Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures. How to teach a child to retell and compose a coherent story


Learning to tell

My daughter, returning from the kindergarten, told ... Overwhelmed by emotions, she was in a hurry, started one thing, jumped to another, switched to the third. The pronouns went in dense wagons, running over and crushing each other: “She me ... and then I, and here they are, but we didn’t want to, but they! ..” I didn’t understand anything. She began to ask questions, the little girl became nervous, hurried up and completely confused, burst into tears, realizing that she had not told anything. I was no less upset. My daughter is five years old, in a year she will go to school, but she does not know how to retell the text she heard, nor convey her feelings.

The entire school curriculum is based on retelling, read - retell, so while there is time, you need to try to develop this skill.

Let's turn to ourselves

Children speak the language that others speak. For a couple of days I listened to how we communicate with each other and noted with sadness that in everyday speech a minimal vocabulary is used, such that others around you understand you. “Give me a cup, please. You will go for a walk?" Adverbs and adjectives are inserted if necessary, comparative turns are extremely rare. Our speech is objective, unified. Therefore, if I want to develop a connected speech in a child, color it with figurative phrases, first of all, I myself must speak using all the diversity of the Russian language. I began to watch my speech. The main principle is to enrich speech with comparative phrases and adjectives, use complex sentences and extended statements, speak vividly and figuratively.

It was complicated. "Give me, please, a blue cup with a white border, standing on the second shelf in the kitchen cabinet." “The weather is beautiful today! The sun is shining brightly, not a cloud in the sky. When we go for a walk in the park, what toys will we take with us? Can we invite someone for a walk? To such a question, the child, you see, will no longer be able to answer “yes - no” in monosyllables.

This requires attention and time. You will get tired of speaking in extended sentences, tired of choosing adjectives and figurative comparisons, but gradually it will develop into a habit. Try to switch other family members to such a painted - detailed way of communication.

Where to start the development of speech?

Developing coherent speech in a child, it is important to teach the baby to retell short tales and stories. He retells familiar fairy tales with a simple plot ("Turnip", "Gingerbread Man", "Ryaba Hen"). At the same time, the ability to listen to a fairy tale, answer questions from adults, include individual words and sentences in an adult’s story, as if helping him, is developed. So the kid is brought to an independent story of a literary work.

A child of the fourth year of life memorizes the texts of folk tales almost verbatim, learns the sequence of actions.

If the child does not have the experience of retelling, you can return to fairy tales, stories that the baby knows well. Mom begins to tell, starting a sentence, falls silent, inviting the child to finish the phrase. "Once upon a time there was a grandfather and ..." - "Baba" - "They had ..." - "Ryaba Hen". Then you can proceed to the retelling of the questions: "Who did the bun meet?" - "Bunny" - "What song did he sing to him? .."

After consolidating this skill, the baby already starts the story himself, and the mother picks it up. Gradually, the child will be able to retell the tale in full.

To memorize the plot, dramatization with toys or finger puppets helps young children. You played a fairy tale in front of the baby, ask him to be an actor and play the same fairy tale in front of you, with the voice acting of all the characters.

Try to replace the phrase: “Retell what you heard, read” with a game. Invite your child to play the radio. He will be the announcer who plays the radio play. In the evening you put him to bed and told a fairy tale, and he, in turn, puts his toys to bed and, just like you, regales them with a fairy tale story.

Retelling by picture

Children's books are well designed, and any illustration is an occasion to talk. “Is this how you imagined the main character? What do you think, did the artist paint this season correctly? What part of the story is illustrated? What events happened next? According to one illustration, you can come up with more than a dozen questions. You can invite the kid to illustrate the read text himself and then discuss his “picture to text”.

Plot stories - describe toys

Babies love looking at toys. It is this, rather than the other, that prompts them to speak out.

First, the adult invites the child to carefully examine the toy. The first questions are aimed at the characteristic features of the appearance of the object (shape, color, size). Older children (fifth year of life) can be offered to compare two toys. An adult teaches children, for example, to describe and compare dolls, naming their most characteristic features, and makes sure that children express themselves in complete sentences.

Before comparing, the baby will have to carefully consider both dolls: how they are dressed, what hair, eyes they have, and then note how they are similar and how they differ.

