Tact and courtesy: On the other side of "please" and "thank you. Rules of etiquette intended for the upper strata of Russian society at the end of the 19th century


Dear editors!

Very often, to develop stable skills in punctuation, a large number of sentences of a certain structure are required. And you always want to have some unfamiliar didactic material. The source of such material is often one or another book that, for various reasons, has not come across before. One of these books was a book called "Rules of politeness and secular etiquette", published by the White City publishing house in 2007.

This book, remarkable in terms of printing, with a large number of reproductions of paintings by Russian artists of the 18th and 19th centuries, is a reprint of the book “Rules of social life and etiquette. Good tone”, printed in St. Petersburg in 1889.

The book acquaints the reader with the rules of conduct adopted in the secular society of pre-revolutionary Russia, teaches how to properly behave at a party, at a reception, wedding, reception, ball, in one's own home. It gives advice on housekeeping, raising children, family relationships, behavior in a variety of life situations. From all these numerous tips and recommendations, that image of a “secular person” arises, which is so often encountered by our students on the pages of Russian classics, but is not always fully understood by them. Perhaps this book and others like it will fill that gap.

At the same time, this book turned out to be filled with a large number of constructions that could be used in Russian language lessons for practical purposes: to practice certain punctuation skills.

View selections of suggestions on topics that are traditionally associated with many errors in student work.

I hope that these suggestions will help colleagues in purely utilitarian situations and, perhaps, become material for a conversation with students about those standards of life that have changed over time, about modern standards of life and behavior, and about those standards that are accepted among our students. .


E.N. Violin,
"Classical gymnasium"
under the Greco-Latin cabinet
Yu.A. Shichalina,
Moscow city

unfamiliar didactic material

Dash between subject and verb

1. Talent is strength; tact is dexterity. Talent is weight, tact is speed. Talent knows what to do, tact teaches how to do it. Talent makes a person worthy of respect, tact gains respect for him.

2. The most humble of the fine arts is politeness.

3. Graceful and free manners, complete self-control and tact, light conversation, smoothly sliding from subject to subject - these are the necessary qualities of a well-bred visitor and receptions, and any other meetings in the 19th century.

4. Courtesy is a general attentiveness, courtesy to everyone and everyone.

5. The gift of storytelling is the most beautiful of talents, but also the rarest, although many believe that they have this gift.

7. Politeness in actions is the same as grace in beauty.

8. To steal the secret of a letter by printing it out is low and unworthy of an honest person.

9. The best way to thank the hosts for their warm welcome, for bread and salt and hospitality is to show them your complete readiness to find everything in their house beautiful, comfortable and pleasant.

10. To be able to gracefully enter and exit the carriage is a simple but important quality.

11. To be called a "worldly person" is to receive praise.

12. To know secular treatment means to be able to captivate with all sorts of beautiful qualities: politeness, courtesy, self-control, calmness, delicacy, friendliness, generosity, and the like.

13. Not following the rules of decency is a very serious mistake.

14. Politeness is the fruit of a good upbringing and the habit of dealing with well-bred people.

15. To allow oneself to sprinkle one's speech for the sake of absurd chic with all sorts of words and phrases means to lower the tone of society and drop the dignity of the conversation.

16. The main virtues of any narrative are brevity, clarity, simplicity and entertaining.

Separate definitions

1. A rude person violates a social law that has the same just requirements as any other law of a civilized society.

2. With persons visiting you, always and in all cases, you need to be polite and amiable.

3. A bow done correctly, gracefully and beautifully, will strengthen your reputation in the living room, a bow that is inelegant and ugly will shake your good opinion about you.

4. People who are gifted with lively sensitivity and subtle impressionability are, for the most part, the most tactful.

5. There are a lot of people who speak well. Very few people are able to listen well.

6. Persons who do not have the gift of words should not at all take on the role of a storyteller and indulge in long narratives.

7. It is much better to confine yourself to the role of a listener and only from time to time allow yourself to supplement someone else's story with some detail missed by the narrator.

8. To maintain a cheerful disposition of the spirit of those sitting at the table in some houses, the owners try to seat a guest in the center of the table, distinguished by his cheerful character, wit and ability to speak.

9. To express your joy with too loud laughter, accompanied by loud clapping of your hands, means to disregard the rules of decency.

10. Never pick up sauce or gravy left on your plate with bread.

11. Tea is also served with special small napkins, tightly starched and folded in four, for putting under glasses and cups.

