The sudden death of Dmitry Kogan. In memory of a great violinist


The famous and adored Russian violinist Dmitry Kogan,
to whom the whole world applauded, died suddenly at the age of 38.
The sad news was received on August 29, 2017 - in the evening. Dmitry Kogan - a famous violinist, is the grandson of an outstanding Soviet violinist and teacher, People's Artist of the USSR Leonid Kogan.

Many did not believe the first ill-fated news and immediately rushed to call the secretary of the famous violinist. His personal assistant Zhanna Prokofieva confirmed:
"Yes, it's true," she said over the phone.

Then she added that Dmitry had been suffering from cancer for more than one year, but did not want to tell anyone about it, to bother.
It was this that caused a sharp deterioration in the health of the violinist.
Sudden death, nothing could help.

Dmitry Leonidovich Kogan was born on October 27, 1978 in Moscow. The successor of the famous musical dynasty. His grandfather was the outstanding violinist Leonid Kogan, his grandmother was the famous violinist and teacher Elizaveta Gilels, his father was conductor Pavel Kogan, and his mother was pianist Lyubov Kazinskaya, who graduated from the Academy of Music. Gnesins.

From the age of six, Dmitry began to study the violin at the Central Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky. At the age of ten, he first performed with a symphony orchestra, at fifteen - with an orchestra in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. Even then, they bowed before his talent, promising the boy a great future.

Official site of Dmitry Kogan -

Kogan received his higher education at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory and the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki. He played the violin brilliantly!
He was applauded by the audience in Europe and Asia, America and Australia.

Dmitry Kogan - a violinist who managed to perform the Nicolo Paganini cycle,
which consists of twenty-four caprices. For a long time it was believed that these works of the great genius are almost impossible to repeat. But Dmitry proved otherwise. Today, there are only a few violinists in the world who can perform a full cycle of caprices.

In 2003 Dmitry presented the famous Stradivarius violin "Empress of Russia" for the first time in Russia. The violin belonged to Catherine II. In 2010, Dmitry Kogan was awarded the honorary title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Dmitry Kogan organized a number of projects. Since December 2002, under his leadership, the International Festival named after his famous grandfather has been held. The violinist also led several other festivals. Since 2010, Dmitry has been an honorary professor at the Greek Athens Conservatory and chairman of the board of trustees at the Ural College of Music. In 2011, the musician was approved for the position of artistic director of the Samara Philharmonic.

The violinist was not married for such a long time - only three years. The life partner of Dmitry Kogan is also a very remarkable person. She was a socialite and editor-in-chief of the prestigious glossy magazine Pride. From the life of secular lions ”Ksenia Chilingarova, whose father is the famous polar explorer Artur Chilingarov. Young people got married in 2009.

Before the wedding, the couple just lived together for some time without signing,
as is the custom with many couples today. At first, happiness overwhelmed the young spouses, but a little later, the dissimilarity of characters began to appear. Due to her professional activities, Ksenia Chilingarova needs to attend secular parties, which her husband organically did not accept.

However, this did not cause irreconcilable conflicts,
the spouses parted peacefully and until the last were very close people for each other, ready at any time to come to the rescue if necessary.
So, for Dmitry Kogan, only the violin replaced his beloved wife, friends, and relatives, which he himself often talks about in his interviews.

Dmitry Kogan attached great importance to charity. He supported various actions in favor of talented youth. Dmitry Pavlovich was a member of the Council for the Quality of Education under the United Russia party. In 2011, Dmitry Kogan, together with philanthropist Valery Savelyev, organized a foundation whose goal is to support interesting cultural projects.

A few years ago in Moscow, in the Hall of Columns of the House of the Unions, a concert-presentation of the Foundation for the Support of Unique Cultural Projects named after. Kogan - "Five great violins in one concerto: Amati, Stradivari, Guarneri, Guadanini, Vuillaume". Rare instruments were presented by the Honored Artist of Russia Dmitry Kogan.

The Volga Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra took part in the concert. The Chamber Orchestra of the Samara State Philharmonic "Volga Philharmonic" was formed in 2011 on the initiative of Dmitry Kogan.

The exquisitely subtle performance of A. Piazzolla's cycle "The Four Seasons in Buenos Aires", the impeccable ensemble and the mutual understanding of the soloist and the orchestra impressed the sophisticated Moscow audience so much that the orchestra did not let go of the stage for a long time.

