Comparative analysis of methods and indicators for assessing the human capital of enterprises. The main methods for assessing human capital The main tasks of the legal support of the personnel management system are the legal regulation of labor relations,


1.4 Ways to assess human capital

The world around us, with all its diversity, is arranged in such a way that the processes and phenomena in nature and society obey certain rules. In other words, there are typical, established, repeatedly repeated, universal relationships, connections, both between the processes themselves and between the indicators that characterize them. These can be relationships of a cause-and-effect nature (a given cause always generates a given effect), stable dependencies between simultaneously manifesting different sides of the same process, or repeatedly manifesting the same type of results of the interaction of different phenomena. Universal universal ways of "behavior" of everything that exists in the world, phenomena of a given kind, class, objectively characteristic of all, are usually called laws.
Quite often one hears about the existence and manifestation of economic laws that characterize the typical features of relationships and interactions between parts, elements of the economic system, including people participating in economic processes. Usually, this refers to the existence of universal, constantly observed links and relationships between the production, distribution, exchange, consumption of things, goods, services and indicators characterizing these processes.
The most ancient documents, in which the rules and norms of the economic behavior of citizens, the relationship between them and the state, between the slave and the master, monetary relations, were recorded, can be considered laws.
The laws of Manu, which prevailed in India in the 6th century BC, regulated the rights and relations of property.
The eminent economist Alfred Marshall wrote that “the formulation of economic laws takes into account how a person tends to act in certain conditions. They are in one way reminiscent of physical laws: both require the existence of certain conditions. The laws of human behavior, of course, are not simple, defined and not as clearly established as the law of universal gravitation, but many of them can be attributed to natural laws dealing with a complex subject of study.
Economic laws determine the order of functioning at the micro level of economic categories. Category They call the economic extremely general, fundamental concept, reflecting the most significant, regular connections of the system of production relations.
At the same time, economic theory paid due attention to man.
Currently, the search for ways to activate the human factor within the organization and taking into account the socio-psychological characteristics of all members of the workforce is one of the decisive conditions for increasing the efficiency of any organization. Russian organizations face fundamentally new tasks. If initially these were issues of stimulating the employee, retaining highly qualified specialists at the enterprise, now it is the creation of an integrated system for ensuring the high quality of the working life of employees. Under these conditions, the development of the concept of managing the social development of the organization and the creation on its basis of a model of social management of the organization will contribute to the most effective achievement of the goals of the organization.
Thus, for Russian organizations, the transition from a bureaucratic (administrative) to a social management paradigm, according to which a person is considered as a non-renewable resource, the main element of a sociotechnical organization, becomes relevant. In this regard, the emphasis is on activating the role of a person, on strengthening his impact on social groups, teams in order to organize and coordinate their activities. The main task of managing the social development of an organization in accordance with this paradigm is to improve the quality of the working life of the organization's employees.
The economic or old paradigm considered man as one of the factors of the production process, as an element of the labor process. Thus, a person in the management process was presented as an object of management that performs a certain function, namely the function of labor, measured by working time. The personnel of the organization was considered as an ordinary, renewable, and not as a unique, irreplaceable resource, therefore, practically no attention was paid to the socio-psychological climate in the workplace. The economic paradigm, having put the value approach to a person at the forefront, has developed specific tools of "scientific management" for its implementation, most clearly embodied in "Taylorism".
Thus, the system of production relations is reflected in science through a system of categories. Revealing the system of categories in the economy makes it possible to reveal the logic of its development, the regular transformation of the structure of its concepts, and thereby adequately reflect the realities of economic life.
Labor resources are the most important and active part of society's resources. This is the able-bodied part of the population with physical and intellectual abilities for labor activity, which can produce material goods or provide services.
There are the following criteria for the effectiveness of the division of labor:
1. Technical criteria for the effectiveness of the division of labor are determined by the capabilities of equipment, tools, fixtures, and requirements for consumer product quality.
2. The economic direction of improving the division of labor is to achieve savings in labor and material costs, which, in turn, leads to a reduction in production costs and an increase in the profit of the enterprise. The economic criteria for the division of labor are: the cost of working time and material costs for the performance of work, the degree of use of the qualifications of workers, the duration of the production cycle for manufacturing a product, the level of labor productivity, production costs, and the profit of an enterprise.
3. Psychophysiological criteria for the division of labor are indicators of a person's performance, which depend on sanitary and hygienic working conditions, on the severity and mentally uneven labor intensity, on the distribution of physical loads with mental ones.
4. The social criteria for the division of labor are the stability of the team, low staff turnover, high labor discipline, a good state of interpersonal relations between interacting workers, a high level of their social activity, satisfaction with the content and working conditions.
Education is of great social and economic importance. It is characterized by the percentage of literates, the average number of years of schooling, and so on. It is very important to predict the size of the population. It allows you to identify the expected changes in the population, assess the demographic situation, and determine the size of the labor force.
The labor potential of an enterprise is the limiting value of the possible participation of employees in production, taking into account their psychological characteristics, the level of professional knowledge and accumulated experience. When determining its value, it is important to choose the right measurement indicator, namely man-hour. The value of labor potential can be determined at any level: society, enterprise, person.
It is necessary to correctly identify a group of people with different levels of potential, participating in social production. Moreover, the duration of the calendar period of such participation of individual workers is not always an unambiguous criterion for the magnitude of the potential. For example, due to the physiological characteristics of the organism, men and women, other things being equal, produce a different amount of consumer value for the same unit of working time (they perform an unequal amount of work). These and other features must necessarily be taken into account when grouping workers according to the main feature, which in this case is the ability and opportunity to participate in socially useful work.
Evaluation of the productive abilities of a person, as well as the effectiveness of the costs of developing these abilities and increasing labor productivity, has been and remains one of the key problems of economic theory and management. To carry out such calculations, scientists and practitioners have proposed a wide variety of methods and tools that take into account the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of human abilities and skills, involving the expression of the amount of human capital accumulated by individuals, firms and society as a whole, the volume of investments in human capital from various sources, competitive benefits derived from the accumulation of human capital. And all because in management the human component is the most burdensome of all assets. The almost limitless variety and unpredictability of humans makes them incredibly difficult to evaluate, far more complex than any electromechanical assembly that comes with prescribed practical specifications. However, people are the only element that has the ability to produce value. All other variables - money and credit, raw materials, factories, equipment and energy - can offer only inert potentials. By their very nature, they add nothing and cannot add anything until a person, be it the lowest skilled worker, the most skilled professional, or the highest manager, uses this potential by making it work.
It is believed that the first cost estimates to measure the value of an able-bodied person were used by V. Petty, who estimates the value of the stock of human capital by capitalization of earnings as a life annuity with a market rate of interest. A. Smith explained the differentiation of the wages of skilled and unskilled workers by differences in time, labor and money costs that the former incurred to obtain the necessary knowledge, skills and craftsmanship. Among the names of Western economists who considered people or their skills as capital, there are such well-known authors in the history of Western economic thought: William Petty, Adam Smith, Jean-Baptiste Say, Nassau Senior, Friedrich List, Johann von Thünen, Walter Bagehot, Ernst Engel, Henry Sidgwick, Leon Walras and Irving Fisher. Basically, two methods of valuation of human beings were used: the cost of production and the procedure for capitalizing earnings. The first procedure is to estimate the real costs (usually the net expenditure of livelihoods) on the "production" of a person; the second is to evaluate the present (reduced to the present moment of time) value of the individual's future income stream (net or gross income).
Many economists have pointed to the need and possibility of economic valuation of the labor force, and also talked about the use of these valuations for specific purposes. Many of them considered human beings or their acquired abilities and skills as a component of capital. Moreover, some have tried to estimate the value of this capital both at the microeconomic and macroeconomic levels and use these estimates for private purposes (for example, to estimate the total economic losses as a result of wars); others simply included human beings (or their acquired abilities and skills) in their definition of capital and recognized the importance of investing in them as a means of increasing their productivity. This is the second group of theorists who have never attempted either to evaluate human capital or to apply this concept for any particular purpose.
Most economists believed that human beings should be included in the category of capital for three reasons:
- the costs of upbringing and education of human beings are real costs;
- the product of their labor increases the national wealth;
- spending per person that increases this product will increase the national wealth.
Adam Smith, although he did not precisely define the concept of "capital", included in this category of fixed capital the skill and useful abilities of human beings. According to Friedrich List, the skill and acquired abilities of human beings, inherited for the most part from past labor and self-restraint, are the most important component of the national capital stock. He argued that in both production and consumption, the contribution of human capital to output can be considered.
E. Engel preferred the method of production prices to determine the monetary value of human beings, believing that the measure of this value is the cost of parents to raise children. W. Farr calculated the value of human capital by the present value of an individual's future earnings (future earnings minus personal living costs) adjusted for mortality rates. T. Witstein combined the approaches of W. Farr and E. Engel to the assessment of human capital (that is, assessments using capitalized earnings and production prices), assuming that the amount of earnings during an individual's life is equal to the sum of the costs of his maintenance and education. Witstein derived the following formulas:

