The ability to move objects with the power of the mind. How to move objects with the power of thought: the basics of concentration and telekinesis


Each of us at least once in our lives had to observe how people move various objects with the power of thought. Do you think that such tricks are possible only in the circus? Not at all. It works for some people. How to move objects with the power of thought - later in the article. If you want to master the movement of objects with the power of thought, you will need perseverance and endurance. As well as greater composure and good psychological health. You should not have distrust or doubts, and if you still have a feeling of insecurity, then you will not succeed.

To transport an object, we fully focus on it. At the same time, the head should not be occupied with other thoughts, and most importantly, attention should not be scattered. According to scientists, this movement occurs due to the fact that when attention is localized for a long time on a certain subject, psychic energy awakens in the form of electromagnetic waves emanating from the brain. Such waves are powerful enough to push an object. So, if you are still interested in learning how to lift an object with the power of thought, then let's get started.

How to learn to move objects with the power of thought?

Concentrating attention on the subject, you do not need to burn it with your eyes. For starters, it is best to train on the feather. For several sessions, just try to carefully consider it. As soon as you get bored, then immediately remove it. Thus, you will be able to make the mind believe that you can do it. After you manage to move the pen back at least a millimeter, you can move on to heavier objects such as a paper clip or piece of paper.

We concentrate our attention on the subject for about 10 minutes. No unnecessary thoughts should arise in the head. At the same time, the level of concentration should be so high that at a certain moment you will begin to feel the object as part of you.

After you realize that you have already reached such a state, imagine that the object begins to move. For example, if you look at a spoon lying on a table, then you can move it a few centimeters or bend it. To do this, it is necessary to imagine this movement in the mind several times, but in no case mentally move away from the object.

Now you know how to move objects with the power of your mind. Using these steps, you will be able to level up the skill and transport of items without direct contact with him. Of course, moving objects with the power of thought is a very difficult task, and not everyone can do it, so you need to work on yourself daily. And maybe after a few months you will notice a great result. Try to avoid the thought that makes you lose interest in telekinesis.

Many Masters of magic claim that telekinesis can only be mastered through certain arcane techniques. And then only to those of the people who possess this. And parapsychological centers even conduct expensive training for those who wish. But in fact, almost anyone can learn telekinesis quickly and independently! Even many respected scientists agree with this, for example, Robert Jahn of Princeton University. There is no secret knowledge on teaching telekinesis. People who know how to influence things with the power of thought (force of will) have long shared their knowledge.

What does it take to master telekinesis?

You will need to train hard every day, and depending on the strength of your abilities, in a fairly short time you will achieve success. For highly gifted people, this may take several days, and for someone less gifted, it may take a month or more. But if you are lazy and train only from time to time, "for show" - do not expect success! The same applies to and in general to .

First of all, answer the question for yourself - why do you need to learn telekinesis? Many people expect real miracles, but in reality, only small, light things can be moved with the help of telekinesis. In order to move very heavy things, you need a huge supply of energy, which the average person does not have. This energy can be accumulated only by doing energy practices for many years: yoga or qigong. But if you are satisfied with quite modest successes in the form of moving matches, pencils, feathers, then start training!

For work you will need:

  • light plastic cup
  • thin thread, pencil, feather, large glass container, for example, a liter jar.

Exercises to quickly learn telekinesis

  1. Lay the glass on a perfectly flat, smooth surface. Now close your eyes for a minute and relax. Throw away all extraneous thoughts, and now open your eyes, focusing all your attention on the glass. Mentally imagine how he starts moving. Place your palms on the glass and feel how the energy wave from your hands moves the object. Now you have one desire - to move the thing. All this must be presented very actively and energetically! If you do everything right, then in the end you will feel that you are really tired! Didn't work the first time? Do not lose heart, the first experience of telekinesis is unsuccessful for almost everyone. Train every day for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Tie a feather to one end of the thread and the other end to a pencil. Put the pencil on the neck of the jar so that the feather hangs freely on the thread inside. So you will be sure that the feather moves from telekinetic efforts, and not from your breath or draft. Now begin the same energy impact on the feather as in the first exercise with a glass. Don't be afraid that the walls of the jar may block your energy. This is not so - glass is not a hindrance for her!

