The strategy of winning over the architect. Do you need it? Architectural competitions - to participate or not


You have negotiations. Perhaps you have made more than one transaction with a partner and know him well. You know his weak and strong qualities, the conditions in which the negotiations will take place. Anticipate difficulties in solving certain problems and imagine ways to overcome them. Some issues should not be raised with this partner at all. And you know this too. Such information is the basis for building a specific negotiation strategy, that is, developing a plan - what and how you will do in the negotiations.

If you are meeting in negotiations for the first time, you can only rely on the information that is previously obtained about the identity of the partner, about his company and the terms of the negotiations. In this case, the degree of uncertainty can be quite high. In this situation, you build a flexible strategy within which it will be easier to adapt to unexpected turns in the course of negotiations. So, starting negotiations, we have a certain idea of ​​the strategy that must be followed. If there is no strategy, then the absence of it is also a strategy. It can be successfully used only by people with great experience and excellent reaction. In the absence of these qualities and the strategy of the negotiator, as a rule, a disastrous result awaits.

In our understanding, strategy is the art of planning and negotiating. The word "strategy" has a somewhat bellicose connotation, which is not always in the spirit of the negotiations, especially if they are focused on cooperation. For this reason, we will often use the word "approach". Approach - a set of techniques and methods of negotiation. Therefore, the concepts of "strategy" and "approach" are practically interchangeable and can be used equally.

In practice, there can be no single negotiating strategy for all occasions. Each specific negotiation process requires the choice of a specific strategy that meets specific conditions. In this regard, we can say that there are as many strategies as there are negotiations. And yet, it is possible to identify the main basic strategies for negotiating. The combination of their elements at different stages of the negotiations and allows you to create any strategy that meets the specifics of a particular situation. Consider the main approaches to negotiations.

Win-lose strategy

This approach means: "It will be as I decide." People with this attitude use strength of character, power, connections, situational features and any other advantages in order to achieve victory over a partner. With this approach, a negotiating partner is, first of all, an adversary with whom one should adhere to a tough course in relations. You should actively insist on your extreme position, neglecting the interests of the other side, strive to mislead it about the true motives and goals, use tricks and threats. This list could be continued.

Here, however, one important feature must be noted: the parties to the negotiations are in a state of defense and attack. In this state, the human brain is not capable of either productive creativity or full-fledged cooperation. This seriously impedes the development of constructive mutually beneficial solutions.

With such a strategy, the other side, whose decisions entail concessions, is under severe psychological pressure. In this case, there is less and less incentive to move forward quickly. This can make reaching an agreement much more difficult. But even if it is accepted, it is fraught with at least two negative factors.

1. If the conditions are too enslaving for the other side, then it is likely to sabotage the decision and not fulfill the agreement with all the economic and moral consequences that follow from this.

2. Win-lose negotiations threaten ongoing relationships. Disputes during negotiations lead to tension in relations between the parties, and possibly to their rupture.

Win-lose strategy is a tough negotiating strategy with a clear desire of one side to gain advantages at the expense of the interests of the other. It is not focused on establishing strong long-term partnerships. As a rule, it is used for short-term business relationships.

Win-lose strategy

There are people who are more or less programmed into a "lose-win" approach and take this position as soon as they feel that they cannot contain the pressure. These are people with the attitude: "I am a loser and always have been a loser." Among them, a special type of people stands out, hiding their weaknesses with a pronounced desire for conflict-free relations: “I am a peace-loving person and ready for anything, just to avoid conflict between us.”

In business negotiations, people with the "lose-win" mindset most often face a dilemma - to give in or to completely disrupt negotiations and thereby protect themselves from having to make decisions in difficult situations. Such people, under the onslaught of will and convictions, make concessions reluctantly. Most often, they are well aware of the degree of danger of the decisions being made, but do not find the courage and will to prevent this. Those who have been in this situation understand how painful it is. If, before negotiations are completed, tensions reach their limits, they can leave the negotiating table under any plausible pretext, in other words, fleeing.

People with a win-lose mindset are very easy to recognize. They tend to be helpful, ready to agree with the opinions of others, they lack the courage to express their true feelings and beliefs, and they are relatively easy to intimidate.

