Composition based on the painting by Komarov "Flood" (grade 5). Composition on the picture: A


The famous animal painter Alexei Nikanorovich Komarov was born on October 14, 1879 in the village. Skorodnoye, Efremovsky district, Tula province. He was the illegitimate son of the landowner P.F. Rosetti and his housekeepers, peasant women D.K. Inshakova. He was brought up by his father's sisters, his aunts Ekaterina Feliksovna, Daria Feliksovna and Margarita Feliksovna.

Komarov's childhood was spent first on an estate in the countryside, and when he grew up and it was time to study, his aunts moved with him to Tula, where they rented an apartment, first on Pavshinskaya and then on Rubtsovskaya Street. He studied in Tula at the private school of A.N. Konopatsky and the real school, then in Moscow at the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.

A.N. Komarov worked hard, participated in exhibitions, illustrated magazines and books, and completed various orders. He traveled a lot. Visited Sweden. He was in the north in the Arkhangelsk province, in the Urals, in the Astrakhan steppes, in Central Asia, in Altai. Paintings by A.N. Komarov is decorated with expositions and stored in the funds of the State Biological Museum. K.A. Timiryazev, the State Darwin Museum, the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University, the Museum of Horse Breeding, the Literary Museum and other museums of the country.

Aleksey Nikanorovich illustrated with his drawings children's books and magazines, in particular "Murzilka", scientific publications, for example, the book of Professor V.N. Shnitnikov "3 faiths and birds of our country", "Atlas of game animals and birds" and others. And the textbooks he illustrated taught millions of children. Postcards, envelopes and stamps came out with his drawings, reproductions of his paintings were published in newspapers and magazines.

In his works, A.N. Komarov achieved high skill, creating works of art of enduring value. He was awarded the honorary title "Honored Artist of the RSFSR". A.N. Komarov died on March 31, 1977, and was buried in the village of Peski, Kolomna District, Moscow Region.

A hare on a tree A hare lived on an island in the middle of a wide river. It was still a young, not very smart hare. He didn't pay any attention to the fact that the river around his island was shedding ice with a crash. On that day, the hare slept peacefully under his bush. The water in the river began to rise quickly. The next morning, only a tiny piece of the island stuck out of the water. A thick, gnarled tree grew on it. The hare began to jump on a tree, but each time it broke off and flopped into the water. Finally, he managed to jump onto a thick, lower bough. The hare perched on it and began to patiently wait for the end of the flood.

I once for firewood In a boat I went a lot of them from the river To us in the spring flood catches up, I go, I catch them. The water is coming. I see one island of a small Hares gathered on it in a crowd. With every minute the water crept up To the poor animals; already under them there was less than an arshin of earth in width, less than a sazhen in length. Then I drove up: they babble with their ears, Themselves from their seats; I took one, I commanded the rest: jump yourself! My hares jumped, nothing! As soon as the oblique team sat down, The whole island disappeared with iodine water: “That's it! I said: do not argue with me! Listen, bunnies, grandfather Mazai! That way Gutorya, sailing in silence. A column is not a column, a bunny on a stump, Crossing its paws, it stands, unfortunate, Took it and its burden is not great!

Look closely at the reproduction. Who is the main character of the picture? At what point did the artist capture the hare? Describe the animal: what kind of eyes, head, ears, hair does it have. Where is he sitting? What does he feel, worry about? Think, the moment that is depicted in the picture will be used at the beginning or at the end of the essay?

The brown hare has brown eyes, long, large ears, stiff whiskers. The coat of the hare is thick, brown-yellow on top, with dark speckles. On the neck it is yellowish-brown, behind it is gray-white. The coat color changes in winter and summer. Coloring helps rodents hide from enemies. Define the style of this description.

