Simonyan Margarita Simonovna: biography, personal life and interesting facts. Margarita Simonyan: biography, personal life, children Simonyan sits on gear


PHOTO: Tigran Keosayan and his new wife

The news that the Khmelnitsky-Keosayan star couple broke up appeared thanks to the famous journalist Bozena Rynskaya. It was she who first posted a photo on the Internet showing Tigran Keosayan, his new wife and their children. The public was shocked by the news, because until recently Alena and Tigran looked quite happy together. Khmelnitskaya gave her husband a second daughter, was his muse and always appeared together at all social events. What happened in the star family? Why did they suddenly separate after 21 years of marriage?

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  • Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya: divorce, ...
  • How did the novel begin?

    Rumor has it that the star marriage began to crack back in 2011, when Tigran began to appear alone in the light more often. Many then did not attach much importance to this and decided that the spouse was doing a lot with her youngest daughter. But already in 2012, Tigran began to appear with the famous host Margarita Simonyan. In an interview of the same year, Margarita announced that she was opening the Zharko! restaurant in Sochi. As it turned out, later it was their joint project with Keosayan. It was later.

    And first there was a post on Facebook. Once Margo received a message from Tigran, in which he admitted that he had been watching her for a long time, since the time of reporting from Beslan, and sympathized with her. He was outraged by the persecution that the girl was allegedly subjected to. The journalist herself did not believe it, she thought it was a fake. Why would the famous director suddenly become interested in her fate. She saw him only on TV and even somehow appreciated the humor when he participated in a cooking show. BUT! For some reason she replied! Correspondence began, then long phone conversations began. And then lunches and dinners in restaurants. Gradually began to acquire common themes, interests, projects.

    Tigran Keosayan, his new wife, and Alena Khmelnitskaya

    Tigran taught the girl to write scripts. Her longtime dream was to become a writer, but there was not enough time. Margaret's talent woke up. Together they began to shoot serials based on her scripts. Comedy “Sea. Mountains. Expanded clay.”, filmed by Tigran Keosayan and his new wife, was broadcast on the first channel with such success that Konstantin Ernst himself called and announced a high rating.

    Once both realized that life without each other is no longer possible. There was an urgent need to see each other every day, correspond every minute, hold hands. Margarita, with a smile on her face, admits that all the most important things in life go to her unexpectedly literally fall from the sky.

    Tigran Keosayan and Margarita Simonyan

    Biography of Margarita Simonyan

    Unlike the childhood of her lover, Margot's childhood was not so rosy. She was born in Krasnodar. In the 80s, it was not a well-groomed, luxurious metropolis, but an abandoned province with the ruins of houses right in the center. Her family had a small house in the Armenian “ghetto”, with walls that never dried out, an outdoor toilet for five families, and neighbors who were drug addicts. According to the journalist, although her parents are full-blooded Armenians, the family is absolutely Russian. Dad was born and raised in Sverdlovsk, mom in Sochi. They never lived in Armenia. Numerous relatives live in Adler.

    The parents of the new wife of Tigran Keosayan received higher education in Krasnodar. But it didn't work for them. Despite a red diploma from the Krasnodar Polytechnic Institute, my father was forced to repair refrigerators, and my mother, an intelligent and fragile woman, was engaged in odd jobs. She knitted hats, sold persimmons, tried to “shuttle”. With all this, my mother managed to take Rita and her younger sister Alice to all kinds of circles, to a special school of English and to music and sports classes.

    Having brilliantly passed the entrance exams to the best school in Krasnodar, Margo determined her future. At that time, there was already an exchange program for schoolchildren, and young Margarita was sure that she would go to America to finish her studies. And so it happened. In 1995, the Americans chose the 5 most promising guys, and she was among them. In the States, Margo was a straight A student and had great opportunities to stay there. She was expected to study at a good university, a well-paid job.

    But at one fine moment, the girl realized that she could only live where she grew up, that she would never be happy in a foreign country.

    She graduated from school already at home with a gold medal. Then she entered the Kuban University as a journalist. In 1999, she published her first collection of poems, thanks to which she got a job as a correspondent for the local television and radio channel Krasnodar. But this was not enough for an ambitious and ambitious girl.

    Energy was in full swing, I wanted to conquer the peaks. Not knowing how to get into the big federal media, the nineteen-year-old girl came up with only one way - she went to war in Chechnya. Of course, without telling your parents anything. The calculation for amazing reports from the hot spot turned out to be correct, it was noticed. Margarita was awarded the journalistic award "For professional courage", the Russian Order of Friendship.

    Deciding to continue her career as a military television journalist, she covered the clashes of militants in Abkhazia. In September 2004 she went to Beslan. This tragedy greatly influenced the worldview of the journalist. A year later, the Russia Today channel was created, of course, Simonyan was appointed editor-in-chief. Further, the career of an international news star was on the rise.