People with a "lose-win" mindset enjoy negotiating with those with a "lose-win" mindset. For them, this is a game in which they can once again be convinced of their superiority over others. But this has its own danger. The fact is that people with a "lose-win" complex or those who have fallen into this situation experience a lot of negative emotions. They try to suppress feelings of irritation, deep dissatisfaction, disappointment, despair and humiliation. However, sooner or later these feelings can break out in the most ugly manifestations. Inflated to incredible limits, anger, cynicism and vindictiveness can turn these people into not only ardent, but sometimes very dangerous enemies.

Usually people get into a "lose-win" situation under the pressure of circumstances, but there are times when this strategy is chosen consciously.

As a rule, this happens if the results of the negotiations themselves do not matter and serve some other purpose. For example, in the sphere of politics, negotiations can be just a front for reaching agreements on other issues. Sometimes such negotiations are a veiled form of a bribe, and sometimes they are a form of fraud.

Here is the story of one of the participants of the training but the negotiations.

We somehow held such negotiations and they served us not for some other purposes, but for making a good profit.

Our firm sold a small batch of calendars to a bookstore. “For testing,” as the store employees said. We also needed to sell urgently and the entire batch. In order to accomplish this, two supposedly "representatives of a company from the far eastern, but very rich region of the country" were sent to the store. These "representatives" were delighted with the calendars and agreed to purchase the entire batch of goods, which would be available in the store's warehouse. Payment had to be made after the fact: the buyer takes everything that was provided to him and immediately pays for the goods in cash.

Employees of the store, anticipating a simply stunning profit, urgently bought the entire batch of calendars from us. On the appointed day of the completion of the transaction, representatives of the “very rich firm”, as you understand, did not appear. An attempt by store employees to find them, of course, also failed. It's amazing how people lose their guard when they think they can get big money.

The "lose-win" strategy leads to significant concessions and violation of one's own interests. As a rule, this happens under severe pressure from the opponent, who uses strength of character, power, connections and other features of the situation. Consciously, this strategy is chosen only if the result of the negotiations is secondary and serves to achieve other goals.

Lose-lose strategy

This situation usually arises when two determined, stubborn, self-centered personalities interact with a focus only on winning. Both lose, as the negotiations reach a dead end and are more of a competition in stubbornness and perseverance.

This is one of the most ineffective strategies. In advance, of course, few people plan it. But the personality traits of negotiators who are unable or unwilling to rein in their emotions lead to this outcome.

From a psychological point of view, they experience the same negative emotions that we have listed for people who find themselves in a "lose-win" situation.

The "lose-lose" strategy is not uncommon. Each of us could give enough examples on this subject. This strategy can be revealed not only at the household level or between two firms, but also at the level of international relations.

Win-win strategy

This strategy is the practical implementation of one of the most important principles of human interaction. It consists in the fact that the winning of one of the partners is more effective if conditions are created for the successful activity of all partners.

The "win-win" attitude is based on the belief that it is in fruitful cooperation that new benefits arise.

In a negotiation environment, a win-win strategy means that contracts and decisions are equally beneficial to all stakeholders. In this case, both parties are satisfied with the decision and are ready to make every effort to implement it. Thus, the "win-win" strategy is based on the realization that business is primarily cooperation, and not an arena of struggle.

The win-win approach does not require you to sacrifice your own interests for the interests of other negotiators. Moreover, he gives techniques for tough upholding his fair position.

Consider a small example on this topic.

One of the leaders of the firm asks: “We have been cooperating for a long time with a firm that, apparently, is heading for bankruptcy. Do you think we should continue to provide maintenance to it in accordance with the win-win strategy?

This can be answered like this: “You cannot take the risk of unpaid work. This is just contrary to the idea of ​​a win-win approach, since your interests may be violated. It is not right to stop working with this company. Try to change the scheme of cooperation. Bring this to their attention: "We understand that you are in a difficult financial situation at the moment. We cannot take the risk of unpaid delivery of goods, so we would like to receive payment for each delivery. We are ready to reduce the size of deliveries and make them more frequently. This will make it easier for you to pay immediately after the delivery of the goods."

The win-win approach has been recognized as one of the most constructive negotiating methods. Especially if you have to negotiate with people oriented to a rigid form of win-lose strategy.

A remarkable distinguishing feature of the win-win approach is that it allows you to fairly firmly defend your well-founded positions. Here the question is only in the qualitative application of certain rules and methods of negotiation. The win-win strategy implements the basic principle of human interaction: the win of one partner is more effective if conditions are created for the successful operation of all partners.