These seemingly simple exercises can take a lot of your energy. Therefore, they are contraindicated for those who.

I think many people thought about how to learn to move objects with the power of thought. So why dream, sigh and look with envy at those who can do it? After all, you can learn on your own and then demonstrate your skills in the company, use them in everyday life. Now I will talk about how to control objects with the power of thought. I will share my experience and list exercises that will help you in self-development.

You know, it sounds trite, but I just watched the movie "Carrie" and admired the abilities of the main character. Yes, such a trifling reason inspired me to engage in self-development, to master telekinesis. At first, I simply decided that I needed to gather all my will into a fist, look at the object for a long, long time and wait for it to move. She literally incinerated things with a glance, but they remained lying in place. I meditated before starting, but I was constantly distracted, thinking about something else.

After two weeks of such useless practice, I gave up for a while, as I began to think that in real life it was impossible to do this. Fortunately, a friend of mine shared the exercises with me and told me that my method was wrong (almost everything). He taught me and rejoiced at my success, and now I want to help you. Don't waste your precious time following wrong techniques. It's best to start practicing right away. Then you don't have to relearn.

When I first started, I was suspicious of success. Here's another piece of advice: never doubt yourself. You will definitely succeed, just believe in yourself and motivate in case of failures. You can't imagine my delight when I finally got the paper off the table. Immediately my eyes widened, I was in shock. I checked the situation a hundred times: maybe the window is open or the door, I accidentally moved. But no, the next day the same thing happened, soon the sheet gave in to me and allowed me to do whatever I want.

The main thing is to endure until your first positive result, after that you no longer want to quit what you started. This gives so much strength and positive, further training begins to take place faster and more confidently. Now I can move objects with my mind alone. With practice my skills have improved, it takes less time, plus now I can move something quite heavy.

Limit can be reached

Everything has a limit. I want to remind you that you will not be able to lift the cabinet and throw it against the wall in a big way. No cars, houses, bicycles. This is beyond the power of even the most trained person. Be prepared for the fact that at first it will be difficult for you to even work on a needle or a piece of paper. As far as I know, the record among those who practice telekinesis was a briefcase that weighed four kilograms. And then he managed to move a couple of centimeters. Even if you add up the forces of yourself and your partner, little will come of it. It is extremely difficult to manage energy in one room, you will knock each other down and disorientate.

So set yourself only achievable goals and do not think that you will gain superhero power. With speed, too, do not expect miracles. Juggling things is just a fairy tale that filmmakers came up with for a more colorful and exciting picture. The fastest is to crawl at a snail's pace. And then, if you're lucky. Undoubtedly, you will master how to lift objects with the power of thought. But they won't hover over your head or fly around the room. They just hang for a couple of seconds and crash.

Important! You must learn how to extend this flight and practice the technique of smoothly lowering the object to the floor.


Johann Wolfgang Goethe, the world famous writer, said these wise words: "No one knows what his powers are until he uses them." I suggest you finally find out about your opportunities and hidden talents, which you may not have suspected until now.

  • Plastic cup.
  • Matchbox.
  • Paper cone.
  • Match raft.
  • Rotations.

This is a set of exercises for beginners. Now I will tell about each in more detail. First you need to tune in the right way. Proper meditation will help with this. The first ten minutes you have to sit absolutely without thoughts in your head, how to merge with the air, dissolve in it. When you feel that you are becoming one with the room you are sitting in, move on to action. Raise all the energy from your body, collect it in one direction - into your hands. You should feel how they are filled with power. Then visualize these hands in front of you, it is with them that you will move objects.

So, when the preparation is completed, start training. Don't forget for a moment that you are doing everything with your energy hands. For convenience, you can even tie your real ones behind your back so as not to make mechanical and habitual movements. Only the rope should not put too much pressure on the skin, otherwise the pain and other discomfort will distract you from the process.