The kid has mastered the description of individual toys - proceed to compiling small plot stories. Offer him some toys that allow you to outline a simple storyline: a girl, a basket, a fungus; girl, Christmas tree, hedgehog, etc. Let the child think about what could happen to the girl in the forest, whom she met, what she brought home in a basket. An adult can come up with his own story for a sample, and then invite the child to come up with a story himself. And it does not matter if the child at first simply repeats your story after you - he is practicing storytelling. Gradually take the children away from imitation, offer to come up with an independent story.

Event story

Children of the fifth year of life can already tell about some events from personal experience. An adult encourages the child to remember how they went to visit, to the park, to the New Year tree, that he saw interesting things on a walk in the forest.

The task is clearly set before the child: "Tell me what you saw at the holiday." Here you can use the sample: "First listen to what I saw at the holiday, and then you will tell." The story of an adult should be close to children's experience, clearly built, have a clear end; the language of the story should be lively and emotional.

Gradually, children wean themselves from copying the model and approach independent creative storytelling, the training of which begins after 5 years.

The child begins to speak more and more vividly and figuratively about the events that happened to him, he will be able to clearly and clearly formulate his emotions. By expanding the vocabulary, the baby will easily find words to describe emotions and feelings.

Any story about an event that happened is based on two important aspects. First, our attention is selective and second, everyone has their own life values. Therefore, when your child comes from among the guests, do not expect a detailed retelling from him: “Who was, what they ate, who gave what.” In response, you will hear: "What kind of machine did Petya have, and what candy wrappers did Nastya have." Toys are important for a child, and not “how many varieties of sausage were on the table.” The kid lives in “his own values” and in his own rhythm, “he looked here, ran there, grabbed a pie” and therefore don’t expect a detailed report from him, “what happened first, what then and who did what”. But, if the child has an established base for retelling works of art, then at your request: “I was not visiting your friend, tell me, please, so that I can imagine how everything was there,” you will get a fairly intelligible story.


Reading plays a huge role in the formation of a child's vocabulary. Analyze what kind of literature you read to your baby, and what he reads himself. Try to move from books that have a lot of plot development, a lot of action and built-in dialogue, to descriptive literature. These are stories and stories about nature, about animals, about travel. Turn to the books of our unfading classics, and after a short period of time you will feel the beauty and richness of the Russian language, its melody.

If there are unfamiliar words and concepts in the text, explain them to the baby, give examples in which cases they are used. Let the child make up sentences using new words and concepts.

We discuss what we read

If before you read to your baby for thirty minutes, and then closed the book, now change the process of reading. Fifteen minutes - read, fifteen minutes - talk about what you read. The level of discussion depends on the intellectual development of the child. If it is small, then the questions are the simplest: “What is the story about? What did the bunny do? Where did the bear go? An older child and more adult questions: “Did the boy do the right thing? What do you think could happen next? And what would you do in the place of a hero?

Mom not only directs the conversation by asking questions, but builds a dialogue. He expresses his opinion, sometimes it is deliberately “wrong” so that the child can notice a mistake, a wrong thought and correct his mother. The adult forces the kid to express his opinion and talk about what is “not written” in the book.

In the course of reading, the mother draws attention to what she liked or was struck by. It can be a beautiful comparative turn, a bright colorful description of an object, or a bold act of a hero. “I would probably be scared, but would you be able to cross a raging river?” Reading is a dialogue between a book and a child. A book is a non-passive object, read and put on a shelf - it is an occasion to talk, discuss, and reflect.

By reading good literature, you will enjoy yourself, and your enjoyment of reading will be passed on to the child.

Retelling content in your own words

A common task in the classroom is to retell what you have read in your own words. The child is often frightened, and directs all his attention to remembering the text, believing that the more accurately he tells the original, the more “correctly” he will complete the task. And forgetting the author's text, he "stops" and falls silent. This problem can be solved by teaching the child to carefully read or listen to the text, and then “enter” what he has read, see the content with his own eyes, become an actor for a while and retell what surrounds him, what he sees.

Often the child does not understand the meaning and content of the text, so he cannot correctly retell it. First, the studied material needs to be analyzed in detail, having understood the meaning of each word and concept, to find synonyms for new terms that are already familiar to the child. If later he forgets a new word for him, he will be able to replace it with another, similar in meaning. Before each retelling, disassemble, “chew” the text, this is the key to a competent retelling.

Games to expand the child's vocabulary

These word games do not take extra time, they can be played on the way to the kindergarten, in line, on a walk. As soon as they notice that the baby's attention began to switch to foreign objects, the game stops.

