School teacher, university teacher, kindergarten teacher. Who is better to work and why


Have you noticed that teachers working in higher educational institutions are offended if they hear the word “teacher” addressed to them? A person who is far from the educational system often does not understand what is the difference between a teacher and a lecturer? But we hasten to assure you that these concepts, although similar, are not identical. What is the difference between a teacher and a teacher and what are the differences in their professional duties, we will describe below.

What is a teacher?

For many, these are synonymous words, as they are used to identify educational workers. But if you look deeper into their essence, the difference becomes obvious. Teacher and lecturer are different positions in educational institutions of different levels. These specialists are subject to various professional requirements, including a different level of training. But first, let's find out the meaning of the most general concept - "teacher".

The word "teacher" came into our language from ancient Greek and literally translates as "leading the boy." The fact is that in Ancient Hellas a slave was called a teacher, who “led”, taught and accompanied boys through life from the age of 6.

Modern pedagogy is the science of educating and educating a person.

Accordingly, a teacher today is a person who has an appropriate pedagogical education and possesses the skills necessary to carry out professional activities in the upbringing, training and education of other people.

Also, a teacher, according to the encyclopedic dictionary, is a person who is engaged in the scientific study of the problems of pedagogical theory and practice.

As you can see, "teacher" is a collective meaning applied to all workers in the educational field.

Now let's look at the difference between a teacher and a teacher.

Definition of "teacher"

A teacher is a specialist who has graduated from a pedagogical university and has begun to perform professional duties in educational institutions of primary, basic general and secondary general education.

The teacher is engaged in the education and training of the younger generation. This is a responsible profession, to the representatives of which society imposes huge demands. This is due to the fact that the teacher is a role model, a person who significantly influences the process of socialization and the formation of the child's personality. V.A. Sukhomlinsky put it this way about this profession:

The teacher is the sculptor of human souls.

Many believe that teaching is not a profession, but a vocation. After all, not every graduate of a pedagogical university is able to sleep truly as a "Teacher" with a capital letter.

Job Responsibilities

The main functional duties of the teacher are the following provisions:

  • In work, he reports directly to the director of the educational institution and his deputies.
  • Pedagogical activity is carried out in accordance with the basic laws of the state.
  • The teacher teaches and educates children in accordance with state educational standards.
  • The duties also include promoting the socialization of pupils, a positive impact on the formation of their personality, the formation of a common culture and universal values ​​in children.
  • The teacher must create conditions to ensure the safety of students during the UVP.

Definition of "teacher"

A teacher is a person who has a higher pedagogical education, often a scientific degree, and teaches subjects in secondary specialized or higher educational institutions.

The essence of the teacher's work

In their professional activities, teachers deal with an older contingent of students. Therefore, the duties of such a specialist do not include teaching the subject as such. His job is to teach, present material to students. According to developmental psychology, a feature of adolescence is the prefix "self-" to the verbs - self-learning, self-development, self-education. Therefore, most of the knowledge that such a specialist presents in his classes, students must learn on their own.

In addition to teaching, the duties of a teacher, according to the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education", include the mandatory implementation of scientific activities and the involvement of students in it. This is another feature that distinguishes a teacher from a teacher. Scientific activities include:

  • conducting lectures, practical and seminar classes;
  • curriculum development;
  • drawing up teaching aids and methodological recommendations;
  • conducting scientific research;
  • participation in scientific and scientific-practical conferences, seminars, etc.

In fairness, it should be noted that teachers are often involved in scientific activities. Especially today, when new educational standards have come into force, requiring children to be introduced to independence and partially search activity from an early age.

It is not uncommon to meet a university teacher at school. Due to low wages, teachers often combine work in different educational institutions. But it is worth remembering that when coming to school, the teacher must take into account the methods, techniques and technologies of teaching and education that are typical for school teachers. Since the specifics of general education schools and their students differ significantly from secondary specialized and higher educational institutions.


So what is the difference between a teacher and a teacher? The teacher and the teacher are teachers working in educational institutions of different levels. However, there is a significant difference between them. The peculiarity of the teacher is that he teaches, "drills", educates. Teacher - teaches his subject, shares knowledge with students, while doing scientific work. Everything is pretty simple.

