Properties of houseplants according to Feng Shui. Feng Shui flowers for your home


Flowers are plants that constantly bring joy and aesthetic pleasure to a person. They are able not only to lift our mood, but also to improve the energy of a person and the room in which they grow.

Any dwelling without the presence of indoor plants seems unfriendly and cold to us. Flowers, like all plants, purify the air we breathe and fill our home with vital energy.

Green color, the predominant color of plants and flowers, is one of the most natural and natural. Being in close proximity to flowers and plants, we get a charge of positive energy, we feel how our mood changes. Fatigue, irritability go away - we calm down. The plant pleases each of us with its greenery, blooming flower buds, and we always look at the flowers with pleasure.

Flowers remind us of ourselves - they also appear in the world, grow, bloom, get sick and die. This is the life cycle in miniature.

flowers in feng shui

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, flowers in the house carry a certain energy, which has a direct effect on a person. The correct selection of plants and their location in your home can harmonize the energy of your home and the energy of a person.

Feng Shui Color Meaning: General Concepts

The meaning of different types of flowers and plants in feng shui

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, positive energy is inherent in the following indoor plants: amaryllis, alpine violet, bougainvillea, hippeastrum, geranium, flowering begonias, ficus, arborescens, camellia, Chinese rose, cyclamen, arrowroot, orange and lemon tree, cissus, potted chrysanthemum.

Plants with heavy energy include: cacti, yucca, sansevier (pike tail), neoregelia, echmea. However, they can also be grown at home and successfully block the harmful Sha energy.

According to Feng Shui, all flowers radiate their own, only their inherent energy. Knowledge of the energy impact of a plant on a person and the energy of space is extremely important for their correct selection.

Ficus. It has the ability to neutralize aggression and negative energy well. Creates a favorable atmosphere in the house. However, it should not be placed in the marriage sector, since its presence in this place can worsen the relationship between spouses.

Pelargonium (geranium). Indoor geranium refers to plants with strong energy. Geranium blooms profusely and luxuriantly, fueled directly by negative energy. It perfectly protects everyone living in the house. After sitting near the plant for several minutes, you can feel energized and rested. You need to know that geranium releases essential oils, purifies the air, improves metabolism, reduces pressure and calms the nervous system. It is not recommended to put the plant next to the bed, because inhaling essential oils for a long time can cause headaches and sometimes allergies.

myrtle tree

Myrtle tree. This amazing plant is your assistant in creating a happy and strong family. It brings love and prosperity to your home, and a flowering myrtle tree in the house will create favorable energy. If you are experiencing a period of cooling in family relationships, then the myrtle tree will help save your marriage and overcome adversity.

Cactus. Refers to symbols of prosperity, filling and wealth, despite its heavy energy . According to Feng Shui, the cactus is a symbol of fulfillment. This flower must be placed in the wealth zone. These plants are associated with the pantry because they are extremely water efficient. Cacti also neutralize rage and anger. They are especially shown to quick-tempered people. This amazing plant contributes to the introduction of elements of logic into emotions and helps not to concentrate on experiences.


Poinsettia and arrowroot. These houseplants are good for stimulating the process of finding a new one. Often people who have lost the meaning of life find it again. Poinsettia helps to reveal new qualities in oneself and determine one's profession, promotes communication.

Money tree (fat woman) has long been considered a symbol of prosperity, well-being and wealth. The presence of a money tree in the house brings an increase in material wealth. The feng shui symbol "money tree" is a good activator of the wealth zone in a house, apartment, shop, office.

Feng Shui masters advise planting this tree with your own hands, putting a coin or several coins in the pot along with the ground. When the plant grows up, it is necessary to tie a red ribbon on its trunk and decorate it with coins. This feng shui symbol should be located near a window facing southeast. If there is no window in the wealth zone, then you can equip artificial lighting and place the money tree on a table, shelf or stand nearby.

Bamboo. The plant absorbs negative energy well. In Feng Shui, it is believed that when negative energy passes through the cavities of bamboo, it changes to positive. The plant is recommended to be kept in a floor and wide vase in the corner of the room.

feng shui lemon

There are many other indoor feng shui mascot flowers that have various magical effects on a person and the energy of a home.

It should also be remembered that, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, fruit-bearing and flowering plants release more energy than ornamental leafy plants, and large plants - more than small ones.

Plants with lush, soft foliage radiate more positive energy than plants with sharp, hard, thorny leaves.

These tips will help you correctly place the flowers in the house. It depends on the observance of these rules whether the flowers will harmonize the energy of the house or, on the contrary, will bring disharmony into your home.

When arranging flowers, you need to remember:

And the most important thing is that any flower - a Feng Shui talisman - fully demonstrates its capabilities, and its energy field is active, show your attention and love to it, and it will definitely help you. And you, communicating with this most beautiful particle of the universe, will bring your soul into a state of complete harmony with nature.

Philosophy has become popular in recent years. Feng Shui. Many people diligently rearrange beds and wardrobes, buy bells and hang them around the house, hoping to change their lives for the better. Even if such hobbies are alien to you, it will not be superfluous to learn a little about this philosophy, because rational grains can be found in any teaching. We offer a small fragment from the teachings of Feng Shui about how plants, being next to a person, can help reveal his personality traits.

It's amazing how easy it is to breathe in a room full of plants. This is due not only to the fact that they absorb carbon dioxide, but instead give off oxygen. What indoor flowers help balance the human biofield, the ancient Taoists, who created the wise art of feng shui, assumed.

Southeast zone according to the canons Feng Shui suitable for all plants that actively bloom and bear fruit. You can safely move there uzambar violet, begonia, kalanchoe, as well as citrus fruits. In the eastern sector, it would be absolutely appropriate to place a philodendron in combination with dracaena, monstera and ficus, which will support the health of all households. I must say that the monstera releases substances that contribute to better digestion of food, so it makes sense to place it near the dining table.

The northeastern sector of the apartment is an ideal place for an office or at least a desktop, so it’s good to place dieffenbachia here - a faithful ally of people involved in mental work. It activates both hemispheres of the brain, helps with circulatory disorders in the brain. There should also be a symbol of material well-being - a silver fat woman, which increases efficiency.