12. A woman who develops her mind from an early age acquires a tool against boredom for the future.

13. In a room with a fireplace, the side places near it are honored, and the lower ones are those that are directly opposite the fire.

14. The world of the working room should be a special world containing everything a person needs for his work: a spacious desk, other tables, a library, quiet sofas, armchairs, and so on.

15. Depending on the needs and desires of the owner, many other items can be found in his office that contribute to a comfortable and peaceful pastime in the working room, such as: a bookcase, a movable table for reading books, standing near the sofa or near the desktop , manuscripts of all kinds, stored in special cases shaped like books for easy storage in a closet, a stand for landcards and briefcases.

Separate circumstances

1. A well-bred young lady, when in company, listens attentively and respectfully to those who speak, never interrupting them.

2. When talking with a woman, you should always make your voice softer than when talking with a man.

3. Despite the transience of the visit, a secular young man will find time to tell a few news, mention a fashionable opera, throw a couple of witty barbs in a conversation and leave, charming the hosts with his chatter.

4. Each visitor should be satisfied with you and, leaving you, sincerely would like to see you again soon.

5. With the arrival of a new guest, first, turning to the elder, recommend the younger one to him.

6. Soups and other liquid foods should be eaten without noise, without sipping from a spoon, without champing, and swallowing food as quietly as possible.

7. It is extremely impolite, sitting at the table, to sneeze, blow your nose, spit, brush your teeth, wipe sweat from your face, and the like.

8. When eating fruits with pits, you need to spit out the pits discreetly into the palm of your hand and leave them on the edge of the plate.

9. Watching everything, the hostess of the house during the reception should be cheerful, friendly, have time to entertain the guests with a conversation, answer all their questions and in no way show a shadow of fatigue or compulsion.

10. The slightest tactlessness, an insignificant slip in words and carelessness in expressions show the writer in an unpleasant light, belittling his moral dignity.

11. As a guest in a strange house, you must unconditionally obey in all respects the habits of the house and not disturb the way of life of your hosts with your personal tastes and habits.

12. A guest for more or less a long time in a strange house, you need to embarrass the hosts as little as possible, not hang around every minute in front of them and not interrupt their daily activities with your constant presence.

13. Only people with a limited mind and commoners can afford to whistle or applaud in the theater, stamping their feet.

14. When meeting a familiar lady, a man should not stop her on the go, but, joining her, go along the same road and talk.

15. A young lady, leaving the house with her mother or with one of her older relatives who have the right to her respect, should, as far as possible, yield to the older lady on the right side, measure her steps with her steps and offer her a hand, wanting to relieve way or give pleasure.

Complex sentences

1. It is very important that a young man who wishes to learn the habits, posture, and manners of a man of the world should attend only good company.

2. Etiquette is nothing but the knowledge of decency, the ability to behave in society in such a way as to earn universal approval and not offend human weakness by any of their actions.

3. It usually happens that people who know little speak a lot, and people who know a lot, on the contrary, speak little.

4. To interrupt someone's speech in order to finish the story that the other wanted to tell, no matter how he started it, badly or well - this is the ultimate rudeness.

5. A pompous person who is proud of her wallet can never pass for a truly decent one.

6. When you say something funny, don't laugh or even smile yourself.

7. A person who admires himself for what he says rarely admires others.

8. You can only allow yourself to joke with polite and good-natured people who know how to distinguish a joke from an insult, as there are many such people who are always ready to take a joke for a mockery, as proof of disrespect for their personality and can get angry very easily.

9. Approaching the door of the apartment of those persons to whom you are going on a visit, the first thing you need to do is brush off the dust from the dress and wipe your feet on the rug.

10. If after you have called or knocked two or three times, with some intervals, no one opens, then you should retire and leave your business card with the doorman, having previously folded the left corner of it; it means you were in person.

11. Don't introduce people to each other unless you're pretty sure it would be nice for both parties.

12. The first places at the table are the places at the end of the table opposite the end closest to the doors through which the dishes are brought in.

13. The mistress of the house has to monitor the correct course of dinner, and that the servants properly perform their duties, and for the guests, so that they do not experience inconvenience or lack of anything at dinner, that everything is served on time and that conversation at the table was lively and cheerful.

14. Many very smart and educated people are boring in society because they do not know how to talk about trifles.

15. A person who does not have “colloquial change” is like a rich man who does not have small coins and therefore finds it difficult to pay for small expenses.

16. Although a woman is not at all required to enter into scientific or political debate, nevertheless, a woman must be so educated and mentally developed as to understand political and scientific conversations.

