Tips for training in the gym. How to do it right in the gym? Gym program


In the gym of the La Salute fitness club, the program instructor showed me the main mistakes in the technique and dynamics of exercises in the gym. It turned out that it’s quite difficult to make a mistake in the cardio hall (only if you pedal crookedly), but on weight machines, on the contrary, rarely anyone does it right. Even a universal error was found, characteristic of almost any exercise in the gym. “You don’t have to try to overcome the weight of a barbell, dumbbells or tiles,” says Ilya. - Think about what's going on in your body. Instead of jubilant “I took that weight!” rejoice at the thought “I tensed that muscle!”.

After one or two mandatory briefings from the trainer, many beginners perform the exercises in the gym on their own. If at the first trainings it was possible to learn something, most of the information is quickly forgotten. Ilya Mizgirev commented on the most popular exercises in the gym. So if your personal trainer isn't waiting for you at class today, take these instructions with you to the gym.

Exercises in the gym: the most common mistakes

exercise bike

Error: tilt your knees in or out - because of this, the lateral ligaments are overloaded.

How to fix: Adjust the seat so that the leg in the far position is slightly bent. When performing the exercise, make sure that the hip, knee and foot are always in the same plane.

Chest Press

For what: we strengthen the pectoral muscles.

Error: spread your shoulder blades, stretch your shoulders after your arms, lower your elbows down. You end up stretching your chest muscles instead of contracting them.

How to fix: connect the shoulder blades, press them to the back and hold in this position. Shoulders should also not come off the back. Do not try to move your arms as far as possible and take your elbows strictly to the sides. Another element that should not be neglected is the foot pedal in this machine: it helps to avoid overexertion.

Narrow grip pull to the waist

For what: we strengthen the muscles of the back.

Error: take your elbows to the sides and lift up. The result is that you stretch your back muscles instead of contracting them. The second mistake is to weakly pull your shoulders back and do the exercise due to the effort of your hands.

How to fix: keep your elbows down. Start moving with your shoulders, bend in the thoracic region, and only then refine with your hands.

Vertical pull to the chest with a wide grip

For what: we strengthen the muscles of the back.

Error: hold on to the bar asymmetrically and risk injuring your spine. Take the body and shoulders forward and perform the movement due to the effort of the hands.

How to fix: First of all, grab the bar evenly. Then slightly tilt the body back due to the position of the hip joints, and not the deflection in the lower back. Squeeze your shoulder blades and lower your shoulders back, tighten your back and only then bend your elbows in the same direction as the body is tilted.

Bending the arm with a dumbbell

For what: strengthen the biceps.

Error: take the brushes aside. Lean back and heavily overload your lower back. Raise your elbow to raise the dumbbell higher: the biceps has already contracted, and you strain the rest of the muscles in vain.

How to fix: slightly tilt the body forward, tighten the shoulder blades, fix the elbows and bring the brush to the shoulder strictly in one plane - a little faster up, a little slower down.

Extension of the arm from behind the head with a dumbbell

For what: strengthen triceps.

Error: when bending, you take your elbow to the side, when unbending - forward. The joint is overloaded.

How to fix: fix the position of the elbow. It can be pressed to the ear or at first even held with the other hand. If you have a mirror, project your elbow position onto a point on the wall.

Raising arms to the sides

For what: strengthen the deltoid muscles.

Error: when it gets hard, you raise your shoulders and hands, and also help yourself with your back muscles. As a result, the deltas themselves work much less.

How to fix: tilt the body 5-10 degrees forward so that the body position is more stable. Lower and lock your shoulders and raise your elbows above your shoulders and hands.

Leg press

For what: strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

Error: bring your knees together and strain your ligaments. Fully straighten your legs and overload your knee joints.

How to fix: the technique of this exercise is completely the same as the technique of squats. If you put your feet next to each other, the socks should be directed parallel, and the knees should move straight forward. In the position of the feet shoulder-width apart, the socks should be spread apart by about 11 degrees, and the further the wider the feet, the wider the socks should be spread. And most importantly, take your knees in the same direction where your feet are looking.

Bending the legs lying on the stomach

For what: We strengthen the lower legs and the back of the thighs.

Error: lift the buttocks and transfer the entire load to the lower back, injuring the spine. Lower your head below the body and overload the vessels of the brain.

How to fix: firmly press the groin area to the platform and hold this position. Keep your head straight or even slightly above the body.

Flattening the legs

For what: strengthen the inner thighs.

Error: after mixing, you throw the weight, the tiles fall and at the very end you “catch” them due to the ligaments. Pulling ligaments - quickly, restoring - a very long time.

How to fix: quickly bring your legs together and slowly spread your legs.

