Passionate outdoor games 2cd. Reasons to get together


When adults get out into nature, into the forest or to barbecues for just a few hours, they want to leave all their seriousness for this time and arrange games in nature for a cheerful company of adults.

Of course, outdoor outdoor games require some preparation, fresh ideas, but you can limit yourself to the usual set:

  • playing cards;
  • fun with the ball;
  • famous game "crocodile".

But vacationers will like fun, perky games for fresh air that will captivate everyone present at the picnic much more.


For this competition, you will need a rope that you need to randomly pull between the trees to form a semblance of a web. After that, the participants must quickly get through the "web" without touching it.

Silent system

The host must line up the participants in a row and explain to them the rules of the game. So, the leader, passing behind the formation, each participant will clap his hand on the back a different number of times (which is his serial number). Then, at the signal, the participants must silently, without uttering a sound, line up in the indicated order. The joke is that the host can assign the same numbers to two participants, and skip some. This is where the row confusion comes in. It is useful to shoot such games in nature for a fun company, because later it will be funny for the participants themselves to look at themselves from the side: winking, inarticulately lowing, pushing one with another. Fun entertainment!

Boar hunting

With great success, you can add this game to outdoor games for a company of adults, in which you first need to recruit two teams of hunters and a “boar victim”. Hunter weapons can be stickers, and each team has its own color. They need to be glued to the target - a cardboard circle lined with circles, tied to the “boar” just below the back. The fleeing "boar" must dodge, and the goal of the hunters is to hit as accurately as possible. After the agreed time has passed, the game stops and the winning team is determined, which hit the target more often. She gets the prize or she comes up with a punishment for the losing team. This and other fun competitions in nature will amuse any company, turning an outing into nature into a great vacation.


In this game, each participant, in addition to a good mood, will need a piece of cardboard or paper. Nearby, it is necessary to protect the territory of a conditional “swamp” with branches and other improvised materials, which the participants must overcome. But they cannot go straight through the swamp, but only over bumps, which are pieces of cardboard. The game is quite simple, but requires a certain dexterity, and stumbled and "drowning" participants will cause everyone to laugh.


This is the name of the game, which is the classic game of hide and seek turned inside out. If in the latter one driver is looking for all the other hidden participants, then in the “sardines” everyone is looking for one. Moreover, the one who found the hidden person joins him, and this continues until the last participant has to look for everyone else. Of course, the hiding place must be large enough to accommodate all the players hiding in it.

Gift Hunters

At a barbecue picnic by the lake, this game is perfect. Its participants need to be divided into several teams, which will be united by the goal to find hidden treasures faster than others:

  • beverages;
  • fruit;
  • snacks.

A dozen notes are made, each of which indicates where to look for the next one. In this case, part of the notes must be hidden, and the other can be placed in the exchange office. To get it there, you have to complete a pre-designed task, which can be very unusual and fun. From this fun, you can make an interesting corporate game in nature that can rally a new team.

Tear off your hat

Anyone who is looking for games for outdoor activities can play this simple but fun game in any outdoor area or park. The participants in the game must form a circle, in the center of which they launch two players who have:

  • one hand is tied to the body;
  • a hat is put on the head.

In the game, everyone seeks to remove the hat from the opponent's head and not allow their own to be stolen. Noise and fun for 20 minutes are provided.

Bring the egg

This fun game is good for a picnic and will require you to form two teams of participants. A member of each team must bring a raw egg, which lies in a spoon between the teeth, to a real or conditional pan, and pass it to the cook. Of course, the egg cannot be taken in hand.

Video about outdoor games for a company of adults


Participants are divided into pairs or teams, they are given an arbitrary number of pieces of paper on which they write phrases or individual words. The papers are folded and folded into a hat. The first team is determined by lot. One participant must guess, and the other must guess the word. In a minute, you need to explain to your team as many words from the pieces of paper as possible, without naming them directly or using the same root words. The game continues until the end of all pieces of paper with riddles. Then the results are calculated, the team that guessed the most words wins.

ball games

Comic football variant

Outdoor outdoor games for teenagers can be interesting not only for classic football, but also for its parody form. For example, you need to divide the participants into two teams, outline the gates, because goals will have to be scored here too. Then the players of each team are first divided into pairs and the right leg of one player is tied to the left of the other. And now the players, hobbled in this way, are trying to take possession of the ball, bring it to someone else's goal and score a goal. More often, they fall on the grass with laughter.

"Blind" soccer player

Another variation on the theme of football. You can safely play it in the forest, since even the semblance of a football field is not required. A contestant ready to look ridiculous is chosen as the "blind" football player who is blindfolded. A ball is then placed in front of him, and the player himself is spun. Then he must blindly hit the ball. The first participant can be chosen by lot, and the winner can nominate another “victim” as a prize. It turns out a kind of mobile ball game in the air.

What games do you like to play outdoors? Tell about it in

Rest at nature

Outdoor activities

If you and your guests love fresh air, and the weather is conducive to communicating with mother nature, feel free to take your friends and colleagues to a picnic out of town!

Set up cozy tents (what if it still rains?), Calculate the amount of meat for barbecues, barbecues for their preparation, vegetables, alcoholic and soft drinks. Be sure to decide in advance what your program will be - entertainment, sports or sports and entertainment.

In the first case, naturally, light and sound technical support is necessary. In the second, a separate sports scenario, including team games and competitions and, accordingly, sports equipment.

Think about what sports games your guests will be able and willing to play? And do they even want to? Of course, it is better to discuss these issues with them in advance. It is known that team games unite the collective spirit, provided that the team is disposed towards this and enthusiastically accepts your sporting ideas.