  • There should not be a draft in the room, since a plastic cup is easy to shake even with a simple breath. Try to point your imaginary hands in his direction. You don't have to put in the effort to pick it up. Just push, push. For the first time, you are not chasing beauty and precise technique, but the result. Encourage and motivate yourself with exclamations: “move!”, “move!”, “turn around!”. Again, these exclamations should not go beyond your head.
  • Moving objects with the power of thought trains an ordinary matchbox. Open it a little, and then try to close it.
  • Roll the paper into a cone. In this case, it is not necessary to glue the two ends with glue, since it also adds weight. Hang the cone on a string and make it spin. Yes, at first no spinning top and hurricane will come out. Just try to spin and stir the suspended object.
  • Make it harder with matches. Remove all contents from the box. Pour cold water into a deep and spacious bowl. It turned out to be an imitation of a small lake, pond or reservoir. Your task is to let the raft float. You must become a gust of wind that sets the direction and route. I do not advise you to influence the water and try to create waves. Work with cardboard transport.
  • Now hang a match on the rope. By the way, if this is difficult for you, then replace the props with a needle. They come in a variety of sizes and weights, so go up. It will be easy to spin these items.

Here's another little secret: do they still remember how they solved math problems about “point A and point B” at school? So, mentally imagine two points and transfer objects from one to another. Sometimes you can even invent a small bridge.

Parting words for beginners

It is commendable that you embarked on the path of self-development and decided to test the limits of your body. I ask you not to treat telekinesis as some kind of stupidity, charlatanism or fun. Approach this matter seriously and sincerely believe in success. Don't be disappointed with the result. I repeat once again: no one will ever succeed easily and quickly, even the most stubborn and capable student.

In telekinesis, as in learning English, there is one general rule: one must train and exercise every day. Hone your skills on exercises for beginners, and then move on to more difficult ones. It should not be that you want to rotate the cone and float the raft on the water. The main thing is not quantity, but quality. No need to learn a bunch of exercises and be able to do them somehow. Get one perfect, then move on to the next.

One more piece of advice: don't show your friends your first steps towards perfection. You are still inexperienced, any extraneous movement will distract you. You will be worried and nervous, wanting to impress. Therefore, involuntarily focus not on the movement of the object, but on thoughts about how you look from the outside, what they think of you. It is necessary, as it were, to dissuade skeptics and prove to them that the movement of objects by the power of thought is possible. And this kind of evidence takes a lot of time.

We draw a conclusion

Patience and a little effort. If you really want to master this direction, then nothing will prevent you from achieving your goal. To do this, one does not need to have some special talent from birth, everyone is equal in the topics of enlightenment. Someone learns to process their energy and manage it, while someone gives up. Wish you good luck and never give up!

Many of us have heard of people who can, at a distance, without any trickery, bend, move, hang forks, spoons and other objects in the air, as well as turn the compass, change the course of the clock, disperse clouds, extinguish the flame of a candle, perform other similar miracles with inanimate matter. However, with the living too. For example, one Western researcher has learned how to influence the ciliates-shoes observed in a microscope with a thought. By an effort of will, thought, it turns out that it is also possible to act on the growth of plants, the development of pathogenic fungi, on the metabolic process in a living organism, the treatment of wounds ... There are also such examples.

This parapsychological phenomenon was given the name telekinesis (literally "movement carried out at a distance", and the hypothetical energy that allows this to be done is psi-energy, bioenergy. It is believed that a psi-operator can excite telekinetic abilities in other people - those who are next to him.

One of the most amazing phenomena was Russian Ninel Kulagina. For a long time, only the elite knew about her, some venerable academicians testified to her extraordinary gift. But they kept quiet about this, because it was believed: since there is no official laboratory studying paraphysical phenomena, there is no need to talk about it yet. But in 1988, when during the period of perestroika, the opportunity opened up for the Soviet media to cover "anomalous" topics, the multi-million television audience was able to make sure that telekinesis was a reality.

Kulagina took off her wedding ring from her finger, put it on the coffee table, scattered matches nearby, then moved her palm over these objects without touching them. The ring started to move and, together with the matches, moved to the edge of the table... Scientists could not explain this amazing effect and invited them to their laboratories for scientific experiments.

