"Fairy tales live among us." Family game - KVN


Narine Kocharyan

Song“We start KVN of the most attentive, resourceful”

Our KVN gathered friends:

parents and their children,

Welcoming guests.

Psychologist: Today we are holding a real, very serious and very responsible KVN - KVN for preschoolers and their parents. The two teams will compete against each other and go through several stages of testing. Then we will sum up the results, and at the end there will be an awards ceremony for the participants.

I want to introduce you to the members of the jury. Head Tikhonova Raisa Andreevna, methodologist Grevtseva Alla Alexandrovna, Demina Olga Vladimirovna.

Let's move on to the command view. Welcome The Curiosity Team. Team captain Belousov Nikita with his team will show his greeting:

Our motto: we tell you honestly that life is interesting for us (captain).

We are smart kids

Kids are naughty

We love to play KVN

And of course win (children)

Psychologist. Welcome the "Znaiki" team. The captain of the team Marina Belokrylova with her team will show her greeting:

Our motto: knowledge is power.

We are the parents of the know-it-all

Know-it-alls are not know-it-alls

Games are different, we know

We win in KVN! (parents)

1. Exercise "Rhythm on the knees"

Psychologist: children sit on chairs, put their hands on the knees of their neighbors. We clap on the knees in turn: the first hand once, the second - twice, and so on once, twice ... (we got a rhythm on the knees)

The parents do the same.

The next task "Charging for attention"

Psychologist Instruction for children: I will name the first word - you are silent, I will name the second - you name the previous one and so on. The first to try to play ___

There are cards on the table, choose one of them and give it to me.









Psychologist. Instruction for parents: I will say an adjective, you will answer the antonym, when I say the first word you are silent, when I say the second word you will answer the antonym to the first word.

For example, hot - you are silent - high - you answer the antonym to the first word - cold and so on.

Light dark


Hot Cold


Dirty - clean

Difficult - easy

Thin - thick

Slow - fast

hard - soft

High Low

Kind angry

Good bad

Sharp - blunt

Psychologist. And so the maximum score for each contest is 8 points.

Musical break: "Oriental dance". Performed by girls.

3 Psychologist.

Let's move on to the next competition. The essence of the competition is that one counts from 1 to 10, the other from 10 to 1, they count alternating and out loud.

First couple___

I will ask 6 parents to enter this competition and take places at the tables.

Say 1 out loud and write 10 on paper.

The results are checked by our esteemed jury, for the correction and error minus a point. The maximum score of the competition is 10 points.

4. I suggest we build fairy school. To begin with, we will lay the foundation using stones, sticks, beans.

We put on a sheet of paper: 1 stone, 2 sticks, 3 beans, 2 stones, three sticks, 4 beans continue on your own;

For parents: 2 sticks, 5 beans, 1 stone, 4 sticks, 4 beans, 2 stones continue on your own.

Psychologist. And so the maximum score for each competition is 10 points.

The jury is now summing up the results for two competitions.

Musical pause:"Boys are dancing."

Psychologist. The floor for summing up the results of the competition is given to the jury.

And what is KVN no captains competition. I'll ask the captains to come to me.

And now tasks for attention!

The captain of the Curiosity team answers

1. Mom calls her daughter home. Who's on the street? Who is home?

2. The wolf ate the sheep. Who is weaker?

3. The hunter killed the duck. Who was shooting?

4. The teacher listened to Vitya. Who spoke?

5. Vanya hit Petya. Who is the fighter?

Answers Team Captain "Znaiki"

1. How many steps does a sparrow take in 1 minute? (Sparrow jumps).

2. Which figure has neither a beginning nor an end? (at the circle).

3. There were 4 apples on the table. One of them was cut in half and placed on the table. How many apples are on the table? (4 apples).

4. 7 candles were burning, 2 candles were extinguished. How many candles are left? (2).

5. What will happen to the crow when it turns 7? (The eighth will go).

Psychologist. And the last competition "Arrange the icons in accordance with the sample."

From each team, eight people lined up one after the other. On command, run and draw icons with a marker in accordance with the sample in each figure without skipping. The first draws in the first figure, the second in the second and so on until the figures run out.

The jury sums up for the last two competitions and announces the winner.


In conclusion, I would like to say: "Love your children as they are. After all, their future and their success in life depend on your Parental Home warmth."

Let it be a magical moment

Let us be inspired!

Leading: Hello, dear guests and teachers of our kindergarten. I am glad to welcome you to the sports KVN “Teachers and parents are amazing athletes!” Today teachers and parents of our kindergarten will take part in KVN. Let's welcome them! Teams to start! (teams enter from different sides of the hall).