Northern window sills in apartments are a great place for cacti. There are people who grow entire collections of these plants with amazing enthusiasm. But when purchasing cacti, one should not lose sight of the fact that a large number of them can permanently drive away not only ill-wishers, but also friends from your home. In the southern sector of the apartment, a plant with the healthiest energy feels great - a geranium with red or pink flowers. She releases essential oils that improve metabolism, so it is enough to sit near her for quite a bit to feel rested and energized. If someone starts to get sick in the house, the flower tries to collect all the pathogenic microflora and that is why it grows magnificently. The larger the area of ​​​​contact of its leaves with air, the better it works.

A pomegranate tree placed on the western windowsill is able to awaken a faded passion in its owners. The energy of this plant restores disturbed hormonal balance and reproductive function. Aloe and crested chlorophytum reign in the northwest. Chlorophytum absorbs carbon dioxide faster than other flowers and releases oxygen - this was confirmed by astronauts who studied the intensity of air purification by different plants in orbit.

Geranium, Azalea, Begonia help to achieve personal success and temper character. Geranium softens the energy of aggression, anger and helps develop a sense of humor, and this is always useful in any communication. Azalea is necessary for those who are afraid to take on a responsible business. Subconsciously influencing a person, the plant will strengthen his sense of confidence. Begonia streamlines communication, does not allow the conversation to turn into chatter, and gives the slow slow-witted speed and quick wits.
Persian cyclamen and Uzumbar violets contribute to material prosperity and support the strength of the owner. Cyclamens give independence to soft-bodied and amenable to influence people. White violets soothe excessive emotions, blue violets help to reveal creative abilities, purple violets help to reach mutual understanding and look at problems philosophically.
Tradescantia, ferns, pinnate palms, ivy help to maintain friendly relations between people. Tradescantia, despite all the superstitions, will not let you turn into envious people or make a tragedy out of nothing. Fern helps maximalists to gain a sense of proportion and not lose their heads, develop a sense of tact and separate whims from desires. Palm trees organize people. Ivy removes the emotions of envy and resentment.
To maintain warm relations in the family and improve the atmosphere between relatives will help aloe and agave. Aloe will fit not only the healing "grandmother's", but also any decorative form.
Help in love and creativity can balsams, chinese rose, zantedeschia. The Chinese rose turns the energy of laziness into the energy of creativity, neutralizes the aggression of that family member who is trying to establish his absolute power. It is especially needed for people who are constantly dissatisfied with something. It gives masculinity to men, independence to women. Zantedeschia protects the family union, gives confidence and helps to discover their feelings to those who were previously afraid of it. Balsam creates a warm, benevolent atmosphere, smoothes tension.
Roycissus and monstera strengthen health, give intelligence, help develop intelligence. Roycissus, moreover, in any conditions neutralizes the actions of those who are obsessed with cleanliness. Monstera streamlines thoughts, helps to formulate them clearly, moves conservatives off the ground.
Help to establish peace between partners can chrysanthemums and codiaum. Chrysanthemum is especially good for people who cannot get a balance between mind and feelings. It dispels the atmosphere of doubt, gives peace, develops character: it gives femininity to a woman, masculinity to a man, and tenderness to both. Helps to overcome selfishness and listen to the opinion of another. Croton calms the head overloaded with creative ideas. Croton will give confidence to a teenager, and this will insure against falling into a bad company.
cacti neutralize rage and anger, and are needed where the character of a person is unpredictable. They also calm the touchy and prevent them from hatching plans for revenge. Cacti help not to concentrate on experiences and connect logic to emotions. Dracaena does not allow you to fall into pessimism and plunge into self-criticism. It calms the fussy, helps to achieve stable profits in business.
Especially good around children lemon and sansevier, as they develop curiosity and increase the craving for knowledge. Lemon increases activity and independence. Sansevieria get rid of rudeness.
They help to successfully cope with the work, and are simply necessary in the office of any boss yucca and ficus. Yucca in your office will help you gather strength in difficult times, create the right atmosphere for confidential conversations, and be self-confident. Ficus develops enthusiasm and helps to focus on the main thing.
Maranta and poitsettia stimulate the search for something new and are good where there are many bright personalities striving for leadership. People stop interfering and suppressing each other, those who have lost the meaning of life find it again and the business begins to bring quick profits. Poitsettia gives the joy of communication, helps to decide on a profession and discover new bright qualities in oneself.
You can distract from everyday problems and find spiritual goals in life if you grow up nearby orchids and cyperus. Orchids inspire and stimulate creativity, help to get out of depression. Dark red orchids banish laziness and apathy. Cyperus eliminates idle chatter, cunning and deceit.
Agree, even if you don’t believe in everything you read, it’s nice to know that the plants in your room or office help you become better and your business more successful. And if what you read has earned you confidence, then you will be able to pick up plants so that your life will become noticeably more successful. The main thing is to believe in it, because confidence is half the battle.

Auspicious plants are a very good source of Yang energy, but there are unfavorable plants - they can bring various troubles and worsen Feng Shui. Plants with thorns and thorns are considered unfavorable. If you have cacti - get rid of them, because. their spines are a constant source sha qi, and it will definitely affect you. Sick and dead flowers and trees also emit Yin energy. Therefore, if you decide to decorate your apartment or office with flowers, approach this matter carefully, wisely. It is advisable to pick flowers with rounded leaves (for example, a coin (money) tree is a classic symbol of wealth in Feng Shui, and the leaves of this tree are almost round - like coins). Living plants should be healthy, have bright, clean leaves. When plants get sick, they need to be changed. You may need to change plants every month - this often happens when a live plant is used as protection against massive sharp corners. If you decide to use artificial plants for decoration, keep them clean and change faded specimens in time. If you run a home or office garden and your plants begin to die, this situation will affect the Feng Shui of the entire room, because. plants will become a source of Yin energy.
You can put flowers anywhere - this wonderful source of Yang will always give you a supply of energy. But you should not place flowers in the bedrooms, because. a slight predominance of Yin energy is desirable there, and a lot of flowers in this place can affect the tranquility of your sleep. In general, there are hypotheses that some plants draw energy from a person, violate his biofield (another reason for removing living plants from bedrooms). But not all plants are bad. And yet, if you feel uncomfortable being in a room with many flowers, it is better to remove the flowers.

