Modern Ukrainian children's writers. Famous Ukrainian writers and poets


Ukrainian literature originates from a common source for the three fraternal peoples (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian) - Old Russian literature.

The revival of cultural life in Ukraine at the end of the 16th - the first half of the 17th centuries, associated with the development of the Ukrainian nationality, reflected the axis in the activities of the so-called brotherhoods, schools, printing houses. The founder of book printing in Ukraine was the Russian pioneer Ivan Fedorov, who founded the first printing house in Ukraine in Lvov in 1573. The emergence of printing contributed to the growth of the cultural community of the Ukrainian people, strengthened its linguistic unity. In the conditions of the acute struggle of the Ukrainian people against the Polish-gentry oppression and Catholic expansion in the late 16th - early 17th centuries. polemical literature arose in Ukraine. An outstanding polemicist was the famous writer Ivan Vyshensky (second half of the 16th - early 17th centuries). During the liberation war of 1648-1654. and in the following decades, school poetry and drama were rapidly developing, directed against the Latin Uniate dominance. School drama had predominantly religious and instructive content. Gradually, she retreated from narrow-church themes. Among the dramas there were works on historical plots (“Vladimir”, “God's Grace liberated Ukraine from the easily bearable insults of Lyadsky through Bohdan-Zinovy ​​Khmelnitsky”). In displaying the events of the liberation war, elements of realism and nationality are observed. They are amplified in interludes, nativity scenes, and especially in the works of the philosopher and poet G.S. Skovoroda (1722-1794), the author of the collections Kharkiv Fables, The Garden of Divine Songs and others, which were outstanding phenomena of the period of formation of new Ukrainian literature.

The first writer of new Ukrainian literature was I.P. Kotlyarevsky (17b9-1838) - the author of the famous works "Aeneid" and "Natalka-Poltavka", which reproduced the life and way of life of the people, high patriotic feelings of ordinary people. The progressive traditions of I. Kotlyarevsky during the period of formation and approval of new literature (the first half of the 19th century) were continued by P. P. Gulak-Artemovsky, G. F. Kvitko-Osnovyanenko, E. P. Grebenka and others. new Ukrainian literature in Galicia were the works of M. S. Shashkevich, as well as works placed in the anthology "Mermaid Dniester" (1837).

The work of the greatest Ukrainian poet, artist and thinker, revolutionary-democrat Taras Shevchenko (1814-1861) finally established critical realism and nationality as the main method of artistic reflection of reality in Ukrainian literature. "Kobzar" (1840) T. Shevchenko marked a new era in the development of artistic creativity of the Ukrainian people. All poetic creativity of T. Shevchenko is permeated with humanism, revolutionary ideology, political passion; it expressed the feelings and aspirations of the masses. T. Shevchenko is the founder of the revolutionary-democratic trend in Ukrainian literature.

Under the powerful influence of T. Shevchenko’s creativity, in the 50s and 60s, Marko Vovchok (M.A. Vilinskaya), Yu. Fedkovich, L.I. -1907) "People's Opovshchennya" ("Folk Stories")," the story "Institute" were a new stage in the development of Ukrainian prose along the path of realism, democratic ideology and nationality.

The next stage in the development of realistic prose was the work of I.S. the writer created truthful images of peasant rebels.

The intensified development of capitalist relations after the reform of 1861 led to a sharp aggravation of social contradictions in Ukrainian society, to the intensification of the national liberation movement. Literature is enriched with new themes and genres, reflecting the originality of new socio-economic relations. Critical realism in Ukrainian prose acquired qualitatively new features, the genre of the social novel arose, works from the life of the revolutionary intelligentsia and the working class appeared.

The intensive development of culture during this period, the activation of social thought, and the intensification of the political struggle contributed to the emergence of a number of important periodicals. In the 1970s and 1980s, such magazines and collections were published as "Friend", "Gromadsky Friend" ("Public Friend"), "Dzvsh" ("Bell"), "Hammer", "Svt" ("Peace" in the meaning of the universe). A number of Ukrainian almanacs appear - "Moon" ("Echo"), "Rada" ("Council"), "Niva", "Steppe" and others.

At that time, the revolutionary-democratic trend in Ukrainian literature acquired significant development, represented by such outstanding writers - revolutionary democrats as Panas Mirny (A. Ya. Rudchenko), I. Franko, P. Grabovsky - followers and continuers of the ideological and aesthetic principles of T. Shevchenko. Panas Mirny (1849-1920) began his literary activity in the early 70s of the 19th century. (“Dashing Beguiled”, “Drunkard”) and immediately took a prominent place in the Ukrainian literature of critical realism. His social novels "Xi6a roar the will, how is the manger povsh?" (“Do oxen roar when the manger is full?”), “Pov1ya” (“Walking”) represent a further stage in the development of revolutionary-democratic literature. A new phenomenon in the literature of the revolutionary democratic trend was the work of I. Ya. Franko (1856-1916) - the great poet, prose writer, playwright, famous scientist and thinker, ardent publicist and public figure. After T. Shevchenko's "Kobzar", the collection of poems by I. Franko "3 Peaks and Lowlands" ("Peaks and Lowlands", 1887) was the most outstanding event in Ukrainian literature of the 80s. In the poems and poems of I. Franko, the high ideological content of revolutionary art, the principles of new, civil poetry, born in the revolutionary political struggle, the poetry of broad socio-philosophical generalizations, are affirmed. For the first time in Ukrainian literature I. Franko showed the life and struggle of the working class (“Borislav laughs”, 1880-1881). I. Franko's influence was enormous, especially in Galicia, which was then part of Austria-Hungary; it was reflected in the work and social activities of writers M.I. Pavlik, S.M. Kovaliv, N.I. Kobrinskaya, T.G. Bordulyak, I.S. Makovei, V.S. M. Gorky, JI. S. Martovich, Mark Cheremshina and others.

The revolutionary poet P. A. Grabovsky (1864-1902), known for his original poetic and critical works published in the 90s of the 19th century, reflected the thoughts, feelings and moods of the revolutionary democracy of the 80s-90s.

A high level of development was reached in the 80-90s by Ukrainian drama, represented by the names of prominent playwrights and theatrical figures M. Starytsky, M. Kropyvnytsky, I. Karpenko-Kary. The works of these playwrights, which are successfully staged on the stage and in Soviet theaters, depict the life and life of the Ukrainian village, class stratification and the struggle of the advanced intelligentsia for progressive art, the struggle of the people for freedom and national independence. The most prominent place in the history of Ukrainian drama belongs to I. Karpenko-Karom (I. K. Tobilevich, 1845-1907), who created classical examples of social drama, a new type of social comedy and tragedy. An ardent patriot and humanist, the playwright denounced the modern system, revealing the social contradictions of bourgeois society. His plays are widely known: "Martin Borulya", "One Hundred Thousands", "Sawa Chaly", "Master", "Vanity", "The Sea of ​​Life".

In the development of literature of the late XIX - early XX century. the work of M. Kotsyubinsky, Lesya Ukrainka, S. Vasilchenko was the highest stage of Ukrainian critical realism, organically connected with the birth of socialist realism.

M. M. Kotsyubinsky (1864-1913) in the story "Fata morgana" (1903-1910) showed the leading role of the working class in the bourgeois-democratic revolution in the countryside, revealed the rottenness of the bourgeois system, exposed the traitors to the interests of the people. Lesya Ukrainka (1871 - 1913) sang the revolutionary struggle of the working class, exposed the reactionary nature of populist and Christian ideals. In a number of artistic and journalistic works, the poetess revealed the reactionary meaning of bourgeois philosophy and affirmed the ideas of revolution, the international unity of workers from different countries. The Bolshevik newspaper Pravda, responding to the death of the writer, called her a friend of the workers. The most significant works of Lesya Ukrainka are collections of political lyrics (“On the wings of a horse”, 1893; “Dumi i mri” - “Thoughts and Dreams”, 1899), dramatic poems “Long Cossack” (“Old Tale”), “In the Forest” , "Autumn Tale", "In the Catacombs", the plays "Forest Song", "Kamshny Gospodar" ("Stone Lord") - are among the best works of Ukrainian classical literature.

In the conditions of the cruel national oppression of the Russian autocracy, along with the creation of works of art, Ukrainian writers carried out a great cultural and educational work. The scientist and realist writer B. Grinchenko was especially active in the national-cultural movement.

The literary process in Ukraine was not ideologically homogeneous; it was a struggle of different social and political forces. Along with the artists of the word democratic direction, writers of liberal-bourgeois, nationalist convictions (P. Kulish, A. Konissky, V. Vinnichenko, and others) spoke.