Those entertainments and pranks that you can’t always use in urban conditions, in nature can give you pleasure without the danger of running into an overly zealous and aggressive pensioner who will bring you to court; the number of patrolling police officers in the places of deployment of wild vacationers is also very limited, so nothing will interfere with the flight of your creative hooligan imagination.

So, entertainment that you can afford while on vacation outside the city.

Where vacationers visit quite often, mostly already developed places are used for meeting bonfires. As a rule, seats have already been prepared there in the form of logs lying on the ground, the ground in the place where the fire was made is black and covered with old coals and the remains of fuel. You may well bury a couple of firecrackers on the fire, pre-filled with wax to protect against moisture. When the next campers start the fire again, they will have a few frightening seconds when the firecrackers go off and scare them! Please use only certified crackers with low charge power! If, as a result of your playfulness, you cause serious damage to someone, then God will punish you! And the police will punish even earlier! Don't use jokes!

If on the evening of the weekend you are forced to leave the place you like with the expectation of returning here the next day, then you can try to stake out this place with a simple trick: leave a few rags stained with blood-colored paint on the resting place, hang up scraps of rags through the surrounding bushes. Leave a piece of an old knife on the ground, which you also stain in the same paint. Leave a couple of torn condoms in place - in short, give the impression that a crime has occurred at this place. It is unlikely that people with the nerves of an "ordinary fortress" will be able to feel comfortable in such a place ... You will have a chance to save this place for recreation! Cleaning up the area will take no more than a couple of minutes!

Attention! Remember that by preserving nature, you save your own future and the future of your children! Do not leave empty bottles, cans and plastic bags at the picnic area! What can be burned - burn, take the rest to the nearest landfill!

If you are fond of radio electronics, then the use of radio equipment can give you incomparable pleasure! The simplest generator with an FM modulator can help you drive a company already located there from a vacation spot (if a VHF receiver is used at the vacation spot). Once you've tuned in to a broadcast radio station that your competitors are listening to, try broadcasting a message about an impending storm or typhoon in that particular area! If you do everything correctly and competently, then vacationers frightened by this message will leave this place at your disposal pretty quickly! Remember that the installed permitted power of radio microphones must not exceed 10 milliwatts! Do not interfere with government services on their frequencies! Honor not only the Criminal Code, but also the Administrative Code of our country!

If you can get hold of glow-in-the-dark chemicals, like fluorescent paints, then by painting with almost invisible paint, for example, eyes on a tree near a proposed parking lot, you can feel the beauty of this idea at night when your clients discover by moonlight that from the darkness someone's glowing eyes are watching them, especially if you also take care to make them with vertical narrow pupils! Horror films have prepared our fellow citizens well for the perception of this kind of impact! Alternatively, you can use previously found pieces of glowing rot and lay out the planned figure. It will be a completely "environmentally friendly" draw! If there is a good echo in this wonderful place at night, then using a simple megaphone, you can create such acoustic effects in the area from a great distance that it will not seem small! “Mystical laughter” and howls, amplified by the natural reverberation of the place, coming from a long distance, can cause trembling and panic in so many people at night. "Mow" under mermaids, goblin and aukalok! It's possible that this will work...

People almost always take pets with them to nature, most often dogs, but some manage to take cats out as well. If you have an ultrasonic whistle (they are sold in specialized stores), then you can influence the behavior of pets so much that their owners will lose their heads with anxiety and think many times whether they stopped in a “good” place to rest ...

A spot of a laser pointer aimed from a long distance out of the dark at the genitals of vacationers can make an amazing impression on customers, especially if you pop a firecracker next to you at the moment you find the victim! If you run well, then they will not catch up with you, especially since you will have a big head start! And laser pointers are sold in almost all specialized stores and commercial tents. If you, due to stupidity or due to sluggishness, cannot escape in time, then your health may suffer very much, not to mention the fact that very serious people may well (if they catch up) call you to administrative responsibility!

Scenario of the holiday "birthday in nature"

The scenario is designed for holding a holiday in a team of 7-20 people lasting 6-8 hours.

For the event you will need:

Birthday gift.

Equipment for the forest.

Equipment for barbecues.

Props for competitions.

Musical accompaniment.

Event plan

1. Congratulations.

2. Treasure search.

3. Kebabs.

4. Forest gift.

5. Games and contests.

6. Fun questions quiz.

7. Forest wishes.


The birthday boy needs to be congratulated at the very beginning - in the place where the guests gather for a picnic trip, so that he feels that this is his holiday. If the collection takes place at the birthday man's house, you can give him the most fragile gifts and greeting cards. At the same time, there should be one or more gifts that guests will take with them to the picnic and present them there in an original way.


The gift is presented at the picnic site some time after arriving at the clearing. The gift is hidden near the clearing. You can bury it in the ground, sand, or hide it right in the clearing in the things or car of one of the guests.

After that, a schematic map of the meadow is drawn indicating the place where the gift is hidden. It is best to draw a map on colored cardboard. The card is cut into about 12 pieces. All pieces, except for one, are laid out in a clearing. They do not have to be hidden, you can attach the leaves on the trunks of trees, on the handle of an ax lying by the fire, to the clothes of the guests. One of the pieces is given to the birthday person (for a sample) with the task of collecting the entire map.

When all (or almost all) pieces are collected, the birthday boy goes to look for a gift. A gift obtained with such difficulty (the organizers should try to make the search for a gift really difficult) will surely bring joy not only to the birthday man, but also to all viewers of the “treasure hunt”.


A common holiday dish at a picnic is barbecue. However, you can also come up with something original (fish or meat baked in coals, turkey fried on a spit).