Professors discovered other unique abilities in Kulagina. In particular, to determine colors and read printed texts with any open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, create an acidic environment in liquids and change their chemical composition, increase the electrical conductivity of air, relieve pain during inflammatory processes, treat vascular diseases, heal wounds ... Once she was able to move a glass decanter weighing 380 grams. It is curious that during experiments on telekinesis, between Kulagina's fingers and objects that she set in motion with the efforts of her body in a non-contact way, some kind of "thin shiny dotted lines" that looked like beads sometimes appeared. Acoustic fluctuations (crackles) were also found near her hands, "condensed" electromagnetic fields. The unique complex of Kulagina's abilities, confirmed in 25 scientific laboratories, was called the "K" phenomenon. So far, it has not been completely solved...

It has been noticed that telekinesis, like other parapsychological abilities, sometimes appears as a result of injuries, illnesses, stresses, electric shocks... This confirms the idea of ​​the hidden reserves of the human body, especially the brain. Many assume that each of us is endowed with such talents, we just need to create conditions for their manifestation. It is no coincidence that whole complexes of special exercises were invented to develop these abilities.

For example, in order to learn telekinesis, it is recommended to "conjure" according to a certain scheme - up to the appearance of fatigue - with a spiral paper cone or a glass saucer filled with water, in which a needle floats. It is believed that each such training is a step towards mastering extrasensory perception or influence. They say that Kulagina exercised continuously, furiously, until headaches and the urge to vomit appeared ... By the way, there is the concept of "second wind", according to which a person at a certain moment seems to be exhausted, loses strength, but then suddenly switches to a backup source of energy, manifested in parapsychological phenomena like telekinesis.

In recent years, telekinesis has been most diligently studied by employees of Princeton University (USA) under the guidance of Dr. Robert Jahn, who is in charge of the laboratory of anomalous research. They were able to prove that a person can influence material objects with his psyche. According to a strictly verified methodology, thousands of experiments were carried out here, in which hundreds of people participated - men and women of different ages and professions. One of the groups was faced with the task of mentally influencing the oscillation of a pendulum placed under a transparent plastic cap. Five operators managed to do this at any time of the day at a considerable distance, the rest - only in individual cases.

In addition, electronic random number generators were used in the experiments. It was necessary to influence the readings of these instruments with the power of thought, to guess the numbers. The result exceeded all expectations: the law of chance was violated - the planned numbers fell out more often than others! In other words, the will of man made certain changes. Interestingly, in cases where couples who knew each other well (spouses, friends, lovers) participated in the experiments, the efficiency was four times higher than in experiments with singles. And it was also noticed: for some reason, male participants in these experiments turned out to be more successful than women.

All this allowed Robert Jahn to state in an interview with the British Daily Telegraph newspaper: “We believe that we have found irrefutable proof of the reality of this mysterious phenomenon. Psychokinetic effects manifested themselves to one degree or another in all subjects. Therefore, we think that we are talking about qualities common to almost all people."

In a word, thought is capable of influencing physical bodies. And this fact, together with others, may well force us to change the scientific picture of the world. The same Jan developed the concept of quantum mechanical interaction of consciousness with physical systems. Other scientists have found that the power of the mind can influence a variety of devices and liquid media. These are ultra-precise chronometers, lasers, electrical circuits, electromagnetic radiation generators, emulsions, colloidal solutions, water...

How to learn telekinesis?

Telekinesis (or psychokinesis) - in parapsychology, it means the ability of a person to act on objects with the power of thought: move them, lift them into the air, etc. Telekinesis is possessed by people with developed psychic abilities. Mass manifestations of telekinesis could be observed during numerous seances that took place in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Eyewitnesses of the sessions observed the phenomena of levitation, materialization and dematerialization of objects. All this was done by mediums who had access not only to the physical, but also to the subtle world. Can telekinesis be learned? Can. To do this, you need to be patient and believe that sooner or later you will achieve the desired result.

Because in their wave-like dimension, particles can exist outside of time and space and are not subject to restrictions imposed either by the laws of physics or by the principle of causality. It was necessary to recognize the fantastic mode of existence of particles, unimaginable even by mystics and religious. Niels Bohr won the Nobel Prize by explaining how this was possible when formulating his famous Principle of Complementarity.

