Sofia Rotaru: personal life, new husband. The husband of Sofia Rotaru - Anatoly Evdokimenko The new husband of Rotaru


Thanks to this article, the average reader will be able to get acquainted with the life of the famous Soviet singer. Now, Sofia Rotaru has gained the greatest fame on the territory of her homeland - Ukraine.

As for creative talents, many residents of the post-Soviet space know her voice. It is noteworthy that she sings in a contralto voice - a fairly good indicator for a singer. In addition to vocal data, Sofia Rotaru boasts a large number of awards and titles that she received in various periods. Now, the singer's discography includes more than five hundred songs in various languages ​​of the world. It will be interesting for many people to get acquainted with the life and creative path - both ordinary readers and fans who have missed some points. Let's get started.

Height, weight, age. How old is Sofia Rotaru?

First of all, a biography should begin with the external indicators of a particular person. This will be of particular interest to fans who follow the life of the singer. The main data, as you already understood, is height, weight, age. How old is Sofia Rotaru - just such a question can be heard from those who are familiar with her songs from early childhood. The approximate height is just over 169 centimeters, and the weight is 64 kilograms.

In the summer of 2018, Sofia Rotaru celebrates her 71st birthday. Photos in her youth and now will help you understand how the singer has changed over such a period of time. We hasten to say that everything is in order - she monitors her appearance and supports her in every possible way.

Further, readers will be interested in the biography of Sofia Rotaru with the date of birth, which we will present for your study. The future singer was born in Marshintsy, in 1947. The village, at the moment, is located on the territory of Ukraine. Due to some historical events, Sofia has Romanian roots. Father Mikhail, after the birth of his daughter, worked in the vineyards, before that he participated in the Great Patriotic War. There were six children in total. Due to a bureaucratic error, the singer has two birthdays - she herself was born on the seventh of August, and the ninth number is indicated in the passport.

The environment from childhood influenced Sofia's talent. The sister was blind, and in view of this she acquired absolute hearing. Any folk song, she could easily repeat, and subsequently, taught Sophia to sing. Later, the singer will repeatedly express gratitude to her sister, who gave a ticket to the music world.

In her school years, she did not sit still and was energetic. Already in those days, relatives predicted a great future. A large number of hobbies also contributed to this. The girl went in for sports and succeeded well in this matter - at school she had a champion title in the field of all-around. In addition, young Sofia studied acting and, of course, music. Various amateur performances could not do without the participation of the singer, gradually increasing the level of skill.

Already in the school period, Sofia could boast of a strong contralto, and the first tour did not go without a well-aimed nickname - "Bukovina Nightingale".

Real fame came very quickly. It all started in 1962 - the singer won the regional competition. Thanks to this, she reaches the regional level, in which she also wins a prize. In 1964, Sofia Rotaru won the talent festival, thus gaining recognition from the entire Soviet Union.

It turned out to reach the world level after 4 years, at the world festival. Young people from all over the world were gathered there, and journalists from other countries noticed her talent. 1971 becomes a landmark year - Sofia's compositions are used in the film "Chervona Ruta". Thanks to this, he collects his own pop ensemble and receives national recognition.

Two years later, Rotaru becomes an honored artist of the Ukrainian SSR, and this is at the age of 26. This prompted her to record a song album, which is dated 1974. After two years, she leaves for Yalta, and for her work becomes the People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. Songs in various languages ​​expand the geography of demand - Europe also invites Sofia to perform.

In 1986, changes in creativity take place - the group breaks up, and the singer decides to pursue a solo career. Of course, there was some change in direction. Since that time, various hits have appeared - “Moon”, “It was”, “Only this is not enough”. Tours happen almost every year, and Rotaru visits almost all corners of his homeland.

After the collapse of the USSR, interest in her person does not fade away, and even vice versa - listeners are getting younger. Two collections are released, which include the singer's hits. At the beginning of the 2000s, Sofia Rotaru received several more awards related to musical data. In addition to solo concerts, she performs with other pop singers - Nikolai Baskov, Rastorguev and others.

On top of that, the singer is trying her hand at cinema. She has several roles in various films - some even became autobiographical.

Fans who follow the latest news about their favorite singer are wondering where Sofia Rotaru lives now, 2018? Of course, it is difficult to answer such a question for sure, but with some facts, we can assume. So, as you may know, the singer has several apartments and houses located in different places.

Not far from the city of Yalta, Sofia has a cottage. Its main advantage is that it is located near the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Because the singer suffers from asthma, she often spent summers here. But now, due to some political and logistical problems, Rotaru rarely visits this property. In the same city, by the way, the artist has her own hotel, which receives visitors during the “velvet” seasons.

In the capital of Ukraine, Sofia Rotaru also has several apartments. One of them is located right in the central part, near St. Sophia Cathedral. The singer herself admits that she keeps outfits there that were created by designers for concerts.

According to the latest data, Sophia lives in the settlement of Pyatikhatki, which is located twenty kilometers from Kyiv. Here she has her own house, three stories high. The building is surrounded by a high fence, and there is a security service. Video cameras are located around the perimeter. In addition, the site is surrounded by coniferous forest.

You can often hear the question - how did the personal life of Sofia Rotaru develop after the death of her husband. Of course, it’s worth noting right away that the loss of a loved one negatively affected the singer. Not surprising, because the couple had known each other for almost half their lives.

After the tragedy, Sofia Rotaru canceled all performances and concerts. Also, I missed the international competition "Golden Orpheus", which I attended for almost forty years in a row. After a while, when the artist came to her senses after a tragic loss, she no longer started a romantic relationship. In contrast, she continued to create in memory of her husband - many live performances were dedicated to him.

The family and grandchildren of Sofia Rotaru is a rather interesting part of the biography of the famous singer. As already mentioned earlier, from early childhood, she was surrounded by creative people. Sophia's sister was blind and had excellent hearing - she taught Russian folk songs and sang with her sister. The head of the family also did not lag behind - he had certain musical talents, and he helped both daughters in every possible way. It is noteworthy that before the Russian songs, the family used the Moldavian language as the main language.

From her only son, the singer already has a grandson and granddaughter, who, apparently, were named after the "old people" - Anatoly and Sofia.

As you understand, the singer did not have a large number of novels, as is now customary in show business. Sofia Rotaru has one marriage, from which she has a son. Of course, various rumors appear on the network every now and then, the main topic of which is the children of Sofia Rotaru. Several times, the singer wanted to attribute kinship with other children, but such statements will only make the favorite of millions laugh.