The name of the violinist Dmitry Kogan is on a par with the greatest musicians of our time. Thanks to his hard work and determination, more and more young people come to understand classical music, and connoisseurs discover more and more young talents, since one of the activities of this musician is charity.

Moreover, this charity was not an ostentatious action, after which the press praises the name of the benefactor for a long time, but a sincere participation in the fate of young talents. Most often, these are free concerts, donated CDs with music, instruments or accessories for them, as well as sums of money that are not burdensome for the maestro himself.

The date and place of the funeral are already known. According to some sources, farewell to Dmitry Kagon will be held in the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions - September 2, beginning at 11-00. As for the place of Dmitry's burial, it has not yet been determined exactly. The violinist's relatives want to bury him at the Novodevichy Cemetery if they are given permission. If it does not work out at Novodevichy, then the musician will be buried at the Troekursky cemetery.

In memory of Dmitry Kogan

Dmitry Kogan became a worthy successor to the great musical dynasty. Grandfather - an outstanding violinist Leonid Kogan, grandmother - musician and teacher Elizaveta Gilels, father - conductor Pavel Kogan, mother - pianist Lyubov Kazinskaya. He began to learn the violin at the age of 6 at the Central Music School at the Moscow Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky. At the age of 10, he already performed with a symphony orchestra. Dmitry Kogan's teachers were stars of musical and pedagogical art - Igor Semenovich Bezrodny, Eduard Davidovich Grach (Moscow Conservatory) and Thomas Haapanen (J. Sibelius Academy in Helsinki). In 1997 Dmitry Kogan makes his debut in the USA and Great Britain. After that, his foreign career successfully develops: the musician conquers the main concert halls of Europe, Asia, America and Australia. In 2010, the violinist was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. In 2011, together with philanthropist Valery Savelyev, the artist establishes the Kogan Fund for Support of Unique Cultural Projects. The purpose of the organization is proclaimed the search and care of young talents, as well as the restoration of unique instruments and their transfer to practicing professionals. Among the numerous charitable and creative projects implemented by Dmitry Kogan are “Five Great Violins” (the musician alternately demonstrates the unique capabilities of the instruments made by Amati, Stradivari, Guarneri, Guadanini, Vuilloma), the Arctic Classical Music Festival (acquaintance of the inhabitants of the Far North with the masterpieces of world musical culture) , "The Four Seasons" (live performance of concerts by Vivaldi and Piazzolla is included in the video installation format). The news of the sudden death of the musician struck the admirers of his talent. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev expressed his condolences to the family and friends of Dmitry Kogan. “In his short life, Dmitry Kogan managed to give people wonderful music. He was able to sincerely and soulfully convey the beauty and depth of the works of great composers. And because the music that he performed was close and understandable to everyone. People came to his concerts with whole families. He conquered the best halls of the world. He was admired by everyone who had ever heard his violin. Dmitry Pavlovich not only gave music from the stage. He did everything to make it sound throughout the country. He organized festivals, participated in charity events and looked for gifted children, helped them enter the wonderful world of music. Dmitry Kogan will remain in our memory not only as an outstanding musician, but also as a representative of a remarkable musical dynasty. The sound of his violin will forever remain in the hearts of millions,” the government said in a statement. According to the governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Igor Koshin, Dmitry Kogan was "a man of extraordinary strength and faith in all the best." "I can't pronounce the word 'was'. It exists for me and for every resident of the Nenets Okrug - in the music that he gave us, in vivid emotions, in sincere love for life, ”the head of the district wrote on his page on VKontakte. “He is the best, generous, kind, open and ready to share his talent with all who care. Founder and ideological inspirer of the first Arctic festival of high music in Naryan-Mar. They will remain forever, ” quotes the words of the governor. Leading Russian instrumentalists - saxophonist Igor Butman and pianist Denis Matsuev - admitted that they were shocked by the news of the young musician's death. “I have a shock and a feeling of injustice, because a young man in the prime of life from a great family is dying,” Regnum quotes Matsuev. - I was taken by surprise by the news - I did not know that a terrible disease overcame him. We studied together with him, but we haven’t seen each other for a long time.” “Such a young and talented person passed away so early - 39 years old ... We played with him. And they performed in joint concerts. And he did a concert in the Hall of Columns, we played with him, I played with his orchestra, ”said Igor Butman on the air of Komsomolskaya Pravda radio. On his page on the social network, producer Maxim Fadeev recalled attending a Dmitry Kogan concert last spring: “Such a young and talented musician and just a beautiful person. In March, I was at his concert at MMDM, sitting literally two meters away from him and listening to his violin. I saw a drop of sweat running down my forehead. He was extraordinarily handsome and seemed to glow, and also smiled while playing music.<...> Today I even cried when I read the article about his departure. What a pity! Blessed memory to the Musician with a capital letter! The “big shock” was the death of “one of the brightest violinists of our time” for the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky. “Dmitry was a worthy successor to the best creative traditions of the famous dynasty,” the head of the Ministry of Culture emphasized. He also noted that "Dmitry Kogan attached great importance to educational and charitable activities, sought to familiarize young people from different countries with classical art" (TASS). On the air of Sputnik radio, pianist and conductor Alexander Gindin expressed the hope that the ideas of Dmitry Kogan would be implemented even after his death. “I still can't get over myself. This man was a fountain of vitality, a fountain of ideas for organizing amazing musical projects. Before him, on such a scale, few people did it and few people knew how to do it. He always had new ideas for the development of all kinds of concerts within the framework of classical music and not only. First of all, he will be remembered as a wonderful violinist and a very good musician. This is what he loved the most, and what he came to this world for. I hope that the ideas that he brought will remain. Because they are very correct and very close to every musician, but these ideas and discoveries were given to Dima,” said Alexander Ghindin ( This is what Dmitry Kogan said: “Giving light at the end of the tunnel is a huge responsibility and a special joy” (KP); “No, I'm not afraid of any sanctions, it's stupid. I'm minding my own business. My document is the stage, the music and the audience. I believe that everyone should do their own thing: politicians - politics, diplomats - diplomacy, doctors - treat, and musicians should play on stage, this is their vocation. And let lawyers sign any appeals or documents (; “I like a lot of musicians. But we must remember the biblical commandment: "Do not make yourself an idol." Therefore, a musician (and any creative person) must go his own way and follow the call of his heart, soul and mind” (; “Classical music is not the lot of rich people, but the lot of enthusiasts - fanatics who love their work. Therefore, I always try to help classical musicians - I know what they can withstand, I myself have gone through a lot in my life and I understand the value of this business ”(; “You need to give something to people, so that later God will give you too. We must share our success and our opportunities. If I can help a young talented musician, I do it - it's not that hard. If I have an extra set of strings or a bow that I don't play concerts with, why don't I give them to a young person who needs them? Or some amount of money, which for me is not fundamental in life ... I do it with pleasure, for me it is the norm - like taking a shower or brushing my teeth ”(