, (1)
where a - annual consumption costs, including education per adult German of a certain profession; r \u003d (1 + i), where i - market interest rate; P \u003d 1 / r; Ln - number of people aged n in the life table; Rn - the value of the one-taler rent of a person aged n, acquired by him at the time of his birth (for a given r); X - the value of future income per person of a certain profession; N - the age at which a person enters working life.
The approaches of W. Farr and T. Witstein to the assessment of human capital were developed by American economists and sociologists L. Dublin and A. Lotka. They came up with the following formula:


where V0 is the value of the individual at the time of birth; - the value at the moment of one dollar received in x years; Px - the probability of a person surviving to age x; Yx - the annual earnings of a person from the moment x to x + 1; Ex - the share of people employed in production aged from x to x + 1 ( W. Farr assumed full employment); Cx is the value of the cost of living for a person aged from x to x + 1.
To determine the monetary value of a person of a certain age (for example, a), the formula can be converted to the form:


This method of capitalizing an individual's earnings, minus the cost of consuming or maintaining them, provides a useful estimate for many purposes.
The methods developed by these authors for assessing the economic significance of a person's ability to work (or human capital) are technically perfect and suitable for practical use on real information.
T. Schultz used the following cost-benefit approach to determine the value of human capital: he multiplied the cost of one year of each educational level (taking into account constant earnings) by the number of person-years of education accumulated by the population at a particular point in time, adjusted for unequal duration school year. At the same time, the value of the cost of education was taken as the basis, referring not to the time of its receipt, but to the year of calculation, that is, not the initial, but the replacement cost of the educational component of human capital was determined. Similar calculations were made by J. Kendrick. He determined the value of human capital at the initial cost using specially designed price indices, taking into account the depreciation of knowledge and skills. Similar studies were also carried out by the domestic economist V.I.Martinkevich. In domestic economic literature, for a long time, instead of the concept of "human capital", the concept of "education fund" was used. The education fund is a cost assessment of the knowledge, skills, abilities and experience accumulated by an employee. When calculating its value, two main approaches were used: 1) summing up the actual education costs incurred over a given long period of time; 2) an assessment of the real productive value of the stock of knowledge, skills, abilities, experience that the labor force has in a certain period of time.
Of course, studies of the methodology for assessing human capital are not limited to the works of these scientists. This topic is still very relevant and important, therefore it is constantly being researched, and within the framework of the modern theory of human capital, the following main methods are used to measure the value of human assets:
In-kind (temporary) estimates that involve the measurement of human capital (or rather, its educational component) in person-years of education. This method is considered one of the simplest, but its accuracy is not always sufficient, since it is impossible to fully take into account the unevenness of the year of study at different levels of education, that is, when receiving a general (school, gymnasium, lyceum), secondary vocational (college, college), higher (university, institute), etc.
Cost models that take into account the acquisition cost, replacement cost, or opportunity cost of human assets.
Monetary models for assessing human capital based on the calculation of the income of its future owners and users. In this case, the value of human capital is measured not by the price of its production, but by the economic effect of its use.
Human capital value models that combine non-monetary behavioral value models with monetary economic value models.
Despite the numerous works that study human capital and the variety of approaches to its assessment, in practice, when measuring this type of capital, a huge number of unresolved problems remain, since some human capital assets cannot be directly assessed. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to various kinds of indirect methods for their evaluation. This suggests that the calculation of cost values ​​is a very time-consuming process. However, this is not the only difficulty in the human capital assessment process. Much more difficult is the collection, processing and assessment of the reliability of the necessary information at all levels of research (macroeconomic, regional, corporate). There are doubts that methods for assessing human capital are of real practical importance and that at least one of them can be trusted.
Scandinavian researchers D. Andriessen and R. Thyssen argue that there are several practical methods for tracking the value of intangible assets, and in particular human capital, which can be divided into two broad categories:
Measurement methods that offer indicators that could give managers a better idea of ​​the intangible assets of their companies.
Valuation methods, the purpose of which is to value the company's intangible assets in monetary terms.
Accountants have long unanimously rejected the idea of ​​calculating the value of human capital, because they were sure that quantitative data would almost certainly be based on rough assumptions. In 1998, a report by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development unambiguously stated that “… with regard to human capital, what is measured is what can be measured, not what needs to be measured.” This is the reason for such a skeptical attitude of accountants and financial analysts to the idea of ​​human resource accounting. And at the moment, existing accounting systems do not allow considering employees as an object for investment. It's a paradox, but today the acquisition of a conventional computer for several thousand dollars is seen as a bargain, an increase in the company's assets, and the use of the same money to find and hire a highly qualified employee is perceived as a one-time expense that reduces profits in the reporting period. Nevertheless, the value of the advantage in human capital is already generally recognized today, therefore, methods for determining the value of this type of capital are of particular interest not only to theoretical scientists, but also to practical managers. The following reasons for this can be identified:
Human capital is a key element of a company's market value and, therefore, its price should be included in the calculation as an indicator for investors or those considering the acquisition or merger of enterprises, including intangible assets.
Defining the criteria for evaluating human assets, collecting and analyzing relevant information draws the attention of the organization to what needs to be done to find, retain, develop and make the best use of its human capital.
Measuring the value of human capital can provide the basis for resource-based human resource management strategies that are linked to the development of organizational knowledge and skills.
Measurements can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of human resources and monitor progress towards the strategic goals of human resource management.
Based on the experience of leading companies in the field of human resource management, a number of basic approaches to assessing the human capital of an organization can be identified.
Method for calculating direct personnel costs.
This is a method of determining (or analyzing) the initial and replacement costs for personnel. It focuses on the firm's costs associated not with the maintenance of personnel, but with their acquisition and replacement.
Method of competitive assessment of the value of human capital. This method is a combination of the two approaches to determining personnel costs described above and is based on taking into account the total costs and potential damage to the company if an employee leaves it. The method involves estimating personnel costs, taking into account the possibility of a person moving to another job. Any decision to change jobs depends on the present value of net mobility benefits greater than zero. The following formula is used to calculate the present value of the net benefits:


