Soviet celebrities who died in car accidents. Russian stars who died in car accidents Stars who died in an accident


Petersburg famous opera singer Mikhail Lukonin died as a result of an accident on the Pskov highway. On his Facebook page, this was announced by the head of the pop-jazz direction at the International Academy of Music Elena Obraztsova Vladimir Samsonov. Federal news agency recalls the most tragic stories of the death of artists in recent years.

1. Tatyana Snezhina, August 21, 1995

Composer and singer Tatyana Snezhina died on the 106th kilometer of the Chuisky tract, returning with friends and her fiancé, a producer Sergey Bugaev, from Gorny Altai. Their minibus collided with a MAZ truck, killing all six passengers. A week before, Tatyana Snezhina and producer Sergei Bugaev announced their upcoming wedding. Three days before the accident, at the presentation of the production project, the singer performed her new romance "If I die ahead of time."

Tatyana Snezhina died at the age of 23, having managed to become the author of more than 200 songs and many poems. She gained posthumous fame in the late 90s after performing Alla Pugacheva her song "Call me with you".

2. Mikhail Evdokimov, August 7, 2005

Chuisky tract brought death to another artist - comedian, TV presenter and actor Mikhail Evdokimov. Already being the governor of the Altai Territory, he died in an accident at the age of 49. Together with his wife Galina and his bodyguard, Mikhail Evdokimov went to the celebrations dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the cosmonaut, a native of Altai German Titova.

According to one version, the official's driver was driving at a speed of about 150 km/h. At some point, he went to overtake, but, having lost control, he hit a passing foreign car and flew off the road into a deep ditch.

According to another version, the traffic accident was rigged. There were suggestions that in this way Mikhail Evdokimov could be "removed" for the fight against corruption. There is also evidence that shortly before his death, the governor of the Altai Territory said that he would "probably be slapped."

Mikhail Evdokimov was a regular participant in television shows and humorous programs, starred in the films “I don’t want to get married”, “About businessman Foma”, “Don't play the fool” and several others. In April 2004, he won the election of the governor of the Altai Territory.

3. Natalia Pivovarova, September 24, 2007

Russian singer and founder of the rock band Hummingbird Natalya Pivovarova died as a result of a traffic accident in the Crimea. The car under her control at about four o'clock in the morning drove into the oncoming lane and collided with another car.

Natalya Pivovarova released five albums as part of the Hummingbird group and recorded one solo disc, the singer also starred in the films Brother, Streets of Broken Lights - 2. By the time of the accident, she was 44 years old.

4. Alexander Dedyushko, November 3, 2007

The hero of the militants "Sarmat", "Special Forces", "Operational pseudonym", "Brigade", "Pseudonym" Albanian "was traveling with his wife Svetlana and son Dmitry from Vladimir to Moscow to meet his wife's parents at the station. His car crossed a double solid line and drove into the oncoming lane, where there was a head-on collision with a truck. The truck driver did not have time to stop.

According to the rescuers who arrived at the scene, the actor's son was still alive for some time, but died before the ambulance arrived. A black granite stela with portraits of the actor, his wife and son was installed at the accident site. About doom Alexandra Dedyushko and his family is mentioned in the Russian action movie "Officers-2", which became a continuation of the film "Officers", where the actor played the role of Colonel Marchenko. In total, the actor played more than 30 roles in films and television series, and also received an award from the FSB of Russia for his personal contribution to shaping the image of an intelligence officer.

5. Gennady Bachinsky, January 12, 2008

Popular TV and radio host Gennady Bachinsky had an accident while driving a car on the road in the Kalyazinsky district of the Tver region. The showman decided to overtake in the oncoming lane, which was prohibited by the rules, and crashed into a minibus that was moving towards him. As a result, Gennady Bachinsky and one of the passengers of the minibus died.

Later, the Forensic Center of the Tver Region expressed the version that "Gennady Bachinsky's departure into the oncoming lane was provoked by some external influence."

Gennady Bachinsky became popular as a radio host in a duet with Sergei Stillavin, with whom they hosted a talk show on Radio Modern. In addition, he acted as the host of several television projects. Gennady Bachinsky died at the age of 36.

6. Yuri Stepanov, March 3, 2010

Soviet and Russian theater and film actor Yuri Stepanov was returning home after the play "Three Sisters" on a ride. At the intersection of Lyublinskaya and Shkuleva streets in the Tekstilshchiki district of the capital, in the VAZ-2104, where the actor was driving, Mazda6 flew at full speed, the driver of which did not notice the “four” standing at the intersection. From the impact, the car turned around, and it collided with an oncoming VAZ-2112. The blow fell precisely in the chair of Yuri Stepanov - he died on the spot.