1. Guide. On a walk, the mother closes her eyes, and the child describes to her what surrounds them.

2. Description of the object. The kid is invited to describe the subject using as many non-repeating words as possible.

When you and your child examine an object, ask him a variety of questions: "What size is it? What color? What is it made of? What is it for?" You can just ask: "What is he?" So you encourage to call a variety of signs of objects, help the development of coherent speech.

3. Who has the last word. In turn, describe the object, whoever has the last word, he won.

4. We are looking for details. You can enter into the child's dictionary the names of not only objects, but also their details and parts. "Here's a car, what does he have?" - "Steering wheel, seats, doors, wheels, motor..." - "What does a tree have?" - "Root, trunk, branches, leaves..."

5. We describe the properties of objects. The names of the properties of objects are also fixed in word games.

Ask your child: "What is high?" - "A house, a tree, a person..." - "What is higher - a tree or a person? Can a person be higher than a tree? When?" Or: "What happens wide?" - "River, street, tape ..." - "And what is wider - a stream or a river?" So children learn to compare, generalize, begin to understand the meaning of the abstract words "height", "width", etc. You can use other questions for the game that help to master the properties of objects: what happens to be white? Fluffy? Cold? Hard? Smooth? Round?..

6. Making up a story. Mom begins to tell the story, when she pauses, the child inserts the word that makes sense.

7. What can be? The adult calls the adjective, and the kid calls it nouns. For example, "Black". What can be black? The child enumerates: earth, tree, briefcase, paints... Then the game is reversed. The object is called, and adjectives are selected for it. "Ball, what?" Round, rubber, red-blue, new, big...

8. Become a writer. 5-7 words are offered and you need to make a story out of them. If it is difficult for a child to memorize words by ear, then pictures can be offered. At first it can be such a set: skis, a boy, a snowman, a dog, a Christmas tree. Then the task becomes more difficult: a bear, a rocket, a door, a flower, a rainbow.

9. Find a repeat. Mom pronounces a stylistic incorrect phrase, and the baby tries to find a tautology and correct it. For example, “Daddy salted the soup with salt. Masha put clothes on the doll.

10. A game of antonyms, words that are opposite in meaning. The adult calls the word, the child picks up the word antipode. "Hot-cold, winter-summer, big - small."

11. The game of synonyms. For example, a synonym for the word "stick" is a cane, stick, crutch, staff.

12. Game "Add a word." Purpose: to select verbs denoting the end of the action. The adult calls the beginning of the action, and the child - its continuation and end:
- Olya woke up and ... (began to wash).
- Kolya got dressed and ... (ran for a walk).
- he froze and ... (went home).
- they began to play ... (with a bunny).
- the bunny got scared and ... (ran, hid)
- the girl was offended and ... (left, cried).

13. What did you see? Pay attention to the passing clouds. What do skyships look like? What does this tree crown look like? And these mountains? And this person, what animal is associated with?

14. Travel agency. Every day you and your child go along the usual route - for a walk, to a store or kindergarten. But what if you try to diversify your everyday life? Imagine that you are departing on an exciting journey. Discuss with your child what type of transport you will use, what you need to take with you, what kind of dangers you will meet along the way, what sights you will see... While traveling, share your impressions.

15. Always at hand. All parents are familiar with situations when it is difficult for a child to do something - for example, a long wait in line or a tiring trip in transport. All that is needed in such cases is to find a couple of felt-tip pens in my mother's purse, or at least just a pen. Draw faces on the baby's fingers: one is smiling, the other is sad, the third is surprised. Let there be two characters on one hand, and let's say three on the other. The kid can give the characters names, introduce them to each other, sing a song or play a scene with them.

16. Logic chain. From randomly selected cards laid out in a line, you need to make a connected story. Then the task becomes more difficult. The cards are turned over, and the baby remembers a sequential chain of laid out pictures and names them in the order in which they lay. The number of cards used in the game depends on the age of the child, the older - the more pictures. Despite the apparent complexity of the game, children like this type of entertainment. They start competing to see who can remember the most pictures.

17. Stories from life. Children enjoy listening to stories about what happened when they were very young or when they did not exist at all. You can tell these stories in the evening before going to bed, or in the kitchen when your hands are busy and your thoughts are free. What to talk about? For example, how the baby kicked in your stomach when it was not yet born. Or how you learned to ride a bike. Or how dad flew for the first time in an airplane ... Some stories you will have to tell even more than once. Ask other family members to join the game as well.