where W1 is the current value of net benefits in the year t=1; Bjt is the utility (monetary or moral) received from the j-th job in the year; Вit is the utility (monetary and moral) received from the i-th job in the year; C - utility lost when moving and changing jobs (investment in mobility); r - interest rate; T - time (in years) during which utility is obtained from mobility.
The vast majority of people decide to move for economic reasons. This is evidenced by the data of sociological surveys in different countries. Approximately half of all moves, according to American sociologists, are caused by the decision to change jobs. Hence, the conclusions of the human capital theory for migration can be tested in the labor market. Migration comes at a cost. First, there is the cost of collecting information on areas with the best earning opportunities and on employment conditions. Second, the monetary cost of moving increases with increasing distance, so people are more likely to move short distances and less often long distances. In addition, people tend to move to areas where they have relatives and acquaintances, or at least where people live who speak the same language and have the same customs. This makes it possible to reduce the moral and informational costs of migrants.
The considered method is much more complicated than the previous ones, but it gives a much more efficient estimate of the real value of the firm's human capital.
The prospective cost of human capital method takes into account the addition to the assessment of the competitive cost of human capital in the future for 3,5,10 and 25 years. This assessment is primarily required for companies involved in the development of large and long-term projects, for example, conducting research in the field of innovation or building large high-tech facilities.
A method of measuring the individual cost of an employee. Unlike the previous methods, it does not evaluate various types of personnel costs, but the possible income that it can bring to the company.
Estimating the value of human capital based on tests in a business environment can be obtained based on two approaches:
a) according to the specific results obtained by the employee based on the profit that he brought to the company, or to increase its assets, including intellectual ones;
b) the assessment of human capital based on a system of business teachings on management, economics and marketing based on high information technologies is based on the forecast of the results of the manager's work in a business environment that is as close as possible to his real environment.
financial method defines the value of human capital as the difference between the total market value of the company and the value of its tangible and intangible assets.
Comparative method involves an indirect assessment of the value of human capital based on a comparison of the results of the company's activities with those of competitors.
However, none of the listed approaches can claim the “title” of a sufficiently accurate integral method for assessing the human capital of an organization. The essence of this problem was quite clearly identified in the late 1990s. N. Bontis et al: "All these models suffer from subjectivity, uncertainty and lack of reliability, since there can be no confidence in the accuracy of such measurements" .
The prerequisites for improving the methodology for calculating the values ​​of human capital indicators are created by the most important unified principles of the expansion company of national wealth. This methodology is characterized by the relative simplicity of using available GDP statistics, as well as their regrouping and refinement of the values ​​of indicators of investment in human capital and accumulation as part of national wealth. The expansion concept makes it possible to more reasonably calculate the values ​​of human capital indicators as an element of national wealth. At the same time, the accumulated knowledge is taken into account with effective participation in economic life and wages. Calculations of such indicators are quite accessible to experts in most countries, including Belarus. The obtained estimates of the elements for the costs of the state, families, entrepreneurs and various funds allow us to determine the current annual total costs of the Belarusian society for the reproduction of human capital.
A person's high level of special education will be confirmed if, when working abroad, his remuneration is not lower than that of similar workers in the respective countries.


The article presents the results of a study of approaches and methods for assessing human capital used in Russian and foreign practice. An attempt was made to make a general classification of methods for assessing human capital. Assessment methods differ in the level of consideration of human capital (mega-, macro-, meso-, micro-levels), at the micro level, depending on the allocated components (the entire capital is assessed as a whole or individual components are assessed and then their sum), depending on the approach - costly or profitable. The authors formulated an approach to the classification of methods for assessing human capital according to the objectives of the assessment. When evaluating a company for the purpose of further merger or acquisition, an assessment of human capital as a whole is required; for making a decision in the field of personnel management, it is required to evaluate an individual (most often using an income approach).

human capital

methods for assessing human capital

approaches to assessing human capital

Danilovskikh T.E., Sakeyan A.G. Determination of the essence of human capital in order to assess it // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. - 2015. - No. 1–1. – P. 113–116.

Dobrynin A.I. Human capital in a transitive economy: formation, assessment of efficiency of use / A.I. Dobrynin, S.A. Dyatlov, E.D. Tsyrenova. - St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1999. - 309 p.

Kuzmicheva I.A., Flik E.G. Formation of evaluation and evaluation activity in the world and in Russia // Territory of new opportunities. Bulletin of the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. - 2012. - No. 2. - P. 119–123.

Nosaleva N.S. The problem of assessing human capital // Proceedings of the VI International Student Electronic Scientific Conference "Student Scientific Forum" URL: / (date of access: 04/06/2015).

Semenova M.V. Assessment of human capital // electronic resource: access mode:

Tuguskina G.N. Methodology for assessing the human capital of enterprises // Personnel management. - 2009. - No. 5. P. 42–46.

Sam-Ho Lee Being knowledgeable or sociable?: Differences in human capital development and evaluation // electronic resource: access mode: ... Cognitive-Skills.pdf.

The development of the knowledge economy currently poses new challenges for appraisers, namely: the creation of technologies for valuation of intangible assets, intellectual capital, etc. The complexity of assessing these categories is due, among other things, to the ambiguity of their wording.

Human capital in the structure of a company's intellectual capital is the basic one that determines the successful development of other components, so intellectual capital, or intangible assets, is an important component in business valuation.

In modern conditions, economic growth is more influenced by such factors as the innovative susceptibility of the economy, intellectual capital, the quality of human potential, that is, the person and his capabilities are of key importance. In the scientific literature, approaches to the study of the role of a person in economic processes have changed from using the categories of labor force, labor resources, and the human factor to using the category of human capital. Human capital is one of the structural components of intellectual capital, which also includes relationship capital (consumer, client, brand, market) and structural (organizational) capital.

Despite the fact that a number of researchers believe that the formulation of the problem of assessing human capital is fundamentally incorrect, the need to assess human capital, in our opinion, is an indisputable fact. However, as G.N. Tuguskin, when assessing human capital, financial indicators are mainly used, and quite separately. There are various approaches to assessing individual components of human capital, however, a clear methodology for its comprehensive assessment has not been developed to date, and there are also no clear recommendations for choosing methods in various situations. In addition, the experience of assessing human capital in Russian enterprises is insufficient.

The analysis of approaches and methods for assessing human capital in Russian and foreign practice made it possible to identify the following criteria for their classification: by economic level (macro-, micro-), by the interpretation of human capital used, by the approach used.

At the micro level, the human capital of an individual is assessed, which is then summed up to obtain a general assessment of the human capital of an organization or the human capital of an organization as a whole is assessed; human capital on a global, world scale.

The main method for assessing human capital at the macro level (mega-, meso-) is the calculation of the human development index. This is an integrative indicator that takes into account: factors of the well-being of the population (GDP per capita); health factors (life expectancy), the level of education of the population and others.

Most often, this technique is used by government authorities at various levels as a tool for assessing the effectiveness of investments in improving the quality of human capital.

The vast majority of methods allow assessing human capital at the micro level, most of them are presented in the table.