We hope you got an answer to the question “What is the difference between a teacher and a teacher”.

In Russian there are three words that are used as God puts on the soul. This is a teacher, teacher and educator. The fact that these words mean something different is intuitively clear, but what exactly? And the holiday, which is "teacher's day", whose teacher is it? teacher? teacher? Is it a holiday for school workers or institute employees too? And the teacher, where does he work? Maybe in kindergarten? Or are these three words synonymous?

For a long time there was a desire to understand this issue myself and I started, of course, with dictionaries.

Teacher- TEACHER, many teachers and (bookish) teachers, male 1. (teachers obsolete). A person who teaches a subject in a lower and secondary school, teacher , school worker.

Teacher- TEACHER, husband. A person who is professionally engaged in teaching something, preferably in educational institutions. teaching in higher educational institutions, subjects that do not require special academic qualifications and do not have an academic title.

teacher- (from the Greek paidagogos - educator) - 1) a person who conducts practical work on the upbringing, education and training of children and youth and has special training in this area (teacher of a general education school, teacher vocational school, secondary specialized educational institution, kindergarten teacher, etc.). 2) A scientist who develops theoretical problems of pedagogy

Oh, this polysemantic Russian language! It seems that such a contemplative laziness inherent in Russian Emelina manifested itself in the language. Why call different objects and phenomena different words if you are too lazy to come up with a new word? Or is the problem here that the teacher, and the teacher, and the teacher do (or should do) the same thing?

Although the quote is set up in a philosophical way and speaks of the Teacher with a capital letter and his difference from the teacher, but the essence, it seems to me, is captured correctly. The teacher teaches not only his subject, but also life in general, including through the prism of his subject, and the teacher simply transfers his knowledge on a specific issue. The teacher does not impose his worldview, but helps to form his own, to reveal himself to the world in some matters, and in some to close, to protect himself from the world. For a teacher, your inner world does not matter, here they are - knowledge, if you want - take it, if you don't want - as you want. So it turns out that the "Teacher" is a rare beast and can meet (or maybe not meet) on the path of life in kindergarten, and at school, and at a technical school, and at an institute, and at work, and on a bench near the house , and in the adjacent entrance. And age, education, regalia, diplomas do not play a role in this case. And this means that a teacher in this sense can be a kindergarten worker, a school worker, or an institute worker. Well, school, respectively, may not be a teacher, but a teacher.

But this is such an everyday, non-professional philosophy. In a practical sense, there is still some difference. To become a school teacher, you need to get a special education, in which, in addition to highly professional issues in your discipline, for example, biology, they teach a lot more: pedagogy, psychology, and methods of presenting the material. A school teacher will be strictly required to have a lesson plan, dialogue with the class, breaking the lesson into parts (introduction, conclusion, knowledge control, and much more). And to use technical and visual means. And to keep the student interested. And so that the field of the board is used correctly during the recordings. And very, very much more.

To become a teacher at the institute, all this, in principle, is not required. He received some professional diploma (engineer, economist, programmer) and, in search of work, wandered into a certain university where there are not enough personnel. If you know your subject at "five", and better - at "eight", if you are not tongue-tied, if you know how to explain the incomprehensible, if you are not afraid to speak in front of people, then you can try yourself as a teacher. Having started working, you will be listed as a teacher according to the work book, but due to the lack of experience and those same teacher's special knowledge and skills, you will not become one right away. Or you won't at all. I know amazing specialists in our city who know their profession not by "eight", but by all "fifteen", but they cannot teach. And if they try, then this is torment for both the students and the teacher. Although I also know those who are a trifle in their discipline, they also bring their students to this most solid triple with a playfully confident hand.

As for the profession of a teacher, I do not really agree with the dictionary. A teacher is really an educator, but who has been specially trained to be an educator. There are, of course, teachers by vocation, but even in this case, theoretical background would not hurt. So a teacher, as a profession, is most likely a teacher in a nursery, a kindergarten, an educator (namely an educator) in a boarding school, a college. That is, where there is still a sense to educate and hope for a result. And in all other cases, this is an honorary addition to the profession of a teacher or teacher, which can be publicly or tacitly appropriated either by the students themselves, or their parents, or non-envious colleagues.