At all historical stages, Ukrainian literature of the pre-October period developed in close connection with the liberation movement of the people, in organic unity with advanced Russian literature. Writers who expressed the interests of advanced, revolutionary art fought for realism, nationality and high ideological content of Ukrainian literature. Therefore, Ukrainian classical literature was a reliable basis for the creation of a new Soviet literature, born of the October Socialist Revolution.

Ukrainian Soviet literature

Ukrainian Soviet literature is an integral and integral part of the multinational literature of the peoples of the USSR. Even in the early stages of its development, it acted as an ardent fighter for the ideas of socialism, freedom, peace and democracy, for the revolutionary transformation of life on the foundations of scientific communism. The creators of the new Soviet literature were people from the working class and the poorest peasantry (V. Chumak, V. Ellan, V. Sosyurai, etc.), the best representatives of the democratic intelligentsia, who began their activities even before the October Revolution (S. Vasilchenko, M. Rylsky, I. Kocherga, P. Tychina, Y. Mamontov

In the first post-revolutionary years, the books of poets were very popular: V. Chumak "Zapev", V. Ellan "Blows of the Hammer and the Heart", P. Tychyna "The Plow", poems and poems by V. Sosyura, etc. The process of establishing Soviet literature took place in a tense struggle against the enemies of the revolution and the agents of the bourgeois-nationalist counter-revolutionaries.

During the period of restoration of the national economy (20s), Ukrainian literature developed especially intensively. At this time, writers A. Golovko, I. Kulik, P. Panch, M. Rylsky, M. Kulish, M. Irchan, Yu. Yanovsky, Ivan Jle, A. Kopylenko, Ostap Vishnya, I. Mikitenko and many others Young literature reflected the liberation struggle of the people and their creative work in creating a new life. During these years, a number of writers' unions and groupings arose in Ukraine: in 1922, the "Plug" co*oz of peasant writers, in 1923, the "Gart" organization, around which proletarian writers grouped, in 1925, the union of revolutionary writers "Western Ukraine"; in 1926, an association of Komsomol writers Molodnyak arose; There were also futuristic organizations (Association of Pan-Futurists, New Generation). The existence of many diverse organizations and groupings hampered the ideological and artistic development of literature and hindered the mobilization of writers throughout the country to carry out the tasks of socialist construction. At the beginning of the 1930s, all literary and artistic organizations were liquidated, and a single Union of Soviet Writers was created.

Since that time, the theme of socialist construction has become the leading theme of literature. In 1934, P. Tychina published a collection of poems "The Party Leads"; M. Rylsky, M. Bazhan, V. Sosyura, M. Tereshchenko, P. Usenko, and many others come out with new books. Ukrainian prose writers achieve great success; the novels and stories of G. Epik “First Spring”, I. Kirilenko “Outposts”, G. Kotsyuba “New Shores”, Ivan Le “Roman Mezhyhirya”, A. Golovko “Mother”, Y. Yanovsky “Horsemen”, etc. The theme of the revolutionary past and contemporary socialist reality is also becoming the main theme in dramaturgy. In the theaters of Ukraine, the plays “Personnel”, “Girls of our country” by I. Mikitenko, “Death of the Squadron” and “Platon Krechet” by A. Korneichuk and others are performed with great success.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), a third of the entire writers' organization of Ukraine joined the ranks of the Soviet Army and partisan detachments. Journalism is becoming a particularly important genre. Writers appear in the army press with articles, publish pamphlets and collections of articles in which they expose the enemy, and help to educate the high morale of the Soviet people, who have risen to fight the fascist invaders. M. Rylsky (“Zhaga”), P. Tychina (“Funeral of a Friend”), A. Dovzhenko (“Ukraine in Fire”), perform with works of art that depict the heroism and courage of the people, sing patriotism and high ideals of Soviet soldiers, M. Bazhan ("Daniil Galitsky"), A. Korneichuk ("Front"), Y. Yanovsky ("Land of the Gods"), S. Sklyarenko ("Ukraine Calls"), A. Malyshko ("Sons") and others. Ukrainian literature was a faithful assistant to the party and the people, a reliable weapon in the fight against the invaders.

After the victorious end of the Great Patriotic War, writers for a long time turn to the theme of heroism and patriotism, military prowess and courage of our people. The most significant works on these topics in the 40s were A. Gonchar's "Banner Bearers", V. Kozachenko's "Certificate of Maturity", V. Kucher's "Chernomortsy", L. Dmiterko's "General Vatutin", A. Malyshko's "Prometheus", works Ya. Galan, A. Shiyan, Ya. Bash, L. Smelyansky, A. Levada, Yu. Zbanatsky, Yu. Dold-Mikhaylik and many others.

The themes of socialist labor, friendship of peoples, struggle for peace, international unity become the leading ones in Ukrainian literature of all post-war years. The treasury of the artistic creativity of the Ukrainian people was enriched with such outstanding works as the novels by M. Stelmakh "Big Relatives", "Human Blood Is Not Water", "Bread and Salt", "Truth and Falsehood"; A. Gonchar "Tavria", "Perekop", "Man and Weapon", "Tronka"; N. Rybak "Pereyaslav Rada"; P. Panch "Bubbling Ukraine"; Y. Yanovsky "Peace"; G. Tyutyunnik "Whirlpool" ("Vir") and others; collections of poems by M. Rylsky: “Bridges”, “Brotherhood”, “Roses and Grapes”, “Goloseevskaya Autumn”; M. Bazhan "English Impressions"; V. Sosyura "Happiness of the working family"; A. Malyshko "Beyond the Blue Sea", "Book of Brothers", "Prophetic Voice"; plays by A. Korneichuk "Over the Dnieper"; A. Levada and others.

Important events in literary life were the second (1948) and third (1954) congresses of Ukrainian writers. A huge role in the development of Ukrainian literature was played by the decisions of the 20th and 22nd Congresses of the CPSU, which opened up new horizons for the ideological and artistic growth of Ukrainian literature, its strengthening on the positions of socialist realism. The path of development of Ukrainian Soviet literature testifies that only on the basis of socialist realism could the artistic creativity of the Ukrainian people develop rapidly. Ukrainian Soviet literature at all stages of its development was true to the ideas of the Communist Party, the principles of friendship between peoples, the ideals of peace, democracy, socialism and freedom. It has always been a powerful ideological weapon of Soviet society in the struggle for the victory of communism in our country.

Historically, the Ukrainian people have always been creative, loved to sing and dance, invent poems and songs, myths and legends. Therefore, for many centuries, truly great and talented people worked in all corners of Ukraine.

Ukrainian literature is phenomenal and unusual in its essence. Famous Ukrainian writers described each historical stage metaphorically and topically. That is why, through the lines from the yellowed sheets of paper, quite real characters look at us. And we, delving into the story, begin to understand what worries the author, inspires, frightens and reassures. It is quite possible to learn history from the masterpieces of Ukrainian literature - the events are described so truthfully and sometimes painfully.

Who are all these geniuses of the pen, who penetrate the soul with a word, make us laugh and cry with them? What are their names and how did they live? How did they come to success and did they catch it at all? Or maybe they never found out that their creations brought them eternal glory and reverence, forever inscribing their name in the classics of Ukrainian literature?

Unfortunately, not all Ukrainian writers were able to enter the world literary arena. Many masterpieces have not been in the hands of the Germans, Americans, British. Hundreds of wonderful books have not received their well-deserved prizes in literary competitions in France or Germany. But they are really worth reading and understanding.

And although hundreds of the most talented people wrote in the nightingale language, perhaps it is worth starting with a unique and phenomenal woman. This is a brilliant poetess, whose lines express a storm of emotions, and poems remain deep in the heart. And her name is Lesya Ukrainka.

Larisa Petrovna Kosach-Kvitka

Lesya, being a weak and small woman, showed incredible fortitude and courage, becoming an example for millions of people to follow. The poetess was born in 1871 in a noble family of the famous writer O. Pchilka. At birth, the girl was given the name Larisa, and her real name was Kosach-Kvitka.

Since childhood, suffering from a terrible disease - tuberculosis of the bones - Lesya Ukrainka was bedridden almost all the time. Lived in the South. The beneficial influence of the mother and passion for books (especially the master of Ukrainian literature - Taras Shevchenko) bore fruit.

From a young age, the girl began to create and publish in various newspapers. Like many famous Ukrainian writers, in her works Larisa adhered to the moods and traditions of Taras Shevchenko, creating several cycles of lyrical and philosophical poems.

