Fairy tale Lie, but in it - Hint, Who knows - the lesson. A fairy tale is a true story, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows ...


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Ever since early childhood, I have been very fond of fairy tales, loved to listen to them and even imagine that I myself am the hero of these fairy tales. Now I study at school and at literature lessons I study many different works: stories, short stories, poems, prose, etc., but fairy tales of Russian writers and writers of different peoples of the world are still interesting and close to me.

The more I read different fairy tales, the more I began to think, what are fairy tales in general? I wanted to understand what they have in common and what are the differences. What do the words of the statement of the Russian writer A. S. Pushkin mean: “The fairy tale is a lie and there is a hint in it”? What effect do fairy tales have on the emotional and psychological state of a person.

Purpose of the study: find out what fairy tales teach, whether good always triumphs over evil and touch the riches of Russian fiction through acquaintance with a fairy tale.

During my research work, I put forward hypothesis:

If a fairy tale is fiction, fiction, people's dream of a happy life, ridicule of human shortcomings, then they have their own meaning, only the main thing is to understand and see it.

Research tasks:

Learn the history of fairy tales.

Learn the types of folk tales.

Determine the similarities of fairy tales of different peoples.

Compare Russian fairy tales with fairy tales of other peoples.

Find proverbs and sayings for fairy tales.

Conduct a comparative analysis of the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin with other fairy tales.

Summarize the work done.

Practical tasks:

Conduct a survey among primary school students and their classmates: “What do they read the most? What kind of fairy tales do you like and what do you teach?

“Explain the meaning of the expression “The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! Good fellows lesson.

Create a presentation.

Research methods:

Literature study,

Polling and questioning,

Experiment: creation and production of a fairy tale book,

In the course of this work, I re-read many fairy tales, literature, dictionaries, encyclopedias. I visited the school library, visited the district library of our city, studied information from the Internet, etc.

Relevance of the work: The world is constantly changing, changing, progressing, new technologies appear. Currently, we are increasingly seeing examples of childish cruelty, aggressiveness towards each other, towards loved ones. In this regard, it seems to me that we need to give our children more concepts such as: kindness, duty, conscience, love, mutual assistance, etc. We need solutions that will help us children become better and grow up to be moral adults.

Chapter I

The history of fairy tales

Fairy tales appeared long before writing and books. Even in ancient times, the people composed and passed them from mouth to mouth, carrying them through the centuries, from generation to generation, and brought the dreams and hopes of their ancestors to our days. Each generation made its own corrections to fairy tales, reflecting changes in the way of life and the degree of knowledge of the world.

For example, scientists called fairy tales fiction because they did not reflect the reality of life. Many researchers of folklore called everything that “suggested” a fairy tale. A folk tale is a type of oral narrative with fantastic fiction, the content and forms of which were originally associated with myths.

In Ancient Russia, the word "fairy tale" was not, there was a "fable" - to play, it means to tell, to tell. When we say the word "fairy tale", involuntarily we see a special, beautiful and mysterious world that lives according to its fairy laws, where extraordinary fantastic heroes live, where good triumphs over evil.

In the explanatory dictionary of Vladimir Dahl, the following definition is given: “A fairy tale, a fictional story, an unprecedented and even unrealizable story, a legend. A fairy tale has a beginning, a saying, an ending. There is a fairy tale heroic, worldly, joker or tiresome fairy tale. (Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language)

In the explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov: a fairy tale is a narrative, usually folk poetic work about fictional persons and events, predominantly. with the participation of magical, fantastic forces. 2. Fiction, lies (colloquial). 3. A fairy tale, the same as a miracle (in 3 meanings) ”(“ Dictionary of the Russian Language ”by S. I. Ozhegov, p. 720)

Fairy tales are the oldest genre of oral folk art. The following types of fairy tales are distinguished:

folk tale

Genre of written and oral folk art: prosaic oral story about fictitious events in the folklore of different peoples.

literary tale. A fiction-oriented work that is closely related to a folk tale, but, unlike it, belongs to a specific author.

Didactic tales reveal the meaning and importance of certain knowledge, learning activities, etc.) are animated.

1.2. Types of folk tales.

The groups of fairy tales do not have sharply defined boundaries, but today the following classification of Russian folk tales is accepted by various literary critics and researchers:

Animal Tales,

fairy tales,

household stories.

Let's take a closer look at each type of story.

Magic - These are the most popular and favorite fairy tales for children.

Magical, where a person communicates with creatures that you will not meet in real life, for example: Baba Yaga, Koshchei the Immortal, Sivka - Burka, the Sea King, etc. All these characters have incredible power, this is only possible in fairy tales. Female images, such as: the Tsarevna-maiden, Vasilisa - the Beautiful, Marya - Morevna, etc. They are so beautiful that “neither in a fairy tale can be said, nor described with a pen”, and at the same time they have magic, intelligence and courage.

In fairy tales, in addition to the common people, there are kings, princes, subjects, servants. And for the place of ordinary houses, far away kingdoms and far away states, sea palaces, in the sea - ocean, mysterious dungeons, etc. appear. The fantastic world is multicolored, filled with many curiosities: milky rivers flow here with jelly banks, golden apples grow in the garden, “birds of paradise sing and sea seals meow”. People communicate with animals that help to achieve justice and punish evil. Tales such as: Sivka - Burka, Zhar - Bird, Emelya - a fool, where the pike helps to find your happiness. In addition to living beings, heroes are assisted in difficult times by various wonderful objects, for example: a tablecloth - self-assembly, a carpet - an airplane, a ring, living and dead water, boots - runners, etc. These items also have super-miraculous powers.

Household tales:

In everyday fairy tales, as in others, the events are fictitious, but unlike fairy tales, everything happens here as usual, as in everyday life. People become heroes: a poor man and a rich man, a peasant and a merchant, a soldier and a gentleman, and so on. In these tales, "truth" is always on the side of the poor. Thanks to their ingenuity and resourcefulness, the poor punish stupid and cowardly gentlemen, priests, kings, etc. for example: "The tale of the priest and his worker Balda." The main character is Balda, a fairy tale character. At the same time, he is a symbol of the bright side and selflessness. Pop wanted to trick him when he hired him, but Balda outsmarted him. “Here is Balda, very quick-witted, he deceived the priest, the cunning one!” Greed and avarice were punished. "Don't you chase the pop for cheapness." In this phrase, Pushkin expressed the whole meaning of the tale. Here we can attribute the following saying: "Greed does not lead to good." As a result, we can conclude that the tale of A.S. Pushkin glorifies the mind, diligence, kindness and laughs at greed and boasting, laziness and self-interest.