So bow to the school teachers and teachers and sincere congratulations on Teacher's Day, which, in accordance with the above, is, alas, not my holiday.

The learning process is based on obtaining certain theoretical knowledge and acquiring the skills to use it in everyday life and professional activities. It is difficult to imagine the organization of this process without the participation of teachers and teachers, whose job is to provide students with the necessary information, as well as to control the quality of its assimilation. They perform such similar functions that not many people see the difference between a teacher and a teacher. However, it exists and reflects specific professional goals.


Teacher- a specialty that is acquired by graduates of pedagogical institutes and secondary specialized educational institutions that prepare teaching staff for work in the primary grades of a general education school. When they receive a diploma, they become the main link in the educational system, which in modern conditions is focused on teaching schoolchildren to learn - to independently obtain the necessary knowledge.

Teacher- the qualification of graduates of universities, less often - academies, which gives the right to a person who has received an appropriate diploma to engage in scientific and teaching activities in the field of his specialization.


First of all, the fact that they face different tasks. For teachers, they consist in the need to develop teaching skills in younger students and provide middle and high school students with the opportunity to use them to assimilate the educational material provided for by state general education programs.

In teaching practice, specially developed pedagogical methods, technologies and techniques are used to achieve high efficiency of basic education. Its theoretical basis provides graduates with the prospect of studying in higher educational institutions, and the skills they have acquired to use information as a tool to improve their knowledge in a particular area make it easy to adapt to the system of higher education.

The task of the teacher is to fully provide students with the necessary scientific and methodological information on a particular subject and organize control over the quality of its assimilation. The duties of a teacher do not include teaching students or cadets in the form in which it is carried out at school. Instead of school methods, the teacher uses a lecture-test system, in which the main work on studying the subject is performed by the students themselves. They use lectures as one of the sources, but they must find about 80% of the information on their own in order to master the course syllabus, which is mandatory for credit or passing the exam.

The purpose of the lesson, which the teacher conducts in his subject, is to teach, develop and educate. Education is an integral part of a teacher's work. It consists in communicating with students, their parents, in constant contact with children's public organizations and government services involved in protecting the rights of the child.

The teacher does not deal with educational issues. The purpose of its activity is to inform, control, take part in research and scientific and methodological work.

The word "teacher" has a wider meaning. A teacher is called a spiritual mentor, a person who has special knowledge, the comprehension of which is a long way of moral perfection. In this sense of the word, a teacher can also act as a teacher if his personality is so significant that it deserves admiration and reverence from the students.

Findings site

  1. Teacher is a qualification that is awarded to graduates of educational institutions with the status of a university or academy. The teacher is a pedagogical specialty.
  2. The purpose of teaching is to provide scientific and methodological information. The teacher teaches students the subject and develops their skills of independent study work.
  3. The teacher does not educate students. The teacher performs the triune task of teaching, educating and developing the student's personality.
  4. The teacher can take part in the research and scientific-methodical work of the educational institution. The teacher is engaged in practical work, although the organization and conduct of lessons in it can also be combined with the development of innovative teaching methods, innovative educational and pedagogical technologies and various scientific and methodological materials.
  5. The teacher conducts a course of lectures, organizes practice and laboratory classes. The teacher deals with students in lessons, the type of which is determined by the requirements of the school curriculum.

The teacher is still one of the most sought-after professions, despite the endless reforms and the demographic "pit" of the 90s.

According to Rosstat, 14 million children study in the country's schools, while there are slightly more than a million teachers themselves, that is, there are an average of 13 students per teacher. But many say that these figures are underestimated. There are about 6 million students in Russia.

Pros and cons of work schedule

Polina Mokhova now works as a teacher of literature and social studies in one of the schools in St. Petersburg. Prior to that, she studied at the graduate school of Moscow State University, where she taught students about world journalism.

“The working day at school starts at eight or ten in the morning and ends at four in the afternoon, if we are talking about six or seven lessons a day. But you still need to fill out a journal, check your homework, and if you are a young teacher, then prepare for the next day,” she says.

The last two circumstances are already an abnormal load. You can check notebooks until two in the morning, and you need to prepare for lessons constantly if you are conscientious.

There is an advantage to working at school - long vacations. Teachers rest, and this time is paid.

