How many years are Bulanova in a year. Biography of Bulanova Tatyana

Tatyana Bulanova is a bright performer of the 90s and 2000s, remembered by listeners for the hits “My Dream”, “My Beloved”, “Don't Cry”, “My Clear Light” and many others. Former member of the Summer Garden group. Multiple participant of the "Song of the Year", laureate of the "Ovation" award, since 2004 - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Childhood and family

Tatyana was born on March 6, 1969 in Leningrad. Father, Ivan Petrovich Bulanov, served as a torpedo miner in one of the northern military units. With the advent of missile submarines, he became one of the first commanders of the missile unit. In 1990, he retired with the rank of captain of the first rank, died of oncology eight years later. Tatyana, already an authoritative singer in those years, barely had time to return from the tour to say goodbye to her father.

Tanya's mother, Nina Pavlovna, worked as a photographer, but soon after the birth of her daughter she became a housewife, because in addition to the newborn baby, 12-year-old son Valentin was growing up in the family. It was the older brother who instilled in Tatiana a love of music, introduced her to the work of The Beatles, and taught her how to play guitar chords. Valentin continued his father's work and became a submariner. The singer's mother died in 2017, a month after her 85th birthday.

After the release of the TV series Never Say Never, many viewers decided that Tatyana had an older sister, Svetlana, who stole a young man from Tanya. Allegedly, this is what the song "Big Sister" is dedicated to. However, in reality, Bulanova does not have an older sister.

At school, the girl studied well, but she kept a little aloof from her classmates and, in addition to her grades, did not stand out in any way. Parents sent her to a music school, but Tanya preferred modern music to the classics, was in love with Viktor Saltykov and Vladimir Kuzmin, adored the Forum group.

In 1987, Bulanova graduated from high school and, at the insistence of her parents, began to study library science at the Leningrad Institute of Culture. From her first year, she worked as a librarian at the Naval Academy, where her father then worked. However, she did not study even three courses when she realized that she was sick of registration forms and dusty roots, and entered the vocal department of the studio school at the Leningrad Music Hall.

"Summer garden"

Perhaps the pop star Tatyana Bulanova might not have existed if not for a chance meeting with Nikolai Tagrin at the end of 1989. The young man was looking for a new vocalist for his group "Summer Garden", which also included Andrei Bogolyubov and Alexander Portalimov. Lena Zabiyako sang in the team, but she left the group because she caught a star disease. A friend of the music hall teacher advised Nikolai to listen to Tanya. Tagrin noticed a girl at a tram stop, approached her and offered to try to sing in a group. Of course, she agreed.

On April 16, 1990, Tatyana made her debut as part of a group in the assembly hall of the Technological Institute. And the first studio song recorded with the participation of Tatyana was the composition "Girl". But the main hit of the group was probably the song "Don't Cry"

"Summer Garden" - Don't cry

The song got into the radio rotation, but Tatyana has not yet been recognized on the streets. Once she could not stand it and, hearing a song on the street, she told the woman standing in front of the queue that she was singing it. She looked at the girl like she was an idiot. But already in the summer of 1991, "Don't cry" won the first prize at the St. Petersburg competition "Schlager", then "Summer Garden" was invited to the "Spark" program, but with the song "What a pity". Also in those years, the Top Secret music program was popular, in fact, the first hit parade in the USSR. The show's director really enjoyed the Summer Garden performances, and soon the band was featured on every episode.

The texts and music for the songs were written by Tagrin and Bogolyubov, but soon fate brought Tanya to Raymond Pauls, who became one of the authors of The Summer Garden. So, for example, his song "Blue Sea" was included in the second album of the group - "Big Sister". Next, work began on the album "Treason", but the release took place only in 1994, since Tatyana became pregnant from Nikolai Tagrin, with whom she got married in 1992. After the release of the album, "Summer Garden" became the record holder for the number of cassettes sold in the CIS.

"Summer Garden" - Big Sister

Solo career

From the mid-90s, Tatyana Bulanova finally came to the fore in the Summer Garden group. In an attempt to build a solo career, the singer signed a contract to record the album "Return Ticket" with the Union studio. Music and lyrics were composed for her by Maxim Dunayevsky and Ilya Reznik. Alas, the album was not as successful as expected, so Tatyana seriously thought about changing her image.

The result was the album "Flock", released in 1999, recorded in the genre of rock music. Yes, and Bulanova herself very surprised the fans in a shocking way in the video for the song "The Wind Sang." Tanya was immediately dubbed “Russian Courtney Love”, and in general the experiment was, from the point of view of the site, successful, but Tatyana did not dare to continue her career as a rock singer - after all, the mass public did not accept the new Bulanova.

Tatyana Bulanova - The wind sang

In 2000, an acquaintance with the composer Oleg Popkov took place, who helped on the path of becoming the "canonical" Bulanova: with unpretentious but rhythmic songs, positive lyrics and incendiary dances. Soon, with the participation of DJ Tsvetkov, the album "My Dream" was released. The title track from the album conquered radio and television airs.

Tatyana Bulanova - My dream

The first five years of the new millennium passed under the sign of Bulanova. She was distinguished by a phenomenal performance, she could release several albums a year: 3 in 2001 (“Birthday”, “Summer Dream”, “Gold of Love”), 3 in 2002 (“Red on White”, “White on Red”, “This is a game”), then the pace subsided a little, an album was released a year: “Love” (2003), “White bird cherry” (2004), “The soul flew” (2005). The song "You are a stranger to me" sounded in the TV series "Gangster Petersburg", several of its compositions could be heard in the "Streets of Broken Lights". In 2004, she recorded a joint song "Rain Pistols" together with the "Beasts" group. Also during this period, she presented her cover of the Rammstein song "Sonnie".

