are nearby. Ethical discussion.
26. Friendship, help, mutual assistance.
27. Conversation "Home Alone", about the behavior of a child at home.
28. City streets.
29. Workshop of Santa Claus. The beauty of the environment. Ethical talk
30. Ethical grammar about kindness, responsiveness and modesty
31. Defenders of the Fatherland.
32. Lovely women. International Women's Day.
33. Be neat, neat!
34. Our hobbies (technology, music, design).
35. Day of laughter.
36. Cosmonautics Day.
37. Culture of behavior at a party, at home and on the street.
38. About honesty and the ability to keep one's word.
39. Culture of our language. Can you speak?
40. Victory Day. "Life is given to bold deeds."
41. Pictures of native nature.
42. "Dad, mom, I'm a readable family."
43. “A dull time, eyes charm” Competition of readers.
44. "This interesting animal world."
45. From the life of wonderful people.
46. ​​"Sport, health, beauty are our best friends."
47. Famous countrymen. Poets and writers about the Crimea.
48. About the dangers of nicotine and alcohol.
49. Where is Santa Claus from?
50. In the world there is not only necessary, but also beautiful.
51. Operation "Live, book!".
52. Entertaining mathematics.
53. Army of Ukraine. History and modernity.
54. Commonwealth of peoples.
55. Where do fairy tales take us? Actions of heroes (moral education).
56. Music in our life.
57. Theater. What is it like?
58. Art in our life.
59. There are thousands of roads in the world. Which way should we go?
60. "We keep our books and notebooks in order."
61. "What is good and what is bad?".
62. "About labor, about people of labor."
63. "It's not enough to want, you need to be able."
64. Through the pages of fairy tales. Quiz.
65. My city, my district, my street.
66. Save time!
67. "The miracle of the earth is bread."
68. "Let's play, think, answer"
69. Birth of a book. Talk about book publishing.
70. Conversation about thrift.
71. Learn to learn!
72. School of politeness.
73. "Green Pharmacy".

School events:

1. Knowledge Day. Peace lesson. "Know how to live in peace and harmony"
2. Day of the elderly. "Pass the good around."
3. Teacher's Day. Take part in the exhibition of bouquets - autumn flower arrangements.
4. Autumn ball.
5. Month of traffic safety.
6. competition of readers "Multinational Crimea".
7. competition "Is it easy to become a star."
8. Week of health.
9. "Know, love, take care of nature."
10. Welcome Miss Math!
11. Local history quiz. The streets of the city are named after them.
12. Weeks of Pushkin, Shevchenko.
13. Tournament of knights.
14. “We can’t live without women.”
15. "Your own director."
16. "Lucky!"
17. "Hello, we are looking for talent!"
18. Feast of the Primer.
19. "Eaglet" Sports game.

Working with parents:

1. Parent meetings.
2. Meetings of the genus. committee.
3. Involve parents in conducting conversations, excursions. Visiting the circus, theaters, museums.
4. Conduct conversations with parents:
- a healthy lifestyle at home and school;
- your child and his organization of classes, daily routine;
- the progress and behavior of your child;
- help parents in teaching children, their homework;

5. Involve parents in the design of the classroom, making visual
6. Individual conversations with parents about the behavior and progress of the child.
7. Joint action of family and school.
8. Visiting students at home for the purpose of surveying housing conditions, conducting conversations with the child and parents about academic performance at home.
9. Providing methodological assistance to parents.
10. Involving parents in conducting conversations, organizing class hours (about professions).
11. Conversation "Education in the family."
12. Conversation "Teaching a child to be kind."
13. Conversation "Guide to home reading."
14. Conversation "Everything should be beautiful in a person."
15. Conversation about the culture of the child's behavior.
16. Hold open parent meetings.