17. You need to have an idea about the various styles of painting and sculpture and know at least only by the names of the best artists and their works in order not to make gross mistakes and not show yourself to be completely ignorant when a conversation about painting or sculpture comes up in society.

18. Speaking with tact means never touching an object that is somehow unpleasant to the person you are talking to.

19. Those who invite guests should remember that true hospitality lies in the fact that, while giving the guest attention, cordiality and hospitality, at the same time try not to restrict his freedom and give him the full opportunity to spend time at his own discretion, in accordance with his desires. and taste. The owners should not forget that each person has his own ideas about fun and pleasure. What one likes, another may not like. Therefore, in order for the guest to truly enjoy staying in your house, you should try to get to know his taste and, in accordance with it, offer him this or that pleasure program, but in no case should you impose on him what you yourself love, but what he, be maybe he doesn't like it at all.

20. (Sample letter of apology)

Gracious sovereign A... X...!

Forgive me for not replying to your letter with which you honored me for so long. Do not attribute this to forgetfulness or inattention. I am very sorry that, due to the sad circumstances, I could not fulfill my duties exactly and quickly, but delayed such a long period of time. But now you can be calm: everything is done, everything is brought to an end, and I hasten to answer your letter. Be sure that I will try to fulfill all your instructions with all possible care.

Respectfully yours

Moscow city

Gallantry, respectfulness, courtesy, courtesy, politeness, haberdashery, bonton, tact, respectfulness, courtesy, delicacy, courtesy, subtlety, correctness Dictionary of Russian synonyms. courtesy see ... ... Synonym dictionary

Courtesy- Courtesy ♦ Courtoisie Courtly courtesy, similar to civil courtesy. In courtesy, no doubt, there is more subtlety, sophistication and elegance than in simple politeness. Much more? Then this is no longer courtesy, but snobbery or affectation ... Philosophical Dictionary of Sponville

COURTESY, oh, oh; iv. Respectfully polite. U. visitor. W. bow. Politely (adv.) to answer. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

courtesy- the greatest courtesy ... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

courtesy- COURTESY, and, w Same as politeness. Exquisite subtle courtesy was a property of Larisa's manner of communication ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

J. distraction. noun according to adj. courteous Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

Courtesy, courtesy, courtesy, courtesy, courtesy, courtesy, courtesy, courtesy, courtesy, courtesy, courtesy, courtesy (Source: "Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak") ... Forms of words

Rudeness... Antonym Dictionary

courtesy- courtesy, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

courtesy- (3 f), R., D., Pr. take into account / take into account ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language


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"Politeness is to the mind what beauty is to the face " Voltaire

By the knowledge of light is meant the knowledge secular customs and courtesy. Politeness as a social virtue is necessary for us in order to be useful and pleasant to others. It is obligatory in secular as well as in business and in general in life relations. Without it, all relations with people become impossible.

Politeness is a quality that we learn and must teach our children, just as we learn to speak correctly and dress with taste. Labrucière said that " one must have very outstanding qualities in order not to need politeness".

Secular and social relations of men and women - obey one general rule, consisting in the indispensable observance of politeness, courtesy and tact, and in the absence of selfishness: guided by this, it is easy to get on the real road.

Entering into the world is an event in the life of a young girl that makes her heart beat faster and her cheeks flush with excitement.

Girl starts to emerge into the light at the age of 16 to 20, depending on her development and also on some circumstances related to her mother and older sisters, she begins to go to theaters, to receptions, balls and dinners, makes all visits with her mother and together with her receive guests at home

Between husband and wife, brother and sister, uncle and niece, cousin and cousin, the distance created by the difference between the sexes should always be felt: on the one hand, modesty and restraint are necessary, on the other, respect and consideration.

A man becomes rough and wild, as soon as he ceases to be polite and attentive. That is why familiarity and perfect freedom in friendship can exist between men or between women, but are inconceivable between a man and a woman. Let us add that it is precisely this slight constraint and restraint that gives a special charm to their mutual relations.

A decent person can only be called one who has nothing to hide from anyone, and who has no reason to blush for any act in his life. A prudent married person does not make friends outside his home: he does not need them, and besides, he knows that such visits involve him in elements alien to family life.
Nevertheless, all men, relying on their strong character, consider themselves entitled to have such friends whom they do not dare to present to their household. From such relationships, however, serious trouble often arises.

