How old is Angarsk gum wumen. Ways to lose weight Nadezhda Angarskaya


When Nadia was five years old, her family moved to the city of Neryungri. Hope grew up in a family far from creativity. The girl's father is an electrical engineer, and her mother is an electrical engineer.

In addition to the regular school, Nadezhda studied at a music school, where her vocal successes were already noted as a child. The girl constantly performed at city events, performing an extensive repertoire - from folklore to pop songs.

After graduating from school, Nadezhda decided to go to the capital to enter the acting department. But soon the girl realized that the theater was not her way, and returned to her hometown.

After that, Nadezhda entered the Yakut State University at the Faculty of Mathematics, which also did not become her vocation.

Initially, the girl did not even suspect that she would become one of the leading actresses of KVN. While studying at the university, Nadezhda, together with her friends, began to attend games, and then she herself did not notice how interest in this game woke up in her.

A little later, the girl got into the Deja Vu team, where her talents immediately became obvious to everyone.

12 years have passed since the founding of the team and before getting into the Major League "Deja Vu". In 2008, the team became the finalist of the First League, after which it broke into the Major League.

comedy woman

Real popularity came to Angarskaya when this bright blonde with powerful vocals was invited to a comedy show on the TNT channel "Comedy Woman". At the same time, Nadezhda agreed to the offer to take part in the show only the second time. Since the end of 2010, the girl has become one of the participants in the women's show, where she received the playful title of "People's Singer of Yakutia."

According to Nadezhda, working in the women's team was not easy for her, because before her environment was mostly men.


In addition to her television career, Nadezhda is also involved in music, performing with the program "... to be a woman." Also, Angarskaya, together with the KarTush group, plays charity concerts in Neryungri 2 times a year.

According to the girl, she does not regard her performances as a musical career, since she performs compositions of other singers. However, Nadia plans to release a solo album with the author's tracks of the singer.

Personal life

At the end of 2013, Nadezhda married Jordanian citizen Raed Bani.

Young people met in connection with the work of the girl. The man saw a video of Nadezhda's performances, after which he fell in love and began to seek her favor. The marriage proposal was received by the girl in a romantic setting, in the amazingly beautiful city of Petra. When entering into marriage, the chosen one of Nadezhda did not speak the native language of the bride at all.

In the fall of 2015, the couple had a son, David. Until the seventh month of pregnancy, Nadezhda actively participated in the filming.

According to the girl, she and her husband live peacefully, despite the difference in mentality. Raed got used to Russian culture and fell in love with Russian cuisine, his favorite dish is borscht.

Nadia has always been famous for her rounded shapes. After moving to the capital, the girl managed to lose 35 kg. The actress did not gain weight after giving birth.

According to Angarskaya, correctly selected nutrition and sports helped to return the former parameters. Nadia considers walking to be especially useful - a girl walks at least 8 km a day. Also, the girl is fond of dancing.

The girl characterizes herself as a self-critical person, in her opinion, if a person stops criticizing himself, then his self-esteem has taken off too high.


Extra pounds of Nadezhda Angarskaya did not prevent her from doing what she loved. In the past, a member of the KVN team "Deja Vu" Yakutia, in the present, a bright character from "Comedy Woman" Nadia successfully embodied in the roles of energetic lively fat women. When the humorous star decided to lose weight, relatives and friends did not believe in the success of this business. But Angarskaya proved that, having a strong desire, everything becomes real. The result of Nadezhda is 30 kg in six months!

How Nadezhda Angarskaya decided to lose weight

The decision to lose weight came from Nadezhda after a conversation with a nutritionist. He clearly explained the consequences of obesity and she listened. To avoid swelling, shortness of breath, pressure, high cholesterol and other side effects of being overweight, Nadia went on a diet. The doctor said that her body consists of a large number of muscles, exceeding female norms, so the weight of 50 kg does not shine for her, but it is necessary to get rid of the overeaten kilograms.

Hope in childhood

Inspired by the words and support of a nutritionist, the celebrity took action, opting for a diet that has become a habitual diet. She understood that the principles of strict diets and their short-lived results did not suit her. With regard to sports, there have been no changes, because a woman has been mobile and athletic since childhood, despite her fullness. Jumping, running, tilting are the usual activities that do not cause Angarskaya either fatigue or shortness of breath.

