How old is Zemfira Ramazanova. Zemfira Ramazanova: Biography and personal life


In the late nineties, she became the main pop and rock star in Russia. More than 17 years have passed since the release of Zemfira's first album, and her music is still out of competition. ELLE is about a truly national artist of the country.

Despite comparisons with Pugacheva - not musical, but in terms of the scale and significance of the figures - she does not perceive her older colleague. Zemfira did not listen to the songs of Alla Borisovna even in childhood, and Pugacheva's work never hurt her. Zemfira calls the songs of Viktor Tsoi, one of the most important musicians for her, her real childhood love.

Little is known about Zemfira's personal life. They wrote about a young man named Vlad Kolchin, with whom the future star studied at a music school. Their romance ended when Kolchin went from Ufa to St. Petersburg - to try to succeed there. You can also find references to another man in Zemfira's life - Sergei Anatsky, according to the media, who at that time was the head of the Europe Plus radio station in Ufa.

As for the novels in the “star” era of Zemfira, when everyone’s attention began to be riveted to her, then at first, for the amusement of the public and for PR, a rumor was “thrown” about a relationship with the leader of the “Dancing Minus” group Vyacheslav Petkun. Vague allusions to their romance, sounded from different sides, ended pretty quickly. Then the press began to exaggerate with might and main relations - business, by the way - with Roman Abramovich. The oligarch was among those to whom Zemfira once performed in Courchevel, then unexpectedly appeared at the presentation of the singer's album "Vendetta" in 2005. According to another version, which the tabloids wrote about, the couple knew each other from the very beginning of Zemfira's career in Moscow, and Abramovich helped the young artist with promotion. It is not surprising that when the singer mentioned that the working version of the title of the album "Vendetta" was the word "Oil", the public immediately saw this as confirmation of contacts with the oligarch. Helped Zemfira and Alexander Mamut, who has a reputation as a philanthropist and art connoisseur. Mamut supported the singer financially by paying for the services of Dutch specialists who worked on Zemfira's tour. In addition, being the owner of Euroset, the businessman contributed to a bold project related to the Vendetta album, which was distributed in the stores of this network. Contacts with business people of this level automatically transferred the artist to the rank of an elite one - after all, not every pop and rock singer enjoys the favor of the richest people in the country.

Renata Litvinova began to communicate in the middle of the 2000s. The couple was immediately credited with too close a relationship, and even managed to get married - supposedly this happened during a trip to Stockholm.

Since then, they have repeatedly worked together - on Zemfira's videos, a concert film about her, and Zemfira herself helped with the music for Litvinova's paintings. What happens inside this couple is unknown to the public - both call each other close people and friends.

By the way, the year before last, Renata Litvinova congratulated Zemfira on her birthday by posting a photo of the romantic singer on her Instagram. The photo was accompanied by a text of personal content: “Weightless, independent of gravity, impossible, unthinkable, unacceptable ... without skin, the only, fearless ... happy birthday, Zemfira!”. The post appeared on the blog at about two in the morning, and, as some media write, the congratulations first contained the word “beloved”, later “withdrawn”.

Zemfira is not burdened by loneliness. The singer has no friends and Zemfira is not attracted to noisy companies. “I have one person, Renata, that’s enough for me,” the singer says.

In 2007, the press wrote about the scandal that happened at the Norilsk airport, when Zemfira allegedly refused to fly on the same plane with the Zveri group. As reported, after learning that she would have to fly on the same side with the "Beasts", the singer said that she would not board the plane. She did not explain the reason for such an increased reaction to the presence of colleagues, she went to the ticket office, where she bought a ticket for the next flight.

At the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Sochi, among other things, Zemfira's song was performed. The artist was indignant that her consent was not asked, and publicly expressed her complaints to the head of Channel One, who was responsible for staging the show, Konstantin Ernst. He, in response, called Zemfira petty: “I think that I did a lot for Zemfira, for her career. And such pettiness, it seems to me, simply shames such an outstanding singer. Ernst also warned that in the event of a lawsuit on her part, a counter one would follow. It turns out that Zemfira at one time violated the terms of the contract with the Real Records label, which was then headed by Ernst.

In 2008, Zemfira became a participant in the conflict that arose, in general, from scratch, between Ksenia Sobchak and Renata Litvinova. At one of the social events hosted by Sobchak, Litvinova entered into a public skirmish with her. The story continued that evening at The Most club: Sobchak ironically reproached the director for her tactlessness, Renata Litvinova reacted emotionally, and even called Zemfira for help. The latter, as reported by the tabloids, issued a vivid and not devoid of strong expressions monologue.

