Bedtime stories for 2 year olds. Russian folk tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed"


Once upon a time there was a goat, a goat made a hut in the forest. Every day the goat went to the forest for food. She leaves, and tells the children to lock themselves tightly and not to unlock the doors for anyone. The goat returns home, knocks on the door with its horns and sings:

Goats, kids,

Open up, open up!

Your mother has come

Milk brought.

I am a goat, I was in the forest,

Ate silk grass

I drank cold water;

Milk runs along the notch,

From the notch on the hooves,

And from the hoofs into the cheese the ground.

The kids will hear their mother and unlock her doors. She feeds them and goes out to graze again.

The wolf overheard the goat and, when she left, he went to the door of the hut and sang in a thick, thick voice:

You, children, you, fathers,

Open up, open up!

Your mother has come

She brought milk...

Hooves full of water!

The kids listened to the wolf and say:

- You are clever, little children, that you did not unlock the wolf, otherwise he would have eaten you.

What did the goat punish the kids when she went to the forest?

Who came to the goats? What was he like? With what voice did he sing?

Were the little kids afraid of the big and terrible wolf? Did they open the door for the wolf?

How did the mother goat praise her babies? Let's say it together: "You are smart, kids ..."

Russian folk tale "Zayushkina's hut"

Once upon a time there lived a fox and a hare. The fox has an icy hut, and the hare has a bast hut. Here is the fox teasing the hare:

- My hut is light, and yours is dark! Mine is light, yours is dark!

Summer has come, the fox's hut has melted. Fox and asks for a hare:

- Let me go, hare, at least to your yard!

- No, fox, I won’t let you in - why did you tease?

The fox began to beg more. The hare let her into his yard.

The next day, the fox asks again:

- Let me, hare, on the porch.

Begged, begged the fox.

The hare agreed and put the fox on the porch.

On the third day, the fox asks again:

- Let me go, hare, into the hut.

“No, I won’t let you in,” why did you tease?

She begged, she begged, the hare let her into the hut. The fox is sitting on the bench, and the bunny is on the stove.

On the fourth day, the fox asks again:

- Zainka, zainka, let me on the stove to your place!

“No, I won’t let you in,” why did you tease?

She asked, the fox asked, and begged, - the hare put her on the stove.

A day or two passed, the fox began to drive the hare out of the hut:

"Get out, scythe!" I don't want to live with you!

So she kicked out.

The hare sits and cries, grieves, wipes tears with its paws. Running past the dog

— Tyaf-tyaf-tyaf! What, bunny, are you crying about?

How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Spring has come, the fox's hut has melted. The fox asked me to come, but she kicked me out.

“Don’t cry, bunny,” the dogs say. - We are chasing her.

- No, don't kick me out!

- No, let's get out!

Approached the hut:

— Tyaf-tyaf-tyaf! Go, fox, get out!

And she told them from the oven:

- How do I get out?

How do I jump out

Shreds will go

Through the alleys!

The dogs got scared and ran away.

Again the bunny sits and cries. A wolf is walking by

- What are you crying about, bunny?

- How can I, gray wolf, not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Spring has come, the fox's hut has melted. The fox asked me to come, but she kicked me out.

- Don't cry, bunny, - says the wolf, - so I'm chasing her.

- No, you won't. They drove the dogs - they didn’t kick them out, and you won’t kick them out.

- No, I'll take it out.

- Uyyy ... uyyy ... Go, fox, get out!

And she from the oven:

- How do I get out?

How do I jump out

Shreds will go

Through the alleys!

The wolf got scared and ran away.

Here the hare sits and cries again.

An old bear is coming

- What are you crying about, bunny?

- How can I, bear, not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Spring has come, the fox's hut has melted. The fox asked me to come, but she kicked me out.

- Don't cry, bunny, - says the bear, - I'm chasing her.

- No, you won't. The dogs drove, drove - did not drive out, the gray wolf drove, drove - did not drive out. And you don't you drive.

- No, I'll take it out.

The bear went to the hut and growled:

- Rrr... rrr. Get out, fox, get out!

And she from the oven:

- How do I get out?

How do I jump out

Shreds will go

Through the alleys!

The bear got scared and left.

Again the hare sits and cries. A rooster is coming, carrying a scythe.

- Ku-ka-river! Zainka, what are you crying about?

- How can I, Petenka, not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Spring has come, the fox's hut has melted. The fox asked me to come, but she kicked me out.

- Don't worry, bunny, I'll kick the fox out for you.

- No, you won't. The dogs drove, drove - not you drove, the gray wolf drove, drove - did not drive out, the old honey drove, drove - did not drive out. And you won't get kicked out.

- No, I'll take it out.

The rooster went to the hut:

- Ku-ka-river!

I walk on my feet

In red boots

I carry a scythe on my shoulders:

I want to kill the fox.

Went, fox, from the stove!

The fox heard, got scared and said:

- I'm getting dressed...

Rooster again:

- Ku-ka-river!

I walk on my feet

In red boots

I carry a scythe on my shoulders:

I want to kill the fox.

Went, fox, from the stove!

And the fox says:

I put on a coat...

Rooster for the third time:

- Ku-ka-river!

I walk on my feet

In red boots

I carry a scythe on my shoulders:

I want to kill the fox.

Went, fox, from the stove!

The fox was frightened, jumped off the stove - yes, run away. And the hare and the rooster began to live and live.

Questions to discuss with children

What hut did the hare and the fox build? Which hut was warmer?

What happened to the fox's ice hut in the summer?

