Sports games indoors. Family club "Outdoor games indoors with children of the middle group


Summer camp indoor games counselors are forced to spend on rainy days. Of course, children will be limited in space, but the task of these games is to develop ingenuity, imagination, acting skills and much more.
To entertain children in bad weather, there are a lot of fun indoor games that will cheer up children and leave joyful memories.

indoor games

"Snowball". The players sit in a circle. The first one says his name. The second calls the name of the first and his own name. The third names the previous two and the owl, and so on. until the first one calls everyone's names.

"Maths". Children sit in a circle. The teacher gives the task: “Let's start counting in a circle. The one who has a number that is a multiple of 3 pronounces his name instead of the number.

"Candle". The participants of the game sit in a circle around the candle. The teacher picks up a talisman and begins an acquaintance. “Let me introduce myself: Masha ... Height ... Weight ... Volumes ... Foot size ... Education ...” The presentation depends on the content of what the teacher wants to hear. If the goal is to learn something interesting from the hobbies of children, then the teacher talks about his hobbies at the same age; if the goal is the content of future activities, the teacher talks about what he did at the health camp at the same age; if the goal is to understand the inner state of the child, then the teacher talks about his experiences at this age. The talisman is given to the narrator. The host sets the theme, rhythm, content, directs and regulates the course of the game.

"Who is absent". After each introduction, the lights are turned off and one person leaves the room. The rest must guess who is missing, and call his name.

"Shapes". The players become in a circle. A rope is stretched inside the circle, for which everyone is holding hands. The facilitator explains what is necessary with closed eyes, without opening hands, to build a square, an equilateral triangle, a star, using only oral conversations.

"Voices of Animals". Children are divided into pairs, choosing the voice of an animal. Then they disperse on opposite sides of the room and, with the lights turned off, they face the task of finding a partner in the voice of the selected animal.

“Guess what I see!” This game can be played anywhere and everywhere: it disperses boredom and gives pleasure. And best of all, she acts by diverting attention if Petya again quarrels with Anya or Kolya sadly huddled in a corner.

Start like this:

You: I see something red that you can't see!

Child: Hearts on the curtains?

Him: The cover of Tanya's book?

He: Oleg's hat?

He: Fantik on the table?

Believe me, this can continue indefinitely!

“Story without adjectives”. Participants are divided into groups of 4 people. Each group is given a task to write a story in 10-15 minutes on some topic (“How I was going to the camp”, “Our journey to the camp”, etc.). But at the same time, empty spaces should be left in the story instead of adjective definitions. Then the groups get together and take turns writing adjectives into their stories, which are randomly spoken to them by representatives of other groups. These adjectives can be funny (but not offensive). Ready-made stories are read out, the funniest, most original work is determined. The duration of the game is 40-50 minutes.

“Guess the song (poems)”. A group of guys are playing. The driver is determined, he moves out of earshot. The guys select a song or poem, from which an ode line or verse is selected. For example, the line of Pushkin's poem: “I remember a wonderful moment, you appeared before me ...” All the guys sitting in a circle take one word from this line. The driver returns and begins the survey of the guys. He can ask any questions, the most absurd, to everyone in turn or in a breakdown, such as “Your attitude to salted cabbage?”, And the answerer must use the word he got: “I have a wonderful attitude to cabbage!”

"Konachko"(end-beginning-end). You can play two, three, two teams or in a circle. Words must be selected in such a way that the last syllable of the first word serves as the beginning of the second: HAND-HORN-THRESHOLD, etc. the one who hesitates is out of the game. You can individually compose chains on a specific topic. The one with the longest chain wins.

"Nonsense" Two players, secretly from other players, agree on a topic on which they will communicate non-verbally. They start a conversation. Eyewitnesses, having guessed what is at stake, are connected to the conversation. When everyone is involved in the game, they begin to find out the subject of communication from the last person who connected - who understood the topic of the conversation and what information he transmitted himself.

“Walking down the street”. All players are assigned numbers. No. 1 begins: “4 crocodiles were walking along the street”, No. 4 answers: “Why 4?”, No. 1: “How much?”, No. 4: “A 8”. No. 8 comes into play: “Why 8?”, No. 4: “How much?”, No. 8: “A 5!” etc. if someone made a mistake or hesitated, he gives a phantom. Collected forfeits at the end of the game

played out.

"Guess who". The one who starts chooses one of the players and describes him as follows: He is small, cheerful and dark-haired. Everyone looks at each other. Maybe it's Rita, Tanya or Kostya? If no one can guess, the description can be refined: this man is wearing black patent leather shoes, a red jacket and a hairpin in his hair. Now, of course, it is clear to everyone that this is Yulia.

“Groped Banana” Children sit in a circle. Everyone has something hidden under their shirt. One of the children is trying to guess by touch what is there. The game becomes more interesting if the rule applies: do not immediately name the guessed objects, but feel everything that is hidden and only then name what is hidden from someone.

“Clothes Exchange”. Children sit in a circle and carefully look at each other's clothes, trying to remember them. Then one of them walks out the door and several players switch pieces of clothing. The host enters and tries to determine who is wearing other people's things and to whom they belong. It will immediately catch your eye if the boy Sasha puts on Ani's skirt. Not so noticeable when changing socks.

"Attention, he's coming!" Children stand in a circle as close as possible to each other. They pass a soft toy or other object from hand to hand while the music is playing. Everyone tries to get rid of this item as soon as possible. As soon as the music stops, whoever has the toy is out of the game.

"Present". The players sit in a semicircle and choose the driver, then invite him to leave for a while. Each player prepares a gift for himself: a knife, a pencil, a coin, a pin, etc. The driver's name is. He goes around everyone and tries to remember who has what item. Then he goes out again, and the players collect all things in one place. Again, the driver is called and they offer him to distribute gifts to whomever they like. If the driver distributes gifts correctly. Choose a new driver; if he makes a mistake, repeat a third time. After the third time, a new driver is chosen.

“Snapshot”. The host puts several items on the table (pencil, boxes, paper clip, knife, etc.) and covers them with a sheet of paper. Then he calls the players. When everyone is ready, he lifts the sheet covering the objects for 3-5 minutes and closes it again. It is suggested that everyone write down what objects they saw. Then check the correctness of memorization. The one who remembers more than others and without mistakes wins.