Different groups of methods for assessing human capital are also distinguished depending on the interpretation used: a person in itself is capital, or capital is a combination of abilities inherited and acquired by a person, or human capital is a resource used by firms to obtain their income. The calculation of the value of human capital based on tests in a business environment can be obtained on the basis of two business games, seminars, professional courses using high information technology. Adding to this an assessment of the cost of the prospective competitiveness of human capital, we obtain a comprehensive assessment of the organization's human capital.

Foreign researchers, considering human capital as a set of accumulated knowledge, skills and abilities, single out educational skills and socialization skills in its composition. At the same time, the following feature stands out: in the United States, socialization skills are more in demand: the ability to work in a team, leadership qualities, and in the countries of Southeast Asia - learning skills, namely discipline, learning ability, academic achievement. As a result, there are different approaches to assessing human capital (building testing, interviews, etc.).

Methods used in the United States for assessing individual human capital are aimed at assessing the availability and development of socialization skills. In the countries of Southeast Asia, assessment methods test knowledge, ability to acquire new knowledge, etc.

The study of existing methods for assessing human capital led to the following conclusion: the first thing to decide before choosing a methodology is the level of study of human capital. At the micro level, the second question arises - for what purpose is the assessment of human capital: the purchase of a business or personnel management, and then the approach used (amortization, income, cost, etc.) is determined.

Assessment method selection procedure:

1. Determining the level of evaluation.

2. Choice of the purpose of the study.

3. Choice of research approach.

The assessment of human capital in personnel management is mainly used to determine the adequate wages of employees, in order to interest a person in further professional development, increase production efficiency (productivity), and also motivate further career growth and work in this particular company.

When buying a business, one of the first places in the assessment of its potential profitability is the staff of the acquired company. This circumstance is due to the fact that the carriers of value are not only real estate, buildings, structures, machines, equipment, but also the image, logo, past achievements, the prestige of the organization - everything that is created by the employees of the enterprise. The professional and qualification potential of employees determines the possibility of effective use of the acquired property. From the point of view of assessing human capital as part of the acquired asset, adapted methods for assessing intangible assets prevail (table). However, it must be understood that the value of human capital will only be high if employees are interested in further work with the new management.

Methods for assessing human capital at the micro level

Classification sign

Evaluation Methods Considered (Evaluation Indicators)

Source in which the methods are presented

Structure of human capital

There are two components in the structure of human capital: basic and developed human capital, which differ in the methods of formation, content and, as a result, in the methods of assessment used.

Kritsky M.M. Human capital. L .: Publishing house Leningrad. university 1991. Stukach F.V., Lalova E.Yu. Formation and assessment of the basic human capital of agriculture // Omsk Scientific Bulletin. No. 4-111/2012

Depreciation estimate by type of asset

Considers human capital as an inseparable intangible asset of the second category, accordingly applying methods for evaluating intangible assets to its assessment

Leontiev B.B., Mamadzhanov Kh.A. Management of intellectual property at the enterprise: monograph. Yekaterinburg, 2011

Associated with the assessment of depreciation of each type of investment in human capital multiplied by the time of their real turnover

Tuguskina G.N. Basic approaches and methods for assessing human capital in business value // http://www. /20_ AND_2009 /Economics /49162.doc.htm

asset models; involve keeping records of capital costs (similar to fixed capital) and its depreciation

Factors that determine the cost of human capital

Income factor, expenditure factor, value added of human capital, return on investment

Noskova K.A. Assessment of the human capital of the i-th employee of the organization // Topical issues of economic sciences: Ufa: Summer, 2013. - P. 4-8.

Assessment type: quantitative and qualitative

Methods are divided into monetary (monetary assessment) and non-monetary (qualitative assessment of human capital). One of the main monetary methods is the net value added model.

Milost F. Net value added monetary model for evaluating human capital // European scientific journal. 2014. - No. 1

Economic valuation is the valuation of income generated by human capital (individual); price assessment of human capital in terms of investment volume; reflection of the total value in the currency of the firm's (enterprise's) balance sheet.

The integral assessment of human capital includes both natural and cost indicators for assessing human capital

Tuguskina G.N. Basic approaches and methods for assessing human capital in business value // http://www. /20_ AND_2009 / Economics /49162.doc.htm

Cost type incurred

Method for assessing human capital based on the calculation of the cost of human capital; method for determining the initial and replacement costs for personnel; method of measuring the individual cost of an employee, etc.

Kastrulina Yu.M. Analysis of methods for assessing the value of human capital of economic entities // http://economics.ihbt.

Type of income received

utility models. They allow assessing the economic consequences of changes in the labor behavior of employees as a result of certain activities, as well as the ability of an employee to bring more or less surplus value to the enterprise

Krakovskaya I.N. Measurement and evaluation of the human capital of an organization: approaches and problems // Economic analysis: theory and practice. - 2008. - No. 19. - S. 41-50.

As a result of the study, approaches to the classification of methods for assessing human capital existing in Russian and foreign practice were identified. The main criteria for classification are the economic level and the purpose of assessing human capital.


Mazelis L.S., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Mathematics and Modeling, Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service, Vladivostok;

Osipov V.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of International Business and Finance, Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service, Vladivostok.

Bibliographic link

Danilovskikh T.E., Avakyan A.G. METHODOLOGIES FOR ASSESSING HUMAN CAPITAL: APPROACHES TO CLASSIFICATION // Fundamental Research. - 2015. - No. 6-1. - S. 108-111;
URL: (date of access: 03/20/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

The concept of "human capital" is now becoming of great importance not only for economists - theorists, but also for individual firms. The interest of economic science in human creative abilities, in the ways of their formation and development, has sharply increased. Most companies are beginning to attach great importance to the accumulation of human capital, as the most valuable of all types of capital. One of the ways to accumulate human capital is to invest in a person, in his health and education. Today, the study of the problems of increasing the efficiency of the use of the productive forces of people, which are realized in modern conditions in the form of human capital, is not only relevant, but is put forward as a priority in the structure of socio-economic research. This involves conducting in-depth scientific research on this problem.
The theory of human capital began to be dealt with already in the 19th century. Such well-known economists - theorists as V. Petty, A. Smith, J. S. Mill and K. Marx included the developed useful abilities of a person in the concept of fixed capital. The discussion about the necessity and expediency of treating a person and his abilities as a kind of fixed capital was not interrupted. Economists such as Jean-Baptiste Say, George MacCulloch, Nassau Senior, Walter Roscher, Henry Macleod, Leon Walras, Johann von Thunen, Irwin Fisher considered it possible and useful to interpret man as fixed capital.

The purpose of this course work is to show the features of human capital, the importance of investing in human capital, and also to show the importance of assessing human capital.
Chapter I: Human capital: definition, types, essence.

The concept of human capital and its types

The theory of human capital began to be dealt with in the 19th century. Then it became one of the promising directions in the development of economic science. Since the second half of the 20th century, it has become the main achievement, first of all, of the economics of education and labor.

In the economic literature, the concept of human capital is considered in a broad and narrow sense. In a narrow sense, "one of the forms of capital is education. It was called human because this form becomes part of a person, and capital is due to the fact that it is a source of future satisfactions or future earnings, or both." In a broad sense, human capital is formed by investment (long-term capital investment) in a person in the form of costs for education and training of the labor force in production, health care, migration and the search for information on prices and incomes.

In the "Economic Encyclopedia" human capital is defined as "a special type of investment, a set of costs for the development of a person's reproductive potential, improving the quality and improving the functioning of the labor force. The composition of human capital objects usually includes knowledge of a general educational and special nature, skills, and accumulated experience."

