Dancing for 10 year old girls. What are the best dances for girls

The concept of “contemporary dance” can be extended to the styles of contemporary, contemporary-jazz, modern, and other mixed styles (for example, pop dance). Therefore, this lesson will be useful to all children's teachers in terms of its construction (exercise, games) and learning the production (number about owls). It is assumed that children already have the basic skills of modern dance (rolls, work with weight, the concept of the center, rotation, batmans, etc.). Very diverse material can be an impetus for new choreography, as well as introducing a new trend into your team.

The master class can be conditionally divided into two parts: training and staging. Training is a set of exercises for the development of technical and performance data of dancers. The training part of the course included - a combination of warm up in the middle with elements of a power load and stretching; crosses with rolls, rotations and work in pairs; games for a sense of space, attentiveness, dexterity, change of speed and the ability to verbally describe movement. Katerina sets specific tasks for the children and, therefore, requires certainty and specificity from them. This part of the lesson contains “chips” that can be placed anywhere in the class as a warm-up, rest or final hitch.

As for the production, first of all, the musicality of the choreography should be noted here. All movements are “sung” by the teacher, the dance vocabulary is based on musical accents and the Russian text of the original song about owls. The image of the birds is childish, but the music and choreography are quite adult. The way of explaining the combinations turned out to be remarkable: each movement is a new separate story, physically understandable to children, for example, “pecked”, “super fourth position”, “took a shield, pierced with a sword”, “frozen leg”. As a result, children memorize very well and perform dance combinations with pleasure. The “tasty” production turned out to be very stylish and memorable, which will ideologically and technically push the choreographers to new achievements.

Free application to the course - audio material.


№725 (1 h 10 min)
- warm-up combination in the middle (roll, stretching, power load);
- walking around the hall and tasks in space: guess a person and go to the right hand of the selected person, be behind the selected person, keep two people in mind, be in a triangle with two people, while moving, throw an object to another person, simultaneously throw two objects , speeding up the pace of the game;
- a three-player game for improvisation and movement definition;
- cross roll from plank, one by one / in pairs;
- cross 3 chaine (shenet) and wheel;
- wheel in pairs;
- rolls through a partner from a position on all fours;
- cross-training of the movement from the setting;
- dance combination, repetition slowly; dilution of the beginning of the “bonfire” setting;
- practicing the beginning and the first combination to the music;
- cleaning choreography from a different angle, working out certain moments to the music;
- breeding of the beginning of the production - the image of the forest and twigs, the owl wakes up and wakes up the others, repetition from the beginning to the learned end;
- cross - improvisation impulse from the head, adding the option "levels";
- repetition of the performance;
- further learning the combination for setting;
- showing the performance at an open lesson.

The best solution in order to ensure sufficient physical activity and development of the child is to choose for him an activity that would interest him, captivate and prove useful. Dancing for girls aged 10-12 in this situation is the most suitable option, because it is not only fun, but also develops plasticity and grace, and also helps to strengthen the child's body.

Why is it worth giving the girl to dancing?

If parents doubt whether it is worth giving their daughter to a dance club, then they need to familiarize themselves with a number of provisions that confirm the benefits of dancing:

  1. The correct posture is formed in the child, the spine is strengthened. This is very important, based on the fact that at the age of 10 - 12 you have to spend a lot of time in the "sitting" position in the classroom and at the computer.
  2. The child's immunity is strengthened. Like any systematic physical activity that is balanced under the guidance of an experienced trainer, dancing has a positive effect on the ability of the immune system to repel virus attacks.
  3. The plasticity of movements and flexibility develops, the muscles come in tone.
  4. The risk of excess weight is reduced, which is very important for a girl in adolescence.
  5. An ear for music, a sense of rhythm, artistry develops and coordination of movements improves.
  6. During dance classes, all muscle groups are strengthened, including the pelvic organs, which will greatly facilitate childbirth in the future.
  7. Dancing is not a traumatic activity, unlike, for example, rhythmic or artistic gymnastics.
  8. Dancing contributes to the disclosure of the girl's talents.

How to choose a dance direction for a girl?

You should not take too seriously the choice of a dance direction for a girl of 10 - 12 years old, but it’s still worth considering the basic points. If you don't know which types of dances for girls your daughter will be attracted to, there are a few varieties worth trying out.

First of all, ask your child about his preferences, because some want to become ballerinas, while others dream of learning how to do the bottom break. Also, appreciate the specifics of the dance. So, for example, Latin American is sensuality and sexuality, in which a child cannot express himself, but in tap dancing or hip-hop he may not be equal.

