Fairy tale snow maiden description. Ostrovsky


The Spring Tale was written by A. N. Ostrovsky in 1873. The music for the fairy tale was written by P.I. Tchaikovsky, with whom Ostrovsky worked together. The story is beautiful and touching.

The main characters of Ostrovsky's fairy tale "The Snow Maiden":

Spring-Red - takes pleasure in decorating the land of the Berendeys, forests and groves with carpets of green grasses. She and Frost have a daughter, Snegurochka, whom she, Vesna, loves and does not want to quarrel with Frost.

Father Frost - wicked. He takes pleasure in the fact that it is freezing, and also boasts to Spring that the winter this year turned out to be frosty. Santa Claus condemns people because they are in no hurry to take up spring work. For some, the tools are not ready yet, but they are thinking about making mash and celebrating

Snow Maiden girl - gorgeous. But the character is cold, restrained. She speaks in an even and friendly voice, but there is no spiritual warmth, no love in her. Sloboda guys first began to look after her and admired her, but without receiving an answer, everyone left her and returned to their girls. She really likes Lel, likes his songs.

Bobyl Bakula - loafer, even for himself does not want to do anything. He dreamed of living at the expense of the beauty of the Snow Maiden, eating and drinking and doing nothing.

Bobylikha, his wife - turned out to be a greedy woman. For the sake of their own gain, for the sake of gifts, they push the Snow Maiden to dishonor. When Mizgir drew attention to the Snow Maiden, they forced the Snow Maiden to respond to his advances.

Lel, the shepherd - she sings well and pleases the Snow Maiden with her voice. Lel was spoiled by female attention. He is fickle, windy in relationships. He was shown signs of attention by the wife of the boyar Elena the Beautiful, he was adored by suburban girls. Santa Claus warned Spring and the Snow Maiden:

Snow Maiden, run away from Lelya, be afraid

His speeches and songs. by the bright sun

It is pierced through.

Murash, - a rich Slobozhan .

Kupava - young girl, Murash's daughter . She is with happy that the rich and handsome fiance Mizgir is wooing her. With all her passionate soul she caresses him, gives him her tenderness. But as strong was her love, so strong is her hatred for the unfaithful groom.

Mizgir, a merchant guest from Berendeev's settlement - impatient and passionate. Seeing the Snow Maiden, he forgot about his Kupava. And he accused her of not being shy and modest enough with him. His love was strong, so much so that he lost his mind from love for the Snow Maiden. But he did not heed her request to hide their love from God Yaril. On the very first day, he decided to demonstrate his power over the Snow Maiden and lost her. With the first rays of the sun, she melted.

Tsar Berendey- a wise and just ruler. He draws in his free time from public affairs. He is worried that love has begun to cool in people, that loyalty has become less. He feels that Yarilo-sun is offended by the people,

and does not warm the earth, people. Springs have become damp, crops have fallen. Yes, and some people became cold, indifferent. The people love Tsar Berendey for his justice. Anyone can come to him for judgment and protection.

Bermyata- a close boyar and the right hand of Tsar Berendey. The tsar consults with Bermyata in everything, shares his worries, trusts him. Bermyata, it seems, knows about his wife's infidelity, but does not want shame, covers her up.

Elena the beautiful, his wife - although she is beautiful, she is not indifferent to the male sex. Either she walks through the garden with the king, then she fawns on Lelya.

The piece ends sadly. The Snow Maiden melted, and Mizgir threw himself into the lake in despair. But after the death of the heroes there is no sense of hopelessness.

The sun knows

Whom to punish and pardon. Happened

Righteous Judgment! Frost spawn -

The cold Snow Maiden died.

For fifteen years she lived between us,

For fifteen years the Sun has been angry with us.

Now, with her miraculous death,

Frost's interference has ceased.

Life goes on. And the Berendeys rejoice in the warmth of the summer sun.

Secondary Heroes:

Radushka and Malusha - suburban girls, Kupava's girlfriends.

Brusilo, Kid, Smoking room- suburban boys


Servants of Mizgir.

Slobozhane: old men, old women, boys and girls.

Shrovetide - a straw effigy.


Boyars, boyars, guslars, blind, buffoons, youths, biryuchi, berendei of any rank, of both sexes.

Retinue of Spring, birds: cranes, geese, ducks, rooks, magpies, starlings, larks and others.

Berendei of both sexes and all ages.

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‹‹The Snow Maiden›› A. N. Ostrovsky and the folk tale

According to the course ‹‹ Oral Folklore ››

1st year students of group 203 Kholmetskaya N.P.