Yaroslavl School of Arts named after Dmitry Kogan

Yesterday, within the framework of the IV International Musical "Kogan-Festival", Yaroslavl Children's Art School No. 7 was named after Dmitry Kogan. The solemn ceremony dedicated to this event took place at the school of arts.

In Yaroslavl, the children's art school was named after Dmitry Kogan

In Yaroslavl, children's art school No. 7 was named after the famous violinist Dmitry Kogan. Also, a memorial plaque was installed in the institution, where 455 children study. And the pupils of the school spoke to the guests of the event.

Yaroslavl School of Arts was named after the famous violinist

The IV International Musical "Kogan-Festival" ended in Yaroslavl. And before its closing, the children's art school No. 7 was named after Dmitry Kogan.

Yaroslavl Children's Art School No. 7 was named after Dmitry Kogan

The press service of the city administration informs that on November 15, the IV International Musical "Kogan-Festival" ended in Yaroslavl. As part of the event, the Yaroslavl Children's Art School No. 7 was named after Dmitry Kogan.

Yaroslavl Children's Art School named after Dmitry Kogan

Yaroslavl Children's Art School No. 7 now bears the name of Dmitry Kogan. So, the school has already installed a commemorative plaque and made bright stands about the famous musician.


Works by Bach, Tchaikovsky, and Rachmaninov on the stage of the Volkov Theater. Reports VGTRK Yaroslavl.

"Kogan-festival" opened in Yaroslavl

On November 13, the IV International Musical "Kogan-Festival" started at the Volkov Theater. Founded in 2014 by Honored Artist of Russia Dmitry Kogan, the festival is taking place for the first time without the participation of its creator: the organizer and artistic director of the festival passed away when he was only 38 years old.