However, in 2005, a recession began in the singer's career. Perhaps it was caused by a quarrel and divorce from Nikolai Tagrin, the arrangement of a personal life with an athlete Vladislav Radimov and the birth of a son. In 2007, Tatyana returned with the album “I Love and Miss You”, then her autobiography “The Territory of a Woman” went on sale. In 2008, Tatyana played the main role in the melodrama Love Can Still Be, which was not warmly received by the audience.

At this time, viewers could see Bulanova as the host of the cultural program "Collection of Impressions" on the St. Petersburg channel 100TV.

The year 2009 was remembered by the singer's fans with the release of the dance hit "The Neverending Story". Then the album “Romances” saw the light, which had been preparing for release for almost 5 years.

In 2011, Bulanova participated in the Dancing with the Stars project along with Dmitry Lyashenko. The couple became a favorite of the audience and won the competition.

"Dancing with the Stars": Bulanova and Lyashenko

In May 2012, Tatyana Bulanova became the host of the reality show "Between Us Girls", which aired on Channel One. 2013 and 2014 were marked by the recording of duets with Konstantin Kostomarov, Alexander Inshakov, Alexander Lominsky. Bulanova again declared herself on television, becoming a regular participant in the show of reincarnations "Just the same."

In 2015, the first album in a long time, "Let there be peace", was released.

"Just the same": Tatyana Bulanova sings a song by Patricia Kaas

Personal life of Tatyana Bulanova

In 1992, the singer married the leader of the Summer Garden group, Nikolai Tagrin. In 1993, their son Sasha was born. The couple were with each other 24 hours a day, survived both the years of poverty and the time when Bulanova's fame overshadowed the rest of the team. Moving away from performances, Nikolai became the producer of the singer.

The union was strong, happy and long, which is rare in show business. The couple lived together for 13 years, but then Tatyana, in her own words, ruined everything, falling in love with the captain of FC Zenit Vladislav Radimov. In 2005, Bulanova filed for divorce. Nikolai was very upset by this period: he threw out everything that could remind of Tanya from the apartment, stopped communicating with their common son and ex-wife. Later, he cooled down, and now the ex-husband and wife maintain friendly relations.

Immediately after her divorce from Tagrin, Tatyana married Vladislav, who was 6 years younger than her chosen one. In 2007, the couple had a son, Nikita.

Tatyana and Vladislav lived in perfect harmony for 11 years, but at the end of 2016, the media reported that the couple was getting a divorce. As a reason, some sources indicated the betrayal of the former football player. True, for two more years the former spouses lived in the same apartment, raised their son together. Bulanova said that Radimov still remains a kindred person for her and can count on her support.

The eldest son of Tatyana is a very modest person. He did not take advantage of the opportunities that promised him the star status of his mother and the connections of his father, with whom, however, Alexander had a strained relationship for a long time. The young man graduated from the institute with a degree in food technology, worked as a barista.

The youngest son Nikita is still at school, it is too early for him to talk about his future profession. He has a very good relationship with his older brother.

Tatyana Bulanova now

In March 2019, Bulanova turned 50, although looking at her toned figure and wrinkle-free face, it's hard to believe. The singer tours a lot, brings up her youngest son.

In May 2019, Tatyana presented a new sad song “I play hide-and-seek for fate”, in which she sings about “the need to fill pain with wine” due to parting with her beloved. At the same time, a series about the young Bulanova "Never Say Never" was released, in which the singer was played by Daria Shcherbakova.

In the 90s, a new star lit up on the Russian stage. Tatyana Bulanova, who then became mega-popular, still has a large number of fans today, her songs are still loved by the public to this day. Many people remember her as a bright soloist of the Summer Garden group.

Probably, someone is wondering how old the artist is. Tatyana has been on the stage for a long time, and she always looks amazing, and on March 6 she will reach the age of 49 years.

childhood memories

The famous singer was born in St. Petersburg. The family of Tatyana Bulanova was not connected with the art of music. Father, Ivan Petrovich, was a sailor in the navy, later he was appointed commander of a submarine, in parallel he led a scientific laboratory.

Nina Pavlovna, the mother of the singer, worked as a photographer in her youth, and after the birth of her daughter she became a housewife, while she always loved to sing and play the guitar. Apparently, Tatyana inherited love for the beautiful from her mother. The family had another child - son Valentin.

As a child, it was hardly possible to find Tanya's differences from her peers and see in her a future star. She was an ordinary girl, she studied well, participated in school amateur performances, went to gymnastics. Later, gymnastics bored her, and she became a student at a music school. But in her youth, a talented girl began to like modern music more than classical music. In addition, the older brother taught Bulanova to play the guitar.

After graduating from school, Tatyana, at the insistence of her parents, entered the Leningrad Institute of Culture at the library department. She did not like her future profession at all, besides, in parallel with her studies, she was arranged to work as a librarian. And therefore, after studying for three years, Tatyana Ivanovna Bulanova took the documents from the institute and transferred to the vocal school-studio at the Leningrad Music Hall.

Some time later, student Bulanova met the founder and leader of the Summer Garden group. Nikolai Tagrin offered Tatiana to become a soloist of the group, the girl agreed, and from that moment a new page began in her biography.

Creative way: ups and downs

Tatyana Bulanova performed her first song as a vocalist in the 90s. The Summer Garden group has gained popularity not only at home, but also abroad. For the song "Don't Cry", the band received several prestigious music awards, many of the group's compositions became real hits of the 90s.

"Summer Garden" released several albums ("Don't Cry", "Big Sister", "Strange Meeting", etc.), clips for the best songs were shot; in terms of the number of sales of cassettes with records, the group was in the lead for some time among other musical groups.