Barnaul 2010

The work of Ostrovsky "The Snow Maiden" is an amazing fairy tale, which shows the beauty of the world, love, nature, youth. The work is based on folk tales, songs, traditions and legends. Ostrovsky only connected fairy tales, legends and songs together and gave folk art a very peculiar flavor. In "The Snow Maiden" the main place is occupied by human relations. At first glance, the plot looks absolutely fantastic. But then it turns out that living human characters are visible in this phantasmagoria.

Where did the Snow Maiden come from? There is still no exact answer. But there are many variants of its origin.

The image of a fairy tale heroine Snow Maiden formed in the minds of the people gradually over the centuries. Initially, it appeared in Russian folk tales as an image of an ice girl - a granddaughter, who was blinded from the snow by a childless old man and an old woman to comfort themselves, and to people's joy. However, there is an assumption that the tale of the Snow Maiden arose on the basis of the ancient Slavic ritual of the funeral of Kostroma. And so it can be argued that Kostroma is not just the birthplace of the Snow Maiden - she is the very Snow Maiden.

Kostroma was depicted in different ways: it was either a young woman wrapped in white, with an oak branch in her hands, walking accompanied by a round dance, or a straw effigy of a woman. Kostroma means the playable character and the game itself, at the end of which Kostroma gets sick and dies, and then gets up and dances. The final episode of the game and the ceremony, the death and subsequent resurrection of Kostroma, gave rise to the perception of the image of Kostroma as a seasonal spirit (spirit of vegetation), which makes it related to the image of the Snow Maiden.

In the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden Girl” by V. I. Dahl, an old man and an old woman watched other people’s children, “how they roll lumps of snow, play snowballs” and decided to make a daughter for themselves. “The old man brought a lump of snow into the hut, put it in a pot, covered it with a rag and put it on the window. The sun rose, warmed the pot, and the snow began to melt. So there was a girl "white as a snowball, and round as a lump."

The fairy-tale Snow Maiden melts, jumping with her friends over a large hot fire, and turns into a small cloud flying into the sky.

Over time, the image of the heroine was transformed in the popular consciousness: the Snow Maiden becomes the granddaughter of Father Frost and is associated with the Christmas and New Year holidays.

The Snow Maiden is a purely Russian phenomenon and nowhere else in the world does such a character appear on New Year's and Christmas holidays.

The image acquires a new color under the influence of the spring fairy tale by A. N. Ostrovsky "The Snow Maiden". From a little girl - a granddaughter, the heroine turns into a beautiful girl, able to ignite the hearts of young Berendeys with a burning feeling of love.

The Snow Maiden is perhaps the least typical of all the plays by Alexander Ostrovsky, which stands out sharply among other things in his work with lyricism, unusual problems (instead of social drama, the author paid attention to personal drama, designating the theme of love as the central theme) and absolutely fantastic surroundings. The play tells the story of the Snow Maiden, who appears before us as a young girl, desperately longing for the only thing she never had - love. While remaining faithful to the main line, Ostrovsky simultaneously reveals a few more: the structure of his semi-epic, semi-fairytale world, the customs and customs of the Berendeys, the theme of continuity and retribution, and the cyclical nature of life, noting, albeit in an allegorical form, that life and death always go hand in hand.

History of creation

The Russian literary world owes the birth of the play to a happy accident: at the very beginning of 1873, the building of the Maly Theater was closed for major repairs, and a group of actors temporarily moved to the Bolshoi. Deciding to take advantage of the opportunities of the new stage and attract the audience, it was decided to arrange an extravaganza performance unusual for those times, immediately involving the ballet, drama and opera components of the theater team.

It was with the proposal to write a play for this extravaganza that they turned to Ostrovsky, who, taking advantage of the opportunity to put a literary experiment into practice, agreed. The author changed his habit of looking for inspiration in the unattractive aspects of real life, and in search of material for the play he turned to the work of the people. There he found a legend about the Snow Maiden, which became the basis for his magnificent work.

In the early spring of 1873, Ostrovsky was hard at work on the creation of the play. And not alone - since staging on stage is impossible without music, the playwright worked together with the then very young Pyotr Tchaikovsky. According to critics and writers, this is precisely one of the reasons for the amazing rhythm of The Snow Maiden - words and music were composed in a single impulse, close interaction, and imbued with each other's rhythm, initially making up one whole.