Hyperextension (body extension)

For what: we strengthen the muscles of the back, buttocks and the back of the thighs. If you do not feel tension in the buttocks and thighs, you are doing the exercise incorrectly.

Error: back flexes and extends. The result is pain or injury to the lumbar spine. The problem is that many people are afraid to fall forward and therefore lie down on the platform so that its edge falls on the area above the hip.

How to fix: lie down on the platform to the level of the pelvic bones and constantly keep the muscles of the lower back in good shape. At 10-15 reps, you may feel some tension in your lower back, but this is normal. The main thing is to keep your back straight and not to allow deflections in the lower back both forward and backward.

Finally, you decided to go to the gym. If this is your first time, it doesn't hurt to learn a few rules that will help you understand what's what and not feel stupid among the regulars.

In this article, we have collected everything you need to know before starting a gym session for beginners and those who have returned after a long break.

We will begin with descriptions of gym visitors so that you understand who you will have to meet on your first day at the gym and spend 5-8 hours a week nearby. They can be conditionally divided into several groups.

  • "Muscle Squad"

This group includes those people who believe that there is nothing more important than muscles. Mostly these are men - lovers of "pulling iron." They are easy to spot among the other visitors to the gym - during the workout they admire themselves in the mirror and give advice to those who have been in the gym not so long ago. Their main goal in life is to look like the Hulk, and they are successfully moving towards this.

  • "Dohliks and idlers"

It seems that someone forcibly sent such people to training - for example, husbands or wives - because they have already stopped fitting into their own trousers or are unhappy with their appearance, because the trousers fall off them. They prefer to take lighter weights - heavy ones are simply beyond their strength, or even sit on the bench. Thus, they become the constant object of ridicule of the "muscle squad".

  • "Gossips and Gossips"

This category includes mainly women, but occasionally men come across. For them, the gym is another place to gossip and discuss other people. Usually they gather in small groups and evaluate the people involved in a number, occasionally chuckling.

  • "Paphos fashionistas"

This category includes pretty and pumped-up ladies who come to the gym to keep fit. They seem to be designed to make other women in the audience feel bad about them. They become the object of adoration of both the "muscle squad" and the coaches.

  • "Grunters"

The last group includes seemingly unremarkable and generally good people. It is difficult to attribute them to any of the categories described, but as soon as they start to swing, it immediately becomes clear that they belong to this group, even if you are far from the gym. During classes, they make very loud primitive sounds, which often frighten other visitors.

Where to start in the gym for the first time

Now that we have dealt with the types of people that can be found in the hall, let's move on to more important information. So, what does a beginner need to know before going to the gym for the first time?

No need to try to lose 5 kg in one day!

A common mistake for beginners is to overload the body in the first lesson. Every day add a load, but you don’t need to train for four hours in a row on the first day. It took you time to gain weight, so be prepared to spend that time trying to shed those extra pounds as well. Neglecting this advice, you can easily get injured.

Before you go to the gym, make a plan

The day before the first workout, make an exercise plan, but it’s better to take it not from your head, but from a trusted source. They usually offer easy-to-perform and safe exercises.

To learn more about how to start training correctly, what a novice bodybuilder needs to pay special attention to, you can read in the articles part 1 and.

Warm up

Do not even think about starting strength exercises without a previous warm-up. Dynamic stretching is one of the best warm-up options, including shoulder and arm circles, bends and lunges.

Be sure to do a 15-minute warm-up. During training, take less weights to put the correct technique for performing exercises. Start by doing two sets of leg presses of 10 reps, then do two sets of 10 reps on the stepper. After that, move on to the upper body - 30 lifts for biceps, 30 for triceps. You can perform fewer repetitions, the main thing is to make sure that there is an even load on each arm. Then do 15 twists, but do not lower yourself to the floor completely. End your workout with 10 minutes of cardio of your choice.

Exercises for beginners

This is a set of exercises that are perfect for the first day in the gym and not for the next 2-4 weeks, so that the muscles, ligaments and joints get used to the loads. Only after completing this program can you move on to basic exercises with a barbell such as deadlifts, squats and bench presses, which beginners like to recommend so much.

Remember! When you first visit the gym, in principle, or after a long break, you can not immediately do heavy basic exercises. There is a very high risk of injury. First, we get involved, get used to the power loads on simulators and with light weights, and only then we move on to the base.