After 6 years, Tatyana Bulanova decided to embark on a free voyage. She began by recording several solo songs, and subsequently released albums: "My Russian Heart" (1996), "Tolerate - Fall in Love" (1997), "Flock" (1999). The album "Flock", recorded in the style of rock music, did not find its listener, and the performer realized that her work needed changes. Bulanova changed her style of performance: sad, tear-inducing songs were replaced by modern dance music.

It was a fairly successful step in the career of the singer, which brought her a new wave of audience love, as well as recognition at the state level - in 2004 Tatyana was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

Bulanova's discography since the beginning of her solo career has about 25 song collections, which is approximately 200 songs, among which the following are the most famous:

  • "Angel".
  • "Running on the waves".
  • "Come back."
  • "Everything will be my way."
  • "Dimka, my beloved."
  • "Twisted."
  • "House of cards".
  • "Summer garden".
  • "Mother Russia".
  • "I'm falling."
  • "Someone else's wedding".
  • "Clear my light."
  • "Hey Director" etc.

Tatyana performed songs in a duet with Alexander Lominsky, Sergei Lyubavin, Konstantin Kostomarov.

Life outside the stage

The first husband of the honored artist was the same Nikolai Tagrin, the founder of the Summer Garden. The marriage of the singer and producer lasted about 13 years. In 1993, Tatyana gave birth to a son, Alexander, from her first husband.

The second chosen one of Tatyana Bulanova was the football player Vladislav Radimov. In a happy family, a son was born, who was named Nikita. In 2016, the couple broke up, filing an official divorce. According to the singer, she maintains a good relationship with her ex-husband Radimov.

Today, the heart of the national favorite is free, but she is in no hurry to let anyone into it. Her personal life still remains under the watchful eye of journalistic photo and video cameras. The family of Tatyana Bulanova consists of three people - herself and her two sons.

Increasingly, in the latest news you can find information about the eldest son Alexander. Many express bewilderment about the place of his work. The son of a famous vocalist works in a cafe. However, this does not bother his star mother at all, Tatyana does not see anything wrong with this. She believes that children are not obliged to live the way their parents wish, besides, in her opinion, if a guy thus decided to earn money on his own, this is very commendable.

An independent young man is fond of music and intends to connect his future life with it. 11-year-old Nikita, the youngest son, is still at school, it is too early to judge his hobbies.

In addition to developing her musical career, Tatyana Bulanova starred in more than 10 films. The singer also repeatedly participated in various TV shows ("Two Stars", "Dancing with the Stars", "Just Like It", "Battle of the Choirs"). She released an autobiography titled "The Territory of a Woman". In addition, Tatyana Bulanova hosted programs on television (“Collection of Impressions”, “This is Not a Man's Business” - on the 100TV channel; “Between Us Girls” - on Channel One). Author: Sofya Maleeva

Tatyana Ivanovna Bulanova was born on March 6, 1969 in Leningrad, USSR. Mother - Nina Pavlovna Bulanova. Photographer by profession. Father - Ivan Petrovich Bulanov. The first member of the family who was in no way connected with creativity. Miner-torpedo operator in the North, one of the main and first commanders of a missile warhead, since 1986 the head of the laboratory, retired with the rank of captain of the first rank. There are two children in the Bulanov family. Tatyana's older brother is Valentin Ivanovich Bulanov, just like their father, a military submariner by profession.

Tatyana studied at a regular school, was interested in modern music. For a short time she was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, but she quit classes when she realized that she most likely would not become a champion. Music was my next passion. Thanks to her mother, she was sent to a music school. By the age of 15, the girl already knew how to play two musical instruments. Piano and guitar. After graduating from school in 1987, at the request of her father, she entered the library department at the Leningrad Institute of Culture. My father believed that music lessons were not promising and were not a permanent source of income. The girl combined her studies with work in the library, in the foreign department of the Naval Academy. The girl was attracted by music and, despite the wishes of her father, 2 years later, in the fall of 1989, she left her studies at the Institute of Culture, went to the vocal department at the St. Petersburg Music Hall's school-studio. In December of the same year, the future artist met the head of the Letny Sad group, Nikolai Tagrin, who at that time was in search of a new vocalist. A few months later, he made his debut on the stage of the assembly hall of the Technological Institute, soon went on tour with his group and recorded his first studio compositions. For the sake of a career, Tatyana has to quit her studies and devote all her time to creativity.

Career Tatyana Bulanova

The popularity of the new young soloist of the group "Summer Garden" comes very quickly. A year later, the group's compositions become hits and sound from every window. The group releases 3-4 clips a year. Participates in various festivals, such as "Yalta1991", performs in the television program "New Year's Blue Light", receives his first Grand Prix at the "Schlager-1991" competition. From 1992-1994, 3 albums are released. It is at the peak of popularity due to disagreements that the group begins to disintegrate. Since 1995, cardinal changes have taken place in Tatyana's life. In 1996, she leaves the group, releases her first solo album entitled "My Russian Heart", which features soulful and lyrical songs. Signs a contract with the studio "SOYUZ". With the hit "Clear My Light" receives the first award "Golden Gramophone". Takes part in the filming of the TV movie "Old songs about the main thing 2" with the song "Tenderness".