For a more complete and detailed description of human capital, a functional approach is used. The principle of definition functionality characterizes the phenomenon not only from the point of view of its internal structure, but from the point of view of its functional purpose, the final intended use. Therefore, human capital is not just a set of skills, knowledge, and abilities that a person possesses. First, it is the accumulated stock of skills, knowledge, and abilities. Secondly, it is such a stock of skills, knowledge, and abilities that is expediently used by a person in a particular area of ​​social reproduction and contributes to the growth of labor productivity and production. Thirdly, the expedient use of this reserve in the form of highly productive activities naturally leads to an increase in the earnings (income) of the employee. And, fourthly, an increase in income stimulates, interests a person through investments that may relate to health, education, etc., increase, accumulate a new stock of skills, knowledge and motivation in order to apply it again effectively in the future.

Features of human capital:

* in modern conditions, human capital is the main value of society and the main factor in economic growth;

* the formation of human capital requires significant costs from the person himself and the whole society;

* human capital in the form of skills and abilities is a certain reserve, i.e. may be cumulative;

* human capital can physically wear out, economically change its value and depreciate;

* human capital differs from physical capital in terms of the degree of liquidity;

* human capital is inseparable from its carrier - a living human being;

* regardless of the sources of formation, which can be state, family, private, etc., the use of human capital and the receipt of direct income is controlled by the person himself.

In the economic literature, there are several approaches to the classification of types of human capital. Types of human capital can be classified according to the elements of costs, investments in human capital. For example, the following components are distinguished: education capital, health capital and cultural capital.

From the point of view of the nature of promoting the economic well-being of society, consumer and productive human capital are distinguished. Consumer capital creates a flow of directly consumed services and thus contributes to social utility. It can be creative and educational activity. The result of such activities is expressed in the provision of such consumer services to the consumer that lead to the emergence of new ways to meet needs or improve the efficiency of existing ones. Productive capital creates a flow of services whose consumption contributes to social utility. In this case, we mean scientific and educational activities that have direct practical application in production (creation of means of production, technologies, production services and products).

The next criterion for classifying the types of human capital is the difference between the forms in which it is embodied.

1. Living capital includes knowledge embodied in a person.

2. Non-living capital is created when knowledge is embodied in physical, material forms.

3. Institutional capital consists of living and non-living capital associated with the production of services that meet the collective needs of society. It includes all governmental and non-governmental institutions that promote the efficient use of the two types of capital (educational and financial institutions).

According to the form of employee training at the workplace, special human capital and general human capital can be distinguished. Special human capital includes skills and knowledge acquired as a result of special training and of interest only to the firm where they were obtained. Unlike special human capital, general human capital is knowledge that can be in demand in various areas of human activity. Thus, with a large number of definitions and types of "human capital", this concept, like many terms, is a "metaphor, transfers the properties of one phenomenon to another according to their common feature"

Human capital is the most important component of modern productive capital, which is represented by a rich stock of knowledge inherent in man, developed abilities, determined by intellectual and creative potential. The main factor in the existence and development of human capital is investment in human capital.

Chapter II: Assessment of the quality of human capital as a factor of production.

Human capital as a complex economic category has qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Within the framework of the modern theory of human capital, not only the volume of investments in human capital is estimated, but also the volume of human capital accumulated by an individual. At the same time, the cost of the total volume of human capital is calculated both for one individual and for the whole country.

The economic literature uses a wide variety of approaches and methods for assessing human capital. When determining the value of human capital, both cost (monetary) and in-kind valuations are used.

One of the simplest methods is the method using in-kind (temporary) estimates, measurements of human capital (namely education) in person-years of education. The more time spent on a person's education, the higher the level of education, the more human capital he possesses. This takes into account the unequal duration of the academic year during the analyzed period, the unevenness of the year of study at different levels of education (for example, secondary education at school and higher education at the university).

A common method for measuring human capital is the principle of capitalization of future income, based on the so-called “time preference for goods”. The essence of the method: people tend to value a certain amount of money or a set of goods higher in the present than the same amount or set of goods in the future.
Each person can be considered as a combination of one unit of simple labor and a certain amount of human capital embodied in it. Consequently, the wages that any worker receives can also be considered as a combination of the market price of his "flesh" and the rental income from the human capital invested in this "flesh". Human capital as a component of property generates income, which can be represented as a discounted wage received by an employee during the entire working life period. The income that an individual receives from the use of human capital, as the weighted average of annual earnings expected for the entire working period of life, is the "permanent" (permanent, continuous) income of the individual, which brings him human capital as a component of property. In domestic economic literature, for a long time, instead of the concept of "human capital", the concept of "education fund" was used, which is a cost estimate of the knowledge, skills, abilities and experience accumulated by employees.

When evaluating the education fund, two main approaches are used:

1) The actual expenditures on education carried out over a given long period of time are calculated. During this period, separating the time of obtaining education from the moment of counting, the level of education itself is consistently increasing, as well as the cost of education. Taking into account the appropriate adjustments for the age turnover of the labor force and the mortality of the population, it is possible to build a series of indicators of the education fund, which is the cumulative sum of all past actual costs minus the funds spent on training people who have already left the labor force by the time they were calculated.

2) An assessment is made of the real productive value of the stock of knowledge, skills, abilities, experience that the labor force has in a certain period of time. For modern companies, a number of fundamental approaches can be proposed for assessing their human capital.

Methods for calculating the cost of a company's human capital:

1. Method for calculating direct personnel costs. The easiest way for company managers to calculate the total economic costs incurred by the company on its staff, including an estimate of the cost of staff salaries, related taxes, security and improvement of working conditions, training and skills development costs. The advantage of this method is its simplicity. Disadvantages - an incomplete assessment of the real value of human capital. Some of it may simply not be used in the enterprise.

2. Method of competitive assessment of the value of human capital. This method is based on the sum of the estimated costs and potential damage to the company if an employee leaves it:

* total personnel costs (see method 1) produced by the leading competitor (taking into account comparable production capacities);

* individual bonuses to each employee of the company (obtained on the basis of qualified expert assessments) that a competing company could pay for his transfer to them;

* additional company costs required to find an equivalent replacement for an employee in the event of his transfer to another company, the cost of an independent search, recruiting agencies, press ads;

* economic damage that the company will suffer during the period of searching for a replacement, a decrease in the volume of products or services, the cost of training a new employee, deterioration in product quality when replacing an employee with a new one;

* loss of unique intellectual products, skills, potential that an employee will take with him to a competitor's company;

* the possibility of losing a part of the market, increasing sales of a competitor and strengthening its influence on the market;

* changes in the systemic effects of synergy and emergence (increasing mutual influence and the emergence of qualitatively new properties) of members of the group in which the employee was located.

The structure of the above assessment of human capital shows that the real value of human capital is 3-500 times higher than the nominal value today in most Russian companies, depending on the level of intelligence and qualifications of the employee. This is the minimum estimate for low-skilled labor, but even here it is higher than the estimate of a simple wage, since the worker's experience and the complex system of his interaction with other workers are lost. The rating is maximum for "golden collars", the most qualified employees of the company in the field of management, information systems, and innovative intellectual processes.

This method is more complicated, but it provides a much more efficient estimate of the true value of a firm's human capital. The experience of mass relocation abroad and the transition of many Russian workers to foreign firms shows that many workers who, in Russian conditions, had a monthly salary of 700-1500 rubles. got a job abroad with a salary of more than $100,000 per year.