"What changed?". 10-15 postcards are laid out on the table. The players are invited to remember the location of several postcards within 1-2 minutes. When everyone looks a second time, it is proposed to say what movements were made. The winner is the one who correctly indicates all (or more) changes.

“Hands on the table!”. The players are divided into two equal groups and sit on both sides of the table. One group receives some small object - a coin, a button, an elastic band - and begins to pass it under the table. Suddenly, one of the players from the other group says loudly: “Hands on the table!”. Immediately, the whole group that passed the object should put both hands on the table, palms down. Someone must have an object under the palm of their hand. The second group must guess who he is, and one guesses, consulting with his comrades. If he guesses correctly, the item goes to his group. Then the whole group begins to pass the object under the table, and the first group guesses who has it. If they do not guess correctly, then the object remains with the first group and it wins a point. So they play until the agreed number of winning points.

“Fun game of spoons” Prepare one spoon less than the participants in the game. Have the participants in the game squat in a circle, hands behind their backs. Put spoons in the middle in a circle (one less than the private players of the game). The facilitator tells a story that might start something like this:

There was one family. Their surname was Lozhkin ...

On hearing the word “spoon”, the children should grab one of the spoons as soon as possible. The one who did not get the spoon is out of the game. Then the spoons are put back in their original place and the game continues. Don't forget to put one spoon aside while doing this, and then the story continues:

One Sunday, the Lozhkins decided to go out for dinner with the whole family. Everyone dressed smartly, only little Oleg did not want to part with his pajamas. “If you don’t get dressed immediately, you will get hit in the forehead with a spoon!” Dad said, getting angry. But Oleg stubbornly stood his ground. Grandmother said: “And after dinner we will eat ice cream with small spoons” - and persuaded her grandson. Oleg changed clothes and everyone got into the car. The cafe was called "Golden Spoon". Everything was very beautiful there, and the waiters behaved unusually respectably. At one of the tables sat a fat lady with a red dog, and opposite her was a thin gentleman, her husband, who was licking his spoon. “Look, dear,” he said to the fat lady, seeing how Lozhkin's seed sat down at the table. - it's amazing how many children - and only one dog! Served food. As soon as dad was about to pour a glass of wine for mom, the dog Mopsy pulled the tablecloth. Chaos came out great. Plates, forks, knives, glasses and spoons flew to the floor. A terribly agitated waiter came running. He calmed down only after Papa Lozhkin paid for everything. The Lozhkin family had to leave the cafe. They went straight to the tent where they sold sausages, ate fried sausages, very tasty. Only the pug didn’t get anything: as a punishment, he had to just look.

Instead of spoons, you can play with other objects, such as chestnuts, plush strings, cubes, etc. It is only important that they are at the same distance from the children. Children should definitely keep their hands behind their backs and treat each other gently. Carefully. And it's not that hard to make up a story. It may well be long, but it is sure to be interesting and fun.

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Play is one of the most important ways for children to explore the world. This is how, in the game, the younger generations are trained in all wildlife. It allows the animals to learn vital skills in a safe way, learn from the older cubs the accumulated experience and find their own ways of interacting with the outside world.

For millennia, mankind has not come up with a better way of learning than games. The complexity of the requirements for a modern person has led to a variety of games that help hone a wide variety of skills and abilities. More and more of them are those that lead to long-term immobility of children. Therefore, outdoor games are so important for indoor children from 7 to 10 years old.

In children of primary school age, intellectual loads increase sharply, the way of life is fundamentally different from preschool childhood. Regular walks and outdoor activities are being replaced by the need to spend many hours in a sedentary state in the school building and doing homework. Outdoor games are designed to soften this transition for children, giving the physical activity necessary for health.

Educational and educational games for younger students help them master the skills of intellectual activity, develop thinking, learn new things easily and with pleasure. Team games, which are actively mastered by children aged 7-10, give them the most important social interaction skills for life. They teach children to achieve their goals, not to be afraid of difficulties.

In children of preschool age, both walks on the street, and in many respects, play activities were organized by adults. Although the independence of younger students is increasing, they still need the help of adults to learn new games and spend their free time more productively. Unlike adolescents, they are ready and willing to take part in the organization of games adults.

Outdoor games

Children 7-10 years old are physically stronger and more resilient than preschoolers. Schoolchildren of this age develop the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems, strengthen ligaments, increase lung capacity, and improve coordination of movements. Therefore, children of this age can play with a sufficiently large physical load for a longer time. The games themselves are becoming more complex and more diverse.

It is optimal for health to play outdoor games, but our climate and the need for schoolchildren to spend a lot of time indoors do not always allow this. Therefore, we will give several outdoor games for children 7-10 years old, which can be played both on the street and in a spacious room.

Boys of this age are especially useful strength exercises. Such as, for example, tug of war or "cockfight".

  • "Rooster Fight". A fairly spacious circle is drawn with chalk, inside which two players become. They should put their hands behind their backs and bend one leg. Jumping on one foot and not helping with their hands, they should try to push the opponent out of the circle. It is considered a loss not only to leave the circle, but also if the player stands on two legs or uses his hands.
  • « Draw out the opponent". Two teams line up in a circle facing each other. The task of the players for some is to drag the enemy into the circle, for others - to pull it out of the circle. This must be done in one or two minutes of individual bouts, pulling the opponent by the belt or arms. The one who was defeated in this short duel is out of the game. Several rounds are played and the team with the most players left wins.
  • Girls, on the other hand, prefer exercises to develop flexibility, a sense of balance or rhythm. Although the boys willingly take part in them.
  • « Go under the tape". A rope is stretched at the chest level of the children. You need to go under it without hitting it. In a more complicated version, the player must bow back at the same time. Then the rope descends lower and lower in succession until one player remains.
  • But most of the outdoor games, which differ from sports games by less rigid rules and a freer composition of participants, are aimed at children of different ages, regardless of gender.
  • « Fisherman". There is one leader here - a "fisherman" with a "net" rope. He stands in the center. The rest of the participants stand in a circle. The fisherman spins the rope on the floor, trying to hurt the players. Their task, bouncing, is to avoid this.
  • « Atoms, molecules". Pupils move arbitrarily until the leader's command sounds. He says a number, like three or five. Players "atoms" must immediately unite into "molecules" from the named number of participants. Anyone who did not have time to hit the "molecules" is out of the game.

Mobile games for children. Mom's school.

