Should I buy a house near a cemetery? The houses of Vitebsk residents are adjacent to the cemetery: “Burials are made close to the border of the plots, there is no fence, and groundwater from the graveyard floods our courtyards. Housing next to the cemetery.


The topic of life near the cemetery was suggested by the new settlers of "Diadema" in the residential complex "Minsk-Mir": people came to the acceptance of apartments and noticed that they were from French balconies. “Come on, we still have a normal view, those who will live in the fifth “Marina” will no longer be lucky - it is right next to the cemetery,” the equity holders of the “Diadema” reassured themselves. “The cemetery looks like a green oasis, the trees will definitely not be cut down there,” others retorted.

website visited those who live near the oldest cemeteries in Minsk - Military and Kalvariysky, and found out what people think about such a neighborhood.

“Because of the cemetery, I bought an apartment cheaper”

The Kozyrevskoye cemetery, which worries some equity holders of houses under construction in the Minsk-Mir residential complex, was closed by decision of the Minsk City Executive Committee in 2015.

Houses are being built close to the cemetery, but this does not bother potential new settlers. Apartments in the residential complex "Minsk-Mir" under construction are sold out quickly.

It was formed a hundred years ago, in 1917, and covers an area of ​​just over five hectares. Ordinary local residents, as well as soldiers who died during the liberation of Minsk in 1944, found their rest here.

The KUP "Spetskombinat KBO" said that new burials at the Kozyrevskoye cemetery are prohibited, but there is an exception:

- In accordance with part five of Article 25 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Burial and Funeral Business” (hereinafter referred to as the Burial Law), burial in closed burial places is prohibited, with the exception of burial in free places within the allocated plots for burial, as well as subburial of urns with ashes (ashes) next to the previously deceased spouse, close relatives or in-laws.

It is not surprising that on the day of the report, which was supposed to tell about the new building "Diadema", a small funeral ceremony was noticed at the Kozyrevskoye cemetery. Three people were standing by the grave, the priest was reading a prayer... Hardly anyone noticed this behind the foliage of the trees.

In the group of equity holders "Marin" in "VKontakte" this neighborhood has already been discussed, but there was no storm. Potential newcomer Alexander put an end to the discussion of the topic when he wrote: “If near the cemetery, then for 800 [dollars per square meter], if further, then - 1000. Who cares) I bought an apartment for 10 [thousand] bucks cheaper because of the cemetery ) And the windows to the courtyard.

« The cemetery was the best place to play.”

While future new settlers are discussing an unusual neighborhood on the forums, experienced people say: living with a view of the final resting place of Minsk residents is not scary! Since 1959, Neonila Kirillovna has been living in house No. 1/9 at the intersection of Kozlov and Mikhailov streets. The windows of her apartment look at the Military Cemetery.

Recall that the Military Cemetery was formed in the 1840s. Prominent state, military, scientific figures, representatives of the creative intelligentsia were buried here. After the liberation of Minsk from the Nazi invaders - members of the Minsk underground, soldiers who died during the liberation of the city. Many historically and aesthetically valuable monuments have been preserved in this cemetery, famous people are buried (for example, Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas). For a long time it was the main elite cemetery in Belarus.

In 2015, the Military Cemetery, like Kozyrevskoye, was closed for burials by decision of the Minsk City Executive Committee. But here, too, there is an exception in the form of burials in free places within the allocated areas, as well as subburials of urns with ashes next to the previously deceased spouse, close relatives or in-laws.

“I have been living near the Military Cemetery for almost sixty years and I just don’t notice it,” says Neonila Kirillovna. - We moved here from a communal apartment on Fabritsius Street, when dad, an employee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the BSSR, was given this apartment. Our house was then conditionally divided into two parts: KGB workers lived in one, and agricultural workers lived in the other. My dad Kirill Khabenko was a famous agronomist, he planted a garden for Stalin. He also wrote a book where he advocated that every collective farm should have a Michurin garden. It’s all been cut down now, but then, I remember, Antonovka in the gardens just shone! And dad loved the city, it was at his suggestion that lindens appeared on the main avenue of the capital.

The daughter of Neonila Kirillovna, Natalia, also shared her memories and said that in the 60s, when they were still children, the Military Cemetery was the best place for games.