What did the fox hare ask for?

Did the fox do well by driving the hare out of the house?

Who tried to help the bunny? Why couldn't such big animals help the little bunny?

What did the fox answer to the dog, wolf and bear?

Who helped the bunny in trouble? Why did the little rooster manage to defeat the fox?

Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear"

Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, and they had a granddaughter Masha. Girlfriends gathered for berries, they call Masha with them.

- Go, - said grandfather and grandmother, - but look, do not lag behind, where everyone is, there you will be.

Masha went.

Suddenly out of nowhere - a bear. She was frightened, Masha was crying. The bear grabbed her and carried her.

And the girlfriends ran to the village and said that they had lost Masha.

They searched and searched for her grandfather and grandmother, but they did not find her, they began to cry, they began to grieve.

And the bear brought Masha to his home and said:

Don't cry, I won't eat you! I'm bored alone, stay with me.

Tears will not help grief, Masha began to think how to get away from the bear. She lives with a bear. The bear did not drag her honey, berries, peas - everything. Masha is not happy.

- Why aren't you happy about anything? the honey asks.

- Why should I rejoice? How can I not grieve! Grandpa and grandma think you ate me. Bring them a gift from me - a body of pies. Let them know that I'm alive.

The bear brought flour, Masha baked pies - a big dish. The bear found a body where to put the pies.

Masha said to the bear:

- You will carry it, dear, do not eat. I will look from the hill - I will see.

While the bear was getting ready, Masha seized the time, climbed into the truck and covered herself with a dish of pies.

The bear took the body, put it on his back and carried it.

He walks along the paths past the fir trees and birches, where he descends into the ravine, rises up. Tired says:

— What a heavy body!

I sit on a stump

Eat a pie.

Masha heard and screamed:

- See see!

Close to grandfather's house.

Bear growled:

- Look, what a big-eyed one!

sits high,

Looks far.

- I'll sit on a stump,

Eat a pie.

And Masha screamed again:

- See see!

Do not sit on a stump, do not eat a pie -

Very close to grandfather's yard!

The bear did not sit on a stump, did not eat a pie, went on. He reached the village, found Mashin's house. Knock knock at the gate! The dog barked. And others fled from everywhere. Such barking was raised!

Only grandparents opened the gate, the bear threw off the body from the back - and ran away. And the dogs follow him, chasing him, biting him. Elle ran away.

Grandfather and grandmother saw the body, came closer, got out of his granddaughter, alive and well. Grandfather and grandmother do not believe their eyes. They hug her, kiss her. And what to say about Masha! So glad!

Grandfather, grandmother and Masha began to live in the old way, to make good, and forget the bad.

Questions to discuss with children

What did grandparents say when they let Masha into the forest with her friends?

How did Masha get into the bear's hut?

What did the bear say when he saw Masha?

What trick did Masha come up with to get to mine?

What did the bear say when he wanted to sit down to rest? What did Masha answer him from the body?

Tell us what the body looks like in which the bear took Masha to her grandparents.

Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Dogs"

The fox ran across the field. Out of nowhere, the dogs jumped out and chased her.

Fox, run! She ran, ran, and under the stump into the hole and left.

She sits in a hole and says to herself:

“Ears, ears, what were you doing?”

- We listened and listened so that the dogs would not eat the fox.

- Legs, legs, what did you do?

We ran and ran so that the dogs would not catch the fox.

Snow Maiden and Fox

There lived an old man and an old woman. They had a granddaughter Snegurushka. Her girlfriends gathered for berries and came to call Snegurushka with them. The old man and the old woman let her go and told her to keep up with her friends.

The girls came to the forest, began to pick berries. Tree by tree, bush by bush, Snegurushka lagged behind her friends. They hailed her, hailed her, but the Snow Maiden did not hear. I looked back and it was getting dark. What to do?

She climbed a tree and began to weep bitterly, in clover:

Ay, ay, Snow Maiden!

Ay, ay, dove!

Grandpa, grandma

There was a granddaughter Snegurushka,

Her girlfriends lured into the forest,


A bear comes and asks:

- How can I not cry, little bear! I’m alone with my grandfather, my grandmother’s granddaughter Snegurushka, my girlfriends lured me into the forest, lured me and left!

“Get down, I’ll take you to your grandparents!”

- No, I'm afraid of you, you'll eat me!

The bear left her. She began to cry again, humming along:

Ay, ay, Snow Maiden!

Ay, ay, dove! ..

A wolf comes and asks:

- What are you crying about, Snow Maiden?

How can I not cry? My girlfriends lured me into the forest, lured me and left ...

- Come to me, I'll take you to your grandparents! says the wolf.

- No, wolf, I'm afraid of you, you'll eat me!

The wolf is gone. And the Snow Maiden began to cry again, in clover:

Ay, ay, Snow Maiden!

Ay, ay, dove!..

- Why are you crying, Snow Maiden?

- How can I not cry, little fox! My girlfriends lured me into the forest, lured me - they left!

“Come down, I’ll take you to grandparents!”

The Snow Maiden got down from the tree, sat on the fox, the fox and ran. She ran to the house and began to knock on the gate with her tail. Here! Here!

- Who's there? Grandpa and Grandma ask.

- It's me, the fox, I brought your granddaughter!

Grandfather and grandmother rejoiced. They began to kiss the Snow Maiden. They began to thank the fox: “Thank you, little fox, for bringing our granddaughter Snegurushka home!”

