Fat burning pills for athletes. Fat-burning drugs for weight loss - a list of the most powerful and safe pharmacy and sports nutrition


Depending on the type of pharmaceutical drugs for weight loss that effectively burn fat, they can affect the body in different ways - reduce appetite, speed up metabolism, remove harmful foods and excess fluid. In addition, they are divided into those taken inside or used externally. In any case, fat-burning drugs have risks of side effects, so you should be careful with them. If you do not know which medicine to choose, then the information below will help you in this matter.

Fat burning drugs

In most cases, fat-burning drugs are used in the treatment of obese people. But those who want to improve the relief of the body and lose only a couple of kilograms resort to their reception. To avoid negative consequences, it is important to know what fat burning drugs are and how they affect the body. Among the funds that can be purchased without a doctor's prescription, there are two main groups:

  1. For internal use. This includes tablets, capsules, teas, dietary supplements and meal replacements.
  2. For outdoor use. In this case, the funds are often applied or glued to the skin and even put on.

For oral administration

Pharmaceutical drugs for fat burning, used orally, are classified according to the nature of the effect on the body. In general, there are three groups of such drugs:

  1. Appetite suppressant. Reduce the feeling of hunger by influencing the area of ​​​​the brain responsible for the feeling of hunger. This is what helps you lose weight. Of these lipid-accelerating tablets, Reduxin and its analogue Goldline, Chinese tablets based on tea extract, Dexfenfluramine, Turboslim can be distinguished.
  2. Normalizing metabolism. Their action is based on the activation of metabolism, the acceleration of the breakdown of fats, the removal of toxins and toxins. These include - Xenical and its analogue Orsoten, dietary supplement "Bomb", Karnivit Q 10.
  3. Reduces the amount of digestible fat. They block the production of the lipase enzyme, which is designed to break down fat molecules. In this group, Lida, Clenbuterol, Xenical, Chitosan are isolated.

outdoor application

There are a number of drugs that burn fat when used externally. They can be presented as a cream, gel or cream-gel. They differ in their texture. The composition of such products includes caffeine, herbal extracts, citrus fruits, menthol, mint, red pepper extract and collagen with elastin. They are also divided according to the principle of action - burning fat cells, reducing volumes, correcting the figure or warming up the skin. Among the more popular outdoor products, the following stand out:

  • Mon Platin DSM Perfect Body Anti-Cellulite Cream;
  • body cream with cocoa Biotique;
  • Slim Body Gel by Tony Moly;
  • gel Slimness Phyt "s;
  • Body Butter Ginger Mi&Ko.

Fat burners

Means that burn fat are allocated in a separate group along with diuretics, nutraceuticals and anorectics. Their basis is chitosan or fruit extracts. The latter accelerate lipid metabolism with regular physical activity in conditions of high blood pressure. Fat-burning products based on chitosan reduce the amount of digestible fat molecules, they work only when playing sports. With a passive lifestyle, they have little effect.

based on chitosan

Chitosan, a sorbent of natural origin, is considered one of the safest fat-burning drugs. It is a special nutritional supplement. They give more effective results with regular training. You can buy chitosan in the form of tablets of 0.5 g. More often there are 100 of them in a package. Each tablet contains:

  • 0.125 g of chitosan;
  • 0.01 g of vitamin C;
  • 0.354 g microcrystalline cellulose;
  • flavor;
  • citric acid;
  • silicon oxide;
  • calcium stearate.

Chitosan has a detoxifying effect. When losing weight, it is effective due to its excellent binding to fat molecules, which is why it is used in preparations for weight loss. Bodybuilders, on the other hand, take chitosan instead of the more harmful thyroxine for drying the body, i.e. relief work. This tool is represented on the market of sports supplements by many manufacturers. Among the most popular are the following:

  1. Fat burner Weider Chitosan, 120 caps. The difference between the remedy is the property not only to burn, but to prevent their deposition - this is a new generation of blockers that can be used even in case of abuse of carbohydrate and fatty foods. Take 4 capsules half an hour before meals.
  2. Olimp Chitosan Blister Box 30 capsules. This remedy must be taken 1 capsule three times a day. At the same time, the reception should be 20 minutes before meals. It is important to take the medicine with plenty of water. Without a specialized diet, you can get rid of 1.5 kg.

