Surzhik what a language. Surzhik is an ambiguous phenomenon


» language.

In a more general case, any language formation with the grammar of one language and the vocabulary of another is called surzhik. For example, the phrase "spread on Deutsche" is a German-Russian surzhik.

General information

There is no consensus on the nature of surzhik. Surzhik cannot be called a pidgin, since pidgins arise in an extreme situation of interethnic contacts when there is an urgent need to reach mutual understanding (that is, a pidgin cannot arise during peaceful contact between two closely related and mutually intelligible languages). In addition, pidgins are not native to anyone, because, due to their primitiveness, they are not able to provide full-fledged communication. It is difficult to call surzhik a creole language, since creole languages ​​arise in the process of assimilation of a pidgin. The designation mixed language seems to be somewhat more correct: as in classical mixed languages ​​\u200b\u200blike the language of the Mednov Aleuts or Michif, the vocabulary in Surzhik is taken from the Russian language, and most of the grammar is from Ukrainian. At the same time, all mixed languages, like pidgins, arose from the contact of unrelated languages. It is possible to look at surzhik as an urban vernacular that is formed as a result of linguistic interference, which was absent in the Ukrainian language due to its low prevalence in cities; in such a case, it may be recognized as a sociolect.

scientific definition

The first scientific works devoted to the study of surzhik as a multifaceted phenomenon appeared in the 1990s. The problem of surzhik was considered in the works of T. Vozniak, T. Koznarsky, L. Masenko, J. Polishchuk, V. Radchuk, O. Ruda, L. Stavitskaya, M. Strikha, V. Tovstenko, V. Trub, M. Feller, O Shumilova, L. Bilanyuk, M. Flyer, A. Okara and other scientists. Earlier works were predominantly journalistic in nature. As of 2007, there were only working versions of the definition of the concept of surzhik. One of these options was developed by Lesya Stavitskaya and Vladimir Trub:

Surzhik- this is an uncodified colloquial and everyday style of the language (speech), which arose as a result of a massive long-term contact Ukrainian-Russian bilingualism in its digloss form. Surzhik arises as a result of systemic interference at the phonetic, morphological, lexical, syntactic levels; it is represented by whole-formed lexemes - Surzhikisms, which are superimposed on the Ukrainian or Russian language basis; manifests itself on the basis of regional varieties of the Ukrainian language as a language code among individuals of various types of language competence, in diverse social, corporate and communicative spheres .

Variants of the definition given by other authors: Surzhik- this is a chaotic filling of the destroyed links in the structure of the Ukrainian language with elements of a superficially assimilated Russian(Masenko); its feature is Russian vocabulary with partial Ukrainian syntax, phonetics(Striha; Okara) and morphology(Kuznetsova).

History and origins

Surzhik was recorded in writing already by the first author who wrote in colloquial Ukrainian, Ivan Kotlyarevsky in his work "Natalka-Poltavka" () by Vozny, a Ukrainian (representative of authority in the village), who tried to speak Russian.

Surzhik options

Surzhik was formed among the rural population as a result of mixing Ukrainian dialects with the Russian spoken language.

Surzhik in different regions of Ukraine and among its individual carriers has significant differences. As a rule, grammar and pronunciation (articulatory base, prosody) remain Ukrainian, and if phonetic and grammatical phenomena penetrate from the Russian language, they remain lexicalized: they do not transfer to the same type of properties of Ukrainian language units, but they affect word formation. At the same time, a more or less significant part of the vocabulary, depending on the education, language experience of the speaker, as well as on his speech intention and general speech situation, is borrowed from the Russian language.

There are three options for using surzhik:

  1. Surzhik as a language of spontaneous use. Vernacular or local dialect with numerous Russianisms, which is actually the only linguistic behavior of persons who have poor command of both Ukrainian and Russian literary language and do not attach importance to the peculiarities of their language.
  2. Conscious use of surzhik. It is characteristic of people who know both languages, but do not have automatism in their use.
  3. Undesirable, involuntary penetration of elements of a non-basic language into a basic one, or a basic one into a non-basic one, in persons who are fluent in one language and who study a second one - Russian or Ukrainian.

    Gulak Yolope.jpg

    Gulak I'm a housewife.jpg

    Gulak Nezhonatym 9.jpg

Examples of surzhik

From the notes of researchers at the European University at St. Petersburg:

  • In the family we communicate in Ukrainian, even in surzhik, one might say ... (Kharkov, 2003).
  • In Russian and Ukrainian. Yak have to. Already mixing, already mixing ... In general - the mixture turned out and everything. There is no such pure, Russian or Ukrainian Schaub. One word for Rus, another for Ukrainian... (Kharkov, 2003).
  • Shaw right now robish?
  • How did you do it?
  • Do you want to fly?
  • What can you say about it? Let's study what?
  • I don’t even know what to do yoga.
  • I don't understand! Will you pay or not?