Exercises Sets x Reps
Hanging leg raise 2x15
Twisting 2x15
Oblique twists 2x15
Bench press from the chest lying 2-3x10
Breeding dumbbells lying 2x12
Seated Dumbbell Press 2-3x10
Breeding dumbbells standing 2x12
Vertical pull with a wide grip 2-3x12
Horizontal traction in a block simulator 2x12
hyperextension 2x15
Sitting leg extension 2x15
leg press 2-3x10
Lying leg curl 2x12
Standing calf raises (Standing shin) 2x15
Lifting the bar for biceps while standing 2x10
Triceps on the block down 2x12

Eat something simple before your workout

An hour before going to the gym, eat something simple (consisting of several ingredients) and well digested - food that will not cause stomach upset. Remember that this is your first day, so there is no need to worry about the exact timing of the meal before and after the workout.

Share with your friends your goal for the day

Get help from a friend or coach

A better solution would be to resort to the help of a trainer who is in every gym. He will give you a tour and show you where the locker rooms, showers and halls for group training are located, as well as simulators and equipment. Moreover, he will be happy to tell you how this or that simulator works and what muscles it is aimed at working out.

However, it's best not to use a personal trainer on your first trip to the gym, as personal trainers often overburden newbies so they don't feel like their money has been wasted. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of injury and is absolutely not suitable for the first lesson.

Don't be afraid to ask

If you see other people exercising in the gym, don't be afraid to get to know them and find out what they do and what muscles they train. Most will not refuse help and willingly share information.

What to bring to workout

  1. Workout clothes should be comfortable and light. T-shirt and shorts are good.
  2. Buy a roomy sports bag.
  3. Comfortable shoes are sneakers or sneakers.
  4. It is absolutely necessary to bring a bottle of water - with proper loads, you are very thirsty.
  5. Gloves will help keep your hands from blistering when lifting heavy weights and will also provide a better grip without slipping.
  6. Also take a towel - you will need it in order to wipe sweat from the body after exercising.
  7. Grab a lock for the closet, which will store your bag and personal items.
  8. Many people also listen to music while exercising - you can try it too, bringing your iPod with you.

Try everything

The key word is "try". Listen to your body and choose the right exercises for you. Each workout should include more than three exercises for each muscle group - fortunately, you have plenty to choose from. Perform each new exercise in two sets of 12-15 repetitions. If during the second approach it seems to you that there is no strength left, then proceed to the next exercise.

Keep a diary

The numbers don't lie. Measure your progress, but in the right quantities. For example, you can lose fat and gain muscle - which means that the weight will remain the same, but you will get in shape (accordingly, relying only on weight is a bad idea). Write down all the exercises done, as well as the number of sets and reps performed.

Recover Properly

Congratulations, you survived your first workout in the gym! Now you need to properly recover - this means having a nutritious snack within 30 minutes after training, for example, drinking a milk chocolate shake. Recovery also requires protein, but try to avoid high-fat foods. In general, the day after training, eat only nutritious and healthy food (and in general always!).

First month in the gym

Now that you have some experience, you can move on to more serious training. Strength training helps achieve many goals, whether it's building muscle, burning fat, or increasing overall performance. The selection of weights and exercises depends on the goal you are pursuing. Below are some general recommendations.

  1. If you want to build muscle mass, take heavier weights. Good weights and slow exercise is the key to building the body of your dreams. The optimal number of repetitions per approach is 4-8.
  2. If you want to lose weight, do more reps. In order to lose weight, on the contrary, you need to perform more repetitions with light weight. The optimal number of repetitions per set is 10-12.
  3. If you want to increase overall performance, include the whole body in the work. Exercises for certain muscle groups do not increase overall performance, so periodically perform exercises that involve the maximum number of muscles, such as push-ups.
  4. Do not forget about the exercises on the muscles of the center. Exercises on the muscles of the core - the abs and lower back - are necessary in order to build a solid "foundation" for other exercises.
  5. Stick to a certain routine. Set your own routine and follow it - for example, five days of alternating arms, back and shoulders, legs, chest and abs, then one day of aerobic exercise. It is important to get used to your program and not waste time in the gym thinking about which exercise to do next.

Core muscles

This information will give you a general idea of ​​the main muscles of the human body that need to be trained:

  • Biceps - train with pull-ups on the hands and bending the arms with weight
  • Triceps - are responsible for the bulk of the muscle mass of the arms, so if you train only the biceps, then you are wasting your time
  • The pectoralis muscle this is a chest, trains with a bench press and push-ups
  • back muscles - include several muscle groups, which, along with the muscles of the legs, form the largest muscles of the human body
  • deltoid muscles - shoulder muscles
  • Straight and oblique muscles of the press - they train with twists, bends and exercises on the muscles of the center
  • Gluteal muscles - training with squats and lunges
  • Quadriceps - these are the thighs, the training of which should not be neglected, as they stimulate the production of chemical compounds necessary for building muscle mass
  • Muscles of the back of the thigh - exercising with leg curls
  • Calf muscles and muscles of the forearm - they are quite difficult, but it is necessary to train

Good and bad pain

It is important to be able to distinguish between "helpful" pain that occurs in the muscles after strength training and lasts one or two days from "harmful" pain that lasts for several days and may indicate an injury. If the latter is your case, then you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

Strength training is usually safe, but if you do not follow the technique of exercising, then something can be damaged. That is why it is recommended to start with light weights in order to put the right technique.