From 1997-2000, he released four albums, starred in four films, and participated in the Song of the Year festival. In 2000, with the song "My Dream", he again became the laureate of "Song of the Year" and "Golden Gramophone". It was this year that Tatyana decided to completely change her repertoire to a more lively one. In 2003 she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia

For several years, the singer has been working on an album of romances and finally releases it in 2010. Active work on television brings Tatyana great success. An attempt to release his author's program ends in failure. Not despairing, the artist continues to actively participate in other projects and even becomes a TV presenter in the women's program "Between Us Girls". In 2011, she received the title of "Woman of the Year". In 2013, he became a laureate of the Road Radio Star award. Since 2014, Tatyana Bulanova has been a regular and beloved by viewers participant in the show of reincarnations "Just Like". In 2015, he released two new compositions in a duet with Lyubavin and Arabov. In mid-April 2016, he receives the Chanson of the Year award. At the end of the same year, his long-awaited YouTube channel appears. On December 11, 2016, Tatyana became the winner of the Road Radio Star award for the sixth time. From 2016-2017, Tatyana continues her active life on television and in her musical career. Shooting in the short film "Yof". In 2018, she released 5 new songs. Took part in the charity event "Kind Cashier". Becomes a guest of the program "Let them talk."

Personal life

Tatyana's first marriage was with the head of the Summer Garden group, Nikolai Targin. The singer lived with the musician for 13 years. In 1993, the couple had a son, Alexander. Despite such a long life together and a joint child, Tatyana had to get a divorce.

In 2005, the singer got married a second time. This time, the footballer Vladislav Radimov became her chosen one. The happy marriage lasted 11 years. In 2007, the couple had a son, Nikita. The second marriage also ended in breakup. In December 2016, Tatyana announced a divorce. There were many rumors about this couple that the husband’s infidelity became the reason for the breakup, but in 2018 Vladislav denied the information about the break in family relations, but Tatyana continues to insist that they have long been living separately.

The biography of the singer Tatyana Bulanova, a famous Russian pop music performer, who is loved for her individuality, sincerity and penetration, always arouses the interest of her many fans. Although not everyone knows that a brilliant career did not immediately find its mistress, its path was thorny and winding. Everything that Tatyana Bulanova achieved in her work and in her personal life, biography, husband, children of the singer - that's what our article is about. Each title of the story is a segment of the artist's life, the next stage in the development of her creative potential, personal realization, spiritual formation and growth.

Tatiana Bulanova. Biography: year of birth, childhood memories

It all started in Leningrad, in 1969, when a girl, Tanechka, was born in the family of military Ivan Bulanov. She was a desired child both for her parents and for her older brother Valentine. Tatyana's family cannot be called creative. Her dad - an organized, reserved person - served as a miner in the Northern Fleet, later became the commander of a missile warhead.

Mom, on the contrary, is a sensual person who was fond of photography, from childhood she instilled in little Tanya a love for art and music.

Tatyana Bulanova's childhood took place in Leningrad, now St. Petersburg. The future star did not go to kindergarten, her mother was engaged in her upbringing on her own. At school, Tanya was a girl who did not stand out in any way from her classmates. In elementary school she studied "excellently", in older years - well, although without much enthusiasm. She was a diversified child, was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, loved the theater. He considers his childhood years at the dacha, on the shores of Lake Ladoga, not far from St. Petersburg, where he and his friends staged small performances on an impromptu stage to the sounds of a player, as bright moments in his life. Tanya has three close people - her friends. With one they played and grew up in the country, with the second they sat together at the school desk, with the third they studied at a music school.

Biography of Tatyana Bulanova: personal life (about boys, music and idols)

In relations with the opposite sex, Bulanova did not have any special achievements in adolescence. Tatyana, recalling her teenage years, says that she was impregnable. The boys fell in love with her, invited her to dance, tried to woo her, gave her sweets, but did not dare to take any bold steps, apparently they were afraid of the strict appearance of a classmate.

Since childhood, Tanya studied piano at school, but the classes were difficult, and the future artist graduated from music school with grief in half. Although the future star always felt love for music, especially for modern music. In one of the interviews, she said that she was terribly in love with Viktor Saltykov, the soloist of the Forum group, and later she really liked the rock musician Vladimir Kuzmin.

After graduating from school, Bulanova entered the institute with a degree in librarian-bibliography. Once, during her studies, Tatyana accidentally found out about the recruitment of students in one school-studio at the music hall and, without hesitation, went to the vocal department, leaving the institute in her third year. At that time, Tatyana met a man who played a key role in her fate. He not only helped the girl take the first steps in a brilliant career, but also made up the woman’s personal happiness for many years. It was Nikolai Tagrin. Thirteen years of marriage and son Alexander - that's what was the result of their personal relationship.

Work in the "Summer Garden" group

Looking back today at past years, Tatyana notes that, unfortunately, due to her constant work, she did not pay enough attention to her son, she reproaches herself for those rare meetings that she managed to carve out between frequent tours. In general, the singer's pregnancy with her first son was not easy, it was a difficult and difficult period in her life.

Nikolai Tagrin at that time was the head of the Summer Garden group, together with Tatyana they recorded the first songs, after which Bulanova began to tour the cities of Russia. Her first musical debut took place in 1990. From that moment on, the countdown begins, the development and formation of the career of the future Honored Artist of Russia - Tatiana Bulanova's musical biography.

The woman recalls that the first appearances on stage were associated with great excitement, and the artist's mother poured her some vodka for courage. It helped, relaxed and calmed. But after a while, Tatyana realized that this was not possible. If she wants to really become a professional in what she loves, she needs to learn how to overcome her fears without additional stimulants. Tatyana has a lucky talisman - her favorite toy, which was presented to her at one of the performances - a white fluffy hippopotamus.

First successes

In 1991, in parallel with her tours with the Summer Garden group, Tatyana took part in the Yalta-91 festival, in the filming of the New Year's Blue Light. For the performance of the song "Do not cry" at the "Schlager-91" competition, she was awarded the Grand Prix.