(Kharkiv region, 2011)

  • I'll be a little late.
  • Skilki uremya?
  • First, second, third, fourth.
  • Are you good enough?
  • Nihai won breathe tsy whore.
  • Cibarka, cibulya, shotgun, sokira.
  • Yaka garna dyvchina.
  • Shaw won toby kaly.
  • You are some kind of garny lad.
  • Vivtorok, nidilya, supper.
  • Wait

(Donetsk, 2013)

19th century

The Russian-language newspaper Kievskiye Gubernskiye Vedomosti has repeatedly criticized the use of surzhik. The editors of the newspaper noted that during the days of contracts (fairs), when many guests from all over the Russian Empire came to Kyiv, the use of surzhik becomes very noticeable. “When I first visited the Contract House,” wrote a newspaper correspondent in 1854, “I was amazed, bewildered, seeing and hearing everything that happened there […] Various phrases are wonderful. "Goodbye, we'll go home." - "No, don't go, you still seem to have to see Pan Strezlitsky." "Stop, you're all laughing at me." - “Here, let's go this way!” - “No, it's better to go there. There, you see how everyone is spinning.

20th century

One of the authors of the Kyiv guide M.S. Boguslavsky called surzhik "an absurd mixture of Polish and Jewish languages ​​with Little Russian."
“The most monstrous accents are the genitive case of the accusative, “give me a knife”, “himself” in the sense of “one”, “there”, “here” instead of “there” and “here”, “I miss you” - at every step , even in the mouths of intelligent persons.

Surzhik in popular culture

To the cinema

  • - Sorochinskaya Fair (dir. Nikolay Ekk). The first Ukrainian color film, adaptation of the story of the same name by Nikolai Gogol.
  • - For two hares. Comedy film based on the play by Mikhail Staritsky. The story of the adventures of the Kyiv dandy Golokhvastov.
  • - Liquidation (dir. Sergei Ursulyak). Russian serial feature film.

Music groups and artists

Notable people using surzhik

see also

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  • Rein E. Marathon notes. - Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2005. - p. 43. - ISBN 5-94799-487-9.
  • (about surzhik and trasyanka)

An excerpt characterizing Surzhik

Why did it happen this way and not otherwise?
Because that's how it happened. “Chance made the situation; genius took advantage of it,” says history.
But what is a case? What is a genius?
The words chance and genius do not designate anything really existing and therefore cannot be defined. These words only denote a certain degree of understanding of phenomena. I don't know why such a phenomenon occurs; I think I can't know; therefore I do not want to know and I say: chance. I see a force producing an action disproportionate to universal human properties; I don’t understand why this is happening, and I say: genius.
For a herd of rams, that ram, which every evening is driven off by a shepherd into a special stall to feed and becomes twice as thick as the others, must seem like a genius. And the fact that every evening this very ram ends up not in a common sheepfold, but in a special stall for oats, and that this very same ram, drenched in fat, is killed for meat, must seem like an amazing combination of genius with a whole series of extraordinary accidents. .
But sheep need only stop thinking that everything that is done to them is only to achieve their sheep goals; it is worth admitting that the events happening to them may have goals that are incomprehensible to them - and they will immediately see unity, consistency in what happens to the fattened ram. If they do not know for what purpose he was fattening, then at least they will know that everything that happened to the ram did not happen by accident, and they will no longer need the concept of either chance or genius.
Only by renouncing the knowledge of a close, understandable goal and recognizing that the ultimate goal is inaccessible to us, we will see consistency and expediency in the life of historical figures; we will discover the reason for the action that they produce, disproportionate to universal human properties, and we will not need the words chance and genius.
One has only to admit that the purpose of the unrest of the European peoples is unknown to us, and only the facts are known, consisting in murders, first in France, then in Italy, in Africa, in Prussia, in Austria, in Spain, in Russia, and that movements from the west to east and from east to west constitute the essence and purpose of these events, and not only will we not need to see the exclusivity and genius in the characters of Napoleon and Alexander, but it will be impossible to imagine these faces otherwise than as the same people as everyone else; and not only will it not be necessary to explain by chance those small events that made these people what they were, but it will be clear that all these small events were necessary.
Having renounced the knowledge of the ultimate goal, we will clearly understand that just as it is impossible to invent for any plant other colors and seeds more appropriate to it than those that it produces, in the same way it is impossible to invent two other people, with everything their past, which would correspond to such an extent, to such smallest details, to the appointment that they were supposed to fulfill.

