The average speed of a cyclist and the factors affecting it. Average bike speed


It is rightfully considered one of the most convenient, simple, environmentally friendly and fastest means of transportation. Since about the same time, numerous enthusiasts have been trying to determine what is the average and maximum speed of two-wheeled horses. Let's try to understand this issue and we.

Average speeds

The speed of movement on a bicycle depends on many factors: physical fitness, road surface, wind, conditions. For example, in a city with heavy traffic, you can drive at an average speed 10-15 kilometers per hour solely because of the abundance of obstacles, traffic lights and reasonable restrictions.

On a flat road, a trained (but not an athlete) man can develop speed 30-50 kilometers per hour. At the same time, on the ascent uphill, the pace will drop to 30 km / h and below, and on the descent it will increase up to 60 km/h.

Mountain cyclists on high-speed descents (downhill) in the conditions of pits and mounds on average accelerate to 50 kilometers per hour. The participants of the Tour de France “squeeze out” the same speed on the flat sections of the route. On cycling tracks, athletes on average accelerate to 90-100 km/h.


The recorded world speed record for a bicycle is 268 kilometers per hour. It was installed in 1995 by 50-year-old Fred Rompelberg, originally from the Netherlands. To achieve such an impressive result, the cyclist chose the Bonneville Salt Flat in Utah (USA), whose rarefied air provided less resistance to movement. Another assistant to the record holder was an air bell from a racing car in front. Excellent preparation and accurate calculations are the key to maximum cycling speed.

Downhill world record in 212 kilometers per hour installed in the same 1995 by the Frenchman Christian Taillefer. The run-in ice ski slope in France acted as a coating. A special flat futuristic frame with a flat handlebar, an integrated saddle and a fork that does not reduce speed helped to reduce air resistance.

For a mountain bike, the speed record is 130 kilometers per hour. It was also installed by a Frenchman - Eric Baron - on the slopes of an extinct volcano in Nicaragua.

The record for speed and endurance was the result of the athlete Francesco Moser. In 1984 he was able maintain a speed of 50 km / h for an hour without slowing down even for a second. To this day, the record is considered the height of human capabilities.

How fast are you on your bike?

World speed record on a bicycle - 268 km / h
Installed 50 year old Fred Rompelberg from the Netherlands on the Bonneville Salt Flat (Utah, USA) in 1995 (ideal flat salt deposit: the lake either appears during the rainy season, or has long since dried up).

There are two components of success: an air bell (slipstream) from the vehicle in front and the maximum gear ratio. This made it possible to reach speeds of 268 km/h. Dragracers acted as a “wall”, a self-developed double system was used as a bicycle (a large front star turns a small sprocket, to which another large star with a chain on the rear wheel is welded).

By the way, even though riding in a bell is relatively easy, driving at such super speeds is very dangerous. If the journalists do not lie, then Rompelberg fell at the previous record at a speed of 220 km/h. As a result, two and a half dozen fractures.

But the record in 1899 installed Murphey, who accelerated the bike to speed 90 km/h(dispersed it with a steam locomotive). Good question which one is better.

Downhill world speed record - 212 km / h on a special bike
Installed in 1995, in France, by the famous French downhill athlete Christian Taillefer. The cover was a properly run-in and ice-covered ski slope in France. To reduce air resistance as much as possible, a special flat futuristic frame was created with an integrated “saddle”, a rigid fork that does not slow down the speed and a flat handlebar, a fully-fitting leotard suit for the rider.

Frenchman Eric Barone in Nicaragua slid down the slopes of an extinct volcano. He managed to get his bike up to speed 130.43 km/h rushing down the slope of the active volcano Cerro Negro. Thus, he beat his own previous world speed achievement in 118 km/h, which was installed in 1999 in the Hawaiian Islands. However, in November 2005, Baron made another attempt to break the world record, which failed. When descending the slope of the same Sierro Negro volcano in Nicaragua, the athlete’s bike could not withstand the impact on a rocky section of the slope and at great speed it literally fell apart into 2 parts. The cyclist miraculously survived, but his injuries are unlikely to allow him to surpass the achievements of the past years.