K. Ushinsky

know how to wait

Summer . Once upon a time there lived a brother and a sister, a cockerel and a hen. The cockerel ran into the garden and began to peck at the green currant, and the hen said to him: “Don’t eat, Petya! Wait until the currants are ripe." The cockerel did not obey, pecked and pecked and pecked so that he hardly made his way home. "Oh! cries the cockerel, “my misfortune! It hurts, sister! Painfully!" The cockerel hen gave mint to drink, applied a mustard plaster - it passed.

Spring. The cockerel went into the field: he ran, jumping, flared up, sweated and ran to the stream to drink cold water; and the hen cries to him:

“Don’t drink, Petya, wait until you cool down.

The cockerel did not obey, he drank cold water - and then the fever began to hit him; the chicken brought him home by force. The chicken ran after the doctor, the doctor prescribed Petya a bitter medicine, and the cockerel lay in bed for a long time.

Winter. The cockerel left the house and sees that the river is covered with ice. The cockerel wanted to go skating, and the hen said to him: “Oh, wait, Petya! Let the river freeze completely; now the ice is still very thin, you will drown!” The cockerel of the sister did not obey: it rolled on the ice; the ice broke, and the cockerel flopped into the water! Only the cockerel was seen.


On a warm spring day, friends went for a walk in the forest. All right together, have fun! Bunny Dima galloped ahead of everyone on one leg. Fedya the hedgehog rolled somersaults down the hill, Tema the fox was laughing at the top of his lungs. Only the mouse Filya smiled quietly, looked at his friends with beady eyes, tried to keep up and not to fall under the paws of the bear Grishka. And so they went. They walked and walked and came out into the clearing, looked around and gasped: what a beauty! The sun is warm, the birds are singing, a warm breeze is blowing, playing with colorful flowers, and butterflies and moths are curling. You won’t even understand - where are the butterflies and where are the flowers.

Friends admired this beauty, each picked a small bunch for themselves and sat down to rest on a hillock. They sit and rest. Then the hedgehog Fedya suggested:

- Let's play! Let everyone name something that others do not have.

“Please,” the little fox Tema laughed. - I have the most beautiful tail. You won't find anything like this anywhere in the forest. Just one of these!

And I have the longest ears. There is no longer in the whole forest, and there are even two of them! Like this!

“Who in the forest has such thick paws as mine!” - said the bear Grishka in a bass voice. - Two front paws and two hind legs.

- And I have ... - timidly began the little mouse Phil, - and I have a mother. One, but the sweetest, most affectionate and gentle. I will bring her flowers as a gift.

- Well, what a good fellow! Well said! friends were surprised.

And the hedgehog Fedya handed the little mouse his bouquet:

- I give it to your mom!

I donate too! And I donate! friends shouted at each other.

- Thanks! whispered the mouse. - Mom will be happy.

He brought a huge bouquet to his mother. Do you bring a gift to your mother from a walk?


The puppy runs along the forest path, rejoices. Suddenly, a fox cub jumped out of the bushes towards him.

The puppy wanted to growl, but it doesn’t work, only “Yav! wow!

- Oh, baby! I didn't even learn how to bark. I am not afraid of you.

"Then I'll call my mother!" the puppy said.

“But I’m not afraid of anyone, I’m a scientist!” - the fox announced importantly.

- Scientist? What is it like? the puppy was surprised.

- But like this. Do you know how many noses you have? the fox asked importantly.

— Nosov? Don't know! the puppy confessed.

“You have one nose, and I have one nose, everyone has one nose!” - the fox began to teach the puppy.

- Hey you kids! - a crow croaked from above, - these are your noses, and we birds have beaks! Here I have a long, sharp beak, not like your button noses.

- But I have one tail, look how beautiful, fluffy! - shouted the fox.

And I have a tail! And also one, and also fluffy! the puppy rejoiced.

- What are you happy about? the crow was outraged. - Look, I also have one tail, and also beautiful.

- How many paws do you have? the fox asked her. - You know?

“I know, I know, I have two legs,” said the crow.

— Aha! shouted the ladder. - Only two! And I have two front and two hind legs, that's how many!

“I have a lot of paws too!” cried the puppy.

- And look, puppy, what beautiful ears I have, there are two of them!

And I have two ears! That's great! the puppy barked with happiness. - What about you, crow?

But the crow said nothing and immediately flew away. Friends did not understand why she did not answer. Do you children understand?

Friends began to laugh, the noise was raised throughout the forest.

Puppy happy:

- It's good that I met you, now I'm a scientist!

Just then, a mother dog jumped out of the bushes. The fox was scared and well, run!

- Mother! Mother! cried the puppy. “I am a scientist now. I have one nose, but many paws, two ears and... Oh, I forgot how many tails I have!

Kitten and mice

The kitten steps importantly along the path, sees - multi-colored butterflies flutter over the flower bed.

Suddenly he hears someone giggling under a bush, making noise: “Hey, you, baby! Count correctly: one, two, three butterflies!”

The kitten took a closer look, and mice sit under a bush in the grass.

"Why are you laughing at me!" You think I can't count: there are a lot of you - one, two and one more mouse. Have you heard?

- Heard, heard! - the little mice laugh. - Yes, you just need to count correctly: one, two, three. Three of us, remember, baby!

- I'm not a baby! I am a cat! This is how I will release my claws, how I will grab you: with one paw - one, with the other - the second!

The mice laughed.

- How do you get the third one? You have two paws, not three! So don't be afraid, we're not afraid of you! - and then they commanded in unison: - One, two, three - run to your mother!