It is symbolic that Ostrovsky put the last point in The Snow Maiden on the day of his fiftieth birthday, March 31. A little more than a month later, on May 11, the premiere performance was shown. He received quite different reviews among critics, both positive and sharply negative, but already in the 20th century literary critics firmly agreed that The Snow Maiden was the brightest milestone in the work of the playwright.

Analysis of the work

Description of the artwork

The plot is based on the life path of the Snow Maiden girl, born from the union of Frost and Spring-Red, her father and mother. The Snow Maiden lives in the Berendey kingdom invented by Ostrov, but not with her relatives - she left her father Frost, who protected her from all possible troubles, - but with the family of Bobyl and Bobylikh. The Snow Maiden craves love, but she cannot fall in love - even her interest in Lelya is dictated by the desire to be the only and unique, the desire that the shepherd, who evenly gives warmth and joy to all the girls, be affectionate with her alone. But Bobyl and Bobylikha are not going to bestow their love on her, they have a more important task: to cash in on the beauty of the girl by marrying her off. The Snow Maiden looks indifferently at the Berendey men, who change their lives for her sake, reject brides and violate social norms; she is internally cold, she is alien to the Berendeys who are full of life - and therefore attracts them. However, misfortune also falls to the lot of the Snow Maiden - when she sees Lel, who is favorable to the other and rejects her, the girl rushes to her mother with a request to let her fall in love - or die.

It is at this moment that Ostrovsky clearly expresses the central idea of ​​his work to the limit: life without love is meaningless. The Snow Maiden cannot and does not want to put up with the emptiness and coldness that exists in her heart, and Spring, which is the personification of love, allows her daughter to experience this feeling, despite the fact that she herself thinks bad.

The mother turns out to be right: the Snow Maiden, who has fallen in love, melts under the first rays of the hot and clear sun, having managed, however, to discover a new world filled with meaning. And her lover, who had previously left his bride and was expelled by the Tsar, Mizgir, parted with his life in the pond, seeking to reunite with the water, which became the Snow Maiden.

main characters

(Scene from the ballet-performance "The Snow Maiden")

The Snow Maiden is the central figure of the work. A girl of extraordinary beauty, desperate to know love, but cold at the same time. Pure, partly naive and completely alien to Berendey people, she is ready to give everything, even her life, in exchange for knowing what love is and why everyone is so hungry for it.
Frost is the father of the Snow Maiden, formidable and strict, who sought to protect his daughter from all sorts of troubles.

Spring-Krasna is the mother of a girl who, despite a premonition of trouble, could not go against her nature and her daughter's pleas and endowed her with the ability to love.

Lel is a windy and cheerful shepherd who was the first to awaken some feelings and emotions in the Snow Maiden. It was because she was rejected by him that the girl rushed to Spring.

Mizgir is a merchant guest, or, in other words, a merchant who fell in love with the girl so much that he not only offered all his wealth for her, but also left Kupava, his failed bride, thereby violating the traditionally observed customs of the Berendey kingdom. In the end, he gained the reciprocity of the one he loved, but not for long - and after her death he himself lost his life.

It is worth noting that despite the large number of characters in the play, even the secondary characters turned out to be bright and characteristic: that the king Berendey, that Bobyl and Bobylikh, that the former bride of Mizgir Kupava - all of them are remembered by the reader, have their own distinctive features and characteristics.

"The Snow Maiden" is a complex and multifaceted work, both compositionally and rhythmically. The play is written without rhyme, but thanks to the unique rhythm and melodiousness that literally exists in every line, it sounds smoothly, like any rhymed verse. The Snow Maiden also adorns the rich use of colloquial phrases - this is a completely logical and justified step by the playwright, who, when creating the work, relied on folk talestelling about a girl from the snow.

The same statement about versatility is also true in relation to the content: behind the outwardly simple story of the Snow Maiden (went out into the real world - rejected people - received love - imbued with the human world - died) there is not only the assertion that life without love is meaningless, but also many other equally important aspects.

So, one of the central themes is the interconnection of opposites, without which the natural course of things is impossible. Frost and Yarilo, cold and light, winter and the warm season outwardly oppose each other, enter into an irreconcilable contradiction, but at the same time, the thought runs through the text that one does not exist without the other.

In addition to lyricism and the sacrifice of love, the social aspect of the play, displayed against the backdrop of fairy-tale foundations, is also of interest. The norms and customs of the Berendey kingdom are strictly observed, for violation they face expulsion, as happened with Mizgir. These norms are fair and to some extent reflect Ostrovsky's idea of ​​an ideal old Russian community, where fidelity and love for one's neighbor, life in unity with nature are at a premium. The figure of Tsar Berendey, the “kind” Tsar, who, although he is forced to make harsh decisions, regards the fate of the Snow Maiden as tragic, sad, evokes unambiguously positive emotions; such a king is easy to sympathize with.