Fruit extracts

From this group, those based on extracts of bitter orange, pineapple, garcinia and South American guarana are distinguished. They help break down excess fat. Often the composition includes other extracts - natural caffeine, green tea. Means can even be used externally. Some of the most popular include:

  1. Ultra ripped from Ultimate Nutrition. This is a unique product, highly effective, balanced and with a special thermogenic formula. It is also presented in capsules with powder, including extracts of garcinia, green tea, guarana and caffeine. It is necessary to take the remedy 2 capsules twice a day 1 hour before a meal.
  2. Spray Fitness Fresh. Product based on fruit extracts of lemon, mango, garcinia and green coffee. It is not applied internally. It is simply injected into the mouth a quarter of an hour before meals. It helps reduce appetite and increase energy.
  3. Fitness Body Gel Cream Active Fat Burner, 125 ml. This tool is applied externally to problem areas. It has a pleasant non-greasy texture, is perfectly applied to the skin and is quickly absorbed, but at the same time it has a strong smell. The basis of the product is drinking water, extracts of papaya, pine needles, fucus, green tea, sweet orange, grapefruit. It is necessary to apply the product to problem areas with vigorous massaging movements once a day.


All medicines have contraindications. You can find out more about them from the instructions on the package. But there are a number of general contraindications in which you should not use fat burning drugs for weight loss. These include the following:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • diabetics;
  • autoimmune diseases during an exacerbation;
  • chronic pathologies of the digestive system;
  • steatosis, hepatosis and other liver diseases;
  • age less than 18 years;
  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
  • problems with the thyroid gland, kidneys.

Rating of drugs for weight loss

Most pharmaceutical preparations that burn fat are practically no different from professional sports supplements. The composition of such products, in addition to chitosan and fruit extracts, may include L-carnitine, bromelain, orlistat, lipotropics and alpha-amylase blockers. From a number of such tablets, you can make a rating of more popular ones, which include:

  1. Xenical. Capsules based on orlistat. The action is to block the absorption of dietary lipids.
  2. BAD "Bomb". Capsules with an extract of nuts in the composition. Their main action is to accelerate metabolic processes and lipid conversion.
  3. Lida. It is a bioactive supplement based on plant extracts - garcinia, pumpkin powder, guarana, sweet potato. Helps to release fats from the depot, increases the activity of metabolism.
  4. Eco slim. These are effervescent tablets based on sibutramine. Helps suppress appetite.
  5. Slimtin. Another option for a bioactive supplement with green coffee, garcinia, chromium in the composition. Affects metabolism.
  6. Patch Slim. This is an unusual tool, produced in the form of a patch. It helps to suppress hunger and speed up metabolism.
  7. Turboslim. It is represented by a wide range of weight loss products - tea, coffee, capsules, syrup, tablets. It has a laxative and diuretic effect.
  8. Goldline. Capsules with sibutramine in the composition, helping to reduce appetite and dull the feeling of hunger.

The price of medicines for burning fat

The cost of a particular drug depends on its composition, degree of exposure and manufacturer. You can choose from a range of fat-burning medications, from cheaper ones to more expensive ones. Approximate prices are shown in the table:


Price in rubles

Fat burner Weider Chitosan, 120 caps

Olimp Chitosan Blister Box 30 capsules

Spray Fitness Fresh

Fitness Body Gel Cream Active Fat Burner, 125 ml



BAA "Bomb"






Today, there are not so many women who would be satisfied with their figure. They are often critical of their legs and waist. And in order to bring them to their ideal size, they make a wide variety of sacrifices: they sit on newfangled diets, regularly visit gyms.