When visiting the theatre, persons who have taken a box and invited acquaintances to it give way to these last front seats. If two invited strangers are among themselves, then they both sit in front; if they are members of the same family, then only one of them should take advantage of this courtesy, and the other should decisively refuse.

Walking with her husband and another man, along the street or in the garden, a woman should walk between them: it goes without saying that she goes hand in hand with only one: walking hand in hand with both is extremely ridiculous and ugly. The front seats in the theater are always given to ladies, no matter how respectful the age of the men accompanying them. But in the box of some princess, the minister sits in front of the lady of state of the princess, no matter how noble they are. That is what etiquette demands.

Seeing friends in the theater, it is indecent to make signs to them, and even more so to call them; they simply bow slightly, without getting up from their place; if this is a very important person, he should rise respectfully. During intermissions, men approach familiar ladies, no matter where they sit.
If the ladies are without a gentleman, you should offer to take them to the foyer, and to take them out at the crossing. It is impossible to offer refreshments to strangers if there is no close acquaintance at home, or if they are not relatives. But if a man accompanies ladies to the theater, on the contrary, he should offer them ice cream, soft drinks or sweets.

It goes without saying that a man accompanying a woman, be it his wife, relative or acquaintance, should not leave her to talk to other women or offer them his services. During the intermission he is allowed to leave for a few minutes, to exchange a few words with a friend in the foyer; but he has no right to stay with other women he knows. If other men come to the box to talk with his lady for a few minutes, he can use this time to see his acquaintances, but he is obliged to return before his companion is left alone.

A woman is considered to have lost her position in society from the moment she entered into a reprehensible relationship with a man,

A married woman and a widow can go to church, shop, and visit alone.
A woman who has a husband must not go without him to balls, theaters, or dinners; if he does not like traveling, she is condemned to share his solitude, of course, if she does not have a bride's daughter: in the latter case, the mother is obliged to take her daughter out.

For at the first ball it is customary to dress a young girl in a light, simple, white suit, with a daisy or a rosebud in her hair and a blue or pink ribbon belt. No jewels, except for a strand of pearls. The hairstyle should be simple, without whipped curls and, in particular, without loose hair. The bodice should not be too cleavage.
If the girl has a father, then he introduces her by the arm into the hall, introduces her to his old friends, and the gentlemen who want to dance with his daughter are introduced to him.
A young girl who appears at the first ball in a pink dress trimmed with flowers and ribbons, with gold necklaces and bracelets, would make an extremely unpleasant impression.
From the day of the girl's first appearance in the world, visitors leave business cards for her as well as for her mother; in invitation notes they invite her to evenings and dinners.

The first trip into the light of a young man, just left the school bench. First of all, appearing for the first time at a ball, he must take care of his costume with extreme care, whether it be a tailcoat or a uniform; boots, gloves, hat, tie, hairstyle - everything must be impeccable. Whatever the moral and mental qualities of a young man, he must forget about them and remember that at the ball he is only a dancer and an amiable gentleman. Therefore, he should try to be as attentive as possible to the owners of the house and to his ladies with whom he dances; his helpfulness to ladies young and old, beautiful and ugly, poor and rich, testifies to his excellent education and refinement of feelings.

A woman should avoid receiving social acquaintances in her bedroom; the young girl cannot afford it under any pretext; only a doctor, a close elderly relative, or a priest enters the bedroom, and then only if the patient cannot get up.
The first woman never asks a man about his health; and only after he had inquired about how she felt, she asked him about the same, but casually.

When a woman meets a man she knows in the street, who will have the tactlessness to stop her or go beside her, she must immediately invent an excuse to leave him, either by going into a store or by taking a carriage.

In public places, women mostly sit on the side where fewer people pass by. Leaving a carriage, even a public one, a woman can accept help from a completely stranger and thank him with a kind word.

.Dear person does not compromise a woman, but on the contrary, makes her respect her. But there are people whose mere acquaintance spoils the reputation of a woman. As absurd as it may seem, it is a fact. Neither age nor position means anything here: it's all about the decency of a person.

A woman accepts the services and courtesies of her gentleman, whether he be her husband, or just an acquaintance. She is polite, grateful, but at the same time restrained. She does not force herself to be asked, but rightfully takes for herself the best places everywhere and the best pieces at the table: a woman is a slave who forces her to serve herself, a man is a master who obeys. Her room must be the best in the house. Failure to do all this shows contempt on the part of the husband.

A man is always obliged to help a woman in difficulty, whether she is old or young, beautiful or ugly. In response to her expression of gratitude, he raises his hat and leaves immediately.
It is embarrassing on the part of a woman to refuse these small favors, or to take them for courtship.