And how many more fairy tales are there where a soldier becomes a hero. He will help everyone, help out of trouble, show ingenuity. For example: “About one soldier”, “Need”, “Soldier and death”, “Porridge from an ax”, etc. He is able to deceive the devil, master, stupid old woman and achieves his goal. The conflict of everyday fairy tales is that decency, honesty, nobility under the guise of rusticity and naivety opposes those personality traits that caused a sharp obstacle: anger, envy, greed ("Pot, boil!" or A. S. Pushkin's fairy tale "The Tale of fisherman and fish.)

In fact, in fairy tales, there is, as it were, a competition between intelligence and cunning, resourcefulness and ingenuity, who will outwit whom, and at the end of the tale justice triumphs. Or consider fairy tales about greed, where the heroes are not enough and in the end they are left with nothing .

Animal Tales:

Animal tales are the simplest kind of fairy tales. Tales about plants, about inanimate nature (frost, sun, wind), about objects (bubble, straw, bast shoes) adjoin here. There is a clear distinction between positive and negative in them, so there is never a doubt how to treat this or that character.

In these fairy tales, animals talk, argue, quarrel, make friends, quarrel, etc.

For example: “Cat and Fox”, “Wolf and Goat”, “Crane and Heron”, etc. The authors endow all these animals with human qualities. They are stupid, wise, cowardly and brave, etc. that is, they can think and analyze. All this, of course, is fictional and fabulous, it does not coincide with real life. In fairy tales, this or that animal symbolizes its vice, or vice versa. Animals and birds are similar and not like real ones.

Fairy tales affirm the child in the right relationship to the world. The grandfather, and the grandmother, and the granddaughter, and the Bug, and the cat are pulling the turnip - pulling, pulling, and not pulling the turnips for them. And only when the mouse came to the rescue, they pulled out a turnip. Of course, the capacious artistic meaning of this ironic tale will become completely understandable to a small person only when he grows up. Then the fairy tale will turn to him with many facets. The child can only think that no, even the smallest force is superfluous in the work: how many forces are in the mouse, and without it they could not pull the turnip.

The cheerful and provocative bun is so self-confident that he himself did not notice how he became a bouncer, who is flattered by his own luck - so he got caught by the fox (“Gingerbread Man”). There is a lot of humor in fairy tales about animals, it develops a sense of the real in children and simply amuses, entertains, pleases, sets mental forces in motion. However, fairy tales also know sadness. How sharply contrasted are the transitions from sadness to joy! For example: a hare is crying at the threshold of his hut. The goat kicked him out. The rooster chased away the goat - there is no end to the joy of the hare. Fun and listener fairy tales.

The genre of "Fairy Tale" obeys its own laws. One of them is the law of a happy ending, or the ascent from misfortune to happiness. No matter what happens in a fairy tale, everything ends well.

1.3. Similarity of fairy tales of different peoples of the world.

A fairy tale is an important part of the national culture of every people, however, despite the expressive national coloring of these works, many of their themes, motifs, images and plots are very close to different peoples. In the fairy tales of different peoples of the world, there lives a daring dream of a person about happiness, about wonderful objects and miracles: a flying carpet and thousand-mile shoes, about palaces and so on. Features of great similarity have long been noticed in the tales of peoples living in different parts of Asia, Europe, and Africa. There are at least three hundred and fifty very popular fairy tales, reminiscent of Cinderella from the famous collection of French fairy tales by Charles Perrault (1628-1703), and many of them feature a lost shoe. In the Indian tale "The Golden Fish", recorded in a remote corner of Central India, anyone who has read or heard Pushkin's wonderful "Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" will instantly catch something well known. Moreover, scientists say that the tale of the goldfish exists almost everywhere in Europe, in Latin America and Canada, as well as in Indonesia and Africa. We can see the colorful image of Baba Yaga in many fairy tales, only the name of this character will be different. It can be a witch, a sorceress, and an evil sorceress, in all likelihood this happened because the healers who lived far from people in the wilderness and collected herbs and roots could serve as the prototype for such characters. It's no secret that Ivan - the fool is similar to the English Jack - the lazy person, both were able to successfully marry, solving all kinds of puzzles with the help of intelligence and ingenuity. The well-known fairy tale about the three bears, in general, differs in only one character, in the Russian version it is a little girl, and in the English fairy tale - a feeble old woman. There are fairy tales that are not only similar in characters, but the plot lines of such works are also very similar, we can see this in the example of fairy tales about Alyonushka and her brother Ivanushka and the German storytellers of the Brothers Grimm about Hansel and Gretel. The peoples of the world live on one planet, develop according to the general laws of history, no matter how peculiar the paths and destinies of each of them, living conditions, languages. In the similarity of the historical folk life, obviously, one should seek the answer to the question of what are the reasons for the similarity, proximity of the tales of peoples living on different continents, and what are the reasons for the assimilation of borrowed tales. And although the tales of different peoples have their own national features and traditions, with a special poetic look inherent in it, they are all imbued with a desire for social justice.

Studying fairy tales and drawing parallels between them, we cannot help but notice that they all carry some specific semantic load, they all teach to be kind, polite, respectful towards others, honest, courageous and brave people. It is these fairy-tale characters that show us children that good deeds always win, and evil will be punished.

What unites the tales of different peoples? How are they similar? The first thing to notice is the plot. The second is the similarity of types of fairy tales. Many fairy tales feature animals. For example: the Russian folk tale "The Wolf and the Goats" and the English folk tale "The Wolf and the Three Kittens".

The plots of fairy tales are closely connected with myths and religion. Differences in fairy tales of different peoples in the style of narration, the national features of the characters, the described customs and traditions.

1.4. Comparative analysis of fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin with other fairy tales.

Compare A. S. Pushkin's fairy tale "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" and the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm "Snow White". The plots of fairy tales have much in common, the presence of the main characters is the same, similar events. The Brothers Grimm wrote a fairy tale about their people, for German listeners, and Pushkin - about the Russian people. About national color

Images of heroes taken from Russian epics;

The tower of heroes, reminiscent of a solid peasant hut;

Elisha's triple appeals to the forces of nature, reminiscent of Russian folk song spells;

The language of Pushkin's fairy tale, saturated with Russian folk expressions, repetitions, constant epithets.