3 day workout plan for beginners

Finally, a three-day workout program for beginners is presented, which involves all the major muscle groups and helps you get into work. Each training day consists of 3-5 exercises.

Monday - chest and triceps


  • Bench inclination for bench press should be 30 degrees
  • Move the body forward so that the load goes to the lower part of the chest
  • Take a light weight and watch your technique

Tuesday - day off

Wednesday - back and biceps


  • Before exercising, do a ten-minute warm-up
  • Keep track of technology
  • If you can't pull up, then pull down on a high block.
  • You can use the EZ bar to lift the bar for biceps.

Thursday - day off

Friday - legs and shoulders

Exercises Approaches repetitions
45 degree incline leg press 4 12,10,10,10
leg extension 3 12

A training program is what a man needs to make his body perfect.

After all, the combination of exercises, the frequency of classes and even the number of repetitions are of tremendous importance.

Let's analyze several options for classes for men with different goals - for weight loss, for gaining muscle mass and with varying degrees of training.

Gym workout program

To properly plan training in the gym, To begin with, you need to decide on the purpose which is being pursued. It could be:

  • fight against excess weight;
  • muscle building;
  • increase in strength indicators;
  • relief improvement;
  • support for the achieved form.

Choose only one direction. It is not worth spraying: if you set two goals, then neither of them will be fully achieved.

Warm up

a warm-up without a workout is more beneficial than a workout without a warm-up

Warm-up exercises warm up the joints, their lubrication improves, as a result, cartilage is less loaded. The tendons become more elastic and the risk of rupture is reduced. Muscles develop more force.

A warm-up without further training is more beneficial than a workout without a warm-up.

10 minutes are allotted for the warm-up. It is formed from the following components:

  1. Running, jumping, cardio work - 4-5 minutes. The pulse should increase to 130-160 beats / min. This warms up the body as a whole.
  2. Rotational movements, and the whole body is loaded, especially the spine, knees, shoulders. This allows you to prepare the joints.

Basic Workout Plan

The advantage of the "base" is that the largest number of muscles and joints are involved in the work.

Main basic exercises:

  • squats using a barbell;
  • bench press;
  • deadlift.

Before compiling a personal program, the athlete selects exercises, sorting them into muscle groups. Their number varies depending on the frequency of training. If they go to the gym twice a week, a dozen exercises are enough, five per session. This is enough to keep fit.

Then the exercises are distributed between workouts according to the following principle:

  • mass building workout(strength): up to 3 groups are worked out (depending on the frequency of classes), exercises are built in blocks - 2-3 per muscle group, another option - antagonist muscles are trained in turn;
  • excess weight: a small load on all muscles, they load top-bottom in turn, the principle of the block is not used;
  • relief study: both the first and the second principle are possible, which depends on the characteristics of the organism, the nature of the diet; exercises are performed in the same order as for mass gain;
  • form support: depends on how the form was acquired.

The duration of the basic training is 40 minutes, no longer. During this time, the athlete spends all testosterone.

Number of repetitions and approaches

This parameter especially affects the intensity of training. Approaches and repetitions, including in the warm-up, are distributed as follows (approaches / repetitions):

  • for muscle growth: basic - 4-6 / 6-12, auxiliary - 3-4 / 10-15;
  • increase in strength: basic - 4-7 / 2-6, auxiliary - 3 / 8-12;
  • excess weight: 3-4/12-20;
  • relief: 3-4/12-15.

Muscles need stress to grow. Such stress is a change in the repetitions of exercises (adding or reducing), weight gain, a change in the method of performing the exercise. Then the body does not have time to adapt to the loads. Another factor is the replacement of exercises in the program with similar ones, then the same muscle groups begin to work differently. Unfamiliar movements should be added to training.


This block is also performed before the start of the workout. Stretch:

  • quadriceps;
  • femoral biceps;
  • outer, inner surface of the thigh;
  • buttocks;
  • small of the back;
  • caviar.

Stretching is performed for 5 minutes, harder groups work twice as long.


For weight loss

The workout is done in supersets. Exercises in pairs are performed one after the other, then they take a break for 2-3 minutes, and repeat the pair. When the initial level is mastered, the number of repetitions and sets is increased.