During cooking, the organizer of the holiday can announce a competition for the best forest gift for a birthday person. Gifts can be: a bouquet of flowers; a handful of berries; mushroom; log (as the most needed item at the moment); bump (in memory of the holiday); a leaf of a tree with a congratulatory inscription; a stick with a fork at the end (for the birthday man to make a slingshot out of it, which he has been dreaming of since childhood); stick-staff (so that the birthday man walks confidently through life).

The winner of the contest is determined by the birthday boy.

So that guests do not get bored, you can hold several games or arrange contests for the title of the best guest.

The host calls three to five volunteers. Participants are invited to find an original way out of non-standard situations. According to their answers, the audience chooses the winner, who receives the main prize. The rest of the participants receive incentive prizes.

Examples of non-standard situations:

What to do if you accidentally sit on a birthday cake?

What to do if you were carrying a china vase as a gift to a friend and accidentally broke it?

What if your sweetheart and your best friend celebrate their birthday on the same day?

What to do if you remember that it's your birthday, only 10 minutes before the guests arrive?

What if several guests (by a surprising coincidence) gave you the same gifts?

What to do if the day after your birthday you wake up in an unfamiliar place?

What to do if a magician in a blue helicopter flew to your birthday and gave you 500 popsicles?

What to do if you were given a live crocodile for your birthday?

But what if this crocodile accidentally ate the one who gave it to you, and now there is no one to return the crocodile?

What to do the day after your birthday?

The unsmiling princess

The players are divided into two teams. The members of the first team - the “unsmiling princesses” - sit on chairs and take on the most serious or sad look possible. The task of the players of the other team is to make the “unsmeaners” laugh one by one or all together. Each smiling "unsmiling" joins the team of mixers. If in a certain period of time it is possible to make all the “unsmiled” laugh, the mixer team is declared the winner, if not, the “unsmiled” team is declared the winner. The teams can then switch roles. To make the "non-smilers" laugh, players can show pantomimes, tell jokes, make faces, but touching the "non-smilers" is not allowed.

Balloon battle

A balloon is tied to each player's ankle. After the starting signal, all participants try to pierce the balls of other players and save their own. Participants whose balloon burst are eliminated from the game. The last person left in the game is declared the winner. The thread of the ball should be no longer than 30 cm.


As an entertainment, you can hold a fun quiz. The most active participant who answered the most questions wins a prize.

Sample Questions

When is a person in a room without a head? (When he sticks her out the window)

How do day and night end? (soft sign)

What needs to be done so that four guys remain in one boot? (Remove each boot)

The crow flies, and the dog sits on the tail. Could it be? (The dog sits on its own tail)

In what month does the talkative Masha speak the least? (February is the shortest)

When a horse is bought, what is it like? (Wet)

A man has one, a crow has two, a bear has none. What's this? (Letter "O")

What belongs to you, but others use it more than you? (Name)

In what year do people eat more than usual? (In leap year)

Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)

What rocks are not in the sea? (Dry)

What disease on earth has no one been ill with? (Nautical)

What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons)

Which hand is best for stirring tea? (Tea is better to stir with a spoon)

What gets bigger when put upside down? (Number 6)


Guests, especially those who were ironic about the birthday man's attempts to find a gift, can be invited to find wishes for themselves. It is better to do this when it starts to get dark. Wishes must be written on small pieces of paper and hung on trees and shrubs in the forest, not far from the clearing. Wishes should be comic, you can also write humorous advice.

Examples of inscriptions

Look for a friend... and don't get lost in the forest yourself.

Don't eat a lot of meat. Signature: hungry guest.

Put on your hat.

Don't forget to give a gift.

Enjoy life.

Remember only the good things, like today.

And you will have a birthday... Wait for your holiday.

Walk clockwise around this tree three times and make a wish. It will definitely come true.

If the participants of the holiday have a tape recorder or a guitar, you can arrange dances in the dark by the light of a fire. In the absence of music, invite them to listen to the night rustles, the singing of cicadas, and the sound of the wind. You can even dance to this extraordinary music with a certain amount of imagination and good mood.

star fiesta

(Game program)

Presenter: Buenos tardes! Biembenida! Ke tal? I mean, how do you feel? Allow me to get acquainted. My name is Lucia. I direct the famous Spanish troupe of poka-cus frogs "Los sapos guapos". Isn't it a spicy name? We are rich and very famous, si, si, we are very famous, mucho rich, we are original and unique! But that's in the past. During this winter, our troupe was pretty worn out. Who froze in ice, who was eaten by a stork, who went on a journey with ducks, not counting those who went to laboratory assistants, and who went to France to work as a delicacy. And here is the result - I was left alone. But on one talent, and I'm much talented, you won't go far. A real star needs unusual costumes, bright scenery, fireworks, stars from heaven, felicita, bravo, belissimo, and much more. And so I announce a recruitment to my troupe "Los sapos guapos". On a competitive basis, the following are required (takes out a poster): a cook, a dresser, a cashier, a decorator, a bodyguard. So, the recruitment begins - after all, there are many specialists among you.

Presenter: It is very important for an artist to have a beautiful figure, and who should follow this? My personal chef. I invite four candidates: two gentlemen with two assistants. Do you like delicious food? Do you cook? Wear your work uniform. Seniors are bloomers, and cooks are caps. And now let's see: which of the seniors will become the most well-fed in just 30 seconds. The cooks will have to feed them, i.e., transfer these food balls in trousers until they are filled to the top.

(The game is over.)