3. Method prospective value of human capital .
In addition to the competitive cost method, it takes into account the assessment of the dynamics of the cost of human capital in the future for 3, 5, 10 and 25 years. This assessment is primarily necessary for companies involved in the development of large and long-term projects, for example, conducting research in the field of creating innovations or building large high-tech facilities, since the cost of a number of employees changes unevenly, rising sharply when they achieve the most important results after a sufficiently long period of time and approaching them to obtain the expected final results, when the possible departure of part of the staff from the company is associated with large economic losses.

4. Estimating the value of human capital based on tests in a business environment. This estimate can be obtained based on two approaches:
- according to the specific results obtained by the employee, based on the profit that he brought to the company, or on the increase in its assets, including intellectual ones. This assessment is widely used in business, as it is the most simple. But at the same time it is the most rigid and often erroneous. According to one of the leading Russian businessmen, if a manager fails business once, he loses 50% of his image, if the second time, he completely loses his reputation. However, many top managers of the world's leading corporations do not fit into the framework of this approach, who repeatedly failed, but rose again and created an even more effective business. In addition, in many cases, the failure of a business can be caused by a completely unpredictable global crisis or an occasional major fluctuation in the market. As a result, a manager will be "written off" who has great potential, talent and prospects, but who has become a victim of two major crises. However, one cannot ignore the fact that evaluation by the final result, and not by the abundance of diplomas, reviews, opinions, connections (which is most typical for Russian conditions) is the most accurate and correct approach. Therefore, a different approach is proposed, based on a concept that allows you to get an assessment based on the final results, but, figuratively speaking, with a "human attitude to human capital": which it brought to the company, or by increasing its assets, including intellectual ones.
- assessment of human capital based on the system of Business Teachings on management, economics and marketing based on high information technologies. This concept is based on the forecast of the results of the manager's work in a business environment that is as close as possible to his real environment. As market conditions became more difficult, entrepreneurs quickly realized that every dollar invested in management training has the highest return in the economy. In order to attract managers who ensure the company's breakthrough in the market and the transition from the zone of losses to the zone of profits, companies are ready to spend amounts measured in tens of millions of dollars. It is not surprising that the most highly paid job in market conditions is the work of a manager, whose qualifications and talent determine prosperity or ruin in the market.

In modern statistics, a system of indicators has not yet been created that could assess the quality of human capital, therefore, the priority task of improving both modern statistics and the economy is the development of an aggregate indicator of human capital.

This implies not only the formation of a system of indicators characterizing the creation of this form of capital, but also a revision of the existing concepts for accounting for a set of basic problems of the statistical assessment of human capital:

Development of a classification of elements that form human capital;

Coverage of all institutional units involved in its creation;

Development of performance indicators of human capital.

The formation and development of human capital takes place with the direct participation of the family, the state, enterprises and various public funds. At present, when an employee of an organization must constantly be active in improving his abilities, it is necessary to take into account the fact that learning occurs throughout life. Therefore, families, for example, take only a partial part in the process of continuous learning, while the organization itself, which is directly interested in the productivity of its employee, increasing his productivity in the context of continuous improvement of the technologies used, takes an active part in stimulating and financing this process. .

Measurements of human capital are usually imprecise, but the measurement process itself is extremely important. Organizations are slowly realizing the important link between human capital and a company's financial performance - a link that traditional accounting methods fail to capture.

Companies understand that the link may or may not show up in specific metrics or numbers that express the value of human capital. But by trying to quantify it, they can understand what each employee contributes to the company, how committed they are to their work, what they think of the company, and how likely they are to quit. Often, in the process of assessing human capital, companies gain useful insights into their organizations and acquire important information for their work.

Two main approaches to the assessment of human capital are generally recognized: costly and profitable (rental). The cost approach is based on the summation of the total costs of education, training of specialists and other costs to society, usually attributed to investments in human capital (health maintenance, job search and relevant information on earnings, migration). The value of human capital is determined by the result of accumulation of net investments in the development of a person as a future worker at all stages of his life cycle. So, according to some calculations, based on accounting for the costs of upbringing, education, medical care, the average cost of preparing for participation in the economic activity of one resident of Russia reaches almost 280 thousand US dollars

The income principle involves the assessment of income received by employees, which reflect the return on funds invested in the appropriate educational and qualification level. The application of the income approach to the assessment of human capital involves, first of all, the use of capitalization of income received from the use of this type of capital. It is in this case that the accumulation of human capital by the current generation and the potential for its use in economic activity during the functioning of the employee are reflected.

Both methods are incorrect, since they do not take into account the quality of human capital at all, but boil down only to how much income an employee brings to the company or how much the company spends on it.

The cost measurement of human capital according to the two methods described above is based on a system of market prices and wages, which allows you to reproduce all of humanity. This information, from the standpoint of statistics, is quite objective and reflects trends in regional and global labor markets, but it still cannot fully reveal the qualitative features of human capital.

All methods of assessing "human capital" grow out of a single need for measurement and control. The complexity of creating such methods lies, of course, in the complexity of the object of measurement.

Human capital is a probabilistic value. Each of the components of human capital is also of a probabilistic nature, and, as shown above, depends on many factors. Some components of human capital can be considered as independent quantities, and some as conditionally dependent. For example, the presence of good or bad natural abilities does not change the likelihood of good or bad health, the presence of certain knowledge, good or bad motivation for continuous development or productive work. The presence of professional knowledge may increase the likelihood of a high motivation to work, but (in the absence of a high general culture) may not have any effect on it.

In modern conditions, the competitive advantages of the economy and the possibility of its modernization are largely determined by the accumulated and realized human capital. It is people with their education, qualifications and experience that determine the boundaries and possibilities of the technological, economic and social modernization of society. At the same time, in Russia, human capital as a factor in innovative development is given little attention. The main emphasis is placed on the development of innovation infrastructure, on the formation of effective institutions and improving the efficiency of the national innovation system. Such a “technical” approach to the problems of the Russian economy and an underestimation of the role of human capital are not capable of providing the structural changes necessary for the sustainable development of the Russian economy and the transition to innovative development.

The transition to innovative development means that innovations should cover not only the creation of new technologies and their introduction into production, but also the promotion of products on the market, an adequate communication infrastructure. Innovation is the development of modern society, the basis of which is intellectual capital, which determines the competitiveness of the economic system.

An analysis of the prospects for innovative development in Russia shows the presence of many obstacles on this path. In a study of the evolution of the Novosibirsk model of innovation, the lack of highly skilled workers is considered one of the main barriers to the development of knowledge-intensive production, especially in the future. It is not uncommon for scientific and technical staff and management to be interested in new technological solutions, and managers to reject innovation, partly because they rely on an outdated way of thinking, partly because of a lack of knowledge, fear of responsibility and emerging risks.

The general “priority to the development of the raw material sector, which is not associated with the development of manufacturing industries, primarily science-intensive ones, also has a negative impact; focus on short-term goals; significant underestimation of human capital; violation of the continuity of scientific and technical knowledge…”

The place occupied by human capital among the factors of economic growth and the demonstration of a positive relationship between labor efficiency and the level of education of workers in the Russian Federation.

1. Human capital as a factor in economic growth

In economic theory, a fairly wide range of variables is considered as factors influencing economic growth, which can be grouped into the following groups: physical and natural capital (fixed assets, natural resources), human capital, financial resources, technical progress and organizational efficiency economy (efficiency of functioning of institutions).