In 1995, Tatyana signed a contract with the Soyuz studio, together with Ilya Reznik, she worked on her next album, Return Ticket, which, unfortunately, did not find wide recognition among listeners. But Tatyana does not lose heart. She is a fighter, and this only spurs her to work, gives impetus to move in a new direction, develop in a different direction, change her image.

Nothing in life happens by chance, and at the right moment, fate introduces Tatyana to the composer Oleg Molchanov. With him in 1996 she recorded the album "My Russian Heart". The song "Clear My Light" opens the performer-Bulanova to the viewer from a new side. Her image of an eternal sufferer, an unhappy woman, a single mother, created by the songs “Don’t Cry”, “Sleep, My Little Boy”, will be crossed out forever. Now this is a different woman who sings about completely different things. In 1999, Tatyana decides to take even more risks and records a new album, "The Flock", which is radically different from everything that was on the singer's track record earlier. As Bulanova herself later admits, this collection of rock compositions, written by Oleg Molchanov, became her most dear and beloved.

Further more. In 2000, Tatyana collaborated with a DJ from St. Petersburg. Their joint work is a remix for the song Buy-Sell. In the same year, Tatyana releases another music album, the author of which is a new person in the life of the singer - Oleg Popkov. The compositions from the album receive recognition and popular love, they were awarded the Golden Gramophone national award, and are included in the list of popular songs of the Song of the Year music festival. In addition, Tatyana is working on filming a video. It should be noted that three years - from 2001 to 2004 - are very successful for the singer, she releases album after album. Besides, in 2004 one more regalia is added to the singing biography. Tanya Bulanova was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

Divorce. New life

The marriage of the singer with Tagrin at one point cracked, and Bulanova broke up with her first husband. The son stayed with his mother. But the loneliness was short-lived, soon the woman met her new love, in 2005 she married a second time. The chosen one of Tatyana Bulanova was the football player Vladislav Radimov. Two years later, the couple had a common child - son Nikita.

There were many difficult situations in Tatyana's life when she had to grit her teeth, fight, defend her rights, show her character. For example, the song "Angel" played a cruel joke in the singer's career. The composition became a bone of contention between Channel One and the ARS company, with which Tatyana had an agreement. The singer had to go through injustice, pressure from the television channel. It was cut from all broadcasts, from repetition in old concerts. This difficult period for the singer lasted until 2008. But Tatyana did not despair. She continued to live and work tirelessly, doing her favorite thing - music.

Beyond Music

Versatile hobbies and interest in many things manifested themselves in Tatyana Bulanova in adulthood. In addition to music, she managed to try herself in various creative and television projects. And no matter what she took on, everything turned out brilliantly for her. A woman knows how to achieve her goals and solve complex problems. For example, in 2007, Tatyana Bulanova, together with the popular Russian writer Oksana Robsky, part-time socialite, released her autobiographical book "The Territory of a Woman". In the book, the artist frankly spoke about all women's secrets, shared her most intimate secrets, and highlighted touching and difficult moments in life.

In the same year, Tatyana Bulanova's acting biography began - her debut as a cinematic actress - work in the feature film "Love Still, Perhaps ...". Tatyana's track record also includes participation in the filming of television projects "Old Songs about the Main" (parts 2 and 3), in the series "Streets of Broken Lights", in the serial film "Gangster Petersburg", in the sitcom "Daddy's Daughters", in the film "School shooter."

Participation in a popular television project on the NTV channel called "Super Star" was marked for Bulanova in 2008. Tatyana brilliantly performed in all editions of the program and eventually reached the final. Behind Bulanova and experience in television as a presenter. For two years, from 2009 to 2010, she hosted the program "This is not a man's business", and also took part in the filming of a documentary about the group "Summer Garden", which premiered on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the group.

Achievements in the profession and not only

The biography of Tatyana Bulanova is filled not only with musical successes. In 2011, the artist was not afraid to go out on the floor and take part in the popular TV project on the RTR channel "Dancing with the Stars". She took a risk and became the winner of the project, together with a professional dancer Dmitry Lyashenko. In the same year, Tatyana was awarded the title of "Woman of the Year 2011". And this is not a complete track record of such a surprisingly gentle, and at the same time strong woman.

In 2012, Tatyana Bulanova received the main prize of the 20 Successful People of St. Petersburg award in the Variety Performer nomination. At the same time, the singer continued to make music, working on the presentation of her two videos "Bridges Broken" and "Never Say Never".

February 2014 became bright and memorable for the artist, she was invited to participate in an entertaining show of parodies on Channel One "Just Like It". It should be said that Bulanova performed brilliantly, creating parody images of modern Russian performers and foreign musicians, including Natalie, Patricia Kaas, Modern Talking, Britney Spears and others. For fifteen years, from 1991 to 2015, Tatyana was awarded one of the awards or prizes almost every year. These are the Golden Gramophone awards of the Russian Radio, and memorable prizes of the Song of the Year television festival, the Chanson of the Year award, the Peter FM award, and awards from various St. Petersburg radio stations.

The biography of Tatyana Bulanova in the creative field includes 10 collections of songs, 20 albums recorded in the studio, and a whole treasury of unreleased, but such soulful songs.

Tatyana Bulanova is a sensitive and sociable person, she has many collaborations with other famous personalities, popular singers and composers, including Mikhail Boyarsky, Igor Kornelyuk, Natasha Koroleva, Tatyana Ovsienko, Jasmine, Alsou, duet "Tea for Two", Evgeny Dyatlov , Sergey Penkin, Philip Kirkorov. The list could go on for a long time.

The press often wrote lies about Bulanova, reporting either about her novels with colleagues in the workshop, for example, with Vladimir Presnyakov Jr., or about her suicide.