    And in 2013, Margarita was appointed editor-in-chief of the Rossiya Segodnya MIA, where she has been working to this day.

    Joint life with Tigran Keosayan

    Before the appearance of Tigran in her life, Margot was not serious about close relationships. It is known that at the time of her acquaintance with the famous director, she lived in a civil marriage with journalist Andrei Blagodyrenko. The fact is that while living in her “ghetto”, the girl did not see happy families there. A married woman seemed to her an unfortunate downtrodden creature, whose task is to do daily housework.

    Margarita with Andrey Blagodyrenko

    She never intended to marry, which made her parents very upset. After all, they have been waiting for grandchildren for a long time. Even now, Tigran Keosayan and his new wife, although they have two children, live in a civil marriage.

    When the couple realized they were having feelings, they decided to break up because they didn't want to hurt anyone. We broke up for one day - we couldn't stand it anymore. As a result, Keosayan moved to Rita in a small but cozy house, located 63 km from Moscow. Until Alena Khmelnitskaya had a man, her ex-husband visited them in Barvikha every morning to chat with their daughters over morning tea.

    Oddly enough, they are on friendly and respectful terms with Alena. Khmelnitskaya, as a wise woman, encouraged the continuation of the relationship between her daughters and their father, because they are not to blame for anything. Moreover, Alena found the courage to invite Tigran Keosayan and his new wife with their children to a family celebration. They got to know each other better and, as usual with this trio, a joint project has matured. The film “Actress” was filmed according to the script of Rita, in which the ex-wife played the main role.

    Now the Keosayan-Simonyan couple are loving, but strict and demanding parents. Especially the young dad. He talks to his son and daughter as adults. But he is also not averse to fooling around, he loves to tell them all sorts of fables of his own composition, to sing funny songs.

    We hope that Tigran Keosayan and his new wife will be happy for a long time, for life ...

    The famous actor and director Tigran Keosayan has always been in the spotlight, both among women and journalists. Infinitely everyone was worried about the question of the personal life of the star: Who is the wife of Tigran Keosayan at the present time and how many children does he have in total? During his life, the actor had two marriages, one of which is valid to this day. The first marriage of the actor with Alena Khmelnitskaya lasted quite a long time, but, unfortunately, broke up. But the second wife of Tigran Keosayan, Margarita Simonyan, is building a happy family life with her husband to this day.

    Tigran Keosyan and his wife - Margarita Simonyan

    Tigran Keosayan - husband of Margarita Simonyan

    Tigran Keosayan is 14 years older than his second wife. Born and raised in a wealthy and famous family. Therefore, the young years of the actor differed from the childhood of Tigran Keosayan's new wife, Margarita Simonyan. Some were convinced of the mediocrity of Keosayan, but this, on the contrary, strengthened his position. While still at university, he made a short film with his friend Fyodor Bondarchuk, who played the main role in it. Then the army interrupted his labor activity, but then Tigran continued his studies again.
    Also, he starred in the films "Joker", and "Katka and Shiz", in which he played far from the last role. Also, Tigran was seen on television and even hosted several television shows.

    Tigran Keosyan in his youth

    Biography of Margarita - the second wife of Tigran

    Margarita Simonyan was born in Krasnodar on April 6, 1980. The second wife of Tigran Keosayan grew up in a very poor family. Margarita's father was engaged in the repair of refrigeration equipment, and her mother traded flower products in the market. The difficult living conditions of Margarita and her sister Alice, on the contrary, added motivation and a great desire to get out of poverty. When Margarita Simonyan was 10 years old, her family was given an apartment.

    Margarita Simonyan in childhood

    At school, the girl studied well and was distinguished by her diligence and education. She read best of all and knew foreign languages. Margarita's teachers were always pleased with her and offered her to read the works in front of the whole class.
    When Margarita was in the 9th grade, she had a chance to go to study in the USA on an exchange. The girl was very warmly received by the new family, and she did not want to return to Russia. But, longing for the pedigree edges took over.

    Career Margarita Simonyan

    After school, Margarita entered the Kuban State University at the Faculty of Journalism. The constant desire of the girl contributed to the fact that Margarita, even in her student years, became a correspondent on the Krasnodar TV channel. The previously published collection of poems attracted the editor so much that the TV channel decided to film the story of such a talented girl and offer her a job on television.
    Margarita Simonyan, the real wife of Tigran Keosayan, was a very brave and courageous girl. At the age of 19, she went to shoot a story in Chechnya. For such a test, the girl was awarded and her popularity began to grow at a tremendous speed.

    Having visited Abkhazia during the war as a journalist, Margarita's direction in her professional activities was determined. She talked about military operations, "hot spots" and many other military facts.

    The work of a war correspondent is very difficult and requires a large supply of nerves, said Margarita. In 2005, the girl became the editor-in-chief of the Russia Today channel, and literally 6 years later, Margarita, along with Tina Kandelaki, became the host of the Iron Ladies show.