In this case, each partner is satisfied with the decision and is ready to make every effort to implement it. Carrying out a win-win strategy requires special negotiating techniques.

"Win" strategy

With this negotiating mind set, the main task is to achieve your own gain. It does not matter what the other comes to - win or lose. In practice, this position manifests itself as soon as one of the partners begins to feel the absence of rivalry. As Nergesh Janos stated: “Negotiators cooperate (loyally) only as long as they are forced to do so; if they feel the possibility of avoiding cooperation, they immediately turn into merciless competitors and strive to wrest the maximum possible concessions from each other.

One effective way to interact with a win-oriented partner is to use a win-win approach.

The "winning" strategy is focused on achieving one's own gain, regardless of whether the opponent's interests are taken into account or not. This strategy easily turns into a "win-lose" or "win-win" strategy.

Choosing a Successful Negotiation Strategy

The win-win strategy is considered the most successful. Most people hold this point of view, even if they are not explicitly aware of it.

This can be illustrated by the following small parable known in Hungary.

After long negotiations, the buyer and seller finally came to a mutually beneficial solution. The seller says: "We will sign the contract, since we have agreed." To which the buyer answers him: “And here it is! If the price rises in the market, you simply will not deliver the goods; if it falls, I will not accept it.”

The deal, therefore, will take place if the interests of both parties are not violated. This is the manifestation of the win-win strategy.

There are people who consider this strategy constructive, but not realistic. And here it is best to quote Stephen Covey.

I once had the privilege of advising the president of a wide chain of retailers. He said:

The win-win idea is attractive, but not realistic. All the time someone wins and someone loses. If you do not follow the rules of the game, nothing will work.
“Great,” I replied. - Try to apply the principle of "win-lose" to the buyer. If you are not a monopolist, is it real?
- Oh no.
- Why?
- I will simply lose customers.
- Good. Follow the "lose-win" scheme: give away the goods without a commercial margin. This is real?
- Not. Without profit, there is no trade.
We looked at the rest of the strategies and it turned out that, indeed, "win-win" is the most realistic approach.
“Let’s say it’s the same with clients,” my interlocutor admitted. - But not with suppliers.
- In relation to the supplier, you yourself are a customer. Why shouldn't the same principle apply here?

This dialogue illustrates well the vitality of the win-win strategy. The win-win approach has many advantages over others, but it does not follow that it should be applied in all circumstances.

It would be a mistake to constantly stick to any one strategy without taking into account the specific goals of the negotiations and the changing conditions for their conduct. So, for example, in conditions of scarcity, a monopoly position of a partner, and other specific circumstances, other strategies can be successfully applied.

In particular, if you value relationships with a partner and the outcome of negotiations is secondary for you at this stage, most likely you are using a "lose-win" approach. And in this case it will be the most successful strategy.

A rigid form of win-lose strategy may be justified if the relationship is not continued in the future and the loser does not harm you by his actions, either directly or indirectly.

Here I would like to note that the concept of "winning" is not always perceived unambiguously. Let's explain with examples.

Once, at one of the seminars, I was approached by the manager of a promising company. From his story it followed that he had the best performance in the company in terms of the number of contracts for the supply of equipment. However, in terms of the number of contracts that ended in real deliveries, he was significantly inferior to his colleagues.

We carefully considered all these contracts and concluded several more similar ones. And then it turned out that they were held in an extremely tough form, although outwardly the impression of a rather friendly atmosphere was created. You have to give credit to this man. He possessed a strong will, a powerful intellect, the ability to convince and at the same time remain a charming person. He did not even suspect that he brought down all this power on partners and they agreed to unfavorable conditions, weakly defending their interests.

“How is it, they hardly object to my conditions, which means they share my position,” the manager said.

“They separated while they were under your influence, and without you, having sorted everything out, they threw the contract into the wastebasket” - that was all that could be answered to him.

The manager believed that he was pursuing a win-lose strategy in a mild form. In reality, a "lose-lose" strategy was pursued. Thus, the question of which strategy has prevailed is best decided after the expiration of the contract.

Another example.

An employee of one of the firms made a purchase for the wholesale supply of cosmetics. It is difficult to say why information about the discount system was not brought to his attention, but he did not receive the due discount. Sales managers happily reported savings, counting on a bonus.