A decent woman will never agree to visit a man who has not introduced his wife to her.
During visits, a woman cannot say goodbye and leave with one of the visitors, so as not to give rise to slander; a man should not do the same for a woman.

A young man should not offer a young girl either a bouquet or flowers if she is not his bride, or not a bridesmaid who has him as the best man. However, on occasion, he can offer a flower or a bunch of the girl's mother and herself.
Walking with the ladies, a man can buy bouquets on the street, but only to bring them to all his companions. Never should he allow a woman of his class to buy a bouquet in his presence; he must hasten to pay for it, and the lady must not interfere with him, but out of delicacy, she would do better if she did not wish to buy flowers, knowing what this obliges her gentleman to do.

Tact is the head of everything: possessing it, you will always find a way out of difficulties.
Tact is not exactly the same as common sense, although it follows from this latter, it is a refined feeling, as it were, of a second sight, indicating where and when you need to stop, what is indecent to show, and that, on the contrary, you will make a pleasant impression on the interlocutor. In the world, tact is an enormous resource; he alone can lead a person far: but one should not, however, believe that tact is not needed in the circle of the family.
Tact, like a feeling, cannot be defined, it is something elusive. Therefore, rude characters do not notice him, and only selected impressionable natures know his price.
Sometimes tact is given to a person without education and status, and at the same time, people who are placed very highly are deprived of it.

How should one act in certain cases widow, or single unmarried woman. It is obvious that there are many embarrassing circumstances from which one can get out only with the help of great tact and a deep knowledge of secular customs. There are three very different situations for a single woman: she either does not marry at all, in other words, remains an old maid, or she becomes a widow, or she is separated from her husband.

She must be very discreet in conversation, and is never given precedence in the ceremonial of social etiquette. A young widow must live with her husband's family all the time of mourning; it is necessary; if she is very young, and if the parents of the deceased have no other children, she must live with them until she remarries.
If she has children, she can live alone.

A single woman is not obliged to give dinners in return for those to which she is invited. At the same time, she should not be too secluded, and those people with whom she is not very close, she should show hospitality, receiving them in her house, if she herself intends to visit them. She can invite men to her dinners and evenings, who will then give her a visit on her reception day.

At any age and in any position, however, it is positively impossible for a woman to be alone at evening parties or in the theater. Therefore, it is quite proper in this case to accept the services of a relative, a friend, sometimes even a friend of one of them.

source The book "Life in the light, at home and at court": rules of etiquette intended for the upper strata of Russia "(1890, St. Petersburg http://antikclub.ru/load/club_collectors/books/1/31-1- 0-890

Rules of etiquette for the upper strata of Russia. Part 2

From book "Life in the light, at home and at court" 1890, St. Petersburg- pay attention, friends, how deep the meaning was invested in the concept of secular etiquette, in the days of the nobility, and even now these laws are not outdated, and now we can observe upstarts and arrogant people "clinging" to power, and from the side of the "elite" "Vulgar-familiar behavior is not uncommon. At first it is difficult to read because of the characters of the old font, but then you get used to it and everything becomes intelligible.

Public relations.

Nothing requires such a deep knowledge of the world as social relations.
In a strict sense, it concerns only the relations between the various classes of society, and we constantly meet people who show in this subject the greatest tactlessness.

I was received by an important person who I asked for a favor, will you advise me to bow to him when we meet? and can I talk to him?
- Our answer was: no because your relations are fleeting, and the difference in rank does not allow you to hope for equality between you. If this person wishes to recognize you, then he himself will do this; one should not brag about this very unstable acquaintance, which arose due to mere chance.

The property of relations depends on the causes that gave rise to them. So, an acquaintance made in a salon on the basis of equality, due to the mutual desire of the parties, and for no other reason than mutual sympathy, is simply called secular relations. If, after the first meeting, an invitation comes from either side, it is answered with a visit and a similar invitation; exchanging cards, invitations and all sorts of courtesies, within the framework of secular decorum

If any interest lies at the basis of acquaintance, and if the mutual introduction took place at the request of the interested party, then this is already not secular relations: a visit is made to a superior person, but he is not obliged to either repay it or leave his card.

business relations require no personal courtesies. Outside the study, office or shop, acquaintance ceases, no matter what the situation in society.

They say talent and intelligence replace wealth and nobility. This is absolutely fair, but along with talent and intelligence, it is also necessary to have common sense and self-respect. It happens that a music teacher considers herself equal to a duchess, meanwhile, it may turn out that a musician does not have not only a title, but also talent, while a duchess has both nobility and talent, but does not boast of them.