In 2008, for a question about her personal life, a Muz-TV journalist ran into a blow in the face from Zemfira. It was at a press conference, the question about the relationship was asked by Renata Litvinova, who was also present there, and did not answer. At the end of the press conference, Zemfira hit the journalist, calling her "dirt from under her nails." wrote to the media.

The song “Do you want”, in which famous Soviet artists “sing” instead of Zemfira (almost every word is painstakingly chosen from different films), blew up the Internet last spring. The video for the song became an online hit, garnering over 800,000 views on Vimeo in its first five days.

Zemfira's album "Live in your head", posted on Yandex on February 14, 2013, gained more than a million plays in the first 14 hours.

In October 2013, there was a scandal at a concert in Rostov. Tired of the demands of the public (“Come on“ Daisies ”!), Zemfira expressed in a harsh form what she thinks about this, and in the song “Arivederchi” she sang “I will never return to Rostov”.

She is not a revolutionary, and considers this as much a civic position as any other. “I am for the revolution within us,” said Zemfira. Music, she believes, is stronger than any politics. At the same time, the artist expresses her position on current events in one way or another: in March, a song by the Ukrainian group Okean Elzy, performed by the singer, was posted on Zemfira's website. And this summer, a scandal erupted around Zemfira's act at a concert in Tbilisi, where she, having accepted the flag of Ukraine from the hands of the audience in the hall, waved it from the stage.

In 2011, Zemfira posed for an album of candid photographs taken by Mikhail Korolev.

In old age, he sees himself “definitely” in America.


“It seems to me that all girls are feminine, and men are masculine.”

“Too smooth faces confuse me. I can't tell them apart."

"Love is almost the only thing that really exists in this stupid reality."

"I may not be the most accommodating artist, but you have no other."

Zemfira is a Russian rock singer, composer, producer and songwriter. Zemfira is called the founder of "female rock" and the "voice of a generation."

Childhood and youth

Zemfira Talgatovna Ramazanova was born in Ufa in 1976. Already at the age of five, the future celebrity began to study music, enrolling in a music school in piano, where she was accepted into the choir. Already at the age of 7 she wrote her first works.

During her studies at school, Zemfira tried herself in many ways, attending seven circles. For example, she was the captain of the junior women's basketball team of the Russian Federation, and in 1990 her team even won the youth championship of Russia.

However, Zemfira chose a musical career and immediately entered the second year of the Ufa College of Arts in the pop vocal department, which she graduated in 1997. During her studies, the future rock singer worked as a presenter in the Ufa branch of the famous Europa Plus radio channel.

Musical career

Zemfira wrote her first works, which made her famous throughout the country, in parallel with her work on the radio. In early 1997, she created the Zemfira musical group, and a year later she moved to Moscow. It was then, after listening to her songs by the producer of the Mumiy Troll group, Burlakov, that she was invited to record her debut album at the Mosfilm tone studio. Ilya Lagutenko volunteered to be the music producer for him, and Vladimir Ovchinnikov was the sound engineer. The music of the first record was unlike anything that existed in Russian rock at that time. At first glance, understandable themes of creativity, such as love, loneliness, nostalgia, were dressed in non-trivial texts and the original sound of the melody.

Zemfira - "Arivederchi"

Already in February 1999, the song "Speed" broke into the rotation of the radio stations "Nashe Radio" and "M-radio". A month later, Zemfira filmed her first video in Prague for the song "Arivederchi". The girl's official first performance took place on March 24 at the Republic Beefeater club in Moscow, and six months later she left for her first concert tour of the CIS cities until 2000.

On March 28, 2000, the presentation of Zemfira's next album "Forgive me, my love" took place. During this year, the singer recorded a video for the song "Iskala", which will sound in the cult feature film of Alexei Balabanov "Brother 2" and received the first Shaikhzada Babich Prize in the field of culture, awarded in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Zemfira - "Looking for"

April 2002 began for the singer with the presentation of the new, third, album "Fourteen Minutes of Silence", for which Zemfira received the prestigious Russian Triumph Award in 2003.

On October 16, 2004, Zemfira was honored to perform the hit "We Are The Champions" together with the Queen group during the MTV Russia Awards ceremony. In the same year, Ramazanova entered the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, but after taking academic leave to write an album, she never recovered.

Queen & Zemfira - "We are the champions"

In 2005, a new album, Vendetta, was released, and a year and a half later, sales of a DVD with her clips called Zemfira.DVD started.

In July 2006, Zemfira performed on Lake Seliger at a rally of the Nashi political movement, which she later called her mistake.

By the end of the year, the singer released another album with concert recordings "Zemfira.Live", which included 10 hits from previous records.

October 2007 launched the sales of the singer's new album Thank You, which continued with a concert tour that ended at the Olympic. In March of the following year, Zemfira was awarded the famous "Chart Dozen" music award, where she won in the "Music" and "Soloist of the Year" nominations.

