School horoscope: how do different zodiac signs learn? School horoscope Luck or charisma.


I have already talked about the features of the early development of children born under one sign or another. Today I propose to continue this topic and consider a brief school horoscope, from which parents will learn about how their children will perform in elementary school.

School zodiac for "fiery" signs


Tomboys and fidgets in everyday life, these children quickly become unspoken leaders in the class, without even bearing the title of "headman", etc. Often influence their peers, create companies, take an active part in the social life of the class.

Aries learn with varying degrees of success. By nature, these children are endowed with the ability to grasp everything on the fly, they are prone to technical sciences, crafts and sports. But they lack the perseverance and patience necessary to consolidate the material covered. Therefore, the assessments in their diaries are surprising in variety.

And the tendency to get involved (and more often organize) some kind of adventure often makes parents blush at meetings.

Representatives of the lion sign from an early age are accustomed to being the center of attention of others. This trend is also seen in schools. The only question is how exactly: will it be an excellent study, an outstanding appearance, a “royal” demeanor or something else.

And although they rarely claim the laurels of excellent students, they still try not to start their studies, if only in order to avoid a public thrashing from the teacher (after all, these children cannot afford to appear in a bad light in front of their classmates!).

They like to participate in the social life of the class, often becoming its "star". And if a theater studio is organized at the school, then there will be no limit to their happiness.


Parents with these students will be both easy and difficult at the same time.

Sagittarians grasp everything quickly, go to school with pleasure, teachers speak of them as capable children who "if they want, they can study better ...". Even without having learned a lesson, they are able to master all the material covered during the break and prove their knowledge at the blackboard. But getting them to do their homework well is worth a lot. The desire to take a walk, chat or organize some kind of adventure often takes precedence over the need to sit at textbooks.

In addition, if Sagittarius did not like some object, then it will not be easy to overcome it! In this case, it is better to find a good tutor for the child.

Favorite subjects at school are geography and foreign languages, the propensity for which Sagittarius can manifest itself quite early. Parents should strongly encourage such.

School horoscope for "earth" signs


Unlike their closest zodiacal "neighbors" - Aries and Gemini, new material can be given to these children with difficulty, but thanks to their perseverance, they will "finish off" any topic and, if necessary, simply memorize it. Therefore, they study well. Show a craving for the humanities.

At school, they are loved by teachers and sympathized by peers. But if they don’t get along with one of the students or teachers, then the conflict can smolder for years, then fading, then flaring up with renewed vigor. Blame their innate stubbornness and uncompromisingness.


In the classroom, they are quiet and diligent students. These children surprisingly combine perseverance, analytical thinking and a thirst for knowledge. Parents don't have to remind them to do their homework, go to the library, or study for tests.

There are many excellent students among them. And even if the Virgos do not grab the stars from the sky, they still study well. At the same time, inclinations can feed on the exact sciences. Often, even in elementary school, they decide on their professional choice.


Bad weather serious children. They are responsible for schoolwork. Not doing homework, indulging in laziness, and even more so skipping a lesson - this is not about them!

Perhaps, even without a pronounced ability in the sciences, Capricorns will be persistent in their studies, intuitively understanding that school education is the first step in their long ascent to success, goals and aspirations.

School zodiac for "air" signs


That's who goes to school with pleasure! For Gemini, school is at the same time a place to gain knowledge, a club of interests and an inexhaustible source of communication. Their on-duty remark in the diary “I was talking in class!..”

Basically, they study well, they absorb new material like a sponge, while in some subjects they can become leaders so much that they are simply dragged to the Olympiads. Gemini tendencies are universal and can manifest themselves in any discipline.

However, the natural restlessness and anxiety of these children often leads to superficial knowledge.


Representatives of this sign at school manage to do everything: learn, make friends, and participate in some events. For them, the educational process is just a backdrop against which the “main” events of their school life unfold.

Rarely conflict with students and always try to reconcile everyone with everyone. I think if there was one Libra child for every five students in the classes, then amazing harmony would reign in the schools, there would be no fights and other incidents.

They do not have any special problems with their studies, but only until natural laziness begins to overcome them. Therefore, parents should strictly control the performance of their children's homework and the assimilation of the material covered.


They are somewhat similar to the children of Capricorns: they are just as responsible and hardworking, but much more flexible and quick-witted. They often make great progress at school in one subject, with which they often associate their professional future in the future.