18. My report. You and your child went on some kind of trip just the two of you, without other family members. Invite him to write a report about his journey. Use photos or videos as illustrations. Give the child the opportunity to choose what to talk about, without leading questions. And you observe what exactly was deposited in his memory, what turned out to be interesting and important for him. If you start fantasizing, don't stop. The speech of the baby develops regardless of what events - real or fictional - are reproduced by him.

19. How did it end? One of the ways to develop coherent speech can be watching cartoons. Start watching an interesting cartoon with your baby, and at the most exciting place, “remember” the urgent matter that you have to do right now, but ask your child to tell you later what will happen next in the cartoon and how it will end. Don't forget to thank your storyteller!

My daughter, returning from the kindergarten, told ... Overwhelmed by emotions, she was in a hurry, started one thing, jumped to another, switched to the third. Pronouns came in dense wagons, running over and crushing each other: “She me ... and then I, and here they are, but we didn’t want to, but they! ..” I didn’t understand anything. She began to ask questions, the little girl became nervous, hurried up and completely confused, burst into tears, realizing that she had not told anything. I was no less upset. My daughter is five years old, in a year she will go to school, but she does not know how to retell the text she heard, nor convey her feelings.

The entire school curriculum is based on retelling, read - retell, so while there is time, you need to try to develop this skill.

Let's turn to ourselves

Children speak the language that others speak. For a couple of days I listened to how we communicate with each other and noted with sadness that in everyday speech a minimal vocabulary is used, such that others around you understand you. “Give me a cup, please. You will go for a walk?" Adverbs and adjectives are inserted if necessary, comparative turns are extremely rare. Our speech is objective, unified. Therefore, if I want to develop a connected speech in a child, color it with figurative phrases, first of all, I myself must speak using all the diversity of the Russian language. I began to watch my speech. The main principle is to enrich speech with comparative phrases and adjectives, use complex sentences and extended statements, speak vividly and figuratively.
It was complicated. "Give me, please, a blue cup with a white border, standing on the second shelf in the kitchen cabinet." “The weather is beautiful today! The sun is shining brightly, not a cloud in the sky. When we go for a walk in the park, what toys will we take with us? Can we invite someone for a walk? To such a question, the child, you see, will no longer be able to answer “yes - no” in monosyllables.
This requires attention and time. You will get tired of speaking in extended sentences, tired of choosing adjectives and figurative comparisons, but gradually it will develop into a habit. Try to switch other family members to such a painted - detailed way of communication.

Where to start the development of speech?

Developing coherent speech in a child, it is important to teach the baby to retell short tales and stories. He retells familiar fairy tales with a simple plot ("Turnip", "Gingerbread Man", "Ryaba Hen"). At the same time, the ability to listen to a fairy tale, answer questions from adults, include individual words and sentences in an adult’s story, as if helping him, is developed. So the kid is brought to an independent story of a literary work.
Child fourth year of life almost verbatim memorizes the texts of folk tales, learns the sequence of actions.
If the child does not have the experience of retelling, you can return to fairy tales, stories that the baby knows well. Mom begins to tell, starting a sentence, falls silent, inviting the child to finish the phrase. "Once upon a time there was a grandfather and ..." - "Baba" - "They had ..." - "Ryaba Hen". Then you can proceed to the retelling of the questions: "Who did the bun meet?" - "Bunny" - "What song did he sing to him? .."

After consolidating this skill, the baby already starts the story himself, and the mother picks it up. Gradually, the child will be able to retell the tale in full.
To memorize the plot, dramatization with toys or finger puppets helps young children. You played a fairy tale in front of the baby, ask him to be an actor and play the same fairy tale in front of you, with the voice acting of all the characters.
Try to replace the phrase: “Retell what you heard, read” with a game. Invite your child to play the radio. He will be the announcer who plays the radio play. In the evening you put him to bed and told a fairy tale, and he, in turn, puts his toys to bed and, just like you, regales them with a fairy tale story.

Retelling by picture

Children's books are well designed, and any illustration is an occasion to talk. “Is this how you imagined the main character? What do you think, did the artist paint this season correctly? What part of the story is illustrated? What events happened next? According to one illustration, you can come up with more than a dozen questions. You can invite the kid to illustrate the read text himself and then discuss his “picture to text”.

Plot stories - describe toys

Kids love to look at toys. It is this, rather than the other, that prompts them to speak out.
First, the adult invites the child to carefully examine the toy. The first questions are aimed at the characteristic features of the appearance of the object (shape, color, size). Older children (fifth year of life) can be offered to compare two toys. An adult teaches children, for example, to describe and compare dolls, naming their most characteristic features, and makes sure that children express themselves in complete sentences.