The implications of Louis de Broglie's Vibrational Mechanics and the Complementarity Principle for the cosmic reality in which we all live are so fantastic that they transcend everything that mystics and religious figures have confirmed about the spiritual reality of the Human Soul. If you are reading two texts, one is a mystical envelope and the other is about the possibilities of quantum reality, you will not be able to tell one from the other. There are some classic experiments in quantum physics that prove this, such as the non-local effect, the double slit experiment, quantum correlation, for example.

Before you start training, answer yourself a simple question: why do I need telekinesis? If you just want to impress others by moving objects with your eyes, then think carefully, is the game worth the candle? Remember that in the process of telekinesis a large amount of your psychic energy is expended. Do you want to waste it? If you are interested in developing your superpowers, discovering new talents and improving yourself, then feel free to get down to business.

In addition, when you acquire a clear understanding of some concepts in quantum physics, such as wave function, wave function collapse, quantum correlation, quantum entanglement, the anthropic principle, in particular, it is intellectually impossible not to allow a metaphysical substratum for physical reality, a substratum like mental, like that spiritual one.

The principle of symmetry says that the laws of quantum physics are valid for macroreality, and therefore for human reality. When we use the idea of ​​consonant symmetry, the Principle of complementarity, the undulating foundation of reality, then, gives it an irrefutable metaphysical substratum, being no less inconsequential than the substratum of spirituality.

How to learn telekinesis? Exercises

In order to master telekinesis, you need to have a fairly strong energy, since this phenomenon itself is associated with large energy costs. First of all, you need to have excellent health and good vitality. You can also do yoga, qigong, meditation and other spiritual practices. You need to have complete control over your physical and etheric bodies (more subtle bodies will not be discussed here). There are some exercises that will help you prepare for telekinesis. If you are interested in how to learn telekinesis, videos on the Internet will be of great help to you. For example, you can watch the video attached to the article.

This verse is in complete agreement with quantum physics, neuroscience, and the law of attraction: if you focus on a thought, feel emotion towards it, and truly believe, what you think will come true. Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. You can create, attract or receive whatever you want through thought, you just can't because you don't believe in your abilities.

“But let him ask this in faith, doubting nothing, because he doubts like a wave of the sea that is blown away by the wind and driven from one part to another.” In the above verse, Scripture says the same as the Law of Attraction: You must believe! Therefore I say: ask, and it will be given; Seek and you will find; Knock and the door will open. For all who ask to receive; What you are looking for, you will find; And the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

How to quickly learn telekinesis? Telekinesis is a very subtle and complex matter, so it will not be possible to truly master such a skill quickly. It may take months to learn, so don't be discouraged if you aren't given these exercises. Sooner or later you will learn to control your energy.

  • Energy storage exercise. Hold open palms opposite each other. Imagine your energy flows. Gather all the energy in your body at the solar plexus point. Send all the energy into the palms. Mentally imagine how the energy of your will flows from palm to palm, flows through the forearms and shoulders. Do this procedure several times. After a few sessions, you will feel how your energy has increased.
  • Development of will, eye training (perform for a month or more).
  1. We draw a black dot on the glass or mirror. We fix our eyes on this point and imagine that rays are stretching from the eyes and from the bridge of the nose to the point. The body should be in a comfortable and relaxed position. You need to start with 5 minutes of concentration on the object and increase the time to 15 minutes.
  2. We do the following exercise: while concentrating the gaze, slowly rotate the head in a circle, while the gaze should remain concentrated on the point. You need to perform the exercise for 15 minutes.
  3. Draw 2 dots at the top and bottom at a short distance from each other. Fix your eyes on the top point. After that, very slowly and without losing concentration, look at the bottom. Then from bottom to top, and so on. At the same time, you should feel an effort, as if by the power of thought you are moving the upper point down and vice versa. You may feel that your gaze seems to "fall through" into the object in question.
  4. Cup exercise. Buy a plastic cup. Sit on the floor, put the glass on its side on a chair with a flat surface. Create a flow of energy in your palms. Make movements over the glass as if rolling it. You move the glass with an effort of will. You can imagine how the wind blows from under your palms, which moves the glass. perform 10 minutes. The first results may appear in 5-7 days. You will then be able to move heavier items.
  5. Hang the match on a silk ribbon. Do everything as in the previous exercise. Now your task is to turn the match around its axis with the energy of your thoughts. Do the exercise for 10 minutes.
  6. Telekinesis technique on water. Take a deep bowl, fill it with water. Throw a match into the water. Focus your energy on the match. It needs to be moved with the help of various mental images (choose which one you like best). For example, you can imagine that an invisible hand (actually the hand of your etheric body) is moving a match.