Unlike the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm, Pushkin's fairy tale is about the most important value for the poet - it glorifies human loyalty and love. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" is a literary fairy tale written in verse. "Snow White" is a processed folk version in prose. Helpers, methods, shelter for the heroine and the ending of fairy tales are different.


Russian fairy tales, while similar, at first glance, with their plot to German fairy tales, have their own national Russian flavor.

The German fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm are actually German folk tales. The tales of A. S. Pushkin (on the example of "The Tale of the Dead Princess") contain the author's moral values ​​and the author's attitude towards the characters.

The existing features of fairy tales are a natural reflection of the differences in the way of life, life, culture of the Russian and German peoples who composed these fairy tales or recorded them. Knowledge of the national characteristics of fairy tales from different countries plays an important role in the development of linguistic and linguocultural competence.

Chapter II

2.1. Survey and questioning among students of our school.

I conducted a survey of students of our school, where schoolchildren from 1st to 8th grades took part. The following questions were asked during the survey:

What are you reading?

What fairy tales (genres) do you like the most?

Do you agree with the statement of A. S. Pushkin “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! Good fellows lesson!”? And what do these words mean?

Do you think fairy tales teach us or not? If yes, why?

What are your favorite fairy tales? What do they like?

Did fairy tales help you understand any life wisdom?

What character would you like to be like? Why?


Most children prefer to read fantasy and fairy tales. Children of elementary grades most of all like to read fairy tales about animals. Older children love to read fairy tales, as it turned out, most of them. And only high school students prefer everyday fairy tales.

Most of all, children remember folk tales, then foreign writers and tales of Russian authors. Summarizing moral values ​​and qualities, during the survey it became clear that the guys put kindness and diligence in the first place. Then a sense of humor and courage, beauty, quick wit and strength.

Favorite fairy tales about animals were: "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Wintering of animals", "Fox and Hare", "Fox and Crane", "Fox-sister and Wolf", "Man and Bear", etc. The analysis showed that most often children mentioned fairy tales, the names of which include the name of the Fox (82%), the Wolf (68%), the Hare (36%), the Bear (45%), the Mouse (23%).

Children consider Hare (86%), Bear (50%), Rooster (45%), Cat (23%), Mouse (23%) as positive. Many of my peers believe that under the appearance of each fairy-tale animal lies the character of a person 86% and only 14% think that fairy-tale animals have the temperament and habits characteristic of animals.

Fairy tales, according to my classmates, teach kindness and wisdom (64%), honesty and justice (45%), politeness and responsiveness (36%), diligence (36%), friendship and fidelity (27%), love for animals ( 27%), love for others (23%), courage (14%).

“The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows”- we have known these words since childhood.

To the question: “What do the words of A. S. Pushkin mean?” The guys answered that a fairy tale, in their understanding, is an edification of the author to the reader (good fellow), dressed in an interesting form (fiction). A fairy tale is a lie (fiction), but there is a hint (edification) in it - a lesson for good fellows (readers, listeners) (edification must be remembered).

High school students did not give preference to fairy tales, but everyone noted that they were very fond of fairy tales in childhood and listened to them with pleasure when they were read to them. Now the guys watch more foreign-made cartoons, mostly modern ones, and unfortunately they confuse the heroes of fairy tales and epics, instead of Russian folk tales.

3. Conclusion.

The plots of fairy tales in different nations are similar, because the ideas of all peoples about good and evil, truth and untruth, about justice and deceit, about what is considered dignity, heroism, cowardice are similar.

In fairy tales, all ends well and good wins. Returning to the words of A. S. Pushkin: “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it ...” This “hint” is the truth of the fairy tale. It does not give direct instructions, but there is always some lesson in its content. Sometimes this “hint” is not immediately realized, but gradually everything becomes clear.

I reached my goal: I learned what fairy tales are, why they are needed and what they teach. Expanded the depth of his knowledge in the expression "The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it ..."

Has concluded that such qualities of people as respect, friendship, etc. are inherent in the characters in almost all fairy tales. The tale contains a hidden, unobtrusive moral, you can not cheat, be greedy and betray friends. Fairy tales, especially our Russian folk tales, are beautiful life textbooks. They teach us the truth of life in the best way.

In the course of work I learned how interesting and rich the world of fairy tales is. Find out what human qualities are most valued. I was convinced that fairy tales were written not just like that, but in order to teach us the rules of life, work hard and be kinder to each other.

For me it was amazing and interesting that the heroes of fairy tales, like caring nannies, teach us upbringing step by step and make us involuntarily draw certain conclusions. After getting acquainted with fairy tales, we fall in love with folk art, our history even more and become a little kinder and cleaner.

The main thing in fairy tales was work and intelligence, with the help of which the heroes got out of difficult situations.

Once again I was convinced that understanding the essence of fairy tales became the starting point in determining the basic values ​​in relationships between people. I also try to live in my class according to the rules that reflect the moral laws of society and I want all the guys to also try to live by them. I treat everyone with respect and try to make it pleasant and interesting for everyone to communicate and work with me. I try not to offend people and help them if they need my help. I value other people's opinions of myself. I love my homeland very much and will try to make it even better.

My hypothesis was confirmed that the fairy tale is really fiction, fiction, people's dream of a happy life, where human shortcomings are ridiculed, but it has its own meaning, only the main thing is to understand and see it.

Read fairy tales!

And then life will be full

Warmth and kindness!

4. List of used literature.

English folk tales.

      Anikin V.P. Theory of folklore//Course of lectures. - Moscow: KDU, 2007. - 432 p.

Anikin V.P. Russian folk tales. The best fairy tales of the world. - Moscow, 1992.

      Bragin A. “About everything in the world. Big children's encyclopedia "Publisher: "AST, Astrel", 2002
      Brandis E, O.V. Alekseeva, G.P. Grodensky and others//Children's literature. Textbook for pedagogical schools. - M .: Uchpedgiz, 1959 - 354s.

Vedernikova N.M. Russian folktale. - M.: Nauka, 1975

Wikipedia dictionary.

Dahl, Vladimir I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language: fav. Art. / V. I. Dal; comm. ed. ed. V. I. Dahl and I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay; [scient. ed. L. V. Belovinsky]. - M. : OLMA Media Group, 2009. - 573 p.

