School economic game "stock exchange-show". Methodological development in economics (Grade 11) on the topic: Business games in economics lessons


Game - competition "Let's play the economy"

Target: to promote the formation of resourcefulness, ingenuity, economic literacy.

Tasks: 1. educational: consolidation and comprehension of the studied material;

2. developing: to develop cognitive activity and creativity of the individual, critical thinking and adaptive capabilities to changing external conditions;

3. educative: improving the methodology of educational impact on the personality of the student through group and game forms; fostering interest in the game, the subject of economics.

The course of the game-competition

I Introductory speech of the teacher:

Today we have met here to show our knowledge and identify the best experts in economics. For each task, players receive coins. The team with the most coins at the end wins.

Let's remember what is the economy?

Originally, the word "economics" meant the art of housekeeping. Today, the word "economy" has a much broader meaning. The economy can be called the economy of a separate region, country, world. The economy refers to all relations in society associated with the activities of people. Finally, economics is the science of how people and society as a whole can meet their needs for goods and services with limited resources. Who first coined the word "economy"? (Aristotle).

Exercise: This term was introduced into scientific circulation by the philosopher of ancient Greece, Aristotle, translated from ancient Greek, the term means "laws of the economy." (Answer: Economics).

Now we will conduct an economic quiz.


1) What animal is always with money? (piglet: he has a piglet)

2) What was the name in Rus' of merchants who were expelled from the guild for systematic deceptions and body kits for buyers? (slobs)

3) Name the events where the price is stuffed with a hammer? (auction)

4) Who counts millions as thousands? (billionaire)

5) Which country is called "the banker of the whole world"? (Switzerland)

6) "Coca-Cola" in relation to "Pepsi - Cola" who is this? (competitor)

7) Name Captain Flint's Parrot's Favorite Coin (piastre)

8) What is the face of a coin called? (obverse)

9) What is the reverse side of a coin called? (reverse)

10) What is the face of the outlet? (showcase)

11) What fabulous animal was able to make coins with a simple blow of its hooves? (antelope)

12) What Russian folk tale demonstrates the effectiveness of collective labor? (turnip)

You must unravel the cipher in which the words related to the economy are hidden:

PARTALAZ (salary)

GAVE (contract)

KANOEKOMI (economics)


Economic riddles-additives:

The product must have

Mandatory …(price)

Kohl to work all year round

It will be round... (income)

Brooks murmur, feet get wet

Spring is the time to pay... (taxes)

Like a child without a mother,

How many sausages did you buy

The arrow will show you exactly. .(scales)

They will be whole like in a tank,

your savings in …(bank)

Things will work out for us:

We have contributed to the best bank.. (contribution)

Both the doctor and the acrobat

Issued for work …(salary)

Bought furniture, clothes, dishes

We took for this in the bank …(loan)

For the ruble - kopecks, for dollars - cents

Run-run in the bank .. (percentage)

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Scenario of the business game "Entertaining Economy"

