A strong conspiracy to make money flow. A conspiracy for monetary wealth, large, not estimated


The thing is that each of us has our own “money ceiling”.

This is the bar that we set ourselves mentally, unconsciously, not allowing ourselves to have more. And no matter how hard we try, without knowing our "ceiling", it is unlikely to break through it.

What then to do? How do you know what your “money ceiling” is? And is it possible to "break through" or at least raise it? Don't worry, anything is possible if you work on yourself.

First of all, we need to determine what it is - the size of our ceiling, and we will find out a specific amount, more than which we cannot earn yet.

Imagine that you were given, say, $100. The amount, in principle, can be any, and rubles will do. They gave you this money on the condition that you must spend it in one day and only for yourself. If you do this, then tomorrow you will be given twice as much.

You take a piece of paper and write down what you can buy for this amount, where to spend it, but ONLY FOR YOURSELF!

Condition met? This means that tomorrow you will receive, respectively, $ 200, sit down again and write where you will spend it, again for yourself. And so on, doubling the amount of banknotes, $400, $800, $1600, etc. Write down your expenses and desires until you can think of where you can spend the money.

This amount will be your "money ceiling". It is different for everyone - someone reaches several thousand dollars, or even up to a million, and someone “deflates” already at the first thousand, not imagining how you can spend that kind of money on yourself.

Exercise to raise the "money ceiling"

So, we decided on the ceiling. If you are satisfied with this amount, then everything is in order. If such income clearly does not suit you, then the ceiling needs to be “pierced” or “raised”.

To do this, sit down, again take a piece of paper and a pen, remember and write down all the negative statements related to money, wealth, etc. that you have ever heard.

Most often it is in childhood, it is from loved ones that we hear something like:

“big money doesn’t lead to good”, “you can’t make wealth with honest labor”, “money doesn’t lie on the road”.

Unfortunately, trying to protect their children from "dirty" money, trying to make them understand that they need to work honestly, parents achieve a completely different effect. And as a result, a person beats all his life like a fish on ice, but there is no money.

The above exercise may take you more than one hour, or even more than one day. Often we don’t even remember those negative “anti-money” statements that loving mothers and grandmothers hammered into our heads.

Here are the most common negative statements:

You can't earn big money honestly;
All the rich are thieves and swindlers;
Wealth corrupts a person;
Money can not buy happiness;
It is a shame to be richer than your relatives;
If you are rich, everyone will envy you;
You won't earn all the money;
The main thing is health, and money is secondary.

Similar phrases, if you dig in your own head, everyone knows a great many. Sometimes we get so used to them that we don’t even notice how they lower our “money ceiling”.

Start with the pronouns "I", "I have". Formulate in the present tense, without particles “not”, “without”, avoiding the words “can”, “need”, “want”.

An example of a correct positive statement:

"I earn such and such amount by a certain number in an honest way."

Throw out or cross out the list of negative statements, and learn and repeat the positive ones in full text three times a day until you feel that they “work”.

When raising the bar, be realistic, when raising your income, name an amount that is 2-3 times more than the real one. Let your mind believe that you can earn more than you do now.

Choose real amounts and real positive statements. And gradually you will be able to raise your “ceiling” more than once.

In order for the money earned to love your home, you cannot spend a single ruble on the day of your salary, the entire amount must spend the night at home. Some priests of worldly wisdom advise you to keep a large bill for a year, which, they say, "charged" with your energy, will begin to attract money. There will be no money: if you whistle indoors, clean the crumbs from the table with your hand. You can’t lend bread and salt to a neighbor - wealth can leave your house and go to another family. In order for money to start up in the house, the broom must be placed with the handle down.

The best time to ask for a raise is Wednesday afternoon. Don't borrow on Monday, don't lend on Tuesday, and don't repay on Friday. Give and lend by all means in the morning, because. any actions with money in the evening promise ruin. And in general, try not to borrow, but more often to lend, if you are programming money so that they return to you.

Pockets of clothes hung in the closet for the season, provide banknotes of small denomination; and money does not like torn pockets or torn off buttons.

Never keep your wallet empty, let it contain at least a coin. All banknotes must face the owner. In the smallest compartment, store a one dollar bill folded into a triangle. Also, there should be a "lucky coin" in the wallet (the first one earned, received from a good person, from a successful transaction, etc.). This coin cannot be spent - it is a happy talisman of prosperity, otherwise the money will be offended and will not go into hands.

Thread a red ribbon through three coins with holes in the middle and always wear it in your dog. Every time you open your wallet, gently stroke the talisman - it will respond with profit.

(won, ill-gotten, found, donated, etc.) do not bring happiness and therefore should not linger in your wallet. Give them to those in need or spend them immediately.

After reading this article, you probably realized that money is very easy to lose and also easy to lure them to you. In order not to lose money, follow the above rules!

And also, in order to lure money, send a link to this article to your friends and acquaintances on ICQ or E-mail, and money will begin to attract you, because by doing so you will show money how you love it and how dear it is to you!

***If you delete this page after reading it to anyone without sending it, you will spend a year in poverty!
But, if you send it to at least two friends... you will have 3 years of luck and loads of money!!! ***

Send the link to a friend!
1 friend ~ and money will start to be attracted in 1 year
3 friends ~6 months
5 friends ~ 3 months
6 friends ~ 1 month
7 friends ~ 2 weeks
8 friends ~ 1 week
9 friends ~ 5 days
10 friends ~ 3 days
12 friends ~ 2 days
15 friends ~ 1 day
20 friends ~ 3 hours

A detailed description from several sources: "prayer for money to stick to hands" - in our non-profit weekly religious magazine.

Now we will talk about what can be done to bring money and good luck to you Conspiracies for wealth and good luck:

Ritual to attract money - Money corridor

You need to do this ritual at night, just before going to bed.

It needs two small mirrors and several large coins (fives, tens). Set the mirrors opposite each other, and place coins in the center. They will be repeatedly reflected in numerous mirrors reflected in each other. Light two candles on either side of the mirrors and turn off the light. Look at the reflections of the coins and say:

I will go out, young servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, at the morning dawn, I will pass the east, I will pass noon, I will pass the evening, I will go out to the blue sea, I will meet the dark night. The sands are yellow on the blue sea, the stars are frequent in the sky at night. How not to count in the blue sea of ​​​​sands, how not to count the stars in the black sky, how not to count the coins in the mirror, so I, the servant of God (name), had not counted the money. I fix it with a lock, lock it with a key, the key is at sea, and the money is in my wallet. Amen.

Look at the coins until the candles go out. Reflections of coins should dream of you all night. If this does not happen, the ritual must be repeated, but not earlier than in a month.