Presenter: Stop. You did great. And now let's calculate which of you is the most well-fed. Yes, the cooks did their best, we welcome the most well-fed signor and his assistant. Get prizes, chef's business cards and go to your place.

Presenter: For the performance, we need bright costumes, but costume designers can do real miracles. And now four of you will do it. After all, soon we will go on tour and start the test with the most important part of the costume - a hat. So, you have to create an outfit for the stage for your partner from the material at hand.

(The game is over.)

Presenter: Congratulations on your successful work. Get business cards and prizes!

Presenter: Who would like to test themselves in the role of treasurer? Come out bolder two candidates for the post of treasurer. My treasurer must be very clever, resourceful, sometimes even cunning and a very good accountant. Imagine that today everyone paid for our performance with what they can. You must very quickly collect the fee, calculate the proceeds, comment on the cost of each item. The audience will decide the winner.

(The game is over.)

Presenter: So, the most successful treasurer receives the main prize and a business card, mucho applause.

Presenter: Our show is a continuous celebration and enjoyment. And for our presentation, we really need decorators who are able to create an amazing atmosphere from the most ordinary things. And I invite two people who are ready to become decorators in our troupe. So, your task is to create an atmosphere of a paradise in this clearing in just 5 minutes, to decorate these trees. You are ready? So, quickly get to work. Dear viewers, who did the task faster and better?

(The winner is determined by applause.)

We salute the winner.

Presenter: And our troupe needs a bodyguard. In our time, anxious and dangerous, it is very important that the troupe is well protected, and the bodyguard must have a steady hand, a keen eye, and he must wield any kind of weapon. So, I ask you to take the stage of the two most daring and determined applicants. Imagine that you are surrounded by mafia groups. Now I will give you combat helmets, put them on. And with this weapon you must hit as many criminals as possible. Yours are in green and yours are in blue. Do not confuse. You are ready? The battle begins.

(A game is being played. Props for the game: helmets - caps with spikes-needles and criminals - balloons of two Irets suspended on a rope.)

Presenter: You did great on the challenge. We salute the winning bodyguard. Get prizes, business cards, applause.

Presenter: So, the troupe has replenished, I conclude a contract with those who received business cards, and from the business cards you will find out the terms of the employment agreement and the salary according to the staffing table. Wait for a call. Well, it seems that's all, I'm tired, how difficult it is, I'm much tired. And now I propose to drink to the success of our troupe "Los sapos guapos". For your happiness to be in full swing. Felicita, in short!

June 14th, 2012 Natalia Zaitseva

Summer, heat, we had +40 today, apartments are large ovens, and all nearby water bodies are salvation (a cold shower is also considered). But let's talk about the rest on the beach. Most likely, this is the seashore, but the shores of lakes, rivers and reservoirs are not excluded. Be that as it may, the classics of the outdoor recreation genre are a bucket of kebabs and a case of beer. Ate, bought, drank and so on in a circle. In general, recovery is in full swing.

I would like to at least make some adjustments to such a “healthy lifestyle”. You will not believe it, but in the summer you can also play on the beach with friends, wives, children. The main thing is to take the first step and stand up. After all, this is primarily a sport, then excitement, and, of course, a pleasant pastime with your loved ones. In general, some pluses.

So do not be lazy, bribe some equipment and let's go to the sea. I offer you my set of entertainment "games in nature."

Funny team games in nature for adults

1. The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, football and volleyball. But for these sports, good heavy balls (and not light inflatable ones) are needed so that they are not blown away by gusts of wind.

Football is played by dividing approximately into two equal teams, and by building two schematic gates from sand (bricks, sticks).

Volleyball is simply played by standing in a circle.

2. Knockout. Childhood game, but why not? We called it "Big Ducks". To play, you only need a medium-sized ball (heavy). A field (lake) is drawn, 5 by 5 meters, and more if there are a lot of people, especially if these people are adults. Behind the edges of the field (behind the lake) two people (hunters) stand opposite each other. Their task is to kill all the ducks, that is, throw the ball and, accordingly, hit those who are in the field area.

Ducks naturally have to flicker in every possible way, run and dodge "bullets". Thus, the ball from throw to throw passes from one hunter to the second. Knocked out ducks become just observers of the field. The hunter with the most ducks wins.

Variations on the theme are possible. For example, if a still alive duck catches a ball on the fly, it can return one of those already knocked out to the field, or leave this chance to itself as a second life.

3. On the windless bank of a river or lake, I can offer to play badminton or leave the plate (frisbee). Both equipment, for amateurs, can be bought inexpensively at any sports store.

4. Wars. Well, how to have fun without war games? The main thing is to arm yourself with two-liter plastic bottles before this (if there are no water pistols on all), and make a hole in the lids for a trickle with a carnation. Divide into two teams or play every man for himself, the goal is to shoot (that is, pour over) everyone around.

5. Rope pulling. This game will be interesting to play for adult dads. Especially if the tug-of-war will hang over some puddle or stream. After all, how nice it is to drag opponents into the water and spray them. For this, the participants are divided into two equal teams, a small ribbon is hung on the center of the rope. If there is no puddle or stream, you need to draw a field under the middle of the rope, over which you need to drag the opponents.

6. Shell fight. We selected for ourselves 10, in our opinion, the strongest shells, and then arranged tournaments. Having rested the shells against each other, we pressed on them and tried to push through the opponent's shell. A broken shell was replaced by a colleague from the selected ten. And so on until the opponent has no shells left. This is a lazy game.

7. Orientation in the area or in search of treasure. To do this, someone will have to work hard and organize it all, but do not work just like that - demand a reward. First you need a "treasure", which the organizer buries or hides somewhere in the place of the game. Next are the key points. In each paragraph, an indication of the next paragraph in the form of some kind of encryption or riddle, the last paragraph should indicate a place with a treasure.