Extracurricular activity for students in grades 5-7

Author: Frantseva Olga Nikolaevna, methodologist of MBOUDOD "Center for Extracurricular Activities", Bryansk
Material Description: the development will be useful to counselors, teachers-organizers, class teachers of schools for extracurricular activities. The script is intended for students in grades 5-7. The material in a bright and fascinating form is aimed at summarizing the basic economic concepts and the formation of the economic thinking of schoolchildren.
Goals: formation and generalization of the basic economic concepts with which students deal in everyday life.
- learn to make decisions, analyze information, express your point of view and lead a discussion;
- to form conscious economic behavior;
- develop initiative, cognitive activity, interest in the constant need for new knowledge, the desire for self-expression and self-realization;
- to promote the economic education of students.
Form: business game.
task cards;
6 paper wallets;
toy paper money;
a poster with the inscription of the game;
sheets of paper, pens;
stage costume.
Preliminary work:
1) Teams are formed. Students come up with a name and motto for their team.
2) Teams prepare an advertisement for their creative work.
Members: students in grades 5-7. Znaika enters the stage
I want today, friends
Reveal your secret to you
My grandfather used to say this:
"Learning is light and ignorance is darkness!"
And how right he was!
Judge for yourself...
Everyone wants to live beautifully
And so you can eat chocolate
And drink coconut milk
You need friends
Lots of things to study first.
For example, the economy.
Kids! This lady is smart.
She does not like jokes in the account of money.
You will meet with her for many years,
While she will show you your life ticket.
There will be a lot of items -
Long time to count them
And to tell the truth,
I really can't wait to find out
Can you count?
Well, it's not difficult for me to check you.
Let's start the game "Entertaining Economy" now.
Leading: Hello guys, members of the jury. Do you recognize our hero? Who is this? Today we met here to show our knowledge and identify the best experts in economics, learn how to make decisions, analyze information, express our point of view and lead a discussion.
So, we begin the game "Entertaining Economy". Let's say hello to our teams.
Presentation of teams and jury.
Leading: For each correct task completed, the team will receive money, and the one that ends up with more of them wins.

Competition "Warm-up"
Leading: The warm-up will get us into the game, because. now we will try to recall and name some economic concepts.
Team warm-up questions
1.Financial credit institution. (Bank)
2. Deductions from income in favor of the state. (Tax)
3. Monetary unit of the state. (Currency)
4. Manager, management specialist. (Manager)
5.Money lent at interest. (Credit)
6. A person declared incapable of paying off debts. (Bankrupt)
7. A fairy-tale character who, with the help of mystical power, turned a heating surf into a vehicle. (Emelya)
8. The most, according to the legend, a reliable watchman for large valuables. (The Dragon)
9. Colloquial designation of a million monetary units. ("Lemon")
10. One of the world's largest firms for the production of children's designers. ("LEGO")
11. A fabulous creature that can make gold coins with a simple blow of a hoof. (Antelope)
12. The name of the room in which countless treasures were kept, lost during the Second World War. (Amber)
The jury summarizes the results of the warm-up.

Competition "Economics in Literature"
Leading: economic terms are found in literary works, in oral folk art (proverbs, sayings).
Exercise: remember as much as possible fairy tales, cartoons, movies, songs, literary works, proverbs, sayings that recall money or talk about wealth.
Answer options:"Golden Antelope", "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp", "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves", "Puss in Boots" (Sh. Feather), "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" and "At Lukomorye" (Pushkin), "Flint "(G. X. Andersen), "Pinocchio" (A. Tolstoy), film "Diamond Hand"; “There is no ruble without a penny”, “A penny saves a ruble”, “Money is an account, but a measure of bread”, “It is not easy to make money, but it is easy to live”, “Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends”, “Money loves an account” , etc.
The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Competition "Economic task"
Leading: Every housewife knows how much time is spent on cooking and other household chores. To leave time for rest or for doing what you love, you need to properly plan and save working time. Shall we try?
Exercise: The girl decided to help her mother cook dinner. There was one hour left before my mother arrived. The dinner menu consists of vegetable salad, mashed potatoes and meatballs. The cooking time required is as follows (in minutes):
- washing vegetables - 10 min.
- cutting vegetables - 10 min.
- cleaning potatoes - 10 min.
-boiling potatoes - 30 min.
- preparation of puree - 10 min.
- preparation of cutlets from minced meat - 10 min.
- fry cutlets - 30 min.
- laying the table - 10 min.
Total: 120 min.
Question: In what sequence is it necessary to make dinner preparation operations in order to be in time for my mother's arrival? Divide the work sequence to fit within 60 minutes. There is a solution.
- peeling potatoes - 10 min.- boil potatoes - 30 min.
-preparation of meatballs 10 min.- frying cutlets - 30 min.
- washing vegetables - 10 min.
- cutting vegetables - 10 min.
- making puree - 10 min.
- setting the table - 10 min.
Total: 60 min.