In 2008, the full-length musical film "Green Theater in Zemfira" by Renata Litvinova, the singer's closest friend, was released. The film revealed the theme of the uniqueness of Zemfira's work: a completely new image of a self-sufficient woman appeared on the Russian stage.

In 2011-2013, the singer worked on the album "Live in your head." Prior to its creation, an extraordinary collection of b-sides was released, called "Z-Sides". During this period, Zemfira gives concerts in the cities of the Czech Republic, Belgium, Germany and other European cities, and also participates in the creation of soundtracks for the film "Rita's Last Tale" by Renata Litvinova.

Soundtrack to the film "Rita's Last Tale"

In April 2012, the singer for the first time in a long time appears on television with the presentation of the song "Money" on Ivan Urgant's show "Evening Urgant".

In 2013, she was awarded the most honorable MTV Europe Music Awards in the Best Russian Performer nomination, and by the end of the year, Zemfira's sixth album, Live in Your Head, was available on the Yandex.Music service. For a long time, the relationship between Renata Litvinova and Zemfira was discussed in the press. The girls were often seen together, and they often worked on joint projects. In 2017, information appeared in the media that Zemfira and Renata Litvinova got married in Stockholm, but both girls did not comment on this news.

Zemfira today

In 2018, the singer performed at the Live Fest Summer festival in Sochi and at the Afisha picnic in Moscow.

Zemfira - "Non-vulgar" (2018)

In the summer of 2018, there was a conflict between Zemfira and the singers Monetochka and Grechka. It all started with the release of the show on the YouTube channel "Viska", where Liza Monetochka called Zemfira "a complex person, closed and incomprehensible." She, in turn, sharply criticized the work of young performers, saying that Grechka has a “terrible appearance”, and Monetochka has a “disgusting voice”.

For many years, the metropolitan party has been discussing the passionate romance of singer Zemfira Ramazanova and actress Renata Litvinova. Every step of the stars causes a violent reaction. Meanwhile, Zemfira's personal life before meeting Renata was so intense that intriguing facts still surface. "ZHG" remembered the singer's loudest novels.

Tried men first

Barely appearing on the stage of the capital, a nondescript girl from Ufa fell in love with half of the country's teenagers. Representatives of non-traditional orientation reacted especially gently to Zemfira. And this is not surprising - the songs and the image of Ramazanova were very close to them. Having gained popularity, Zema plunged headlong into lesbian novels. And the singer never talked about her personal life “before Moscow”. Like, there was no time for these nonsense, she was engaged in studies and music. Meanwhile, for quite a long time, Zemfira met with men.

“Ramazanova’s first love was her classmate at the Ufa Art School, Vlad Kolchin,” Ufa guitarist Jalil Mukhametshin once revealed Zema’s secret. - With him in the mid-nineties, they earned their bread in the trendy restaurant "Jespar". Kolchin played the saxophone, and Zemfira sang and played the guitar.

Close friends of the singer recall that Ramazanova looked at Vlad with wet eyes and dedicated songs to him. But her feelings remained unrequited. Subsequently, Kolchin left for St. Petersburg, but did not invite Zema with him.

The second love of the future star was the director of the local radio station Sergei Anatsky. But the office romance was doomed from the very beginning. Sergei was happily married and did not want to change his wife for a capricious employee.

Soon Zema became interested in the sound engineer Arkady Mukhtarov. Young people even lived for a short time in a civil marriage. When Zemfira moved to Moscow, Mukhtarov followed her. They broke up because of Arkady's addiction to alcohol.

Stole my wife from Kalmanovich

A couple of years ago, the news thundered that Zemfira had an affair with ... Roman Abramovich. This version is supported by the fact that Roman Arkadyevich secretly came to Zemfira's concerts, and also ensured her participation in prestigious European events and even in football matches. Supporters of this version are still confident that Zemfira owes her resounding success to Abramovich. They even said that the PR people specially invented a bike about Zema's lesbian inclinations in order to divert the eyes of the people from the real state of affairs. These conversations subsided when the oligarch met Daria Zhukova, and Zemfira became close to Anastasia Kalmanovich.

Having burned herself on the men, Zema told them a firm “no!” A woman's love entered her life. Anastasia Kalmanovich became the producer of Zemfira thanks to her influential businessman husband Shabtai Kalmanovich. Then no one could have imagined that Nastya and Zemfira would be physically drawn to each other. Kalmanovich had built-in cameras at home and in the office, which once recorded the singer and her producer in such expressive poses that her husband could not stand it. Shabtai and Nastya divorced. Around the same time, Lena Perova fell in love with Zemfira.