Physical education for elementary school

Children 7-10 years old are in the phase of active growth. Nature has laid in them the need for active movement, which ensures the harmonious physical development of the emerging muscles. And society requires, first of all, intellectual development, which is possible only with schooling. Physical exercises in physical education cannot give pupils of primary school age the required level of stress.

Therefore, in elementary school, physical education sessions are necessarily held at lessons and breaks. They necessarily include exercises for various muscle groups. One of the mandatory recommendations for conducting physical education sessions is to conduct them against the backdrop of a positive attitude of schoolchildren. Mobile games help to ensure this.

Physical education sessions often include exercises using various objects..

  1. « Walk blindly". Several pins are placed in a straight line at an equal and sufficiently large distance (about 80 cm) from each other. The player must go from the beginning to the end of the track without knocking them down.
  2. « Tell a friend". Children are lined up along the desks, and in each row, from edge to edge, it is passed to the music of the skittle. The music is stopped from time to time, and whoever has a skittle left at that moment is out of the game.
  3. « Hurry up to grab". Schoolchildren are placed opposite each other at the greatest possible distance. In the middle between them put a chair with skittles. On a signal, a couple of children run to the chair at the same time. The one who grabs the skittle wins.

Educational games

Mobile exercises can be combined with didactic, educational purposes. They suggest clearer rules compared to conventional outdoor games and a learning goal thought out by teachers.

  1. « I believe - I do not believe»: For children 7 - 10 years old for the development of logical thinking. Children become in a circle, and the leader throws the ball, while saying the phrase. The one to whom the host throws must say "I believe" and catch him. If he believes the statement is false, then the ball is not caught and "I don't believe it!" is pronounced. If the reaction was correct, then the players switch roles.
  2. « The words". An educational game with a ball to consolidate knowledge for children 7-10 years old. One participant throws the ball and sets the topic, for example, animals. The one who catches the ball names some animal. Then the one who received the ball throws it to the next of the students, and already sets his own topic.
  3. « hide-and-seek»: On the development of attention and observation in younger students. Children are given time to carefully look at the room. Then they turn away and close their eyes. One or more leaders hide several medium-sized objects in the room. Then, to the music, the rest are looking for the hidden. The winners are those who first found the hidden. If teams play, the one that found the most items wins.

Ball games for schoolchildren

Ball exercises are one of the most popular among children of all ages. Children start playing with a ball from preschool years, and by the preparatory group they are already doing it quite well. In children of primary school age, coordination of movements and endurance reach a new level, so exercises with him are carried out according to more complex rules. Of course, exercises with the ball can only be carried out in a fairly spacious room without breakable objects.

  1. « Try it, take it!". Children are divided into two groups. The host throws the ball. One group needs to throw the ball, preventing it from falling to the ground. The second part of the children interferes with them in every possible way. The player from the second group, who grabbed the ball, changes roles with the one who dropped it.
  2. « Grab a yummy". Real or toy fruits, nuts or sweets are laid out on the table. Children take turns tossing the ball, and until it touches the floor, you need to grab something tasty. Students who fail to do so are removed from the game.
  3. « Green and red". Here you will need two medium balls of different colors, for example, green and red. Children are divided into two teams, in which a captain is selected. The host gives the signal and the captains throw the balls as far as they can. On the second signal, the players each run after their ball. The player who brought the ball to the captain first earns a point for the team. Then everything is repeated for the next pair of students. Only the captain throws the ball. All actions occur only at the signal of the leader.

Team games

As you can see, most outdoor games involve team actions. Children 7 - 10 years old are quite ready for this. But the guys of this age are still very emotional, they can not always control their behavior. Therefore, the organizers of the games should take into account a few rules.

The organization of team games should be especially well thought out, since, unlike just outdoor games, it includes a powerful element of competition. This makes the game more emotional and can provoke conflicts between students when interacting.

It is necessary to make sure that the participants have a good understanding of the rules and the purpose of the game, so as not to give rise to conflict due to their discrepancies among the opposing teams.

The organizers should try to divide the participants into approximately equal groups in terms of strength and skills.

It is necessary to ensure objective refereeing, as children are very sensitive to injustice.

Active exercises should alternate with calmer tasks, uniting in relay race games. Because children of this age with continuous intensive movement for more than 15 minutes can overwork.

The facilitator names living and non-living objects mixed up, and the children answer in chorus only “living”, and they are silent to “non-living”. The kids who make the fewest mistakes win.


Children line up in one line in the direction of the leader's hand. When he speaks in all directions, everyone scatters. And having heard the slogan: “The guys have a strict order, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, they know all their places,” they run and line up in a new direction. The latter is considered the loser.

find the color

Children stand in a circle and, at the command of the host, look for objects of the named color in order to touch them. The loser is the one who touches the right thing last. He is out of the game.


All children are fish, one of them is a predator. When an adult calls "Ship", the fish take cover against one wall, when they call "Storm" they run away from the other, and at the word "predator" they begin to flee, while the predator reveals itself and begins to catch them.


Rules. The players sit in a circle. The host informs everyone: "Each of you has an MPS, each of you has his own, unique and your goal is to get to know him." To do this, the players take turns asking the host questions about their MPS, requiring an unambiguous, positive or negative, answer. The game is played until one of the players guesses that MPS is My Right Neighbor.

Examples and additional material.

Examples of questions that players can ask the host:

Is it animated?

Do I always have it?

Is it a person?

Is it masculine?

He has dark hair?

Am I friendly with him?

sun bunnies

This activity is suitable for sunny weather. You should take a small mirror, put sunbeams on the walls and ceiling and watch them with your baby.

Runaways are jumping
Sunny Bunnies.
We call them - they don't go.
Were here - and they are not here.
Jump, jump in the corners.
They were there and they are not there.
Where are the bunnies? Gone.
Did you find them anywhere?
(A. Brodsky)


I am three handfuls of flour
I pour into a bowl from my hand,
I'll add a little water
I stir the dough with a spoon
I'll grind everything with an egg,
I knead the dough with my hands.
I break into pieces
I make buns.
I'll turn the meat grinder
I will get minced meat.
I separate a handful of minced meat,
I put a hill on the circle,
I connect the edges
I squeeze them with my fingers
I'll show you my skill
I will fashion a hundred dumplings!
(perform all actions under the poem)

Count up to 30

The participants in the game must count in order from 1 to 30. Each number names any of the participants. However, if the same number is called by two (or more) participants at the same time, the count starts all over again. Conversations and any non-verbal communication between players is prohibited.

