Fairy tales to read to kids. Short bedtime stories


Folk children's fairy tales must be read from an early age. They have a powerful educational effect and captivate every child for a long time. You can read these works not only before going to bed, but also during the day, after classes at school, at a break in the class, in line. On the site you will see more than 500 fairy tales that you can read at a convenient time.

Benefits for children

Psychologists recommend reading bedtime stories. Each story is instructive, contains a moral that points out certain flaws in the character or behavior of the characters. Using such examples, it is convenient to explain to the child which actions are right and which are not.

While reading fairy tales, children:

  • learn to analyze life situations, think logically, look for ways out;
  • learn about eternal values, morality, good and evil;
  • develop imagination, learn to think creatively;
  • have a good time.

Each story is presented in a humorous way. Funny situations that happen to the characters not only teach, but also entertain the baby. Even short text can be interesting and colorful.

Variety of works

On the site you get free access to fairy tales without registration. This is very convenient, because you can go to the resource at any time and read the work online. It contains the works of such writers as the Brothers Grimm, Andersen, Perrault, Lindgren, Carroll, Bianchi, Tolstoy and other famous authors. Their children's works are easy to understand and captivating.

Folk art will be no less interesting and useful for your little daughter or son. Fairy tales of the peoples of the world introduce children to different cultures, allow them to plunge into the mentality of other countries. Even a short story will captivate the baby, allow you to learn a lot of new things, develop your imagination.

Instructive stories of L.N. Tolstoy, lyrics by A.S. Pushkin, zoological stories by V.V. Bianchi, fairy tales in verses by K.I. Chukovsky, S.Ya. Marshak is only a part of the works loved by many generations of children. It is not in vain that teachers advise you to start reading fairy tales written by the geniuses of classical Russian literature as early as possible (of course, suitable for age). They have a pronounced educational effect, they make you think and analyze, transfer the model of the characters' behavior to your own life. Fairy tales for children in verse are easily perceived by ear, remembered, and very useful for the development of memory.

One should not think that Russian children will not be interested in fairy tales of foreign origin. Even kids attending kindergarten are probably already familiar with many famous and beloved heroes. It is enough to name Thumbelina, Cinderella, Puss in Boots, Snow White, Mowgli. Fairy tales online by such authors of foreign world literature as Oscar Wilde, Lewis Carroll, Rudyard Kipling, Astrid Lingerd, Charles Perrault, the Brothers Grimm will not leave indifferent not only children, but also adults.

How often should you read fairy tales

Teachers and psychologists answer the same way: "The more often, the better." You can use any opportunity when mom or dad is with the child, and there is a free minute. In the car, at the dacha, in line at the children's clinic, at a public transport stop - anywhere you can find time to read. Of course, a suitable book for children is not always in your purse, but there is one very convenient and affordable way to always have a whole arsenal of fairy tale texts with you. It is enough just to have access to the Internet and the ability to open a page of our site through a tablet, phone or any other device.

Do you like to read short stories for children ? But this is very beneficial for those who do not really like to read or tell fairy tales. After all, a short fairy tale for children takes very little time, but conveys the plot of the fairy tale almost completely! Well, lovers of fairy tales, we invite you to our page Short fairy tales for children. This is especially for you!!!

When fairy-tale characters come to life, they become much more convincing than real prototypes.

We invite you to the World of Fairy Tales and Adventures. This castle is very tall. On the roof sat a beautiful princess. and at her feet the Serpent Gorynych wriggled and slid down the wall.

Bluebeard hugged the horn of the castle, and wild grapes rose up its back. Koschey the Deathless supported the balcony with his head, on which mermaids hung. View of the castle windows. like the eyes of a fat-headed dragon. And near the entrance, bulging out, sat gray wolves, and the entrance itself gave the impression of an open pasture of some kind of huge monster. Everything looked so scary and funny at the same time.

And funny is never scary!

Short fairy tales for children are small, funny, scary, kind, instructive stories from a collection of fairy tales. This is a fairy tale, only abridged.

The Tale of Petya the Cockerel

Once upon a time there lived Petya the cockerel. Butter head, silk beard, spurs on legs. And what a voice he had! Clean, clear, loud! A cockerel woke up one morning. Earlier then others. I looked out the window, it was dark, everyone was sleeping. And the sun is still sleeping. "Not in order!" - thinks Petya the cockerel. Petya jumped onto the fence, and how he screamed: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”. Loud, loud! Loud, loud! The sun heard him, woke up, opened his eyes. “Thank you, Petya, for waking me up! - says the Sun, - I overslept something. The sun has risen to the sky. The day has begun. Everyone was slowly waking up. Thanks to Petya the rooster.