Which flower pot to choose?

It is advisable to choose clay pots, well-fired. If they do not have a very attractive appearance, they can be put in a beautiful decorative pot. Porcelain, glazed or painted pots are not desirable as they do not allow air to reach the roots. Plastic pots are also inferior to earthen pots in terms of desirability, although they are the most common.
Now you need to choose the size of the pot. The container in which the plant is transplanted should not be particularly spacious. It is necessary to take such a pot in which a lump with the roots of plants is placed and around it you can pour a layer of nutrient soil with a thickness of one for small pots, and two fingers for large ones. In practice, a new pot is quite sufficient if the old one fits in it.

Preparing pots for planting

Before planting the plants, the pots must be prepared - washed with hot water and scalded with boiling water. Clay pots are then (to neutralize lime in the walls of the pot) soaked in water in which a little superphosphate is dissolved so that their walls are saturated with the solution. New clay pots are soaked in water in the evening.


Transplant houseplants to improve the nutritional conditions of the plant and increase the volume of soil for root placement, as well as improve the air permeability of the earth for better air access to the roots. In addition, transplantation is resorted to in cases of plant disease, damage to the pot, etc.
The best time to transplant plants is in the spring, when the plants begin to grow vigorously. This period falls on March-April, and some small and tender plants are transplanted in May. Plants that bloom in spring are transplanted, if necessary, after flowering has ended. As a rule, it is impossible to transplant plants during the flowering period. Coniferous indoor plants are transplanted in the summer at the end of spring growth. All bulbous plants are best transplanted after a dormant period. Small and young plants require almost an annual transplant, while large plants growing in large pots, tubs, can be transplanted after 4-5 years.
The most correct way to determine the need for a transplant is to examine a clod of earth taken out of a flowerpot. To do this, the plant with a pre-moistened lump is turned over to the left hand, which is held from falling out of the lump with the plant. They hold the pot with their right hand and tap its edges on the edge of the table to remove it from the clod of earth. The removed lump is carefully examined. If a lump is densely braided with roots that form a kind of thick felt on its surface, or if the earth is sour, the plant must be transplanted. It is also necessary to transplant if the land is depleted, the plant does not grow, the ends of the leaves dry up, and the roots come out through the drain hole.
The drainage hole is closed with shards or pieces of broken brick. Then a thin layer of coarse-grained sand is poured. Water the plant. After an hour, remove it from the pot, grabbing the pot with your hand from above. Turn the pot over and lightly tap the edges on the table. If necessary, separate the plant from the inner walls of the pot with a knife. Remove the pot with the other hand.
Remove old shards. Being careful not to damage the root system, carefully loosen some of the outer roots. Remove decayed roots.
At the bottom of the new pot, pour a layer of earth. Place a plant on top of it and gradually fill the gap between the walls of the pot and the earthen clod with moist earth. Firm the soil around the clod with your thumbs, gradually adding soil until it is level with the base of the stem. Tap the pot on the table a few times to loosen the ground.

Plant care after transplant

Water the plant generously and place it in the shade for about a week, spraying the leaves daily to keep them from wilting. After that, move the plant to a permanent place and care for it as usual.


All indoor plants require a certain amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and a small amount of trace elements. Only then can they grow healthy and form flowers and leaves of the desired size. The soil in a pot contains a limited supply of nutrients that are constantly being extracted from it by the roots of the plant and leaving with the water through the drainage holes. When the supply of nutrients is depleted, the plant during the period of active growth must be regularly fed. Cacti can live without food for a long time, but strong ornamental foliage and ornamental flowering plants suffer severely without nutrition.

danger signals

Mineral deficiency:
- flowers are not formed, or they are small and pale-colored;
- weak stems, premature fall of the lower leaves;
- pale leaves, yellow spots may appear;
- slow growth, low resistance to diseases and pests.

Excess minerals:
- drooping leaves;
- white crust on the surface of the soil and the outside of the ceramic pot in areas with soft water;
- in summer: suspension of growth, in winter: weak, elongated stems;
- dry brown spots and leaf edges.

What to feed?

Fertilizers for houseplants are almost always complex and contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. According to the rules, the content of these elements in% should be indicated on the label: if any of these elements is not indicated, then it is not in the mixture. Other components may also be included in fertilizers, for example, humus extracts, trace elements, etc.
- Insoluble powders and granules.
Powder and granular fertilizers are widely used for open ground, but they are rarely used in indoor floriculture. Top dressing is scattered on the surface of the soil, from where it does not immediately get to the roots, where it is actually needed. In addition, it cannot be removed with the onset of a dormant period in the plant.

Soluble powders and granules.
They are dissolved in water and the plant is watered with this solution. In principle, this type of fertilizer can be classified as a liquid fertilizer.

Tablets and sticks.
It is not difficult to immerse a tablet or stick in the soil, but this method has significant drawbacks. Nutrients are concentrated in one place, and it is very difficult to extract top dressing from the ground with the onset of a dormant period.

liquid fertilizers.
It is generally accepted that this type of fertilizer is the most effective way to feed potted plants. Watering and top dressing are carried out at the same time, thus saving energy and preventing the danger of overdosing on nutrients. Fertilizer in the recommended doses is added to the water, which is then used instead of ordinary water for irrigation.