At the same time, in the Berendey kingdom, justice is observed in everything: even after the death of the Snow Maiden, as a result of her acceptance of love, Yarila's anger and argument disappear, and the Berendey people can again enjoy the sun and warmth. Harmony prevails.

Read the list of characters in the prologue. What heroes of the prologue did you meet in the works of folklore?

There are seven names in the list of characters in the prologue. In the works of folklore, especially in fairy tales, you have met many of the main characters of this spring fairy tale. Most often - Santa Claus. But they also have Spring-Krasna and Goblin. The birds that are named here are rarely retinue of Spring in folklore. They are more often independent participants in fairy tales and songs.

Describe the kingdom of the Berendeys. How does his description, which is in the remarks of the play, differ from the descriptions in fairy tales?

The fabulous kingdom of Berendey is described in the way that each of us would tell about a real-life place. This description was created so that the artists could depict the kingdom on the stage. It differs from the place of events that any fairy tale describes in that it contains the scenery against which the events will take place.

Let's remember the first remark.

"The beginning of spring. Midnight. Red hill covered with snow. To the right are bushes and a rare leafless birch; to the left, a solid dense forest of large pines and firs with branches hanging from the weight of the snow; in the depths, under the mountain, a river; Polynyas and ice-holes are lined with spruce forests. Across the river is Berendeev Posad, the capital of Tsar Berendey: palaces, houses, huts - all wooden, with fancy painted carvings; lights in the windows. The full moon silvers the whole open area. Roosters are crowing in the distance. This description tells how the scenery of the prologue to the play "The Snow Maiden" should look like.

Reference. Scenery - the design of the stage of the play, the film set, which creates a visible appearance of where the events take place.

Why does the first remark already mention the places where the prologue and all four acts of the tale will take place?

The fact that all events will take place in the tiny kingdom of Berendey, which can be seen with one glance, we learn by reading the entire play. However, already the first remark shows the place of events. This description convinces us that

A. N. Ostrovsky wanted the audience to immediately see the entire fairy-tale kingdom of the Berendeys.

Many believe that the plot of the play is the decision of Bobyl and Bobylikha to take in the Snow Maiden. There is another opinion: the plot is the decision of the Snow Maiden to leave the forest and go to the people. You should think about your decision.

What kind of Snow Maiden did you imagine? What in her views and behavior corresponds to the name of the daughter of Spring and Frost?

The Snow Maiden is the daughter of Spring and Frost. Therefore, in her appearance, attitudes and behavior there are signs of her parents. The name Snegurochka is from her father - Father Frost. But on the other hand, from the mother of Spring - beauty, a cheerful disposition and a desire to be with people.

What episodes reminded you of folk tales? What folk songs are in the prologue?

The tale is reminiscent of the following episodes of the prologue: Spring descends to the ground, surrounded by her retinue; the meeting of Spring with Frost and their dispute; the appearance of Leshy; farewell of the Snow Maiden with the forest (trees and bushes bow to the Snow Maiden).

The prologue features a bird choir that is close to a folk song. The Snow Maiden herself remembered the songs that Lel sang.

Take a closer look at the poetic speech of the play. What artistic device is most often found in her lines? Find a technique called transference in the farewell remarks of Spring and Frost.

Snow Maiden, daughter! They will not have time to remove the sheaves from the fields, but I will return. See you.

Spring It's time for anger to mercy Change. Stop the blizzard! The people are carrying her, the crowds are seeing off the Wide ...

How many hyphens did you count in these two lines?

Reference. Transfer - the transfer of part of a sentence from one line of a poem to another. Such a transfer highlights the meanings of individual words.

Broken sentences in the text can be underlined. We see that in the conversation between Frost and Spring, almost all phrases are divided into parts by transfer. Thanks to this, we make pauses when reading, which emphasize the meaning of each part of the text.

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Characterization of the Snow Maiden from Ostrovsky's play and received the best answer

Answer from GALINA[guru]

laws of nature.

... like the sun

I don't know how, but it will die.