If you strictly adhere to the chosen diet, then the first positive changes can be seen after a month. But not all ladies are ready to subject themselves to such torments, but they also strongly want to become slimmer. Therefore, they often turn to simpler and more affordable means - fat burners, which today are offered in pharmacies in a large assortment.

rich variety

Fat burners offered today in pharmacies are of great variety, which is manifested not only in the effect they demonstrate, but also in the price range to which they belong. The modern classification of fat burners allows us to divide them into the following main groups:

  • funds offered by companies specializing in the production of sports nutrition;
  • pharmaceutical biologically active additives;
  • drugs with a lipolytic effect.

The effectiveness of fat burners

Unlike most other drugs, drugs that are made by companies that sell nutritional supplements and other products for athletes are designed to achieve strictly defined goals.

The most important thing is that they help speed up metabolism Therefore, the burning of calories occurs even in the absence of physical activity in a person.

In addition, the drugs provide energy, so as a result of training in the gym, you can achieve a better effect.

With the help of these drugs, you can change the processes directly in fat cells, and this leads to the activation of the production of glycerol, as well as the acceleration of fat burning during training.

heat effect

For many sports drugs designed to burn fat, a thermogenic effect is characteristic. In other words, when they are received, increase in body temperature which also improves metabolism. This is due to the presence of special components in the preparations:

  • guarana;
  • red pepper extract;
  • forskolin;
  • caffeine.

If, at the stage of choosing fat-burning tablets in a pharmacy, you pay attention and familiarize yourself with their composition, you can find that they are similar in many properties to sports drugs.

Among other components that are presented in the composition of fat burners for athletes, it is worth highlighting chromium picolinate, dietary fiber and synephrine. The main purpose of these drugs is to reduce appetite.

Sports fat burners are a rarity in pharmacies. Therefore, you can buy them in specialized departments of sports nutrition or you have to use the services of special online stores.

Pharmacy plagiarism

Today, in many pharmacies, you can find fat burners that have a powerful effect. Moreover, in terms of their composition, the proposed miracle diet pills differ little from sports preparations for burning fat. This is explained by the fact that the preparations contain guarana or L-carnitine.

A special group is formed by drugs, break down fat during meals. In other words, they prevent the absorption of fats and carbohydrates from food when it reaches the stomach. As a result, the body receives fewer calories from food. Often these tablets contain substances such as:

  • chitosan;
  • blockers;
  • alpha amylase,
  • bromelain;
  • orlistat.

Pharmacy fat burners differ not only in their properties, but also in price. Therefore, today in the pharmacy you can find both very expensive drugs and relatively cheap ones. The difference in cost is due to the composition, as well as the pharmacological manufacturing company. Most of these drugs are not safe for health. However, in our country, many of them are prohibited for sale.

In the list of sports drugs, you can select funds that are effective for men and women. Although they can cause some harm to health when taken, this does not affect their popularity in any way.