Game example:

1st participant: “One”

2nd participant: “Two, three”

3rd participant: “Four”

1st participant: “Five”

4th participant: “Six, seven, eight”

2nd and 3rd participant (simultaneously): "Nine."

Due to the fact that two participants called the same number at the same time, the counting starts again.

3rd participant: “One”, etc.

For the reality of achieving the game goal, offer to start counting to 10 (difficult task).


Number of participants - 9-40.

venue: room, hall.

Rules. Players sit down so that they can see each other. Everyone closes their eyes. The leader passes between the players and the touch appoints three or four "killers". Then everyone opens their eyes and the game begins. The goal of the "killers" is to "kill" all the players. The player who made eye contact with the "killer" and saw how the "killer" winked at him is considered killed. "Killed" are out of the game. The goal of ordinary players is to arrest all the "killers". If someone has suspicions about who is playing the role of "killer", he raises his hand and says "Support!" (at this point, the "killer" can still kill him). As soon as someone also raises his hand and says "I support", the person who asked for support announces his suspicions. If he is right, the "killer" leaves the game, if not, both voters leave the game. The game is played until the final victory of the "killers" or "honest people".

In the intellectual version of the game, before the start, the "killers" get acquainted ("honest people" stand with their eyes closed, and the "killers" open their eyes to see each other). In such a game, the "killer" may also raise his hand and ask for support in order to blame the other "killer" and deflect suspicion from himself.


The leader whistles to give the blindfolded players a signal and change direction. Focusing on the sounds, you need to find an adult.


Children bring some small items with them and put them in one place. Next, one of the players is chosen, who becomes his back to the objects. The leader, pointing to one of the objects, asks: "What should the one who owns this object do?". All players see this item, but one has their back to it and does not know whose item the host is pointing to. This player's job is to assign "penalties", a task that the owner of the item must complete in order to redeem the item.

through the hoop

The player holds a racket with a table tennis ball in one hand, and a gymnastic hoop in the other. The player's task is to pass the hoop through himself from top to bottom, then from bottom to top, without dropping the ball. They play in pairs. The winner is the one who completed the task faster.

Arithmetic cubes

The game requires 3 dice. Everyone throws them 3 times. If among the dropped numbers they are the same, they are added up (for example, 3, 5 and 3 fell out, playing the sum 3 + 3 = 6, and if all different numbers fall out, let's say 5, 2 and 3 - they are not taken into account). If it happens that after the next throw all 3 numbers turn out to be the same (for example, 4,4 and 4), then the sum of these numbers also doubles. The winner is the one who, as a result of three throws, will have the largest sum of numbers.


Players need to find and collect all the clothespins in the room. Clothespins can be different: plastic, wooden, colored, transparent, old, new. The main principle: the more the better. Players are divided into pairs. The couple is given a bandage with clothespins. The task is very simple. One child is blindfolded. Clothespins are attached to the partner's clothes. Moreover, clothespins are hung around, and not the child himself. Where to attach them - they decide. The player has no right to interfere in the process. Next comes the hour for a blindfolded player to act. His task is to find and remove all clothespins from the player as quickly as possible.

Funny pictures

Game for the development of visual memory. Invite the child to carefully consider 10 pictures, each of which depicts a familiar object. Then ask your child to take turns naming the items he remembers. The number of items that the child remembers is important. Show the child the pictures that he did not name. Please try again in 10 minutes. Offer to remember all the pictures in an hour.

Get the town

The participants in the game take a stance of socks and five together, their hands are connected behind their backs (the hand of one hand grabs the wrist of the other). Squatting, he must, without moving from his place and without touching the floor with his hands, raise the town (puck, cube, bump, etc.) located behind the leg. The winner is the one who succeeds more than three times out of three attempts.

Find a bunny

You will need a clean handkerchief to play. You should take it by 2 adjacent ends, look behind it from both sides and ask: "Where is our bunny? Where did he run?" After that, you need to tie the ends of the scarf into knots so that they look like rabbit ears, and say: "Here is the bunny! And where is his tail?" At the remaining end of the scarf, you need to tie a small knot-tail: "Here is the tail! Let's stroke it."

gold fish

The child is a goldfish who invites the fisherman to grant his wish. You come up with something supernatural, and he must find a good reason why he cannot fulfill your desire. Then you can switch roles.

tainted farce

Participants sit in a row one after another. The last participant draws a picture on the back of the person sitting in front of him. The player who received the message must repeat it as accurately as possible on the back of the person sitting in front. The first player in a row, having received a message, draws it on paper. After that, the drawings of the first and last players are compared and it is revealed on which participants in the game the fax failed. Before the next round, all players must switch places.

Geometric shapes, letters and small words, various symbols (dollar sign, euro sign, ampersand, copyright) can be used as drawings.

It is desirable to start the game with simple geometric pictures. In order for the game to be more dynamic, you can prepare drawings for transmission in advance, secretly from the participants in the game.

You can conduct a team version of the game - all participants are divided into teams of 5-8 people and simultaneously transfer the drawing. The winning team is the team whose final drawing is closest to the original.

musical chairs

After the music stops, sit down on a chair as quickly as possible. The one who did it last or who did not have enough chair loses.


10-15 people sit in a circle. One begins the game with the following question addressed to the neighbor on the right: "Is Mrs. Mable at home?" He must answer: “I don’t know, I’ll ask my neighbor.” And he asks the neighbor the same question, to which he receives the same answer. Participants get all the pleasure from how the words are pronounced. They must be spoken without showing teeth, i.e. biting his lips.

You need 5 or more people to play. The host says some commands. If he says: Robbie says .... (do this), then the rest follow the command. If the leader simply says a command (do something), then it is not necessary to execute it. Anyone who makes a mistake is out of the game. Commands can be the following: close your eyes, raise your arms, lower your arms, jump up, meow, etc. The one who remains last wins.

15-20 different items are laid out on the table. Players are given 30 seconds to remember them. Then the items are covered. Each participant writes what he remembers. Whoever memorizes the most items wins. The game can be made a team game, i.e., not one person remembers, but a team; The team with the most items wins.