We can assure you that the Soviet artist has one son, Ruslan, who has already had two of his children - in 1994 and 2001. Thus, the Rotaru clan expanded, however, under the name of her husband - Evdokimenko.

More and more relevant for network users is the son of Sofia Rotaru - Ruslan Evdokimenko with his wife Svetlana. Photos of young people can be found in the public domain. By the way, the couple's first child was born in 1970.

As you know, Ruslan followed in the footsteps of his parents, and decided to link his life with art, but in a more modern direction. Now, he works as a music producer, and is quite popular. His wife is also associated with creativity - she is an executive producer. As you can see, the Rotaru family contains exclusively people of art. It remains to wait what choice of profession the grandchildren of the folk singer will make.

The husband of Sofia Rotaru is Anatoly Evdokimenko. Who is the new husband?

A topic that is not without popularity is the husband of Sofia Rotaru, Anatoly Evdokimenko. Who is the new husband? - the media started talking a few years after the tragedy. The press tried to guess the new chosen one, but everything turned out to be easier. The singer remained faithful to her husband, and after the death of Anatoly, she no longer started relationships with men.

The future spouses met in 1964. Then, Sofia Rotaru got on the cover of "Ukraine" - a popular magazine. Anatoly, who loved the art of music, quickly found the singer and made an acquaintance. After a while, young people decided to create their own ensemble "Chervona Rutu".

Already in 1968, the musicians legalized relations by playing a wedding. Anatoly had to go to the Far East for student practice. Sofia Rotaru went with him, where she taught music lessons. Two years after the wedding, the first child was born.

Until the death of her husband, both spouses conducted joint musical activities - Anatoly often helped in organizing concerts.

As you already know, today's singer is seventy years old. Despite this, she still looks relatively young. And those who follow her life will say - in spite of everything, age-related changes are almost imperceptible on the artist.

Of course, because of this state of affairs, photos of Sofia Rotaru before and after plastic surgery are gaining popularity. It is difficult, of course, to name the exact date, and it makes no sense - there are several anti-aging procedures, and all are performed at different periods. First of all, experts note facelifts and body shaping, which helped Rotaru keep his youth. In addition, it is worth noting the lifting of age-old arches and the removal of wrinkles under the eyes.

As for the artist herself, she indirectly talks about using the services of plastic surgeons. At the same time, she continues to take care of her own beauty and monitors her external indicators.

Due to the age of the idol, there is more and more discussion among fans regarding what Sofia Rotaru is without makeup and photoshop. Photos of this nature are easy to find using the Internet. Especially well, social networks cope with this matter, but more on that below.

Relatively recently, fans have found what Sofia Rotaru looks like without makeup - photos on the network have pleased many. The thing is that in the photographs, the beloved singer of millions appears with her natural beauty, without additional retouching and jewelry. Fans also recommend Sofia not to abuse plastic surgery, and leave the natural charm.

It is hard to imagine a modern star without a page on social networks. However, the official pages of Sofia Rotaru on the Internet appeared at the end of 2016. Since then, Sofia Rotaru's Instagram and Wikipedia have been gaining more and more popularity.

Wikipedia contains basic and comprehensive information about the artist's life. There you can find all the awards that Sofia Rotaru deserved. Representatives of the older generation will be interested in recalling the main hits and films with the participation of the singer.

Svetlana Kuznetsova, Rotaru family doctor:

- Sofia Mikhailovna knows firsthand what real grief is. During the period when her husband Anatoly Evdokimenko was in our Institute of Gerontology in Kyiv after a second stroke, she visited him every day. It was a difficult time for her, she herself needed help, and she sought to support others. Once a patient of 80 years old came to my office from a stroke department. She cried and said that Rotaru herself brought the medicines for her. “It was only thanks to her that I was healed,” the patient said. “Only because it is from the hands of Sofia Rotaru.” After asking the doctors, I learned that this is not an isolated case. Coming to her husband, the singer asked the doctors about lonely patients. Doctors wrote down for her who needed what medicines, and she either brought them or left money. Drugs for stroke patients are expensive - not every pensioner can afford it. She then saved five lonely old people, but asked to be silent about it. Sofia Mikhailovna helps people quietly, without publicity. I know that she regularly transfers money to orphanages, but I don’t even ask for details, she doesn’t like to talk about it ...

Valery Evdokimenko, brother of the star's husband:

Sonya has always been a cheerful and unpredictable lady. In this, they are very similar to my brother Tolik, they loved to play tricks on each other. Once with a friend Genka, an employee of the State traffic inspectorate, we decided to have a drink with a purely male company, you know, secretly from Sonya. They didn’t think of anything better than setting the table in the garage in Yalta, where Tolik anchored his yacht. We ate, drank and forgot about the time. And Sonya searched them, literally called the whole of Yalta to find her husband. A few hours later she found Tolik and Genka in the garage, but crept up so quietly that they did not notice her. Deciding to take revenge, she locked the men outside. They sat there almost all day, only letting them go around midnight... Sonya and Tolya were very fond of fishing. Rotaru gave all the men a head start in this matter, she could catch a carp under 10 kilos! The couple went fishing in her native village of Marshintsy. They usually caught a chub fish there, and if she slipped off the fishing rod, Sonya jumped into the water right in her clothes so as not to miss the prey.

Boris Moiseev, a close friend of the artist:

– I recall with delight an incident in Yalta at the Crimean Dawns festival in the early 1980s. After the performance, Sonya and I left the Yubileiny concert hall, where a crowd of fans was waiting for us. At that time, celebrities drove the Volga - "expensively rich." She had just such a luxurious car: snow-white, with a beige leatherette interior. And so Sonya gets into her jalopy, when suddenly the fans begin to rock her car, and then they completely pick it up. They carried Rotaru along the embankment named after Lenin. Sonya was stunned, opened the window and begged the fans to put her in her place. It was very funny, but at the same time scary! Rotaru later said that at first she didn’t even understand - either she was being stolen, or she was loved so much.

Sergey Lavrov, concert director of the singer:

– For 15 years, Sofia Mikhailovna has been helping a girl from Krivoy Rog, who has a congenital bone disease - they are very fragile and break at the slightest load, the child can hardly walk. The singer learned about her from a friend, immediately handed over the money. Then the baby was only a few months old, and since then Rotaru secretly sent a certain amount to the girl's mother. And when she retired, she ordered her assistants to transfer their pensions to the ward - this is about $ 600 a month.