Ozhegov, Sergei I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: about 100,000 words, terms and phraseological expressions / S. I. Ozhegov; ed. L. I. Skvortsova. - 26th ed., Rev. and additional - M. : Oniks [and others], 2009. - 1359 p.

Pushkin A.S. "Fairy tales"

Russian folk riddles. Proverbs. Sayings. / Enlightenment 1990

Fairy tales. Foreign classics / Tales of German writers, - M .: ARDIS, - 2013.

Tales of the peoples of the world.

Tales of the Brothers Grimm.

Trubetskoy E.N. Another kingdom and its seekers in a Russian folk tale, 1997.

Ushakov, Dmitry Nikolaevich Large explanatory dictionary of the modern Russian language: 180,000 words and phrases / D. N. Ushakov. - M. : Alta-Print [and others], 2008. - 1239 p.

North-Kazakhstan region

Akkayinsky district

Soviet secondary school named after U.M. Ahmedsafin

Literary quiz

"The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,

good fellows lesson.

Chernenko Valentina Vladimirovna

preschool teacher

KSU "Soviet secondary school

named after U.M.Ahmedsafin"

v. Trudovoe


Literary quiz

"The tale is a lie and a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows."

Target: educate the need to read books, educate love for oral folk art, for the tales of various writers.


Obobprotect children's knowledge of fairy tales;

Develop the ability to recognize fairy tales and their heroes;

Develop creative imagination, associative memory.

Quiz progress

Dear guys, I am glad to welcome all of you to the literary quiz "The fairy tale is a lie and there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows."

Fairy tales are loved by both adults and children. What is a fairy tale? (children's answers)

A fairy tale is a work associated with oral folk art, with a person’s personal fantasy, the author’s idea. A fairy tale was created for the purpose of entertainment and educational purposes. The fairy tale teaches kindness, honesty, courage, diligence and other positive qualities.

Fairy tales are different: about animals, everyday fairy tales, magic ... In a word, this is a magical world that tells that it is better to be kind and honest. Reading, listening, viewing fairy tales, we experience a feeling of sadness, joy ... A fairy tale is a miracle! You agree with me?

Now we will find out how well you know your favorite fairy tales. To do this, we need two commands (recruiting teams of five ). Each team must choose a name for itself. The quiz consists of 5 contests. The contest rules are very simple. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point. If the team does not have an answer, the fans have the right to answer. The tasks of all competitions are associated with names, heroes of fairy tales or with the authors who wrote them. After each competition, the jury sums up the results. At the end of our quiz, the jury must choose who knows fairy tales best of all (I represent the jury, the teams report the names "Kolobok", "Pinocchio").

1. Attention: the first competition is "Warm-up".

Two teams take part in this competition at the same time. I pronounce the task, and you all together answer each command in turn:

1. Mixed on sour cream, chilled on the window.

He has a ruddy side, who is this? (Kolobok)

2. A kind girl lived in a fairy tale, She went to visit her grandmother through the forest.

Mom made a beautiful hat. And don't forget to bring pies.

What a cute girl. What is her name? … (Red Riding Hood)

3. Everyone grabbed each other so tightly in a chain!

But more helpers will soon come running,

Friendly common work will win the stubbornness. How firmly seated! Who is this? ... (Turnip)

4. A middle-aged man with an enormous beard.

Offends Pinocchio, Artemon and Malvina.

In general, for all people, he is a notorious villain.

Do any of you know who this is? (Karabas)

5. I am a wooden boy, here is a golden key!

Artemon, Piero, Malvina - they are all friends with me.

I stick my nose everywhere, my name is ... (Pinocchio)

6. A little blue boy from a famous children's book in a hat.

He is a fool and a know-it-all, but his name is ... (Dunno)

7. And she washed it for her stepmother, and sorted out peas

At night by candlelight, and slept by the stove.

Good as the sun. Who is this? … (Cinderella)

8. He is cheerful and not malicious, This cute eccentric.

With him is the boy Robin and his friend Piglet.

For him, a walk is a holiday, and a special scent for honey.

This teddy bear is a prankster ... (Winnie the Pooh)

Each team will be asked 10 questions. You need to answer immediately, without hesitation. If you don't know the answer, say "next". At this time, the opposing team and the fans are silent, do not prompt.

Questions for the first team:

1. Where did Dr. Aibolit go by telegram? (to Africa)

2.. The mustachioed character of Chukovsky's fairy tale. (Cockroach)

3. Bridegroom Flies-sokotuhi. (Mosquito)

4. What did the cunning soldier cook porridge from? (From an ax)

5. Who did Emelya catch in the hole? (Pike)

6. Who was the frog in the Russian folk tale? (Princess)

7. . A postman from the village of Prostokvashino. (Pechkin)

8. What did the fleas give to the Tsokotukha Fly? (Boots)

9. What flowers did the heroine of the fairy tale "Twelve Months" go for on New Year's Eve? (Behind the snowdrops)

10. What was the name of the girl from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen", who went all over the world to look for her named brother? (Gerda)

Questions for the second team:

1. To whom did Little Red Riding Hood carry pies and a pot of butter? (grandmother)

2. . What did the Tsokotukha fly buy at the market? (Samovar)

3. Carlson's best friend. (Baby)

4. What kind of hut did the fox have in the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"? (Icy)

5. What was the name of Dr. Aibolit's sister? (Barbara)

6. Who caught the goldfish? (Old man)

7. What was the name of the little girl who was born and lived in a flower? (Thumbelina)

8. What birds did the 11 royal sons turn into? (In swans)

9. Who did the ugly duckling turn into? (In a beautiful swan)

10. What was the carriage in which Cinderella went to the ball made of? (From a pumpkin)

3. Competition "Guess the hero of a fairy tale."

Guys, in this competition you will need to solve riddles, the heroes of which are fairy-tale characters.

Riddles for the first team.

1. Gobbling up rolls,

The guy rode on the stove.

Ride through the village

And he married a princess. (Emelya)

2. An arrow flew and hit the swamp,

And in this swamp someone caught her.

Who said goodbye to green skin,

Did you instantly become beautiful, comely? (Frog)

3. He lives in the wild jungle,

He calls the wolf father.

A boa constrictor, panther, bear -

Friends of the wild boy. (Mowgli)

4. He is a big naughty and comedian,

He has a house on the roof.

Boastful and arrogant,

And his name is ... (CARLSON)

5. Gentle girl with a tail

Then it will become sea foam.