Define the style of the description data. What is the best description? The head of the bunny is oblong, the muzzle is white, in the middle there is a dark brown stripe. The eyes are round, shiny, dilated with fright. The ears are long, sensitive, erect. The fur on the back is fluffy, dark gray in color, on the chest it is yellowish, with a pink tinge. With bated breath, the hare sits on a thick branch of an old oak and waits for what will happen next. He cringed all over in fear. The wool on it stood upright. The rabbit's chest is yellow. The head of the animal is large. Round eyes look scared. Long reddish ears with black spots at the ends stand alert. The hare looks with fear at the water, which comes to the tree itself.

Sections: Russian language

Theme: R/r Description of the animal based on the painting by A.N. Komarov "Flood".


  • Tutorial: to teach students the features of building a story based on a picture.
  • Developing: Development of creative abilities, memory and speech, enrichment of students' vocabulary.
  • Educational: Education of love for nature, for animals, patriotism.

Equipment: reproduction of the painting by A.N. Komarov "Flood", presentation ( Application), cards.

During the classes

I. Checking homework

Listen to the riddle and guess:

The snow is melting
The meadow came to life
The day is coming.
When does it happen?

Of course, this happens in the spring. Today we will talk about this time of year. Let's try to find out how nature changes in spring?

So, let's begin. At home, you had to write a mini-essay "Spring signs". Let's listen to essays.

Reading essays, 2-3 essays.

Question to the class: What mood are the compositions about spring imbued with?

If you were given a brush and paints, what colors would you choose?

II. Painting work

1. Introductory speech of the teacher

This time of the year is very different: sunny and gloomy, bright and gray, cheerful and menacing. And artists depict it in different ways. Today we will get acquainted with the painting by the artist Alexei Nikanorovich Komarov. (Slide 1)

2. Story about the artist(1 student, prepared story)

Komarov Alexey Nikanorovich (1879–1977) was born in the Tula province. He spent his early childhood in the countryside and at the age of four or five he drew and sculpted domestic animals from bread. Graduated from the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Illustrated children's magazines and books.

The artist traveled a lot, participated in the design of the atlas "Food Birds and Animals of the USSR", illustrated the great work "Birds of the Soviet Union" and many scientific and popular books.

A. N. Komarov is known as an animal painter. Studying animals, their behavior in nature, he shares with us his observations with the help of brush and canvas.


  • What interesting moments of the artist's life do you remember more?
  • What word did you hear for the first time?

3. Vocabulary work

Komarov is an animal painter. Who is an animator? The dictionary gives this explanation. (Slide 2)

ANIMAL PAINTER- a, m. An artist or sculptor who depicts mainly animals in his works. [From lat. animal- animal] ... (Small academic dictionary)

The task: Let's write out this word and its lexical meaning in a dictionary and remember it.

Aleksey Nikanorovich Komarov did not just depict animals, but sought to show that they, like people, also experience different feelings. For example, here are the artist's drawings. What do we see on them? (Slide 2)(The chanterelle, apparently, is trying to get food for itself by digging snow. (Slide 3) A flock of birds craned their necks in alarm, sensing some kind of danger. The picture is called "Alarm".)

Today we met the artist Komarov, we will write down the main thing about him. (Slide 4)

The task: Write down the sentences, put punctuation marks, explain their statement.

4. Conversation about the painting

We have to compose a story based on Komarov's painting "Flood". (Slide 5)

1. What season is shown in the picture? (Early spring)
2. Why is the picture so called?
3. What synonyms can be found for the word "flood"? (Slide 6)

FLOODING (cf. gender)- flooding of the area as a result of a rise in the water level in a river, lake or sea, usually a natural disaster.

FLOOD- flood, flood, flood.

Group work(Tasks on cards)

Card 1

Think about these questions and answer orally.

  1. Why is the bunny on the tree?
  2. How did he get there?

Spring brings forest animals not only the joy of warm sunny days, but also troubles, and even real trouble.

The spring sun melted the snow, and the ice that bound the banks of the river also melted. The water rose high, flooding the bushes and roots of tall trees. Frightened animals leave their flooded burrows and try to escape from the flood on rare islands of hills surrounded by cold water. But not everyone has time to get there, not everyone has enough space on earth. Here the hare climbed onto a knotty branch of an old tree. He is very scared.