Sergey Kramarenko, entertainer:

- In the 1990s, Sofia and I performed at the Sochi Circus, then it was directed by People's Artist of the USSR Mstislav Zapashny. By the way, Sonya was very fond of singing in the arena, because it is round and all the spectators are nearby. Just before the performance, Mstislav invited us backstage to the enclosures to look at the animals. I didn’t really like this idea, but Sonya was delighted. Naturally, I could not refuse her, and we went to the cages with the tigers. Zapashny told about a couple of cats and invited Rotar to come in and pet them. Sonya's eyes lit up, she became so interested that she was ready to do it. I was frightened, began to dissuade her, assured her that she had gone crazy! And Sonya looked at me so sternly and promised: “If you conduct a concert badly and freebie today, I will feed you striped for dinner, only a butterfly will remain!” I tried very hard that evening, because Sonya could well have done what she voiced if she had remained dissatisfied - this is in her character.

Alina German, designer:

- Sofia Mikhailovna, together with Alla Pugacheva, Soso Pavliashvili and other stars, participated in the musical comedy "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors", which was staged by my husband Alexander Igudin. I sewed costumes for all the speakers and was terribly nervous - I worked with stars of this level for the first time. But she prepared herself properly: she worked tirelessly for several days on the dress for Sofia Mikhailovna - corset, embroidered with pearls, like a real queen. And now Rotaru comes to the rehearsal, I go up to her to get acquainted, I tell her that I need to try on an outfit, and she replies: “Thank you very much, but I already have costumes for the performance. They were prepared by my stylists, who know very well what I love and always create beautiful images for me.” Tears welled up in my eyes - after all, she didn’t even see what a beautiful dress I had prepared for her! I decided that I wouldn’t give up just like that, and developed a plan - I began to follow the star everywhere: “Sofia Mikhailovna, this dress will make you a queen, just try it on!” Finally she gave in. Okay, he says, bring your beauty, I'll look at it. I ran after the dress, Sofia Mikhailovna tried it on, and it sat like a glove! “You didn’t deceive me,” Rotaru summed up with pleasure, looking at herself in the mirror. “And just like a queen!” It was happiness - my favorite singer appreciated my work. And after the performance, she came up to me with the words: “Alina, you are great for insisting on your own.”

Elena Buraga, fortuneteller Rotaru, Ukrainian Vanga:

Sonya and I were in the same class and were very good friends. It was I who predicted to her more than fifty years ago that she would be famous. We then rested with a company on a pond in Marshintsy. She suddenly began to sing, and I saw her on the stage. She said this, everyone laughed, but it happened ... Now we don’t see each other often, and I don’t call so as not to distract, she’s very busy. But when I see it on TV, for some reason I cry, I love her so much and miss her. And I always pray for her, I know everything will be fine - I see it! She will live for a long time and will not leave the stage soon. She is tormented by the machinations of enemies, but let her move forward, no matter what. My friend is a believer and God helps her.

Rotaru Sofia Mikhailovna by nationality is a Ukrainian with Moldovan roots. She was born on August 7, 1947 in the village of Marshintsy in the Chernivtsi region of the Ukrainian SSR, which until 1940 was under the control of Romania, hence the Romanian pronunciation of the surname (ending in -y). Sophia's father was a foreman of winegrowers, her mother worked in the market. There were six children in her family, among whom Sophia was the second oldest. It is curious that in the passport office the ninth number was mistakenly put as the date of birth of the future star. Since then, Rotaru has celebrated his birthday twice.

Sofia Rotaru with her sister

In everyday life, the family spoke the Moldovan language. In general, the multicultural environment had a huge impact on the future singer. So, her sister Zina, who became blind at an early age and therefore had a wonderful fine ear, memorized Russian songs on the radio and taught Sophia to sing them, and at the same time to communicate in this language. It was her sister who became Rotaru's first vocal teacher and guide to the world of music and art. She was also taught to sing by her father, who had a wonderful ear and voice - he already knew then that a great future for the artist awaited her daughter.

Possessing great energy and curiosity, Sofia Rotaru in her childhood had many different hobbies in which she achieved high achievements: she went in for sports - she became an all-around champion among the students of her school, was fond of theater and attended a drama club, played the button accordion, domra, sang in the choir, participated in amateur art circles at the rural and regional levels.

Even then, she had a strong contralto, approaching a soprano, and already on her first tour of neighboring villages she received the nickname “Bukovina nightingale”, which suited her.

"Chervona Ruta"

Fame came to her in just three years. In 1962, when Sofia Rotaru was only fifteen, she won the district amateur art competition. This gave her the opportunity to compete for the championship at the regional level. In 1963, the "Bukovina Nightingale" was able to win first place in it, and already in 1964, fight for the title at the Republican Talent Festival, winning there as well. Soon Rotaru gained fame on an all-Union scale - in the same year she performed at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, and her photo was chosen for the cover of the magazine "Ukraine".

In 1968, Sofia Rotaru entered the world level by winning the IX World Festival of Creative Youth in Bulgaria. There she was noticed by prominent pop figures, and Bulgarian newspapers were full of her name.

In 1971, the songs of Sofia Rotaru were included in the sensational musical film by Roman Alekseev "Chervona Ruta", which gave her not only nationwide success, but also became the beginning of her career as part of the pop ensemble of the same name from the Chernivtsi Philharmonic.

Sofia Rotaru in the ensemble "Chervona Ruta"

The authors of her songs were Valery Gromtsev, Levko Dutkovsky, Arno Barabadzhanyan, Alexei Mazhukov, and others. With their compositions, she participated in concert programs in Uzbekistan, Bulgaria, song contests in Poland.

In 1973, she won first place in the Golden Orpheus competition, for the first time she became a laureate in the final of Song of the Year, after which, in more than four decades, she missed only one festival in 2002 due to the death of her husband. In the same 1973, she received the title of Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR - at that time she was twenty-six years old.

Sofia Rotaru on stage

In 1974, the first song album Rotaru was released. In 1975, due to disagreements with the Chernivtsi Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, she was forced to move to Yalta, but the move had no effect on the singer's career - she immediately became a soloist of the Crimean Philharmonic, and in 1976 received the title of People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR.