The problem of Aquarius is connected with their irrepressible love of freedom. Being squeezed into the confines of school discipline and routine duties, they may attempt "riots" that parents should nip in the bud (but only with the "cut carrot" method).

Aquarians love holidays more than other children!

School horoscope for "water" signs

For these children, the atmosphere that develops in the classroom is important. If they manage to quickly get along with the teacher and classmates, then they will study with pleasure. Most often, calm and diligent Cancers become the favorites of teachers who help and cheer them in every possible way.

But if such a child feels uncomfortable in the classroom for a long time and all measures taken in connection with this turned out to be in vain, then it would be better to transfer him to another educational institution or simply to a parallel class within the same school (having previously discussed everything with his son / daughter possible options).

Cancers are inclined towards the humanities, especially literature, the lessons of which often become their favorite.


As in the case of other water signs, everything here depends on the specific conditions in which the child will find himself. But unlike Cancers, who will silently keep everything in themselves or Pisces, who can burst into tears and complain, Scorpio children, having accumulated negativity and resentment, will simply take and give their offender a good beating.

Therefore, in the “bad” class they are fighters and ringleaders, and in the “good” class they are stubborn students who amaze teachers with the depth of their understanding, and who have earned respect among classmates with their fearlessness and ability to stand up for themselves and their comrades.

Like their Aries counterparts, these kids are drawn to the technical group of disciplines.


Most often, quiet people in the class devote a lot of time to lessons, so there are many excellent students among them or simply consistently successful students. Their stumbling block is inattention and lack of concentration, with which, however, they are able to cope.

But, if they are most often in order with their studies, then participation in the public life of the school for them, due to natural shyness, can cause discomfort. In addition, like representatives of other signs of the water element, Pisces, like a sponge, absorb the atmosphere that prevails in the classroom. Therefore, it is fundamentally important for them to be in a friendly environment.

The sign of the Zodiac affects many things, including the ability to study and master information. Astro7 expert Stella Mira spoke about the features of each of them.

Astro7 expert


Classical representatives of the zodiac sign Aries would not have a price in their studies on one condition - if they could sit in one place enough time. Such students are restless, it is difficult for them to sit quietly for a whole lesson at school (and even more so for a couple at the university), they spin in place and distract other students. Aries are quick-witted and grasp educational material literally on the fly. Unfortunately, they forget all the information as soon as they answered the teacher's questions and received their well-deserved 5 points. For many years, only the information that evoked a spiritual response from the representatives of this zodiac sign was remembered, was really interesting and useful.


Unlike restless Aries, Taurus is assiduous. Both girls and guys. Such students learn new knowledge somewhat more slowly than others; for comfortable learning, they need peace and quiet. But, rest assured, what Taurus once learned, they will remember for many, many years. They have an amazing talent - they are able not only to memorize new knowledge, but also to apply it in practice. A typical Taurus, having learned a dozen rules of English grammar, will immediately begin to look for successful examples of their use in their favorite books.



The classic Gemini is almost always the teacher's favorite. They easily grasp information without needing a calm atmosphere, like Taurus. Sometimes it seems that they are able to keep a million formulas and rules in their heads. Gemini is a walking reference book that can instantly give all the necessary information on request. But, it was not without a fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey. Gemini is just as restless as Aries. This shortcoming is offset by an excellent memory and quick wits. They just need to go over the pages of the textbook to remember the information for a long time.


Teachers do not like representatives of the Zodiac sign Cancer, since such students are characterized by instability and changeability of their mood. Yesterday, the student flipped through the textbooks with joy in his eyes and answered all the questions of the teacher, and today he plays a naval battle with a neighbor on his desk and shows absolutely no interest in learning. It is almost impossible to achieve any kind of stability. Cancers are controlled by the Moon, which is changing rapidly and just as quickly changing its wards. In order for students to normally learn new knowledge, teachers must interest them. In the absence of emotional coloring, it will not be easy to achieve reciprocity.

a lion

In a kind of rating of teachers' favorites, Lions occupy an honorable second place, passing only Gemini in front of them. The classic representatives of the Leo zodiac sign will do everything to earn the favor of the teaching staff of the school, college, university. They are even ready to study textbooks on mathematics and the history of the CPSU, if only to hear praise addressed to them within the walls of the educational institution. Lions will not miss the chance to show off their knowledge, not only for the sake of a good grade, but also in order to make a good impression on an interlocutor who loves his subject. A teacher who is crazy about his math and physics is easy prey for the Lions. It is for this reason, and not because of the love of science, that there are many excellent students among them. More than any other zodiac sign! Royal students learn new knowledge well, prefer to study in order to look smart enough in society.