About the work of Lesya

Intrigued by magical mythology and world history, Lesya devoted many books to this topic. Most of all, she liked novels about Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, about humanism and human qualities, about the fight against despotism and evil, as well as mystical stories about the undead and the nature of Western Ukraine.

It should be noted that Lesya Ukrainka was a polyglot and knew more than ten languages. This gave her the opportunity to make high-quality literary translations of the works of Hugo, Shakespeare, Byron, Homer, Heine and Mickiewicz.

The most famous works that are recommended for everyone to read are "Forest Song", "Obsessed", "Cassandra", "Stone Lord" and "Songs about Freedom".

Marko Vovchok

Among the famous writers of Ukraine there was another extraordinary woman. Many called her Ukrainian George Sand - as her patron Panteleimon Kulish dreamed. It was he who became her first assistant and editor, giving her the first impetus to develop potential.

Woman with fiery heart

Marko Vovchok was a fatal woman. As a child, her mother sent her to a private boarding school, away from the bad influence of her father, then to Oryol - to a rich aunt. There began an endless love cycle. Marko Vovchok - Maria Vilinskaya - was a very beautiful girl, so it is not surprising that crowds of gentlemen revolved around her all her life.

Among these knights were well-known writers, whose names are well known to us. Even though she tied the knot (as she later admitted, not out of love) with Opanas Markovich, her husband could not do anything with the attractive energy of this young lady. Turgenev, Kostomarov and Taras Shevchenko fell at her feet. And everyone wanted to become her teacher and patron.


The most famous work of Marko Vovchok is the story "Marusya" about a girl who gave her life to help the Cossacks. The creation so impressed readers and critics that Maria was awarded the honorary award of the French Academy.

Men in Ukrainian literature

The work of Ukrainian writers was also under the auspices of talented men. One of them was Pavel Gubenko. Readers know him under the pseudonym Ostap Cherry. His satirical works more than once made readers laugh. Unfortunately, this man, who smiles at us from newspaper sheets and literature textbooks, had few reasons for joy in his life.

Pavel Gubenko

As a political prisoner, Pavel Gubenko honestly served the prescribed 10 years in a forced labor camp. He did not abandon creativity, and when the harsh authorities instructed him to write a cycle of stories from the life of prisoners, even there he could not resist the irony!

Writer's life

But life put everything in its place. The one who had previously accused Ostap Vishnya himself ended up in the dock and became an "enemy of the people." And the Ukrainian author returned home ten years later and continued to do what he loved.

But these long years in correctional camps left a terrible imprint on the state of Pavel Gubenko. Even after the war, returning to the already free Kyiv, he still could not forget the terrible episodes. Most likely, the endless internal experiences of a man who always smiled and never cried led to the fact that he tragically died of a heart attack at the age of 66.

Ivan Drach

Ivan Drach completes a short digression into the work of Ukrainian writers. Many modern authors still turn to this master of (self-)irony, witticism and humor for advice.

Life story of a genius

Ivan Fedorovich Drach began his career when he was still a seventh grader, with a poem that was willingly published in a local newspaper. As soon as the writer graduated from high school, he began teaching Russian language and literature in a rural school. After the army, Ivan enters the philological faculty of Kyiv University, which he never graduated from. And all because of the fact that a talented student will be offered a job in a newspaper, and then, after the course, the writer will receive the specialty of a screenwriter in Moscow. Returning to Kyiv, Ivan Fedorovich Drach begins to work at the famous film studio named after A. Dovzhenko.

For more than 30 years of creative activity, a huge number of collections of poems, translations, articles and even film stories have come out from under the pen of Ivan Drach. His works have been translated and published in dozens of countries and appreciated all over the world.

A life rich in events tempered the character of the writer, brought up in him an active civic position and a peculiar temperament. The works of Ivan Fedorovich express the moods of the sixties and the children of the war, longing for change and praising the achievements of human thought.

What is better to read?

Acquaintance with the work of Ivan Drach is better to start with the poem "Feather". It is it that is the life credo and conveys the leitmotifs that permeate all the work of the brilliant poet and writer.

These famous Ukrainian writers made an invaluable contribution to domestic and world literature. Dozens of years later, their works convey actual thoughts to us, teach and help in various life situations. The work of Ukrainian writers has great literary and moral value, is perfect for teenagers and adults and will bring pleasure from reading.

Each of the Ukrainian authors is unique in its own way, and an unusual individual style from the first lines will help you recognize your favorite writer. Such a writer's "flower garden" makes Ukrainian literature truly extraordinary, rich and interesting.

During the years of independence, a whole galaxy of writers with an original style, a special manner of writing and a variety of genres has formed in Ukrainian literature. More openness, experiments, national flavor and thematic breadth have appeared in modern texts, which allows authors to achieve professional success not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. prepared a list of 25 Ukrainian writers who shape modern literature, which, no matter what skeptics say, continues to actively develop and influence public opinion.

Yuri Andrukhovych

Without this author, it is difficult to imagine modern Ukrainian literature in general. Creative activity began with the fact that in 1985, together with Viktor Neborak and Alexander Irvanets, he founded the literary association Bu-Ba-Bu. The name of the writer is associated with the emergence of the "Stanislav phenomenon" and interest in modern Ukrainian literature in the West.

WHAT YOU SHOULD READ: From poetry collections - "Exotic Birds and Roslins" and "Songs for the Dead Pivnya" , from novels - "Recreation" , "Moskoviada" and "Twelve hoops" . No less interesting will be essays from the collection "Devil haunts Syria" , and travelers will like the largest book by Yuri Andrukhovych "Lexicon of intimate places" .

Sergey Zhadan

Probably, there is no more popular author in Ukraine today than Zhadan. Poet, novelist, essayist, translator, musician, public figure. His texts resonate in the hearts of millions of readers (and since 2008 - and listeners - with the release of the first joint album with the "Dogs in Space" group called "Army Sports Club").

The writer actively tours, participates in the public life of the country and helps the army. Lives and works in Kharkov.

WHAT YOU SHOULD READ: It is worth reading all the poetic collections of the author, and from prose - early novels "Big Mac" , "Depeche Mode" , "Voroshilovgrad" and late "Mesopotamia" (2014).

Les Podervyansky

Outrageous Ukrainian writer, artist, author of satirical plays. Engaged in oriental martial arts. In the 90s, his lyrics were copied from cassette to cassette and secretly passed between teenagers. The complete collection of works "Africa, dream" was published in 2015 by the publishing house "Our format".

WHAT YOU SHOULD READ: "Hero of Our Time" , "Pavlik Morozov. Epic tragedy" , "Hamlet, or the Phenomenon of Danish Katsapism" , "Vasilisa Yegorovna and the peasants" .

Taras Prokhasko

Undoubtedly, the most mysterious Ukrainian writer, who fascinates and calms at the same time with his voice. According to the manner of writing and lifestyle, the author is often compared with the wandering philosopher Skovoroda.

WHAT YOU SHOULD READ: One of the most significant works of the author is the novel "Uneasy" . Also noteworthy: "Annie's other days", "FM Galicia" , "One and the same" .

Yuri Izdrik

Chief editor of the legendary magazine "Chetver", published since 1990 and aimed at popularizing modern Ukrainian literature. Yuri Izdrik is a poet, prose writer, participant of the musical project "DrumTIatr". Lives and works in Kalush.

WHAT YOU SHOULD READ: novels "KRK Island" , "Wozzeck & Wozzekurgy" , "Moving Leon" . An interesting creative experiment is a book project with journalist Evgenia Nesterovich Summa , in which the author shares recipes for happiness, love and understanding of the world.

Oleg Lishega

Poet, prose writer, translator of works by Mark Twain, Thomas Eliot, Ezra Pound, David Herbert Lawrence, Sylvia Plath, John Keats. On the one hand, Chinese literature had a great influence on his work, and on the other hand, the works of Ivan Franko and Bogdan-Igor Antonich.

Lyshega is the first Ukrainian poet to be awarded the PEN Club Prize for poetic translation. Unfortunately, the author passed away in 2014.

WHAT YOU SHOULD READ: the most famous prose book of the writer "Friend Li Bo, Brother Du Fu" longlisted for the BBC Book of the Year Award.

Oksana Zabuzhko

Cult Ukrainian writer, essayist and translator. For the first time, the author was actively discussed in the second half of the 1990s. with the release of her novel "Polyovі doslіdzhennya z ukrainskogo seksu", which caused a real sensation in Ukrainian literature. Since then, she has received many awards, most recently the Angelus Literary Prize of Central and Eastern Europe (Poland) for her book The Museum of Abandoned Secrets.