Weight loss method of Nadezhda Angarskaya

It is difficult not to notice the changes in the thinner Nadezhda Angarskaya in the photo before and after the diet. The woman became more feminine, slimmer, prettier. A diet that contains a minimum amount of fat helped to achieve the result. Products for food are bought exclusively fresh and natural.

At the first steps of losing weight, Nadia completely abandoned meat, but soon realized her mistake, iron deficiency made itself felt. The woman urges women who are losing weight not to exclude meat dishes so that the body can receive the necessary benefits. You need to delete fatty meats from the menu - pork, goose, lamb and so on. You can not eat potatoes, mayonnaise, bread, sweets, smoked meats, fast food and other harmful foods.

The humor star loves to eat deliciously, so she often has to restrain herself, because most of her favorite dishes are categorically not combined with a diet. Throughout the day, it is necessary to constantly drink clean water without gas, but Nadia had no problems with this.

The main diet consists of such dishes and products:

  • lean meats;
  • cereals;
  • vegetable soups;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • fruits vegetables;
  • salads.

Hope before diet

Angarskaya prepares a special salad, which she initially ate in huge portions, but gradually the turnover decreased. Diet Salad Ingredients:

  • fresh cucumbers - 200 g;
  • tomatoes - 200 g;
  • radish - 100g;
  • grated carrots - optional;
  • fresh herbs - quantity and type as desired;
  • fat-free cottage cheese - 1 pack.

Grind the constituent products with a knife, mix, do not season with spices, salt, oil. Eating salad is allowed in any quantity.

Hope after diet and exercise

Nadezhda Angarskaya became a mother

January 2016 brought good news - Nadia became pregnant. After the birth of David, life changed a little, the lost kilograms partially resumed. This time, the woman fights with weight by walking. Every day, walking with her son, Angarskaya takes at least 10 thousand steps. For a change, the star found like-minded young mothers, too, with whom it became more fun to walk around the expanses.

In addition to movements, Nadezhda:

  • does not eat after 6 pm, and if hunger cannot be overcome, he eats an apple or drinks tea with milk;
  • completely eliminated sweets;
  • drinks warm water.

Nadezhda Angarskaya has all the makings to become a role model. Possession of willpower, perseverance and positivity make the star so successful, purposeful and happy.

Nadezhda Viktorovna Angarskaya. She was born on November 30, 1982 in Mirny. Russian actress and singer. Participant of the show "Comedy Woman".

Nadezhda Angarskaya was born on November 30, 1982 in the Yakut city of Mirny in the family of an electrician and an electrical engineer. Mom performed in the factory choir.

As the artist said, when her mother was pregnant with her, the doctors said that a big boy would be born: “As you can see, they missed the floor. But my forehead is quite high and my weight was solid from birth ... 4 kg 750 g! Mom recalled: "The obstetrician took you in his arms, you look at him and are silent. But you need to scream so that your lungs open. He just slapped you on the ass - you scream! He almost dropped you."

The girl turned out to be outstanding not only in weight, but also in her voice. “I, apparently, went to my great-grandmother with my voice - she was an actress in Moscow, at the Maly Theater. the sister is completely miniature, "Nadezhda shared.

At the age of five, she moved to Neryungri with her family.

In childhood and adolescence, she always knew how to stand up for herself: “In our class, everyone loved each other, and our boys did not let me feel flawed, and from all sorts of newcomers and guys from other classes I constantly heard “compliments” like “fat”. " Gradually they stopped calling me names. And it was more expensive to offend me not with a word, but with a deed. Somehow, when I was in the third grade, I was standing at a break near the office and hooligans from the sixth grade approached me - they went to elementary school to us and they teased everyone. One says: “Now I’ll give you a kick” - and he lifts his leg. I kick him on the leg with my foot - and the impudent kid falls from the blow of the third grader! ”she recalled.

At school, she sang in a children's choir, which often toured in different cities and countries. She studied vocals, graduated from a music school. She gave concerts at the Neryungri Center for Culture and Spirituality. A. Pushkin. She performed songs in various genres. I sang in a restaurant for 10 years.

After graduating from school, she entered the mathematical faculty of the Yakut State University.

