The degree of oxidation. Highest oxidation state


Chemistry preparation for ZNO and DPA
Comprehensive edition




Oxidation state

The oxidation state is the conditional charge on an atom in a molecule or crystal that arose on it when all the polar bonds created by it were of an ionic nature.

Unlike valency, oxidation states can be positive, negative, or zero. In simple ionic compounds, the oxidation state coincides with the charges of the ions. For example, in sodium chloride NaCl (Na + Cl - ) Sodium has an oxidation state of +1, and Chlorine -1, in calcium oxide CaO (Ca +2 O -2) Calcium exhibits an oxidation state of +2, and Oxysen - -2. This rule applies to all basic oxides: the oxidation state of a metallic element is equal to the charge of the metal ion (Sodium +1, Barium +2, Aluminum +3), and the oxidation state of Oxygen is -2. The degree of oxidation is indicated by Arabic numerals, which are placed above the symbol of the element, like valence, and first indicate the sign of the charge, and then its numerical value:

If the module of the oxidation state is equal to one, then the number "1" can be omitted and only the sign can be written: Na + Cl - .

The oxidation state and valency are related concepts. In many compounds, the absolute value of the oxidation state of the elements coincides with their valency. However, there are many cases where the valency differs from the oxidation state.

In simple substances - non-metals, there is a covalent non-polar bond, a joint electron pair is shifted to one of the atoms, therefore the degree of oxidation of elements in simple substances is always zero. But the atoms are connected to each other, that is, they exhibit a certain valence, as, for example, in oxygen, the valency of Oxygen is II, and in nitrogen, the valency of Nitrogen is III:

In a hydrogen peroxide molecule, the valency of Oxygen is also II, and Hydrogen is I:

Definition of possible degrees element oxidation

The oxidation states, which elements can show in various compounds, in most cases can be determined by the structure of the external electronic level or by the place of the element in the Periodic system.

Atoms of metallic elements can only donate electrons, so in compounds they exhibit positive oxidation states. Its absolute value in many cases (with the exception of d -elements) is equal to the number of electrons in the outer level, that is, the group number in the Periodic system. atoms d -elements can also donate electrons from the front level, namely from unfilled d -orbitals. Therefore, for d -elements, it is much more difficult to determine all possible oxidation states than for s- and p-elements. It is safe to say that the majority d -elements exhibit an oxidation state of +2 due to the electrons of the outer electronic level, and the maximum oxidation state in most cases is equal to the group number.

Atoms of non-metallic elements can exhibit both positive and negative oxidation states, depending on which atom of which element they form a bond with. If the element is more electronegative, then it exhibits a negative oxidation state, and if less electronegative - positive.

The absolute value of the oxidation state of non-metallic elements can be determined from the structure of the outer electronic layer. An atom is able to accept so many electrons that eight electrons are located on its outer level: non-metallic elements of group VII take one electron and show an oxidation state of -1, group VI - two electrons and show an oxidation state of -2, etc.

Non-metallic elements are capable of giving off a different number of electrons: a maximum of as many as are located on the external energy level. In other words, the maximum oxidation state of non-metallic elements is equal to the group number. Due to electron spooling at the outer level of atoms, the number of unpaired electrons that an atom can donate in chemical reactions varies, so non-metallic elements are able to exhibit various intermediate oxidation states.

Possible oxidation states s - and p-elements

PS Group

Highest oxidation state

Intermediate oxidation state

Lower oxidation state

Determination of oxidation states in compounds

Any electrically neutral molecule, so the sum of the oxidation states of the atoms of all elements must be zero. Let us determine the degree of oxidation in sulfur(I V) oxide SO 2 tauphosphorus (V) sulfide P 2 S 5.

Sulfur (And V) oxide SO 2 formed by atoms of two elements. Of these, Oxygen has the largest electronegativity, so Oxygen atoms will have a negative oxidation state. For Oxygen it is -2. In this case Sulfur has a positive oxidation state. In different compounds, Sulfur can show different oxidation states, so in this case it must be calculated. In a molecule SO2 two oxygen atoms with an oxidation state of -2, so the total charge of the oxygen atoms is -4. In order for the molecule to be electrically neutral, the Sulfur atom has to completely neutralize the charge of both Oxygen atoms, so the oxidation state of Sulfur is +4:

In the phosphorus molecule V) sulfide P 2 S 5 the more electronegative element is Sulfur, that is, it exhibits a negative oxidation state, and Phosphorus a positive one. For Sulfur, the negative oxidation state is only 2. Together, five Sulfur atoms carry a negative charge of -10. Therefore, two Phosphorus atoms have to neutralize this charge with a total charge of +10. Since there are two Phosphorus atoms in the molecule, each must have an oxidation state of +5:

It is more difficult to calculate the degree of oxidation in non-binary compounds - salts, bases and acids. But for this, one should also use the principle of electrical neutrality, and also remember that in most compounds the oxidation state of Oxygen is -2, Hydrogen +1.