Card 2

Description of the animal. (Slide 7)

How did the artist depict the bunny? Describe him: what is his head, eyes, ears, fur? Choose full adjectives for these words and write them down. How did the artist depict the bunny? Choose full adjectives for these words and write them down.

1.The bunny's head is _______________, _____________. Around the eyes - ____________ spots. Eyes _____________ _____________, shine with fright. ______________ ears upright, ______________ spots are visible on their tips. A hare has ______ fur. On the neck it is ____________________, on the back - _______________. Back ______________. _______________ ponytail tucked in

(Head at the bunny small, brown. There are white spots around the eyes. Dark round eyes, glisten with fright. Long ears upright, on their tips are visible black spots. At the hare thick coat. On her neck yellowish brown, behind - grey-white. Back dark. little ponytail preloaded.)

2. What state is the bunny experiencing? (Slide 8)

From these adjectives, select those that describe the state of the animal. Write them down in short form, matching the word bunny.

sad, funny, anxious, carefree, joyful, frightened, indifferent, timid.

3. How does the bunny behave? Pick up and write down the verbs that describe the actions of the bunny.

(Poor little bunny sits on a thick branch of a tree, pressed little paws underneath. He snuggled up back to the trunk and carefully looks to the incoming water. So sorry for the animal in trouble.) (Slide 7)

Physical education minute

Card 3

Think and answer verbally.

  1. What will happen to the rabbit next?
  2. How can he be saved?

The task:

Write the sentence, fill in the missing letters. (Slide 8)

To a rtina A. N. Komarova "Flood" pr about niknuta love b yu to w and this world and all and kind .

The task: Oral story from a painting

Now let's remember everything we talked about. Here are the questions that we discussed with you, considering Komarov's painting "Flood". (Slide 9) These questions will form the outline of the essay.

Essay plan

  1. Who is A.N. Mosquitoes?
  2. What season is shown in the picture?
  3. Why is the picture called that?
  4. How did the bunny get on the tree?
  5. How did the artist depict the bunny?
  6. What state is the animal in?
  7. How does he behave?
  8. How can he be saved?
  9. What feelings does this picture evoke?

And now we will compose the whole story according to the picture.


We have to not just describe the picture, but tell our younger brother, for example, a first grader, about it. We have already talked about the painting in a letter to a friend.

Consider where to start. Should I use invocation?

Essay-description based on the painting by A.N. Komarov “Flood”

Objectives: - to introduce students to the description of the animal depicted in the picture;

Prepare them for an independent written essay on a similar picture;

Enter the word "animalist" into the dictionary of schoolchildren.

During the classes:

1. Story about the artist.

Alexey Nikanorovich Komarov - Honored Art Worker. Komarov's favorite theme is various animals in the natural environment in which they live in the wild. Komarov - artist - animal painter. A great connoisseur of nature, he knows how to subtly and reliably convey the character, habits of animals.

All the works of A.N. Komarov are imbued with love for the native nature, its living world.“After all, the same fox, the same hare, - according to the artist, is an adornment of nature! Like a diamond!

2. Conversation about the picture.

Tell me, how could it happen that the hare ended up on a tree?

The long-awaited spring has come. The sky is blue in spring. The loose snow can no longer withstand the warm rays of the sun. Talking streams flow and ring everywhere. The water rises above the banks, flooding the fields, meadows and shrubs, forming small islands. On one island, under a bush, a hare was sleeping. He slept so soundly that he did not hear the noise and gurgling of the rising water. And only when the water touched his paws, the bunny jumped up and looked around. In fear, he began to rush around the island, and the water kept coming and coming. It seemed to the hare that nothing could save him. And suddenly he saw a dry mighty tree. It was an old branchy oak. Rusak ran up to him and began to jump on the thick lower bough. Several times the poor thing jumped on a tree, but each time it broke off and fell down into the cold water. Finally he reached his goal. So the hare ended up in a tree.