If the plant grows in a special soil mixture, then it is not recommended to feed it strongly. At some points, the plant does not need top dressing, at others it is determined by the size of the plant and the size of the pot. Most often fed with watering during the period of growth or flowering. During the dormant period, the plant is not fed or the dose of fertilizer is reduced.
The soil for potted plants has enough nutrients for about 2 months after transplanting the plant. After that, if the plant does not rest, it needs top dressing. During the period of growth and flowering should be fed regularly. During the rest period, feeding is reduced or not fed.
Plants are amazing creatures, and with each person they develop a special relationship. They feel when they are loved and rejoice in them, or, on the contrary, they are indifferent as to an interior item. You can only check which flower will benefit you in practice. Try to analyze your condition, and you may feel how this particular flower affects you and the relationships in your home. Plants in an apartment not only improve qi premises, but also create additional qi. Houseplants are a kind of nature in miniature, they symbolize prosperity and health. On the window, plants filter bad energy, above the head of the bed - improve qi sleeping, in the corner of the room - do not allow qi stagnate.
Feng Shui widely recommends the use of plants and flowers to uplift and expand the flow of energy. It is an excellent countermeasure against any kind of sharp corners outside and inside the house. Add climbing plants with oval leaves to the house - and peace and tranquility will reign in the house. Plants are considered energy carriers, act like sponges, absorbing and refreshing energy. qi. They can slow down the too fast movement of energy in a long corridor and, thanks to their living essence, transform energy stagnant in the corners. But avoid plants - pests with sharp leaves, spotting and thorns (cacti and some types of palms) - they create bad energy that gives rise to conflict and failure. And it is not recommended to plant plants in the bedroom - there they spoil the woman's love happiness, lead to quarrels and infidelity of the spouses. Properly selected flowers in the house - improve not only health, but also character.
Melancholic and phlegmatic people should plant plants in their apartment that bloom with bright red, orange, yellow flowers. Choleric and sanguine people are more suitable for flowers of bluish, purple, white tones and delicate greens. Violets, tea roses, chrysanthemums- soothe, discourage the desire to "let the dogs down." Cyperus, dieffenbachia, philodendrons normalize air humidity, soften it. They are good to put in the kitchen.
Just lazy, regardless of temperament, it is better to breed aloe, cacti and ornamental palms. (Palms are not only eye candy, but also our home psychotherapists). Accidentally discovering a cactus in their house a couple of months after buying it, such people may be surprised that it has not dried up yet and looks good. Cacti are good because, along with extreme unpretentiousness, they have strong energy, and are also able to take away heavy negative energy. It is believed that dogs and cacti do not get along in the same house. In the presence of dogs, cacti begin to get sick. Cacti, of course, are desert dwellers, but do not forget to water your prickly helpers: when the earth dries out excessively, the cacti begin to feed on the energy of the house.

ficus has always been one of the most beloved houseplants, and for good reason. It perfectly extinguishes aggressiveness and anger, creates a favorable atmosphere in the house and promotes harmony in relationships. Ficus is often compared to a vacuum cleaner that cleans the space from the dust of our anxieties. In the recent past, the poor ficus was a symbol of bourgeois life, but now more and more plants from this family appear in our homes. The most common species is Ficus elastica, or rubber tree, and there are more than 800 species of ficus in total. They love a bright room, moderate watering and frequent spraying, especially when the heating is on.

The most ordinary geranium secretes substances that protect the body from malignant tumors. Ordinary indoor geranium (or pelargonium) refers to plants with powerful energy. In nature, there are more than 250 species of pelargonium. We list the main ones: decorative leafy, fragrant, noble or English, ivy (balcony geranium), zonal ("standing" geranium). Most pelargoniums have luxurious white, red or pink flowers that look very decorative.

scented geraniums, probably the most unsightly in this family, they exude the smell of roses, lemon, mint, almonds, lilacs or apples. In England, geranium is called the flower of the poor, apparently due to its popularity among the lower classes. Essential oils secreted by geraniums, due to their bactericidal properties, prevent the development of pulmonary diseases and improve metabolism. Our grandmothers knew that with a headache, a crushed geranium leaf should be put in the ear, and in case of otitis media, it was applied to the sore ear in the form of a compress. Geranium has a powerful, positive energy. To restore strength after a hard day, it is recommended to sit next to a geranium. But next to the bed or in a small bedroom, geraniums should not be placed. If you inhale its essential oils for a long time, you may get a headache.

Tradescantia- also a good flower, and most importantly, a fairly common and, moreover, a very unpretentious plant. This is a beautiful variegated plant, it tolerates both heat and cold well, will grow well in darkened rooms, but still in the light it retains the variegation of leaves better. Tradescantia has another very interesting property: this flower is an indicator of the energy well-being of the house. Where there is bad energy, it begins to turn yellow and lose foliage. Move the tradescantia to another place - and the plant will grow magnificently again.

Exclusively for those who are very tired or simply tortured by our hard life, I would like to mention such a wonderful plant as rosemary. It perfectly relieves fatigue, relieves feelings of fear, anxiety, insomnia and loss of energy. It has a beneficial effect on the elderly, who no longer have enough of their own strength. Able to smooth energy restructuring during pregnancy, reduce toxicosis and irritability. And this beautiful fragrant plant is used in the preparation of fish and meat dishes. You can dip a sprig of rosemary into vegetable oil - this will give it a subtle and sophisticated aroma. In the summer, he will gladly go with you to the country house and will grow well in the open field. But don't let rosemary hibernate in your yard - this typically Mediterranean plant won't survive a harsh winter. At home, he prefers a place lighter and cooler, as well as moderate watering. Loving the light and the sun, tradescantia purify the atmosphere of the home from envy and ill will. Do not forget to water your pet, maintaining light soil moisture.

lovely orchids are plants that absorb your energy. This influence is especially strong at night and in the pre-dawn hours. The orchid is very capricious, whimsical and requires careful care. "Communication" with an orchid is especially dangerous for people who are weak and indecisive.


ferns also apply to plants that absorb energy. But unlike orchids, they absorb negative energy very well. Fern - one of the few perfectly adjacent to the TV, extinguishing its negative radiation, moreover, such a neighborhood is only good for him. They grow well in dark rooms, love moist soil and spraying.

Chinese tree has rosettes of 5 leaves, symbolizing 5 elements. Its botanical name is Pachira (Malabar Chestnut) - Malabar Chestnut.

rejuvenated- a genus of perennial herbs of the Crassulaceae family. It has about 30 species, in Eurasia and Northwest Africa, more often in the mountains. Many of them are decorative. Sometimes also called tenacious.