In 2004 she graduated from the Yakutsk State University. Ammosov with a degree in mathematician and system programmer.

Since 1997, she began to participate in the city games of KVN as part of the local team "Deja Vu" and later became the "frontwoman" of the team.

In 2005, she twice became "Miss KVN" of the Asia League, and in 2006 she repeated this success at the games of the Siberia League.

In 2009, the Deja Vu team got into the big leagues, and in 2010, at the Vocal KiViN music festival in Jurmala, it received the Small KiViN in Light award.

In Neryungri, Nadezhda Angarskaya taught at the vocal studio of a humanitarian college. Her concerts were very popular. In 2007, she received the award of the head of the Neryungri district (in the amount of 9 thousand rubles) - "for achievements in the field of culture." In 2009, she was a nominee for the republican contest "Yakutian of the Year" in the "Discovery of the Year" nomination.

She got to the Comedy Woman show at the invitation of Natalia Yeprikyan.

She said: “Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan called me and invited me to perform in Comedy Woman in Moscow. I almost fell: wow, the stars are calling, they are calling to star in a TV program. However, the first time, in 2009, I refused: I have my own in Neryungri apartment, two jobs - I not only sang in a restaurant, but also led a vocal circle in college - my mother, friends, KVN Why go to a huge noisy Moscow, which I can’t stand, if everything suits me in Neryungri? In 2010, I had the feeling that I had grown out of this life, and the second call from Natalya Andreevna came in handy - I moved.

In the fall of 2010, she became a member of the women's show "Comedy Woman" on TNT and soon moved from Neryungri to Moscow. The show takes an active part in musical numbers. Colleagues consider her the most vociferous participant in a humorous television project, for which they gave the title of "professional singer of Yakutia."

Nadezhda Angarskaya - Heavy Cross

Growth of Nadezhda Angarskaya: 178 centimeters.

Personal life of Nadezhda Angarskaya:

She told about her first love: “I was 17 years old. His name was Vadik. At first we were just friends, and then we started dating. It lasted about six months. They parted, probably because both leaders did not want to give in to each other. But I will never forget that amazingly beautiful bouquet of tiger lilies, which he presented to me on stage - I then sang in a restaurant.

Married to Raed Bani who is originally from Jordan.

The wedding of Angarskaya and Bani took place on November 6, 2013. After that, the couple thought about the children. But in order for the child to be born healthy, the doctors demanded that Nadezhda lose weight, which could cause shortness of breath, high blood pressure and problematic childbirth. And she did it: Angarskaya lost weight in two stages - by 30 kg, and then another 12 kg.

Nadezhda hid her pregnancy so carefully that her "interesting position" became known only at the 9th month, a few days before the birth. All this time, Angarskaya continued to work in a comedy show as usual.

He says that he never forgives betrayal and considers love a global concept that has been tested over the years.

“I had a period in my life when I terribly hated one man. We rested with him at sea, and I looked at his mobile, which I shouldn’t have done. I found an SMS correspondence with another girl, and half a year ago. I fell into a rage "!.. In general, for me, love is a global concept. This feeling, especially mutual, must be earned. If you are together for a week, this is not love, but passion, chemistry, and if you live soul to soul for forty years, all hardships and sorrows have passed "It's a real feeling. I'm sure love has been tested for years," Angarskaya said.

To begin with, I will say that intuition and a sober mind are important in the search for oriental men. Initially, I liked Raed outwardly, we corresponded for a long time, and he invited me to visit Jordan. My friends were worried, worried, but in the end they said that they would not dissuade me, because in any case I would do it my own way! When I arrived in Jordan, Raed impressed me with his hospitality. On the third day he said that we were going to the farm where his parents lived. In Arab countries, everything is different - first of all, getting to know your parents, so everything started spinning ...

You said that your husband is three years younger than you, does this somehow affect the relationship?

Three years? (Laughs) In fact, much more ... In any case, there is a difference, and it seriously affects relationships. I sometimes feel like a mother. They say that boys later begin to walk, read, understand. Given the difference in age, I have to teach him many things. Sometimes I feel like I know a lot more, and I probably do. This helps me work, circle of friends, horizons.

What is your husband doing?