A conspiracy is a talisman for iron and paper money

This ritual can only be performed by someone who has good, thick hair. Each time you brush, say this:

As hair grows thickly, so would my money, the servants of God (name), be thick. Amen.

Rituals to have a lot of money

This conspiracy for wealth and good luck is done on a new moon, on a starry, clear night. Open the window and count the stars in the sky. As you lose count, take spring water, wash yourself with it and say:

I count the stars, I won’t count, I count the money, I won’t count. Amen.

Another conspiracy for wealth and good luck is made on green silk and wheat grains. Take a green silk rag and a handful of wheat. Pour the grains into the middle of the room, make a hill out of them, stick the cinder of a church candle brought from the church into this hill. While the candle is burning, read the prayer:

Lord our God, source of good things, commanding the earth to bring forth fruit, goodness for Your sake and goodness; bless and multiply, and this threshing floor, and the fruitfulness of Thy servants: fill their treasures with every good fruit, wheat, wine and oil, and save them from every temptation, with all that are with them, and enlighten them in Thy knowledge, but be pleasing to Thee once, they will be worthy of Your eternal blessings. As if blessed be Your name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Wheat then needs to be boiled and eaten.

Ritual rite - How to grow money

This ritual is also done on grains of wheat. Put the wheat on a saucer, where a little earth has already been poured. Cover with gauze and fill with water so that the gauze is saturated with water, but not covered. Place a large coin under the saucer. Keep an eye on the water level, moisten the gauze every day, saying this:

Bread grows and money grows. Bread to the sky, and money to the sky. Bread is earing, and denyuzhka is added. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Once all the seeds have germinated, plant them in a brown earthen pot and place them in a window. And put the coin in your wallet, just do not spend it (for this you need to mark the coin).

Conspiracy - To keep money in the house

Take a hundred-ruble note, put a piece of transparent paper on it the size of a bill, and write this prayer:

Lord, You visit, receive sinners! And you raise the dead! And you command the waters of the sea, the winds of the sky! And miraculously loaves grow in Your hands, give a thousandfold harvest - they are sown, reaped, baked and broken at the same time, in one instant! And you are hungry to save us from hunger! And you long for our thirst to go away! And you travel through the country of our exile with the burden of Yourself in order to return to us the calm, sweet heavenly nature that we have lost! You shed Your sweat in the Garden of Gethsemane so that we stop shedding our sweat in earning bread, learn to shed it in prayers for a worthy communion of Heavenly Bread. The thorns grown for us by the accursed earth, You have taken on Your head; Thou hast crowned Thy holy head with thorns! We have lost the Paradise tree of life and its fruit, which imparted immortality to those who eat it - You, stretched out on the tree of the Cross, have become for us a fruit that gives eternal life to Your partakers. Both the fruit of life and the tree of life appeared on earth, in the camp of our exile. This fruit and this tree are more excellent than those of Paradise: those communicated immortality, and these communicate immortality and Divinity. Through Your suffering You have poured sweetness into our suffering. We reject earthly pleasures, we choose suffering as our lot, if only to become partakers of Your sweetness! She, like a foretaste of eternal life, is sweeter and more precious than temporary life! You fell asleep as a mortal who could not keep You in eternal sleep. You - God! You rose up and gave us excitement from this dream, from the fierce sleep of death, gave us a blessed and glorious resurrection! You raised our renewed nature to heaven, planted it at the right hand of the eternal, Your co-eternal, Your Father! Our Lord! Grant us both on earth and in heaven to glorify, bless, praise Your goodness! Grant us with a frank face to see Thy terrible, impregnable, magnificent Glory, forever behold Her, worship Her and be blessed in Her. Amen.

The prayer is long, so you will have to write in very small but legible handwriting. Put this paper in your wallet. Rewrite the same prayer in a larger size and read it every day. Donate a hundred rubles to the church or give to the needy.

Pear conspiracy for good luck in money

I eat a pear, I plant a money spirit in myself. Where there is spirit, there is money. Amen.

Conspiracy for a successful game

If you like to play for money, you can say on a handkerchief:

Spirit of the game, help me, bring luck to me. I play not from idleness, I play for business. I don't play for fun, I play for gain. Giving back, turn away, giveaway, turn around! Be these all my words that I finished and that I did not finish, and that I spoke, word for word, front on the front, back on the back and middle in the middle. In an open field, in the blue sea and a key with a lock.

Dry your hands before playing with this handkerchief.

Save up a lot of change - so that the middle bowl is full. Soak your hands with honey, and immerse them in this bowl with the words:

Conspiracy for the new month for money

On a young moon, take a glass of water and say to her:

Lord, come on, Mother of God, help. The moon was born thin and thin, mother night nourishes it, adds it every day. He was thin, but became a full moon. So my money was bad, but the money will become full, like the moon is full. Amen.

Sprinkle this water on your wallet and the place in the house where the money is kept.

Ritual for money - Money chicken

Take a chicken carcass, clean it, stuff its belly with small change (the change must be washed), sew it up, pepper it, salt it and bake it in the oven. You need to eat this money chicken alone so that no one sees. Scatter the coins in the corners of the house.

Conspiracy for money on bird feathers

I can't count the feathers, and I can't count the money either. Just as that feather does not jump back onto the chicken, and not be on it, so my money will not disappear. Amen. How many chickens are born in the world, how many feathers are found on them, how many scientists there are in the world, and no one can count all the feathers in the world. So in my purse there will be unmeasured money, not counted, not calculated. Amen.

Conspiracy in the workplace to better pay money

For this conspiracy, no improvised means are needed. They say sitting at the workplace, but turning their faces in the direction where the money comes from (in other words, towards the accountant).

The Apostle Andrew fished in the Sea of ​​Galilee, he spoke with Jesus Christ, our Lord. Lord Jesus Christ, send me a rich catch, row money with a shovel. So let the servant of God (name) the Lord not forget, not bypass, give good, feed, drink. Amen, amen, amen.

Pear conspiracy to have a lot of money

Buy a ripe juicy pear at the market. Peel it from the peel without the help of a knife, mash it, remove the bones from the pulp, and say to the pulp itself:

G I eat ruin, I plant the spirit of money in myself. Where there is spirit, there is money. Amen.

Conspiracy to get money into your hands

Save up a lot of change - so that the middle bowl is full. Soak your hands with honey and immerse them in this bowl with the words:

Like flies to honey, so money to me. As everything sticks to honey, so would money stick to my hands. Amen.

A conspiracy on bird feathers to attract money

Take three bird feathers and say to them:

P I can’t count the erya, so I can’t count the money. Just as that feather does not jump back onto the chicken, and not be on it, so my money will not disappear. Amen. How many chickens are born in the world, how many feathers are found on them, how many scientists there are in the world, and no one can count all the feathers in the world. So in my purse there will be money unmeasured, not counted, not calculated. Amen.