Rhodiola- a genus of perennial grasses of the family. There are about 50 species in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. In the Arctic, in the North European part of Russia, in Siberia (especially in Altai) and in the Far East, Rhodiola rosea, or golden root, is common, a medicinal plant with a general tonic effect.

sedum- a genus of herbs, sometimes shrubs or shrubs of the Crassulaceae family. It has about 600 species, mainly in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, mainly in Eurasia. These are purple young shoots. By the way, they are quite edible. Some species are honey plants; many are decorative. If you got yourself a "coin tree" - take good care of it and, perhaps, your fat woman will bloom, and with it your financial success. In no case do not prune this plant (if the lower leaves wither, they will fall off on their own) and do not let it wither, otherwise your financial affairs may wither with it.

For thousands of years, houseplants have been used to decorate living spaces in almost all cultures. They make any home welcoming and warm, saturate the air with oxygen and fill the space with energy. According to Feng Shui, flowers in the house, depending on their type, have a strong influence on a person. Knowing this, you can bring the necessary atmosphere into the house by placing the right plants in their places.

In Eastern teachings, flowers and green plants are active objects that affect dwellings. But in order for the energy to be positive, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the flowers, prevent the earth from drying out, and take care of the leaves. If the plant blooms, and better, bears fruit, its energy is at its peak, therefore, the larger the flower, the better.

The best feng shui flowers for your home

According to the doctrine, plants have a certain energy, so mixing home flowers in one composition should be done correctly. Sometimes even the most unpretentious plants in the house do not take root. This suggests that each flower should have its place.

Flowers should be chosen carefully, especially if there are small children in the house.

myrtle tree. A small trendy tree is recommended to start to save the family. If quarrels often occur in the house, the spouses cannot reconcile for a long time - the myrtle will cool the storm and revive the former novelty in the relationship.

fat girl. Not everyone knows that according to Feng Shui this plant is called the "money tree", and, accordingly, its purpose is the financial well-being of the family. But in order for a tree to bear fruit, it must be well looked after. In order to “charge” the plant for financial flow, when transplanting, you need to throw a few coins to the bottom. The grown tree is usually decorated with Chinese coins and red silk ribbons.

ficus. Elegant and beautiful, it not only decorates the interior, but also calms conflicts, attracts friends to the house and builds relationships with superiors.

Cactus. Philosophers endow it with not entirely positive energy. However, he also has positive qualities. The plant improves wealth, helps to advance in a career. A prickly "friend" will get along well with a quick-tempered person, absorbing his explosive energy with his spikes.

Geranium. Fragrant flower of our grandmothers. Many do not like its smell, but it is this aroma that collects and destroys everything bad in the housing space. Since ancient times, geranium has been considered a kind of talisman. In addition, the flower has healing properties and calms the nervous system.

Lemon. Citrus fruits are known for their health benefits. But not everyone knows that a homemade lemon tree has the ability to concentrate. It is recommended to keep it in the room where schoolchildren and students study. Lemongrass improves memory and arouses interest in the learning process.

Bamboo. The plant is large, so it is recommended to immediately plant it in a large container. Bamboo is unpretentious and its main mission is the processing of negative into positive. Moreover, being located in one room, it has a positive effect on the entire housing space.

How to arrange plants

Without observing the rules for arranging flowers, you can not only not improve the condition of the house, but also become unhappier.

  • Bedroom. There should not be plants with thorns, as the recreation area is responsible for interpersonal relationships.
  • Dining room, kitchen. This is the place for flowers with round leaves in light green hues. It is desirable that these plants bloom, and better - bear fruit.
  • The corridor. Flowers with a small stem and small flowers will fit perfectly into empty corners and niches.

In order for relationships with children to bring joy, plants with white flowers (chrysanthemum, geranium) should be placed in the southwest zone.

But a lot depends on the owner of the house. If the arrangement of plants brought her joy and satisfaction, then most likely it should be so. Plants to which the soul “does not lie” must be immediately removed from the house: they will either not take root or fill the atmosphere with negative radiation.

And most importantly - flowers love care and attention. The more the owners communicate with them, the more help they receive from them. The atmosphere in such houses is always filled with kindness, cleanliness and positive.

It is difficult to find such a house in which there would not be a single living flower. Plants are designed to decorate our home, give it an even more residential and cozy look. However, in addition to beauty, flowers can bring various changes to our lives. Each flower has its own individual qualities. Feng Shui experts say that you can change a lot in your life, just by starting a particular plant at home. What is the meaning of flowers in Feng Shui?

Cultivation of flowers in the house: general rules of feng shui

What general principles should be followed before having flowers in the house?

  • When choosing plants for the home, it is best to opt for those whose sprouts are actively striving upwards. It is believed that it is these species that are able to actively attract positive energy into the house. In turn, those plants, the stems of which hang down to the floor, carry a negative charge, and are able to draw energy from people nearby.
  • Plants with rounded leaves are considered more auspicious than those with elongated or pointed leaves.
  • Feng Shui experts divide all plants into female and male. Therefore, it is best to install them where most of all there is a person of the same sex.
  • In no case should dry flowers be placed around the house. If you are fond of ikebana, it is best to set aside a special place for a hobby outside the home, for example, in the country.
  • Feng Shui experts do not recommend placing a large number of flowers in the bedroom, especially near the bed. This rule applies to any, even the most favorable plants.
  • It is believed that large plants have a brighter and stronger energy. If you need to fix the situation in the house as quickly as possible, you should opt for these colors.
  • As a rule, the places of accumulation of negative energy in the house are all kinds of niches, corners and dark places. To neutralize the negative, place pots with plants there.
  • Please note that those plants that need frequent abundant watering should be planted in red pots.

Varieties of flowers according to Feng Shui

As mentioned above, each of the plants existing in the world has its own energy, and carries a certain effect. What is the meaning of flowers in Feng Shui?

ficus. This flower is able to neutralize all the accumulated negative energy in the house, remove aggression. Contributes to the establishment of a favorable atmosphere, sets the household in a peaceful way, settles existing conflicts. However, this plant is not recommended to be placed in the marriage zone. Since in this case, quarrels can begin in the family.