The punctuality and pedantry that distinguish representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign in everyday life also affect their studies. They try to memorize new knowledge in the smallest detail, so as not to lose sight of anything. To some, such tediousness will seem superfluous, but not for Virgo students. Such dedication cannot go unnoticed by teachers. The teaching staff loves and appreciates such students. You can always count on the classic Virgos, they will not forget anything and will not let anyone down.


If other signs of the Zodiac are trying to win the love of the teaching staff with the help of knowledge, then Libra is their beautiful presentation. They will be able to tell even the usual homework in chemistry in such a way that the whole class will hear. But Libra needs time to absorb large amounts of information, as they are very sensitive to intellectual overload. Unfortunately, they cannot learn too much information in one sitting. Scales should calmly put everything on the shelves, which will take a lot of time. In stressful situations, they quickly get tired and can even get sick, which is especially noticeable before tests, exams and olympiads.


Representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio are meticulous, which is especially noticeable in relation to their favorite subjects. Does your little Scorpio love math? Rest assured, he will study it as thoroughly as possible. It will seem that he is a real encyclopedia of mathematical formulas and calculations. But it wasn't without drawbacks either. If they don’t like any of the subjects (maybe even all, with the exception of one), it will be almost impossible to get knowledge from Scorpios at least for a solid “C grade”. Forcing them to study is beyond the power of either the parents or the teaching staff. It is for this reason that there are not so many excellent students among the classic Scorpios.


Sagittarians, unlike the classic Scorpios, are inquisitive students who love to learn. They get a lot of pleasure not only from good grades and recognition of the teaching staff, but also from the learning process itself. Only for this they are ready to love teachers. Among adult Sagittarius there are many scientists involved in complex sciences, reputable teachers.


The classic Capricorn students are to some extent similar to the classic Virgos. They are distinguished by perseverance and diligence, they absorb new knowledge well. Capricorns are purposeful, so they need to understand why they need kilometer-long formulas in mathematics, tons of rules for English grammar. As soon as they decide that this knowledge will help them take a leadership position in an international company, they will immediately begin their studies. Capricorns learn new knowledge not as quickly as others, but they remember them for a long time.


Of all the signs of the zodiac, the classic Aquarians are the worst learners. Yes, they are smart. Yes, they show an increased interest in technology, computers and programming. But lack of assembly does not allow Aquarius to show their own talents to the fullest. In studies, such students are characterized by instability and instability. Interesting items will be honored with their attention, uninteresting ones will be abandoned on the far shelf. Only a wise teacher can find an approach to classical Aquarius.


The classic representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign are too dependent on their own mood to study with stable success. For them, it is important not only their own mood, but also the atmosphere within the walls of the educational institution, understanding from the teaching staff. If the teacher cannot establish emotional contact with them, Pisces, even if they have natural abilities for the subject, will not teach him. If the teacher can establish good contact with them, they will become diligent students.

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This academic year, from the point of view of astrology, will be easier than the previous one. Children will be more collected and diligent. Mercury, which is responsible for memory, intelligence, learning and communication with others, will positively influence all signs of the zodiac.
The first quarter will pass with a bang, the second will be a little more difficult.

The third quarter will not be too long and boring. At the end of the year, many children will have an interest in technology and personal activities.


The problem with this sign is that it lacks effort. The brain is fast and tenacious, however, there is an effect of “it flew in one ear, flew out the other”. You need to praise this sign all the time in order to achieve a good result. Aries are very ambitious. Any good assessment should be noticed, celebrated. Prefers to handle everything on his own.

This sign needs more time to absorb, learn and remember information. The most calm and detailed sign. Taurus should have a clear schedule, he needs more time to prepare. It is not necessary to verbally praise Taurus, it is better to hug and stroke. Doesn't need supervision.

Usually this sign does not have problems in school. This sign tries to learn everything at once, but does not finish what they started. He needs to be given several tasks at the same time so that he can change the type of activity and not be bored. It is advisable to do the task with other children or with a parent. They are interested in everything new and unexplored.

