Message on the theme of Scheherazade's symphonic suite. N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov


"Scheherazade"- symphonic suite, one of the best symphonic works by the Russian composer N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov written in 1888. Rimsky-Korsakov created "Scheherazade" under the impression Arab fairy tales « Thousand and one nights". The work is included in the framework and traditions of the "East" in Russian music, coming from "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by M. Glinka. Creating an oriental flavor by citing oriental melodies, creating themes in an oriental spirit, imitation of the sound of oriental instruments and tones of Sheherazade in its own way form and style there is a symphonic suite, that is, a many-movement cyclic piece of music written for symphony orchestra. Also, the form of "Scheherazade" as a suite is due to the fact that the composer, in the process of working on it, created parts of a musical work, each of which had its own programmatic character and its own name. But in the future, Scheherazade, as a suite as a whole, acquired more and more the character of the form symphonies. As a result, Rimsky-Korsakov writes a unified general program for the Scheherazade symphonic suite, removing his own names for the parts of the symphonic suite and making the latter numbers.

Consists of 4 parts:

  1. The sea and Sinbad's ship (The sea and Sinbad's ship) - sonata form with introduction and code (without development).
  2. The story of the Kalandar prince - Complex three-part form with introduction and code.
  3. Tsarevich and princess (The young prince and the young princess) - sonata form with coda without introduction and development.
  4. Festival in Baghdad - Rondo(Alternating all parts from the first three parts).


Scheherazade is one of Rimsky-Korsakov's most popular works. It is not only performed by academic musicians, but has also experienced many adaptations by variety artists.

  • English rock band deep purple processed the first part of "Scheherazade" in the form of an electric organ composition " Prelude: Happiness/I'm So Glad", solo on Hammond organ performed Jon Lord. The composition was included in the 1968 album Shades of Deep Purple .
  • A treatment of the suite appears on the 1971 album Konvergencie by the Slovak band Collegium Musicum
  • The Merlin Patterson Symphony Brass Band (Houston, Texas, USA) created an unusual arrangement of "Scheherazade" for wind instruments, presented in 2005.
  • A fragment of "Scheherazade" is used in the film " Caucasian captive »
  • Music from "Scheherazade" used in the cartoon " The Little Mermaid (cartoon, 1968) »

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Scheherazade (Suite)" is in other dictionaries:

    Musical composition, most often instrumental; consists of several laconic and contrasting pieces. The term originally referred to a cycle of stylized dances; later it also began to denote a collection of fragments from the opera, ... ... Collier Encyclopedia

    - (French suite, lit. row, sequence) one of the main. varieties of many-part cyclic. forms instr. music. Consists of several independent, usually contrasting parts, united by a common art. by design. Parts… … Music Encyclopedia

    s; and. [French] suite] A piece of music from several independent parts, united by a common artistic concept. S. Grieg. // A ballet cycle from a series of dance numbers united by one theme. Ballet s. ◁ Suite, oh, oh. With ah… encyclopedic Dictionary

    Suite- SUITE (French suite, letters. series, sequence, continuation), 1) Cyclic music. work consisting of several independent parts, united by a community of arts. design and following one after another according to the principle of contrast. FROM.… … Ballet. Encyclopedia

    - (French suite, literally a series, sequence) is one of the main cyclic forms of instrumental music. It consists of several independent, usually contrasting parts, united by a common artistic concept. Unlike… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Suite- (from the French suite row, sequence) tool. or less commonly a vocal instrument. genre in the form of an unregulated multipart cycle. Holistic artist. the composition of S. is formed on the basis of the alternation of dance or non-dance parts, ... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

Methodical development on musical literature on the topic "N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov Symphonic suite "Scheherazade"

Lapteva Irina Aleksandrovna, teacher of musical and theoretical disciplines, MAU DO DSHI p. Sharan
to introduce students to the composer N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov - as a musical storyteller;
expand the concept of "symphonic suite".

Educational: introduce the suite as a musical genre.
Educational: to introduce children to the treasures of Russian musical classics.
Developing: to develop cognitive and thinking skills, the formation of musical taste.

Equipment: computer, presentation, music center, audio fragments - themes from N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov "Scheherazade".