After recording a small album of two songs in German in 1976, Sofia Rotaru became very popular in Western and Central Europe. In 1977, 1979, 1983 several of her new albums are released in Russian, Ukrainian and English: "Pisni Volodymyr Ivasyuk sing Sofia Rotaru", "Sofia Rotaru", "Only for you", "Sofia Rotaru - My tenderness", as well as an album recorded in Canada. Because of these records, the team was issued a five-year ban on traveling abroad. The artists spent this time organizing a wide tour of the collective farms and state farms of the Crimean region. In 1983, Evica received the honorary title of People's Artist of Moldova.

Solo career

In 1986, the Chervona Ruta ensemble broke up, the group decided to continue their career without Sofia Rotaru, returning to the old role of the folk song. For the singer, this came as a surprise and caused severe feelings. Rotaru begins to look for himself again, changes the direction of his work. This is largely due to the name of the composer Vladimir Matetsky, who created rock and europop compositions for her over the next 15 years, which quickly became popular.

In 1986, the singer performed the song "Moon Moon", which became a hit, a year later - "It was, but passed", a year later - "Only this is not enough", which also forever entered the golden fund of the Soviet stage. In the mid-80s, the active touring activity of the artist continued. All this made her the number one singer on the Soviet stage, the crowning achievement of which was the assignment to her in 1988 of the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

The end of the eighties passed in close cooperation with the Todes dance group, which established itself largely due to the performances at all the artist's concerts. The creative union of the artist and the ballet lasted for five whole years.

In 1991, on the wave of popularity of hard rock, perhaps the most “heavy” album of the singer “Caravan of Love” was released. At the same time, the premiere of the musical film of the same name took place. In the same year, Rotaru celebrated the 20th anniversary of her creative activity at the State Concert Hall "Russia". Innovative special effects for that time were used in the concert - laser graphics, unusual moving scenery.

After the collapse of the Union, the artist did not lose popularity at all. In the first years after the great and mighty died, she released several collections of her best songs. Despite her age, the singer not only does not lose her position, but surprisingly remains on the wave of popularity even among young people.

In 1997, she participated in the film "10 Songs about Moscow", where she performed the song "Moscow May" together with Ivanushki International, who were at the peak of popularity. A year later, the first official disc of the performer “Love Me” was released, and then a concert program took place under the same name in the Kremlin Palace. In the same 1998, Rotaru was awarded the Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker "For the increase of goodness on Earth."

At the turn of the 2000s, Rotaru became the owner of a number of different titles. She is recognized as the "Woman of the Year", "Man of the XX century" and the best Ukrainian pop singer of the twentieth century. She receives the title of "golden voice" of Ukraine. In 2002, she was awarded the highest title - the Hero of Ukraine. In general, that year became a landmark for the singer, both with a plus sign and a minus sign.

Rotaru's popularity reached its peak, with the song "My Life, My Love", she opened the "Blue Light" on Channel One. At the same time, a new successful album "I still love you" was released. However, in October, a misfortune happened in her family - her husband Rotaru died of a stroke in a Kyiv clinic. After that, the singer canceled all tours and performances and for the only time in almost 30 years she missed the final concert of the Song of the Year festival.

In 2003, Rotaru got a personalized star on the celebrity alley in front of the Rossiya concert hall. In 2004 and 2005, new albums "The sky is me" and "I loved him" were released. In 2007, Rotaru celebrated its 60th anniversary. A grandiose concert was held in Yalta, and President Yushchenko awarded Sofia Mikhailovna with the Order of Merit, II degree.

Rotaru was noted not only for solo performances, but also for successful duets with and. In 1998, Rotaru sang the song “Zasentyabrilo” with the soloist of the Lube group, and in 2005 and 2012. - with the "golden voice of Russia" songs "Raspberry blossoms" and "I will find my love." In 2011, Rotaru performed at a concert in Chechnya dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the head of the republic and the opening of the Grozny City complex.


In 1980, Sofia made her film debut as an actress, playing an almost autobiographical role as a provincial singer. The film "Where are you, love?" lifted her to the peak of popularity, the audience fell in love with the songs from the film and were included in the double album of the same name.

Then Rotaru becomes the winner of the international competition in Japan with the Yugoslav song "Promise". At the same time, she performs the song "Temp", written especially for the Olympic Games in Moscow. Later it becomes the soundtrack for the film "The Ballad of Sports".

By the way, Rotaru performed the song "Temp" for the first time on stage in a trouser suit. Before her, no one in the USSR risked such a radical change of image for that time. Not all songs of Rotaru were passed by official censorship. So, one of the songs from the Red Arrow album was banned on Soviet radio because the head of the music editorial office did not like the performance style. However, this did not stop her from winning people's love.

This was immediately followed by shooting in the autobiographical drama film "Soul", which became a new solution in the direction of arranging Sofia's songs (rock music), revealing the tragic and philosophical aspects of the artist's life. Her partners were and, accompanied by the group "Time Machine".

In 1985, she participated in the filming of the film "Sofia Rotaru invites you." In 1986 - in the romantic musical television movie "Love Monologue", in which Sofia is filmed in dangerous scenes without an understudy. In 2004, the artist played one of the main roles in the musical "Sorochinsky Fair", where she sang the song "But I loved him."

Rotaru and Pugacheva

Rotaru practically did not get into the scandalous chronicle during her career. And her most serious conflict arose with her prima donna and eternal rival. Rather, it is generally accepted that it was Alla Borisovna who was afraid of competition and was always jealous of Sofya Mikhailovna. Ever since the second husband of Alla Pugacheva, director Alexander Stefanovich, made the film "Soul" with Sofia Rotaru in the title role (she played herself).

They say that it was at the suggestion of Alla Borisovna that Rotaru was banned at one time from performing in Moscow. After that, the press has been exaggerating the unspoken enmity of the two pop divas for decades. True, to the credit of both, the performer never raised this topic.

Public reconciliation took place in 2006 on the New Wave in Jurmala. It was hard to say whether it was sincere, but subsequently the artists always behaved towards each other in a friendly and even warm way. The apotheosis of reconciliation was the joint performance of the song by the Tatu group “They Will Not Catch Us”, which fans discussed for a long time.