Shy and gentle, attached to home and parents. You should not send to school at the age of six, if possible - focus on home education. They will be happy to do homework with their parents and grandmother. These are very sensitive children who require special attention. You need to criticize and scold carefully, otherwise the child may withdraw into himself.
a lion

Be sure to offer the children of this sign activities related to the stage. A theater studio, singing or dancing are ideal extracurricular activities for a Leo. This sign loves attention, it broadcasts and listens to itself. Game teaching methods are suitable. This sign needs spectators, Lions are very fond of going to the board. At the same time, they try their best not to lose face.

He likes everything to be clear, laid out on the shelves. Virgos have a good memory and attention, usually they have no problems with their studies. However, sometimes they are like little adults: a little boring, clean. Virgos are very attentive to their health and are somewhat squeamish. Virgos need to express their respect for them, praise them, set some “adult” tasks.

They do not like to be ahead of the rest, rather they try to be the golden mean, they are solid good guys. Do not forbid them to bring friends to the house and chat with classmates - they love socializing in a team.

He has a hard time studying. This is a very sensitive and vulnerable sign, and at the same time cunning manipulators. Scorpio is very greedy for the emotions of parents in order to twist ropes from this sign - cry and be offended.

Disorganizer of the group, mass entertainer, truant. He needs to set big and global goals, for example, to graduate from school with a gold medal. Sagittarius is great at foreign languages ​​and history.

They have a very clear, concrete mind. They are laconic, speak briefly, succinctly and to the point, so it is difficult for them to write essays. With it, you can build commodity-money relations in your studies, you must have a reward system.

This sign has scattered attention. He will like space and aviation. Volodya is interested in everything unusual and unknown. You need to be friends with Aquarius, he knows how and loves to do this. The opinion of friends for Aquarius is often more important than the opinion of parents. Let him spend time at home with friends. Aquarius is addicted to the same activities as his friends.

Emotional and very musical sign. As a rule, he does not study very well, has problems with perseverance, hovers in the clouds and lives in his own world. It is worth developing creative and creative sides.

1. Aries
Aries have a lively mind: they grasp everything on the fly, but there is also the other side of the coin - they forget everything they learn just as quickly. Aries learn new material in seconds. The challenge is to keep Aries interested in whatever they do.

In addition, Aries may have problems with discipline at school. It is not easy to explain to Aries what exactly should be done and how: it all depends on the sauce under which the explanation is presented. But for the sake of a teacher who inspires, Aries is ready for anything.

Thanks to the spirit of competition, Aries likes to prove his abilities. They strive to always be ahead. But Aries sometimes rush to conclusions, and therefore, adding 2 and 2, they get 5. They answer before they have time to think or understand the question. Aries need to learn how to focus in order to reinforce their quick wits with firmly acquired knowledge.

2. Taurus
Tauruses are usually happy to follow the routine of the school. They do not break the rules because they have an innate respect for authority and are eager to learn what they can and cannot do in order to feel more confident. School years can be the happiest time in the life of Taurus.
Practical Taurus are attracted to subjects that are more related to reasoning than to imagination. He needs more time to understand anything.

Such people do not give up and do not give up the case without trying to fulfill it. Taurus are capable of constant, measured work; they do not recognize disorder, but they know how to get to the heart of the matter and demonstrate their competence.

3. Gemini
Since Gemini is endowed with quick wit and a lively mind, they like to learn. Unfortunately, the bad thing is that their thinking often reacts negatively to formal teaching methods. The hardest thing for Gemini is to focus for a long time, because their thoughts turn to more interesting issues than chemical formulas. Gemini's thoughts jump from one subject to another, but sometimes they don't notice it.

Gemini, as a rule, do not give preference to any particular subject: they are jack-of-all-trades, they enjoy variety. In many ways, the school schedule suits them completely - Gemini has time to enjoy drawing maps, making wood crafts, learning French and playing cricket in a few morning hours. Few activities involve such a breadth of interests. Geminis love to switch from one job to another.

4. Crayfish
Since Cancer is associated with the past, people born under this sign often have a good memory, especially useful when studying. They tend to memorize facts on their own without being aware of them, they are very receptive to any ideas. But at the same time, Cancers often lack self-confidence in order to present their knowledge in the best possible way. For example, during exams, they are so nervous that the excitement prevents them from answering.

This sign usually shows a penchant for the arts, as Cancers are more capable of activities that require imagination than linear thinking. Scientific knowledge in its purest form does not arouse their interest, except in cases where it can be applied to something human.