Another, more famous, name for this flower is Geranium. A plant with a very strong energy. At the same time, it is able to absorb all the negative energy. Pelargonium is able to protect all family members from all troubles. From a biological point of view, Geranium contains a very large amount of essential oils, which explains its strong and recognizable smell. These oils have a calming effect, improve a person's metabolism, and lower blood pressure. However, despite all the positive qualities of this plant, it should not be installed next to the bed. Under the influence of a strong smell, you can easily get a headache.

One of the most prosperous plants in Feng Shui. It symbolizes a happy strong family, love among close people, well-being. At a time when Myrtle begins to bloom, its auspicious energy is amplified at times! In those families where there is a tense situation, Mirt helps to build relationships and save the marriage.

Cactus. Despite the fact that the cactus symbolizes wealth and prosperity, this plant has a rather heavy energy. At the same time, it is able to neutralize anger and aggression. Therefore, the cactus is the best suited for quick-tempered people. Or you can install 1-2 pots with it in the wealth zone. A larger number of this plant is not recommended to be kept in the house.

Poinsettia and Maranta. These plants contribute to the search for inspiration, help to find something new in your life, to find the very meaning of life, to determine your purpose. In addition, they help to collect thoughts when necessary, to organize themselves. It is recommended to install pots with these flowers in large general rooms, such as living rooms. These plants feel great both in the kitchen and next to computer equipment. However, they do not like and do not tolerate absolutely any neighborhood. And most importantly, Poinsettia and Maranta are considered energy vampire plants, so it is not recommended to be near them for a long time.

fat girl. In the people, this plant was called the Money Tree for the similarity of its leaves with round coins. The fat woman symbolizes well-being, wealth and prosperity. Able to increase the well-being of the family in which it is located. The best place for a pot with this flower is the wealth zone. To make the flower work at full strength, experts recommend planting it in a pot yourself by putting a few coins in the ground. When the flower grows and gets stronger, decorate it with coins and red ribbons. The best place in the house for the Money Tree is the window sill facing southeast. If your house does not have a window on this side, highlight the plant with artificial light. Keep in mind that the Crassula is a very capricious plant and requires constant care.

Bamboo. It is considered the strongest absorber of negative energy. As the negative energy travels down the inside of the stem, it is reshaped into positive energy. For bamboo, a large wide pot is suitable. It is best to put it on the floor, in any corner of your house. The plant is very unpretentious, and the location does not affect its growth. The whole potential of bamboo is aimed at changing energy.

This plant is able to develop and strengthen the craving for knowledge. Therefore, it is recommended to install it as close as possible to children. This will help them to become more active and independent, will contribute to concentration. But the lemon tree can also exert its influence on adults. If you install it in your office, the plant will help you complete tasks faster.

Symbolizes material well-being. In addition, it contributes to the strengthening of marriage and well-being in family relationships.

Indoor Rose. The flower is able to create positive energy around itself, especially purple and yellow roses. But the plant is very capricious, and does not like any neighborhood. It is best if there is only one rose pot in your house, and not in the bedroom. Be careful not to confuse the Indoor Rose with the China Rose. The Chinese Rose is considered an energy vampire, and is not recommended for placement in residential areas.

Able to change negative energy to positive. The best location for a pot with this plant is the kitchen.

Aloe. The plant provides a healthy atmosphere in the family. In addition, aloe takes care of the health of each family member. At the same time, aloe seems to know what health problems each individual person has, and it affects exactly the damaged areas.

The flower helps its owner overcome shyness and indecision, as well as develop strong-willed qualities in himself.

Orchid and Dracaena. They are powerful antidepressants. In addition, they help to get a charge of vivacity and optimism.

Despite all the beauty of this plant, it carries a negative charge of energy. Therefore, it is not recommended to install it at home.

How to arrange plants in the house

It depends on where this or that flower stands, how it will work, and whether it will work at all. Therefore, this aspect should be given no less attention than the choice of the plant itself.

  • Each plant should be located only in the sector to which it corresponds. For example, the money tree should only be installed in the wealth zone. In the matrimonial zone, it will be useless.
  • The bedroom should have as few plants as possible, especially near the bed.
  • Do not place flower pots between two doors or between a door and a window. Such an arrangement is considered extremely unfavorable.
  • Do not install thorny plants in the recreation area. They will interfere with the restoration of strength and the rise of energy.
  • Also, installing plants with thorns is not recommended in the southwestern part of your home. This can ruin the relationship between spouses.
  • In places of reception and cooking, it is best to install flowering plants or fruit-bearing ones.
  • In the southern part of your home, place pots of red flowers. This will help you improve your position in society.
  • In the western part of the house, it is best to install slides with white flowers. This will help boost your creativity as well as improve your relationship with your children.
  • Cacti are best suited to the northern window sill.

Finally, I would like to say that you need to choose flowers and plants for your home not only based on the teachings of Feng Shui, but also on your own feelings. If your soul does not belong to some flower, it is quite possible that later it will not work for your benefit.

In addition, always carefully look after all plants. After all, only beautiful, well-groomed and healthy plants carry positive energy.

Be happy!

Landscaping a room (the right choice of a plant and its installation in the right place) plays an important role in charging the space with positive energy.

For example, choosing the rightfeng shui office flowers, you can attract new customers to the business or improve relationships with old ones, as well as create a more harmonious working atmosphere.

But our green friends also require special attention to themselves so that they can be healthy, so the negative energy of the room can adversely affect their health.

General rules for landscaping your home

When choosing plants for your home according to Feng Shui, you should adhere to some rules. We list them below.

  • It is not advisable to keep artificial flowers in the house.
  • It is also not advisable to keep wilted (dried flowers) longer than necessary. They become “vacuum cleaners” of the good Qi of your home and can provoke the growth of pathogenic bacteria that can infect both humans and other houseplants.
  • Use caution when placing potted plants near family resting areas. It is desirable that they are at least a meter away from him. This is necessary due to the fact that various processes take place in the pot (decomposition and decay of useful substances for the flower), which emit not very good Qi.
  • Indoor flowers are not advisable to put in the bedroom, otherwise it will be dominated by a strong Yang energy that can disrupt your intimate life.
  • Look around your home. Where there are corners, niches and places with accumulating energy, flowers should be placed.
  • Stock up on red pots if you have moisture-loving plants. They will be better off with them.