Since the second half of the 20th century, interest in the role of human capital in the economy has increased, which is due to objective reasons: developed countries have switched to a new path of socio-economic development, in which human capital has acquired a qualitatively new meaning. Changing the structure of national wealth in the direction of increasing the share of intangible elements (scientific achievements, the level of education of the population and the quality of health care) has become of paramount importance for ensuring sustainable development.

The need to form a national innovation system in Russia makes special demands on the quality and level of human capital. At the same time, there is an underestimation of the cost of highly skilled labor and an underestimation of human capital as a key element of national wealth. The quality of human capital largely depends on the development trends of production and the economy as a whole. In Russia, there is a significant depletion of human capital. The comparative analysis of Russia in comparison with other developed countries showed that human capital is of minimal practical importance for Russia today.

Human capital is at the heart of many of the phenomena that drive economic growth (see Figure 1). Typical estimates suggest that a one percent increase in human capital leads to an acceleration in per capita GDP growth rates of 1-3% 8 .

2. Labor productivity and human capital in the Russian Federation

The Russian economy is often called "immune" to innovation and even "counter-innovative". Therefore, it is often believed that human capital does not play a significant role in the economic development of Russia, since skilled labor is unclaimed, and the bulk of production is tied to the raw materials industries.

The low demand for skilled labor is seen as one of the main reasons for the “brain drain”, that is, the situation when Russian qualified and talented specialists prefer to live and work abroad, since in Russia their work turned out to be “unnecessary” for society. However, even if society considers such work “unnecessary”, this does not mean that it is useless. In reality, labor productivity and human capital are closely linked in the Russian economy.

In order to see this relationship, it is necessary to estimate the level of labor productivity in the regions as the quotient of dividing the gross regional product by the average number of people employed in the economy. This is the simplest indicator that reflects the efficiency of labor in value terms. Naturally, the productivity estimate should be significantly higher in regions with a sectoral structure of production that is biased towards the extraction of natural resources.

It is also necessary to take into account the degree of industrialization of the economy, since regions with agricultural specialization usually have lower productivity indicators (compared to industrialized regions). The last remark is quite obvious if we compare how much it costs, for example, a new car and a kilogram of potatoes.

Another factor specific to some Russian regions is the role played by the service sector in the economy. For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, services make up the bulk of the gross domestic product, about 70 and 60 percent, respectively.

In order to take into account the influence of these factors, the following variables are used:

· the share of primary (fuel and metallurgical) industries in the industrial output of the region;

· the share of agriculture in the gross regional product;

· the share of services in the gross regional product.

The level of human capital is estimated using Rosstat data as the average number of years of education employed in the economy. On average, across the regions of the Russian Federation, the number of years of labor force training is 12.9 years, which corresponds to secondary vocational or primary higher education (see Figure 2). For comparison, in the USA in 2002, the share of the population aged 25-64 who had diplomas of higher education was 38.%, while in the Russian Federation diplomas of higher professional education were 23% of the employed. This is a fairly high figure, in the OECD countries it corresponds to the level of Germany, France and Spain. At the same time, the level of labor productivity in the Russian Federation remains low - the average value is only 55 thousand rubles per year (in 1999 prices) per employee (see Figure 3).

The most remarkable result is that it is the level of human capital that has the greatest impact on labor productivity. I would like to note that a one percent increase in human capital within the results obtained means that the number of years of workforce training should increase by an average of only 1.5 months. This seems to be quite a feasible task with the appropriate motivation and access to education.

The concept of human capital has been intensively used by world science, which has appreciated the role of intellectual activity, and found out the necessity and high efficiency of investments in human capital. The concept of human capital plays a central role in modern economic analysis. The application of this concept provides new opportunities for studying such important problems as economic growth, income distribution, the place and role of education in social reproduction, and the content of the labor process.
The value of human capital is determined by the conditions of its formation and development. Therefore, investments in human capital at the family level are of great importance, where the accumulation of the intellectual and psychophysiological abilities of a person takes place, which are the foundation for the further development and continuous improvement of the human capital of the individual.
Human capital is the most valuable resource of modern society, more important than natural resources or accumulated wealth.
The need to develop a quantitative assessment of human capital directly followed from the interpretation of a person as fixed capital. A correct assessment of human capital provides an objective assessment of the entire capital of the company, as well as the well-being of the entire society as a whole.
The modern personnel policy of firms ensures the most efficient use of the company's human capital, makes its employees interested in this type of activity. An analysis of the effectiveness of investing in people shows how significant it becomes for firms to spend huge amounts of money on the health and education of workers, since in the future it provides more income for the entire company.
Economic assessments of human capital have become widely used both at the microeconomic and macroeconomic levels to determine the amount of national wealth, the losses of society from wars, diseases and natural disasters, in the field of life insurance, the profitability of investments in education, healthcare, migration and for many other purposes.

List of used literature

1. Ashirova G. T. Modern problems of assessing human capital // Questions of statistics. 2003. No. 3.

2. Dobrynin A.I., Dyatlov S.A., Tsyrenova. E.D. Human capital in a transitive economy: formation, evaluation, efficiency of use. SPb.: Nauka. 1999.

3. Intellectual capital // World economy and international. relations. - M., 1998.-№11.

4. Modern economic theories - bourgeois concepts (ECONOMICIMAGES)" Peter Browning, Moscow "Economics" 1987.

5. Vedyapin V.I. General economic theory. M., 2000.

6. Dainovsky A.B. The Economics of Higher Education. - M., 1976.

7. Kapelyushnikov R.I. Modern Western concepts of labor force formation. - M.: Nauka, 1981.

8. Kapelyushnikov R.I. The concept of human capital. Criticism of modern bourgeois political economy. - M.: Science. 1977.

9. Slesinger G.E. Social Economy: Textbook. – M.: DIS, 2001.

10. Effective economic growth: theory and practice / Nauch. ed. prof. T.V. Checheleva. M.: FA, 2001.

11. Social policy: Textbook / Ed. Volgina N.A. - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2004.

12. Becker Gary. Family Economics and Macrobehavior // USA: Economics, Politics, Ideology. - 1994. - No. 2-3.

13. Zvereva N. Reproduction of human capital at the family level // Vestnik Mosk. University. Economics, No. 5, 1998.

14. Smith A. Research on the wealth of nations. Translation by M. Shchepkin. M.: Edition K.T. Soldatenkov. 1985.

15. Marx K. Capital. T. 2nd. Translation by I.I. Stepanova-Skvortsova. L .: 2nd printing house "Printing Yard". 1952.

When calculating the cost and effectiveness of the national human capital through the share of the innovative sector of the economy in GDP, through the efficiency of labor and accumulated human capital, the impact of negative and passive human capital on the indicators of national human capital is taken into account automatically through integral indices and macro indicators, including GDP, the share of the innovative economy in GDP, the index of economic freedom , quality of life index and others.

Currently, more and more supporters are gaining the point of view that human capital is the most valuable resource of modern society, much more important than natural resources or accumulated wealth.

Symptomatic in this sense is the statement of one of the prominent theorists of human capital, L. Thurow: "The concept of human capital plays a central role in modern economic analysis." A.M. Bowman called "the discovery of human capital a revolution in economic thought".