Workout number Pair An exercise sets/reps
1st 1 Twisting on an inclined gymnastic bench 3/12
2 Barbell Squats (shoulders) 3/10
Head pull, upper block 3/10
3 Chest press, standing position 3/10
Bending the legs on the simulator lying 3/12
4 from the gymnasium, behind 3/10
Broach with a barbell, standing position 3/12
2nd 1 Raising the legs in an emphasis 3/10
using dumbbells 3/10
2 Lunges using dumbbells 3/10
Block thrust (horizontal) 3/10
3 Bench press, performed from behind the head while standing 3/10
Leg extension, performed on the simulator 3/12
4 Horizontal push-ups, performed with a wide grip 3/10
Bending of arms with weight (barbell), performed while standing 3/10
3rd 1 Twisting, perform lying down 3/10
hyperextension 3/10
2 Leg press 3/10
3 Thrust from the upper block, performed with a narrow grip 3/10
Tilts, put a barbell on the shoulders 3/10
4 Walking behind a bench using dumbbells 3/10
Divorce of dumbbells, prone position 3/10

The program is accompanied by a diet.

For muscle building

Day, muscle group An exercise sets/reps
1st, legs and chest Barbell squats, 60% of working weight 3/10
Bench press from a prone position 4/10
Push-ups performed on uneven bars 3/12
Incline Press 4/12
2nd Relaxation
3rd, lats, biceps Pull-ups performed with a wide grip 4/to fatigue
Rod pull to the belt 4/12
Deadlift using a T-bar 3/12
Hammers 4/12
4th Relaxation
5th, leg and shoulder muscles Barbell squats, 80% of working weight 4/12
Romanian draft 4/12
Seated press 4/12
Pull up to chin level 4/12
swing to the side 4/12
6th Relaxation
7th, lats and chest Bench press from a prone position 4/8
Bench press, performed on an inclined plane 4/12
Pull-ups performed with a wide grip 4/to fatigue
dumbbell row 4/12
Lower block pull 4/12
8th, 9th Relaxation
10th, long back muscles, triceps Deadlift 5/8
Shrugs 4/20
Bench press (narrow grip) 4/12
Standing French Press 4/12
11th, 12th Relaxation
13th, legs Barbell Squats, 100% Working Weight 4/10
Leg press 4/12
Romanian draft 3/12
Lunges 3/12
Rises on toes 3/20
14th, 15th Relaxation

For beginner athletes

Training for beginners accustoms the body to stress, allows you to build muscle and increase strength.

Day An exercise sets/reps
1st Twisting on the simulator "Roman chair" 3/10
Goat slopes 3/10
Sumo squats, put a barbell on your shoulders 4/12
Press on the simulator while sitting 4/12
Thrust to the chest from the upper block, performed with a wide grip 3/10
Half-over with weight (bar), performed with a wide grip lying 3/10
Flexion / extension of the hands 3/10
2nd Raising the legs on the horizontal bar 3/10
Push-ups on the bench from behind 4/10
Pull-ups performed with a narrow grip 3/10
French press with one hand 3/10
EZ Bar Curl 3/12
Bench press on a chest simulator, performed while sitting 3/12
Lower leg, performed in the simulator while standing 3/12
3rd Back extension, performed on the simulator 3/10
Twisting, using the Roman chair simulator 3/10
Deadlift performed with dumbbells 4/6
Lunges with a raised bar 3/12
Bench press, performed standing or sitting from behind the head 4/8
Swing forward using one dumbbell 3/10
Side swings by hand, from the lower block 3/10

For advanced athletes

after 2 years of constant training, muscle growth slows down

The difficulty of compiling a program for such an athlete is that after the first or second year, muscle growth stops. Then they organize training according to a different principle. The program is built according to the following principles:

  1. High intensity.
  2. The working weight is chosen so as to complete the program with it.
  3. The order of the described exercises changes in each new workout.
  4. Muscles are worked out by two basic and as many auxiliary exercises.
  5. Between sets, the athlete rests for about 3 minutes.
Day An exercise sets/reps
1st, chest muscles, biceps Bench press, performed lying down 3/6
Same, dumbbell 3/8
Bench press, performed in the Hammer simulator 3/12
Breeding hands with dumbbells, perform lying down 3/15
Lifting the bar for biceps, performed in a standing position 3/6
EZ bar curls for biceps 3/8
"Hammer" 3/12
Bending the arms using the block 3/12
2nd, leg and deltoid muscles Leg press 3/6
Lunges, performed with dumbbells in hand 3/8
Lower limb extension 3/10
Leg curl 3/10
Army press 3/6
Bench press using dumbbells, performed while sitting 3/8
Incline Dumbbell Breeding 3/10
Reverse dilutions, use peck-dec 3/12
3rd, back muscles, triceps Deadlift 3/6
Pull-ups with weights 3/8
Wide pull, performed on the upper block 3/10
Head pull 3/12
Push-ups, performed on bars with a weighting agent 3/6
Bench press, prone position, narrow grip 3/8
Extension of arms with a dumbbell, performed from behind the head 3/10
Same on the block 3/10