  1. Cloma Pharma – Black spider (widow). Quite a powerful drug, which contains caffeine, aspirin and ephedrine. This tool contains not only the above components, but also minor substances that, when ingested, begin to affect the thyroid gland and the central nervous system. According to the manufacturer, the components used to prepare this drug do not oppose each other. At the same time, if you follow the recommended doses, it is often possible to eliminate or minimize possible side effects.
  2. USPlabs - OxyELITE Pro. An excellent option for the drug, because it has not only an affordable price, but also an excellent composition. The main effect is provided by geranium. When using this fat burner, there is an increased release of heat and fat synthesis. As a result, when using the drug during a low-calorie diet and regular training, you can achieve amazing changes in a short time.
  3. Nutrex-Lipo-6X. This fat burner in a pharmacy for women is offered in capsules with a multi-phase effect. Therefore, when taking the drug will act after the end of the workout. The fat burner contains components such as tyramine, synephrine and yohimbine. It is thanks to them that the thermogenic effect on the body is ensured.
  4. BSN - Thermonex. Due to its affordable cost, this type of fat burner is often chosen by beginners who are not interested in strong drugs. The effect is provided by accelerating metabolism and thermogenicity. The product contains components such as catechin, octopamine, synephrine, tyrosine and anhydrous caffeine.
  5. Cloma Pharma - Methyldrene Elite. To prepare this fat burner for women, the manufacturer used several highly effective ingredients - ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin and geranium. With regular use of this composition, significant changes can be achieved. But you need to be prepared for certain side effects. But you can face them only if the recommended doses are not observed and long-term use. A feature of this fat burner is that it has a versatile effect.
  6. Universal Nutrition - FAT Burners For Women. Among the fat burners offered today in pharmacies, this device is the undisputed leader. He managed to win high popularity, among other things, due to the fact that there are no harmful components in its composition. The main action is provided by plant extracts, linoleic acid and carnitine.
  7. Optimum Nutrition - CLA softgels. The main active ingredients of this drug for women are modified varieties of omega fats, due to which the breakdown of fats occurs even in the absence of physical activity. To do this, you just need to follow the right diet.
  8. MuscleTech - Hydroxycut MAX Pro. When using this fat burner, the effect is provided by accelerating lipolysis. The additives present in the preparation help speed up the metabolism and restore the functioning of the thyroid gland. The drug is the safest, because when used, it causes minimal harm to health.
  9. Universal Nutrition - Animal Cuts. The composition of the fat burner contains a fairly large number of various components: grapefruit and green tea extracts, choline citrate, tyramine and other components that help to effectively burn fat reserves are presented here.
  10. Olimp - L-Carnitine 3000 Extreme Shot. The drug is offered in pharmacies in the form of a liquid and contains only carnitine and vitamin B6 among the main components. With its use, the body receives additional energy, which allows it to withstand more intense workouts.

Slimming with a pharmacy

You can get a slim figure not only by using sports fat burners, but also by using the most popular pharmaceutical preparations that effectively fight fat. But you need to remember that they can inflict certain harm to the body therefore can only be used after approval by a physician. In addition, you can resort to them only in emergency situations, when the positive effect of losing weight is more significant than the harm that health receives from the use of these pills.

Top 9 Popular Pharmacy Fat Burners

"Reduxin". It is one of the most popular weight loss products. The drug contains components that regulate the hunger center located in the brain. As a result, appetite decreases.

"Xenical". The effect of using the drug is associated with the ability to block lipase, so the absorption of fats that enter the gastrointestinal tract from food does not occur. With its regular use, the absorption of fats that are excreted from the body is excluded.

"Orsoten". It has the same effect as Xenical.

"Clenbuterol". The positive effect of the use of the drug is to accelerate the metabolism, which leads to the breakdown of adipose tissue. With prolonged use of the drug, the work of the thyroid gland improves, synthesizing thyroxine, a special substance involved in the process of burning fat.

"Goldline". In its action it is similar to "Reduksin".

"Turboslim". This drug allows you to lose weight pretty quickly. Its use provides a laxative and diuretic effect. Due to this action, the removal of decay products from the body is accelerated.

"Lida". This supplement is a product of Chinese pharmacists, which has many fakes. It contains special herbs, thanks to which it can eliminate the fatty layer.

Microcrystalline cellulose. The main active ingredient is natural cotton, which, when ingested, begins to swell and creates a feeling of fullness in the stomach.

"Dietress". In its action it is very similar to Reduksin and Goldline.


In recent years, more and more lovely ladies are worried about gaining a slim figure. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to visit the gym or sit on special diets. Therefore, many achieve their goal with the help of a more affordable and simple means - fat burners. Today, these drugs are presented in pharmacies in a large assortment. These include additives that differ not only in cost, but also in composition.

Modern fat burners can be a good replacement for traditional weight loss products. However, it is important not to disturb the diet here. Then even with the help of these modern miracle pills, you can achieve the same results as when using other more well-known and common methods.

Greetings to all lovers of a healthy lifestyle and sports!

Sport is an activity in motion, a result and a slender figure. How you want to immediately lose those extra pounds in 1-2 months. To do this, many, in addition to training, begin to use fat burners in their diet, which can be purchased in chain stores and in ordinary city pharmacies.

Popularization of a healthy lifestyle, active recreation is becoming more and more popular among people who want to change their appearance, improve their physical condition, lose extra pounds of weight, give their muscles and shapes an attractive look.