About the secret

Tatyana Bulanova admits that a guardian angel always helps her in life, and all the good things that happen to her are manifestations of higher powers that lead and do not allow to turn off the right path. In confirmation of this, the singer cites a case from her life when she miraculously survived in a terrible accident. Tatiana doesn't like seat belts and doesn't bother to use them at the slightest opportunity.

On that day, by a lucky chance, she remained fastened, although a minute before that her hand reached out to unfasten her belt, because nothing foreshadowed trouble - the road was straight, visibility was good, and the police could not be seen in the district. At high speed, the singer's car flew off the track into a ditch. The artist survived without serious injuries.

Tatyana is a very bright person, and her main conviction is that you always need to go your own way, achieve your goals with hard work and never envy anyone. She is sure that, only overcoming this difficult feeling, a person grows spiritually. And it is obvious that the artist still has many unconquered peaks ahead, and Tatyana Bulanova's creative biography will be filled with new achievements year after year.

In the 90s, a new star lit up on the Russian stage. Tatyana Bulanova, who then became mega-popular, still has a large number of fans today, her songs are still loved by the public to this day. Many people remember her as a bright soloist of the Summer Garden group.

Probably, someone is wondering how old the artist is. Tatyana has been on the stage for a long time, and she always looks amazing, and on March 6 she will reach the age of 49 years.

childhood memories

The famous singer was born in St. Petersburg. The family of Tatyana Bulanova was not connected with the art of music. Father, Ivan Petrovich, was a sailor in the navy, later he was appointed commander of a submarine, in parallel he led a scientific laboratory.

Nina Pavlovna, the mother of the singer, worked as a photographer in her youth, and after the birth of her daughter she became a housewife, while she always loved to sing and play the guitar. Apparently, Tatyana inherited love for the beautiful from her mother. The family had another child - son Valentin.

As a child, it was hardly possible to find Tanya's differences from her peers and see in her a future star. She was an ordinary girl, she studied well, participated in school amateur performances, went to gymnastics. Later, gymnastics bored her, and she became a student at a music school. But in her youth, a talented girl began to like modern music more than classical music. In addition, the older brother taught Bulanova to play the guitar.

After graduating from school, Tatyana, at the insistence of her parents, entered the Leningrad Institute of Culture at the library department. She did not like her future profession at all, besides, in parallel with her studies, she was arranged to work as a librarian. And therefore, after studying for three years, Tatyana Ivanovna Bulanova took the documents from the institute and transferred to the vocal school-studio at the Leningrad Music Hall.

Some time later, student Bulanova met the founder and leader of the Summer Garden group. Nikolai Tagrin offered Tatiana to become a soloist of the group, the girl agreed, and from that moment a new page began in her biography.

Creative way: ups and downs

Tatyana Bulanova performed her first song as a vocalist in the 90s. The Summer Garden group has gained popularity not only at home, but also abroad. For the song "Don't Cry", the band received several prestigious music awards, many of the group's compositions became real hits of the 90s.

"Summer Garden" released several albums ("Don't Cry", "Big Sister", "Strange Meeting", etc.), clips for the best songs were shot; in terms of the number of sales of cassettes with records, the group was in the lead for some time among other musical groups.

After 6 years, Tatyana Bulanova decided to embark on a free voyage. She began by recording several solo songs, and subsequently released albums: "My Russian Heart" (1996), "Tolerate - Fall in Love" (1997), "Flock" (1999). The album "Flock", recorded in the style of rock music, did not find its listener, and the performer realized that her work needed changes. Bulanova changed her style of performance: sad, tear-inducing songs were replaced by modern dance music.

It was a fairly successful step in the career of the singer, which brought her a new wave of audience love, as well as recognition at the state level - in 2004 Tatyana was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

Bulanova's discography since the beginning of her solo career has about 25 song collections, which is approximately 200 songs, among which the following are the most famous:

  • "Angel".
  • "Running on the waves".
  • "Come back."
  • "Everything will be my way."
  • "Dimka, my beloved."
  • "Twisted."
  • "House of cards".
  • "Summer garden".
  • "Mother Russia".
  • "I'm falling."
  • "Someone else's wedding".
  • "Clear my light."
  • "Hey Director" etc.

Tatyana performed songs in a duet with Alexander Lominsky, Sergei Lyubavin, Konstantin Kostomarov.

Life outside the stage

The first husband of the honored artist was the same Nikolai Tagrin, the founder of the Summer Garden. The marriage of the singer and producer lasted about 13 years. In 1993, Tatyana gave birth to a son, Alexander, from her first husband.

The second chosen one of Tatyana Bulanova was the football player Vladislav Radimov. In a happy family, a son was born, who was named Nikita. In 2016, the couple broke up, filing an official divorce. According to the singer, she maintains a good relationship with her ex-husband Radimov.

Today, the heart of the national favorite is free, but she is in no hurry to let anyone into it. Her personal life still remains under the watchful eye of journalistic photo and video cameras. The family of Tatyana Bulanova consists of three people - herself and her two sons.

Increasingly, in the latest news you can find information about the eldest son Alexander. Many express bewilderment about the place of his work. The son of a famous vocalist works in a cafe. However, this does not bother his star mother at all, Tatyana does not see anything wrong with this. She believes that children are not obliged to live the way their parents wish, besides, in her opinion, if a guy thus decided to earn money on his own, this is very commendable.

An independent young man is fond of music and intends to connect his future life with it. 11-year-old Nikita, the youngest son, is still at school, it is too early to judge his hobbies.