Perova remembers fondly

“Lena just blew her mind,” Perova’s friends recall. - She got to the point that she gave her gifts with or without reason. Lena monitored the chat of Zemfirin's website for days on end, went to meetings of her fan club, where she drank endlessly. At one of these gatherings, she got drunk to such an extent that she molested almost all female representatives there.
Unlike Kalmanovich, Lena Perova still speaks of Zem with tenderness: “Our communication with Zemfira was saturated with fun, youthful recklessness. We went to visit each other. We played the computer game How to Become a Millionaire, rode the attractions in the park of culture and generally had fun. At some point, she recovered and was so unhappy with herself that she drank only water for a whole month. She could take a sip of cognac, but nothing from food. Of course, she is a difficult person, but I am very glad that fate brought us together. Why did we split up? As she does not remember, so do I.

After parting with Perova and Kalmanovich, Zema began to develop complexes that forced her to turn to a psychiatrist. At that time, more than one oligarch offered sponsorship and not only assistance to Zemfira, but the singer found a cure for heart wounds in the house of Renata Litvinova. And now Zemfira and Renata live and work together. Litvinova made a film about a friend. And Zemfira is working on music for Renata's new film "Rita's Last Tale". According to rumors, the stars even got engaged in Holland a year ago. Zemfira's mother Florida Khakiyevna considers Litvinova her second daughter, and her daughter Ulyana her granddaughter. The actress does not get tired of confessing her love to the singer.

- I love Zemfira so much! Renata says without a shadow of embarrassment. She is really close to me. She is part of my biography.

Complicating the union of two women is only the wild jealousy of Zemfira, who is haunted by rumors about Litvinova's romances with students. The latest scandal occurred due to intimate photos of Litvinova in an embrace with a young actress Renata Piotrowski leaked to the Internet. There was gossip about Zemfira's departure, but in vain: the other day, the paparazzi again captured Zema leaving Litvinova's house.

Zemfira Talgatovna Ramazanova (Tat. Zemfira Talgat kyzy Ramazanova, Zemfira Tälğät qızı Ramazanova, Bashk. Zemfira Talgat ҡyҙy Ramaҙanova). She was born on August 26, 1976 in Ufa (Bashkir ASSR). Russian singer, musician, composer, songwriter. Stage name - Zemfira.

One of the most commercially successful performers in the history of Russian music. Zemfira became the personification of a new movement in Russian rock, which journalists dubbed "female rock".

Father - Talgat Talkhoevich Ramazanov (1943-2009), history teacher.

Mother - Florida Khakievna Ramazanova (born 1947), a specialist in physical therapy.

The elder brother, Ramil Ramazanov, died in 2010 as a result of an accident while spearfishing.

In early 1998, Zemfira moved from his native Ufa to Moscow, where he began work with his band Zemfira on his first studio album, released a year later. Since 1999, Zemfira has released six studio albums that have received significant attention from the press and the public. Her discography also includes a collection of b-sides and two live albums.

In her lyrical searches, the mental suffering and searches of modern youth found their embodiment. In 1999, the Ogonyok magazine called Zemfira "the breaking voice of a generation." Throughout the singer's career, many of her songs hit the first lines of the Russian music charts, including "Arivederchi", "Iskala", "Traffic", "Walk", "We Crash" and "No Chance".

Zemfira also became the producer of the musical film Green Theater in Zemfira (2008), which received many positive reviews from critics. Together with director Renata Litvinova, Zemfira co-produced the film Rita's Last Tale (2012), for which she wrote music. The film took part in the competition program of the 3rd Odessa International Film Festival and the 34th Moscow International Film Festival. She also wrote music for the films of Renata Litvinova “Goddess: How I fell in love” and others. Several songs by Zemfira from the album “Thank you” are heard in Kira Muratova’s film “Melody for a barrel organ”, and in the film “Eternal Return” a concert recording repeatedly appears in the frame “ Songs of the Duke" from the opera "Rigoletto" performed by the singer.

Since her appearance in show business in 1999, Zemfira has undergone numerous changes in appearance, demeanor on stage and communication with journalists. Her behavior in public was often outrageous and caused rejection by the press.

Zemfira is also distinguished by perfectionism in work, tough disagreements with music producers. Therefore, she often produces her albums herself. Zemfira's musical style is classified as rock and pop rock. Her music is influenced by both guitar pop and jazz harmonies and bossa nova.

In 2004, a reference to Zemfira as the founder of a “completely different” musical youth culture was included in the “Spiritual Life” section of the Russian history textbook for grade 9 (the author of the manual is Alexander Danilov, professor at Moscow State Pedagogical University). Zemfira had a great influence on the work of young bands of the 2000s and on the younger generation as a whole.