Consider this using the example of potassium sulfate K2SO4. The oxidation state of Potassium in compounds can only be +1, and Oxygen -2:

From the principle of electroneutrality, we calculate the oxidation state of Sulfur:

2(+1) + 1(x) + 4(-2) = 0, hence x = +6.

When determining the oxidation states of elements in compounds, the following rules should be followed:

1. The oxidation state of an element in a simple substance is zero.

2. Fluorine is the most electronegative chemical element, so the oxidation state of Fluorine in all compounds is -1.

3. Oxygen is the most electronegative element after Fluorine, therefore the oxidation state of Oxygen in all compounds, except for fluorides, is negative: in most cases it is -2, and in peroxides - -1.

4. The oxidation state of Hydrogen in most compounds is +1, and in compounds with metallic elements (hydrides) - -1.

5. The oxidation state of metals in compounds is always positive.

6. A more electronegative element always has a negative oxidation state.

7. The sum of the oxidation states of all atoms in a molecule is zero.

In many school textbooks and manuals, they teach how to write formulas for valencies, even for compounds with ionic bonds. To simplify the procedure for compiling formulas, this, in our opinion, is acceptable. But you need to understand that this is not entirely correct due to the above reasons.

A more universal concept is the concept of the degree of oxidation. By the values ​​of the oxidation states of atoms, as well as by the values ​​of valence, chemical formulas can be compiled and formula units can be written down.

Oxidation state is the conditional charge of an atom in a particle (molecule, ion, radical), calculated in the approximation that all bonds in the particle are ionic.

Before determining the oxidation states, it is necessary to compare the electronegativity of the bonding atoms. An atom with a higher electronegativity has a negative oxidation state, while an atom with a lower electronegativity has a positive one.

In order to objectively compare the electronegativity values ​​of atoms when calculating oxidation states, in 2013 IUPAC recommended using the Allen scale.

* So, for example, on the Allen scale, the electronegativity of nitrogen is 3.066, and chlorine is 2.869.

Let us illustrate the above definition with examples. Let's make a structural formula of a water molecule.

Covalent polar O-H bonds are shown in blue.

Imagine that both bonds are not covalent, but ionic. If they were ionic, then one electron would pass from each hydrogen atom to the more electronegative oxygen atom. We denote these transitions with blue arrows.

*In thatexample, the arrow serves to illustrate the complete transfer of electrons, and not to illustrate the inductive effect.

It is easy to see that the number of arrows shows the number of transferred electrons, and their direction - the direction of electron transfer.

Two arrows are directed to the oxygen atom, which means that two electrons pass to the oxygen atom: 0 + (-2) = -2. An oxygen atom has a charge of -2. This is the degree of oxidation of oxygen in a water molecule.

One electron leaves each hydrogen atom: 0 - (-1) = +1. This means that hydrogen atoms have an oxidation state of +1.

The sum of the oxidation states is always equal to the total charge of the particle.

For example, the sum of oxidation states in a water molecule is: +1(2) + (-2) = 0. A molecule is an electrically neutral particle.

If we calculate the oxidation states in an ion, then the sum of the oxidation states, respectively, is equal to its charge.

The value of the oxidation state is usually indicated in the upper right corner of the element symbol. Moreover, the sign is written in front of the number. If the sign is after the number, then this is the charge of the ion.

For example, S -2 is a sulfur atom in the oxidation state -2, S 2- is a sulfur anion with a charge of -2.

S +6 O -2 4 2- - the values ​​of the oxidation states of atoms in the sulfate anion (the charge of the ion is highlighted in green).

Now consider the case where the compound has mixed bonds: Na 2 SO 4 . The bond between the sulfate anion and sodium cations is ionic, the bonds between the sulfur atom and oxygen atoms in the sulfate ion are covalent polar. We write down the graphical formula for sodium sulfate, and the arrows indicate the direction of electron transition.

*The structural formula reflects the order of covalent bonds in a particle (molecule, ion, radical). Structural formulas are used only for particles with covalent bonds. For particles with ionic bonds, the concept of a structural formula is meaningless. If there are ionic bonds in the particle, then the graphic formula is used.

We see that six electrons leave the central sulfur atom, which means that the oxidation state of sulfur is 0 - (-6) = +6.