Competition "Logic"
Leading: Economics is a complex but interesting science. People working in this industry should be able to quickly and correctly make independent decisions, and for this you need to be not only knowledgeable and able, but also thinking.
1. The guys saw logs into meter-long pieces. Sawing one such piece takes one minute. In how many minutes will they cut a log 5 meters long?
Answer: 4 minutes.
2. Two diggers dig two meters of ditch in two hours. How many diggers will dig a 5 meter ditch in five hours?
Answer: 2 excavators.
3. One person bought three goats and paid 3 rubles. The question is: why did each goat go?
Answer: on the ground.
4. The miller came to the mill. In each of the four corners, he saw 3 bags, each bag had three cats, and each cat had three kittens with it. The question is whether there were many legs in the mill.
Answer: two legs.
5. Ducks flew: one in front and two behind, one behind and two in front, one between two and three hardly. How many ducks flew in total?
Answer: there were three ducks in all, one after the other.
6. What can it be: two heads, two arms and six legs, but only four in walking?
Answer: rider on a horse.
7. Two fathers and two sons caught three hares, and each got one hare. The question is, how could this happen?
Answer: they were grandfather, his son and grandson.

Competition "In the supermarket"
Leading: The next task is very close in nature to the original definition of the word "economy", that is, it is related to housekeeping. You have to go to the store and buy groceries.
Exercise: the player of the first team names a food product that can be purchased in a modern supermarket, a participant from the second team names the product with the last letter, etc. Anyone who cannot quickly name a product with the correct letter is out of the game. The game continues until one player remains.
For example: M I'm with ABOUT koro TO olbas A Briko WITH methane...

Competition "Geometric Run"
Leading: Guys, many of you, as adults, will probably want to open your own business, go into business. And business is certainly risky work. And right now you will start overcoming the obstacle in the Geometric Run competition.
Representatives of the teams pull out cards with tasks.
Tasks of the competition "Geometric Run"
1. Run in a triangle
2. Run dotted line
3. Run around
4. Run with an oblique ruler
5. Run in an oval
6. Run with a rectangle, etc.
The jury sums up the results of 2 competitions.

Competition "Name a profession"
Leading: Guys, of course, you will agree with me that such behavioral traits as tact, politeness, delicacy are necessary not only for the ability to behave in society, but also for everyday life. It is the image of a person in any profession that guarantees both the success of the activity and satisfaction from it.
Team representatives pull out cards with the name of the profession and show it in pantomime. Other teams guess this profession.
Profession options: a hairdresser, a computer engineer, a salesman, a doctor, a teacher, an astronomer, a gardener, a driver, a cook, a janitor, an artist, an athlete.
Leading: And what qualities distinguish people of economic professions?
Student responses: wit, resourcefulness, deceit, etc.

Competition "Advertising"
Leading: What do you think is the key to commercial success?
Student responses.
Commercial success depends on how the production activity is aimed at studying the needs of people and creating a new product.
Everyone is well aware of the expression "Advertising is the engine of trade." What is advertising?
Student responses.
Advertising is the activity of acquainting people with goods and promoting them to the market.
Leading: What types of advertisements do you know?
Answer:television advertising, advertisement in newspapers and magazines, mailing, outdoor, exhibitions and sales, product packaging.
And now we will visit the presentation of your creative work.
Teams show homework "Advertising".
The jury sums up the results of 2 competitions and the whole game.
Winner's reward ceremony.

1. Sinking ship

Develops the ability to adapt.

Equipment needed: Rope, blanket, or duct tape to mark the spot on the floor.

Rules of the game. Mark with a rope (blanket, duct tape) a limited area on the floor, and have your team stand on it. Gradually reduce this space over 10-15 minutes, and let the participants find a way to keep each other inside and not “fall overboard”.

2. spaghetti and marshmallow tower

Equipment Required: 20 pieces of raw spaghetti, one roll of duct tape, one meter piece of string and one marshmallow for each team.