5. Lions
Leos excel in any field, as soon as they have the opportunity to prove themselves. Literary creativity, drawing, music, dancing and sports are good opportunities to demonstrate what Leos can do, to reveal their abilities and talents. In those subjects in which they navigate less confidently, they give up - before they put in too much effort to succeed.

In the circle of classmates, Leo becomes a leader. Other children feel the strength of his character, he is dynamic, open and friendly. He is in the thick of things, and this attracts other people to him. Leo children need praise if they are to achieve the best results. Even quiet applause acts on Lviv like oil poured on a fire.

6. Virgin
In an educational institution, Virgo feels in her natural element. She likes the orderliness and rhythm of school life, which evokes a sense of purpose: surprisingly, during the holidays, Virgo can get confused, having lost the established regime. Since childhood, Virgo likes to manage her time wisely, to know what is expected of her and what lies ahead for her. Seeing clearly what her future will be, Virgo gains confidence.

Since the Virgo is hardworking, there is no need to remind her that it's time to do homework. As long as the Virgo sees the point in this or that matter, she will carry it out. She also likes to research and process research results, collect information and sort it, so it will take her a lot of time to complete the task. Virgo works diligently and consciously and never forgets anything.

7. Libra
Libras have refined, objective thinking, the ability to compare and process information. Libra likes to consider both sides of the issue, and therefore, they are especially successful in essays in which they need to substantiate their point of view. Libras strive to present their work favorably.

Libras sometimes give the impression of lazy people, but this is not so. They just don't want to make a fuss or blow off steam when faced with a problem. They are not prone to competition, so on the day of the exam, it’s not Libra themselves who will worry, but their parents.

Libras rarely have problems at school. They like an orderly life, they want to know what awaits them in the near future. Scales are not destructive by nature and thanks to respect for authority and the desire to please, they easily find a common language with teachers and make friends. Libra may have problems with school bullies, but Libra will try to win them over with flattery, not force.

8. Scorpions
Scorpio is endowed with a penetrating and inquisitive mind. By nature, Scorpio has the ability to absorb huge amounts of information, selecting the most valuable. He seeks to explore and study, he is not satisfied with a superficial understanding: if Scorpio wanted to know something, he would know the smallest details of the chosen subject.

Scorpio's tendency to see only black and white in life is reflected in his learning abilities. Scorpio either admires some object, or considers it completely unworthy of attention. If an “undesirable” subject is included in the required curriculum, then Scorpio may have problems. In essence, this is not a deliberate neglect - it's just that among Scorpios people with diverse interests rarely come across.

During exams, Scorpios know how to concentrate. Scorpios like to achieve success, set goals for themselves and move towards them.

9. Sagittarius
Sagittarius is a sign of learning, but before introducing your little Sagittarius as an Oxford student, get ready to hear the bad news: this sign lacks the ability to focus. Yes, Sagittarius has great opportunities, but he often lacks diligence. Sagittarius often fulfill the requirements of teachers, just to get rid of them, pass exams with clenched teeth, believing that there are many much more interesting things in life than memorizing chemical formulas or Latin phrases. Sagittarius' natural inclination to play means they are constantly distracted by more compelling entertainment.

For this reason, the Sagittarius child must be led, encouraged to achieve the goal. Undoubtedly, he is endowed with quick wit and enthusiasm, but immediately cools down when it comes to remembering or processing information. It is amazing that Sagittarius is able to become an inveterate student: it is he who shows an unquenchable thirst for knowledge in later life.

10. Capricorn
School for Capricorns is a natural environment. Among the routine and rules, Capricorn feels like a fish in water and feels absolute satisfaction, knowing exactly what should happen at a certain time and what is expected of him. In addition, Capricorns like the school spirit of competition and the chance to prove their abilities. Capricorns like to receive rewards for their work.

Capricorn is not belligerent by nature, he will not break the rules. He often succeeds by channeling his energy into work and goals that bring him satisfaction. Capricorns like to be leaders or among the best students, they are very serious and responsible.
For him, the measured work is important, he will not finish writing an essay at the last minute, he rarely has to be reminded of homework. Even if the subject is especially difficult for Capricorn, he is persistent, but often does not realize how well he knows those subjects that he really understands.

11. Aquarius
Since Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of lightning-fast reflexes, intuition and flashes of inspiration, the Aquarius child is destined to become a bright star. Aquarians are extremely receptive, they are natural thinkers with prudence and logic. On the other hand, Uranus is a planet of chaotic processes, which means that people born under this sign often show chaotic activity. Consequently, in some subjects, Aquarius can overtake peers, but does not perceive other subjects at all.

