The play The Cherry Orchard at the Sovremennik Theatre. The Cherry Orchard


In the world of modern theater today it is quite difficult to see productions that are as close as possible to the original text. Directors offer a variety of interpretations of the works of the classics, changing time and space, endowing the characters with new features and qualities. The play The Cherry Orchard directed by Galina Volchek is the exact opposite of a similar project. This production will appeal to those who love traditional theater, who prefer to see the classic story on stage without changes and additions. The magnificent work of the creative team made it possible to create a wonderful, lyrical performance that conveys the atmosphere of a real Russian noble estate.

This lyrical comedy by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov draws the attention of viewers to the turn of the era, when historical landmarks change, when the culture and life of noble families go into the past. They are being replaced by the cold, prudent everyday life of the new century, the age of machines and industries. Chekhov's play is complex and multifaceted - here you can find aching nostalgia for the past, and a joyful premonition of change, and light irony, and deep philosophy. In the center is a homestead with a beautiful garden of cherry trees. It is here, in her family nest, that Lyubov Arkadyevna Ranevskaya returns after a long absence.

She comes here to try to save the estate, which is about to go off the market. This place is dear to her - the years of her childhood and youth passed here. Now it is especially difficult for the heroine to realize that she will have to say goodbye to this sweet home. The decision is offered by the businessman Lopakhin - to save the house, you need to cut down the trees - to lease the land. But can Ranevskaya allow this? To enjoy the wonderful work of the creative team, you must definitely buy tickets for the performance The Cherry Orchard.

Probably, there is no such theater in which Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard would not be staged. Sovremennik is no exception. But for him, this play, directed by Galina Volchek, has become a real calling card.

About the play "The Cherry Orchard"

Galina Volchek managed to do the seemingly impossible. Her "Cherry Orchard" is not a shocking reading of the classics, not unexpected interpretations or shocking details that could be "read between the lines." The performance is built on a subtle play of halftones. The main thing that the director and actors want to convey to the audience is feelings. Despair, humility, hope... the fate of each of the characters is shown in an amazing unity with the era.

The Cherry Orchard itself was also presented by Galina Volchek as an acting character. It is in him, in the hope of lingering at least for a moment in the disappearing past, that the heroes peer with bitterness and longing.

The premiere of the play "The Cherry Orchard" in Sovremennik took place on September 9, 1997. In those years, the best actors of the theater were involved in it - Elena Yakovleva, Igor Kvasha and many others. Since then, the line-up has not become less stellar, but has undergone some changes. But the performers of the main roles, Marina Neelova and Sergey Garmash, continue to delight the audience with a brilliant talented game.

Other activities of the director

A contemporary for Galina Volchek is life. She has repeatedly admitted that she cannot imagine herself without this theater. And he certainly wouldn't be the same without her. Volchek staged many brilliant performances on her native stage. "Two on a swing", "Gin game", "Murlin Murlo", "Three sisters", "Hare love story" - these are just the last of them.

How to buy tickets for the play "The Cherry Orchard"

Moscow theatergoers, traditionally treating the classics with special trepidation, sincerely fell in love with the play "The Cherry Orchard". And today, those who witnessed the premiere are already acquainting their children with the production. Despite the fact that there is always a full house in the hall, we are ready to help you buy tickets for The Cherry Orchard.

Each client can count on:

  • consultation of a competent manager who will help you choose the best places;
  • free delivery of purchased tickets in Moscow and St. Petersburg;
  • the ability to pay for the order in any convenient way - by bank card, transfer and even in cash upon receipt.

In addition, for those who contact us not for the first time, and also purchase more than 10 tickets at the same time (which is especially important for school groups), a system of discounts is provided.

It probably doesn't matter how many years have passed since the premiere. In 2018, the audience of The Cherry Orchard applauds the actors with the same enthusiasm as in September 1997. And no matter how many generations change, there will always be those who will appreciate this production, which has become a true classic of Sovremennik, at its true worth.

Price: Parterre from 2,500 to 4,500 rubles.
Mezzanine from 1,000 to 2,500 rubles.

Sergey Garmash
Marina Neelova
Vanguard Leontiev
Elena Yakovleva
Olga Drozdova

The stage work of Sovremennik "The Cherry Orchard" appeared thanks to the famous director - Galina Volchek. She surprisingly accurately managed to convey the slightest emotional play in the masterpiece of Russian classics. Famous actors are involved in the production of Sovremennik "The Cherry Orchard", who will certainly delight loyal theatergoers with a brilliant performance. The public will be able to see M. Neelova, V. Gaft, S. Garmash on stage.

Interested in the performance of the theater Sovremennik "The Cherry Orchard" (Moscow)? Then you just need to visit it. The most attractive prices are waiting for you on our website, while you can get places online.

The events of the production of The Cherry Orchard (Contemporary) mainly take place in the estate of Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya, where she recently returned with her daughter Anna. A vulnerable and sensitive hostess, while not at all adapted to real life, during her stay in France, she lost almost her entire fortune.

It was no coincidence that she fled abroad. A few years ago, her husband died of alcoholism. Some time later, Ranevskaya met a young man whom she could fall in love with. However, the young man did not have such tender feelings for the woman as she did for him. Having squandered her money, the young man left Ranevskaya with her daughter penniless and fled. Now she has returned to Russia again, where new troubles awaited her.

At Ranevskaya station, the residents of the estate were waiting for Sovremennik's production of The Cherry Orchard. They were all excited. Most of all, the inhabitants of the estate were worried not that the estate would be sold under the hammer and it would belong to the new owners, but that the wonderful cherry orchard, which had already belonged to several generations and had become a family heirloom, would be cut down. In its place, the proposed owners were already planning to build several cottages.

Each of the household tried to contribute to the salvation of the garden. Sometimes their proposals might seem strange, absurd. However, it is worth noting that a common cause united everyone ...

You can order or buy tickets for the exciting stage work "The Cherry Orchard" at the Sovremennik Theater (Moscow) online directly on our website. Mbilet prompts you to use the shopping cart. In it you will be able to use the seat selection function through the interactive floor plan. Then, if this method is the most preferable, it is necessary to fill in the fields of the electronic form for automatic booking. Another option that will help you buy tickets for the dramatic-comic performance "The Cherry Orchard" at the Sovremennik Theater is an electronic application for selection of seats. You can also call our manager. We note that our prices will certainly please you.

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