Before comparing, the baby will have to carefully consider both dolls: how they are dressed, what hair, eyes they have, and then note how they are similar and how they differ.
The kid has mastered the description of individual toys - proceed to compiling small plot stories. Offer him some toys that allow you to outline a simple storyline: a girl, a basket, a fungus; girl, Christmas tree, hedgehog, etc. Let the child think about what could happen to the girl in the forest, whom she met, what she brought home in a basket. An adult can come up with his own story for a sample, and then invite the child to come up with a story himself. And it does not matter if the child at first simply repeats your story after you - he is practicing storytelling. Gradually take the children away from imitation, offer to come up with an independent story.
Event story

Children fifth year of life can already tell about some events from personal experience. An adult encourages the child to remember how they went to visit, to the park, to the New Year tree, that he saw interesting things on a walk in the forest.
The task is clearly set for the child: "Tell me what you saw at the party". Here you can use the sample: "First listen to what I saw at the holiday, and then you will tell." The story of an adult should be close to children's experience, clearly built, have a clear end; the language of the story should be lively and emotional.
Gradually, children wean themselves from copying the model and approach independent creative storytelling, the training of which begins after 5 years.


Reading plays a huge role in the formation of a child's vocabulary. Analyze what kind of literature you read to your baby, and what he reads himself. Try to move from books that have a lot of plot development, a lot of action and built-in dialogue, to descriptive literature. These are stories and stories about nature, about animals, about travel. Turn to the books of our unfading classics, and after a short period of time you will feel the beauty and richness of the Russian language, its melody.

If there are unfamiliar words and concepts in the text, explain them to the baby, give examples in which cases they are used. Let the child make up sentences using new words and concepts.

We discuss what we read

If before you read to your baby for thirty minutes, and then closed the book, now change the process of reading. Fifteen minutes - read, fifteen minutes - talk about what you read. The level of discussion depends on the intellectual development of the child. If it is small, then the questions are the simplest: “What is the story about? What did the bunny do? Where did the bear go? An older child and more adult questions: “Did the boy do the right thing? What do you think could happen next? And what would you do in the place of a hero?
Mom not only directs the conversation by asking questions, but builds a dialogue. He expresses his opinion, sometimes it is deliberately “wrong” so that the child can notice a mistake, a wrong thought and correct his mother. The adult forces the kid to express his opinion and talk about what is “not written” in the book.
In the course of reading, the mother draws attention to what she liked or was struck by. It can be a beautiful comparative turn, a bright colorful description of an object, or a bold act of a hero. “I would probably be scared, but would you be able to cross a raging river?” Reading is a dialogue between a book and a child. A book is a non-passive object, read and put on a shelf - it is an occasion to talk, discuss, and reflect.
By reading good literature, you will enjoy yourself, and your enjoyment of reading will be passed on to the child.

Retelling content in your own words

A common task in the classroom is to retell what you have read in your own words. The child is often frightened, and directs all his attention to remembering the text, believing that the more accurately he tells the original, the more “correctly” he will complete the task. And forgetting the author's text, he "stops" and falls silent. This problem can be solved by teaching the child to carefully read or listen to the text, and then “enter” what he has read, see the content with his own eyes, become an actor for a while and retell what surrounds him, what he sees.
Often the child does not understand the meaning and content of the text, so he cannot correctly retell it. First, the studied material needs to be analyzed in detail, having understood the meaning of each word and concept, to find synonyms for new terms that are already familiar to the child. If later he forgets a new word for him, he will be able to replace it with another, similar in meaning. Before each retelling, disassemble, “chew” the text, this is the key to a competent retelling.

If you do not know how to teach a child to make a story from a picture, this article is for you! First, let's clarify that two types of story can be made from a picture: description and narration. Let's consider them separately.

How to write a story - a description of the picture?