For legs and buttocks

So that the body does not look disproportionate, special programs are provided for pumping the leg and gluteal muscles. The training includes the following exercises:

Training is carried out 1-2 times a week.

Full program for 3 days

With regular training, this program will help bring the male body back to normal.

Day, muscle group Exercises Sets/reps
1st, chest muscles, abs, biceps Bench press, prone position 3/10
Dumbbell press, performed lying on a horizontal or inclined surface 3/10
Horizontal push-ups 3/10
Bending the arms with a barbell, standing position 3/10
Bending the arms with dumbbells, performed lying or standing 3/10
Pelvic lift, lying position 3/10
2nd, shoulder girdle, leg muscles Squats using a bar placed on the shoulders 3/10
Leg press, performed in the simulator 3/10
Leg extension, performed while sitting 3/10
Leg curl performed lying down 3/10
Rise on socks 3/10
Bench press, performed sitting or standing 3/10
Dumbbell press, take a standing or sitting position 3/10
3rd, back muscles, abs, triceps Sumo 3/10
Pull-ups on the horizontal bar 3/10
Block pull to waist height 3/10
Hyperextension (reverse) 3/10
French press, performed in a prone position 3/10
Extension of arms on the block 3/10
Lifting the trunk, lying position 3/10

Traditionally, they warm up first, and stretch at the end.

Split workouts

These workouts involve working out individual muscle groups on different days. They are associated with a high level of stress. Here is a four-day split for an experienced athlete.

Day What muscles Exercises sets/reps
Monday pectoral Incline Bench Press 4/6
Same, dumbbells 4/6
Horizontal push-ups 4/6
Tuesday back muscles Deadlift sets of 10-8-6-3 reps
linkage 4/6
Head pull 4/6
Horizontal thrust 4/6
Thursday Shoulders, arms Press, performed while sitting, from behind the head with a barbell or dumbbells 4/6
Laying hands with dumbbells to the side 4/6
Barbell curl for biceps 4/6
Bench press (narrow grip) 4/6
Friday Legs Squats performed with a barbell 4/6
Leg press 4/6
Leg extension, performed while sitting 4/6
Calves, standing 4/15
Same as sitting 4/15

How much to do?

every few months the lesson plan is adjusted

Compiling a workout is a tricky process. It requires an adjustment, which is carried out after 1-2 months, in order to know the strengths and weaknesses of the athlete. Some exercises may not only not give results, but also produce the opposite effect.

Depending on the level of training, the body gets used to the program in different ways:

  • for beginners - in 10-18 weeks;
  • for those who have been practicing for more than a year - in 8-10 weeks;
  • for experienced athletes - in 4-6 weeks.

If there is a need to change the training program, then they change not only the strength, but also.

With a constant frequency of loads, following the recommendations of trainers, the first results appear after 1.5–2 months. But it is important to consider that different muscles develop in different ways. For example, pumping up the press cubes is more difficult than arm muscles.

Also, the effectiveness depends on the method of nutrition. Food should contain a sufficient amount of protein, which is the building material for muscles.

If you train without warming up, the risk of injury increases greatly and the effectiveness of training decreases. In addition, this is how you form bad habits.

Warming up is an essential part of your workout. You can easily bring your muscles into working condition by following a simple procedure:

  1. Use a massage roller. Such rollers help to thoroughly warm up the muscles of the whole body. Here Lifehacker told in detail what these tools are and how to use them.
  2. Five minutes of cardio: go uphill at a fast pace, exercise on an elliptical trainer or exercise bike. If you are overweight, do not run - take care of your knees.
  3. Be sure to do joint warm-up and dynamic stretching. you will find a video of a good warm-up.

After that, you will be warm enough to get started.

How to make a training program

When you come to the gym, you should already have a clear action plan: what exercises you will do, what muscle groups to work out.

There are a huge number of training programs, but beginners without a coach should not try complex options. To begin with, it is better to limit yourself to the consistent study of all muscles.

Let's conditionally divide the body into several muscle groups: biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, back, buttocks, hips and abs. If you are going to train twice a week, divide the muscle groups equally. For example, in the first workout, work out the biceps, back, hips, and abs, and in the second workout, work out the triceps, chest, shoulders, and buttocks.