The IV International Musical "Kogan-Festival" has opened

The press service of the city administration informs that on November 13, the IV International Musical "Kogan-Festival" opened in Yaroslavl. Representatives of the regional and city authorities, creative intelligentsia and lovers of high art gathered in the large hall of the Volkovsky Theater.

International music festival "Kogan-festival" opened in Yaroslavl

The ceremony took place on the stage of the Volkovsky Theater on Monday, November 13. The festival is being held in the city for the fourth time. Its initiator was the first female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova

IV International Musical "Kogan-Festival" starts in Yaroslavl

From November 13 to November 15, 2017, the IV International Musical "Kogan Festival" will be held in Yaroslavl and the Yaroslavl region. The festival program includes two concerts, which will take place at the Russian State Academic Drama Theater. F. Volkov and in the Yaroslavl State Philharmonic.

IV International Musical "Kogan-Festival" opened in Yaroslavl

It is dedicated to the memory of violinist Dmitry Kogan. The opening ceremony of the IV international musical "Kogan-festival" was held in the Yaroslavl theater named after Fyodor Volkov. This year, works by Bach, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Rachmaninov, Bruch, Tchaikovsky will be performed.

IV International Musical "Kogan-Festival" is dedicated to the memory of Dmitry Kogan

On November 13, the IV International Musical "Kogan-Festival" opens at the Fyodor Volkov Theater. Works by Bach, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Rachmaninov, Bruch, Tchaikovsky will be performed.


November 12, 2017 at the Cultural and Educational Center. V.V. Tereshkova, on the eve of the IV International Musical "Kogan Festival", a meeting of friends and an evening dedicated to the memory of Dmitry Kogan - Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of the international award in the field of music DA VINCI, honorary professor of the Athens and Ural Conservatory, great Musician, Artist, Artist, great friend of the Yaroslavl Center named after V.V. Tereshkova.

"Kogan-festival" will open on the stage of the First Russian

IV International Musical "Kogan-Festival" will be held in the region from 13 to 15 November. By tradition, it will open on the stage of the Volkovsky Theatre. The Yaroslavl Academic Governor's Symphony Orchestra under the direction of People's Artist of Russia Murad Annamamedov will perform works by J. S. Bach, F. Schubert, F. Mendelssohn, P. Tchaikovsky, M. Bruch and S. Rachmaninov. Young musicians from Moscow and Yaroslavl will perform. The solemn ceremony will begin at 18:30.

Soul of the violin

At the evening in memory of Dmitry Kogan, a screening of the author's documentary film "The Soul of the Violin", filmed in Cremona in August 2016 and dedicated to the Maestro, was held.

An evening in memory of Dmitry Kogan was held in Cremona

October 27 at 18:00 on the stage of the Filodrammatici Theater in Italy, an evening in memory of Dmitry Kogan took place.

The secret of one violin

The protagonist of the program, Dmitry Kogan, is an international violinist who plays the violins of five great masters. He will visit Cremona, the city where the greatest violins are made, talk to modern masters, tell what he had to give up for the sake of violins and what is his goal?

Evening in memory of Maestro Dmitry Kogan will be held in Cremona

On October 27 at 18:00 on the stage of the Filodrammatici Theater in Italy there will be a screening of the author's documentary film "The Soul of the Violin", filmed in Cremona in August 2016 and dedicated to the Maestro.

The memory of Dmitry Kogan was honored with a concert and an exhibition of personal belongings

On Tuesday, October 24, the Volga Philharmonic chamber orchestra honored the memory of Dmitry Kogan, who died on August 29, at the Samara Philharmonic with a concert. In 2011-2013 the violinist was the artistic director of the Philharmonic.

High music by Dmitry Kogan

On October 24, 2017, the famous musician, Honored Artist of Russia, violinist Dmitry Kogan was remembered at the Samara Philharmonic. Soloists and the Volga Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra of the Samara Philharmonic took part in a charity concert in his memory. The program of the evening included works by J.S. Bach, W.A. Mozart, A. Vivaldi, I. Benda, A. Piazzolla, D. Williams, Metropolitan Hilarion, which a few years ago Dmitry Kogan himself performed together with a chamber orchestra.