Starting from preschool age, children make up a story - a description of a variety of objects and phenomena. It can be descriptions of a cat, autumn, and even a chair. As you help your child write this kind of story, keep the following points in mind:

  1. You need to start the story with a topic. One sentence like "I'll tell you about the Siamese cat" will be enough.
  2. A direct description includes a mention of 4-5 main characteristics of an object (phenomenon). For example, when describing a cat, tell us what it looks like (color, coat). Where does it live, what does it eat, what benefits does it bring to a person? You can talk about the habits of a cat. When describing inanimate objects, it is necessary to talk about why this object is needed? How can it be used? What material is it made from? What parts does it consist of?
  3. The story should end with a summary, one or two sentences.
In the preparatory group and elementary school (grades 1 and 2), children make up stories - descriptions are already based on serious paintings (landscape, portrait, still life). The sequence of work remains the same as with preschoolers, but there are some nuances.
  1. Denoting the theme of the story, it is necessary to mention the author and the name of the picture.
  2. Considering the landscape, ask your child questions: what season is shown in the picture? What is in the foreground? On the back? What mood does the painting convey? Considering the portrait - first name the person depicted on it, describe his gender, age. Consider what the person is wearing. What is it in front of? Ask the child what it seems to him, the person depicted in the picture - which one? Strict, dreamy, strong, weak? Why did he decide so?
  3. Summing up, you need to express the general impression and mood of the picture.

How to compose a story - a story from a picture?

Narration is a story about events that happened, actions. The easiest way to compose a narrative is to use plot pictures. The events taking place with the heroes are drawn in 3-5 pictures. The task of the child is to carefully consider them, and tell about what happened in order. Each new picture is a new offer. Together we get text.

A more complex type of work is a story based on one plot picture. When compiling this type of story, you should clearly remember - one sentence is not a story! Imagine you are showing your child a picture of a grandmother feeding the birds. But if a child says only one sentence “grandmother feeds the birds”, the story will not work, right? The child needs to see the whole picture. Highlight major and minor points. Compose n-th number of sentences on your own, and arrange them in a logical order.

Do not leave the child alone with this difficult task, it is useful to think together about the content of the work. “Why does Grandma feed the birds? What mood does your grandmother have - happy, sad, lonely? Consider how the birds behave - maybe some fight, but someone is afraid to approach?

Can your baby listen to fascinating stories full of wonders and adventures for a long time? And what if he himself will act as a storyteller? Help your child in this useful and exciting activity.

Where to begin

You can compose fairy tales between times, on the go. After all, when the hands are busy with the household, the head is free for creativity. The kid is happy to participate in the development of a fairy tale plot and in the game, imperceptibly replenish his vocabulary, consolidate the grammatical structure of speech, and, most importantly, practice the art of the storyteller (oral monologue speech).

Fairy tales can be written about anything, even about vegetables and household utensils, but first practice on more “simple” material. There are different “recipes” for organizing such creative training. How you will use them depends on the age of the child. A child over 4 years old can compose together with an adult, and a 5-6-year-old already composes quite freely on his own, and the task of an adult is to give impetus to writing. Much depends on his and your creative abilities, the conditions in which you will start writing (whether it will be a specially allotted time or you will have to compose while doing other things along the way or while on the road).

"Finish the story"

It is necessary to give the child a task - to come up with an ending for the fairy tale. Your goal will be to develop the ability to logically complete any story, the ability to comprehend what is perceived and correctly complete a thought, and activate vocabulary. So, you offer the child the simplest plot of several sentences. For example: “One day the boy Styopa went to the forest for mushrooms. Styopa met a squirrel in the forest - she waved her fluffy tail and galloped along the branches of trees. He also caught a hare, but only a cowardly hare immediately hid in the bushes - he got scared. Styopa gathered a lot of mushrooms, ate strawberries. So he walked through the forest, walked and wandered into a place completely unfamiliar to him. At first, the boy was a little frightened, but then he remembered that he was very brave (otherwise, how could he have gone into the forest alone?) and began to look around. Styopa looks around to understand where he found himself and suddenly sees ... ".

Here you are asking the kid to complete the tale in accordance with its meaning. If difficulties arise, you can help him with leading questions: “What did the boy see? What did he collect? What could happen to him in the forest? Who could help Styopa get out of the forest? It is very important to emotionally respond to each answer found by the child (surprise, joy, fear, etc.), thus developing an emotional attitude to what is being composed, the skill of conveying emotions in speech.

You can arrange a competition of different options for ending the fairy tale: each of you can offer several options, and then you will discuss them together. The last stage plays an important role in the development of logical thinking and the ability to perceive and continue the thought that has been started. In the future, the child can tell someone a composed fairy tale and illustrate it with drawings. After creating several of these endings for your simple plots (do not try to come up with a complicated beginning, it should be very simple), you will see that the baby is capable of independently composing the ending of a fairy tale, without leading questions.