Konstantin Bulish teaches English at the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, and has previously been in private practice for many years. He says that the workload of a teacher at a university depends on whether it is a specialized university or not. If yes, then a lot of attention is paid to the language, the level of teaching is higher, the workload is also higher. Some universities can give only six pairs a week. Preparation for lectures takes as much time as the lectures themselves, but these hours of preparation are not paid. Only lecture time is paid.

High salary or stability?

Salaries are a critical issue for the education sector. All interviewed by the site said that it is almost impossible to live on income from one source, whether it be school, university or private practice. depends on the number of hours. And if at school the load is large due to the number of students of different ages, then at the university it is the other way around. Polina Mokhova says that with a full load (15 classes) and work 6 days a week, you can earn 45-50 thousand rubles a month. At the university, due to the lack of hours, even a professor can receive 30,000 rubles a month.

“As a result, both those and others live by tutoring. But not at the call of the heart, but at the call of the stomach. What affects the quality of work in general,” says Polina.

Salary levels may vary from university to university. According to Konstantin Bulish, one can earn more in private practice than in a university.

English teacher at RANEPA

A qualified person will not work for less than 1,500 rubles for two academic hours. Those who prepare students for specific exams or have advanced degrees charge more. But if you work for an organization, then you have a strict work schedule, paid holidays, and it is unlikely that 15 students from your group will fall ill at the same time. This is a more stable option. While private students work or periodically go somewhere. In the long run, it is difficult to say which is more monetary.

At the university, you can spend 2-3 couples a day, and sometimes you need to travel to private students from one part of the city to another, so many tutors prefer to give lessons at home.

Psychological comfort and the ability to create

At the university, Konstantin Bulish works with groups of six to 15 people. And he sees the advantage of the group in that often its internal dynamics encourage students to work better, to compete. There are also more opportunities for games, discussions, discussions, joint movie viewing, reading reports. And if you study one on one, then you become dependent on the mood of the teacher and the student.

There are groups with not very good dynamics or badly arranged. For example, there may be strong and weak students, the weak need to reach out, and the strong should not be allowed to get bored.

“One-on-one work is energetically less expensive, but it can be boring. Whereas with a good band you will never get bored. If you have been tutoring with someone for more than one year, then you already know each other so well that even with interesting classes it is difficult to keep the student in good shape. Therefore, most of them do not study with one student for more than a year,” notes Konstantin Bulish.

Daria Nasakina, who taught typography classes at one of the capital's universities while working in large advertising agencies, sees great opportunities for creativity in the teaching profession.

It begins where you can write your own program, organize information, and come up with an interesting task. And it continues with every lesson. During the lecture, you monitor the reaction of the audience, whether the students understand or not, whether they fell asleep or not, whether they have questions (sometimes they are embarrassed to ask), it happens that the lecture has to be changed in the process. It is also interesting after the lecture, when you need to achieve a result from each student, understanding his difficulties and suggesting solutions.

teacher of literature and social studies at school

In my opinion, the audience at the university is more interested and mature, it is quite easy to motivate them. Schoolchildren can be scared of the exam, but this will not work for everyone. It is more interesting to communicate with a student audience, and the level of responsibility for them is much less. If you take schoolchildren on an excursion or on a trip, then you are responsible for them with your head. And they themselves are less responsible. A student can rehearse a performance for two weeks, and the day before the performance, say that his parents are taking him to the country.

Preparing for university lectures and seminars is more interesting, because the material is deeper, and the author's approach is welcome. At school, the teacher is obliged to give only what is indicated in the program. And if you want to do more, then you need to be prepared for bureaucracy. Endless trips to offices and filling out forms will discourage the desire to do more.

At the university, there is a high probability of meeting interesting people among colleagues, because the level of education of the team is somewhat higher. The school in many ways remains a refuge for those who went to teach in the 90s simply because there was a guarantee to receive at least some kind of salary, and have stayed until now. I remember the hero of the book “The Geographer Drank His Globe Away” Sluzhkin, who got a job as a geography teacher. In the classroom, he read paragraphs from the textbook, periodically interrupted by a cry to calm down the disobedient schoolchildren. At the university, teachers undergo a more stringent selection.

Public approval and career ladder

Being a teacher at a university is still very prestigious. This can bring additional points in the interview.