The basic, essential meaning of the European events at the beginning of this century is the militant movement of the masses of the European peoples from west to east and then from east to west. The first instigator of this movement was the movement from west to east. In order for the peoples of the West to be able to make that militant movement to Moscow, which they did, it was necessary: ​​1) that they should be formed into a militant group of such a size that would be able to endure a clash with the militant group of the East; 2) that they renounce all established traditions and habits, and 3) that, in making their militant movement, they should have at their head a man who, both for himself and for them, could justify the deceptions, robberies and murders that accompanied this movement.
And since the French Revolution, the old, insufficiently great group has been destroyed; old habits and traditions are destroyed; step by step, a group of new dimensions, new habits and traditions are worked out, and that person is being prepared who must stand at the head of the future movement and bear all the responsibility of those who have to be accomplished.
A man without convictions, without habits, without traditions, without a name, not even a Frenchman, by the most strange accidents, it seems, moves between all the parties that excite France and, without sticking to any of them, is brought to a conspicuous place.
The ignorance of his comrades, the weakness and insignificance of opponents, the sincerity of lies and the brilliant and self-confident narrow-mindedness of this man put him at the head of the army. The brilliant composition of the soldiers of the Italian army, the unwillingness to fight opponents, childish audacity and self-confidence gain him military glory. An innumerable number of so-called accidents accompanies him everywhere. The disfavor into which he falls with the rulers of France serves him well. His attempts to change the path destined for him fail: he is not accepted for service in Russia, and his assignment to Turkey fails. During the wars in Italy, he is several times on the verge of death and each time he is saved in an unexpected way. Russian troops, the very ones that can destroy his glory, for various diplomatic reasons, do not enter Europe as long as he is there.
On his return from Italy, he finds the government in Paris in the process of decay, in which people who fall into this government are inevitably erased and destroyed. And by itself for him is a way out of this dangerous situation, consisting in a senseless, causeless expedition to Africa. Again, the same so-called accidents accompany him. Impregnable Malta surrenders without a shot being fired; the most careless orders are crowned with success. The enemy fleet, which will not let a single boat through after, lets the whole army through. In Africa, a whole series of atrocities is committed against almost unarmed inhabitants. And the people who commit these atrocities, and especially their leader, assure themselves that this is wonderful, that this is glory, that this is similar to Caesar and Alexander the Great, and that this is good.
That ideal of glory and greatness, which consists in not only considering nothing bad for oneself, but taking pride in every one of one's crimes, attributing to it an incomprehensible supernatural significance - this ideal, which should guide this person and people associated with him, is being developed in the open space in Africa. Everything he does, he succeeds. The plague doesn't get to him. The cruelty of killing prisoners is not blamed on him. His childishly careless, causeless and ignoble departure from Africa, from comrades in trouble, is credited to him, and again the enemy fleet misses him twice. While he, already completely intoxicated by the happy crimes he had committed, and ready for his role, came to Paris without any purpose, that decay of the republican government, which could have ruined him a year ago, now reached an extreme degree, and the presence of his fresh from the parties of man, now only can exalt him.
He has no plan; he is afraid of everything; but the parties seize upon him and demand his participation.
He alone, with his ideal of glory and greatness worked out in Italy and Egypt, with his madness of self-adoration, with his audacity of crimes, with his sincerity of lies, he alone can justify what has to be done.
He is needed for the place that awaits him, and therefore, almost independently of his will and despite his indecision, in spite of the lack of a plan, in spite of all the mistakes that he makes, he is drawn into a conspiracy aimed at seizing power, and the conspiracy is crowned with success. .
He is pushed into the meeting of the rulers. Frightened, he wants to run, believing himself dead; pretends to faint; says meaningless things that should have ruined him. But the rulers of France, formerly sharp-witted and proud, now, feeling that their role has been played, are even more embarrassed than he is, they do not say the words that they should have spoken in order to retain power and destroy him.
Accident, millions of accidents give him power, and all people, as if by agreement, contribute to the establishment of this power. Accidents make the characters of the then rulers of France subordinate to him; accidents make the character of Paul I, recognizing his authority; chance makes a conspiracy against him, not only not harming him, but asserting his power. Chance sends Enghiensky into his hands and inadvertently forces him to kill, thus, stronger than all other means, convincing the crowd that he has the right, since he has the power. What happens by chance is that he exerts all his strength on an expedition to England, which, obviously, would destroy him, and never fulfills this intention, but inadvertently attacks Mack with the Austrians, who surrender without a fight. Chance and genius give him victory at Austerlitz, and by chance all people, not only the French, but all of Europe, with the exception of England, which will not take part in the events that are about to take place, all people, despite the former horror and disgust for his crimes, now they recognize him for his power, the name that he gave himself, and his ideal of greatness and glory, which seems to everyone to be something beautiful and reasonable.
As if trying on and preparing for the upcoming movement, the forces of the west several times in 1805, 6, 7, 9 years tend to the east, growing stronger and stronger. In 1811, the group of people that had taken shape in France merges into one huge group with the middle peoples. Along with an increasing group of people, the power of justification of the person at the head of the movement further develops. In the ten-year preparatory period of time preceding the great movement, this man comes into contact with all the crowned heads of Europe. The unmasked rulers of the world cannot oppose any reasonable ideal to the Napoleonic ideal of glory and greatness, which has no meaning. One before the other, they strive to show him their insignificance. The King of Prussia sends his wife to seek favors from the great man; the emperor of Austria considers it a mercy that this man receives the daughter of the Caesars in his bed; The pope, guardian of the holy things of the nations, serves with his religion to exalt the great man. Not so much Napoleon himself prepares himself for the performance of his role, but everything around him prepares him to take on all the responsibility of what is being done and has to be done. There is no deed, no crime or petty deceit that he would commit and which would not immediately be reflected in the mouths of those around him in the form of a great deed. The best holiday that the Germans can think of for him is the celebration of Jena and Auerstät. Not only is he great, but his ancestors are great, his brothers, his stepsons, sons-in-law. Everything is done in order to deprive him of the last power of reason and prepare him for his terrible role. And when he is ready, the forces are ready.
The invasion is heading east, reaching its final goal - Moscow. The capital is taken; the Russian army is more destroyed than the enemy troops were ever destroyed in previous wars from Austerlitz to Wagram. But suddenly, instead of those accidents and genius that have so consistently led him until now by an uninterrupted series of successes to the intended goal, there is an innumerable number of reverse accidents, from a cold in Borodino to frost and a spark that ignited Moscow; and instead of genius there are stupidity and meanness, which have no examples.
The invasion is running, coming back, running again, and all accidents are now constantly not for, but against it.
A countermovement from east to west takes place, with a remarkable resemblance to the previous movement from west to east. The same attempts to move from east to west in 1805-1807-1809 precede the great movement; the same clutch and a group of huge sizes; the same pestering of the middle peoples to the movement; the same hesitation in the middle of the journey and the same speed as it approaches the goal.
Paris - the ultimate goal achieved. The Napoleonic government and troops are destroyed. Napoleon himself no longer makes sense; all his actions are obviously pathetic and vile; but again an inexplicable accident happens: the allies hate Napoleon, in whom they see the cause of their disasters; deprived of strength and power, convicted of villainy and deceit, he should have appeared to them the way he seemed to them ten years ago and a year after, a robber outside the law. But by some strange chance, no one sees it. His role is not over yet. A man who ten years ago and a year after was considered an outlaw robber is sent on a two-day journey from France to an island given to him for possession with guards and millions who pay him for something.