In a dance circle, a teacher can help with the choice of a dance direction, who will assess the girl’s abilities and tell her what she will do better. On your own at home, you can download or watch videos with various types of dances. Well-known pop stars who dance in music videos and at concerts (mostly foreign ones) can be a good example. A child can choose a direction even by dancing music alone.

Keep in mind that for some types of dances you will have to buy special shoes and costumes, especially if any performances and competitions are planned. Sometimes this entails serious material costs, because ball gowns are quite expensive, and often they have to be sewn to order. The same goes for dance shoes.

Types of dances for girls 10 - 12 years old

Ballet for girls

It is believed that ballet is the basis for all dance styles. It is from ballet that you can go to any other dance and not learn again, but only improve your skills. However, for this species, the age of 12 years is too late, because the girls enter it at 6 - 7.

For ballet classes, you will need to purchase a special leotard, skirt and, later, pointe shoes.


Tap dance for girls

Tap dancing is a fun and exciting dance, which consists in the rhythmic work of the feet, shod in special shoes - boots with metal heels. Movements are remembered quite easily, and the dance looks very original.

Oriental dances for girls

Belly dance is not only beautiful, but also a very useful dance for a girl. Beautiful costumes will attract the child and make the lessons more interesting. At the same time, this direction perfectly develops plasticity and gracefulness of movements.

In addition to belly dancing, there are Egyptian, Arabic, Greek, Lebanese and other types of dances.

Ballroom dancing for girls

Ballroom dancing is one of the most common and popular styles. However, they will have to be dealt with in a pair with a partner boy, who may need to be looked for.

Sports ballroom dancing is very beautiful, and also develops a sense of rhythm and grace. Usually they involve competitions and performances, so it is important to think about the possibility of purchasing a costume - a dress for dancing.

Jazz for girls

Jazz is quite difficult to describe, because the dance is a mixture of styles, improvisation and originality. At the same time, it is filled with bold dramatic movements.

Hip hop for girls

Hip-hop is an energetic dance that fully reveals a girl's confidence. Here you can show temperament, individuality and originality.


Modern direction in dance

Modern dances for girls is a generalizing meaning for many types, for example, funk, modern, tectonics, breakdance and others. The age of 10 - 12 is ideal for starting classes, these are easy dances for girls, they are well remembered and there are a lot of interesting movements in them. In addition, dance songs are very popular with modern teenagers and motivate them.

Folk dances for girls

Folk dances also include a huge variety of varieties. You can do gypsy, Indian, Irish dances, etc.

Latin American dances for girls

Latin American dances are sensual samba, rumba, habanera, salsa, etc. Spanish dances for girls help to become more confident and graceful, they are filled with energy and variety of movements.

Do not be upset if the girl did not like to do, for example, tap dancing. Give your child freedom of choice, because in this way he will be able to find an occupation for himself, which, perhaps, will determine his fate. You can take a few trial dance lessons for beginners.

What is the best dance to send your daughter to? This question worries parents, starting from the age of 4-5 of their princess. What is better for girls - folk dance or more modern styles. To understand this, you need an idea of ​​​​the most popular destinations and know their distinctive features:

  • folk dances for girls, like pop dances, benefit not only the physical development of the baby, but also her psychological perception of reality. Acting abilities inherent in nature can awaken in a child. In combination with excellent physical data, this will make the girl a harmoniously developed personality capable of teamwork;
  • have a positive effect on the physical form, in addition, they develop the ability to present themselves, learn to interact with a partner. Develops concentration and the ability to maintain balance. Stage costumes are very attractive, which play a significant role for a little girl;
  • sports dances for shy and insecure girls will be a real discovery. In the classes, which are held to cheerful incendiary music, the child will be able to relax, feel the support of his partner, learn to throw out emotions in motion;
  • modern dances - there are no strict rules here, on the contrary, individuality and a non-standard approach, self-expression are valued. These include tectonics, children's go-go, modern, popping, break dance, and other types. It is important to understand which of them the child prefers and where he can be realized;
  • oriental - called the most useful for the female body, they form an ideal figure and have a beneficial effect on the internal organs.

Dance by age

For a child, you should choose the type of dance that is best suited to him by age. After all, some of them help a growing body form correctly from an early age, while others, on the contrary, need a body already formed in a certain way. Some studios invite babies, however, according to experts, this is not advisable. Children at this age are not able to perceive the instructions of the teacher, they have poor coordination of movements.