Put these feathers in your wallet.

Conspiracy to get the long-awaited money soon

Take a handful of wheat, go out at midnight to the crossroads with the words:

Fly, birds, to my wheat, bring money with you, but give everything to me. As birds flock to grain, so money would fly into my wallet. Amen.

To give more money

Get up at dawn, take a bucket of cold water, douse it from head to toe and say:

Water flows into the sea from all rivers, springs and streams, all tends to the sea, all flows into the ocean. So it would be for me, the servant of God (name), money flowed, small and large, and medium, and all. Amen.

Conspiracy from unexpected expenses

It often happens like this: you save money for something serious, and suddenly there is a need to spend it on something urgent. To avoid such situations, you need to go into the forest, find an aspen, stand with your back to it, press your head against it and say:

God's tree, you were born from damp earth, so I, the servant of God (name), was created from the dust of the earth. You are my brother, I am your sister, help me. Amen.

After that, tilt the nearest branch and say a plot for financial well-being on it:

How many stars are in the sky, how many fish are in the sea, how many azure colors are in the clear fields, how many green leaves are on the trees, so much would I, the servant of God (name), have money in my wallet. The tree falls, blooms in spring, grows foliage, and my money would not disappear, but would always grow. A tree in growth, and denyuzhka in growth. Amen.

Then tear off a leaf from this branch, take a coin out of your pocket, throw it on the ground and say:

I do not buy your leaves, I buy your growing strength. Amen.

And go home without looking back. Dry this leaflet and keep it in your wallet.

Conspiracy Money tablecloth

If there is no money in the house, so there is not even enough for food, make a “money tablecloth”. To do this, take a piece of unbleached canvas a little larger than the table, trim the edges. Sew four coins into the four corners of the tablecloth. When all the households go to bed, take red woolen threads and overcast the edges of the tablecloth with them (as best you can). When sweeping, repeat to yourself such a conspiracy:

A conspiracy to make money stick to your hands

As a result of a simple ritual, you will attract powerful cash flows to your hands. To achieve this, you will have to confidently read a strong conspiracy.

Along the way, I met different people.

Money literally stuck to some of them, bonuses and worthy rewards were issued.

I never ceased to be amazed at the lucky ones who win big in the lottery.

Let me tell you the secret of the occult ritual.

At exactly midnight, shut yourself up in an isolated room.

Sit at the table with a sheet of magic in front of you.

Mentally imagine your own hands, to which banknotes stick.

You find them, successfully earn them, and the stocks are still not exhausted.

Open the chakras of wealth and prosperity.

Refer to the strongest conspiracy.

I withdraw luck from the rich, bit by bit I collect a lot of money. Let them stick to your hands like shit, and I don't care if it stinks. I will begin to live, not reproaching myself for anything, reading this conspiracy incognito. I won’t dare to lose in the lottery, and I’ll take possession of the money in the knapsack. Oh, Wealth, you are always with me now, we will never part in life. May it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!

Perform an occult ritual for 7 days in a row, uncontrollably believing in the end result.

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Number of reviews: 7

Good evening, on which moon and how many times should a magical plot be read?

Should candles be lit?

You don't need church candles.

Live well!

Many thanks for the quick response!

I believe that it is growing.

Tell me, is this not black magic?

I am not an expert on the occult.

But in my understanding there is just the word "magic", and that's it.

In the "scarlet" color, would-be healers paint it with a hint of quackery.

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  • Inessa - Prayer for the child to pass the exam, 3 prayers of the mother
  • Site Administrator - Conspiracy for strong love for blood
  • Svetlana - Conspiracy for strong love for blood

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A conspiracy for eternal good luck in financial matters (p. 2)

After the ritual, water the pot every Thursday and Sunday and whisper. Wheat will grow, money will come. In general, a beautiful pot is obtained, the grass is green, fresh. Just don't think about it every day. Don't forget to let go of desire.

When the contents of the pot wither, discard. Leave the pot.

Now detailed comments.

1. Land can be bought at a flower shop. By and large, it is better, of course, to dial yourself, ask for help, etc., but in a metropolis this is not very convenient. Therefore, you need to buy without bargaining and without surrender, as it should be in such cases. By the way, the bag is large enough for several times. We buy wheat and a pot in the same way.

2. It is better to take coins from the family piggy bank (if there is one in the house), from your wallet and wallets of family members (or a client). By the way, it is better to do the ritual on the one from whom it is easier to receive this amount. This is either you yourself, if you work or have the opportunity to earn extra money. Or your husband, wife, parents, etc. That is, do not expect freebies, a case with $ 1,000,000 will not be lying around on the ground. Although ... everything is possible.

3. We mix the earth with wheat and coins in a clay (best of all) bowl used exclusively for magical purposes (a kind of bowl), while trying to saturate the earth, wheat, and coins with intention as much as possible, while visualizing the result colorfully.

4. If we do not only for ourselves, but, for example, for one of the family members, then as NAME I indicated both him and myself, that is, we say “us, names ...” (in the case of a client, of course, only client name). Since I personally treat Christianity with a great deal of skepticism and do not consider myself anyone's "slave", instead of "God's servant (NAME)" I said "Born, named (NAMES)".

5. When we water, we “feed” the wheat with energy with our hands, and plus visualization, of course.

6. In case of great haste and impossibility of fiddling with the ground - wheat can simply be poured onto a white saucer without a pattern, a few coins there, pour water, the plot is the same, cover the saucer with a piece of natural fabric (a piece of towel, a handkerchief in extreme cases will do) . Well, water as described above.

The result should be during the lunar cycle. Although, in theory, a ritual to attract a one-time amount of money, but it can be a successfully turned up additional income, and an increase in salary, and all the same notorious suitcase lying on the ground. It all depends on your personal strength and desire invested in the ritual.

The thing is not new, but effective:

Light a candle, fill a shallow bowl with clean water, and toss

a copper coin in it. Drip the melted candle wax into the water

directly on the coin and say:

"As soft turns into hard, so my wealth will be established and increased. From day to day, from week to week, from year to year, from this minute to the end of time. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen!"

Then pour the water on the ground, and keep the coin in your wallet in

as a money talisman. If you are not doing it for yourself, then put a photo of a person under the bowl. After the ritual, visualize the desired benefits for 5 minutes, feel that you already have them.

To increase income.

"For money to flow like a river"

It is done only for yourself and only on the growing moon. Do until 12 noon. Do not tell anyone about the ceremony, otherwise it will not work anymore. You can counterfeit on the same coin once a month.