The terminal oxygen atoms take two electrons each, which means their oxidation states are 0 + (-2) = -2

Bridge oxygen atoms accept two electrons each, their oxidation state is -2.

It is also possible to determine the degree of oxidation by the structural-graphic formula, where the dashes indicate covalent bonds, and the ions indicate the charge.

In this formula, the bridging oxygen atoms already have unit negative charges and an additional electron comes to them from the sulfur atom -1 + (-1) = -2, which means their oxidation states are -2.

The oxidation state of sodium ions is equal to their charge, i.e. +1.

Let us determine the oxidation states of elements in potassium superoxide (superoxide). To do this, we will draw up a graphical formula for potassium superoxide, we will show the redistribution of electrons with an arrow. The O-O bond is covalent non-polar, so the redistribution of electrons is not indicated in it.

* The superoxide anion is a radical ion. The formal charge of one oxygen atom is -1, and the other, with an unpaired electron, is 0.

We see that the oxidation state of potassium is +1. The oxidation state of the oxygen atom written in the formula opposite potassium is -1. The oxidation state of the second oxygen atom is 0.

In the same way, it is possible to determine the degree of oxidation by the structural-graphic formula.

The circles indicate the formal charges of the potassium ion and one of the oxygen atoms. In this case, the values ​​of formal charges coincide with the values ​​of the oxidation states.

Since both oxygen atoms in the superoxide anion have different oxidation states, we can calculate arithmetic mean oxidation state oxygen.

It will be equal to / 2 \u003d - 1/2 \u003d -0.5.

The values ​​of the arithmetic mean oxidation states are usually indicated in gross formulas or formula units to show that the sum of the oxidation states is equal to the total charge of the system.

For the case with superoxide: +1 + 2(-0.5) = 0

It is easy to determine the oxidation states using electron point formulas, in which lone electron pairs and electrons of covalent bonds are indicated by dots.

Oxygen is an element of the VIA group, therefore there are 6 valence electrons in its atom. Imagine that the bonds in the water molecule are ionic, in which case the oxygen atom would receive an octet of electrons.

The oxidation state of oxygen is respectively equal to: 6 - 8 \u003d -2.

And hydrogen atoms: 1 - 0 = +1

The ability to determine the degree of oxidation using graphic formulas is invaluable for understanding the essence of this concept, as this skill will be required in the course of organic chemistry. If we are dealing with inorganic substances, then it is necessary to be able to determine the degree of oxidation by molecular formulas and formula units.

To do this, first of all, you need to understand that the oxidation states are constant and variable. Elements that exhibit a constant oxidation state must be memorized.

Any chemical element is characterized by higher and lower oxidation states.

Lowest oxidation state is the charge that an atom acquires as a result of receiving the maximum number of electrons on the outer electron layer.

In view of this, the lowest oxidation state is negative, with the exception of metals, whose atoms never take electrons due to low electronegativity values. Metals have the lowest oxidation state of 0.

Most nonmetals of the main subgroups try to fill their outer electron layer with up to eight electrons, after which the atom acquires a stable configuration ( octet rule). Therefore, in order to determine the lowest oxidation state, it is necessary to understand how many valence electrons an atom lacks to an octet.

For example, nitrogen is an element of the VA group, which means that there are five valence electrons in the nitrogen atom. The nitrogen atom is three electrons short of an octet. So the lowest oxidation state of nitrogen is: 0 + (-3) = -3

The ability to find the degree of oxidation of chemical elements is a necessary condition for the successful solution of chemical equations describing redox reactions. Without it, you will not be able to draw up an exact formula for a substance resulting from a reaction between various chemical elements. As a result, the solution of chemical problems based on such equations will either be impossible or erroneous.

The concept of the oxidation state of a chemical element
Oxidation state- this is a conditional value, with the help of which it is customary to describe redox reactions. Numerically, it is equal to the number of electrons that an atom acquires a positive charge, or the number of electrons that an atom acquires a negative charge attaches to itself.

In redox reactions, the concept of oxidation state is used to determine the chemical formulas of compounds of elements resulting from the interaction of several substances.

At first glance, it may seem that the oxidation state is equivalent to the concept of the valency of a chemical element, but this is not so. concept valence used to quantify the electronic interaction in covalent compounds, that is, in compounds formed by the formation of shared electron pairs. The oxidation state is used to describe reactions that are accompanied by the donation or gain of electrons.

Unlike valency, which is a neutral characteristic, the oxidation state can have a positive, negative, or zero value. A positive value corresponds to the number of donated electrons, and a negative value corresponds to the number of attached ones. A value of zero means that the element is either in the form of a simple substance, or it was reduced to 0 after oxidation, or oxidized to zero after a previous reduction.