8. Flags or the capture of someone else's fortress. This is generally a very active and exciting game. It needs space and two medium-sized flags that will imitate your fortress. The action field is divided in half by one large and thick line. Two teams play with an equal number of people.

Each team is on its own field. At the edges (in the middle) of each of the two fields, a flag is placed - a fortress. Each team has a task - to save their flag and quickly shake the flag of their neighbors. The game ends when you bring the enemy flag to your field.

The snag of the game is that when you are on the enemy field, you can be frozen, that is, the player of the other team must catch up with you and touch you, but you must stop on the spot.

A player on your team can unfreeze you by touching it too. The whole game is a run, especially on the enemy field. That is, the task statement: at the whistle of the beginning of the game, you must run through the enemy field with deceptive maneuvers, grab the flag and run to your own. Opponents should not catch up with you and should not touch you, otherwise you freeze, even with a flag.

If you stay on your field, you must protect your fortress from the enemy, and freeze everyone who gets into your field.

9. About cards, chess, twister and backgammon I’m generally silent, you yourself will guess to take them. Play, of course, relies on stripping. But if you want a really tough game, then dress up. =) The main thing is not to get heatstroke.

For example, guess one team the “elephant” pose, and the second “deer family”. Everything that the team members come up with counts. Most importantly, do not forget to limit the setting of the pose in time, for example, one minute. And take pictures of your health. =)

All games are highly mobile and require a lot of energy, so don't get drunk or pass. =)

water games

1. The very first game in the water is catch-up, they are also kvach, they are also bastards. The essence of the game is that a kvach is chosen, he is also a driver. Kvach must catch up and touch (touch) one of the players who are running away. If the kvach caught up with someone and taunted, this player becomes the driver (kvach), and the previous kvach runs away with the rest.

The beauty of the game is that it is very difficult to run on water, then you have to swim or dive unnoticed, from people or to them (it depends on whether you are a kvach or an ordinary player).

2. One of my favorite water games is pair wrestling. Girls (women) or relatively adult children crawl out on the neck of men (or a man simply dives under his feet). The task of the lower player (man) is to stand firmly on his feet and firmly hold the legs of the person sitting on top (wife, child). The task of the person sitting on top is to fill up the opponents (the same pair) into the water.

A very fun game, although it often ends in scratches and possibly even bruises. =)

3. Live trampoline. This is when the strong part of the company (men) are all sorts of springboards and towers, and women and children jump into the water from them. If there is one springboard (male), then the divers jump from their shoulders. And if there are two or more husbands, then they put their hands together with a chair and throw the divers up.

4. Volleyball on the water. It is played in calm, with a light inflatable ball. Everything is like in regular volleyball, only players are waist-deep or chest-deep in water. I want to say that under such conditions it is quite difficult to catch up with the ball.

Games on the beach with children

1. Very relevant game "The sea is agitated...". The driver turns away from the company and says the words: “The sea worries once. The sea is worried two. The sea is rough three. Marine figure freeze. While the rhyme is being said, the children move randomly, portraying some marine life. To the words: “Sea figure freeze,” the children freeze. The facilitator takes turns approaching the children and “turns them on”, the children without words try to show the figure that they came up with (i.e. fish, crab, shark, wave, etc., who has enough imagination for what) and the host must guess this figure. The next presenter becomes the one who, by all accounts, best depicted the figure, and the previous presenter becomes the player.

The marine figure can be replaced with a heavenly or forest one. A very good practice for developing a child's knowledge of the wild inhabitants of nature.

2. The game is a crocodile, he is a cow, he is a pantomime. I don’t know why this game has such sonorous names, but most often they call it that way.

The essence of the game is that first 2 people move away from the whole crowd. One of them will show the first pantomime, and the second should guess what exactly to show. The hidden word must be a noun (train, snail, turtle, electricity, cactus, cowboy, computer, cat).

The person who made the guess sits down, the second one comes forward, as if on stage, and without words tries to explain and show the hidden word.

The one who guessed the word takes the place of the demonstrator (mime), and the one who showed before that, makes a new word to the person who came and sits in the place of the spectator.

It is clear that the person who made up the word does not take part in this round.

3. Do this, do that. The leader is selected. Stands in front of the rest of the participants, who stand in a checkerboard pattern. The leader makes a movement and at the same time says a phrase, if he says “do So"- All participants must do exactly the same movement. If the facilitator says the phrase "do that way"— participants should not move, but must remain in the previous position.

Aunt Bad weather and ghost Shurshik

Needless to say, the beginning of June doesn’t make us happy with warm and sunny days - it’s only 15 degrees outside, rain, wind ... Therefore, I had such an idea for a holiday: Auntie Bad Weather comes to visit children and adults sitting at a table near a smoking barbecue and a ghost named Shurshik.

Bad weather threatens to take away the heat for good, to deprive everyone of the summer (it is so harmful). But those present have a chance: you need to complete all the tasks of the aunt, and then she will return the warmth. I got the role of Bad Weather, and my 6-year-old son was the ghost. For participation in games and winning competitions, he handed out sweets to guests.

The costumes were made from what was found in the country: an old sheet turned into a ghost cape, a knitted shirt-front into an intricate hat, and so on.

summer chant

At the beginning, Bad Weather wanted to see how eagerly those present were looking forward to summer. We need to shout it out loud. And this summer chant helped us (I compiled it myself from the lines of various poems that I found on the Internet):

Host: The sun is shining brightly. The air is warm.