Lose everything without selling love

I gave my life for her. (Mermaid)

Riddles for the second team.

1. Lives in a forest hut,

She is almost three hundred years old.

And you can go to that old woman

Get caught for lunch. (Baba Yaga)

2. A girl appeared in a cup of a flower,

And the size of the crumb is a little more than a fingernail.

In a nutshell the girl slept,

Who is this girl that is sweet to us in everything? (Thumbelina)

3. A girl is sitting in a basket

The bear is on the back.

He himself, without knowing it,

Carries her home. (Masha from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear")

4. Lives in the priest's house,

Sleeping on straw

Eats for four

Sleeps for seven. (Balda)

5. He turned the son of a miller into a marquis,

Then he married the king's daughter.

In doing so, I will tell you a secret,

Was, like a mouse, eaten by an ogre. (Puss in Boots)

Our teams did a good job, let them rest, and we will find out which of the fans knows fairy tales well (fans competition):

1. Three of them live in a hut,

It has three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears)

2. In the dark forest at the edge,

They all lived together in a hut.

The children were waiting for their mother

The wolf was not allowed into the house.

This tale is for the guys ... (Wolf and seven kids)

3. We are from a fairy tale - you know us.

If you remember, guess!

If you don't remember, well...

Read the story again!

In this fairy tale - name day,

There were many guests there.

And on these birthdays

Suddenly a villain appeared.

He wanted to steal the mistress,

Nearly killed her.

But the insidious villain

Someone cut off his head.

("Fly Tsokotukha".)

4. Jump-jump, jump-jump

Through the sea and the forest!

On the way I found the Firebird

And a beautiful girl

Well, the stupid king

He managed to deceive not in vain.

So Ivanushka helped

Smart little horse

Known to everyone ... (The hunchback.)

5. Know the doll Malvina

And cheerful Pinocchio:

If the enemy is from all sides,

Win in an unequal battle

Faithful friend - reliable, glorious,

Brave poodle... (Artem.)

6.Monday and Wednesday,

Tuesday and Saturday...

These names of gnomes,

I believe someone remembers.

With this fairy tale, friends,

You have known each other for a long time.

It's called ... ("Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.")

7. He always lives above everyone:

He has a rooftop house.

If you go to sleep quickly

You can chat with him.

Will fly to you in your dream

Live cheerful ... (Carlson.)

8. Fruit and garden country

In one of the fairy tale books there is it,

And in it the hero is a vegetable boy.

He is brave, fair, mischievous.

("The Adventures of Cipollino")

The teams rested and we continue our quiz.

4 competition "Magic box".

The Magic Chest contains items from different fairy tales. I will take out the items, and the teams will take turns guessing which fairy tale this item is from.

ABC - "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

Shoe - "Cinderella"

Coin - "Buzzing Fly"

Mirror - "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"

And again the game with the fans.

1. "Fairytale clothes"

1) The kindest and most fearless person wore a doctor's white coat, a white cap, glasses on his nose. (Dr. Aibolit.)

2) Which character walks in a red (or blue) fur coat with a white collar, wears felt boots and a hat, and his nose and cheeks are always red? (Father Frost)

2. "Fabulous magic shoes"

1) In one country, to establish the identity, they began to measure the leg with a special measure. What is this measure and who were they looking for? (The Crystal Slipper, Cinderella.)

2) A smart pet brings out its simpleton owner into people. What shoes does this animal prefer to wear? (Boots, Puss in Boots.)

3) Famously measured steps

Two huge legs.

size forty five

He bought boots. (Uncle Styopa.)

4) “Fleas came to Fly,

They brought her boots

Boots are not easy

They have gold clasps.

To whom were they given? (Fly-Tsokotuhe.)

Final competition "Intellectual"

The questions in this contest are a bit more difficult, so listen carefully and answer if you know.

Questions for the first team:

1. What is the name of Chukovsky's fairy tale, in which there are such words:

The sea is on fire

A whale ran out of the sea. (Confusion)

2. What was the name of the woodcutter's youngest son, who was no bigger than a finger? (Boy-with-finger)

3. What did the brothers from Yershov's fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse" grow for sale in the capital? (Wheat)

4. The name of the leader of a pack of wolves in Kipling's fairy tale "Mowgli". (Akela)

5. What was the name of the girl who sewed nettle shirts for her brothers? (Eliza)

Questions for the second team:

1. Who wrote the fairy tale "The Adventures of Cipollino"? (Gianni Rodari)

2. What was the name of Dr. Aibolit's dog? (Abba)

3. Dunno's favorite musical instrument. (Pipe)

4. What was the name of the captain who visited Lilliput? (Gulliver)

5. Whose hoof full of water did sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka get on the way first? (Cow)

Well done boys! You know fairy tales well, which means you read a lot. Our quiz is coming to an end. And while the jury is summing up, I suggest watching the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf."

I give the floor to the jury.

Summarizing. Quiz winners.

Open educational event

“A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows”

Target:- generalize children's knowledge of Russian folk tales;

Introduce children to folk art;

To promote the development of thinking and cognitive activity to

Russian folk tales

Develop imagination, attention, ingenuity, speech of students;

Cultivate love and respect for fairy tales;

Build good relationships with students.

    Organizing time.

    Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

I know you love games, songs, riddles. What about fairy tales?

Read the proverb.

“A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.”

How do you understand it? (A fairy tale is a fictional work. What happens in it does not really happen, but by reading them, you can learn good, good deeds.)

So what is a fairy tale?

Who knows why we call some fairy tales authorial, and others - Russian folk?

In fairy tales about animals, the properties of people are attributed to all characters. In them, the bear is good-natured, the hare is cowardly, the fox is cunning. The wolf is evil.

This is reflected in Russian sayings. Continue them.

Heather like...

Hungry like...

Healthy as...

Resourceful as...

Dirty like….

Chatty as...

Cowardly as...

It's like…

Stubborn like...

Team View

Team "Kukareku"

Our motto:“Live with a book, don’t grieve for a century”

Team "Kolobok"

Our motto:"He who reads a lot knows a lot"

The story is rich in wisdom

Let's say a fairy tale: - Come!

This is a tip guys!

The story is ahead!

And, of course, different heroes of fairy tales will come to visit us.