WHAT YOU SHOULD READ: "Pol'ovі doslіdzhennya z ukrainskogo sex" , "Museum of Abandoned Secrets" , "Let my people go: 15 texts about the Ukrainian revolution" , "From mapi books and people" , "Chronicles of Fortinbras" .

Natalya Belotserkovets

The poetess is known to the Ukrainian reader primarily as the author of the poem "We will not die in Paris ...", which became a hit performed by the Dead Piven group. She rarely gives interviews, rarely speaks in public, but her texts can be attributed to the classics of modern Ukrainian literature. Almost no anthology of modern Ukrainian poetry is complete without her poems. Poems by Natalia Belotserkovets are light and deep at the same time, they very subtly set the mood and inspire writing.

WHAT YOU SHOULD READ: compilation "Hotel Central" .

Bone Muscovites

Poet, prose writer, essayist, literary critic. Since 1991, he has been living in the Chernihiv region in the Cell of the Tea Rose, built with his own hands, doing exclusively literary work. He maintains an author's blog, where he posts poems, reviews and photos. The author of the cult Ukrainian song "Vona" ("Tomorrow I will come to the room..."), which is performed by the group "Lament of Yeremia". In 2015, he received the Taras Shevchenko National Prize for the book Flashes.

WHAT YOU SHOULD READ: among poetry books "Mislivtsі in the snow" and "Symbol of the Trojans" , prose - "The cell of tea troyand".

Tanya Malyarchuk

Writer and journalist, winner of the Joseph Conrad-Kozhenevsky Literary Prize (2013). Now lives in Austria. The author's texts have been translated into Polish, Romanian, German, English, Russian and Belarusian.

WHAT YOU SHOULD READ: early novels of the writer - "Burn down. Book of fears" , "How I Became a Saint" , "Speak" , as well as "Biography of the Vipadian Miracle" longlisted for the 2012 Air Force Book of the Year Award.

Alexander Irvanets

Together with Yuri Andrukhovych and Viktor Neborak, in 1985 he founded the Bu-Ba-Bu literary association. Known as Treasurer Boo-Ba-Boo. Those who follow the author's work on Facebook know his witty short poems about current events of our time.

WHAT YOU SHOULD READ: alternative history novel "Rivne/Rivne" , "Five p'єs", "Ochamirya: The Tale of That Opovidnya" , "Satyricon-XXI" .

Andrey Lyubka

The idol of girls, the owner of the title "the most enviable groom of Transcarpathia", a writer, columnist and translator. Born in Riga, lives in Uzhgorod. The author speaks at many literary festivals, actively travels to various scholarships abroad, writes columns for several publications. Each of his new books causes a lively discussion in social networks and the media.

Worth reading: author's debut novel "Carbide" as well as his collections of poems: "TERORISM" , "Forty bucks plus a tip" and a collection of essays "Sleep with women" .

Irena Karpa

"Writer. Singer. Traveler" is the title of one of the books by Irena Karpa, which, perhaps, best conveys all the incarnations of the author. Recently appointed First Secretary for Cultural Affairs of the Embassy of Ukraine in France. Author of 9 books, numerous publications in the press and the blogosphere. Mother of two daughters.

WHAT YOU SHOULD READ: early texts - "50 hwilin grass" , "Freud bi weeping" , "Mother of Pearl Porn" .

Dmitry Lazutkin

This writer combines three hypostases - a poet, a journalist and an athlete. Winner of numerous literary awards, black belt (1st dan) in kempo karate, bronze medalist of the World Cup in kickboxing and kick-jitsu, author of 8 poetry collections. Collaborates with the Kozak System group. Many fans know the song "So calm" to the words of the poet. Actively speaks to the army, often travels to the East.

WHAT YOU SHOULD READ: "Petrol" , "Good songs about filthy girls" , "Red Book" .

Les Beley

Having made his debut with poetry collections, the author attracted even more attention to himself with the release of the novel "Lіkhіє dev" janostі. Love and hate in Uzhgorod". Written in the style of non-fiction, the work became one of the first documentary novels in modern Ukrainian literature. And for this reason alone it is worth reading. Further filling this niche and the release of a joint book project with the Polish reporter Lukasz Saturchak " Asymmetric symmetry: Polish heritage of Ukrainian-Polish vineyards" only strengthened the writer's position.

Les Beley is also one of the organizers of the all-Ukrainian contest of feature reporting "Self-seeing".

WHAT YOU SHOULD READ: "Likhіє virgins" ynostі. Love and hate in Uzhhorod" , "Asymmetric symmetry: Polish legacy of Ukrainian-Polish vineyards".

Alexey Chupa

The writer was born in the Donetsk region, worked as a machinist at a metallurgical plant. Two years ago, because of the war, he moved to live in Lvov. Since then, he has been actively publishing new works and going on tours.

Two of his books at once - "Homeless Donbass" and "10 Words about Vitchizna" were included in the long list of the BBC Book of the Year 2014 award.

WHAT YOU SHOULD READ: from prose books "Tasks of my bomb-box" and fresh novel "Cherry and I" .

Elena Gerasimyuk

Young poetess, essayist, translator, winner of several literary awards. It is deservedly called the poetic discovery of 2013. The author's debut poetry collection "Deafness" will appeal to readers of different generations. The poems have been translated into nine languages.

WHAT YOU SHOULD READ: poetry collection "Deafness".

Sofia Andrukhovych

At the beginning of the 2000s, she made her debut with prose books "Summer of Millennium", "Old People", "Women of Their Men". In 2007, her novel "Somga" was released, which caused a mixed reaction, and some critics called it "genital literature".

After seven years of silence, the writer published, perhaps, her best novel, Felix Austria. This work is a kind of map of Stanislav (Ivano-Frankivsk - author) from the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, against which love and not only relationships unfold. She received the 2014 Air Force Book of the Year award for her novel.

WHAT YOU SHOULD READ: "Felix Austria" .

Maxim Kidruk

In his 30s, the writer managed to visit more than 30 countries, including Mexico, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, China, Namibia, New Zealand, etc. All these travels formed the basis of his books - "Mexican Chronicles. History One Dream", "Come on the Road to the Navel of the Earth" (2 volumes), "Love and Piranya", "Navizheni in Peru" and others.

The author's works will appeal to those who dream of traveling, but do not dare to go on a journey. Most of the texts are written in non-fiction style, containing detailed instructions on how to get to a particular country, what to try and what to avoid.

WHAT YOU SHOULD READ: "Mexican Chronicles. History of a Dream" , "Move to the Navel of the Earth" , "Love and piranji" , "Navizhenі in Peru" .

Iryna Tsylyk

Irina Tsylyk is a native from Kiev. She began her career in poetry and cinema. She has published 8 books and made 3 short films. The author of the words of the song "Turn around alive", which is performed by the groups "Telnyuk Sisters" and "Kozak System".

The poetry of Irina Tsylyk is incredibly feminine, lyrical and sincere. However, like the writer herself.

WHAT YOU SHOULD READ: poetry collections "Qi" and "Depth of sharpness" and a book for children "Mystoria of one friendship" .

Yuri Vinnichuk

One of the most prolific representatives of modern Ukrainian literature, he was awarded the "Golden Writers of Ukraine" award for the number of books sold. Author of several literary hoaxes, compiler of anthologies of fantasy and fairy tales, translator. He worked as an editor of the well-known newspaper "Post-Postup", where he added materials under the pseudonym Yuzio Observator.

WHAT YOU SHOULD READ: "Divy nights" , "Malva Landa" , "Spring games in autumn gardens" , "Tango of death" .

Lyubko Deresh

In recent years, the writer rarely comes up with new literary texts. And at the beginning of the 2000s, he was one of the most popular authors. He published his first novel called "The Cult" at the age of eighteen. The main characters of his works are teenagers who fall in love, use hallucinogenic substances and search for themselves.

Worth reading: early works "Adoration of the lizard" , "Arche" , "Namir!" , "Three drinks" .

Irene Rozdobudko

The writer confidently occupies the niche of "women's literature". Almost every year she publishes new books aimed at a wide audience. For her fertility and popularity, she was awarded the "Golden Writers of Ukraine" award. The author works in various genres. Among her books there are detective stories, psychological thrillers, dramas, a travel story, etc. Therefore, every reader who is looking for light reading on the road in the subway, minibus or bus will be able to find something suitable for himself.

WHAT YOU SHOULD READ: "Gudzik" , "Ziv" yalі kviti vykidyat" , "Pasta for the firebird".

Natalia Sniadanko

In 2004, Natalia Snyadanko's story "Collection of passions, or come in handy to a young Ukrainian woman" was published in Poland, which immediately became a bestseller. In his texts, the author often touches on the problems of Ukrainian guest workers and the role of women in society.