How to determine the oxidation state of a particular chemical element
The determination of the oxidation state for a particular chemical element is subject to the following rules:

  1. The oxidation state of simple substances is always zero.
  2. Alkali metals, which are in the first group of the periodic table, have an oxidation state of +1.
  3. Alkaline earth metals, which occupy the second group in the periodic table, have an oxidation state of +2.
  4. Hydrogen in compounds with various non-metals always exhibits an oxidation state of +1, and in compounds with metals +1.
  5. The oxidation state of molecular oxygen in all compounds considered in the school course of inorganic chemistry is -2. Fluorine -1.
  6. When determining the degree of oxidation in the products of chemical reactions, they proceed from the rule of electrical neutrality, according to which the sum of the oxidation states of the various elements that make up the substance must be equal to zero.
  7. Aluminum in all compounds exhibits an oxidation state of +3.
Further, as a rule, difficulties begin, since the remaining chemical elements show and exhibit a variable oxidation state depending on the types of atoms of other substances involved in the compound.

There are higher, lower and intermediate oxidation states. The highest oxidation state, like valency, corresponds to the group number of the chemical element in the periodic table, but it has a positive value. The lowest oxidation state is numerically equal to the difference between the number 8 of the element group. The intermediate oxidation state will be any number in the range from the lowest oxidation state to the highest.

To help you navigate the variety of oxidation states of chemical elements, we bring to your attention the following auxiliary table. Select the element you are interested in and you will get the values ​​of its possible oxidation states. Rarely occurring values ​​will be indicated in brackets.

To characterize the state of elements in compounds, the concept of the degree of oxidation has been introduced. The oxidation state is understood as the conditional charge of an atom in a compound, calculated on the assumption that the compound consists of ions. The degree of oxidation is indicated by an Arabic numeral, which is placed in front of the symbol of the element, with a "+" or "-" sign, corresponding to the donation or acquisition of electrons. The oxidation state is just a convenient form for taking into account the transfer of electrons, it should not be considered as the effective charge of an atom in the molecule (for example, in the LiF molecule, the effective charges of Li and F are +0.89 and −0.89, respectively, while the degrees oxidation +1 and -1), or as the valence of the element (for example, in the compounds CH 4, CH 3 OH, HCOOH, CO 2, the valency of carbon is 4, and the oxidation states are respectively -4, -2, +2, +4).

The numerical values ​​of the valence and the degree of oxidation can coincide in absolute value only when compounds with an ionic bond are formed. When determining the degree of oxidation, the following rules are used:

1. Atoms of elements that are in a free state or in the form of molecules of simple substances have an oxidation state equal to zero, for example, Fe, Cu, H 2, N 2, etc.

2. The oxidation state of an element in the form of a monatomic ion in a compound having an ionic structure is equal to the charge of this ion, for example,

3. Hydrogen in most compounds has an oxidation state of +1, with the exception of metal hydrides (NaH, LiH), in which the oxidation state of hydrogen is −1.

The most common oxidation state of oxygen in compounds is –2, with the exception of peroxides (Na 2 O 2, H 2 O 2 - the oxidation state of oxygen is −1) and F 2 O (the oxidation state of oxygen is +2).

For elements with a variable oxidation state, its value can be calculated knowing the formula of the compound and taking into account that the sum of the oxidation states of all atoms in the molecule is zero. In a complex ion, this sum is equal to the charge of the ion. For example, the oxidation state of the chlorine atom in the HClO 4 molecule, calculated from the total charge of the molecule = 0, x is the oxidation state of the chlorine atom), is +7. The oxidation state of the sulfur atom in the SO ion is +6.

The redox properties of an element depend on the degree of its oxidation. Atoms of the same element have lower , higher and intermediate oxidation states.

Knowing the oxidation state of an element in a compound, it is possible to predict whether this compound exhibits oxidizing or reducing properties.

As an example, consider sulfur S and its compounds H 2 S, SO 2 and SO 3. The relationship between the electronic structure of the sulfur atom and its redox properties in these compounds is clearly shown in Table 7.1.

To place correctly oxidation states There are four rules to keep in mind.

1) In a simple substance, the oxidation state of any element is 0. Examples: Na 0, H 0 2, P 0 4.

2) You should remember the elements for which are characteristic constant oxidation states. All of them are listed in the table.

3) The highest oxidation state of an element, as a rule, coincides with the number of the group in which this element is located (for example, phosphorus is in group V, the highest SD of phosphorus is +5). Important exceptions: F, O.