Rules of the game. Your goal is to build the highest tower capable of standing on its own, ahead of the opposing teams. If you want to complicate the game, put an additional condition: the marshmallow must be at the top of the tower and used as a "dome". This exercise teaches active thinking, as well as strengthens team spirit and develops leadership skills.

3. eggfall

Develops teamwork skills and the ability to make decisions.

Required equipment: a dozen eggs; building materials (newspapers, straws for cocktails, duct tape, cling film, balloons, rubber bands, ice cream sticks, etc.); a tarp or protective sheet, a parking lot, or any area where you are not afraid to litter.

Rules of the game. Each team receives an egg and chooses building materials for themselves. In 20-30 minutes, participants must build a protective container that will not allow the egg to break. Then drop the egg containers from a height (from a high table or even from the second floor) and see whose egg doesn't break. If several eggs survive, gradually increase the drop height until only one winner remains.

4. locked up

Develops communication and decision making skills.

Required equipment: office.

Rules of the game. Imagine that your team is locked in an office. All doors are locked, you can not break them or knock out windows. In 30 minutes, team members must select 10 common items from your office that they need to survive, and arrange them in order of importance. The goal is to discuss the proposed lists and order of items in thirty minutes and come to an agreement.

Games that develop creativity in problem solving

5. Lego

Equipment needed: Lego set.

Rules of the game. Break into small teams of two or more members. Choose a leader who is not included in any of the teams, who must build an arbitrary structure from Lego blocks in 10 minutes. After that, the teams have 15 minutes to accurately reproduce this design using blocks of the same color and shape.But only one participant from each team can see the original design. This participant will have to clearly and accurately describe the dimensions, colors and shape of the original structure. If this seems too easy for you, forbid the “seeing” participant from touching the structure that his team is building. This game will help you understand the importance of effective communication.

6. The escape

Develops teamwork skills.

Equipment needed: 1 rope, 1 key, a locked room and 5-10 riddles or puzzles depending on how much time you want to spend playing the game.

Rules of the game. The goal of this exercise is to get out of the locked room within the allotted time by finding the key with the help of prepared clues. The key and clues must be hidden in advance. The team is locked in a room, and in 30 minutes or one hour, the players must find the key using the clues hidden here. To successfully complete the game, you need to be able to work together and brainstorm, trying to understand what this or that clue means.

7. polar explorers

Develops the ability to make decisions, the ability to adapt.

Equipment Required: Blindfolds and one pack of "building materials" (sheets of cardboard, toothpicks, rubber bands or stickers) per team, electric fan.

Rules of the game. Imagine that you are the brave explorers of the Arctic, wandering through the icy wilderness. In each team, choose an "expedition leader". In 30 minutes, a snowstorm is about to hit, and each team needs to build a shelter to stay alive. Unfortunately, the head of the expedition has frostbite on his hands, so that he cannot participate in the construction, and the rest have snow blindness and cannot see. After 30 minutes, turn on the fan and see whose shelter survives.

8. Minefield

Develops communication skills.

Equipment needed: An empty room or hallway, blindfolds, and a set of common office supplies.

Rules of the game. Scatter objects (boxes, office chairs, water bottles, etc.) randomly on the floor so you can't walk from one end of the room to the other without bumping into something. Divide the participants into pairs, and blindfold one of the partners. The second must lead his partner from one end of the "minefield" to the other so as not to hit a single mine. However, he does not have the right to touch his partner. If you want to complicate the task, launch all the pairs into the "minefield" at the same time, so that the players have to listen more carefully to the instructions of their "escorts".

9. blind figures

Develops communication skills.

Equipment needed: blindfolds, rope.

Rules of the game. Players put on bandages and stand in a circle. The ends of the rope are tied together, and it is placed in front of the participants also in the form of a circle - so that each of the players can bend down and feel it. The host tells the players to pick up the rope and use it to form a geometric figure: a square, a triangle, a rectangle, etc. The players can talk, but they cannot remove the bandages. If you have a lot of participants, they can be divided into teams and given a rope to each of the teams. The team that builds the desired figure faster will win.