The movement of nations is beginning to take its course. The waves of great movement have receded, and circles form on the calm sea, along which diplomats rush about, imagining that it is they who produce a lull in the movement.
But the calm sea suddenly rises. It seems to diplomats that they, their disagreements, are the cause of this new onslaught of forces; they expect war between their sovereigns; their position seems insurmountable. But the wave they feel rising is not coming from where they are waiting for it. The same wave rises, from the same starting point of movement - Paris. The last splash of movement from the west is being made; a splash that should solve the seemingly insoluble diplomatic difficulties and put an end to the militant movement of this period.
The man who devastated France, alone, without a conspiracy, without soldiers, comes to France. Every watchman can take it; but, by a strange chance, not only does no one take it, but everyone greets with delight that person who was cursed a day ago and will be cursed in a month.
This person is also needed to justify the last cumulative action.
The action has been completed. The last part has been played. The actor is ordered to undress and wash off the antimony and rouge: he will no longer be needed.
And several years pass in that this man, alone on his island, plays a miserable comedy in front of himself, petty intrigues and lies, justifying his deeds, when this justification is no longer needed, and shows the whole world what it was what people took for strength when an invisible hand led them.
The steward, having finished the drama and undressed the actor, showed him to us.
“Look what you believed! Here he is! Do you see now that it was not he but I who moved you?

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See also: Project:Linguistics

Surzhik(from name surzhik- “bread made from flour of a mixture of different types of grain, for example, wheat and rye") - a colloquial language that includes elements of the Ukrainian and Russian languages, common in part of the territory of Ukraine, as well as in neighboring regions of Russia and in Moldova. It differs both from Ukrainian proper and from colloquial "Ukrainian Russian" language.