The culprit of the accident was sentenced by the Kuzminsky District Court of Moscow to three years of probation. The court, at the request of the widow of Yuri Stepanov, also ordered the convict to pay the victim about two million rubles and regularly pay funds for the maintenance of the actor's three children until they reach adulthood.

Yuri Stepanov is the winner of several theatrical awards, as well as the winner of the prize for the best acting work in the television series Citizen Chief. At the time of his death he was 42 years old.

7. Nikita Emshanov, August 17, 2011

Actor Nikita Emshanov died in a car accident on his 28th birthday on the Garden Ring in Moscow. At about 6:30 in the morning on Sadovaya-Samotechnaya, the artist in his car crashed into a car going along the same lane at high speed. The actor's car was thrown into the oncoming lane, where a third car crashed into it. Emshanov's Mercedes flew off from the impact, crashed into a pole and caught fire. Together with the actor in the car were his girlfriend Ekaterina Biryukova and friend Konstantin Kamyshanov. They all died. Subsequently, it was found out that Yemshanov's car had transit plates and winter tires.

Nikita Emshanov played on the stage of the Theatre.doc and the Praktika Theatre. Despite his young age, he performed over 50 film roles, including "Legend No. 17", "72 meters", "Soldiers", "Penal Battalion".

8. Marina Golub, October 9, 2012

Marina Golub late in the evening I was returning home by taxi after the performance of "Death Engine". In the South-West of Moscow, the car in which the actress was located collided with a foreign car that was moving at breakneck speed. The actress and the driver died on the spot. The culprit of the accident tried to escape, but he was detained in hot pursuit. He was sentenced to six years.

There is a version that the tragic incident could not have been accidental. Five months earlier, the 46-year-old owner of the 8 March furniture company was killed. Mikhail Kravchenko with whom the actress was in love. She tried to conduct her own investigation into his death. Relatives said that Marina complained about the threats she received.

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation shone on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, and also performed several dozen film roles. She was 54 years old.

9. Egor Klinaev, September 27, 2017

Actor Egor Klinaev was only 18 years old, but he had already managed to play roles in 20 films and TV shows. On the night of September 27, 2017, Yegor was driving home. Seeing the accident at the 24th kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road, the young actor stopped to help the victims. And he himself became a victim of a collision in a few minutes. The driver of a passing Honda Accord did not notice the accident and knocked down three drivers at once, including Yegor Klinaev. The actor died on the spot.

Egor Klinaev starred in all three parts of the film "Honest Pioneer", in the series "Fizruk", "Policeman from Rublyovka" and others.

10. Mikhail Lukonin, September 16, 2018

Composer and opera singer Mikhail Lukonin died in an accident on the repaired section of the Pskov highway the night before. The car driven by Lukonin was standing at a traffic light when a truck crashed into it at full speed. Witnesses to the accident tried to save the singer, trapped in a mangled car. It is reported that among those present there was a doctor who found that 49-year-old Lukonin had a broken neck and it was better not to touch him until the ambulance arrived.

However, the singer died before the arrival of doctors. Social media users are actively discussing a video from the accident site that has appeared on the Internet, noting a large number of accidents in this area due to the protracted repair of the highway.

Of the relatives, the artist had only a daughter. Vladimir Samsonov, who announced the death of a colleague, announced on his page on the social network that he was collecting material assistance for her.

Baritone Mikhail Lukonin has long been a leading soloist at the St. Petersburg Opera and the St. Petersburg Musical Comedy Theatre. Since 2009, he has been engaged in his own projects and charitable activities - as an organizer and participant in concerts. He was the artistic and musical director of the "Petersburg Autumn" and "Spring of Romance", the bearer of the unofficial title "Mr. Romance". Mikhail Lukonin was supposed to turn 50 next year.

Every artist dreams of dying on stage, but many of them suddenly died on the road.

Each tragic ending leaves many questions: bad luck, your own fault or a criminal trail? That's what happened to the actor. Alexander Dedyushko. On November 3, 2007, on the Moscow-Ufa highway, in a terrible accident, he crashed with his wife and son, the dead could not be identified immediately. the site recalls this and other tragedies on the roads, the victims of which were the stars.