Evening would soon come
And the long-awaited hour has come,
To me in a gilded carriage
Go to a fabulous ball!
No one in the palace will know
Where am I from, what is my name,
But as soon as midnight comes,
I'll go back to my attic.
answer: Cinderella

The grandmother loved the girl very much.
She gave her a red hat.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name.
Answer: Little Red Riding Hood

1 "Name the fairy tale according to the illustration"

"Fox and Crane", "Porridge from an ax", "Fox and Wolf", "Zaikin's hut", "Tiny - Khavroshechka", "Cat, Fox and Rooster".

2 "Ears on top"(determine the name of the fairy tale from the description)

slide 6. I read a book with Russian folk tales, but I forgot the names of these tales. I only remember that in the first tale there was a grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, a bug, a cat and someone else. Well, they took her out. What is the name of this fairy tale? Which of the characters did I not name? And what did they take out? ("Turnip")

Slide 7. I remember everyone from the second fairy tale. Grandpa wasn't there. The old man is only with the old woman. And also a hare, a fox, someone else and a bear. And the fox ate it. What is the name of the fairy tale? Which of the characters did I not name? Who did the fox eat? ("Kolobok".)

Sweet 8. From the third fairy tale, I remember all the little animals. Here they are: a runaway bunny, a lamb mouse, a sister fox, a gray barrel top and a clubfoot bear. The bear broke it. What is the name of the fairy tale? Which of the characters did I not name? What did the bear destroy? ("Teremok", bear).)

slide 9. But the fourth tale I remember exactly the whole. In it, someone came to the hare and stayed with him. The bear, the wolf and the dog chased her, chased her and could not drive her out. And here he is kicked out. What is the name of the fairy tale? Which of the characters did I not name? Who got kicked out by the rooster? ("Zaikin's hut.")

3 Art Competition

We made sure that you know fairy tales. Do you know how to draw the characters of your favorite fairy tales? Who will you draw, learn from the riddle:

Mixed on sour cream, chilled on the window
Round side, ruddy side
Rolled ... ... .. (kolobok)
- That's right, you will draw Kolobok. Blindfolded

- And now let's see whose Kolobok turned out more beautiful.

4 "Guess the hero of fairy tales by replica"

1) - "... I sit high - I look far away" (Masha "Masha and the Bear")

2) - "... I left my grandfather ..." (Kolobok "Gingerbread Man")

3) - "... Bug go ... pull" (Granddaughter "Turnip")

4) “... we hear, we hear. Yes, this is not mother’s voice ”(goats“ Wolf and seven kids ”)

5)- “... the fox carries me through the dark forests” (Rooster “Cat, cock and fox”)

6) - "... catch a fish small and large" (Wolf "Fox - sister and gray wolf")

7) - “Yes, I will not press you: I myself will lie down on the bench, the tail under the bench, the chicken under the stove. ... "(" Chanterelle with a rolling pin ")

8) - “... come, kumanek, come, dear! I'll feed you!" (Fox "The Fox and the Crane")

5 "Animals in fairy tales"

1) There are many Russian folk tales about animals. But some of the animals hid inside these words, name them:
Bagel (ram)
Barak (cancer)
skates (horse)
Vasilisa (fox)
hiccup (cat)
dragonfly (goat)
barn (lion)
wizard (ox)
wolfhound (wolf)

2) New task: cross out the letters that occur in the word more than 1 time. Get the name of a fairy tale character.

6 Fizminutka

Fizminutka "Kolobok"

Grandma kneaded not a bun, not pancakes

(Hands are clasped in the lock, circular movements to the left - to the right).

Taken out of the oven


Not a pie, not kalachi

(Turns of the body to the left - to the right, arms to the sides).

As I put it on the table

(tilt forward and extend arms)

He left his grandparents.

Who runs without legs?

(clapping hands).

It's a yellow gingerbread man!

(walking in place)

7 Captains Competition

Guys, let's continue our quiz. The next task - the game is called "Blitz - Poll", Each team will be asked questions, and you should respond quickly.

1. In what fairy tale did the girl break the furniture? " Three Bears"

2. In which fairy tale one hero - kicked out another hero from the house and began to live there? "Zayushkina's hut"

1. In what fairy tale did the hero lure the cockerel out of the house by cunning, and then carried it away for the dark forests? "Cat, Rooster and Fox"

2. In what fairy tale did the hero eat all the porridge, and the other remained hungry? "The Fox and the Crane"

1. In what fairy tale did one hero break the whole house? "Teremok"

2. In what fairy tale did the heroes blind their ice-cold granddaughter? "Snow Maiden"

1. In what fairy tale did the bakery product escape? "Kolobok"

Q. Guys, who will tell you what a bakery product is?

D. These are the products that are baked from flour.

B. Great. What bakery products do you know?

D. Bread, bun, loaf, bagel, bagel.

2. In what fairy tale did the birds take the boy away? "Swan geese"

1. What hero was spent on pies? (Bear) "Masha and the Bear"

2. In what fairy tale did a mutant vegetable grow? "Turnip"

Q. How do you understand the word mutant?

D. This is something that is not like others or is not like everyone else.

8 "Fix the Mistakes"

I will say the name of the fairy tale, and you should hear whether there is an error or not, if you heard the name of the fairy tale with a mistake, you correct me. We started in order. Question to the team "Kolobok" then "Turnip"

    "Wolf and seven lambs" (goats);

    "Ducks - swans" (geese);

    “Fear has huge eyes” (large);

    "Zayushkin house" (hut);

    "Dasha and the Bear" (Masha);

    "Chanterelle with a saucepan" (with a rolling pin).

9 Competition for parents

Restore the sequence in the fairy tale "Geese - Swans"

    The girl met the river.

    Girl in Baba Yaga's hut.

    The girl brings her brother home.

    The girl met with the stove.

    Geese - swans carried away the brother.

    The mouse helps the girl.

    The girl met with an apple tree.

    The girl rushed to catch up with the geese.

10 "Guess-ka" (flower-semitsvetik)

1 - What song did Kolobok sing?
2 - What did the goat sing to her kids?
3 - What did Mashenka say to the bear, sitting in the box?
4 - What did the chicken Ryaba say to grandfather and grandmother?
5 - What words did the wolf help himself to catch fish on his tail?
6 - What did the fox say at that time?
7 - What did the animals ask in the fairy tale "Teremok" before entering there?
8 - What words did Emelya say so that everything would be done by itself?

11 "Magic Items"

Oven (By pike command. Geese-swans. Bun).
egg (koshchei immortal, hen ryaba).
pies (masha and the bear. geese swans.)
sleigh (fox and wolf).