In November 2010, her debut album was included by Afisha magazine in the list of "The 50 Best Russian Albums of All Time. Choice of young musicians”, where he took the fifth line. The rating was compiled according to a survey among representatives of several dozen young musical groups in Russia. The list also included the album "Forgive me, my love" (43rd place).

In 2012, 2013 and 2014, the singer was included in the "One Hundred Most Influential Women of Russia" rating, compiled by the Ekho Moskvy radio station, RIA Novosti news agencies, Interfax and Ogonyok magazine.

Zemfira went to Ufa kindergarten No. 267. From the age of five she studied at a music school, piano class, where she was accepted into the choir as a soloist. At the same time, the singer's television debut took place: she sang a solo song about a worm on local television: “There lived a worm in the world, a lazy worm. I lay down to sleep on the barrel ... ". At the age of seven, she wrote her first song, which she performed with her mother at work.

Already at preschool age, Zemfira became interested in music. At school, Zemfira managed to study simultaneously in 7 circles, but made the main emphasis on music and basketball; she graduated from music school with honors, and in early 1990 she became the captain of the Russian women's junior basketball team, despite the fact that she was not tall (Zemfira's height is 172 cm). “I was a point guard. I was the smallest, but the most important, ”said the singer, adding that she had been involved in this sport since the third grade. Team coach Yuri Maksimov recalled: “Zemfira was very passionate about basketball, she was the best player and team captain. In 1990-1991, we won the youth championship of Russia, and, of course, I was a little upset when she decided to quit sports.

In parallel, Zemfira learned to play the guitar and, according to one version, performed the songs “Kino”, “Aquarium”, “Nautilus Pompilius” right on the street. According to another version, she performed hits by foreign artists in the original language, in particular, George Michael and Freddie Mercury. After graduating from school, Zemfira faced a very difficult choice for herself: music or basketball. The girl chose music and immediately entered the second year at the Ufa School of Arts, which she graduated in 1997 (class of A.K. Masalimova) with a red diploma in pop vocals. After college, she worked part-time in Ufa restaurants, singing songs to the accompaniment of her fellow student saxophonist Vlad Kolchin. A year later, Zemfira was tired of this activity, and she stopped performing.

Since 1996, Zemfira worked as a sound engineer at the Ufa radio station Europe Plus - she recorded commercials (jingles). At the same time, she is trying to write songs in the Cakewalk program that will later be included in her first album (Snow, Why, Weatherman, Rockets). Participates as the second vocalist in the Spectrum Ace group, popular at that time. Zemfira's backing vocals can be heard in the song "What a pity that he is not a black man."

At the studio of the radio station, sound engineer Arkady Mukhtarov worked on his material. Together with him, Zemfira recorded his first demo disc. Arkady was determined to record his own songs, but the performer convinced him to record her material: “Of course, I was sure that my own work was much more important ... but her rock-hard character ... did the trick. And we, with hassle, but still recorded the first demo disc, ”the musician later said.

In parallel, Zemfira collects her own group. The first musician with whom she began to work was bass player Rinat Akhmadiev. Together they decide to record a program minimum of songs. Rinat brings drummer Sergei Sozinov, and they begin rehearsals together, in which Zemfira alternately plays the guitar and keyboards. Zemfira persuades the director of the teenage club "Apelsin" Lilia Khrabrina to provide the group with a room for rehearsals.

In 1997, the press writes about the group for the first time. Journalist Svetlana Rutskaya wrote an article about the team for a regional newspaper and later recalled: “It was 1997, two years were left before the release of her first album, and the future celebrity was then just a talented Ufa girl, unknown to anyone even in her hometown. But you can’t hide charisma, and the songs that the heroine of the material gave me to listen to were attractive. That's when we decided to tell the whole republic about it. I remember that even then Zemfira made a policy statement: “I have so much music in my head that I have nowhere to go.”

Zemfira continues to recruit musicians for the team. With the arrival of keyboardist Sergei Mirolyubov, the group is almost completely assembled, only a solo guitarist is missing. They become Vadim Solovyov, who joins the group after one of the concerts. Zemfira borrows money for a trip to Moscow and begins to engage in the "promotion" of the team. At the annual Maksidrome festival, the cassette, on which three songs were recorded ("Sneg", "-140" and "Scandal"), through the journalists to whom Zemfira gave demo recordings to listen, falls into the hands of the producer of the Mumiy Troll group Leonid Burlakov. He decides to take a chance and record an album.

From October 19 to November 7, 1998, the first album is being written at the Mosfilm tone studio. The sound engineer is Vladimir Ovchinnikov, the sound producer is the vocalist of the Mumiy Troll group. In addition to the members of the group, guitarist Yuri Tsaler and drummer Oleg Pungin from Mumiy Troll take part in the recording.