A charity concert in memory of Dmitry Kogan was held at the Samara Philharmonic

A charity concert in memory of virtuoso violinist Dmitry Kogan was held at the Samara Philharmonic. An exhibition dedicated to the musician was also opened there. It presents photographs, discs with recordings of performances, a violin, a concert shirt and Dmitry Kogan's awards.

A concert in memory of violinist Dmitry Kogan was held in Samara

To play so that the heart stops. A concert in memory of the famous musician Dmitry Kogan was held in the regional capital. For several years he was the artistic director of the Samara Philharmonic and was the initiator of many creative projects. Anastasia Okolot will tell about the legacy left by the maestro.

The Samara Philharmonic will host a concert in memory of Dmitry Kogan

Today, a charity concert in memory of the famous musician Dmitry Kogan will take place at the Samara Philharmonic. The concert program will feature works by J.S. Bach, W.A. Mozart, A. Vivaldi, I. Benda, A. Piazzolla, D. Williams, Metropolitan Hilarion performed by soloists and the Volga Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra of the Samara Philharmonic. Before the concert in memory of Dmitry Kogan, an exhibition will be shown at the Philharmonic Museum, which will present unique materials from the archive of the Philharmonic, from the personal and family archive of the musician, provided by his mother Lyubov Kazinskaya, Dmitry Pavlovich's violin and bows, concert costume, scores, concert posters, CDs with his notes, etc.

The Samara Philharmonic Orchestra will honor the memory of violinist Dmitry Kogan with compositions by Bach and Mozart

A charity concert in memory of violinist Dmitry Kogan will be held in Samara on Tuesday, October 24. This is reported by the government of the Samara region.

The Samara Philharmonic will host a charity concert in memory of musician Dmitry Kogan

On October 24, at 18:30, a charity concert in memory of the famous musician Dmitry Kogan will be held at the Samara State Philharmonic.

In memory of Dmitry Kogan. Canada.

Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk performed a memorial service on the fortieth day of the death of Honored Artist of Russia Dmitry Kogan

October 7, 2017, on the fortieth day after the death of the Honored Artist of Russia D.P. Kogan, a memorial service for the deceased was performed in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, in the Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles, the chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk.

Dmitry Kogan: Music, like faith, cannot be calculated

This text contains several fragments from a conversation with Dmitry both then, on the radio, and subsequently. He spared no time for communication - he spoke as if he was not waiting for a rehearsal, notes, violins or something else.

A free concert in memory of Dmitry Kogan will be held in Samara

On October 24 at 18.30 in the concert hall of the Samara Philharmonic Society a charity concert in memory of Dmitry Kogan will take place. As part of the evening, soloists and the chamber orchestra of the Samara State Philharmonic "Volga Philarmonic" will perform works by Bach, Mozart, Vivaldi, Benda, Piazzolla, Williams, and Metropolitan Hilarion. The concert will be free.

New orchestra: youth and drive

The young violinist Ekaterina Shchadilova from Bogoroditsk, studies at the Lyceum of the Tula College of Arts named after. A. S. Dargomyzhsky and the Center for Gifted Children recently created in the Tula region. Two years ago, Ekaterina became the winner of the I All-Russian Violin Competition. G. Turchaninova, and the violin she plays was presented to her by the famous musician Dmitry Kogan, who, unfortunately, recently passed away.

The Samara Philharmonic will host a charity concert in memory of Dmitry Kogan

A charity concert in memory of Dmitry Kogan will take place in the concert hall of the Samara Philharmonic on October 24 at 18:30, the press service of the Philharmonic informs.

"Unfortunately, life not only gives us the joy of creative discoveries, but brings pain from irreparable losses. On the eve of the festival, a friend of my youth, a bright person and a gifted violinist Dmitry Kogan, passed away forever. Together we traveled to dozens of cities in Russia, repeatedly appeared on the stage of the ArsLonga festival. In October Dmitry would have turned 39. I dedicate the 17th ArsLonga Festival to his memory." Ivan Rudin. Head of the ArsLonga festival.

Funeral service for Honored Artist of Russia Dmitry Kogan

On September 2, 2017, in the Moscow church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" on Bolshaya Ordynka, the chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, led the funeral service for Honored Artist of Russia Dmitry Kogan.

In Moscow, said goodbye to the violinist Dmitry Kogan

Farewell to the musician took place on Saturday in the Chamber Hall of the Moscow International House of Music

Moscow said goodbye to Dmitry Kogan

In Moscow, at the International House of Music on Saturday, September 2, a farewell to the famous violinist Dmitry Kogan took place. The Honored Artist of Russia died on Tuesday at the age of 39 after a serious illness.