Alexander Dedyushko, 2007

The hero of the militants “Sarmat”, “Special Forces”, “Operational pseudonym”, “Brigade”, “Pseudonym “Albanian” on that fateful morning with his wife Svetlana and son Dima hurried from Vladimir to Moscow to meet his wife's parents at the station. Most likely, Dedyushko fell asleep and lost control. His foreign car flew into the oncoming lane, where there was a head-on collision with a truck.

Shot from the series "Sarmat"

The driver of the heavy truck, seeing a car appear out of nowhere, tried to slow down, but simply did not have time. According to rumors, the actor's son was still alive for some time. However, he died by the time the ambulance arrived. The bodies of the dead were taken out of a completely mangled car.

Sergei Suponev, 2001

The body of the famous TV presenter ("Starry Hour", "Marathon 15") and producer ("Call of the Jungle") Sergei Suponev was discovered on December 8, 2001 by local residents. This happened on the banks of the Volga in the Tver region, where Sergei had a house.

Apparently, a 38-year-old man was riding a snowmobile on the ice of a frozen river. By a tragic accident, he skidded and crashed into a tree. There was no chance of survival. They said that a young student, his mistress, died with him, and he was drunk. Relatives and friends denied both the first and second.

Mikhail Evdokimov, 2005

Comedian, singer, actor, TV presenter and governor of the Altai Territory Mikhail Evdokimov died on the Barnaul-Biysk highway on August 7, 2005. Together with my wife Galina and his bodyguard, he was probably late for the celebrations dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Altai-born cosmonaut German Titova.

According to some reports, the official's driver drove at a speed of about 150 km/h. At some point, he went to overtake, but, having lost control, he hit a passing foreign car and flew off the road into a deep ditch.

Only Evdokimov's wife managed to survive. There was talk that the death of the 49-year-old head of the region was rigged. He could be "removed" for fighting corruption. And allegedly, shortly before his death, Evdokimov said that he would "probably be slapped."

Gennady Bachinsky, 2008

Popular TV and radio host Gennady Bachinsky died on January 12, 2008 in the Tver region through his own fault. The showman violated the rules of traffic rules, deciding to overtake the truck.

Behind it, he did not immediately see a minibus that was rushing towards him. There was no time and opportunity to make the right decision. Bachinsky died, as did another passenger in the minibus.

Yuri Stepanov, 2010

March 3, 2010 the leading actor of the capital's "Workshop Petra Fomenko» Yuri Stepanov(“Citizen Chief”, “Artist”) was returning after the performance on a ride. A foreign car crashed into the Zhiguli at the traffic light, in which the artist was sitting.

A strong blow threw the domestic passenger car into the oncoming lane, and it crashed into another car. Stepanov, 42, died instantly. The "murderer" of the actor was found guilty, but Stepanov's widow asked for a suspended sentence for him.

Nikita Emshanov, 2011

Actor Nikita Emshanov ("Legend No. 17", "72 meters") on August 17, 2011 was supposed to celebrate his 28th birthday, but he did not have time to take a walk for glory.

In the early morning, he drove along the Sadovo-Samotechnaya overpass in Moscow at a speed of 120 km / h in the company of a director friend Konstantin Kamyshanov and his girlfriend - DJ Ekaterina Biryukova(VJ Katya Spring). For an unknown reason, Mercedes-Benz flew into the oncoming lane and crashed into an SUV. The airbags did not work, the foreign car caught fire. Emshanov and Kamyshanov died on the spot, the girl died later. According to rumors, the actor was driving while intoxicated.

Sergey Krupennikov, 2012

Sergei Krupennikov was once a popular child actor. Many people will still remember him for his roles in the films “A Merry Dream, or Laughter and Tears”, “Magic Voice Gelsomino". However, he did not associate his life with acting. He graduated from the institute, was engaged in business in the refrigeration industry.

Sergei Krupennikov in childhood. Shot from the film "The Magical Voice of Gelsomino"

On August 26, 2012, in St. Petersburg, 49-year-old Sergei was riding a bicycle when he was hit by a driver of a more powerful two-wheeled vehicle - a motorcycle.

Marina Golub, 2012

Marina Golub acted in films, serials, played in the theater, and hosted television shows. She was a comedy and drama star. And in her life, joyful periods were replaced by deep feelings due to failures in her personal life. On October 9, 2012, her life was cut short in an instant.

54-year-old Marina was returning home by taxi after the play "Death Engine". The performance turned out to be prophetic. Late in the evening in the South-West of Moscow, the car in which the actress was rammed by a foreign car at breakneck speed. The blow fell on the very door behind which Golub was sitting. She died on the spot, as did the taxi driver. The culprit of the horrific accident fled the scene. He was detained in hot pursuit and sentenced to six years in prison. According to friends and relatives of Marina, she could not die by accident. Five months before the tragedy, the 46-year-old owner of the 8 March furniture company was killed. Mikhail Kravchenko with whom Marina was in love. The actress was very upset by his death and tried to conduct her own investigation. Relatives said that she complained about the threats she received.