In addition to developing her musical career, Tatyana Bulanova starred in more than 10 films. The singer also repeatedly participated in various TV shows ("Two Stars", "Dancing with the Stars", "Just Like It", "Battle of the Choirs"). She released an autobiography titled "The Territory of a Woman". In addition, Tatyana Bulanova hosted programs on television (“Collection of Impressions”, “This is Not a Man's Business” - on the 100TV channel; “Between Us Girls” - on Channel One).

Tatyana Bulanova was one of the most popular singers of the 90s, whose lyrical and heartfelt compositions were loved by numerous listeners. The singer is still doing what she loves, but besides this, she tried her hand at other areas: she was a TV presenter, acted in films, and also took part in shows and television projects. Despite the fact that Bulanova's second marriage broke up, she maintained a good relationship with her ex-husband. The artist is proud of her children, who are already trying to fulfill themselves, while achieving significant success.

Tatyana was born in 1969 in Leningrad. Her parents were far from the musical world: her father was a submariner, and her mother worked as a photographer. Her older brother Valentin also grew up in the family. In her school years, the future star was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, but soon became interested in music. She played the piano and later mastered the guitar. After graduation, the girl chose the profession of a librarian. However, after studying for three years at the Institute of Culture, she moved to the studio school at the Leningrad Music Hall, choosing the vocal department.

Singer with ex-husband Nikolai Tagrin

Bulanova's personal life changed dramatically after she met musician Nikolai Tagrin, who was the leader of the Summer Garden group. Soon the girl left the university and began touring with the group as a soloist. In a short time, the team became popular and loved by numerous listeners. In 1996, Tatyana left the group, taking up a solo career. At the same time, she changed her image and style of songs. During her career, the singer was awarded numerous prizes and awards, becoming the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation in 2004. She also sang a duet with other famous singers: Natasha Koroleva, Anita Tsoi, Mark Tishman and others.

Acquaintance with Nikolai Tagrin not only influenced her creative career, but also changed her personal life. The working relationship of the musicians gradually grew into a romantic one. In 1992 they got married, and a year later their son Alexander was born. This marriage lasted more than thirteen years, and in 2005 the couple broke up.

In the photo Tatyana Bulanova with her ex-husband Vladislav Radimov

According to the artist herself, the reason for the divorce was her romance with football player Vladislav Radimov, whom she is seven years older than. She met her future husband when a sports magazine invited the star to interview him. A stormy romance broke out between them, as a result of which the artist divorced her first husband and soon married a new lover. In 2007, the couple had a son, Nikita.

But family life with the athlete was not easy, and the couple often quarreled. Increasingly, there were reports in the press that Bulanova had problems with her husband, however, the spouses themselves rejected these speculations. For several years, the singer tried to save the marriage, however, at the end of 2016 it became known that they had divorced. Despite this, she is grateful to her ex-husband for the years spent together, in which there were also many good things. After parting, their relationship became better, the former spouses often meet and celebrate common family holidays.

In the photo Tatyana Bulanova with her sons Nikita and Alexander

Tatyana manages not only to pursue a career, but also spend a lot of time with her sons. The family loves active recreation, so the artist and children often ride bicycles in the park. The eldest son graduated from the Faculty of Economics, but does not want to work in his chosen profession, as he is going to become a coffee specialist. Even in his student years, the young man worked in a coffee shop, as a result of which he became interested in this business. Alexander recently broke up with a girl, so he has not yet married. Bulanova's youngest son is in elementary school. He, like his star parents, enjoys playing football and singing. In addition, the boy loves to record videos, which he then uploads to Youtube.

Popular singer, Honored Artist of Russia Tatyana Ivanovna Bulanova was born on March 6, 1969 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg).

She graduated from music school in piano.

In 1987 (now - St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts) at the evening department of the library faculty, specializing in "librarian-bibliographer". While studying at the institute, she worked in parallel in the library of the Naval Academy at the foreign faculty.

In the fall of 1989, Bulanova, from the third year of the institute, went to the studio school of the Leningrad Music Hall named after Vs. Meyerhold to the vocal department, where she studied for about a year.

In December 1989, she met Nikolai Tagrin, who was the leader of the Summer Garden group, and was soon invited to become a soloist of the group.

In January 1990, Tatyana Bulanova and "Summer Garden" recorded the first song - "Girl", and on April 16, 1990, their first joint performance took place on the stage of the assembly hall of the Technological Institute.

For some time, Bulanova combined her studies and tours with the group, but over time she took the documents from the music hall, opting for work.

In 1991, with the group "Summer Garden", the singer took part in the festival "Yalta-91", performed in the television program "Spark" with the song "As if not so." At the competition "Schlager-91" in St. Petersburg, she received the "Grand Prix", performing with the song "Don't Cry".

In 1992-1994, Tatyana Bulanova and the Summer Garden group were at the peak of their popularity. Their tour was sold out. In 1994, they were leaders in the number of cassettes sold - more than 200,000.

In October 1996, Tatyana Bulanova's first solo concerts entitled "My Russian Heart" were held at the Variety Theater in Moscow.

In 1999, the singer decided to experiment and recorded the album "Flock", close in style to rock music. In 2000, a young DJ TsvetkoFF was involved in the creation of arrangements. Bulanova's new disc "My Dream" (2000) took leading positions in the charts of many Russian radio stations. Another experiment was Bulanova's collaboration with the Cardinal group. Three songs were recorded together, two of which were cover versions of hits by Rammstain and Wimpscut.

Among the singer's albums with the Summer Garden group are Don't Cry (1991), Big Sister (1992), Treason (1994), I'll Drive You Crazy (1995) and others. Bulanova's solo albums: "Tolerate - fall in love" (1997), "Gold of Love" (2001), "White bird cherry" (2004), "I love and miss" (2007), "Romances" (2010) and others.