“And they played in this cemetery, and even in the summer they sunbathed - at the same time they did not feel any fear,” says Natalya. - The last funeral with honors here was, in my opinion, in 1961. I remember this because they were shooting in front of the windows - they were burying some kind of military man. I also remember Easter in Soviet times, the celebration of which was then banned. So that on Easter the youth could not get into the church of Alexander Nevsky, a police cordon stood around the Military Cemetery all night. I remember how, out of curiosity, we tried to squeeze through the cordon in order to view the service in the church and the procession. Nothing came of it, because behind the cordon there was still a high fence - so we had no chance to see anything.

Old photos, in the apartment on Kozlova - Mikhailova they decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year

Neonila Kirillovna said that now she is pleased with how the Military Cemetery looks.

View from the window of the apartment

- It is good that in recent years the burials have been put in order. Previously, there were always homeless people who came to spend the night at our door. Now this is no longer the case. In general, Minsk has become very beautiful and clean in recent years.

Georgy Arkadyevich lives even closer to the Military Cemetery, on Krasnozvezdnaya Street, 21.

The windows of the apartment reminiscent of large frames in which the autumn landscape is frozen. his granddaughter Valentine says:

We decided that we would get married there, - nods towards the church in and Alexander Nevsky Valentine. The girl recently came to Minsk from Germany to introduce her grandfather to her fiancé. She jumped ives on the bed, move open the curtain and laughs, remembering the reaction of recent guests. - A lot of people are horrified. when they see that we live almost in a cemetery. I love it and so does my fiance! I especially love when the bells ring. Here generally surprisingly good place.

Valentina's grandfather said that "the apartment near the cemetery was a matter of chance."

- In the 70s, the wife noticed an announcement on a pole where they offered to exchange an apartment - and we decided and move here. It was a conscious choice, the cemetery did not frighten us. Mostly employees of the construction trust lived here, but there were also security officials. My neighbor by the name of Chistyakov, who, unfortunately, no longer exists, was the deputy head of the Minsk regional police department.

Georgy Arkadievich does not want to change anything in his apartment. He asks his granddaughter not to spoil the atmosphere with repairs, not to touch the library, which he has been collecting for 50 years. According to Valentina, filmmakers often rent her grandfather's room.

For a long time, according to Georgy Arkadyevich, local residents were bothered by homeless people and drunkards who practically lived at the Military Cemetery.

It's good that the city eventually brought order here. Now it's quiet here, like in a village. Once the residents even planted fruit trees around the house. I remember how a neighbor boasted: “Arkadyevich, look how many buckets of pears he has collected!” And the cemetery? No one here is afraid of him, it's inactive. We can say that this is no longer a cemetery. A gorgeous green space.

“The best view of Kalvaria is at night”

From the cemeteries preserved in Minsk Calvary is the oldest. It was founded in 1807 according to unofficial sources - much earlier.

Initially Calvary Cemetery served the Catholics of Minsk, later captured Frenchmen, Austrians, and Swiss were buried here. In the Soviet years, the Kalvariysky cemetery became a citywide one. Now it is an object of historical and cultural heritage.

“Until now, decisions of local authorities to close the Kalvariyskoye cemetery have not been taken,” said the Special Combine of KBO. – At the specified cemetery, burials are currently being carried out in the traditional way (coffin) of deceased relatives (in-laws) in free places within the previously provided site for burial, burial in the traditional way or urns with ashes after cremation of the indicated dead in an existing grave, urns with ashes after cremation in the columbarium (only in previously reserved niches).

Four skyscrapers at 2 Pritytskogo Street were being built across the road from Kalvaria.

People who bought apartments here made their choice consciously. And they are satisfied with the view from the window.

– The Kalvary cemetery is already a historical place, - says Igor. He and his family live on the eleventh floor of one of the skyscrapers. - In autumn, when there is no more foliage, Calvaria is especially beautiful at night when well visible backlight church (Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. - Approx. TUT.BY). And even when guests come, they love hang in the window. By the way, the cemetery can be seen from all four rooms of our apartment - and this does not bother us at all. In addition, we are doctors, our psyche is strong.

In recent years, the rapid capitalization of the entire country and the commercialization of everything that is good and bad is the pursuit of super-profits, increasingly leading to cases of suppression or distortion of reliable data on the admissibility of building residential buildings in various territories.

For example, the construction of residential buildings in former cemeteries, burial grounds, or cattle burial grounds, as well as at unacceptable distances to exclusion zones and sanitary zones. Permission for the construction of residential buildings in cemeteries and nearby should not be issued under any pretext!