The Snow Maiden goes to the people.

selfish purposes, do not like her.
Snow Maiden is beautiful:

There is no end, the thresholds have been trampled.
But the Snow Maiden does not know love, her heart is cold:
My problem is that there is no affection in me.
They interpret everything that is love in the world,
That a girl cannot escape love;
And I don't know love; What a word
Heart friend and what is cute,
I don't know. And tears at parting
And the joy of meeting a dear friend
Before love, she experiences jealousy, bitterness, resentment:
How painful it is here, how heavy the heart has become!
Heavy resentment, like a stone,
A flower crumpled by Lelem fell on my heart
And abandoned. And I seem to be too
Abandoned and abandoned, withered...
From his mocking words.
She has a lot to experience: undeserved
Kupava's accusation that she separated her from
Mizgirem, who, seeing the Snow Maiden,
so captivated by her beauty that he abandoned Kupava.
Her words reproach Mizgir:
You can't buy my love.
Priceless pearl
Leave yourself; I don't value much
My love, but I will not sell:
I change from love to love
But not with you, Mizgir.
With fear, she listens to Mizgir's declaration of love,
and then watches the happiness of others Lel and Kupava.
The desire to love, as people love, makes her
make a devastating decision:
... Oh mother, Spring-Red!
I run to you with a complaint and a request:
I ask for love, I want to love! Give back
Snow Maiden girl's heart, mom!
Give me love or take my life!
Let me die, one moment of love
More dear to me years of anguish and tears.
The power of love lies in the magic wreath of Spring-Red,
which she puts on the Snow Maiden.
The Snow Maiden takes on a different look at
the world:
Oh mama, what's wrong with me? What beauty
The green forest is dressed! Shores
And the lake is not to be missed.
The water beckons, the bushes are calling me
Under your shade; and the sky, mother, the sky!
Now she notices the beauty around her, she used to
admired only its beauty.
Spring-Krasna gives her a great gift of nature - love.
The Snow Maiden died.
It is no coincidence that she dies exactly when she took
the law of life of the Berendeys and is ready to realize her
awakened love into everyday forms.
This is inaccessible to either her or Mizgir, whose passion,
unfamiliar to the Berendeys, pushes them out of the circle
peaceful life.
The death of the Snow Maiden is the atonement for the sins of the Berendeys.
Accepting this sacrifice, Yarila returns to the pregnant women
light and heat

Answer from Yofia Kashirina[newbie]
Unlike folk tales.
Ostrovsky makes the Snow Maiden the main character of the play
and brings a lot of new things to her image.
In the play, the Snow Maiden is the daughter of Frost and Spring.
Frost and Spring are contrasting images.
Therefore, the appearance of the Snow Maiden is a violation
laws of nature.
It combines a fatal contradiction: "spring",
restless, creative beginning of Spring and coldness,
"chill of feelings" inherited from Frost.
Frost hides it from people, he is afraid of predictions:
... like the sun
He is going to destroy the Snow Maiden; only
And waiting to plant in her heart
Beam the fire of love; then
There is no salvation for the Snow Maiden, Yarilo
Burn it, incinerate it, melt it.
I don't know how, but it will die.
That is, unlike a fairy tale, the Snow Maiden must die
not just from the sun, but from the fire of love.
But Spring believes that the time has come for the Snow Maiden to leave
own tower, to know life among people.
The decision is made by the Snow Maiden.
Captivated by Lelya's songs, which are dearer to her than
"larks singing", the Snow Maiden does not want to stay
in the wilderness, she reaches out to people, dreams of singing
together with the girls and dance round dances.
And Frost reluctantly gives her to the bean family.
The Snow Maiden goes to the people.
The family in which the Snow Maiden lives is not capable of
appreciate neither her beauty nor her diligence.
Together with Bobilikha, envious and cunning, who has
in the eyes only "horned kika with rounded pearls",
they use the Snow Maiden and her beauty in their
selfish purposes, do not like her.
Snow Maiden is beautiful:
Your girlish beauty is wealth.
Because of her beauty: from matchmakers and matchmakers
There is no end, the thresholds have been trampled.

The Snow Maiden is perhaps the least typical of all the plays by Alexander Ostrovsky, which stands out sharply among other things in his work with lyricism, unusual problems (instead of social drama, the author paid attention to personal drama, designating the theme of love as the central theme) and absolutely fantastic surroundings. The play tells the story of the Snow Maiden, who appears before us as a young girl, desperately longing for the only thing she never had - love. While remaining faithful to the main line, Ostrovsky simultaneously reveals a few more: the structure of his semi-epic, semi-fairytale world, the customs and customs of the Berendeys, the theme of continuity and retribution, and the cyclical nature of life, noting, albeit in an allegorical form, that life and death always go hand in hand.

