A passionate kiss on the lips. Dream Interpretation: kisses on the lips - why dream

Kissing in a dream, Kissing on the lips, Kissing someone you love, Kissing an ex, Kissing a stranger

Some dreams leave such a pleasant aftertaste in the soul, That you want the dream to be repeated again and again... For example, It is unlikely that anyone will refuse to Kiss in a dream! But what does it mean - Kissing on the lips, Especially if you had to Kiss a stranger or Kiss an ex-boyfriend? Dream Interpretations have a somewhat conflicting opinion on this matter - from predictions of imminent marriage, If you happened to Kiss your loved one, To the prophecy of serious illnesses. But how many Dream Interpretations - so many opinions, You need to familiarize yourself with them, And only then draw final conclusions.

Kissing in a dream- to the good news that you have been waiting for a long time; otherwise - beware, close people and comrades can betray you; in a different way - what is happening around you is false, insincere.

Kissing in a dream in the first meaning is a manifestation of one's personal, sexual interest. Perhaps, in reality, you are afraid to admit to yourself any hidden feelings for this or that object of the opposite sex. Especially significant dreams, When you did not see a kiss as such, But were in anticipation of it and forcibly woke yourself up at that moment. Waiting for a kiss and voluntarily refusing it just the same symbolizes your inner feeling of prohibition, the Realization that you cannot do this. In such dreams, we are primarily talking about sexual dissatisfaction with the current partner, And about the subconscious readiness to change him.

Everyone is well aware of the expression - "Kiss of Judas", Symbolizing betrayal, Falsity and unreliable friends. Some Dream Interpretations describe dreams exactly like this, Where you happened to Kiss - hence the predictions of treason and betrayal. This opinion has the right to be, After all, it has biblical roots - so reevaluate your surroundings and think about whether these people should be trusted ...

Kissing in a dream on the next version- this is a very pleasant and joyful sign, since in most cultures this is a traditional manifestation of one's affection and positive attitude towards someone. From this point of view, a dream portends both good news and a good mood.

And here is a completely opposite view of Kissing in a dream - there is such an expression "kiss of Death", Which brings illness and death with it. But psychoanalysts who deal with dreams are convinced that in this case we are talking about dreams in which you felt, and did not see, the Kiss. He could scare you, Cause discomfort, Be chilling, You could subconsciously avoid him ... Such dreams are a huge rarity, Therefore, we will not focus on them and scare ourselves!

Kissing on the lips in a dream - the dream has a sexual connotation. If you kiss (kiss you) a person of the opposite sex, It is about a hidden interest, Sexual attraction to this person. If you kiss a person of your gender on the lips, the Dream promises the development of diseases of the genitourinary system; otherwise - to enmity.

A kiss on the lips is primarily sexual. Remember Who and how exactly you kissed - this will help you understand yourself and learn a lot.

Kissing in a dream with a loved one- for a young girl, a dream promises a quick marriage; otherwise, the beloved is insincere with you, He can change or betray.

Kissing in a dream with a loved one is the most common and brightest dream! You should discard all gloomy and frightening predictions (promises of betrayal, betrayal, illness) and build on the fact that the dream is provoked by the work of your subconscious. The dream is clearly inspired by the events of recent days.

Kissing in a dream with an ex-boyfriend- wait for this and in reality; the opposite opinion - he forgot about you; another version - the guy is still sexually interested in you.

Such dreams are most often caused only by the work of the subconscious, Hidden longing for a person who was once dear to you, By relations with him. You should not think that this is a "dream in the hand" and in reality you will really Kiss with your former loved one. Perhaps the Guy has some feelings for you, Therefore, it is better to find out everything and talk frankly.

Kissing in a dream with a stranger- the same awaits you in reality; otherwise, for a young girl or woman, a dream predicts a meeting with a person who, in fact, will turn out to be a gigolo. In another way - expect good news and joyful events.

Kissing in a dream with a stranger is a good reason to look deep into yourself! Speech, First of all, It is about your subconscious interest in people of the opposite sex, And strangers to you! Everything is easy to explain and understand, If you are currently alone - the body itself tells you that you just need a partner. And another thing, When such dreams are visited by family ladies or women who are already in a relationship. It is worth rethinking the relationship with your spouse (partner) - perhaps the spark has disappeared in them or sexual interest has faded.


Dream Interpretation Kiss on the lips

Why dream of a Kiss on the lips in a dream from a dream book?

Dreaming of a kiss on the lips - it's time for big changes. Not all of them will be positive, prepare for this in advance.

Changes will affect almost every area of ​​life, somewhere they will be made for good, and somewhere they will bring disappointment.

What was your kiss on the lips in a dream?

I dreamed of a passionate kiss on the lips

The dream interpretation describes a passionate kiss on the lips as a manifestation of internal dissatisfaction with a spouse or partner. There may be a lack of tenderness in your relationship. For men, this is a sign of dissatisfaction with their sex life.

Dreaming of a kiss on the corner of the lips

I dreamed of a kiss in the corner of the lips - you will be possessed by joyful emotions. It is worth expecting a gift or a surprise. The events taking place will truly surprise you.

Who did you kiss on the lips with in a dream?

Why dream of a kiss on the lips with a girl

Why dream of a kiss on the lips with a girl? A favorable sign promising good changes. For a guy, a dream is a harbinger of an imminent marriage. For a mature man, this is an indication of making a profit, possibly dishonestly.

Kissing a man on the lips in a dream

Kissing a man on the lips in a dream - the dream has a positive connotation, enhances a good prediction, if you experienced joy and pleasure during the kiss. If you didn't like kissing, be careful what you do.

Had a kiss on the lips with a guy

A dream about a kiss on the lips with a guy indicates the establishment of mutual understanding in relation to a partner. You are driven by passion, both of you are subject only to this feeling that brings you pleasure.

Dreaming of a kiss on the lips with an ex-boyfriend

Dreaming of a kiss on the lips with an ex-boyfriend - a reflection of your feelings in reality. You regret the breakup, you want to meet him again. If the breakup was on your initiative, the ex-boyfriend shows a desire to return everything, you can make peace.

Why dream of a kiss with a familiar guy on the lips

A kiss with a familiar guy on the lips according to Felomena's dream book portends an unexpected joyful event. You will be able to experience a lot of positive emotions, sincere feelings.

I dreamed of a kiss with a stranger on the lips

I dreamed of a kiss on the lips with a stranger - your current relationship with a partner is not serious, quarrels and parting are expected ahead.

Dreaming of a kiss on the lips with a friend

Why dream of a kiss on the lips with a friend? Relationships are expected to deteriorate. The quarrel will not necessarily be noisy, you may not turn into an open confrontation until internal mutual discontent is only brewing between you.

Why dream of a kiss with a friend on the lips

A kiss with a girlfriend on the lips in a dream indicates that you follow the principle "all means are good to achieve the goal." This will help you get what you want, achieve the planned results.

The dead man kisses on the lips in a dream

A dream about kissing a dead person on the lips is a favorable sign. In financial affairs, as well as in the implementation of business projects, success will await you, you can safely take on the implementation of your plans.

Kissing in a dream with the boss on the lips

There is a kiss on the lips with the boss - the dream should be considered as a warning about a possible dismissal, which will cause significant financial difficulties.


What does it mean if you had a kiss?

What just do not have to do sometimes in our dreams!

Sometimes, waking up, you wonder - where do such dreams come from, and most importantly - what do they portend? It is especially difficult to ignore dreams in which we kiss someone.

A kiss is a special act, symbolic, filled with the deepest meaning. What does he mean in dreams? Often it symbolizes feelings, emotional experiences, relationships with people.

Before interpreting what a kiss is dreaming of, it is worth soberly assessing the situation. If a girl thinks about her lover day and night, it is clear that in a dream she kisses him, because dreams are a continuation of her fantasies.

However, there are dreams in which the kiss is completely unexpected and incomprehensible. For example, you have to kiss not only with your beloved beloved person, but even simply with a friend, classmate, former lover or stranger!

How to understand such actions in dreams that you could not expect from yourself? Such dreams may not be literal at all, and indicate something important, symbolic.

It is worth remembering all the details of these dreams in order to figure out why the kiss is dreaming - and then find out the truth from the dream book. Scenarios of such dreams can be different:

  • You just saw kissing people from the side.
  • We saw children kissing each other.
  • Kissed a friend or acquaintance on the cheek.
  • Kissing on the lips with a friend, classmate or stranger.
  • Kissing with the man you love or just with the one you like.
  • You kiss in a dream with a girl.
  • See how your loved one kisses a certain girl on the cheek or lips.
  • Kissing someone on the forehead.
  • Kiss a child, relative, brother or sister, mother.
  • You kiss not a person, but the earth, a stone, an object.
  • Kiss the enemy.
  • Kiss your ex.
  • Kissing a dead person.

"Kissing" dreams are pleasant or not, spicy or mysterious. What will the dream book say - does a kiss promise good luck or love, enmity or separation?

Nothing personal

There are dreams in which you either saw a kiss from the side, or you had to kiss something, but not a person. Such dreams are very symbolic, and it is important to know what they portend.

1. If you contemplated someone else's kiss in a dream - you saw strangers passionately or gently kissing each other on the cheek or lips, kissing passionately or gently - this portends you sad days filled with loneliness and sadness.

You will be watching someone else's happiness instead of building your own. You may need to make an effort to actively fight for your happiness.

2. If in a dream children kiss each other, this is a bright and kind sign that promises you joy and harmony in your own family. Your life will be filled with pleasant surprises and love.

3. If you contemplated how in a dream a man persistently kisses a girl, you may experience irritation and anger towards some person. This may be directly related to the fact that someone does not show you the attention that you are waiting for.

4. A rather unpleasant and painful dream for a girl in which her loved one kisses another. It can be a kiss either on the lips or on the cheek, even on the forehead - it doesn't matter. It testifies to the infidelity of this person or only your suspicions.

You may have intuitively felt this, and you are having such a symbolic dream. Don't wait for the situation to get worse - it's better to sort it out before it's too late and before anyone has hurt each other.

5. If for some reason you had to kiss a stone in a dream, this bodes shame. Watch your actions in reality, because they can bring trouble to you, and you will regret it. Don't do anything wrong.

6. If you kiss iron, something metallic, this is an unpleasant dream - it portends trouble, an unpleasant surprise or bad news that will break you. Be strong, don't be afraid of problems - you can handle it.

7. Kissing in a dream someone's portrait or photograph with a stranger, acquaintance or relative, loved one or ex, friend or child - means that you will feel annoyance, resentment towards this person, maybe even envy or a desire to take revenge.