Leading: And wherever you look - Everything around is light!
All: This summer, this summer, this summer has come to us!

Leading: In the meadow there are bright flowers, there are a lot of herbs.
All: This summer, this summer, this summer has come to us!

Leading: Everything is fine, the sky is clear, Everything in the district has blossomed!
All: This summer, this summer, this summer has come to us!

Leading: Everything around turned green, turned red, turned blue!
All: This summer, this summer, this summer has come to us!

Leading: Summer joyfully laughs at us through the open window,
All: This summer, this summer, this summer has come to us!

At the beginning of the game, it is stipulated that the participants, after each phrase of the leader, should shout in rhyme in unison:

This summer, this summer, this summer has come to us!

It's noisy and fun. Such a chant allows you to immediately stir up and include in the action all the guests, even the most modest ones 😉 You can hold such a contest right at the table.

Music competition in nature

There is such a game on our favorite autoradio: The caller must guess the song, the text of which is read out in a “clumsy” literal translation. And we held our own competition based on this game. But we encrypted not only foreign, but also Russian songs.

In advance, I downloaded the texts of 4 foreign and 6 Russian songs from the Internet, printed them out, and at the same time recorded the compositions themselves on a USB flash drive. I chose these:

  1. Pan Americano - Pamericano - Yolanda Be Cool - We No Speak Americano
  2. Boney M—Sunny.
  3. PSY - Gangnam Style.
  4. Scooter - How Much Is The Fish.
  5. ESTRADARADA - Vitya Need to Get Out.
  6. MATRANG - Medusa.
  7. Philip Kirkorov - The mood color is blue.
  8. Olga Buzova - Few halves.
  9. Aljay & Feduk - Rosé Wine.
  10. Mushrooms - Melts Ice.

Of course, only adults can guess these songs. For children, you can additionally pick up a few children's songs. We chose songs to our taste, from the most famous, hit and a bit funny ones. I didn’t invent a description of the song in advance, I just took the text and read out some phrases, key words or just said what the song was about. As you guessed it, she turned on the song (not in its entirety), Shurshik gave candy. Who wanted to dance

Example: "A song about a woman who wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle. She succumbed to the influence of the night, and with the advent of darkness, she felt that passion had power over her. Goosebumps ran down her body, and, holding panties (bikini) in her hands, she felt like a goddess ”(Kirkorov - The mood color is blue).

Something like this, I composed it on the go, it turned out cool :))) You can not read the description in its entirety. The best thing to do is to pause to give you time to think. For each guessed song, Shurshik gives a prize. By the way, our little Shurshik was a little tired by this time, so we gave this role to an adult.

Music competition in nature: Option 2

And last year we held a competition with musical "predictions" at the same party "Hello, summer!". But at that time I was the Fairy of Summer. The Fairy put her own wreath on everyone's head and a fragment of a song sounded, supposedly a prediction for the coming summer.

Game in the circle "Jumping - not jumping"

It's time to get out from behind the table and stretch a little. Everyone stands in a circle. The host reads out the names of animals, birds, objects that "jump or don't jump." When the host calls a jumping object / animal, everyone jumps, if not, they don’t jump. The facilitator starts slowly, then the listing of items speeds up. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.

I managed to come up with the following list of jumping / non-jumping objects and creatures:

  • ball, watermelon, kangaroo, cucumber, bucket, hare, apple, man, pie, snowman, titmouse, cabbage, tennis ball, rabbit, chair, cat, mushroom, trampoline, grasshopper, log, orange, flea, log, axe, hammer , nail, thrush, lantern, pillar, beads, leopard, snake, snail, lion, slipper, boa constrictor, jaguar, hedgehog.

Whoever is left wins, Shurshik gives him a prize!

Relay game "Sponges"

4 people participate. You will need: 2 small basins and 2 saucepans, 2 foam sponges for washing dishes, 2 chairs.

Participants are grouped into two pairs. Empty basins are placed on the chairs, and in front of them, at a distance of 5 meters, pairs of participants stand. The first participant holds a saucepan of water, the second, at the command of the leader, must draw water with a sponge and transfer (squeeze) it into an empty container as soon as possible.

Initially, each pair should have an equal amount of water (measured in glasses). The winner must not only move all the water as quickly as possible, but also as much of it as possible.

At the end of the relay, we also measured the amount of water transferred with glasses. Interestingly, one team only got 1.5 out of 4 glasses of water. Where did the other 2.5 glasses go?

Relay race for adults "Bring a snack"

2 people participate. You will need: 2 plastic glasses filled with popcorn, chips or salted peanuts, 2 shots of vodka or 2 glasses of beer, 2 chairs.

A “snack” (nuts, chips, etc.) is poured into the glasses, and then they are placed on the toes of the participants’ shoes. Task: to bring the snack in this form to the chairs with the "drink" without helping yourself with your hands. It's not that easy to do, but it's damn fun! The one who has reached the finish line removes a glass with a snack from his shoes (or what was left of it while he was carrying it), drinks and has a snack.

Option for children: Carry the glasses on the toes of the shoes to the chairs, and then pour into a plastic bottle using only one hand.

Summer flashmob in nature

Now the song "Medusa" (MATRANG) is gaining popularity. And I came up with a flash mob with sea movements for this song. Movements on the loss and verse:

1st movement: Marching in place (going to the sea).

2nd movement: We put our hand to the forehead with a “visor”, rising on our toes (the word is looking out for a jellyfish in the sea).

3rd movement: We pinch the nose with one hand, with the other hand we make a smooth movement from top to bottom and squat, as if we are going under water (diving into the sea).

4th movement: We spread our arms to the sides (swim).