Formally, the "win-lose" strategy was implemented, but this is an estimate at the time of the conclusion of the transaction. Further events developed in this way. After some time, the buyer called and told them everything he thinks about them, and promised to punish them. He fulfilled his promise. As it turned out, he was closely connected with the circle of people on whom the solution of issues important to the supplier firm depended. And here again, the “win-lose” attitude led to the fact that both lost, i.e., in the end, they worked according to the “win-lose” strategy.

From the above examples, especially the last one, we can conclude that if there are no additional circumstances, then the "win-lose" strategy should be used correctly. Otherwise, it easily transforms into "lose-lose".

The "win" strategy is effective in conditions of high uncertainty due to lack of information. This position is reinforced if there is no idea of ​​how long the business relationship will last.

In all these situations, the success of the "win" strategy is predetermined by the fact that in the course of negotiations it can turn into "win-win" or "win-lose".

In extreme situations, when only a certain result is important and it is completely indifferent how further relationships develop, you naturally choose the Win strategy. In the course of negotiations, it can turn into a "win-lose" or "win-win" strategy.

From what has been said, it follows that the choice of strategy depends on the specific circumstances. The main task is to correctly assess the situation and choose an approach taking into account its features. First of all, this is great and amazing art.


  • The win-win strategy is successful when negotiating with an opponent using any strategy, and especially win-lose.
  • The "win-lose" strategy is successful in an extreme situation, when only a certain result is important and further business ties are indifferent.
  • The "lose-win" strategy is deliberately used if the outcome of the negotiations is of secondary importance and other goals are pursued.
  • A "win" strategy is successful if it easily translates into "win-lose" or "win-win".

Regular casino winnings become a reality when an effective betting system is applied. Certain rules or simple mathematical calculations will either reduce financial losses, having a non-negative balance, or increase your income. Good betting tactics require a bankroll of a certain size, although you should not rule out the chances of a big win even with $1 in your pocket. One of the interesting systems that do not require complex operations is the 1-3-2-6 strategy. Meet: these are your chances of winning!

Main steps

The essence of the 1-3-2-6 system is the assumption that the user has a chance to win 4 times in a row. The bet selection process begins with determining the size of the bet, or unit, based on the available bankroll. The player must take into account that the bets will be selected in the range between 1 and six initial bets at a time and will depend on his luck. In other words, assuming an initial bet of $10, the betting range of the game will be between $10 and $120. The next session is carried out in the following stages:

  • in the first spin, the participant bets 1 unit. Winning brings him the same amount. To the two existing units of the base bet, the user adds one more and puts three units on the second spin.
  • the bet turned out to be a prize in the second spin as well. As a result, the player has 6 units of the base bet in his hands, but on the third round he bets only one third of the available, that is, 2 initial values.
  • victory in the third round already brings 4 units. By adding 2 more to them, the user makes a bet of 6 units in the 4th spin.
  • the happy outcome of the fourth spin brings 12 initial bets to the account. They should be picked up and the game continued again, putting one unit at stake.

Freedom of choice: which games use the 1-3-2-6 system

Easy for users to understand, 1-3-2-6 strategy is used in the following games:

  • Roulette;
  • Black Jack;
  • Craps;
  • Baccarat;
  • Bones.
  • red dog.

In other words, the 1-3-2-6 system is effective in any game where the payouts are 1:1 relative to the user's current bet, for any even odds. None of the listed games has any special advantages, often gamblers choose to play on the colors of roulette, believing that the colors of the roulette are better placed for a successful outcome.

What the future spin is preparing for you, or possible outcomes of the strategy

Despite the fact that no strategy gives guarantees of victory, the 1-3-2-6 strategy game will be interesting largely due to the large number of possible outcomes:

  • first bet lost: user lost 1 unit;
  • the first bet won, the second one lost: the participant lost two initial bets;
  • the first and second bets are played, the outcome of the third bets is a loss: the user has a profit of two units;
  • the first three bets brought victory, the fourth lost: the participant went “to zero”;
  • all 4 bets turned out to be winning - the user's profit amounted to 12 units.

Having received a win for the first and second bets, the user can no longer be considered a loser.

An outside perspective: advantages and disadvantages of the 1-3-2-6 system

The betting system does not promise mountains of gold to the user, it only increases his chances of winning. 1-3-2-6 The strategy has its advantages, which distinguish it favorably among many game systems. It is very easy to use, only elementary computational operations are required for its application. By not providing for an increase in the bet after an unsuccessful spin, it allows you to participate in a large number of sessions, having endured many failures in a row. Termination of the session after a series of winnings for a long period leaves the user's bankroll "in the black". The income from the sessions won exceeds the possible losses.