    Tina Kandelaki and Margarita Simonyan

    Personal life of Margarita Simonyan

    Since 2012, the young journalist has often been noticed in the company of director and actor Tigran Keosayan. At that time, the man was not alone. With him was the first wife of Tigran Keosayan - Alena Khmelnitskaya, whose photo is uploaded all over the Internet. While the new wife of Tigran Keosayan, shown in the photo, that is, Margarita herself, not so long ago lived in a civil marriage with another man.

    Margarita Simonyan and her civil husband - Andrey Blagodyrenko

    At that time, Tigran Keosayan and his future wife were just opening a restaurant business. Only this occupation and common interests could unite two people. In 2013, Margarita had a daughter from Tigran, who was named Maryana. After this moment, Margarita Simonyan and her husband Tigran Keosayan took photos together and rejoiced at the birth of a child.
    The most interesting thing is that in 2014 Margarita also gave birth to a son, Bagrat. Georgian roots are felt in his name. Therefore, there were rumors that both children were from Tigran Keosayan, and not from a common-law husband. In the same year, Tigran Keosayan and his new wife Margarita Simonyan together opened a restaurant business in Sochi, which is making a success. In 2014, the director and Khmelnitskaya had a divorce, and soon one could see photos of Tigran Keosayan, his new wife and children together.
    The new wife of Tigran Keosayan communicates well with her husband's children from a previous marriage. According to her, if her husband has children from a previous marriage, then divorce should not affect the upbringing of the child. Therefore, the wives of Tigran Keosayan sometimes meet and keep in touch, and both are not against such contact.

    The first wife of Tigran Keosayan

    In 1992, Tigran met Alena Khmelnitskaya. Alena Khmelnitskaya is an actress who starred in very good films, but moreover, she performs her roles chic. Alena's parents were artists of the Bolshoi Theater, so they always toured. From an early age, the actress began acting in films. Someone said that she was destined to be born an actress. Already in 1991, the star played in the films The Tale of the Merchant's Daughter and the Mysterious Flower, as well as Murder at the Sunshine Menor.

    Literally the next year, the couple had a child, the girl Alexandra, and the family officially registered their marriage. Alena, being married to Tigran, bore him two children, Alexandra and Xenia. Alena Khmelnitskaya's husband, Tigran, worked alone, as his wife was sitting with the child. The couple quickly overcame financial difficulties, and personal life began to improve.

    Alena Khmelnitskaya and her daughter Alexandra

    Alena Khmelnitskaya and her daughter Xenia

    They constantly went out together to events, and you could see a lot of photos in which Tigran Keosayan and his wife are satisfied and happy. But, already in 2012, the couple's public life went to naught.

    New personal life of Alena Khmelnitskaya

    The most pressing question that torments many viewers is: who is Alena Khmelnitskaya with now! The star officially confirmed the relationship with Alexander Sinyushin. Moreover, the wife of Tigran Keosayan, Margarita Simonyan, uploads joint photos with Alena. This worries many, but not Keosayan's ex-wife. It will be funny for someone to catch such a moment where both wives of Tigran Keosayan look happy in the photo.

    Alena Khmelnitskaya with Alexander Sinyushin Alena Khmelnitskaya and Margarita Simonyan

    Once Tigran Keosayan wrote on Facebook to Margarita Simonyan: “Hello, Margarita! This is Tigran Keosayan. You have long been sympathetic to me as a journalist and fellow tribeswoman. Now I was driving in a car and listening to you being hounded on the radio, I could not stand it, I decided to support and write.

    Margarita Simonyan at first did not believe that it was really Keosayan. She saw him on TV in a cooking show where he cooked scrambled eggs and tomatoes. Margarita answered him, exchanged phone numbers, met, had lunch. We had lunch, apparently, so tasty that I wanted to have lunch again. Yes, and dinner. Gradually acquired common themes, interests, friends, some projects.

    « And suddenly it turned out that it was impossible to live without each other - that you need to see each other every day, correspond every minute, hold hands, even when you are not around.”, recalls Simonyan.

    « In general, all the most beautiful things in my life literally fall from the sky. And what I work on for a long time and diligently, either does not happen at all, or happens when it is no longer necessary”, adds the journalist. Her career - the position of editor-in-chief of an international television channel and the main news agency of the country - also developed unexpectedly. She never aspired to become a big boss, quite the contrary. I have always wanted to write books, since childhood, for as long as I can remember.

    Tigran Keosayan taught Margarita how to write scripts. Now, in traffic jams and at night, she writes scripts for films, serials - sometimes under her own name, sometimes under a pseudonym. So Simonyan relaxes. " Not to mention that they pay very well for this - definitely more than my salary on Russia Today”, specifies the chosen one of Keosayan.