WHAT YOU SHOULD READ: "Blonde Season Sale" , "Herbarium of Kochantsiv" , "Frau Müller can't afford to pay more" .

Yuri Pokalchuk

About people like him they say "man-orchestra". The writer knew 11 foreign languages, visited 37 countries. His Ukrainian translations saw the light of the works of Ernest Hemingway, Jerome Salinger, Jorge Borges, Julio Cortazar, Jorge Amado.

In the 90s. together with the Dead Piven group, he founded a musical project - Fires of the Great City.

For more than twenty years, the writer has dealt with the problems of juvenile delinquents, and also made a documentary film about a juvenile colony called "Special Attention Zone".

His work "Those on the ground" is considered the first Ukrainian erotic book. Other texts of the author were written in the same vein: "Forbidden Games", "Beautiful Hour", "Anatomy of a Sin". I'm sure they will appeal to a wide audience.

WHAT YOU SHOULD READ: "Forbidden games" , "Beautiful Hour" , "Anatomy of sin" .

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Being a writer is a very important job. It is very important to correctly convey your thoughts to readers. It is especially difficult to be a writer, as there is a stereotype that a man should be a writer. Women, in turn, express their thoughts more vividly and expressively.

Ukrainian writers are a special flavor of Ukrainian literature. They write the way they feel, while popularizing the Ukrainian language, making a huge contribution to its development.

We have selected for you 11 most popular modern Ukrainian writers who brought a lot of quality works to Ukrainian literature.

1. Irena Karpa

Experimenter, journalist and just a bright personality. She is not afraid to write candid works, because in them she shows herself real.

Irena Karpa ©

The most popular works: “50 hvilin grass”, “Freud bi lament”, “Good and evil”.

2. Lada Luzina

Although Lada Luzina is a Ukrainian writer, she still remains Russian-speaking. With writing, Lada Luzina also combines theater criticism and journalism.

Lada Luzina ©

The most popular works: "Collection of short stories and novels: I am a witch!"

3. Lina Kostenko

This outstanding Ukrainian writer was banned for a very long time - her texts were not published. But her willpower was always higher, so she was able to achieve recognition and convey her thoughts to people.

Lina Kostenko ©

The most popular works: "Marusya Churai", "Notes of a Ukrainian Madman".

4. Katerina Babkina

A poetess who is not afraid to write about forbidden topics. In parallel, he also conducts journalistic activities and writes scripts.

Katerina Babkina ©

The most popular works: "Fire of St. Elmo", "Girchitsya", "Sonya"

5. Larisa Denisenko

A writer who can combine incompatible things. She is an outstanding lawyer, TV presenter and one of the best writers in Ukraine.

Larisa Denisenko ©

The most popular works: "Corporation idiotiv", "Ponmilkovі reimannya or life for the rozklad vbivts", "Kavovy prismak cinnamon"

6. Svetlana Povalyaeva

A journalist who, with her works, can very accurately convey the mood of society.

Svetlana Povalyaeva © Tatyana Davydenko,

Soviet U. l. developed in an atmosphere of intense class struggle. As a result of the civil war in the Ukraine, the defeat of the bourgeoisie and international intervention, the decisive and final victory of the socialist revolution, a significant part of the bourgeois intelligentsia, including its literary representatives, emigrated abroad. In the bourgeois-imperialist countries, these enemies of the people continued their dirty work of slander, insinuations, sabotage and espionage directed against Soviet Ukraine, the Land of Soviets, its culture and literature. The other part of the bourgeois intelligentsia, which proclaimed its “loyalty” to the Soviet government, in fact only adapted to the legal possibilities and continued its hostile line, resorting to double-dealing methods of struggle, looking for support in the class of the rural bourgeoisie, and partly the industrial bourgeoisie, which had not been liquidated in the early years of the Soviet government. , and later - in the external capitalist environment. Suffering defeat after defeat on the Lithuanian front, it embarked on the path of underground counter-revolutionary activity. One of its groups (“SVU”) was liquidated in 1929. Nationalists, Trotskyists, “left” and right traitors for many years, right up to their defeat by the organs of the dictatorship of the proletariat, tried in every possible way to retard the growth of the Soviet literature, tried to decompose it from within to submit to your influence. However, despite the subversive activities of the enemies, Soviet Ukrainian literature has steadily grown, strengthened and achieved significant success, becoming in the forefront of the literature of the great Soviet Union.

Soviet U. l. developed under the beneficial influence of the liberating ideas of the great Russian literature, in particular, the socialist ideas of the Russian proletarian literature, its greatest representative, founder, brilliant writer A. M. Gorky. This influence was combined with the critical development of the Ukrainian revolutionary-democratic literary heritage. Soviet U. l. has grown stronger and stronger in close cooperation with the literature of the fraternal peoples of our great Union, making extensive use of the wealth of Soviet folklore in the process of its development. Creativity of Ukrainian writers - T. Shevchenko, M. Kotsiubinsky, Lesya Ukrainka, I. Franko, and on the other hand, Russian writers - A. Pushkin, N. Nekrasov, M. Saltykov-Shchedrin - the live communication of writers with A. M. Gorky and the participation of Ukrainian Soviet writers in the practice of building socialism - all this taken together had a great influence on the process of formation of the young Ukrainian Soviet literature, on the development of its language, genres and style.

Poetic activity of the largest Ukrainian poet Pavlo stamens went along the line of overcoming symbolist poetics. Already in 1917-1919, Pavlo Tychyna made revolutionary-realistic poems (“There are poplars near the field in the wild”, “Thought about three winds”, “On the Maidan near the church”, “Yak having fallen from a horse”), which took a prominent place in Ukrainian Soviet poetry. Somewhat later, Vladimir Sosyura with poems ("Chervona Zim") and poems ("Vidplata", "Before Us", "Oh, not for nothing", etc.), written in the style of revolutionary romanticism (collections "Poeziya", 1921, and "Chervona Zim", 1922) .

The period of transition to peaceful work to restore the national economy expanded and deepened the growth of Soviet literature as a whole; at this time a number of new poets appeared (M. Bazhan, P. Usenko, L. Pervomaisky), prose writers (Yu. Yanovsky, YU. Smolich, A. Golovko, A. Kopylenko, P. Panch, A. Lyubchenko, I. Senchenko), S. Vasilchenko continued his work, A. Korneichuk began his literary activity, later advanced to the forefront of the playwrights of the Union.

Lit-ra of this period paid much attention to the depiction of the civil war, showing the struggle of the working people of Ukraine against the enemies of the revolution (A. Golovko, collection of stories "I Can", A. Kopylenko, collection "Wild hop", P. Punch - story "Without a trump card ”, “Dove echelons”, A. Lyubchenko, stories “Zyama”, etc.); L. Pervomaisky published the poem "Tripilskaya tragedy", dedicated to the heroic campaign of the Komsomol members against the kulak gangs; P. Usenko sang the Komsomol in verse - Sat. "KSM". The class struggle in the countryside, the struggle of the poor peasantry against the kulaks, was reflected in the best story of this time - “Weeds” by Andrey Golovko. In this story, A. Golovko, having based the plot on the well-known fact of the murder of the worker correspondent Malinovsky with fists, managed to embody the characteristic features of the Ukrainian village in the first years of the revolution into vivid images, to give an exciting work saturated with hatred for class enemies, firmly included in the asset of Soviet literature.

A significant contribution to Ukrainian Soviet prose is the post-revolutionary short stories by Stepan Vasylchenko, the best student of Kotsiubynsky. In the stories devoted to the depiction of the life of schoolchildren, S. Vasilchenko (for more details see about him in the section “Ukrainian literature of the late XIX and early XX centuries”) talks about how children's abilities flourish in the conditions of a free Soviet school. On a specific example of the work of the aviation circle (“Aviation Gurtok”), Vasilchenko draws a typical picture of the development of children's ingenuity, amateur pioneers, and their love for aviation. In the most significant work, both in terms of size and artistic merit, Vasilchenko, with deep lyrical warmth and gentle humor, tells about the acquaintance of city pioneers-pupils with the village, about the disinterested help to their peasants in harvesting. The plot is complicated and complemented by a subtle display of the emerging feeling of falling in love among teenagers. In poetry, an outstanding event was Tychyna's collection "Wind from Ukraine", which testified to the further ideological and artistic growth of the poet. In this collection, the themes of the struggle of workers at various stages of history for free joyful labor are combined with new searches in the field of poetic form.

Mikola Bazhan, an outstanding master of verse, also began his poetic activity with a romantic chanting of the heroism of the revolution (the collection The 17th Patrol, 1926); his early poems were distinguished by the underlined tension of the situation and psychological states, and in stylistic means the influence of early Mayakovsky's poetics was clearly felt.