The 1-3-2-6 strategy does not require users to have a large difference between the maximum and minimum bets per round.

The disadvantages of the 1-3-2-6 system include the difficulty in successfully predicting four outcomes from 4 sessions, as well as the inability to influence your own chances of winning at the casino. After all, making bets on equal chances and only changing the size of the bet, the user does not have the opportunity to change the share of the casino's profit.

To Apply or Not to Apply: Conclusions on the 1-3-2-6 Strategy

Users of the gambling session should be prepared for the vagaries of fortune. Without chasing a big win and using the 1-3-2-6 betting system, you can get a stable positive result. Taking part in sessions for equal chances, players have an equal chance of winning or losing, because two progression outcomes can be unsuccessful. The 1-3-2-6 strategy is effective even if there is a minimum amount of funds on the bankroll. Listen to your feelings and place your bets, and may luck smile upon you!

One of the most popular forms of casino gambling worldwide where it is legal. According to analytical data, the revenue generated by slots is from 65 to 75% of the total income of the institution. How to play slot machines? This question was asked at least once by every guest of the gambling club.

Do not forget that gambling, in particular slot machines, is prohibited in many jurisdictions. So, for example, citizens of Ukraine do not have the opportunity to visit, in this country it is illegal. As for Russia, here this type of gambling is allowed in gambling zones specially designated for this, while residents of Belarus can quite legally visit gambling establishments and use the service of slot halls. In addition, they can play online casinos, including those offered by offshore gambling operators. This article provides an overview of several types of strategies that are popular among slot lovers.

The review is of reference and informational, analytical nature and does not have as its main goal the promotion of goods and services on the market (in accordance with Part 2 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of March 13, 2006 No. 38-FZ "On Advertising", advertising is not ).

Slot machines: is it really possible to win?

Are there any winning slot machines? No, it is unlikely that even the most experienced gamer will be able to name specific slot machines that regularly bring large cash prizes. Trying to unravel the secrets of emulators and identify vulnerabilities is absolutely pointless, since the administration of any casino, whether it is a land-based or interactive club, carefully monitors the payout system, and a player will be immediately blocked for fraud attempts.

But how to play slot machines and win? Every gambler has his own secrets. While some try to determine which slots are the most profitable by trial and error, others start from probability theory and develop their own tactics. What is more efficient?

Gamblers who know how to manage their money while playing slots often become winners at. If you bet all the $100 you had in your pocket and walk away with nothing, the evening will be ruined. But what if you leave the casino with the same whole $100? You just enjoyed the evening entertainment for free, at the expense of the casino. And that already makes you a winner.

In fact, the process of money management is not difficult when you play slots. You set the minimum amount of money you want to keep. Let's say you invest $100 in a slot machine. Your minimum threshold in the selected slot machine is $50. If she immediately takes $50, there is a high risk that you will immediately lose them.

However, betting $50 per spin or, for example, $0.25 is a big difference. If you want to keep the reels spinning for a long time, you need to bet in proportion to how much money you have. So, if you have only $10, then betting the entire amount on one spin is an extremely reckless decision.

The chances of you becoming the owner of a win increase when you spin the reels more often - this is what many players think, but in fact it is not. The slot machine grabs a random number from a huge table of randomly generated numbers and the number it takes to "positive" on your bet can be 1000 spins. If you only have enough money to complete 100 spins, you won't be able to win.

Since any slot machine uses a random number generator to determine which winnings will be paid out, some players prefer to reset the machine - and again they are mistaken. If you reboot, the system will return to the top of its long list of possible random numbers. We are talking about a huge number of them - probably hundreds of thousands or millions. You also cannot predict the time at which the slot will be the most winning. Even if someone claims that “this machine brings money after 9 pm on Thursday”, this judgment has no arguments and evidence.

So when you're gambling on random odds, the only strategic control you have is to stop betting on a sequence of random events that don't work in your favor. You either play at low stakes or stop playing at this one.

Many believe that success depends on how many hours the player spends lowering the lever of the machine. But it's not. You need to make sure that time works for you. In a casino, time is money.