5th movement: "Swimming" breaststroke.

Movements on the chorus (there are such words: “jellyfish, jellyfish, we are friends”):

6th movement: Hands to the sides and make wave-like movements with them, depicting a jellyfish.

7th movement: We turn the body of the body first in one direction, now we bring our hands together and also make wave-like movements, imitating the movements of a jellyfish, then in the other direction.

Aunt Bad Weather shows the movements, the rest repeat with her. All movements are repeated approximately 5-6 times. The first verse and chorus we danced with the movements of Auntie, and then composed on the go. Adults and children have already offered their "marine" (and not only) movements. Before turning on the music, the movements can be spoken and shown, as if including the whole company in the plot. It turns out not just a flash mob, but a real marine musical game "jellyfish" for the company of adults and children.

I spied the movements on the chorus in this video, I give a link, maybe it will help you 😉

Summer drawings

There is a small asphalt path next to our house, so the competition program was completed by the competition of drawings on asphalt:

  • Draw what the word "Summer" means to you.

All sweet prizes for creativity.

candle ritual

In conclusion, Auntie Bad Weather was glad how well adults and children coped with all the tasks, actively participated and had fun. Therefore, she returns warmth to us:

It has been tested in practice - the listed contests are really very fun, suitable for adults and children, they will help you have a great time outdoors in the summer, and even not in the best weather. Nevertheless, in our piggy bank there are some more interesting ideas for contests for a fun company.

Other Awesome Ideas for Summer Outdoor Contests

We have played these games before, they also went with a bang. Instead of Auntie Bad Weather, last time the Fairy of Summer came to us, in a wreath of wild flowers and in a summer dress. The party also took place outdoors, in the summer, at a table with shish kebabs.

  • Relay "Planting potatoes"(very actual game for a summer residence). Participants line up in 2 lines (2 teams). The first one runs with a shovel and “digs a bed”, the second one “makes holes” (puts hoops), the third one “plants potatoes” (lowers small balls into hoops), the fourth one again runs with a shovel, the fifth one runs with a watering can (watering). You can come up with your own variations and inventory. The team that "plants potatoes" the fastest wins.
  • Musical comic competition "Summer Predictions". The host dresses up as a “summer fairy”, who arrives all dressed up in a wreath and a summer dress. The fairy of summer begins to "predict" what awaits those present this summer: Puts on a wreath for the participant sitting at the table. And then the song with "prediction" sounds. Cuts of songs must, of course, be prepared in advance. Example: the composition “Sea, sea, bottomless world” sounds - it means the guest will go to the sea; the song "Rain, slanting rain" - it will be rainy all summer. Etc. We did this: we simply downloaded songs from the Internet and cut the desired passage using a free online song cutting program.

We share ready-made cuts with comic “predictions”: download from Yandex.Disk

  • Competition "Clothespins" for adults. In summer, multi-colored clothespins can be found in any country house. Two couples (m+w) participate. One is blindfolded, the other is attached with clothespins in the most unexpected places. A blindfolded participant must feel his soulmate and remove all clothespins. The couple that does it faster wins. An old but always fun game!

Unusual game of hide and seek "Herring in a barrel"

More suitable for the company of school-age children. The essence of the game:

  • One player hides, and the rest remain to count to one hundred. After that, all participants begin to look for the first one. The one who finds him sits next to him in his shelter. The game continues until the penultimate participant of the game finds the hiding person and the people around him. Well, the one who never found the “barrel of herring” loses.

Have a fun summer vacation in nature! We will be glad if you share your ideas 😉

Departure of a friendly and numerous team to nature is always positive emotions. Music, kebabs, informal communication - all this is conducive to this type of recreation and makes it especially popular. In order to make it even more interesting and memorable, it is necessary to prepare various competitions in advance, and then everyone will have the opportunity to have fun and recharge with positive emotions for all working days. Fortunately, today there are no problems with the choice of entertainment: just go to the Internet - and you can choose any competition from hundreds of those presented. This article is intended to help a little, which also talks about various fun competitions and competitions for corporate parties. So, let's begin!

Competitions in nature


The competition will require two teams, each of which consists of 5-7 people, several kilograms of potatoes, which can then be baked in a fire, and two buckets. The potatoes are divided in half, the teams line up along the line opposite which is placed in a bucket at a distance of 5 m. The task of each team is to throw as many potatoes into their bucket as possible and make as few misses as possible. They throw everything in turn, without going beyond the line.

tug of war

This fun is more than one hundred years old, but it is still relevant! Two teams, a car cable with a mark in the middle - and the competition for the advantage in physical strength can begin!

I must say that very often the team that wins is not the one whose members have a larger volume of muscles, but the one whose members have managed to achieve greater coherence and organization of actions.


Everyone remembers this game from childhood. The clearing is a swamp, the cartons are the bumps laid out on it, and the two teams are tired travelers who need to cross the swamp and back as quickly as possible. Of course, the team that does it faster wins..

Fire jumping

Jumping over the fire declared above is a rather dangerous activity, so it is better to jump over Kostya. He ate, drank and fell asleep near a pile of backpacks, and therefore let him serve the cause of the entertainment of the team, which must jump over him without disturbing the sleep of the vacationer. By the way, the number of jumps should be even, because Kostya is still growing and growing. And if you don’t have Bones in your team, look by the drinks box - there will definitely be someone to replace you.