An 18th-century violin donated to Dmitry Kogan by a patron from the Urals will return to Yekaterinburg

No decision has yet been made on the fate of the $11 million instrument

Farewell to Dmitry Kogan

Farewell to Honored Artist of Russia Dmitry Kogan will take place on Saturday, September 2, 2017

Dmitry Kogan: Making music is great, but children shouldn't be tortured

The brightest phrases of the famous musician Dmitry Kogan, who died at the age of 39

“Great talent left the great Kogan family”

After a serious illness (which few people knew about from the people of the shop), Dmitry Kogan passed away. 38 years. Violinist, grandson of the outstanding Leonid Kogan, son of conductor Pavel Kogan, with whom he did not particularly maintain relations. WhatsApp, e-mails are full of messages from musicians: “I'm in shock”, “how is it, because they just played together”. Dmitry was intelligent, deep, bold and sharp-tongued, and in his thoughts he seemed to be a kind of Nikolai Arnoldovich Petrov from the younger generation - what he thought, he said, which, believe me, is a rarity. Alas.

Dmitry Kogan: "You have to feel strongly for others to feel"

His motto was Paganini's. You have to feel strongly for others to feel. And so it was. No other musician was so loved by the public, and the journalists completely idolized him. Kogan knew how to look good, act, speak well. He forgave incorrect questions and happily agreed to various journalistic scams. Like playing on the subway disguised as a street musician.

In memory of Dmitry Kogan

On August 29, at the age of 38, the famous Russian violinist, Honored Artist of Russia Dmitry Kogan passed away. The musician died in Moscow from cancer.

The violin that conquered the world: what Dmitry Kogan will remember

On Tuesday, August 29, the famous violinist Dmitry Kogan passed away. Honored Artist of Russia died in Moscow after a serious illness. The life of a musician who conquered the best halls of the world took cancer. Kogan was only 38 years old.

Sergey Brilka on the untimely departure of Dmitry Kogan: he is with us forever, in our hearts, in our memory

Died legendary violinist, Honored Artist of Russia Dmitry Kogan. Music was the meaning of his life. He did everything so that as many people as possible could enjoy the beauty of classical music. For the first time, Dmitry Kogan visited the Irkutsk region in August 2013 with charity concerts as part of the High Music Time campaign, unscheduledly playing at another meeting for the people of Angarsk.

The authorities of Sakhalin called the death of the violinist Kogan a huge loss

The mayor of the Sakhalin city of Nevelsk, Vladimir Pak, said that the death of violinist Dmitry Kogan, who was an honorary citizen of the city, was a huge loss.

In the Vladimir region, they plan to arrange an evening in memory of violinist Dmitry Kogan

Honored Artist of Russia was an adviser to the governor of the region on a voluntary basis An evening in memory of the violinist, Honored Artist of Russia, adviser to the Governor of the Vladimir Region Dmitry Kogan will be held in Vladimir. The head of the region, Svetlana Orlova, told reporters about this on Wednesday.

VERY SAD NEWS | Russian Violinist Dmitri Kogan Has Died – Aged 38

Violinist Dmitri Kogan dead at 38


Petr Dranga about Dmitry Kogan: I looked at his schedule and realized that he had no time to breathe!

On August 29, it became known about the death of the famous violinist Dmitry Kogan in the country and the world. He did not live two months before his 39th birthday. The representative of a famous musical dynasty, Honored Artist of Russia, a virtuoso, the pride of our country, left very early. According to his entourage, the cause of death was cancer. Petr Dranga, Russian accordionist, singer, was friends with Dmitry. The musician told KP about how great a professional he was, how much he was in demand and what a wonderful friend he was.

Medvedev expressed condolences on the death of violinist Dmitry Kogan

According to the head of government, the "sound of the violin" of the musician "will forever remain in the hearts of millions"

Evgeny Kuyvashev expressed condolences on the death of violinist Dmitry Kogan

The head of the Sverdlovsk region Evgeny Kuyvashev on his Instagram page expressed his condolences in connection with the death of the world-famous musician, violinist Dmitry Kogan.

Violinist Dmitry Kogan died at the age of 39

The musician's cause of death was cancer.