Most people adhere to the rules of etiquette out of decency and habit: from modesty about oneself and from respect for people. Indeed, a modest and kind person unconsciously understands all shades of secular connections, whatever his position in society.

Tak, the most important and titled chief must always be kind and polite to his subordinates; the subordinate, in turn, if he does not have inappropriate pride, should know that he has nothing to fear from being overly respectful. Respectfulness, modesty and courtesy do not have anything low or bad in themselves, and they should not be confused with servility, as many do by mistake.

True sophistication consists in observing the greatest politeness in everything, down to the most insignificant trifles.

A woman agrees not to be known as a beauty, on the condition that she be called refined; many people are ready to confess that they are neither rich nor noble, knowing that their refinement completely replaces gold and coats of arms; Finally, both mind and talent need refinement just as much as beauty, wealth and nobility need it. Therefore, whoever desires to be sure of refinement must observe the most exquisite courtesy in his secular relations. (Gold words!!!)

Many upstarts, eager to show off their worldly manners, often excuse their careless nods to friends when they meet, gritted responses to the politeness of persons below them in the social hierarchy, and their vulgar familiarity with the higher ones, that they imitate models from the highest circle; but we may object that these samples are completely devoid of tact and good taste, and, unfortunately, they come across in all strata of society. It is not enough to be born a prince in order to have knowledge of the world, and a worker who knows her place is much smarter in this case than a lady of high society who thunders with her titles.

Knowing one's place is what is difficult! What would happen if the employee did not recognize the supremacy of his superior, soldier-officer, child-parents? (Socialism out?) Let everyone take their place, and social relations will cease to be entangled and spoiled by envy, jealousy, vanity and pride.

To receive an insult from an old man and not think about revenge on him, does not mean humiliation; he is forgiven for the sake of his age and gray hair; in the same way, bowing under the blessing of a bishop or before a marshal's title.

You should never publicly impose your company on a high-ranking person, especially if he is with people of his own circle. Much more pride lies in trying to avoid shame by keeping in the background than trying to get first place.

In general, in all relations between people, even in the closest and most friendly, one must avoid obsession, but on the contrary, try to make others seek your company. But without being intrusive, at the same time you need to express to the extent of friendliness and cordiality.

In all social relations, restraint, condescension and courtesy are necessary.

Chatterbox, envious, ill-wisher, curious - not only is able to quarrel with the best friends, cause the greatest misfortunes, make the innocent suffer, but cannot even hope to have friends.

How many troubles and even misfortunes can be caused by one careless word, sometimes spoken without any malicious intent!

Then, it remains only to follow the rules of etiquette and secular life in order to exist in peace and contentment, making those around us as happy as ourselves.

About the knowledge of the world in general

By knowledge of the world is meant knowledge of secular customs and courtesy, and although a lot of guidance has been written on this issue, there is still a lot to be said about it, if not new, then at least useful.

The knowledge of the world prescribes different laws to different positions, ages, and duties; These laws are not the same for a secular lady and a philistine, for a youth and an old man, for a young man and a young girl. What for some would be the height of social decency, it would seem the height of rudeness for others - and we must not forget that the knowledge of the world combines customs with politeness.

Great minds say that the knowledge of light comes from the heart and does not need to obey the rules; that grace, dignity, good manners are innate in persons of good society; and you often have to hear the bold remark that you will never acquire these qualities at will, unless you possess them involuntarily, by birthright. Such speeches are an insult or vile flattery, since pride and dignity will tell you that there is nothing to try to acquire what you already have, or modesty will inspire you with humble hopelessness. we are surprised at the observance of decorum by people from whom we least expected it; the three qualities mentioned above, as it were, suggest how to act, and prevent a positive violation of the secular decorum. Such a property can be called simply the sensitivity of nature.

The heart teaches us to sympathize with the misfortune of our neighbors and treat them with kindness, no matter how we ourselves are placed: this is the knowledge of the world: common sense forces us to respect merit, no matter what place it may occupy in society: this is politeness; tact tells us when we should say goodbye so as not to seem intrusive: this is subject to secular laws.

But just as not everyone belongs to exceptional natures, not everyone has tact, common sense and feeling. - three virtues that rarely occur even separately, and not just all together - it is better to humbly follow the well-known established rules. In addition, having the most beautiful heart, one can at the same time not know which corner of business cards should be folded as a sign of condolence and which one - as a sign of gratitude!