In a more general case, any language formation with the grammar of one language and the vocabulary of another is called surzhik. For example, the phrase "spread on Deutsche" is a German-Russian surzhik.

General information

There is no consensus on the nature of surzhik. Surzhik cannot be called a pidgin, since pidgins arise in an extreme situation of interethnic contacts when there is an urgent need to reach mutual understanding (that is, a pidgin cannot arise during peaceful contact between two closely related and mutually intelligible languages). In addition, pidgins are not native to anyone, because, due to their primitiveness, they are not able to provide full-fledged communication. It is difficult to call surzhik a creole language, since creole languages ​​arise in the process of assimilation of a pidgin. The designation mixed language seems to be somewhat more correct: as in classical mixed languages ​​\u200b\u200blike the language of the Mednov Aleuts or Michif, the vocabulary in Surzhik is taken from the Russian language, and most of the grammar is from Ukrainian. At the same time, all mixed languages, like pidgins, arose from the contact of unrelated languages. It is possible to look at surzhik as an urban vernacular that is formed as a result of linguistic interference, which was absent in the Ukrainian language due to its low prevalence in cities; in such a case, it may be recognized as a sociolect.

scientific definition

The first scientific works devoted to the study of surzhik as a multifaceted phenomenon appeared in the 1990s. The problem of surzhik was considered in the works of T. Vozniak, T. Koznarsky, L. Masenko, J. Polishchuk, V. Radchuk, O. Ruda, L. Stavitskaya, M. Strikha, V. Tovstenko, V. Trub, M. Feller, O Shumilova, L. Bilanyuk, M. Flyer, A. Okara and other scientists. Earlier works were predominantly journalistic in nature. As of 2007, there were only working versions of the definition of the concept of surzhik. One of these options was developed by Lesya Stavitskaya and Vladimir Trub:

Surzhik- this is an uncodified colloquial and everyday style of the language (speech), which arose as a result of a massive long-term contact Ukrainian-Russian bilingualism in its digloss form. Surzhik arises as a result of systemic interference at the phonetic, morphological, lexical, syntactic levels; it is represented by whole-formed lexemes - Surzhikisms, which are superimposed on the Ukrainian or Russian language basis; manifests itself on the basis of regional varieties of the Ukrainian language as a language code among individuals of various types of language competence, in diverse social, corporate and communicative spheres .

Variants of the definition given by other authors: Surzhik- this is a chaotic filling of the destroyed links in the structure of the Ukrainian language with elements of a superficially assimilated Russian(Masenko); its feature is Russian vocabulary with partial Ukrainian syntax, phonetics(Striha; Okara) and morphology(Kuznetsova).

History and origins

Surzhik was recorded in writing already by the first author who wrote in colloquial Ukrainian, Ivan Kotlyarevsky in his work "Natalka-Poltavka" () by Vozny, a Ukrainian (representative of authority in the village), who tried to speak Russian.

Surzhik options

Surzhik was formed among the rural population as a result of mixing Ukrainian dialects with the Russian spoken language.

Surzhik in different regions of Ukraine and among its individual carriers has significant differences. As a rule, grammar and pronunciation (articulatory base, prosody) remain Ukrainian, and if phonetic and grammatical phenomena penetrate from the Russian language, they remain lexicalized: they do not transfer to the same type of properties of Ukrainian language units, but they affect word formation. At the same time, a more or less significant part of the vocabulary, depending on the education, language experience of the speaker, as well as on his speech intention and general speech situation, is borrowed from the Russian language.

There are three options for using surzhik:

  1. Surzhik as a language of spontaneous use. Vernacular or local dialect with numerous Russianisms, which is actually the only linguistic behavior of persons who have poor command of both Ukrainian and Russian literary language and do not attach importance to the peculiarities of their language.
  2. Conscious use of surzhik. It is characteristic of people who know both languages, but do not have automatism in their use.
  3. Undesirable, involuntary penetration of elements of a non-basic language into a basic one, or a basic one into a non-basic one, in persons who are fluent in one language and who study a second one - Russian or Ukrainian.

    Gulak Yolope.jpg

    Gulak I'm a housewife.jpg

    Gulak Nezhonatym 9.jpg

The explanatory dictionary of the Ukrainian language offers two meanings of this word:

  • direct: a mixture of grains of wheat and rye, rye and barley, or barley and oats;
  • portable, colloquial: elements of two or more languages, combined artificially, without observing the norms of the literary language (in a word, an unclean language).

I think you have heard more than once how your interlocutor says “kaneshno”, “too”, “harasho”, “understand”, etc. “Russian words in the Ukrainian manner” is a very common phenomenon.