He has his own business in Jordan and is now planning to open his own business in Russia. Without a perfect knowledge of the Russian language, this is difficult to do, but our language is very difficult! From the number of cases, an explosion of the brain. Raed, even when he is at my concerts, smiles, laughs, and later it turns out that he really did not understand anything.

What language do you communicate with your son?

I am in Russian, my husband is in Arabic. I want my child to know at least three languages: English, Arabic and Russian. We also have problems with English in our family. For example, my teacher at school gave us such a motivation - learn English to translate the inscription on T-shirts from English into Russian. Do you think I learned the language?

Do you take it with you to shoots?

Yes, it happens, and he gives everyone a “thrush” there. At a year and a half, he is very active. I take a change of clothes with me these days because I know that cups of coffee will be on the floor, clothes and anywhere. We recently rested in a sanatorium, watched a cartoon. Five minutes later, David realized that there was no action on the screen, and began to actively run around the hall. I ran for several minutes, stumbled on the stairs, fell, cut my eyebrow ... I already mentally imagined needles, threads, doctors. We brought him to the doctor, he cried for 10 minutes and calmed down, he began to frolic again.

Do you have injuries in Comedy Woman?

There are sometimes minor injuries, the girls are all in high heels ... Sometimes someone flies. I try to keep aloof in such situations, but there was once an interesting case. We were preparing a dance number in which two guys had to pick me up by the arms. One of the guys had a small hand injury. After three unsuccessful attempts, they replaced me with Tatyana Morozova.

Nadezhda Angarskaya is a famous Russian actress and singer, whose biography we will talk about today. Someone remembers Nadezhda from her performances in the Club of the cheerful and resourceful, someone recognized her as the star of Comedy Woman. The main thing is that once they see a spectacular girl, the audience is no longer able to forget her.

Hope Angarskaya


Nadezhda Angarskaya was born in distant and cold Yakutia, in a town called Mirny. Her parents were professionally engaged in electricity: her father was a mechanic, and her mother an engineer. Acting abilities passed to Nadezhda from her great-grandmother, who played in Moscow at the Maly Theater, and singing talent from her mother.

Even before the birth, Nadia "joked" at her loved ones. So, for example, when her mother was examined during pregnancy, the doctors were sure that a boy would be born, and a large one. It coincided with the weight, little Nadia already weighed almost five kilograms at birth, but the gender was not guessed.

The parents of the actress were expecting that they would have a boy

Nadezhda's mother shared another funny memory. The girl did not scream immediately after birth, but only silently looked at the obstetrician. Then he lightly slapped the child on the soft spot, to which Nadya burst into such a loud yell that the doctor almost dropped her in surprise. Such a powerful voice subsequently became the calling card of the future actress.

Nadezhda Angarskaya spent all her childhood in Neryungri. There she went to school, like a man dealing with offenders who laughed at her fullness, and there she began to go to the children's choir. Nadia liked to sing, she often toured with the choir.

Nadya demonstrated good vocal skills at school

Having simultaneously graduated from two schools - general education and music - Nadezhda entered the Yakut State University, at the Faculty of Mathematics. It was at this time that Nadezhda's passion for KVN began, which also existed in her favorite university.


Angarskaya was accepted into KVN in 1997, she became a member of the Deja Vu team. The artistic Nadia quickly became a "frontwoman", the audience fell in love with "Deja Vu" largely because of her participation.

Nadezhda began her career with KVN

"KVN-sky" weekdays led Nadya to various competitions, bestowing titles and participation in important festivals:

  • twice "Miss KVN" - at the league games "Asia" and "Siberia";
  • together with the team participates in the major league;
  • together with "Deja Vu" visits "Voicing KiViN".

Nadezhda combined participation in KVN with teaching activities

In parallel with her career in KVN, Nadezhda does not forget about her singing talent. All these years she has been teaching vocals at a liberal arts college, and in 2007 she received a cash award "for achievements in the field of culture."

"Comedy Woman"

Nadezhda was invited to the popular show twice and only on the second attempt did she agree. When in 2009 a call rang in her apartment and the name of Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan was displayed on the phone screen, Angarskaya was shocked: Yeprikyan was a celebrity in her circles, an invitation from her was akin to a royal gesture. However, Hope was forced to refuse. At that time, she lived in Neryungri, taught at a college and sang in a restaurant, here was her home, relatives, friends, KVN, in the end ...