3. Vocabulary and stylistic work.

Compilation of sentences with the words "animalist", "watercolor".

Animal artist Komarov depicts animals truthfully and lovingly.

In their paintings, animal artists endow animals with human traits.

A. N. Komarov's painting "Flood" is made in watercolor.

4. Drawing up a plan.

1. Appearance (head, eyes, ears, torso, coat color).

2. Pose.

3. Habits.

4. Character.

5. My attitude to the picture.

5. Description of the picture.

The painting by A.N. Komarov “Flood” depicts a hare in trouble. In one of the big spring floods, the hare found himself on a flooded island. Fleeing from the flood, he guessed and managed to climb a tree.

With bated breath, the hare sits on a thick branch of an old oak and waits for what will happen next: will water come?

He cowered in fear, tucked his long hind legs under him, and stretched his front legs forward so as not to fall from the tree into the cold water. He arched his flexible back, and his fluffy fur stood up straight.

The hare's breast is yellowish with a pinkish tint, the abdomen and sides are gray. The fur on the back is of different shades: it is brown, and gray, and brown, as if speckled. The rabbit has a big head. Round eyes look scared. Long reddish ears with black spots at the ends are alert.

The hare looks with fear at the water, which comes to the tree itself. In the water, as in a mirror, dark silhouettes of trees are reflected.

I like and dislike the picture. I like it because the life of nature in spring, its beauty, is very well drawn on it. I don’t like it because the fate of the poor bunny is unclear. Will the water fall or rise, will the hare be saved or drown?

Composition based on the painting by A.N. Komarov "Flood"

Material Description: This essay is written for children of primary school age. Therefore, it will be interesting for primary school teachers, parents, students.
Target: Formation of ideas about the spring flood through reading an essay based on the painting by A. Komarov "Flood".
- tell children about the signs of spring in nature, about what happens in the forest with the arrival of spring;
- develop memory, imagination, curiosity, attention, cognitive interest in the world around;
- educate the desire to love and protect nature, to be kind and sympathetic.

I am looking at A. Komarov's painting "Flood". I really like her.
In the foreground of the picture, I see a poor hare sitting on a tree. The hare's eyes are wide open, he is afraid of every rustle. Ears held high, he listens to every sound. He, as it were, clung to a tree and is waiting for help, but she is still not there. His fur is brownish-white. The legs are long, the front ones pushed forward, and the back ones pressed against the tree. The rabbit has a large head with a small nose. Oblique water all around. Nearby stands a slender birch, also half-flooded, it seems that he is sitting on some kind of deciduous tree, possibly an oak. In the distance it is clear that the snow has not yet melted, but the spring haze has already covered everything. The water that flooded many clearings of the forest is blue-black-brown. Very far away, if you look closely, you can see the trees. But why are they pink and green? Maybe the author painted this picture at dawn or sunset, or maybe it just seemed to him that this would be an interesting idea for his canvas. But where is Nekrasov's grandfather Mazai, who will help the poor animal get out of this difficult situation. I can’t judge what happened to the author of the picture, why he didn’t draw how help swims up to the hare, perhaps he wanted to tell the audience about the spring flood, and the hare is just an accidental witness.
I liked the picture and disliked it at the same time. I liked the fact that the hare is drawn so beautifully and unusually, the colors are interestingly chosen, the idea of ​​spring spills is reflected. But I didn’t like the fact that the hare was sitting on a tree alone, where his family, his hares were. I hope that the water didn’t stay so long and the little animal was able to jump off the tree and run away from this spring disaster to his family, to his native forest, and, as usual, gnaw on the bark of different trees. I would only wish the author to draw a lifeboat and not paint the trees in pink. But what can I judge, I don’t know what this wonderful artist was thinking at the moment when he wrote this amazingly beautiful work about a spring flood or about a lonely hare in trouble ?!.