Before the start of KVN, I would like to introduce the jury and the counting commission.

Host: Everyone knows that parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral, intellectual development of the child's personality in childhood. And for this, they themselves must be physically, morally, intellectually developed and set an example in this for their children. Parents will lead by example (calls the name, patronymic of the parents).

You, educator, which means: you are richer in kindness and affection!

Your task is to give everything to the children, you live for the children and nothing else!

Kindness, affection, intelligence, physical fitness will be demonstrated by teachers. The team includes educators, a psychologist, a music director.

Before the start of KVN, I suggest that team members exchange good mood and hug each other (participants approach each other and hug).

So, the teams: No fluff, no feather !!!

Teams will receive points for correct answers.

First competition: "Greetings".

Teams need to introduce themselves and link it to the sport.

Team of teachers "DDU" (kind, sincere, skillful)


To be healthy and strong

Everyone should be friends with sports.

Just need to know

There is no better recipe in the world:

Be inseparable from sports!

You live a hundred years - that's the whole secret!

Sing to the tune of "ALICE"

We all came together to play KVN.

Look at you and show yourself.

And we took the musician with us to sing songs.

Beautiful, charming, damn smart

Although the teachers know how to joke.

Tell us, honestly to us - well, aren't we lovely?

We are such girls, we live in Tatarsk,

Here we play sports, dance and sing,

And children love us, parents respect everything.

We dress beautifully, we speak beautifully!

And even if we don't win today.

But let our native kindergarten find out about us.

Team of parents "All-Makes"


Hello to all participants! And this word:

Love sports since childhood, you will be healthy!

Sports-health! sports assistant,

Sports game, physical education!

Sing to the tune "I'm a chocolate bunny"

We stand on this stage, play in KVN

Smile to the fullest!! One hundred, one hundred, one hundred!

Perhaps not handsome, but we do not tremble like hares,

And we fight for it! That, that, that!

So that friendship wins, so that it is more fun

And there was laughter! Laughter, laugh, laugh!

Congratulations to the teams, we wish everyone victory,

And mom is the best! Everyone, everyone, everyone!

Host: Next contest "Intellectual warm-up"

Teams must take turns naming sports, the team that fails to continue receives fewer points.

The jury gives marks for the previous two competitions.

Intellectually, we warmed up, and now it's time to warm up physically, because even N.N. Amosov said: “Movement is the primary stimulus of the mind of a child,” but we are no longer children and our movements must be coordinated. I invite participants to the dance floor. The jury evaluates: plasticity, a sense of rhythm, the correct execution of movements.

Both teams perform a dance to the song of K. Orbakaite "Sponges with a bow"

Presenter: we look at the jury's assessments and prepare for the relay races.

The first race is called "Funny Monkeys"

(jumping forward on half-bent legs; arms bent at the elbows perform up and down movements). The whole team takes turns doing this task, picks a banana from a palm tree on the opposite side of the hall and comes back.

The second relay - "Merry kids"

(each team member runs and jumps over the cubes, then throws the bag into the basket and comes back).

Third relay "Who is braver"

(each team member takes turns crawling on all fours, then crawls under the arc and comes back).

Fourth relay "Train"

(walking in a half-squat, with the movement of the arms bent at the elbows, back and forth).

The whole team at once, forming a train, goes to the Balloon station, each participant takes one balloon and comes back.

Presenter: I think after completing almost all the tasks, salute should sound for our participants.

Participants burst the balloon "Salute" to speed.

In the balls they find a note with proverbs, which must be continued.

Competition "Continue the proverb"

Presenter: We all know how children love to play, but adults most often have no time, and now they are given such an opportunity.

The competition is called "Play with the child"

(You need to play any game with the opposing team, as with children).

While the jury sums up the results, relaxation is carried out with the teams.

Presenter: I'm sorry, but we forgot to hold another relay.

Relay "Unroll the box"

(each participant in turn runs to the box lying on the opposite side and unfolds one layer. The last layer is not unwrapped).

Upon the announcement of the results, the host offers to unfold the last layer and open the boxes, they contain prizes for the KVN participants.

Thank you all for your attention, for your enthusiasm, fun, laughter

For the fire of competition that creates success.

My speech will be short:

"We say goodbye,

Until happy, new meetings.

Non-traditional parent meeting in the form of KVN on the theme "Connoisseurs of nature".

Senior group

Group parent meeting - KVN.

Theme: "Connoisseurs of Nature".

Target: create conditions for cooperation between parents and children, their emotional and mental rapprochement; increase the interest of parents in the environmental education of their children and ecology in general.

Equipment: Envelopes with proverbs about nature cut into words, puzzles, two drawing paper, felt-tip pens.