Personal life

Sofia Rotaru was married to, who acted as the head of the Chervona Ruta ensemble, was the director and organizer of all the artist's concert programs. The future husband first saw his beloved on the cover of the magazine "Ukraine" in 1964. The young man was also passionate about music, graduated from a music school, was a trumpeter and dreamed of creating an ensemble. This prompted Anatoly to find Sophia, who, in his opinion, would be perfect for the role of the soloist of the new team.

In 1968, Rotaru married Evdokimenko, went with him to Novosibirsk, where he was supposed to undergo student practice. There she worked as a teacher and, together with her husband, performed at the local Otdykh club. Two years later, their son Ruslan appeared in their young family.

Anatoly Evdokimenko died of a stroke in 2002, Sofia Mikhailovna was very upset by his death, canceling all performances, filming and tours for some time.

The only son Ruslan now works as a music producer. Sofia Rotaru's grandchildren are apparently named after their grandparents - Anatoly (1994) and Sofia (2001).

Sofia Rotaru now

The actress today looks no less impressive than in her youth. Few people are able to believe that the year of birth of the singer is 1947. Rotaru is in excellent shape, although, of course, it was not without the intervention of plastic surgeons.

Sofia Rotaru now

Now she continues to be active, performs, acts in videos. In 2016, on New Year's Eve, Rotaru performed the song "Don't Forget Me", which became a hit. A year later, on the eve of the jubilee 2017, a new hit “On Seven Winds” sounded in Blue Light on the Rossiya channel and on Channel One.

For the New Year holidays, the Evdokimenko family went on vacation to Spain. Since Sofia Mikhailovna is not an active user of social networks, this function was taken over by her son Ruslan and daughter-in-law Svetlana. So, in one of the photos that got into the network, the singer poses in a swimsuit. However, only a part of the beach outfit is visible in the photo, so this news did not get into the scandalous chronicle.

Sofia Rotaru at sea

Meanwhile, Rotaru fans do not forget about her for a second. While the singer was resting in Spain, one of those called the police and said that he had taken Rotaru hostage and was holding her in one of the Moscow apartments. Of course, this turned out to be a hoax. The singer was amused by the news, although there were even worse cases in her career when, due to crazy fans, concerts had to be canceled. Sofia Rotaru always refuses repeated proposals to put security on the singer, citing the fact that "the people's artist should always be with the people."


  • Sofia Rotaru sings 1972
  • Chervona Ruta
  • Sofia Rotaru sings songs by Vladimir Ivasyuk
  • Only you
  • Love Caravan (album)
  • Lavender (album)
  • Farmer
  • Night of love
  • Love me
  • I still love you
  • Water leak
  • Heaven is me
  • I'm your love!
  • And my soul flies

Despite the unquenchable fire in her eyes, grace and beating energy, Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru celebrated her 65th birthday in 2012. But the legendary singer is not going to leave the stage and end her stunning creative career.

Childhood of the future star

The official biography of Sofia Rotaru contains some inaccuracies. The future legend of the Soviet stage was born in the small village of Marshintsy, Chernivtsi region. According to Sofia Rotaru, the date of birth in her certificate is incorrect. Sofya Mikhailovna Rotar, born on August 9, 1947, is registered in the village council. The real date of birth of the singer is August 7 of the same year.

In the difficult post-war years, children from working-class families worked tirelessly from an early age. This is exactly the kind of childhood that the nugget from Marshynets had.

The controversial question: "Sofia Rotaru who is by nationality?"

An interesting fact: between the two countries - Ukraine and Moldova - there was even a tacit dispute for the right to call the singer her native. The artist herself proudly says that both countries are native to her. What ethnic group does Sofia Rotaru herself refer to? What is the nationality of this great singer? Her father is Moldovan, and according to her passport she is Ukrainian.

The world changed dramatically after World War II. The borders of the USSR, as one of the victorious countries, have seriously expanded. This is exactly the story that happened to the native village of the singer. Until 1940, Bukovina was a territory of Romania, then passed to the Ukrainian SSR. But be that as it may, the girl from the Bukovinian village in her childhood could not even think what an incredible life path fate had prepared for her.

By the way, the name Rotaru is the real name of the singer's father. After the transition of this territory to the "soviets", many residents were forced to change their surnames to Russians. This is how the surname Rotar appeared.

Parents and family of the singer

Sophia's father - Mikhail Fedorovich Rotar - was a machine gunner during the Second World War, went through the entire war to Berlin. Later he returned to his native village and worked as a viticultural foreman. Mikhail Fedorovich was an excellent accordion player, had a good voice and ear. Probably, thanks to the gift of the head of the family, all the Rotar offspring were talented - they sang, danced, played musical instruments.

The mother of the future artist - Alexandra Ivanovna - was from a worker-peasant family.

Sophia was the second child in the Rotar family. Subsequently, she had two more brothers and the same number of sisters. In total, the family had six children. Her older sister Zinaida was the support of her mother, and Sonya, in turn, was constantly in the wings of Zinochka.

When Zina was four years old, she fell ill with typhus and lost her sight in one day. Sofia Mikhailovna is grateful to her elder sister Rotaru to this day. After all, my mother constantly worked, and Zina, despite her illness, looked after the kids.

Childhood years were very difficult for Sonya. I constantly had to work, help my parents with the housework. The family was engaged in the cultivation of vegetables and fruits. After the harvest, Alexandra Ivanovna and Sonya got up before sunrise and went to the market, selling the grown crop.

From early childhood, Sonya had a great voice and ear for music. Her father believed in her future and said that his daughter would be a great singer. And the little girl herself really wanted everyone to hear her singing.

But so far only the family enjoyed it - the younger sisters Lida, Aurika and the brothers Tolik and Zhenya. By the way, the Rotar family was famous for its hospitality, and when guests came to their parents, the head of the family immediately organized a choir.

Youth years. Carier start

Sofia Rotaru, whose date of birth falls on the post-war years, admits that in many ways those difficult times hardened her character. After all, she had to constantly help her parents, and there was also studying at school and circles. The girl learned to play the dombra and button accordion, mastered singing, went to a dance club. On weekends she sang in the church choir.

In 1962, Rotaru Sofia Mikhailovna participated in the district amateur performance review for the first time and, of course, received her first prize. The very next year, the young artist participated in the regional competition, where she also won first place. Already in 1964, she participated in the festival of young talents in Kyiv, where she became the winner.