Slide 1 title
(music from the 2nd part of the Symphonic Suite "The Fantastic Story of the Tsarevich Kalender" sounds in the background with slides 1-6)
slide 2

A fairy tale... Its whimsical world, in which fiction intertwines with reality so naturally, attracted many Russian composers.
Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov is a great storyteller in Russian music and a real magician of musical painting. None of the Russian composers gave as much soul to the fairy tale as Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov. In the language of a fairy tale, he spoke about high human feelings, about the great power of art, painted picturesque pictures of nature.

slide 3
But no less than a fairy tale, the sea beckoned the composer. He admired them not only from the shore. As a young man, he went on campaigns in the Baltic, and as a young naval officer he spent three years at sea. The sea voyage introduced Rimsky-Korsakov to the seas and oceans of different latitudes.
With the keen eye of an artist, he absorbed all the shades, all the changes in the sea elements that surrounded him. And becoming a composer, throughout his life he depicted it with orchestral colors. The pictures of the sea element created by him are diverse - either serenely calm, then slightly agitated, or even formidable, ferocious. In almost every work of Rimsky-Korsakov, be it an opera or a symphony, we find pictures painted with sounds, musical painting.
The sea will come to life in his symphonic poems "Sadko" and "Antar", in the "Scheherazade" suite, in orchestral scenes of fabulous and epic operas.

slide 4
But the composer was fascinated not only with Russian fairy tales, the tales of the East were embodied in vivid images in the symphonic suite "Scheherazade".
"Scheherazade" - one of the best symphonic works of N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, was composed during the summer of 1888 and performed on October 22 of the same year under the direction of the author. It was one of the evenings of the Russian Symphony Concerts cycle, which existed at the expense of the wealthy patron of Russian art M.P. Belyaev.

slide 5
The composer's suite was inspired by the fascinating Arabian tales "A Thousand and One Nights", well known to him since childhood.
The collection "1001 Nights" is a monument of medieval Arabic literature, which contains fairy tales based on Indian, Iranian and Arabic folklore, united by the image of the formidable Shahriar and his wise wife, the daughter of the Sultan's vizier Sheherazade.

slide 6
At the beginning of the 18th century, the first translation of fairy tales into French appeared.
The Frenchman Galland gave those tales to the world.
He charmed both Pushkin and Dickens.
Well, who did not visit those stories
Didn't know funny nights without sleep?!

Slide 7
(from 7 to 11 the background music of the 3 parts of the suite "Tsarevich and Tsarevna" sounds)
Medieval that Arab region
He had his quirks and morals ...

Slide 8
King Shahriar, deceived by his wife,
I decided to eradicate infidelity radically,
To find the lost peace
He began to act ... original.
Any girl who spent the night with him
She was executed in the morning. An example
That punishment served. And no one to help
She was unable to. Anger choked him.
Slide 9
The wise vizier had a daughter -
Figured out how to help the girls.
That plan is simple and crafty -
Scheherazade, starting a fairy tale
She was in no rush to finish it.
Before the first roosters, she was sweet
With the dawn, and the permission of the Shah, she went to sleep ...
Postponed the execution for a day, then, for another term,
And the flow of fairy tales does not end!
So, day after day, the story wove
Lasted almost three years
Who will squander disgrace
Kohl life and in interest, and relish ...

Slide 10
The brides grew up, but the shah forgot about them,
To Scheherazade, he still has not cooled down -
So great is the power of the storyteller,
Harem to him, the only one replaced.

slide 11
The suite was based on separate, unrelated "episodes of fairy tales ... In the" Chronicle "N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov directly points to the programmatic nature of each of the four parts:

The first part of the suite is built on the images of the fairy tale about Sinbad the Sailor.
Sinbad, traveling by sea, gets into a shipwreck. Courage and firmness of character help him overcome the formidable sea elements.

Part II - "The Fantastic Story of the Tsarevich Kalender"
“It has come to me, O great king….” - this is how Scheherazade begins each of his new tales. These words correspond to the inspired melody of the violin appearing at the beginning of each part of the suite - the theme of Scheherazade. But in part 2, the narrator narrates on behalf of the hero - Prince Kalender. Kalenders in the East were called wandering monks living on alms. The hero of an Arabian fairy tale is a prince, who, in order to avoid danger, changes into monastic clothes. The music reproduces pictures of a fantastic battle and the exploits of a hero.

The lyrical center of the suite is part III, the tale of the prince and the princess. Its main characters are depicted with the help of two themes of an oriental character - the dreamy and tender theme of the prince in love and the graceful and coquettish theme of the princess. By the similarity of intonations, the composer emphasizes the general tender feelings between the characters.
The fairy tale is coming to an end.