“This does not affect career growth in an advertising agency, but it raises your authority, be healthy,” says Daria Nasakina. Teaching provides food for the mind, promotes personal growth, and helps develop the skill of managing people.

According to Konstantin Bulish, tutors are also treated with respect, although he saw other examples in his practice: “It happened that rich and very busy people treat you as a person providing a service for which they pay. In their eyes, your status is no higher than that of a plumber or a computer technician.”

According to a good tradition, a school teacher is respected in Russia, but it is still impossible to call this work prestigious. In the eyes of those around today, a teacher is a person who accomplishes a personal feat, but by no means an ambitious one.

Is career growth possible? Polina Mokhova believes that it is possible, but internal competition is very high, especially at a university where there can be only one rector. Many teachers and heads of departments have been working in the same place for decades, it is not so easy to replace them. There is more turnover in schools, and it is very difficult to find teachers in some disciplines. The school needs a teacher, there are more students than students.

Many educational institutions strive to keep up with the times, modernize programs, develop new teaching methods.

“Our university is trying to qualitatively and meaningfully improve the teaching of English. In my opinion, it is more promising to be part of a large organization that wants positive change. In the case of tutoring, over the years you can acquire connections and a reputation that will give a stream of private students,” says Konstantin Bulish.

How to get a job

Getting a position as a university teacher is not easy, while the market for private tutoring is more open. To get into a university, you need to have good work experience, but if vertical career growth is important, then you need a degree. And the salary of a teacher with a degree is 30-50% higher. But it all depends on the profile of the university.

Daria Nasakina says that it is not very difficult to find a job in this area, because demand is much higher than supply, most graduates of pedagogical universities do not go to work in their specialty. To work at a university where design, cinema, and journalism are taught, you need to have a good portfolio, work experience in a specialized specialty, recommendations, and know your schedule for several years in advance. Those who change jobs once a year are not liked in such professions. In addition, due to staff turnover, universities and schools are losing their competitive advantages. If we are talking about classical specialties: physics, mathematics, history, then it is desirable to complete graduate school and have a degree. You can get a job in a school with a higher non-core education.

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Putting an equal sign between a teacher and a teacher is wrong. In the modern system of education, the role of a teacher is associated mainly with practical activities, the main task of which is the effective organization of the educational process. Pedagogy is a broader concept. It reflects the general principles of national educational doctrines and a scientific approach to solving the problems of education. The teacher is called upon to creatively translate theory into practice.

Who are the educator and teacher

teacher- an educator, teacher, following humanistic ideas in working with the children's team and carrying out educational, educational and educational tasks in accordance with advanced pedagogical methods.
Teacher- a specialist who has a pedagogical education and combines teaching a subject and mentoring, educational work in his professional activity.

Comparison of teacher and teacher

What is the difference between an educator and a teacher?
The teacher conducts lessons and educational activities according to the plans approved in accordance with the educational programs. He can use various methods in his work that increase the effectiveness of teaching the subject. The main tools for managing the educational process for the teacher are effective teaching technologies and control over the assimilation of the studied material.
The teacher has deep humanitarian knowledge in the field of developmental psychology, sociology, philosophy, pedagogical science and applies this knowledge in all types of direct work with children's groups. He constantly improves his teaching skills, is engaged in scientific, methodological and social educational work.
The development of educational doctrines and the formation of trends in the cultural development of society depend on the scientific and theoretical activities of outstanding teachers. The theory of "natural education" by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, "democratic pedagogy" of the famous Swiss humanist I.G. Pestalozzi, the principle of systematic learning K.D. Ushinsky became the basis of modern pedagogical methods and practices.
The pedagogical theory is concretized in the activity of the teacher. In addition, teacher specialization is related to the subject of teaching. One can talk about the work of a teacher of mathematics or physics, but it is difficult to imagine a teacher of literature or history. determined that the difference between a teacher and a teacher is as follows:

The functions of a teacher are to teach the subject and control the assimilation of knowledge. The teacher solves a wide range of educational and educational tasks.
The teacher is engaged in practical activities. The teacher is a practitioner, methodologist and theorist all rolled into one.
The teacher is a pedagogical specialty. In pedagogy, there is no narrow specialization in teaching individual subjects.

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