History of creation

The Russian literary world owes the birth of the play to a happy accident: at the very beginning of 1873, the building of the Maly Theater was closed for major repairs, and a group of actors temporarily moved to the Bolshoi. Deciding to take advantage of the opportunities of the new stage and attract the audience, it was decided to arrange an extravaganza performance unusual for those times, immediately involving the ballet, drama and opera components of the theater team.

It was with the proposal to write a play for this extravaganza that they turned to Ostrovsky, who, taking advantage of the opportunity to put a literary experiment into practice, agreed. The author changed his habit of looking for inspiration in the unattractive aspects of real life, and in search of material for the play he turned to the work of the people. There he found a legend about the Snow Maiden, which became the basis for his magnificent work.

In the early spring of 1873, Ostrovsky was hard at work on the creation of the play. And not alone - since staging on stage is impossible without music, the playwright worked together with the still very young then Pyotr Tchaikovsky. According to critics and writers, this is precisely one of the reasons for the amazing rhythm of The Snow Maiden - words and music were composed in a single impulse, close interaction, and imbued with each other's rhythm, initially making up one whole.

It is symbolic that Ostrovsky put the last point in The Snow Maiden on the day of his fiftieth birthday, March 31. A little more than a month later, on May 11, the premiere performance was shown. He received quite different reviews among critics, both positive and sharply negative, but already in the 20th century literary critics firmly agreed that The Snow Maiden was the brightest milestone in the work of the playwright.

Analysis of the work

Description of the artwork

The plot is based on the life path of the Snow Maiden girl, born from the union of Frost and Spring-Red, her father and mother. The Snow Maiden lives in the Berendey kingdom invented by Ostrov, but not with her relatives - she left her father Frost, who protected her from all possible troubles - but with the family of Bobyl and Bobylikh. The Snow Maiden longs for love, but she cannot fall in love - even her interest in Lelya is dictated by the desire to be the only and unique, the desire that the shepherd, who evenly gives all the girls warmth and joy, be affectionate with her alone. But Bobyl and Bobylikha are not going to bestow their love on her, they have a more important task: to cash in on the beauty of the girl by marrying her off. The Snow Maiden looks indifferently at the Berendey men, who change their lives for her sake, reject brides and violate social norms; she is internally cold, she is alien to the full of life Berendei - and therefore attracts them. However, misfortune also falls to the lot of the Snow Maiden - when she sees Lel, who is favorable to the other and rejects her, the girl rushes to her mother with a request to let her fall in love - or die.

It is at this moment that Ostrovsky clearly expresses the central idea of ​​his work to the limit: life without love is meaningless. The Snow Maiden cannot and does not want to put up with the emptiness and coldness that exists in her heart, and Spring, which is the personification of love, allows her daughter to experience this feeling, despite the fact that she herself thinks bad.

The mother turns out to be right: the Snow Maiden, who has fallen in love, melts under the first rays of the hot and clear sun, having managed, however, to discover a new world filled with meaning. And her lover, who had previously left his bride and was expelled by the Tsar, Mizgir, parted with his life in the pond, seeking to reunite with the water, which became the Snow Maiden.

main characters

(Scene from the ballet-performance "The Snow Maiden")

The Snow Maiden is the central figure of the work. A girl of extraordinary beauty, desperate to know love, but at the same time cold at heart. Pure, partly naive and completely alien to Berendey people, she is ready to give everything, even her life, in exchange for knowing what love is and why everyone is so hungry for it.
Frost is the father of the Snow Maiden, formidable and strict, who sought to protect his daughter from all sorts of troubles.

Spring-Krasna is the mother of a girl who, despite a premonition of trouble, could not go against her nature and her daughter's pleas and endowed her with the ability to love.

Lel is a windy and cheerful shepherd who was the first to awaken some feelings and emotions in the Snow Maiden. It was because she was rejected by him that the girl rushed to Spring.

Mizgir is a merchant guest, or, in other words, a merchant who fell in love with the girl so much that he not only offered all his wealth for her, but also left Kupava, his failed bride, thereby violating the traditionally observed customs of the Berendey kingdom. In the end, he gained the reciprocity of the one he loved, but not for long - and after her death he himself lost his life.

It is worth noting that despite the large number of characters in the play, even the secondary characters turned out to be bright and characteristic: that the king Berendey, that Bobyl and Bobylikh, that the former bride of Mizgir Kupava - all of them are remembered by the reader, have their own distinctive features and characteristics.