Initially, fat burning drugs were used by athletes. Tablet-like and liquid varieties were used by sports people to speed up weight loss in conjunction with a proper sports diet and athletic training. Subsequently, companies producing such drugs launched their products for a wide range. Today we will not consider sports nutrition products for weight loss, but we will focus on the preparations of the pharmacy chain. But let's highlight the general points.

The effect of fat burners on the body

Diet pills offered at our service serve the first - to speed up the metabolic process. The second - using drugs increases energy, which allows you to train more productively in the gym. With an increase in temperature, metabolism improves, this is due to the presence of guarana, caffeine, and red pepper extract in the preparations. The presence of dietary fiber, synephrine helps to reduce the feeling of hunger. The third is the modification of the fat cells themselves, glycerol is removed faster, the fat burning process is accelerated during physical exertion.

What fat burners for weight loss can be bought at the pharmacy

  • Reduxin is the most common drug, the components included in the composition allow you to extinguish the feeling of hunger. Apply once a day during a meal. The cost varies from 2600 rubles and above.

  • Xenical - has the property of blocking lipase, fats that enter the gastrointestinal tract are not absorbed, hence the deposition of the latter is excluded. The price of such tablets starts from 1000 rubles. You need to use one capsule once a day. May cause side effects in the form of headache, weakness. This can be avoided by following a diet. Don't eat everything.

  • Clenbuterol is a fat burner that can be purchased at a pharmacy for 900 rubles. If you are engaged in bodybuilding, it will help burn the hated fat, will help to gain muscle mass. It activates the thyroid gland, increases the production of thyroxine, which contributes to the burning of fat cells.

  • Dexfenfluramine- the composition of the drug does not contain amphetamines. This is a sign of lack of nervousness and irritability. Reduces the feeling of hunger, accelerates the process of fat burning.

  • - To get the result, you must drink the proposed course. Helps to cope with hunger. One of the safest fat reduction products available at the drugstore.

  • Turboslim is a dietary supplement that helps to remove toxins and decay products from the body. The cheapest element of our attention. Take one tablet in the morning and evening.

Unlike the male body, the female body has a number of differences. He does not have stamina and large muscles. In addition, sooner or later, any girl will become a mother, you can not break the hormonal background.

For the fairer sex, the following fat burning elements are suitable

  • L - carnitine. This product reduces body fat. Due to the transformation of deposits into an energy fist, it acts as an excellent assistant in the gym. In pharmacies, you will be offered a remedy in a small amount. On the day, it is enough for a woman to use 300-700 mg, before meals or half an hour before training.

  • green tea extract- For the best weight loss process, drink 5 cups a day. This will reduce weight, improve the condition of blood vessels, lower blood cholesterol.

  • Glucobay - does not pose a danger to a woman's health, perfectly blocks the accumulation of carbohydrates in the body. For best results, take 500 mg daily. But start small with 150 mg. The course is designed for 30 days.

Despite the effectiveness of such drugs, be sure to consult a doctor or specialist before starting the course of use. Each body is unique and not always one medicine for weight loss is suitable for two people. I propose to pay attention only to a number of general recommendations.

  • Monitor your well-being. With a sharp deterioration, stop the course.
  • Exact compliance with the dosage indicated in the instructions.
  • Do not consume pharmaceutical products before bed.
  • Do not drink alcohol or coffee during the course.
  • After you stop using fat burners, take a break for 7-10 days.
  • After use, continue to adhere to proper nutrition, diet.

It should be noted that not all people are allowed to use the above drugs. The exception is the faces of those suffering - diabetes having liver problems, kidneys , heart failure.

Do not forget drugs purchased at the pharmacy are not miraculous and will not help you in losing weight on their own. Physical activity in the gym, proper nutrition with the inclusion of fat-burning foods (beef liver, seaweed, raspberries, grapefruit, etc.) in your regular diet will contribute to the complex process of losing weight, reducing body fat. Just in case, take a look here, there is also something to choose from. That's all for today, see you soon. Best regards, Sergei.