Begonia: flower of businessmen and lovers

Begonia got its name in the 17th century in honor of the botanist who explored it. His name was M. Begon. There are over 400 species of this plant, but three are the most popular. Consider the meaning of each type of begonia in Feng Shui.

royal begonia

Evergreen shrubs with beautiful flowers. They should be placed on the northern windows of those houses that are famous for their hospitality. Begonia is a natural energy filter - no matter what your guests came with, the plant will let all the energy through itself and give only the positive. That is why it is very good for living rooms.

It should also be noted that begonia helps to speed up the pace of your life, and all this will look very harmonious. It also simply needs to be placed in the house where people suffer from frequent bronchitis or just have a heavy smoker.

Begonia evergreen

A more capricious plant, but very beautiful. This type of begonia should be placed in the house where melancholic or very sentimental people live. Its energy contributes to the containment of emotions, prevents the progression of depression. If there are troubles or a black streak in your life, try to tell all this to the flower. You will immediately feel relief.

It is this look that is well suited for offices, developing intuition and sensitivity. Such begonia can help overcome indecision and confusion in words at the right time, as well as fear of a start (no matter what - deeds, confessions, etc.).

tuberous begonia

Flower of harmony and peace. If installed indoors, it will promote reconciliation, especially among spouses, as well as reduce conflicts between children and parents. It is this kind of begonia that can be found in psychoanalysts and psychotherapists. With it, you can get answers to difficult questions or relieve mental stress.

Where to put begonia

This flower should not be placed next to cacti or other similar indoor flowers. Also make sure that the begonia does not stand in a straight line between the doors or the window, as it will not have the effect for which it was purchased.

Plant a plant with pink, orange and red flowers, preferably in one large pot. This will help to activate the senses and improve sexual life.

How to care for begonia

Although royal begonia is a moisture-loving plant, it cannot be sprayed, as moisture leaves spots on the leaves of the flower that look like burns. She also dislikes dark rooms. If you decide to purchase an ever flowering begonia, then it needs to create a humid tropical jungle climate.

Tuberous begonia is the most capricious. It should be watered at the same time, but not heavily moistened. It is advisable to keep it in semi-darkness, there should be no drafts in the room, but it should be regularly ventilated.

Geranium: flower of energy harmony

Pelargonium (most often this plant is called geranium) is not demanding, but very useful indoor flower. It has unique properties, producing substances that protect against malignant tumors in the body.

The energy properties of geranium are quite powerful. The plant is able to give a person cheerfulness and give him strength in case of need. You just need to sit next to him for a while. Also, in the case of strong negative emotions, geranium helps to soften them and restore harmony, both with oneself and between people.

Pelargonium is able to prevent the onset of the disease, you just need to pay attention to it. If it blooms strongly and magnificently, then someone among your household emits negative energy, which it absorbs. Take a look at relatives.

Where to place pelargonium fengeshui

But to put geraniums according to Feng Shui should be in the southeastern sector of the apartment or garden. So she can help her masters in life. If you are the owners of a private house, then plant a plant near the main entrance on both sides. So it will prevent the penetration of negative energy into the house.

Hibiscus: pros and cons

A very controversial and controversial flower. Another name for it is Chinese rose. Many feng shui experts believe that hibiscus with red flowers can strengthen marriage and promote family happiness, since powerful sexual energy comes from flowers.

A plant with red flowers is contraindicated for those people who have a sensitive nervous system, they are excitable and unbalanced. In this case, the plant should be with orange flowers, softer.

It should be noted that hibiscus can help unsociable people become more open and free towards others. It becomes much easier to communicate. Buy a hibiscus for your home if you feel that your emotional component is suppressed by rational thinking. The flower will allow you to balance everything.

Opposite properties of hibiscus

There is another theory that hibiscus blooms only in the house where someone is seriously ill, and it can also draw energy from others. Feng Shui experts think otherwise. They claim that the energy of the flower flows upwards and diverges to the sides. That is why sick flowers come to life next to him.

But if you are in doubt, then observe the situation in the family - if after acquiring a flower the relationship worsened and something changed for the worse, it is better to remove the plant.

If you decide to purchase a hibiscus with red flowers, then it can be placed in the matrimonial bedroom. It will help restore relationships and kindle a fire between spouses.

If you are deciding where to put the feng shui hibiscus with orange flowers, then you can choose any room for it, except for the bedroom. Yellow is the color of separation, so it’s better not to put a Chinese rose there. The best place would be the southeastern part of the apartment or house. Vases choose square or rectangular.

Hibiscus with white flowers is best placed in the western part of the house, and with red flowers in the south. For white flowers, choose round flowerpots of golden or yellow color, for red ones - triangular.

Hydrangea: a flower of the hormonal background of the inhabitants of the house

If you want stability in your home, then be sure to purchase a hydrangea. Its soft energy helps smooth out conflicts and restrain the desire to argue and quarrel (this is especially important if people who can hardly tolerate each other are going to visit you).

It is believed that hydrangea can show the energy level in the house. If it is positive, then the flowering of the plant will be lush and plentiful, and if there is a lot of negative, then the hydrangea most likely will not bloom at all. Healthy flowers can normalize the emotional state of the inhabitants of the house, calm and eliminate tension.

Hydrangea has a positive effect on those people who have a creative character warehouse. Thanks to her, they can make spontaneous decisions. The same people who are in melancholy leave it with ease, one has only to be surrounded by these beautiful flowers.

The meaning of hydrangea is modesty, loyalty and hope. Many nationalities believe that these flowers are able to ward off illnesses and various misfortunes from home.

Where is the best place to put hydrangea

The best place for hydrangeas is the southwest of the house. The flower placed on this side has a beneficial effect on the intimate sphere of the spouses, and also has a positive effect on the hormonal background.

Feng Shui orchid: a symbol of harmony and perfection

Orchid flower meaning in the interior is hard to overestimate. It is a bright symbol of love and romance, as well as harmony. That is why it is often presented as a gift to loved ones and placed in rooms for prayers and meditations.