A photo of a new star of the national stage appeared on the cover of the all-Union magazine "Ukraine". And the recognized master of the Ukrainian stage Dmitry Gnatyuk prophesied a great future for the girl.

After such success, she was sent to study at the Chernivtsi Musical College at the conductor-choir department.

Husband of Sofia Rotaru. Love story

It is not surprising that, having seen such a beauty on TV screens and on the cover of a magazine, many enviable grooms lined up. But Sonya decided that she would only marry a simple guy from Chernivtsi.

The future husband of Sofia Rotaru Anatoly Evdokimenko saw his first and only love on the cover of the magazine "Ukraine". At this time, Evdokimov served in Nizhny Tagil. It turned out that the talented beauty is his countrywoman. The cover girl sunk into the heart of the young soldier so much that, having served the due date, he returned to his native Chernivtsi and found her.

At this time, Sofia Rotaru studied at a music school and performed at various song competitions.

After graduating from college, the artist traveled to Bulgaria, where she took part in the VIII World Song Festival, which was held in Sofia. The young star conquered this city, publications about her immediately appeared on the front pages of newspapers.

In the meantime, Anatoly entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Chernivtsi University, additionally played the trumpet in the student orchestra. This team constantly accompanied Rotaru's performances. That's how they met. It was love at first sight. In 1968, they got married and began their journey together not only in their personal lives, but also on the stage.

Children of Sofia Rotaru

The biography of Sofia Rotaru is full of interesting facts. Some publications write that the girl, in order to firmly bind the guy she liked, told him about the pregnancy a few months earlier. As a result, having passed in the position of eleven instead of nine prescribed months, Sonya gave birth to a son. The singer herself claims that she simply cast a bait and looked at her husband's reaction.

For the first few years after her marriage, the singer performed rarely. She even had to postpone admission to the Institute of Arts in connection with the family's move to Novosibirsk. Anatoly was doing pre-graduation practice at the plant. In 1970, the singer became a mother. Sofia Rotaru calls the year of birth of her son Ruslan one of the happiest in her life. After all, it was during this period that their young family was constantly together.

A year later, the care of Ruslan had to be shifted onto the shoulders of her husband's parents. After all, the tandem Evdokimenko - Rotaru began to tour throughout the country and abroad.

In those rare days when the family got together, Sophia spent all the time with her son, took him from school for a few days to enjoy communication with the whole family. After all, these moments were so rare and precious.

Nevertheless, Ruslan grew up as a serious, purposeful young man. Today he is a successful architect and a mainstay for his famous mother.

The creative path and recognition of Sofia Rotaru

Already in 1971, the career of a young singer began to rapidly gain momentum. It all started with an invitation to participate in the filming of the film "Chervona Ruta", where the young singer showed herself as a good actress. By the way, this is not her only role. Repeatedly Sofia Rotaru performed songs in films, playing, as a rule, the main characters. Such films as "The Song Will Be Among Us", "Monologue about Love", "Heart of Gold", "Where are you, love?", and many others will forever be remembered by the audience for the soulful play of the artist.

After filming the debut picture, Rotaru, together with her husband, organizes a vocal and instrumental ensemble with the same name "Chervona Ruta". Anatoly Evdokimenko takes over the leadership of the team.

In 1973, the singer performs in Bulgaria at the Golden Orpheus competition and brings an award for first place from there. In 1974, she performed at the Sopot festival and won second place.

Each festival and competition in which the young singer took part became a prize for her. This is not surprising, because Sofia Mikhailovna always had a special, soulful manner of performing not only folk, but also pop songs. And already at that time, cooperation with many talented authors provided her with an excellent repertoire.

Eternal hits of the Russian pop star

The hit that brought all-Union popularity to the young artist was "Chervona Ruta". The biography of Sofia Rotaru is generally inextricably linked with these two words. Both the ensemble and the song - it was they who at one time became the hallmark of the singer. The singer's collaboration with Vladimir Ivasyuk continued with the composition "Ballad of Two Violins" and many others.

In 1974, the singer began to collaborate with Evgeny Doga and Evgeny Martynov. The song "Swan Fidelity" performed by Rotaru became a hit of the past years.

Sofia Rotaru calls songs and collaboration with composer Vladimir Matetsky another gift of fate. “Lavender”, “Moon, Moon”, “It was, but it has passed”, “Farmer”, “Wild Swans” and many other compositions are known to everyone today.

Sofia Mikhailovna herself calls each new song a small short story with her own world of feelings and main characters.

Strike of fate

Unfortunately, the biography of Sofia Rotaru consists not only of ups and downs. It has tragic moments. In 1997, the artist's mother, Alexandra Ivanovna, died. And in 2002, the beloved husband of the singer, Anatoly, passed away. They lived together for 35 years.

The blow was so strong that the singer left the stage and did not perform for about a year. Sofia Rotaru began a new stage in her creative life with the song "White Dance".

Creativity in the new millennium

In 2003, the singer's new album "The Only One" was released, dedicated to her husband. Starting this year, Rotaru has been actively working, recording new compositions, and touring all over the world. Only a loving family and creativity helped to look into the future, Sofia Rotaru admits. The love songs performed by her are dedicated to Anatoly.

In 2004, she gave her first concert in the USA in 4 years.

In 2007, the biography of Sofia Rotaru was replenished with another event - the sixtieth anniversary. From all over the world, thousands of fans gathered in Yalta to congratulate their beloved artist. In the same year, she became the owner of the State Order of the II degree "For Merit". Of course, the artist celebrated this date with her anniversary concerts in the Kremlin, which made her fans incredibly happy.

Today, the singer sometimes tours around Ukraine, Russia and neighboring countries, takes part in some music shows and competitions as a jury member.

The family of Sofia Rotaru is increasingly enjoying her presence in the family nest in the Crimean Yalta.

Future plans

Speaking about future plans, Rotaru does not look far ahead. Today, the world famous singer is a loving mother and grandmother of two wonderful grandchildren, Tolik and Sonya. Sofia Rotaru considers the birth year of her grandchildren to be one of the most magical in her life, but, as the singer herself admits, she is not yet ready to become a great-grandmother.

Today Sofia Mikhailovna is as cheerful and energetic as at the beginning of her career. Who would have thought that in a few years this charming woman is going to celebrate her seventieth birthday.

Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru- Soviet and Ukrainian singer and actress. Sofia Rotaru - People's Artist of the USSR (1988), one of the most popular singers of the Soviet, Russian and Ukrainian stage, Hero of Ukraine (2002).

The early years and education of Sofia Rotaru

Sofia Rotaru was born on August 7, 1947 in the village of Marshintsy, Novoselitsky district, Chernivtsi region. Sofia's family is of Moldovan origin.

Father - Mikhail Fedorovich Rotaru (1918−2004), participant in the Great Patriotic War, machine gunner. He reached Berlin, was wounded and returned to his native village. He worked as a vineyard foreman.

Mother - Alexandra Ivanovna Rotaru (1920-1997). In the family, besides Sophia, there were five children: two brothers and three sisters. The elder sister Zina (born 10/11/1942), who suffered a serious illness, lost her sight in childhood, according to the singer's biography on her website.

In her interviews, Sofia Rotaru often said that her whole family is unusually musical.

“It is difficult to say when and how music appeared in my life. It seems that she has always lived in me. I grew up among music, it sounded everywhere: at the wedding table, at gatherings, at parties, at dances ... ”, the singer said. The girl began to sing from the first grade in the school choir. In addition, although not encouraged, Sofia also sang in the church choir.

At school and after graduation, Sofia Rotaru did a lot of sports, athletics, became the all-around school champion, and went to regional olympiads. At the regional sports day in Chernivtsi, she became the winner in the 100 and 800 meters.

Sofia's first music teacher was her father. He had absolute pitch and a beautiful voice. As a schoolgirl, Sofia learned to play the domra and button accordion, and, of course, was an active participant in amateur art. And home concerts were often held at home, Rotaru's songs already delighted fellow villagers. The father was convinced that Sonya would become an artist.

And here come the first successes. Sofia Rotaru won the regional amateur art competition and entered the regional review. Compatriots began to call Sophia for her voice "Bukovina nightingale." And in subsequent years, at all competitions, Rotaru conquered the audience with her contralto, winning prestigious awards.

In 1964, Sofia Rotaru was sent to the Republican Festival of Folk Talents, where the young singer won first place. In this regard, her photo was published on the cover of the magazine "Ukraine". Seeing a photo of Sophia, her future husband Anatoly Evdokimenko fell in love with her at first sight.

1964 is a fateful year in the biography of Rotaru. Sofia Rotaru sang for the first time in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. And again victory. And after graduating from school, Sofia entered the conductor-choral department of the Chernivtsi Musical College.

At this time, the young man in love served in the Urals. By the way, Anatoly graduated from a music school, played the trumpet. The future husband of Sofia after the army entered Chernivtsi University and played in the university variety orchestra. It was Anatoly, having finally met Rotaru, who invited her to sing with a pop orchestra. Before that, Sofia sang to the accompaniment of violins and cymbals.

The musical career of the singer Sofia Rotaru

In 1968, Rotaru graduated from college and was delegated to the IX World Festival of Youth and Students, held in Bulgaria. News headlines read: "Sofia conquered Sofia."

In 1971 director Roman Alekseev directed the musical film "Chervona Ruta". Sophia was invited to the main role. After that, the Chervona Ruta ensemble was created in the Chernivtsi Philharmonic. From that moment, Rotaru and the Chervona Ruta ensemble began cooperation with a talented composer Vladimir Ivasyuk. Ivasyuk created a cycle of popular songs based on folk music, which, performed by Sofia Rotaru, were sung throughout the Soviet Union.

After the tragic death of the composer Ivasyuk, Sofia continued to sing his songs. AND Mikhail Ivasyuk- Vladimir's father - said in front of an audience of thousands of fellow countrymen: "We must bow low to the Moldovan girl Sonya, who spread my son's songs all over the world."

Success accompanied Rotaru at all concerts. Sofia sang on many famous stages of the USSR. With the Chervona Ruta ensemble, Rotaru traveled almost the whole country, had a permanent audience on radio and television, and was active in concert activities.

In 1973, in Sunny Beach (Bulgaria), Rotaru became the winner of the Golden Orpheus contest, performing the song "My City" Evgeniya Dogi and a song in Bulgarian "Bird".

In 1983, Sofia Rotaru received the title of People's Artist of the Moldavian SSR. And in May 1988, Sofia Rotaru was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR, the first of the modern pop singers.

Famous Soviet composers created their songs just for her. Popular songs Arno Babajanyan("Give me back the music") Alexey Mazhukov("And the music sounds"), David Tukhmanov("Stork on the Roof", "In My House"), Yuri Saulsky("Regular melody"), Alexandra Pakhmutova("Pace"), Raymond Pauls("Dance on the drum"), Evgenia Martynova(“Swan Fidelity”, “Apple Trees in Bloom”) and many others still delight fans of Rotaru’s work.

And after the collapse of the USSR, the singer has a stable audience, including in the Russian-speaking diaspora in Europe and the USA. In 1992, a super hit performed by Rotaru - "Farmer" (music Vladimir Matetsky, poems Mikhail Shabrov).

They did not stop listening to the songs of Sofia Rotaru in Russia either, and the singer herself, still the same young, constantly participates in TV programs, comes with concerts. In the mid-90s, Rotaru took part in the popular films "Old songs about the main thing" and "10 songs about Moscow." On "Song-96" Sofia Rotaru was recognized as the "Best Pop Singer of 1996", awarding the prize named after Claudia Shulzhenko.

Sofia recorded songs at her own studio in Yalta. In 1993, her first CD collections of the best songs were released - "Sofia Rotaru" and "Lavender", then - "Golden Songs 1985/95" and "Khutoryanka".

In 1997, Rotaru became an honorary citizen of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

In 1998, the first official CD of Sofia Rotaru was released, the album "Love Me", released under the label "Extraphone". In April, the premiere of Rotaru's new solo program Love Me took place at the State Kremlin Palace in Moscow. Sofia recorded the song "Zasentyabrilo" in a duet with Nikolai Rastorguev.

In 1999, Star Records released two more CD compilations of the singer in the Star Series. At the end of the year, Rotaru was recognized as the best singer of Ukraine in the nomination "Traditional Variety Art".

The new millennium was marked by new high-profile titles, Rotaru was recognized as "Man of the XX century", "Best Ukrainian pop singer of the XX century", "Golden voice of Ukraine", "Woman of the Year", awarded "For a special contribution to the development of the Russian stage".