Assembly progress.

Introduction . More and more often we hear and pronounce the word "ecology". Science is complex, important and necessary. Science is up to date.

Environmental education is a continuous process of education, upbringing and development of a child, aimed at the formation of his ecological culture, which manifests itself in an emotionally positive attitude towards nature, the world around him, in a responsible attitude towards his health and the state of the environment, in observing certain moral standards, in system of value orientations.

As practice shows, modern preschoolers have a large amount of knowledge about nature. However, often this knowledge is formed spontaneously, under the influence of television programs, advertising, cartoons. Only in the process of purposeful work of the kindergarten and parents it is possible to form an ecological culture, ecological thinking, ecological consciousness in children.

Our today's meeting is just an attempt to look into the amazingly diverse, unsolved world of nature. An attempt to see and understand that the amazing is always there, you just need to be able to see and hear.

From an early age, we must educate in children a clear understanding: man is part of nature. There will be no greenery, no animals - and he will not live on Earth. And vice versa: the richer the world around, the better a person will live in this world.

The knowledge of nature by a child affects not only the area of ​​the mind, but also the area of ​​moral feelings. Therefore, while giving children knowledge about the animal and plant world, adults at the same time tell them the rules of behavior in nature.

A person who does not see the beauty of nature is worse than a blind man: he has blindness of the soul. And from one whose soul is blind, do not expect kindness or honesty, devotion or courage. Is it necessary to talk about how acute the issue of educating children in respect for the world around them is?

I would like the motto of our today's KVN to be the words of Vadim Shefner from the poem "Man":

You, man, loving nature,

Feel sorry for her sometimes!

On fun trips

Do not trample its fields!

Don't burn it down

And don't go to the bottom.

And remember the simple truth:

We are many, but she is one!

So, now I suggest you split into two teams. The first team will be called"FLOWER - SEMITSVETIK", second"TRAILERS".

Educator: Our competitions will be evaluated by a jury consisting of .. (


Let our jury strictly
But the dream of victory is stronger.
Let's fight honestly
We will try very hard
Make our KVN more fun.

Educator: 1st competition. Command presentation. Have the teams introduce themselves (team name, team captain, greeting).

"Flower - seven-flower"

Nature's true friends!

We are friendly, like one family!

They came to play in KVN,

To know more about nature!


Each of us will protect nature,

About every tree, our soul hurts.

We are ready to play today

All together talk about nature.

Educator: 2nd competition. Warm-up. "A fun quiz."

Questions for the first team:

What flower are you talking about?

A tramp roaming the roads. (Plantain).

Do snails have teeth? (Yes, the snail has 135 rows of teeth located on the tongue. Each contains 105, for a total of 14175).

In ancient Rus', this animal was called veksha. He is graceful and handsome. His cubs are born naked, but then they flaunt in red fluffy outfits. The animal is very trusting. (Squirrel).

The cub was not born, but already given up for education. Who is he? (Cuckoo).

Who builds a hut in the forest without axes, without corners? (Ants).

What can be used in the forest to make tea? (Leaves of strawberries, raspberries, currants, rose hips).

Questions for the second team:

What flower are you talking about?

I am in the field and in the garden,
In front of passers-by.
My head is white
Sprouted with petals. (Chamomile).

Flower and seasoning for meat and vegetable dishes. (Carnation).

Which of the birds always walks with a bag? (Pelican, pelika - in Greek a bag).

What fruits are rich in vitamin C? (Blackcurrant, wild rose).

What do you think the Red Book is?

(Red color is an alarm signal, impending danger, warnings. This book contains animals and plants that are very few left on Earth, they are under the threat of extinction. They must be saved: hunting for them should be prohibited, protected in reserves).

Which bird has scales instead of feathers on its wings? (At the penguins).

Who has ears on their feet? (Grasshopper).

Educator: 3rd competition. "Collect a proverb."

Teams need to make up proverbs from the given words.

1 team

Snow drifts in the fields - a grain harvest in the bins.

2 team

A lot of snow - a lot of bread, a lot of water - a lot of grass.

Educator: 4th competition. Captains competition.

Each captain will be asked 6 questions. The number of points will correspond to the number of correct answers.