Team of loaders

The competition is hilarious, fun, and a sandy beach is chosen for its holding. Two teams, two buckets and two sieves. The team lines up in front of the bucket. The one who is farthest from him scoops up the sand with a sieve, passing it along the baton. The time is fixed, the team whose bucket is fuller wins.

agile jumper

In order to hold this competition in nature, there is every reason: it is mobile, “wet” and noisy. The participant holds a glass of water and jumps over a rope that is rotated by assistants. The winner is the one who has at least some water left in the glass by the end of the sports session..

Rain, rain, drip-drip-drip!

Another water competition, but here almost everyone will have to get wet: the leader sprinkles water around him, and team members collect it in substituted glasses. Whoever has more water in the glass wins.

Ladies don't shine

Participants of the competition are given newspapers or advertising booklets. Each participant can take the most convenient place for him, sitting or standing - at his choice. The participants are given the task: roll up the trouser leg on the right leg, while reading the given text loudly and with expression. Ideally, it would be good to read loudly enough to outshout the rest. But the funny thing is that in this case you will not get the prize. But if the exposed caviar is the most hairy - your victory! It's a pity, in one company it can be held only once: such an explosion of laughter awaits everyone at the end.

Cossack robbers

This name hides even not a competition, but a whole adventure that requires preliminary preparation. A treasure is being prepared, which can be anything: from a bag of sweets to a case of beer, maps are drawn, clues are hidden, and the whole merry company is looking for the treasure with laughter and jokes.

To bring in a competitive spirit, you can either split into two companies, where the winner will be the one who completes his mission faster, or arrange so that one part of the team will hide the treasure, and the other will look for it.


To hold this competition, you need a lot of apples or oranges - enough to make a neat pyramid of them in the amount of two pieces. From the erected structures, at a distance of 15-20 meters (as open spaces allow), both teams line up. Each participant runs to his pyramid, grabs, no, carefully takes the fruit and runs to his own, where it is required to build exactly the same figure. The goal of the competition is to complete your task as quickly as possible.. If desired, you can tighten the conditions, making the destruction of the old pyramid unacceptable.

Striptease contest

The name reflects the fact that during the competition, the participants will have to undress, so it is better to warn everyone in advance so that swimsuits are worn under the clothes, so as not to put anyone in an awkward position. All participants are divided into two teams, after which they begin to undress, laying out their clothes in a line. The team with the longest track wins.. The piquancy of the situation can be added if in one group the participants are men, in the other - women. In addition to the speed of reaction, quick wits are also trained, because sometimes clothes can have a complex shape, and the success of the team depends on how exactly you lay them out.

pierce the ball

You can hold this competition indoors, but in the free air everything is much more intense and more fun. For holding, you need buttons, balloons according to the number of participants and adhesive plaster. Each of the merry people receives an inflated balloon tied to the back of the waist, and a pushpin glued to the forehead. Hands are tied behind the back, and the fun begins - you have to save your ball and pop the opponents' balls.

You can play as yourself or as a team. The winner is the one who remains "alive" last.


This game is simple, but during its implementation you can have a lot of fun. A line is drawn, the players line up along it, and the leader begins to call out: water now or land. At the word "water" it is necessary to jump back from the line, at the word "land" - forward. Everything would be too simple, but instead of “water”, the leader can say “river”, “sea” or “lake”, and instead of the word “land”, “island”, “mountain” or “mainland”.

Fill the basket

If the corporate party takes place in the forest or on the edge, one of the competitions may well be a competition - who will quickly pick up a full basket or a bucket of cones. Then, with their help, you can kindle a fire, and make the competition for more laughter a team one. However, you should not neglect safety measures and pre-treat clothes with a tick repellant..

Running in bags

It takes quite a bit to run this competition - a couple of garbage or propylene bags, as well as a decent supply of enthusiasm and fun. You can choose a slightly rugged jumping track, after making a supply of plaster and brilliant green.

A glass of vodka

This competition will require some real strong men. The leader's command sounds, and all participants drink what they poured into their glasses. In all glasses (except one) - water, and only in it - vodka.

Men should not show emotions and not show what was poured into their glass.

The winner is the one of the guests who correctly guesses which of the participants got vodka. Other participants can get their glass of vodka after the competition.

Roll-roll far!

A necessary attribute for this competition is a pair of car tires. The task of the participants is to roll their tire as far as possible with one push.. If you arrange cross-country races, the result will be unpredictable, and it will cause a lot more fun.

Racing Butterflies-hedgehogs

For two teams - two brooms. A distance is chosen, a turn sign is placed, after which each team member must “fly” to it on a broomstick and return back. As a baton - the same broom.

Hunting with a harpoon

As an impromptu harpoon, a stick with a nail is used, more precisely, two - for each team. Fish can be foam or paper, they are laid out "in the sea" - in a clearing, and fishing begins. The task of the players is to catch as many "fish" as possible.


Not only the most accurate player wins here, but also the one with the best vestibular apparatus. The gates are marked, a stick is placed in front of them and a ball is placed. The player must not only score the ball, but do it after turning around the stick five times. The number of attempts is limited, and the one who has the most successful throws wins.

Do you know why they are so popular with brides? We've got lots of helpful tips for planning a Hawaiian-themed birthday party. At the following address, you can read about how do-it-yourself paper decorations for Easter are made.

motorcycle racing

If you took children to a corporate party, then it is quite possible to arrange races on their tricycles. The spectacle of adult uncles and aunts turning miniature pedals is extremely comical, and if this is done at speed, then it is doubly amusing. The final part of the corporate party can be another event that can be arranged as a competition - this Collection of bottles and other rubbish. This kills several birds with one stone: a spectacular point is set at the end of the evening, the environment is in order, and next time it will be much more pleasant to come to a clean clearing. And another small portion of fun competitions held in nature for corporate parties is waiting for you in the following video:

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