Now you know a few techniques on how to learn telekinesis at home. Start training right now! Good luck!

You want, you think about what you want, you feel a sense of satisfaction of your desire, you believe that it will come true and it will be realized. Every day you see what you want and radiate all sorts of intentions. There is no way to live in this physical body and be part of this physical environment without creating endless desires within you. When these desires are born within you, the Universe responds to them, you just have to believe that they are realized. When you believe, you are allowing a connection to the Energy Source that takes what you want.

All fans of science fiction and stories about UFOs, of course, have come across such a concept as “telekinesis”. So what is it? There is a definition in the scientific literature that says that telekinesis is a very rare ability with which a person can move objects or change their shape with the power of thought.

This phenomenon is of interest to many, but only a few own it. Although, according to some reports, people with such abilities have existed at all times. There are even cases when a person, with the power of thought, bent metal and threw a person away from himself.

When you do not believe, you block the connection with the Source, then desires do not come true. To get what you want, just want, feel and believe, you don't have to do anything, because you have never been "Ask and do something to get" and "Ask and it will be given."

“Ask and it will be given to you; Seek and you will find; Knock and it will be opened to you." It's called "Deliberate Creation". You are aware of the ability you have been given and use that ability to materialize things to fulfill your desires. It has nothing to do with blind faith, which believes in things without a foundation based on limited beliefs. It is the limiting beliefs that prevent you from realizing your desires. Most people don't see their beliefs. Instead, your beliefs control what you can see.

So, is it possible to learn this on your own? Some argue that it is possible, but no one gives guarantees.

If you really want to learn telekinesis, then prepare for the fact that it will take a long time, and you will also have to be collected. You shouldn't have any mental problems. You must be confident in what you are doing, and most importantly, believe in the result. If there is even a drop of doubt, then you can not even try, nothing will work out.

A border is a border created by the mind alone. The only limits of your mind are those you think you have. Many people are limited by what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind allows. Remember: you have the power to achieve whatever you believe.

Every person has incredible resources that, if not awakened, remain dormant for life. Conclusion: you determine the outcome of your life. At the bottom of every man are these inactive forces; Powers that haunt him that he never dreamed of possessing; Forces that will revolutionize your life if you are awakened and put into action.

How to learn telekinesis?

So, we got to the main question: how to move objects with the power of thought?

To get started, carefully study your family tree. Ask older relatives if there was a person in your family with such a rare gift. If you find one, then consider yourself lucky, your training will be short. Or perhaps it will not be useful to you at all, as your powers will be revealed suddenly.

We imagine that we create physically, so if we are made to think that we are ordinary, we will create ordinary lives. They told you that you should humiliate yourself and worship God and that you are nothing. They have filled their heads with ultimate convictions. When we realize that we are extraordinary and that we have come into this physical world to expand, experience extreme joy, and live a wonderful life, this manipulation is over.

“The spirit of truth, which the world cannot receive because it does not see or know it; But you know Him because He lives with you and will be in you.” All ages and generations have their own assumptions: the Earth is flat, the Earth is round, etc. there are hundreds of assumptions that we think are true, but which may or may not be true. Of course, historically, in most cases, these assumptions have been wrong. If we take history as a guide, we may assume that many of the things we believe in the world may be false.

If this was not found, then you still should not be upset prematurely. You can try to learn how to move objects on your own. First, select a specific point on the wall. You must concentrate on it for at least 15 minutes every day. You should sit in a comfortable position and your body should be relaxed. Imagine that you are sending power streams in the direction of this point.

But we are attached to certain prescriptions, not knowing it most of the time. "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." You can change your reality with your thoughts, words and feelings. Scientific experiments show that if we connect a person's brain to computers and scanners and ask them to look at certain objects, we can see that certain parts of the brain are activated. If we are asked to close our eyes and imagine the same object, the same areas of the brain are activated as if they were seeing the objects.