"The Legend of Valentine". Cosmonaut Tereshkova was congratulated by the best musicians

In honor of Valentina Tereshkova, a unique multimedia project "The Legend of Valentine" was launched. Its creators are the famous Russian violinist Dmitry Kogan and the Moscow Symphony Orchestra "Russian Philharmonic". The impression from the rarest shots of a documentary film about the life path of a great woman of our time (created specifically within the framework of this project) greatly enhanced the live performance of the masterpieces of great composers.

Daniil Kogan dedicated his concert to the memory of his cousin, violinist Dmitry Kogan.

Violinist Daniil Kogan in an ensemble with pianist Oleg Khudyakov dedicated his concert on June 18, 2018 in the Small Hall of the Moscow Conservatory to the memory of his older cousin Dmitry Kogan.

The program of the concert is composed very elegantly. It also includes rarely performed works: Alfred Schnittke's Variations for Violin and Piano on Franz Gruber's Christmas Carol; "Mirror in the Mirror" by Arvo Pärt, and repertory: First Sonata for Violin and Piano by Sergei Prokofiev and Fantasy for Violin and Piano in C Major by Franz Schubert.

Variations by A. Schnittke gave the concert not a tragic tone, but a tone of light sadness: “Do not speak with longing - they are not there, but with gratitude - they were.” To understand this, you need to know the text of this Protestant Christmas hymn "Stile nacht" ("Silent Night") by Franz Gruber to the words of Josef Mohr. I will give only one verse from this hymn translated into Russian:

“Quiet night, wonderful night!
Everything is slumbering, just not sleeping
In reverence, holy couple,
With a wonderful baby their hearts are full,
Joy burns in their souls.”

Young musicians were able to feel and convey this mood of joy and light emanating from the personality and work of Dmitry Kogan. In this composition, the author used light and warm tones of the sound palette.

Daniil Kogan and Oleg Khudyakov performed the first sonata for violin and piano by Sergei Prokofiev with concentration and strictness, especially its first and third parts - Andante assai and Andante.

The beautiful iconic meditative play “Mirror in the Mirror” by Arvo Pärt fit very well into the mood and general tone of the program. . It was written in 1978 and, if my memory serves me, is dedicated to Vladimir Spivakov, who, along with pianist Sergei Bezrodny, was its first performer.

There is another good reason for performing "Mirror in a Mirror" on this program. It listens to a short excerpt from the same hymn Silent Night by Franz Gruber, on the theme of which Schnittke wrote his variations that sounded at the beginning of this concert.

Just today, while listening to the recording of the concert under review, I heard the musical affinity between the Protestant Christmas hymn and the play Mirror in the Mirror, which I first heard exactly 40 years ago. In order for me to hear this kinship, I had to hear these compositions by Schnittke and Pärt in one concert.

This relationship is quite understandable - the musical culture of Pärt and Schnittke, though probably to a lesser extent, is rooted in Protestantism. The hymn "Silent Night" is widely sung at Christmas in churches of all Protestant denominations - Lutherans, Calvinists, Baptists, other evangelical communities, etc.

The concert ended with a wonderful performance of Franz Schubert's Fantasy for Violin and Piano in C major.

I want to note the stylistic accuracy and good taste of the duet Daniil Kogan and Oleg Khudyakov. For each number of the program they found their own sound, their own colors, their own agogics. The young musicians turned out to be a very good ensemble, which was formed during their studies at the Central Music School at the Moscow Conservatory (TsMSh).

Dmitry Kogan - violinist and musical figure, grandson of one of the great violinists of the 20th century Leonid Kogan and violinist and teacher Elizaveta Gilels - was born on October 27, 1978. His father is conductor and violinist Pavel Kogan, his mother is pianist Lyubov Kazinskaya.

Dmitry Kogan entered the Central Music School at the age of six. In 1999 he graduated from the Moscow Conservatory (he studied with Igor Bezrodny and Eduard Grach). At the age of 15, he performed with an orchestra in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, and in 1997 he made his successful debut as a violinist in the USA and Great Britain. Later he performed in the most prestigious halls of the world, participated in many music festivals. In 1998, Dmitry Kogan became a soloist with the Moscow Philharmonic.

