How much money does Medvedev have? Vladimir Putin is the richest or most powerful person in the world.


On March 31, the Federal Tax Service received a certificate of income from Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. The document signed by the head of state also indicates what kind of property he owns, his wife Svetlana, as well as his minor son Ilya. According to the press secretary of the President Natalya Timakova, the certificate was submitted on its own initiative. It is expected that today or in the coming days, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, government ministers, high-ranking Kremlin officials, and plenipotentiaries in federal centers will report on their income and the income of their relatives.

The White House was the first to respond to Medvedev's initiative. In the morning, a message came from the press service that on March 31 a declaration from Vladimir Putin would be sent to the tax authorities. The initiative was supported by some others. For example, in the press service of the Ministry of Education, which was called by the correspondent of "SP", after some confusion, they said that the president's order had been carried out. And after additional consultations, they said that the declaration of Minister Fursenko also went to the tax office. Other servants of the people were also determined to open their bins.

Recall that the issue of officials' incomes, or rather their declaration, was discussed on March 10 at a meeting of the President's Anti-Corruption Council. Dmitry Medvedev then spoke about the need for state and municipal employees to provide information about their property status and the income of their family members. At the same time, the President focused not so much on the procedure for submitting declarations, but on creating a mechanism for verifying the reliability of published data.

“I believe that everyone, including the President of the Russian Federation, should submit this kind of information, and the President should do this, like all other citizens in the public service, holding public office, annually. There were no rules on this topic - they need to be introduced. I will prepare such rules, ”either promised, or threatened Medvedev.

By the way, the last time the head of state submitted an income declaration to the CEC was a year ago when he ran for the presidential election. As of January 2008, he owned an apartment in Moscow with an area of ​​367.8 sq. meters, a car and two places per family in the garage. The total income of Dmitry Medvedev for four years amounted to a little more than 7 million rubles. He received this money while working in the apparatus of the government of the Russian Federation, the presidential administration, as well as at St. Petersburg University. In addition, part of this amount was royalties from publishing activities. Medvedev's wife, as indicated in the declaration, had no income for the last four years, she had about 400 rubles in her account. Dmitry Anatolyevich himself had eight bank accounts, on which at that time there were 2.7 million rubles.

Having taken the presidency, Medvedev strengthened his financial position. According to the British newspaper The Financial Times, which calculated the salaries of world leaders, the annual salary of the head of our state is 67 thousand euros (5583 euros per month). But in this case, this is not the main thing. For us, something else is more important - how calls for the fight against corruption, for the sake of which all the stories with the filing of declarations were started, will be reflected in the purge of bureaucratic ranks. How effective will they be?

The correspondent of "SP" asked to answer this question Chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Committee Kirill Kabanov.

"SP":“They say corruption has been dealt a serious blow. Truth?

- The fact that senior officials report on their income is certainly good. This is how it is done in all civilized countries. But this measure only works in conjunction with other anti-corruption methods. Declarations alone won't solve anything.

"SP":- Let's go point by point: what is good, what is bad.

— What is positive about the President's initiative? He violated the aspirations of the bureaucracy to start the declaration procedure in 2010, but "started" now. In this regard, a chain reaction will begin. Next will go to the governors and their subordinates. Another positive moment is that traces remain. Officials, out of habit, will declare broken Cossacks or a 6 × 6 house inherited from their great-grandmother. However, there will be documents that can then be operated on. For example, call and ask: old man, where do you get mansions, yachts and cars in two years with your salary. Inheritance gone?

"SP": What are the negative factors?

— Okay, the official filed a declaration. Imagine, the entire bureaucratic mass ran to the tax. These are millions of papers. What is the verification mechanism? The tax authorities must check, the security officers must check. Can you imagine the volume? And how to check judges or deputies? They are special subjects.

"SP":- And what to do?