4) The search for the oxidation states of the remaining elements is based on a simple rule:

In a neutral molecule, the sum of the oxidation states of all elements is equal to zero, and in an ion - the charge of the ion.

A few simple examples for determining oxidation states

Example 1. It is necessary to find the oxidation states of elements in ammonia (NH 3).

Decision. We already know (see 2) that Art. OK. hydrogen is +1. It remains to find this characteristic for nitrogen. Let x be the desired oxidation state. We compose the simplest equation: x + 3 (+1) \u003d 0. The solution is obvious: x \u003d -3. Answer: N -3 H 3 +1.

Example 2. Specify the oxidation states of all atoms in the H 2 SO 4 molecule.

Decision. The oxidation states of hydrogen and oxygen are already known: H(+1) and O(-2). We compose an equation for determining the degree of oxidation of sulfur: 2 (+1) + x + 4 (-2) \u003d 0. Solving this equation, we find: x \u003d +6. Answer: H +1 2 S +6 O -2 4 .

Example 3. Calculate the oxidation states of all elements in the Al(NO 3) 3 molecule.

Decision. The algorithm remains unchanged. The composition of the "molecule" of aluminum nitrate includes one atom of Al (+3), 9 oxygen atoms (-2) and 3 nitrogen atoms, the oxidation state of which we have to calculate. Corresponding equation: 1 (+3) + 3x + 9 (-2) = 0. Answer: Al +3 (N +5 O -2 3) 3.

Example 4. Determine the oxidation states of all atoms in the (AsO 4) 3- ion.

Decision. In this case, the sum of the oxidation states will no longer be equal to zero, but to the charge of the ion, i.e., -3. Equation: x + 4 (-2) = -3. Answer: As(+5), O(-2).

What to do if the oxidation states of two elements are unknown

Is it possible to determine the oxidation states of several elements at once using a similar equation? If we consider this problem from the point of view of mathematics, the answer will be negative. A linear equation with two variables cannot have a unique solution. But we are not just solving an equation!

Example 5. Determine the oxidation states of all elements in (NH 4) 2 SO 4.

Decision. The oxidation states of hydrogen and oxygen are known, but sulfur and nitrogen are not. A classic example of a problem with two unknowns! We will consider ammonium sulfate not as a single "molecule", but as a combination of two ions: NH 4 + and SO 4 2-. We know the charges of ions, each of them contains only one atom with an unknown degree of oxidation. Using the experience gained in solving previous problems, we can easily find the oxidation states of nitrogen and sulfur. Answer: (N -3 H 4 +1) 2 S +6 O 4 -2.

Conclusion: if the molecule contains several atoms with unknown oxidation states, try to "split" the molecule into several parts.

How to arrange oxidation states in organic compounds

Example 6. Indicate the oxidation states of all elements in CH 3 CH 2 OH.

Decision. Finding oxidation states in organic compounds has its own specifics. In particular, it is necessary to separately find the oxidation states for each carbon atom. You can reason as follows. Consider, for example, the carbon atom in the methyl group. This C atom is connected to 3 hydrogen atoms and an adjacent carbon atom. On the C-H bond, the electron density shifts towards the carbon atom (because the electronegativity of C exceeds the EO of hydrogen). If this displacement were complete, the carbon atom would acquire a charge of -3.

The C atom in the -CH 2 OH group is bonded to two hydrogen atoms (electron density shift towards C), one oxygen atom (electron density shift towards O) and one carbon atom (we can assume that the shifts in electron density in this case not happening). The oxidation state of carbon is -2 +1 +0 = -1.

Answer: C -3 H +1 3 C -1 H +1 2 O -2 H +1.

Do not confuse the concepts of "valence" and "oxidation state"!

Oxidation state is often confused with valence. Don't make that mistake. I will list the main differences:

  • the oxidation state has a sign (+ or -), valence - no;
  • the degree of oxidation can be equal to zero even in a complex substance, the equality of valency to zero means, as a rule, that the atom of this element is not connected to other atoms (we will not discuss any kind of inclusion compounds and other "exotics" here);
  • the degree of oxidation is a formal concept that acquires real meaning only in compounds with ionic bonds, the concept of "valence", on the contrary, is most conveniently applied in relation to covalent compounds.

The oxidation state (more precisely, its modulus) is often numerically equal to the valence, but even more often these values ​​do NOT coincide. For example, the oxidation state of carbon in CO 2 is +4; valency C is also equal to IV. But in methanol (CH 3 OH), the valency of carbon remains the same, and the oxidation state of C is -1.

A small test on the topic "The degree of oxidation"

Take a few minutes to check how you have understood this topic. You need to answer five simple questions. Good luck!

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