Tale of the hungry mouse

Once upon a time there was a mouse, his name was Peak. Once Peak looked out of a mink and said: “I want to eat. What would you like to enjoy?" The little mouse ran out of the mink to look for something to eat. He sees a doll lying on the floor. The girl played and left. “What a beautiful doll, probably tasty,” Peak thinks. Ran up to the doll. Grab it with your teeth and immediately spit it out. No, not a tasty doll. You can't eat it. He looked around and saw a pencil lying on the floor. Handsome, red. The boy drew and left. “A beautiful pencil, probably delicious,” Peak thinks. He ran up to the pencil, grabbed it with his teeth and immediately spat it out. Not a tasty pencil, you can gnaw it to sharpen your teeth, but it’s not good for food. He looked around, he sees a newspaper. Dad read and forgot. “Oh, what a newspaper! I’m definitely hired by her, ”Pick thinks. He ran to the newspaper, grab it with his teeth and let's chew. He chewed a little and spit it out. Not a tasty newspaper, I do not want to eat it. Suddenly, Peak felt that something smells delicious. Look, there is a piece of cheese on the floor. Someone dropped it. "That's what I'll eat," Peak thought. The mouse ran up to the cheese, grabbed it with his teeth, and did not notice how he ate the whole piece. “Delicious cheese, it’s a pity that it’s over,” Peak thought and ran to sleep in his mink.

tea sea

fairy tale for the little ones

There is a table. At the table - a cat and mice. The cat has a teapot in its paws.

Do you want some tea? he asked the mice.

Yes! the mice said. - Give us a whole bowl of tea!

This will be our sea.

We will float on tea in cups.

We will row with spoons.

We will have an island made of rolls, and on it - white grass from shavings from a coconut.

We'll have broccoli trees.

Our clouds will be made of cotton candy, and the rain will be made of juice.

Our houses will be made of cookies.

Will you have a beach? - asked the cat.

Yes! But all the sand will be made of sugar, the mice said.

Will you have sun? - asked the cat.

But how! the mice answered. - Our sun is CHEESE!

Magic word

short stories for young children

What should be done if the mother says to the boy: “Put away the toys”?

You have to run to your grandmother and shout: “Grandma! Save me! They're after me!"

What should be done if the mother says to the boy: "Go brush your teeth"?

You have to hide under the bed and shout: "I'm not at home!"

What to do if mom says: “Go eat. Dinner is getting cold?

If you close your eyes and go back in time for a moment, you can imagine how ordinary Russian people lived. They lived in large families in wooden huts, stoked stoves with wood, and they were given light by home-made dry torches. The poor Russian people had neither television nor the Internet, and what were they to do when they did not work in the field? They rested, dreamed and listened to good fairy tales!

In the evening, the whole family gathered in one room, the children sat on the stove, and the women did their homework. At this time, the turn of Russian folk tales began. In every village or hamlet there lived a woman storyteller, she replaced the radio for people and beautifully sang old legends. The kids listened with their mouths open, and the girls quietly sang along and spun or embroidered to a good fairy tale.

What did the respected storytellers tell the people about?

Good prophets kept in their memory a large number of folk tales, legends and tales. All their lives they brought light to ordinary peasants, and in old age they passed on their knowledge to the next talented storytellers. Most of the legends were based on real life events, but over the years, fairy tales acquired fictitious details and acquired a special Russian flavor.

Note to readers!

The most famous storyteller in Rus' and Finland is a simple serf peasant woman Praskovya Nikitichna, in the marriage of Vaska. She knew 32,000 poems and fairy tales, 1152 songs, 1750 proverbs, 336 riddles and a large number of prayers. Based on her stories, hundreds of books and poetry collections were written, but with all her talents, Praskovya Nikitichna lived in poverty all her life and even worked as a barge hauler.

Another well-known storyteller throughout Russia is Pushkin's nanny Arina Rodionovna. It was she who from early childhood instilled in the poet a love for Russian fairy tales, and on the basis of her old stories, Alexander Sergeevich wrote his great works.

What are Russian fairy tales about?

Fairy tales, invented by ordinary people, are an encyclopedia of folk wisdom. Through uncomplicated stories, workers and peasants presented their vision of the world and transmitted information in encrypted form to the next generations.