Questions for the first team

1 What is the longest tree in the Urals? (Cedar)

2Why are the leaves of the tree tops the last to fall? (because young)

3. What black berries do you know? (Bird cherry, blueberry, blackberry, chokeberry, black currant,

4. On which coniferous tree do berries grow? (Juniper)

5. No one scolds, but she trembles. Who and why? (Aspen, because the leaf stem is long)

6. A plant associated with ringing? (Bell)

Questions for the second team

1. The name of which plant consists of a particle, a preposition and a sentry box? (forget-me-not)

2. Name the plants that have human names. (Rose, Ivan da Marya, daisy, Ivan tea, cornflower, etc.)

3. Name the surnames that come from the names of animals.

(Zverevs, Volkovs, Koshkins, Krotovs, Zaitsevs, Karpovs, Kozlovs)

4. Name wild edible plants. (Nettle, sorrel, burdock, mint, oregano, wild rose, St. John's wort, etc.)

5. The name of which animals consists of 2 letters? (Hedgehog, really, yak)

6. Name the birds that winter in our area? (Tits, sparrows, bullfinches, magpies, crows, partridges, etc.)

Educator: 5th competition. Musical competition.

Teams take turns singing songs about nature. The team that sings the most songs wins.

The first team sings songs about plants, the second - about animals and birds.

Educator: 6th competition. Ecological tasks.

Vova and her mother went to the forest to pick mushrooms.

Look, look, mother bird flies so low that I can catch her! Let her stay at our house.

No, you can't do that, Mom said. Why did she answer like that?

Output. She did not allow her son to take the bird, because she knew it was a chick that was learning to fly. He will grow up in the forest, and in captivity he will die.

2. Once Seryozha and his parents came to the river. Many small fish swam close to the shore.

Give me a jar, I'll catch fish - Seryozha asked his parents.

You can't catch them, - said the father and explained why. What did dad say?

Output. Small fishes are fry of big fishes. They need space to grow and develop, and in a bank they will quickly die. And if everyone catches fry, there will be few fish in the river.

3. Kolya and Vitya were playing in the yard and saw how a large blue butterfly sat on a branch.

Let's catch her, - Vitya asked.

You can't catch butterflies, Kolya said.

From them, all the same, no use - answered Vitya. Which boy was right?

Output. It is impossible to catch and destroy butterflies, since a butterfly is not only a beautiful, but also a useful insect. She catches flies, mosquitoes, midges in the air, which she feeds on. By killing "unnecessary" in our opinion insects, we violate the ecological balance.

4. On Sunday, Katya and her mother went for a walk in the forest. Flowers bloomed on the lawns, birds sang. Katya saw big beautiful bells and wanted to pick a bouquet, but her mother did not allow her. Why?

Output. Bluebells are the beauty of the forest. Many people come to the forest and everyone admires them. In addition, small insects hide in the cups of the bell at night and in bad weather, if you pick flowers, insects will be left without houses.


This concludes our contests.

Smart, skillful

Perky and bold

We played KVN

They showed their knowledge

Educator: And now the jury will sum up and announce the results of our competitions

Educator: So our KVN ended. You have shown excellent knowledge. Therefore, all of you can rightfully be called connoisseurs of nature. And, of course, you will pass on all your knowledge and skills to children.


Let's save the planet

There is nothing like it in the whole universe,

All alone in the universe

What will she do without us?

Statements about nature.

“A man became a man when he heard the whisper of leaves and the song of a grasshopper, the murmur of a spring stream and the ringing of silver bells in the bottomless summer sky, the rustle of snowflakes and the howling of a blizzard outside the window, the gentle splash of a wave and the solemn silence of the night, - he heard, and, holding his breath, listens hundreds and thousands of years of wonderful music of life.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Medyantseva Olga Alekseevna


MAUDO "Kindergarten No. 10", Yalutorovsk

Target: contribute to the creation of a unified educational space for the use of fairy tales in the socio-moral, creative and speech development of children.


Involve parents in the educational process;

To expand the ideas of parents about the significance of the role of a fairy tale for the mental, social and communicative development of children;

To cultivate friendly relations between parents, mutual assistance, to teach parents to interact with each other.

Form: intellectual game

Preliminary work: conversations, watching a video of the KVN program; development of a script, production of team emblems, preparation of a stand with a consultation on the topic: “The role of a fairy tale in the life of children”, an exhibition of works from plasticine “My favorite fairy-tale hero”.

Material for the KVN: team emblems, medals, tokens, two flags, presentation, pictures for competitions, two envelopes, split pictures. The group is decorated with balloons, children's drawings based on fairy tales, there are books on the shelves and fairy-tale characters are sitting. On the screen the inscription KVN. On the wall hangs a poster with the slogan:

"Fairy tales live among us, you just need to see where and when they begin."

Part 1 introductory remarks: The role of fairy tales in the life of children.

Part 2 practical: KVN quiz game: "Fairy tales live among us."

Game progress:

1 part .Leading: Good evening! Today we have a very kind spring holiday, which we dedicate to you, dear mothers and grandmothers!