- The question arises, how does this model even work? And it works simply. Each region has public figures. At the federal level, too. The President said: I am publishing the declaration on my website. In theory, regional officials should do the same. Here, somewhere in Samara or Chelyabinsk, data on the incomes of top officials appear on the official website of the administration. And then the nasty journalists start working. They dig up that the official has not only an old Zaporozhets, but also a modest Bentley and a couple of houses, not only in Russia, but also abroad. This becomes the occasion for a story.

"SP":“Sounds good, but somehow implausible.

- There are a few small things that are necessary in the system plan. Law enforcement and judicial systems should not be corrupt. There should be free media in the country. Well, political competition. Because it is precisely on the basis of political competition that scandals with the reporting of officials flare up.

Maybe these “little things” were what the President meant when he said that he would prepare some “rules”? Only how to cook them, if there are complete inconsistencies in all positions.

Working as a prime minister is a rather difficult and responsible job, since the well-being of the country's inhabitants largely depends on the person in this position. With regard to Russia, given its size, this rule is all the more true. But how is the work of the prime minister evaluated? Let's find out how much Dmitry Medvedev earns per month, and also find out the prospects for wages in 2018.

Tasks of the Prime Minister

First, let's find out what exactly the prime minister gets paid for. Officially, this post is called the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. Any citizen of our country can be appointed to it, except for those persons who also have the citizenship of other states. The Prime Minister is appointed to his post by the President with the approval of the State Duma by a simple majority of votes.

The main duties and powers of the Prime Minister are:

  • determining the direction of the Cabinet of Ministers;
  • organization of government work;
  • approval of normative acts issued by the Cabinet of Ministers;
  • representing the government abroad and within the country.

In addition, the Prime Minister may hold other positions in the civil service. So, for example, Dmitry Medvedev holds a number of other positions, both directly in the state apparatus of the Russian Federation and in the apparatus of the Union State of Belarus and Russia.

Medvedev's earnings

Now, let's find out the answer to the question of how much the Chairman of the Government of Russia earns. In 2015, Medvedev's official salary as prime minister from January 1 to February 28 was 570 thousand rubles a month, and from March 1 to the end of the year - 513 thousand rubles a month. Such a decrease in wages is associated with Vladimir Putin's decree on lowering by the end of the year wages for representatives of the highest bureaucratic apparatus by 10%, including the president and prime minister. This measure was caused by the economic crisis in the country.

Thus, it can be determined that Dmitry Medvedev's annual earnings from his direct activities in public office in 2015 amounted to 6.27 million rubles.

Dynamics of salary changes

Now let's find out what salary Dmitry Medvedev had in previous years, and how much it differs from the amount that the prime minister earns now. His monthly earnings are shown in the table below.

As you can see, in April 2014 there was a significant increase in the salary of the prime minister. Then, Vladimir Putin raised it to himself and Dmitry Anatolyevich by 2.65 times. Thus, the prime minister's salary became equal to 570,000 rubles a month. Prior to that, Dmitry Medvedev's earnings from the very moment he took office as prime minister amounted to 215 thousand rubles a month.

What to expect from 2018?

It is still difficult to talk about how much the prime minister will receive in 2018, because the country's government does not advertise its decisions on this matter in advance. But, if nothing changes, then the presidential decree on reducing the salary of senior officials by 10% from January 1, 2018 will lose its force. Thus, Medvedev's salary will return to its previous values, and will be 570 thousand rubles a month, or 6.84 million rubles a year.

However, one cannot rule out the possibility that Vladimir Putin will extend his decree into 2018, or make some other adjustments to the wages of senior officials, in accordance with the current economic situation.

Judeo-American team of D. Medvedev - the kings of Russian pulp and other, other, other

Through Sberbank, the team of the Russian President withdraws government money to the United States, turning it into their private property along the way.