Simple and easy games that develop problem solving skills

10. Blind formation

Develops communication skills.

Equipment needed: eye patches.

Rules of the game. The participants are blindfolded, and then the facilitator whispers a number to each player, starting from one. Then the participants should line up in ascending order of their numbers, without talking among themselves. You can also line up not by numbers, but by height, age, birthdays, etc.

11. flip the pyramid

Required equipment: not needed.

Rules of the game. Participants become so as to form a pyramid, like balls in a billiards. Then the facilitator says that three of the team members must move in such a way that the top and bottom of the pyramid are reversed. It is best to do this exercise in a large group, which can be divided into small teams and see who turns the pyramid faster.

12. Changing places

Develops adaptability and teamwork skills.

Equipment needed: chalk, string, duct tape, paper (to mark where you can stand).

Rules of the game. Divide the group of players into two teams and line them up in two lines facing each other. Using chalk, duct tape, string, or sheets of paper (depending on what floor you're playing on) mark the place where each player stands, as well as one additional empty space between the two lines. The goal is to have the ranks swap places.

Avtori: Shiryaeva V.V., Deputy Director for SD, Smirnova V.N., teacher of special disciplines, GBOU SPO MKMP

Methodical development

for vocational guidance of schoolchildren

Economic game "ENTERPRISE"

Explanatory note

“Take hold of what you are akin to, if you want,

so that in business there was a successful end "

I.A. Krylov

Every high school student is faced with the problem of choosing a future professional activity. In the modern world, there are more than 10 thousand professions.

A profession is a kind of labor activity that requires special training (knowledge, practical skills, competencies). Choosing a profession is a difficult and responsible step in the life of every person. Choosing the right profession means finding your place in life. However, along the way, students face various surprises, obstacles, and difficulties. This is due to a lack of awareness about the world of professions, a lack of knowledge about the professions themselves and the requirements that apply to workers.

Today, in career guidance work, the interaction of the senior level of the school with educational institutions of the vocational education system is relevant. The purpose of this interaction is to provide career guidance support to school students in the process of choosing a profile of study and the scope of future professional activity, professional self-determination of students in accordance with their capabilities, abilities and taking into account potential employers.

The novelty of the presented development lies in the fact that it differs from the traditional, most commonly used forms of career guidance work (professional testing, excursions to production, career fairs, etc.). Carrying out career guidance in the form of a business game:

1. enhances the interest of its participants in a deeper understanding of the world of professions;

2. is highly productive and efficient;

3. activates the creative, cognitive activity of schoolchildren in the field of choosing a profession;

4. contributes to the consolidation of already acquired knowledge about professions in the framework of school lessons on professional self-determination.

The presented business economic game is of practical importance not only for improving career guidance. She can also complete the school course "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship". The game can be played standalone or included in a series of themed games.

Socio-economic transformations in our country predetermined the emergence and development of entrepreneurial activity.

One of the activities of SBEI SPO MKMP is the training of graduates in the specialties of the economic cycle. To master these specialties, knowledge of the basics of entrepreneurial activity is necessary.

The economic business game "Entrepreneurship" is held to introduce students in grades 9-11 to such popular and sought-after professions as a manager, businessman, economist, etc. The participants get acquainted with the game immediately before it starts. The form of the game is team. The venue is a large auditorium or assembly hall. Preparatory work for the game is to prepare handouts for the competitive tasks. The working group and moderators are students of the College. The involvement of students in the game is due to the better perception of the material by schoolchildren, due to the small age difference between the participants in the game and the presenters.

The business game contributes to the manifestation of such personal qualities of the participants as discipline, responsibility, a sense of duty, the ability to work in a team and creates conditions for a great emotional involvement of the players in the process.