Everyone knows that in our kindergarten there are the smartest, kindest, quick-witted children and the most erudite parents.

Dear parents, I invite you to take part in a game called "KVN. What is KVN? - Club of Cheerful and Resourceful. This game will help us determine which of you is the most fun, inquisitive and well-read. And the theme of our game: "Fairy tales live among us."

Fairy tales are all works of oral folk art. In ancient times, they were composed by talented people from the people. But we do not know their names, because fascinating tales were not written down, but were transmitted orally from one person to another. Telling a fairy tale, each narrator added from himself, missed something, changed something. To make the story even more interesting. Today we are visiting Russian folk tales.

I chose this topic not by chance, it is thanks to fairy tales that you can lay the interest and love for reading in your child. This will help not only to read a book to a child, but also to develop his speech, memory, thinking, to ensure that the child understands and remembers the work. With today's game we want to show you how to play with your child at home.

“A person who believes in a fairy tale falls into it one day, because he has a heart…”. Sergei Korolev

It's our time to get into a fairy tale.

part 2 . Leading: So, friends, let's start the program.

We have a large stock!

Who are they for? For you!

Hello to the funniest, funniest and most resourceful!

But first, I'll introduce the jury.

The word "jury" was invented long ago by the French, and it means a group of specialists who decide the issue of awarding prizes and awards at competitions.

Jury today:

Jury applause!

Rules of the game: answers are accepted after a collective discussion on a raised flag from the team, do not shout answers from the floor.

And KVN begins with the song "Today is an unusual day."

We wish the teams success in the competition. May the strongest win.

So, are the teams ready for the meeting?


Leading: The first competition will be the team presentation competition. In it, teams must submit the following:

Team name;

Choose a captain;

Think of a greeting

You have 2 minutes for all this.

(write the names of the teams on the sheet)

Leading: To be finally ready to play, you need to warm up. Therefore, our competition is called "Warm-up".

General warm-up "Who knows - he answers."

Leading:- I'll ask questions now, it's not easy to answer them. Attention! Getting started!

1. Who broke the tower? (Bear)
2. How many people pulled the turnip? (Three, other animals)
3. What animal swallowed the sun? (Crocodile)
4. What did the princess order to bring from the forest in winter? (Snowdrops)
5. What kind of birds, girlfriends helped the frog fly? (Ducks)
6. The kid has known him for a long time, did he fly in through the window? (Carlson)
7. Which animal was the second to run to the tower? (Frog)
8. How many kids did the wolf eat? (6, one hid)
9. A thick-skinned animal that Aibolit pulled out of the swamp? (Hippopotamus)
10. This tablecloth is famous for feeding everyone their fill? (Self-assembly tablecloth)
11. Does he live in a gloomy palace and steal other people's brides? (Koschey)
12. Does he have a lot of heads, tongues in them like a sting? (Zmey Gorynych)

Outcome: Both teams coped with the warm-up, were organized. Well done! Now you have warmed up and we can start the main competitions.

Let's start our 1st contest! "Guess!"

The task: Name fairy tales that contain numbers in the title 3, 7.

(3 pigs, 3 bears), (Wolf and 7 kids, Snow White and 7 gnomes)

Outcome: Well done team, they know a lot of fairy tales and did an excellent job.

We pass to the 2nd competition, “From what fairy tale?”

Leading: Do you love fairy tales? Still, there are so many different miracles in them!

Previously, people traveled very slowly and invented such miracles. And now? What replaces the flying carpet for us? That's right planes and helicopters. What about walking boots? Yes, we have cars and trains, as well as other transport. Do you remember the apple that rolled on a plate and showed various miracles? Now it is replaced by a TV. People have created more miracles than fairy-tale heroes. But why do we still love fairy tales so much? Why are they still being made? The fact is that all adults were once children, and children are always told fairy tales. A fairy tale was born with a person, and as long as a person lives, a fairy tale lives.

The task: Remember and name the names of fairy tales. Fairy-tale characters will help you with this. Look carefully at the screen. (See Appendix 1)

(Slide show with pictures, answer the commands in turn)

Tsar, Ivanushka, the humpbacked horse (Humpbacked Horse);

Wolf, milk, goat (Wolf and 7 kids);

King, arrow, frog (Frog Princess);

Shoe, prince, fairy (Cinderella);

Tsar, Sivka-burka, princess (Sivka-burka);

Grandmother, pies, wolf (Little Red Riding Hood).

Outcome: The teams were attentive, active, well done!

You have worked hard

Work hard, don't be lazy.

Dear teams, do you think all children love fairy tales?