In 1992, the St. Petersburg company Finzell was formed, which soon established the company CJSC Ilim Pulp Enterprise (IPE) ( registry number AOL-1546, authorized capital in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles). Among the founders of CJSC Finzell, in addition to Zakhar Davidovich Smushkin and brothers Zingarevich included a St. Petersburg lawyer Dmitry Medvedev, now known as the "President of the Russian Federation". At the same time, ZAO Finzell Medvedev owned 50%, and Ilim Pulp Enterprise - 20%. This important fact in 2000 was indicated by the Accounts Chamber in a special report on the raider seizures carried out by the Zingarevich brothers and the future president of the Russian Federation.
The estimated value of the Ilim holding reached $1.5 billion by 2005. Therefore, there is reason to believe that Dmitry Anatolyevich's personal capital was close to a billion dollars even before the presidency.

This property is disguised, since Medvedev has been a civil servant for more than 11 years and cannot formally deal with commercial issues. Profile magazine describes the history of capital in this way: Medvedev's business partners did not differ in particular cleanliness in doing business. In the autumn of 1999, realizing that the case was steadily heading towards an unpleasant trial, Medvedev hastily left the ranks of the Ilim leadership and left the founders of Finzell. Just at the moment when the state began checking the legality of a number of Ilim's privatization projects. As a result of which, for example, the illegality of the privatization of one of the largest enterprises of ZAO, the Kotlas Pulp and Paper Mill, was revealed. But this had nothing to do with Medvedev*. And by that time he no longer lived in St. Petersburg ... Already in November 1999 ... Medvedev was appointed to the position of deputy head of the government apparatus Dmitry Kozak. And in December he became deputy head of the Kremlin administration Alexandra Voloshina ».

Forbes in 2006 rated the company as 24th in the rating of non-public corporations. In the same year, it was the Ilim Pipe team that lobbied for the adoption of the forest code, after which came into force in 2007, Russian forests burned down in 2010.

Ilim enterprises produce 60% of Russian pulp and 25% of cardboard. In 2007, Ilim enterprises produced 1.6 million tons of market pulp, 755,700 tons of cardboard and 258,800 tons of paper. The volume of own timber harvesting for this period amounted to 7.1 million cubic meters. m. The total number of personnel is over 20 thousand people. Group turnover in 2007 amounted to 19 billion rubles, net profit - 3 billion rubles.(according to RAS, taking into account the reorganization of the company from July 1, 2007). Revenue in 2007 according to IFRS - $1.805 billion.

At the end of October 2006, an agreement was announced that 50% of Swiss-registered Ilim Holding, which owned more than 75% plus 1 share of Ilim Pulp's pulp and paper assets, would be sold to the American timber company International Paper. Wherein timber processing assets of Ilim Pulp were not included in the deal. Later, in 2007, Ilim's timber processing assets were spun off into a separate company " Ilim Timber Industry ».

Today, the official owners of Ilim are the Swiss company Ilim Holding, which is owned in equal shares, on the one hand, by the American International Paper and, on the other, Russian shareholders(including Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Group Zakhar Davidovich Smushkin, members of the Board of Directors Boris and Michael Zingarevichi, Leonid Erukhimovich). The CEO is an American Paul Herbert.

Zakhar Davidovich Leonid Erukhimovich Paul Herbert

It is definitely difficult to say which of them is specifically responsible for “a small share” of Dmitry Anatolyevich. Be that as it may, it was Mikhail Zingarevich, a member of the board of directors of the company, at a charity auction at the Christmas Fair in St. Petersburg in 2010 bought a photograph of the Tobolsk Kremlin taken by Dmitry Medvedev for 51 million rubles .