4 Lost Sheep
Children's game on the theme: "Jesus the Good Shepherd". Key Thought: The Lord always knows where we are and can always find us as a good Shepherd. 5-50 people play. One person leaves the room, at this time a "sheep" is hiding - some kind of object. The "shepherd" enters and begins to search, and everyone else helps him, clapping their hands, according to the "cold-hot" principle.

5. BAG
The game is good at parsing the Bible story about the healing of the blind. The facilitator invites the children to imagine themselves blind and guess objects by touch. To do this, a bag is taken into which a variety of items are added: a watch, an apple, matches, a glass, etc. If desired, everyone can reach into the bag and pull out objects one by one, guessing them.

6. Crocodile
A minimum of 4 people are required to play. Players are divided into two teams with approximately the same number of people. The first team thinks of a word, for example, "student". Then they call any one player from the opposite team and tell him this hidden word. The task of this player is to pantomime this word for his team to guess it. When the player shows the hidden word, then his team begins to guess aloud. For example: do you show the school? To which the player may respond with a nod of the head, but must not utter any words or sounds. When the word is guessed, the teams switch roles.

A minimum of 5 people are required to play. Everyone stands in a circle, one player goes out. One person is chosen to be the "conductor". He will show as if playing musical instruments, and repeat everything after him. The guessing player enters and everyone starts to play, repeating after the "conductor", the guessing player must find out who the "conductor" is. If he guessed correctly in less than three attempts, then he becomes in a circle, and the “conductor” comes out instead of him, and if he failed to guess twice, then he guesses again, only a new conductor is chosen.

The game is good for the topic of the lesson: how to follow Jesus. You need at least 5 people and a room for the game or space on the street, in the yard, in the forest. One player is blindfolded. Among the remaining players, one is selected, which will be the "required vote". In the room (courtyard, forest) many different obstacles are instructed. The blindfolded player must walk a certain path between these instructed objects, while everyone else advises him how to go. The "right voice" always speaks the truth, yet the rest are deceitful and try to lead astray. The traveler needs to understand whose voice is telling the truth and then constantly listen to him.

Although this game is very simple, but it can become your favorite. It is worth playing it once and you will like it! The game requires one chair less than the number of players. Play 10-20 people. Everyone sits on chairs, one remains in a circle. He gives everyone the names of fruits and vegetables. For example, it turned out, 3 apples, 3 pears and 4 bananas (the one standing in a circle also takes the name of the fruit). The game starts. Standing in a circle shouts out one name: a pear! Those who received this fruit must change their place. Again, there is only one left. He also calls out the name of the fruit, or maybe two at once. If the word "salad" is shouted out, then all players must change places. The game can continue indefinitely.

The game requires two teams of 5-7 people. This game is similar to the Crocodile game. Only here the first team thinks not one word, but a whole Biblical story, for example, how Noah led the animals into the ark. Then the first team calls one player from the second team and tells him what is hidden. Unlike the game "Crocodile", the players of the second team at this time must be in another room. They are called one by one.

So, the first player from the second team learned his task: to depict how Noah brought the animals into the ark. The second player from the second team is called, to whom the first player in pantomime depicts a hidden story. He does this only once, and the second player only looks and does not ask anything. The task of the second player is to understand what they have guessed, so that later they can pass the story on to the third player from their team. So, the whole story is passed along the chain from one player to another. If the guesser knows the story, it will not be difficult for him to depict it himself in pantomime, but if he did not guess, he will begin to show him incomprehensible movements, from which all others will simply be delighted.

The last player of the second team, having watched the pantomime, must say what kind of story it is. It may happen that he will name a completely different story, which will cause general laughter. Then everyone is asked what he understood and what he portrayed. After that, the teams change places.

Requires 10 - 20 people. Everyone is divided into two teams, stand or sit opposite each other, hiding their hands behind the backs of their neighbors. The leader is located at one end of the chains. An object is placed at the other end: an apple, a matchbox, etc. The leader tosses a coin, and the extreme players of the teams watch what falls out, while everyone else should look at the apple (boxes). If “tails” falls out, then nothing happens, and the coin is flipped; if “heads” falls out, then the extreme players of the teams must shake hands with their neighbor, and he passes the signal on until he reaches the opposite end. The latter, having received a signal, must grab the apple. In the team that grabbed the apple, a movement is made: the one who grabbed it sits on the opposite end of the chain, and everyone moves. Now he watches the coin fall out. The team with the fastest movement of all players wins.

The game involves 10-15 people. Everyone stays in the room, one leaves. Players think of some song, for example, "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." The first line of the song is taken, from which everyone receives one word. He will sing it. The guesser enters, and everyone begins to sing only their word. The task is to guess the song.

13. RING
8-20 people play. For the game you need a thread and a ring. The thread is threaded into a ring and the ends are tied. Everyone stands in a circle, holding the thread in front of them with both hands. The thread must be taut. One person is in the center of the circle. He must find the ring, which the other players are constantly moving along the thread. The next person to go into the circle is the one with the ring.

The game requires 5-15 people. The host with one player comes out and changes some detail in the appearance of this player. For example, they unbutton one button, roll up a sleeve or change their hairstyle. They then return to the rest of the players, who must guess what has changed.

Game for the development of memory. 3-12 people play. The first player says: "I take a suitcase and put in it ... a cucumber." The second player continues: "I take a suitcase and put a cucumber, a tree in it." And so on. Everyone adds their word to the chain. The last person to correctly name the entire chain wins.

special game on New Year's Eve
Why "White Elephant", I don't know, but that's how it's called.

This game is good to play on New Year's Eve or Christmas Eve. But this is optional.

So, each participant in the game (7-25 people) brings with him a gift wrapped in such a way that it is impossible to guess what is inside. All gifts are placed under the tree.

All players gather in one room and watch what is happening. The game starts. The first participant goes to the Christmas tree and takes any gift he likes. He unfolds it in front of everyone, shows it, demonstrates it and sits down with a gift in his place. Then the second participant gets up and chooses a gift for himself. He can take the gift from under the tree or take the gift from the first player. And so each next participant can take a gift from under the Christmas tree or pick up an already unwrapped gift from one of the players. If a gift is taken away from someone, then this person chooses a new gift for himself. He can again take something from under the tree or take it from someone else. But he cannot take back the gift that was just taken from him. The game is considered over when there are no gifts left under the tree.