Educational activities:

1. Visiting students of the library.
2. Conducting conversations on self-government in the classroom.
3. Holding competitions, olympiads, exhibitions within the class.
4. Excursions to nature.
5. Libraries and friendship with them.
6. Visiting the circus, theater, museum.
7. Preparation for festive events.
8. Creation of wall newspapers.
9. Holding events dedicated to aesthetic and ethical education. Quizzes.
10. Good manners.
11. Holding contests: "Journey on the map", "Treasure! Treasure! Treasure!”, “In the world of stars”, “Ah, come on girls!”, “Ah, come on guys!”.
12. Mutual assistance among students.
13. Labor landing
14. Green landing.
15. "Humorina". Day of laughter.

Individual work with students:

1. Provide learning assistance to weak students.
2. To develop the activity of passive children, to bring up discipline, responsibility for the task assigned, for their actions.
3. Monitor the appearance of students.
4. Develop rules of cultural behavior.
5. Conduct individual conversations on moral and ethical topics.
6. Instill in children a sense of beauty.
7. Visiting students at home.
8. Individual conversations separately with boys (about the need for fights), separately with girls (about neatness and cleanliness).
9. Being late for lessons.

The work of children's self-government:

1. School duty.
2. Class duty.
3. Care for indoor plants.
4. Cleaning the classroom.
5. Work orderlies.
6. Fasting frugality tutorials.
7. Fasting frugality of school supplies.
8. Conducting search work.
9. Cleaning of school sites.

Individual work with students:

1. Neatness, neatness in clothes.
2. How to properly prepare your workplace.
3. How do you carry out your duties?
4. Be kind and considerate towards your comrades.
5. Your daily routine.
6. Diseases of dirty hands.
7. Your appearance.
8. Culture of behavior during the break.
9. Respect your time and the time of others.
10. The book is your best friend.
11. Patience and work will grind everything.
12. Business time, fun - an hour.
13. Games at school during breaks and on the street.
14. Appreciate a minute in the lesson.
15. The class is a single family.
16. Measure seven times, cut once.
17. Respect your elders!
18. Take care of nature!
19. Fulfillment of one's duties.

Health protection:

1. Watch your posture.
2. Safety of pedestrian traffic during icy conditions.
3. Health protection (seasonally).
4. How to maintain good vision.
5. The danger of playing with fire.
6. Condition of the air. Cotton gauze bandages.
7. Personal hygiene.
8. Everyone's health is everyone's wealth!
9. Rules of conduct in extreme situations.
10. Clothes, shoes - a part that makes up the guarantee of health.
11. Diseases of dirty hands.
12. Cleanliness and order in the classroom is the key to the health of all.
14. Injury and its prevention.
15. Poisonous mushrooms and plants.
16. The correct daily routine is the key to your health.
17. Proper nutrition.
18. Colds. Prevention.
19. What is a healthy lifestyle?
20. Chemical preparations. Medication handling.
21. Microorganisms. Raw water, unwashed vegetables and fruits.
22. Caution: cutting and piercing objects!
23. Sports in our life.
24. Healthy teeth. Oral care.

Characteristics, a student of the class MAOU "Secondary School No",. . b.b. got into school. .20, studying under the program "Perspective". Before entering school, he attended the "School of Personality Development". lives in a complete, prosperous family. The mother works as a kindergarten teacher, tries to keep abreast of all her son's school affairs, constantly comes to school. Homework is often completed partially, under the control of the mother. He does not write down his homework in his diary; his mother uses the Electronic Diary service. Tasks in the Russian language are reduced to writing off the text, does not perform grammar tasks. characterized by behavior that does not correspond to age norms and is a serious obstacle to the full inclusion of the child in educational activities. Does not work orally in class, does not complete written assignments.

On the inappropriate behavior of a student in a physical education lesson.

You can’t bring a bully to work after lessons, there’s no one to complain to (the position of the administration is your problems as a teacher, that you didn’t go through pedagogy with psychology at the institute? The position of many parents is that my child was rude to you, so you yourself deserve it). Experienced colleagues urge “not to take to heart” the antics of the student (in fact, do not live with him, do not baptize children), ignore (what's the matter that the student plays on the phone), treat with humor (it's very funny when fifth-graders make fun of portraits in class historians hanging in the office) or “put the pranksters in their place” (in various ways, here who can do anything - from ridiculing a student to using a surveillance camera or the power of collective opinion).