Composition based on a series of pictures

For such an activity, you will have to select a suitable series of pictures in advance. For example, pictures from manuals for the development of speech, which make up a series of illustrations for a single plot. For these purposes, it is convenient to use speech therapy albums, various manuals and primers. If a child does not attend kindergarten, such exercises are necessary for him: it is this type of work that causes difficulties for children when entering school. From time to time, the didactic material needs to be updated, to come up with new options for working with old pictures. Essay on pictures will be indispensable both on a long journey and during the illness of the baby, when you need to keep him in a relatively motionless and calm state for some time.

The purpose of this task is to help to see the colorfulness, brightness of the images created in the picture; to form the ability to correctly select verbs and adjectives to characterize characters. You have to teach the kid to build a plot in a logically correct sequence, to characterize the place and time of action - this should contribute to the development of the child's imagination and creative thinking. Considering the first drawing with the baby, draw the child’s attention to what kind of area is shown in the drawing: “Who (what characters) do you see here? What are they doing? Where they are? What is the environment around them? What time of year (day)? What are the signs of this? Using illustrations for fairy tales, it is imperative to draw the attention of the child to the fact that the plot of the pictures is fabulous (for example, a mouse plays a balloon, etc.).

The beginning of the tale is compiled according to the first picture (“Once upon a time ...”). The second picture is examined in more detail: an adult draws the child's attention to smaller objects: “What do you think this is? I wonder why he (she, it) is needed here? An adult can help come up with names for the characters, ask which character they especially liked and why. In the process of working with pictures, you need to emotionally respond to children's remarks, helping in composing a fairy tale and describing characters, asking leading questions at a dynamic pace. When the fairy tale is invented, you can invite the baby to tell it to one of the relatives, and also tell the audience about the process of creating it.

Collective composition

Why not entertain at a children's party or during family gatherings?
Several children participate at once. Children offer a theme, heroes of a fairy tale, an adult deals with the plot, involving children in its development. The presence of several participants at once makes the composition of a fairy tale more diverse, interesting, and its content complete and deep. If you involve other adults, it will only enrich the game. In the process of joint activity, the child gets a visual idea of ​​what it means to invent a fairy tale in stages. The game teaches him to compose phrases more clearly and thoughtfully, because the other participant must understand him in order to come up with his own continuation.

First, offer to come up with a name for the fairy tale, heroes, tell what they will be like, describe their appearance, mood. Then the fairy tale is “assembled” from children's answers to your questions: “Where does the fairy tale begin? How will events develop? (what happens next?) What will be the most poignant moment? Which one is the most interesting, funny? How will the fairy tale end? Participants express their answers-continuations in a chain, one after another. Changing questions in the process of composing a fairy tale activates the attention of children. If children confidently cope with composing a fairy tale according to the proposed plan, additional questions can be offered, suggesting new directions for fantasizing. Invite the children to retell what they have already written, involve them in the discussion of what others have written. The composed fairy tale should be written down in order to read it the next day or at a new meeting of friends. You can continue to write a fairy-tale "series" for children.


Invite the child to "revive" the fairy tale: come up with costumes, develop the behavior of the characters in accordance with their characters, think over the facial expressions, gestures, intonation of each character. The purpose of this task is to activate the creative attitude to the word. Creative comprehension should manifest itself in the ability to transform a verbal fairy-tale image into a dramatic one.

It also assumes collective creativity. Not only children, but also toys and dolls can become performers of roles. Heroes of the puppet theater can become indispensable helpers (such toys are sold in stores, but if you wish, you can create them yourself). The fairy tale chosen for staging can be composed or read earlier - in this case, creativity consists not in creating, but in the embodiment of the plot. When distributing roles, the individual characteristics and capabilities of children, as well as the toys used, are taken into account, and the characters' characters are discussed. All participants in the performance are involved in the rehearsal, even those who are not involved in a particular scene (they monitor whether the performance corresponds to the text of the role, help find the most successful embodiment of the image, and participate in its “development”). An important stage in the preparation will be the production of scenery, which will draw the attention of young participants to those details that most often elude children's attention: the scene and its change, the means of conveying the atmosphere of a fairy tale, mood (scary, gloomy or light, fun). The participation of adults in staging allows children to develop the ability to emotionally immerse themselves in a fairy tale, to creatively comprehend it, the ability to mimic and intonation creativity (based on the embodiment of a verbal fairy tale image).