The random number generator constantly produces new values ​​for its machine. If you understand that luck is not on your side right now, take a break from the game. This makes it possible to “cool down” from the feeling of excitement that has gripped you. Let the random number generator spin for several unsuccessful cycles for you. Make it a rule to pause after 30 minutes of play. Make a phone call, send a text message, look around - all this will allow the random number generator to scroll through several cycles, and you - to control what you are doing.

Try to play where you feel most comfortable. Excessive nervousness will not play into the hands where you need to remain calm and be patient. Luck does not like too nervous players.

Tip 4: Prefer slots with a high return percentage

Despite the fact that no one knows which slots are winning, experienced gamblers advise choosing slot machines that offer a high return percentage (RTP). As a rule, this information is freely available, and you can find it in the description section of a particular slot. Such machines pay smaller jackpots but offer more winning combinations.

How to win at and what does the winning depend on? This question worries absolutely every user. Let's look at what strategies can be used in this gambling industry, what are their disadvantages and advantages.

This strategy is widely known among gamblers. Its principle is as follows: if the current bet has lost, then the next one must be increased. In other words, if all losses and wins are evenly correlated, then each loss increases the chances of winning in the next spin. Simply put, a win after doubling down can make up for an early loss. However, in this case, you need to make a very large number of bets per game session.

Parlay system

It is also known as "Anti-Martingale". The strategy is to halve the bet after each loss and increase after each win. This system is not devoid of logic, given that more than 50% of the spins on any one are losing. However, there is a drawback here too - luck can smile at you when the bet is very small, and if you make a big one, you can lose.

pyramid system

Its meaning is to increase rates gradually, reaching the maximum, and then gradually drop again to the minimum. Example: You can bet up to 5 coins per line. Then your betting system should look something like this: one - two - three - four - five - four - three - two - one.

: losers, middle peasants and winners.

Winner achieves the set goals. He is successful, enjoys life, is happy, changes his environment. He is playing a win-win game.

Middle peasant- this is the one who has set a goal for himself (or rather, a dream), but continues to stagnate, never reaching victory. He can achieve some success, but spends too much effort, time and resources on it. The middle peasant often gets sick, is dissatisfied with himself and those around him, complains about life. He does not know how to enjoy it to the fullest. The strategy of his behavior is "win - lose".

Jonah- this is a person who does not know how and does not want to set goals. He is apathetic and inert, his life is unconscious and meaningless. "Losing - losing" is about him.

Doctor of Psychology, psychotherapist Sergei Kovalev claims that the position of the winner is just a well-designed strategy. The main resources in it are knowledge, confidence and active movement forward.

Man is 80% water. Without a purpose in life, he is just a puddle. S. Kovalev

The winning person interacts with the same winners, and the result of their joint work brings benefits to both parties. Such an attitude makes it possible to perceive life as a platform for mutually beneficial cooperation, friendship and assistance.

In a global sense, with the help of the win-win strategy, it is possible to produce much more useful tangible and intangible products. In the win-win paradigm, there are enough resources for everyone. Stephen Covey popularized this strategy in the book Recommended.

A few years ago I developed an online game.
The finished game is my "prize". But she's not in social network "Odnoklassniki" is a potential gain. It still needs to be picked up.

I can’t do it myself, I don’t have enough hands and experience. My friends suggested that I finalize it for placement in Odnoklassniki.

We joined forces, earned some money. "Winning is winning."

If friends undertook to develop a similar game from scratch, it would not pay off, and friends would lose.

The middle peasant lives by the principle of "win - lose". He considers each business begun as a victory for one of the parties and an obligatory defeat for the other. The middle peasant does not represent an outcome in which both win. This approach reduces the quality of the deal, and at best a compromise is created.

The big drawback of the "win-lose" strategy is that the middle peasant, exploiting the other, will be able to cooperate with him only once. Nobody wants to be the loser twice. The interdependence of the "win-lose" principle does not allow using the existing potential to the full.

Worked on the previous project for 9 years. Always, behind the intermediate goals, there was the idea “then I’ll start such a project, based on the developments.” I didn't know what it would be. But something big, beautiful and useful. Now I am doing it.

Experience is not only the experience of entrepreneurship, programming, marketing. But also a happy personal life, travel and even money. These are all easier to achieve when they are not the goal, but a pleasant side effect.

This is a win-win strategy with yourself. Winning one, I get the opportunity to win the other.

Most people choose extrinsic motivation unconsciously: from childhood we were told what to do, where to go, how to behave. 90% of our basic ideas about the world and motivations are formed before the age of 6. A person does not even remember this process - he takes it for granted. These people need to rethink their motives.