    She writes not only for Tigran. Together with him they made three series and just made a movie. Their comedy "Sea. Mountains. Expanded clay "was successfully broadcast on Channel One. This December on NTV - the premiere of the psychological thriller "Actress", another work that they created together with Tigran and Alena Khmelnitskaya.

    Margarita wrote the script, Tigran filmed, and Alena played one of the main female roles. For their trio, the whole group watched warily and admiringly - how people manage to maintain good relations.

    Margarita was born in Krasnodar, which in the eighties was an abandoned province. The family lived between the station and the market, they had such a hut without any amenities. " My parents are purebred Armenians, while we have an absolutely Russian family. Father was born and raised in Sverdlovsk, and mother - in Sochi Simonyan says. Most of her relatives still live in Adler.

    Simonyan never dreamed of television. She was going to write beautiful articles in various magazines. In 1998, Margarita graduated from her first year, and she published a collection of poems, and her television company Krasnodar also took her on an internship. Leaving for Chechnya on the front lines in the bloody and crazy December 1999, when Grozny was just surrounded, for the first time in her life Simonyan deceived her parents.

    After Chechnya, Margarita was noticed in Moscow. She became a freelance correspondent for several federal television channels. Her father bought her a tattered Oka, which was already ten years old, and she and the operator drove this car all over the south of Russia, the Crimea, Abkhazia, Kalmykia and Ossetia, getting their reports.

    In the third year, when Simonyan was not yet twenty-one years old, the RTR channel - now it is called "Russia" - entrusted her to head his bureau. " I was twenty-two when Dobrodeev, the general director of the Rossiya TV channel, called and asked: “Choose, will you go to New York or Moscow?” I chose, of course, Moscow. I immediately got into the presidential pool - it was a real "dream come true”, recalls Simonyan.

    At twenty-five, Margarita was appointed editor-in-chief of Russia Today, which did not exist then: she had to launch the first Russian international round-the-clock news channel in English from scratch. She celebrated her first New Year in this capacity at work.

    Simonyan, in general, from early youth actually lived only with work. She never wanted to get married, she put off thinking about children until after thirty. " When novels happened, I immediately honestly told the boyfriend that this was not serious and most likely not for long - I just had no time”, recalls the journalist.

    « It seemed to me that a married woman was an unfortunate and downtrodden creature: she was “made happy” with a white veil so that she cleaned, washed, cooked and endured her husband’s betrayals. However, by the age of thirty I already had a long and quite family relationship - with a common life, ficus and plans for the future, but even then I was not going to get married", adds Margarita.

    Then a tsunami by the name of Keosayan broke into her "understandable life." " Tigran and I tried many times to stop everything - no one wanted to hurt loved ones. But it didn't work out. The first time we "forever" parted for a whole day, the last - for twenty minutes", says Margarita.

    Simonyan lived in a small cozy house, bought with a mortgage, in a wonderful village, which had only one drawback - it was located sixty-three kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road. " When Tigran arrived for the first time, he asked why I didn't have curtains.. Margarita remembers. - She answered: “Because I haven’t saved up for the ones I want.". Keosayan was shocked. In his view, the head of the largest international media outlet could not have such problems. It was in this house without curtains that he moved to live with her.

    « Why do you say that you live near Moscow? You live near Volokolamsk!" - Tigran joked, making his way to Margarita's house in his luxurious Maserati. Of course, he left the mansion in Barvikha to Alena and their common children. Having already moved to Simonyan, he went there every morning before work to have breakfast with his youngest daughter Ksyusha, and only then went to Mosfilm. Margarita categorically supported this. She even insisted if he was tired and wanted to sleep longer.

    Tigran stopped going to Barvikha every morning only when Alena got a new common-law husband, Sasha. To avoid embarrassment. Ksyusha spends the weekend with them, she is friends with Margarita's children. Tigran took from his house only portraits and books of his father. And after the divorce, Alena remains a true friend and family person, and a loving father to her daughters.

    « When I found out that I was pregnant, I was in shock, sobbed for three months. Motherhood happened despite precautions, but there was an almost one hundred percent threat of miscarriage. The doctors said: “If you want to endure, lie down for preservation, we will inject hormones Simonyan says.

    Margarita decided that she would not fight either for her pregnancy or against it: as God pleases, it will happen. As a result, Maryasha took root. Five months after the first birth, Simonyan became pregnant with Bagrat. This time I didn't worry, I was happy. " Pregnancy was very easy for me, both times I felt better than not pregnant: I slept little, worked hard and cheerfully, not a day of toxicosis, I gave birth the first time in two and a half hours, the second in one and a half. However, motherhood is still the most difficult thing I have ever done.", admitted Margarita.

    She spent a month with Maryasha Simonyan on maternity leave, but she still sorted everything out by phone and mail. I did not sit with Bagrat at all. Having been discharged from the maternity hospital, the journalist took her son home and went to work - she was just undergoing an audit by the Accounts Chamber.