8. And kissing the earth in a dream - promises separation from a friend or beloved man. Maybe it can be prevented? Think in advance, it is not in vain that a dream warns you of such a possibility.

Sweet Kisses

More often than not, we have to kiss people in dreams. With whom exactly? There are no restrictions, this is a dream - a kiss can happen both desired and pleasant, and unexpected, with a person who is indifferent to you or unpleasant in reality. Why is this a dream?

1. Of course, it is pleasant in a dream to kiss passionately with a beloved, dear, beloved person. And how pleasant it is in reality! But it is worth understanding why a kiss with a guy is dreaming, especially if he is passionate.

  • If you kissed him in the dark, be careful - such a dream warns of debauchery, which can harm you and make you regret. Be restrained.
  • If you kissed a guy in the light, then do not be afraid - your relationship with your beloved is pure, bright, and happiness awaits you. Don't be afraid, you are loved.

2. And if you dream of a kiss with a friend, classmate or just an acquaintance, friendly - on the cheek or forehead, this promises, on the contrary, trouble in communication. It is not a fact that troubles will be associated with this very person, but in any case, be careful in communication, watch your words and especially deeds.

3. If you are not kissing a friend, but he is kissing you on the forehead - expect resentment or betrayal from this person.

4. Kissing a girlfriend in a dream is a good sign, it promises carefree fun, joyful days and happiness in simple everyday life.

5. Kissing your mother in dreams means that everything will work out for you in business and work, a period of good luck and achievements will begin.

6. Kissing in dreams with a stranger is a warning. You risk soon committing an immoral act, or leading a dishonorable, dissolute life.

Be careful! If you dreamed that you were kissing a stranger, this is a direct hint - you are living wrong, reconsider your behavior in reality.

7. As the dream book says, a kiss on the lips with an ex-spouse or partner directly hints that you are tormented by the past. Let it go - it's already gone, whatever it is. Thinking about the past is holding you back now, you cannot live fully happily.

8. It is curious why a kiss on the neck from a loved one or spouse is dreamed of. This is a good dream, it portends harmony and warmth in your couple.

9. If you kissed a child in your dreams - your own or someone else's, even a stranger - you may be laughed at because of some act.

10. Illness can promise a dream in which you had to kiss an old man or an old woman.

11. If in your dreams you happened to kiss an enemy, a competitor, a person unpleasant to you, in reality you will be reconciled with him.

12. Kissing a dead person in a dream is a dangerous sign, watch your health, it is vulnerable now.

13. But kissing someone's hands in a dream is a sign that you are too proud, arrogant, and this may harm you. Be simple.

“Kissing” dreams can be so different, and there are a great many of their meanings. Take note of the wise advice of the interpreter, and if trouble is foreshadowed, think about how to avoid it.

For this, dreams are dreamed, even strange or unpleasant. Well, if your dream is happy and promises joy - you know, it will be so!


There is such a belief that if something pleasant was seen in a dream, then in reality one can expect trouble, and vice versa. This statement is also true for what dreams of a kiss on the lips. Usually the dream book gives negative interpretations to such a plot, but there are exceptions to the rule.

So, if you happened to kiss in the arms of Morpheus, then this can be interpreted depending on who you performed such an intimate action with. Why dream of kissing a colleague or boss? This portends tensions, and even conflict situations at work, which can even bring demotion.

If the dreamer touched his lips with his spouse, then most often, in family relationships, unprecedented harmony and balance are expected. Why dream a kiss on the lips with a relative? The dream interpretation interprets this plot as an omen of a serious quarrel, discord with the person being kissed. The hugs and kisses of two strangers in a dream are a good omen, what such a plot dreams of promises success and good luck.

Kiss on the lips - interpretations of different dream books

The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation interprets the meaning of sleep a kiss on the lips a little differently. If it is deep, "French", then this promises illness to the dreamer, but it will not be serious and will pass quickly. A long, lingering, passionate, sensual hickey portends a difficult and long-term separation for lovers. If you felt pain in your mouth from a dreaming action, then very soon you will get rid of painful thoughts and thoughts, everything will be fine.

How does Miller's dream book explain a kiss on the lips in a dream? If this action occurs with an unfamiliar woman, then immoral and shameless acts can be expected on your part. A kiss with an enemy symbolizes reconciliation with a friend whom you have not seen for a long time. Seeing in a dream how someone kisses your spouse, according to the dream book, means losing respect on his part, so you should beware of rash acts.

According to the psychoanalytic dream book, a dream of a passionate kiss on the lips for a girl means inner dissatisfaction with her spouse, partner - perhaps he is too rude and not gentle enough, so the subconscious mind draws such pictures through dreams. For a man, what dreams of passionate kisses promises complete dissatisfaction on the sexual front, and the absence of love victories some time after the vision.

The interpretation of sleep kiss on the lips according to Medea's dream book can be considered from different angles. If, in captivity of a dream, you had to kiss a dead man, then this may symbolize illness or death in the near future. The same action with a celebrity in a dream can only mean one thing: your status and authority among friends and colleagues will increase very sharply.

According to Felomen's dream book, kissing with an imaginary partner means a sharp change in living conditions, which will not be as easy to get used to as it seems. And the dead man who appeared in a dream and kissed you promises career success and new mutually beneficial business relationships that will open in the most unexpected ways.


Why dream of kissing a man

Why dream of kissing a man? For a passionate date with your loved one? Or does the dreaming kiss portend a family quarrel? You will find the answer to your question in the dream books. Do you dream that a passionate kiss in a dream will be repeated? What such romantic dreams portend and whether your beloved kissing you will bring joy, you will learn from the interpretation. Find out what a passionate dream about kissing a man portends.

According to Longo's dream book: kissing a man in a dream

Longo interprets a dreaming kiss with a stranger as a harbinger of success and good luck in all matters. Perhaps a new romantic acquaintance awaits you, which will end in a serious relationship. An acquaintance, friend or boyfriend kissing you portends a danger to this person. A friend who has kissed you in a dream in a dream speaks of an imminent danger to you or a quarrel with him.

Why dreamed of kissing a man according to Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller interprets the dream of passionate caresses with her husband as proof of family well-being and love. The husband who kissed you also portends unexpected joyful events. Dreaming lovemaking with a stranger in front of a loved one means that friends will discuss you behind your back, unpleasant conversations. A guy or acquaintance kissing you in the dark warns of a possible betrayal by a partner. If a man dreamed of a rival kissing his girlfriend, then this indicates a possible cooling of love relationships.

Why, according to Loff's dream book, to see a kiss with a man in a dream

Loff interprets such dreams depending on the nuances of the situation:

  • Did you wake up with a gentle kiss on your lips? This speaks of unfulfilled sexual desire. Such a dream usually means that you want to feel love and passion in reality. You dream of something that is not enough in reality.
  • A husband kissing another woman is a clear sign of adultery and discord in a relationship. Perhaps the dream warns of an imminent separation.
  • If you saw acquaintances or relatives kissing, then you are too actively involved in their personal lives or solving their problems.
  • In a dream, did it seem to you that someone wanted to kiss you? A dreaming conversation about love and unrealized caresses with a friend mean sexual attraction to this person in reality. But usually this desire remains unfulfilled.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov: interpretation of sleep kissing a man

A dreaming conversation about sex with a loved one, which ends with mutual passionate caresses, portends quarrels and parting with this guy in real life. But a stranger kissing you of the same sex means enmity and constant quarrels with a girlfriend or friend, misunderstandings. A dreaming married man who kisses you portends conflicts in the family due to the jealousy of your soulmate. Kissing children promise unexpected good news.

What does the interpretation of a dream mean kissing a man according to Freud

  1. If you dreamed of a stranger kissing you, then this is a harbinger of a romantic acquaintance with a handsome man. But then you will realize that he is a gigolo and only uses you.
  2. A guy kissing another woman means that you doubt his fidelity. The dream tells you that it is worth curbing the feeling of jealousy.
  3. If you see kissing friends or acquaintances, this means that you feel more for one of them than you can show in reality.
  4. Having such a dream for a man means that he should be more attentive to his partner.
  5. Another man kissing your girlfriend or wife means that you are not confident in your abilities and doubt yourself.



Miller's dream book

At- means happy reconciliation in the family and satisfaction at work.

see you kiss your mother- portends that you will find success in business, the love and respect of friends.

Kissing a brother or sister

portends danger and debauchery, and kiss her in the light- means that you will not change your noble attitude towards women.

A harbinger of immoral deeds.

To see that the rival kisses your beloved- a sign that you are in danger of losing her respect.

For spouses to see a dream in which they kiss each other- means spiritual harmony that will never leave their home.

If in a dream you kiss the enemy- this means that you will succeed in reconciliation with a friend.

If a young lady dreams that someone took her by surprise when she was kissing a fan- a dream portends her daring acts on the part of her imaginary friends.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Kiss this action- not only a reflection of feelings, but also a symbol of unification or reconciliation with something.

Kissing acquaintances- change, friendship.

kiss the dead- a secret enterprise, illness, death.

Kissing a celebrity- your credibility will increase.

Freud's dream book

Kiss in a dream- symbolizes sexual intercourse.

If you kiss someone in your dream- You are used to playing a leading role in sex.

If they kiss you- you enjoy giving the initiative to your partner.

If you kiss passionately in a dream- you may have problems in the sexual sphere: diseases of the genital organs or impotence.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If lovers or spouses dream of kissing children- this means that reconciliation awaits them and relations will improve.

If in a dream you kiss your mother- this portends the love and respect of a loved one.

Kissing your lover in a dark room- means that you will lead a dissolute and dishonorable life, kiss her in the light- means that your attitude towards women will be noble and nothing can change it.

Kiss with a stranger- promises immoral and low deeds.

A dream in which a rival kisses your beloved- means that you can lose her respect.

If spouses dream that they kiss each other- this portends a life full of harmony and love.

If a girl dreams that someone took her by surprise when she was kissing her lover- this portends meanness on the part of her friends.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Kiss in a dream- changeable image. For those who are apart- he foretells a meeting, and those around- separation. Lovers dream in which they kiss each other- promises a short date, after which they will have to part for a while.

Kiss a stranger- a sign of a fleeting connection or a short-term surge of emotions.

Jewish dream book

Kiss- cheating mistress; send a kiss- humility; kiss get- betrayal, betrayal in love, separation from a loved one; kiss a man- infidelity; kiss a woman- squabbles and disputes; be kissed- disappointment in friends; kissing a vampire- loss of life; kiss a girl- a pleasant surprise; kiss the swallow- harmony in the family; kiss the baby- save freshness until old age; kiss someone- betrayal, separation, false friends; kiss someone of the same gender- enmity; kissing doves- kindness.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Kiss of a loved one- mutual understanding and agreement.