In the late 1990s - early 2000s, the singer took part in the filming of the series "Streets of Broken Lights", "Gangster Petersburg", in which she performed songs by St. Petersburg authors. In 2008, Vitaly Aksenov's film was released with the participation of Bulanova "Love can still be ...", where she played the main female role.

In 2008, Bulanova became a TV presenter. She hosted the "Collection of Impressions with Tatyana Bulanova" on the 100TV channel, since February 2010 - a talk show called "This is not a man's business" on the same channel. In 2012, she was the host of the reality show "Between Us Girls" on Channel One.

In 2011, Bulanova became the winner of the Dancing with the Stars project.

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2004).

Tatyana Bulanova is the owner of many music awards and awards. In 1992, she won the Debut of the Year nomination of the Ovation National Music Award. He is a multiple winner of the "Russian Radio" award "Golden Gramophone". Among the singer's awards are the Stylish Things program award (2001, STS channel), the Silver Disc prize (2002, TVC channel), and others.

At the final concert "Song of the Year" in 2003, Tatyana Bulanova was awarded a commemorative prize named after Claudia Shulzhenko for her contribution to the development of the national song.

She was awarded the Order "Honor and Courage" by the Fund of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "for achievements in cultural activities for the benefit of the Russian state" (2010).

The singer is married for the second time. The first husband is musician Nikolai Tagrin, the second husband is Russian football player Vladislav Radimov. Tatyana has two sons - Alexander (born in 1993) and Nikita (born in 2007).

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

The beloved artist, famous for her tearful songs about unhappy love, did not escape the sad fate of her heroines: after 11 years of marriage, she divorced her second husband, football player and coach Vladislav Radimov, in marriage with whom her second son Nikita was born. The other day she appeared at the combined concert of the stars "Successful Songs" in Moscow's Crocus City Hall. She smiled at the photographers, as always, with a slight sadness in her eyes.

In fact, not everything in life is as easy and simple as we would like. Unfortunately or fortunately, life has turned out this way, ”Tatyana Bulanova shared with Woman’s Day how she is going through a divorce these days.

She noted that the status of a free woman had no effect on her communication with fans on social networks - they write all sorts of cute things to her, they wrote her. Persistent proposals from the opposite sex have not yet been received, although anything has happened in life.

There have been crazy people in my lifetime, but not so many. There were several times on tour that people came specially, hunted down, and it was really very scary. In my opinion, a normal person will not climb so impudently with his love. And there was everything, even threats.

What did he want from you?

Marry. Then, after three years, another one wanted to get married, two years after that, another one ...

But you didn't like them?

We, the artists, in life are absolutely not the same as on stage. We are tired, tortured, rude. It happens that no one at all. If you are ready to share your fate with such a woman ...

“What if someone is really ready?” How to reach your heart?

- First of all, you need to move to St. Petersburg. Buy an apartment there, settle down, and then we'll see.

- And were your previous husbands ready to live with you like this - tired, tortured, rude?

Nikolai (the first husband of the artist - musician and producer Nikolai Tagrin, with whom they lived for 13 years and had a son. - Note ed.) was a wonderful person. We are still dating. He is incredibly erudite, interesting, with an amazing sense of humor. I was interested in him. This is probably the most important thing. It doesn't matter if there was money or not. At that moment we were almost equal. He won me over with his attitude, upbringing, aristocracy. I understood that this is a person of a level to which one must reach. He was amazingly educated and knowledgeable. Our tandem existed together and, I hope, brought us some benefit in our work.

- Do you communicate with the second one?

Yes, we have a great relationship.

- That is, they were ready to tolerate any of you?

- It turns out, yes.

Photo Interpress /

- Do you believe that there is a second chance after a divorce and people can get back together? Or is divorce everything?

- There is such a wonderful commentator Gennady Orlov, who divorced his wife, then they got married again. And live happily. And there are many such stories - Vladimir Menshov and Vera Alentova. They also had a similar story. Sergei Zhigunov and his... No, it's a little different.

Children of Tatyana Bulanova always appeared out of great love. The first son of Alexander was born by the singer in marriage with the producer, former leader and member of the Summer Garden group Nikolai Tagrin. She broke up with him after meeting with her second husband, the football player of St. Petersburg "Zenith" Vladislav Radimov. For Tagrin, this was a real blow, however, he found the strength in himself to continue working with the singer even after the divorce. But Nikolai Tagin practically stopped communicating with their son Sasha, although this communication was necessary for an adult guy. Tatyana complained that her ex-husband does not even find time to congratulate her son on his birthday, but sees him only when necessary.

In the photo - Tatyana with Vyacheslav Radimov and children

It so happened that the first of Tatyana Bulanova's children found himself in the most unenviable situation after the divorce of his parents - his father, Tatyana Bulanova's ex-husband, was not up to him, and his mother, in order to establish her personal life with her new husband, gave him to her mother. And in childhood, little Sasha rarely saw his constantly touring parents. The child's nerves were so shattered, and the resentment against his mother and father was so great that when he saw Tatiana on the TV screen, he began to throw at the image with whatever he could find under his arm. The second of Tatyana Bulanova's children - son Nikita grew up in a more favorable environment - Tatyana did not devote so much time to tours, however, her mother was also mainly involved in the second child.

The singer does not see anything reprehensible in this, but the children of Tatyana Bulanova, most likely, still lack communication with their mother. When the second marriage of the singer with Vladislav Radimov collapsed, Tatyana blamed herself in many ways, because she could not give her husband real family happiness. She admits that she does not like doing housework because she is not used to it. Tanya's mother always cooked for them, and with the children, she also did most of the work.

In the photo - the singer with her sons

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