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There are many different remedies that can help you get the desired result, depending on whether your goal is to lose weight or get into bodybuilding.

Fat burners for weight loss

A wide selection of products allows you to find the drug that is most suitable for both quality and price, since many of the list are cheap fat burners in a pharmacy:

  • Acarbose. One of the best drugs that converts fat into energy without adversely affecting the body. Helps increase muscle mass.
  • Dexfenfluramine. By purchasing such fat burner pills in pharmacies, you can be sure that there will be no effect on the nervous system, but appetite will be suppressed.

TIP: Having bought pharmacy fat burners for men, you need to carefully read the instructions and identify contraindications and possible ones.

IMPORTANT: The most natural fat burners are yohimbine, vitamin B6 and omega-3 fats.

Sports fat burners for men help to reduce body weight by stimulating metabolic processes in the body, suppressing appetite, reducing the absorption of carbohydrates and fats from the digestive tract, blocking the synthesis of fat cells in the subcutaneous tissue and removing excess fluid.

Pharmacy fat burners for bodybuilding

To assist in sports in order to build muscle mass can:

  • Potassium orotate. In addition to the main purpose, it will help in restoring strength after class.
  • Riboxin. In combination with the previous drug gives a higher effect. Increases potential and improves metabolic processes.
  • Piracetam. It has a beneficial effect not only on processes that help build muscle, but also on mental activity.

  • Phenibut. Together with an increase in endurance, it allows you to seamlessly move away from training - quickly calm down and sleep well.
  • Mildronate. It also helps to recover from intense training and prepare for it.
  • Aralia tincture. Increases energy reserves, but at the same time increases appetite.
  • Ginseng tincture. It helps to endure the load, normalizes pressure, while strengthening the immune system, but affects the nervous system.

Other means that can help the bodybuilder achieve the desired result are asparcam, B1, B6, B12 injections, folic acid and vitamin C. They help the body fight the stress that occurs during intense training and increase endurance.

Read also the article "" on our website.

Thus, a responsible approach to choosing the most suitable and its reasonable use will help maintain health and get a beautiful body.

More recently, fat burners were used primarily in sports nutrition and were available only on Internet resources and in specialized stores. These are drugs that speed up metabolism, which causes the body to use its own fat reserves to produce additional energy.

Since they were a huge success not only with the fair sex, but also with men involved in muscle building, the companies expanded their sales bases and legalized their production. To date, any fat burners can be easily found in a pharmacy - with all the necessary certificates and permission to sell.

The fact that most fat burners have quality and safety certificates is very encouraging. However, do not forget that drugs that have received permission to be sold in pharmacies automatically acquire the status of medicines or dietary supplements with all the ensuing consequences.

Therefore, despite the fact that they are so affordable (mostly sold without a prescription), you can not buy them in packs and use them uncontrollably. Each of them should be accompanied by instructions with clear instructions on how to take the pills, how much, when, as well as lists of indications and contraindications.

  • "Natural" composition

Almost all manufacturers position their products as natural, that is, they allegedly use exclusively plant extracts in the composition. In fact, it turns out that various synthetic substances are not alien to them. So don't be fooled in the first place. The only thing that should reassure you is that even all this chemistry has been certified and received permission to be sold in pharmacies, which means that it is safe for health (if used in reasonable quantities).

  • Exotic in the composition

The second point worth paying attention to is the presence of exotic plants in the composition. Yes, today those that are made from goji berries, guarana, senna, safflower, etc. are allowed for sale. On the one hand, their content in pharmaceutical preparations corresponds to a safe norm. On the other hand, the regular use of such pills is not known how it will end. Research is ongoing, but there are no concrete conclusions yet. People who have been sitting on drugs for years or dreaming of losing weight can end up with a lot of unpleasant side effects and diseases.

  • Prescription or no?