Kissing a child- happiness and joy in the family, success and profit in business.

Kissing relatives- joy, friendly

New family dream book

Kissing children- dreams of peace and happiness in the family and satisfaction at work.

If in a dream you kissed your mother- you will find success in business, love and respect of friends.

Kissed a brother or sister- get a lot of pleasure out of life.

Kissed the beloved in the dark- do not fall into debauchery!

Kissed her by the light- Your nobility in relation to women has no boundaries.

Kissed an unfamiliar woman in a dream- try to avoid immoral acts.

Gave a kiss to your enemy- you will succeed in reconciliation with a friend.

For spouses, a dream in which they kiss each other- means spiritual harmony.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing kissing children in a dream- a prediction of a happy family reunion and satisfaction in business.

If you dream that you are kissing your mother- you will be successful in your business ventures. Your faithful friends will appreciate and respect you.

Kissing a brother or sister in a dream- prediction of pleasure and good relations with friends.

Kiss your lover in the dark- a sign of the danger of moral decline.

Kiss her in the light- means that in relation to women you will always behave nobly.

Kissing a stranger in a dream- portends a decline in morals and depraved innocence.

secret kiss- dreams of a dangerous pastime. Indulgence in low passions can cause tragedy in a respectable family.

To dream that a rival is kissing your beloved- portends that you may lose her respect.

For a married couple to dream that they are kissing each other- a sign of harmony in family life.

kiss on the neck- means a tendency to passion and inability to control oneself.

kiss the enemy- a harbinger of the fact that in reality you will take a step towards reconciliation with an angry friend.

If a young woman dreams that someone is watching her kiss her lover- a dream predicts that false friends viciously envy her.

If she dreams that her lover kisses another woman- her hopes for marriage are not destined to come true.

Eastern female dream book

kiss someone- to parting with this person and a complete break in relations.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Kiss- the need for strength. Reflection of the fear of the Force.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Kiss receive- separation from a loved one; to give- mutual love; disrupt- hot love; send air- obedience.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which a gallant man kisses your hand- portends a chance to get rich, which you can miss by underestimating the consequences of your rash act.

If in a dream a tipsy husband's friend tries to kiss you- in reality you will be disappointed in this person, and there will be good reasons for that. Kiss with your partner- such a dream portends a quick wedding for a young girl.

Seeing a husband kissing another- a sign of adultery in real life. See men kissing- to disappointment in failures, women- in reality, you will have a great rest and have fun with your friends.

Kissing children in a dream- in reality, excessive fuss and impatience will bring a result opposite to what was expected. baby kissing you- portends new worries. Kissing children- a sign of happy reconciliation in the family and satisfaction with their position.

Mother kissing you in a dream- portends the love and care of loved ones. Kissing in a dream with a stranger in a dark entrance or gateway- means that, having sufficient funds, you will spend them unwisely, trying to throw dust in the eyes of a person whose love you want to achieve in all possible ways and no matter what it costs you.

Kissing your fiance for the bride in a dream- portends a breakdown of the wedding on the very eve. If, on the contrary, he kisses you- this means just an unfortunate misunderstanding, which will quickly become clear to the great joy of both.

Nice kiss in a dream- means that in reality you will attract the attention of many men. Kissing freaks or lustful elders- means that only endurance and patience can bring you the desired result. Kissing the forehead of a dead man in a dream- means that joys and sorrows will be evenly interspersed in your family life.

A dream in which you kiss animals- portends to a young lady that her loving and faithful fiance will be completely devoid of jealousy, and for married people such a dream portends fun and a lot of various pleasures.

Kissing a cross or a Bible in a dream- says that in reality you will be disappointed in your chosen one even before the wedding.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Kiss- betrayal in love; get- separation from a loved one; to give- mutual love; disrupt- hot love; send air- obedience.

Women's dream book

Kiss your lover in the dark- to reckless debauchery; kissing her in the light means maintaining respect and reverence towards women.

Kissing a stranger in a dream- a harbinger of immoral acts.

A dream in which you kiss with your spouse- means spiritual and physical harmony in your relationship.

Kissing an enemy in a dream- to reconcile with a friend.

Seeing kissing children in a dream- means peace and harmony in the family, satisfaction from one's work.

kiss your mother- to successful entrepreneurship, love and respect of friends.

Kissing a brother or sister- a sign of future pleasures and good friendship.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Kiss- can be a sign of warm feelings, love and passion. It can also symbolize the unity established in your soul and the reunion of your masculine and feminine principles. It may be Judas kiss, sending to death. Is there a person among your acquaintances who, flattering your eyes, wishes you harm?

English dream book

If in a dream you kiss someone you shouldn't is a bad sign. This dream portends the hypocrisy of an imaginary friend and lover.

See how another kisses your betrothed- to the appearance of an opponent.

If in a dream your lover kisses another woman- this dream speaks of his insincerity and callous heart.

If you see that your beloved kisses you tenderly and passionately several times- it means that he will always be faithful to you and his intentions are pure. For family people to kiss each other in a dream- means a treacherous life partner.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

If someone sees that the emperor is kissing him- it portends wealth.

Kiss- to losses.

take a kiss- to joy.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Kiss- conquest and assimilation. Feeding.

Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation

Get a kiss from a stranger- means find; receive a kiss from a woman unknown- portends deceit and seduction.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Kiss- parting.

Sensitive, suction- to the disease; long- a painful long breakup or a strong quarrel.

Cold on the lips- marked death itself!

Lip pain- liberation from painful expectation, care.

Modern universal dream book

Kiss- one of the most intimate ways of communication. Kissing can be done in different ways, depending on what you want to express.

If in a dream you kiss someone on the cheek is a sign of gratitude or recognition.

Kiss on the hand- a sign of respect and servility.

Kiss on the feet- a sign of unconditional submission or pleas for forgiveness. Or in a dream did you see a passionate and sensual kiss? The nature of the kiss will tell you what you want to receive or give to the person you are kissing.

For example, if in a dream you kiss your work colleague who does not outwardly attract you is a clear sign of respect for him.

However, if you kiss this person on the feet- this is a sign that you are afraid of this person or kowtow before him.

What did you feel in your dream? Many relationships start with a kiss.- Does your dream mean the beginning of a new romance? Or is it a goodbye kiss?

If in a dream you passionately kiss a familiar person with whom you do not have a close relationship- a dream can express your unfulfilled desire.

If in a dream you passionately kiss a person you do not know Try to figure out what attracted you to it. This person can embody what you lack in life.

For example, if in a dream you kiss a person from a certain ethnic group- perhaps you want to visit the country where this person comes from, or you want to accept the life positions of this people.

And the last: if in a dream someone kisses you on the fifth point- says that a person agrees with you in order to gain benefits. Do not be greedy for flattery!

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Another example of the “opposite meaning” in reality: if you dream that you are kissing your lover- you will quarrel.

Kissing a stranger- Get into a fight.

Kissing a child- They will laugh at you.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Kiss- treason.

Esoteric dream book

see kissing- dissatisfaction, longing for affection.

kiss yourself- a tender union, affectionate relationship awaits you, not necessarily with the one you see in a dream.

Ukrainian dream book

If in a dream you kiss someone- it's a nuisance.

If a girl kisses For a guy, this is sick.

kiss someone- to see a friend.

Kiss- argument.

Who kisses you in a dream- he condemns.

Kiss someone of the same gender- fake acquaintance.

kissing the dead- disease.

Air kiss- obedience.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Kiss- treason.

Collection of dream books

Kiss- Deep communication with yourself.

kiss see- to joy.

Kiss- to find.

Kissing strangers to see- you are too actively trying to interfere in the life of a stranger.

Some shadowy figures kiss the sleeper- in this form, the esoteric process of spiritual liberation from local negative energies (demons) takes place with proper Christian prayer. After such dreams, the prayer-practitioner feels extraordinary freedom, lightness, emancipation and inspiration.

Kiss colleague- dreams of a conflict situation at work, stress; a kiss of a pretty girl for a boy or a kiss of a handsome guy for a girl- dreams of sexual dissatisfaction.

Kiss- treason, deceit, fraud.

Kissing just a familiar girl in a dream- to a joyful surprise.

kiss a stranger- to real money.

Kiss your beloved- to separation.

If in a dream you kiss someone- this is a prediction of good luck in everything that you have to go through.

Kissing someone's feet in a dream- to insult and humiliation.

Feel like someone is kissing you- promises you an unexpected joyful event.

Kisses in a dream can dream of joyful pleasant events or future troubles. What does it mean to kiss a man, if in a dream the dreamer felt his lips and remembered the plot of the dream, different dream books write a lot.

Interpretation of a kiss with a man in a dream according to Miller's dream book

Miller interprets kisses depending on whether the man was pleasant or not. If this person is handsome, but unfamiliar to the dreamer, kissing him is a sign of success in business or a new acquaintance.

Kissing a boyfriend or husband - to an unexpected meeting or reconciliation after a quarrel. Lovers dream of such dreams as a sign of compensation for emotions during separation. Kissing in a dream with a freak, an old or ugly person, according to Miller, dreams of future troubles, disgust and scandals.

Freud's dream book

Kissing a man in a dream on the lips is a dream of a new acquaintance and meeting. Teenagers dream of pleasant events (if affection is pleasant) of trouble and pressure if kissing an unpleasant person.

A girl kissing with parents or relatives of the opposite sex - to reconciliation with them and complete understanding. A bonded kiss predicts pressure and quarrels in the family, coercion. Kissing with a stranger is a surprise. If you like the kiss, the dream is a dream for a new acquaintance or erotic adventure.


Loff interprets kisses as follows:

  • without erotic overtones - to good news and joy, provided that the partner did not cause disgust;
  • kissing a child, teenager or relative - to surprise;
  • a farewell kiss predicts separation, and even the death of the person seen;
  • touching the lips of a celebrity or kissing her is a sign of surprise or success;
  • erotically kissing a pleasant person - to falling in love, success and reciprocity in love;
  • if a freak kissed the dreamer forcibly, an unpleasant person is a quarrel;
  • a bonded kiss with relatives of the same or the opposite sex is a dream of betrayal, pressure, or an extremely unpleasant affair.


Passionate kisses in a dream, like making love, dream of a deterioration in well-being and minor troubles. Sometimes a vision predicts separation for lovers and major troubles in their personal lives.