Dmitry Kogan was not only a wonderful violinist, but also a well-known creative musical figure. Since 2002, he began to organize various festivals and events promoting classical music. Dmitry became the initiator and artistic director of the First International Festival. Leonid Kogan, headed the international "Kogan Festival" in Yekaterinburg, later the annual international festival "Days of High Music", which was held in Vladivostok, Sakhalin, Chelyabinsk, Samara, Khabarovsk.

In 2012, on his initiative, the Volga Sacred Music Festival was founded. In 2011, together with entrepreneur Valery Savelyev, he created the Fund for Support of Unique Cultural Projects. Kogan". The main direction of his activity is the acquisition and restoration of rare instruments around the world for transfer to Russian musicians for free use.

Daniil Kogan is also the grandson of Leonid Kogan and Elizaveta Gilels. His mother, pianist Nina Kogan, accompanied her father for many years. Father - famous clarinetist Julian Milkis. Daniil is the nephew of conductor Pavel Kogan and cousin of Dmitry.

Daniil Kogan is a graduate of the Moscow Conservatory (class of Maya Glezarova and Sergey Kravchenko). Currently, he is an assistant trainee at the Moscow Conservatory. Daniil Kogan is a laureate of an international competition in the city of Torun (Poland). He gives concerts a lot, plays with many famous symphony orchestras and conductors in prestigious concert halls, took part in several foreign music festivals.

Oleg Khudyakov, who performed the piano part, is a graduate of the Central Music School, currently a fifth-year student at the Moscow Conservatory (class of Sergei Dorensky). Laureate of several international competitions, among which the competition. S. Rachmaninov in Darmstadt, (2008, 2nd prize), in memory of Vera Lothar-Shevchenko in Yekaterinburg (2016, 1st prize), named after S. I. Savshinsky in St. Petersburg (2018, Grand Prix).

Oleg Khudyakov participated in several international music festivals. In particular: "New Names" (Moscow), "Faces of Modern Pianoism" (St. Petersburg), "Stars of the Rhine" (Basel), etc. Takes part in concerts of the Moscow Conservatory and the Moscow International House of Music. Constantly tours the cities of Russia, Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Romania and China.

Vladimir Oivin

His music continues to live - the main creation of the musician, the charitable project "Time of High Music" was sold during the tour with a circulation of 30 thousand discs to music schools, colleges and universities almost throughout the country, because in four years Dmitry Kogan gave concerts in 83 three subjects of Russia.

world violin

Dmitry Kogan could not help but become a musician. His grandfather and grandmother were violinists, and his parents were a conductor and a pianist. He began playing the violin at the age of six, and at 10 he was already performing with a symphony orchestra. The doors of the most prestigious concert halls around the world were opened for Kogan - in Russia, Europe, Asia, America, Australia, the Middle East, the CIS and Baltic countries. He became the first violinist who gave a concert for polar explorers - in 2009 Dmitry Kogan's violin was also performed at the North Pole. With charity concerts, he was one of the first to visit Beslan and Nevelsk, which suffered from the devastating earthquake.

Tools for children

Charity and educational work played a huge role in the violinist's life. That is why his well-known festivals and projects appeared - "The Time of High Music", "Instruments for Children", "Days of High Music", "Five Great Violins". Thanks to them, young talents from all over Russia received not only a ticket to the world of great music, but also instruments made by the best European masters. So, one of the finalists of the competitive selection Kogan presented his bow made by the Belgian master. The best students of the country's music schools also got the opportunity to perform as a maestro on the stage of the Moscow Conservatory.

Everlasting memory

Dmitry Kogan collaborated with the Samara Philharmonic for a long time, and from 2011 to 2013 he was its artistic director. He also founded the Volga Philarmonic chamber orchestra. Philharmonic colleagues proposed to perpetuate the memory of the musician, and they were supported by the authorities of the Samara region - on October 27, a memorial plaque in memory of the violinist was opened on the facade of the Samara State Philharmonic.

“I am sure that the tradition of perpetuating the memory of people who have contributed to the development of our region will continue. We remember those who gave us joy, their creativity, their talent, sometimes giving themselves to it without a trace,” Governor of the region Dmitry Azarov said at the opening.

In Moscow, a commemorative concert was held at the Moscow Conservatory, where famous musicians, participants in international competitions and festivals took to the stage of the Small Hall.

Many cities joined the commemorative events - violins in honor of Dmitry Kogan sounded in the Moscow region, Yaroslavl, Yekaterinburg, Nevelsk, Sakhalin and many other cities.

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