In mid-January 1999, Zemfira and Ilya Lagutenko mixed the album in London at the "home" studio of the Mumiy Troll group Beethoven street studio with sound engineer Chris Bandy, who worked on all their previous albums. Of the 15 recorded songs, the composition "Don't Let Go" is thrown out, which will later be included in Zemfira's second album.

The debut album is called "Zemfira" (it is the final song).

On April 8, 2000, the Zemfira group was awarded the Fuzz magazine award in 1999 in two categories: "Best Group" and "Best Album" (for their debut work).

On August 26, the performer was awarded the State Youth Prize of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the field of culture named after Shaikhzada Babich for 1999. The second album of the singer became the best-selling disc in Russia in 2000. Zemfira received the 2001 Record Award in the categories "Performer of the Year" and "Album of the Year". With a circulation of more than one and a half million copies, the album became the most commercially successful in the singer's career.

In April 2003, the artist performed at the Fuzz magazine music awards ceremony, where she received two awards - in the nominations "Best Live Band" and "Best Video" (for the video clip for the song "Infinity", directed by Viktor Vilks). At the ceremony, Zemfira performed three songs, including "London" and the previously unpublished "You are selling my love." "Fourteen Weeks of Silence" won the "Album of the Year" nomination at the Muz-TV Prize 2003. In the same year, Zemfira became the winner of the Russian independent Triumph Prize for 2003 (youth prize) for achievements in the field of literature and art.

In 2004, Zemfira entered the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. During the first winter session, she took an academic leave in connection with the recording of a new album, but she did not recover at the faculty, and was expelled in August 2006.

On October 16, 2004, at the 2004 MTV Russia Music Awards, Zemfira performed the famous song "We Are The Champions" in a duet with Queen.

On March 1, 2005, the release of the fourth studio work "Vendetta" took place. The album was enthusiastically received by music critics, who called it Zemfira's second "takeoff" after her debut album. The album became the best-selling release in Russia in 2005 and won the "Domestic Album of the Year" nomination at the 2006 "Record" award.

On October 1, 2007, Zemfira's new album, Thank You, was released, which included twelve songs written, according to the singer, on the same inspiration, during the year (from autumn 2006 to autumn 2007). The recording of the album took place in London, and the mixing took place in Moscow at Mosfilm.

On February 15, 2013, the sixth studio album "Live in your head" was officially released.

Zemfira - Do you want?

In February 2016, Zemfira gave a concert tour called "Little Man". During the tour, the performer visited 20 cities in Russia, and also gave concerts in Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. The first part of the tour began in February 2016 from Omsk and ended in April in Moscow. During this tour, the singer announced the end of her touring activities.

Zemfira's growth: 172 centimeters

Zemfira's personal life:

Unmarried. The media often hint at the unconventional orientation of the singer. She was credited with a connection with. However, they themselves did not confirm this, pointing to the friendly nature of their relationship.

Discography of Zemfira:

1999 - Zemfira
2000 - Forgive me my love
2002 - Fourteen weeks of silence
2005 - Vendetta
2007 - Thank you
2013 - Live in your head

Zemfira is “the breaking voice of a generation”, as the magazine Ogonyok called the singer, a Russian rock singer, lyricist, composer and music producer. Zemfira set the direction in Russian rock, which journalists defined as "female rock".

Zemfira Ramazanova once opened a new page in Russian rock music. The press calls her style "female rock", and the popularity of the singer, who has rapidly soared to the tops of all radio stations, has not only not declined in eighteen years, but continues to steadily win more and more new fans.

Zemfira was born in Ufa in an intelligent Tatar-Bashkir family. Her father, Talgat Talkhovich, taught history, and her mother, Florida Khakievna, worked as a specialist in physical therapy. The girl had an older brother named Ramil, with whom the singer had a close and trusting relationship.

Zemfira's talent for music was revealed very early, from the age of five the future singer studied at a specialized music school, where she studied piano and was a soloist in a student choir. Then she appeared on local television with a children's song.

The girl was seven years old when she wrote her first song, performing it at her mother's work. During her school years, Zemfira was fond of the work of the Kino group: according to the singer herself, the songs and Thom Yorke largely influenced her development as a musician.

At school, Zemfira was seriously involved in basketball. Despite the fact that the girl was the lowest in the team, she became the captain of the Russian junior team. Thus, in the last classes, she faced a dilemma: sports or music. Zemfira chose the latter and entered the Ufa School of Arts in the department of pop-jazz vocals.