    In general, the well-known journalist is also an anxious mother, but she tries not to show this to her children. Several times a day, be sure to call grandmothers at home. Although he knows the schedule of his children every minute, and they have Spartan one: swimming, languages, yoga, drawing by the hour, Mariasha dances, Bagrat has Thai boxing. And their food is Spartan, they still have not tried sweets and cakes, so they are absolutely indifferent to sweets and nibble celery with pleasure. Any cakes can lie on the table - children do not reach for them, because they do not perceive them as food, rather as decoration. They eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, cereals, meat, seafood.

    Tigran is a much more strict parent than Margarita. Raises children immediately as adults, especially the only son. And he is three years old, he still does not understand when dad says that “we must apologize for throwing an apple on the floor”, looks at dad with surprised eyes and smiles. However, with his daughters, Tigran is also, in Margarita's opinion, strict. But he also fools around with them, sings funny songs that he himself comes up with, tells fables.

    Simonyan says that she is a fan of preschool education and got it from Tatyana Yumasheva, Yeltsin's daughter. Maryasha and Bagrat speak five languages: Russian, Armenian, English, French and Chinese. Every day teachers come to them - native speakers. For children, it's just a game, they don't even know they're learning. They sculpt, draw, walk, sing, watch cartoons - it all just happens in different languages.

    « I would not want my children to study abroad. For selfish reasons. They will already have mastered the languages ​​by the first grade, and I am not ready to live with them in different countries so that they grow up as carriers of a culture that is alien to me. I am not a person of the world, I am very attached to my native places and I want my children to be nearby too. We have seen many families where parents are perplexed why their child grew up as a stranger, incomprehensible, some kind of arrogant English aristocrat or no less arrogant Swiss socialist. And the heir at the age of twelve was sent to London to college - how was he supposed to grow up?", says Margarita.

    Tigran did not object to his eldest daughter when she wanted to study at the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University, but he suffered terribly all these years. In the end, she and Alena were already very angry with themselves for sending their daughter to the other side of the world with their own hands. Luckily for them, she didn't stay there. Graduated and returned. Now the clever and beautiful Sasha is working with her father, she was the second director on his new film, the plot of which takes place against the backdrop of the construction of the Crimean bridge.

    The summer before last, at Ksyusha's birthday party - she turned six - Margarita met Alena. A few days before the holiday, Tigran said: Alena invites us to come all together. -Of course, take the children and go with them. - You did not understand. She wants to see you too».
    Margarita thought that Tigran, in his directorial distraction, had misunderstood something. I asked him for Alenin’s number, wrote to her: “ Alena, hello! Tigran said that you are waiting for us all together. This is true? I do not want to put anyone in an awkward position, especially at a children's party". Alena replied: C'mon! Come! There won't be any problems. Let's have a great time».

    There were forty guests. It was just wonderful. Margarita and Alena both took a glass when the children had already been taken away, and sat together until the morning. Tigran could not stand it, fell asleep on the lawn, periodically woke up and whined: “ Girls, is that enough? Oh please! I want to go home

    At the celebration, Margarita and Alena took a joint photo and posted it on the Internet with the caption “High relations”. " She is charming, very kind, smart, open - not to mention that she is a phenomenal beauty. We have nothing to share: Alena is happy, I am happy, Tigran is happy. And thank God", admits Margarita.

    Margarita and Tigran do not hang out and rarely go to premieres or events. And they almost don’t go to visit - they host friends at home. On Sundays, tables of fifteen courses are often rolled up, Margarita loves this very much. She, of course, is helped by her mothers and their au pair. Maryasha is also helping to cook. I learned how to cut cucumbers with a small children's knife, I'm terribly proud of it.

    « Looking at my children, I am convinced that people are born with a certain set of traits. Mariana is as ambitious as I was. At four years old, she sobs for half a day if she fails to read a word or recite a rhyme by heart. And the three-year-old son is not worried at all. Here they sit down at the table, Maryasha shouts: “I am the first, because I was born first! - Okay, I'm second.", Bagrat smiles.

    On the first of January, Keosayan and Simonyan always have an “open door khash”. All night Margarita with her mother and mother-in-law cooks this famous Armenian anti-hangover dish from boiled beef hooves. To be honest, khash is mostly brewed by itself, but they keep an eye on it. All friends know that they can come to them without special invitation, starting at one in the afternoon. So it was in the house of Margarita's parents, so it was in the house of Tigran's parents, now it's the same with them.

    Tigran, of course, pampers his wife, accustoms her to expensive things and five-star hotels. When they met, Margarita was already over thirty, she had long been a big boss with a good salary, but everything scattered into mortgages, loans, numerous relatives.