Story about a specific character

The plot of many fairy tales is built on the basis of various actions of a character who travels a path (performs actions) with a specific goal. At the same time, it interacts with other objects: overcomes obstacles, solves problems, changing itself and changing the environment. If, according to the plot of a fairy tale, the hero solves creative problems when interacting with the environment, has a specific goal, changes himself, draws conclusions from life lessons, then his actions lead to a positive result. Invite the child to choose a character for himself, describe him, come up with a little adventure for him and tell a fairy tale in the first person as a composed character.

At first, an adult can offer the kid his version of a fairy tale or its approximate plan: you need to think about which character to choose (good or evil, lazy or hardworking, etc.); determine its nature, motives and goals of actions; decide in what situation to place it (selection of the scene of action); describe the actions of the main character to achieve the goal (the hero wanted to achieve something and as a result ...).

Then the conclusion is summed up: how has the hero changed? For the resulting fairy tale, a name is invented. Self-determination of the hero and the goals of his actions, reasoning about the results he achieved, formulating conclusions, as well as inventing the name of a fairy tale - all these are the conditions for the moral education of your baby, the conditions for the formation of his interpersonal communication skills.

Fairy tale on a given topic

The child is invited to compose a fairy tale on the proposed topic. This will require him to be able to act according to a given plan, to act within the proposed circumstances. Sometimes this approach makes the task easier: you just need to substitute words or sentences that are suitable in meaning, but sometimes it can be very difficult to match someone else's plan. Often, these are the difficulties that home children encounter when entering school.

An approximate algorithm for composing the fairy tale "The Adventures of a Kitten".

The adult asks the child questions leading to the description of the main character: “What kind of kitten is this? What words can be said about him? What is the kitten's coat like? What are his ears, paws? You can guess a riddle about him. Then the child performs the following tasks: “Come up with a sentence about a kitten so that it contains the word fluffy (cowardly, cautious). Think about what you can compare our hero. Tell me what he can do. Come up with a sentence so that it contains the words “jumping”, “white”, etc.

Thus, the baby is gradually preparing material for a fairy tale on the theme “The Adventures of a Kitten”. Now he can, using the sentences and phrases he invented, describe the character of the hero, tell how the kitten was going for a walk, what interesting things he saw, what happened to him, how it all ended.

When setting the theme of a fairy tale, formulate it in such a way that it emotionally sets the baby up for composing a fairy tale (already in the topic itself, a fairy-tale hero or a fairy-tale situation can be suggested). The result can be interesting if inanimate objects are used as a hero - for example, a bed or a bag. Draw the child's attention to the interesting, entertaining content of the tale, to its verbal design. In the future, watch how the child uses the learned words and expressions in independent creative activity.

In the process of composing a fairy tale, support the baby's initiative, stimulate the manifestations of fantasy, monitor how correctly the child understands your tasks and leading questions.

Tale of toys

Choose toys for the fairy tale, for example, a cat and a mouse, and start telling, accompanying the words with a show of actions: “Once upon a time there was a fluffy cat (you definitely need to stroke the pussy, showing its fluffy fur), the cat found out that the mouse made a mink in her house ( show an imaginary house of a cat and a mouse in a mink). Here she began to guard her. The cat steps softly with fluffy paws, it is not audible at all. The mouse ran out for a walk, ran away from the mink. And suddenly I saw a cat. The cat wanted to grab her. Yes, it was not there! The dexterous mouse darted into its hole.

Then invite the baby to think about what toys he would like to talk about. In the process of completing such a task, the child’s dictionary is activated (he more actively uses those words that he already knows, but does not yet use in his speech), coherent speech develops: the child selects the necessary definitions, forming the appropriate grammatical form of the adjective, and builds a coherent statement on the same vocabulary material. Answering questions, he draws attention to the characteristic features of the appearance of toys (color, shape, material), selects comparisons, definitions. Subsequently, encourage this kind of creativity in the child's play. Offer to make a drawing for a fairy tale, ask to tell (show) a fairy tale about toys to a grandmother or friends who came to visit.

Fairy tale on a free theme

This genre is the pinnacle of the child's verbal creativity. He must independently come up with the name of the fairy tale, the characters, the conditions for the action of the heroes, the action itself: the beginning, the climax, the ending. The child learns to use his life experience, to convey it in a coherent narrative. He develops the ability to clearly, clearly, consistently express his thoughts. The task of the mother is to create an emotional mood, to give impetus to creative imagination. It is important that the child strives for the entertainment of the plot, not forgetting the verbal design of the tale.

Create, invent, try! A children's fairy tale has always been a very special genre of folk tales and has served not only as a means of fun for composing children, but also as one of the most important means of developing the thinking of children and mastering the experience of previous generations!

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