"The Snow Maiden" is a complex and multifaceted work, both compositionally and rhythmically. The play is written without rhyme, but thanks to the unique rhythm and melodiousness that literally exists in every line, it sounds smoothly, like any rhymed verse. Decorates the "Snow Maiden" and the rich use of colloquial phrases - this is a completely logical and justified step by the playwright, who, when creating the work, relied on folk tales telling about a girl from the snow.

The same statement about versatility is also true in relation to the content: behind the outwardly simple story of the Snow Maiden (went out into the real world - rejected people - received love - imbued with the human world - died) lurks not only the assertion that life without love is meaningless, but also many other equally important aspects.

So, one of the central themes is the interconnection of opposites, without which the natural course of things is impossible. Frost and Yarilo, cold and light, winter and the warm season outwardly oppose each other, enter into an irreconcilable contradiction, but at the same time, the thought runs through the text that one does not exist without the other.

In addition to lyricism and the sacrifice of love, the social aspect of the play, displayed against the backdrop of fairy-tale foundations, is also of interest. The norms and customs of the Berendey kingdom are strictly observed, for violation they face expulsion, as happened with Mizgir. These norms are fair and to some extent reflect Ostrovsky's idea of ​​an ideal old Russian community, where fidelity and love for one's neighbor, life in unity with nature are at a premium. The figure of Tsar Berendey, the “kind” Tsar, who, although he is forced to make harsh decisions, regards the fate of the Snow Maiden as tragic, sad, evokes unambiguously positive emotions; such a king is easy to sympathize with.

At the same time, in the Berendey kingdom, justice is observed in everything: even after the death of the Snow Maiden, as a result of her acceptance of love, Yarila's anger and argument disappear, and the Berendey people can again enjoy the sun and warmth. Harmony prevails.


Snegurochka a brief description of the heroes. Description of the snow maiden from the fairy tale of the Ostrov snow maiden

Read the list of characters in the prologue. What heroes of the prologue did you meet in the works of folklore?

There are seven names in the list of characters in the prologue. In folklore, especially in fairy tales, you have met many of the main characters of this spring fairy tale. Most often - Santa Claus. But they also have Spring-Krasna and Goblin. The birds that are named here are rarely retinue of Spring in folklore. They are more often independent participants in fairy tales and songs.

Describe the kingdom of the Berendeys. How does his description, which is in the remarks of the play, differ from the descriptions in fairy tales?

The fabulous kingdom of Berendey is described in the way that each of us would tell about a real-life place. This description was created so that the artists could depict the kingdom on the stage. It differs from the place of events that any fairy tale describes in that it contains the scenery against which the events will take place.

Let's remember the first remark.

"The beginning of spring. Midnight. Red hill covered with snow. To the right are bushes and a rare leafless birch; to the left, a solid dense forest of large pines and firs with branches hanging from the weight of the snow; in the depths, under the mountain, a river; Polynyas and ice-holes are lined with spruce forests. Across the river is Berendeev Posad, the capital of Tsar Berendey: palaces, houses, huts - all wooden, with fancy painted carvings; lights in the windows. The full moon silvers the whole open area. Roosters are crowing in the distance. This description tells how the scenery of the prologue to the play "The Snow Maiden" should look like.

Reference. Scenery - the design of the stage of the play, the film set, which creates a visible appearance of where the events take place.

The fact that all events will take place in the tiny kingdom of Berendey, which can be seen with one glance, we learn by reading the entire play. However, already the first remark shows the place of events. This description convinces us that

Many believe that the plot of the play is the decision of Bobyl and Bobylikha to take in the Snow Maiden. There is another opinion: the plot is the decision of the Snow Maiden to leave the forest and go to the people. You should think about your decision.

The Snow Maiden is the daughter of Spring and Frost. Therefore, in her appearance, attitudes and behavior there are signs of her parents. The name Snegurochka is from her father - Father Frost. But on the other hand, from the mother of Spring - beauty, a cheerful disposition and a desire to be with people.

What episodes reminded you of folk tales? What folk songs are in the prologue?

The tale is reminiscent of the following episodes of the prologue: Spring descends to the ground, surrounded by her retinue; the meeting of Spring with Frost and their dispute; the appearance of Leshy; farewell of the Snow Maiden with the forest (trees and bushes bow to the Snow Maiden).

In the prologue there is a chorus of birds, which is close to the folk song. The Snow Maiden herself remembered the songs that Lel sang.

Take a closer look at the poetic speech of the play. What artistic device is most often found in her lines? Find a technique called transference in the farewell remarks of Spring and Frost.