During the game, each person who has already received a gift should not hide it from others, but rather advertise what a wonderful present he has, take whoever wants, I don’t feel sorry. This game teaches sacrifice.

NOTE: in order to play this game, you need to warn everyone in advance that there will be a "White Elephant", explaining the rules. Gifts should be such that they can be useful to both the guy and the girl.

Everyone is blindfolded, except for the leader. He must constantly move around the room with a bell in his hand. The rest try to catch the leader by ringing the bell. Sometimes they catch each other and are convinced that they were mistaken when they heard the ringing of a bell in the distance. The player who caught and recognized the caller becomes the leader.

Participants sit on chairs. The leader leaves the room. At this time, one of the players is covered with a blanket, the other players change places. Then the leader is called. He will have to find and determine as quickly as possible: who is not in the room. If the leader calls the hiding person, the latter becomes the leader. The winner is the one who quickly determined: who is not.

Find some volunteers to come out in front of the group. Each takes water in his mouth and begins to gurgle. Swallowing is not allowed! You can stop for a few seconds to take a breath. From laughter and gurgling, water is splashed on the floor - then the participant is disqualified.

20. Blinds and Bluffs in the Dark
Attach a small piece of paper to the back of each player. Blindfold each eye. Then give each player a pencil. The goal of the game is to roam around the room and recognize the people you're running into while trying to hide your own identity. This can be achieved by changing the voice, refusing to speak, changing the trajectory of movement around the room, not allowing anyone to touch you. On the back of each person he encounters, the player must write who, in his opinion, this person is. The game continues until you feel that most of the players have been able to write something on each spin.

Have all team members entering the room take off their shoes and put them in a bag. Leave the package in the next room. From each team, a runner is selected who will run after the shoes described by each of the players on his team. So, the first describes the signs of his shoes, the runner runs after her, brings, the second says the signs of his shoes. The goal of the game is for the runner to quickly find and bring the shoes of his team.

This team intellectual game is sure to please you. It is good for her to have 1-3 hours left, for example, if you celebrate the New Year in a friendly company.

It takes a little preparation to play. Let the facilitator take an encyclopedic dictionary and write down a few words that no one knows on a piece of paper. For example, these:

. LOPAR - the name of the Sami peoples used in literature

. RETURN - an obsolete name for skimmed milk that was returned from dairies to farms to feed calves

. PERCAL - thin cotton technical fabric made from non-twisted yarn

. RECHITSA - a city in the Gomel region, a pier on the Dnieper

. SUTRA - in ancient Indian literature, a laconic and fragmentary statement

. Kimbundu - the language of the Bambundu people

. Melon - in Russian architecture of the 15th-17th centuries, a decorative detail, thickening in pillars, columns in window frames

. GOKCHA - the former name of Lake Sevan

. SCOTSIA - (from Greek - darkness) - an asymmetric architectural bummer with a concave profile of two arcs of different radii

After that you can play. Play 4-5 teams of 1-5 people each. All teams are given the same blank sheets of paper, exactly the same on which the leader wrote out the words for himself. The facilitator reads the first word without revealing its meaning. Each team writes its own meaning of this word (i.e. invents). Then the facilitator collects all the sheets, puts his sheet with the correct answer to them, shuffles and begins to read. After he has read all the versions (along with the correct answer), each team must guess the correct answer. If she guessed right, she gets one point. If her answer was accepted by the other team as correct, then she gets one more point (or two, or three, if two or three teams believed her answer).

In this game, the task of each team is not only to guess the correct answer, but to write their own answer so that it looks like the truth, and everyone believes this "truth".

The team that scores the most points wins.

This is a mini relay.

Two teams with the same number of players receive a pair of rubber gloves, a bag that is hermetically sealed and contains sweets for each player. At the command of the leader, the first player from each team puts on gloves, opens the bag, takes out and unfolds the candy, poisons it in his mouth, closes the bag tightly, takes off his gloves and passes everything to the next player. The team that completes this operation first wins.

This is also a mini relay.

Each team receives a bowl of water and a bar of soap. At the command of the facilitator, each team tries to wash off the soap using only hands and water. After a certain time, the host checks the size of the soap of each team. Well, of course, a small piece .....

10-15 people play. It is possible that 2-3 people know what the essence of the game is. The leader is a customs representative.

So, everyone in turn says: "I'm going abroad and I'm taking with me .... (a table, a chicken, a volcano, etc.). If a person calls an object by the first letter of his name, then the host (customs officer) says: "I skip" For example: Dima - money, Tanya - TV

Otherwise, the customs officer will not let you through. The task of the players is to understand by what criterion they are allowed to go abroad.

26. BUN
game for those who like to laugh

A large piece of a bun is stuffed into a person's mouth so that he can hardly speak. Then he is given a text to read. He begins to read with expression (let it be some unfamiliar verse).

Another person writes down for him what he understood, and then reads aloud to everyone. Its text is compared with the original.

For the game you need 15-40 people. People should at least know each other's names, but it's better to be well acquainted. One person walks out the door. Some of the rest are seated on a chair and covered with a blanket. The person who left the door enters back. His task is to guess who is under the covers. If there are a lot of people, this will not be so easy to do.

Two participants stand opposite each other - in front of them on a chair lies a prize. The facilitator counts: "One, two, three ... a hundred, one, two, three .... eleven, one, two, three ... twenty", etc. The winner is the one who is more attentive and the first to take the prize when the host says "three"

29. Cucumber
The players stand in a circle, in the center of which is the leader. The circle should be tight - shoulder to shoulder, and hands are behind. An ordinary fresh cucumber is taken, preferably a larger one, and passed around. The task of the presenter is to determine in whose hands this cucumber is now. And the task of the players is to pass the cucumber to each other, and, when the host is not looking, bite off a piece. You need to chew very carefully so as not to arouse the host's suspicions. If the operation was successful, and the cucumber was eaten unnoticed by the host, then this very victim of his own inattention will fulfill the desire of the already full meeting!

For the competition, a matchbox lid is taken and put on the nose (stronger). The task is to remove the cover with the help of facial movements. The best result is obtained when the box is tightly worn on the nose.