Recently, Ilim, as Medvedev's personal wallet, has been gradually withdrawing funds abroad. Moreover, the money is provided by the state-owned Sberbank, which finances the offshore investments of the President of Russia in the economy of the United States and other developed countries. The other day, Ilim Timber closed a deal to buy 100% of Tolleson Lumber Company, the Vedomosti newspaper reported. Tolleson is one of the largest independent companies in the US South. It is a family business founded in Georgia in 1919. Tolleson has two sawmills in Perry and Preston, producing 450,000 cubic meters each. m of lumber per year. Tolleson sawmills are large for their region, the average capacity of local enterprises does not exceed 150,000 cubic meters. m

Such an asset was the first "forest" investment of Medvedev-Zingarevich-Smushkin-Yerukhimovich in America, the deal will increase Timber's capacity by almost a quarter - up to 3.9 million cubic meters. m of lumber per year. The parties do not disclose the cost of the purchase, but Tolleson may cost $50-65 million. It is assumed that markets for new assets, except for the United States, will be China and Japan, which will soon need a large amount of building materials to restore the destroyed infrastructure.
The situation when, through Sberbank and the Zingarevichs, the Russian budget is transferred to foreign businesses that are associated with Dmitry Medvedev is quite typical. As correspondents of the website wrote, in August 2010, with the support of Sberbank, the Zingarevichi closed a deal to acquire two factories in Germany. The enterprises, for which the ex-owners managed to earn about 100 million euros, in total capacity provide the new owners with about 2 million cubic meters of building materials per year. According to Ilim Timber, the factories mainly work for the markets of China and the Middle East.

In their native St. Petersburg, the Zingarevich brothers, in addition to scandalous charity, are known for their development projects. Their interests include reconstruction on Vosstaniya Square and Konyushennaya Square. In addition, firms controlled by businessmen received a number of historical buildings from the city last year - on the Field of Mars, 1, letter A; Konyushennaya Square, 1, letter A; on Nevsky prospect, 7-9; embankment of the Moika River, 26, - for reconstruction for hotel accommodation.

From the same place grows Chief Executive Officer of the Skolkovo Innovation Center Michael (Yosef Michael ben Moshe) Moshiashvili, Managing Director of the Ilim Pulp Enterprise holding. 37 years old, native of Kutaisi. Georgian Jew, Jewish by religion. One of the leaders of the business club of the Russian Jewish Congress (RJC). Former top manager of Deutsche Bank and Rosavia airline, chairman of the board of directors of the United Financial Group (UFG) investment bank, former employee of the World Bank, Vneshtorgbank of the Russian Federation and head of the treasury of the Yukos oil company. Fluent in Hebrew, English, German.

(On the photo- Momiashvili on the right, wearing glasses, is talking to a rabbi)

Well, this whole story, as well as the transfer of the capital of the largest timber processor to the jurisdiction of the United States and the specificity in choosing partners, largely explains the close friendship of the Russian president with Washington and his zeal in eating hamburgers with the president Obama.

The main thing in this business is not to choke.

They found all the secret wealth of Medvedev and filmed all the residences of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation in Russia and abroad, found elusive yachts and established where and who sailed on them. Journalists spent hundreds of "man-hours" analyzing social networks and looking for the right photos. We shoveled the documentation of offshore companies. Looking at domain names..

"We even bought the rights to the Combination song to make it more fun for you to watch this film. I'm proud to present the biggest FBK investigation ever done.

And, perhaps most importantly, politically: we are talking about the second person in the country. Prime Minister and former President of Russia. Putin's main and constant partner, his most trusted person, he was not afraid to transfer the country to him for four years," Navalny's website says.

Not Dimon, but a serious corrupt uncle

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev is not at all such a harmless and comical character as he seems to be. Don't let sleep at meetings, badminton, or gadgets fool you.

This is a very cunning and greedy man, obviously a little obsessed with residences and luxury real estate, and for the sake of owning them, he created one of the largest corruption schemes in the country. And, we must pay tribute to him, one of the most sophisticated.

We found, described and documented the existence of a network of charitable and non-profit foundations organized by Medvedev's proxies and relatives. The word "charitable" should not confuse: the recipients of "aid" here are only Medvedev and his family.

They use the funds to solicit "donations" (read: bribes) from oligarchs and state-controlled banks and use the funds to buy palaces, yachts and vineyards in Russia and abroad.