    « I will never forget his first gift. I liked the bag of a well-known brand, not prohibitively expensive, but still wastefully expensive for me. Passing by the boutique, I admired her in the window. Once Tigran caught my eye: - Do you like this bag?", says the journalist.

    Tigran bought it on the sly and gave it to his wife. " So I, as a child, slept with her for several days - I laid her on a pillow, I could not tear my eyes away. I still wear it”, recalls Margarita.

    Keosayan and Simonyan have not yet registered a relationship, they simply do not get around to it. " Recently joked about this topic at home tells Margarita "Caravan of stories" - we decided that we would probably get married when the children grew up so that we could sit down at a common table with our parents, drink homemade wine from grapes planted by my grandfather, have a bite of dolma according to the recipe of Tigran’s mother and say: “What good fellows you are, ancestors, what once decided on all this!»

    Margarita Simonyan is the editor-in-chief of the Russia Today TV channel, which broadcasts in English, Arabic and English.

    She studied at the language special school No. 36 in Krasnodar. In the 10th grade, she went on an exchange trip to the USA. Graduated from Kuban State University.

    At the age of 18, Simonyan published a collection of poems that the local TV channel became interested in - a film crew came to the girl's house to shoot a story about her. During the interview, Simonyan mentioned that she wants to work as a journalist. Soon she was taken on an internship, and already in 1999 Simonyan began working as a correspondent for the Krasnodar television and radio company. At the same time, Margarita also filmed reports for federal channels.

    At the age of 19, Margarita Simonyan graduated from the Vladimir Pozner Moscow School of Television Excellence. Then Kuban State University.

    Name: Margarita Simonyan (Margarita Simonyan)
    Date of birth: April 6, 1980
    Zodiac sign: Aries
    Age: 37 years old
    Place of birth: Krasnodar, Russia
    Occupation: journalist, writer, publicist
    Marital status: married to Tigran Keosayan

    Margarita Simonyan: biography

    Margarita Simonyan was born on April 6, 1980 in the Russian city of Krasnodar. The girl, along with her sister Alice, grew up in a poor family, her father Simon made a living repairing refrigerators, and her mother Zinaida sold flowers in the market. The family lived in an old house on Gogol Street, where rats were constantly running around, there was no gas, running water or sewerage. Difficult living conditions only increased the girl's desire to escape poverty and achieve comfortable living conditions. When Margarita was about ten years old, the Simonyan family was given an apartment in a new microdistrict of the city.

    In kindergarten, the future journalist was one of the first to learn to read, so their teacher quite often left Rita with a book to entertain other children: young Margarita read fairy tales aloud. Later, Simonyan went to a Krasnodar school specializing in the study of foreign languages, where she studied for one “five”, went to the Olympiad. In the ninth grade, Simonyan had a chance to go to study abroad on an exchange program. The girl came to the USA, she lived in a family, to which she still treats with warmth and gratitude, and studied in the 12th grade of the school. At one time, the girl wanted to stay in a distant country, but love for her homeland forced her to return to Russia.

    After graduating from school with a gold medal, Margarita Simonyan entered the Kuban State University at the Faculty of Journalism. The girl also studied at the new "School of theatrical skill" under the guidance of the famous Russian presenter and journalist Vladimir Pozner in Moscow.

    In 1999, Margarita Simonyan began working as a correspondent for the Krasnodar TV and radio channel. She managed to get this job thanks to a collection of poems of her own composition, which Margarita published a year earlier. The TV channel decided to shoot a story about a talented girl. During a conversation with the film crew, Simonyan mentioned that she wanted to work as a journalist, and she was offered an internship on a TV channel.

    At the age of 19, Margarita went to shoot a story in Chechnya. The fact that she was going to the war zone, the girl told her parents only upon her return 10 days later. A series of reports in one of the "hot spots" of the world brought fame to Margarita Simonyan and many journalistic awards: "For professional courage", the first prize of the All-Russian competition of regional television and radio companies and the Russian Order of Friendship.

    In 2000, Simonyan became the editor-in-chief of the Krasnodar TV channel, and a year later, a correspondent for the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company in Rostov-on-Don. She continued her career as a military journalist, visiting Abkhazia, covering the clash between militants and the state army in the Kodori Gorge.

    In 2002, Margarita Simonyan was invited to Moscow as a correspondent for the TV program Vesti. The journalist accompanied Russian President Vladimir Putin, being among the presidential pool of journalists. In September 2004, Simonyan traveled to Beslan to cover the school hostage-taking. The tragedy greatly influenced Margarita's worldview and views, in many of her interviews she does not advise young journalists to start their careers as "war correspondents".

    In 2005, the Russia Today TV channel was created, which broadcast in English and was designed to reflect Russia's position on international events. Promising Margarita Simonyan has been appointed editor-in-chief of the channel. The appointment of such a young person to such a responsible position, the leaders of RIA Novosti argued with the position that the project should have been led by a person who had not seen Soviet news, who had his own ideas about how Russian news should be shown to foreign viewers. Later, Margarita also began to oversee the Arabic and Spanish versions of the channel.