Old Russian fairy tales are divided into three types:

Animal Tales. In folk stories there are funny characters who are especially close to ordinary Russian people. The clubfoot bear, the sister fox, the runaway bunny, the lamb mouse, the frog-frog are endowed with pronounced human qualities. In the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" Potapych is kind, but stupid, in the story about the Seven Kids the wolf is cunning and gluttonous, and in the fairy tale "Bunny-brag" the hare is cowardly and boastful. From 2-3 years old, it's time for children to join good Russian fairy tales and, using the example of funny characters with pronounced characters, learn to distinguish between positive and negative characters.

Magic mystical tales. There are many interesting mystical characters in Russian fairy tales that could outshine the famous American heroes. Baba Yaga Bone Leg, Serpent Gorynych and Koschei the Immortal are distinguished by their realism and have lived in good folk tales for several centuries. Epic heroes and brave noble princes fought with mystical heroes who kept the people in fear. And the beautiful needlewomen Vasilisa the Beautiful, Marya, Varvara Krasa fought evil spirits with their mind, cunning and ingenuity.

Tales about the life of ordinary Russian people. Through wise fairy tales, the people told about their existence and passed on the accumulated knowledge from generation to generation. A striking example is the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". Here an old man and an old woman bake an unusual kalach, and call on the clear sun to warm our native Earth forever. The hot sun-bun goes on a journey and meets a hare-winter, a wolf-spring, a bear-summer and a fox-autumn. A tasty bun dies in the teeth of a gluttonous fox, but then it is reborn again and begins a new life cycle of eternal mother nature.

The page of our site contains the most beloved and popular best Russian fairy tales. Texts with beautiful pictures and illustrations in the style of lacquer miniatures are especially pleasant to read. They bring to children the invaluable wealth of the Russian language, and drawings and large print allow you to quickly memorize plots and new words, instill a love of reading books. All fairy tales are recommended for reading at night. Parents will be able to read aloud to their child and convey to the child the meaning of the wise old fairy tales.

The page with Russian folk tales is a collection of children's literature. Teachers can use the library for reading lessons in kindergarten and at school, and in the family circle it is easy to play performances with the participation of heroes from Russian folk tales.

Read Russian folk tales for free online with your children and absorb the wisdom of bygone generations!

- this is one of the oldest forms of storytelling, which in the simplest and most playful way tells children not only about the world around them, but also about the manifestations of both the best and the ugliest. General statistics tell us that Russian folk tales are of interest to children only up to school age, but it is these tales that we carry in our hearts and let us pass them on to our children in a slightly modified form. After all, it is impossible to forget about Masha and the Bear, the chicken Ryaba or the Gray Wolf, all these images help us learn and understand the reality around us. You can read Russian folk tales online and listen to audio tales for free on our website.

Name of the fairy tale Source Rating
Vasilisa the Beautiful Russian traditional 342102
Morozko Russian traditional 227754
Ax porridge Russian traditional 256202
Teremok Russian traditional 373965
Fox and crane Russian traditional 202830
Sivka-Burka Russian traditional 183230
Crane and Heron Russian traditional 28362
cat, rooster and fox Russian traditional 121741
Hen Ryaba Russian traditional 304446
fox and cancer Russian traditional 86531
Sister fox and wolf Russian traditional 76730
Masha and the Bear Russian traditional 257982
The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise Russian traditional 83417
Snow Maiden Russian traditional 52531
Three pigs Russian traditional 1771495
Baba Yaga Russian traditional 125098
Magic pipe Russian traditional 126709
magic ring Russian traditional 151097
Woe Russian traditional 21489
Swan geese Russian traditional 72329
Daughter and stepdaughter Russian traditional 22782
Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf Russian traditional 64720
Treasure Russian traditional 47132
Kolobok Russian traditional 158224
Marya Morevna Russian traditional 43725
Miraculous miracle, wonderful miracle Russian traditional 41923
two frosts Russian traditional 38733
The most expensive Russian traditional 32585
Miraculous shirt Russian traditional 38916
frost and hare Russian traditional 38549
How the fox learned to fly Russian traditional 47382
Ivan the Fool Russian traditional 35579
Fox and jug Russian traditional 25900
bird tongue Russian traditional 22465
soldier and devil Russian traditional 21601
crystal mountain Russian traditional 25428
Tricky Science Russian traditional 28035
smart guy Russian traditional 21745
Snow Maiden and Fox Russian traditional 61410
Word Russian traditional 21673
fast messenger Russian traditional 21509
Seven Simeons Russian traditional 21535
About the old grandmother Russian traditional 23482
Go there - I don't know where, bring something - I don't know what Russian traditional 50349
By pike command Russian traditional 68358
Rooster and millstones Russian traditional 21394
Shepherd's Pipe Russian traditional 36263
petrified kingdom Russian traditional 21654
About rejuvenating apples and living water Russian traditional 35974
Goat Dereza Russian traditional 33640
Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber Russian traditional 27200
Cockerel and bean seed Russian traditional 53120
Ivan - a peasant son and a miracle Yudo Russian traditional 27712
Three Bears Russian traditional 460237
Fox and black grouse Russian traditional 22998
Tar barrel goby Russian traditional 74573
Baba Yaga and berries Russian traditional 37096
Battle on the Kalinov Bridge Russian traditional 21651
Finist - Clear Falcon Russian traditional 50634
Princess Nesmeyana Russian traditional 132218
Tops and roots Russian traditional 55955
Winter hut of animals Russian traditional 40358
flying ship Russian traditional 71505
Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka Russian traditional 37011
Cockerel golden comb Russian traditional 44706
Zayushkina hut Russian traditional 130190