And what will children be more willing to participate in: watching a fairy tale together or staging a fairy tale? In this situation (staging a fairy tale), the child learns to play a role, learns to be responsible for this role, learns to maintain a conversation, convey his emotions.

So, now we will show you a fairy tale in a new way. "Turnip". (See Appendix 2)

3 competition "Competition of captains"

The story teaches us not to be afraid of difficulties. The Main Hero always undertakes any work, no matter how impossible it may seem. And in the fact that he wins, a significant role is played by self-confidence, courage and the help of friends.

The task: Now let's test the ingenuity of your captains. I ask the team captains to come to me. Teams are requested not to voice their answers from the floor.

Outcome: So, both captains adequately defended the honor of their teams, and we move on to the next competition.

Game "Dress up mom".

Leading: Your children will help us in this game. We invite those who wish. Guys, you need to dress up mom in a character from a fairy tale. And the jury, together with the guests, must guess who it is. All the items you need are laid out on the table.

4 competition "Riddles-jokes"

All children love fairy tales, especially fairy tales. Miracles and a fascinating plot occupy the child's imagination, distracting them from running around and noisy games and making them hold their breath in anticipation of magic. But does a fairy tale play only an entertaining role? Scientists have long proved that fairy tales also have an educational function. No wonder folk wisdom is passed down through a fairy tale from a generation ...

Outcome: Both teams did well.

6 competition "Where are these things from?"(See Annex 3)

The most important thing that a fairy tale teaches us is to remain a child in our hearts, which means a little Magician.

The task: each team has envelopes on the table that contain a mosaic. The task of the teams is to collect three different pictures from the mosaic and remember the names of fairy tales in which these items are mentioned.

1. Key ("Pinocchio")
2. Suitcase with a cross ("Doctor Aibolit")
3. Flower ("Scarlet Flower")
4. Boots ("Puss in Boots")
5. Rybka ("Goldfish")
6. Falcon ("Finist clear falcon")

Outcome: Both teams showed speed and agility.

Who agrees to dance

I invite everyone to stand in a circle.

The dance "Step back, step forward" is performed.

7 competition "Riddles"

Riddles are the great treasury of human thought. They gathered in themselves wisdom and craving for knowledge. It is no coincidence that in fairy tales heroes so often make riddles. Wisdom has always been respected. This is especially evident in Russian folk tales. Try playing with your kids at home. Well, now we will test your ingenuity and ingenuity.

The task: Each team is given riddles in turn. Your task is to find and show the correct answer as quickly as possible.

(give pictures to teams) (See Appendix 4)


Wise men

He loved his master, he served him faithfully, he wore boots and defeated the evil ogre (Puss in Boots)

The fragrance of sweet apples lured that bird into the garden, the feathers glow with fire, and it is light in the night as in the day (Firebird)

They were waiting for their mother with milk, but they let the wolf into the house. Who were these little children? (Kids)

It looks simple, but it can be golden. No wonder Tortilla kept it at the bottom of the pond (Golden Key)

He stands in front of the forest and smokes with a crooked pipe, there Yaga - a forest grandmother - yawns sweetly on the stove (A hut on chicken legs)

She was an artist, beautiful as a star, she fled forever from the evil Karabas (Malvina)

Ivan's arrow is like a bird in flight, Ivan's wife lives in a swamp. Who? (Princess Frog)

As a child, everyone laughed at him, tried to push him away. After all, no one knew that he was born a white swan (Ugly duck)

Pinocchio buried them in a wonderful field, because he was stupid, did not go to school (Golden coins)

The duck knows, the bird knows where Koshchei's death lurks. What is this subject? Give me a quick answer buddy (Needle)

Outcome: The teams confidently and quickly gave answers, for which we say well done to them!

And now everyone dance, the sun smiles,

Because all the children like their mother's holiday!

"Finnish dance"

Summing up the game.

Leading: Well, now let's sum up. Let's give the floor to the jury.

Leading: Today you were cheerful, resourceful, everyone actively participated in competitions. We liked both teams, but the “…” team has more chips, but friendship is above all, so friendship won in our KVN! Shake hands and give everyone your smiles.

In memory of our KVN, we give you medals (medals are handed out)

(See Annex 5).

Thank you all for your attention

For perky sonorous laughter

For the excitement of the competition.

Dear parents! So ended our unusual holiday for moms. May our joint efforts give good results, may our children continue to love fairy tales, read fairy tales to them more often and may their every day be connected with an exciting journey into the world of books.

Mom means tenderness

This is kindness, kindness,

Mom is serenity

This is joy, beauty!

Mom is a bedtime story

It's morning dawn

Mom - a hint in difficult times,

This is wisdom and advice!