Take 2 buckets. Pour water into one, put a coin into the other. Pour water from one bucket to another 7 times, each time reading the plot:

A wide river flows, a deep river flows,

The circle of the pure field, the circle of Alatyr-stone,

The river carries mighty water, seething water,

Every animal, every grass for life.

So it would be with me, the servants of God () gold-silver flowed like a river,

Thresholds washed, corners filled.

For children to get stronger, for old people for belongings,

People for profit.

My words are bound with iron,

Do not pierce with a knife, do not chop with an ax,

So be it.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

If water spills, wipe up with a rag. Wash the floor with water from the threshold to the far corner of the house. Get a coin and carry it in your wallet.

Orthodox ritual for wealth.

It is advisable to purchase an old icon (prayed). Saint Nicholas is suitable for men, and the Mother of God Give a gift to women (this is the best option, but any other icon can).

The icon must be generic or purchased, but in no case not a gift.

The icon must be washed with salt solution from Thursday salt, smoked with church incense and lit in a circle with 40 church candles taken from the great church holiday - the icon should lie in the center.

When the candles burn out, extinguish only with your left hand (without blowing out). When the candles are burning, read psalms No. 3, then No. 27, No. 49 and No. 52. It is in this order and nothing else. These psalms are "For financial well-being." They perform a ceremony on the growing moon, it is especially good on the 10th karmic day and it is desirable that it coincides with some church holiday.

3 days before the performance of the rite, they fast (that is, they don’t drink alcohol, don’t eat fast, don’t swear. They don’t scream and it’s desirable to communicate less with people). To perform the rite, you still need to purchase a dozen copper antique coins or a dozen silver antique coins. They also need to be consecrated as well as icons. Candles are used, only bought in the church during the great Orthodox holidays - in total, too, 12 pieces.

Still it is desirable a new purse for your new rich life.

And so you are ready! Then let's start!

You must be alone in clean clothes, preferably made of natural material (women are not allowed to wear trousers and without a scarf) with a cross around your neck, without watches, hairpins.

The icon is placed in the "Red Corner" or on the table, facing the West, since the ceremony is best done at night (they will hear faster). The room must be pre-washed, cleaned and lit. The Icon should lie on the table - place coins around it on it. Place candles around the icon and light them. Open the wallet and put it on the table too. Read the prayer "Our Father" on all four sides clockwise, starting from the east. Put your hands on the icon and read the appropriate appeal (prayer) to the icon. If this is Nicholas the saint, then the prayer appeal is to him. Take holy water and sprinkle the icon with the cross three times on yourself and your wallet. Then put coins in the wallet and close it. Read the plot on all four sides clockwise, starting from the east, while constantly shaking your wallet.

I put a voiced coin in my wallet,

A new coin and an old coin

Yes, a mortgage coin

Supply Coin and Supply Coin.

Coin holding coin

The coin calls the coin to itself,

A voiced coin flows into my wallet.

I go through the fair as a good merchant,

Returning with a profit

Yes, a spare coin.

Give me a servant (servant) of Yours (Yours) (name),

God and Almighty,

As much money as there are stars in the sky

On the shore - sand.

A voiced coin flows into my wallet,

The coin in the wallet multiplies

Stored in reserve.

I go in sables to martens.

I'm leading the fort.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Closing Prayer:

Oh my God

Guardian angel with me. I close my luggage.

Water in the sand, the sun is red in the east.

There are 12 virgins, 12 sisters. I will become a slave (slave) to count them

call by months:

January - Ulyana; February - Maryana; March - Sofia;

April - Maria; May - Pamea; June - Sorrow; July - Ledea;

August - Gledea; September - Elena; October - Magdalena;

November - Romanea; December - Satania.

Lord bless all 12 months of failure, thief, curse not

let me in, neither at night at dawn, nor in the morning at dawn, nor during the day, nor at

clear sun all 24 hours a day, all in an hour minute.

Whoever approaches my wealth will not leave the place alive.

Satan gave, Satan took, and the Lord kept.

In the name of the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The candles must burn out. Put the coins in a linen amulet and wear it in your wallet or on your chest - hang it. Wear for a month. Then put for the Goddess.


Take 30 coins of the same denomination, put it on the table. They light a yellow candle, read on each coin, baptizing it at the same time:

"Thirty ravens flew to me, servant of God (name), from heaven and brought thirty gold coins. I'll put them around the house so that they won't be translated forever. The word is a stone, you can't turn it off. Amen."

After reciting, the candle is blown out, the cinder is buried under a tree in the yard, the coins are hidden in the house so that no one can find them and take them.











To not be denied a request

I'm not walking, I'm not in a hurry

On a black cat, a gray dog,

There was no refusal to me,

God's servant (name):

Neither Monday nor Tuesday

Neither Wednesday nor Thursday

Neither Friday nor Saturday.

Take the hell out of my care

So that no one knows the words against me,

Neither evil nor anything.

They didn't move their tongues against

Respect and love me.

Cross with a cross, business with a good end.

Influence an important person

If your fate depends on the decisions made by any

person, for example, your boss or official, write

his name on a piece of paper nine times. Do this for nine days in a row

using the same sheet: so that ultimately on paper

eighty-one words were written. Roll up the lettering sheet

tube and put into a bottle, which is filled to the top with sugar

sand. Cork the bottle and keep it in your home.

To have power over someone, you need to write the name of interest -

the person who wears you on paper, burn it and rub it with the resulting ashes

the soles of your shoes. Instead of paper with a name, you can use

call a photographic card.

Influence an important person

If you need to appear before the eyes of the authorities, who somehow

dissatisfied, or you want to submit some kind of petition to any

a powerful institution and at the same time you have to communicate with unwelcome

a sane person, on whose decision a lot can depend, it is necessary

we go to read the plot, while winding red on the left little finger

“I will bow on all four sides, with a conspiracy word from an important gentleman. (first name, patronymic, if you know) I’ll start talking.

And how you lay. (name) in your mother’s womb and then you had no thought, no words, no speeches, so now I’m going to you so that you don’t have any thoughts, words, or speeches on me. You have a fierce fire in front of me, and I have strong water in front of you, when your fierce heart lights up, then I will fill your fierce heart with my strong water. You can’t outwit my words, you can’t change my deeds, where you sat, sit there, determine all the needs.

After that, the thread from the finger must be removed and torn. Now you can safely go about your business.

Money conspiracy on the Mother of God icon

The plot is done at dawn. The Mother of God Icon of the Seven Arrows is placed on the table. It is spoken in accordance with the practice of conspiracies.

"Mother Ever-Virgin Mary Semistrelnaya,

Send me a servant of God (name), from Your seven one arrow,

And with that arrow - a noble profit.

Forever and ever. Amen."