Scientists believe that surzhik occurs when people communicate in one language at home, and in another - where they study and work. Some philologists are even convinced that at the household level, surzhik is a normal trend for any state. But the fact is that Ukrainians mix languages ​​​​in the professional sphere of communication.

Another platform for specific language mixing is the Internet. Very often it becomes something like a space of freedom. On the Internet, even those young people who “live” quite masterfully communicate in the literary language allow themselves to mix Ukrainian and Russian expressions as they please. Whether it is worth calling this a 100% negative phenomenon - who knows, but you should remember: Surzhik can only be used consciously and in moderation.

You will agree that sometimes you understand well: the word that you are going to use is not at all literary. But You choose it for some reason: either because you want to express your irony with it, or because it has some special shade of meaning that you cannot convey in any other way. That's why surzhik is a phenomenon not only linguistic but also psychological.

A similar phenomenon exists in many countries of the world: in Belarus - trasyanka, in Canada - jual, in the USA - spanglish. Linguists convince: all modern languages ​​were once something like Surzhiks. So surzhik is a very ambiguous and multifaceted phenomenon.

If you use surzhik in certain special situations (emotional communication with your closest friend, comments on social networks) - this is not fatal. However, make sure you do it consciously and try not to overdo it. And also - think about it: maybe you will still find such picturesque words in the literary language that will turn out to be even more suitable!

If you are often not sure what language the word you just said belongs to, it is worth considering. What if you speak Surzhik all the time - at school, on the street, in a store - and don't even notice it? It is this form of existence of Surzhik that threatens the Ukrainian language the most. And so my advice for today is this: listen to how you speak - does your Ukrainian sound as beautiful as the language of the Great Kobzar?

surzhik, surzhik wikipedia
Ukraine, Russia, Moldova

Total number of speakers:

several million

Mixed language:

contact language based on Ukrainian Polish Hungarian and Russian.


(Ukrainian alphabet)

See also: Project:Linguistics

Surzhik(from the name surzhik - “bread made from flour of a mixture of different types of grain, for example, wheat and rye”) - a language formation that includes elements of the Ukrainian language in conjunction with Russian, common in part of the territory of Ukraine, as well as in neighboring regions of Russia and in Moldova. Numerous variants of surzhik are studied and classified by linguists.

In a more general case, any language formation with the grammar of one language and the vocabulary of another is called surzhik. For example, the phrase "spread on Deutsche" is a German-Russian surzhik.

  • 1 General information
  • 2 Scientific definition
  • 3 History and origins
    • 3.1 Variants of surzhik
  • 4 Distribution and use
  • 5 Interesting Facts
  • 6 Examples of surzhik
    • 6.1 19th century
    • 6.2 20th century
  • 7 Surzhik in the cinema
  • 8 Notable people using surzhik
  • 9 See also
  • 10 Notes
  • 11 Sources

General information

There is no consensus on the nature of surzhik. Surzhik cannot be called a pidgin, since pidgins arise in an extreme situation of interethnic contacts when there is an urgent need to reach mutual understanding (that is, a pidgin cannot arise during peaceful contact between two closely related and mutually intelligible languages). In addition, pidgins are not native to anyone, because, due to their primitiveness, they are not able to provide full-fledged communication. It is difficult to call Surzhik a Creole language, since Creole languages ​​arise in the process of assimilation of a pidgin. The designation mixed language seems to be somewhat more correct - as in classical mixed languages ​​\u200b\u200blike the language of the Mednov Aleuts or Michif, the vocabulary in Surzhik is taken from the Russian language, and most of the grammar is taken from Ukrainian. At the same time, all mixed languages, like pidgins, arose from the contact of unrelated languages. It is possible to look at surzhik as an urban vernacular that was formed as a result of linguistic interference, which was absent in the Ukrainian language due to its low prevalence in cities; in this case, it can be recognized as a sociolect.

scientific definition

The first scientific works devoted to the study of surzhik as a multifaceted phenomenon appeared in the 1990s. The problem of surzhik was considered in the works of T. Vozniak, T. Koznarsky, L. Masenko, J. Polishchuk, V. Radchuk, O. Ruda, L. Stavitskaya, M. Strikha, V. Tovstenko, V. Trub, M. Feller, O Shumilova, L. Bilanyuk, M. Flyer, A. Okara and other scientists. Earlier works were predominantly journalistic in nature. As of 2007, there were only working versions of the definition of the concept of surzhik. One of these options was developed by Lesya Stavitskaya and Vladimir Trub:

- this is an uncodified colloquial and everyday style of the language (speech), which arose as a result of a massive long-term contact Ukrainian-Russian bilingualism in its digloss form. Surzhik arises as a result of systemic interference at the phonetic, morphological, lexical, syntactic levels; it is represented by whole-formed lexemes - Surzhikisms, which are superimposed on the Ukrainian or Russian language basis; manifests itself on the basis of regional varieties of the Ukrainian language as a language code among individuals of various types of language competence, in diverse social, corporate and communicative spheres.