Types of Russian folk tales

Folk tales are basically divided into three categories. These are fairy tales about animals, household and fairy tales.

Russian folk tales about animals- these are one of the most ancient types of fairy tales that exist, their roots go back to the times of Ancient Rus'. In these fairy tales, there are bright and very memorable images, we all remember Kolobok or Repka from childhood, and thanks to such vivid images, the child learns to understand good and evil. Learns to distinguish between character traits and lines of behavior: the fox is cunning, the bear is clumsy, the bunny is cowardly, and so on. Although the world of folk tales is fictional, it is so alive and bright that it fascinates and knows how to teach children only good deeds.

Russian household tales are fairy tales that are filled with the realism of our everyday life. And they are so close to life that when delving into these tales, be careful, because this line is so thin that your growing child will want to embody and experience some actions on himself or carry them out in real life.

Russian fairy tales- this is a world in which magic and the evil associated with it acquires very terrible outlines and burning shades. Fairy tales are the search and rescue of a girl, a city or the world placed on the shoulders of one hero. But it is the help of many minor characters that teaches us, who read these fairy tales, about mutual assistance to each other. Read and listen to folk tales online with us.

The squirrel jumped from branch to branch and fell right on the sleepy wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat her. The squirrel began to ask:

Let me in.

Wolf said:

Okay, I'll let you in, just tell me why you squirrels are so cheerful. I'm always bored, but you look at you, you're all playing and jumping up there.

Belka said:

First, let me climb the tree, and from there I will tell you, otherwise I am afraid of you.

The wolf let go, and the squirrel went to the tree and said from there:

You're bored because you're angry. Anger burns your heart. And we are cheerful because we are kind and do no harm to anyone.

Fairy tale "The Hare and the Man"

Russian traditional

The poor man, walking through the open field, saw a hare under a bush, was delighted and said:

That's when I'll live at home! I will catch this hare and sell it for four altyns, with that money I will buy a pig, she will bring me twelve little pigs; piglets will grow up, bring twelve more; I'll pin them all, I'll accumulate a barn of meat; I’ll sell the meat, and with the money I’ll run a house and get married myself; my wife will bear me two sons - Vaska and Vanka; the children will plow the arable land, and I will sit under the window and give orders. “Hey, you guys,” I shout, “Vaska and Vanka!

Yes, the peasant shouted so loudly that the hare was frightened and ran away, but the house with all the wealth, with his wife and children was gone ...

Fairy tale "How the fox got rid of nettles in the garden"

Once a fox came out into the garden and sees that a lot of nettles have grown on it. I wanted to pull it out, but I decided that it was not even worth starting. I already wanted to go to the house, but here comes the wolf:

Hello cousin, what are you doing?

And the cunning fox answers him:

Oh, you see, godfather, how many beautiful ones I have ugly. Tomorrow I will clean and store it.

What for? the wolf asks.

Well, then, - says the fox, - the one who smells nettles does not take the dog's fang. See godfather, do not come close to my nettle.

She turned and went into the house to sleep the fox. She wakes up in the morning and looks out the window, and her garden is empty, not a single nettle is left. The fox smiled and went to cook breakfast.

Fairy tale "Ryaba Hen"

Russian traditional

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman in the same village.

And they had a chicken. named Ryaba.

One day the hen Ryaba laid an egg on them. Yes, not a simple egg, golden.

Grandfather beat the testicle, did not break it.

The woman beat and beat the testicle, did not break it.

The mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle fell, and it broke!

The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying. And the hen Ryaba tells them:

Do not cry grandfather, do not cry woman! I'll lay you a new testicle, but not a simple one, but a golden one!

Tale of the most greedy man

Eastern fairy tale

In one city of the country of the Hausa lived the miser Na-khana. And he was so greedy that none of the inhabitants of the city had ever seen Na-khana give at least water to the traveler. He'd rather get a couple of slaps in the face than lose the smallest bit of his fortune. And this was a great fortune. Na-khana himself probably did not know exactly how many goats and sheep he had.

One day, returning from the pasture, Na-khana saw that one of his goats had stuck its head in a pot, but could not get it out. Na-khana himself tried for a long time to remove the pot, but in vain. Then he called the butchers and, after a long bargain, he sold the goat to them on the condition that they cut off her head and return the pot to him. The butchers slaughtered the goat, but when they took out its head, they broke the pot. Na-hana was furious.

I sold the goat at a loss, and you also broke the pot! he shouted. And even cried.

Since then, he did not leave the pots on the ground, but put them somewhere higher, so that goats or sheep would not stick their heads in them and cause him loss. And people began to call him the great miser and the most greedy man.

Fairy tale "Eyeglasses"

Brothers Grimm

The beautiful girl was lazy and slovenly. When she had to spin, she was annoyed at every knot in linen yarn and immediately broke it to no avail and threw it in a heap on the floor.

She had a maid - a hardworking girl: it happened that everything that the impatient beauty threw away would be collected, unraveled, cleaned and thinly rolled. And she accumulated so much of such matter that it was enough for a pretty dress.

A young man wooed a lazy beautiful girl, and everything was already prepared for the wedding.

At a bachelorette party, a diligent maid danced merrily in her dress, and the bride, looking at her, said mockingly:

"Look, how she dances! How merry she is! And she herself dressed up in my hair!"

The groom heard this and asked the bride what she wanted to say. She told the groom that this maid had woven a dress for herself from the same linen that she had discarded from her yarn.

As the groom heard this, he understood that the beauty was lazy, and the maid was zealous for work, he approached the maid, and chose her as his wife.

Fairy tale "Turnip"

Russian traditional

Grandfather planted a turnip and says:

Grow, grow, turnip, sweet! Grow, grow, turnip, strong!

The turnip has grown sweet, strong, big, big.

The grandfather went to pick a turnip: he pulls, he pulls, he cannot pull it out.

Grandpa called grandma.

grandma for grandpa

Grandfather for a turnip -

The grandmother called her granddaughter.

Granddaughter for grandmother

grandma for grandpa

Grandfather for a turnip -

They pull, they pull, they can't pull it out.

Granddaughter called Zhuchka.

Bug for granddaughter

Granddaughter for grandmother

grandma for grandpa

Grandfather for a turnip -

They pull, they pull, they can't pull it out.

Bug called the cat.

Cat for a bug

Bug for granddaughter

Granddaughter for grandmother

grandma for grandpa

Grandfather for a turnip -

They pull, they pull, they can't pull it out.

The cat called the mouse.

Mouse for a cat

Cat for a bug

Bug for granddaughter

Granddaughter for grandmother

grandma for grandpa

Grandfather for a turnip -

Pull-pull - and pulled out a turnip. So the turnip's fairy tale is over, and whoever listened - well done!

Fairy tale "Sun and cloud"

Gianni Rodari

The sun merrily and proudly rolled across the sky on its fiery chariot and generously scattered its rays - in all directions!

And everyone had fun. Only the cloud got angry and grumbled in the sun. And no wonder - she was in a thunderous mood.

- You're a spender! - the cloud frowned. - Leaky hands! Throw, throw your beams! Let's see what you're left with!

And in the vineyards, each berry caught the sun's rays and rejoiced in them. And there was not such a blade of grass, a spider or a flower, there was not even such a drop of water that would not try to get its piece of the sun.

- Well, spend more! - the cloud did not let up. - Spend your wealth! You will see how they will thank you when you have nothing left to take!

The sun was still merrily rolling across the sky and giving away its rays in millions, billions.

When it counted them at sunset, it turned out that everything was in place - look, every single one!

Upon learning of this, the cloud was so surprised that it immediately scattered into hail. And the sun splashed cheerfully into the sea.