The rite of course may seem somewhat troublesome to some, but it works perfectly.

Take two aspen sticks, peeled of bark (throw this bark into the fire with your left hand when the whole ritual is completed). Two aspen sticks, one 120 cm, the other 60 cm, any thickness, but not thick. You also need 6 coins of any value.

From aspen sticks, at sunrise on any Wednesday in the hallway of your house, make (tie up with any braid or rope, but not synthetic) without using nails, in the form of a crossbar, on which the horizontal part is attached 13 from the top to the vertical.

Then put on any clothes turned inside out on the cross (it should hang in the closet along with other things until this moment and you should use it from time to time). Clothing must be linen or cotton, must be over 3 years old and worn by you.

During these manipulations, read:

Cross on me, cross on you.

Two crosses in my destiny.

I put it on, I put it on - I don’t cry, but I call my luck to myself.

Read as many times as needed before completing the steps. After each reading, baptize yourself. When this makeshift "stuffed animal" is ready, it must be burned on a fire consisting of 7 logs dried in the sun at the beginning of the first night. At the same time, you stick the cross in a predetermined place, and only after that the pre-prepared logs are laid out and only then it is set on fire.

When the clothes catch fire (you shouldn’t feel sorry for her), read, baptizing her until they burn completely, the plot:

Fire! Fire! Don't touch me.

Unlucky unlucky, burn induced bad luck,

Invite good luck for me (Name).

When the clothes are burned, throw one coin into the fire with your left hand, saying:

I return bad luck to the owner,

I invite good luck to myself!

When you throw the last sixth coin, say:

Paid in full! Amen.

After the fire has burned down, collect the ashes and firebrands, if any, separately. Then, only throw the ashes at sunrise into any flowing reservoir and say as you exhale:

She left, she went, she sailed away, the unlucky bad luck flew away, the bad luck induced herself knows where.

If there are coals and firebrands from the fire, then they must be immediately hidden in a secluded place. You may need them in other rituals.

The place where the ritual fire burned can also be useful to you - remember it. If someone starts to get you a lot, drive any aspen peg into the center where the fire was burning (you can not remove the bark), saying:

I beat, I drive, I hammer my offense.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

HOW TO RETURN MONEY (when impoverished)

On an even day of the month (better while the moon is growing), go to the temple and buy an even number of candles there.

Light half of the candles in the temple for health, putting them on any icons - as your heart desires, and bring the rest home. At the exit - near the temple, give alms and at the same time say:

"How do you reach out for my money,

So the money would be drawn to me."

From the church they go silently to the threshold of their house.

You can speak only after you cross the threshold of an apartment or house.

Upon arrival, immediately light all the other candles so that they burn out to the end.

They never tell anyone about what you have done, even to relatives.

The money will come back to you and will flow.

The ritual of attracting money

Often, our grandmothers associated profit and loss in the house with the phases of the moon. According to an old folk recipe, every full moon, a completely empty open wallet should be laid out on the window (it is desirable that moonlight enter it). So it is supposed to do all three nights of the full moon. On the new moon, on the contrary, you need to put a wallet with money on the window. There is another similar tradition - to show bills for a young, just born month, with the words: "A month, my friend, give me a full wallet!"

It is recommended to collect money scattered from the wallet only with your right hand, and at least one coin must be left. For greater strength, we can say: I leave one, I get the rest! But when receiving, for example, salaries or money transfers, banknotes should be taken with your left hand. Also, "grandmothers" who are not alien to folk magical knowledge advise not to transfer money directly from hand to hand (it is better to put them on the table, but by no means dinner).


In order not to get involved in any monetary adventure, stand up

facing east, bite the tip of the tongue and make three full turns

around you in the direction of the sun (to the right), after which say-

those: "It was not and will not be, three times three will not decrease." Then bite again

sieve the tongue and make three turns against the course of the sun.

**From poverty, need and monetary loss

At the dawn of the full moon, bake in three pies for one penny and a handful of salt. At noon of the same day, look for a crossroads (paths) in the forest (landing). Lower the pies wrapped in a white napkin to the ground and, turning your face towards the west, say out loud three times:

“Here you are, poverty and need, monetary losses, a present: money, bread and salt. Take them for yourself and leave me alone, the fullness of me, the servant (s) of God (s) (state your name), torment, need to execute, torment with poverty, torment with lack of money. I'll leave, and you live here. Amen".

Leave this place quickly, without looking back, without entering into conversations with people who may meet you on your way home.

Upon returning to your home, wash your hands thoroughly under running water and soap, then wash your face. The face and palms should dry naturally (you can not wipe yourself with a towel).

For the next six days, do not give anything to anyone from home, avoid conflict situations with relatives, friends and work colleagues.

Do not let poverty into the house

Find in the house the oldest, worn out, even torn pair of shoes (shoes, boots, sandals, etc.), which you have long wanted to get rid of without any regret, but all your hands did not reach, and set aside separately from other shoes.

Wait for the period of the waning moon and in the evening, as the sun sets below the horizon, put your shoes on a sheet of white paper so that the shoes do not go beyond it. Light a church candle and, setting it to the left of the couple, say: “Our Father! Poverty, a damned friend, was looking for shoes, and the whole demonic squalor followed her. So the fluid one came to the threshold of the slave (s) (your name), she came. Don't make noise, don't yell, all the demonic squalor. Let Poverty try on his shoe, take it and go away forever. To his Master in service.

Repeat the conspiracy words twice more, but at the same time alternately baptize (starting from toe to heel) with the tip of a kitchen knife, first the left and then the right shoe.

Finish the manipulations with the words: “Lord! Our Father! Do not judge me, Your servant (y) (your name), strictly. Point out to Poverty, to the whole demonic squalor, the way-way. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. May it be so". Drop three drops of wax from a candle inside each shoe, and then with the same knife cut (as you can) the shoes into pieces. Parts of the first item are identified in a black bag, the second - in red. Tear a sheet of white paper in half with force and, crumpling its parts, place it in each bag.

With the blade of a knife (flat), extinguish the candle, cut the cinder into two equal parts and determine there too.

Leave the house (apartment) immediately, taking the black bag in your left and the red one in your right hand. Stop at the nearest crossroads and forcefully throw (as far as possible) your burden onto the central part of the crossing roads with the words: “Our Father knows where, what and why determines!”

Turn over your left shoulder and go home. Wash your hands under running water with soap and go to bed immediately without talking to anyone close to you.

For the next three days, do not give anything from home, do not take anything from anyone. Only when these conditions are met, the rite is considered completed.