And yes, it's very clever. Who owns, for example, Medvedev's secret dacha in Plyos, about which we did a big investigation? Formally, nobody. A charitable organization - the Gradislav Foundation, which means that there are not even individuals - ultimate owners, because the property of a non-profit organization ultimately belongs only to it, and not even to its founders.

In fact, everyone understands that the dacha belongs to Medvedev. It is guarded by the FSO. The service department is located there. There is even an official no-fly zone above the Plyos dacha.

That is, the corruption scheme is based on the creation of a charitable organization with a reliable person (classmate, relative) at the head. After that, you can safely pump up the organization with money and buy yacht palaces on them, without fear that someone will poke a piece of paper in the face, where your name is in the "owner" column.

Only here there is one problem: there cannot be many reliable people. If there are a small number of individuals involved in the organization, financing and management of a bunch of charitable foundations, the main feature of which is the ownership of the property of Prime Minister Medvedev, then everything becomes clear: this is corruption.

Starting with these cheerful-colored sneakers, we established and documented the entire corrupt empire of Dmitry Medvedev.

The foundations that make it up and his closest proxies.

  • - bribes from the oligarchs Usmanov and Michelson;
  • - the money of Gazprombank, which has been noticed many times before that it works as a "purse" to cover the expenses of high-ranking officials (see "Vinokur's case" and "Sechin's wife's salary case");
  • - transfers from other companies (for example, a subsidiary of Bashneft).

With this money built, bought and maintained:

Family estate and agro-complex of Medvedev in Mansurovo:

Mountain residence "Psekhako" in Sochi:

Vineyards in Anapa and Tuscany:

A very good example of how these people are not shy at all.

This is the Rublev residence, owned by Medvedev. One of the most expensive objects in the Moscow region. It costs about 5 billion rubles.

Formally, it belongs to the Sotsgosproekt fund, which is completely identical to the DAR fund, for which Milovka, Medvedev's dacha in Plyos, is registered.

Do you know how this object worth 5 billion ended up in Medvedev's possession?

Alisher Burkhanovich Usmanov, one of Russia's richest oligarchs with a fortune of $12.5 billion, simply donates land and a mansion to the Medvedev Foundation.

How to call it? That's right: a bribe.

That's what we call it in our crime statement. And in general, all this investigation of ours, both in general and divided into episodes, will be turned into statements about crimes.

Film-investigation of Medvedev's corruption - in the video below.

Recall that earlier we published an investigation by foreign journalists about. As it turned out, the President of the Russian Federation is the richest man in the world.

Dmitry Medvedev is known in Russian society as a liberal and sociable politician, a statesman with ambiguous resonant statements. In 2008, his salary as head of the Russian state was 2.8 million rubles. in year. Over 10 years, it has increased 10 times: in 2017, the Prime Minister indicated 8.5 million rubles in the declaration. income. The main sources of its formation are the state salary and interest on bank deposits. Medvedev earns more than his colleagues from the CIS countries, but his income is 30-80% lower than the wages of prime ministers from EU countries with a parliamentary form of government.

How much does the Prime Minister of Russia earn?

Dmitry Medvedev is a Russian statesman who began his career in politics in 1990 as an adviser to the chairman of the Leningrad City Council of People's Deputies. was small - about 500 rubles.

In 2017, Dmitry Anatolyevich indicated in the income statement the amount of 8.5 million rubles. In this scenario, his monthly income exceeded 700 thousand rubles.

Table 1. How much does Medvedev D.A. earn - data for 2017, rub.

* Gazeta.Ru

Reference! Dmitry Medvedev's career began back in 1983, when, as a law student, he worked as a janitor for 120 rubles. per month.

Medvedev began to earn high salaries while already in high government positions:

  • 1999 - Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • 2000 - Deputy Chief of Staff of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • 2000 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Gazprom;
  • 2003 - Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • 2008 - President of the Russian Federation;
  • 2012 - Chairman of the Government of Russia.