On September 14, 2007, at the high mountain resort of La Parva in Chile, Austrian athlete Markus Stoeckl broke the previous world mountain bike speed record on snow. new world speed record on a mountain bike - 210 km / h!

October 1972 was marked by a high-profile event, when a Belgian cyclist, a living legend, set a record, breaking 49.431 km in 1 hour at the Olympic Velodrome in Mexico City.

This record was long considered something unattainable until it was broken in January 1984 by the Italian cyclist, the current president of the UCI, Francesco Moser. He drove in 1 hour 51.151km on a road bike with disc wheels, which was used for the first time, which gave a significant advantage from an aerodynamic point of view. Although, as it became known later, according to the doctor who monitored Moser's health in those years, drugs that are now regarded as doping were involved in the preparation of Francesco, but were not banned at that time.

In the mid-90s, the UCI divided the hourly driving record into two types. Streamlined aerodynamic helmets, three-spoke wheels, carbon fiber cast frames…. - all this is very different from what was available to Merckx in 1972. Therefore, the UCI decided to separate two areas: the official UCI hour record (with very strict restrictions on the technical characteristics of the bike to match what it was in Merckx's time) and the unofficial one, referred to as the best achievement for the recognition of the UCI.

Current official UCI hour record installed by 30-year-old Czech cyclist Ondrej Sosenka, who plays for the Italian cycling team Aqua e'Sapone. In July 2005 at the Moscow velodrome in Krylatskoe Ondrej Sosenka traveled 49,700 km in 1 hour. His bike had an unusual design, with an interestingly placed saddle and a low frame height in vertical section, nevertheless, he met all the requirements of the UCI.

Unofficial UCI hour record today is 56.375km, and was installed by English cyclist Chris Boardman in September 1996 at the Manchester Velodrome. His bike had an original handlebar, a carbon cast frame, a five-spoke front wheel and a disc rear wheel.

Almost every child had a bicycle as a child. Vivid memories are associated with them: summer, children ride bicycles around the park, proudly calling them "mopeds". Few people perceive cycling as a sport, and even more so as a competition. However, many professionals prove the opposite by overtaking even racing cars in their vehicles. Cycling is an amazing way not only to lead a healthy lifestyle, but also to set a world record.

Not just a vehicle

Unfortunately, not everyone takes this transport seriously. For more than a hundred years, the bicycle has been doing an excellent job with its main function - to quickly and easily transport people. Unlike a car, a bicycle is freedom of movement. Athletes conquer peaks and surfaces, whether it be the bottom of a salt lake or a slope in the middle of the desert. Even age is not the limit for these daredevils: there are cyclists who are ready to set a speed record on a bicycle at the age of 100. Regardless of gender, race or creed, people around the world want to conquer unknown roads and demonstrate amazing human capabilities.

The Frenchman who surpassed the Ferrari

François Gissy is an extreme sportsman who has developed speeds of up to 333 km / h on a bicycle in five seconds. The race, which took place in the south of France, proved the viability of the bicycle as a high-speed transport. Gissi equipped his "horse" with a jet engine that uses hydrogen peroxide as fuel. Incredibly, the Ferrari racing car could not catch up with the Frenchman! The ambitions of the young man did not end there, he dreams of breaking his world speed record on a bicycle, reaching 400 km / h.

The oldest cyclist in the world

Another Frenchman, however, already elderly, set his own record. On a bicycle, Robert Marchand covered 22.5 km in 1 hour. At 105, Grandpa looks cheerful and fresh - the influence of an active lifestyle is noticeable. The pensioner expressed the hope that he would have a rival. Marchand sees this as a great stimulus for development.

By his own admission, the man has been cycling for almost half a century. This is an activity that he sincerely loves. Many journalists asked about the secret of his energy at such an advanced age. But Robert says he never went on a diet in his life and worked until he was almost 89 years old. In fact, he never smoked. Maybe it's all about cycling. Fresh air and moderate exercise - this is the secret of longevity. Robert Marchand rides with cyclists half his age and can give them a head start. Recently, a man monitors his health more and tries not to overexert himself.