Conspiracy to overcome need

For the ceremony, prepare two cups of different colors and a regular candle. Pour silent or undrawn water into one of the cups. Sit down facing the window yourself, take off your shoes, light a candle in front of you and start pouring water from one cup into another, while you need to say quietly and affectionately 7 times:

You flow through your native land,

You wash the grasses, the stones,

How do you flow, do not decrease,

So money to the servant of God (name)

They flow, they don't disappear.

My word is on an iron lock.

Forever and ever. Amen.

Then drink water, extinguish the candle and go to bed.

Help with work.

Before a conversation (interview), speak on a gray poppy (seed) and scatter it into the pockets of the clothes in which you will talk.










Wealth at the Well

Get up from the bottom, rich fate,

How many pebbles and sand are there at your bottom,

I wish I had so much money and kindness.

For grafting a rich share

If someone wants to bring wealth to himself, let that person, early in the morning at dawn without eating or drinking, go to the wheat field. Standing in the middle of the field, he should bow to four sides and say:

Like white bread all the people love,

So let money love me,

Katerinka, polushki, gold and silver,

Chased and paper,

Change and sale,

All stripes, all hairs.

Have mercy on me and love me

In my pocket, in my purse, hurry up.

Come to me, don't forget

Grow from time to time.

Lord, as long as the bread is white

People will love

my happy share

Will not leave me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen.

Leave without looking back to the house.

To never know the need.

On the night from Sunday to Monday, put a crust of black bread with a piece of meat, or boiled potatoes, or cucumbers on the edge of the table. Say the following incantation three times. In the morning, eat the charmed food.

“Dear host, invisible to the eyes, accept the treat, I offer it with respect, protect us with your strength and zeal, so as not to be flooded with water, so as not to be scorched by fire, so as not to lose wealth.”

As lightning strikes, before the thunder breaks out, have time to say: “Fire from heaven brought wealth. Give blessings, love Jesus. Amen.

If you do everything right, you will feel physical warmth throughout the body.

Money spell for house keys

This plot is read over the keys to your own house.

"With the blessing of the Lord, come angels, archangels, go to the blue sea, take the golden keys, unlock and open the blue sea with violent winds, strong waves. Part, part, blue sea, how you parted before Father Moses!

Show, expose, blue sea, all the riches hidden in you, invisible to people, only subject to the angels of God. My holy angel, help me, intercede, free me from poverty! I do not ask for the riches of the sea, I do not ask for the riches of the earth, I ask for the riches of heaven, requested from God. O holy angel, my good guardian and patron! With a contrite heart and a painful soul, I stand before you, praying: hear me, your sinful servant (name), with a strong cry and crying bitter crying; do not remember my iniquities and untruths, image az, accursed, I anger you for all days and hours, and I create abomination to myself before our Creator, the Lord; appear to me mercifully and do not leave me, the filthy one, even until my death; Awaken me from the sinful sleep and help with your prayers the rest of my life without a blemish and create fruits worthy of repentance, moreover, keep me from the mortal falls of sin, lest I perish in despair and lest the enemy rejoice over my death. Amen. Amen. Amen."


With the help of a whistle in the house, you can improve your financial affairs. They do it like this.

While opening the front door to your apartment, house, as soon as a small gap forms, whistle softly into it and, continuing to open the door, say:

When you enter the house, without undressing and without closing the door behind you, immediately put any banknote or coin into your piggy bank (you need to have it specially bought from you in advance). Then go back and close the doors.

Your money matters will start to improve little by little. And if you do this for the entire period of the growing moon, you will soon get rich.

To keep money in your hands.

To make money stick to your hands: a rite of passage for wealth

And there are rituals that combine prayer and conspiracy. They have extraordinary power! Here is one of them.

For the ceremony you will need:

Icons "The Lord Almighty", the Most Holy Theotokos "Joy of All Who Sorrow" (with pennies) or "Life-Giving Spring", "Guardian Angel";

Wax church candle in a candlestick;

New green linen or cotton tablecloth;

Pot (bowl) with honey;

A pot (bowl) with coins (5 coins in denominations of 5 or 50 kopecks);

1. Cover the table with a green tablecloth and place icons on it in a semicircle. Place a candle in the center of the table. Place a bowl of water, a bowl of honey and a bowl of coins on the edge of the table. Put the wallet on the right near corner of the table.

2. Stand in front of the icons and say:

Our Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God! Come to me, servant of God (name), to help. Help to conduct a ceremony so that money arrives, sticks to your hands and accumulates in your wallet.

Mother Intercessor Blessed Mother of God of All Who Sorrow Joy! Come to me, servant of God (name), to help. Help to conduct a ceremony so that money arrives, sticks to your hands and accumulates in your wallet.

Guardian angel! Come to me, servant of God (name), to help. Help to conduct a ceremony so that money arrives, sticks to your hands and accumulates in your wallet.

3. Light a candle.

4. Read the prayers: “Our Father” (1 time), to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” or “Life-Giving Spring” (1 time), to the Guardian Angel).

Prayer "Our Father"

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name; let your kingdom come; Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For yours is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the icon "Joy of All Who Sorrow"

Preblagaya my queen, hope to the Mother of God, friend of orphans and strange Representatives, grieving Joy, offended patroness! See my trouble, see my sorrow; help me, feed me like a weak one, like a strange one. I’ll offend my weight, resolve it, as if you will; as if there is no imam of other help, unless you, no other intercessor, no good comforter, only you, O Bogomati, as if you save me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the icon "Life-Giving Spring"

O Blessed Virgin, All-merciful Lady Lady Theotokos, Thy Life-Giving Source, healing gifts for the health of our souls and bodies and for the salvation of the world sharpened, Thou hast given us, with the same gratitude to the being, we earnestly pray to Thee, the Most Holy Queen, pray for Your Son and our God to give us forgiveness of sins and mercy and consolation to every soul that is grieving and embittered, and deliverance from troubles, sorrows and illnesses. Grant, Madam, to this temple and to these people protection (and observance of this holy monastery), preservation of the city, deliverance and protection from misfortunes to our country, let us live a peaceful life here, and in the future we will be able to see You our Intercessor, in the glory of the Kingdom of Your Son and our God. To Him be glory and power with the Father and the Most Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Angel of Christ, my holy guardian and patron of my soul and body, forgive me all, the fir-tree of sinning today, and deliver me from all the wickedness of the enemy, but in what sin I will anger my God; but pray for me, a sinful and unworthy slave, as if I were worthy, show the goodness and mercy of the All-Holy Trinity and the Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ and all the saints. Amen.

5. Lubricate your hands with honey and dip them into a bowl of coins. It is necessary that all the coins stick to the hands. Raise your hands over the bowl and read the plot 40 times:

How honey sticks to my hand,

That's how money rolls

Like a swarm of bees swarming

It multiplies from the uterus,

Same in my wallet

They lay down in supply.