Undoubtedly, it is very tempting to purchase over-the-counter fat burners. They are strong and affordable at the same time. However, stop yourself from doing so. This is not just a set of herbs for weight loss - it is a real drug (or dietary supplement) that has a powerful effect on the body. As a rule, this entails a number of side effects and complications. To avoid them and achieve results, be sure to visit a doctor and take his permission to use the remedy.

  • Features of use

And finally, it's time to dispel another myth about losing weight with the help of fat-burning drugs sold in pharmacies. Even the most effective of them will not help you get rid of excess weight if you do not eat right and exercise. The metabolic process they launch must actively consume the released energy in the gym, otherwise it will again settle in fat under the skin. And harmful products in the form of fast food and sweet sodas will constantly slow down and block it. So, despite all their power, proven and proven action, you should not flatter yourself: you still have to work on yourself by the sweat of your brow.

Needless to say, in no case should the dosages indicated in the instructions be exceeded. More pills - less weight? Alas, this rule does not work here. One single capsule, drunk in excess, can lead to serious health consequences, so it's not worth the risk.


Well, now it's time to choose which pharmacy fat burners you can buy for body shaping in order to achieve maximum results without harming your health. And for starters, it’s nice to understand their types, each of which is good in its own way and has several features in its application.

  • Stimulants

These are very powerful fat burners that increase endurance when playing sports. Accordingly, a person with their help can burn more calories in training. Previously, they were sold mainly in sports nutrition stores, but today they can be found in pharmacies: Caffeine, Clenbuterol, Ephedrine, etc.

  • Thermogenics

Provoke the release of fatty acids into the blood. As a result, a short-term increase in body temperature and increased sweating, which rids the body of various harmful substances. They are usually taken in the morning or before a workout. When used in the evening, there is a risk of not falling asleep, since they have an exciting effect on the nervous system. Usually they include caffeine, guarana, hydroxycitric acid, green tea.

The instructions for pharmacy thermogenics contain contraindications for their use: diseases of the thyroid gland, liver, heart, kidneys. The most popular fat burners in this group are: Methyldren 25 (American company Cloma Pharma), Oxyelite Pro (USP Labs from the USA).

  • Lipotropics

Promote the breakdown of fats. In the composition you can find orlistat, chitosan or bromelain. They have a complex effect on the body: fats, entering the stomach, are quickly broken down under their influence and are not stored in reserve, as before. Plus, lipotropics remove excess fluid (relieve edema), normalize the functioning of the liver (providing cleansing of the body), control insulin levels (alleviate the condition of diabetes).

So it’s not for nothing that they are sold in pharmacies - they have medicinal properties and are not so much dietary supplements, but rather full-fledged medicines. Usually they are consumed shortly before bedtime. The prices are quite high, but the effect is worth it. Names: Pyuruvat, Chitosan, L-carnitine, etc.

  • anoretics

They affect the centers of the brain responsible for saturation and blocking hunger. The body ceases to receive the required number of calories from food and begins to intensively burn its own fats. With this group of drugs, you should be especially careful, since they have a very powerful effect on the work of the central nervous system. Accordingly, they can be sold exclusively in a pharmacy.

They have many contraindications, including heart disease, high blood pressure, and stomach problems. The most common adrenomimetics: Sibutramine, Mazindol, Bromocriptine.

Pharmaceutical fat burners also often include diuretics. However, they are not such, since they only have a diuretic effect, remove excess fluid, but do not affect fat reserves in any way.

Knowing their types will narrow down the search for the right drug and go to the pharmacy purposefully. You are actively involved in sports and want to improve the results of losing weight in the gym - you need thermogenics or stimulants. You have an unbridled appetite - you need anoretics or lipotropics.


The best fat burners from pharmaceutical preparations are collected in a small rating that will guide you in prices and brands.