Spring is the most beautiful time of the year when everything around comes to life after a long winter hibernation. Usually, not only people who are tired of cold and frost, short days and piercing wind, but also animals are looking forward to spring with great impatience. Therefore, the animal painter Alexei Komarov could not help but turn to this topic. This amazing and talented painter not only watched animals a lot, trying to understand their behavior, remember their habits, but he himself depicted them later in his canvases. One of his paintings is called "Flood", and the most ordinary forest hare becomes the main character.

The painter carefully observed how interestingly the earth comes to life after the cold, how the earth slowly and beautifully throws off its annoying winter shackles, and as soon as the sun begins to peep a little and its first rays hit the earth, it is transformed.

It starts to come to life and wake up all around. The plant suddenly becomes green and incredibly alive. And the recent grayness of old and stale snow begins to change its color and becomes brighter, richer and more saturated. Animals come to life during this period, even hares, which easily change their old fur coat for a new one.

But the artist saw and observed that the melting of snow brings not only the spring transformation of the earth and animals, but can also bring great misfortune. He tried to tell about this in his plot picture about a hare. So, the first rays of the sun appeared, which help to melt the snow, and immediately small plants were drawn to these bright rays. But the snow, turning into water, begins to fill the rivers and lakes, overflowing them. As a result, water overflows the banks and floods everything around. Artist Aleksey Komarov himself witnessed such spring floods many times.

Alexey Komarov showed a hare in his amazing plot picture. This defenseless animal seems very small compared to the water that began its offensive. But the most terrible thing is that the animal turned out to be completely unprepared for this plight, for a catastrophe and, taken by surprise, is trying to save its life. It can be seen that the season on the Komarovsky canvas is spring, which came too early and took nature by surprise. Snow and ice, melted by the bright rays of the sun, led to the fact that the flood began.

Water, falling into the hand, overflowed its banks and began to flood the coastal land. Soon it spread over the field and even reached the forest. At first, it slowly and timidly filled those places where small bushes grew, and then, having grown bolder, it poured further, deep into the forest. It became terrible for the forest dwellers, and then it was disastrous and hard for them. It was necessary to quickly escape them, so as not to die from the advancing icy water. All the animals, leaving their dwellings, rushed to save themselves in places that towered like hills above the rest of the area.

Among them was a gray hare, who had not yet had time to change his winter coat for spring clothes. From this, it seems completely inconspicuous in this winter forest landscape, and merges well with the rest of nature. To save himself, the hero of the painting by the artist Alexei Komarov tried to climb onto a strong branch of a young tree. This grayish twig is his only hope of escaping from the oncoming water. The poor hare hid on this branch, watching how quickly the water rises and, pressing against his small body, trembles with fear.

But only the dim rays of the sun still do not give heat at all, therefore, having melted snow and ice, causing sweat, they cannot warm the fur of a frightened forest dweller in any way. He is cold, but tries not to move, as he is very afraid of falling into the water. And you can see it in his posture. The wool of this animal casts pink shades, just like that the sun's rays are reflected on it. Large dark eyes are wide open and both fear and fright are easily read in them. Long gray ears are turned up, and they listen to every rustle and noise. And the sound of icy water frightens him greatly.

Sometimes the hare looks down and sees how the water level is getting higher, creeping closer and closer to him. The poor forest animal does not know at all what to do, because at any moment this cold, dirty ice water will soon be next to him, and he will die. But if he does not die from water, but it is not known how long it will stay at this level. And then the forest dweller may face death without food. The long-eared forest dweller has nowhere to wait for salvation, but he still hopes for a happy rescue. He perfectly understands that this spring flood will someday stop and it will be possible to run on the ground again without fear of water. Or maybe when the water subsides a little, he will be able to get to the forest, which is a little further and a little higher.

The painting by Alexei Komarov evokes pity and compassion. I want this story to have a happy ending, for a forester to sail on a boat and save all the poor animals that became hostages of the icy water.

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