Amen to my cause.

Amen to my word.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

6. Dip your hands in a bowl of water and wash them of coins and honey.

7. Wait for the candle to burn out, and thank God and the saints to whom you addressed (in your own words).

8. Remove the coins from the bowl and place them around the wallet. They should lie like this for a week, then they can be spent.

9. Put the icons in a prominent place in the room, and put a neatly folded tablecloth next to it.

10. The rite is held every 7th or 12th lunar day.

You can try this conspiracy. By the way, it's very funny.

When you spend money, then read this conspiracy to yourself:

In the gold shop, the merchant was fast asleep.

The merchant slept soundly and had a dream:

Shaggy devils turned into gold money

And in the golden shop they stuck to the sleeping merchant.

Oh you money and money

Get off the merchant

To me, the servant of God (name), cling forever.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

**Solomon's prayer for God's blessing of deeds and thoughts.

Prayer of Solomon from the 1st Book of Kings.

After that, a conspiracy for vegetable oil is read:

Saint Solomon went to the Mount of Olives. I approached, conceived, prayed to God: anoint me, O God, not with royal oil, but with Your wisdom. God loved Solomon, anointed him with wisdom, rewarded him with goodness. I, the servant of God, go to the Mount of Olives, I will, like King Solomon, pray to God: do not give me, O God, neither gold, nor silver, nor copper treasury. Give me, O God, understanding, so that I can administer judgments and do deeds. Whoever lives with a pure heart, but understands things with his mind, gold itself goes into his hands. Amen.

Whiskey should be lubricated with this oil every day, then the Lord will give understanding and well-being in business.

A conspiracy about success in business with a prayer appeal to the image of the Mother of God "Giver of the Mind"

This conspiracy is read so that things are argued, and money is added. This plot helps especially well in trade, but it can also be used to increase salaries or to succeed. You need to read this conspiracy every day, for a month. Before pronouncing a conspiracy, it is imperative to pray to the image of the Virgin, called the “Giver of the Mind” or “Addition of the Mind”. When a month has passed, the plot can no longer be read. However, if anyone wants things to continue to argue, he must learn this prayer to the Mother of God by heart and every day, before doing business, read it to himself - with attention and reverence.

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In order for ritual and ritual actions with honey to lead to the desired result, you must follow simple rules:

Compliance with these rules guarantees the success of magical work.

Sticky honey - money sticks to it: rite

In order for the money to begin to flow into the house, and at the same time to be delayed (not wasted, but remained in the family), an old Russian rite should be performed.

You will need:

  • Honey (3 tablespoons);
  • Glass or wooden container for honey;
  • Wooden or plastic spoon;
  • Red candle;
  • A piece of red cloth;
  • A banknote of any denomination (necessarily the local currency used in everyday life).

The ceremony is performed early in the morning, while all household members are still sleeping. The presence of strangers in the house (even sleeping ones) is unacceptable. Exclusively relatives by blood, or acquired relatives (spouses and members of their families, adopted, adoptive parents). Pets are recommended to be closed in the next room so as not to interfere.

You need to put a red candle on the table, a banknote on the left side of it, and honey on the right side. You should light a candle and, waiting for it to flare up, say these words:

“Like a candle and a red conspiracy is read - so everything is exactly as it says and happens.”

Scoop up as much honey as possible with a spoon, and put it directly on the bill. Leaning low over the bill, read in a whisper the words of the conspiracy:

“Honey is sweet, honey is sticky, as honey is lime and sweet, so let the money go into the house. To sweetly get it - it's hard not to get it. To stick, stick - but then do not come off. As honey is sweet, so will the flow of money into the house be sweet. Like sticky honey, the cash flow will remain in the house. By the power of the dawn, by the power of honey, by the power of money, the spoken word will not be taken back - so be it!

After that, the candle must be extinguished, the bill put on a red cloth, and taken to the window. There, under the rays of the sun, she should lie all day. Previously, all household members should be warned that it is impossible to touch the bill. The next morning, the bill should be completely wrapped in a cloth, and hidden in a safe place where no one will touch it.

Ritual to attract customers

This magical action is suitable for those whose activities depend on a large number of customers: sales managers, sellers, store owners.

You need to buy honey, in any market. If possible, look for a grandmother selling honey. Paying for the delicacy exclusively in cash, it is forbidden to take change.

Come home with this honey, put it at the head of the bed and go to bed. In the morning you need to wake up at dawn, without washing your face and without talking to anyone, go to the window and read the plot.

The plot must be rewritten on exactly 7 different sheets, as a result, the first 6 should be burned before the ceremony, subsequently the ashes should be scattered near the building where the workplace is located, and from the seventh read it, standing in the morning facing the rising sun:

“I will get up, at dawn - I will look at my sister, I will bow to the east, I will smile at the rising sun. You shine the sun, illuminate the sky with a bright flame at dawn, in the honey of the sun a ray - reflect. Let honest people go, bring money to me in their gate, I won’t take someone else’s gate, I will voluntarily receive money from the hands of honest people. You reflect a ray of the sun - yes, reflect in honey, you eat honey - eat solar power. From this day on, from dusk to dawn, let trade go on, business grow, purchases give wealth. Honest people, master, yes merchant - take goods, buy milk sweeter than mother's, buy honey, buy water. My deed and my word are like a strong stone, so be it and so be it!”

After reading the plot, honey must be scooped up with a spoon, put under the rays of the sun so that they are reflected in honey, making it more saturated, amber. After the spoon you need to eat and bow to the sun. For 7 days, you need to get up at dawn, read the plot again and eat one spoonful of honey.

Church money ritual

This ritual is suitable for those who honor Christian traditions and have passed the rite of baptism. It helps to get money luck from higher powers.

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Conspiracies for money and prosperity

Conspiracy for the fulfillment of desires

I am free (free) from fears and doubts,

Chasing away need and adversity, I know now

That divine abundance descends eternally from the Higher realms.

I am the hand of God's own grace,

Radiating treasures of light,

Now receiving full divine abundance,

To fulfill all your needs and desires! May it be so!

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy for big money income

Read over wallet.

I'm going young, from Nova Gorod, I'm dragging money from Bela Lake.To meet me three pages, three saints: Minodor, Mitrodor, Nymphodor. Take, pages, by a coin, implore Christ God for me, may He send me all good, gold and silver. O holy martyrs Minodoro, Mitrodoro, Nimfordoro! We come to you with fervent prayer. Beseech the Lord, then, in sorrows and misfortunes, with His inexpressible grace, He will cover us, His servants, and save, and His glory, like the unsetting sun, let it be seen. Help us in our humble prayers and may God have mercy on us sinners, and may Christ God bless us with His bounty. We send glory to Him with His Beginningless Father and His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - a whisper on the wallet

As there are a lot of stars in the sky, as there is enough water in the sea, so is my wallet so that there is a lot of money and always enough. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy so that the wallet is always full

On Friday, looking at the birds flying by, say:

How many feathers will be born on them,

So much money in the wallet is not transferred. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy for happiness in the house

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen!