Kissing a man in a dream on the lips (according to Hasse) - to the betrayal of a lover and betrayal. If this happened with a partner, husband or lover with whom the girl is in an intimate relationship, then the dream predicts her disappointment in this person or separation from him. Sometimes a dream may occur before the death of a loved one.

A bonded kiss with an unpleasant person portends quarrels, troubles and disappointments. If a girl is waiting for a passionate kiss, and in return receives a friendly one, the relationship with a man or a guy will quickly come to naught.

Kissing with a stranger in front of your boyfriend - to treason and suspicion. For lovers, this plot portends a major quarrel. A kiss with a dead person portends a secret romance or illness and loss of strength, sometimes parting with a lover.



Kiss with your loved one- to quarrel and separation. Such a plot portends jealousy and resentment, sometimes serious quarrels between lovers. Mutual kisses with a celebrity portend success in business and happiness, sometimes a new and promising acquaintance.

Erotic kisses with relatives of the opposite sex indicate trust and complete mutual understanding. A man kissing a man dreams of success and strengthening family relationships.

Erotic kiss with a stranger portends a new event: if the touches were pleasant, then the events will please the dreamer. A bonded kiss portends a quarrel or being drawn into an unpleasant business.

Kissing in a dream with a dead person - to disappointment and regret.


Kissing a man in a dream on the lips, according to the English interpretation, is a dream of deceit, betrayal or disappointment in a man. A married woman dreams of a kiss with a pleasant stranger for a secret romance or temptation. Kissing in public with a spouse as lovers - to family showdowns and quarrels.

Sometimes a dream predicts trouble. If you dreamed that a friend and husband or lover of the dreamer kissed, the dream portends joy and pleasant impressions, but for some people such a vision predicts betrayal and betrayal of a loved one.


Such a dream portends an illness, a slight malaise, or disappointment in a loved one. Girls dream of a new acquaintance or an erotic adventure. Kissing with a pleasant, but unfamiliar dream of a new acquaintance or surprise, kissing a guy you like predicts joy and reciprocity in love.

An unpleasant or bonded kiss with an ex-boyfriend portends worries and tears, sometimes dreams of a scene of jealousy. If the unpleasant man was unfamiliar, then the dreamer will change her rules and be happy contrary to expectations. Kissing with an enemy or an ex-boyfriend to whom the dreamer wants to return - to an unexpected reconciliation.


The modern dream book interprets kisses in a dream differently, especially passionate ones than everyone else. Here are the main examples of interpretations:


According to this book, a kiss with a man portends troubles and scandals. For unmarried girls, a dream portends a new acquaintance, a love relationship; for married women, a vision is a dream of good news and mutual love. For a divorced woman, a passionate kiss portends an erotic acquaintance or deterioration in well-being.

Kissing in a dream with a familiar man or lover for a long time - to a change in relationship. Some people dream of such a plot for separation and worries. A farewell kiss with a man portends separation, suffering and tears.

New family

Modern family dream books interpret a kiss depending on the place and whether the partner was pleasant or not.

The most common interpretations of dreams about kissing a man:


Gypsy dream books interpret a passionate kiss with a man to discord in relations with him. If a person is unfamiliar, the vision portends scandals and quarrels between relatives. A girl kissing a man - for an early engagement or marriage, for a married woman, a similar dream portends an insult and a quarrel with her husband's relatives or with him.

Kissing with a foreigner dreams of a quarrel or scandal in the family. Sometimes a dream portends resentment and disappointment. Kissing a dead man - to illness or danger to life.

Oriental female

A dream portends a quarrel, betrayal and parting with a loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Kissing a man in a dream on the lips is a dream of illness or a sharp deterioration in well-being. If the kiss was friendly, then the sick person will recover, and the healthy one will feel disappointed. Kissing in a dream with an enemy - to an unexpected meeting or an unpleasant conversation.

A passionate kiss with a mulatto, black man or dark-haired man dreams of a danger to health or illness.

Girls often have such a dream before being raped or attacked. Kissing in a dream with a blond, a man with blond hair dreams of recovering from an illness or good news. For patients, such a dream portends good news and improvement in well-being.


The dream interpretation of a psychotherapist interprets a kiss to good news or frank communication.

The exact interpretation depends on who and how kissed in a dream:

  • a passionate kiss with a stranger of pleasant appearance dreams of joy and pleasant surprise, for some people a dream portends success in business;
  • kissing with a familiar man, but not a guy and not a lover - to an unexpected meeting or understanding with this person, great love;
  • girls dream of erotic kisses for new acquaintances and the formation of a psychological and external image of a future husband, lover and sexual partner;
  • passionate kisses for lovers dream of a quarrel or the end of a romance. If they are apart, then erotic dreams compensate for the lack of emotions;
  • kissing in a friendly way with a guy you like or a lover - to separation or resentment, neglect;
  • passionately kissing a bride with another man or a wife with a lover - to discord in a marital or love relationship.

Summer dream book

Autumn dream book

  • kissing a stranger or not seeing a partner's face in a dream - to surprise;
  • passionately show feelings for a stranger - to the jealousy of a partner or a quarrel in the family;
  • a kiss with a husband or boyfriend predicts major trouble or discord in family relationships;
  • kissing with a lover in a dream - to a quarrel or separation;
  • a kiss with a dead person or a dead man dreams of illness or worsening circumstances;
  • September kiss predicts disappointments in love and great experiences;
  • kissing in a dream in October - to minor changes and events that will happen soon after such a dream;
  • a November kiss is a dream of a change in fate and a new love relationship or an unexpected continuation of a love affair.

Kissing with her husband in a dream

The interpretation of a dream about kissing with a legal spouse depends on the relationship the couple is in at the moment.

Here is how the dream book interprets different kisses with her husband:

  • a friendly kiss dreams of reconciliation after a quarrel or cooling of friendly relations with this person;
  • kissing passionately, as in youth and at the dawn of relationships - to a breakdown in relationships;
  • a farewell kiss is a dream of separation or a breakdown in relations;
  • kissing with an ex-husband - to an unexpected meeting with him or to news about this person;
  • passionate kisses with a husband who is far away dream that he thinks about his wife and misses her;
  • if another woman or girl began to kiss her husband, this is jealousy. Sometimes such a dream comes true literally. In some cases, a dream suggests that suspicions and fears are groundless;
  • to find a spouse in bed with an ex-girlfriend or wife - to jealousy or regret;
  • kiss passionately her husband and see that he turns away - to changes in life or discord;
  • if a friendly or farewell kiss comes in response to a passionate kiss, the relationship will change for the worse;
  • to see that the husband is kissing another girl - to a quarrel and scandal in the family;
  • to see your husband dead and kiss him passionately - to a health hazard;
  • kissing in a dream passionately alone - to improve relations or complete disappointment in her husband;
  • exchanging passionate kisses at your own wedding - to the husband's illness or a breakdown in relations with him. Sometimes a dream portends a divorce.

Kissing a stranger

The interpretation of this dream depends on the nature of the kiss and whether you liked it or not. To understand the meaning of sleep, it is important to remember the appearance of a man, the place of the kiss, the impression of what happened.

The main interpretations of plots with kisses in which a man is unfamiliar to the dreamer:

  • in teenage dreams, the plot means that the image of a future husband or sexual partner is formed in the girl's subconscious. Sometimes such a dream indicates an acquaintance that can become fateful, portending marriage or fatal love and passion;
  • for an adult girl, a kiss with a pleasant man dreams of a new acquaintance or an unexpected meeting;
  • flirting in a dream with a policeman, security guard, military - to an attempt to violate some kind of prohibition or rule;
  • a mutual kiss with a doctor dreams of recovering from an illness or an early resolution of an unpleasant situation, but if the touch was unpleasant, the dream portends an illness;
  • kissing a teacher or teacher - to new knowledge or an unexpected meeting, success;
  • a kiss with a personal driver or a public transport driver portends an acquaintance that will change the dreamer's life;
  • a kiss with an actor or musician predicts a surprise, an adventure or a meeting with an insincere person;
  • kissing in a dream with a celebrity - to success;
  • if the kiss was with a tramp, a homeless person or an extremely unpleasant person, trouble or illness is possible;
  • kissing a boyfriend or husband of a friend who does not exist - to envy and quarrel;
  • flirting with a married man - to a risky act;
  • a bonded kiss dreams of cramped circumstances or an unpleasant decision.

Kissing in a dream with a close friend

Dreams with passionate kisses can dream of a transition to an intimate relationship with this person or to falling in love.

The exact interpretation depends on the nature of the kiss:

Why dream of kissing with an ex?

Such a dream is a dream of an unexpected meeting and a change in friendships.

The exact interpretation depends on the time that has passed since parting with this person and the feelings that the girl had for the man.

  • passionately kissing the guy who quit - to the news about him or from him, sometimes to an attempt to return the relationship. If you dreamed of an episode from the past, and the girl kissed him in familiar places, the dream portends a final break, if the lover was dressed in new clothes and the pictures in the dream did not look like past places of rendezvous, a new and unexpected turn in the relationship is possible;
  • a bonded kiss with an ex-boyfriend whom the girl left, dreams of quarrels and his attempt to return the relationship. To brush off the ex-boyfriend, to prevent him from kissing you - to victory over him. If a girl began to kiss an ex-boyfriend whom she left voluntarily, without coercion, reconciliation and a new outbreak of feelings are possible;
  • kissing a guy who has died or lives in another city - to meet a person who looks like him or a new flash of feelings;
  • passionately kissing a man who is married - to surprise;
  • a bonded kiss with an unpleasant person predicts quarrels and scandals.

Kisses with a loved one on the lips with tongue

This dream means nothing if the woman who had such a dream was not disgusted.
Unpleasant feelings in a dream portend major troubles in reality.

The meaning of sleeping with several men

Kissing with one man in a dream on the lips - to joyful or pleasant events. If you dream of group sex or a dance in which the dreamer kisses with several partners, the dream predicts unexpected events or falling in love.

If the kisses were equally pleasant or unpleasant, then not a single acquaintance will change the dreamer's life, but if she singled out a man from the crowd, then a new acquaintance or meeting will change her life completely. If all partners were unpleasant, the dream is a dream to tears and worries.

Kissing a dead man in a dream

The interpretation of the dream depends on what kind of relationship the woman had with this man, whether he is alive or not, and what the feelings were.