The mice dived into the thick grass, and the cat sat down and thought: can you grab three mice with two paws? What do you say?

Three-Eyed Commander

Finally, the little wolf cub Vasya was given a bicycle. A beautiful bike, red, and what is not here: one steering wheel, one headlight, two pedals, and a lot of wheels, as many as three! On such a bike you can race like the wind! Vasya sat down, began to pedal and drove along the forest paths. Styopka the bunny is catching up with him on his bike from behind. Vasya tried, leaned on the pedals, but Styopka overtook him anyway. Vasya got upset.

He drove out into the clearing, and Styopka was sitting on a stump, next to him was a bicycle. Vasya greeted his friend, came closer to the bike, counted: he had one steering wheel, and one headlight, but there weren’t enough wheels - only two. The little wolf asks the bunny: “How did you overtake me? I have three wheels, but you only have two. Three is more than two!

- Correctly counted! Styopka answered. You have more wheels. You have a children's bike, three wheels for stability so that the children do not fall. And everyone who already knows how to ride a bike has a bike with two wheels. This is no longer a children's bike, this is a racing bike. Understood?

- Understood, - nodded Vasya, then thought and asked: - Styopa, tell me, the wheels - to ride, the steering wheel - to turn where necessary, but why the headlight?

“The headlight is the eye of a bicycle,” the bunny began to explain. - This is to see in the dark where you are going. The bike has one, and you have two. Understood?

Does it happen that someone has three eyes?

Styopka laughed:

- I know, I know! Three eyes at the traffic light. He stands at the crossroads.

Why do you think he's standing there? Vasya was surprised. "Maybe he's been gone for a long time."

“No,” Styopa shook his head, “he always stands there. He cannot leave, because he keeps order and everyone listens to him, respects him. A traffic light guides traffic with its multicolored eyes. Shine a green eye - go quietly. Yellow lights up - wait, do not rush. With a red eye, he will look sternly - do not even think about moving, you will get into trouble

“Look, what a three-eyed commander!” Vasya the wolf laughed. “I want to meet him too.

Do you know this respected three-eyed commander?

Big small

The cubs were born in a deep hole under an old tree. “What little, tiny you are,” said the mother fox, admiring the kids.

Once she went hunting, and strictly ordered the kids not to get out of the mink. Yes, her children turned out to be naughty, they crawled out into the light. They sit, squint their eyes at the sun, look around. Quiet, warm.

A motley butterfly flew into the clearing. The foxes ran, they wanted to catch her. A butterfly flutters in front of the muzzles of babies. Such a tiny one, but it is not given in the paws. Gak flew away.

A huge crow perched on a bush with a noise. The cubs rushed to her, and she fluttered her wings in fright and flew away. The cubs were surprised: so big, but afraid!

Something rustled in the grass and a small bun rolled out towards the cubs. The little fox touched him with his paw and immediately whined plaintively - you can’t touch this little one, this is a hedgehog, not a bun.

Meanwhile, the mother fox returned, and well, scold the naughty kids!

At two years old, a child has enough attention and perseverance to listen to short story stories and fairy tales, especially if the mother reads, acting a little: in different voices, sometimes quietly, sometimes loudly, pausing, in general, putting a little soul, and not just pedagogical reflections on the theme "a good mother should read books to her child."

What will a two-year-old reader like?

1. Folk tales

Short, dynamic, with a series of characters performing the same actions and speaking the same text. "Gingerbread Man", "Teremok", "Three Bears", "Turnip", "Fox and Hare", "Masha and the Bear", and, of course, Ryaba Hen, beloved by children. Familiar animal characters, a calming narrative tone, a happy ending to almost all stories - all this makes fairy tales understandable and memorable. And when your child learns to speak well, the first thing he will do is come up with and tell new endings to old fairy tales: “the egg fell and didn’t break,” and “the fox didn’t eat the bun, he ran away.”

2. Agnia Barto "Toys"

Agnia Barto has many beautiful poems, and it is better to start acquaintance with short and understandable stories about toys - a bear, a horse, a truck, a bull, a ball, a drum, an airplane. One of these quatrains will surely be the first rhyme that your baby will recite by heart. And even if now in a rare house you see an elephant shaking its head, or a bull that walks on an inclined board, but all children have cars, balls and bears. Toys are exactly the level of concepts that are accessible and close to the little reader. No wonder this collection of Barto is popular and relevant to this day, although it was first published before the war, in 1936.

3. Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak "Mustache-striped", "Stupid little mouse"

The poetic tales of Samuil Marshak are loved by children for their humor and simplicity. Despite the fact that Marshak constantly calls his characters stupid - "what a stupid kitten!", "stupid little mouse" - children love these characters very much. I also like the multi-layered nature of these texts. The irony of "The Mustachioed-Striped" and the tragic ending of "Stupid Mouse" are understandable to adults, and the children sincerely believe that the kitten is really stupid, because he did not want to eat radishes and sleep in the crib, and the mouse - he just ran away, the cat did not eat him , no no!

4. Tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

Thinking about what to read to a two-year-old child, one cannot help but recall Chukovsky. Of course! Despite the fact that Korney Chukovsky wrote many critical books and a thick monograph about Nekrasov, he is known exclusively as the author of nursery rhymes. With a talented person, everything comes out talentedly, therefore his fairy tales are loved by many generations and are so easily memorized. “Telephone”, “Doctor Aibolit”, “Fly-Sokotuha”, “Fedorino Grief” - in addition to peppy intonations and the rhythm so beloved by children, there is also an unobtrusive repetition of various thematic groups of words (dishes, animals, insects, even diseases in “Doctor Aibolite"). Your baby's vocabulary will grow before our eyes. My son, at the age of two, was already chattering “Fedorino's grief” by heart and still adores him.