My house is made of stone (to name what)

Strong and reliable, God bless.

Filled with happiness, strengthened by love.

Protects from enemies, gives joy, peace, peace.

May it be so forever and ever. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy for abundance in the house

As a clear dawn wakes up every morning, rises, brings light and joy to the whole world, so wealth arrives in my house, bread on the table, cabbage soup and porridge on the stove, but the house is hearty and warm, and wealth has flowed into the house. As a stream flows - the water in it never ends, so the wealth in my house is not transferred. Amen. Amen. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy for wealth

Read the plot on Thursday - the day of Jupiter.

Three times the day of Jupiter will pass,

It rains money on me

Money flow, money sparkle

Make me rich wish.

Money comes, money grows

Money in my pocket will find my way,

Where do I not wait, I get income,

Money in my pocket arrives.

More and more of them I have

I am getting richer day by day.

Money flows like a river of gold

And stay with me forever.

I will never know poverty

And let it happen as I wish!

May it be so!

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy to make money come

I woke up in the morning and found a hole in my pocket. I’ll take a thread of gold, I’ll put gold in the needle, I’ll sew up that hole, I’ll sew it tightly, I’ll patch it up - I’ll patch it, I’ll tie it with gold, I’ll tie a golden knot with a golden needle. Hold the knot tight, hold the money in my pocket tenaciously. Always keep your pocket full, even more so. My words are tenacious, strong, chained with a golden chain, closed with a golden lock. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy if you urgently need money

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Most Holy Mother of God, you see that I need a servant of God (name), money for a good deed, for a necessary deed, for an important deed - not on a whim - a whim, not for luxury, not for pampering, not for boasting, but for (say why). God has a lot of everything - give me a little too. Amen. Thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you Lord.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy for wealth

A pike fish swims in the sea, swims from afar, her tail is silver, her fin is gold, her eyes are diamonds. Whoever catches that pike does not know grief and poverty. Swim, pike, swim, plenty of gold - silver - bring us diamonds. We are waiting for you, we will meet you with kindness, we will feed you, we will give you a drink and we will let you go into the sea, you will gain more wealth, you will bring it to us again. May it be so forever and ever. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy for the successful implementation of all plans

This conspiracy will help you fulfill everything you want in all matters, in your personal life and in any endeavors. Read if you need luck, and so that the circumstances are best for you.

Voditsa-voditsa, you let me drink, you let me wash. So give me, Voditsa, three drops of luck, five drops of luck and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness. I lock it with a key, wash it with water. By my word, let everything come true. Amen.

Then drink water slowly in small sips.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy nbut a happy life

At noon, go outside or open a window to let in the sun. Place your hands palms up, pointing them towards the sun, and say the words of the conspiracy out loud three times.

The sun is the sun, you are warm and affectionate, you walk in the sky, you illuminate everyone, you help everyone, you give good to everyone. So give me, sun, your warmth, light and every good. May it be so.

Then put your palms on your chest and stand with your eyes closed for a minute. This must be done for seven consecutive days at noon. If it's a cloudy day, don't miss it anyway.Reach out to the sun even if you can't see it.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy to make money grow quickly

Wait until the full moon appears in the sky with clear skies. Take a few coins or bills of any denomination and put them on a window or any other place so that the moonlight falls on them. Say the words of the conspiracy aloud three times in a row.

Queen moon, you are silver, golden, you grow and grow. So give my money to drink with your light so that it grows and grows. They drink money from the moonlight, they grow hour by hour, they gain strength, they fill my house. Amen.

Leave the money in the moonlight for a few hours and then leave.Then put this money in your wallet and do not waste a month. They will attract new money to you. After a month, spend and repeat the whole ritual with other money.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy to keep money growing

Take a piece of bread and say a conspiracy to it three times out loud.

The grain fell into the ground, grew up as a sprout, turned golden as an ear, turned into bread. As I have plenty of bread in the fields, so I have money to the sky. As bread grows - it is eared, so my money grows - it increases. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then eat the bread.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy to raise money for the construction or purchase of an apartment

In the morning, after washing your face, take some honey, spread it on bread and speak it out loud.

A bee builds a hive, collects honey, calls guests. As everyone is drawn to honey, so money is drawn to me. A bee is a hive, I am a house. Wax for a bee, money for me. Amen.

Eat bread with honey on an empty stomach. Repeat once a week for a month.

♦ ♦ ♦

Charm conspiracy so that money is not transferred

In the morning, after prompting, before washing, take a frequent comb, comb your hair with it and say the words of the conspiracy at least five times in a row in a low whisper.

Hair-hair, grow thicker, money-money, drive more. Hair grows thickly, so let money be thick. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy to always have a lot of money

Step out into the open sky on a starry night. Look to the sky and repeat:

Stars have no number, money I have no number... ... ... So be it.

Repeat 9 times in a row, or more.

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Spell to make money love you

This conspiracy will help you become attractive to money so that it comes in abundance and you keep it.

In the morning, take an apple or pear, cut it in half and speak out loud.

I call the money spirit into a pear (apple) and instill it. I eat a pear (apple), I overshadow myself with a money spirit. Love me, money, come to me money. Where there is a money spirit, there money goes. Amen.

Pear or apple after that you need to eat.

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Conspiracy for great wealth

At ten versts, on ten fingers, the king of the rich lives,

On his field, day and night, gold-silver grows.

I will come closer to the rich man, bow down to the rich man.

I look, I look, flying wingless, walking legless.

He took without hands, pecked without a beak.

So I would take all the gold and silver,

Take everything with a holy, strong word.

And you, the king of the rich, do not spare me wealth.

How a hand sticks to honey, how a foot gets stuck in mud,

So would I, God's servant (name),

I bathed in money, I did not know poverty.

For now, forever, forever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

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Conspiracy for wealth

I am a servant of God (name) I will go out in the evening,

I'll look at the first star.

As the earthly world does not consider clear stars,

As no one knows the star count,

So that I do not know my wealth account

I say to three angels, I repeat to three angels,

As no one knows the stellar score

And he never counts all the stars

So that I do not know my wealth account,

Astaroth. Azari. Aba. Abara. Amen.

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A conspiracy so that money arrives and you always have

When you take money from someone, whether it's change in a store, salary, or any other, always say to yourself:

In our wallet - your money,

Your treasury is my treasury. Amen.

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