The feeling that has occurred is the same: whether there is an object or not, the sensation and the reaction evoked are the same. So, who sees objects - is it the eyes or is it the brain? Is it what we see with our eyes or what we see with the brain? The truth is that the brain does not know the difference between what you see in the environment and what you remember because the same neural networks are activated.

If you have no problems focusing your attention, then it's time to add a new element to the exercise. Keep looking at the dot and rotate your head at the same time.

If this was also given without problems, then mentally draw another point. Look at the top and smoothly move your gaze to the bottom, but attention should be riveted on the first. You should get the feeling that your eyes are glued to the first, but you are drawn to the second.

By watching violent movies or cop shows and emotionally connected to anything that has a negative frequency, you end up attracting it to your life: your brain thinks it's happening to you. It will produce excess cortisol, which is the stress hormone, weaken your immune system and make you sick with ease.

Every thought has a creative potential, but thoughts that are not accompanied by great emotion do not bring into your experience, at any speed, the subject of your thinking. In other words, the thought that brings you emotions, whether positive or negative, quickly manifests itself in your experience.

For a more advanced level, you will need a plastic cup. Place him on a chair in front of you. Sit on the floor so that it is at the level of your chest. Now move your hands towards the glass (listen to your intuition, it will tell you exactly what movements to make) and try to move the object with the power of thought. Managing objects is not given to everyone, so the result from this exercise may appear in a week or a month, everything is individual.

When you watch a horror movie, seeing all the details like colors and sound, you are in a negative workshop because you are visualizing everything that you don't want to see, you don't want to live. You feel the emotion inside you say, "You see something so bright that the Universe gives it power."

When the movie ends, you say, "It was just a movie." So, you don't believe it, you don't expect it to happen to you, and you don't fulfill the second part of the equation. You proposed a thought with excitement, so you created it, but you don't allow it in your experience because you don't expect it.

When your glass moves, you can move on to the next exercise. It will require a thread and a needle. Hang the needle so that it is convenient for you to make movements with your hands. Make the needle turn around itself. Here, too, the result depends on your abilities, more precisely on how strong they are.

However, if your friends tell you, "It might be a movie, but it happened to me." Then you start thinking about that thought and maybe believing or expecting it to happen to you, and then it can happen. Believe it or not, when you watch horror movies, you feel a negative emotion and you create a habit of those negative emotions.

If what you want is to quickly attract beautiful things into your life, you should feel as much positive emotions as possible and avoid negative emotions as much as possible. Tune your mind and your emotions in the best possible way. You create your reality according to the frequency you tune into the most. Wrong frequency attracts wrong energy. That is why problems and illnesses arise, often psychosomatic.

After all these exercises have been completed, you can safely try to move things in larger sizes.

Remember that the main thing is to believe in the result, to be confident in success. Even if the result is long in coming, this is not a reason to despair. Only daily hard training will help you in this matter. Do not leave everything halfway, because maybe tomorrow you will be able to move the glass from its place for the first time in your life.

Vibrational love or higher, in addition to being able to attract and materialize whatever you want, you can also influence and change the environment you live in and the people around you. Yeshua Ben Hur, whom the Bible refers to as Jesus Christ, wanted to teach us to think in the best possible way. Your brain produces substances and frequencies that generate waves that can affect your health, your reality, and the world you live in.

"And Jesus said to him: If you can believe, all things are possible for him who believes." To believe is to focus your mind, your feelings, on something. He concentrates on thought and puts energy into it, that is, feeling. And then act, for "Faith without works is dead!".

To attract whatever you want, to do what you want, to achieve something, to manifest what you desire, or to realize a dream, this is what you need to do. Everything your Bible says is the Law of Attraction. You and only you can change your life. Life has no remote control. You have to get up and change. As the Irish journalist George Bernard Shaw said, it is impossible to progress without change, and those who do not change their minds cannot change anything.

You should not be a victim of your own thoughts, let alone the thoughts of others. You can change your direction by changing your thoughts, your emotions, your vibration, your frequency. And therefore change your reality. In life, you either write your own story, or you end up reading the story that other people wrote in their place. If you don't control your own mind, someone else will. If you are not building your own future, someone else will do it for you. You have come here as a master creator.

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