Here are the main interpretations of such a dream:

  • a passionate kiss with your partner, who is alive and who died in a dream, predicts a break in relationships and a love affair, a hopeless relationship;
  • kissing a man who is not alive, but in a dream he is alive - to meet a person who looks like him, meet his relatives or a new business;
  • passionately kissing in a dream with a man who dies and decomposes - to illness and great feelings;
  • a kiss with a disfigured dead man portends an illness or a new stage in the life of a woman who had such a dream;
  • a friendly kiss with a dead person is dreaming of a secret or some kind of mystery;
  • a farewell kiss with him portends a new life stage or an unexpected meeting;
  • if the dead man got up from the coffin and began to kiss, the relationship that the dreamer considered over would take an unexpected turn.

If a kiss with a man in a dream was short

This dream portends a secret or unusual relationship. If the kiss was furtive and briefly passionate, the dream is a dream of a secret romance or relationship that a woman will have to constantly hide.

In other cases, a dream is a dream for short-lived feelings and disappointment in a man. If he furtively kissed and looked around, then his feelings are insincere.

Kiss with a male relative in a dream

  • a passionate kiss dreams of new plans and joint activities;
  • if the partner was unpleasant, the woman who had the dream will be drawn into a dubious story;
  • a friendly kiss dreams of good news;
  • farewell predicts an insult or quarrel.

Interpretation of a kiss with a man depending on the place

The place of the kiss tells whether the dream refers to the past or the future.

Here is how the dream book interprets different places and circumstances of kisses:

Interpretation of sleep by day of the week

  • Monday: the partner remembers the dreamer, the dream predicts a new meeting or a surprise;
  • Tuesday: to separation and trouble;
  • Wednesday: to news or an unexpected change in circumstances;
  • Thursday: to illness or loss of strength;
  • Friday: for a new novel or a gift from a loved one;
  • Saturday: empty dream;
  • resurrection: to good news or guests in the house.

Dreams with a kiss always matter. Therefore, if the dreamer had to kiss in a dream with a beautiful or unpleasant man on the lips, this is always a sign. Well, the exact interpretation depends on the circumstances of the dream and impressions.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Sleep kissing video

Why dream of a kiss in a dream. Interpretation:

at the Women's Club!

Dreams are dreamed by everyone - both children and adults, but it is not always possible to remember them in detail.

Sometimes we do not attach importance to the events we dreamed about, and immediately forget them, but some stories capture us so much that we cannot get them out of our heads.

And I really want to know what such a dream can mean! Whatever you have to do (and sometimes do) in the world of dreams, any action, even the most extraordinary, has an allegorical meaning and means something, and often even portends.

Who doesn't love kisses? Everyone loves kissing in real everyday life, especially romantic natures, because through a kiss we express the most tender feelings, and it's so nice!

But in dreams, kisses take on a different meaning, and sometimes you even have to kiss completely different people whom we could imagine in a similar situation. What to do, dreams are strange, we do not control them - and often do things in the world of dreams that we cannot expect from ourselves.

So how can you reliably and accurately explain why you dream of kissing? What could such a harmless action in a dream mean? It is worth considering a number of nuances - it turns out that everything is not so simple in the dream book.

Remember the dream - did you have to kiss with a friend or loved one, with a mysterious beautiful (or not so) stranger, with your ex or real boyfriend, or a man who has been secretly liked for a long time? Was there a kiss on the lips or did you kiss a girl at all?

In addition to these plots, it is very important to remember what emotions you experienced in a dream while kissing. This characteristic must be added to the general interpretation of sleep that you will receive from the dream book.

If you felt incredible pleasure, joy and euphoria when kissing someone on the lips in a dream, any interpretation takes on a positive connotation, and a good prediction only intensifies. And, on the contrary, if you experienced disgust, fear or anxiety, then you should be more careful.

In general, the scenarios for such dreams are as follows:

  • In a dream, you saw a kissing couple from the side.
  • Kissing a stranger.
  • Selflessly kissed with a beloved guy.
  • Dreaming of a kiss on the lips with an enemy or someone you dislike terribly.
  • A kiss in a dream is just with a friend, a friend.
  • Kissed a guy you know that you secretly like.
  • Kiss with a girl.
  • You kissed on the lips in dreams with a friend.
  • Kiss with the man you love.
  • Just a kiss on the lips, you don't know or don't remember with whom.

Such dreams are not uncommon. What, besides love and passion, can a kiss be associated with? It is not surprising that the interpretation of such dreams is most often associated with this area, however, not always - and each case is unique.

So remember all the details of your actions in a dream, your emotions and feelings, and find out why you dream of kissing in a dream.

Sweet kiss

As it is already clear, the most important moment for interpreting such dreams is who exactly you kissed - with a stranger or loved one, former or current, enemy or friend.

The remaining nuances, such as, for example, scenery and external events, phenomena - in this case do not carry a special semantic load, and do not change the meaning of sleep.

For example, it was raining or snowing at that time, you kissed on a crowded street or in a dark room - this is not as important as who it happened to and what you felt. So concentrate on this fact - it is decisive.

1. Such a dream, in which it was not you who had to kiss, but you saw from the side how a guy kisses on the lips with a girl, portends that you will soon be drawn into some kind of adventure or risky business.

It may seem fun and interesting, but be careful not to cross the line, save your reputation and conscience, and not risk your safety.

2. A kiss with a stranger in dreams - to surprises and something new. And here it plays a special role what emotions and experiences you had in your dreams.

  • If, kissing a stranger, you felt pleasure, you were pleased, then be sure that pleasant and joyful changes, good surprises await you.
  • On the contrary, if you didn’t want to kiss him, felt displeasure, then be careful and get ready for unpleasant surprises or not the most joyful news.

3. Kissing with your beloved, beloved chosen one is always pleasant - even in reality in reality, even in a sweet dream. In addition, this magical dream portends love and harmony.

And if you have friction, conflicts or misunderstandings in a love union with a partner, they will pass, reconciliation and complete harmony await you.

4. If you saw a strange dream where you had to kiss your own enemy, competitor, rival, ill-wisher, or just someone who invariably causes dislike and dislike in you, this is very interesting.

After all, the dream book indicates your inner readiness to give in and reconcile. Probably, you are already spiritually mature in order to internally accept this person, forgive him everything, and if you do not make him a friend, then at least no longer hold any evil on him.

5. As the dream book says, kissing with a familiar person, for example, with a friend, colleague, neighbor - in general, with such a person with whom it would not even occur to you to do this - speaks of a clear and acute lack of adventure, new emotions and sharp experiences.

Come up with something! Take a vacation, do something exciting, go to a new place. Just keep to the limits of prudence, do not rush to extremes after reading the instructions of the dream book!

6. I wonder why you dream of kissing a man for whom you secretly feel sympathy. It can be either your friend or an unfamiliar guy whom you see somewhere and have a hidden feeling for him.

A dream of this kind promises a novel - new and dizzying. But the insidious dream book is silent - will this romance begin with the very hero of the dream, or will you have to meet someone new. But in both cases, you will be happy!

7. A kiss in dreams on the lips with a certain girl - to a quarrel and conflicts, squabbles at work or at home. Such a dream is a reason to be more restrained and tolerant, not to break loose, try to avoid conflicts.

8. If you kissed in a dream with your girlfriend, this is also a symbol of conflict, but already with someone close. Not necessarily with her, with this friend - maybe you will break down at home or “nag” your loved one.

As in the previous case, the advice is urgent - restrain yourself, do not be quick-tempered, because reconciliation is a much more complicated thing. It is easier to avoid conflict than to make amends later.

9. A kiss in dreams with a former chosen one - does not promise, as it may seem, reconciliation and a return to a relationship with the former. This dream portends some kind of adventure, new, vivid emotions and unforgettable events. Something truly incredible awaits you!

10. It also happens that in dreams you kissed on the lips, but you don’t remember with whom exactly, and in night dreams it somehow didn’t matter. Such a dream portends a new, very interesting and promising acquaintance, pleasant flirting, and, perhaps, if you wish, the beginning of a romance.

A kiss, by definition, cannot be associated with negativity and something bad. In dreams, he often promises new novels, pleasant experiences and vivid emotions, with the exception of individual cases.

One way or another, you should analyze the interpretation of a dream with a kiss soberly, and remember that a girl in love, for example, could dream of a sweet and long-awaited kiss with her lover, because she can’t even think about anything else - and the dream only continues her dreams in reality.

But still, pay attention to the interpretation of sleep - and think carefully about how to use this knowledge to bring your happiness closer!

And the most important advice

Usually, lips rarely dream on their own. This is part of the face, and it is it that is dreaming. However, you can kiss in a dream on the lips. The interpretation of such a vision depends on the degree of pleasure that a man or woman experiences during a kiss. These are not necessarily sexual experiences and emotions. In dream books, a kiss on the lips can have completely opposite meanings.

What does it mean to see a kiss on the lips in a dream

Dream Interpretation XXI

Thick, ugly lips dream of possible emotional experiences, anxiety. This may be a reminder that it's time to think about your health. Too full lips in a dream predict a successful resolution of old disputes, getting rid of problems.

Seeing thin lips means trouble. Beautiful, well-defined, but alien - they speak of the disposition of those around you, special attention from colleagues and friends.

Russian dream book

In an old Russian dream book, lips are interpreted as follows:

    scarlet, lush - the health of friends and loved ones;

    large, swollen, with cracks, blood - diseases, serious problems with the well-being of children and relatives.

See your swollen lips

    on Monday portends a choice to be made from several offers of a dubious nature;

    on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - to vain resentment from others;

    on Saturday or Sunday - an illness of a familiar person is coming.

Spring dream book

Lips - satiety, contentment, treats.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Lips are bright, attractive - capriciousness, the occurrence of a quarrel, a frivolous act; pale - illness; thin - envy, revenge.

Dream interpretation of E. Tsvetkov

Bright, sensual lips - separation, quarrel, divorce from a sexual partner; beautiful, with a pronounced contour - to reciprocity, recognition; too thin - to hasty conclusions, often erroneous.

Dream Interpretation Eastern

Thick and ugly lips dream of unpleasant meetings, haste in making important decisions, problems in the family, with relatives.

Full pink lips with a bow - a sign of abundance, harmony, peace.

Thin - means perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal.

Swollen, sick, wounded - predict near deprivation, meaningless desires.

Islamic dream book

This dream book is about people with cut off lips. For a sleeping person to see himself without lips means his tendency to slander, deception, empty talk. If the upper lip is removed, he will be left alone, without support, without a true friend. Some Islamic interpreters of dreams associate the lips of a man in a dream with his thoughts about a woman.

Autumn dream book

If you dream of a kiss, this means the approach of the long-awaited good news. Kissing in a dream with a man on the lips and experiencing unpleasant feelings - for a woman, such a vision can turn into disappointment, the emergence of hostility towards her partner.