During the period of transition to peaceful work and the struggle for socialist industrialization, the class struggle in literature became especially aggravated in the phenomenon of the so-called. "Khvylevism" (on behalf of Khvylovy - a representative of counter-revolutionary bourgeois nationalism). Khvylovy sought to orient Soviet literature towards bourgeois Europe. In this he was actively helped by the neoclassicists, one of the currents of the bourgeois-nationalist literature, the work of which Khvylevy declared the only true and desirable. Khvylevism reflected the influence on U. l. rural and urban bourgeoisie, which became more active in the 1920s. As an agent of the capitalist encirclement, going hand in hand with a similar manifestation of nationalism on the political front - "Shumskism" - Khvylevism sought to separate Ukraine from Soviet Russia in order to restore capitalism in Ukraine. These attitudes of Khvylovy were clearly revealed in the course of a literary discussion (1925-1928). The party led by Comrade Stalin, timely revealed the counter-revolutionary essence of Khvylevism, neoclassicism and other hostile currents and put an end to the "discussion" by a resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CP(b)U, published on May 15, 1927. Spreading its temporary influence on a number of writers who began to go over to the side of Soviet power or were in the Soviet positions, after the dissolution of their literary organization (Vaplite, 1927), Khvylovy’s group continued its corrupting activity in disguised forms (allegorism, Aesopian language), in their supposedly “non-group” journals Literary Fairs, Litfront. The party also exposed this maneuver of the nationalists. At that time, a certain part of the bourgeois-nationalist intelligentsia, which had made its way into literature and related ideological fields - theater, philosophy, etc. - went underground for counter-revolutionary subversive activities, but was exposed and liquidated by the organs of the dictatorship of the proletariat.

In addition to the neoclassicals, who covered up their hostility to the revolution with "apoliticality" and "neutralism", the futurists waged a stubborn struggle against the proletarian literature. The Ukrainian futurists, who took as a basis the Trotskyist thesis of the negation of the proletarian literature, were the conductors of counter-revolutionary Trotskyism. Under the guise of "destruction of form" they engaged in subversive "work". Some of them, who went underground, in the struggle against the Ukrainian people, subsequently descended into methods of terror. The representatives of the Futurists, neoclassicalists, Khvylevists and other literary organizations that had taken the path of counter-revolutionary underground activity were finally crushed and uprooted during the years of the second five-year plan.

In terms of style, the literature of the period of transition to peaceful work presented a motley picture. YU. Yanovsky , who already at that time had established himself as an outstanding stylist, but ideologically succumbed to nationalist influences, followed the path of abstract romanticism. Kopylenko and Sosyura, carried away by the heroism of the civil war, mainly developed in line with revolutionary romanticism, although in Sosyura's poems, for example. sometimes decadent moods prevailed, which testified to the poet's misunderstanding of the political essence of the NEP. Golovko, partly Punch, Lyubchenko, Kopylenko reflected impressionistic influences in their work, although they mostly moved towards realism. Smolich cultivated science fiction and adventure genres. Rylsky's poetry was influenced by neoclassical "apoliticism"; ignoring the surrounding reality and struggle, he plunged into the world of dreams and a fictional Greco-Roman idyll. Tychina, on the contrary, successfully overcame cosmic symbolism, moving on to realism, enriching his skills with the experience of in-depth study of reality and the use of folk art. Starting from the period of the struggle for socialist industrialization and the collectivization of agriculture, Tychyna more and more leaned towards political poetry, becoming a brilliant singer of Soviet patriotism (collection Chernigiv, 1931, Party Vede, 1934). Rylsky began to move away from apathy, approaching modernity, becoming more and more interested in social topics (the collection “Gominі vіdgomin”, “De the roads converge”, 1929). Bazhan in his philosophical poems ("Budіvlі", "Number"), rich in synthetic images, showed himself to be an outstanding poet-thinker. In his works, the poet made a bold attempt to understand the historical path of human development, to present past formations in generalized images, to critically comprehend the social past, striving to perceive the era of socialism, which the poet pathetically affirms, more deeply and organically. This work was not free from idealistic breakdowns. There were also moments when the poet did not see a way out of the contradictions, was tormented by the consciousness of Hamlet's duality ("Hoffmann's Nich"). But in such major works as "Rozmov's Heart" (Conversation of Hearts) and "The Death of Hamlet", Bazhan subjected the instability of petty-bourgeois psychology and Hamletism to devastating criticism, mercilessly scourging the "romance of double souls." The stage of ideological awareness of the era ends with Bazhan with a picture of a merciless struggle against the remnants of capitalism in human psychology (“Trilogy of Passion”, 1933). The poet deeply understood that "the only great and real humanity is the Leninist humanity of the last battles."

The prose of this period sought to reflect the socialist construction, covering to some extent the processes of industrialization (V. Kuzmich, "Kryla", L. Smilyansky, "Mashinisti", "Mekhzavod"), putting forward the problems of the relationship between the intelligentsia and the working class (Kopylenko, "Vizvolennya") , questions of the social significance of labor and science in the capitalist countries and in our country (Smolich, "The State of Dr. Galvanescu", "What Bulo Let's Go"), class struggle in the colonial countries (Smolich, "Another Beautiful Catastrophe"). Some of the works of this period did not escape nationalist influences (Yanovsky's Chotiri Patterns, Sosyura's "Heart", Smolich's "False Melpomene", Smolich's "For the Beat of the Heart"), naturalistic tendencies ("Hard Material" Kopylenko), decadent moods, Yeseninism (“If the acacias bloom” by Sosyura). The confusion of some writers in the face of the difficulties of the revolutionary struggle was reflected in the decadence.

The bulk of writers resolutely and irrevocably switched to Soviet positions. The VUSPP, which did not notice the restructuring of these writers, continued to bully and defame them. Having become a brake on the path of the further development of the Soviet literature and the unification of its forces, the VUSPP, like similar organizations in other republics and their association "VOAPP", was liquidated by a decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks of April 23, 1932.

Decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "On the restructuring of literary and artistic organizations", an indication of comrade. Stalin on the struggle for socialist realism, his definition of the role of writers as “engineers of human souls”, his high assessment of V. Mayakovsky, who emphasized the enormous importance of political poetry, the All-Union Congress of Writers, the organization of the Writers' Union and the tireless leadership of A. M. Gorky, the Stalin Constitution - created all the prerequisites for that flourishing and new upsurge of the Soviet literature, which came during the years of the second five-year plan. The period of struggle for the socialist industrialization and collectivization of agriculture was marked by glorious victories and achievements on the front of the collectivization and industrialization of the country, the fruit of which was the Stalin Constitution. The USSR became a country of victorious socialism, an unshakable outpost of the world revolution. This was the reason why the enemies of the people - Trotskyists, nationalists and other agents of the counter-revolution - with particular bitterness, through individual terror, sabotage, sabotage, espionage, tried to slow down the powerful progressive movement of socialism on all fronts of construction, including in Lithuania. But the enemies were completely defeated. Part of the members of literary organizations, including the VUSPP, were exposed as enemies of the people, who in every possible way also harmed the cause of the development of Soviet literature. Despite the subversive activities of the enemies, the Soviet literature continued to develop rapidly. The Second Five-Year Plan was a very intensive period in the development of Soviet ultrasonic literature, and its ideological and artistic level rose considerably. Such poets as P. Tychina, M. Bazhan, M. Rylsky, prose writers - A. Golovko, Yu. Yanovsky, Yu. Smolich, A. Kopylenko, playwrights - A. Korneichuk, I. Kocherga, became prominent figures in Soviet literature. ry. The tireless leadership of the party, personally by Comrade Stalin and A. M. Gorky, contributed to the development of the Soviet legal system. in the spirit of socialist realism, although literature continued to lag behind the tasks that the cultural construction of the country put forward before it.

Subjects of the Soviet U. l. this period is as varied as it is significant. Lit-ra of these years reflected the processes of building socialism, the further growth of industrialization, collectivization, created images of a new man, reflected the period of the civil war, the recent past - from the revolution of 1905 to October. As for previous historical eras, the life of the Ukrainian people in the historical past, writers began to approach these topics closely only in this period. In 1933, M. Rylsky's poem "Marina" was published, depicting the hard life of a serf woman and the wild customs of the feudal lords. It clearly reflects the era of serfdom in Ukraine. One of the best plays by I. Kocherga "The Song about the Candle" truly depicts the struggle of the Ukrainian people against the feudal lords in the 16th century.