Variants of the definition given by other authors: - this is a chaotic filling of the destroyed links in the structure of the Ukrainian language with elements of a superficially assimilated Russian (Masenko); its feature is Russian vocabulary with partial Ukrainian syntax, phonetics (Strikha; Okara) and morphology (Kuznetsova).

History and origins

Surzhik was recorded in writing by the first author who wrote in colloquial Ukrainian, Ivan Kotlyarevsky, in his work “Natalka-Poltavka” (1819) by Vozny, a Ukrainian (representative of authority in the village), who tried to speak Russian.

Surzhik options

Surzhik was formed among the rural population as a result of mixing Ukrainian dialects with the Russian spoken language.

Surzhik in different regions of Ukraine and among its individual carriers has significant differences. As a rule, grammar and pronunciation (articulatory base, prosody) remain Ukrainian, and if phonetic and grammatical phenomena penetrate from the Russian language, they remain lexicalized: they do not transfer to the same type of properties of Ukrainian language units, but affect word formation. At the same time, a more or less significant part of the vocabulary, depending on the education, language experience of the speaker, as well as on his speech intention and general speech situation, is borrowed from the Russian language.

Use of surzhik, survey of the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, 2003, data on macroregions

There are three options for using surzhik:

  1. Surzhik as a language of spontaneous use. Vernacular or local dialect with numerous Russianisms, which is actually the only linguistic behavior of persons who have poor command of both Ukrainian and Russian literary language and do not attach importance to the peculiarities of their language.
  2. Conscious use of surzhik. It is characteristic of people who know both languages, but do not have automatism in their use.
  3. Undesirable, involuntary penetration of elements of a non-basic language into a basic one, or a basic one into a non-basic one, in persons who are fluent in one language and who study a second one - Russian or Ukrainian.

    Literary Ukrainian written in obsolete spelling and mistaken for surzhik on pre-revolutionary postcards

Distribution and use

According to the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, from 11 to 18% of the total population of Ukraine communicates in Surzhik (that is, 5.1 - 8.3 million people). A mixture of Russian and Ukrainian is spoken from 2.5% in Western Ukraine, to a maximum of 21% in the regions of Left-bank Ukraine; in the southern and eastern regions, the number of speakers of surzhik significantly exceeds the share of the Ukrainian-speaking population (in the South, 12.4% speak surzhik, 5.2% speak Ukrainian, 9.6% use surzhik in the East of Ukraine, and 3.7% use Ukrainian) . According to the all-Ukrainian study, which was conducted in 1998 by the Center for Sociological Research of the Kiev-Mohyla Academy, 15-16% of respondents answered surzhik.

The census does not record Surzhik as a spoken language. Surzhik does not have any official status and is regarded by the Ukrainian authorities as the Ukrainian language corrupted by Russianisms.

Some works by modern Ukrainian writers Bogdan Zholdak and Les Podervyansky are written in surzhik for comic effect. The well-known artist Andrey Danilko also performs on surzhik (in the image of Verka Serduchka).

A similar phenomenon in the Belarusian language is called trasyanka.

  • The word "surzhik" was also used to refer to children of multilingual (Russian-Ukrainian) parents. Naturally, in childhood they spoke a mixture of languages, were ridiculed, but they knew both languages. When obtaining a passport, one could choose one of the nationalities.
  • During the time of the "fifth count" in Odessa, "surzhiks" were called those who abandoned the Jewish ethnic group.
  • In the Russian regions adjacent to Kharkov, especially in Belgorod and in the extreme south and southeast of the Voronezh region, there are still quite numerous settlements in which Ukrainian-Russian surzhik is spoken. Accordingly, the surrounding settlements use Ukrainianisms. At the same time, they do not consider their language to be “Surzhyk”, claiming that they speak Ukrainian.
  • Surzhik, in accordance with the literary source - the comedy of Mikhail Staritsky - is spoken by Galakhvastov and Serko, who strive to speak Russian in the film "Chasing Two Hares", and this feature was preserved when the film was dubbed into Russian, although the Surzhik speech itself had to be changed in places for greater comprehensibility to the Russian-speaking audience.
  • Surzhik was also used by the famous pop humorist of the 40-60s, Yuri Trofimovich Timoshenko (Tarapunka), who performed in a duet with Efim Iosifovich Berezin (Shtepsel).
  • MP from the Party of Regions Oleg Tsarev proposed to make Surzhik the official language of Ukraine.