It would be a mistake, however, to think that it is necessary to obey the slightest rules of etiquette, and that those who do not observe these rules deserve contempt. To ourselves, we must be strict and strictly adhere to courtesy, courtesy, etc., in relations with our neighbors, and regarding these latter, on the contrary, show the greatest indulgence; it must be remembered that many sin unintentionally, but out of ignorance, and offended by the lack of respect for decorum in others, showing even less tact than the accused themselves.

One must also be able to avoid petty rules of etiquette that can embarrass the owners of the house, without fail observing the greatest courtesy regarding them. Permanent confinement in the circle of public ceremonial cools short relationships: one should, however, strictly observe certain shades, giving the owners of the house more freedom than themselves.

Before proceeding to an exposition of the conditions of life in society and at home, we will say a few words about tact, politeness, decency and customs.


Tact is one of the most important conditions for the knowledge of light. Like many other things, tact can be worked out and there is no need to despair if it is not an innate quality. It is acquired through observation and reflection; these two acts lead to the formation of a judgment and to recognition: from here tact is born. Then it is no longer difficult to become loved and respected by everyone, without offending anyone, showing favor to everyone, and, not possessing a great mind, pass for a well-educated and sweet person. Tact and prudence in many cases replace education and even the heart.

By the way, a gift made, a courtesy said in a timely manner, always has a double price; on the contrary, being out of place, they lose all meaning.
It must be admitted that the one who possesses the highest degree of knowledge of light and decency is not only an elegant, dignified, polite person, but at the same time he is patient, indulgent, kind to the lower, respectful to the higher, he is sensitive, he never offends anyone. A woman who possesses this knowledge always enjoys a good reputation, never violates decorum, does not force anyone to talk about herself. She has friends, and what is even more - friends: she knows how to bring up her children; her house is peaceful, calm. decent; she has no reason to be young and beautiful, she is always graceful and involuntarily charms everyone who approaches her.

It is difficult to establish invariable rules for the various circumstances of life, since the course of action often depends on the situations in which people find themselves.

What is impermissible in one case will be decent in another, according to personalities, age, position and situation.

Circumstances govern actions. Sometimes you should act according to the strictest etiquette: sometimes the heart and common sense are the best advisers. Tact is the head of everything; possessing it, you will always find a way out of the difficulty.

Tact is not exactly the same as common sense, although it follows from this latter; this is a refined feeling, as it were, of a second sight, indicating where and when to stop, what is indecent to say, and that, on the contrary, you will make a pleasant impression on the interlocutor.

Tact prompts how you should dress in various occasions: diamonds are decent for visiting a friend who is proud of you; a modest toilet is necessary for a visit to one who loves to excel. There are many almost imperceptible shades, which tact teaches to notice, forming the most charming character in domestic and social life.

There are individuals with a heart of gold and many virtues, but at the same time extremely awkward. Let us add that for the most part they have enough insight to notice their awkwardness when it is too late, and trying to correct the error, they increase it still more.

Such personalities will certainly manage to touch your sensitive string, you attract them like a magnet to a sore spot, carefully hidden from prying eyes.

This book, first published in 1890 in St. Petersburg, contains rules of etiquette intended for the upper strata of Russian society at the end of the 19th century. The book consists of four sections, which describe in detail: the behavior of a secular person in society (from the first appearances to the art of dressing); arrangement of home life (from furnishing the premises to the most important events in the family); life away from home (which describes,...(Read more) how to behave in church, theater, travel, etc.); life at court, containing the rules and customs needed when communicating with royalty. In conclusion, the etiquette of writing and the rules for the behavior of men in society are given.

Despite the fact that the book is addressed to representatives of the nobility, the rules contained in it are perceived as an example of elegance, sophistication, sophistication, characteristic of the period of the "Silver Age" of Russian culture. Therefore, the book will be of interest both to professional historians and culturologists, and to a wide range of readers who want to get acquainted with the values, norms and traditions of pre-revolutionary Russia.