Socialist construction in the broad sense of the word was reflected in a number of works of this period. Most of the poetic works showed the achievements and victories of the socialist era, developing the motives for the defense of the country and the fight against international reaction; poets called for vigilance, expressing hatred and contempt for traitors to the motherland - Trotskyists, nationalists and all kinds of counter-revolutionaries. They sang the new, socialist man, a joyful, cultured, prosperous life, love for the motherland, the party and the leader, comrade. Stalin. Unforgettable pages of the history of the civil war came to life under their pen, they were inspired by the exploits of the heroes of the Soviet Union, the Stakhanov movement, the desire of the international proletariat for a world revolution, the heroic struggle of the Spanish and Chinese peoples for their independence.

A significant ideological and political upsurge is characteristic of the work of many poets of this time, and especially of outstanding masters of poetry. So Tychina, in his wonderful collections of poems - "Chernigiv" and "Partiya Vede", based on the organically deep use of folklore, gave a number of exciting songs about tractor drivers, about Kotovsky, poems about the heroism of youth and caustic satires on all sorts of gentlemen and enemies of the motherland. He created brilliant examples of politically pointed poetry. A very significant ideological turn of Maxim Rylsky it was from the end of the first five-year plan: the poet resolutely moved away from neoclassicism, began to perceive the real Soviet reality more deeply. An indicator of this turning point was the collection "Sign of Tereziv", which was soon followed by: the poem "Marina", collections - "Kyiv", "Leto", "Ukraine". If Rylsky's first two collections ("The Sign of Tereziv" and "Kiev") still bore the imprint of contemplation in search of a new path, as well as individual relapses of neoclassical poetics, then the last two - "Leto" and "Ukraine" - already gave samples of the poetry of a mature master, depicting the achievements of socialist construction. His “Song about Stalin” enjoys significant success. It gained popularity throughout the Soviet Union, became truly popular. At the same time, Rylsky is keenly interested in the historical past of Ukraine; The poet contrasts the tragic past of the enslaved Ukrainian people with the bright present - the victories and cheerfulness of the Stalin era. Ukrainian Soviet poetry created images of a positive hero, as the embodiment of the best typical features of a socialist person. Such is, for example, the image of S. M. Kirov in M. Bazhan's poem "Immortality", reproducing three main stages in the life and work of Kirov: underground work in Siberia, participation in the civil war and the role of Kirov - the builder of socialism, the leader of the party. This poem is a major victory for M. Bazhan. In it, the poet showed himself to be one of the best political lyricists. For Soviet poetry as a whole, this poem is a significant achievement. Having got rid of his earlier features of idealistic thinking, heaviness of style and archaic vocabulary, Bazhan in Immortality created a majestic image of a heroic, energetic, indefatigable in work, humane, devoted to the people of the Bolshevik, full of bright joy, faith in the victory of socialism, inexhaustible optimism and intransigence to the enemy. The poem is distinguished by a broad outlook, it deeply feels the vast expanse of our country, the scale and grandiose scope of the construction of socialism, this whole picture is imbued with the majestic pathos of socialist creativity and life, conquering death, defeating the vile intrigues of the enemy. The poem ends with a hymn to the free socialist creative labor of liberated humanity. A characteristic stylistic feature of the poem: the power of expressiveness, aphoristic conciseness, the synthesis of thought and emotional tension. The second poem by M. Bazhan - "Fathers and Blues" (Fathers and Sons, 1938) - is a poem about the brave selfless struggle of workers for Soviet power, it is a hymn to Soviet patriotism. In this poem, M. Bazhan embodied the thought of comrade. Stalin that "the blood shed abundantly by our people was not in vain, that it gave its results." The poem captures with the pathos of majestic truth, heroism and hatred for the enemies of the revolution.

Of the positive images, special attention of poets is attracted by the image of the leader of the peoples, comrade. Stalin, to whom many poems are dedicated to Rylsky, Tychyna, Bazhan, Sosyura, Usenko, Golovanivsky, Kryzhanivsky and others. The legendary heroes of the Red Army - Kotovsky, Shchors, Frunze, the iron commissar Voroshilov, their exploits and victories inspire many poets. Of these poems, it should be noted "The Song of Kotovsky" and "The Poem of Kotovsky" by Tychyna, L. Dmiterko's great poem about the folk hero Shchors - "The Oath of the Supreme", in which the poet painted an expressive image of the glorious commander of the Red Army. Formal growth and a deeper ideological aspiration are visible in such poets as V. Sosiura, L. Pervomaisky, S. Golovanivsky, P. Usenko. In the collection "New Poetry" V. Sausyura sang the heroism of the defenders of Madrid, created heartfelt images of the leaders of the revolution. His poems are imbued with optimism, they feel the boiling of young creative forces.

L. Pervomaisky with the collection "Nova Lyrica" ​​(poems 1934-1937) showed that he successfully overcomes the dryness, some artificiality and ideological breakdowns characteristic of his previous works. The last poems and songs of this poet acquire a transparency of form and greater simplicity of expression. Their distinctive quality is cheerfulness and solemn elation, with which the poet speaks of love for the motherland, for Comrade. Stalin, to the heroic people and youth of the Soviet country.

S. Golovanivsky in new poems in the collection "Zustrich Mary" is freed from mannerisms, his verses become more natural and smooth; best of all he succeeds in song motives.

A number of young poets are tirelessly working to improve the culture of verse, expanding their ideological and thematic range. During this period, new talented youth came into poetry: Andrei Malyshko, Igor Muratov, K. Gerasimenko, Vyrgan, Yu. Karsky, A. Novitsky, G. Plotkin, A. Kopshtein. Andrei Malyshko is characterized by an active and cheerful interpretation of current socialist topics, he is mainly concerned with the life and exploits of people of our era. A remarkable fact in the development of the creativity of the broad masses of the people, liberated by the October Revolution, is the arrival of poets from the people (Maria Mironets and others. See the section “Oral Folk Art”). Ukrainian Soviet prose has made great strides forward, reflecting the processes of industrialization and collectivization, the construction of socialist cities, the psychology of new people, and the cultural revolution in its most significant works. The topics of prose are varied.

In the novel "48 hours" Y. Smolich shows the achievements of socialist construction during the years of the first five-year plan.

A. Kopylenko in the novel “A City Is Being Born” (A City Is Born, 1932), based on the construction of a socialist city, showed differentiation in the ranks of the old intelligentsia, the growth of young, Soviet technical personnel, new forms of socialist labor, overcoming kulak resistance. The novel by the same author, “Duzhe Dobre” (Very good, 1936) is dedicated to the Soviet high school, exposing the enemies who tried to get into the school, the relationship of students with each other, with parents and teachers, and home education. This work is rich in specific material, everyday drawings, gives a number of types of Soviet teachers dedicated to the cause, draws a gallery of various figures of excellent students and social activists. Thematically, Natan Rybak's novel "Kyiv" (Kyiv, 1936) adjoins it, depicting a Soviet university, the struggle against nationalism, and stratification in the ranks of the intelligentsia. Yu. Smolich also develops this theme. In the novel Our Secrets, Y. Smolich showed a pre-revolutionary gymnasium during the World War, creating a whole gallery of socially and individually diverse figures of students who, by the beginning of the social revolution, as revolutionary events develop and their political consciousness grows, diverge in different directions as representatives various social groups and parties. "Our Secrets" - a work that gives a truthful and extensive picture of the old school, reveals the methods of pre-revolutionary education; it occupies in U. l. one of the prominent places.

In the sense of depicting the historical era, as if introductory part to this novel is the autobiographical Childhood (Childhood, 1937) by the same author, which depicts the life of the provincial intelligentsia, its attitude towards the workers and the landowner in the period between the revolution of 1905 and the imperialist war.

Among the vast series of prose works devoted to depicting the civil war and the revolution of 1905, Y. Yanovsky's "Vershniki" (Horsemen) should be singled out. "Horsemen" in essence is not a novel, but a series of short stories, organically united into one whole by the unity of characters, material, and ideological aspirations. The original, juicy language, peculiar syntax, creative use of folklore, skill in creating monumental heroic images make this work one of the best examples of Soviet Ukrainian prose.