Summing up the results of the game is accompanied by the presentation of prizes, specially established awards for individual stages of the game and serves as a motivation factor for further acquaintance with the professions of an economic orientation and the choice of an educational institution of secondary vocational education.


The overall positive result of the work is highlighted;

highlights the positions occupied by the teams;

analysis of correct and incorrect decisions;

· substantiate optimal approaches to solving tasks;

· outlines the range of knowledge and skills necessary for the study of professions of economic orientation.

Business game scenario


The purpose of the game is to introduce the participants of the game to the basic concepts of entrepreneurial activity.

1. formation of group work skills;

2. assess your readiness for professional activities in the field of entrepreneurship;

3. professional orientation in the specialties "Economics and Accounting", "Commerce"


1. multimedia complex;

2. handout: task cards, puzzles, crossword puzzles;

3. stationery

Event progress

1. Organizational moment (5-8 min.)

Participants get acquainted with the competitive program, the composition of the jury.

Formation of two teams of 7-10 people, the choice of captains.

Each team comes up with a name and motto.

Command presentation.

Teams receive a competition task.

2. Fulfillment of competitive tasks.

1. Competition "Find a Pair" Task completion time 10 min.

Task: each team is given task cards. It is necessary to divide the words into parts that could serve as parts of new words (names of some professions and economic concepts).

Example: PROG-rama and hyp-NOZ = FORECAST

The winner is the team whose members, in a certain time, find a pair of two parts of different words, make up a new word.

Task for 1 team Task for 2 team:
















2. Puzzles. Estimated time to complete the task is 6-8 minutes.

Task: each team is given an equal number of puzzle cards, in which some concepts of career guidance are encrypted. Decipher them. The team that solves all the puzzles the fastest wins.

3. Competition of captains. Metagrams.

Estimated time to complete the task is 3-5 minutes.

A metagram is a riddle in which a word gets a new meaning from a word by replacing one letter with another.

Example: BARGE - EXCHANGE, HONOR - flattery.

Task: Captains receive two task cards with metagrams. The team whose captain completes the task the fastest wins.

Task for 1 team:

With the letter "T" verses sound from the stage,

songs and musical performance.

With "H" - enterprises of the form of association.

(concerT - concern)

With "A" - I'm striped and soft,

Convenient for adults and children.

With "O" - I have gold anchors on the ribbons.

On the yards and on the mast I climb like a cat.

(mattrAs - sailor)

Task for 2 teams:

In the shop and market

You can easily find me.

If you change "T" to "P",

I will become a profession

And you will see me in the kitchen.

(Product - Cook)

With the letter "O" goods are exported from the country.

And with "E" - permission specialist

Controversial and difficult issues between people.


4. Five "I"

There are many words in the world of words,

Which at the end contain "I".

You have met these words more than once,

Let them talk.

Task for 1 team:

1. adapts us to the surrounding life and work (adaptation)

2. brings the owner a permanent dividend (share)

3. brings people together (association)

4. investment in business (investment)

5. reduces the amount of paper money people have (deflation)

Task for 2 teams:

1. rivalry between business people (competition)

2. helps to choose a profession (career guidance)

1. creates a small business (cooperation)

4.brings the owner an annual percentage income (bond)

5. Transfers a part of state property to a person (privatization)

5. Come on, collect!

Task: each team receives a set with an equal number of cards. Each set contains cards with letters, blank cards represent spaces between words. The 1st team has the first part of the proverb about labor, the second team has the second part of the same proverb.

Hint: in the first part of the proverb there is a negative particle and a verb, the second part of the proverb starts with a dash and also contains a verb.

Answer: Do not hurry with your tongue - hurry with your deeds.