Here are some exercises with machines and free weights for different muscle groups.

Exercises for the legs and buttocks

With this simulator, you can shift the focus to different muscle groups by simply changing the position of the legs on the platform:

  1. Legs at the top of the platform - emphasis on the gluteal muscles and hamstrings.
  2. Legs at the bottom of the platform - emphasis on quadriceps.
  3. Narrow stance - emphasis on the outer part of the thigh.
  4. Wide stance - emphasis on the inside of the thigh.

Leg abduction in the simulator

This exercise works great on the buttocks. Take your leg back until your lower leg is parallel to the floor, but do not fully extend your knees. To better work out the muscles, lower your leg to its original position slowly.


This is a basic exercise with a huge number of variations: with a wide stance or on one leg, with a barbell or with dumbbells, from an elevation or jumping. Lifehacker breaks down the technique of doing squats in detail, and there are several options for squats and other exercises for the hips.

Another exercise with many variations. Lunges can be done with your own weight, with a barbell or with dumbbells, moving around the room or on the spot.

During the lunge, make sure that the knee in front of the standing leg is exactly above the heel. Slightly tilting the body forward, you shift the focus to the buttocks.

This basic exercise works out not only the muscles of the hips and buttocks, but also the extensor muscles of the back and the trapezium. Start with the classic deadlift, but don't lift too much weight.

Here is a video with the exercise technique:

To diversify your workouts, explore others and buttocks.

Back exercises

This exercise strengthens the back extensor muscles. It perfectly warms up and prepares for an important basic exercise - deadlift.

If you want to pump exactly the muscles of the back, and not the legs, start doing the exercise from a position where the body is in a straight line with the simulator. Then lift your back, bringing your shoulder blades together and moving your arms back. Hold this position for 3-5 seconds.

The key point in this exercise is that you need to pull the block not with your hands, but with your back. While pulling, lock your back and bring your shoulder blades together. The video shows the technique and features of the exercise:

This exercise also helps to effectively pump up the back muscles. The video below explains the execution technique and the main mistakes:

chest exercises

Bench Press

This basic exercise involves both the pectoral muscles, and the triceps, and the deltoid muscles. The emphasis can be shifted by changing the grip: bench press with a narrow grip loads the triceps more, and with a wide grip - the chest. Also, the emphasis on the chest shifts if you take the bar with a reverse grip, that is, with your palms facing you.

The video explains the technique for performing the exercise:

This machine allows you to perform exercises that load only the pectoral muscles. Do not fully extend your arms at the extreme points, do the exercise smoothly.

Push-ups on the uneven bars with an inclination forward

If you still can't do dips without help, use an expander or a special machine for support. To emphasize the chest, tilt the body forward.

The technique for performing the exercise can be seen in the video:

In this one you can find chest exercises in pictures.

Triceps Exercises

Try not to spread your elbows out to the sides. If shoulder mobility allows, lower yourself until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle.

Extension of arms on the block

This exercise can be performed with a regular or rope handle. The back is straight, the elbows are close to the body and do not move.

Biceps Exercises

Standing barbell curl

This is a basic exercise that helps to work out the biceps well. Here is a video with the exercise technique:

Unlike the previous exercise, when lifting dumbbells, you must rotate your hands, as this provides additional stress on the biceps. At the bottom, the hands should look at each other, and during the ascent, turn around to the body.

Shoulder Exercises

Standing Barbell Chest Press

Before this exercise, you should do a dynamic shoulder stretch: pick up a stick or expander and move your straight arms behind your back several times, and then forward again. Do not bend your elbows while stretching. The closer you place your hands, the more effective the stretch will be.

During the bench press, take the barbell behind your head. If she stays in front, it will put a lot of strain on her lower back.

When performing the exercise, the elbows should be slightly bent. Do not raise your arms above your shoulders - this can cause impingement syndrome (inflammation of the rotator cuff).

Breeding dumbbells sitting in an incline

The body is tilted forward, the back is straight. Hand movements are similar to the previous exercise.

In this you will find an analysis of the technique for performing other exercises on the shoulders.

Press exercises

Twisting with legs on a hill

Raised leg press exercise

By placing your feet on a raised platform, you will eliminate unnecessary stress on the iliopsoas muscles and damage to the lower back. If you want to complicate the exercise, pick up a stuffed ball.

The plank perfectly works out all the muscles of the core. To complicate it, you can place your legs on an unstable support: in loops or on, as shown in the photo.

Hanging leg raise

In a simpler version, you only need to pull your knees up to your chest.

If this is easy, try lifting your straight legs towards the horizontal bar.