5. Tales and illustrations by Vladimir Suteev

If this surname doesn’t tell you anything, just look for illustrations on the Internet - and you will immediately remember your own childhood and favorite cartoon books, with a caring hare dad, a stupid bear, a cunning Fox, a grumpy hedgehog, a big mushroom-house and a fat Hippo who afraid of vaccinations. “Who said Meow?”, “Uncle Misha”, “Magic wand”, “Bag of apples”, “Angler cat” and many, many others. Children are extremely fond of Suteev's drawings and fairy tales - for their kindness and character, for justice: there evil always remains with the nose, and good triumphs, and good deeds do not go unnoticed. These fairy tales give the child the concept of good and bad, teach friendship, generosity, friendliness. And besides quiet, unspoken edification, they also contain the author's kind smile, calm sweet humor, which makes Suteev's tales so beloved by adults and kids.

6. Zdenek Miler. Books about Mole

Another favorite character of many generations is the Czech Mole. Everyone remembers funny cartoons about a mole who either watches TV, or bakes buns, or collects a little car, or rides on a sled with a snowman. It is interesting that Miler came up with Mole completely by accident: while choosing a character for a new cartoon, he was walking in the forest and stumbled over a wormhole. And if Miler went the other way, there might not have been favorite cartoons and books!

Cartoons are also distinguished by the fact that they are without words, so they do not need to be translated from Czech into Russian, laughter sounds the same everywhere. And books about Mole are also understandable without words, there are surprisingly “speaking” pictures, so books can be read and retell in your own words for kids. A cozy, smiling, cute Mole becomes a favorite friend of a two-year-old reader, and the kid is happy to follow his adventures.

7. Ruffs-babies

Nursery rhymes with illustrations by Vasnetsov. It is no coincidence that I focus on the artist. Yuri Vasnetsov is one of the best and most beloved illustrators of Russian and Soviet children's books. His drawings are reminiscent of a Dymkovo toy - just as colorful and cheerful, without halftones and mutedness, saturated with bright colors, patterns, and ornaments. Ruffs-babies, grandfather Ezhok, Egor the hare ... These nursery rhymes must be read to a two-year-old child.

Nice and simple characters, understandable to the baby, drawings filled with emotions. Crows - quarreled. Pig Nenila - loves her son. Grandfather Hedgehog - alarm, warning - do not get your feet wet! The cat catches a fish under the bridge - joy. I remember how anxious and interesting it was for me as a child to look at a fox running with a little box against the background of a dark forest. Where is she running, what kind of forest is this, who is lurking there in the dark? And the hedgehog, joyfully looking at the mushrooms that are pouring out of the box, inspired confidence that everything will be fine.

8. Annie Schmidt "Sasha and Masha"

The Dutch writer Annie Schmidt wrote the first book about the boy Jip and the girl Janneke back in 1953. These short funny stories have long become classics throughout Europe, and are now being published in Russia. True, the children were renamed in the local manner, Sasha and Masha, well, someone likes this option. I read this book with original names to my son, I am for authenticity. A feature of the series about Sasha and Masha are black and white illustrations. Monochrome is unusual for children's literature, but children surprisingly like to look at these pictures and do not worry about the lack of color paints. Funny and instructive stories are clear even to kids and unobtrusively teach how to play with dolls, why you need to cut your hair and many other simple things.

9. Eric Karl "Seahorse"

Eric Karl is a "living classic" of children's literature. He makes his illustrations in an amazing way: first he paints large sheets of paper, and then cuts out applications from them and builds pictures for his own books. His stories are very simple, made in the technique of primitivism and naivete, and are very loved by children. It is not for nothing that all his characters are made deliberately carelessly and are very reminiscent of children's clumsy drawings.

Seahorse is a book about how little fish are born and about the amazing fish dads who care for and protect the eggs. True, this information will be clear to older children, and two-year-olds are delighted with illustrations in which transparent sheets with painted leaves, corals, algae and stones are pasted, behind which a seahorse hides from predatory fish. Hiding the skate and finding it was my son's favorite pastime when he was little. And now he is learning the names of fish with interest. Growth book. Must have!

10. Beatrix Potter "All About Peter Rabbit"

Classics of children's English literature. Rabbits, a cat and kittens, a hedgehog, a squirrel, a goose and a fox, a fishing frog - the most ordinary little animals and birds live in the tales of Beatrix Potter. They equip their cozy homes, invite friends to dinner, dress their kids in smart suits - in general, they lead a typically English lifestyle, surprisingly reminiscent of people.

Perhaps no other joint activity with a child has at the same time such a powerful developmental, educational and emotional impact on the child as reading. By reading, we contribute to the development of speech and imagination of the baby, we learn to concentrate. Thanks to books, children and parents get a huge field for conversation, discussing various situations, arguing "who did well and who did badly and why." In addition, reading can become a wonderful evening ritual, as it helps to calm down after noisy games, spend time together, and strengthen relationships between parents and children.

In this article you will find a list of books for children 1-2 years old. These books will help you to spend time together in an interesting and useful way.

First of all, I want to note that most of the books from the previous selection (from 0 to 1 year old) are also relevant at the age of up to 2 years. Children are still interested in fairy tales with multiple repetitions (such as turnip and Teremok), they enjoy listening to Barto and other simple poems.