"Bad Places"

"Bad places", let's call it that, are, first of all, places of mass graves, burial grounds of both people and infected animals, former cemeteries, mass graves, bacterially, chemically, radiologically contaminated territories, industrial waste disposal sites.

If you know that your house or land is located in this zone, this is an occasion to think carefully. And the point here is far from "mysticism", but the real danger of exceeding the threshold of permissible concentrations of certain harmful substances and impurities.

However, no one canceled mysticism either, or rather, they did not fully study the scientific justification for such "miracles".

But from the studied, we can say that in such places a negative impact on the health of people living here occurs daily.

Is it possible to build a house on a former cemetery?

The fact is that all burials have their own technical characteristics of their existence. These are the operating conditions of this burial.

These specifications should clearly describe the time parameters, that is, when this land plot can be used for another purpose. All other technical regulations should also be indicated, that is, the conditions for maintaining a particular object in a safe condition.

So, for example, it is necessary to constantly conduct geomonitoring of these areas in order to prevent the washing out of harmful substances by atmospheric or groundwater, that is, regularly monitor changes in the level of groundwater, terrain, and the level of the earth's surface. All this requires certain costs and efforts. Who does all this with us? .. Do you believe in THAT??

The time of existence of some cemeteries should be hundreds of years, but it is no secret to anyone that with each change of power, a lot changes!

In any cadastral passport for land, the permitted type of use of this land plot is prescribed.

This may be agricultural land, a plot for individual construction, a summer cottage, an industrial purpose of a plot, lands of parks and squares. The local administration has the right to issue a building permit on land plots only for the appropriate purpose.

Answering the question: “is it possible to build a house in a cemetery?”, we can say the following.

Of course, there are not so many such “bad places” where construction is completely prohibited or limited, but often this issue becomes relevant, since these places are located in large industrial cities.

In cities with a long history, such as Moscow, Kyiv, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, since with the intensive development of territories there is a shortage of land for building, which must be filled with something.

The shortage of land affects not only the cost of housing, but also the development of cities and agglomerations in general. The same problem is described in the material on toxic waste and landfills.

And yet, why are they allowed to build on graves, cemeteries, burial grounds and other prohibited areas?

Such a question can already be classified as philosophical and argue over it for a very long time. Within the framework of this material, we note the well-known saying that progress cannot be stopped.

The specific circumstances under which it becomes possible to carry out construction on cemeteries require investigation in each individual case. In this material, however, we allow ourselves to give advice to talk with the old-timers and delve into the history of the city, if you do not want to make the former cemetery your place of residence!