Of particular relevance today is the problem of assessing human capital, which concerns everyone - from scientists, financial analysts to personnel consultants. Organizations are interested in those processes and practical technologies that help increase profits. "Firms recognize the fact that intangible assets add to the difference between a company's net value and market value," concludes Mark Thompson of Templeton College, Oxford. An example is the mobile phone giant Nokia Corporation, whose tangible assets account for only 5%. The remaining 95% of its assets are intangible, including the qualifications, skills and talents of employees, as well as know-how.

It should be noted that the total amount of human capital should be considered both for an individual, for a firm and for the whole society as a whole. Human capital has its own complex internal structure, each of the components of which consists of different assets, which, in turn, have their own qualitative and quantitative

characteristics. To assess human capital, both natural and cost indicators are used. Natural (and temporary) indicators are relatively simple, they can be calculated at different levels: individual, firm and state, respectively, to various components. To assess the health fund, the average life expectancy, mortality of the population for various reasons, the intensity of mortality, natural population growth, life expectancy at the time of birth, the share of the working-age population, the proportion of older people in the population structure, the level of disability in the country, the level of diseases with temporary disability, prevalence of bad habits, physical development of the population, etc. To assess the fund of education, these are: the level of formal education (number of years of study), the level of knowledge and intelligence (IQ coefficient), - at the level of the individual; the share of specialists with higher and secondary education, the share of personnel engaged in R&D, the number of inventions, patents - at the firm level; the average number of person-years of study, the number of graduates of educational institutions, the number of scientific personnel and organizations, the level of functional literacy, the volume of production of new information - at the state level, and a number of others.

In the first half of the XX century. I. Fisher, S.Kh. Forsyth, F. Crush, Yu.L. Fish et al. also attempted to calculate the value of an individual and the entire population of a country.

Thus, cost indicators are the most obvious and simple, in terms of the possibility of their definition and calculation. However, the cost of producing human capital is not the value of human capital, but the value of investments in human capital, and investments are never identical to the value, since they are often unproductive.

The value of human capital is determined not by the price of its production, but by the economic effect of its use.

Consider the category of wages in terms of assessing human capital. Note that Western economic science has largely revised the category of wages. The structure of wages has undergone significant changes due to a significant increase in investment in people. Thus, most of it is a product of human capital, and not just a product of the labor that each individual possesses. In this regard, G. Becker proposed to consider each person as a combination of one unit of simple labor and a certain amount of human capital embodied in it. Then the wages received by any worker can also be considered as a combination of the market price of his “flesh” and the rental income from the human capital invested in this “flesh”.

With a monetary approach to the assessment of human capital, the value of human capital is understood as a certain fund that provides labor with a constant income. It is a weighted average of expected, future earnings.

M. Friedman considers human capital as one of the forms of assets, alternative to money. This gives him reason to include human capital in the money demand equation for individual wealth holders.

So, in our opinion, the value of human capital, as noted above, is not the cost of its production, but its potential - a probabilistic return. If the value of human capital is equal to its potential, which exceeds costs, then it is necessary to calculate it, remaining on the basis of the theory of productivity of production factors. It is known that, in accordance with the theory of productivity of factors of production, each of them creates a certain share in the value (price) of the goods, and their owners receive a corresponding share, which takes the form of their income.

Based on this, in order to answer the question about the value of human capital, it is necessary to find out what it consists of, i.e. assess the components of human capital. Currently, there is no single, generally accepted approach to the structure of human capital. Nevertheless, in our opinion, the main, most important components of human capital include, first of all, health capital, as the fundamental basis of human capital in general, as well as education capital and motivation capital. In this regard, of interest is the methodology for assessing the value of human capital, proposed by Associate Professor of the Russian Chemical Technical University. DI. Mendeleev, T.G. Myasoedova, she considers the totality of natural abilities, health, acquired knowledge, professional skills, motivations for work and continuous development, and a common culture as elements of human capital. She believes that human capital is a probabilistic value. Each of the components of human capital is also probabilistic in nature, and depends on many

factors. Some components of human capital can be considered as independent quantities, and some - as conditionally dependent. For example, the presence of good or bad natural abilities does not change the likelihood of good or bad health, the presence of certain knowledge, good or bad motivation for continuous development or productive work. The presence of professional knowledge may increase the likelihood of a high motivation to work, but (in the absence of a high general culture) may not have any effect on it.

The author assumes that all components of human capital are independent events. In accordance with the rule of multiplication of independent events, the probability of the joint occurrence of several independent events in the aggregate is equal to the product of the probabilities of these events. In relation to human capital, this means that HC = Natural abilities, health, knowledge, motivation, general culture.


where Р i , are the probabilistic values ​​of the components of human capital.

The greater the probabilistic value of each of the components of human capital, the greater the human capital itself. A decrease in any of the variables will lead to a decrease in human capital as a whole. Moreover, an increase in one of the components without a corresponding increase in the others will lead to only a small overall increase in human capital.

An attempt to more fully reflect the parameters of human development is also a new concept of national wealth. The World Bank put forward the interpretation of national wealth as a combination of accumulated human, natural and reproducible capital and made experimental estimates of these components for 192 countries.

According to World Bank estimates, the share of physical capital (accumulated material assets) accounts for an average of 16% of total wealth, natural capital - 20%, and human capital - 64%. For Russia, this proportion is 14, 72 and 14%, while in Germany, Japan and Sweden the share of human capital reaches 80%. However, per capita Russia had the highest accumulated national wealth - 400 thousand US dollars, which is 4 times higher than the global indicator.

The indicators show that the share of human capital in Russia is significantly lower than in developed countries. It must be recognized that “today much has been destroyed. In terms of human development, we have fallen below what we were under Soviet rule. But our basic capabilities are still preserved. Therefore, the task of the state, the political elite is to bring human potential out of its latent state. One cannot but agree with this statement. It should be noted that along with a variety of methods for assessing human capital, there are a number of researchers who deny the very possibility of assessing human capital.

As an example, we can cite the following conclusion of A.O. Verenikina: on the one hand, due to the "inalienability of the totality of capital powers" from human capital, and on the other hand, due to the fact that "the human personality is priceless ... human capital in the long term, strategic plan, taking into account the interests of society and civilization as a whole, cannot have an exchange value and price". At the same time, the author explains: “market principles cannot fully ensure the reproduction of human capital, the costs, and often the return on its functioning, do not have an integral price characteristic, the monetary valuation of human capital assets, as a rule, diverges from socially necessary costs for its reproduction and with its social value. In our opinion, the denial of the very possibility of assessing human capital seems to be incorrect; in this case, economic categories are replaced by ethical ones.

No one questions the fact that the human personality is priceless from the point of view of ethics, however, a person receives a salary, which is also a kind of assessment of his human capital, which is a generally recognized norm.

There is no doubt that at present the problems of assessing human capital are increasingly coming to the fore, although the unified principles for calculating this complex indicator have not yet been developed. Nevertheless, the study of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) fixed the most important unified principles for calculating such components as the average life expectancy of one generation, the active working period, the net balance of the labor force, the family life cycle, etc. In assessing human capital, an essential point is the consideration of the cost of educating, training and training new employees along with advanced training, lengthening the period of employment, losses due to illness, mortality and other factors, etc.

Thus, we can conclude that the quantitative measurement of human capital is possible, despite significant discrepancies in the methods of such measurements. Moreover, undoubtedly, quantitative (monetary) measurements of human capital in general and its components in particular are extremely necessary and important not only from the point of view of the development of economic theory, but, first of all, for the effective functioning of the economy of any country as a whole. Also, for successful functioning, it is necessary to develop methods for measuring the assessment of human capital.

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