1. Didactic material for the course "Your professional career". Book. for the teacher / I.P. Arefiev, T.V. Vasilyeva, A.Ya. Zhurkin and others. Ed. S.N. Chistyakova. - M.: Enlightenment, 1998

2. Your professional career: textbook. for 8-11 cells. general education institutions / M.S. Gutkin, G.F. Mikhalchenko, A.V. Prudilo and others. Ed. S.N. Chistyakova, T.I. Shalavina - M .: Enlightenment, 1998

3. Trainev V.A. Educational business games in pedagogy, economics, management, management, marketing, sociology, psychology: methodology and practice of conducting: textbook. allowance for university students - M.: Gumanitar. ed. center VLADOS, 2005

4. Firsov E.G. Economy. Intellectual games for schoolchildren. - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1998

Extra-curricular activity for younger students on the topic "Social and domestic orientation"

Economic game for children 7-8 years old

Goals: to introduce children to the concepts: "economy", "property", "product", "money", "price", "deal", "partners", "barter", "buyer-seller"; promote the development of business qualities: thrift, practicality.

Equipment: cards with economic terms; crossword diagram, colorfully designed title of the topic.

Lesson progress

I. Introduction.

Introductory conversation.

Telegram! Telegram!

I can't believe my eyes!

Departs, takes off

Comes to visit us

The famous Chyoyadam!

The whole apartment ran here:

Uncle Borya, aunt Ira,

Mom, grandmother and grandfather,

A neighbor peeked out the door:

Is this true or not?!

Even dad, hearing this,

Came from the office

Is it really Chtoyadam

Is he really coming to us?

Yes! Mom said. -

Here is the telegram!

Here is a neighbor, and grandfather, and uncle

They shouted, looking out the windows:


I looked and at that moment

From the plane someone - jump!

The famous Chtoyadam

Jumped straight from the sky to us.

And race to him

All boys, all girls:

Whattoyadam! Whattoyadam!

Did you bring toys for us?

I raced like a rocket

I brought you everything in the world!

In my suitcase

Three cars, two horses,

Airplane and scooter

Chocolate and marmalade...

Run up, come up!

Choose what you want!

Here is the wizard Chtoyadam

Opens the suitcase.

Stroking each top,

Give everyone a toy.

Come on, enough for everyone!

I give everything to you for good!

Is this wonderful poem more like a true story or a fairy tale?

Can we buy something in real life without paying for the product? (No)

If we need an item, how do we proceed in this case? (We go to the store, to the market, we buy the necessary thing)

Conclusion: so we will talk with you about what a commodity, money, economy, partners and partnership, barter and a deal, property and what it is like.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Terminological work.

1) Economy.

People have always exchanged goods - furniture for clothes, clothes for fruits and vegetables, fruits and vegetables for bread, etc. But not always

you can find the item you want to exchange. To make it easier to change, people invented money. Now you can buy a lot of them. And there are so many useful and beautiful things in the world! Where can you get money now? There are many ways. Have you read E. Uspensky's "Vacation in Prostokvashino"? What did Uncle Fyodor say? (Let's go look for a treasure)

You can quote the passage.

Treasure is, of course, wonderful, but very frivolous. People earn money with their talent, knowledge, skill.

Everyone wants to get their hair done by a clever hairdresser, look at a famous magician, get to a wise doctor. Thousands of people gather to marvel at strongmen lifting heavy weights, to listen to singers and musicians, to see the paintings of great artists.

In order to have enough money, one must be able to make things that people need: beautiful dishes, embroidered towels, warm clothes, comfortable shoes, colorful pencils, etc. Then people will willingly give their money for such work.

So what is economics? (From the Greek "oikonomike", literally - the art of housekeeping)

What does it mean to do housework? (Properly distribute the family budget)

Now the word economy means the planned management of the country's economy. Where you also need to cook food, sew clothes, make toys, publish books, build houses for all residents, lay roads.

2) Acquaintance with the concept of "property".

What is this property? (Property is something that belongs to one person or group of people)

Guys, name your personal things. (Coat, dress, shoes, books, toys, etc.)

Each of you has personal things - they belong only to you. This is your personal property. (There are various things of children on the table)

Guys, sort out your personal belongings, personal property.