Fairy tale "Sweet porridge"

Brothers Grimm

Once upon a time there was a poor, modest girl alone with her mother, and they had nothing to eat. Once the girl went into the forest and met an old woman on the way, who already knew about her miserable life and gave her an earthen pot. He had only to say: “Pot, cook!” - and tasty, sweet millet porridge will be cooked in it; and just tell him: “Potty, stop it!” - and the porridge will stop cooking in it. The girl brought a pot home to her mother, and now they got rid of poverty and hunger and began to eat sweet porridge whenever they wanted.

Once the girl left home, and the mother says: “Pot, cook!” - and porridge began to boil in it, and the mother ate her fill. But she wanted the pot to stop cooking porridge, but she forgot the word. And now he cooks and cooks, and the porridge is already creeping over the edge, and all the porridge is being cooked. Now the kitchen is full, and the whole hut is full, and porridge is creeping into another hut, and the street is all full, as if it wants to feed the whole world; and a great misfortune happened, and not a single person knew how to help that grief. Finally, when only the house remains intact, a girl comes; and only she said: “Pot, stop it!” - he stopped cooking porridge; and the one who had to go back to the city had to eat his way through the porridge.

Fairy tale "Black grouse and the fox"

Tolstoy L.N.

The black grouse was sitting on a tree. The fox came up to him and said:

- Hello, black grouse, my friend, as soon as I heard your voice, I came to visit you.

“Thank you for your kind words,” said the grouse.

The fox pretended not to hear, and said:

– What are you talking about? I can not hear. You, black grouse, my friend, would go down to the grass for a walk, talk to me, otherwise I won’t hear from the tree.

Teterev said:

- I'm afraid to go to the grass. It is dangerous for us birds to walk on the ground.

Or are you afraid of me? - said the fox.

“Not you, I’m afraid of other animals,” said the black grouse. - There are all kinds of animals.

- No, black grouse, my friend, today the decree has been announced so that there will be peace throughout the earth. Now the animals do not touch each other.

“That’s good,” said the black grouse, “otherwise the dogs are running, if only in the old way, you would have to leave, but now you have nothing to be afraid of.”

The fox heard about the dogs, pricked up her ears and wanted to run.

– Where are you? - said the grouse. - After all, now the decree, the dogs will not be touched.

- And who knows! - said the fox. Maybe they didn't hear the order.

And she ran away.

Fairy tale "The Tsar and the Shirt"

Tolstoy L.N.

One king was sick and said:

“I will give half of the kingdom to the one who will cure me.

Then all the wise men gathered and began to judge how to cure the king. Nobody knew. Only one wise man said that the king can be cured. He said:

- If you find a happy person, take off his shirt and put it on the king, the king will recover.

The king sent to look for a happy person in his kingdom; but the ambassadors of the king traveled all over the kingdom for a long time and could not find a happy person. There was not a single one that was satisfied with everyone. Who is rich, let him be ill; who is healthy, but poor; who is healthy and rich, but his wife is not good; and whoever has children who are not good - everyone complains about something.

Once, late in the evening, the king's son was walking past the hut, and he heard someone say:

- Here, thank God, I've worked out, eaten and go to bed; what else do i need?

The king's son was delighted, ordered to take off this man's shirt, and give him money for it, as much as he wants, and take the shirt to the king.

The messengers came to the happy man and wanted to take off his shirt; but the happy one was so poor that he had no shirt on.

Tale "Chocolate Road"

Gianni Rodari

Three little boys lived in Barletta - three brothers. Somehow they were walking outside the city and suddenly saw some strange road - even, smooth and all brown.

- What, I wonder, is this road made of? The older brother was surprised.

“I don’t know from what, but not from planks,” the middle brother remarked.

They wondered, wondered, and then knelt down and licked the road with their tongues.

And the road, it turns out, was all lined with chocolate bars. Well, the brothers, of course, were not at a loss - they began to regale themselves. Piece by piece - they did not notice how the evening came. And they all gobble up chocolate. So we ate it all the way! Not a piece of her is left. As if there was no road at all, no chocolate!

– Where are we now? The older brother was surprised.

“I don’t know where, but it’s not Bari!” the middle brother replied.

The brothers were confused - they did not know what to do. Fortunately, a peasant came out to meet them, returning from the field with his cart.

“Let me take you home,” he offered. And he took the brothers to Barletta, right up to the house.

The brothers began to get out of the cart and suddenly saw that it was all made of cookies. They rejoiced and, without thinking twice, began to gobble her up on both cheeks. There was nothing left of the cart - no wheels, no shafts. Everyone ate.

That's how lucky one day three little brothers from Barletta. No one has ever been so lucky, and who knows if they will ever be.

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