In the IV part of the suite there are 2 paintings: "The Baghdad Holiday" and "The Ship Crashing on the Rock with the Bronze Horseman". “... It has come to me, O happy king,” Scheherazade begins a new tale. But now her melody sounds excited, because she is going to tell not only about joyful, but also about terrible events.
A vivid picture of the folk festival in Baghdad - the grandiose finale of the suite - unites many of its themes, as if "collecting" the heroes of the work at a merry holiday. But suddenly the fun is replaced by a picture of a formidable, raging sea. The ship rushes irresistibly to death and crashes against a rock with a bronze horseman.
In a small epilogue of the suite, the main characters appear for the last time: this is the quiet and peaceful theme of Shakhriar and the poetic theme of the young and wise Scheherazade that completes the work.

Thus, there is no single plot development in the suite, that is, in each of the parts the composer creates a new fairy tale, the unifying thread of which is the theme of the charming storyteller Scheherazade, who tells her wonderful tales to the formidable sultan.

slide 12
The first part of the Sea. Sinbad's ship.

slide 13
Sharkhiar and Scheherazade. Terrible king and wise storyteller .... They appear before us at the very beginning of the suite, in its introduction.
The suite opens with a martial phrase played in unison by brass and string instruments. It sounds menacingly majestic, reminding the listener of the ferocious disposition of the eastern ruler Shahriar.
(the theme of Shakhriar from the 1st part of the Symphonic Suite sounds)

Slide 14
But now a completely different melody is heard: the softly soulful singing of the solo violin to the gentle chords of the harp. This is the beautiful Scheherazade.
(the theme of Scheherazade sounds from the 1st movement of the Symphonic Suite)

The melody of the violin winds in a winding thin pattern and resembles an exquisite oriental ornament.
Both themes are not just leitmotifs that unite the entire work: on their basis, Rimsky-Korsakov, using variational techniques of musical development, creates various images, giving the listener real magical transformations.

slide 15
The first fairy tale "Sea and Sinbad's ship" begins.
Sinbad did not sit at home. The wide expanses of the sea called him into the distance, beckoning the innumerable riches of overseas lands. And although many troubles lay in wait for him in these wanderings, each time, returning home, he yearned for the sea and re-equipped the ship and sailed to distant lands.
(the theme of the Main Party from the 1st movement of the Symphonic Suite sounds)

The melody of the main part is based on Shahriar's theme. But now she is calm, majestic and draws not a formidable sultan, but boundless sea expanses. The melody shimmers with slow, even waves against the background of a powerful and measured swaying accompaniment. From time to time, short “bursts” appear and instantly go out.
It is known that Rimsky-Korsakov possessed a unique natural gift - color hearing. The choice of the key E-major for the theme of the Sea is not accidental. E major in Korsakov's perception of color and sound ratios was painted in dark blue, sapphire tone - the color of sea water.

slide 16
(the theme of the side part from the 1st movement of the Symphonic Suite sounds)

The sea is quiet and calm. Among its blue expanses, the ship of Sinbad the Sailor is shown on the horizon. It floats softly swaying on the waves, and its smooth sliding on the water draws a light theme performed by woodwind instruments.

Slide 17
(music from the development of part 1 of the Symphonic Suite sounds)
Gradually, excitement rises. The elements are already raging menacingly. Previously sounded themes are intertwined, figurations of strings become disturbing. The picture of the storm is complemented by the exclamations of wind instruments, full of despair.

Slide 18
(a reprise from part 1 of the Symphonic Suite sounds)

But the storm subsides. In the coda, the theme of the calm sea passes peacefully, and the first part ends with the "leaving" theme of Sinbad's ship, which continues its voyage.

slide 19, 20
(from 19 to 26 the background music of the 3rd part of the “Tsarevich and Tsarevna” sounds from the theme of the Tsarevna)

"Scheherazade" on the stage of "Russian Seasons".

slide 21
In 1910, while preparing the second Russian Season in Paris, Sergei Diaghilev decided to use Scheherazade to stage the ballet by Mikhail Fokine, who had already distinguished himself for several years and became the permanent choreographer of the Russian Seasons.
S.P. Diaghilev is a theatrical figure, art critic, creator of the art publication "World of Art", organizer of fine art exhibitions. Since 1907, he organized performances of Russian musicians abroad.

slide 22
The premiere of the ballet took place on June 4, 1910 in Paris on the stage of the Grand Opera.

slide 23
The curtain was made in workshops according to the sketches of the famous Russian artist Valentin Serov.

slide 24
The scenery and costumes were made according to the sketches of Lev Bakst, a Russian artist of the Modern Age, one of the most prominent figures in the World of Art association and theatrical and artistic projects of S. P. Diaghilev.
The design of this performance, exceptional in beauty and expressiveness, drove Paris crazy ..... The influence of this ballet was so great that oriental turbans and harem pants in the style of Bakst came into fashion.