Golden Key


Spoon with golden handle

A pot of honey, a crystal slipper.

12 Telegrams from heroes

1. He is kinder than everyone in the world,
He heals sick animals
And one day from the swamp
He pulled out a hippopotamus.
He's famous, he's famous
This is a doctor ... Aibolit
2. father had a strange boy,
Unusual - wooden,
But the father loved his son.
What a strange
wooden man,
On land and underwater

Looking for a golden key.
Everywhere he sticks his long nose,
Who is this? ... Pinocchio
3. Forests hide a lot of troubles, a wolf, a bear and a fox there!
Our animal lives in anxiety
Takes away from misfortune.
Come on, quickly guess - ka,

What is the name of the animal? ... bunny
4. This beast lives only at home.
Everyone is familiar with this animal.
He has a mustache like knitting needles.
He, purring, sings a song,
Only the MOUSE is afraid of him.
Guessed? This is a cat.
5. Lived in the rivers of Africa
Evil green ship!
Who would not swim to the meeting,
Everyone will be swallowed up... by a crocodile.
6. Cunning cheat,
red head,
Fluffy tail - beauty.
Who is this? ... Fox.
7. He slept in a fur coat all winter,
He sucked his brown paw,
And when he woke up, he began to cry.
This is a forest animal ... a bear.
8. Chok, choke, piglet.
Pink hook on the back.
In the middle of the barrel.
The voice is thin, the call.
Who is it, guess!
It's... a piglet.

Work with proverbs

And the last task sounds like this "Tell the proverb." I will also say proverbs in order, and you will finish speaking. So get ready and be careful.

    For good - ... (they pay good);

    Without labor - ... (you can’t pull a fish out of the pond);

    A rolling stone gathers no moss);

    A friend in need is a friend indeed);

Feats in fairy tales

Connect the hero of the fairy tale with the act that he committed. (Leaflets on the tables)
Aibolit Washed her dishes.
Sparrow Returned the sun to the sky.
Mosquito put out the sea.
Fedora Saved the Fly - Tsokotukha.
The bear ate a cockroach.
Butterfly Healed the animals.

IV. Summarizing

So our journey in the world of Miracles and Magic ended. Thanks to your knowledge of fairy tales, your friendship, we were able to go this way. But now you can continue it yourself, because the fabulous path is endless. Once you open a collection of Russian folk tales, and go!

Did you enjoy your journey through Russian folk tales? (Children answer)
What did you like more? (Children answer)
Why do you think we need fairy tales? What are they teaching? (Children answer)

Fairy tales teach to be smart and kind, honest and hardworking, friendly and courageous. They teach how to defeat evil, lies, deceit, never lose faith in luck, love their homeland and protect the weak.

Saying goodbye to you, I want to say that you are wonderful and very talented guys.

Hello dear parents, mothers and fathers. Did you know that fairy tales are not just children's entertainment? The role and influence of fairy tales that you read to your child is really huge. So huge that it can affect the future of the baby. Indeed, on whether you read fairy tales to your child and WHAT fairy tales you read to him, his development and, as a result, his fate largely depend.

And it's not a joke.

I managed to truly understand the nature and meaning of fairy tales during the time, which is led by Yuri Burlan. shows how the psychic unconscious in various degrees of development and realization controls a person and his destiny.

So, the human psyche develops only before puberty. That is, the development of the child depends on us, the parents, since it is we who create comfortable or unfavorable conditions for this process. And fairy tales have something to do with it.

Essence of fairy tales

Folk tales have been passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years. Fairy tales were an important part of the culture. With the help of a fairy tale, a small person learned with pleasure what is good and what is bad, that good always triumphs over evil, and therefore it is better to be good. The kid understood what actions brave heroes perform, and what actions are ugly losers-villains, and which of them should be equal to.

A fairy tale in the modern world is still a natural way of teaching children about culture and life in society, but not only that. Listening to a fairy tale, a child learns to love and compassion, to receive positive emotions, he learns to live. In addition, fairy tales develop the imagination.

A fairy tale is an opportunity for a child to spend time with mom or dad, and this is very important for a baby, because in this way he feels emotional closeness with a parent, receives the necessary attention and a sense of security.

But there is one BUT, a very significant BUT, for the sake of which this article was written.

The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows.

What hint? Which lesson?

When choosing a fairy tale for a child, you need to think - what, in fact, does this fairy tale teach? What is her moral? Is it relevant today? Will it be useful to my child, or vice versa - will it harm?

There are fairy tales, the deep meaning of which boils down to the fact that eating (eating, swallowing, frying, etc., etc.) their own kind, that is, bipedal and speaking human language, is very bad (heroes of fairy tales are projections of people). In fairy tales, only villains cannibalize, who are necessarily defeated by a good hero in the end.

Once, thousands of years ago, such tales played an important role. They were part of a culture that restricted cannibalism (the fact that this terrible phenomenon was common among ancient people is not only a fairy tale. Ritual cannibalism was witnessed in wild African tribes at a time when culture was already flourishing on all continents except Africa itself. ).

Now another time and culture performs other - more relevant functions for modern humanity. And we still read fairy tales about cannibalism to children. For most children, these tales are simply useless, and for some children, who are especially sensitive, scary tales are categorically read. it is forbidden.

Children with visual vector

A set of mental properties of a person in System-Vector Psychology is called a vector. Vectors are set from birth and develop until puberty.

A feature of a child with a visual vector is increased emotionality. The visual child is very sensitive, he creates emotional bonds not only with his parents, but also with pets and even with toys. Such a baby easily goes from laughter to tears. When he watches a cartoon with a dramatic plot, in moments of danger he can hide his face from fear, and in the most touching moments - cry. He is very worried. A visual child loves to draw, especially on the walls of his room, adding his favorite bright colors to his life.

The state of fear for such a baby is detrimental - this is the most unfavorable state for the development of the visual vector.

A visual child should not be frightened by Baba Yaga, a babayka, a black hand, you should not take him to a funeral, and even more so force him to kiss a deceased relative goodbye.

Tales of cannibalism cause a special fear in the visual child. After all, a child lives a fairy tale, lives the role of each positive character, associating himself with him. And the moment when they want to eat him, causes a primal fear in the baby - a strong unconscious state, extremely destructive. If this state is fixed in him, it can change his fate.