Examples of surzhik

Epitaph at the cemetery of the village of Dolgaya Pristan (Pervomaisky district of the Nikolaev region):“You left us so early. I joy and happiness taking you with me. Forgive me, dear and our beloved, that we could not save you and be with you. With deep sadness, mom, dad, woman, son, daughter, sister and grandmother.

From the notes of researchers at the European University at St. Petersburg:

  • In the family we communicate in Ukrainian, even in surzhik, one might say ... (Kharkov, 2003).
  • In Russian and Ukrainian. Yak have to. Already mixing, already mixing ... in general - the mixture turned out and everything. There is no such pure, Russian or Ukrainian Schaub. One word for Rus, another for Ukrainian... (Kharkov, 2003).
  • Shaw right now robish?
  • How did you do it?
  • Do you want to fly?
  • What can you say about it? Let's study what?
  • I don’t even know what to do yoga.
  • I don't understand! Will you pay or not?

(Kharkiv region, 2011)

  • I'll be a little late.
  • Skiki time?
  • First, second, third.
  • Skiki you year?

(Krasnograd, 2012)

  • Wait

(Donetsk, 2013)

19th century

The Russian-language newspaper Kievskiye Gubernskiye Vedomosti has repeatedly criticized the use of surzhik. The editors of the newspaper noted that during the days of contracts (fairs), when many guests from all over the Russian Empire came to Kyiv, the use of surzhik becomes very noticeable. “When I first visited the Contract House,” wrote a newspaper correspondent in 1854, “I was amazed, bewildered, seeing and hearing everything that happened there. Different phrases are wonderful. "Goodbye, we'll go home." - "No, don't go, you still seem to have to see Pan Strezlitsky." "Stop, you're all laughing at me." - “Here, let's go this way!” - “No, it's better to go there. There, you see how everyone is spinning.

20th century

“The most monstrous accents are the genitive case of the accusative, “give me a knife”, “himself” in the sense of “one”, “there”, “here” instead of “there” and “here”, “I miss you” - at every step , even in the mouths of intelligent persons.

Surzhik in the cinema

  • 1939 - Sorochinskaya Fair (dir. Nikolai Ekk). The first Ukrainian color film, adaptation of the story of the same name by Nikolai Gogol.
  • 1961 - For two hares. Comedy film based on the play by Mikhail Staritsky. The story of the adventures of the Kyiv dandy Golokhvastov.
  • 2007 - Liquidation (dir. Sergey Ursulyak). Russian serial feature film.

Notable people using surzhik

  • Mykola Azarov is a Ukrainian political and statesman.
  • Oleg Lyashko is a Ukrainian politician.
  • Verka Serdyuchka - Ukrainian artist

see also

  • Ukrainian language
  • Ukrainianism
  • Library of Ukrainian Literature in Moscow
  • Russian language in Ukraine
  • Trasyanka
  • Balachka
  • okanye
  • zekanye
  • Dialects of the Russian language
  • Differences in speech in Moscow and St. Petersburg
  • Sprachbund


  1. “Regularities in the development of Ukrainian verbal literary movement”, K., 1965
  2. Ukrainian-Russian duality. Linguistic sociocultural aspects., Zb. scientific practice, - Kiev, "Pulsari", 2007, p.77 - ISBN 978-966-8767-63-0.
  4. Ivan Kotlyarevsky. Natalka-Poltavka. Opera Little Russian in 2 children.
  5. Kiev International Institute of Sociology
  7. Larisa Masenko
  8. Ukrainian nationalists demand to deprive Verka Serduchka of citizenship
  9. Tsarev wants to make Surzhik the second state language. // Ukrainian Truth, June 12, 2013
  10. Attitude towards language and its choice
  11. Boguslavsky M.S., Margolin D. Sputnik in Kiev / guidebook, Printing house of the newspaper "Latest News", K .: 1912. P. 324.
  12. 1 2 3 Lyashko proposed to make Azizka the second state language (video). Lenta-UA (June 14, 2013). - “Earlier, Oleg Lyashko spoke from the parliamentary rostrum in the “language of Azarov”” Retrieved on October 25, 2014. Archived from the original on October 25, 2014.


  • Rein E. Notes of a Marathon Runner. - Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2005. - p. 43. - ISBN 5-94799-487-9.
  • Vakhtin N., Zhironkina O., Liskovets I., Romanova E. New languages ​​of new states: phenomena at the junction of closely related languages ​​in the post-Soviet space (about Surzhik and Trasyanka)
  • Khmelko V.Є. Linguistic structure of Ukraine: regional peculiarities and tendencies of change for the fates of independence. K., 2004.
  • Online dictionary of Ukrainian slang using the surzhik "Mislovo"

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