(Children understand)

A house or an apartment, a car, a dacha, a garage is the personal property of your parents, the personal property of your family.

And theaters, roads, railway stations, schools - this belongs to the state and is state property.

So what is property? (Property is personal and state)

3) Acquaintance with the concept of "product".

When does property become a commodity?

Your family has a car, but your parents decide to sell it, and the car turns from property into a commodity.

One entrepreneur wants to buy into personal property from the state or another person, for example, a cinema building, this building becomes a commodity.

You are a stamp collector. You have the same brands, and you wanted to change the same ones for new ones. Your brands become a commodity.

What is a commodity?

A commodity is a product of labor produced for exchange (sale).

4) Money, partners, barter, deal.

Your parents decided to sell the car. What do they want to get? (Money)

What is money? (Money is securities)

Parents find a buyer and agree on the price, the time of sale, the term of payment. They made a deal and became partners.

You decide to change one brand for another, without the participation of money. The exchange of goods without the participation of money is called barter. And such an agreement is called a barter transaction.

2. Role playing.

1) Play situations.

Buyer - seller

Masha has grown a lot of vegetables in the garden. She decided to sell them. Vegetables became a commodity, and Masha became a seller. At the bazaar, I put a price tag on every vegetable. The buyer came, chose the goods, paid the money and took the goods.


Vova wants to sell a music CD, Kolya wants to buy a music CD. Vova sets the price, but Kolya does not have enough money for this purchase. They agree on the price, time of sale, meeting place. The boys became partners. When Kolya buys the goods, and Vova sells, then they will make a deal.

barter deal

Olya has books and Tanya has books. They have already read them and want to have other books. They agree on the exchange of books, that is, they change with each other. They made a barter deal.

2) Solving a crossword puzzle.

1. What is the name of something that belongs to one person or group of people? (Own)

2. Planned housekeeping. (Economy)

3. What is the name of the contract between people who want to buy, sell, exchange something? (Deal)

4. What does property become if they want to sell it, exchange it? (Product)

5. What are the names of the securities with which purchases are made? (Money)

6. What is the name of the person who sells the goods? (Salesman)

7. Exchange of goods without the participation of money. (Barter)

3) Reading by roles of the poem by A. L. Barto "Kopeikin".

Weekday and weekend

Distributed behind the wall:

Brother. Will you take me to the beach?

Sister. Clear my pencil!

Kopeikin. What will you give me for this?

Alexey came from school,

He's the one doing the bidding.

I recognize his steps

He charges everyone.

Buttoned up my brother's pants -

I took half a cookie from him for the care.

Grandfather. Raise your glasses, darling! -

With the request of the grandfather to him.

Dear granddaughter answers.

Kopeikin. Give me ten, I'll raise it.

Alexey came from school.

He has now figured it out.


If I learn the verbs

I give myself a nickel.

If I learn prefixes,

I need a raise.

Weekday and weekend

Distributed behind the wall.

Alik, help grandfather

To reach the eighth floor?

Kopeikin. What will you give me for this?

What can be said about the act of Alexei?

What conclusion can be drawn from this poem? (Economy and greed (stinginess) are different concepts)

III. Summary of the lesson.

Teacher. If you do something useful and do it well, then wealth will always be at your fingertips.

Money can be used in different ways. Some save them, while they themselves live in poverty. Others spend, but also do not benefit from it: why an expensive carpet if it does not lie under our feet? Why a warm coat if it is not worn in the cold? Why decorations if they are hidden in a chest?

Remember: things should not be accumulated in vain and lie unnecessarily. They are needed to be useful. Why does an artist need a tractor? He needs bright colors and soft brushes. But a farmer who grows bread will not do without a tractor. Every thing has its owner. Never buy what you don't need. Favorite business is our main wealth, our treasure. And in order to be able to do something, so that your favorite thing still appears, you need to study. I wish you success!

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