    In 2011, the girl became the host of her news project "What's going on?" on the REN-TV channel. During the program, the presenter discussed the most significant events of the week, which for some reason were not adequately covered on federal channels. Margarita communicated with direct participants in the events and spectators.

    In 2013, Simonyan became the host of the political show "Iron Ladies" on the NTV channel. Together with the presenter Tina Kandelaki live, the journalist posed not always convenient, but topical questions to well-known political figures and businessmen. However, in the same year, the channel's management decided to close the show.

    At the end of 2013, Margarita Simonyan was appointed editor-in-chief of the international news agency Rossiya Segodnya.

    Margarita from early childhood dreamed of becoming a writer and doing print journalism. At the age of 18 she published a collection of her own poems.

    This novel tells about the generation of the nineties and their hard destinies, unfulfilled dreams. In 2011, thanks to the novel, Simonyan won the award for the best book of a journalist.

    In September 2014, Margarita had a son, who was named by the Armenian name Bagrat. At the same time, on the page of one of the social networks, Keosayan confirmed that he had become a father. Later it turned out that this was the second child of the couple - in August 2013, Margarita gave birth to a daughter.

    Personal life of Tigran Keosyan now

    Name: Tigran Keosayan Middle name: Edmondovich Birthday: January 4, 1966. Place of birth: Moscow Height: 173 cm Weight: 75 kg Zodiac sign: Capricorn Eastern horoscope: Horse Occupation: director, actor Twitter Wikipedia

    The famous actor and director Tigran Keosayan has always been in the spotlight, both among women and journalists. Infinitely everyone was worried about the question of the personal life of the star: Who is the wife of Tigran Keosayan at the present time and how many children does he have in total? During his life, the actor had two marriages, one of which is valid to this day. The first marriage of the actor with Alena Khmelnitskaya lasted quite a long time, but, unfortunately, broke up. But the second wife of Tigran Keosayan, Margarita Simonyan, is building a happy family life with her husband to this day.

    Personal life of Tigran Keosyan photo:

    Tigran Keosyan and his wife - Margarita Simonyan photo

    Tigran Keosayan - husband of Margarita Simonyan

    Tigran Keosayan is 14 years older than his second wife. Born and raised in a wealthy and famous family. Therefore, the young years of the actor differed from the childhood of Tigran Keosayan's new wife, Margarita Simonyan. Some were convinced of the mediocrity of Keosayan, but this, on the contrary, strengthened his position. While still at university, he made a short film with his friend Fyodor Bondarchuk, who played the main role in it. Then the army interrupted his labor activity, but then Tigran continued his studies again.
    Also, he starred in the films "Joker", and "Katka and Shiz", in which he played far from the last role. Also, Tigran was seen on television and even hosted several television shows.

    Tigran Keosyan in his youth photo look

    Biography of Margarita - the second wife of Tigran

    Margarita Simonyan was born in Krasnodar on April 6, 1980. The second wife of Tigran Keosayan grew up in a very poor family. Margarita's father was engaged in the repair of refrigeration equipment, and her mother traded flower products in the market. The difficult living conditions of Margarita and her sister Alice, on the contrary, added motivation and a great desire to get out of poverty. When Margarita Simonyan was 10 years old, her family was given an apartment.

    Margarita Simonyan in childhood photo look

    At school, the girl studied well and was distinguished by her diligence and education. She read best of all and knew foreign languages. Margarita's teachers were always pleased with her and offered her to read the works in front of the whole class.
    When Margarita was in the 9th grade, she had a chance to go to study in the USA on an exchange. The girl was very warmly received by the new family, and she did not want to return to Russia. But, longing for the pedigree edges took over.

    Career Margarita Simonyan

    After school, Margarita entered the Kuban State University at the Faculty of Journalism. The constant desire of the girl contributed to the fact that Margarita, even in her student years, became a correspondent on the Krasnodar TV channel. The previously published collection of poems attracted the editor so much that the TV channel decided to film the story of such a talented girl and offer her a job on television.
    Margarita Simonyan, the real wife of Tigran Keosayan, was a very brave and courageous girl. At the age of 19, she went to shoot a story in Chechnya. For such a test, the girl was awarded and her popularity began to grow at a tremendous speed.

    Having visited Abkhazia during the war as a journalist, Margarita's direction in her professional activities was determined. She talked about military operations, "hot spots" and many other military facts.

    The work of a war correspondent is very difficult and requires a large supply of nerves, said Margarita. In 2005, the girl became the editor-in-chief of the Russia Today channel, and literally 6 years later, Margarita, along with Tina Kandelaki, became the host of the Iron Ladies show.