Let's change the vector: "I want to write a series of books about how to realize my dreams and help a thousand people become happy." Now the motive is not external, but internal. By benefiting others, you will benefit yourself. The motive will work if there is healthy egoism in it.

External motivation turns a person into a mediocre creature, capable of rubbing his ass for 5 years and feeling like a genius at the same time. Internal - and mediocrity in 5 years will turn into a genius, at least in a narrow area.

Graduate from the university, get a diploma - and this goal was imposed on me. Even at school, I did not know what to do, where to go - no one teaches this.

I heard that people are entering some kind of physics departments, mekhmats - I didn’t even know what it was. The losers told me where to go. Entered, disaccustomed 5 years.

By my current standards of efficiency and usefulness, that time is mindless cramming. A useless waste of time and effort. Five years of study to work one week. Encouraged by all the stupidity, almost everyone is just as fooled. Now you can study for a week and work for 5 years.

Studying at the university in terms of efficiency is a “lose”. Without realizing it, I played lose-lose with the losers. But “losing” is also good, on it we learn to win.

When we do not know why we did something, we come up with an answer to the question “why?”. A person must explain to himself that his actions make sense.

In small things, we may not notice this, but when we spend 5-10 years of our lives on work or university, this should have a reason. Excuses appear, benefits are invented, we even begin to list the pluses from the word “but”. “But there was time to think”, “but I learned to learn”, “but now I have an analytical mindset”.

It is painful for losers to list a long list of “what”: they did not learn what they liked; did not live the way you want; did not get enough sleep for years or endured the inadequacy of the leader. The winner can also justify his mistakes, but admits that he lived by the strategy of weaklings.

direction of life

Having correctly built motivation, it is useful to figure out how best to move towards your goal. There are only two directions of life change in the world: TO and OT. Winners are moving towards a better future. Losers move OUT of trouble.

One studies to increase income and travel more often. Strives for additional opportunities and freedom. And the other is studying so as not to be fired. Wanting to avoid the difficulties of finding a new job, the possible suffering from unemployment.

Winners love healthy competition, especially with themselves. Often it turns out that there is only one opponent left - yourself. The middle peasants and the losers try to avoid competition. They find it difficult to critically evaluate themselves and find weaknesses in order to know what to work on.

You need to strive to overtake not someone, but yourself.

Another distinguishing feature of the winner is the focus on getting joy and pleasure from achieving any, even a small goal. This distinguishes the winner from the average and the loser. The middle peasants and losers, taking small steps towards the main goal, think like this: “This is just an insignificant stage, there is still so much to go through.” Winners are happy with every little achievement.

Who are you?

If we are winners, then we try to spend time with the same as we are lucky. Think of friends and colleagues and close relatives. How many middle peasants and losers are among them? How many winners?

This number determines who you are. The middle peasants play win-lose with you, and the losers play lose-lose with you. To become a winner, you need to build your environment so that among your loved ones there are mainly winners.

The one who does not consider that studying is beneath his dignity always wins. Always learning is the best strategy.

Do an experiment. Pick any business you recently planned with a friend or relative and implement it with a win-win strategy.

We play with others, not only when we sign a contract, but more often in simple communication. In the exchange of opinions, advice, discussions.

Choose a win-win strategy and be a winner.

If roulette has always been considered the queen of the casino, then the place of the crown bearer can be safely given to slot machines. A couple of decades ago, mechanical, now completely switched to electronics - these “guys” entered more than one name on the lists of multimillionaires, however, as they ruined more than one pocket.

For everyone who asked the main question “How to win at slot machines?”, We immediately answer - a better strategy than choosing slots with the highest return percentage and maximum bet (if the latter is a prerequisite for winning the jackpot, or a guarantee of high payout ratios) until invented. But not everyone can afford the game to the maximum, even more - far from always such an approach to the game is justified. Although, this does not prevent new theories and schemes from appearing with enviable regularity, which many consider more than viable. Such strategies are rarely too complex, simply because the possibilities of gambling house customers in this category of gambling entertainment are limited. And we are not talking about illegal hacks and fraud.

We will not decorate your ears with flour products - the betting systems described in the material will not give you a 100% guarantee of winning, but will help you systematize the game process, manage your bankroll wisely, and the process itself will perhaps become more meaningful and interesting.