  1. . Produced by two Russian pharmaceutical companies: Moscow Endocrine Plant and OZONE. $25.
  2. from the Swiss company F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. $15.
  3. Clenbuterol is the cheapest and at the same time very effective (if used correctly) fat burner pills that are in the assortment of any pharmaceutical company. $1.
  4. Dexfenfluramine (Izolipan) from the Redux trademark (France). $2.6.
  5. Hydroxycitrate is a fat burner that is produced mainly by American pharmacology: Solgar Vitamin and Herb, Leonia, World Headquarters, and others. $14.5.
  6. from the Russian company Evalar is presented in capsules, syrups, and bars. Prices vary depending on the release form. Sold in pharmacies everywhere. Tablets cost about $20.
  7. L-carnitine - you need to make a separate rating for it, since in pharmacies it is represented by different drugs and manufacturers. Buy SAN L-Carnitine Power (American brand) for $15 - you can't go wrong.
  8. Glucobay (Acarbose) - capsules from the well-known German company Bayer AG. $12.
  9. Green tea extract can be found at any pharmacy. $3.7.
  10. Caffeine - the drug in tablets is even cheaper than Clenbuterol - only $ 0.5.

The list is based on feedback from those who have tried these fat burners for weight loss, as well as according to doctors regarding their effectiveness and safety.


A short overview of the three best tools will introduce you to them better and help you make the right choice.


It is used for weight loss in two directions at once. First, as a fat burner for weight loss. Secondly, as an anabolic to increase efficiency and endurance during strength training. If you want to buy it, they will not ask you for any prescription, but at the same time know that without sports it is ineffective. So the fight against extra pounds with its help is far from being for the lazy.

Available in capsules, powder, syrup, ampoules for injection. It can be purchased in its pure form (it has several pharmacological forms: acetyl, waste, furmarate), but most often manufacturers supplement it with other components to enhance the fat-burning effect:

  • taurine;
  • group B vitamins;
  • mineral additives;
  • caffeine;
  • chromium;
  • plant extracts;
  • stearic acid.

List of US pharmaceutical and sports nutrition companies that produce L-Carnitine:

  • RPS Nutrition;
  • Scitec Nutrition;
  • PowerPro;
  • biotech;
  • Carnibolic Nutrabolics;
  • Anabolic Innovations;

L-carnitine is especially popular among athletes and bodybuilders.


An effective drug with a fat-burning effect, sold in pharmacies and having all the relevant certification. Nevertheless, it causes a huge amount of controversy about the safety for human health.

Blame it all - contained in its composition, which was recently banned in a number of countries. It is believed that the side effects after its use have a negative impact on the mental state of the person who is losing weight, plunging him into depression and leading to hallucinations. However, scientific evidence for these facts is very, very little.

Produced by the Indian company Ranbaxy laboratories. Its official representative in Russia is Izvarino Pharma. It is a drug prescribed by official medicine for the treatment of obesity I and II degrees. Released strictly according to prescriptions.


One of the cheapest fat burners that can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is not a dietary supplement, but a complete medicine. It is a selective adrenostimulant with a bronchodilator effect. Its initial task is to reduce swelling and congestion in the lungs.

Available in the form of syrup and tablets. For weight loss, it is better to take capsules, because the liquid contains too much sugar, which will not have a very positive effect on the figure.

How did a bronchodilator become such an effective fat burner? The fact is that it activates the sympathetic nervous system and thereby triggers lipolysis. Once in the blood, clenbuterol:

  • burns fats;
  • "dries" the body (ideal for athletes);
  • performs in training as an anabolic;
  • prevents the breakdown of muscle fibers;
  • slightly increases body temperature, contributing to increased sweating;
  • reduces appetite;
  • energizes;
  • stabilizes the nervous system;
  • helps to organize conscious control over digestion, affecting the areas of the brain responsible for satiety.

Begins to act 10 minutes after ingestion, remains active in the body for 12 hours. It directly affects the subcutaneous adipose tissue, excluding muscle mass dystrophy. Taking Clenbuterol as a fat burner requires an increase in physical activity.

Buying a patented, certified fat burner from a pharmacy, and not from a dubious resource, is the right decision. If it is also supported by the permission of a doctor, then you are moving in the right direction in order to lose weight. It remains only to choose the drug and use it strictly for its intended purpose. And to achieve maximum results, do not forget about active sports and proper nutrition. Then a slender and beautiful figure is guaranteed to you, and without any harm to health.

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