An old cemetery was spread out on a high hill, even the sloping slopes kept someone's remains in themselves. As soon as a good downpour passed, yellowish skulls and other parts of mortal bodies, buried one on one, began to peep out from under the bare roots. The cemetery had not been buried for a long time (probably they thought that “six floors” would be enough), and it towered majestically in the middle of the village. Houses were built around it, and sometimes only a small path or fence separated the city of the dead from the village of the living. A young family lived in such a house, which was engaged in raising pigs and subsequently selling meat. The family grew up two twin girls seven years old.
It happened somehow in the village of grief: a son of one family died at the age of five, but the way this death happened is still remembered with a shudder ...
His father’s brother died, and the whole family went to see him off on his last journey, naturally they took the little one. He went up to the coffin to look at the uncle, and grabbed the edge with his hands, stood up on his toes and ... a chair leg broke off under the coffin (apparently she was on good kept a word), and he collapsed right on the boy. The numb uncle who flew out of the coffin covered the child, spewing streams of smelly liquid from himself ... Uncle was a core since childhood, was registered, so the corpse was not opened and was not taken to the morgue. Accordingly, his “inner world” remained untouched. The boy screamed wildly and died of a broken heart...
The parents decided not to bury the child far, and despite the ban on burials, they dug a grave for him in the old cemetery, right between the grave of his great-grandmother and the pig breeder's fence ...
The season for the transition of pigs to lard and meat was open, they were slaughtered for three days, then they were handed over or sold on the market themselves. The rest was prepared for the winter in the form of stew, sausages and saltisons. The weather was hot, a lot of blood disappeared, and what they didn’t sell and didn’t let into their own sausage, they gave to the dogs. The enterprising father of the family would stick a bowl of intestines and blood through the hole in the fence right into the cemetery and go about his business, and the dogs, smelling the smell of fresh flesh, put up a terrible fight. The cup overflowed onto the ground, everything else was stretched in different directions, and all this happened on the grave of a long-suffering kid, crushed by a dead uncle. All the evidence was naturally eaten at once, the remnants of the blood soaked into the ground, and the parents who came could only complain about the revelry of the dogs that trampled the child's grave.
And after a while, the twins began to complain that someone scares them at night. Complaints became more and more frequent and the father decided to spend the night in the nursery.
Midnight came, the moon shone brightly in the dark sky, somewhere nearby a bittern was crying. Suddenly, the man heard the front door slam. He walked carefully to the nursery door and froze. Someone's squelching steps were heard from the corridor, as if someone was walking through puddles. The footsteps approached, the handle on the door turned and it slowly opened. The man felt his hair moving on his head .. A dead boy stood in front of him, in his hands he held a wit from the fence, and his whole body was covered in blood.
“Oh my God!” the man exclaimed, and at the same time, the boy drove a spire into his leg and, turning around, disappeared into the corridor. The wife rushed to the wild cries of the husband, the frightened children burst into tears, and even the workers helping him at that time woke up in the summer kitchen.
In the morning with a bandaged leg, the man went to the cemetery. He did not find anything suspicious there, the grave was in place, the monument too. The nighttime incident looked like a dream, if not for the pierced leg ...
But he was not going to give up, the next night he put the children in his bedroom with his wife, and again lay down in the nursery. But midnight passed, and it was quiet in the house, the roosters already sang, but the visitor did not appear. Delighted by this circumstance, the father returned to his bedroom and almost went crazy ... His whole family was butchered in the same way as he butchered pigs and lay in a heap on the bed. The man was imprisoned for the murder of his family, but he did not stay long, hanged himself in the cell ...
The house fell into disrepair and soon the whole yard was overgrown with grass, the fence collapsed and the boundaries of the cemetery moved closer. Dogs sit on the boy’s grave out of habit, but for some reason every day there is one torn to pieces ...

I don’t know if this is true, but a friend assured me that she didn’t invent a word.

A couple of years ago, she lived on the fifth floor of a high-rise building built near an old cemetery. The house was settled recently, she did not know the neighbors. And as soon as she settled in, her parents had an accident, after which they were taken to the hospital. The girl was left at home alone.

And then, late at night, the doorbell rang. She was already going to bed, but then she quickly put on a dressing gown, went to the door and asked:

Who is it?

It's the neighbors, baby! - came from behind the door a rattling old woman's voice.

The girl closed her eyes. And in fact, a cute couple stood outside the door - an old man and an old woman. The girl opened the door for them.

Baby, we now live in the neighborhood, so they came to visit you. - the old woman said apologetically. - Are you going to sleep already?

There is such a thing. - the girl agreed. - Did you just want to sit, or maybe you need salt, or matches?

Yes, we chat, like an old man ... - the old woman drooped. - All right, girl, let's go. Just be aware that this is not a good place. The roads are dangerous. If you go to the zebra tomorrow, we'll meet soon.

And the elderly couple quickly went to the elevator. The girl stared after them, dumbfounded, then closed the door and lay down again.

The next day she was going to visit her parents. To get on the bus, she had to cross the road. She was about to put her foot over the crossing, when she suddenly remembered the words of the old woman about the zebra. And as if some force made her stop. And just in time - a second later, from nowhere, a car that emerged from nowhere emerged from around the corner with great speed and swept right along the place where she was supposed to go.

The girl moved away from the road and called a taxi. She did not dare to set foot on the crossing a second time.

A few days later, the parents were discharged from the hospital. The neighbors no longer came, but for some reason the girl could not forget about their visit. They even dreamed about her at night, and persistently called to visit, repeating - "we are here, we are in the neighborhood!"

The next weekend, she went for a walk with her parents, and suddenly, unexpectedly for herself, she asked:

Let's go to the old cemetery!

The parents agreed. They walked for a short time. Their walk ended almost immediately at the sight of two neat graves, on which stood a double monument with two photographs in oval mourning frames. The faces of the old man and the old woman depicted on them looked at her peacefully, and it even seemed to the girl that the old woman smiled at her.

Reposted this story

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