In 2003-2008 the politician's earnings averaged 1.2-2.5 million rubles. per month. It included not only the salary of the official, but also dividends on the shares of Gazprom and CJSC Finzell. Since 2008, the state salary of 186,289 rubles per month has become the main source of his income. By 2018, it increased by 3.8 times.

What makes up Dmitry Medvedev's earnings?

  1. state salary

In 2017, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation received 570 thousand rubles from the state treasury. per month.

  1. Interest on deposits

According to the information and analytical magazine Politobrazovanie, by the beginning of 2018, there were more than 5 million rubles in its 14 bank accounts. They bring politics up to 400-500 thousand rubles. in year.

  1. Dividends on shares

According to unconfirmed reports, the shares of CJSC Ilim Pulp Enterprise remained in the hands of the head of the Russian Government, which annually bring him 100-200 thousand rubles. income. However, the official himself does not confirm this information in the declaration.

The assets of D. Medvedev, according to the declaration of 2017, include:

  • land plot (4,700 sq. m);
  • apartment in Moscow (367.8 sq. m.);
  • car GAZ-20 "Victory" (1948);
  • GAZ-21 "Volga" (1962).

How much did Dmitry Medvedev earn in 10 years

In 2002, President of Russia Putin V.V. adopted Decree N 655, according to which the monetary remuneration of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation was set at 50,400 rubles, and the President - 63,000 rubles. The document provides a grid of changes in salaries of the two highest government positions until 2018.

* Information from the official website of the Government of the Russian Federation

Based on the information presented in the table, it can be established that for 10 years, being the President and Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev earned 45,121,606 rubles. The average monthly salary of a politician for a 10-year period was set at 3,760,134 rubles.

Reference! The crisis in the Russian economy became the reason for the signing by the President of the Russian Federation of Decree No. 494 on reducing the salary of senior government officials by 10% by the end of 2018. This standard led to the fact that in 2017 Dmitry Anatolyevich's salary was reduced by 21 thousand rubles. compared to 2016.

In 2017, the salary of the head of the Government of the Russian Federation was only 3-5% higher than. At the same time, it is 5 million rubles. less than a year.

Reference! In addition to the state salary, the position of prime minister entails a range of social guarantees: the right to immunity, state security, a company car, free government communications and the right to free stay in the VIP lounges of the country's airports and train stations.

According to the information from the declaration of income of a statesman, the politician's cash receipts outside the state salary amount to 20% of his monthly income. They are mainly represented by interest on bank deposits.

Reference! Many citizens are interested in what they spend their rather big money on.Salary Dmitry Medvedev. It is known that the Prime Minister collects vinyl records - both new and rare. At the state dacha, he maintains a small zoo, which is home to a reindeer donated to him in 2010 by the Evenk family. It is known that the head of the Russian government often purchases clothes and shoes via the Internet.

How much prime ministers earn in other countries of the world

D.A. Medvedev's salary is lower than in the developed countries of Europe, where prime ministers in the conditions of parliamentary republics act as key figures of the state. However, it significantly exceeds the income of heads of government in EU countries with a presidential form of government, as well as in the CIS countries.

Table 4. Earnings of prime ministers in foreign countries in 2018

Celebrity Income, USD Income, rub.
1 Great Britain 142.5 thousand 9.4 million
2 Norway 150 thousand 9.5 million
3 Germany 283 thousand 18.9 million
4 France 237 thousand 15.4 million
5 Greece 68 thousand 5.8 million
6 Latvia 58 thousand 3.9 million
7 Lithuania 54 thousand 3.5 million
8 Belarus 24 thousand 1.7 million
9 Ukraine 20.4 thousand 1.6 million

Reference! In the United States, the salaries of ministers in 2017 averaged $168,000 per year, which is 1.1 million in ruble terms. Considering that the price level in the United States is several times higher than in Russia, Dmitry Medvedev's salary seems too high. In Russia, its size is explained by regular indexation associated with inflationary processes in the country's economy.

Higher education. Orenburg State University (specialization: economics and management at heavy engineering enterprises).
December 8, 2018 .

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