The host is chosen - Ruslan, the rest of the participants play the role of "head". To do this, it is necessary to divide as follows: one plays the role of the left eye, the other - the role of the right, the third - the nose, the fourth - the ear, etc. Then you need to compose such a mise-en-scene so that a figure resembling a giant's head is formed. If there are many participants, then it is good to give someone the role of left and right hands. Ruslan stands in front of the "head" and does the simplest manipulations. For example, he may wink, then yawn, sneeze, scratch his ear, etc. "The Giant's Head" should accurately reproduce all these actions. You can complete the task at a slightly slower pace.

32. I HAVE A BIRD...
Game for laughs. 5-15 people participate. A match is inserted into the mouth between the teeth so that the mouth cannot be closed. Then each in turn says, “Hi! My name is ... I have a bird, her name is ... (cuckoo, nightingale, sparrow, etc.) Everyone else must guess the name of the bird.

This game is played by 7-15 people. Each player is assigned a number from 1 to 15 (according to the number of participants). Everyone sits in a circle, the game begins. Players make such movements: two claps, two palms on the knees. Everyone does it at the same time, this is how the rhythm of the game keeps. The first one starts: "One-one (two claps), five-five! (two palms on the knees)". The player with the number five continues: "five-five, eight-eight." So, until someone goes astray: misses or goes astray. Then that player is out. And its number can no longer be pronounced, otherwise it will also be considered an error. There should be two winners.

The game is similar to the game "Numbers", but instead of numbers, everyone invents a gesture for themselves. For example, scratch your ear, clap your hands, show your horns, etc. It's much more fun and harder.

Guests are divided into two teams. Each has a captain. Teams sit opposite each other, everyone takes off one shoe or boot and throws it in the center in one pile: you can put extra shoes. The captains don't see it. The task of the captain is to put shoes on his team. The first team to wear the shoes wins.

Beast unknown to science

This game will bring children together by creating a common work of art. Although, of course, this is loudly said in relation to the picture that is obtained by the end of the game.

Take a few sheets of paper in advance and fold each several times, “accordion”, then unfold again. Give a piece of paper showing fold marks to each child sitting in a circle. Have each player start drawing the head of an animal at the top. This must be done in such a way that the others do not see and do not know what the child is planning to depict. Having drawn the head on the upper part, you need to draw a line of the neck, slightly going beyond the fold line, bend the sheet and transfer the drawing to the neighbor on the right. He, seeing only two lines indicating the end of the neck, continues to draw the body of the animal (which one he chooses), having reached the next fold line, he starts the contour line behind it, bends the sheet and passes it again. So, depending on the number of fold lines you make, the drawing goes through the hands of three or four artists. The latter draws the feet (paws, claws, etc.). After that, the drawings are transferred to the leading adult, who unfolds them and shows the guests what they have done. Usually it turns out a strange animal unknown to science.

Note. Such drawings can decorate the room where the celebration takes place.

gift tree

Ask the children if they know where gifts come from. Where did they get the birthday gifts (if you are celebrating your child's birthday)? Of course, you will hear plausible explanations from toddlers and humorous explanations from older children. And then you can tell them your version: they say, you don’t know where, how, but you have souvenirs for guests growing on a tree. Don't believe? Come on, let's show!

Now boldly lead the guys into the room, where you hung various surprises on strings on a sprawling branch attached to the closet. These can be ballpoint pens, small notebooks, chocolates, stickers, jewelry - in a word, any pleasant little thing that the branch you have chosen can withstand the weight of.

Explain to the children that the tree can only be used in a special way, so that the gift is always a surprise, a surprise. Therefore, now all the children will be blindfolded in turn, untwisted on the spot, and then they will be given scissors, with which they will go to the generous plant and cut themselves some kind of gift

Note. With older kids, you can add some thrill to this game by hanging inflated balloons on the branches. Then periodically the players will accidentally burst the balls with scissors (this usually causes fear and joy at the same time).

ha ha ha

This game is remarkable in that it has simple rules and cheers up all those who play it, those who have already lost, and those who are just watching all this.

Have the children sit in a circle. One of them with the most serious look will say the word "Ha!". The player to his right should say it twice already (“Ha ha”), the person next to him to his right should say it three times (“Ha ha ha”) and so on, each time adding one extra “ha” ". Anyone who cannot stand a serious mine and laughs or smiles openly is out of the game. He moves outside the circle and gets the opportunity to make faces and grimace, amusing the players and thereby complicating their task. If there are winners in this game - those who could say "ha" for the longest time without a shadow of a smile, and without being mistaken among them, are worthy of a reward - prepare some funny souvenirs for such a case.

Note. This game, although it seems very childish, but precisely because of this, it can also give pleasure to teenagers. It will be funny for them that they, already so mature and serious, say “ha” with the most ridiculous look, although for some time they can hold out on a serious note, demonstrating their non-involvement in all these foolishness.


Of course, cheating is not good. But for the general joy and even for the development of attention - you can.

Children need to sit in a circle. One child will start the game: he will point to any part of his body and call it another part. For example, he will show his elbow and say: "This is my right ear." The next player must show what is named, that is, the right ear, but say something else, for example, that this is the forehead. Then the next player will show his forehead, and so on. Those who got caught (that is, they believed the deceiver and showed not what he said, but what he demonstrated) leave the game. Thus, the most attentive players remain, who can then be awarded a joke prize, for example, a boy - a medal with the inscription "Best Deceiver of the Year", and a girl - powder (with a hint that she was great at "brainwashing" others, and not getting caught herself to their tricks!).

Note. So that children who have left the game do not get offended or get naughty, you can leave them in the game, but hand over some items that symbolize their gullibility, such as floats (indicating that they were hooked by a deceiver). The one who does not receive any such badge - the winner - in this case, you can hand over a symbolic fishing rod (made from a strong branch with a fishing line and a hook tied to it). By the way, if you see that there can be two winners, stop the game until one of them is caught. Then the children will be able to use two gift fishing rods in the Sweet Catch game, and the course of the holiday will be more logical and organized.

Mass games for children indoors

As already mentioned, you shouldn’t get carried away with competitions on a holiday, but if these are team competitions, the essence of which is not in winning, but in fun participation, then it’s another matter! Below you will find a description of such team entertainment games for two groups of children.

Sometimes dividing the guys into two teams turns out to be a difficult task, as adults meet with whims (“I want to be with Sasha”) or tactless remarks (“I don’t want to be with this Petka”). To initially avoid such strife, use the following game method of dividing children into groups.

Picture from pieces

Depending on the situation and the age of the children, you can start the game immediately or after telling them the legend.