Angarskaya on the stage of the show "Comedy woman"

For the next year, Angarskaya pondered whether her refusal was the right decision. And when in 2010 Natalya Yeprikyan again called Nadezhda to participate in Comedy Woman, she agreed. Angarskaya felt that she had already “grown up” from her beloved city and was ready to conquer the noisy capital.

Hope immediately fell in love with the fans of the show

The participants of the show immediately liked the girl, for her beautiful voice, colleagues nicknamed Nadezhda the “professional singer of Yakutia”. Angarskaya began to take part in both humorous and musical numbers.

Nadezhda Angarskaya and Ekaterina Skulkina

At first, many hours of filming was hard for Nadezhda: for 18 hours she and her team had to be in a stuffy room. And because of the role she was dressed in uncomfortable, albeit beautiful clothes, and very high heels. The support of the team meant a lot to Nadezhda at that time - she was accepted and loved at her new job.

Angarskaya during the conference

Since then, Nadezhda Angarskaya has become a regular participant in the popular comedy show wumen. The numbers with her participation are very popular with the public, some even "have become viral" on the network.

Over time, Nadezhda managed to cope with the loads

Personal life

There were many men in the personal life of Nadezhda Angarskaya, but only a few of them had an impact on her biography. So Nadia fondly recalls her first love, which happened at the age of 17. With Vadik, that was the name of her young man, she met for no more than six months. Due to mutual claims and unwillingness to give in, the couple broke up, but Nadia remembered for the rest of her life the gorgeous bouquet that her former boyfriend gave her as parting. She sang in a restaurant, and a young man handed her a huge bouquet on stage in memory of her former love.

Hope with Raed

Nadezhda does not like to talk about her next men. It is only known that she broke up with one of them because of infidelity: somehow, while relaxing with her beloved at sea, Nadia decided to look into his mobile phone and was horrified to find correspondence with her mistress there. The relationship immediately came to an end - the failed groom received a good thrashing and went home alone.

Actress in recording studio

Hope's only relationship ended in marriage - with the Jordanian Raed Bani. Nadia and Raed met thanks to the popularity of the girl: the young man saw videos with her songs, fell in love with her voice and came to Russia to conquer the white-skinned beauty. Raed did not have to take care of him for long - Nadezhda quickly agreed to become his wife.

Family of Hope

Interestingly, already exchanging rings in the registry office, the newlyweds did not understand each other well - the language barrier had not yet been overcome. It was especially difficult for the groom, because he almost did not understand Russian. Nadezhda half-heartedly translated to him what the registry office worker said during the wedding.

The actress with her husband in the studio of the show "Where is the logic?"

Two years after the wedding, Nadezhda and Raed had a son, David. The couple has no more children yet and is not planned.

weight loss

Few people know, but Nadia had to lose more than 40 kilograms so that the doctors would give the go-ahead for pregnancy. The audience was shocked by the rapid weight loss of Angarskaya, although it took place in two stages. First, Nadezhda got rid of thirty kilograms that tormented her, then, after taking a break, she threw off another twelve. However, fans remembered and fell in love with Angarskaya precisely “in the body”, and therefore at first they perceived the change in the image of their favorite as a kind of betrayal.

For the sake of the opportunity to have a child, Nadezhda had to lose weight

But Angarskaya did not look at the opinion of the public - the health of the unborn child was more important for her. After Nadezhda lost enough weight to become a mother, the doctors gave the go-ahead, and Nadezhda became pregnant. The artist's treating doctor explained such strict measures by the fact that with excess weight, a woman suffers from shortness of breath and high blood pressure, which as a result can not only worsen the course of pregnancy, but can also provoke complications during childbirth.

Nadezhda spends a lot of time with her son

Angarskaya played it safe, and for good reason - on October 7, 2015, she gave birth to a healthy and beautiful boy. Nadezhda diligently concealed her pregnancy, to such an extent that only at the 9th month the secret was revealed.

Angarskaya often has to tour with other participants in the show

Now on the Internet you can find a lot of photos that show how the artist has changed after losing weight. Nadezhda reacted with humor to her forced diet, describing this time as difficult, first of all, for those around her, and not for herself.

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