In December 2001, Sofia Rotaru released a new solo concert program “My Life is My Love!” Dedicated to the 30th anniversary of her creative activity. The song "My Life, My Love" in 2002 opened "New Year's Light" on the ORT TV channel.

This was followed by new Rotaru albums: “I still love you”, “The sky is me”, “Lavender, Farmer, then everywhere ...”, “I loved him”, in general, Sofia took care that her fans there was something to listen to.

In 2007, Sofia Rotaru celebrated her 60th birthday with pomp. There was a solemn reception in the Livadia Palace, in October, Sofia's anniversary concerts were held in the State Kremlin Palace. President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko awarded Sophia Rotaru with the Order of Merit, II degree.

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of her creative activity, Rotaru held anniversary concerts in Moscow (Grand Kremlin Palace) and St. Petersburg (Ice Palace) in October 2011.

The state of health of Rotaru

On August 26, 2018, Free Press reported that Sofia Rotaru was urgently hospitalized in the intensive care unit of one of the hospitals in Ufa.

The news reported that Rotaru had no scheduled concerts in Ufa. In the city, she performed at one of the corporate parties.

According to preliminary information, the singer's condition worsened by the end of the performance, after which she was called an ambulance and urgently hospitalized.

Doctors were allegedly forbidden to say that Rotaru is in intensive care. It is noted that the “best” doctors of the region were called to provide the necessary assistance, and “special conditions” were also prepared.

Sofia Rotaru later commented on the news of her hospitalization. According to her, the day before she really had some health problems, RIA Novosti reported.

At the same time, the artist thanked her fans for their support and care and added that she now feels fine.

Sofia Rotaru about relations between Russia and Ukraine

According to media reports, after the annexation of Crimea to Russia, Sofia Rotaru did not take Russian citizenship. She herself explained a little later that she was registered in Kyiv, so she was not entitled to a Russian passport by law. At the same time, according to her, she would not refuse to give her a Russian passport. Putin. “There will be no need to issue a work permit,” Sophia explained.

On the Rotaru website, you can read her appeal to the people of Ukraine, made in January 2014 during the Euromaidan. In it, Sophia appealed "to everyone with an appeal to stop the violence." "All parties to the conflict must hear each other and find a peaceful solution." There are no messages about further events, in particular, the conflict in Donbass, on Sofia Rotaru's website.

A lot of noise was made by the photo, which was posted by the singer's son in 2014 Ruslan Evdokimenko, on which Sofia with a yellow-blue flag, together with her family, congratulated the country on Independence Day. The son signed the photo on the social network with the odious nationalist greeting “Glory to Ukraine”.

Rotaru herself in an interview with Life noted that she simply congratulated the people of Ukraine on this holiday, as she “congratulated Russia many times or Uzbekistan, and other countries of the former Soviet Union.” Sophia even said that she "had a desire to be photographed with two flags - Russia and Ukraine and write:" I am for the friendship of peoples. However, she suppressed this desire.

In recent years, Sofia Rotaru has not given concerts in Russia. Its director Sergei Lavrov explains this by the fact that the singer does not want to participate in "political intrigues." “She does not give interviews, although she is offered solid fees for a television confession at home. She categorically does not want this, because if her interview appears on television in Russia, then in Ukraine she will be torn apart. Unfortunately, she became a victim of the political situation…,” Lavrov was quoted as saying by the media.

At the same time, and during the period of aggravation of Russian-Ukrainian relations, Sofia Rotaru visited Russia, in 2015 she participated in a New Year's concert on one of the Russian TV channels and performed at the 70th anniversary of the Rosatom corporation in the Kremlin.

In the summer of 2017, a creative evening dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Sofia Rotaru was held as part of the Heat music festival in Baku. There Rotaru was congratulated by many Russian colleagues, the organizer of the festival Grigory Leps made a cover of the song "I loved him" Glucose quailed the hit "Moon, Moon". Rotaru herself sang her famous songs “Chervona Ruta”, “One viburnum”, “Heaven is me”. "Melancolia" Sofia performed with her sister Aurika, and "Khutoryanka" with Potap and Nastya Kamensky.

Sophia Rotaru's income

Sofia Mikhailovna has a business in the Crimea. Rotaru opened its Villa Sofia hotel in the most prestigious area of ​​Yalta, the so-called "New City", in early 2009. And Rotaru is also the owner of a small "gingerbread house" in the village of Nikita (7 km from Yalta).

Ukrainian Forbes in 2015 included Sofia Rotaru in the rating of "25 most expensive and popular stars of Ukraine".

At the same time, the sister of the singer Lydia Khlyabich in the same 2015, she said that due to problems with concerts in Russia, Sofia Rotaru had to cut costs and "she is already counting the money." Khlyabich also complained about the small number of vacationers at the Rotaru hotel in Yalta.

Now Sofia Rotaru lives in Kyiv, in her house in the prestigious suburb of Koncha-Zaspa.

Sofia Rotaru's personal life

Sofia Rotaru has a large family that supports her in difficult moments of life. In 1968, Sofia married Anatoly Evdokimenko, and in 1970 their son Ruslan was born.

Sofia Rotaru's husband, Anatoly Evdokimenko, died prematurely of a stroke in 2002. The singer was very upset by his loss.

Relatives help Rotar in his work: son Ruslan is a concert producer of the singer, and daughter-in-law Svetlana is a creative director and stylist.

Rotaru's granddaughter Sofia (Sonya) is engaged in horse riding and modeling business. Ukrainian news reported that in 2017, Sofia graduated from her studies in Kyiv and entered a private school in England. Granddaughter Rotaru was engaged in vocals and can follow in the footsteps of her grandmother.

Anatoly, Rotaru's grandson, studied fashion photography at London's Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design. The young man also masters the specialties of a graphic designer and a music producer.

On the eve of her anniversary (August 7, 2017, the singer turned 70 years old), Rotaru flew to rest with her family: her son Ruslan Evdokimenko, his wife Svetlana and grandchildren - Sofia and Anatoly to Italy.

The daughter-in-law of Sofia Rotaru published many photos of their vacation on her microblog. On one of them, Svetlana Evdokimenko showed the singer without hair and makeup. Fans of the artist noted that even without makeup, Sofia Rotaru looks no worse than when stylists and makeup artists work on her.

We add that the singer, according to her, helps to stay in great shape: sports, healthy eating, a positive attitude to life and love for people.

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