    Tina Kandelaki and Margarita Simonyan photo

    Personal life of Margarita Simonyan

    Since 2012, the young journalist has often been noticed in the company of director and actor Tigran Keosayan. At that time, the man was not alone. With him was the first wife of Tigran Keosayan - Alena Khmelnitskaya, whose photo is uploaded all over the Internet. While the new wife of Tigran Keosayan, shown in the photo, that is, Margarita herself, not so long ago lived in a civil marriage with another man.

    Margarita Simonyan and her civil husband - Andrey Blagodyrenko photo

    At that time, Tigran Keosayan and his future wife were just opening a restaurant business. Only this occupation and common interests could unite two people. In 2013, Margarita had a daughter from Tigran, who was named Maryana. After this moment, Margarita Simonyan and her husband Tigran Keosayan took photos together and rejoiced at the birth of a child.
    The most interesting thing is that in 2014 Margarita also gave birth to a son, Bagrat. Georgian roots are felt in his name. Therefore, there were rumors that both children were from Tigran Keosayan, and not from a common-law husband. In the same year, Tigran Keosayan and his new wife Margarita Simonyan together opened a restaurant business in Sochi, which is making a success. In 2014, the director and Khmelnitskaya had a divorce, and soon one could see photos of Tigran Keosayan, his new wife and children together.
    The new wife of Tigran Keosayan communicates well with her husband's children from a previous marriage. According to her, if her husband has children from a previous marriage, then divorce should not affect the upbringing of the child. Therefore, the wives of Tigran Keosayan sometimes meet and keep in touch, and both are not against such contact.

    The first wife of Tigran Keosayan

    In 1992, Tigran met Alena Khmelnitskaya. Alena Khmelnitskaya is an actress who starred in very good films, but moreover, she performs her roles chic. Alena's parents were artists of the Bolshoi Theater, so they always toured. From an early age, the actress began acting in films. Someone said that she was destined to be born an actress. Already in 1991, the star played in the films The Tale of the Merchant's Daughter and the Mysterious Flower, as well as Murder at the Sunshine Menor.

    Literally the next year, the couple had a child, the girl Alexandra, and the family officially registered their marriage. Alena, being married to Tigran, bore him two children, Alexandra and Xenia. Alena Khmelnitskaya's husband, Tigran, worked alone, as his wife was sitting with the child. The couple quickly overcame financial difficulties, and personal life began to improve.

    Alena Khmelnitskaya and her daughter Alexandra photo

    Alena Khmelnitskaya and her daughter Xenia photo

    They constantly went out together to events, and you could see a lot of photos in which Tigran Keosayan and his wife are satisfied and happy. But, already in 2012, the couple's public life went to naught.

    New personal life of Alena Khmelnitskaya

    Table of contents
    Height, weight, age. How old is Alena Khmelnitskaya
    Biography of Alena Khmelnitskaya
    Personal life of Alena Khmelnitskaya after a divorce
    Family of Alena Khmelnitskaya
    Children of Alena Khmelnitskaya
    Daughter of Alena Khmelnitskaya - Alexandra Khmelnitskaya
    Daughter of Alena Khmelnitskaya - Ksenia Khmelnitskaya
    Former husband of Alena Khmelnitskaya - Tigran Keosayan
    Photo by Alena Khmelnitskaya before and after plastic surgery
    Instagram and Wikipedia Alena Khmelnitskaya

    The most pressing question that torments many viewers is: who is Alena Khmelnitskaya with now! The star officially confirmed the relationship with Alexander Sinyushin. Moreover, the wife of Tigran Keosayan, Margarita Simonyan, uploads joint photos with Alena. This worries many, but not Keosayan's ex-wife. It will be funny for someone to catch such a moment where both wives of Tigran Keosayan look happy in the photo.

    Name: Alena Khmelnitskaya (Alena Khmelnitskaya) Middle name: Alexandrovna Birthday: January 12, 1971 (age 47) Place of birth: Moscow Height: 173 cm Weight: 63 kg Zodiac sign: Capricorn Eastern horoscope: Boar Activity: actress, Wikipedia TV presenter

    Alena Khmelnitskaya with Alexander Sinyushin photo

    Alena Khmelnitskaya and Margarita Simonyan photo

    Instagram and Wikipedia Alena Khmelnitskaya
    In the age of Internet technologies, many are looking for Alena Khmelnitskaya's Instagram and Wikipedia, what they say about her. If we talk about the encyclopedia, then it presents to the attention of fans a fairly wide list of films in which the actress took part in different years. Here you can see:

    "Ondine", released on screens in 2003;
    "The President and his granddaughter", 2009;
    "Peter the Magnificent", 2006 release, etc.

    The actress also pays quite a lot of attention to the popular social network Instagram, regularly sharing beautiful photos with subscribers.
    More recently, it was with the help of Instagram that Khmelnitskaya congratulated her eldest daughter on her next birthday, being several thousand kilometers away from her.

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