Mom is the green of summer

It's snow, autumn leaf,

Mom is a ray of light

Mom means LIFE!

We wish you to always remain so beautiful and elegant and give you handbags to complement your outfits. Their children made their own hands. (Presenting)

For your participation in our holiday, for the fact that you are always with us, your children give a dance.

"Dance away from mom"

Annex 2

Fairy tale "TURP"

Leading:- Dear viewers,

Do you want to see the story?

Familiar, surprisingly

But with creative additions!

In one, well, very rural area,

Far from famous

What is often found in Rus'

Grandfather once planted a turnip!

(We'll put the turnip on a stool,

What did grandfather prepare in advance)

(Gesture invites "Repka" to take their place)

Our turnip has grown by morning

And the tops shake in the wind.

And now everything is in order:

Grandfather went out to the beds in the morning.

Grunted and stretched

Yes, I turned to Repka

That's so miracle-miracles!

Grandpa rubs his eyes

Because I was surprised

This is how the vegetable was born!

Grandfather grabbed a turnip,

I pulled with all my might.

Pulls, pulls, can't pull!

Turnip did not leave the garden,

Know that it has settled firmly in the ground!

What to do? Call the grandmother

To make it easier to tear a turnip.

Grandmother in a new sheepskin coat

Ready to help my grandfather.

Grandma came closer

Grab Grandpa Grandma in an armful!

Dedka grab the turnip again!

And come on, pull and tear!

Grandma called her granddaughter

To help their granddaughter.

Only the granddaughter, to be honest,

It's all uninteresting!

Granddaughter is a fashionista, which means

Granddaughter paints her nails thickly.

To her, to admit, absolutely,

Somehow not up to vegetables.

But, so as not to anger the ancestors,

Anyway, I decided to help.

Granddaughter for Grandma

Grandma for Grandpa

Grandfather for Turnip.

They pull, they pull, they can't pull!

Grandma and Grandpa are very sorry -

The harvest is gone.

The matter was resolved by the granddaughter,

She called for help Bug.

The bug ran quickly

Even the bone didn't bite

Moreover, for all that,

Waving his tail happily.

Bug for granddaughter,

Granddaughter for Grandma

Grandma for Grandpa

Grandfather for Turnip.

They pull, they pull, they can't pull!

wagging his tail a little,

The bug decided to call the Cat.

An hour later she came

She purred, she washed herself. Her appearance told:

Someone had a delicious meal.

There was very little oil.

And now it's not at all.

The cat yawned sweetly

She stretched out her paws to the Beetle.

Cat for a bug

Bug for granddaughter,

Granddaughter for Grandma

Grandma for Grandpa

Grandfather for Turnip.

They pull, they pull, they can't pull!

Apparently everyone is too tired.

We must call for help Mouse!

The mouse went into the garden

Pushed the people away

Grabbed tightly to the tops

And got a root crop!

And to see by all signs

This is not an ordinary mouse.

Our fairy tale is over

And who listened - well done!

KVN members: children, parents, teachers

Leader (V.). Many joint holidays are held in our preschool institution, parents and teachers meet at the “round table”, discuss and solve various problems of raising and educating children in kindergarten and at home, share their experience in family education. However, we also know how to relax. Today we invite you to watch the game of the Cheerful and resourceful club between parents, children and educators. Two teams take part in the game: "Merry Fellows" and "Inseparable Friends". So meet them.

(Teams enter to the music of V. Shainsky's song “It's fun to walk together”, line up in a semicircle against the wall.)

AT. The ability of our participants will be evaluated by the jury (jury presentation).

1st contest "Greetings".

The team "Inseparable Friends" is the first to greet the opposing team:

1st child.

We are hello, a big hello to you,

Our opponents

And we hope for a prize and applause.

2nd child.

Let "Funny guys"

Maybe smarter

We are inseparable friends

So we are stronger.

3rd child.

We are neither fluff nor feathers

We wish everyone

After all, the jury, all of us and the viewer

Together - KVN.

Song (performed by all team members).

1. Back in our hall

There is no empty space in our hall,

It means guests

The kindergarten came to our report.

Let today in the hall

There will be no empty space

Songs, dances, jokes

It will sound here more than once today.


We start KVN

For what, for what?

Such a report in our garden

For the first time, for the first time.

2. Let the jury tell us:

"Everything is OK!

You are great guys!

Everyone was able to get

And implement a program in kindergarten.

Not without reason with mothers,

We've worked hard together

If we are at school

We get fives.


We start KVN

For what, for what?

So that no one, no one is left behind.

We will show you "First step", "First step".

And do not judge us strictly

You now, you now!