Women's cycling: major record

Denise Müller reached a speed of 236 km / h, driving through a dry salty plain. An American has set an unprecedented women's cycling speed record. Her bike was equipped with seventeen-inch wheels and an upgraded frame. A Range Rover Sport was driving in front of the cyclist, thereby creating aerodynamic conditions for riding.

All these innovations do not change the fact that Müller achieved high results thanks to the strength and speed of her legs. The American does not rest on her laurels, but sets new goals for herself. Deniz wants to break the "male" record set on the same lake. Back in 1995, Fred Rompelberg from the Netherlands reached a speed of 268 km/h. The Dutchman crossed the road according to the same principle - on a modernized bicycle with the participation of a car.

Bicycle speed record. Results from all over the world

This sport can be called truly French. This country hosts the main cycling race in the world, the Tour de France, many of its citizens become professionals and achieve amazing results. Eric Baron was no exception. The race took place on the Alpine track at an altitude of almost 3000 meters. The cyclist overcame the slope, having developed 223 km / h. The young man did not break the speed record on a bicycle in a straight line, he acted even more courageously: the Baron conquered a snowy mountain.

But not only the French beat the speed record on a bicycle. Earlier in the article, Fred Rompelberg from the Netherlands was already mentioned. He was able to "wind up" a speed of 268 km / h - the maximum speed on a bicycle, a record that this man set. His record was never broken. The man overcame Bonneville on a modernized bicycle - this is a dried-up salt lake with rarefied air, which contributes to high-speed riding.

A citizen of another European country, Austria, conquered the slopes of the Chilean desert. On Mount Atacama, Max Stöckl reached a speed of 167 km/h. In just 20 seconds, the cyclist covered 1200 meters. The young man was wearing a special suit that promoted aerodynamics. Airbags were inserted into his helmet in case of unforeseen situations. The cyclist's team filmed the race from different angles, so now anyone can see the record on the Internet.

Cycling is a serious kind of competition, dangerous and reckless. Thrill-seekers all over the world, hoping to set a new world record, are upgrading their two-wheeled iron horses.

Cycling is the most democratic - no need to spend money every day on training in the gym, it is enough to buy a bike once. This sport is not only a great way to improve your physical condition, but also to get a lot of new impressions: there is nothing more beautiful than riding an unfamiliar city from beginning to end on a bicycle. Experts believe that in fifty years humanity will no longer be able to set a record - the limit will be reached. Each of us is able to overcome himself and set his own record, most importantly, to maintain the courage of the spirit.

Man is a unique being. He has only to ask himself the idea of ​​how he will improve it, trying to become better than others in something. It is because of this commitment to excellence that we see many interesting events and records around the world. For example, you can take a bicycle, which is a common means of transportation. Over the years, it has become a sports equipment, as well as a way to relax and have fun. Sports are developing, gaining entertainment and speed.

Record development

There have been a lot of attempts to set a speed record on a bicycle. Some of these attempts have become known, and some have remained unknown to the world community. However, several significant records were still set.

The very first such record was set in 1899, when an amateur cyclist named Charles Murphy decided to set a similar record while riding a railroad. To do this, it was necessary to equip the train with a cap that would cover the record holder from the wind. Then it was possible to reach a speed of 100.2 km / h. For the next 50 years, cyclists around the world used a similar method, only the hubcap was attached to the car. In 1942, it was possible to reach a speed of 175 km / h.

To date, the absolute record for maximum speed on a bicycle is 268 km / h. This record was set in 1995 in the same way: cyclist Fred Rompelberg moved on a specially designed bike behind a racing dragster. Thanks to the car with a cap, the cyclist rode in an air bag, where the resistance is minimal.