In parallel with her studies at the university, the girl began to earn extra money, performing popular songs in Ufa restaurants. However, she quickly got bored with such activities, and in 1996 Zemfira got a job on the radio: she recorded commercials for the Bashkir branch of the Europa Plus radio station. Then she records her first demos.


Zemfira's biography changed dramatically in 1997, when at the annual rock festival "Maksidrom" a cassette with her songs fell into the hands of Leonid Burlakov, then producer of the Mumiy Troll group, through acquaintances of journalists. Leonid decides to give the talented performer a chance, and at the end of 1998 Zemfira recorded her first album, Zemfira, at the Mosfilm studio.

The mixing of the first album was done in the British capital under the guidance of the frontman and leader of Mumiy Troll. The guitarist and drummer of the band also took part in the recording. The disc was released in May 1999, while individual songs - "AIDS", "Rockets" and "Arivederchi" - entered the rotation of radio stations in February. Thus, the public was prepared for the birth of a new star. The composition "Arivederchi" has received deafening popularity, but due to the complex name, fans often call this track "Ships" by the first word of the chorus.

The presentation of the album took place on May 8 at the club "16 tons". The stage was designed in spring style, and the singer wove flowers into her hair. On a flower from Zemfira's hairstyle, she wondered, singing the song "Daisies".

The album also included the songs "Rumba", "T-shirts" (also often signed as "Anechka"), "Forecaster", "Why" and others.

The album was a resounding success, over seven hundred thousand copies were sold in the first six months. Video clips were shot for three songs: the Riga video for the song "AIDS", which in the end did not come out on wide screens, "Why" - a concert video from the singer's performance in Ufa, as well as the video work "Arivederchi", which immediately won the hearts of thousands fans with her extraordinary approach to editing and directing (Zemfira's face was shaded in this video, there were rumors that the singer was a side project of Lagutenko himself). The compositions "Snow" and "London" were also released as a separate single.

The first tour, which started three months after the release of the album, also exceeded all expectations, the concerts were sold out. At the end of the tour, Zemfira becomes the headliner of the first Invasion music festival.

Upon returning from the tour, the Zemfira group begins to record a new album, which they also named after one of the songs "Forgive me, my love." The singer herself admits that the names were always difficult for her.

Nevertheless, "Forgive me, my love" became the most popular disc of 2000 in Russia, as well as the most commercially successful of Zemfira's entire discography. The track "Looking for" from the new album sounded in the cult film "" and was included in the film's soundtrack album.

The disc also included other compositions, which later critics and fans called Zemfira's hits: “Ripened”, “Do you want?”, “City”, “Proved”, “P. M. M. L. and "Dawns". The album also included the tracks "Cigarettes", "Don't Let Go" and "London". A live recording of the last composition was also released on the single "Snow/Sky of London".

The singer herself becomes "Performer of the Year" according to the music magazine "OM".

The increased popularity rather burdened rather than pleased Zemfira, and at the end of 2000 she went on a sabbatical, taking part in only one project dedicated to her musical idol -. For the concert "Kinoproby" Zemfira recorded the song "Cuckoo", which later also entered the single "Goodbye", and "Every Night".

The next step was Zemfira's album "Fourteen Weeks of Silence", which was released in 2002. During this time, the girl rethought a lot in her work, and the album turned out to be solid, but unlike her previous works. Zemfira completely departed from the stylistic framework that Burlakov once set, which is why she was constantly compared with Mumiy Troll, although the band's musicians still participated in the recording of songs.

The album included the songs "Webgirl", the undisputed hit of the performer, which fans remember under the Russian name "The Girl Living on the Web", "Fairy Tales", "Macho" (also known as "Drunk Macho"), "Main" and others. The circulation of the disc crossed over a million discs, and the singer herself received the Triumph award in 2003. The compositions "Infinity" and "Traffic" were released as separate singles.

The year 2004 was marked for Zemfira by several events at once. She performed two of the brightest duets: one at the Maksidrome rock festival in tandem with Ilya Lagutenko and the second with the Queen group at the MTV Russia Music Awards (the immortal hit "We are the Champions").

Zemfira decided to get a higher education in philosophy and entered Moscow State University, but she failed to finish her studies, music took too much time.

In 2005, Zemfira began collaborating with an actress and director, charismatic. Zemfira was invited to create music for Litvinova's film "The Goddess: How I fell in love." Subsequently, Renata directed the video for the song "Itogi" and many of the singer's subsequent works. Zemfira's song "Love, like an accidental death" was included in the film's soundtrack.

In 2005, the singer presented the fourth album "Vendetta", which included the songs "Airplane", "Breathe", "Sky Sea Clouds", "Let's leave it like that." The performer called the album eclectic in sound, and identified search and anxiety as the main theme.