Greetings from the Happy Guys team.

1st child.

We are funny guys

We are a family.

We play KVN together:

Educator, mom, me!

2nd child.

You, "Inseparable Friends",

Don't turn up your nose

And we ask the jury very much:

Don't offend us.

3rd child.

Let's not become a champion

This is not a problem.

We'll be even friendlier

KVN - hurrah!

The song sounds to the music of R. Pauls "Golden Wedding" (performed by all team members).

1. Holiday, holiday in kindergarten with us,

We are celebrating our anniversary now.

We took the "first step" a long time ago,

Mom and dad were on the same page.


At KVN in our garden,

Let's have fun together.

We will show you knowledge

And together we will sing our song.


2. Love the teachers so much

Dads, moms and, of course, us.

Taught us to sing and dance

With the "First Step" step more boldly into life.


The jury sums up.

The next competition is "Warm-up".

AT. Work on the educational model "First Step" involves the activities of children, parents and educators in various centers. And today our teams will also work in the centers. I suggest that the teams go to the construction center. Today we have a topic: "Modeling clothes for a kindergarten worker." Teams, please take your seats. You have three minutes to complete the simulation.

Guests and fans are invited to watch a dance number performed by the children of the choreographic circle.

AT. The Inseparable Friends team demonstrates their costumes. The first costume is the costume of the head of the kindergarten. (The description of the costume is read by a team member, the children demonstrate.)

Modern fashion has become not just kind to people, it is generous: it allows for classic, romantic, sporty, retro styles at the same time. There are no restrictions in length, width, color, silhouette, proportions or cut. Now our children will show you two suits: in a business style and in a romantic one (demonstration).

Manager's suit may be variable. The main distinguishing and characteristic feature of her costume are "hedgehog gloves". They are intended to enhance the pedagogical process in DU. They give a great effect when carrying out repairs, and are also exceptionally good when working with violators of labor discipline. Can be used by members of the team as a sedative in the form of a massager.

The second costume is a model of the educators' dress.

The dress is made of light cotton fabric "Ladushki", detachable with an extended skirt, with large wings, which creates the image of a fluttering moth. Various pockets complement the dress. A novelty is the frill of the dress, made from a set of handkerchiefs. The frill can be easily unfastened and handed over to the laundry. For cold weather, a moth-style cape is also used.

AT. The team "Vesyolye Rebyata" presents their models.

The first model is a methodologist's suit.

Methodist - the right hand of the manager. She writes, puts in folders, points out shortcomings, monitors the implementation of the instructions of the first lady. Our task is facilitated by the fact that fashion allows any mixture of fabrics, both in texture and color, and the only criterion will be a sense of proportion, and even, perhaps, a sense of humor.

Now our children will demonstrate two versions of the methodologist's costume - summer and romantic-business.

Our version of the suit consists of numerous folders, paper clips, adhesive tape, etc. It is also equipped with binoculars for better observation of the walks. The costume can be complemented with jewelry and a wide-brimmed hat.

The second costume is a dress for teachers of younger groups.

The dress is made of light soft flannel "bye-bye" of bright color. Cut - a shirt that can be used as a diaper. Children in the nursery always want to hold their hands, and there are only two hands, so we suggest adding patch pockets to the model. The most convenient - "kangaroo", is sewn in front, just below the waist. Having two isolated compartments, it makes it possible to accommodate two babies there. The addition is the dummy buttons that fasten the pockets. So the hands of the educator remain free. Another pocket is sewn on the back, it is used if the baby does not want to sleep. (The teacher demonstrates everything with the help of puppets.)

The jury sums up.

AT. And now I invite teams to the music center. The topic of today's lesson is "Star Rain". "Famous artists" will come to the aid of the teams. While the participants and "artists" are preparing for the performance, we invite you to watch a small concert prepared by the children of the older groups.

Then the teams show their numbers to the soundtracks of pop stars.

The jury sums up.

AT. The traditional competition is the competition of captains.(Captains from each team ask each other three questions.)

AT. Our next competition is called "What would it mean?".

The teams show each other encrypted drawings, the rivals try to guess what is shown on them. The content, humor, brevity of the answer are taken into account.

The jury sums up.

AT. Our last contest is "Homework".

Teams are invited to play a situation from the life of a kindergarten. The "Inseparable Friends" team shows the scene "The manager is on vacation", the "Funny Guys" team shows the scene "On a walk".

The jury sums up the final results and names the winner.

The host again introduces the team members and invites everyone to sing the song “Together it's fun to walk” to the music of V. Shainsky.

AT. See you soon, dear friends!

T. Kokhonenko, E. Vysotskaya

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