Of course, all these records were achieved in special conditions and on bicycles specially built for this: on a brand new, albeit expensive, bike, it will not be possible to accelerate to such speeds. But after all, it is important not how much effort was spent on preparation, but the fact that the next record was still set.

For lovers of exact numbers, the answer to the seemingly directly and clearly posed question has always been incomprehensible: what is the maximum speed that can be achieved when riding a bicycle? It turns out that there is no single answer. Different weather conditions, different types, models and designs, different surfaces on which the race is run, and even the time of year can affect the results, and it will not be correct to compare the success of a rider descending a winter mountain road and his colleague on a straight and level section. .

The achieved absolute marks will have to be divided into situations:

  • on a straight road;
  • with a headwind;
  • when descending from the mountain;
  • in winter conditions;
  • on muscular traction;
  • on electric or jet traction.


The average indicator that a person without preparation is able to give out can be taken as 12-15 km / h. At this pace, the rider is not in a hurry, riding in a natural manner, not experiencing overloads, but at the same time he overcomes hills and descents.

A trained person who has experience riding a two-wheeled car, especially with auxiliary devices in the form of switching speed modes and touklips that allow you to transfer force to the sprocket when the pedal is moving up, is able to maintain 30 km / h for a long time.

For a trained person on a sports lightweight bike, 40 km / h is not something outstanding, but rather the norm.

It is very difficult to keep the speed at a given high mark for a long time, but there is also such a world record - in Moscow, the Czech cyclist Sosenka managed to hold out for 60 minutes at the level of 49.7 km / h in 2005.

With a long and steep descent, for example in mountainous areas, you can achieve quite high rates up to 70 km / h.

The examples of ordinary indicators listed above can be considered the norm for ordinary people without special training, on standard bikes, in a normal environment.

Record speeds on a bike

The world cycling speed record of 268.8 km/h has not been broken since 1995. Dutch cyclist Fred Rompelberg, at the age of 50, managed to achieve this breathtaking figure on a dry salt lake in the Bonneville Plain in the United States. The track for the record was not chosen by chance, its absolutely flat surface allows you not to think about the flaws in the roadway and completely surrender to the movement.

The record holder's racing car was specially made, and although it had only one speed, it embodied the advanced technologies of the time. And besides, in front of the Rompelberg rushing along the bottom of the lake, a car was moving, providing a decrease in air pressure, and therefore less resistance, in front of the athlete.

Reception with a car in front, and previously even a train, is constantly used in attempts to establish a new high achievement.

Descent from the mountain

In setting the highest rate at the exit from the mountain, the surfaces on which the rider moves are distinguished.

So for the winter descent, the highest point was the figure of 222 km / h. This result was achieved by Eric Baron in 2000 on a mountain bike in special aerodynamic "armor" in the European Alps. Although the snowy slope should provide the athlete with an advantage over a straight road in the salt desert, the Rompelberg achievement was not blocked. The fault was the ever-increasing air resistance and serious vibration, which did not allow to control the rushing two-wheeled core more freely. Vibration can play a cruel joke on an athlete, the same Baron, trying to win everyone, took only third place at the exit from the mountain to Sierra Negro. At a speed of 210.4 km / h, he crashed, tumbling, along with the remnants of his bike for almost half a kilometer. Serious equipment, experience and, probably, a guardian angel saved the cyclist.

Other cycling speed records

François Gissy in 2014 competed with a serious rival - a car from the stables of Ferrari, and, oddly enough, managed to overtake a powerful sports car on the runway of the airfield, but he was allowed to do this by a jet engine mounted on a special bike. A jet monster raced, leaving behind a car, up to 333 km / h, this figure is an absolute record.

The best result of acceleration at a distance of 100 meters was set by Peter Rosenthal, the sprinter managed to score 29.7 km / h.

A recumbent bike, driven by Bowyer, also took part in the fight for the championship, and managed to accelerate to 133.8 km / h. Unprecedented performance was achieved thanks to a special shell around the pedal structure, which made it possible to significantly reduce air resistance. This technology has been tested, like model aircraft, in a wind tunnel.

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