Slide 25
Scheherazade has become one of the most popular ballets of the Russian Seasons, having been revived on the best ballet scenes in the world - the Paris National Opera, the Bolshoi Theater, the Mariinsky Theater, the Musical Theater. K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko and others.
In different versions, staged by different choreographers, Scheherazade was staged in many cities of the USSR, but Fokine's first production, which is periodically resumed on different stages, remained a true classic of the genre. The explanation for this is the enchanting music of Rimsky-Korsakov, the bewitching images of Arabic fairy tales from 1001 Nights.

slide 26
Resources used:
1. A.A. Solovtsov Symphonic Works by Rimsky-Korsakov. - M., 1960.
2. R. Leites “Musical Tales of Scheherazade” from the collection “A Fairy Tale in the Works of N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. - M., 1987.
3. I.F. Kunin “N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov". - M., 1988.

"Scheherazade"- symphonic suite by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, written in 1888. Rimsky-Korsakov created "Scheherazade" under the impression of the Arabian fairy tales "A Thousand and One Nights". The work is included in the framework and traditions of the "East" in Russian music, coming from "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by M. Glinka. Thanks to the oriental flavor created by citing oriental melodies, themes in an oriental spirit, imitation of the sound of oriental instruments and tones, Scheherazade in its form and style is a symphonic suite, that is, a multi-part cyclic musical work written for a symphony orchestra. In addition, the form of "Scheherazade" as a suite is due to the fact that the composer, in the process of working on it, created parts of a musical work, each of which had its own programmatic character and its own name. But in the future, Scheherazade, as a suite as a whole, acquired the character of a symphony. As a result, Rimsky-Korsakov writes a unified general program for the symphonic suite "Scheherazade", removing his own names of parts of the symphonic suite and making the latter numbers.

In ballet

Consists of 4 parts:

1. Sea and Sinbad's ship - sonata form with introduction and coda (without development).

2. The story of Prince Kalender is a complex three-part form with an introduction and a coda.

3. Tsarevich and princess - sonata form with coda without introduction and development.

4. Holiday in Baghdad - rondo (alternation of all themes from the first three parts).


Scheherazade is one of Rimsky-Korsakov's most popular works. It is not only performed by academic musicians, but has also experienced many adaptations by variety artists.

  • The English rock band Deep Purple reworked the first movement of "Scheherazade" as an electric organ composition " Prelude: Happiness/I'm So Glad", the Hammond organ solo was performed by Jon Lord. The composition was included in the 1968 album Shades of Deep Purple.
  • The English group Renaissance recorded in 1975 the noteworthy album Scheherazade and Other Stories, which is not based entirely on Rimsky-Korsakov's work, but contains a six-note main motif that is a reference to Scheherazade.
  • The arrangement of the suite is included in the 1971 album Konvergencie by the Slovak band Collegium Musicum.
  • The Merlin Patterson Symphony Brass Band (Houston, Texas, USA) created an unusual arrangement of "Scheherazade" for wind instruments, presented in 2005.
  • A fragment of "Scheherazade" was used in the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus".
  • Music from "Scheherazade" is used in the cartoon "The Little Mermaid".
  • A fragment from the fourth part of the suite (the theme of Shakhriyar) was played by the orchestra at a performance in the Variety hosted by Woland and his retinue (the novel The Master and Margarita).
  • Music from "Scheherazade" was used in the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014.
  • It is the soundtrack for the television series

Abstract on the topic:

Scheherazade (suite)

Scheherazade tells tales to King Shahriyar

Musical theme by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov Scheherazade

"Scheherazade"- symphonic suite "Scheherazade", one of the best symphonic works of the Russian composer N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, written in 1888. Rimsky-Korsakov created "Scheherazade" under the impression of the Arabian fairy tales "A Thousand and One Nights". The work is included in the framework and traditions of the "East" in Russian music, coming from "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by M. Glinka. The creation of an oriental flavor by citing oriental melodies, creating themes in an oriental spirit, imitation of the sound of oriental instruments and tones of Scheherazade in its form and style is a symphonic suite, that is, a multi-part cyclic musical work written for a symphony orchestra. Also, the form of "Scheherazade" as a suite is due to the fact that the composer, in the process of working on it, created parts of a musical work, each of which had its own programmatic character and its own name. But in the future, "Scheherazade", as a suite as a whole, acquired more and more the character of the form of a symphony. As a result, Rimsky-Korsakov writes a unified general program for the Scheherazade symphonic suite, removing his own names for the parts of the symphonic suite and making the latter numbers.