Department I.Life in the light
Knowledge of the world in general
First trips (young girl and young man)
Young mistress of the house
woman alone
Public relations
Secular and social relations of men and women
About bows and handshakes
Visits and receptions in general
Social visits, business cards, gifts
Business and official visits
Hosts and guests
social talk
Courtesies and compliments
About modesty and advice
About manners
Music in society
photographic cards
The art of dressing
Symbolism of stones
"flowers and colors
"simple colors
"" difficult
Section II.life at home
About furnishing
Relationships between family members
Relations between superiors and inferiors
The relationship of parents and students to mentors and mentors
About customs at the most important events of life
Birth of a child and christening
Engagement and pre-wedding period
Mourning and funeral
Section III.Life away from home
In the church
in the theater
Relations on the waters
Picnics and pleasure trips
Life in the village and in the country
Country acquaintances
Travel habits
On the street and at public festivities
In the living room and at the ball
Dinner parties, breakfasts and serving
Section IV. Life at court
Rules and customs when presenting to the highest persons
About letters
How should men behave in society

Knowledge of the world in general

By the knowledge of the world is meant the knowledge of secular customs and civility, and although many guides have been written on this subject, there is still a lot to be said about it, if not new, then at least useful.

The knowledge of light prescribes different laws to different positions, ages, sexes; These laws are not the same for a secular lady and a philistine, for a young man and an old man, for a young man and a young girl.

What for some would be the height of social decency, it would seem the height of rudeness for others - and we must not forget that knowledge of the world combines customs with politeness.

Great minds say that the knowledge of light comes from the heart and does not need to be subject to rules, that grace, dignity, good manners are innate in persons of good society, and you often have to listen to the impudent remark that you will never acquire these qualities at will, unless you possess them arbitrarily, by birthright. Such speeches are an insult and vile flattery, since reason will tell you that there is nothing to try to acquire what you already have, or modesty to inspire you with humble hopelessness. Without a doubt, a certain amount of tact, common sense has swept away and many feelings replace knowledge of secular rules, and often we are surprised at the observance of decency by people from whom we least expected it; the three qualities mentioned above, as it were, suggest how to act, and prevent a positive violation of the secular decorum. Such a property can be called simply the sensitivity of nature.

The heart teaches us to sympathize with the misfortunes of our neighbors and treat them with kindness, no matter how placed we ourselves are - this is the knowledge of the world; common sense urges us to respect merit, whatever place it may occupy in society - this is politeness; tact tells us when we should say goodbye, so as not to seem intrusive - this is obedience to secular laws.

But as not everyone belongs to exceptional natures, not everyone has tact, common sense and feeling, it is better to humbly follow the known, established rules. Moreover, having the most beautiful heart, you can at the same time not know which corner of the business card should be folded as a sign of condolence and which one as a sign of gratitude!

It would be a mistake, however, to think that it is necessary to obey the slightest rules of etiquette, and that those who do not observe these rules deserve contempt. To ourselves, we must be strict and strictly adhere to courtesy, courtesy, etc., in relations with our neighbors, and regarding these latter, on the contrary, show the greatest indulgence; It is necessary to remember that many sin not intentionally, but out of ignorance, and those who are offended by non-observance of decency in others show even less tact than those who are accused themselves.

One must also be able to avoid petty rules of etiquette that can embarrass the owners of the house, without fail observing the greatest courtesy regarding them.

Permanent confinement in the circle of public ceremonial cools short relationships; one should, however, strictly observe certain shades, giving the owners of the house more freedom than themselves.

Before proceeding to an exposition of the conditions of life in the light of the house and at the Court, we will say a few words about tact, politeness, decency and customs.


"Politeness is to the mind, what beauty is to the face," said Voltaire.

Labrucière adds that "it is necessary to have very outstanding qualities in order not to need politeness."

Politeness encompasses all the social virtues we need in order to be useful and pleasing to those around us. It is obligatory in secular as well as in business and in general in life relations. Without it, all relations with people become impossible. Politeness softens morals, prevents quarrels, pacifies irritation and hatred, forcing us to restrain ourselves; thanks to her, we acquire the love of the higher and the respect of the lower.

It replaces friendliness, if, unfortunately, we are deprived of this dignity.

Politeness, neither a quality nor a virtue, is a quality that we learn and must teach our children, just as we learn to speak correctly and dress with taste. Is not politeness the form in which we clothe our actions?

There is an innate courtesy of the heart that cannot be learned, but, we repeat, we do not appeal to the chosen natures, who do not need a leader, but to ordinary mortals, who have human weaknesses, like indifference, frivolity, etc.

Politeness towards inferiors is a sign of real superiority and the best way to get them to be polite too.

Politeness draws rules from secular customs.

It must be instilled in the child from the most tender age, so that later it does not become hypocritical; exaggerated politeness can become an insult to the one to whom it refers, and baseness on the part of the one who renders it. Everything insincere is unnatural and more or less exaggerated.

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