So here is what you can add to your library after 1 year:

  • Poems

Read poems to your child as often as possible now, and when he begins to speak the first words and sentences, he will amaze you with his knowledge of all those poems that you once read to him.

When a certain number of words (even simplified ones) appear in the child’s active dictionary, invite him to complete the lines you started. Those. after reading the line, leave one word for the baby “Our Tanya is loud ...” Later, you can offer your little listener to finish 2-3 words or even a whole line. As a result, you will not notice how the child himself will begin to tell you quatrains.

Our daughter started surprising us with her first quatrains shortly before she was 2 years old. By order, of course, she did not tell them, but only when she herself wanted to. And of course, she simplified many words in the verse, pronouncing them in her “gibberish” :)

  • S. Marshak " Poems and fairy tales for the little ones» (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

I think Marshak needs no introduction, our entire generation grew up on it. This is the poet with whom you need to get acquainted among the first. Of all Marshak's collections, this one, in my opinion, is the most worthy - an excellent selection of works and illustrations are generally good (if you are not embarrassed by a camel in an Uzbek robe and other animals in clothes).

There is only one very significant drawback - there is no " mustachioed-striped ". I can’t imagine Marshak’s work without this work, and therefore I’m perplexed how the publishing house could “forget” about him. " mustachioed-striped" can buy separately or find in other collections.

  • A. Barto "Toys" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

Barto is a classic for all time. These poems are understandable to every kid, they are very easy to hear and quickly remembered.

  • E. Karganova "Both loudly and in your ear" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

Ekaterina Karganova is another wonderful Soviet children's poetess. In my opinion, her works (at least in this collection) are somewhat reminiscent of Barto.

This kind, bright book contains the simplest, most "baby" rhymes. And the illustrations are pleasant, unobtrusive.

  • “Suzon and the moth. French Folk Songs» (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

And again short funny rhymes. Yes, and in the illustrations of Konashevich - the perfect combination. I want to read this book again and again, it has been among our favorites for a long time.

  • A. Orlova "Apples-heels" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

This collection has been mentioned before.

  • Julia Donaldson "I want to see my mother" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

In general, the works of Donaldson, in my opinion, are well suited for children after two years, but this one is an exception. The topic here is very understandable even for the smallest - the monkey has lost its mother and is trying to find her. The story (which, by the way, is in verse) is very sincere and not at all sad. You have to see what a happy face my daughter has every time when on the last page the monkey still finds her mother.

The book is well suited for reading from 1.5 years.

  • Jack Tickle "A Very Lazy Lion" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

The highlight of this book lies in the voluminous and, moreover, moving illustrations. Opening and closing the pages, together with the baby, you will watch how the hippopotamus opens and closes its mouth, the anteater eats ants, etc. In general, new impressions are guaranteed both for the child and for the parents :) The poems themselves in the book are quite coherent, despite the fact that they are translated.

  • Collections of poems and fairy tales

Large collections of poems by various authors should also not be overlooked. If a publishing house prepared a collection with a soul, then it usually contains the best of the work of various poets, including not so popular, but no less talented. For example, at 1-2 years old we actively read such a collection from the AST publishing house:

  • (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

In it you can find some of the most famous creations of Mikhalkov, Marshak, Chukovsky, Tokmakova, Uspensky, Mashkovskaya, etc. In general, a complete set. The illustrations are also very good, drawn, not computer generated, many of them are familiar to me from my children's books. I don’t like here, perhaps, only the clumsy frame along the edges of the pages, it’s not clear why the publisher added it, but very soon you stop paying attention to it

Here is an example of another great collection of poems with a similar title − 100 poems for kids (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop).

  • «» (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

Another great collection that I also highly recommend. Starting from the age of 1.5 and for quite a long time with our daughter, this book was a real hit. The book contains very kind, small poems and fairy tales that are understandable for a 1-2 year old child. All of them are well known to us since childhood. Here are Marshak's "Baggage", and "About a girl who ate badly" by Mikhalkov, and "Who said "Meow"" by Suteev. And many, many more. True, it is worth noting that if you have already bought the collection of Marshak, which was mentioned above, then some works will be repeated here.

Now another wonderful collection has appeared on sale, united by Suteev's illustrations - « The best picture book by V. Suteev» (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop). A lot here intersects with the "Big Book of Fairy Tales and Poems", plus a little Chukovsky, a little Oster, Plyatskovsky and others are added, only 500 pages! I have never come across such an amazing selection in one place before, I bought most of these pieces separately.

  • K. Chukovsky "Tales" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

Chukovsky is an indelible classic. I have already written about this collection in more detail.

  • « A dream book about that very bunny for those who are from 1 to 3» (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

The Dream Book is one of those books that kids love. On its pages, the bunny finds herself in very close and understandable situations for the child: she escorts her father to work, eats, goes to visit her grandmother, gets sick, goes to kindergarten, etc. Using the example of a bunny, it is easy for a baby to explain why it is impossible to run far from their parents, why, when you are sick, you must definitely drink medicine, etc. Bunny becomes a true friend, of course, because his life is so familiar to the child. The kid involuntarily builds analogies with his life, which, in addition to everything, contributes to the development of associative thinking.

Another advantage of the book: the text gives good tips for parents about what questions to ask the child while reading.