Aquarius is prone to scientific thinking, he is able to understand numerous figures and facts and make amazingly accurate pictures from them. People born under the sign of Aquarius also like to defend their point of view in essays, put forward arguments and explanations. But they will not necessarily adhere to the conventional wisdom.

12. Pisces
Pisces excel in any subject that requires imagination and creativity, and, in addition, they are especially successful in mastering languages ​​​​- thanks to their ability to “transform”. But where logic and reasoning are required, they are sometimes lost: their thinking is based on associations, not conclusions. This does not mean that all Pisces will not be given mathematics, but the subject should come to life for them, and not remain dry numbers. In essence, Pisces appreciate non-verbal expressions such as color, music, and movement, and sometimes show real talent in these areas.

The hardest thing for Pisces is to focus and concentrate, because their thoughts easily jump from subject to subject. Like fish in water, it's hard for Pisces' thoughts to stay in one place, and this sign also has periods of daydreaming, daydreaming, and flying into space. The strange thing is that often Pisces acquire knowledge, absorbing the atmosphere surrounding them: it seems that they do not pay attention to what was said, the words still reach them.

If the sign of the Zodiac affects our character, then why shouldn't it affect other aspects of life? For example, it is not by chance that someone becomes an excellent student at school, and someone becomes a loser, someone studies diligently, and someone is lazy ... Perhaps, knowing the astrological characteristics of your children, you can help them succeed in the educational process .

Let's make a reservation right away: there is no such sign of the Zodiac under which solid geniuses or, on the contrary, fools would be born. Everyone has the ability to assimilate various sciences, but not everyone develops them. In addition, some are inclined towards the exact sciences, others towards the humanities. Some learn on their own, while others need to be constantly prodded. But everything is in your hands!

Those born under the sign Aries, can study both excellently and poorly. It is easier for them to succeed if they have some specific task in front of them: such children have a hard time with abstract thinking. If you want your Aries child to become the first in the class, then you need to praise him more often.

Taurus like to do everything according to plan. An unexpected test can throw them off track. Therefore, it is better to draw up an action plan with them for the day, for the week, and so on, in consultation with the teacher. In order for the Taurus child to study well, it is also necessary to encourage him regularly - for example, for good academic performance, promise to buy a new computer or bicycle.

Gemini Knowledge comes easily because they have a good memory. They do best in mathematics and foreign languages. However, children born under this sign are restless, and therefore their knowledge is often superficial. They need constant supervision.

crayfish, as a rule, choose for themselves one favorite subject, which they study thoroughly. The rest teach under the mood or under duress. They have a hard time remembering different rules. It is easier for them to memorize the material with the help of figurative thinking.

lion in order for him to make progress in his studies, you must first be interested in the subject being studied. In addition, this "king of beasts" loves praise in his address. It’s worth scolding him once - the obstinate Leo can completely stop doing this subject. So refrain from swearing as much as possible.

Among Dev most often come across the so-called "walking encyclopedias". They always write off their homework, and if they seriously undertake to study something, they will certainly achieve great success in this. The main thing is not to impose your own opinion on the issues under study. Virgos love to learn and sometimes learn all their lives.

At Libra, as a rule, there are no serious problems with study. But sometimes some little thing is enough to discourage them from learning. Let's say if they don't like how the teacher or the cover of the textbook looks like, then they can "score" on this subject.

scorpions do not know the "golden mean". Either they don't study at all, or they study excellently. To avoid problems with learning, such a child needs to be constantly pulled, checked his lessons, called to the board, and so on. And then he will amaze you and teachers with his knowledge. But if you let everything take its course, then he can earn the glory of a loafer and a truant.

archers too lazy, although they have good abilities. They tend not to learn subjects, but in lessons and exams they most often get exactly those questions to which they know the answers. Truly, such a child will learn only "under duress."

main feature Capricorn- self-love. They are prone to cramming, because they can not stand if they are behind others. Most likely, Capricorn will be an excellent student at school, and adults do not need to make special efforts to force him to study - he himself will begin to lean on his studies without anyone's reminders.

At Aquarius problems with learning arise only because they are trying to drive them into the usual framework. The Aquarius child must be allowed to show freedom of thought and creativity, and then he

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