A passionate kiss from a loved one for a girl symbolizes a marriage proposal and close marriage. If in a dream she did not feel much joy from such a kiss, she should be ready for treason or betrayal.

Dream interpretation summer

In this dream book, kissing on the lips portends mutual love.

If a girl dreams that she is kissing a former lover, a meeting with him is possible in reality. Or he still thinks about her and feels sexual attraction. Such a dream can mean hidden longing, sadness for a dear, but lost person.

A kiss on the lips with a stranger means for a woman a meeting with a gigolo. A man kissing a stranger in a dream will experience a lot of joy in the near future, good news and good luck await him.

If in visions a person experiences pain during a kiss, problems with loved ones await him.

This pleasant and tedious action, both in reality and in a dream, can cause a range of conflicting feelings. For a girl, a kiss on the lips with a guy prophesies a new acquaintance in a dream book. What this process is dreaming of for a married lady means infidelity on her or her spouse's side.

Miller's prophecies

Miller's dream book, dreaming of a kiss on the lips with a guy, is interpreted depending on the personality of the character. So, for a woman, kissing her lover in a dream means a strong spiritual connection and harmony between lovers. If a young lady was taken by surprise when she kisses a familiar man or admirer, then in reality the dreamer may suffer from the impudent acts of imaginary friends.

Kisses with a friend in a dream - why?

Interpreting why a kiss on the lips with a guy is dreaming, Medea's dream book reminds that this action in a dream not only serves as a reflection of feelings and affection, but is also an indicator of unification. So, to see that a familiar young man kissed you promises friendship with him or a change in relations. I dreamed that I happened to kiss the enemy on the mouth, portends reconciliation with a friend in a dream book.

Men's dreams

To see how another man kissed your beloved passionately, according to D. Loff's dream book, speaks of the partner's infidelity or her tendency to voyeurism. The dream interpreter of lovers explains a little differently why the chosen one is dreaming of kissing another. The dreamed image tells the dreamer that in reality the beloved girl feels a lack of attention, suggesting that the dreamer has cooled off towards her. But kissing in a dream with another man, according to the Jewish dream book, warns of enmity with the character.

Alien young man

When interpreting what a kiss on the lips with a guy is dreaming of, a modern dream interpreter advises paying attention to the personality of the character. So:

  • licking with a sister's boyfriend in a dream - to a lack of communication and understanding with a relative;
  • kiss passionately beloved girlfriend, speaks of his secret sympathy;
  • sucking on a friend's boyfriend promises new love adventures;
  • to touch the lips with a stranger - you have to fight the temptation.

Kissing with the former - for good or for worse?

The interpretation of a dream in which one happened to see oneself in a passionate embrace with a former chosen one has several interpretations. On the one hand, the dreamed vision is a kind of reflection of a spiritual connection with a former lover. Perhaps, in reality, the chosen one yearns for the dreamer, looking for a reason to meet, or the sleeping beauty herself is thinking about resuming relations.

There is a different interpretation in the psychoanalytic dream interpreter, which implies imminent changes on the personal front of the dreamer. Such an image is a kind of farewell to the past.

Sexual background

Dr. Freud's dream book, interpreting a similar picture, suggests that the sleeping beauty feels an acute shortage of attention from the opposite sex. You, striving for adoration and worship, commit desperate acts bordering on recklessness. For such behavior in male circles, you are considered frivolous and frivolous.


We find out why dream of kissing a familiar man

Many are interested in the question, why dream of kissing a friend? After all, this is a fairly common plot of a dream. However, it can be interpreted in different ways, for this you will have to arm yourself with several dream books and try to find the best answer.

According to Miller's dream book, kissing a friend is a sinful pleasure. However, do not succumb to the temptation, as you can decide your good reputation. That's why you need to think several times before rushing headlong into the pool. After all, then it will be too late to fix something, and it will be almost impossible to wash off the dirt. If a man dreamed that he was kissing a girl in the light, then he is easily carried away by the weaker sex. However, this does not bode well for him, but you should not abuse your charm, as women are capable of very sophisticated revenge.

If a girl dreamed that she was kissing her lover in the moonlight, then she would be disappointed in him. Perhaps he will commit an unseemly act and the dreamer will cool off towards him. There is a possibility that he will cheat on her, even a month will not pass, but you should not grieve, because on her way she will meet a more worthy person who will treat her with respect and will not do anything reprehensible.

It happens that a man dreams that he is kissing his friend, but this does not indicate any deviations. Such a dream portends a conflict of interest that must be overcome with dignity.

Kissing in a dream with a friend - to romantic feelings for him. So, perhaps the dreamer wants a closer relationship with him. However, this person does not pay attention to her, but it may be necessary to take the initiative in their own hands and try to create a situation that will allow them to get closer.

I dreamed of kissing a man I knew in front of my husband - to adultery. However, you need to protect yourself from temptation, as the spouse can find out about everything. Eventually the marriage will end. Subsequently, the dreamer will realize that the betrayal was a mistake, but it will be too late.

According to Vanga's dream book, a dream in which a woman kisses a man and her friends notice this does not bode well for her. Friends will be rude to her and humiliate her. However, she should not tolerate such treatment. It is better for her to tell them everything in person, only after that they will respect her and subsequently this situation will not happen again. When a girl kisses passionately in a dream with her enemy, she will soon make peace with him and they will become friends, as the conflict will be settled.

If you believe the psychoanalyst Freud, then kissing a man in a dream promises a girl an acquaintance with a charming gentleman, who will eventually turn out to be a gigolo. She should beware of relationships with new acquaintances, as nothing good will come of it. If a woman dreamed that she was kissing a neighbor or friend of her husband, then she was attracted to this person. But she needs to curb her desires, because this relationship will end in divorce. The husband quickly learns about the betrayal and no longer wants to see her.

According to Nostradamus, a kiss in a dream means betrayal. For this reason, you need to be very careful and look both ways, otherwise problems cannot be avoided. If the kiss was unpleasant, then one of the enemies is trying to harm the dreamer. And his plan will succeed, but she will not be able to do anything.

When a woman dreams that she is kissing her lover, she is expected to part with him. Such an interpretation can be found in Tsvetkov's dream book. Perhaps the dreamer will part with him because of his betrayal. In any case, you should prepare for the worst. However, Longo does not agree with this, and portends good luck to the woman. In his opinion, a kiss is a symbol of luck, so success will accompany her everywhere. It is necessary to have time to do everything, then it will be possible not only to climb the career ladder, but also to grab a good and generous person as a husband.

According to Loff's dream book, kissing a familiar person is a sign of sexual attraction to him. Subconsciously, the dreamer really likes him, although she is trying to escape from this feeling. Perhaps she should admit this to herself and try to find out how her chosen one feels.

Not all dreams come true. This is because the human brain in a dream processes information for the whole day, and if the events were saturated, then quite strange dreams can occur that do not promise anything, but are empty.

Kissing in a dream with a familiar man is a dual symbol that often promises trouble. However, in some cases, the dreamer will be lucky, which means that you need to take advantage of the moment and catch her by the tail until she goes to another person.


Why dream of a kiss on the lips?

Sleep is necessary for a person to rest the whole body, and the human brain processes the information received during the day. In the course of such work, a person sees dreams, various images, fragments of daily stories, his desires, and the like.

All this sometimes acquires quite lucid dreams, which are very well remembered and sometimes carry important information about what a person can expect when he wakes up, something can change in life. For example, a dream about how a person kisses another person on the lips can mean a lot. A person, watching from the side how other people kiss, in life is not satisfied with communication with a partner. If a person kisses another in a dream, then in the future he will meet with the opposite sex and long-term relationships.

Why dream of a kiss on the lips - if a person in a dream sees how he kisses a loved one, but at the same time darkness surrounds them, it may mean that the person is promiscuous. But the same kiss only in the light, especially sunny, means complete understanding and respect for the spouse.

Kissing strangers in a dream may mean some not very moral deeds, possibly deception and an attempt to seduce. On the other hand, such a dream may indicate a short but stormy romance or relationship on the side that will not continue.

But if a person in a dream gives a kiss to a person with whom he has a strained and even hostile relationship, it means reconciliation.

If in a dream a person sees laughing and joyful children who give each other kisses, without sexual overtones, it can mean a harmonious strong family, peace and complete mutual understanding. If someone kissed a person in a dream, and he didn’t even have time to notice who, then in real life he will have a surprise, or a pleasant event.

If a person kisses his mother in a dream, it means in real life to win the respect of the people around him. If a person in a dream gives a kiss to relatives, such as a brother or sister, it means a long and good friendship with other people. If in a dream a person watches from the side as a stranger kisses his wife or girlfriend, then most likely this may mean her loss of respect.

If a girl sees herself in a dream that during a kiss with a partner someone saw them, then this may symbolize not very honest actions on the part of the people around her. Also, if a girl kisses in a dream with a loved one, then such a pleasant dream may indicate a marriage in the near future. If a person in a dream sees a lot of kissing people, and at the same time there is tension, then such a dream suggests that his hopes for something will most likely not come true. A kiss on the lips that lasts for quite a long time can mean a breakup for a long time or some kind of resentment towards a loved one. A kiss in a hickey may mean that a loved one lacks attention and care. If a man dreams that the girl is the first to approach him and kiss him, it may mean parting for a long time, but the relationship will continue.

A kiss between two lovers can mean complete understanding, respect and pure love. And if people have been married for a lot of years and one of them has a dream that they give each other a kiss, then this can mean a strong spiritual connection between them and a strong harmonious union until the end of their lives.

In general, there are a lot of interpretations of dreams about a kiss, basically such dreams symbolize only positive feelings, love, respect, and so on. But sometimes, with rare exceptions, such a dream carries a negative connotation, warning that there are people around a person who wish harm to a person, while they behave like good acquaintances and friends.


Dream Interpretation Kissing, why dream of Kissing in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why dream of Kissing in a dream book:

Seeing in a dream Kissing with an ex - if you are currently in a relationship, then such a dream means that not everything is stable for you.

Why dream of kissing with the former - in your relationship with the former, all points were not set in reality, so you repeatedly mentally return to them. Could such a dream mean that you will be together again? Yes.

Kissing with an ex - did you regret your breakup? If the answer is yes, then you need to try to let go of the past and focus on the present relationship. Perhaps your partner suffers from a lack of attention on your part because of this.

Kissing with a man - kissing with a beloved man in a dream for betrayal in reality, kissing with a stranger - for good news or events.

Kissing a man - separation from him awaits you.

Kissing with a man - a dream for a girl for an imminent wedding.