In October 2007, the release of Zemfira's new album "Thank you" took place, which the singer released on her own behalf, stating that the Zemfira group no longer exists, but there is only she - the singer Zemfira Ramazanova. The title track of the album was the composition "In the Metro", which the performer herself described as both combative and lyrical.

Before the presentation, the radio single “Boy” and the video clip for the song “We Break Up”, filmed by Renata Litvinova, were released. The singles prepared the audience for the upcoming album.

During the tour, a special single "10 Boys" was on sale at the concerts, containing ten remixes of the song "Boy", collected from works that people submitted to the Internet competition. At the same time, the film-concert "Green Theater in Zemfira" was presented, which was filmed by Litvinova during the singer's performance at the site of the same name in Gorky Park in Moscow.

The final concert of the tour was held at the Olimpiyskiy. According to the singer, the concert was being prepared for two years and became a major victory for Zemfira.

In 2009, Zemfira released a collection called "Z-sides", and also toured extensively in Russia and abroad. The singer is also working on the soundtrack for the arthouse film "Rita's Last Tale", filmed by her friend Renata Litvinova. In the same year, the singer recorded the single "Australia".

In 2010, Afisha magazine compiled a list of the 50 Best Russian Albums of All Time. Choice of young musicians. The debut album of the performer took fifth place in this list, and the album "Forgive me, my love" - ​​43rd. Zemfira also received an award from the Russian Authors' Society "For contribution to the development of science, culture and art."

In 2011, the singer released the singles "Money" and "No Chance".

Zemfira's next album was another breakthrough in the history of Russian rock. The disc "Live in your head" with an amazing combination of minimalism, style and sound accuracy said a new word in modern music. It set a new record in domestic online sales.

At the end of 2013, three songs were posted on iTunes, which almost immediately topped the Russian chart. The performer was a group, this Bashkir word means "triangle". According to the legend, described in the official community of the group on social networks, the band includes guitarist Bro, bassist and drummer Luka and vocalist Rocket, represented by animated characters.

The listeners immediately recognized Zemfira's characteristic vocals, and soon she herself announced the performance of her side project in the main concert hall "Russia", where the secret of the personalities of Bro and Luka was revealed: they turned out to be Zemfira's nephews, the twins Artem and Arthur Ramazanov.

At the end of 2103, Zemfira was awarded the MTV Europe Music Awards as the best Russian performer. In 2013, 2014 and 2015, the rock singer was included in the list of "One Hundred Most Influential Women in Russia".

At the end of October 2015, Zemfira announced the start of a new concert tour "Little Man".

Personal life

Zemfira's personal life for the entire musical career of the singer was filled with all sorts of rumors and speculation. The singer herself laid the foundation for this, at the very beginning announcing the upcoming wedding with the leader of the Dancing Minus group, which was nothing more than a publicity stunt. Since then, the press has unreasonably associated Zemfira's name either with the oligarch or with the director of the singer.

In recent years, journalists have been saying: Zemfira and Renata Litvinova are not just friends, supposedly women are connected by something more. There were even rumors in the media that the stars got married in Stockholm. Friends do not comment on this information. The secretive nature of the singer and her dislike for interviews allows journalists to only speculate about her private life.

In 2010, misfortune occurred in Zemfira's family - her older brother Ramil drowned in the river while spearfishing. A year earlier, the singer's father Talgat Talkhovich died of a long illness, and in early 2015 the singer died. Since then, the girl has been trying to take care of the remaining nephews Artur and Artem, therefore, at the end of 2013, Zemfira created a joint musical project with them. The singer has no children of her own.

Zemfira is dedicated to a page in " Instagram”, which is signed by 188 thousand people. The account is not verified, and the photos appearing in it are mainly taken at concerts and other social events.

Zemfira now

During the tour "Little Man" the performer visited more than 20 cities of the Russian Federation, as well as cities of near and far abroad. The first part of the huge tour started in February 2016 in Omsk and ended in April in Moscow, the second part took place abroad: in Israel, Germany, Great Britain, the United Arab Emirates, the USA and Canada.

During the large-scale tour "Little Man" Zemfira. Nevertheless, the singer continued to present, and even more so to distribute already recorded songs. Today, Zemfira's official website is a business card website. The page with a large black and white photo contains links to popular online music stores where you can buy Zemfira's tracks: Apple Music, Google play, Yandex. Music, Spotify, Deezer and Zvooq.

In 2016, Zemfira recorded a new track "Come back home".

In July 2017, journalists learned that Zemfira could write the soundtrack for the film Sevastopol 1952 about the Great Patriotic War. The directors of the film are negotiating with the singer.


  • Forgive me, my love
  • Fourteen weeks of silence
  • Vendetta
  • Thanks
  • live in your head

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