  • In 1910, Mikhail Fokin staged the ballet Scheherazade to the music of Rimsky-Korsakov, with scenery and costumes by Bakst.

Consists of 4 parts:

1. The sea and Sinbad's ship (The sea and Sinbad's ship) - Sonata form with introduction and coda (without development).

2. The story of the Kalandar prince (The story of the Kalandar prince) - A complex three-part form with an introduction and a coda.

3. Tsarevich and princess (The young prince and the young princess) - sonata form with a coda without introduction and development.

4. Feast in Baghdad (Festival at Baghdad) - Rondo (Alternation of all parts from the first three parts).


Scheherazade is one of Rimsky-Korsakov's most popular works. It is not only performed by academic musicians, but has also experienced many adaptations by variety artists.

  • The English rock band Deep Purple reworked the first movement of Scheherazade as an electric organ composition " Medley: Prelude to Happiness”, the Hammond organ solo was performed by Jon Lord. The composition was included in the 1968 album Shades of Deep Purple.
  • A treatment of the suite appears on the 1971 album Konvergencie by the Slovak band Collegium Musicum
  • The Merlin Patterson Symphony Brass Band (Houston, Texas, USA) created an unusual arrangement of "Scheherazade" for wind instruments, presented in 2005.

A fragment of "Scheherazade" was used in the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

This abstract is based on an article from the Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed on 07/10/11 09:35:24
Similar essays: Scheherazade, Scheherazade (ballet), Scheherazade (film),

Symphonic suite "Scheherazade"

Rimsky-Korsakov could create a variety of "musical fabrics" - from shimmering oriental silks and brocades to magical robes of a sea princess shimmering with all the colors of the sea.

The fantastic symphonic suite "Scheherazade" has firmly entered the concert repertoire. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov wrote it, filling the music with a wonderful orchestral sound.

The theme of the East was one of the favorite themes in Russian music of the 19th century, which gave rise to many truly beautiful pages of it. The fabulous world of the East was revealed to us by Glinka in the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila, and Borodin in the opera Prince Igor, many oriental themes are found both in the symphonic music of Russian composers and in chamber vocal work.

One of the most striking "oriental" scores by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, "Scheherazade", immerses us in the atmosphere of the sound of oriental music with its characteristic intonations and whimsical melodic twists, with instrumental timbres that recreate a fabulous, almost fantastic musical flavor.

During the summer of 1888, Rimsky-Korsakov wrote Scheherazade and was first performed under the direction of the author in the 1888-1889 season in one of the Russian Symphony Concerts, organized by the music publisher and patron Mitrofan Belyaev. Since then, this work has gained great popularity among listeners.

The inspiration for the creation of the suite was the literary work "Tales of a Thousand and One Nights".

Rimsky-Korsakov prefaces his work with a short program introduction:

Sultan Shahriyar, convinced of the insidiousness and infidelity of women, gave a vow to execute each of his wives after the first night; but the sultana Scheherazade saved her life by being able to entertain him with tales, telling them to him for 1001 nights, so that, prompted by curiosity, Shahriyar constantly postponed her execution and finally completely abandoned his intention. Scheherazade told him many miracles, citing poems by poets and lyrics, weaving a fairy tale into a fairy tale and a story into a story.

Some of the most striking episodes of the wonderful tales of Scheherazade became the basis of Rimsky-Korsakov's symphonic composition. Despite the fact that the suite contains many independent episodes, characters, musical themes, the suite is united by a single concept, which is subordinated to the image of the main narrator - Scheherazade. After all, she, possessing great erudition and a rich imagination, managed not only to save her life, but also to create a huge magical world full of incredible wonders and adventures.

Rimsky-Korsakov names the episodes that he used as a program for individual parts: "The Sea and the Ship of Sinbad", "The Fantastic Story of the Tsarevich Kalender", "The Tsarevich and the Princess", "A Feast in Baghdad and a Ship Crashing on a Rock". Maybe that's why the musical narrative is built as a series of fabulous pictures and main characters with their characteristic musical themes.