  • System "Up the stairs"

The system is very simple and clear, somewhat reminiscent of progressive roulette winning systems. Start by choosing a low bet to start - let this be your minimum threshold (your bets should not fall below this amount). If after the first spin you have not won anything, do not change your bet, otherwise double it.

The whole game according to this system will take place according to a given algorithm: a win is a signal to raise the bet by 2 times, a loss - to reduce it by the same amount. And yes, you should also have an upper limit (either the system limit or your own). By winning, after which the bet increases, we mean the amount of money that is at least 2 times the bet itself. So if you win $15 after betting $10, you don't need to bet $20 on the next spin.

The "Up the Stairs" system is a soft cushion for your bankroll, because big bets are always placed on winnings.

  • “Play and Run” system

This strategy has a very telling name that literally conveys its essence: if the slot does not live up to your expectations, you switch to another slot machine. "Play and Run" suggests that you completely abandon your gut instinct while playing and try to find the best option. From our side, there will be no evaluations of the system, we will simply introduce you to its principles. Whether to use it or not is up to you.

To understand the strategy, you need to know two terms - “limit loss” (“limit loss” - your limit on the funds that you are ready to lose on the 1st slot) and “empty spin” (“empty spin” - spinning reels without cash payments) .

Before starting the game, decide on the number of slot machines, empty spins, after which you simply switch to another slot, and the amount that you are ready to say goodbye to. Such a scheme is ideal for people with a small bankroll, and small bets are a prerequisite for the gaming process. Keep in touch with reality - if you have a limit on funds, do not stare at slots with high minimum bets.

This is not a progressive system and does not provide for the growth or reduction of rates in the process. The rate is always the same. Constantly remember your limits - you have reached one of them, or maybe both - it's time to change the location. In case of luck, the machine can not be changed, but close the current game session (withdraw money and start a new game).

The advantages of the described system include the following:

  1. following the rules, you will not be able to suddenly lose all your money;
  2. the game session will last longer even if you lose;
  3. if you are lucky, you will use your chance to win more, but you will be able to stop in time without doing anything stupid.

  • “Blank back” strategy

The scheme has something in common with the “Play and Run” system already described above, only there is only one limitation in it - the number of rounds played that do not bring money. The main idea is to refuse to play on a “non-lucky” slot. The system is simple and does not shift the balance of advantage towards the player. But it will perfectly fit into any bankroll management and make the game more streamlined.

Experienced gamblers are advised to set their limit of empty spins within 7-15. A smaller number will make you change slots too briskly, a larger one will increase the risk of losing money. The amount of bets on the system of empty spins does not change. The most convenient game format for this system is an online casino, running between slot machines is another occupation. Top online casinos with an excellent reputation and the best offers can be found in our “Casino online” section. We do not get tired of repeating - the system is not a guarantee of winning, but it copes well with the assigned function of controlling personal funds, makes the game more disciplined, and does not allow you to stay in one place.

  • “One game” system

According to this system, the player chooses an interesting slot for him and bets the maximum from the first spin. If you are lucky, you can continue playing this slot machine with the money you win, or you can collect your winnings. The decision is up to the player, but you can no longer play this slot for your own money. Lost credits from the first spin - change the slot. If the first spin is not played, we go to the next machine in the list. The scheme is suitable for active players with a “healthy” bankroll.

It is difficult to say what logic the creators of the “One game” system were guided by, but most likely there was a superstition about the fact that the casino deliberately makes the first spin winning in order to lure customers into the game. If so, then the One Game system will make someone richer. How safe is it - the question is, when playing any gambling (and slots are no exception), you need to remember that everyone can lose, the main thing in the game is to be able to stop in time.

I would like to draw the players' attention to the fact that the systems can be combined. All of them are tied to the exclusion of a quick loss and provide an opportunity to play with pleasure.

And finally, a short summary of useful tips for all slot lovers:

  • do not spend money on buying “tested” winning systems - there are no such legal ones;
  • think in advance about the amount limit, which you can easily say goodbye to, and the time limit for the game;
  • do not play for the latter;
  • choose limits for your bankroll and do not deviate from them;
  • before playing, take some time to get acquainted with the paytables of the slot, it will not be superfluous to try the demo version first;
  • do not do stupid things under emotions;
  • take slot machines as a vacation, not an attempt to improve your financial well-being.

Learn to play effectively and luck will not keep you waiting.

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