Snow Maiden, daughter! They will not have time to remove the sheaves from the fields, but I will return. See you.

Spring It's time for anger to mercy Change. Stop the blizzard! The people are carrying her, the crowds are seeing off the Wide ...

How many hyphens did you count in these two lines?

Reference. Transfer - the transfer of part of a sentence from one line of a poem to another. Such a transfer highlights the meanings of individual words.

Broken sentences in the text can be underlined. We see that in the conversation between Frost and Spring, almost all phrases are divided into parts by transfer. Thanks to this, we make pauses when reading, which emphasize the meaning of each part of the text.

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  • read the description of the kingdom of the Berendeys in the remarks. What is taken from fairy tales in this description?
  1. Read the list of characters in the prologue. What heroes of the prologue did you meet in the works of folklore?
  2. There are seven names in the list of characters in the prologue. In folklore, especially in fairy tales, you have met many of the main characters of this spring fairy tale. Most often - Santa Claus. But they also have Spring-Krasna and Goblin. The birds that are named here are rarely retinue of Spring in folklore. They are more often independent participants in fairy tales and songs.

  3. Describe the kingdom of the Berendeys. How does his description, which is in the remarks of the play, differ from the descriptions in fairy tales?
  4. The fabulous kingdom of Berendey is described in the way that each of us would tell about a really existing place. This description was created so that artists could depict the realm on the stage. It differs from the place of events that any fairy tale describes in that it contains a detailed description of the scenery against which the events will take place.

    Let's remember the first remark.

    "The beginning of spring. Midnight. Red mountain covered with snow. To the right are bushes and a rare leafless birch; to the left, a solid dense forest of large pines and firs with branches hanging from the weight of the snow; in the depths, under the mountain, a river; lynyas and ice-holes are lined with spruce forests. Across the river is Berendeyev Posad, the capital of Tsar Berendey: palaces, houses, huts - all made of wood, with intricately painted carvings; lights in the windows. The full moon silvers the whole open area. In the distance, crowing roosters. This description tells how the scenery of the prologue to the play "The Snow Maiden" should look like.

    Reference. Scenery - the design of the stage of the play, the film set, which creates a visible appearance of where the events take place.

  5. Why does the first remark already mention the places where the prologue and all four acts of the tale will take place?
  6. The fact that all events will take place in the tiny kingdom of Berendey, which can be taken at a glance, we learn by reading the entire play. However, already the first remark shows the place of events. This description convinces us that

    A. N. Ostrovsky wanted the audience to immediately see the entire fairy-tale kingdom of the Berendeys.

  7. Is it possible to consider the events taking place in the prologue as the plot of a fairy tale?
  8. Many believe that the plot of the play is the decision of Bobyl and Bobylikha to take in the Snow Maiden. There is another opinion: the start is the decision of the Snow Maiden to leave the forest and go to the people. You should think about your decision.

  9. What kind of Snow Maiden did you imagine? What in her views and behavior corresponds to the name of the daughter of Spring and Frost?
  10. The Snow Maiden is the daughter of Spring and Frost. Therefore, in her appearance, attitudes and behavior there are signs of her parents. The name of the Snow Maiden from her father is Santa Claus. But on the other hand, from the mother of Spring - beauty, a cheerful disposition and a desire to be with people.

  11. What episodes reminded you of folk tales? What folk songs are in the prologue?
  12. The fairy tale is reminiscent of such episodes of the prologue: Spring descends to the ground, surrounded by her retinue; the meeting of Spring with Mo-rose and their dispute; the appearance of Leshy; farewell of the Snow Maiden with the forest (trees and bushes bow to the Snow Maiden).

    In the prologue there is a chorus of birds, which is close to a folk song. The Snow Maiden herself remembered the songs that Lel sang. material from the site

  13. Take a closer look at the poetic speech of the play. What artistic device is most often found in her lines? Find a technique called transference in the farewell remarks of Spring and Frost.
  14. Freezing Farewell, Snow Maiden, daughter! They will not have time to remove the sheaves from the fields, but I will return. See you. Spring It's time to anger to mercy Change. Stop the blizzard! The people are carrying her, the crowds are seeing off the Wide ...

    How many hyphens did you count in these two replies?

    Reference. Transfer - transferring part of a sentence from one line of a poem to another. Such a transfer highlights the meanings of individual words.

    It is possible to underline broken sentences in the given text. We see that in the conversation between Frost and Spring, almost all phrases are divided into parts by transfer. Thanks to this, we make pauses when reading, which emphasize the meaning of each part of the text.

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