The revolution of 1905 was vividly reflected in Golovko's novel Mother (Mother, 1935). The writer made an interesting and valuable attempt to develop the same theme and the same period of time, which are given in the classic work of M. Kotsyubinsky "Fata Morgana". In the novel "Mother" the leading role of the urban proletariat in the revolutionary movement of the poorest peasantry is elucidated in more detail. In addition, in the novel "Mother", which is the first part of the planned trilogy, Golovko portrayed the Ukrainian intelligentsia, its differentiation during the first revolution, exposed the traitorous role of its bourgeois-nationalist part. The theme of the civil war in Ukraine is also devoted to “Obloga nochi” (Siege of the Night, 1935) and “Peace” by Petro Panch, “The Battalions crossed the Desna” (Battalions crossed the Desna, 1937) Ol. Desnyak, "Way to Kyiv" (Road to Kyiv, 1937) S. Sklyarenko, the first part of the novel by N. Rybak"Dnipro" (Dnepr, 1937). Punch showed the struggle of the Donbass miners against the enemies of the motherland, the hetman, the Petliurites, Denikinists, against their attempts to restore capitalism and exploitation, shed light on the process of growing activity and revolutionary consciousness of the working masses. Desnyak, knowing the material well, gave a detailed picture of the struggle of the former deserters of the imperialist war, who became at the head of the partisan movement against the kulaks and the bourgeois central council, foreign interventionists. The writer managed to give a bright heroic figure of Shchors. Although the latter is not the main character in the novel, the author managed to characterize his individual characteristics - courage, determination, speed of action, courage, strategic talent of this truly folk hero-commander. In Sklyarenko's novel The Road to Kyiv, the image of Shchors was less successful for the author. This novel is rich in events of a historical nature, depicting in detail not only the complex domestic, but also the international situation. N. Rybak's novel "Dnepr" also adjoins the works devoted to the theme of the civil war, although the author touches on the topic of foreign occupation only at the end of the first book. Basically, this work broadly depicts life, the customs of timber rafters and pilots, their struggle with entrepreneurs. N. Rybak created a colorful figure of an active, cruel and treacherous, greedy money-grubber, merchant and businessman of Kashpur. A. Shiyan's novel "Thunderstorm" includes quite extensive material, covering the period from the imperialist up to the civil war. The Thunderstorm depicts the struggle of the poorest peasantry against the bourgeoisie. The novel by V. Sobko "Granite" is distinguished by the freshness of the idea, the author's ability to build an entertaining dynamic plot. The novel shows the courage and endurance of the Soviet people, ideologically it is directed against imperialism. The story of A. Rizberg "Creativity", where the author makes a successful attempt to penetrate the psychology of a Soviet person, is built on the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreativity inherent in the people of the Soviet land, whether it be an artist-painter, pilot, paratrooper or Stakhanovite of the canning industry.

The growth of Ukrainian Soviet drama is especially significant. She entered the all-Union stage. Of the five prizes at the All-Union Drama Competition in 1934, two were awarded to Ukrainian Soviet playwrights: A. Korneichuk ("Death of the Squadron") - the second, I. Kocherga ("The Watchmaker and the Chicken") - the third.

The talented writer Alexander Korneichuk moved into the forefront of the playwrights of the Union during the second Stalinist five-year plan. Korneichuk is mainly interested in the image of a new, socialist person, his distinctive features - whether he is a party member or a non-party, red commander or an ordinary Soviet worker in a civilian post. Especially successfully Korneichuk shows a positive hero, a man devoted to revolutionary duty, a Soviet social activist who fundamentally puts the public above the personal. These people are endowed with high qualities of mind, will and feelings, the artist expressively emphasizes the creative, active, organizing and heroic quality inherent in the best people of the Soviet era. That is why Korneichuk's plays (the best of them are "The Death of the Squadron" and "Bogdan Khmelnitsky") enjoy well-deserved success on the stage of theaters throughout the Union. In plays about the civil war (“Death of the Squadron”), about the revolution (“Pravda”), about Soviet construction (“Banker”, “Platon Krechet”), Korneichuk seeks to embody the features of the new, socialist man, clearly revealing them in the development of intense action. Korneichuk's plays are an outstanding phenomenon in Ukrainian and all-Union dramaturgy. Korneichuk enjoys well-deserved popularity among the masses. In 1937 Korneichuk was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, in 1938 - a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR.

Ivan Kocherga in his plays gravitates mainly to philosophical problems; reflecting Soviet reality, he seeks to comprehend and generalize it philosophically. So in the play "Watchmaker and the Chicken" he is interested in the problem of time, its significance in social life, in the play "Go - don't come back" (Go - don't come back) - the problem of space in the physical and psychological sense.

The dramaturgy of Kocherga is distinguished by formal skill, originality and ease of language. Not limited to depicting Soviet reality, people of Bolshevik hardening, overcoming the vast expanses of our vast homeland, Kocherga gives vivid pictures from the history of the civil war (“Maistri Chasu”) or the historical past of Ukraine: his “Song of the Candle” is an exciting picture of the struggle of the Ukrainian people against feudal lords in the 16th century

In the field of drama, one should also note the historical play by V. Sukhodolsky "Karmelyuk" - about the folk hero Karmelyuk, who led the movement of the Ukrainian people against the landlords and autocracy. In The Thought of a British Woman, Y. Yanovsky depicts in juicy language the courageous struggle of the Red partisans against the Denikin, Petliura and Makhnovist gangs. The author created a number of original images of staunch fighters for the revolution. The musical comedy by L. Yukhvid "Vesillya v Malinovtsi" (Wedding in Malinovka, 1938) enjoys great success with the audience. The author managed to overcome the usual operetta stencils and write a play based on the material of the civil war in Ukraine with lyrical and dramatic images of goodies and sharp comedy situations. At the all-Ukrainian competition of plays on collective farm themes in 1938, Y. Mokreev's drama The Blossom of Life (Rye Blossoms) and E. Krotevich's comedy The Flower Garden (The Garden Blossoms) were recommended for staging.

Ukrainian children's literature has also grown significantly. Not only "children's" writers work in this area, but also "adult" writers. So, P. Tychina, P. Panch, M. Rylsky, L. Pervomaisky, A. Golovko, O. Donchenko wrote for children. The poets gave not only their original works, but also translations from the classics (Pushkin and Goethe, alterations from Franco) and modern writers of fraternal peoples - K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, etc. In the stories and novels for children A. Golovko (“Chervona Khustin”), P. Pancha (“Sin of the Tarashchansky Regiment”, “Small Partisan”) reflects the heroism of the civil war, the participation of children in it. The master of the children's genre in the Soviet W. l. is N. Zabila. She successfully uses the animal epic, the adventure genre, dressing the story in a light poetic form. Poetry stories for children are characterized by simplicity and amusingness. M. Prygara, V. Vladko cultivates the genre of science fiction. Having begun his activity under the strong influence of Jules Verne, Wales (“Wonderful Generator”, “Argonauts of the Lord”), Vladko in his further works (“12 opivdan”) goes on an independent path. A fairy tale for children is developed by O. Ivanenko, using for this not only folk art, but also the classics of literature (Andersen). The most prolific children's writer O. Donchenko knows how to build a fascinating plot, to interest the reader with a variety of material. The story "Fatherland" (Fatherland) is interesting in contrasting the upbringing of children in our country and abroad. The result of the collective work of children's writers was the almanac "Lenin and Stalin in works for children" (Lenin and Stalin in works for children), published for the 20th anniversary of the October Revolution.

The development of many Ukrainian Soviet poets, prose writers, playwrights, and writers for children was greatly influenced by Ukrainian oral folk art, enriching them with new ideas, images, and language culture (see U. L.’s Oral Folk Art section).

A great deal of work was done by Ukrainian Soviet writers in the field of translating into Ukrainian the works of the best representatives of the Russian literature and other literature of the fraternal peoples of our Union (Pushkin in the translation of Rylsky, Shota Rustaveli in Bazhana Lane, Gorky, Nekrasov, etc.).

Soviet printing press, which in its best examples has reached the level of the advanced art of the Soviet Union, is one of the powerful manifestations of the creativity of the great Ukrainian people liberated by the Great October Socialist Revolution. Its ideological and artistic achievements are the result of the correct Leninist-Stalinist national policy, the tireless leadership of the Lenin-Stalin party and the victories won in the fight against enemies of all stripes in building socialism. The inalienable victories and daily growing achievements of socialism, the indestructible might of the Soviet Union, the close unity of all the fraternal peoples of the great Soviet country, the blood ties with the people of writers armed with Marxism-Leninism, devoted to the Party, inspired by faith in the world revolution, are the key to the further flourishing of the Soviet U. l. in an atmosphere imbued with the spirit of the great Stalinist Constitution.

Literary Encyclopedia

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UKRAINIAN LITERATURE- UKRAINIAN LITERATURE, literature of the Ukrainian people; develops in Ukrainian. The beginning of U. l. refers to the IXXII centuries, to the era of Kievan Rus; its primary source and common (for Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians) root old Russian ... ... Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary

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