How to choose the right weight and number of repetitions

Take such a weight that you can perform the exercise 5-8 times. The last repetitions should be performed with effort. If you can easily do all eight reps, then the selected weight is too small for you.

Do three sets of 5-10 reps. Rest between sets should be 1-2 minutes, between exercises - 2-3 minutes.

If you are doing exercises without weight, you need to do more repetitions in order to properly load the muscles. In these exercises, perform three sets of 20 repetitions.

After workout

After training, be sure to stretch: you need to relax the muscles that worked. In you can find exercises for stretching different muscle groups, and - exercises with expander bands.

From the very first training, you need to pay attention to your diet. From you will learn what to eat before and after training to accelerate your progress and not harm the body.

Feel free to listen to your body and have fun.

Usually, the first trip to the gym is a spontaneous undertaking. Many beginners, not knowing all the intricacies of the correct approach to training, abandon this matter after a couple of sessions. In order to start exercising in the gym, you need to know some of the subtleties that this article is devoted to.

Preparatory stage

Before the first trip to the gym you need set specific goals and try to reach them. Lightweight and comfortable clothing also plays an important role.

Important! Before you go to the gym, you must definitely undergo a medical examination.

The right attitude

During training you need to drink a lot of water. Some beginners intentionally do not drink during training and even after them. They believe that the loss directly depends on the water drunk. But it is not so.

If in one workout a person loses 1 kg of weight, then 800-900 g is precisely water. And it needs to be replenished. plays a very important role in all chemical reactions of the human body. Dehydration can lead to dizziness, dry mouth, etc. Therefore, you need to drink about 1 liter of water at each workout.

Important! Secure the pancakes well on the bar. Improperly secured pancakes can fall and injure someone.

Immediately the body needs protein mass. If the body is not given proteins from the outside, then it will begin to "eat" its own muscles. Therefore, within 20 minutes after class, you need to drink a glass or. Arriving home, you can eat, cereals or. Highly fatty foods are not recommended.

Program run-in

The break-in mode can take from 3 to 5 months. After some time, conclusions are drawn about the correctness of the selection of the training program. At the break-in stage, the coach monitors your work and draws certain conclusions.

The break-in period is a very important stage of training. It is in these first months of classes that you. You develop your own style. At this stage, you begin to fully understand your goals and the extent to which they can be reached.

Analysis of the first results and correction of the program

Some for beginners in the gym can be adjusted over time. The coach should monitor your results and make changes to the program. This is done to make the program as efficient as possible.

Did you know? After intense training, the triceps recover most quickly, and the back muscles recover the slowest.

If everything went according to plan during the break-in period and you achieved your goals, then most likely the coach will leave you with the current program for a long period. You can only adjust the load over time. For example, every month you will need to add one pancake per barbell.

Common rookie mistakes

Many people who decide to go in for sports do a lot, because of which they quit training over time.

Frequent rookie mistakes in the gym can be divided into the following points:

  • Overtraining. Everyone without exception starts strong after the first workout. And the longer and more intense the training was, the more difficult it is in the morning. Therefore, strong overloads of the body at the initial stage are prohibited. From this, motivation is lost in 40-50% of beginners.
  • Impatience. Every beginner wants to become a "jock" immediately after the first workout. Without seeing the result, they lose motivation, and, as a result, quit training. But it should be understood that the first noticeable results will appear no earlier than in a month. Therefore, you first need to work hard on your body and, and only then look at yourself in the mirror.
  • Reluctance to work with a coach. It should be understood that you cannot become a coach on your own. Even if you read many different topical articles, it still does not compare with the experience in practice. Your training will be much better under the supervision of an experienced instructor. A lot of newbies drop out of the sport because they don't succeed, and that won't happen to a coach. In addition, the coach will always be able to support you emotionally.

  • Shyness. You should not be ashamed of your body in the circle of big bodybuilders. We must remember that once they were all the same as you. And believe me, they understand this too, so they will not joke with you. On the contrary, they can even help you in your workouts.
  • Lack of strategy. We have already talked about this. The right goal is the key to success. A well-designed training plan is a double key to success. Without a clear and specific goal, the desire to work will quickly disappear. A beginner will not be able to analyze his achievements, which means that motivation will also disappear.
  • Wrong rest. In order for the effectiveness of the work done to be maximum, you need to regularly and correctly. The bottle that you drink on the way home will cross out all the results achieved in the hall. Rest should be correct: after training, you need to make up for energy losses and, and then properly.

And the most important thing to remember: hard work always gives the desired results. Even if they have to wait a long time, in no case should you give up. Remember: the main competition is the struggle with yourself.

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