On the night of Wednesday, September 27, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe 24th km of the Moscow Ring Road, an 18-year-old actor Yegor, who played one of the characters in the new season of the Fizruk series, died in a mass accident with seven cars. About it informs"MK".

According to preliminary data, at about three in the morning, the actor, moving along the Moscow Ring Road in a Toyota Mark II car, noticed GAZelle, Skoda Octavia and VAZ-2110 cars colliding on the fifth lane. It is reported that the accident was not serious, but Klinaev decided to ask if the drivers needed help and stopped his car in the fifth lane of the highway, next to the Daewoo Nexia, the driver of which also stopped to help those involved in the accident.

At that moment, when Klinaev, along with two other motorists, was waiting for the arrival of inspectors, a Honda Accord flew into the men at high speed, the driver of which, for unknown reasons, lost control.

After that, the foreign car rammed Skoda, which, as a result of a powerful blow, flew off into the third lane and collided with a Toyota moving along the road, then flew first into a Daewoo passenger car, which rolled over and fell on the roof, and then into Klinaev’s parked Toyota Mark II.

The photographs from the scene of the accident show that the cars were seriously damaged - the entire route was literally littered with crumpled vehicles and fragments scattered in all directions.

Photo report: The actor of the series "Fizruk" died in a mass accident in Moscow

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As a result of the collision, Klinaev received injuries incompatible with life and died at the scene of an accident, two more people - the driver of the GAZelle Fuad Tagiyev and the driver of the VAZ-2110 Sarkiz Hakobyan - were taken to the hospital with a scalped head wound and soft tissue bruises.

Who was behind the wheel of the Honda, at what speed the car was moving and in what condition was its driver, is still unclear - the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow told Gazeta.Ru that they did not have detailed information about the incident and advised them to contact the propaganda department traffic safety of the capital, where they said that they could not comment on the accident, since they would be studying its circumstances in Moscow.

At the same time, the Moscow IC "Gazeta.Ru" said that the police would investigate the accident.

Information about the initiation of a criminal case on the fact of the accident has not yet been received. Most likely, the investigators in this case qualify the act either under Part 3 or Part 4 of Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violation of traffic rules, negligently resulting in the death of a person), depending on whether the Honda driver was sober or drunk at the time of the accident.

Judging by Klinaev’s Instagram, the young man loved cars, but he received a driver’s license only in May of this year, and bought a white Toyota Mark II just a month ago.

The actor who played the main role in the TV series "Fizruk" called the death of Klinaev a personal tragedy and said that he became very friends with him during the filming of the series.

“This is a nightmarish message that plunges me into an absolute abyss of terrible experiences. I filmed with Yegor for a long time. A bright person, with an amazing sense of humor, with a great acting future, ”the actor shared his experiences with.

Egor Klinaev was born in Moscow on April 10, 1999. From childhood he studied music, was a member of the famous children's ensemble "Fidgets". From 2010 to 2014, he hosted the program “It's time for space!” on the Karusel channel. In the cinema, Klinaev began acting in 2012 - he made his debut in the film "The Secret of Yegor". The young actor has more than a dozen works, but he gained the greatest fame thanks to the popular television series Fizruk, where he appeared in the third season as a new character.

“It was the most non-standard casting in my life. It was more like talking to an old friend after a long separation. I had a meeting not with the director, but with the screenwriter of the series Kostya Mayer, who has known me for five years. And we talked not so much about cinema as about life. Along the way, we discussed my character in the series,” he said in interview"VokrugTV" about casting in "Fizruk". “Then I met the whole team of screenwriters. They asked me how I would say in this or that situation in the place of my hero. As a result, in the course of the conversation, we removed a lot of English words, because modern teenagers don’t speak like that in real life, we replaced phrases. I think that's the way writers should work.

We got on well with them. As far as I know, no one was seriously considered for the role of Nikita after me. I was called to a reading with and approved.

The young actor took friendship very seriously. “I really will give everything for the sake of friends, if you need help. Sometimes, of course, while doing other things, I fail myself. But I just don’t know how to do it differently, ”he said in the same interview.

After 10 years, Klinaev saw himself as "forever young, in demand, with inexhaustible ideas, with a wonderful wife and two kids."

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