The second part of the book consists of not very successful, in my opinion, nursery rhymes and short educational stories on the topics one-many, wide-narrow, adult-child, etc. In no way am I against learning these concepts, it's just that, as our experience has shown, it's boring for a kid to learn them from these stories. Therefore, it may be advisable to limit ourselves to only the first part of the book, it can be purchased in the form of two small books. About the bunny » ( Ozone, labyrinth, My shop), « More about bunny » ( Ozone, labyrinth, My shop).

  • "A dream book about walking in winter and summer ... from 2 to 4" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

The recommended age of the book is from 2 years old, but, as practice shows, stories about Tanya and Vanya (section " Seasons”) for the baby are interesting and quite understandable before. My daughter Taisiya, for example, "fell in love" with Tanya and Vanya from about 1 year 9 months. Thanks to their adventures, the features of the seasons became more understandable to her.

The rest of the book is no less interesting.

For convenience, all the stories about the bunny, about Tanya and Vanya, Mitya and Anya can be bought in a complete collection - The Great Book of Bunny (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

  • Eric Karl "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

You can not only read a book about a caterpillar, you can also play with it! Holes have been made on most of the pages - the caterpillar “gnawed through” everything tasty that came in its way. Kids really like to explore these holes, put their fingers in them. You can even push the cords into these holes together with the baby, it turns out as if the caterpillar is really crawling.

The book also helps in mastering the account, the days of the week. The illustrations are a bit odd, but they are wonderful! There is also little text, it is kind and understandable.

  • Margaret Wise Brown "Sunday Moon" (Ozone, labyrinth, read)

This is a slightly unusual book, here the same room is depicted from page to page, but with a change in details. The text of the poem draws the attention of the child to one or the other details. The kid will be happy to find them. The illustrations are detailed, there is something to look at. The text is very soothing, the perfect book to read before bed.

  • Books with flaps

Books with flaps are another one of your baby helpers. These toy books are full of surprises, different little animals hid behind the doors, mushrooms, leaves, and to find them, the kid will need to bend the leaf-valve on his own. As a rule, children are very fond of such surprises, so books with flaps delight them. Here are some examples of such creations:

  • « Moomin trolls. funny hide and seek» (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

The book is not bad in its conception, but the illustrations and the names of the trolls are somewhat scary. However, children are a peculiar people and what seems strange to us is often their favorite. That's what happened with this book. There was a period when we read it every day several times. We didn’t call the incomprehensible names of the Moomin trolls to our daughter, but simply called all the trolls hippos: hippo mother, hippo grandfather.

  • «?» (Ozone, My shop)

I would like to single out this book separately, because. it also has an educational character - it introduces the concepts of big, small, tall, long. And it also has incredible flaps - the size of an elephant is 4 times larger than the size of a closed book! :) Of course, there is very little text here, all the emphasis is on the pictures. This book will definitely be one of your favorites!

There are other interesting books with valves:

    « Where does the bird live?» (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

    Ian Wybrow "Sleepy Bear" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

    « Knock Knock! Who's there?» (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

Y. Kumykov "New Year's story" (labyrinth, My shop, read)

Another toy book. Here the baby has the opportunity to learn the skills of lacing. The kid is invited to "lace up" the mitten to the girl's palm and perform other interesting tasks, for example, tie a bag to Santa Claus. Not everything, of course, will work out for a baby under 2 years old, but you can do something with your mother's help, and the rest will come in handy for later. It is also a very sweet, kind and understandable poem.

I think it's time to fill up our next batch of interesting children's fiction. Moreover, my review of books for children 2-3 years old has long been started and not finished. you can find an article with a selection of books by foreign authors, as well. And since Russian writers and Russian folk art have so far been undeservedly deprived of attention, they will be discussed today.

Many of the books on this list are familiar to all of us from an early age. Chukovsky, Mikhalkov and Marshak were perhaps the main books of my childhood. However, thanks to my daughter, I discovered other wonderful Russian authors, the existence of which I had not suspected before. These are Renata Mukha, Vadim Levin, Genrikh Sapgir and many others. You can read more about all of them below.

  • R. Mukha, V. Levin, V. Lunin "Polite Elephant" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

I'll start with a collection of poems, which for a long time was our absolute favorite. With this book, we sincerely laughed, were surprised, looked at the bizarre illustrations. The poems here are endowed with a share of mischief and subtle humor, by the way, quite understandable to a child from 2-2.5 years old. And, it should be noted that, despite the entertaining note in the text, it certainly has something to discuss and something to remember.

Krasovskaya's illustrations deserve special attention. First, there are a lot of them. Secondly, they are bright, infinitely kind and very funny. They are perfect for such a fun text.

I also really liked the collection of poems. Renata Mucha "Good Bad Weather" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop) (or its equivalent " stung already”), I gave it to my friends when the Polite Elephant was not on sale. Large format book with no less wonderful illustrations by Antonenkov, Renata Mucha's poems in this book are the same as in "The Polite Elephant", one drawback - there is no Levin with Lunin And so the book is beyond praise.

  • A. Barto "Poems" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

I think that a 2-3 year old child already knows by heart “The hostess threw the hare” and “They dropped the bear on the floor”, however, the “Toys” collection is, although the most famous, but by no means the only collection that Agnia Lvovna left us as a legacy. For me, for example, her poems from the cycles “Vovka is a kind soul”, “Younger brother”, “Nastenka”, “I am growing up” have become a real discovery. These are just wonderful poems about the guys, about their ordinary everyday problems and discoveries. "Children's" theme makes them very close and understandable for children. And I consider the verses from the “Younger Brother” series to be generally necessary if another baby is born or is expected in the family, because. they teach care and kindness to babies. All verses are light and accessible. Best for kids over 2 years old.