I'm talking about deep unconscious processes. The child does not realize that fairy tales are about cannibalism, that the heroes of fairy tales are projections of people, he is simply very scared. After such fairy tales, he begins to be afraid of the dark - because in the dark his main sensor does not work. There may be other fears as well.

Fears and phobias for many years are the least that can happen. But what is much worse is that the mental properties of a child who grows up in a state of fear will remain underdeveloped. And this means that he will have little chance of becoming a successful person, little chance of realization, little chance of happiness. Tales of cannibalism are especially dangerous and fraught with consequences for visual boys.

The visual child receives maximum development in a state of love, through compassion. Touching fairy tales, stories and stories that evoke compassion are simply necessary for such a baby. The same cartoons and children's films are no less useful to him.

The state of love displaces fears. In a state of love, the visual child can be bolder than all other children. In a state of love and compassion, the visual child grows into a beautiful whole person.

All phobias come from childhood

I'm just one of those visual children who carry their fears and phobias with them into adulthood. Only now, after a training in Systemic Vector Psychology, I began to realize, remember, analyze where they came from and why. Only now I'm starting to understand how to get rid of them.

I have emphasized in this article how fairy tales affect children with a visual vector, because it is very important to know this for the education of visual children.

But nevertheless, every child needs to be brought up, taking into account his mental properties, his vector. Tales of cannibalism are just an example of how you can unknowingly harm a child. Each parent should determine the vector set of his child, so as not to interfere with his development, raising him “from his own bell tower”.

A subtle understanding of the inclinations and mental characteristics of your baby, proper interaction with him and proper upbringing is a guarantee that the child will grow up as a developed, in demand, and therefore, a realized member of society. This is our responsibility to humanity, our most important duty to life, and to our child, of course. The best thing that each of us can leave behind is a Good Person.

Edition 13.03.2012

Due to the fact that the article received comments that, perhaps, scary tales for children are useful, because it tempers them for adulthood, I decided to supplement this article.

The state of fear can be fraught with consequences only for children with a visual vector. These children are few - approximately 5%. Scary stories can't hurt the rest of the children. My eldest child (13 years old) was never afraid of anything, he could watch an action movie or even a horror movie with his dad at night and not even blink an eye. He does not have my visual vector. But just in case, I don’t allow him to watch horror, I also forbid shooting games where you have to kill. He can’t have fears and phobias, but we don’t need cruelty either. Parents should feel the child and filter the information coming to him.

About parental intuition. I was not familiar with SVP when I wrote an article about. I couldn’t explain why I choose the brightest and kindest in her - it was my parental intuition that worked. She just looks like me - she also has a visual vector. My friend Yulia also always changes the plots of fairy tales that she tells her son - according to parental intuition. In these stories, no one eats or dies.

Listen to your intuition, dear parents, and to your child, of course.

A child with a visual vector cannot be “hardened” to adulthood with scary tales. Such a child may react to them in different ways. If he simply refuses such a fairy tale, that's good. And if, on the contrary, he is afraid and draws attention to terrible episodes, asks to read the fairy tale again - this is already worse.

If the visual child is fixed in a state of fear, an adult with fears will grow out of him, whom the horrors of modern life will frighten much more than other people. If such a child learns to be compassionate, then in adult life he is capable of loving the whole world - people, animals, all nature.

For example, a person with a visual vector who grew up in a state of love can become a doctor - he has compassion for people and a desire to help, but no fear. And a person who grew up with fears will be terribly afraid of blood and entrails - like me 🙁 .

Long-awaited and desired, but invariably disrupting the usual course of life. And, therefore, somewhat tiring.

The Christmas tree smelled sharply of pine needles and forest. The toys on it shimmered with glass sides, and multi-colored lanterns dispersed the shadows in the corners of the apartment. The people and the baby Assisyai were getting ready, preening themselves and their surroundings. True, the cat did not react in any way either to the vacuum cleaner or to the wet rag that walked around his favorite and hidden places under and above cabinets, sofas and beds.

When the Christmas tree was put up, the cat already habitually began to try to gnaw on the tips of the branches and play with swinging toys. The Christmas tree was carefully sniffed, and entered into the register by him in the evening. Yes, and the chandelier somehow changed - a garland appeared on it, which this cat had views of (he tried to hang on it, but invariably slipped off and destroyed the tinsel beauty, for which he was not childish).

The fuss before the holiday was not at all a burden to anyone. Finally, under the Christmas tree, filling all the space under the lower branches, lay the gifts prepared in advance.

Candles were lit on the table, and there was a smell of vanilla and spices. At the table they talked about how they spent the pre-holiday days at work. Where and as adults, and people invested with various duties and ranks, people cheerfully played various unusual, but no less interesting roles - three piglets, a wolf, and the Snow Maiden, a granddaughter, played by a hairy and powerful guy. They laughed and made fun of everyone. Carnival actions gave rise to the feeling of a fairy tale.

Behind unhurried conversations and urgent matters, it was somehow strange to look out the window on the go, to notice the smooth, soundless gliding of snowflakes on the ground already covered with a layer of snow. An absolutely clean and shining white fur coat invariably grew on the windows. It seems that nature itself was also preparing for the winter holiday.

Finally, already well into the night, the guests left, the dishes were washed and placed in the cupboards, and the hostess had a free minute.

A light was on in the kitchen, outside the window the night crept on soft paws. The cat was lying curled up in a ball and covering his nose with his paws, on the sofa, in the old house there was peace and quiet.

A mug of tea heavily flavored with ginger and lemon and honey stood on the table and smelled invitingly of peace. Silence... But what is it, like glass needles rustling? Maybe mice? No, the cat is sleeping, does not react in any way. The sound does not end, it seems that a fairy is trying to penetrate through the pipe - a fairy - no fairy, but Santa Claus with deer, for sure. Yes, and frosty patterns began to appear on the windows - at first translucent, and then more and more overgrown with frost.

In the room, the same sound of squeezing and rustling in the wall is heard. REALLY???

Oh, yes, there is a chimney in this wall. The entrance is blocked and covered with wallpaper. Maybe you should open the view, and a miracle will come?

The open window clearly explained the strange and unusual sounds. The temperature dropped sharply, and ice crystals began to fall into the pipe, from which it turned into rain outside the window.

On this Christmas night, the real Santa Claus visited us. And, as always, he came through the chimney in the house.

Yes, a fairy tale is a true story, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.

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