A 4-year-old child is already smarter, but confuses the left and right sides, is not able to master compositions with complex movements. But all children are individual, and therefore the final decision is made based on the preferences and abilities of your child. If the baby will be engaged in a dance studio only for pleasure and physical development, it is not necessary to send her to classes at a very early age.

Regardless of whether dance classes move from the category of hobbies to the business of life, they will benefit the girl:

  • form a beautiful flexible figure,
  • give endurance;
  • will make her relaxed, able to present herself.

These qualities will definitely come in handy in the future.

For girls 4-5 years old

Babies 4-5 years old will love ballroom, sports, folk dances, classical ballet. But it is worth bearing in mind that some of these species are traumatic, although beautiful.

For girls 6-7 years old

Suitable sports, ballroom, oriental, folk dances, ballet.

For girls 8-9 years old

A girl of this age will be interested in bright costumes from ballroom and sports dancers, she will also be interested in folk and oriental dances, hip-hop.

For girls 10-11 years old

A child of this age continues to be interested in folk, sports and ballroom dancing. A young rebel will like modern hip-hop, tectonics.

For girls 12 years old

From the age of 12, the child is given to the type of dance they like. Even if now the girl lacks the ability to convey emotions in movements, in the process of training the necessary skills will be developed over time.

How can dancing for girls be useful? Only with their help, the correct posture is formed, lightness and grace in movements appear, the body becomes strong, flexible, beautiful.

Yes, fitness also helps to strengthen the body and is a good prevention of scoliosis, but when girls dance, they are transformed, not only physically, because femininity is something that comes from within. There is no such thing in fitness. The dancer can be recognized immediately - by the royal posture, the special beauty of each movement, self-confidence, special dignity in her eyes. Modern dances for girls are the best solution for harmonious development, physical and moral. And if girls are engaged in dancing - folk, ballroom, oriental or modern, in the future they will not have problems with self-esteem and appearance.

Why should you send your child to dance?

Dancing for children, for a girl, it is always useful. There are many reasons:

  • Any dance for a beginner girl is plasticity, flexibility, good coordination of movements, muscle strength.
  • This is a harmonious physical development and good health.
  • This is an improvement in social skills, teamwork, expanding the circle of communication, because dancing is a group of girls who communicate with each other, learn dance together, interact with each other.
  • Increasing self-confidence, raising femininity.

Where are dances for girls taught?

There are many dance schools in Moscow where dances for girls are taught, classes are conducted from the very youngest age. But it is important to find a school where dance lessons for girls are conducted by competent choreographers who know the peculiarities of children's physiology and psychology, who stage children's dances for girls, taking into account their capabilities. Working with children is always difficult. You can, of course, start practicing on your own, if you find video dance lessons for a girl, the result will be slow and not so effective. You need to learn dances for girls under the guidance of a choreographer, because every dance movement for girls only seems simple.

If your child does not know what direction he is attracted to, do not despair. Try watching 10 years of dance videos of different styles together and narrow down your search. After that, you can safely sign up for the first lesson. You can try several disciplines to be sure of your choice.
What to choose from:

1. Modern dance 10 years.

The most common type of activity for children of this age. Everyone in this period wants to move fashionably and coolly. We suggest you try styles such as hip-hop, jazz funk, breakdance. Even if your child has never done anything like this, he can safely come to a trial lesson. Dances for children 10 years old (you can find a video to get acquainted with the choreographies on our website) are organized in such a way that any beginner can easily fit into the learning process. Our attentive teachers monitor and help each student. Your son or daughter will not be left without attention and in the near future they will dance perfectly in a group.

2. Jazz modern.

A beautiful dance direction for children who love classical and jazz music. Lessons develop patience, teach individuality, develop a beautiful figure.

3. Contemporary.

Art based on elements of classical, jazz, modern and many others. It expresses freedom of movement and teaches self-realization. For children, doing contemporary means gaining invaluable experience in self-knowledge and gaining stability on an emotional level. If you find it difficult to understand what contemporary is, watch children's dance performances of 10, 12 years old. The video will show the features and beauty of this type of choreography.

4. Oriental dances.

Girls will appreciate this type of dance art more than others. It develops the plasticity and grace of body movements. Prepares the female body for future childbirth, improving joint mobility. Girls are especially attracted to Arabic costumes. They give a feeling of beauty and special femininity. Little enchantresses will especially love these dance lessons for 10 years old.

5. Stretching.

Those who are passionate about sports simply need training with high-quality stretching. It will not only give lightness to the back, but also put the muscles and joints in order. It will be much more effective to continue playing sports with such lessons.

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