Poems from the above-mentioned cycles are published in one composition or another in various collections. Unfortunately, we were given not the most successful edition of Barto, I would even say one of the most unsuccessful, with clumsy computer illustrations. The book, of course, is not suitable for cultivating artistic taste in a child, but the daughter clung to it so much that she had to put up with these tasteless pictures and read what they ask

Fortunately, in stores you can find better editions, for example, such.

  • Z. Alexandrova "Poems" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

Perhaps Tasin's favorite poem is Alexandrova's - "About the girl Yes and the boy No", but the collection contains many other good and memorable poems. Like Barto, Alexandrova's poems are also mostly about children: about how they play hide-and-seek, horse, build a scooter, pick flowers, and so on. Compared to Barto, the book was still not so beloved by us (some of the poems seemed difficult to read and not so catchy), but on the whole the book occupies a worthy place in our library.

  • "The White House and the Black Cat" in the retelling of B. Zakhoder (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

Have you ever heard about the artist Tralislav Trulyalinsky, who lives in Pripevaisk, in Veselinsky Lane? If not yet, then you definitely need to get acquainted with this cheerful artist and his family, who dance and sing all day long! He lives on the pages of this short collection of funny and unusual Polish rhymes in the brilliant retelling of Boris Zakhoder. This book evokes a storm of emotions in my child. And although there are only 3 poems, they do not bother. Recommended for a good mood.

  • I. Tokmakova "Where the fish sleeps" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

Another famous Soviet poetess is Irina Tokmakova. We have her work presented in the form of a small but very wonderful collection "Where the fish sleeps." The poems are very lively and fervent, a light, pleasant style, and there is humor. Read with pleasure, the whole book learned by heart.

Another example of a good collection of Tokmakova - "The sun goes round and round" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop).

  • G.Sapgir "Wonder Forests" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

Perhaps someone remembers the work of Sapgir in his childhood, but I met him quite recently, together with my daughter. At the first reading, the poems seem rather unusual, and the rhymes are non-standard. But the more you read, the more you get into it. And now the text is pouring into song.

From this amazing book it smells like a fairy tale. Everything here is unusual: in the wonder forests, an owl welcomes a bear, a deer plays tag, a good lion gives a paw to passers-by, but in the land of Laughter live laughers who can even laugh at an evil dragon so that it burns to the ground. Reading this book, you plunge headlong into the fabulous worlds that the author outlined. So I don't want to leave them. The drawings complement the text very harmoniously, just as magical.

  • I. Surikov "Childhood" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

I have written about this wonderful book before.

  • FROM. Mikhalkov "The most beloved fairy tales and poems for kids" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

I can’t imagine raising a child without Mikhalkov’s poems, probably because it was most often read to me in childhood, and Uncle Styopa and the stubborn Foma settled too firmly in my head. So my assessment will definitely not be objective, and how can you evaluate a classic that has been tested over the years. This book is a must have for every child!

And Mikhalkov also has an amazing talent without any tediousness (like, for example, Prokofieva), in a sweet and funny manner, telling children about their little flaws in behavior, whims, stubbornness.

In our collection the link is a complete analogue of our book), perhaps the most complete collection of Mikhalkov's fairy tales and poems. The only thing I didn't really like about the collection is that it contains a lot of completely different artists, and I can't say that I liked all the illustrations.

  • K. Chukovsky "Tales" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

  • S. Marshak "Poems and Tales" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

  • V. Suteev in fairy tales and pictures (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

There are a huge number of collections united by Suteev's pictures. When buying, be sure to read the contents, because. they often contain works by Mikhalkov, Marshak, Chukovsky, perhaps you already have them.

  • Russian folk tales (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

To be honest, my attitude to Russian folk tales is ambiguous. And although I can't stop reading them to my child (it's still a classic), I often don't understand what their moral is. Yes, of course, in some fairy tales there are useful thoughts, for example, not to let an unfamiliar wolf into the house, as in The Wolf and the Seven Kids, or not to go far into the forest without girlfriends, as in Masha and the Bear. But I don’t understand at all what is the moral of those fairy tales where the best bride and life goes to a lazy fool, and why a fairy tale teaches us to rely on a wonderful pike, a sivka-burka or a magic ring, and not on one’s own strength. There are some tales that even scare away with their cruelty, such as "Tereshechka", where Chuvilikha fried and ate her daughter. Having thoroughly familiarized myself with folk art, I decided to still read fairy tales, but with some filtering and explanations.

To introduce my daughter to folklore, I chose a collection from the publishing house AST "". I liked the quantity and quality of the pictures here, the presentation of the fairy tales themselves (which, I must say, differs significantly from collection to collection). Here are not only the simplest tales, like Kolobok and Teremka, but also those that are more authentic and more complicated.

Many fairy tales can also be found separately, for example, in such publications:

  • "Straw goby - tar barrel" (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

  • (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

This is a Georgian folk tale with a favorite plot "First bring me that, then I'll give you that" (as, for example, in "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed"). The Nigma publishing house printed it quite worthily.

  • "Talkingfairy tales» (Ozone, My shop, read)

Well, for a change, you can read the so-called "talking fairy tales." Their essence is that when a certain word appears in the text, you need to press a button with the corresponding sound. For example, when reading the words “It became a pity for Martynka cat …”, the baby clicks on the image of a kitten and hears a meow. Taisiya still likes this kind of entertainment, so these books, having outlived many of their “colleagues”, still live on our shelves and never go to the closet.

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