Kissing with a stranger is a surprise. Almost all dream books interpret kissing a familiar man as a sign of parting with him or betrayal.

Kissing with a friend - to joyful events in your life. Kissing with your enemy in a dream - if you recently quarreled with your friend, then you will safely reconcile with him.

Kissing a friend in a dream for a man in love can mean parting with his soulmate. If a girl dreams of kissing a friend in a dream, their friendship can develop into something more.

Kissing with her husband dreams of separation from him, whether it be his departure, a long business trip, or a real separation.

Why dream of kissing your husband - be careful, such a dream promises betrayal of your loved one or that he will disappoint you. It is better to prepare for any events and difficulties that await you, and with dignity pass these tests of your relationship for strength.

Kissing with your ex-husband - in your relationship there are questions that hang like an unbearable burden in your soul. If you still have unresolved issues in your marriage, then it is better to focus your attention on solving them.

Kissing a girl - if a girl has such a dream - to enmity, possibly with your girlfriend.

Kissing with a girl, with a representative of the same sex - to disputes and minor troubles.

Why dream of kissing a girl - pleasant surprises await you.

Autumn dream book Why dream of Kissing in a dream book:

Kissing - To insulting everyone.

Summer dream book Why dream of Kissing in a dream book:

Kissing - For a man, this dream is for adultery; for a woman - to a family scandal; for unmarried - to marriage.

Small Velesov dream book Why dream of Kissing in a dream:

  • Kissing - Friendship, happiness, conversation // betrayal, separation, quarrel, fight with someone, to illness, not to good, trouble, they want to rob or harm you, deceitful friends;
  • with a good girl - to face deceit, illness (for guys), joy;
  • with a living person - good;
  • with the dead - a disease, a secret affair;
  • with a deceased relative - expect sadness;
  • a girl with a guy - bad, to illness;
  • with a stranger - a find;
  • with a stranger - money // deception;
  • with their own sex - deceitful acquaintance, enmity;
  • kissing to see - sadness;
  • air kiss - humility;
  • kissing the ground - boredom, humiliation.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: Kissing what does it mean

Why dream of kissing - Treason, separation; with a person of the same sex - enmity.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Z. Freud Why dream of Kissing:

Kissing - In a dream, kissing - for a woman, this dream portends an acquaintance with some attractive man who, upon closer examination, will turn out to be a real gigolo. A man who has such a dream needs to be a little more tender to his other half - she has long been bored without your care. If you saw in a dream how someone else was kissing, then you will find yourself embroiled in some kind of unpleasant story.

Spring dream book Why dream of Kissing in a dream book:

Kiss - To separation.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Why dream of kissing - To separation, conflict, treason. Kissing the dead is a serious illness, death; celebrity love. See Kissing (under dream states).

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist D. Loff Why dream of Kissing from a dream book:

  • Kissing - Kissing is undoubtedly associated with young lovers. Imagination immediately draws images of two teenagers (not adults!), Frantically kissing on the subway escalator. You can kiss someone, watch others kiss, or have a premonition that you are about to be kissed. Kissing another in a dream, in this way you can simply realize your sexual desire in relation to someone. And in this case, this is not a kiss for the sake of a kiss, but a kiss in order to feel the energy of love.
  • A kiss is a desire to arouse passion, and it is not necessary that this passion manifest itself. Do you see others kissing? It means that you know too much personal information about these people or take too active part in their lives. The exception is when you witness your partner kissing, which is a clear sign of infidelity or voyeuristic tendencies in your relationship.
  • When you wake up feeling like you want to be kissed, it reflects your real sexual attraction to someone. Usually it doesn't get to the kiss itself, because you wake up on it. The reason is the feeling of PROHIBITION: you want a kiss, but you understand that this is not desirable. What do you experience when kissing: pleasant feelings or threat? Did you long for this kiss or was it forced? What were your overall feelings from the kiss: disgust, romantic feeling, or passion?

Idiomatic dream book Why dream of Kissing in a dream book:

Seeing in a dream Kiss (kiss) - “Kiss of death” (deadly disease), “kiss of Judas” (betrayal). "Kiss" - mechanically collide. "kiss of life" or artificial respiration - life-saving help, return to life, activity; a kiss at a joyful meeting or parting, farewell.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing in a dream Kissing

In a dream, why dream Kissing why dream - Fake friends - a hand - good prospects for the future - a beautiful girl - close marriage - a man - infidelity - wanting and not daring - sadness - earth - anxiety - a woman - squabbles, disputes - children - a lot joys in life - someone - in general - beware of infidelity - being kissed - disappointment in friends

Erotic dream book Why dream of Kissing:

  • Kissing someone - Dreams of kissing are quite frequent. The oral erogenous zone is the main active zone, which first manifests itself in a person. It is involved in the first years after birth, when the child receives food from the mother's breast. In cases of normal mental development, the activity of the oral zone is replaced by the activity of the anal zone, however, in case of failures in it, traces of the activity of the first remain for life. It is they who manifest themselves in dreams.
  • Thus, if you dream of a kiss, this is a sign that the person you are kissing or who is kissing you is subconsciously represented by you as a deeply infantile object, that is, you do not perceive him as a real lover. Most likely, this person evokes in you associations with someone from your relatives with whom you actively communicated in the first years of life (this memory may be unconscious, that is, you may not even remember this person).
  • If you are the active side in the kiss, this means your desire to “absorb” the partner, assimilate him in yourself, make him a part of you, your own, belonging to yourself.
  • If he kisses you, you feel similar desires on his part.

Why dream of Kissing:

Kissing yourself - The dream of kissing yourself is quite symptomatic. Based on Freud's theory, it should be interpreted as a reflection of the dreamer's narcissistic aspirations (that is, sexual attraction to oneself). In accordance with such an understanding, the meaning of a dream about a kiss with oneself can be as follows: 1) egocentric focus on one's own person; 2) unwillingness to see nothing and no one around him; 3) thinking, capable of interpreting everything that happens in its favor, for itself, around itself.


Dream Interpretation Kiss, why dream Kiss in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of Meridian Why dream of a Kiss in a dream:

Kiss with an ex-boyfriend - to see how you kiss with your ex in a dream means unresolved problems of the past. Either you haven't figured out everything about your past relationship, or you have yet to do so.

A kiss with an ex-boyfriend in a dream may mean that your loved one lacks attention from your person.

Also, a kiss with an ex-boyfriend can symbolize imminent changes in lifestyle. If you are not in danger of change yet, kissing your ex means that you will soon just run into him on the street.

A kiss with a girl dreams of auspicious events. If a guy dreams that he is kissing a beautiful girl - to marry soon. A man dreams of a kiss with a girl younger than him - he will make a profit, possibly dishonestly.

A kiss with a girl who caused you strong feelings in a dream is a pleasant event. A kiss with a girl friend may dream of a wedding with her.

A kiss with a girl of the same sex dreams of quarrels or health problems.

A kiss with a stranger in a dream may mean that your reputation will be ruined.

Why dream of a kiss with a man - in reality you may meet a man with an interesting character, but he may turn out to be a daffodil.

To see a kiss with a man of another woman in a dream - you can get into a bad story.

Kiss with a man - kissing with a beloved man in a dream for betrayal in reality, kissing with a stranger - for good news or events.

Kiss with a man - separation from him awaits you.

A kiss with a man - a dream for a girl for an imminent wedding.

A kiss with a stranger is a surprise. Almost all dream books interpret kissing a familiar man as a sign of parting with him or betrayal.

A kiss with a stranger can mean for a girl the frivolity of her real relationship and an imminent break.

Kissing a guy you like is a dream for the beginning of a new relationship, if you don’t have one. Also, a kiss from a guy you like can dream of good news.

A kiss with a friend - to joyful events in your life. A kiss with your enemy in a dream - if you recently quarreled with your friend, then you will safely reconcile with him.

A friend's kiss is dreaming of good news in reality. But if in real life you feel sympathy for your friend who appeared in a dream, this means that the dream only reflects the present.

Esoteric dream book If you dream of a Kiss:

A kiss for what a dream - Seeing kissing dissatisfaction, longing for affection. Kissing yourself awaits you with a tender union, affectionate relationship, not necessarily with the one you see in a dream.

Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers Why do you dream of a Kiss in a dream?

In a dream, to see a Kiss for what a dream - Some shadow figures kiss the sleeping person - in this form, an esoteric process of spiritual liberation from local negative energies (demons) occurs with proper Christian prayer. After such dreams, the prayer book-practitioner feels extraordinary freedom, lightness, emancipation and inspiration, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book Why dream of a kiss on a dream book:

Kiss - Kissing your beloved in the dark - to reckless debauchery; kissing her in the light means maintaining respect and reverence towards women. Kissing an unfamiliar woman in a dream is a harbinger of immoral acts. The dream in which you kiss with your spouse means spiritual and physical harmony in your relationship. Kissing an enemy in a dream - to reconciliation with a friend. Seeing kissing children in a dream means peace and harmony in the family, satisfaction from one's work. Kissing your mother - to successful entrepreneurship, love and respect from friends. Kissing a brother or sister is a sign of future pleasures and good friendship.

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream of a Kiss in a dream:

To see a kiss in a dream - Treason.

Gypsy dream book What does it mean if you dream of a Kiss:

A kiss for what a dream - To receive from a stranger means a find; to receive a kiss from an unfamiliar woman portends deceit and seduction.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov Dream Interpretation: Kiss what does it mean

Why dream Kiss - Treason.

Polish dream book of V. Kopalinsky Kiss on the dream book:

Seeing in a dream Kiss to see in a dream - Treason, deceit, fraud, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Kiss:

Why Kiss is Dreaming - If you kiss someone in a dream, then this is a nuisance. If a girl kisses, then for a guy it's an illness. Kissing with someone - seeing a friend. Kissing is a quarrel. Whoever kisses you in a dream condemns you. Kissing is separation. Kissing a person of the same sex is a fake acquaintance. Kissing the dead is a disease. Air kiss - humility.

Psychoanalytic dream book Why dream of a Kiss:

Kiss - Conquest and assimilation. Feeding.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Why dream Kiss - Parting. Sensitive, suction - to the disease; long - a painful long breakup or a strong quarrel. Cold on the lips - kissed you - death itself noted! Pain in the lips - liberation from painful expectation, care. See add. Kiss in the river Relationships, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

French dream book Seeing a Kiss in a dream, why?