“Once upon a time, in the same kingdom, there lived, were friendly people in the world who got along well with each other. Together they created wonderful things: paintings, stories, household utensils. Everything worked out for them, because they understood each other from a half-word and half-look and took care of each other. But one day, an evil wizard envied their harmony and, when people were painting a picture, he cast a spell, which caused their creation to shatter into smithereens and, together with these pieces, people scattered around the world. Those who once lived in perfect harmony now do not recognize each other and live apart. But if you put the picture together again, then maybe a miracle will happen, and everyone who contributed to it will be able to find care and understanding from other creators of the picture - they will become one friendly team.

Invite the children to check if this is true? Have each of them come to you and take one piece of the card, white side up (prepare two cards in advance and cut them so that the total number of pieces equals the number of invitees, including your own children). When each guest has a part of the postcard in their hands, then announce the conditions of the game: now you will say a magic phrase (for example: “Look for your own!”) And the children will begin to move around the room, showing each other the pieces. If they realize that they have parts of one postcard, then they unite and together look for the rest of its parts.

Note. Thus, by the end of the game, you will naturally form two teams, each of which has collected the whole picture and showed the results to the rest of those present. Take advantage of the spirit of unity that has arisen during the course of this task, and announce to the teams that the tests of the strength of the spell will continue in the following relay races, where they will be one team.

Firemen's School

During this game, children will find out which team members are faster and more collected (literally and figuratively). Invite them to take part in the dressing speed drills that come with learning to be a firefighter (because a good firefighter should be able to dress in the short amount of time the match is lit!). Of course, such training at a children's party will be comic.

Place a set of clothing in front of each team, such as a hat, sweater, trousers, boots. The first players of the two teams should approach these heaps of things and, having figured out what's what, put it all on themselves as quickly as possible. When dressing is completed, the player must spread his arms to the sides, and his team should support him with the exclamation "Beauty!". After that, he must quickly undress, and the next player on the team should repeat all these actions. The winning team will be the one whose members will be able to “dress up” and take off their “overalls” faster, that is, they will finish the training first.

Note. To keep the focus of this game on fun rather than competition, prepare the most ridiculous clothes you can find. A moth-eaten hat with earflaps, and a pink children's panama hat, and grandmother's old jacket, and father's hunting boots in combination with wide beach shorts (the main thing is that all this should be large for the convenience of the players) will do. When festively dressed children put all this on themselves, it will be impossible not to laugh. You don’t waste time and shoot the “mummers” with a video camera or a camera - such pictures will capture the height of fun and memories of the holiday will acquire their own unique flavor.

North Pole

This game is similar to the previous one, but it requires quick reaction and organization not of each individual, but of all players at once, that is, team cohesion affects success in it.

Find out who in each team is the most curious and is not afraid of any challenge. When two daredevils have been chosen, explain to the teams what they will do. And they will be busy collecting their curious comrade to the North Pole. As you know, this place is not hot, and they have only five minutes to pack. Therefore, the task of each team during this time is to have time to put on the unfortunate explorer as many items of clothing as possible. Where can I get it? For such a case, you will have to “give away the last shirt”, that is, take off some items of clothing from yourself.

The team that manages to dress their hero “warmer” will win (and it doesn’t matter if they decide to prepare him for the cold test by putting on an extra tie).

Note. It is better to play one such game so that the children do not have time to get used to it. However, if the previous game evoked a lot of emotions in the children and they demand to continue (“Let's play such a game again!”), Then after several other games, you can still send the teams back to the North Pole.

Hands up!

This team game can be played right at the table. Have the members of one team sit on one side of the table, and the members of the other team sit on the opposite side. Give the end player of one of the teams a coin. He must pass it under the table to the next player of his team and so on, along the chain. At this time, the commander of the other team (children can play this role in turn) counts to ten. He can do it loudly or in a whisper, evenly or speeding up, then slowing down the count. As soon as he says "ten", he can command: "Hands up!" Then all players, including the one with the coin, must raise their clenched fists. Then the commander gives the command “Hands down!”, and the players put their hands on the table, opening their palms. Naturally, the temporary owner of the coin tries to do this in such a way as to cover it with his palm. Players of the opposite team all this time carefully observe the hands of opponents, trying to guess who has the coin. After executing the two commands, they confer and name the player who, in their opinion, holds the coin. If their assumptions are correct, then the coin goes into their piggy bank as a reward for their attention. If they make a mistake, the coin stays with the same team as a reward for sleight of hand.

Note. If there are not so many guests, then you can play another version of this game, when everyone present except the driver, the commander, passes the coin. Only he alone is trying to determine the owner of the coin. By the way, this game serves both to entertain the children and to develop attention and the ability to subordinate their behavior to the rules.

Freight train

Where the previous game required sleight of hand, now players will need sleight of foot!

Let the members of one team sit in a row on a sofa or on chairs, the second team will also sit opposite. On the side of each team, make a pile of the same number of objects (it is best to take soft toys - small or medium in size).

At the command "Start!" the guys of one team should start passing toys to each other until they reach the last player - the “last car”, who will stack them next to him. Does the task seem easy? But there is one "but" here. You can only use your feet. If during the transfer "from feet to feet" the thing slips out, then it should be lifted
So that the bridge does not collapse down,
Let's take brick and lime for building,
My beautiful miss.


Playing with tied feet brings not only joy to children, but also a sense of unity. Therefore, you can safely offer them, for example, such a task.

Divide the guys into two teams and give each rope about fifty centimeters long. With them, members of one team must tie themselves by the legs (at the ankles) with a nearby comrade. Thus, you will get not a bunch of scattered kids, but two centipedes (which is much more convenient to manage!).

Now have both centipedes stand at the start line. Now they will compete in the dexterity of their legs! You can start with a simple task: have them try to reach the finish line as quickly as possible.

Then the task can be made more difficult.

For example, in the middle of their path, put a small obstacle that the children must carefully overcome in turn, remembering the “neighbor”. Or you can change the trajectory of movement by setting limits that you have to go around. If the children want to show "aerobatics", you can even require them to pass the toy from the first to the last member of the team as they move.

Note. It is better not to get involved in complicating the rules when playing this game with young children (up to six years old), since their motor regulation, as well as the ability to organize joint activities, is still far from perfect and they will fall more than go forward.

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