Memorandum on Disgraceful Student Behavior

You may also find examples of memos written on other occasions useful:

  • About insult in the workplace - a sample;
  • About non-fulfillment of labor duties - a sample;
  • About the absence from the workplace - a sample;
  • About violation of labor discipline - sample.

The document is addressed to the school principal or head teacher, their exact position and full name should be indicated in the upper right corner, the full name and position of the person from whom the memorandum is written are written below. Further, in a brief form, what exactly is the boorish behavior of the student. This may be non-observance of discipline in the classroom, disruption of lessons, insulting teachers and students. You should describe in detail the behavior of the student and suggest ways to solve the problem.

As an example, we suggest downloading a sample memorandum for a student at the bottom of the article.

Memorandum on the student for boorish behavior

Sample Report on Student Bad Behavior Sample Reference is intended for class teachers. Characteristics of a student who is on an internal school account; Grade 2 The characteristics indicate the difficulties in learning and behavior of the child.

Pupils use profanity constantly and not. But now the behavior is not so terrible, the children have adapted to it. rules, such as writing the title of the document or where the date and signature should be written. Where can I find a sample memorandum for an employee.
A memo about the boorish behavior of an employee, like any other. A report on the incident was written for my child, a fourth-grade student (violation of the norms of behavior - a stupid joke - undressed at.

How to write a memorandum for a student

Notes If a student behaves badly, insults teachers, disrupts lessons, violates discipline, interferes with other students, then the teacher of this student (class teacher) can write a memorandum to the leadership of the educational institution. In this article, we suggest downloading a sample memorandum on a student for boorish behavior. A memorandum is usually a last resort. When teacher-student conversations do not help, calling parents to school also does not change the student's behavior, the teacher can send a memorandum to the higher management describing the boorish behavior of the student and asking them to take measures to improve the student's behavior.
The memorandum can be sent to the director of the school, head teacher.

Characteristics of a student with inappropriate behavior


The child needs more help and attention from the teacher for teaching, control and education than a teacher in a general education class can give. The second characteristic name entered the MOU Secondary School. Prior to that, she lived with her grandmother and studied at a rural school in.

From the characteristics of the 1st grade, the girl is capricious, capricious, and does not always exercise at full strength. During the training, she showed average abilities. Mathematics and English are more difficult for a girl. Tasks are especially difficult. Reading skills are above the norm.
In the lessons of labor and drawing, she is unrestrained. If she didn’t like something in her work, the girl can throw it away and not finish it. He is always late for physical education classes, because he dresses with a bell, without reacting before that to the teacher's warning about being late. She is inattentive in class.

Inadequate student in elementary school

Certain behavior in certain circumstances. This is any situation that repeats itself regularly. One of the students will never raise his hand in a history lesson and will not answer until he is asked. Another student will be rude to the math teacher and polite to everyone else.


And so constantly. This is where the teacher should think about how to change, first of all, their behavior in order to learn how to interact with students, and they, in turn, felt the choice of how to behave further. The teacher should also think about how to make students want to change their behavior. Law 2 The goal of any behavior is to feel one's belonging to society, in this case to school life. That is, it is the need for its importance and significance in order to take its place in the school community.


In her absence, she explained that she had been called to school by the class teacher of her son Ivan in connection with the fight that had taken place. Important Analytical part Smirnova Alevtina Nikolaevna works at our enterprise for more than 1. In the situation with absenteeism, I am ready to provide the contacts of the teacher, who will confirm the fact that Smirnova was called to school.

The absence of a technical worker from 1. Conduct a conversation about the inadmissibility of such situations in the future. Sample report on a student about bad behavior Attention May be engaged in extraneous matters and does not react to the teacher's comments, or the remark causes aggression. If the name is not liked or incomprehensible, she can throw a tantrum, scream, stomp her feet, throw school items, squeal.

Remarks from the teachers do not have any effect on her until she herself calms down. Often requires special attention.

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