Interprets the dream book: To see a kiss in a dream - If in a dream you kiss someone, this is a prediction of good luck in everything that you have to go through. Kissing someone's feet in a dream - to resentment and humiliation. Feeling that someone is kissing you promises you an unexpected joyful event.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea Kiss on the Dream Book:

What does it mean to see in a dream Why is the Kiss dreaming - This action is not only a reflection of feelings, but also a symbol of unification or reconciliation with something. Kissing acquaintances - change, friendship. Kissing the dead is a secret enterprise, illness, death. Kissing with a celebrity - your authority will increase.

Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller Why dream of a Kiss in a dream:

  • Seeing a kiss in a dream - Seeing kissing children in a dream means happy reconciliation in the family and satisfaction at work.
  • Seeing you kissing your mother portends success in business, love and respect from friends.
  • Kissing a brother or sister is a sign of future pleasures and good friendship.
  • Kissing your beloved in the dark portends danger and debauchery, and kissing her in the light means that you will not change your noble attitude towards women.
  • Kissing an unfamiliar woman in a dream is a harbinger of immoral acts.
  • Seeing a rival kissing your beloved is a sign that you are in danger of losing her respect.
  • For spouses to see a dream in which they kiss each other means spiritual harmony that will never leave their home.
  • If in a dream you kiss the enemy, this means that you will succeed in reconciliation with a friend.
  • If a young lady dreams about how someone took her by surprise when she kissed a fan - the dream portends her daring actions on the part of her imaginary friends, this dream is deciphered from the dream book.

Modern dream book If you dream of a Kiss:

Solves a dream book: A kiss for what a dream - Cheating in love, parting

Azar's Bible Dream Book Dream Interpretation: To see a kiss in a dream

Why dream of a Kiss to see in a dream - Treason of a lover (ka)

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Kiss in a dream

A kiss for what a dream - Get - separation from your beloved person; give - mutual love; pluck - hot love; send air - humility.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing a Kiss in a Dream

In a dream, why dream Kiss why dream - Cheating in love - get - separation from your beloved person - give - mutual love - rip off - hot love - send air - humility


Dream Interpretation Kissing in a dream

Kissing in a dream, Kissing on the lips, Kissing someone you love, Kissing an ex, Kissing a stranger

Some dreams leave such a pleasant aftertaste in the soul, That you want the dream to be repeated again and again... For example, It is unlikely that anyone will refuse to Kiss in a dream! But what does it mean - Kissing on the lips, Especially if you had to Kiss a stranger or Kiss an ex-boyfriend? Dream Interpretations have a somewhat conflicting opinion on this matter - from predictions of imminent marriage, If you happened to Kiss your loved one, To the prophecy of serious illnesses. But how many Dream Interpretations - so many opinions, You need to familiarize yourself with them, And only then draw final conclusions.

Kissing in a dream- to the good news that you have been waiting for a long time; otherwise - beware, close people and comrades can betray you; in a different way - what is happening around you is false, insincere.

Kissing in a dream in the first meaning is a manifestation of one's personal, sexual interest. Perhaps, in reality, you are afraid to admit to yourself any hidden feelings for this or that object of the opposite sex. Especially significant dreams, When you did not see a kiss as such, But were in anticipation of it and forcibly woke yourself up at that moment. Waiting for a kiss and voluntarily refusing it just the same symbolizes your inner feeling of prohibition, the Realization that you cannot do this. In such dreams, we are primarily talking about sexual dissatisfaction with the current partner, And about the subconscious readiness to change him.

Everyone is well aware of the expression - "Kiss of Judas", Symbolizing betrayal, Falsity and unreliable friends. Some Dream Interpretations describe dreams exactly like this, Where you happened to Kiss - hence the predictions of treason and betrayal. This opinion has the right to be, After all, it has biblical roots - so reevaluate your surroundings and think about whether these people should be trusted ...

Kissing in a dream on the next version- this is a very pleasant and joyful sign, since in most cultures this is a traditional manifestation of one's affection and positive attitude towards someone. From this point of view, a dream portends both good news and a good mood.

And here is a completely opposite view of Kissing in a dream - there is such an expression "kiss of Death", Which brings illness and death with it. But psychoanalysts who deal with dreams are convinced that in this case we are talking about dreams in which you felt, and did not see, the Kiss. He could scare you, Cause discomfort, Be chilling, You could subconsciously avoid him ... Such dreams are a huge rarity, Therefore, we will not focus on them and scare ourselves!

Kissing on the lips in a dream - the dream has a sexual connotation. If you kiss (kiss you) a person of the opposite sex, It is about a hidden interest, Sexual attraction to this person. If you kiss a person of your gender on the lips, the Dream promises the development of diseases of the genitourinary system; otherwise - to enmity.

A kiss on the lips is primarily sexual. Remember Who and how exactly you kissed - this will help you understand yourself and learn a lot.

Kissing in a dream with a loved one- for a young girl, a dream promises a quick marriage; otherwise, the beloved is insincere with you, He can change or betray.

Kissing in a dream with a loved one is the most common and brightest dream! You should discard all gloomy and frightening predictions (promises of betrayal, betrayal, illness) and build on the fact that the dream is provoked by the work of your subconscious. The dream is clearly inspired by the events of recent days.

Kissing in a dream with an ex-boyfriend- wait for this and in reality; the opposite opinion - he forgot about you; another version - the guy is still sexually interested in you.

Such dreams are most often caused only by the work of the subconscious, Hidden longing for a person who was once dear to you, By relations with him. You should not think that this is a "dream in the hand" and in reality you will really Kiss with your former loved one. Perhaps the Guy has some feelings for you, Therefore, it is better to find out everything and talk frankly.

Kissing in a dream with a stranger- the same awaits you in reality; otherwise, for a young girl or woman, a dream predicts a meeting with a person who, in fact, will turn out to be a gigolo. In another way - expect good news and joyful events.

Kissing in a dream with a stranger is a good reason to look deep into yourself! Speech, First of all, It is about your subconscious interest in people of the opposite sex, And strangers to you! Everything is easy to explain and understand, If you are currently alone - the body itself tells you that you just need a partner. And another thing, When such dreams are visited by family ladies or women who are already in a relationship. It is worth rethinking the relationship with your spouse (partner) - perhaps the spark has disappeared in them or sexual interest has faded.


Passionate kiss on the lips

Dream Interpretation - Lips

If you dream that you are kissed on the lips, but it is unpleasant for you, you will feel dislike for your boyfriend.

Dream Interpretation - Lips (kissing)

If you dream in a dream that you are kissing on the lips, this is to reciprocity in love.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

If lovers or spouses dream of kissing children, this means that reconciliation awaits them and relations will improve.

If in a dream you kiss your mother, this portends the love and respect of a loved one.

Kissing your beloved in a dark room means that you will lead a dissolute and dishonorable life; kissing her in the light means that your attitude towards women will be noble and nothing can change it.

A kiss with a stranger promises immoral and low deeds.

A dream in which a rival kisses your beloved means that you may lose her respect.

If spouses dream that they are kissing each other, this portends a life full of harmony and love.

If a girl dreams that someone took her by surprise when she was kissing her lover, this portends meanness on the part of her friends.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

A dream in which a gallant man kisses your hand portends a chance to get rich, which you may miss by underestimating the consequences of your rash act.

If in a dream a tipsy friend of your husband tries to kiss you, in reality you will be disappointed in this person, and there will be good reasons for that. Kissing with your chosen one - such a dream portends a quick wedding for a young girl.

Seeing a husband kissing another is a sign of adultery in real life. To see kissing men - to disappointment in failures, women - in reality you will have a great rest and have fun with your friends.

Kissing children in a dream - in reality, excessive fuss and impatience will bring a result opposite to what is expected. A child kissing you portends new worries. Kissing children are a sign of happy reconciliation in the family and satisfaction with their position.

A mother kissing you in a dream portends the love and care of loved ones. Kissing in a dream with a stranger in a dark entrance or gateway means that, having sufficient funds, you will unwisely spend them, trying to throw dust in the eyes of a person whose love you want to achieve in all possible ways and no matter what it costs you.

Kissing your groom in a dream for the bride portends a breakdown in the wedding on the very eve. If, on the contrary, he kisses you, this means just an unfortunate misunderstanding, which will quickly become clear to the great joy of both.

A pleasant kiss in a dream means that in reality you will attract the attention of many men. Kissing with freaks or lustful old men means that only endurance and patience can bring you the desired result. Kissing the forehead of a dead man in a dream means that joys and sorrows will be evenly interspersed in your family life.

A dream in which you kiss animals portends to a young lady that her loving and faithful fiance will be completely devoid of jealousy, and for married people such a dream portends fun and a lot of various pleasures. Kissing a cross or a Bible in a dream means that in reality you will be disappointed in your chosen one even before the wedding.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

Kissing a person of the opposite sex in a dream - people will love you. If you kiss a stranger, a dream means a valuable find or a long-awaited gift. If you kiss a person you hate, the dream means reconciliation with a friend. Kissing relatives - to the successful completion of a profitable business. Kissing children - in reality, children will delight you. If you dreamed that your relatives were hugging and kissing each other, this means that peace and grace will reign in your family. For a sick person, a dream in which he is kissed portends a quick and complete recovery.

If a man dreams that he passionately kisses his beloved woman, in reality she will refuse him reciprocity. On the contrary, if you dream of a chaste gentle kiss, your courtship will not go unrewarded.

Imagine that you are kissing your beloved gently and innocently.

If a girl dreams that she is kissing her peer, the dream promises her a young groom. If she kissed an adult man, she will have a married admirer who will give her expensive gifts, but will not marry her.

If you don't want this to happen, imagine being kissed by a young man of your age.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

Changeable image.

For those who are apart, a kiss from a stranger: a sign of a fleeting connection or a short-term surge of emotions.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

The traditional meaning of a dream in which you kiss your loved one is separation, betrayal, parting.

However, kissing with relatives is a success in business, love and respect for friends and relatives.

With the enemy - to reconciliation.

With strangers - to immoral acts.

If a woman dreams of a kiss with a man with whom she dreams of intimacy, her desire will come true, and their sexual relationship will be very harmonious.

For a man, kissing a woman he likes is a reality to fulfill the dream of a beautiful lover.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

To scandal.

If you kissed a stranger, a fight is possible.

If you have a child, they will play a joke on you.

If you dream that you are kissing your lover, you will quarrel.

Kissing a stranger - get into a fight.

Kissing a child - they will laugh at you.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

To receive from a stranger means a find.

A kiss to receive from a woman unfamiliar portends deceit and seduction.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

Kissing at home is a change in business.

Kissing with an unknown and pleasant person is a joy.

With a freak or an old lady - bad news.

With the dead - a secret.

Seeing the kiss of others is sadness.

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