The orchid should not be placed in close proximity to children and people with an unstable psyche. In its meaning, an orchid is a delicate flower. She responds well to the emotional background of the house where she lives. If it is negative, then the flower may die.

How to place an orchid

It is believed that orchids should not be placed in the bedroom, as these female flowers completely suppress the masculine principle. Also, they can not be placed in the bedroom where the boys live. In general, a bedroom for an orchid is a taboo. Its activation occurs just at night, it begins to draw energy from a vulnerable sleeper. A good place for an orchid is the living room.

This flower will work very well in a room for meditation or prayer, as it is able to awaken spiritual feelings and thoughts. Good for the subconscious. Ideal would be to place the orchid where there is a large flow of Qi - a hallway or a corridor. A flower can easily hold him.

Consider how you can place an orchid on the cardinal points:

  • southeast - a flower will contribute to success in undertakings, as well as prosperity, good luck;
  • southwest - a good location for an orchid for a family in which there are frequent quarrels (she will be able to establish relationships and establish harmony in the family);
  • east - orchids need to be rearranged in this part of the house if someone gets sick in the house (it will contribute to a speedy recovery and help improve health);
  • north - suitable for business people (especially if the house has an office in this sector);
  • northwest - relations with loved ones are gradually being established.

Azalea: inspiration and muse

According to its meaning, the feng shui azalea flower is the pure energy of inspiration. By placing it in the house of a creative person, you will contribute to the emergence of new masterpieces and creations. Alalia is able to awaken altruism in a person and bring a charge of vivacity to the house.

This flower helps to get rid of the habit of gossip, and also relieves its owner of gossip around him. If there are people in the house with a very excitable nervous system, then the plant will help to calm down.

Where to place an azalea

It is favorable to place a flowerpot with an azalea with white flowers in the Earth sector. There she can strengthen the Metal (this should be done if it is favorable).

By placing a flower with white buds in the northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest, you can enhance the energy of money. If the inhabitants of the house have a bad memory or increased intracranial pressure, then place the azalea in the directions indicated above, so you can reduce the influence of the Earth element.

To increase the energy of the Earth in the indicated directions, you need to place azaleas with orange, pink or red buds. This will help to bring positive energy to the stomach, bones and muscles.

Put a pot of red azalea in the bedroom on the windowsill on the south side - you will immediately feel the activation of sexual energy in a relationship.

The value of ficus for the owners of an apartment or house is very high, especially if you need to bring in some energy. It has a positive effect on childbearing, so it is recommended for couples who cannot have children.

Ficus very easily harmonizes family relationships, creates a good and favorable home atmosphere, and lowers the threshold of aggressiveness.

Also, Benjamin's ficus will help reduce nervous tension among those living indoors and give them a charge of vivacity and positive. However, you need to know the right place to place it.

Where to put a ficus in feng shui

Now let's take a closer look at where to put the ficus so that it brings the greatest benefit. Southeast is one of the good directions where you can place this flower. For the inhabitants of the house in this sector, it will bring peace, harmony and prudence. The direction is good for quick-tempered people, so they become calmer, as well as for insecure people - they can become more purposeful.

Some feng shui experts recommend putting this flower in the bedroom. It can make sleep more restful. Ficus in the kitchen will protect the inhabitants of the house from poverty and hunger, and will attract cash flow. Due to its properties to create a peaceful atmosphere, the ficus looks good in the living room.

In some directions at home, fixing is categorically not recommended. This is the center, southwest and northeast of the apartment. These directions are associated with the elements of the Earth, so a plant placed in this zone will make the inhabitants of the house think only about material wealth.

How to care for a plant

Ficus requires careful personal care. The plant does not tolerate drafts and dust, loves space and plenty of light. Ficus also needs to be watered or sprayed often, especially in winter, when the heating in the house is turned on.

To make your flower magical, you need to properly transplant the ficus. You need to decide what you want to get from his presence in your home (monetary well-being, harmony in family relationships, children). Then ask the ficus for help, you can even put notes under the roots during transplantation, symbols of what you need. After some time, your wish will surely come true.

Artificial flowers: can they be placed in the house?

As for artificial flowers in the house, feng shui experts say that you can keep them, but you need to put them in certain places, since they, in fact, give very little energy. It is desirable that they be made of natural materials, such as silk, cotton, paper. It is not recommended to use plastic artificial flowers in the interior.

If there are artificial flowers in your interior, then they need to be constantly cleaned, as they tend to absorb energy, and after a while give it back with a vengeance. Therefore, such flowers can be placed for a short time in a house where there are constant quarrels and contention, after which they must be thrown away or burned. But where love and happiness reign, it is better not to put artificial flowers, as they will absorb everything, after which the atmosphere of the home may change.

It is not recommended to leave dried flowers in the house, as they carry the energy of death. They should be thrown away immediately. But if any bouquet has value for you as a memory (for example, a wedding bouquet), then put it in a crystal vase - this material will mitigate the negative impact of a dry bouquet.

Flowers in the office according to Feng Shui: we increase efficiency

Plants for the office should not only help attract money and work capacity, but also calmness, comfort and friendliness, because usually a person spends a lot of time at the workplace.

For indecisive people, it is advisable to put hibiscus on the workplace (on the table). It will help build relationships and allow you to instill confidence in a person who has a gentle character.

Of the flowers for the office, hydrangea is very suitable, as it helps to attract positive energy and improves financial well-being. This plant can direct the collected energy to the place where it is needed at the moment.

It is good to place an orchid in the southeast of the office, as it will help if the business is just beginning, and will also bring prosperity and good luck. Also in this direction, you can place a ficus, it will be able to increase the level of working capacity, it will be easier to bear the load. For the same purpose, it can be placed near the desktop.

It is good to put Tradescantia in office premises, as it easily cleanses the premises of negative energy. Bamboo will help protect against wrong decisions, and cyclamen will give inspiration and help you organize yourself.

In conclusion, it should be noted that good feng shui involves moderation in everything, even in landscaping. Even to attract wealth, it is not worth placing flowers for the Feng Shui office in all corners where they can only be placed. Choose the most positive plants and put them in the right places. Similarly, green up your home space. And remember, if you don't like the plant or cause discomfort, it's best to give it to someone else.

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