In the introduction, one can hear the contrast between the formidable Sultan Shahriyar and the captivating Scheherazade from the very beginning.

In the theme of Shahriyar there is an imperious unison of woodwind instruments, depicting the image of a strong and powerful sultan, a powerful lord of his state, free to freely dispose of the life and death of his subjects.

But the theme of Scheherazade is tender and languid, performed by a melodious violin solo. You can hear in it the magic of the Arabian night, and the bewitching voice of a young storyteller, and the full of mystery coloring of marvelous oriental narrations.

Scheherazade tells about the legendary sailor Sinbad, who sets sail. Drawing the sea so amazingly colorful and accurate, Rimsky-Korsakov, no doubt, turned to his memories associated with sea voyages.

The main part of the sonata allegro is the image of the surging sea. It is based on the theme of Shahriar, but now it becomes the theme of the hero of the fairy tale - the brave traveler Sinbad, while maintaining a severe character.

It contrasts with a light side theme - the theme of Sinbad's ship. Her music surprisingly subtly conveys the breath of the sea element, draws an endless series of waves with white "lambs" on the crests, the ship of Sinbad the Sailor, sailing across the calm expanse of the ocean. But the excitement of the sea is gradually growing, and now the music draws the grandeur of the raging elements. But by the end of the part, everything calms down, and the music again depicts a picture of the gently splashing peaceful sea.

The theme of Shahriyar brightens, as if the despotic lord softened under the influence of beautiful fairy tales and grants Sheherazade one more day of life to hear the continuation.

The second part is "The Story of the Prince-Calender". Here a new character appears - the prince, and Scheherazade, as it were, gives him the word. So there is a story within a story, a fairy tale within a fairy tale. The composer creates a musical portrait of Calender, and then depicts his fantastic adventures.

The third movement is the most lyrical in the suite. It is called "Prince and Princess" and is a kind of love lyrical duet.

But the most striking part of the suite is the finale, which unites the themes of all the previous parts. He is distinguished by the brightness of orchestral fantasy, fiery temperament. The composer called this movement "The Feast in Baghdad and the Ship Crashing on the Rock with the Bronze Horseman". This festive character is revealed in the change of various themes, the play of rhythms and timbres. The extensive coda, which serves as the conclusion of the whole cycle, draws an independent picture of the majestic menacing sea and the ship crashing against the rock.

In the epilogue of the suite, the theme of Shahriyar becomes soft and calm, because the cruel sultan is pacified. For the last time, as the end of the tale, the theme of the young Scheherazade sounds. The suite ends with it.

"Scheherazade" is one of the brightest works depicting the world of the musical East. It uses the principle of picturesqueness, comparison of episodes of different character, united by the theme of Scheherazade, which reminds us that all this is the story of one person - the charming storyteller Scheherazade. There is no consistent plot in the program of the suite, and there are no explanations for the content of the fairy tales.

This suite is one of the examples of Rimsky-Korsakov's epic symphony. It reveals the same principles of epic musical dramaturgy (contrast, juxtaposition of images) as in the composer's epic operas. These principles are manifested both in the structure of the suite as a whole and within the individual parts of the work.

Oriental motives

When Sergei Diaghilev thought out the program for the first "Paris Seasons" of the Russian ballet in 1910, he chose this particular work, along with "Polovtsian Dances" by A. Borodin and "Khovanshchina" by M. Mussorgsky. Putting his plans into practice, he was well aware of what exactly the public might like and that the French were very attracted to oriental trends. In 1910, Mikhail Fokin staged the ballet Scheherazade with Vaslav Nijinsky and Ida Rubinstein in the lead roles. The author of magnificent costumes and scenery was Leon Bakst.

And in 1911, V. A. Serov, seeing "Scheherazade" in the program of the second Russian ballet season of Sergei Diaghilev in Paris, was so delighted with the colorful unusual music and action that he created a huge (12 by 12 meters) curtain for the ballet.


1. Presentation - 9 slides, ppsx;
2. Sounds of music:
Rimsky-Korsakov. Symphonic suite "Scheherazade". 1 part, mp3;
Rimsky-Korsakov. Symphonic suite "Scheherazade". Shahriyar's theme, mp3;
Rimsky-Korsakov. Symphonic suite "Scheherazade". The theme of Scheherazade, mp3;
3. Accompanying article, docx.

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